



中国十三五规划建议解读中国十三五规划建议解读更新:2018-11-13 14:00:38《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》强调要以新的发展理念推动发展,其中一系列新提法、新表述、新举措,透露出未来五年中国经济社会发展的新信号。
















十三五规划术语:开放发展开放型经济新体制new systems for developing an open economy互利合作mutually beneficial cooperation统筹国内国际两个大局keep in mind both the domestic and international situations双向开放two-way opening up【例】打造陆海内外联动、东西双向开放的全面开放新格局。

We will work to bring about a new phase of all-around two-way opening up with links running eastward and westward over land and sea.互联互通connectivity【例】推进基础设施互联互通和国际大通道建设,共同建设国际经济合作走廊。

We should help to increase infrastructure connectivity and develop major international thoroughfares as well as work with overseas partners to build international economic cooperation corridors.利益共同体community of common interests制度性话语权say over international regimes亲诚惠容amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness共商共建共享原则the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration海外利益保护体系protection of Chinese interests overseas国际产能和装备制造合作international cooperation on production capacity and equipment manufacturing跨境电子商务cross-border e-commerce通关一体化customs integration优质优价higher quality, higher price港人治港The people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.澳人治澳The people of Macao govern Macao.两岸一家亲People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family.。




1、国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划(“十三五”规划):XIII Plan Quinquenal de Desarrollo Económico y Social (XIII Plan Quinquenal)2、全面建成小康社会决胜阶段etapa decisiva para culminar la construcción integral de una sociedad modestamente acomodada3、坚持人民主体地位persistir en la condición del pueblo como sujeto4、引领经济发展新常态conducir la nueva normalidad del desarrollo economic5、中高速增长crecimiento económico a un ritmo medio superior6、创新发展desarrollo innovador7、创新是引领发展的第一动力La innovación es la primera fuerza motriz conductora del desarrollo.8、协调发展desarrollo coordinado9、协调是持续健康发展的内在要求La coordinación constituye una exigencia inherente al desarrollo sostenido y sano10、绿色发展desarrollo ecológico11、绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现La ecologicidad es una condición indispensable para el desarrollo sin fin y una importante manifestación de la aspiración del pueblo a vivir bien.12、开放发展desarrollo abierto13、开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路La apertura representa el camino ineludible para la prosperidad y el desarrollo del país14、共享发展desarrollo compartido15、共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求La compartición constituye la exigencia esencial del socialismo con peculiaridades chinas16、-人与自然和谐发展desarrollo armonioso entre el ser humano y la naturaleza17、生命共同体comunidad de vida18、生态文明civilización ecológica19、生态文化cultura ecológica20、国家生态安全seguridad ecológica del país21、全球生态安全seguridad ecológica del planeta / global22、生态文明制度体系sistema institucional de la civilización ecológica23、生态文明体制改革reforma del régimen de la civilización ecológica24、绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展desarrollo verde, circular y bajo en carbon25、节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主priorizar el ahorro de los recursos, dar primacía a la protección ambiental y considerar como principal la rehabilitación natural del medio ambiente26、生态保护红线límite de alarma para la protección ecológica27、国家公园体制régimen de parques nacionales28、资源有偿使用和生态补偿制度sistema de usufructo retribuido de los recursos y sistema de compensación por motivos ecológicos29、跨区域、跨流域生态补偿机制mecanismo de compensación por motivos ecológicos que traspasa regiones y cuencas30、生态文明绩效评价考核和责任追究evaluación y verificación de los rendimientos del fomento de la civilización ecológica, y exigencia de las responsabilidades en esta material31、生态环境损害责任终身追究制sistema de exigencia de responsabilidades vitalicias por los daños ecológicos32、污染物排放许可制sistema de licencia para la emisión de contaminantes33、绿水青山就是金山银山Las aguas cristalinas y montes verdes son montañas de oro y plata.。

61个重大国家战略常用关键词英文译法 英文缩写 中国 英语 翻译

61个重大国家战略常用关键词英文译法 英文缩写 中国 英语 翻译

重大国家战略常用关键词英文译法一、京津冀协同发展1.京津冀协同发展Coordinated Development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region缩写:BTH Coordinated Development2.京津冀协同发展领导小组Leading Group for Coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Development3.北京城市副中心Beijing Municipal Administrative Center缩写:Beijing MC4.北京非首都功能疏解to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as China's capital5.雄安新区Xiong'an New Area6.北京非首都功能集中承载地major recipient of functions relieved from Beijing that are non-essential to its role as China's capital7.创新发展示范区demonstration zone of innovation-driven development8.绿色生态宜居新城区new, green, eco-friendly and livable urban area9.创新驱动发展引领区pioneer zone of innovation-driven development10.协调发展示范区demonstration zone of coordinated development11.开放发展先行区pilot zone of opening up and development12.世界眼光、国际标准、中国特色、高点定位global vision, international standards, distinctive Chinese features, and future-oriented goals13.千年大计、国家大事national project of millennial significance二、长江经济带发展1.长江经济带Yangtze River Economic Belt缩写:YEB2.共抓大保护,不搞大开发to step up conservation of the Yangtze River and stop its over development3.水环境改善water environment improvement4.水生态修复water environment restoration5.水资源利用water resources utilization6.综合交通运输体系integrated transport system7.沿江高铁high-speed railways along the Yangtze River缩写:Yangtze HSR8.黄金水道golden waterway三、粤港澳大湾区建设1.粤港澳大湾区Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area缩写:the Greater Bay Area(GBA)2.粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area3.港珠澳大桥Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge缩写:HZM Bridge4.国际科技创新中心international center for technology and innovation5.共建粤港澳合作发展平台to jointly develop platforms for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation6.“一国两制”,依法办事to uphold the principle of "one country, two systems," act in accordance with the law7.深港科技创新合作区Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone for technology and innovation8.深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区Shenzhen-Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone in Qianhai, Shenzhen9.广州南沙粤港澳全面合作示范区demonstration zone of all-round cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou10.珠海横琴粤港澳深度合作示范区demonstration zone of in-depth cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Hengqin, Zhuhai四、海南全面深化改革开放1.关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见Guidelines on Supporting Hainan in Furthering All-Round Reform and Opening up2.“1+N”政策体系"1+N" policy framework3.中国特色自由贸易港free trade port with distinctive Chinese features缩写:Hainan FTP4.全面深化改革开放试验区pilot zone for furthering all-round reform and opening up5.国家生态文明试验区national pilot zone for ecological conservation6.国际旅游消费中心international tourism and consumption destination7.国家重大战略服务保障区service zone for implementing China's major strategies8.国际教育创新岛pacesetting island for international-oriented education9.国家南繁科研育种基地national seed breeding base in Hainan10.博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区Boao Lecheng pilot zone of international medical tourism11.国家深海基地南方中心Southern Base of the National Deep Sea Center缩写:Southern Base of the NDSC五、长三角一体化发展1.长三角一体化发展战略strategy for integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta缩写:YD Integrated Development2.长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区demonstration zone of green and integrated ecological development of the Yangtze River Delta3.中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区Lingang section of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone缩写:Shanghai FTZ, Lingang4.全国发展强劲活跃增长极dynamic growth engine of China's development5.全国高质量发展样板区national pacesetter of high-quality development6.率先基本实现现代化引领区pioneer zone in basically achieving modernization7.区域一体化发展示范区demonstration zone of integrated regional development8.长三角科技创新共同体Yangtze River Delta community of sci-tech innovation9.基础设施互联互通infrastructure connectivity10.生态环境共保联治to make coordinated efforts to protect and restore the environment11.公共服务便利共享to share access to public services六、黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展1.黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin 缩写:YB Conservation and Development2.保护、传承、弘扬黄河文化to preserve, inherit and promote the Yellow River culture3.黄河安澜When the Yellow River is harnessed, China will enjoy tranquility.4.以水而定、量水而行to use Yellow River water resources as its capacity permits5.共同抓好大保护,协同推进大治理to work together to protect and harness the Yellow River6.黄河长治久安to keep the Yellow River harnessed7.宜水则水、宜山则山,宜粮则粮、宜农则农,宜工则工、宜商则商to make use of the water and mountain resources, grow crops, and develop agriculture, industry or business where conditions permit8.山水林田湖草综合治理、系统治理、源头治理to protect mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands and address their degradation at the source in a coordinated way。



【重磅】“十三五”国家科技创新规划出炉啦!!!2016-08-08 科协改革进行时近日国务院印发“十三五”国家科技创新规划规划主要明确“十三五”时期科技创新的总体思路、发展目标、主要任务和重大举措,是国家在科技创新领域的重点专项规划,是我国迈进创新型国家行列的行动指南。


6大原则坚持把支撑国家重大需求作为战略任务;坚持把加速赶超引领作为发展重点;坚持把科技为民作为根本宗旨;坚持把深化改革作为强大动力;坚持把人才驱动作为本质要求;坚持把全球视野作为重要导向12大发展目标●国家综合创新能力世界排名进入前15位●科技进步贡献率达到60%●研究与试验发展经费投入强度达到2.5%●每万名就业人员中研发人员达到60人年●高新技术企业营业收入达到34万亿元●知识密集型服务业增加值占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例达到20%●规模以上工业企业研发经费支出与主营业务收入之比达到 1.1%●国际科技论文被引次数达到世界第二●PCT专利申请量比2015年翻一番●每万人口发明专利拥有量达到12件●全国技术合同成交金额达到2万亿元●公民具备科学素质的比例超过10%6大部署一是围绕构筑国家先发优势,加强兼顾当前和长远的重大战略布局。











“十三五”规划术语英译国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划(“十三五”规划)the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republicof China (the 13th Five-Year Plan )全面建成小康社会决胜阶段the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in allrespects坚持人民主体地位uphold the principal position of the people引领经济发展新常态guide the new normal in China’s economic development中高速增长medium-high rate of economic growth创新发展innovative development创新是引领发展的第一动力Innovation is the primary engine of development.协调发展coordinated development协调是持续健康发展的内在要求Coordination is an integral aspect of sustained and healthy development.绿色发展green development; eco-friendly development绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现Green, which represents an eco-friendly outlook, is a necessary condition forensuring lasting development as well as an important way in which people pursuea better life.开放发展open development开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路Opening up is the path China must take to achieve prosperity and development. 共享发展shared development共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求Sharing is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics.。



英语论文:中国海洋经济发展“十三五”规划(节选)英译实践报告之英语分析英语论文:《中国海洋经济发展“十三五”规划》(节选)英译实践报告之英语分析1. IntroductionWith rapid development of globalization, Chinarsquo;s marine economic development plays an increasingly important role in the landscape of global economy, which has attracted more and more attention of foreign people. However, there are few English versions of Chinese marine economic materials available to foreign readers for reference. The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Chinarsquo;s National Marine Economy (hereinafter referred to as “the Plan”) (/zchj/jggg/18111.htm), issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Oceanic Administration, introduces the current situation and development strategies of Chinarsquo;s marine economy. The source text is the first four texts extracted from the Plan, which is the very part selected as the object of translation by the current author of this report. The translation will be favorable for foreign readers to have a general understanding of Chinarsquo;s marine economic development, hence it plays an important role in disseminating ocean knowledge to foreign readers as well as further promoting the communication and cooperation of international marine economy.The purpose of the task can be summarized into the following three aspects: firstly, from the perspective of international economic and cultural exchange, it aims to introduce the extensive and profound Chinarsquo;s marine knowledge to western readers, enhance cultural exchange between China and the outside world and promote the further development of Chinarsquo;s marine economy. Secondly, this translation task wants to offer a reliable reference for foreign investors, with the purpose of attracting new driving force for Chinarsquo;s marine economy. And lastly, it is expected that the practice of this translation task will be able to improve the current authorrsquo;s translation skills in dealing with this text type and even other types as well.........................2. Task Description2.1 Introduction to source textAs one contributor of national economy, the ocean is an important strategic space for Chinarsquo;s economic and social development. With economy as the traction, the Thirteenth Five-Year plan for marine economic development coordinates all work in economic layout, structural adjustment, scientific and technological innovation, ecological civilization, cooperation and development and system reform. And it points out the direction for the full implementation of the strategic task of building a marine power.The source text of this translation task consists of the first four parts with 1,2000 Chinese characters excerpted from the Plan. The first part, which is the upgrading of the layout for marine economic development, introduces the marine economic circles in the north, east and south and the development and production of islands. The secondpart provides the details about how to promote the upgrading of marine industry in aspects of traditional marine industries, new marine industries, marine service industries and the development of agglomeration tendencies. The third part demonstrates the innovation in marine economy with the details of major scientific and technological innovation, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, pilot marine economic development and innovation of system and mechanism for talents. The last part is the construction of marine ecological cultivation in aspects of the protection of marine ecology, overall management of marine environment, usage of marine resources in a rational way, low-carbon development of marine industries and improvement of capability of disaster prevention and mitigation..................................2.2 Target readersThe target readers of the translation task are chiefly foreign readers who are interested in Chinarsquo;s economy, especially its marine economy. On the one hand, the translation task is to fully spread Chinese marine culture and spirit to those who are interested in Chinarsquo;s marine economy; on the other hand, it aims to provide reference for investors or scholars who are engaged in research on Chinarsquo;s and international marine economy.The preparation of translation will guarantee not only the quality of the translation task but also the smooth writing process of the report. This part will give more details in analysis of the language features of source text and preparation of references and parallel texts.The Thirteenth Five-Year plan for marine economic development is typically polity-oriented text. In the translation of such political texts, “we must be strict with the standards of loyalty, because the political texts involve the principles and policies of the state” (Cheng Zhenqiu 2003: 18), thus the requirements for the accuracy and fidelity of translation are extremely high............................3. Process Description (3)3.1 Preparation of translation (3)3.1.1 Analysis of the language features of source text (3)3.1.2 Preparation of references and parallel texts (3)4. Case Analysis (6)4.1 Introducing Nidarsquo;s functional equivalence (6)4.2 Lexical-level difficulties and countermeasures (7)5. Conclusion (19)4. Case Analysis4.1 Introducing Nidarsquo;s functional equivalenceAccording to Nida (1964), the “equivalence” in functional equivalence theory includes the following four aspects: lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence, textual equivalence, and stylistic equivalence. When translating, the translator should reproduce the connotation of the SL culture in the translation according to the above four aspects. In order for the translation to fully reproduce the SL culture, the translator needs to follow the following three steps: First, try to make the translation conform to the original semantics and reflect the original cultural characteristics. Maybe it is difficult to perfectly display the cultural connotation of the source text, but the translator shouldtry his best to reproduce the SL culture. Second, in the case that the meaning and culture of the source text cannot be taken into consideration at the same time, the translator can choose to abandon the formal equivalence for maximizing the reproduction of the SL culture. Third, if the change of the original form is still unable to reproduce the semantics and culture of the source text, recreation can be considered to resolve cultural differences. Recreation refers to the transformation of the deep structure of the source language into the surface structure of the target language, that is, the cultural elements of the source language is explained by the vocabulary of the target language, making the translation more acceptable to the TL readers.............................5. Conclusionreference(omitted)。




















中国译协中译英最新发布,各类专业术语直译(马上要口译的孩子们可以参考参考,万一考到了说得溜吓死考官~~~)来源:袁子皓的日志1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefi t4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuri ng mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversit y6.新能源观new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译 draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cult ural advance ment4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activitiesc ultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and peo ple-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empow er people wi t h scientific theories, guide them wi t h correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them wit h excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world.When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。






两会相关专业翻译:1.中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会第四次会议: The fourth annual session of the12th National People's Congress2.中国人民政治协商会议: The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)3.“十三五”规划:The 13th Five-Year Plan “十三五”规划全称“国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划”。


4.“一带一路”:“Belt and Road” initiative 我国对外公文统一将“丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路”译为“the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”。

5.慈善法修改:Amendment of Charity laws6.司法体制改革:Reform in the judicial system 涉及到各级司法机关如何把防范风险、服务发展和破解难题、补齐短板,提升维护国家安全和社会稳定的能力水平、如何如期完成改革任务,让人民群众尽早享有改革“获得感”。

7.制度反腐:Institutional mechanism for anti-corruption8.脱贫攻坚战: Win the battle of poverty alleviation 农村贫困人口脱贫是全面建成小康社会比较艰巨的任务。




























(一)关系国家全局和长远的重大科技项目2. 在深入实施国家科技重大专项方面,香港所推动的研发工作详情如下:(a) 核心电子器件、高端通用芯片及基础软件产品(b) 极大规模集成电路制造装备及成套工艺(c) 新一代宽带无线移动通信网(d) 高档数控机床与基础制造装备(e) 大型油气田及煤层气开发(f) 水体污染控制与治理(g) 转基因生物新品种培育(h) 重大新药创制(i) 爱滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治(j) 大型飞机(k) 高分辨率对地观测系统(l) 载人航天与探月工程3. 而在「科技创新2030」之下的重大科技项目和重大工程方面,香港所推动的研发工作详情如下:(a) 航空发动机及燃气轮机(b) 深海空间站(c) 量子通讯与量子计算机(d) 脑科学与类脑研究(e) 国家网络空间安全(f) 种业自主创新(g) 煤炭清洁高效利用(h) 智能电网(i) 天地一体化信息网络(j) 大数据(k) 智能制造和机器人(l) 重点新材料研发及应用(m) 健康保障(二)现代产业技术4. 在现代产业技术方面,香港进行的研究工作情况如下:(a) 现代农业技术(b) 新一代信息技术(c) 先进制造技术(d) 新材料技术(e) 清洁高效能源技术(f) 现代交通技术与装备(g) 先进高效生物技术(h) 现代食品制造技术(i) 支撑商业模式创新的现代服务技术(j) 引领产业变革的颠覆性技术(三)支撑民生改善和可持续发展的技术5. 在支撑民生改善和可持续发展的技术方面,香港推动的研发工作情况如下:(a) 生态环保技术(b) 资源高效循环利用技术(c) 人口健康技术。



政府工作报告50个热词翻译习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era“五位一体” (经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设五位一体)the "five-sphere integrated plan": a plan to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement“四个全面”(协调推进全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党)the "four-pronged comprehensive strategy": a strategy of comprehensive moves to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepen reform, advance law-based governance, and strengthen Party self-governance“十三五”规划the 13th Five-Year Plan共享经济sharing economy“一带一路”the Belt and Road Initiative人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for mankind营改增replacement of business tax with value added tax (V AT)供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform“三去一降一补”(去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板)the five priority tasks of cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness“中国制造2025”Made in China 2025创新驱动发展战略the innovation-driven development strategy全民健身Fitness-for-All programs“三严三实”(领导干部要严以修身、严以用权、严以律己,谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实)Three Stricts and Three Earnests: the need to be strict with oneself in practicing self-cultivation, using power, and exercising self-discipline; and to be earnest in one's thinking, work, and behavior工匠精神the spirit of workmanship创新型国家 a country of innovators精准脱贫targeted poverty alleviation蓝天保卫战the fight to defend the blue of our skies“双一流”world-class universities and world-class disciplines“四个意识”(政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识)to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment “四个自信”(中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信)confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics社会主义核心价值观core socialist values城镇调查失业率the surveyed urban unemployment rate“僵尸企业”"zombie enterprise"亲清新型政商关系 a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business 要素市场化配置market-based allocation of the factors of production影子银行shadow banking“厕所革命”the Toilet Revolution雄安新区Xiongan New Area粤港澳大湾区the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area海洋经济the maritime economy新型城镇化new urbanization“城中村”villages in cities亚投行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank沪港通Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect深港通Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect债券通the Bond Connect“两学一做”(学党章党规、学系列讲话,做合格党员)Party members should develop a good understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major policy addresses and live up to Party standards纠正“四风”(形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风)to address the practice of formalities for formalities' sake, bureaucratism, hedonism ['hidənɪzəm], and extravagance国务院“约法三章”the three-point State Council decision on curbing government spending“九二共识”the 1992 consensus“三农”(农业、农村和农民) agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents新能源汽车new-energy vehicles全面取消二手车限迁政策rescind [rɪ'sɪnd] all local policies that restrict sales of non-local second-hand vehicles健康中国战略Healthy China strategy分级诊疗tiered [tɪəd] diagnosis and treatment三年棚改攻坚计划 a three-year renovation plan to address housing in rundown urban areas新型国际关系 a new type of international relations乡村振兴战略the rural revitalization strategy“双创”business startups and innovation“互联网+”the Internet Plus model品质革命 a revolution in the quality of Chinese-made goods。



“十三五”规划建议术语:协调发展,绿色发展(英汉对照) 协调发展区域协同发展coordinated development between regions城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration物质文明和精神文明协调发展ensure that cultural-ethical and material development progress together军民融合发展战略military-civilian integration strategy经济建设和国防建设融合发展integrated development of the economy and national defense京津冀协同发展coordinated development of the Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei region综合立体交通走廊multimodal transport corridor居住证制度residence card system财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制mechanism linking the transfer payments a local government receives to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency in its jurisdiction城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there中国特色新型智库new type of Chinese think tanks马克思主义理论研究和建设工程Marxist Theory Research and Development Project哲学社会科学创新工程initiative to promote innovation in philosophy and the social sciences网络内容建设工程initiative to enrich online content农村人居环境整治行动rural living environment improvement initiative历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage美丽宜居乡村a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in绿色发展人与自然和谐共生harmony between humankind and nature美丽中国建设Beautiful China Initiative资源节约型、环境友好型社会resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society国家生态文明试区national ecological conservation pilot zone重点生态功能区important ecological area (IEA)绿色低碳循环发展产业体系industrial system geared toward green, low-carbon, and circular development绿色金融green finance循环发展引领计划initiative to guide the shift toward circular development全民节能行动计划Nation of Energy Savers Initiative用能权、用水权、排污权、碳排放权初始分配制度initial allocation system for energy, water, pollution, and carbon permits工业污染源全面达标排放计划initiative to ensure that all industrial polluters comply with discharge standards省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度system whereby environmental protection agencies below the provincial level come directly under the supervision of their respective provincial-level agencies in terms of environmental inspection and monitoring领导干部自然资源资产离任审计audit outgoing officials natural resource asset management近零碳排放区示范工程initiative to demonstrate near-zero carbon emissions zones耕地轮作休耕制度crop rotation and fallow system污染物总量控制aggregate emissions control生态安全屏障eco-security shield江河源头和水源涵养区生态保护ecological protection of river sources and water source conservation areas蓝色海湾整治行动Blue Bay Initiative。




完整翻译如下:重大国家战略常用关键词英文译法一、京津冀协同发展1.京津冀协同发展Coordinated Development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region缩写:BTH Coordinated Development2.京津冀协同发展领导小组Leading Group for Coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Development3.北京城市副中心Beijing Municipal Administrative Center缩写:Beijing MC4.北京非首都功能疏解to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as China's capital5.雄安新区Xiong'an New Area6.北京非首都功能集中承载地major recipient of functions relieved from Beijing that are non-essential to its role as China's capital7.创新发展示范区demonstration zone of innovation-driven development8.绿色生态宜居新城区new, green, eco-friendly and livable urban area9.创新驱动发展引领区pioneer zone of innovation-driven development10.协调发展示范区demonstration zone of coordinated development11.开放发展先行区pilot zone of opening up and development12.世界眼光、国际标准、中国特色、高点定位global vision, international standards, distinctive Chinese features, and future-oriented goals13.千年大计、国家大事national project of millennial significance二、长江经济带发展1.长江经济带Yangtze River Economic Belt缩写:YEB2.共抓大保护,不搞大开发to step up conservation of the Yangtze River and stop its over development3.水环境改善water environment improvement4.水生态修复water environment restoration5.水资源利用water resources utilization6.综合交通运输体系integrated transport system7.沿江高铁high-speed railways along the Yangtze River缩写:Yangtze HSR8.黄金水道golden waterway三、粤港澳大湾区建设1.粤港澳大湾区Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area缩写:the Greater Bay Area(GBA)2.粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area3.港珠澳大桥Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge缩写:HZM Bridge4.国际科技创新中心international center for technology and innovation5.共建粤港澳合作发展平台to jointly develop platforms for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation6.“一国两制”,依法办事to uphold the principle of "one country, two systems," act in accordance with the law7.深港科技创新合作区Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone for technology and innovation8.深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区Shenzhen-Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone in Qianhai, Shenzhen9.广州南沙粤港澳全面合作示范区demonstration zone of all-round cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou10.珠海横琴粤港澳深度合作示范区demonstration zone of in-depth cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Hengqin, Zhuhai四、海南全面深化改革开放1.关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见Guidelines on Supporting Hainan in Furthering All-Round Reform and Opening up2.“1+N”政策体系"1+N" policy framework3.中国特色自由贸易港free trade port with distinctive Chinese features缩写:Hainan >4.全面深化改革开放试验区pilot zone for furthering all-round reform and opening up5.国家生态文明试验区national pilot zone for ecological conservation6.国际旅游消费中心international tourism and consumption destination7.国家重大战略服务保障区service zone for implementing China's major strategies8.国际教育创新岛pacesetting island for international-oriented education9.国家南繁科研育种基地national seed breeding base in Hainan10.博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区Boao Lecheng pilot zone of international medical tourism11.国家深海基地南方中心Southern Base of the National Deep Sea Center缩写:Southern Base of the NDSC五、长三角一体化发展1.长三角一体化发展战略strategy for integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta缩写:YD Integrated Development2.长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区demonstration zone of green and integrated ecological development of the Yangtze River Delta3.中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区Lingang section of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone缩写:Shanghai FTZ, Lingang4.全国发展强劲活跃增长极dynamic growth engine of China's development5.全国高质量发展样板区national pacesetter of high-quality development6.率先基本实现现代化引领区pioneer zone in basically achieving modernization7.区域一体化发展示范区demonstration zone of integrated regional development8.长三角科技创新共同体Yangtze River Delta munity of sci-tech innovation9.基础设施互联互通infrastructure connectivity10.生态环境共保联治to make coordinated efforts to protect and restore the environment11.公共服务便利共享to share access to public services六、黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展1.黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin缩写:YB Conservation and Development2.保护、传承、弘扬黄河文化to preserve, inherit and promote the Yellow River culture3.黄河安澜When the Yellow River is harnessed, China will enjoy tranquility.4.以水而定、量水而行to use Yellow River water resources as its capacity permits5.共同抓好大保护,协同推进大治理to work together to protect and harness the Yellow River6.黄河长治久安to keep the Yellow River harnessed7.宜水则水、宜山则山,宜粮则粮、宜农则农,宜工则工、宜商则商to make use of the water and mountain resources, grow crops, and develop agriculture, industry or business where conditions permit8.山水林田湖草综合治理、系统治理、源头治理to protect mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands and address their degradation at the source in a coordinated way。



十二五规划中英文对照(1)A and accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, and create a new situation of scientific development加快转变经济发展方式,开创科学发展新局面the "11th five-year plan" period of economic and social development achievements. "11th five-year plan" period in history is very common in the past five years. Facing the complex environment changes at home and abroad and major risk challenge, the party to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups, seize the first affair of governing party, implement the party's theory, line, principles and policies implemented correctly and effectively, and give full play to the macro-control of China's socialist system, give full play to the advantages of the politics of the market in resource allocation, the basic role of national historic changes new outlook. We effectively deal with international financial crisis huge impact, and maintain the fast yet steady economic development, and for the long-term good laid an important basis for sustainable development. We overcame the wenchuan earthquake and major natural disaster, the success of Beijing Olympic Games was held in Shanghai world expo, and successful completion of the eleventh five-year plan for the determination of the objectives and tasks. After five years, our country social productive forces strive fast development, the comprehensive national strength increases, people's living standards improved markedly, the international status and influence significantly increased, the socialist economic, political, cultural and social development and the construction of ecological civilization and the party's construction, has made great progress in compose the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The achievements of five hard-won, experience, create the precious spiritual wealth of far-reaching influence.“十一五”时期经济社会发展取得巨大成就。




Pushing ahead with all-around efforts, we have achieved major progress in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, made important strides in deepening reform,continued to exercise law-based governance, and made further progress in practicing strict Party self-governance; and we have accomplishedyea r’s main tasks and targets for economic and social development, and.改革开放深入推进。



•Breakthroughs were made in reforms in major sectors and key links, and initial success was achieved in supply-side structural reform. New measures were introducedfor opening China up, rapid progress was made inInitiative, and a number of major projects and industrial-capacity cooperation projects with other countries were launched.经济结构加快调整Economic structural adjustment was stepped up发展新动能不断增强。




















十三五计划英语The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan: A Roadmap for China's Sustainable DevelopmentChina's Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) is a comprehensive blueprint for the country's economic and social development during this pivotal period. This plan, the latest in a series of five-year plans that have guided China's remarkable transformation over the past decades, sets forth a clear vision for a more balanced, innovative, and environmentally-friendly growth model.At the heart of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan is a commitment to achieving what the Chinese government calls "moderately prosperous society in all respects." This ambitious goal encompasses not just sustained economic growth, but also improvements in the quality of life for all Chinese citizens, greater social equity, and a more harmonious relationship between humans and the natural environment.One of the key priorities of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan is to shift the focus of China's development from a reliance on investment and exports towards a greater emphasis on domestic consumption andinnovation. This shift is driven by the recognition that the country's previous growth model, while highly successful in lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, has also led to growing income inequality, environmental degradation, and unsustainable resource consumption.To address these challenges, the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan outlines a range of policy initiatives and targets across a wide array of sectors. These include:Economic Transformation: The plan calls for the development of emerging industries, such as renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, and the digital economy, while also supporting the upgrading of traditional industries through the application of new technologies and management practices. The goal is to foster a more diversified and resilient economic structure that can generate high-quality, sustainable growth.Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan emphasizes the importance of innovation as a key driver of economic and social progress. It sets ambitious targets for increasing research and development spending, strengthening the intellectual property protection system, and cultivating an entrepreneurial culture that can harness the creativity and problem-solving abilities of the Chinese people.Environmental Protection and Climate Change: Recognizing the urgent need to address the country's pressing environmental challenges, the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan includes a range of measures to improve air, water, and soil quality, as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance China's resilience to the impacts of climate change. These efforts are part of a broader commitment to achieving more sustainable and eco-friendly development.Social Welfare and Urbanization: The plan also addresses the need to improve the quality of life for all Chinese citizens, with a focus on expanding access to healthcare, education, and social security systems, as well as promoting more balanced and inclusive urbanization. These initiatives are designed to enhance social cohesion and ensure that the benefits of China's development are shared more equitably.Regional Coordination and International Cooperation: Finally, the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan recognizes the importance of regional integration and international cooperation in addressing the country's development challenges. It outlines strategies for coordinating the development of different regions within China, as well as for deepening China's engagement with the global community on issues such as trade, investment, and environmental protection.As China embarks on the implementation of its Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, it faces a complex and rapidly changing global landscape. However, the plan's emphasis on sustainable, innovation-driven, and socially inclusive development provides a strong foundation for the country to overcome its current challenges and continue its remarkable transformation.By focusing on the key priorities outlined in the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, China can not only achieve its own development goals but also make a significant contribution to the global effort to create a more prosperous, equitable, and environmentally-friendly world.。

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leading-edge development
innovation-driven development strategy
strategy for optimizing imports and exports
national cyber development strategy
national big data strategy
food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application
smart manufacturing initiative
Big Science project
energy security reserve system
macroprudential regulation of the financial sector
inclusive policies for the support of innovation
policy of additional tax deductions for enterprise research and development
collaborative innovation
crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding。
