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❖ A. shall travel
Leabharlann Baidu
B. have traveled
❖ C. shall have traveled D. are traveling
❖ 2. My parents _________here last night, but they couldn’t.
❖ 常用过去完成时的几种情况: A. 在by、by the end、by the time、until、 before、since后接表示过去某一时间的短语 或从句以前发生的动作。
❖ E.g. By the end of last year, we had produced 20,000 cars.
❖It will be the second time I’ve seen the film.
❖ 这是我看过的最好的电影。 ❖It is the best film I’ve ever seen. ❖ 这是他写的最有趣的小说。
❖This is the most interesting novel he has ever written.
❖ 表示意愿情感的:hate, like, love,want, prefer
❖ 表示思考看法的: believe,expect, forget, realize,
❖ 表示所有:consist, belong to, possess, hold。
❖ 例如: ❖She is resembling her mother. (误) ❖She resembles her mother. (正) ❖I am knowing he is wrong. (误) ❖I know he is wrong. (正)
❖ 我三天前就已经开始找我的书了,但还是没 有找到。
❖ Oh, there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere.
❖ 哦,你在这里啊,我一直在到处找你啊。
❖ 1. By the time we reach London, we_______ nearly a thousand miles.
❖2. There is perfective aspect完成体, progressive aspect进行体 and perfect progressive aspect完成进行体.
❖ A. 有些表示感觉、感情、情绪、精神活动、 拥有关系等的动词,一般不用进行时态, 常见的这类词有:
❖ 表示感知的:hear, feel, notice, smell
❖ 4. This(that / It)is the best / finest / most interesting … + that 从句 + 完成时
❖This is the first time that I’ve heard her sing.
❖ 这将是我第二次看这部电影。
❖ The train had left before we reached the station.
❖ B. 表示“一……就”的几个句型:
❖ Hardly / Scarcely/ No sooner had + 主语 + 过去分词 + when / than 一般过去时。
❖ She had hardly gone to bed when the bell rang.
❖ 她一上床铃就响了。
❖ No sooner had they left the building than a bomb exploded.
❖ 他们刚离开那座大楼,炸弹就爆炸了。
❖ 表示将来某一时刻或某一时刻之前完成的动 作或所处的状态。
❖ 构成:shall(will) +have +过去分词 ❖ By the time/the end of +表示将来时间的短语 ❖ Before the end of +表示将来时间的短语
❖1. Definition Aspect 体
❖It refers to how an event or action is to be viewed with respect to time, rather than to its actual loation in time.
❖ 体表示动作发生的状态,动作是进行 中还是已经完成。
❖ 明天的这个时候你就会到上海了。 ❖ By this time tomorrow you ___________ ❖ (arrive) in Shang Hai. ❖ A: will have arrived
❖ 完成进行时可以分为三种:现在完成进行时、 过去完成进行时、将来完成进行时。
College English Grammar
Verb Tenses and Aspects
Tense 时态
❖1. Definition ❖It refers to the absolute location of an
event or action in time, either the present or the past. ❖ 时表示动作发生的时间 ❖2. There are only two tenses in English: present and past.
❖ 现在完成进行时: ❖ have/has been + 现在分词,表示过去某一
时刻开始的动作或状态一直延续到现在的某 一时刻。这种时态侧重于这个动作的连续性 或不间断性。
❖ I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still haven't found it.
现在完成 过去完成 将来完成
❖ 下列句型中常用现在完成时:
❖ 1. It is (has been) + 一段时间 + since从句
❖ 2. This(That / It)is the first(second…)time that + 完成时
❖ 3. This(That / It)is the only … + that + 完 成时