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从句与分词的关系 1.从句是高于简单句和并列句的语言表达 从句是高于简单句和并列句的语言表达 单位,但分词是更高级的语言表达单位, 单位,但分词是更高级的语言表达单位, 分词常常可以有替代从句的作用, 分词常常可以有替代从句的作用,所以分 词也可以叫分词从句. 词也可以叫分词从句 2.分词和从句可以依据一定的规则相互转 分词和从句可以依据一定的规则相互转 换。 3.其区别在于,主从复合句中的从句往往 其区别在于, 其区别在于 要用不同的连词(关联词)表明逻辑关系, 要用不同的连词(关联词)表明逻辑关系, 故为显性关系; 显性关系 故为显性关系;而分词却可以以一种形式 表达多种逻辑关系, 隐形关系 关系。 表达多种逻辑关系,为隐形关系。
After they reached the destination,they prepared for the celebration of their escape. After (their) reaching, , Having reached, ,
从句与分词转换规则: 1.主语相同时,省从句主语,从 句中有be省be,be后是什么留什 么;无be往往改为ing形式;动作 有先后关系要注意用表先时性的 having (been) done形式。
非谓语动词与从句的互换研究 (一)
试翻译(1.状语从句;2.分词从句): 部队暴露在敌人面前,处境非常危险. ______________(expose) to their enemy, the troop is in great danger. When/As/If Exposed it is exposed As it is exposing Exposing itself itself As it exposed Being is being exposed When/As it has exposed itself Having exposed itself Having beenhas been exposed When/As it exposed
பைடு நூலகம்
If conditions permit,female astronauts will also be sent into space in the future.
Conditions permitting ___________________,female
astronauts will also be sent into space in the future.
试比较: As John is a lawyer,he was able to do this job better.(借助原因连词,显 性关系)
Being ________ a lawyer,he was able to do this job better.(不借助原因连词, 隐性关系)
he found everybody gone. 时间或 Arriving there 原因 he will find everybody at 9:00, gone. 时间或 条件 he was still not in time for school. 让步
2. In our city, there are many broad roads which are lined with all kinds of trees. In our city, there are many broad roads, lined with all kinds of trees.
50.Building structures 52. Placing a forum
从句与分词转换规则: 2.主语不相同时,省连词;保留 从句主语,从句中有be省be,be 后是什么留什么;无be往往改为 ing形式;动作有先后关系要注意 用表先时性的having (been)done 形式。(此时称独立主格结构)
3.If the trees are taken better care of, they If taken better care of will grow better. 4. Dressedare dressed in ouruniform When we in our school school uniforms, all of us feel a sense of pride being a student of this school.
3.We stood on the top of the hill and had a wonderful view of our city. Standing on the hill ,we had… 4.We should concentrate on our studies while we are at school, so we can equip ourselves with knowledge and learn about the world. Concentrating on our studies while we are at school, we can…
练习: 1.If you work hard, you will catch up with Working hard, your classmates.
Not having finished my my homework, 2.Because I had not finishedhomework, I decided to stay in the classroom.
5. Chinese people were excitedon Watching the inspiring news when TV ,Chinese people were excited. TV. they watched the inspiring news on 6. The two Taikonauts completed several After entering orbit The two Taikonauts complex tasks after complex tasks. completed several they entered orbit. 7. After they had landed earth safely, Having landed on the on the earth they were warmly welcome. safely, they were warmly welcome. 8.After passing astronauts will receive 8. Some femaleseveral exams ,some female astronauts will receive strict strict training after they pass several training. exams.
试翻译(1.分词从句;2.名词性从句): 部队暴露在敌人面前,处境非常危险. ______________(expose) to their enemy greatly endangered the troop. That Exposing exposed itself the troop itself That the troop was exposing itself ThatBeing exposedexposed the troop was
试翻译(1.状语从句;2.分词从句): 部队暴露在敌人面前,处境非常危险. ______________(expose) to their enemy, the troop is in great danger. When/As/If Exposed it is exposed As it is exposing Exposing itself itself As it exposed Being is being exposed When/As it has exposed itself Having exposed itself Having beenhas been exposed When/As it exposed
49 steps ①providing system to dispose of waste water ②50___________ to bring water to the city ③building roads to promote transportation ④designing and arranging financing for baths ⑤52___________to worship and conduct business
If the weather permits, all the students in class four will go to countryside for sightseeing With the weather permitting __________________________, all the students in class four will go to countryside for sightseeing
The Shenzhou 6 was sent into space in October 2005 after all necessary preparations had been made All necessary preparations having _____________________________, been made, the Shenzhou 6 was sent into space in October 2005
4. China’s first astronaut, yang Liwei, who was also very excited, spoke highly of this event.
年级培优翻译训练(二): Each year thousands of books are punished, many of them to attract momentary attention only to disappear gradually from the shelves and the minds of readers — a few to remain in circulation as long as books are read.
又如:师大附中周考1 信息摘录题: They provided systems to dispose of waste water.They built structures to bring water …They built roads to promote transportation and communication. They designed and arranged …And they placed at the heart of the city ,a forum where Romans could gather to worship and conduct business.
分词从句与其它从句(或并列句)的转换: 1. We believe that China, which is making rapid progress in science and technology, will have a bright future. We believe that China, making rapid progress in science and technology, will have a bright future.