
I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attention to the translation of the blackened parts (if any).1.He made sincere apologies to each of the teachers.译文:他向每个老师致以诚挚的歉意。
2.“Impossible” is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.译文:只有在傻子的字典里才有“不可能”这个词。
3.We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producingit.译文:我们不创造幸福就无权享受幸福,就像不创造财富就无权享用财富一样。
4.Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.译文:孩子们都是开始时爱父母,后来开始评价父母,但几乎不会原谅父母。
ter, Churchill told me that such hesitations were really rare.译文:后来,丘吉尔告诉我,这种犹豫确实是很少见的。
6.Then I thanked my host and walked down the broad lawn, back to the meadow and the sparkling brook,where I lay on the grass and fell into a sweet sleep.译文:接着我向主人道了谢径直走向宽阔的草坪,回到了水波闪闪的小溪边,我躺在溪边的草地上进入了甜美的梦乡。

第三次笔译作业英译汉主讲:汉译英主讲:执笔:审阅:编辑:排版:打印:Section A: Chinese to English暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合在一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。
译文:Section B: English to ChineseScientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos宇宙, the most basic constituents of matter物质, and the miracle of life.At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction静止, of human beings imperil危及not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 9/11 and avian flu禽流感remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge—but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites篇幅are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection沉思are what our world needs.For all these reasons I believed—and I believe even more strongly today—in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.译文:。
2021年上半年英语三级笔译(CATTI 3) 实务考试真题及参考译文

2021年上半年英语三级笔译(CATTI 3) 实务考试真题及参考译文Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Translate the following passage into Chinese.Are you having difficulty following diets? Our lives are way more complex than those which allow us to stick to a monotonous restrictive diet.Food psychologist Ridhi Golechha said, "If all of us could follow diets, we'd all have reached our goals. Real-life stresses such as lockdown anxiety, relationship conflicts,workload, financial stresses, exasperating parenting, and so much more directly impact how we feel and by virtue, what we eat. If, on paper, diets were so easy to follow, then we'd all be part of that tiny ten percent of people in the word (athletes, models, or actresses) - who are permanently fit.We all know of those rough days when all we want is to drown our faces in a tub of ice cream or reach out for that melting chocolate cake. "Emotional eating is nothing but eating our emotions. We're all human with emotions and hunger. By that definition, all of us are emotional eaters, we turn to food when we're overwhelmed with anger, sadness, frustration, or any other significant emotion!" explained Ridhi.There's a reason why the butterfly comes back to suck sweet nectar from the flowers, in turn pollinating the rest of the garden. Humans, much like animals, birds,and insects, are hardwired for pleasure. But here's the catch: we humans are afraid of receiving pleasure. Many fear that if they allow themselves to eat a slice of cheesy pizza, they'll be overwhelmed with pleasure, lose control, and end up finishing the whole pizza.We fear this would result in a failed diet, we light gain, and massive guilt, so we avoid it altogether. But it doesn't work."Biology suggests otherwise. Like every other species:homo sapiens were also built for survival. It is pleasure that drives humans to repeat the feel-good behaviour endlessly," explained Ridhi.When does emotional eating become worrisome? "Largely, there's nothing wrong with that. We do eat to manage and cope with our feelings, especially those that don't feel so good because eating itself is so biologically rewarding. It's completely okay ifwe're doing it once in a while, because as I said we're all evolutionary wired to emotional eating. However, if we're constantly depending on food to swallow our difficult emotions and discomforts, leaving us with a feeling of guilt constantly at the end of it, then definitely, we need to work on it," said Ridhi.What can we do to reduce emotional eating? According to Rldhi, the reason we fall diets is that we try to fight biology and suppress our emotions, which only works temporarily. To make long-lasting changes, we must address the root causes of emotional eating. Here are a few tips to get you started:First, don't skip meals. Starving often confuses your biological hunger drives and makes you more vulnerable to eating your emotions. Second, understand the difference between actual physical hunger versus emotional hunger. Third, make a list of the top three emotions you feel weekly and start finding different ways to cope with them. Fourth, talk to an expert. It's better not to ignore your emotional eating since it can later cause health issues like bloating, acid and constipation, etc. Fifth, go for a walk or do something completely different that will take away your urge by distracting you momentarily.Emotional eating is a message that reveals a deeper problem. Understanding yourself and the way you eat can address the root causes and enable you to live a life that is beyond food obsessions and the fear of failing your diets.【参考译文】:你是否很难坚持规律饮食?生活十分复杂,让我们很难坚持单一且有节制的饮食规律。

翻译作业31.The secretary was a sweet elderly woman with a sweet voice, who invited me to sit down witha sweet smile and asked me to fill out a form.秘书是一个有甜美嗓音的和善的妇女,她带着甜甜的微笑请我坐下,让我填了一张表格。
2.My ancient jeep was straining up through beautiful countryside when the radiator began toleak, and I was ten miles from the nearest mechanic. The over-heated engine forced me to stop at the next village, which consisted of a small store and a few houses that were scattered here and there.3.我的古董吉普车正吃力的行驶在美丽的乡村,这时,水箱开始漏水了,我离最近的一个汽车修理厂也有10英里的距离。
4.Hardly more than a quarter-century after Henry Luce proclaimed “the American century”,American confidence has fallen to a low ebb. Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York. Defeat in Vietnam, economic stagnation, and the impending exhaustion of natural resources have produced a mood of pessimism in higher circles, which spreads through the rest of society as people lose faith in their leaders.在亨利路斯宣布“美国世纪”之后不到25年的时间里。

(单选题)1: 他妹妹老是说谎。
A: His sister always tells liesB: His sister is a great liar.正确答案: B(单选题)2: 他总不在办公室里。
A: He isn't always in his officeB: He's anywhere to be found but in his office.正确答案: B(单选题)3: I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.A: 我惊异于无情而坚定的雨B: 雨无情地下个不停,我惊异不已正确答案: B(单选题)4: They called for immediate measures to crack down the rising smuggling activity.A: 他们要求立即采取措施以打击(日渐)增多的走私活动B: 他们要求立刻实行措施,减少上升的走私活动。
正确答案: A(单选题)5: He is a Napoleon of finance.A: 他是金融界的拿破仑B: 他是金融界的巨头。
正确答案: B(单选题)6: Exporting to a certain number of countries is made difficult by the quantity of red tape.A: 政府部门的繁琐文件给某些国家的出口贸易制造了困难B: 政府部门的繁文缛节使得某些国家的出口贸易困难重重。
正确答案: B(单选题)7: His accent couldn't fool a native speaker.A: 本地人一听他的口音,就知道他是外地人B: 他的口音不能愚弄本地人。
正确答案: A(单选题)8: I wonder if he is coming.A: 我不知道他是否要来B: 我想知道他是否会来。
正确答案: A(单选题)9: 当今世界正处在历史性的大变动之中,国际竞争日趋激烈。

综合英语3翻译练习Unit 11.After 20 minutes of fighting, Butcher noticed the flash of a headlamp coming up from behind.2.二十分钟的战斗之后,Butcher 发现身后有雪橇前灯在闪亮。
3.Incredibly, she succeeded in driving the moose out of her team, but not before some of her dogshad been severely injured. (11.1)4.令人惊讶的是她竟然把驼鹿从狗队里赶了出来,但(不无遗憾地)是几只狗已经严重受伤。
5.在第一段赛程上Butcher 已经创下了一个新的时间记录,她几乎是稳操胜券了。
( to set arecord ) (10.7)6.Butcher had already set a new time record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances ofwinning had never been better.Unit 21.一直到1897年英国海军的船员还不容许用刀和叉子吃饭,因为用刀叉吃饭被认为是没有男子气概。
2.As late as 1897, sailors in the Britain Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks, becauseusing them was considered unmanly.Unit 31.在富人们的家里,经常有经驯服的凶猛的野兽自由自在地来回走动。
( to permit )2.Dangerous animals were tamed and then permitted to walk freely through the houses of the rich.3.Not only did rich people keep pets, they made them do strange things for their entertainment.4.富人们不仅喂养宠物,他们还让它们来做一些奇怪的事情以供他们享乐。

英译汉第三次翻译练习班级:学号:姓名:Virtually everything astronomers know about objects outside the solar system isthe universe: neutrinos. With (as its name implies) no electric charge, and negligible mass, the neutrino interacts with otherNeutrinos can thus escape from regions of space where light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation are blocked by matter. Furthermore, neutrinos carry with them information about the site and circumstances of their production: therefore, the detection of cosmic neutrinos could provide new information about a wide variety of cosmic phenomena and about the history of the universe. (131 words)实际上天文学家对太阳系外天体的所有认知都基于对光子——一种电磁辐射量子的探测上。
英文3 在线作业 及翻译

Would you mind changing seats with me?你介意和我换个座位吗?YOU can take my car。
你可以座我的车去那位受到高度评价的年轻演员结果令人大失所望Must I take a taxi?我必须乘坐出租车?will you do me a favor ,please?你能帮我个忙?It's said that quite a few(相当多)boys in your school like playing football in their spare time , though others prefer baskeball。
听说你们学校有不少男生业余时间喜欢踢足球,但也有人喜欢打篮球the new order means working overtime。
新订单意味着加班Congratulations!(祝贺你)You won the first prize(一等奖)in today's speech contes (演讲比赛)t。
The problem(问题)is not almost(几乎)so easy as you think .It's far from(远远不)being settle(解决)。
这个问题不像你想的那么容易,远没有解决Hold on(稍等). I'LL get her我去找他the young acto(演员)r who had been thought highly of turned out (装扮)to be a great disappointment(失望)。
那位受到高度评价的年轻演员结果令人大失所望I want to buy a small black leather(皮革)wallett for him。
我想给他买一个黑色的小皮包When the garden is in blossom,the one having spent time working in the garden has been rewarded. 花园开花时,花时间在花园里工作的人得到了奖励Before the final exam, some students showed signs of tension期末考试前,一些学生表现出紧张的迹象。

第一项词义的选择(Diction)翻译实践11.You can observe the behavior of birds. 你可以观察鸟类的习性。
2.Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? 那个国家的人过圣诞节吗?3.He observed that we should probably have rain. 他说我们可能会遇上下雨。
4.The law obliges parents to send their children to school. 法律要求父母送子女入学。
5.They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts. 他们被迫卖掉房子来还债。
6.I‟m much obliged to you.我非常感激你。
翻译实践2翻译下列句子,注意develop一词的翻译1.Symptoms of SARS developed. 非典型性肺炎的症状出现了。
2.We had hopes of developing light industry on quite a large scale. 我们曾经希望大规模地发展轻工业。
nd animals are thought to have developed from sea animals. 陆地动物被认为是由海洋动物进化而来的4.The local government is planning to develop the western areas. 当地政府计划开发西部地区。
5.The photographer develops all his films. 那位摄影师所有的胶卷都是自己冲洗的。
6.I‟d like to develop this idea a little more fully before I go on to my next point. 在讲下一点前,我想把这一观点阐述得更充分一些。

(单选题)1: He is a Napoleon of finance.A: 他是金融界的拿破仑B: 他是金融界的巨头。
标准答题:(单选题)2: Mr.Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonlight, where the illuminations were winking out.A: 基希先生这时输的两手空空,便跟着主人走出屋来,月光下彩灯闪闪烁烁,渐渐熄灭B: 基希先生这次输掉了所有的钱,跟着他的主人走到了月光下,彩灯忽闪变弱。
标准答题:(单选题)3: But for your help, I would not have made such good progress in my studies. A: 没有你的帮助,我不会在学习上取得这么大的进步B: 没有你的帮助,我将没有这么大的帮助。
标准答题:(单选题)4: We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.A: 我们不能内心温和B: 我们决不能姑息坏人。
标准答题:(单选题)5: He has long been used to last-minute decisions.A: 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定B: 他有很长的时间用最后一分钟作决定。
标准答题:(单选题)6: I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.A: 我惊异于无情而坚定的雨B: 雨无情地下个不停,我惊异不已标准答题:(单选题)7: She was with child.A: 她和孩子在一起B: 她怀着孕。
标准答题:(单选题)8: 他妹妹老是说谎。
A: His sister always tells liesB: His sister is a great liar.标准答题:(单选题)9: You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translationA: 作英译汉时,不能太仔细B: 作英译汉时,越仔细越好。

凯程葛老师为大家整理四川师范大学翻译硕士笔译学生上课笔记与课后作业:Key Points:Ⅰ.直译与意译直译“literal translation”or“word-for-word translation”意译“liberal translation"or"free translation".A.Literal Translation1.Literal translation is asked1)not to alter the figures of speech,2)strive to retain the original sentence structures or patterns as much aspossible.It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retains as much as possible the figures of speech.2.直译并不是死译Example1.如今江湖上歹人多。
(36回)Example2.(……那捕盗官司的人,哪里敢下乡村来?若是那上司官员差他们缉捕人来,)都吓得屎尿齐流,(怎敢正眼儿看他!)B.Free Translation1.Free translation changes the original work’s figures of speech,sentencestructures or patterns,but not the original meaning.It stresses the TL smoothnes s.It aims at the communicative effect of the translated version.2.意译并不是乱译。

新标准大学英语综合教程3课后翻译答案Unit11 .We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o’clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。
2 Tomorrow? It’s all a lie; there isn’t a tomorrow. There’s only a promissory note that we are often not ina position to cash. It doesn’t even exist. When you wake up in the morning it’ll be today again and allthe same rules will apply. Tomorrow is just another version of now, an empty field that will remain sounless we start planting some seeds. Your time, which is ticking away as we speak (at about 60 secondsa minute chronologically; a bit faster if you don’t invest your time wisely), will be gone and you’llhave nothing to show for it but regret and a rear-view mirror full of “could haves”, “should haves” and“would haves”.明天行吗?明天只是个谎言;根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。

到了19 世纪末,京剧形成并成为中国最大的戏曲剧种。
(1) 京剧被誉为“东方歌剧”,是地道的中国国粹。
Praised as“Oriental Opera”, Beijing Opera isa genuine national quintessence of China.(2) 它起源于中国多种古老的地方戏剧,特别是南方的“徽班”。
It originated from many kinds of ancient local operas, especially huiban in southern China. (3) 到了 19 世纪末,京剧形成并成为中国最大的戏曲剧种。
At the end of the 19th Century, Beijing Opera evolved and took shape, becoming the greatest kind of opera in China.(4) 京剧是综合性表演艺术,集唱(歌唱)、念(念白)、做(表演)、打(武)、舞(舞蹈)为一体,通过程式化的表演手段,叙述故事,刻画人物。
Beijing Opera is a blend of performing arts---song, speech, performance, acrobatic fighting and dance. Beijing Opera portrays and narrates the plot and characters through stylized acting.(5) 角色主要分生(男性)、旦(女性)、净(男性)、丑(男性女性皆有)四大行当。

5. That terrible sand storm left the entire city covered with thick layer of dust. 6. The documents showed how their manager tried to cover up the financial crisis of the company. 7. I still remember those days when the bike was considered the most important piece of family property. 8. We must always remember not to waste our limited water resources. 9. I remember going to that place once. It was so dry that a well could be nearly 1,300 feet deep.
Lesson 7
1. Our school sports meet is due to take place next Saturday. 2. Due to the repeated floods and droughts, farming has been very unstable in this area. 3. She suddenly realized that their rent was due the next day. 4. They finally identified the object flying due north as a swan. 5. Many people believe that in due course Chinese farmers will learn to compete successfully in international markets.

句子翻译03旅游景点翻译1. 杭州的春天, 淡装浓抹, 无不相宜; 夏日荷香阵阵, 沁人心脾; 秋天,桂枝飘香, 菊花斗艳; 冬日, 琼装玉琢, 俏丽媚人。
西湖以变幻多姿的风韵, 令人心旷神怡。
2. 在四川西部, 有一美妙的去处。
它背倚岷山主峰雪宝峰, 树木苍翠,花香袭人, 鸟声婉转, 流水潺潺。
3. 江岸上彩楼林立, 彩灯高悬, 旌旗飘摇, 呈现出一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。
千姿百态的各式彩龙在江面游弋, 舒展着优美的身姿, 有的摇头摆尾, 风采奕奕; 有的喷火吐水, 威风八面。
4. 祖国山水, 风格多样; 多样的风格, 相对应而存在, 相比较而多姿。
杭州西湖, 水榭歌台, 人工赋予它典雅美。
蜀中仙山峨嵋, 飘浮于云涛雾海, 呈秀色于烟雨浸漫的山林, 誉满中华的桂林山水, 水秀山奇, 山水平分秋色。
5. 历代中国人民以其勤劳和智慧在这里留下了许多杰出的创造: 雄伟壮丽的天安门; 金碧辉煌、气象万千的故宫; 气势宏伟的万里长城; 湖光山色、曲槛回廊的颐和园; 建筑精巧、独具艺术风格的天坛; 烟波浩渺、黛色风光的北海公园, 以及建筑宏大的明代帝王陵寝—十三陵……6. 蜿蜒曲折的钱塘江, 穿过浙西的崇山峻岭到这里之后, 江面开阔, 景色壮丽。
特别是每年中秋前后有钱塘潮, 怒涛汹涌, 蔚为天下大观。
广告翻译原文11. 各种形式的经济合作将使您的资本技术得到丰厚的利益! (经贸洽谈会广告)2. 绚丽多姿的民间艺术将使您得到美的享受! (民间艺术节广告)3. “美人”鲜花, 倾诉衷肠(花店广告)4. 一册在手, 纵观全球(《环球》杂志广告)5. 让世界遍布“声佳”电器(电器公司广告)6. 穿上“双星”鞋, 潇洒走世界(鞋业广告)7. 该厂能生产大衣、西装、时装、衬衣、毛衣等不同类型服装用的上千个花色品种纽扣, 产品规格齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖。
(纽扣厂广告)8. 中华铅笔品质优良, 书写润滑, 美观大方(铅笔广告)9. 方便旅行, 到达平安(箱包广告)10. 人戴“梅花”, 准时乐道(手表广告)广告翻译原文21. 如果经常使用, 能使你的皮肤变得柔软、湿润和富有弹性。

The Meaning of the 21st CenturyAt the start of the 21st century, humankind finds itself on a non-sustainable course-the course that, unless it is changed, could lead to grand scale catastrophes. At the same time, we are unlocking formidable new capabilities that lead to more exciting lives and glorious civilizations. This could be either humanity’s last century or the century that sets the world on a course toward a spectacular future.We live on a small, beautiful and totally isolate planet, but its population is becoming too large; enormous new consumer societies are growing, of which China is the largest; and technology becoming powerful enough to wreck the planet. We are travelling at breakneck speed into an age of the extremes --- extremes in wealth and poverty, extremes in technology and the experiments that scientists want to perform, extreme forces the globalism, weapons of mass destruction and terrorists acting in the name of religious. If we are to survive, we have to learn how to manage this situation.Formidable problems confront us, but this is a book about solutions --- many solutions. With these solutionswe will bring about the change in course, a great 21st century transition. If we get it right, we have an extraordinary future. If we get it wrong, we face an irreversible disruption that could set humanity back centuries. A drastic change is needed in the first half of the century.Humankind has been able to thrive for thousands of years because nature provided it with resources like topsoil, underground water, fish in the oceans, minerals, oil and wetlands, but these resources are finite, like cookies in a jar. We are using up many of these resources, and some don’t have substitutes.Nature also provided us with an ozone layer and a delicately regulated atmosphere, with forests that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but are now being depleted. Every year, because of our misuse of the Earth’s resources, we lose 100 million acres of farmland and 24 billion tons of topsoil, and we create 15 million acres of new desert around the world. An inch of good topsoil can take a thousand years to form, but when people destroy windbreaks by cutting down trees, the topsoil can be washed or blown away in months.Water is vital for our survival and for producing food. It takes about a thousand tons of water to produce on ton of grain that, fed to cows, produces only 18 pounds of meat. Today mankind is using about 160 billion tons more water each year than is being replenished by rain and fed back into water storages. If this water were carried in water trucks, it would require a 300,000-mile-long convoy of trucks every day --- a convoy length 37 times the diameter of the earth. This is how much water we are using and not replenishing.During the lifetime of today’s teenagers, fresh water will run out in many parts of the world, making food production difficult. Many fish species will be too depleted to replenish themselves. Global warming will bring hurricanes far more severe than Katrina and will cause natural climate-control mechanisms to go wrong. Rising temperatures will lower crop yields in many of world’s poorest countries, such as those in central Africa. The immense tensions brought about by such catastrophes will occur in a time of extremism, religious belligerence and suicidal terrorism, and this will coincide with terrible weapons becoming much less expensive andmore widely available.This interconnected set of problems has an interconnected set of solutions. If we humans implement these solutions, we can gradually achieve sustainable development and a sustainable but affluent life. Working toward sustainability requires many different types of actions in different subject areas. In light of rapidly advancing technology, however, sustainability alone is not enough. We need to be concerned with survivability. There must be a move away from the untenable course we are on today toward a world where we learn to control the diverse forces we are unleashing.Today’s young people will be the generation that brings about this great transition. Let’s refer to it as the 21C Transition. They are ultimately responsible for the changes we describe --- a transition unlike any before in history. They are the Transition Generation. It is vital that they --- all of them --- understand the 21C Transition, so that they can understand the critical role they will play. For many, understanding the meaning of the 21st century will give meaning to their own lives.。
翻译作业 3

Translation Task 3Translate the following sentences into Chinese1. He is physically weak but mentally sound.2. It is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost o living to increase their chances of surviving in winter.3. By midnight I was comfortably settled in a hotel room far from home.4. The sun rose thinly from the sea.5. “You could have been a bit more helpful”, he said to me reproachfully.6. The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.7. It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.8. China insists always on the need for self reliance, no less in economic policies than in making revolution.9. Comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched.10. He has better sense than be carried away by success.Living HistoryBy HillaryIN I959, I WROTE MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY FOR AN Assignment in sixth grade. In twenty-nine pages, most half-filled with earnest scrawl, I described my parents, brothers, pets, house, hobbies, school, sports and plans for the future. Forty-two years later, I began writing another memoir, this one about the eight years I spent in the White House living history with Bill Clinton. I quickly realized that I couldn't explain my life as First Lady without going back to the beginning--how I became the woman I was that first day I walked into the White House on January 20, I993, to take on a new role and experiences that would test and transform me in unexpected ways.By the time I crossed the threshold of the White House ,I had been shaped by my family upbringing, education, religious faith and all that I had learned before--as the daughter of a staunch conservative father and a more liberal mother, a student activist, an advocate for children, a lawyer, Bill's wife and Chelsea's mom.For each chapter, there were more ideas I wanted to discuss than space allowed; more people to include than could be named; more places visited than could be described. If I mentioned everybody who has impressed, inspired, taught, influenced and helped me along the way, this book would be several volumes long. Although I've had to be selective, I hope that I've conveyed the push and pull of events and relationships that affected me and continue to shape and enrich my world today.Since leaving the White House I have embarked on a new phase of my life as a U.S. Senator from New York, a humbling and daunting responsibility. A complete account of my move to New York, campaign for the Senate and the honor of working for the people who elected me will have to be told another time, but I hope this memoir illustrates how my success as a candidate for the Senate arose out of my White House experiences.。
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