Brown Bear (三年级绘本英语精品课件)


绘本课件资料 brown bear资料

绘本课件资料 brown bear资料
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特别是国家“十二五”规划中更是明确加大内河水运的投入, 为水运建设发展带来了极好的机遇。
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船闸金属结构在整个通航建筑物中占有非常重 要的地位,它直接决定了船闸的运行效率和安 全可靠性。
船闸金属结构的研发成本高、用户定制、尺度 大、生产批量小、设计制造周期长、质量控制 难的特点,在一定程度上制约了其行业水平的 发展。在船闸金属结构设计中,人们需要进行 大量重复性繁琐的计算和绘图工作;而绘图工 作量要占整个设计工作量的70%~80%。这种情 况使工程设计人员难以集中精力和时间研究新 的设计理论和方法,探索新的材料和工艺,以 加速设计进度、提高设计质量、缩短设计制造 周期。
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在不改变产品主参数的条件下,在基型产品的基础上更新或添加模块, 形成新的变形品种;
不改变产品主参数,利用模块发展变形产品。这种方式是易实现,应 用最广。常是在基型品种上更换或添加模块,形成新的变形品种。例如, 更换端面铣床的铣头,可以加装立铣头、卧铣头、转塔铣头等,形成立式 铣床、卧式铣床或转塔铣床等。
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1)尽量减少人字闸门包含的模块总数,简化模块自身的复杂程度,以免 模块组合时产生偏差和混乱 2)以有限的模块数获得尽可能多的实用组合方案,以满足不同工程的实 际需求。 3)划分中务必使模块具有一定的功能独立性和结构完整性。 4)充分考虑模块间的接口要素,以便于模块的组合与分离(即装配和检 修) 5)考虑模块的划分对人字闸门安装精度以及强度、刚度的影响。 6)考虑设计、制造、安装的经济性。 7)力求满足功能需求的基础上使人字闸门精度高、性能稳定、结构简单 、成本低。

绘本课件-brown bear

绘本课件-brown bear

Group work
• Match the pair (Colour and animal) • Match the pair (FOOD words and pictures)
(自己名字) , (自己名字),
what do you see?
I see a ___(顏色) (東西) ___ looking at me.
他最有名的作品是《好饿好饿的毛毛 虫》The very hungry caterpillar,该绘 本已经被翻译成超过50种语言。
艾瑞的画风鲜明独特,他采用拼贴画(Collage)创作,层叠出明亮欢乐的图 样,许多书中带有特殊的立体、摺页设计,赋予书本阅读和游戏游戏双重特性。 他的创作流露出童稚般的天真,表达出对自然的了解与关爱,指导小朋友从周 遭事物中学习。
Say and write
(自己名字) , (拼音写), what
do you eat?
• 画自己喜歡的食物, • 別忘了加上自己喜歡的顏色喔!!
Байду номын сангаас
I eat a/some (食物名称)___ on the seat(座位).
some noodles
(自己名字) , (自己名字), what
do you see?
畫個自己喜歡的東西, 別忘了幫他加上自己喜歡的顏色喔!!
I see a ___(顏色) (東西)___ looking at me.
• Retell the story to your friends and families after class • Finish the picture and write the sentences
Cartoon time



阿尔逊(A1son,1757—1839)在《论趣味的原理和本 质》中指出:对象引起主体的简单情绪,促使想象 中产生一个又一个意象;一系列的想象与联想,产 生一整套关系密切的意象系统;意象系列将简单情 绪综合为一套情绪系列,谓之复杂情绪,它集中表 现为审美的愉快。和许多经验主义者一样,阿尔逊 过于夸大了联想和想象的作用。照他看,是联想产 生意象,意象产生情感。然而,心理的事实也许正 好相反:没有情感作为动力,就没有联想与想象的 活跃,就没有意象生生不息的变化和运动。
and a teacher looking at us
第六章 审美心理
教学目的:了解审美的基本心理要素与过程, 拓展自身的审美心理能力。
教学重点:主要的心理学流派;审美心理的 结构要素
第一节 审美的心理机制
一、人对心理的认识过程 由心至脑,从玄思到科学。
1、联想学派: (1)托马斯·霍布斯“联想说” 霍布斯认为,一切所谓的心理现象都可以做如下解
I see a goldfish looking at me.
Goldfish, Goldfish, What do you see?
I see a teacher looking at me.
Teacher, Teacher, What do you see?
I see children looking at me.
2、构造学派 冯特,见教材。
3、机能学派 (1)威廉·詹姆斯“意识流” 美国机能心理学的先驱是詹姆斯。1890年,詹姆
斯在《心理学原理》一书中指出:“心理学是研究 心理生活的科学,研究心理生活的现象及其条件。” 他还主张意识的功用是指引用机体适应环境,强调 意识是流动的东西,称为意识流。意识流这个词含 有意识是不可分析的整体之意。他的这些主张成为 后来美国机能心理学的基本信条。但是詹姆斯本人 没有建立一个学派。

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? (三年级英语精品课件)

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? (三年级英语精品课件)

White dog, white dog, what do you see?
I see a black sheep looking at me.
Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?
I see a goldfish looking at me.
Goldfish, goldfish, what do you see?
策划:n frog looking at me.
I see a purple cat looking at me.
Green frog, green frog, what do you see?
I see a white dog looking at me.
Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?
Teacher, teacher, what do you see?
Children, children what do you see?
Where is my friend? Where is my friend? Here I am. Here I am. Little brown bear, little brown bear, is my friend.
课题:《Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?》
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
I see a red bird looking at me.
Red bird, red bird, what do you see?

绘本brown bear赛课课件ppt

绘本brown  bear赛课课件ppt

_________、_______, What do you see? I see a _______ looking at me. _________、________, What do you see? I see a _______ looking at me. ________、_______, What do you see? I see a _______ looking at me. I see a _______ looking at me. I see a ........
Brown bear. Brown bear. What do you see?
Assessment for you:
首先,注意倾听。 你们是森 林的卫士,保护动物是你的工作。 今天有两项艰巨的任务需要勇士 们完成,如果您干得漂亮,你可 以为你们组获取一枚“金叶子”, 反之,动物们将消失在森林里。
red bird
yellow duck
purple cat
Picture Book 绘本
Writer(作者): Bill Martin, Jr
Painter (绘者): Eric Carle
gold fish
blue horse
green frog
black sheep
You must be a good listener. ( 你一定是一名优秀的听众。)
I see (a)
lo.oking at me.
Task1(任务1): Practice in four.
Take control of your own life. (命运掌握在自己手中)
拿出信封,小组内集体询问 “Children, children, what do you see?”,每人依次从信封 中抽出一张卡片并回答“I see a xx looking at me.”。(组内同



Yellow duck, Yellow duck, What do you see?
I see a blue horse looking at me.
Blue horse, Blue horse, What do you see?
I see a green frog looking at me.
Green frog, Green frog, What do you see?
I see a purple cat looking at me.
Purple cat, Purple cat, What do you see?
I see a white dog looking at me.
White dog, White dog, What do you see?
I see a black sheep looking at me.
Black sheep, Black sheep, What do you see?
I see a goldfish looking at me.
Brow bear, Brow bear, What do you see?
I see a red bird looking at me.
Red bird, Red bird, What do you see?
I see a yellow duck looking at me.
Goldfish, Goldfish, What do you see?

Brown bear绘本

Brown bear绘本

Children, Children, What do you see?
We see …
a brow bear
a red bird
a yellow duck
a blue horse
a green frog
a purple cat
a white dog
and a teacher looking at us a black sheep a goldfish
Purple cat, Purple cat, What do you see?
I see a white dog looking at me.
White dog, White dog, What do you see?
I see a black sheep looking at me.
Black sheep, Black sheep, What do you see?
I see a blue horse looking at me.
Blue horse, Blue horse, What do you see?
I see a green frog looking at me.
Green frog, Green frog, What do you see?
I see a purple cat looking at me.
brown bear绘本.ppt browbear, brow bear, what do you see? redbird looking bird, red bird, what do you see? yellowduck looking me.yellowduck, yellow duck, what do you see? bluehorse looking horse, blue horse, what do you see? greenfrog looking frog, green frog, what do you see? purplecat looking me.purple cat, purple cat, what do you see? whitedog looking me.white dog, white dog, what do you see? blacksheep looking sheep, black sheep, what do you see? goldfishlooking me.goldfisoking me.teacher, teacher, what do you see? seechildren looking me.children, children, what do you see? we see browbear redbird yellowduck bluehorse greenfrog blacksheep whitedog purplecat teacherlooking ye9446 分享于 2015-12-07 10:16:10.0 暂无简介 文档格式: .ppt 文档页数: 12页 文档大小: 1.59m 文档热度: 文档分类: 外语学习 -- 英语阅读 文档标签: brown bear绘本46ppt 系统标签: bear brown goldfish looking yellowduck frog
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… 例如:food:hamburger、icecream、egg…
school things: pen、pencil、ruler… vehicle交通工具:car、bike、bus… profession职业:doctor、postman、policeman… …
Bye-bye! Thanks!
a bird
Yellow Duck, Yellow Duck, what do you see? I see a blue horse looking at me.
a yellow duck
Blue Horse, Blue Horse, what do you see? I see a green frog looking at me.
a purple cat
White Dog, White Dog, what do you see? I see a black sheep looking at me.
a white dog
Black Sheep, Black Sheep, what do you see? I see a goldfish looking at me.
a blue horse
Green Frog, Green Frog, what do you see? I see a purple cat looking at me.
a green frog
Purple Cat, Purple Cat, what do you see? I see a white dog looking at me.
绘本课 三年级
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me.
a brown bear
Red Bird, Red Bird, what do you see? I see a yellow duck looking at me.
a black sheep
Goldfish, Goldfish, what do you see? I see a teacher looking at me.
a goldfish
Good memory
_R_e_d_A_p_p_le_, _R_ed__A_pp_le_ what do you see? I see _a _y_el_lo_w_p_e_ar_ looking at me. _Y_el_lo_w_P_e_a_r , _Y_el_lo_w_P_e_a_r what do you see? I see __a_p_ur_p_le_g_r_a_pe_ looking at me.