轮机英语教学课件(28) control systems 1


轮机英语教学课件(29) control systems 2

轮机英语教学课件(29)  control systems 2
1. Desired value signals for engine r/min are transmitted from the bridge control position or engine room remote control position and compared with the measured value signal from a propeller shaft speed
8. Also the bridge watchkeeper must be made aware of any machinery fault, that the fault is being attended to and that it has been rectified.
the initial movement actuating the starting sequence on air为独立主格结构, 译文为:其初始动作是按起动顺序进空气
when a pre-set r/min has been reached 为时间状语从句,译为当达到预定转数时。
4. Subsequent movement of the lever operates a servo-mechanism which adjusts the speed setting lever on the engine and which is in turn connected to the governor.
sensor, the difference between these two signals being the r/min deviation from the required.


查证倒车及控制机构、转向联动安全装 置、自动停车设备及警报装置功能正常。
19. Open shut-off valve(截止阀) for starting air tank, close the drain valve on the starting air manifold(管路).
打开起动空气瓶截止阀, 关闭主起动空 气管路放残阀。
油头冷却水柜加热系统投入使用, 加 热温度至60℃持续约2h。
If the engine is to be started on high viscosity fuel the temperature of the water should be raised to 77 to 82℃.
若柴油机用高黏性燃油起动, 则水温应 加热至77~ 82℃。
8. If hoppers(观察镜) or sight glasses are fitted check that there is an adequate flow of coolant through each piston, cylinder head, cylinder jacket, turbocharger casing and injector(油头).
16. All hand oil- and greaselubricated ( 油 脂 润 滑 ) bearing must be checked to see that their lubrication is correct, the control linkage (连接) is well lubricated and easily operated(操控).
4. Start up jacket water pumps and check pressures. Bring into operation the heating system of the cooling water.

轮机英语教学课件(22) Air Conditioning System

轮机英语教学课件(22) Air Conditioning System
译文:在典型的单体船用空调装置中,空气的循环是通过低噪音 的离心式风机和由封闭式压缩机抽气的直接膨胀式冷却器 来实现.
分析:该句主语是air circulation , 谓语是is effected , In a typical marine pattern self-contained unit是状语, by means of…为方式状语, of的宾语有两 个,“ a centrifugal fan, and a direct expansion cooler”,“ for quiet running”为目的状语, “ served by a hermetic compressor”是cooler 的后置定语。
Oily water mixture Catch plates
Filter unit
100 p.p.m or less
Fine separating compartment
Separator unit
Oil Pollution Prevention
1. The first source is reduced by the discharge of tank washings to a slop tank for settling, and discharged of the water while retaining the load on top for pumping shore to the refinery.
Oil Pollution Prevention
4.Coalescence is the breakdown of surface tension between oil droplets in an oil/water mixture, which causes them to join and increase in size.

轮机英语(lesson 1)

轮机英语(lesson 1)

China Maritime Police Academy
evaporator frigate funnel habitability hatch layout longitudinal
n. n. n.
造水机 护卫舰 烟囱
n. 可居住性 n. 舱口 n. a. 规划,设计,布局图 经度的,纵向的
China Maritime Police Academy
• 在造船工程和轮机工程两个领域有些职责发生了重叠,比如推进器设计, 船舶结构的减噪和减震,以及为船舶许多领域提供工程服务。
• A ship might reasonably be divided into three distinct areas: the cargo-carrying holds or tanks, the accommodation and the machinery space.
China Maritime Police Academy
0.3 Examination of the course
Everybody who want to attain the
seafarer fitness certification, should
take part in the examination twice
China Maritime Police Academy
Байду номын сангаас
• The marine engineer is responsible for the various systems which propel and operate the ship.
• 轮机工程负责船舶推进和操控的各种系统。
• More specifically, this means the machinery required for propulsion, steering, anchoring and ship securing, cargo handling,air conditioning, power generation and its distribution.


二、舵装置的分类与构造 2.1 舵装置的分类
2.1 舵装置的分类
以上介绍的舵均为普通舵,据有关资料统计, 约70- 80%的船都采用流线型普通舵。
1.一般大型及超大型海船多用支承或双支承的 流线型平衡舵;
2.中小型船用半平衡流线型挂舵的居多; 3.平板舵仅用在非自航船或小艇上。
本章目录 一、概述 二、舵装置的分类与构造
三、舵叶的水动力特性及计算 四、舵叶参数的确定 五、舵设备零部件尺寸的确定 六、操舵装置 七、特种舵及其他操纵装置
舵是船舶操纵装置的一个重要部件。船舶操纵 性是船舶的重要性能之一,广义上来讲是泛指船舶 对驾驶者操纵的反应能力。
上半部支承在舵柱或挂舵臂处舵钮上,而下半部支承 在舵叶的半高处。一般为半平衡舵。
2.1 舵装置的分类
半平衡舵 轴平衡舵
半悬挂舵 支承舵
不平衡舵 多支承舵
穿心舵 双
二、舵装置的分类与构造 2.1 舵装置的分类
3. 按舵叶的剖面形状分类 1)平板舵(flat-plate rudder) 又称单板舵。舵叶是一块钢板 或在钢板上两面交替安装的横 向加强筋(舵臂)等构成。
船用舵是平板或机翼型结构,设于船的尾端, 一般在推进器之后。
一、概述 1.1 舵的作用原理
当水流以某攻角作用于舵叶上时,在船尾产生了横向的舵力, 舵力通过舵杆传递于船体上,从而迫使船舶转向,也就达到了 调整航向的目的。

轮机英语 Marine Engineering English

轮机英语 Marine Engineering English

轮机英语- 轮机工程原理(英文版)Principles of Marine Engineering2010. 10ContentsContents (2)1 Main propulsion plant (篇标题) (3)1.1 Ships and machinery (章标题) (3)1.2 Diesel engine (9)1.3 Shaft and propellers (46)2 Marine auxiliary machinery (55)2.1 boilers (55)2.2 Pumps (55)2.3 Refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation (55)2.4 Pollution prevention devices (55)2.5 Centrifugal separator and fresh water generator (55)2.6 Deck machinery (55)3 Electrical equipment and automatic control (56)3.1 Alternating current generators (56)3.2 Main switchboard and distribution system (56)3.3 Marine electrical equipment (56)3.4 Marine automatic control (56)4 Watch keeping and equipment operation (57)4.1 operation procedures (57)4.2 Safety operation (57)4.3 Stores and spare parts (57)4.4 Shipp repair and docking (57)4.5 Pollution prevention operation and Port State Control (57)5 International conventions and regulations (58)5.1 STCW (58)5.2 MAPROL (58)5.3 SOLAS (58)5.4 ISM (58)5.5 ISPS (58)6 Marine business writing (59)6.1 Engine log book (59)6.2 Repair list (59)6.3 Store order and spare parts requisition form (59)6.4 Accident report (59)6.5 Engineer’s reports, letters, faxes and emails (59)Index ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS (Unattended Machinery Spaces 无 人 机 舱 ) operation, certain essential functions must be provided.
Jimei university
Low pressure is monitored at the common inlet to the engine with alarm and slowdown or shut down of the main engine.
Jimei university
In some cases there may be an alarm only for low pressure on all supplies other than to the main bearings, with alarm and shut down only on these.
Jimei university
Modern engine room has machinery control rooms from where every possible operation will be performed remotely.
Jimei university
The operation state and parameters of working condition of machines can be recorded, displayed and controlled automatically or manually in the rooms.


❖ naturally aspirated自然换气 ❖ centrifugal turbocharger径流增压器 ❖ top dead center上止点
❖ 3.In a two-stroke engine, there are always a series of openings known as ________, and in some circumstances, there are also openings known as ________, in the part of the cylinder liner inside the scavenging air box.
❖ A. open; short; after B. closed; short; after
❖ C. open; long; before D. closed; long; before ❖ 答案 A (p8, para 2)
❖ 如果柴油机是自然换气或带有径流增压器的小型高速机, 气阀重叠的时间,即两气阀同时开启的时间将很短。排 气阀将在上止点后10度左右关闭。
❖ scavenging air box 扫气箱
❖ 4.In some type of two-stroke engines, besides some small holes for ________, starting valve, safety valve, indicator cock, and so on, there is a large central opening in each cylinder cover for mounting the _________.
器,起动阀,安全阀,示功阀等,还有一个大型的中心孔用于安 装排气阀。



10. For totally enclosed machines with coolers, see that the water is flowing through the cooler, and determine that there is no l e a k a g e o f w a t e r . Shut the heaters off (if furnished)
17. Be certain that the voltages of the bus and the incoming generator are still equal, and close the generator circuit breaker(合闸) just before the synchroscope pointer passes very slowly through the zero position (pointing vertically upwards).
Lesson 28
Parallel operation of generators • (发电机的并联运行)
Three phases alternators arranged for parallel operation require a considerable amount of instrumentations(仪表).
A pointer(指针) is free to rotate and is moved by the magnetic effect(磁 效应) of the two windings.
When the two voltage supplies are in phase the pointer is stationary (固定的,静止的) in the 12 o’clock position.



1.船舶电力系统的组成 由电源、配电装置、电力网和负载四部分组成。
系统基本参数:交流电 电压380或440V 频率50Hz(我国)和60Hz(日美等)
(1)电源: 电源是将其他形式的能量转换为电能的装置。
《轮机基本知识》PPT课 件
本课件PPT仅供大家学习使用 学习完请自行删除,谢谢! 本课件PPT仅供大家学习使用 学习完请自行删除,谢谢! 本课件PPT仅供大家学习使用 学习完请自行删除,谢谢! 本课件PPT仅供大家学习使用 学习完请自行删除,谢谢!
往复泵 齿轮泵
2. 空气压缩机
空气压缩机是产生压缩空气的机械 至少两台
3. 锅炉
锅炉通过燃烧燃料产生一定数量和参数(指温 度和压力)的水蒸汽 用于油、水加热、空调、 厨房和杂用
辅锅炉:利用燃油加热 废气锅炉:利用主机废气加热
蒸汽轮机动力装置船舶 主锅炉 产生过热蒸汽驱动主蒸汽轮机
船舶的运行工况: 航行工况;进出港工况;装卸货工况;停 泊工况;
确定电站容量的基本原则:以实际用电量最大的运行工况 为基础来确定,并有适当的裕量.
泵是输送海水、淡水、滑油、燃油等液体的一种机械, 是船舶机舱中应用最多的一种设备。 一般在船上按泵的功用为泵命名,如主机海水冷却泵、 主机淡水冷却泵、主机滑油泵、消防泵、压载泵、污水 泵、日用淡水泵、锅炉给水泵、燃油驳运泵、轻油驳运 泵、滑油驳运泵等等。



Emergency procedures
Familiarity with emergency procedures such as firefighting, conflict avoidance, and man overboard recovery
Ship emergency response
Safe operation
Explain the working principle of ship pipeline systems, including fluid flow, pressure transfer, etc.
Working principle
Introduce the daily maintenance and upkeep methods of ship pipeline systems, as well as the diagnosis and troubleshooting of common faults.
Working principle: Explain the working principle of ship electrical equipment, including electromagnetic induction, circuit analysis, etc.
Ship electrical equipment
Category Introduction: Introduce the types of ship pipeline systems, such as fuel pipelines, lubricating oil pipelines, cooling water pipelines, etc., as well as their characteristics and usage scenarios.

轮机英语 Lesson 27

轮机英语  Lesson 27
Jimei university
As long as this temperature remains constant, so will the heat to the air and to the accommodation.
Jimei university
However, if the air flow (or the steam pressure) changes the air could become cooler or hotter,
it could be mechanical movement to electrical output or to pneumatic output and so on.
From the transmitter the signal is then passed to a comparator.
Jimei university
The comparator will contain some set or desired value of the controlled condition which is compared to the measured value signal.
Jimei university
This form of control can be used, and has been used, on some accommodation heating systems.
Jimei university
The quantity of steam flowing through the heaters is controlled by a valve, the setting of which is determined by the deck temperature.

新版轮机英语unit27 marine generator

新版轮机英语unit27 marine generator

So far(至今), alternator construction has considered the armature(电枢) rotating and the field coils stationary,
the same electricity generating effect is produced if the reverse occurs, that is, the field coils rotate and the armature is stationary.
The power factor is a measure (衡量) of the phase difference (相位差) between voltage and current and is expressed as the cosine(余弦) of the phase angle.
With a purely resistance load(电 阻性负载) the voltage and current are in phase(同相位), giving a power factor of one.
This is in fact the arrangement adopted for large, heavy duty alternators.
The field current supply in older machines comes from a low voltage direct current generator or exciter(励磁机) on the same shaft as the alternator.
Current collected in this way will be alternating(交变的), that is, changing in direction and rising and falling in value.



【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】轮机英语词汇1、pump 泵①Supply pump供给泵②transfer pump 输送泵③circulating pump 循环泵④bilge pump 舱底水泵⑤ballast pump 压载水泵1、tank①drain tank 泄放柜②service tank 日用柜③settling tank沉淀柜④storage tank 储存柜⑤circulating tank 循环柜⑥used oil tank 废油柜⑦buffer tank 缓冲柜⑧overflow tank 溢流柜⑨Collecting tank 收集柜⑩expansion water tank 膨胀水箱2、water①sea water (S.W.) 海水②fresh water (F.W.) 淡水③operating water 工作水④sanitary water 卫生水⑤washing water 冲洗水⑥refilling water 再注水⑦feed water 给水⑧condensate water 冷凝水⑨bilge water 舱底水⑩sewage 污水2、oil①fuel oi l (F.O.) 燃油②lubricating oil (L.O.) 滑油③engine oil 机油④cylinder oil 气缸油⑤diesel oil (D.O.)柴油⑥turbine oil透平油⑦cool oil冷却油⑧seal oil密封油3、temperature (temp) 温度4、flow 流量5、pressure(press)压力6、power 功率10、level 液位11、vibration 振动12、normal/abnormal 正常/异常13、main/auxiliary (aux.) 主要/辅助的14、inlet/exhaust 进气/排气15、fire alarm 火警16、fail/failure 故障17、overload 过载18、no-voltage 失电19、leak/leakage 泄漏20、wrong-way 错向21、insulation(insul) 绝缘22、oil mist 油雾23、viscosity 粘度24、density 浓度25、salinity 盐度26、oil content 油含量27、pressure difference 压差28、switch 开关29、flame 火焰30、automatic(auto)自动的31、emergency 应急的32、standby 备用的33、screw 螺丝34、nut 螺母35、stud 螺柱36、meter 仪表37、thermometer温度计38、level gauge 液位计38、pressure gauge 压力表39、length 长度40、breadth 宽度41、height 高度42、meter 米43、centimeter 厘米44、millimeter毫米45、decimillimetre 丝米46、micrometer微米46、hundredth of one millimeter 丝47、de(rust)生锈(除绣)48、spare parts 备件49、spanner 扳手50、ahead/astern 正车/倒车51、screwdriver 螺丝刀(minus / plus)52、sludge 油渣53、electrician’s knife 电工刀54、decrustation pliers 剥线钳Ⅱ.(主机主要部件)Main Parts for M/E1、engine frame 机架2、cylinder 气缸3、piston 活塞4、crosshead 十字头5、bedplate 机座6、crankshaft曲轴7、cylinder cover/head 气缸盖8、connecting rod 连杆9、turbocharger 增压器10、driving chain 传动链11、air cooler 空气冷却器12、scanvage box 扫气箱13、oil sprayer 喷油器14、oil nozzle 喷油嘴15、exhaust valve 排气阀16、sealing ring 密封环17、cylinder liner 气缸套18、piston rod 活塞杆Ⅲ.机舱布置图Engine room arrangement1、main engine /M.E. 主机2、intermediate shaft 中间轴3、bearing 轴承4、propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴5、stern tube艉管6、aft seal head tank 后密封油箱7、FWD seal head tank前密封油箱8、stern tube L.O. drain tank 艉管滑油泄放柜9、chemical cleaning tank 化学清洗柜10、L.O. drain tank11、sludge oil trap 油渣收集柜12、rust preventer tank 防锈剂柜13、oily water separator油水分离器14、Low sea chest 低位海水门15、L.O. transfer pump 16、bilge pump 舱底泵17、M/E lub oil pump 18、M/E S.W. cooling pump 主机海水泵19、sludge pump 油渣泵20、ejector pump for F.W.G 造水装置工作水泵21、stern tube L.O. pump 艉轴管滑油泵22、H.F.O. Transfer pump 燃油输送泵23、ballast pump 压载泵24、bilge & G.S. pump 舱底总用泵25、Fire & G.S. pump 消防总用泵26、Provision Ref. Unit S.W. pump伙食冷藏海水泵27、aux. S.W. Cooling pump 辅海水泵28、L.O. purify cleaning tray 滑油分油机洗池29、L.O. purify. Operating water tank 滑油分油机工作水箱30、L.O. purify. Heater滑油分油机加热器31、diesel generator 柴油发电机组32、D/G F.W. Cooler 柴油发电机淡水冷却器33、boiler feed water pump 锅炉给水泵34、cascade tank 热井35、aux.condenser 大气冷凝器36、inspection tank 凝水检查柜37、filter 过滤器38、distilling plant 造水装置39、control air vessel 控制空气瓶40、control air dryer控制空气干燥器41、air compressor 空压机42、main air vessel 主空气瓶43、M/E F.O. heater 主机燃油加热器44、purif room exh fan分油机室抽风机45、sludge tank 油渣柜46、drinking water hydrophone tank 饮水压力柜47、calorifier 热水柜48、drinkingwater sterilizer 饮水消毒器49、emergency air compressor 50、stern tube gravity oil tank艉管重力油柜51、antifouling system power unit防污系统电源箱52、ECR. Unit cooler 集控室空冷机53、overhead crane 机舱行车54、boiler feed water test kit 炉水试验台55、cylinder oil measuring tank气缸计量柜56、sink 洗池57、gas welder 气焊机58、E.L. welder 电焊机59、universal machine 组合机床60、driller 立式钻床61、bench 钳桌台62、vice台虎钳63、grinder 砂轮机64、cupboard 橱65、sewage treatment unit 生活污水处理装置66、composite boiler 燃油/废气组合锅炉67、forced draft fan 锅炉强力风机68、incinerator 焚烧炉69、waste oil service tank 废油日用柜70、supply ventilating fans 送风机71、spark arrester消音器Ⅳ.Others1、shipyard 船厂2、shipbuilding 造船3、berth/slipway 船台4、marine diesel engine 船用柴油机5、bulk-cargo carrier 散装货船6、containership 集装箱船7、oil tanker 油船8、tonnage 吨位9、merchant ship 民用船10、military ship (warship) 军用船11、drawing 图纸12、hull 船外壳13、bow/stern 船艏/船尾14、port/starboard 左舷/右舷15、deadweight 载重量16、displacement 排水量17、freeboard 干舷18、deck 甲板19、keel 龙骨20、anchor 锚21、rudder 舵22、bottom 底23、supersrtucture 上层建筑24、side 25、weld 焊26、painting 油漆27、assemble 装配28、launching 29、sea trial 试航30、delivery 交船31、tightness test 密性试验32、after service 售后服务33、approval 认可34、blue collar worker 蓝领35、maker 36、rules and regulations 规则、规范37、chief engineer 轮机长38、chief officer大副39、clerk 事务员40、foreigner41、fore peak 艏尖舱42、aft peak 尾尖舱43、frame 肋骨44、cabin 舱室45、wheel house 驾驶室46、shaft tunnel 轴隧47、beam横梁48、manhole 人孔49、bulbous bow球鼻艏50、sea chest 海水门51、bulkhead 隔舱壁52、dry cargo hold 干货舱53、provision store 食品库54、passageway 走廊、通道55、refrigerating chamber 冷藏室Ⅴ甲板机械Deck Machinery1、deck 甲板2、anchor chain(cable)锚链3、chain locker 锚链舱4、windlass 起锚机5、mooring hole 导缆孔6、bollard 带缆桩7、cargo winch 起货绞车8、hand rail 栏杆9、hawse pipe 锚链筒10、hatchcover 舱口盖11、hatch coaming舱口围板12、control cabin操纵室13、derrick 吊杆14、cargo hook 吊货钩15、mooring winches 系泊绞车16、wire cable 钢索17、vertical ladder 直梯18、wire steel 钢丝卷筒19、side scuttle舷窗20、rudder stock 舵杆21、rudder shaft 舵轴22、flag staff 旗杆23、ventilator 通风筒Ⅵ.管系for piping1、Exhaust air system 排气系统Exhaust pipe for M.E(Generators / boiler / emergency generators)主机/ 发电机/ 锅炉/ 应急发电机2、Cooling Water System 冷却水系统①cooling fresh water (CFW) 淡水冷却水②cooling sea water (CSW) 海水冷却水3、fuel oil system 燃油系统①light diesel oil②heavy diesel oil (HDO)③fuel oil purifying燃油净化④oil sludge 废油(污油)⑤fuel oil transferring燃油输送4、Lubricating oil system①L.O for M.E(generator / stern tube)②Lub. oil transferring5、Compressed air system①high / low pressure air②starting air起动空气③control air④remote control air遥控空气⑤miscellanous air杂用空气6、Ship systems①the bilge system舱底水②the ballast system 压载水③the water supply system供水④the steam system 蒸汽⑤the drainage system排水⑥the fire-fighting system 消防⑦the air measuring and filling system空气测量注入⑧the level system 液位7、filter / filter gauze (screen)8、drainage valve sets9、pressure gauge 压力表9、vacuum真空表10、thermometer 温度计11、steel tube 钢管12、copper tube 铜管13、observation glass 观察镜14、funnel 漏斗15、hose 软管16、induction port 吸口17、bracker 支架18、shim (washer) 垫片19、flange 法兰20、connection 接口21、stainless steel pipe 不锈钢管22、threaded connection 螺纹接头23、sleeve pipe 套管24、flowmeter 流量计25、radiator 散热器26、pipe wrench 管子钳27、spanner 扳手28、pipe cutter 管子割刀29、scraper 刮刀30、vice 老虎钳31、screwdriver 螺丝刀32、torch 手电筒Ⅶ主要阀件铭牌Main valve list1、slush valve 截止阀2、non-return valve 止回阀3、through-way valve 直通阀4、butterfly valve 蝶阀5、sluice valve 闸阀6、remote-control butterfly valve 遥控蝶阀7、quick closing valve 速关阀8、self-closing valve 自闭阀9、reducer valve 减压阀10、ball valve 球阀11、copper valve 铜阀12、steel valve 钢阀13、cast iron valve 铸铁阀14、stainless steel valve 不锈钢阀15、safety valve 安全阀16、temperature adjusting valve 温度调节阀17、thermostatic valve 恒温阀18、induction valve 进气阀19、exhaust valve排气阀20、drain valve 排泄阀21、fire valve 消防阀22、three-way valve 三通阀23、valve material①cast iron铸铁②cast steel铸钢③stainless steel④bronze青铜⑤brass黄铜⑥copper紫铜⑦nodular cast iron球墨铸铁Ⅷ.电力设备electrical equipment1.emergency (diesel / tacho- / shaft) generator应急(柴油/ 测速/轴带)发电机2.servo (governor) motor 伺服(调速)马达3.ignition (current / voltage) transformer点火变压器(电流/电压互换器)4.converter 变流器5.frequency changer 变频器6.charger 充电器7.rectifier 整流器8.uninterrupted power source (UPS)不间断电源装置9.battery or storage battery蓄电池或蓄电池组10.m ain (emergency / power section) switchboard 主(应急/电力区)配电板11.g enerator (feeder) panel 发电机(馈电)屏12.c harging & discharging panel 充放电板13.(radio / low voltage / internal communication) power distributionboard无线电(低压/ 船内通信/ 电力)分电箱14.p ower unit for cathodic protection阴极保护电源箱15.t est panel 电工试验板16.s hore connection box 岸电箱17.j unction box (with fuse) 接线箱(带熔断器)18.c ontrol console (panel) 控制台,集控台19.m ain engine control stand主机控制台20.m otor starter 电动机起动器21.c ontrol box (panel) 控制箱(板)22.m ain engine safety (air conditioning) control box主机安全系统(空调)控制箱23.c ontrol box for singal light信号灯控制箱24.s teering gear source box 舵机电源箱25.c ontactor 接触器26.r elay 继电器27.c ontrol (pressure / change over) switch 控制(压力/ 转换)开关28.m agnetic valve 电磁阀29.r esistor 电阻器30.p ush button 按钮31.t emperature transducer 温度变换器32.o il mist detector 油雾探测器33.f use 熔断器34.A mmeter 电流表35.v oltmeter 压力表36.p ower meter 功率表37.p ower factor meter 功率因数表38.w att-hour meter 电度表39.f requency meter 频率表40.f low meter 流量表41.s peed indicator 转速表42.o hm meter 欧姆表43.w elder 电焊机44.l athe 车床45.d rilling machine 钻床46.p lanning machine 刨床47.g rinding machine 砂轮机48.e lectric heater 电热器49.e lectric refrigerator 电冰箱50.e lectric fan 电风扇51.a ir conditioner 空调52.w ashing machine 洗衣机53.f resh water sterilizer 引水消毒器54.s tator 定子55.r otor 转子56.n eutral wire 零线(中性线)57.w inding 绕组58.c oil 线圈Ⅸ.illumination equipment 照明设备1.port (starboard) light 左右舷灯2.mast 桅灯(stern艉灯/ anchor锚灯/ steering操舵灯/ signal信号灯/ flashing 闪光灯/ towing 拖船灯/ daylight signal 白昼信号灯/ pendant 舱顶灯/ fluorescent pendant 荧光舱顶灯/ ceiling 蓬顶灯/passage corner 走道角灯/ desk 台灯/ wall 壁灯/ berth 床头灯/ room’s nameplate 舱室铭牌灯/ chart table 海图灯/ flameproof 防爆灯/ flood 泛光灯(强光灯)/ search 聚光灯(探照灯)) light3.switch开关4.plug插头5.socket 插座6.socket box 插座箱Ⅹ.Navigation equipment 导航设备1.gyrocompass 电罗径2.magnetic compass 磁罗径3.feedback unit 反馈装置4.echo-sounder 回声测深仪5.log 计程仪6.master (slave) clock 母(子)钟7.radar 雷达8.radio direction finder 无线电测向仪9.Loran (radio navigation / satellite navigation) receiver劳兰(无线电导航/ 卫星导航)接收机10.V HF radio telephone transceiver 甚高频电话收发信机11.f acsimile 传真机12.t elevision set 电视机13.v ideo camera 电视摄像机oxygen 氧气acetylene 乙炔nitrogen 氮气inter gas 惰性气体epoxy 环氧的resin 树脂chock楔子垫木soapy water 肥皂水anemometer 风速计manometer 压力(压强)表,气压表straight edge 直尺feeler gauge 塞尺steel scale 钢尺dial gauge 千分表micrometer 外径千分尺vernier caliper 游标卡尺spanner 扳手wrench 扳手screw driver 螺丝刀hammer 锤子clinometer 测斜仪chain block 手拉葫芦mandatory 命令、强制的Chlorinator 氯化器syphon=siphon 弯管,存水管,虹吸管blind 盲板booklet of piping procedure 工序,过程,步骤gymnasium 健身房galley 船上厨房motorcycle safety helmet 安全帽life belt 安全带glove 手套respirator 口罩overall 工作服uniformelectric torch 手电筒flashlighteyeglass 眼镜elevator 电梯plank 厚木板stage 大舞台Slipway、shipway船台1.Lighting alignment for shafting & rudder system 轴舵系照光对中2.Stern tube boring 艉轴管镗孔3.Stern tube bush 艉轴衬套4.Stern boss艉轴壳5.forced fitting inspection压入配合检验6.oil jack(千斤顶)油泵7.(propeller shaft & stern tube bush)radial clearance (艉轴和艉管衬套)径向间隙8.axial clearance 轴向间隙9.Stern tube seals sealing 艉轴密封10. propeller installation force fitting压配11.pull-up length压进距离12.pull-up force 推进力13.oilpressure for boss 扩涨油压14.Zero point 零点15. Shrinkage 过盈量16.cleanness光洁度17.taper圆锥,斜度18. superposition 重合19. intersect 相交20.perpendicularity 垂直度21.vertical垂直的22.horizontal 水平的23. nut of stern shaft艉轴螺栓24.rudder 舵25.rudder blade 舵叶26.rudder stock 舵杆27.rudder pintle 舵销28.rudder tiller 舵柄29.rudder bush 舵承30.rudder horn 挂舵臂31. securing key 定位销,定位键32.protecting cover 保护帽33.grease牛油34.rudder angle 舵角35.full angle 满舵36. rudder blade’s stopper防跳块37.temperature sensor 温度传感器38. inlet outlet 进出39. tolerance 公差,允许量40.wear down gauge 磨损规41.stern tube main chamber 大腔42.high pressure chamber 高压腔43.low pressure chamber 低压腔Engine Room 机舱1.Cleaning check:Storage oil tank of steering gear 舵机储存油箱(方形)Expansion oil tank of mooring winch 绞机膨胀油箱(圆形)Storage oil tank of mooring winch 绞机储存油箱Storage oil tank of windlass 锚机储存油箱(方形)Expansion oil tank of windlass 锚机膨胀油箱(圆形)Hydraulic oil tank of hatch cover 舱口盖液压油箱2.flushing of winch piping 绞机管路投油1.D/G pouring epoxy chock 发电机浇环氧2.holding down bolt 地脚螺栓3.deflection of crankshaft 曲轴甩档4.piston 活塞5.cylinder 气缸6. turbocharger 涡轮增压器7.1.Force measurement of M/E stay bolts 紧固螺栓2.piston rod and connection rod bolts 活塞杆和连杆螺栓3.bolts in drive end of crank 曲轴大端螺栓4.piston—piston rod—crosshead—connection rod—crank—crankshaft活塞活塞杆十字头连杆曲柄曲轴5.cam 凸轮6.camshaft 凸轮轴7.M/E chain cable 主机链条8.flooding test of M/E return oil pipes 压水试验9.propeller cap—propeller—stern tube seals—stern tube bush—sternshaft—intermediate shaft导流帽螺旋桨艉密封艉管衬套艉轴中间轴—intermediate bearing—flywheel (thrust shaft)中间轴承飞轮推力轴10.coupling reamer holes 联轴节铰制孔11.turning gear 盘车机12. spring 弹簧1.main air compressor主空压机2.alignment of coupling flange 联轴节对中3.gap 裂面4.sag 位移1.steering gear舵机2. ram roller bearing 舵机活塞杆轴承3. neck bush & cylinder 舵机活塞颈衬套和活塞缸体4. dimension measurement 尺寸测量1.fore draft valve艏吃水阀2.speed log 计程仪3.echo sounder 测深仪Quay、shipside、wharf、dock码头。



第一部分日常用语:Daily EnglishⅠ:问候、介绍、告别(Greetings、introductions and farewells)1、I’m a fitter (electrician、piper ). 钳工、电工、管子工2、He is an inspector(QC). 检验员3、Welcome to our shipyard.Ⅱ:致谢、道歉(Gratitude and Apologies)1、Do me a favour, please. 请多帮忙2、When shall we deliver it? 提交3、Please wait a moment.4、Will this way take me to the foreign office? 外事办5、Right-about-face向后转ⅢLife in the yard1、Have you got used to the life here?2、Please hold the handrails well. 请抓好扶手3、Please use your intercom.(walkie-talkie)对讲机4、How about quality? 质量怎么样?5、There’s something wrong with the drawing.6、Sorry, It’s my fault. 是我的过错7、Don’t worry. That’s easy to deal with.8、Let’s start to check some items. 开始验收吧9、Are you satisfied with it?10、The vibration (temperature、pressure、speed) is normal. 振动(温度、压力、速度)是正常11、Sorry, it has not been finished yet.12、Submission (Delivery) is Okay. 提交(验收)成功常用句型Common Patterns1、That is an exhaust valve. 排气阀2、These are blowers. 鼓风机3、There are ten workers in our group.4、He is a technician. 技术员5、I am a fitter. 钳工6、When shall we have a check?7、Will you please give me a hand?第二部分管子部分Ⅰ.管子加工后提交用语:Delivery expressions after pipe processing1、Which system is this pipe for?2、How many pipes are there altogether?3、What’s the designed test pressure ? It is 12 kilograms/cm2设计规定的试验压力是多少?12公斤/厘米2。

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that senses the performance of the machine…and intended performance为定语 从句修饰a self-regulating mechanism,在这个 定语从句中,senses the performance, compares it with the intended performance 与adjusts the machine并列,中间用and连接。
b. 本句可译为:
术语“自动化”或自动控制,通常用来指机 器通过自我调节装置来运行。此装置能感知 机器的运转状况,并通过称作反馈的过程将 其与预期的运转状况进行比较,然后,调整 机器以减小实际与预计运转状况之间的差异。
3. Remote control means that the system is being controlled by the operator who is situated remote from the system.
c. in the rooms refers to in the machinery control rooms.
5. In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation,certain essential functions must be provided.
2. The term ‘automation’, or automatic control, generally is taken to mean the operation of a machine by a self-regulating mechanism that senses the performance of the machine and, using a process called feedback, compares it with the intended performance, and then adjusts the machine to reduce the difference between actual and intended performance.
8. UMS: Unattended Machinery Space 9. In the event of 10.be informed of
II. Analysis of long and difficult sentences
1. Control systems on board ship are either automatic or remote or a combination of these. a. on board ship 作定语修饰control systems,本短语译为船上的控制系统。 b. either…or…:要么…要么
1. the three kinds of control systems on board ship especially the combination of automatic and remote control
2. the definition of automatic and remote control
3. the use of computers in a full automatic control system
4. the use of audible and visual alarms in the control system
5. UMS
Reading material C: boiler water level control
Lesson 28
Focus Remote control, automatic control and a combination of these The usages of computers UMS Reading material C : boiler water level control
I. Phrases:
1. automation 2. automatic control 3. a self-regulating mechanism 4. remote control 5. a machinery control room 6. an alarm system 7. an audible and visual alarm
a. in order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation作目的状语,其中the ship与its equiptial functions must be provided为主句,且为一被动句型。
that the system is being controlled by the operator 为宾语从句
who is situated remote from the system作定语修饰the operator
4. The operation state and parameters of working condition of machines can be recorded, displayed and controlled automatically, or manually in the rooms.
a. the operation state and parameters of working condition of machines 为主语,机器 的运转状况和工况参数
b. recorded,displayed与controlled并列,而 automatically 与manually并列。
Remember the following point: When a boiler is operating, the water
level in the gauge glass reads higher than when the boiler is shut down.
a. This sentence is very long, 主语为
the term, automation or automatic control 为the term 的同位语,其中 automation 与automatic control 又是同 位语。
谓语为is taken,to mean the operation of a machine by a self-regulating mechanism为 不定式作主语补足语,
using a process called feedback作状语 修饰compares,其中called feedback修饰 process,
to reduce the difference between the actual and intended performance为不 定式作目的状语。
4. What does remote control mean?
5. What kind of alarms will be given when a fault condition is located?
6. What does UMS refer to?
7. When are UMS mainly unattended? And who should have control of the main engine?
1. What can control systems on board ship be divided into?
2. What is automatic control? 3. what is used to supervise, analyze,
record and display the conditions of the machine in a full automatic control system?