《英语教学论》课程作业习题集英语教学论作业习题集Unit 1 Language and Language Learning1.What are the three views on language?1) Structural view on language:The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentences. Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.This view on language limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary.2) Functional view on language:The functional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it. To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. This view on language adds the need to know how to use the rules and vocabulary to do whatever it is one wants to do.3) Interactional view on language:The interactional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore, learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language but as importantly they need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative contexts. This view on language says that to know how to do what one wants to do involves also knowing whether it is appropriate to do so, and where, when andhow it is appropriate to do it. In order to know this, the learner has to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.2. What are the views on language learning?1) Behaviourist theory:The behaviorist theory of language learning was initiated by behavioral psychologist Skinner, who applied Watson and Raynor’s theory of conditioning to the way humans acquire language (Harmer, 1983) The key point of the theory of conditioning is that “you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement”(Harmer1983: 30) Based on the theory of conditioning, Skinner suggested language is also a form of behavior. It can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli. This theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism.2) Cognitive theory:The term cognitivism is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than si mply repeat. It seems to be largely the result of Noam Chomsky’s reaction to Skinner’s behavioristtheory, which led to the revival of structural linguistics. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these rules an infinite of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence, which enables him to produce language.3)Constructivist theoryThe constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he or she already knows. It is believed that education is used to develop the mind, not just to rote recall what is learned. John Dewey(杜威) believed that teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities. Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative, critical learners. Therefore, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learne rs’ interests and curiosity for learning.4)Socio-constructivist theoryVygotsky (前苏联心理学家维果茨基,1978) emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD「可能发展区/最近发展区」) and scaffolding 「鹰架/支架/脚手架」. That is to say, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners. With the teach er’s scaffolding through questions and explanations, or with a more capable pe ers’ support, the learner can move to a higher level of understanding and extend his/her skills and knowledge to the fullest potential.3. What are the qualities of a good language teacher?The main elements of a good English teacher are ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styles. (Then try to explain these three elements respectively according to your own understanding)Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching1. What is communicative competence?Hedge (2000: 46-55) discusses five main components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.Communicative competence entails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. Communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.2. What are the three principles of communicative language teaching?a) the communicative principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.b) the task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning (Johnson 1982).c) the meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.3. What are the six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities?1) communicative purpose2) communicative desire3) content, not form4) variety of language5) no teacher intervention6) no material control4. What is Task-based Language Teaching?Task-based Language teaching is, in fact, a furtherdevelopment of Communicative Language Teaching. It shares the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. It has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.Unit 3 The National English Curriculum1. What are the designing principles for the National English Curriculum 2001?1)Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-oriented education.2)Promote learner-centredness, and respect individual differences.3)Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.4)Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation.5)Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.6)Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.2.What are the goals and objectives of English language teaching?The new curriculum is designed to promote students’ overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learner s’ positive attitude, motivation, confidence as well asstrategies for life-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities.3. What are the challenges facing English language teachers?1)English language teachers are expected to change their views about language which is not a system of linguistic knowledge but a means for communication.2)English language teachers are expected to change their traditional role of a knowledge transmitter to a multi-role educator.3)English language teachers are expected to use more task-based activities and put the students at the center of learning.4)English language teachers are expected to use more formative assessment in addition to using tests.5)English language teachers are expected to use modern technology in teaching, creating more effective resources for learning and for using the language.Unit 4 Lesson Planning1. Why is lesson planning necessary?Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class. It is obvious that lesson planning is necessary.Benefits:1) To make the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.2) To help the teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them sothat the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.3) Proper lesson planning gives the teacher opportunity to anticipate potential problems that may arise inclass so that they can be prepared with some possible solutions or other options for the lesson.4) Lesson planning gives teachers, especially novice teachers, confidence in class.5) The teacher also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed for the lesson.6) Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them. The teacher soon learns to judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracy.7) The plan, with the t eacher’s comments and corrections, provides a useful, time-saving reference when the teacher next plans the same lesson.8) Lesson planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism.2. What are the principles for good lesson planning?Aims— means the realistic goals for the lesson. That is, the teacher needs to have a clear idea of what he / she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson.Variety—means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting ,motivation and never monotonous for the students.Flexibility—means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.Learnability—means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students.Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below thes tudents’ coping ability will diminish their motivation.Linkage--means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language3 learning needs recycling and reinforcement.3. What are macro planning and micro planning?Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time, for instance, planning for a whole program or a whole-year course.In a sense, macro planning is not writing lesson plans for specific lessons but rather helping teachers get an overall felling or idea about the course and also get familiarized with the context in which language teaching takes place. Macro planning involves the following:1) Knowing about the course:The teacher should get to know which language areas and language skills should be taught or practised in the course, what materials and teaching aids are available, and what methods and techniques can be used.2) Knowing about the institution:The te acher should get to know the institution’s arrangements regarding time, length, frequency of lessons, physical conditions of classrooms, and exam requirements.3) Knowing about the learners:The teacher should acquire information about the students’ age range, sex ratio, social background, motivation, attitudes, interests, learning needs and other individual factors.4) Knowing about the syllabus:The teacher should be clear about the purposes, requirements and targets specified in the syllabus.Much of macro planning is done prior to the commencement of a course. However, macro planning is a job that never really ends until the end of the course.Micro planning is planning for a specific unit or a lesson, which usually lasts from one to two weeks or forty to fifty minutes respectively.Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.4. What are the components of a lesson plan?A language lesson plan usually has the following components: background information, teaching aims (what language components to present, what communicative skills to practice, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used), language contents (grammar, vocabulary, functions, topics and so on) and skills (listening; speaking; reading and writing), stages (the major steps that language teachers go through in the classroom) and procedures (detailed steps in each teaching stage), teaching aids, assignments, and teacher’s after-class reflection.5. What a re the 3P’s model and 3-stage model?The 3P’s model refers to presentation, practice and production.At the presentation stage, the teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures in whatever ways appropriate.At the practice stage, the lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and further to the exploitation of the text when necessary.At the production stage, the students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communicativetasks. The focus is on meaning rather than accurate use of language forms.3-stage model is frequently adopted in reading lessons and listening lessons. It refers to pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading stages. The pre-stage i nvolves preparation work, such as setting the scene, warming up, or providing key information (such as key words). The while-stage involves activities or tasks that the students must perform while they are reading or listening. The post-stage provides a chance for students to obtain feedback on their performance at the while-stage. This last stage may also involve some follow-up activities, in which students relate what they have read or heard to their own life and use the language spontaneously.Unit 5 Classroom Management1.What are the main roles teachers can play before, during and after the class?Before the class, the teacher is a planner, who plans what to teach, how to teach, and what result to achieve. After then class, the teacher is an evaluator, who evaluates not only how successfully he/she has conducted the class but also how efficient the learning activities have been. Based on the functions that the teacher performs in different activities during the class, Harmer defines the teacher’s roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider (Harmer, 1983).2.How to give effective classroom instructions?Proper instruction is the precondition of accomplishment of activities. To give appropriate instruction, it is necessary to follow the following principles.(1) Economy with words: the teacher should use as few wordsas possible.(2) Simple and clear language at all points: language should be easy to understand.(3) Demonstration of what is needed.(4) Check of students understanding: the teacher can check individual students to make sure that students understand the instruction and know what to do.(5) Use the native language when necessary.(6) Vary the instruction now and then.3.What are the different ways for student grouping?The most common student groupings are lockstep, pair work, group work, and individual study.Lockstep (Whole class work) is where all the student are under the control of the teacher. They are all doing the same activity at the same rhythm and pace. Lockstep is often adopted when the teacher is making a presentation, checking exercise answers, or doing accuracy reproduction. When the teacher asks questions, the students speak either together or one by one, in turns or indicated by the teacher.Pair work is where the students work in pairs. It could be a competition over a game or co-operation in a task or project between the two students. They could also do certain exercises together or oral practice. When the students are doing pair work, the teacher usually circulates around the classroom, answering question or providing help when necessary.Group work is where the students work in small groups. Each group has 3,4,or 5 students, depending on the activity. What students do in group work is similar to pair work, only there are more members in the group. Group work is most beneficial when the activity requires contributions from more than two students.The teacher can join each group for a while, but only as a participant not as a leader or inspector.Individual study is the stage during the class where the students are left to work on their own and at their own speed. Usually they are doing the same task, but the teacher may give them a choice of tasks. Some activities cannot be done in pairs or groups, for instance, reading and writing. People read at different speed, so they cannot read together, though two people might share one book. It seems writing can be done in pairs or groups, but what they are actually doing when they are working together is brainstorming ideas, discussing, or revising. When it comes to the real writing stage students should work individually.4.How to ask effective questions?1)Questions should be closely linked with the teaching objectives in the lesson;2)Questions should be staged so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds;3)There should be a balance between closed and open, lower-order and higher-order questions;4)Wait time is important to allow students to think through their answers;5)Students should be provided opportunities to ask their own questions and seek their own answers;6)A secure and relaxed atmosphere of trust is needed and students’ opinions and ideas are valued.5.How to treat students’ errors in the classroom?There are different ways and techniques for correcting errors, such as direct teacher correction, indirect teacher correction, self-correction, peer correction, whole classroom correction, etc. As a general rule, indirect teacher correction is encouraged ratherthan direct teacher correction to avoid damaging student s’ self este em and confidence. Also, self-correction is encouraged before teacher correction or peer correction.Unit 6 Teach Pronunciation1. What is the goal of teaching pronunciation?The goal of teaching pronunciation is not to teach learners to achieve a perfect imitation of a native accent, but simply to get the learners to pronounce accurately enough to be easily and comfortably comprehensible to other speakers.The realistic goals of teaching pronunciation:Consistency: The pronunciation should be smooth and natural.Intelligibility: The pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners.Communicative efficiency: The Pronunciation should help to convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.2. What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?1)sounds………the vowels and consonants of English2)combination of sounds…….pronunciation of words3)word stress….the stress in a word and shift of stress4)strong & weak forms…the importance of the different syllables in maintaining the rhythm of the speech, especially the model verbs and auxiliary verbs5)linkage of sounds……..the liaison of sound in natural speech6)rhyme & rhythm7)pitch & intonation…the function of pitch and intonation in conveying meaning8)filler words……the sounds which do n ot convey meaning but can help to maintain communication, e.g. uh huh, um, er, oh,ah, well.Unit 7 Teaching Grammar1.What are the major types of grammar presentation methods?Deductive method: the teacher presents the rule of the structure on the blackboard and explains it to the students. This would be followed by the teacher giving several examples and then asking the students to apply the rules themselves in some exercises.Inductive method: The teacher does not explain the rule at the beginning, but presents various language forms and the students are left to discover or induce the rules or generalizations on their own.The guided discovery method: is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves but different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.2.What are the major types of grammar practice activities?Mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.Meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures are used in process. Meaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice.Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary1.What does knowing a word involve?A simple answer would be (1)knowing its pronunciation & stress; (2) knowing its spelling & grammar; (3) knowing its meaning; (4) knowing how & when to use it to express the intended meaning.According to Hedge (2000), vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning. The first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. The second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.2.How can we present new vocabulary items effectively?1) Draw pictures, diagrams and maps to show meanings or connections of meaning2) Use real objects to show meanings;3) Mime or act to show meaning; ask some ss come to the front and teach some words of this kind, such as: catch, shave4) Use lexical sets. Or word series. E.g. cook: fry, boil, bake, and frill;5) Use synonymous and antonymous to explain meanings;6) Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaning;7) Use word formation rules and common affixes.8) Teach vocabulary in chunks;9) Provide different contexts in real life for introducing new words.3.What are some effective ways to consolidate vocabulary?1) Labeling;2) Spotting the differences;3) Describing and drawing;4) Playing a game;5) Using word series;6) Word bingo;7) Word association;8) Finding synonyms and antonyms;9) Using word categories;10) Using word net-work;11) Using the internet resources for more ideas.Unit 9 Teaching Listening1.What are the characteristics of the listening process?Generally speaking, listening in real life has the following characteristics:a) spontaneity: we listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing what they aregoing to say ahead of time.b) context: the context of listening is usually known to both the listener and the speaker in real life.c) visual clues: most of the time we can see the participants’ facial expressions, gestures and other bodylanguage as well as the surrounding environment.e) listener’s res ponse: most of the listening in daily life allows the listener to respond to the speaker.f) speaker’s adjustment: the speaker can adjust the way of speaking according to the listener’s reactions.2.What are the models of teaching listening?1)Bottom-up model: listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions.2)Top-down model: listening for the gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.3)Interactive model: listening involves both bottom-upprocessing (recognizing sounds of words, phrases or structures) and top-down processing (inferring meaning from broad contextual clues and background knowledge).3.What are the common activities in teaching listening?1) Pre-Listening activities: predicting and setting the scene2) While-listening activities: listening for the gist; listening for specific information; no specificresponses; listening and ticking; listening and sequencing; listening and acting; listening and drawing; listening and filling; listening and guessing; listening and taking notes.3) Post-listening stage: multiple-choice questions; answering questions; note-taking and gap-filling;dictoglossUnit 10 Teaching Speaking1.What are the main characteristics of spoken language?a. in fairly simple sentence structuresb. in incomplete sentencesc. in informal, simple or common vocabularyd. with broken grammar, false starts, hesitation, fillers, etc.e. with a high proportion of repetition or redundancyf. largely unplanned organizationg. a low density of informationh. context independent (Background knowledge is necessary to understand exactly what is being expressed.)2. What are the characteristics of successful speaking activities?1) Maximum foreign talk: Problems: students spend too much time to speak Chinese; the teacher talks too much.2) Even participation: encourage speaking from as many different students as possible. The outspoken students do notdominate discussion.3) High motivation: vario us interesting tasks in line with the students’ ability.4) Right language level: the task should be designed so that students con complete it successfully with the language that they have.3. What are the main types of speaking activities?1)controlled activities;2)semi-controlled activities;3)information-gap activities;4)dialogues and role-plays;5)activities using pictures;6)problem-solving activities…Unit 11 Teaching Reading1. What are the main reading skills?Skimming: the reader moves his eyes over the text very quickly just in order to get the main idea of the text, or sometimes decide whether it is worth reading more deeply or not.Scanning: the reader locates a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. For example, the reader may read through a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born.Inferring: reading between the lines. Make use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements. Such as the writer’s opinions and attitudes which are not directly stated in the text.【Strategic skills needed in reading:Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details; Skimming: reading for the gist ormain idea; Scanning: reading to look for specific information; Predicting: guessing what is coming next】2. What are the main reading models for teaching reading?Bottom-up approach: The reader builds up the meaning of a text on the basis of decoding smaller units: first words, and phrases, then sentences and paragraphs, and finally working out the meaning of the whole text.Top-down approach: The reader uses his or her knowledge of the topic or of the type of the text and makes predictions about what the text will contain, then he uses these predictions to check his understanding of the text. In this way, the reader gets a global view of the text before he dives into the details of it.Interactive approach: The reader uses the above two approaches together, and the two ways interact with each other in the understanding of the text. That means the reader might predict the context of the text by using his knowledge of the topic (top-down), then look for key words (bottom-up) to check the prediction, or get the main gist of the text by skimming it quickly (top-down) and examine the writer’s choice of vocabulary for understanding the implied meaning.3. What types of activities can we use in teaching reading?Pre-reading Stage: The aims of the pre-reading stage is to arousing the students’ interest in the topic or type of text; motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; preparing the students for the content of the text.The activities for the pre-reading stage:1)predicting2)setting the sceneWhile-reading Stage: this stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims to help the reader understand the。
英语教育专业《英语教学论》课程习题Unit 5Part I . Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (20%)1. ( ) Classroom management is one of the lesson important factors that contribute to the efficiency of the teaching and learning activities.2. ( ) Making errors will lead to bad habit formation, so we should correct themwhenever they occur.3. ( ) In course design, language can be broken down into structures, or skills, or itcan be considered from what it is intended to achieve, such as functions.4. ( ) Knowledge of a language includes a knowledge of the appropriateness andthe functional value of the language.5. ( ) Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functionsand sentences structures so as to communicate properly in real life.6. ( ) As a learner of English, you will be forgiven for errors of inappropriatenessif you can speak good English.7. ( ) Language processing involves far more than the literal meaning of a text ora speech.8. ( ) By saying that the teacher is a controller, we mean that he controls not onlywhat the students do, but when they speak and what language they use.9. ( ) Good learners never use linguistic knowledge of their mother tongue to helplearn a foreign language.10.( ) If you first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text and thenmake guesses, predictions duri ng reading, you are using the “bottom-up” approachPart II. Matching (20%)Directions: In this part, you are given five questions, Each question is followed bytwo columns of options. You are to match the options on the left marked 1), 2), 3), 4)with relevant options on the right marked A, B, C ,D, Make sure each option can onlymatch with one another.1.Match the learning styles on the left with the type of activities on the right.1) Group learners. A. Cutting paper.2) Individual learners. B. Watching videos.3) Visual learners. C. Discussing weekend plans.4) Tactile learners. D. Doing reading practice.2. Match the teacher's actions on both sides.1) S: I seed a film yesterday. T: Parden? A. Correcting the student's mistakes byrepeating the wrong sentences2) S: I seed a film yesterday. B.Giving hints that there are mistakes in his speech.T: You SEED a film yesterday?3) S: I seed a film yesterday. C. Encouraging others to correct the mistake.T: You should say "saw", not "seed".4) S: I seed a film yesterday. D. Correcting the student's mistakes directly.T:What did he do? who can tell us?3. Match the activities on the left with the focus of instruction on the right.1) Complete the sentences according to the pictures. A. Listening.2) Put the sentences in the correct order according to the pictures. B. Speaking.3) Decide on the right pictures according to the recording. C. Reading.4) Discuss hobbies according to the pictures. D. Writing. 4. Match the activities with the relevant classroom arrangement.1)checking answers A. Whole class work.2)an information gap task B. Individual work.3)drama performance C. Pair work.4)Doing written exercises D. Group work.5. What is the teacher doing?1) Now, it is your turn. A. Demonstrating the operation2) Ok, time is up. B. Giving the start3) Can you two show us how to act it out ? C. Checking understanding4) We are going to do two D. Ending the activitythings today. Tom, can you tell us what they are?Part Ⅲ:Choose the best answer for the following questions (30%)1. When the students are doing a group–work task. The teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.Which of the following roles does the teacher play?A. An organizer.B. An assessorC.A friend.D. A participant2. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?S: He have a car.T: He HAVE a car?A. Correcting'the student's mistake.B. Hinting that there is a mistake.C. Encouraging peer correction.D. Asking the student whether he really have a car.3. What is the teacher doing by saying "Now you are going to do this in pairs. "?A. Setting up tasks.B. Controlling discipline.C. Demonstrating.D. Getting feedback.4. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take place?A. InstructorB. Manager.C. AssessorD. Participant5. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which subcategory of classroom management?A. People.B. Environment.C. OrganizationD. stratigies6. Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people, language,environment, organization and tools, which of the following elements can be classified under environment?A. Textbook, exercise book, teacher's' book; and blackboardB. interaction between teacher and studentsC. Arrangement of desks and chairs.D. None of them7. What's the teacher doing by saying"yes, but why ---?"?A. Controlling discipline.B. Giving prompt.C. praising students' work.D. drawing students’ attention to the lesson.8. Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work?A. Guessing gameB. Story tellingC. Information-gap.D. Drama performance9. If the class is too noisy, which of the following should you choose to settle the class?A. Give the naughty students public humilation by putting them in the corner .B. Use threatsC. Punish the whole class for the behaviour of a few .D. Stop the class and change the activity .10. Which of the following activities is the most suitable for pair work?A. Guessing gameB. Speech preparationsC. Dialogue readingD. Discussing a topicPart Ⅳ. Short Answer Questions (30%)Directions: In this part there are three questions about English Teaching Methodology. Write down your answers in brief. You will be assessed in the points you present and the way you present them. (30 points, 10 points each)1. What are classroom instructions? What aspects can we use classroom instructions? what are the rules to follow for making instructions effective?2. If some students are not directing their attention to the lesson, what might be the reasons? What will you do to get the children's attention?3. What might be the reason if your students misbehave in class? Mention at least 3 reasons.试题答案及评分标准PartⅠ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (20%)1. T2. F3. T4. T5. T6. F7.T8. T9. F 10. FPartⅡ. Matching (20%)本题为匹配题,共5个小题,20分,每题4分,匹配对一项得1分。
鲁⼦问《英语教学论》课后习题(Chapter11TeachingEnglishReadingChapter 11 Teaching English Reading and Writing in SchoolsSection 11. What are the differences between literal and inferred comprehension?Key: In literal comprehension, readers use their language knowledge to identify and understand the information explicitly stated in the text, while in inferred comprehension, it requires the combination of readers’ language competence, background knowledge and inference skills. Evaluative comprehension allows readers to analyse and evaluate a passage with the help of their own knowledge and values.2. Which teaching approach for reading, in your opinion, is most efficient for integrated reading competence? Why?Key: The interactive-compensatory approach is most efficient for integrated competence. This approach not only includes background information and prediction from th e context, but also the student’s ability to decode words and phrases. It also focuses on both the visual and non-visual information in the reading process. Visual information is gained directly from the printed page, while non-visual information comes from the reader's entire knowledge system. These can practise students’holistic reading ability.Section 21. Which writing approach do you often adopt in your teaching? What are the advantages and disadvantages?Key: I often adopt the process-oriented approach. With this approach, students analyse the topic and collect relevant information and materials. While students start drafting, the teacher will observe students’problems and provide help. After the drafting, the teacher will correct students’ drafts.The advantages are obvious in that it promotes students’autonomous learning and it’s student-centered. The disadvantages may be that it is too difficult for some students since they are mostly required to complete the writing task on their own.2. Which writing approach do you think fits your present teaching the most? Why? Key: The three-stage approach fits my present teaching the most because it is organized and systematic. In the pre-writing stage, students gets a clear idea of what they are going to write and gets fully prepared for the writing, as a result of which, the writing process will not be such a challenge. In the post-writing stage, suggestions and feedback are given by the teacher for further improvement.。
鲁子问《英语教学论》课后习题(Chapter12 TeachingEnglishLearnin
![鲁子问《英语教学论》课后习题(Chapter12 TeachingEnglishLearnin](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cd27216fbd64783e09122bce.png)
Chapter 12 Teaching English Learning Strategies in SchoolsSection 11. How do you think Ms Zhao should organize the content of her lecture?Key: Ms Zhao can organize her lecture as follows: 1) the definition of learning-strategy; 2) different kinds of learning-strategy; 3) the way to acquire suitable learning strategy.2. How should she classify English learning strategies?Key: She can classify English learning strategies into cognitive strategy, meta-cognitive strategy, affective-strategy and social strategy. Cognitive strategy is the system of methods we employ when we perceive, process, comprehend, memorize and retrieve information; metacognitive strategy is regarded as a system of methods by which learners monitor and control their own cognition; affective strategy is regarded as a system of methods by which learners control and regulate their motivation, emotion and attitude; social strategy is regarded as a system of methods by which learners use English to coordinate the relationships between themselves and others in social interactions and so that communication can be smoother.Section 21. Is Ms Zhou’s teaching approach appropriate for her students?Key: Obviously, Ms Zhou’s teaching approach is not suitable for her students and is more appropriate for postgraduates majoring in second language acquisition or English teachers. That’s because learning strategies are too theoretical and hollow for students to understand.2. How can she improve?Key: There is no need for her to specially introduce the learning strategies to students. She can try to mix the strategies with her teaching. For example, while she is teaching oral English, she can mention several strategies of improving spoken English. More importantly, she should remind students that different people should choose what’s best for himself or herself.。
12. 6~12岁儿童的学习心理是怎样的?可参考皮亚杰、夸美纽斯等人的理论。
英语教育专业《 英语教学论》 课程习题
![英语教育专业《 英语教学论》 课程习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8e80075b26fff705cd170a29.png)
英语教育专业《英语教学论》课程习题Unit 4PartⅠ. Choose the best answer (20%)1. Which of the following statements about lesson planning is NOT true?A. Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and experienced teachers.B. A lesson plann is a framework of a lesson.C. Experienced teachers needn’t do lesson planning.D. A lesson plan is also an aid to continuing improvement.2. What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?A. Textbooks and classroom aidsB. Anticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with themC. Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve themD. Teaching aids3. Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook?A. Textbooks usually are not well written.B. Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs of their target students.C. Textbooks only cover a limited amount of language skills.D. Textbooks sometimes are beyond students’ learning capability4. Which of the following statements about macro planning is NOT true?A. Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time.B. Macro planning is often done by a group of teachers who are to teach the same course.C. Macro planning should be based on micro planning .D. Macro planning provides a general guidance for lanuage teachers but it is not enough for good teaching.5. Which of the following activities is most suitable for whole-class work?A. Presenting new languageB. Role-playC. Information gap.D. Writing summaries.6. Which of the following belongs to physical factors that affect the designing ofa lesson plan?A. Students' needs.B. Students' background.C. Student language proficiency.D. Syllabus requirements.7. Macro planning involves the following:A. knowing about the teacher, the students, the book, the activities.B. knowing about the course, the institution, the learners, the syllabus.C. knowing about the aims, the focus, the material, the procedures.D. knowing about the content, the methods, the learners’ learning methods, theprocedures8. Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?A. Did you understand all the questions in today's class?B. Did you finish the task on time?C. Can you use the skills we have learned today?D. What did you do in your group work today?9. Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom size?A. Human factors.B. Physical conditions.C. Syllabus and testing.D. Background informaton10. Which of the following statements about teaching aims is is NOT true?A. One lesson may have a number of aims.B. Aim means the realistic goals for the lesson.C. Teaching aims sometimes are the same as teaching contents .D. Aims are not the things teachers intend to do during the lesson, but the thingsthat students are able to do by the end of the lesson .Part II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. ( 20%)1.( ) To learn the use of comparative forms of adjectives belongs to teaching aims .2. ( ) When you do a starter, you should bear in mind it must directly contribute tothe overall lesson objectives.3. ( ) In a sense , macro planning is writing lesson plans for specific lessons.4. ( ) Not all new words in a lesson are equally important .5. ( ). A teacher’s reference book can help planning, but it cannot replace the teacher’s own ideas for what he or she wants to achieve in the class.6. ( ) Teaching stages refer to the major chunks of activities that teachers go through in a lesson.7. ( ) The end of lesson summary is a very important stage for the teacher to take learning further and deeper by helping students to refer back to the learning objectives .8.( ) Flexibility means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the studens.9. ( ) Good linkage makes the lesson transit from one stage to the next smoothly and students experience less anxienty .10. ( ) Teaching obj ectives shoud focus on the teachers’ performance rather than the learners’Part Ⅲ: Problem Solving (30%)Directions:Below are two situations in the classroom. Each has a problem. First, identify the problem.Second, provide your solution according to the principles of language teaching.1. When preparing a lesson, some teachers just rely on the teacher's book, Before teaching a lesson, they will just look up the new words in the dictionary and copy paraphrases from the teacher' s book onto the student' s book. In class, they will just follow the instructions provided by the teacher's book.2. In a listening lesson, the teacher first plays the recording for students to listen. Then he stops the recording from time to time trying to explain some difficult words and phrases in Chinese.Part Ⅳ:Mini-lesson Plan ( 30 %)The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the dialogue.Name of activity :Objective(s) of the activity: Classroom organization of the activity : Teacher's role :Students' role :Teacher working timeStudent working timeTeaching aids :Predicated problemsSolutions:Procedures:1)2)3)4)试题答案及评分标准PartⅠ. Choose the best answer (20%)1. C2. C3. B4. C5. A6.C7. B8. D9. B 10. CPart II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. ( 20%)本题为判断题,共10个小题,20分,每题2分。
鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter8 ActivitiesofTeac
![鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter8 ActivitiesofTeac](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/10a79d9726fff705cc170ace.png)
Chapter 8 Activities of Teaching English in SchoolsSection 11. What are the features of classroom teaching activities?Key: The features of classroom teaching activities include the following points: 1) they are designed according to students’needs; 2) they are conducive to students’language learning; 3) they are consistent with language learning theories.2. What should teachers pay attention to carrying out classroom teaching activities?Key: Teachers should pay attention to 1) the time of each teaching activity: an activity should be completed in a proper period of time and shouldn’t last too long nor too short; 2) students’ understanding of and reaction to the activities: if students don’t respond actively to the task, then the teacher should reflect upon the task and maybe adjust the task a little; 3) the consistency of activities and teaching goal: any activity that doesn’t conform to the supposed goal of teaching should be adapted.3. Please talk about the difficulties of designing classroom teaching activities and ways to overcome these difficulties based on your own teaching practice. Key: There are various difficulties: 1) the teacher may not know students’preferences of activities; 2) the teacher cannot successfully predict students’reactions to the activities; 3) the teacher doesn’t know what kind of teaching activity best suits students.To avoid the difficulties, the teachers should have a good knowledge of teachings goals and students’language level and learning styles before designing the activities. While designing the activities, the teacher can prepare extra activities in case students should fail to cooperate.Section 21. What are the features of extracurricular English activities for elementary and middle school?Key: The features include: 1) the extracurricular activities are consistent with The National Curriculum Standards; 2) they are interesting and can arouse students’interest and activate their motivation; 3) they are educational in that students can enhance their language learning.2. What should be focused on when English teachers in elementary and middle schools design extracurricular activities for students?Key: When designing extracurricular activities, teachers should pay attention to students’ learning needs, strike a balance between the time of extracurricular activities and the time of entertainment, provide samples and instructions of the activities and allows voluntary participation.。
《英语教学论》课程作业与思考题第一篇:《英语教学论》课程作业与思考题《英语教学论(一)》作业与思考第一单元语言观与语言学习观1.What are the three views on language?2.What are the views on language learning?3.What are the qualities of a good language teacher?第二单元交际教学原则和任务型教学思想1.What is communicative competence?2.What are the three principles of communicative language teaching?3.How is TBLT different from PPP?4.What is Task-based Language Teaching?第三单元国家英语课程标准1.What are the designing principles for the National English Curriculum 2001?2.What are the goals and objectives of English language teaching?3.What are the challenges facing English language teachers?第四单元备课与写教案1.Why is lesson planning necessary?2.What are the principles for good lesson planning?3.What are macro planning and micro planning?4.What are the components of a lesson plan?5.What are the 3P’s model and 3-stage model?第五单元课堂管理1.What are the main roles teachers can play before, during and after the class?2.How to give effective classroom instructions?3.What are the different ways for student grouping?4.How to ask effective questions?5.How to treat students’ errors in theclassroom?第六单元语音教学1.What is the goal of teaching pronunciation?2.What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?第七单元语法教学1.What are the major types of grammar presentation methods?2.What are the major types of grammar practice activities?第八单元词汇教学1.What does knowing a word involve?2.How can we present new vocabulary items effectively?3.What are some effective ways to consolidate vocabulary?《英语教学论(二)》作业与思考第九单元听力教学1.What are the characteristics of the listening process?2.What are the models of teaching listening?3.What are the common activities in teaching listening?第十单元口语教学1.What are the main characteristics of spoken language?2.What are the characteristics of successful speaking activities?3.What are the main types of speaking activities?第十一单元阅读教学1.What are the main reading skills?2.What are the main reading models for teaching reading?3.What types of activities can we use in teaching reading?第十二单元写作教学1.What are the problems in writing tasks in existing textbooks and classroom teaching?2.What is called process approach to teaching writing?3.What are the main proceduresof process writing?第十三单元综合技能教学1.Why should we integrate the four skills?2.How do we organize activities of integrated skills?3.What are the implications for integrating teaching?第十四单元语言教学中的道德教育1.What does morality involve according to William J.Hutchins?2.State briefly the four models to moral development.第十五单元语言教学中的评价方法1.What is assessment? What are the differences between testing, assessment and evaluation?2.What are the purposes of assessment in language teaching?3.What are the methods of assessment?4.What are the assessment principles?第十六单元学习者个体差异与学习策略培养1.What is the theory of multiple intelligence? What are its implications for language teaching?2.What is learner training?第十七单元英语教育资源与技术的开发与利用1.How to use available resources?2.How to explore hidden resources?第十八单元教材的评估与改编1.What are the purposes for the teacher to evaluate and adapt textbook?2.What are the methods of evaluating textbooks?3.What are the features of good textbooks?4.How should the teacher select textbooks?5.What are the methods of adapting textbooks?外国语学院教师教育教研室编写第二篇:课程与教学论作业磨课,一种重要的教学研讨形式——《小稻秧脱险记》教学反思课堂回放:师:小朋友们读书读得真认真,小稻秧还带来了一些词语,想要考考大家呢!(课件出示词语)师:第一行谁来挑战?生:杂草、争吵。
“弱任务派”认为“A task is any activity that learners engage in to further the process of learning a language”。按此观点,凡是能促进学习者语言学习的活动都为任务。
《英语课程与教学论》作业 (附答案)
![《英语课程与教学论》作业 (附答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/28388d08f18583d04964592d.png)
标题:课程2《英语课程与教学论》作业一、以下是你在课堂教学中可能遇到的问题,写出自己的观点和建议1.What should you do before the class starts?I always warm up the class.2.How can you use eye contact?I ofen look at him or her to encourage him or her.3.How does gesture and mime affect what you do in the classroom?I put up my thumb to prise them and stare them to warn them.4.How can you learn students'names?I rember their external characteristics.5.How can you avoid unnecessary and unhelpful teacher talking time?I fond other thing to do.二、要想提高课堂教学管理的能力,教师应该从哪几个方面着手?1.提高自身素养,具备丰富的内涵。
英语教育专业《 英语教学论》 课程习题
![英语教育专业《 英语教学论》 课程习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8e80075b26fff705cd170a29.png)
英语教育专业《英语教学论》课程习题Unit 4PartⅠ. Choose the best answer (20%)1. Which of the following statements about lesson planning is NOT true?A. Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and experienced teachers.B. A lesson plann is a framework of a lesson.C. Experienced teachers needn’t do lesson planning.D. A lesson plan is also an aid to continuing improvement.2. What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?A. Textbooks and classroom aidsB. Anticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with themC. Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve themD. Teaching aids3. Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook?A. Textbooks usually are not well written.B. Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs of their target students.C. Textbooks only cover a limited amount of language skills.D. Textbooks sometimes are beyond students’ learning capability4. Which of the following statements about macro planning is NOT true?A. Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time.B. Macro planning is often done by a group of teachers who are to teach the same course.C. Macro planning should be based on micro planning .D. Macro planning provides a general guidance for lanuage teachers but it is not enough for good teaching.5. Which of the following activities is most suitable for whole-class work?A. Presenting new languageB. Role-playC. Information gap.D. Writing summaries.6. Which of the following belongs to physical factors that affect the designing ofa lesson plan?A. Students' needs.B. Students' background.C. Student language proficiency.D. Syllabus requirements.7. Macro planning involves the following:A. knowing about the teacher, the students, the book, the activities.B. knowing about the course, the institution, the learners, the syllabus.C. knowing about the aims, the focus, the material, the procedures.D. knowing about the content, the methods, the learners’ learning methods, theprocedures8. Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?A. Did you understand all the questions in today's class?B. Did you finish the task on time?C. Can you use the skills we have learned today?D. What did you do in your group work today?9. Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom size?A. Human factors.B. Physical conditions.C. Syllabus and testing.D. Background informaton10. Which of the following statements about teaching aims is is NOT true?A. One lesson may have a number of aims.B. Aim means the realistic goals for the lesson.C. Teaching aims sometimes are the same as teaching contents .D. Aims are not the things teachers intend to do during the lesson, but the thingsthat students are able to do by the end of the lesson .Part II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. ( 20%)1.( ) To learn the use of comparative forms of adjectives belongs to teaching aims .2. ( ) When you do a starter, you should bear in mind it must directly contribute tothe overall lesson objectives.3. ( ) In a sense , macro planning is writing lesson plans for specific lessons.4. ( ) Not all new words in a lesson are equally important .5. ( ). A teacher’s reference book can help planning, but it cannot replace the teacher’s own ideas for what he or she wants to achieve in the class.6. ( ) Teaching stages refer to the major chunks of activities that teachers go through in a lesson.7. ( ) The end of lesson summary is a very important stage for the teacher to take learning further and deeper by helping students to refer back to the learning objectives .8.( ) Flexibility means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the studens.9. ( ) Good linkage makes the lesson transit from one stage to the next smoothly and students experience less anxienty .10. ( ) Teaching obj ectives shoud focus on the teachers’ performance rather than the learners’Part Ⅲ: Problem Solving (30%)Directions:Below are two situations in the classroom. Each has a problem. First, identify the problem.Second, provide your solution according to the principles of language teaching.1. When preparing a lesson, some teachers just rely on the teacher's book, Before teaching a lesson, they will just look up the new words in the dictionary and copy paraphrases from the teacher' s book onto the student' s book. In class, they will just follow the instructions provided by the teacher's book.2. In a listening lesson, the teacher first plays the recording for students to listen. Then he stops the recording from time to time trying to explain some difficult words and phrases in Chinese.Part Ⅳ:Mini-lesson Plan ( 30 %)The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the dialogue.Name of activity :Objective(s) of the activity: Classroom organization of the activity : Teacher's role :Students' role :Teacher working timeStudent working timeTeaching aids :Predicated problemsSolutions:Procedures:1)2)3)4)试题答案及评分标准PartⅠ. Choose the best answer (20%)1. C2. C3. B4. C5. A6.C7. B8. D9. B 10. CPart II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. ( 20%)本题为判断题,共10个小题,20分,每题2分。
2.评价应反应以人为本的教育理念,突出学生的主体作用,发挥学生3.评价应关注学生的综合语言运用能力的发展过程以及学生在学习过程在文化意识、情感态度 .的发展变化4.评价要采用终结性评价和形成性评价相结合的方法,既关注过程又关注结果。
鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter7ProcessofEnglishChapter 7 Process of English Teaching in SchoolsSection 1After studying this section, have you learned(1) the basic principles of CLT and TBLT?(2) the stages in CLT and TBLT classes?(3) some ways to solve problems that occur in classrooms?Key: (1) The basic principles include: 1) there should be clear goals for each task-based lesson; 2) the goals of TBLT instruction cover language structure and vocabulary and accuracy, complexity and fluency; 3) the goals can also be developing learning strategies or integrating prior lessons, not necessarily just the knowledge or skills taught in the unit; 4) there should bea variety of goals to ensure systematic language development.(2) The stages in CLT and TBLT classes include pre-task stage, while-task stage and post-task stage. The pre-task stage includes task preparation and planning, during which students can use mind-maps, activate background knowledge, introduce new materials and provide sample tasks or imitation and practice. The while-task stage is a process of language acquisition. Group task or individual task could be designed. And the teacher should give explicit instructions. The post-task stage can attend to language forms, at which students are given opportunities to repeat the tasks and are encouraged to reflect on theprocess of task accomplishment and focus on form. This stage includes task reflection and students’ reflection andfeedback.(3) When problems occur in classrooms, the teacher should first stay calm to reevaluate the situation. Then, the teacher can analyze the situation and find out the reasons: it is because students don’t understand the instructions or they are not able to complete the task? The teacher can also choose to talk with students over the problems and the solutions. One thing to bear in mind is that classroom activities don’t have to be consistent with the teaching plan. Flexibility and adjustability are needed when necessary.Section 21. What is the essence of PWP process?Key: The essence of PWP process is that learning is a process, which is the law of conception. Students first get to know new knowledge with what they have known; then they process new knowledge; finally, they need to practice and revise what they have learned to deepen their understanding.2. How can you connect TBL with PWP?Key: In TBL, there are three stages: the pre-task stage, the while-task stage and the post-task stage, while in PWP, there are also three similar stages: the pre-stage, the while-stage and the post-stage. Both TBL and PWP divide teaching and learning into several stages and allow time for students’ understanding and assimilation. The difference is that TBL concerns with tasks while PWP concernswith classroom activities.。
自学考试《英语教学论》试题及答案自学考试《英语教学论》试题及答案一、选择题1、下列哪个词不属于《英语教学论》中的教学用语?() A. 教授B. 学习C. 评估D. 管理答案:D2、《英语教学论》中的“5Cs”理论是由谁提出的?() A. Benjamin S. Bloom B. David Nunan C. Ken Goodman D. None of the above 答案:B3、在《英语教学论》中,哪一个理论强调了语言学习的社会性?()A. Behaviorism theoryB. Cognitive theoryC. Constructivism theoryD. Social constructivism theory 答案:D4、下列哪个理论在《英语教学论》中被视为一种全面的、综合的教学法?() A. Task-based language teaching B. Communicative language teaching C. Total physical response D. None of the above 答案:B5、下列哪个评估方法在《英语教学论》中被认为是一种自我修正的评估方法?() A. Oral exams B. Written exams C. Portfolio assessment D. None of the above 答案:C6、下列哪个课堂活动在《英语教学论》中被认为是一种交互性活动?() A. Group discussions B. Individual reading C. Solitary practice D. None of the above 答案:A7、下列哪个理论在《英语教学论》中强调了语言学习的个性化?()A. Behaviorism theoryB. Cognitive theoryC. Constructivism theoryD. None of the above 答案:C8、下列哪个教学原则在《英语教学论》中被强调?() A. Maximum practice B. Minimum guidance C. Gradual release D. None of the above 答案:D9、下列哪个理论在《英语教学论》中被称为一种行为主义理论?()A. Task-based language teachingB. Communicative language teachingC. Total physical responseD. None of the above 答案:C10、下列哪个课堂活动在《英语教学论》中被称为一种“接受性”活动?() A. Group discussions B. Individual reading C. Solitary practice D. None of the above 答案:B二、简答题11、请简述《英语教学论》中的“5Cs”理论的主要内容。
鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter4 PrinciplesofEngl
![鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter4 PrinciplesofEngl](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d7f8fbe941ea76e58fa04c9.png)
Chapter 4 Principles of English Teaching in SchoolsSection 11. How can you determine whether an activity is student-centred?Key: A students-centered activity should meet the following standards: it should emphasize how to learn instead of how to teach; the teaching content should be on language skills instead of language content; there should be an increasing attention to students; the way the teaching content is presented should change.2. With reference to the National Curriculum Standards, can you explain how to implement the student-centred principle?Key: To implement the student-centered principle under the guidance of National Curriculum Standards, the whole teaching process should be consistent with students’ needs. In the textbook analysis, teachers should adapt the content of teaching materials and activities to students’psychological needs; in lesson preparation, teachers should understand students’ current knowledge and skills form feedback; in teaching activities, teachers should plan and prepare varied teaching activities according to the knowledge structures, learning motivation, interests and other characteristics of the students; in teaching methods, teachers should adopt varied teaching methods to help students feel and understand language intuitively.Section 2The reasonable objective principle must be combined with the student-centred principle to achieve teaching goals. Explain the differences in the teaching objective at elementary, junior middle and senior middle school when dealing with the topic on sports.Key: When teaching elementary students the topic of sports, teachers should impart to them some everyday sports activities such as badminton, ping-pong, running and swimming. Besides, students should be able to make one or two sentences with these activities, for example, I like ping-pong. No written work should be involved in this stage. While teaching junior students the topic of sports, teachers should extend sports activities to a wider range and the expressions and sentences involved should be more various. Students should use more complicated sentences to express their sports preference, such as my favorite sports is...; I prefer...to...and so-on. And, they should also be able to develop dialogues in sports. When it comes to teaching senior school students the topic of sports, dialogues should not only be longer in length, but should be deeper in depth. Compositions can be used to enhance the topic.Section 31. Explain the relationship between the effective principle and the student-centred principle.Key: The two principles are interrelated: on the one hand, to conduct the effectiveprinciple, teachings activities must be student centered and must obey the student-centered principle; on the other hand, teaching activities based on the student-centered principle are certainly effective in practice. They interact with each other and reciprocate each other.2. What kinds of class activities are most effective?Key: Student-centered activities are most effective. These activities are conducive to students’ needs, consistent with the reasonable teaching plan, use language that is easy to understand, pay attention to students’ response and encourage students to ask questions and evaluate themselves.Section 4The following dialogue is a typical example of sentence pattern exercises. Which one do you think is more adapted to the realistic principle?1. A: What is on the table?B: There is a book on the table.2. A: Where are my shoes?B: Under the bed.Key: Obviously, the second dialogue is more adapted to the realistic principle. The fact is that in real life we don’t speak out every word as is required in the textbook. Some unnecessary words are omitted to save both time and energy and more are omitted especially when a person’s style is simple or the situation doesn’t permit long sentences.。
Chapter 1 Concepts for English Teaching in SchoolsSection 11.Based on the theories in this unit, what are the main educational factors that cause teacher L’s wholehearted enthusiasm to meet with cold indifference from his students?Key: In the first place, teaching is an interactive activity in which both teachers and students become more developed. Teacher L conducts a completely exam-oriented teaching, which is boring and mundane. He is ignorant of students’ learning needs and there is no interaction between them. Secondly, in language teaching, the more important factor is students’ positive and active approach to learning. Teacher L obviously doesn’t care about students’ motivation and incentive; he crams learning materials and exam content in the students, regardless of students’ emotional response. Lastly, teaching should be teacher-led but students-centered activity. Here teacher L takes teaching as teacher-led and exam-centered. He is putting the cart before the horse. Only by focusing on students’ learning needs and motivation can they perform well in exams and achieve learning goals.2.In your opinion, what kind of classroom teaching activity conforms to the essence of education?Key: The essence of teaching is to lead students to develop and the teacher ’s job is to help students to find answers by themselves and to explore language learning methods by themselves. Therefore, the teaching activity that conforms to the essence of education is a series of questions thrown to students to help deduce proper answers.Section 21.What do you think are the main causes for the misunderstanding in the argument “English teaching in elementary and middle schools in China cannot be communicative competence oriented”?Key: It ignores the fact that language is the tool for communication and communication is the function of language. It is through interpersonal communication that language remains active and vigorous. Therefore, one of the teaching goals of elementary and middle school English should be to develop student’s communicative competence. If communication is removed from the goals of English teaching, then language learning becomes a boring process of memorization. There’s no fun in it. Besides, without focusing on communication, language learn ing will be far from effective, since communication is the best way to learn al language.2.After reflection on your own English study, identify what your main learning problems are.Key: The main learning problems may include: 1) fear of speaking English, especially in public; 2) lack of motivation;3) imbalance of fun and homework.Section 31.What do you think is the major mistake in the viewpoint “one’s vocabulary size is the indicator of whether one’s English learning is successful”?Key: This statement overemphasizes the role of vocabulary. It should be noted that vocabulary constitutes only a part of language; there is also grammar. Even if one has a good mastery of vocabulary and grammar, there are still culture and style to bear in mind. A successful English learner should have certain awareness of culture with a good command of vocabulary and grammar. S/he should be able to adjust his or her style on different occasions; his or her knowledge of English should be able to satisfy his or her needs successfully.2.What do you think the essential difference between an English language curriculum and an English literacy curriculum is? How do you understand the instrumental nature of English curriculum and the humanist nature of English curriculum in the National Curriculum Standards for English in Schools in China (MOE, 2001)?Key: 1) The essential difference is that an English language curriculum is to develop students’ overall competence in English. Its teaching and learning process is to cultivate students’ proficiency in the basic four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. By the end of the learning, students should be able to communicate effectively in English, have certain knowledge of English culture and develop some value and abilities. However, an English literacy curriculum is to focus on students’ reading ability. The main job involved is to teach students to read and perhaps to write. The teaching objective and learning purpose is narrowed down to master a set of words; communication is absent in this curriculum.2) It’s instrumental in that it views English a s a tool for communication. To achieve effective communication, notonly vocabulary and grammar but culture is embodied in the teaching goals. Besides , it is instrumental in that it sets English as a tool help understand oneself and the world. The job is not only to learn language but to develop and better oneself. It is humanist in that it concerns not only the learning of language but the development of children.Chapter 2 ELT Methods and Approaches in and outside ChinaSection 11.Based on what you just learned, give suggestions to Miss M to help solve her problem of having nothing to teach after the second week of the term.Key: Miss M should follow certain theories in teaching. She should work out the teaching plan at the beginning of the term and adjust her teaching to the usual pace. Most importantly, she should take into consideration of students’ learning realities, including questions like: how do students like her teaching method? Have students achieved the supposed goals after the teaching? Does her teaching meet students’ present language level? Has the teaching covered less than expected or something unnecessary? She should first conduct a needs analysis of students, then works out the teaching plan based on the needs and finally assess teaching and learning after a certain period.2.What do you think is the best language teaching approach or method?Key: The Communicative Approach is the best language approach in that it covers the most important aspect of language learning: language is learned to communicate, to exchange meaning and information and to share feelings. It is the language in use that injects life and vitality into language and that makes it a more real existence of life. Language teaching and learning should be centered on communication, which should be regarded as a proper method and the final goal.Section 21.What is the problem with Mr. N’s complaints that the course book does not explain much about grammar, does not have enough grammar exercises, and has too many activities?Key: The problem is the contradiction between the design of textbook and the actual assessment of teaching and learning. The design of the textbook is based on the task-based approach: students are supposed to achieve learning goals through the completion of a series of tasks. The main activity involved is communication. However, Mr. N has to find lots of grammar materials outside the textbook for students because little is mentioned in the book and what is mentioned cannot meet the requirements of exams, which includes lots of grammar and little completion of tasks. There is certainly a gap between the textbook design and the assessment and this causes much challenge for both teachers and students. To bridge up the gap, either should be adjusted to adapt to the other.2.Consider the style of a teacher you know. Do you think his/her teaching is in line with the National Curriculum Standards? Please give reasons and examples.Key: My high school English teacher’s teaching is not consistent with the National Curriculum Stan dards. In the first place, the focus of his teaching is on vocabulary and grammar. English lessons are filled with mechanical and meaningless drills instead of meaningful tasks. Besides, his teaching does not allow too much communication. Throughout the class, he spent much time explaining grammatical points and little time is devoted to communication. Finally, his teaching doesn’t encourage holistic development for he was always hastening for exams and ignoring students’ learning needs. There was no time f or value-imparting or affection-influencing. All these contradicts with the National Curriculum Standards.Chapter 3 Elements of English Teaching in SchoolsSection 11.What do you think successful language learners have in common?Key: Successful language learners have definite goals, lasting enthusiasm and focused attention and systematic learning plan; they are not afraid of making mistakes and they seize every opportunity to try out language and solve their confusions; they are curious about language and are interested in language; they take the initiative in learning and learn with autonomy; they have a clear understanding of themselves and know what style is best for themselves; they reflect upon their learning and adjust for improvements.2.How can you cultivate learner strategies in elementary and middle school?Key: First, the importance of learner strategy should be made known to students; models of learner strategies can be provided for students to choose to suit their own styles; practices should be designed for students to practise the strategies.Section 21.In what ways have teachers’ roles changed following the implementation of the National Curriculum Standards?Key: Traditionally, teachers are regarded as the master and the dominator of class. The class is teacher-centered. However, the National Curriculum Standards require a teacher-centered classroom shifted to the learner-centered one. The “master” and “dominator” should be changed to a helper, a resource-provider, a participant and an assessor. The teacher’s job is to assist students learning and create atmosphere and opportunities for students.2.What are the attributes of a highly efficient English teacher ’s teaching behaviour?Key: A highly efficient English teacher is proficient in the basic skills : listening, speaking, reading and writing; s/he should have a good command of pedagogical theories and should be able to adapt teaching to student’s learning realities; s/he should be the embodiment of a set of values: integrity, honesty, optimism, judgment ability and so-on; s/he does reflection after class in time and figure out where to improve next time; s/he has the sense of constant learning and is always ready to get r echarged.Section 31.What characterizes teaching content in elementary and middle school?Key: 1) The teaching content should be scientific: the content must be informed by relevant research; 2) It should be ideological: it should integrate emotional development, enhance students’ moral values, develop patriotism and foster an international outlook; 3) It should be: basic: it should include the basic knowledge and skills essential for competent citizens in the future; 4) It should be well-organized and suit students’ learning habits; 5) It should be suitable: it must meet the actual needs of the students, pay attention to students’ personalities, diversities and uniqueness; 6) It should be forward-looking: it should be based on the highest quality educational research and be forward-looking to contribute to social development; 7) It should be practical: it should be consistent with teaching practice.2.What are the categories of English teaching content in elementary and middle school?Key: 1) In language knowledge, students should be proficient in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar and they should be familiar with some general topics; 2) In language skills, students should acquire skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; 3) In emotional attitudes, students should develop certain interest, perception, confidence as well as national identity and international outlook; 4) In learning strategies, students should develop effective learning strategies to facilitate life-long learning; 5) In cultural awareness, students should cultivate cultural awareness of both languages in actual communication.Section 41.What are the main elements of the English language teaching and learning environment?Key: The main elements of English language teaching and learning environment include the social environment, the school environment and personal circumstances: the social environment mainly refers to the social system, the nation’s education policy, foreign language educational policy, economic development, scientific and technological level andsocial needs for the English language and so on; the school environment includes factors such as classroom teaching, the frequency of exposure to English, class size, teaching facilities, English extra-curricular activities and interpersonal relationships etc.; personal circumstances include the social status and occupation of the family members, attitudes towards learning English, experiences in learning English, learning styles and so-on.2.How can you build good English teaching and learning environments?Key: Overall coordination is needed to adjust environmental factors and create a positive and harmonious environment; certain characteristics of the environment should be highlighted to enhance students’ interest and awareness of learning English; existing favorable conditions in schools, families and society explored to provide a wide variety of learning experiences; information and materials should be screened to retain appropriate and authentic contents.。
鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter7 ProcessofEnglish
![鲁子问《英语教学论(英文版)》课后习题详解(Chapter7 ProcessofEnglish](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/615407b9f705cc17552709ce.png)
Chapter 7 Process of English Teaching in SchoolsSection 1After studying this section, have you learned(1) the basic principles of CLT and TBLT?(2) the stages in CLT and TBLT classes?(3) some ways to solve problems that occur in classrooms?Key: (1) The basic principles include: 1) there should be clear goals for each task-based lesson; 2) the goals of TBLT instruction cover language structure and vocabulary and accuracy, complexity and fluency; 3) the goals can also be developing learning strategies or integrating prior lessons, not necessarily just the knowledge or skills taught in the unit; 4) there should be a variety of goals to ensure systematic language development.(2) The stages in CLT and TBLT classes include pre-task stage, while-task stage and post-task stage. The pre-task stage includes task preparation and planning, during which students can use mind-maps, activate background knowledge, introduce new materials and provide sample tasks or imitation and practice. The while-task stage is a process of language acquisition. Group task or individual task could be designed. And the teacher should give explicit instructions. The post-task stage can attend to language forms, at which students are given opportunities to repeat the tasks and are encouraged to reflect on theprocess of task accomplishment and focus on form. This stage includes task reflection and students’ reflection and feedback.(3) When problems occur in classrooms, the teacher should first stay calm to reevaluate the situation. Then, the teacher can analyze the situation and find out the reasons: it is because students don’t understand the instructions or they are not able to complete the task? The teacher can also choose to talk with students over the problems and the solutions. One thing to bear in mind is that classroom activities don’t have to be consistent with the teaching plan. Flexibility and adjustability are needed when necessary.Section 21. What is the essence of PWP process?Key: The essence of PWP process is that learning is a process, which is the law of conception. Students first get to know new knowledge with what they have known; then they process new knowledge; finally, they need to practice and revise what they have learned to deepen their understanding.2. How can you connect TBL with PWP?Key: In TBL, there are three stages: the pre-task stage, the while-task stage and the post-task stage, while in PWP, there are also three similar stages: the pre-stage, the while-stage and the post-stage. Both TBL and PWP divide teaching and learning into several stages and allow time for students’ understanding and assimilation. The difference is that TBL concerns with tasks while PWP concernswith classroom activities.。
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1. What are the three views on language?
2. What are the views on language learning?
3. What are the qualities of a good language teacher?
1. What is communicative competence?
2. What are the three principles of communicative language teaching?
3. How is TBLT different from PPP?
4. What is Task-based Language Teaching?
1. What are the designing principles for the National English Curriculum 2001?
2. What are the goals and objectives of English language teaching?
3. What are the challenges facing English language teachers?
1. Why is lesson planning necessary?
2. What are the principles for good lesson planning?
3. What are macro planning and micro planning?
4. What are the components of a lesson plan?
5. What are the 3P’s model and 3-stage model?
1.What are the main roles teachers can play before, during and after the class?
2.How to give effective classroom instructions?
3.What are the different ways for student grouping?
4.How to ask effective questions?
5.How to treat students’ errors in the classroom?
1.What is the goal of teaching pronunciation?
2.What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?
1.What are the major types of grammar presentation methods?
2.What are the major types of grammar practice activities?
1. What does knowing a word involve?
2. How can we present new vocabulary items effectively?
3. What are some effective ways to consolidate vocabulary?
1.What are the characteristics of the listening process?
2.What are the models of teaching listening?
3.What are the common activities in teaching listening?
1. What are the main characteristics of spoken language?
2. What are the characteristics of successful speaking activities?
3. What are the main types of speaking activities?
1. What are the main reading skills?
2. What are the main reading models for teaching reading?
3. What types of activities can we use in teaching reading?
1.What are the problems in writing tasks in existing textbooks and classroom teaching?
2. What is called process approach to teaching writing?
3. What are the main procedures of process writing?
1. Why should we integrate the four skills?
2. How do we organize activities of integrated skills?
3. What are the implications for integrating teaching?
1. What does morality involve according to William J. Hutchins?
2. State briefly the four models to moral development.
1. What is assessment? What are the differences between testing, assessment and evaluation?
2. What are the purposes of assessment in language teaching?
3. What are the methods of assessment?
4. What are the assessment principles?
1. What is the theory of multiple intelligence? What are its implications for language teaching?
2. What is learner training?
1. How to use available resources?
2. How to explore hidden resources?
1.What are the purposes for the teacher to evaluate and adapt textbook?
2.What are the methods of evaluating textbooks?
3.What are the features of good textbooks?
4.How should the teacher select textbooks?
5.What are the methods of adapting textbooks?