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闻喜县东镇中学学案编号NO YY651

年级高二班级姓名科目英语(选修 6)

《Module 5 Cloning》词汇


1. 掌握重点词汇的用法

2. 自主学习,合作探究,学会分析总结词汇的用法

3. 激情投入,巧妙记忆。



A级1. 使…恐惧_____2. 追捕,追逐,追赶 _______3. 使厌恶,使觉得恶心_______

4. 谋杀,谋杀案 _______

5. 拒绝_______

6. 燃尽烧完自灭________

7. 呼吸________ 8. 对照,与…对比________9. 与…相似_____ 10. 扑倒在…上_______

11. 恐怖;害怕;担心;________12. 发出声音_______13. 创造_______14.错误地______



1. emotion n. __________adj. 情感的 ___________adj. 没有感情的

2. fiancee n. __________ n. 未婚夫

3. murder v. _________ n. 凶手

4. breathe v. _________n. 呼吸

5. horror n. _______ adj. 可怕的,令人恐惧的

6. fear n. ________ adj. 可怕的 ________adj.无畏的

7. create v. _________n. 创造 ________adj. 创造性的 __________n 创造者 _________ n. 生物,动物

8. wrinkle adj. _______ n. 皱纹 v. 起皱纹,使起皱纹


1. terrify v. (make sth. frightened) 使惊恐,使受惊吓

n. terror run away in terror 惊慌地跑开

adj. terrified/ terrifying

be terrified at / with 因….吓了一跳 be terrified of 恐惧,害怕….

1). Having heard the alarm, _________ people ran out of the office.

2). I don’t like _________ films. They are frightening.

2. resemble: vt.be like or similar to…与……相像

常用短语:resemble sb./sth. (in sth.)


3. refuse v 拒绝回绝 refuse + n / pron / to do / sb. sth.

4. murder n. /v. 谋杀,谋杀案 murderer 凶手,谋杀犯

commit murders 进行谋杀,犯杀人罪

He murdered his wife with a knife.

5. chase: follow 追捕

在外面的院子里, 孩子们叫喊着, 互相追逐。

__________________________________________________________________ chase off: 赶跑


________________________________________________________________ chased after sb./sth. 追逐,追赶,追踪,追求

chase sb./sth. away/ off/ out 赶走,驱逐

chase about 到处飞奔 chase down 努力寻找chase one’s dream 追求个人梦想Why do people ___ material possessions?

A. chase away

B. chase after

C. chase about

D. chase down

6. burn out vi. 燃尽烧完自灭

vt. burn sth. out = sth. be burnt out 被烧空, 烧毁

burn oneself out = be burnt out 精力耗尽 ;身体搞 burn up 烧起来旺起来

1). The hotel was ________________in the big fire.

2).The wooden house was _____________.

3). If you want to study well , you should burn your boats.

burn out /off 烧光 burn down 烧毁 burn to the ground 烧成平地

7. breathe v. 呼吸 It is good for the health to breathe deeply.

搭配:breathe in ________ breathe out ____________

The doctor told me to breathe in and then breathe out slowly.

拓展:breath n. hold one’s breath __________ out of breath ____________

8. contrast vt. 对照,对比 contrast A and/with B

1). 这首诗对比了青春与年老。________________________________

搭配:contrast with

2). 她的行动与诺言相差甚远。__________________________________

contrast n. 短语:in contrast to /with ___________ by contrast ____________ contrast….with 不同类事物对比/映衬/衬托

compare…with 同类事物对比/比较

1). The teacher compared and contrasted the poems.

2) The white sailing boat ______________the blue sea.
