*P61065A0112*Turn over Setting up time• Open a new project in your DAW using 16 bit/44.1kHz sample rate.• Save the project as ‘comp4_your candidate number’ (e.g. comp4_1234) in the folder designated by your centre.• Set the metronome to 124 bpm.• Import ‘bass.wav’ to a new track in your DAW, aligned with the beginning of bar 1.• Ensure that the bass is audible and plays in time with the metronome. The bass begins in bar 4.• You must not open the paper until instructed to do so by the invigilator.Instructions• Use black ink or ball-point pen.• Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidatenumber.• Answer all questions.• Answer the questions in the spaces provided– there may be more space than you need.• Save your audio files for Questions 1, 2, 4 and 5 within the 2 hour 15 minute examination time.• You must ensure that the left and right earpieces of your headphones are worn correctly.• Access to a calculator or calculator software is not permitted.• Access to the internet or local network is not permitted.Information• The total mark for this paper is 105.• The marks for each question are shown in brackets– use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.Advice• Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.• Try to answer every question.• Check your answers if you have time at the end.Pearson EdexcelLevel 3 GCECandidate surname Other namesYou must have: Figure 1 for Question 6 (enclosed), CD ROM containingcomponent audio/MIDI files, blank CD for burning finished tasks, headphonesor monitor speakers, digital audio workstation (DAW) and MIDI keyboard.Total MarksCentre Number Candidate NumberPlease check the examination details below before entering your candidate informationPaper Reference 9MT0 04Music TechnologyAdvancedComponent 4: Producing and analysingAfternoon (Time: 2 hour 15 minutes)(plus 10 minutes setting up time)Wednesday 5 June 2019P61065A©2019 Pearson Education Ltd.1/1/1/1/1*P61065A0212*2*P61065A0312*Turn over3(d) Draw the bass part for bars 24-27 on the piano roll editor below. Bar 23 has beencompleted for you.(5)(e) Complete the bass part for bars 44-45 in your DAW.•Use audio from bar 41.•The pitch and rhythm are shown in the piano roll editor below.(5)Bounce/export the completed bass part as a single 16 bit/44.1kHz stereo .wav file to the designated folder on your it ‘q1_ your candidate number’ (e.g. q1_1234).(Total for Question 1 = 20 marks)*P61065A0412*4*P61065A0512*Turn over5Question 3 is about the guitar part.3 Import ‘guitar.wav’ to a new track in your DAW. This track is the electric guitar part.Ensure that the beginning of this audio track is aligned with the start of bar 1. The electric guitar begins at the start of bar 2.The graph below shows the waveform of the clean DI guitar signal in bar 4.(a ) Label the axes.(2)(b) On top of the original waveform, draw the change in the waveform shape oncedistortion has been added.(2)(c) State how adding distortion changes the dynamic range.(1)........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(Total for Question 3 = 5 marks)*P61065A0612*6*P61065A0712*Turn over7(d) Create a backing vocal part for bars 36-43 in your DAW.•Use the audio from ‘vocal sample.wav’.•The pitch of ‘vocal sample.wav’ is D as indicated by a dot on the piano roll.•The completed backing vocal should have pitch and rhythm as shown on thepiano roll.•Repeat this part in bars 40-43.•The lower vocal part must be panned left; the upper part must be pannedright.(9)Bounce/export the completed vocal parts as a single 16 bit/44.1kHz stereo .wav file to the designated folder on your it ‘q4_ your candidate number’ (e.g. q4_1234).*P61065A0812*8*P61065A0912*Turn over95 You should now have the following tracks in your DAW: bass guitar, drums, electricguitar, lead vocal and backing vocals. (a) Apply reverb to the vocal and backing vocals. • Use a 3 second reverb• The reverb should blend the vocal with the electric guitar.(3)(b) Import ‘drum example.wav’ to a new track in your DAW. This file illustrates aneffect on a snare drum. You should not use this audio in your final mix.Apply the effect heard in ‘drum example.wav’ to the drum track.(3)(c) Listen to the modulation effect on the guitar in bars 4-5. Recreate that effect in allother bars.(3)(d) Gate the vocals.• Only bars 34–35 should be affected.• The bass track should trigger the side chain of the gate so that the vocal playsin time with the bass.• The vocal reverb should not be gated.(3)(e) Listen to the effect in bar 43 on the bass. Recreate the same effect in bars 20-42. • The dry signal should remain unaffected.• An additional signal should be pitch shifted up an octave and heavilydistorted.• Balance the dry and effected signal so they sound equal in volume. • Pan the distorted signal to match bar 43.(6)(f) Balance the levels of the mix.(3)(g) Produce a final stereo mix.• Ensure that the mix output is at as high a level as possible. • It should be free from distortion.• Do not limit or compress the mix output.• Ensure that the beginning and the end of the music are not cut off.• Ensure that silences at the beginning and at the end do not exceed onesecond.(3)Bounce/export the completed mix as a single 16 bit/44.1kHz stereo .wav file to the designated folder on your computer.Name it ‘q5_ your candidate number’ (e.g. q5_1234).(Total for Question 5 = 24 marks)TOTAL FOR SECTION A = 85 MARKS*P61065A01012*10SECTION BAnswer Question 6. Write your answer in the space provided.6Figure 1 shows a synthesiser from 1982. Evaluate the suitability of the settings shown to produce a synth pad.(20) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 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....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................*P61065A01112*11............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(Total for Question 6 = 20 marks)TOTAL FOR SECTION B = 20 MARKSTOTAL FOR PAPER = 105 MARKS*P61065A01212*12BLANK PAGE。
第一章 TS1、TS2实验板使用说明书§1-1 实验板组成及使用方法TS1和TS2实验板为225×300平方毫米的实验板, 表面采用PVC材料及制作工艺,并印制有形象直观的彩色工业现场模拟图。
交流220V或直流24V工作电压输入元件公共端输出信号公共端PLC输出元件公共端实验接线原理图口决:元件公共端接电源负极、信号公共端接电源正极§1-2 实验区TS1板分为三个实验区。
实验二 一阶系统的时域响应及参数测定实验指导说明书一、实验目的1.了解双闭环不可逆直流调速系统的原理、组成及主要单元部件的作用。
3.研究调节器参数对系统动态性能的影响二、实验内容1.理论设计:根据所学的理论知识和实践技能,了解带转速微分负反馈的双闭环V-M 调速系统的基本原理,解决积分调节器的饱和非线性问题;采用工程设计方法设计一个带转速微分负反馈的双闭环直流调速系统(含主电路和控制电路,选择的元器件,系统的电气原理图)。
2.仿真实践:根据所设计系统,利用MATLAB/Simulink 建立各个组成部分相应的数学模型,并对系统仿真模型进行综合调试,分析系统的动态性能,并进行校正,得出正确的仿真实验波形和合适控制器参数,为搭建实际系统提供参考。
三、实验步骤四、附录1001()101000.1110.1s s s sφ==⨯++ 参数:惯性环节的时间常数T=0.1S 域响应:C(S)=R(S)⨯()s φR(S) 反拉普拉斯变换t 域响应:()c t =1L -(C(S))()-10()()()(1)101r t =,()0,<0100110011()10100101010.1(t)=10(1-e )t C S R S S R S t S S C S S S S S S Sc φ=≥⎧=⎨⎩⎛⎫=⋅==- ⎪++⎝⎭+输入信号是单位阶跃函数,t ()一阶系统的时域响应:任务:(1)在单位阶跃信号作用下,求取一阶系统的输出响应;设置不同的参数,分析系统输出响应。
在单位阶跃作用下,R(S)=1/S,C(S)=101101010()()()0.1() S R S S S S S S s s s s c t t e t c t c φ-===-++=-=-++=-→∝∝=-===⨯-⨯=。
三、实验步骤及操作指导1. 实验前准备:a) 检查实验材料及设备是否齐全,并按照实验要求准备好所需试剂。
b) 查阅文献,了解所需目标物质的化学反应路线、反应条件及操作注意事项。
c) 穿戴实验室必要的安全设备,如实验服、手套、护目镜等。
2. 实验操作:a) 按照所选合成路线,将原料按照一定比例称取准备好,并放置在干净的容器中。
b) 根据反应条件,选择合适的反应容器,将原料逐步加入,并控制反应温度、反应时间等因素。
c) 反应结束后,根据反应产物的特性选择合适的纯化方法,如结晶、蒸馏、萃取等,将产物纯化。
d) 对产物进行结构鉴定,如红外光谱分析、核磁共振分析等,并与理论值进行对比。
e) 记录实验过程中的各个关键步骤,如原料加入量、反应条件、实验结果等。
四、安全注意事项1. 实验操作需在实验室内进行,严禁饮食、吸烟等。
2. 操作过程中要佩戴护目镜、实验服和手套等防护装备。
3. 使用化学试剂时,要注意避免与皮肤直接接触,如有接触应立即用大量水冲洗并及时就医。
4. 严禁将有机溶剂直接倒入下水道或排水口,要根据实验室规定进行处理。
《电磁场与电磁波》实验指导说明书一*同轴测量线西华师范大学计算机学院目录第一部分产品说明 (3)一、系统简介 (2)二、系统特点 (2)三、系统组成 (2)四、性能指标 (3)五、系统主要部件参数 (3)第二部分实验内容 (6)实验一电磁波的频率和功率测试 (6)实验二电磁波感应器的设计与制作 (9)实验三位移电流的测试及计算 (12)实验四天线方向图的测试--功率测试法 (15)实验五电磁波波节、波幅及波长的测试 (20)实验六电磁波的极化实验 (24)实验七电磁波的PIN调制特性 (27)实验八天线方向图的测试一电压测试法 (30)实验九同轴测量线的驻波测试 (34)实验十反射系数及驻波相位的测试 (37)第三部分射频连接器示意图 (40)第一部分产品说明一、系统简介电磁场电磁波及天线技术是通信工程、电子工程、电磁场与电磁波、微波技术、天线技术类专业必不可少的一门实验课程,本系统包含功率测试、频率测试、方波信号产生,电磁波产生器、功率放大器、选频放大器等,具有电磁波极化特性测试,天线方向图测试、静电场中位移电流测试等多种功能,加深学生对电磁波产生(调制卜发射、传输和接收(检波)过程及终端设备相关特性的认识,培养学生对电磁场电磁波及天线的理解、应用创新能力。
《软件工程》实验指导书太原理工大学计算机科学与技术学院2013年3月目录第一部分实验教学大纲 (1)第二部分实验说明 (3)实验一软件工程的网上资源与常用的CASE工具 (3)实验二传统软件开发方法的可行性研究 (5)实验三传统软件开发方法的需求分析建模 (6)实验四传统软件开发方法的结构设计 (7)实验五系统测试 (8)实验六面向对象的分析与设计 (9)实验七软件项目管理 (10)附录一实验题目 (11)第一部分实验教学大纲课程名称:软件工程(Software Engineering)课程总学时: 48 学时[理论: 40 学时;实验: 8 学时]课程总学分: 3 学分适用专业和年级:计算机科学与技术、软件工程专业一、实验的目的与任务本实验课程通过完整地实施软件生命周期各阶段的任务,让学生系统地学习到软件开发过程的主要理论、方法、技术、标准和规范,使他们具备基本的软件开发设计能力;通过软件工程中常用CASE工具和软件项目管理的实践,使他们具备运用各种工具完成项目设计和实施的基本技能;通过集体项目开发,培训学生的合作意识和团队精神,培养学生对技术文档的编写能力。
二、实验内容及学时分配:1.分解项目工作 (2学时)2.软件项目进度计划编制 (2学时)3.项目规模成本估算 (2学时)4.软件项目质量、团队、沟通及配置管理计划编制 (2学时)5.软件项目开发阶段各种管理(1)(2学时)6.软件项目开发阶段各种管理(2)(2学时)三、实验考核:以学生的实验报告和做实验时的表现考核为依据,有优、良、中、差四个等级,分别每次实验写一个报告,最后写成综合报告提交。
Planck’s Constant–Measuring hDr.Darrel Smith1Physics DepartmentEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University(Dated:10February2014)The purpose of this experiment is to measure Planck’s constant,h,a constant that describes the quantum of action in quantum mechanics.This experiment measures the kinetic energy of ejected electrons due to the photoelectric effect.In this lab,photons havingfive different wavelengths(i.e.,different energies)are incident on a clean metal surface.A linear relationship is observed between the photon frequency(f=c/λ)and the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons.Two parameters are measured in the straight-linefit,the work functionφ,and Planck’s constant h.I.BACKGROUNDThe Planck’s Constant Apparatus is described in theinstruction manual found on my physicsx website.At the beginning of the20th century,Max Planck con-structed a model that described the radiation spectra emitted from a blackbody sources.The success of his model hinged on the assumption that electromagnetic radiation was quantized(i.e.,the radiation of frequency f can only be emitted in integral multiples of the basic quantum hf).However,it was Einstein who correctly described the photoelectric effect in terms of Planck’s constant h.II.THE EXPERIMENTIn this experiment,the photons from a light source pass throughfive different band-passfilters,one at a time.After the light passes through one of thefilters, only a narrow range of frequencies(f)are permitted to pass to the photocell surface.Since the electrons are bound to the metallic surface,they must absorb the “whole”photon to overcome the work function(φ),the binding energy holding the electron to the surface.Any excess energy results in the kinetic energy of the elec-tron.We can write this relationship using conservation of energy:K max=hf−φ(1) where K is the kinetic energy,f is the frequency,andφis the work function measured in eV.The kinetic energy in Eq.1produces a current when collected on the cathode plate and this is recorded by the ammeter.A variable voltage source provides a reverse-biased voltage that slows the electrons during their tran-sit.The voltage is increased until the most energetic electrons arefinally brought to rest.The voltage(V max) at which this occurs is recorded in order to calculate the maximum kinetic energy(K max=eV max).FIG.1.Thisfigures shown the approximately monoenergetic photons incident on a photocell causing electrons to be ejected from the metallic surface.The electrons are collected on the cathode to the left and a current is recorded on the ammeter. Figure is from Taylor and Zafiratos,Modern Physics.III.THE EQUIPMENTThe equipment includes the following:1.a mercury light source,2.a set of5interferencefilters,3.an object glass to focus the mercury lamp on thephototube’s cathode plate,4.a GD-2phototube,and5.a picoampere amplifier and control unit.and these are described in the instruction manual.When you handle the interferencefilters,please make sure to keep yourfingers,dust,and dirt offthe surface.Han-dle them carefully by their edges.Also,make sure that you start with the coarse setting on the pico-ammeter (∼10−10A)before advancing to the more sensitive set-tings(∼10−12A).A picture of the equipment used in this experiment is shown in Fig.2.IV.PROCEDUREYou willfind more information regarding the experi-mental procedure in the following material:2FIG.2.Thisfigures shows the equipment used in the Planck’s Constant Apparatus.The unit in the foreground is the pi-coammeter.The two units in the background are the mercury lamp(right),and the photocell(left).Filters are attached to the photocell tube allowing a narrow range of wavelengths into the photocell.•my physicsx webpage,•your Modern Physics textbook(chapter4.3)The procedure is pretty straight forward.There are five interferencefilters,each with a range of bandpass frequencies.The transmission probability for each filter can be seen in Fig.3.As you can see,there is a width associated with eachfilter(i..e.,a range of frequencies are transmitted),not just one very narrow frequency.After inserting thefirstfilter,adjust the FIG.3.Thefigure shows the transmission spectra for thefive filters used in the Planck’s Constant Apparatus.Datafiles for each spectrum can be found in my PS315course on my physicsx website.Courtesy of Dr.A.Gretarsson.reverse-bias voltage to where the current approaches zero.The value of the potential is the V max for that particular frequency.Repeat this process for the otherfilters and determine the maximum potential V max required to bring the current to zero on the picoammeter. N.B.Please take some time to read Section5titled “Operation”of the picoampere amplifier.Thecorrect operation of the picoammeter is criticalfor obtaining good data from this experiment. After making a table of the maximum potentials (volts),and the frequencies(Hz),you will make a plot of the K max vs.f as shown in Fig.4.FIG.4.Thisfigure shows the linear relationship described by Eq.1.Notice the cutofffrequency at f o.Photons with frequency less than f o have insufficient energy required to overcome the work functionφin order to remove the electron from the metallic surface.In other words,hf o<φ.Figure is from Taylor and Zafiratos,Modern Physics.A.Supplemental MaterialThere are no other leaflets or manuals relating to this experiment;however,I encourage you to read about the photoelectric effect from other sources,for example, other modern physics textbooks found in the library,as well as reliable sources on the internet.V.IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS•Keep thefilters clean.Hold them by their edges.•Let the mercury lamp warm up(∼10-20minutesbefore making measurements.•Do not stare at the mercury lamp.It’s pretty in-tense.•Make sure to read section5on the operation of thepicoammeter before using it.。
(三)实验设备硬件:●设备⽹(DeviceNet)⽹线、⽹络连接器●设备⽹⽹桥模块1756-DNB、远程I/O从站通信模块1794-ADN、1203-GK5●变频器1336PlusⅡ●开关电源(24V)●16⼝交换机●以太⽹EtherNet/IP⽹线●ControlLogix5550,ControlLogix5561及若⼲数字、模拟I/O模块软件:●RSLogix5000●RSNetWorx for DeviceNet●RSLinx●Microsoft Excel(四)⽹络系统结构⽰意图本实验系统结构图如图1 所⽰,图1 系统结构图(五)实验步骤1. 串⼝通信组态RSLinx软件是在Microsoft操作系统下建⽴⼯⼚所有通信⽅案的⼯具。
它为A-B应⽤软件,如RSLogix5/500、RSView32、RSBatch、PLC-5A.I.系列、Ladder Logistics以及Panel Builder等软件之间建⽴起通信联系。
RSLinx的Advance DDE接⼝⽀持处理器与MMI(Man-Machine Interface)和组件软件间进⾏通信,也可与DDE兼容软件,如Microsoft Excel 、Access 及其它⽤户定制的DDE引⽤通信。
它的C应⽤程序编程接⼝(API)⽀持⽤户使⽤RSLinx C SDK开发的应⽤软件。
二、实验材料和仪器1. 材料:- 细菌培养基- 酵母- 细胞培养基- 抗生素- 溶液和缓冲液- 蛋白质纯化试剂盒- 电泳试剂- 试剂盒等2. 仪器设备:- 培养皿和培养皿架- 培养箱- 离心机- 超声波处理仪- 十分摄氏计- 离子交换层析仪- 高效液相色谱仪(HPLC)- 电泳仪等三、实验操作步骤1. 细菌培养实验a. 准备培养基:按照实验要求配制细菌培养基。
b. 接种细菌:使用无菌技术将待测的细菌接种到培养基中。
c. 培养细菌:将接种好的培养皿放入培养箱中,设置适当的温度和培养时间。
d. 观察细菌生长:根据培养后的结果进行观察和记录。
2. 酵母发酵实验a. 准备培养基:按照实验要求配制酵母培养基。
b. 接种酵母:使用无菌技术将待测的酵母接种到培养基中。
c. 培养酵母:将接种好的培养皿放入培养箱中,设置适当的温度和培养时间。
d. 观察酵母发酵:根据培养后的结果进行观察和记录。
3. 细胞培养实验a. 准备培养基:按照实验要求配制细胞培养基。
b. 接种细胞:使用无菌技术将待测的细胞接种到培养基中。
c. 培养细胞:将接种好的培养皿放入培养箱中,设置适当的温度、湿度和培养时间。
d. 观察细胞生长:根据培养后的结果进行观察和记录。
4. 抗生素敏感性实验a. 准备培养基:按照实验要求配制含有不同浓度抗生素的培养基。
b. 接种细菌:使用无菌技术将待测的细菌接种到培养基中。
c. 观察菌液浑浊度:根据培养后的结果观察菌液的浑浊程度,判断细菌对抗生素的敏感性。
5. 蛋白质纯化实验a. 细胞破碎:使用超声波处理仪等方法破碎细胞,释放目标蛋白质。
b. 离心分离:使用离心机将细胞碎片和其他杂质分离出来,获得上清液。
c. 层析纯化:使用离子交换层析仪等方法对上清液进行纯化,得到目标蛋白质。
d. 浓缩和储存:使用适当的方法将目标蛋白质浓缩并储存,以便后续的研究或应用。
图3新建PCB工程文件图4新建PCBProject方法三:执行菜单命令File/New/Project/PCBProjec t后,Projects面板就会出现一个新建工程文件。
目录第一部分使用说明书 (1)第一章系统概述 (1)第二章硬件的组成及使用 (2)第二部分实验指导书 (5)第一章控制理论实验 (5)实验一典型环节的电路模拟 (5)实验二二阶系统的瞬态响应 (11)实验三高阶系统的瞬态响应和稳定性分析 (14)实验五典型环节和系统频率特性的测量 (16)实验七典型非线性环节的静态特性 (21)实验十三采样控制系统的分析 (26)附录上位机软件使用流程 (29)第一部分使用说明书第一章系统概述“THKKL-6”型控制理论及计算机控制技术实验箱是我公司结合教学和实践的需要而进行精心设计的实验系统。
数据采集部分采用USB2.0接口,它可直接插在IBM-PC/AT 或与之兼容的计算机USB通讯口上,有4路单端A/D模拟量输入,转换精度为12位;2路D/A模拟量输出,转换精度为12位;上位机软件则集中了虚拟示波器、信号发生器、Bode图等多种功能于一体。
声速的测定实验 实验指导及操作说明书
2. 声速测试仪信号源(ZKY-SS):
2.1 连续波频率范围:30kHz一45kHz,分辨率:1Hz,5位数字显示
二、 用共振干涉法测量空气中的声速
4. 时差法测量声速
3. 相位比较(行波)法测声速
NI ELVIS II 数字输入输出实验指导书说明书
Lab 5 – Digital I/ODigital electronics is the heart and soul of modern computers. The ability to set and read digital lines is essential to digital circuit diagnostics.Figure 5.0. Four bit Digital Counter Circuit on NI ELVIS II ProtoboardGoal: This lab focuses on NI ELVIS II digital tools, such as a digital clock, digital counter, and a logic state analyzer, to study digital circuits.Required Soft Front Panels (SFPs)Digital writer (DigOut)Digital reader (DigIn)FGEN (TTL outputs)Oscilloscope (Scope)Required Components10 kΩ resistor R A (brown, black, orange)100 kΩ resistor R B (brown, black, yellow)1 µF capacitor C555 timer chip7493 4-bit binary counterExercise 5.1: Visualizing Digital Byte PatternsThe NI ELVIS II protoboard has a bank of eight green LEDs with input pin socketslabeled LED <0 .. 7>. You can use them as visual indicators of digital logic states (On =HI and Off = LO).Complete the following steps to output a digital pattern using the Digital Writer:1.Wire the LEDs <0..7> to the corresponding socket pins labeled DIO <0..7>.For example, connect DIO 0 alias line 0 to the pin socket LED <0>. Only onelead is required because the grounds are connected internally within NIELVIS II.Note: The digital I/O lines are located on the right side of the protoboard.unch the NI ELVIS II Instrument Launcher strip.3.Select the Digital Writer(DigOut) icon.A new digital logic diagnostic window opens, so you can set/reset any of thedigital lines to a HI or LO state. By default, the digital I/O lines <0..7> areselected from the three 8-bit ports in the Lines to Write box.Figure 5.1. Dig Out front panel windowThe digital output lines are labeled 0 to 7 reading right to left in the Manual Pattern box. You can set/reset (HI/LO) any bit by clicking on the top or bottom portion of the virtual switch. Collectively, these 8 bits constitute a byte that can be read in a binary, octal, hexadecimal, or decimal format, or in an SI notation in the display box above the switches. By clicking on the grayed-out portion, you can set the radix (format) of this indicator.Figure 5.2. LabVIEW indicators for Binary, Hexadecimal or Decimal Displays4.After you have set a digital pattern, turn on the power to the protoboard andclick Run (green arrow) to send the pattern to the parallel output digital I/Olines <0 .. 7>, which in turn are passed on to the green LEDs.Note: You can set the Generation Mode to output a single pattern or to continuously output the pattern. In continuous operation, the hardware is updated continuously with the current pattern.The set pattern is echoed on the line states (blue LED indicators) of the Bus State on the SFP. Also, with the Action buttons of the SFP, you can toggle, rotate, orshift the bit pattern right or left.5.Press the Stop button (red box) to cease updating the port.In testing a digital circuit , you can select from several commonly used patternsfor diagnostic checks.6.Click the Pattern selector on the SFP to view the options available.Manual Load any 8-bit patternRamp (0 – 255) Computer Instruction INCAlternating 1/0s Computer Instruction INVERTWalking 1s Computer Instruction SHIFT LEFT LOGIC7.Try to output each bit pattern.8.Close the Digital Writer window.End of Exercise 5.1Exercise 5.2: 555 Digital Clock CircuitYou can configure a 555 timer chip, together with resistors R A, R B, and capacitor C, to act as a digital clock source.Figure 5.3. 555 Digital Clock CircuitComplete the following steps to build and perform measurements on a 555 digital clock circuit: 1. Using the DMM[Ω] and DMM[C], measure the component values and complete the following table.R A ______________________ Ω (nominal 10 k Ω)R B ______________________ Ω (nominal 100 k Ω)C ______________________ µF (nominal 1 µF )2. Build the clock circuit on the protoboard as shown below.Figure 5.4. 555 Timer chip Configured as a Digital OscillatorPower (+5 V) goes to pins 8 and 4, and GROUND goes to pin 1. The timing chain of R A, R B, and C straddles the power supply. It has a connection between the resistors going to pin 7 and a connection between R B and C going to pins 2 and 6.3.Wire the 555 output pin 3 to one of the port pin sockets, DIO <0>.4.From the NI ELVIS II Instrument Launcher strip, select the Digital Reader(DigIn) icon.By default the second 8-bit port is set to input (Lines to Read 8-15).5.Configure Lines to Read to (0-7), enable power to the protoboard, and clickRun.Figure 5.5. Digital Writer reading bit 0, line DIO <0>The Digital Reader allows the current state of a parallel input port to be read on demand (single shot) or continuously. You should see the state of line 0 flashing. If not, click on the Stop button and use the DMM[V] to check voltage levels on the 555 pins (stop the Digital Reader first).With the clock circuit running, you can now make some useful digital circuit measurements.The 555 timer oscillator circuit has a Period T ofT = 0.695 (R A + 2 R B) C (seconds)The 555 timer oscillator frequency is related to the period byF = 1/T (Hz)The 555 timer oscillator circuit has an On time ofT = 0.695 (R A + R B) C (seconds)The 555 timer oscillator circuit has a Duty Cycle (On time/period) ofDC = (R A+ R B) / (R A + 2 R B)6.Close all SFPs and launch the Oscilloscope (Scope) icon.7.Connect the front panel BNC CH 0 input leads to pin 3 of the 555 timer chipand any ground. Click Run. You should now be observing the digitalwaveform on Channel 0 of the oscilloscope.8.Select Trigger Type: Edge, Source: Chan 0 Source and Level (V) to 1.0. Yoursignal should be a TTL signal with an amplitude of 4 V or more, and thesignal should be steady.9.Observe the frequency in the scope window for CH 0.10.Click the box Cursors On box and note that C1 and C2 are set to CH 0.11.By clicking and dragging the cursors, measure the period, the on time, and theduty cycle. Calculate the frequency from the period measurement.12.Fill in the following table:T = __________________ (seconds)T on= __________________ (seconds)DC = __________________F = __________________ (Hz)pare your measurements with the previous theoretical predictions.14.Close any SFPs.End of Exercise 5.2Exercise 5.3: Building a 4-Bit Digital CounterComplete the following steps to build a 4-bit digital counter.1.Insert a 7493 four-bit binary ripple counter into the protoboard next to the 555digital clock circuit. The 7493 chip contains a divide-by-two and a divide-by-eight counter.2.Configure the chip as a divide-by-16 counter by connecting a jumper wirefrom pin 12 (Q1) to pin 1, Clock 2 (C2), on the 7493 chip, as shown in Figure5.6.Figure 5.6. Schematic Diagram 4-bit Binary Counter3.On the 7493 binary counter chip, connect +5 V power to pin 5 and ground topin 10.4.Ensure that 0set inputs pins 2 and 3 are grounded.5.Connect the outputs Q1, Q2, Q4, and Q8 to the LED and digital input ports ofthe NI ELVIS II protoboard using the following mapping scheme:Q1 pin 12 to DIO<0> and LED<0>Q2 pin 9 to DIO<1> and LED<1>Q4 pin 8 to DIO<2> and LED<2>Q8 pin 11 to DIO<3> and LED<3>555 pin 3 to DIO<7> and LED<7>6.Connect the 555 digital clock output (pin 3) to the 7493 Clock 1 (C1) input(pin 14).7.Power the protoboard and watch the binary counts accumulate on the LEDs.unch the NI-ELVISmx Digital Reader (DigIN) icon. Monitor the binarystates on the computer screen, and, at the same time, see the states on thegreen LEDs on the protoboard.9.Close the NI ELVIS II Instrument Launcher strip.End of Exercise 5.3Exercise 5.4: LabVIEW Logic State AnalyzerThe previous exercises have covered only the state of digital outputs at one point in time. This exercise shows how you can form a timing diagram by stringing sequential states together sampled uniformly in time. Plotting several digital lines together on the same graph generates a digital timing diagram as illustrated in Figure 5.7.A binary counter has a unique timing diagram where the falling edge of the previous bit causes the next bit to toggle.Figure 5.7. Timing Diagram of a four bit Binary CounterUsing the LabVIEW APIs for the digital I/O, you can build a simple 4-bit logic state analyzer. The Digital I/O palette is located in Functions»Programming»Measurement I/O»NI ELVISmx»NI ELVISmx Digital Reader.Figure 5.8. Location of NI ELVISmx Digital ReaderLaunch LabVIEW and then open Binary CounterMx.vi from the Hands-On-NI ELVIS II library folder.In the Block Diagram, the NI-ELVISmx Digital Reader has been initialized to use lines 0 to 7 (blue ring constant) for input from the protoboard.Note: In this example, the NI ELVIS USB communication port is Device 3. Depending on how many DAQ cards you have in you computer, it could be Device 1, 2, or 3. With only the NI ELVIS USB port available, it would be Device 1. Change the Dev # to match your NI ELVIS II.Figure 5.9. Block Diagram for the program Binary CounterMx.viThe 4-bit logic state analyzer samples NI ELVIS lines <0..7> and presents the line states as a Boolean array (thick green line). The index arrays extract bits <0..3> (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) to the respective trace indicators and then into a numeric value (0 or 1) for bundling with the other traces for the timing diagram plot. With the many LabVIEW chart format options, you can present the data in a timing diagram format.A copy of the data also goes to the AND gate, where bits <4..7> are set to zero. The resultant data is converted to a numeric (0 to 15) and presented on the front panel.End of Exercise 5.4Multisim Challenge: Design an 8-bit Digital Counter CircuitDesign an 8-bit decimal counter with two 7-segment displays. Use a 555 timer IC togenerate the clock signal.unch Multisim and open 555 Timer Binary Counter from the NI ELVIS IIprogram library. In this program, is simulated the same circuit elements used in Exercise 5.3: Building a 4-bit Digital Counter.Figure 5.10. Multisim schmatic of the visualization of a 4-bit Binary Counter2.Double-click on the scope icon XSC2. A 4-channel oscilloscope displayappears.3.Run this simulation by clicking on the green arrow. Observe that the 4-channel display is similar to the real circuit built on an NI ELVIS IIprotoboard. Stop the simulation by clicking on the red square.4.Open a second program called Decimal Counter. This program replaces thebinary counter with a decimal counter (7490N), adds a 7-segment driver(7447N) IC, and adds a 7-segment display. Note that the current limitingresistors for the 7-segment LEDs are found in the resistor pack.5.Run this program to see a single-digit counter with a 7-segment display.Figure 5.11. Decimal Reading of a 4-bit Binary Counter6.Stop the simulation and add a second 7490N, a 7448N, a Resistor pack 330 Ω,and a 7-segment display to the Multisim circuit. You can implement this witha simple copy and paste of the components already on the circuit diagram.Alternatively, you can find a list of components by browsing toPlace»Component.7.Connect the output QD of the first counter chip (7490N) to the input INA ofthe second counter chip (7448N). Together these chips form a two-digitcounter counting from 00 to 99. This is shown in the file, DecimalCounterX2.8.Connect the other virtual wires to the added chips to build a two-digit decimalcounter.9.Run the simulation.。
第一部分 使用说明书 ........................................................................................................................1 第一章 系统概述 ............................................................................................................................1 第二章 硬件的组成及使用 ............................................................................................................2
自动控制原理(THKKL-6 型) 实验指导书
注意事项: 1. 每次连接线路前要关闭电源总开关。 2. 按照实验指导书连接好线路后,仔细检查线路是否连接正确、电源有无接反。如确认无
自动控制原理(THKKL-6 型) 实验指导书
第二部分 实验指导书
自动控制原理(THKKL-6 型) 实验指导书
通用单元电路具体有“通用单元 1”~“通用单元 6”、“反相器单元”和“系统能控性与能 观性分析”等单元。这些单元主要由运放、电容、电阻、电位器和一些自由布线区等组成。通 过不同的接线,可以模拟各种受控对象的数学模型,主要用于比例、积分、微分、惯性等电路 环节的构造。一般为反向端输入,其中电阻多为常用阻值 51k、100k、200k、510k;电容多在 反馈端,容值为 0.1uF、1uF、10uF。
NI Biomedical Startup Kit 3.0 实验指导手册说明书
OBJECTIVESStudents will learn basic concepts of acquiring and analyzing an electrocardiogram (ECG or ECG) by working and becoming familiar with Vernier’s ECG sensor. This lab also introduces the Biosignal Logger and ECG Feature Extractor of the NI Biomedical Startup Kit.MATERIALS∙NI Biomedical Startup Kit 3.0∙NI ELVIS II Series Benchtop Workstation∙NI ELVIS II Series Prototyping Board∙AC/DC power supply∙NI ELVISmx 4.0 or later CD∙High-speed USB 2.0 cable∙Computer∙Wires to build circuits∙Vernier Analog Proto Board Connector (order code BTA-ELV)∙Vernier ECG Sensor (order code ECG-BTA)THEORYYour heart is initially polarized at rest due to the excess of sodium ions (Na+)outside of the membrane. This correlates to a resting potential of approximately 90 mV. Muscle stimulation increases the permeability of the membrane to these sodium ions. The entry of these sodium ions into the membrane alters the electric field around the muscular cells, generating an action potential and causing muscle contraction. Other ions, including potassium, calcium, and chlorine are also involved in this process. Electrodes placed on the surface of the skin record a summation of these action potentials. The resulting signal can be graphed as an electrocardiogram (ECG or ECG) and illustrates cardiac electric potential. Various deflections in the ECG waveforms correspond to the contraction of different areas of the heart. Each heart cycle is represented by a P wave, a QRS complex, and a T wave. The P wave corresponds to the depolarization of the atria, the QRS complex corresponds to the depolarization of the ventricles (repolarization of the atria also occurs during this time), and the T wave corresponds to the repolarization of the ventricles. Refer to Figure 1 below for a typical ECG signal and the typical time spans for each deflection.(Summarized from the ECG Sensor User Guide; )P-R interval: 0.12 – 0.20 secondsQRS interval: < 0.1 secondsQ-T interval: < 0.38 secondsFigure 1: Typical ECG Signal()The ECG sensor used in this lab utilizes three electrodes, which are attached to the surface of the skin. There is an internal offset of 1 V within the sensor with an accuracy of +/- 0.3 V. This lab is set to account for this offset. The gain of the ECG sensor is set to amplify a 1 mV measured potential to a 1 V output. Reference the ECG sensor user guide for more information.BUILDING THE EXPERIMENT ON ELVIS II SERIESThe Vernier sensor attaches to NI ELVIS II Series through the Analog Proto Board Connector. The following steps and Figure 2 below illustrate how to connect the Analog Proto Board Connector to the NI ELVIS II Series Prototyping Board.Figure 2: Connecting the Analog Proto Board Connector to NI ELVIS II Series Connect the following pins to wire the connector:1)AI0+ to SIG1 of the Analog Proto Board Connector2)+5V DC power supply to 5V of the Analog Proto Board Connector3)GROUND power supply to GND of the Analog Proto Board Connector4)AIGND to GND of the Analog Proto Board ConnectorRUNNING THE EXPERIMENTTo set up the experiment on NI ELVIS II Series:1)Connect the USB cable from NI ELVIS II Series to your computer and plug the power supplyinto a power outlet.2)Turn the prototyping board power switch located on the rear panel to the on position (seeFigure 3).3)Turn the prototyping power supply switch located on the benchtop workstation to the onposition (see Figure 3).∙ A green power LED should now be lit, indicating that the full power supply is turned on.∙ A yellow USB ready LED should also be lit, indicating that the NI ELVIS II Series is properly connected to the USB host.4)Insert the ECG sensor into the Analog Proto Board Connector connected to AI 0+.Figure 3: NI ELVIS II Series Set-UpTo set up the experiment with the Biomedical Startup Kit:1)If the Biomedical Startup Kit is not installed on your computer:Go to https:///content/docs/DOC-12646 and download Biomedical Startup Kit 3.02)Once Installed, go to Start>>All Programs>>National Instruments>>Biomedical Startup Kitand Click on Biomedical Workbench. A pop-up menu should show up on your screen.3)Select Biosignal Logger from the Biosignal Tab. A blank chart will be displayed in a separatewindow (Figure 4). The Biosignal Logger will display the cardiac electrical activity in Volts recorded by the ECG sensor over time.Figure 4: Biosignal Logger4)In the Device dropdown menu, select the device corresponding to NI ELVIS II Series.5)Click on “Settings” to view the Channel Configuration window.∙Select the AI0 channel as the channel from which to acquire signals.∙Place a checkmark in the “Enable” box to enable acquisition from this channel.∙You can also specify the input range, sensitivity, and engineering unit of the channel if it needs to be scaled to a unit other than volts. For this exercise, leave theseparameters as default.∙Leave the sampling rate at the default value of 500 Hz.∙The block size specifies the number of seconds used to acquire the signal and the number of seconds to display the signal on the waveform plot. Set the block size to10 seconds.∙The data acquired from the channel can be saved to a TDMS file by pressing the “Log” button. Specify the file path in the “File to” control and name the file “TypicalECG”.DATA COLLECTIONYou will use three electrodes to record cardiac electrical activity for this lab. Figure 5 illustrates the correct electrode placement.1)Scrub the areas of the skin with paper towels where the electrodes will be placed to removedead skin and oil.2)For each electrode, peel the back off of the electrode and place it firmly onto the skin.3)Place 2 electrodes on the interior of each arm, just above the elbow.4)Place the third electrode on the inside of your right wrist.5)Attach the black (ground) alligator clip from the ECG sensor to the electrode on your rightwrist (see Figure 5).6)Attach the green (negative) alligator clip from the ECG sensor to the electrode above yourright elbow (see Figure 5).7)Attach the red (positive) alligator clip from the ECG sensor to the electrode above your leftelbow (see Figure 5).You are now ready to begin collecting data.Figure 5: Proper ECG PlacementPart 1: Typical ECG RecordingThe first part of this lab is designed to familiarize you with the ECG sensor and a typical ECG waveform. Figure 6 below illustrates an example of a typical ECG for this experiment.Acquire Waveform1)The volunteer should remain seated for the duration of the experiment. To ensure accuracy,the volunteer should also remain quiet and still throughout the experiment.2)Press the green “Run” arrow on the Biosignal Logger window to begin collecting data.3)Press the “Log” button to log the data to the TDMS file you specified in “Settings”.4)Press the “Stop” button when you are done collecting and logging 10 seconds of data.5)Do not close the Biosignal Logger.Figure 6: Example ECG Experiment WindowFind Average Interval Duration and Deflection Height6)Now open the ECG Feature Extractor from the Biosignal tab of the Biomedical Workbenchwindow. The ECG Feature Extractor (Figure 7) imports data and extracts ECG features such as the QRS complex, P wave, and T wave.Figure 7: ECG Feature Extractor7)Click the “Import” button. In the File Path section, browse for the file Typical ECG.tdms thatyou saved in the previous part of this exercise. Once you select it, you should see the ECG waveform appear on the right side of the window in the Waveform tab.8)Click “OK”. The ECG waveform should now appear on the ECG Feature Extractor window.9)Click on the “Set Extractor” button to view the settings for the extraction. Check out thesettings in each tab. For this exercise, leave all the settings at their default values and click “OK”. Press the “Help” button on the ECG Extractor window to pull up a Help window that explains the details about each of these settings.10)Press the green “Run” arrow and wait for the ECG Feature Extractor to completely extractfrom and refine the ECG signal. When the word “OFF” appears on the top right of the graph, the Extractor is finished.11)Click the “Statistics” button to pull up a window with information about the extractedfeatures (Figure 8).Figure 8: Example Heart Rate Statistics from the Extracted ECG Features12)Notice that the “Statistics” window displays the mean value and standard deviation of theheart rate, QRS width (QRS interval), PR interval, QT interval, and QRS amplitude of the imported ECG data.13)Record these mean values in Tables 1 and 2.14)Repeat steps 1-13 for each student (refer to the above steps and Figure 5 for attaching theelectrodes and alligator clips). Do not remove the electrodes as they will be used in Part 2.Part 2: ECG Recording after Physical ActivityThe second part of this lab will investigate the effect of physical activity on your ECG signal. Acquire Waveform1)Pull up the Biosignal Logger window again. Click “Settings” and in the “File t o” control,change the name of the file in the file path from Typical ECG to Physical ECG. This will save the following data as a new file. Ensure that the other settings are still the same as described in the beginning of this lab.2)Ensure that the three electrodes from Part 1 are still in place.3)Instruct the volunteer to run in place for 3 minutes.4)Attach the red, green, and black alligator clips to the volunteer (refer to Figure 5).5)Press the green “Run” arrow on the Biosignal Logger window to begin collecting data.6)Press the “Log” button to log the data to the TDMS file you specified in “Settings”.7)Press the “Stop” button when you are done collecting and logging 10 seconds of data.Find Average Interval Duration and Deflection Height8)Follow steps 6-12 from Part 1 but import Physical ECG.tdms in the ECG Feature Extractor.9)Record the mean values displayed in the Statistics window in Tables 3 and 4.10)Repeat steps 1-9 for each student.DATA ANALYSISPart 1: Resting ECG RecordingTable 1: Average Resting Interval Duration1)Analyze the durations of each interval. Do your numbers correspond to the expected valuesoutlined in the theory section of the lab report? If not, can you think of an explanation?2)Compare the data recorded from each student. Do you notice a difference based on gender?What about fitness level?3)List various factors and/or diseases that could influence the length of each interval. Wouldeach of these factors increase or decrease the interval length? Why?Table 2: Average Resting Maximum Amplitude and Heart Rate4)Analyze the potential of each deflection for each student in your group. Do you notice atrend for the collected data?5)Do you notice a difference based on gender? What about fitness level?6)Explain one heart cycle in terms of blood flow. Be sure to note the blood flow through eachdeflection (P wave, QRS complex, and T wave).7)List various factors and/or diseases that could influence blood flow. How would each ofthese affect the potential detected by the ECG sensor?Part 2: ECG Recording after Physical ActivityTable 3: Average Interval Duration after Physical Activity8)Compare the data in Table 3 with that from Table 1. Did physical activity affect the durationof any of the intervals? Why or why not?9)Were the trends noted in the question above consistent for each member in your group? Table 4: Average Maximum Amplitude and Heart Rate after Physical Activity10)Compare the data in Table 4 with that from Table 2. Did physical activity affect theamplitude of the QRS complex? Why or why not?11)Were the trends noted in the question above consistent for each member in your group?12)Did your heart rate increase or decrease from your resting value calculated in Part 1? Whyor why not?11EKG REFERENCESEKG Sensor User Guide. Vernier Software & Technology. Rev. 2/16/10. Accessed 7/19/11..NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite II Series (NI ELVIS II Series) User Manual. National Instruments. Austin, TX: National Instruments Corporation. 1/09. .。
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实验一 Windows环境下常用网络命令的使用实验性质:验证性实验级别:必做开课单位:信息与通信工程学院通信工程系学时:2学时一、实验目的:1、掌握常用网络命令的使用方法。
2、掌握Ipconfig.exe,Net.exe,Ping.exe,Netstat.exe, Arp.exe, Route.exeFtp.exe,Telnet.exe, Tracert.exe命令的使用方法。
2、许多 Windows 2000 网络命令都以词 net 开头。
这些 net 命令有一些公用属性:键入 net /? 可以看到所有可用的 net 命令的列表。
键入 net help command,可以在命令行获得 net 命令的语法帮助。
例如,关于 net accounts 命令的帮助信息,请键入 net help accounts。
所有 net 命令都接受 /yes 和 /no 选项(可以缩写为 /y 和 /n)。
/y 选项向命令产生的任何交互式提示自动回答“是”,而 /n 回答“否”。
例如,net stop server 通常提示您确认要停止基于“服务器”服务的所有服务;而 net stop server /y 对该提示自动回答“是”,然后“服务器”服务关闭。
(1)net user用来查看所有的用户帐户(2)、net user user_name用来查看user_name的帐户信息(3)、net user user_name user_password /add增加一个用户,用户名为user_name ,用户密码为user_password(4)、net user user_name /del删除用户user_name(5)、net localgroup administrators user_name /add将用户user_name添加到管理员组,赋予user_name管理员权限。
(6)、net session管理服务器计算机连接。
(7)、net start [service_name]不带任何参数可以查看本地计算机上所有启动的windows服务后面带服务名,用于启动一项服务。
(8)、net stop [service_name]停止正在运行的某项服务。
(9)、net view显示域、当前计算机或者由指定计算机共享资源的列表。
(10)、net share管理共享资源。
(11)、net send [ip] [messenger]将消息发送到网络上的其它计算机上。
启动方法:运行第8条命令,net start messenger,利用“控制面板”——〉“性能和维护”——〉“管理工具”——〉“服务”中将messenger 服务启动。
3、ping Ping.exe 验证与远程计算机的连接。
该命令只有在安装了 TCP/IP 协议后才可以使用。
ping还能显示ttl(time to live存在时间)值,你可以通过ttl值推算一下数据包已经通过了多少个路由器:源地点ttl起始值(就是比返回ttl略大的一个2的乘方数)-返回时ttl值。
例如,返回ttl值为119,那么可以推算数据报离开源地址的ttl起始值为128,而源地点到目标地点要通过9个路由器网段(128-119);如果返回ttl值为246,ttl 起始值就是256,源地点到目标地点要通过9个路由器网段。
ping 本机ip——这个命令被送到你计算机所配置的ip地址,你的计算机始终都应该对该ping命令作出应答,如果没有,则表示本地配置或安装存在问题。
ping 局域网内其他ip——这个命令应该离开你的计算机,经过网卡及网络电缆到达其他计算机,再返回。
ping 网关ip——这个命令如果应答正确,表示局域网中的网关路由器正在运行并能够作出应答。
ping 远程ip——如果收到4个应答,表示成功的使用了缺省网关。
ping localhost——localhost是个作系统的网络保留名,它是127.0.0.1的别名,每太计算机都应该能够将该名字转换成该地址。
ping /——对这个域名执行ping命令,你的计算机必须先将域名转换成ip地址,通常是通过dns服务器如果这里出现故障,则表示dns服务器的ip地址配置不正确或dns服务器有故障(对于拨号上网用户,某些isp已经不需要设置dns服务器了)。
检测去往 的路径MTU :ping 把得到的数据包大小加上包头28字节就是mtu的大小ping ip -t——连续对ip地址执行ping命令,直到被用户以 ctrl+c 中断。
ping ip -l 2000——指定ping命令中的数据长度为2000字节,而不是缺省的32字节。
ping ip -n——执行特定次数的ping命令。
4、Netstat 显示协议的统计以及所有当前的tcp/ip连接。
5、arp命令, arp-s 用于将mac地址和ip地址绑定。
Arp –a 显示主机的当前arp条目6、route print命令用于显示本机的路由表。
7、ftp ip(或者域名)ftp:该命令只有在安装了TCP/IP 协议之后才可用。
Ftp 是一种服务,一旦启动,将创建在其中可以使用ftp 命令的子环境,通过键入quit 子命令可以从子环境返回到Windows 2000 命令提示符。
当ftp 子环境运行时,它由ftp 命令提示符代表。
Tracert.exe 该诊断实用程序将包含不同生存时间(TTL) 值的Internet 控制消息协议(ICMP) 回显数据包发送到目标,以决定到达目标采用的路由。
要在转发数据包上的TTL 之前至少递减1,必需路径上的每个路由器,所以TTL 是有效的跃点计数。
数据包上的TTL 到达0 时,路由器应该将“ICMP 已超时”的消息发送回源系统。
Tracert 先发送TTL 为1 的回显数据包,并在随后的每次发送过程将TTL 递增1,直到目标响应或TTL 达到最大值,从而确定路由。
路由通过检查中级路由器发送回的“ICMP 已超时”的消息来确定路由。
不过,有些路由器悄悄地下传包含过期TTL 值的数据包,而tracert 看不到。
(一) IP-Sniffer的使用实验性质:验证性实验级别:必做开课单位:信息与通信工程学院通信工程系学时:2学时一、实验目的:了解IP-Sniffer使用方法。
二、实验器材:IP-Sniffer v1.94.4.4三、实验内容:1.要求掌握网络抓包软件Sniffer内容包括:●捕获网络流量进行详细分析●利用专家分析系统诊断问题●实时监控网络活动●收集网络利用率和错误等2.协议分析(一):IP协议,内容包括:●IP头的结构●IP数据报的数据结构分析3.协议分析(二):TCP/UDP协议,内容包括:●TCP协议的工作原理●TCP/UDP数据结构分析四、实验步骤:将实验提供的IP-Sniffer v1.94.4.4解压到本地并安装好,一路下一步即可,并打开其主程序双击打开主界面,如下图:单击Capture->Start,进行网络流量捕获,再按Capture->Stop停止捕获,对所截获的网络流量进行分析。