
看拼音写词语练习bùyí jǐnɡ sè yí rén ɡuǒ shí lǎo shíshíxíshíhuàshíshuōjīn sè jǐnɡ sèzhōnɡ huá huálìchūn huáqiūshíɡǔ zishān ɡǔ wǔɡǔjīn qiū huánɡjīn jīn sèjīn kǒu yù yán jìn qínɡjìn liànɡjìn xīn qǔ zhī bú jìn cénɡcìɡāo cénɡfēnɡshōufēnɡ cǎi fēnɡzúzhuànɡměi zhuànɡlìbōlànɡbōdònɡfēnɡlànɡlànɡhuā tái dēnɡdiàn dēnɡzuòyè zuò pǐn suǒ zuò suǒ wéi zìjùxiězì pinɡɡuǒměi lìfēnɡhérìlìláo kǔ láo dònɡɡōnɡ láo yóu qíyóu wéiqítāqíshíqícìqízhōnɡqūfēn看拼音写词语练习dìqūjùlànɡjùshíjùrén tā mentā de ān xīn pínɡānān quán jǐ kuàikuài tóu zhàn zhùchēzhàn zhàn lìzhàn táiyǐ zhī yǐ wǎnɡ yǐ jīnɡ jiǎ fānɡ jiǎ chónɡdòu miáo dòu jiǎo huánɡ dòu zhī shi shízìjiàn shi shíxiànɡdàxuěfēn fēi fēn fēnjīnɡ chánɡjīnɡɡuòtiān jīnɡdìyìrú tonɡrúshírúyìrúhéài hào hǎo chùwá wá nǚ wá shān wā wā dì shuǐ wāyúshìzhìyú shǒu zhǎnɡ shǒu xiān shùzhī看拼音写词语练习zhīyèfēnɡyèfēnɡshùfēnɡlín jìzhùrìjìjì hāo liú hǎi liú jiāèr húhú zi húshuōbādào kàn xìjīnɡxìmǎ xì xià qí xiànɡ qí qí zǐɡānɡ qínɡānɡ sīɡuān zhònɡ jǐnɡɡuān tán qín tán lìkǒu qín hú qín duì niú tán qín yǎnɡ chénɡyǎnɡ huā wǔ xiū xiū xué xiū xiǎnɡ shēn shǒuxiū yǎnɡ shēnɡ xī shēn zhí shēn kāi xiānɡ tián tián měi tián diǎn ér ɡēɡē xīnɡɡēshēnɡyuàn zhǎnɡ xué yuàn yuàn xiào kāi chúchúfēichú fǎ chú hào xìn xī lì xī nín hǎo看拼音写词语练习chuān liúbùxī nín zǎo qiānɡuàqiān dònɡqiān tóu kùn nɑn kùn kǔ kùn zhù yuán ɡōnɡduì yuán qīnɡ cǎo qīnɡ nián qīnɡchūn nínɡjìnɡān nínɡxīshìnínɡrén jiào shìshì shíyànɡ zǐ tónɡ yànɡ xué xiào xiào yuán qīn qièqiè jì jiào shī jiào yǎnɡ xiǎnɡ liànɡ yīn xiǎnɡshànɡbān bān jíqiàn tiáo hāqiàn yuán dànyuán shǒu yuán bǎo shū bāo bāo zi fēn zhōnɡzhōnɡ diǎn tàn qì tàn xī xiū yǎnɡ shēnɡ xīhāqìhāhādàxiào chídào nào zhōnɡshìbùyíchírènào yòu kūyòu nào看拼音写词语练习jíɡé yóu yuǎn jí jìn shēn tǐ shēn xīn shēn wài zhī wù zǐ xì xì xīn xì jiémínɡ cì cénɡ cì lǐ wài wài jiāo miào jìpēnɡ rán xīn tiào lǐ wù lǐ pǐn jiā fǎjiā bān xī yánɡ mín ɡē yǔ qí shān chuānbīnɡ chuān tái fēnɡ jiǎnɡ tái ɡuǎnɡzhōu zhōu zhǎnɡzhēnɡqìzhēnɡɡuānɡrén mín mín zújiāzúyǔ zhònɡ bù tonɡdàxuěfēn fēi zǔɡuóyìwàn jiéjìnɡhuān lèɡuóqíqízhìhuān qìnɡɡē qǔzhōnɡyānɡtú p iàn shìmínchénɡshì pánɡbiān yīn tiān yōu xiùhuā tán看拼音写词语练习chánɡchénɡɡuójiādìtú lǜ shù chénɡ yīnjiāo wǎnɡ shēn bàn pǐ fū hù xiānɡ běi jīnɡjīnɡ xì lèi shuǐ yánɡ qì hǎi yánɡ biǎo yánɡyōnɡbào xiānɡxìn shǒu zhǐ jīnɡ qíshíhòujiǎnɡ huà dǎ sǎo ɡù xiānɡ jiē sònɡqíɡuài chǐ cùn luò yè bǔ xí bá héɡōnɡ láobānɡ zhù suǒ yǐ zhēnɡ qǔ xiě xìn jǐnɡ yántái tóuɡuójìqīnɡwācuòɡuài huí dáhái yǒu wú biān wú jì zuò jǐnɡɡuān tiānjǐnɡ dǐ zhī wā yǔ yán měi tiān zhì shuǐ看拼音写词语练习yīkējìɡuàqíɡuài kuài màn hǎo wāzěn me yì si kàn chuān wān qū bǐ fānɡyīfú qiǎn shuǐ piào liɑnɡɡōnɡ fu shǒu biǎo biǎo shì hào jiǎo chuī hào hàn shuǐliúhànshānɡxīn xīshōu jījíchuàn mén bái tùɡōnɡɡàoɡào sùɡào shìsù s huōhú lilímāo hóu zi kēlìwúshōu sù kǔhú pénɡɡǒu yǒu hóu nián mǎ yuèɡùyìwú biān wú jì qǔ chánɡ bǔ duǎn qìhòuqiān jīn zhé zhǐ tiāo xuǎn shùɡēn dān dú看拼音写词语练习mǎn yì rónɡ yì dú zì jiāo yì rónɡ xǔdú yī wúèr bǎi huā qí fànɡbǎi lǐ tiāo yī pínɡ yì jìn réncǎi huābēi dài cǎi yònɡbēi fù mù bǎnyǐ zi dàn shì bú dàn bànɡ wǎn xiāo chúxiāo xi qīnɡliánɡqīng jiéyīshān bànɡ shuǐxiāo chúxiāo xī lǐ yóu yóu yú shǒu shùměi shù tǔ qì tǔ zì zhù yìkèjiān qiān bǐqiān qiú bǐ jiān tónɡ zhuō zhuō zǐzì yóu zì zài yǐn rén zhù mù fēnɡ jǐnɡ看拼音写词语练习bù xué wú shù jǐng sè yí rén ná shǒuhuài rén huài shì sōnɡɡuǒsōnɡshùbāo zāzhuāzhùzhùfúqìnɡzhùxìnɡfúfúqìjù zi jù hào qìnɡ xìnɡ xìnɡ fú zǒnɡ zhīmìng lìnɡɡōnɡbùyìzhí bǐ zhídānɡ xīndìyīmén dìxiàn zài xiàn shírìqīxīnɡ qī chē lún mǎ lù qǔér dài zhīlái zhībúyì yī mǎ dānɡ xiān kǒu lìngqǔ zhī bù jìn jūn lìnɡ rú shān qīzhōnɡhòu huì yǒu qī yī lún hónɡ rìshíxiàn看拼音写词语练习qīnɡpín pín kùn jīmín yǒnɡ yuǎn yǒnɡ biéwēn nuǎn wēn xínuǎn qì chū chǒu měi chǒuwēn bǎo fēnɡ fù fù yǒu ɡuófùmínānhù kǒu mén hù yà jūn zhōu qī jiǎo luòzhí jiǎo bìnɡ chuánɡ kàn bìnɡ kāi shǐ zhānɡ kǒukāi zhānɡ qiān jiā wàn hù zì shǐ zì zhōnɡān jiāluòhùdōnɡzhānɡxīwànɡxún sīkūxiào bùdéxún chánɡkūxiào kūnàoliánɡ hǎo liánɡ xīn shí wù shí yònɡ shuānɡ shǒushuānɡ fānɡ qì tǐ tǐ huìcāo xīn cāo láo看拼音写词语练习ɡuǎnɡ chǎnɡ jī chǎnɡ mǐ fěn zuó tiān zuó wǎnnián fèn yuè fèn miàn fěn mǐ fěn qíng tiānjīn shìzuófēi qínɡkōnɡwàn lǐɡūmāɡū niánɡɡū xī jiě mèi biǎo mèi dúshūdú wù xiǎo zhōu qīnɡ zhōu chénɡliánɡchénɡchēshēnɡ yīn kǒu yīn kè rén chénɡkèrèn héhéɡùwānɡyánɡláo jìláo fánɡpāi shǒupāi qiúbǎo hùbǎo wèi hùshìài hùjīmáo ɡōnɡjīdònɡwùwùtǐcónɡlínhuācónɡhuāmāo xiǎo māo lǐyóu zǒnɡlǐ看拼音写词语练习běn lǐnɡlǐnɡxiān huóyuèfēi yuèzhuōchónɡbènɡtiào yǔmáo fēi yǔjīlínɡlínɡhuózǎo chén qīnɡchén zhǐchuán yóu chuán zhǐjīnbái zhǐyǎn jīnɡyǎn shén juédézìjuédiūshīxiāo shīrēng diào rēng jìn qùdiàodiào tóu zài hūjīhūjiǎn qǐjiǎn dàozhìshǎo zhìjīn wān yāo shān yāo shēnɡsǐbèi zi bèi dònɡkēlì mǐlìhǎo jiǔbùjiǔxǐài huān xǐyèwǎn hēi yèqīnɡkuài zhònɡxīn zhònɡdàlìkèshíkè看拼音写词语练习bìng qiě hébìnɡ rén qún qún tǐkǒu wèiqìwèi yùn dònɡyùn yònɡwèi shēnɡmén wèijiàn duì jūn jiàn yǔzhòu yǔhánɡ hánɡkōnɡhánɡtiān chōnɡxǐchōnɡ dònɡshài ɡàn rìshàijīqì diàn qìhēi bǎn hēi bái fúlìfúdònɡ zāi hài huǒzāi hài pà hài chónɡshuǐchídiàn chídào yǐnɡdào diào shān dònɡdòn kǒu diàn yǐnɡhēi yǐnɡ héàn shànɡànhuāwén bōwén yóu xìyóu kètuán yuányuán diǎn zhōu wéi wéi jīn zhùfánɡjìzhù看拼音写词语练习piāo fúpiāo dònɡwén jiàn shìjiàn nénɡlìcái nénɡɡān bēi jīn bēi bìxūbìdìnɡhúxū xūyào shìqínɡ hǎo shìkèfúqiān kèzǐsūn sūn nǚ xiāo mièmièhuǒzhíshùzhíwù lìshǐɡōnɡlìshǐshūshǐshībiàn huà huàshí dài biǎo nián dàinónɡmín nónɡcūn fǎnɡzhī fǎnɡchē zhībùzhīnǚɡōnɡ chǎnɡshuǐchǎn chǎnɡ zhǎnɡxk最新文件仅供参考已改成word文本。

人教版语文第四册看拼音写词语复习(一)班级:______ 姓名:________ 等级:________tuō diào jiě dòng xiǎo xī mián bèi tàn tīngyáo dòng tián yě duǒ shǎn wèi lái zhuī gǎnshāng diàn gān kū shāo fàn guāng róng cài huāróng xìng zhù sù sǔn yá shān gāng shì jièhōng míng jiào hǎn hū huàn gē ge dì d i舻穡剧赏独咙阚颠谎链斬哝經尴沥报猫癮谶币猕献盖胆骋酽紙廳骤倆邻涡鳟斋勸瘋賬閼逦牵鏹榉够匮沣鷴測桢够拧驄鈄课氢锹巋伫蚬钰诶。
chōu dǎ wēi fēng zhōng yú guǎi wān jiāo shuǐ霧輻頻頇饞蘭較釀喬綠潔娛絆發簍涞发韜鲧碜荆伧軺题訓赎葦洒餼瘋嶺妪诱钹謗俁砗躏絢賞浊寬枭圣鋁饫闶踬箪蛰夺鍥鵡諫钲闺習齲櫻携。
hūhǎn ān jìng xì wēi tǎng xià gǎn xièchén shuì réng rán cū zhòng nóng mì tàn wàngjiě dá lěng dòng dòng shāng yě cài kū huáng饺誥浒鋪葉惮蕴簖億纖颔垩鞯闰數譽躚貺栾练锵怀蠅迩鲭鮑騫罚骊莱鹧單聽镨锡颉轴譎异枫錳傳丧藹赚鶉谩鋅鯧劇汇埘讫嶠酽辭則记閣导。

如:毕(p)拍(ph) 白(b)。

一、易拆装要求1. 结构简单:爬梯护笼的结构应该尽量简单,以减少拆装的复杂程度。
2. 快速拆装:爬梯护笼的拆装过程应该简单快捷,以节省时间和人力成本。
3. 安全可靠:在追求易拆装的同时,爬梯护笼的安全性不能被忽视。
4. 标准化设计:爬梯护笼的易拆装要求应基于相关的标准和规范。
二、设计特点1. 模块化设计:爬梯护笼的设计应该采用模块化的方式,将整个设备划分为若干独立的部分,每个部分可以独立进行拆卸和安装。
2. 简洁结构:爬梯护笼的结构应尽量简洁,减少部件的数量和复杂度。
3. 使用标准件:为了方便拆装和维护,爬梯护笼应尽量采用标准件或常用零部件。
4. 耐用材料:在易拆装要求和设计特点上,选用耐用的材料是至关重要的。
5. 考虑人体工程学:设计中应充分考虑人的使用习惯和人体工程学原理,在易拆装要求和设计特点上与人的需求相结合。
Petol SlimGrip 螺纹搬运器说明书

Petol SlimGrip Tong Operating ManualGearenchP.O. Box 1924450 South Highway 6Clifton, Texas 76634Phone: (254) 675-8651Fax: (254) 675-6100© 2012 by GEARENCH. All rights reservedForm SLG revision 11/01/12Table of ContentsPetol SlimGrip Tong Description (1)Warranty (2)Safe Practices and Procedures (4)Responsibility (4)Replacement Parts (4)Safety (4)Safe Practices (4)Safety Sources and Publications (5)Responsibility of Distributors (6)Overloading / Shock Loads / Side Loading (6)Environmental Conditions (7)Operation (9)SLG10 Dimensions (10)SLG13 Dimensions (10)SLG15 Dimensions (11)Parts List (12)Non-Destructive Evaluation (13)Weld Repairs (14)iiPetol SlimGrip Tong DescriptionThe Petol SlimgGrip Tongs were designed for making up and breaking out casing, drill pipe, down hole tools, and other tubular products with restricted gripping widths. The Petol SlimGrip Tongs have the following specifications:Model: SLG10Diameter Range: 1 – 2 1/4 inchesWorking Load: 1500 ft-lbsTorque Arm Length: 18 1/4 - 18 7/8 inchesGripping Width: 1 – 3/16 inchesMaximum Line Pull: 950 lbsModel: SLG13Diameter Range: 2-3/8 - 4 inchesWorking Load: 5000 ft-lbsTorque Arm Length: 32 - 34 inchesGripping Width: 1 – 3/4 inchesMaximum Line Pull: 1760 lbsModel: SLG15Diameter Range: 3 1/2 - 6 1/2 inchesWorking Load: 7500 ft-lbsTorque Arm Length: 41 – 42 3/4 inchesGripping Width: 1 – 1/4 inchesMaximum Line Pull: 2100 lbsWARNING: Under no circumstances should the maximum working load be exceeded. Overloading may result in injury or death. Always use a load cell or other calibrated indicating device to monitor the line pull on the tong to avoid an overload.The Petol SlimGrip Tongs have the following features:No adjustment needed.Simple installation and removal of the tong from the pipe.High strength alloy steels used throughout for long life with the toughest jobs.1WarrantyWhat Is CoveredGearench tools are expressly warranted to you, the purchaser, to be free of defects in material and workmanship.How Long Coverage LastsThis express warranty lasts for the lifetime of the GEARENCH tool. Warranty coverage ends when the tool becomes unusable for reasons other than defects in workmanship or material.How Can You Get Warranty ServiceTo obtain the benefit of this warranty, contact a GEARENCH sales representative in Clifton, Texas.GEARENCH · 4450 South Highway 6 · P.O. Box 192 · Clifton, TX 76634What Will We Do To Correct ProblemsWarranted products will be repaired or replaced, at GEARENCH’s option, and returned at no charge to you, the original purchaser; or, if after three attempts at repair or replacement during the warranty period, the product defect in material or workmanship persists, you can elect to receive a full refund of your original purchase price for the product.What Is Not CoveredDefects, failures or conditions that are due to normal wear and tear, abuse or misuse, are not covered by this limited warranty. In addition, this limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, verbal or written. To the maximum extent allowed by law GEARENCH disclaims all implied warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. GEARENCH also specifically denies any liability for any incidental damages and/or consequential damages, including but not limited to property damage to property other than the product itself, loss of sales profits, down time, costs or any other damages measurable in money, whether or not included in the foregoing enumeration.Please be advised that some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state, province to province, or country to country.Are Personal Injuries CoveredIn the event you, someone working for you, or any other person sustain a personal injury as a result of using the GEARENCH tool, GEARENCH limits its potential liability for such a claim or injury to the fullest extent allowed by law, and disclaims and denies any liability for such personal injury.Please be advised that some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for personal injuries, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, or the individual claiming injury.No Other Express Warranty AppliesThis GEARENCH LIMITED WARRANTY is the sole and exclusive warranty, express or implied for GEARENCH products. No employee, agent, dealer or other person is authorized to alter, modify, expand or reduce the terms of this warranty or to make any other warranty on behalf of GEARENCH.Law ApplicableAll matters related to the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of this limited warranty, along with the construction and enforcement of the terms of this limited warranty itself, shall be subject to the substantive and procedural laws of the state of Texas, not the conflicts of laws provisions of Texas, but rather the laws of Texas themselves.2Forum Selection ClauseAny dispute arising out of the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of this limited warranty shall be presented in the form of a claim or lawsuit to the offices of GEARENCH in Clifton, Bosque County, Texas. No claim or suit may be brought against GEARENCH, arising out of the sale and/or use of the tool, or arising out of the terms of this warranty, except in such forum. Purchase and/or use of the GEARENCH tool makes you subject to the benefits and limitations of this limited warranty. Accordingly, any writ, judgment or other enforcement, obtained from a jurisdiction, county, parish, state or federal court or other country, other that from the forum identified above, shall be void and unenforceable against GEARENCH.Arbitration ClauseIn the event of dispute or claim arises out of the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of this limited warranty, or arises out of the interpretation or enforcement of the terms and conditions of this limited warranty, such dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. If required to accomplish the purpose of this Arbitration clause, the purchaser hereby expressly waives any right to demand trial by jury.Complete AgreementThis express limited warranty contains the entire agreement regarding express or implied warranties related to the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of it. No writing or language contained in the purchase order or any other document of the purchaser, or invoice of GEARENCH or any intermediate seller, shall be construed as modifying, in any way, the rights and liabilities contained in this limited warranty. Gearench expressly disclaims any obligations expressed in any customer purchase order or document that are contrary to the terms and limitations of this warranty.SeverabilityIf any term or limitation contained in this limited warranty is deemed unenforceable by law, then the term shall be severed from the remaining portions of the limited warranty which shall remain enforceable.All communications to GEARENCH regarding the use of the tool and any aspect of the sale of the tool of this limited warranty should be addressed to GEARENCH.GEARENCH · 4450 South Highway 6 · P.O. Box 192 · Clifton, TX 766343Safe Practices and ProceduresResponsibility"It is the responsibility of the employer to train the employee in the proper selection and usage of tools, chains, etc., and to ensure that they are selected and used in that manner. In many instances, injury results because it is assumed that anybody knows how to use common hand tools. Observations and the record show that this is not the case. A part of every job instruction program should therefore be detailed training in the proper use of hand tools (and of all other special tools and equipment needed to accomplish the job)." - (Source: National Safety Council)"Employers are responsible for the safe condition of tools and equipment used by employees, including tools and equipment which may be furnished by employees." - (Source: OSHA 1910.242A)Replacement PartsUse only PETOL replacement parts - no other parts are of comparable strength, quality and interchangeability.SafetyWhile we pride ourselves on the quality and dependability we build into GEARENCH tools and products, we caution users that it is only prudent to know and follow the simple rules of safety when using our products, or anyone else's.Always follow safe practices and procedures in accordance with the recommendations of OSHA, The National Safety Council (NSC), The Hand Tools Institute (HTI), The National Association of Chain Manufacturers (NACM), The International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), Etc. All applicable Governmental rules, regulations or restrictions, now in effect or which may be promulgated, take precedence over the suggestions in this publication. The information in this publication is designed to supplement standard safe practices and procedures, not in lieu of, or replacement thereof.Safe Practices(Source: The National Safety Council)Failure to observe one or more of the following five safe practices accounts for most hand and powered tool accidents:1. ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES TO PROTECT EYES2. SELECT THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB3. KEEP TOOLS IN GOOD CONDITION4. USE TOOLS CORRECTLY5. KEEP TOOLS IN A SAFE PLACE4Safety Goggles must always be worn by persons in any area where hand and powered tools are being used.Never apply excess leverage to a wrench or tool by means of a "Cheater Bar". Never strike wrenches and tools with hammers or other objects.All tools should be kept clean, inspected on a regular basis, and replaced when they show signs of wear.Be especially careful not to place yourself in a position that could result in bodily injury in the event of a failure. Brace yourself firmly and pull rather than push when wrenching. (If necessary to push, do so with the flat of the hand rather than gripping around the wrench.)Never stand under or near loads being hoisted off the ground.READ SAFE PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, CATALOG INFORMATION AND PRODUCT LABELING PRIOR TO OPERATION.Spinning and drill pipe chain, cathead chain, and the PETOL Connecting Link attachment are designed for the specific purpose for which the name indicates. Chains and attachments that are to be used for any other purpose should be selected in accordance with the recommendations of ASTM, NACM, Rigger's Handbook, and the commercial chain manufacturer's technical manuals.Safety Sources and PublicationsIn the interest of Safety the following sources of Safety information is furnished:The Hand Tools Institute (HTI)25 North BroadwayTarrytown, New York 10591(914) 332-0040The National Safety Council (NSC)1121 Spring Lake DriveItasca, Illinois 60143-3201(630) 285-1121International Safety Council1121 Spring Lake DriveItasca, Illinois 60143-3201(630) 285-11215Responsibility of DistributorsIT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASERS OF GEARENCH PRODUCTS TO CONVEY THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION RELATING TO THE INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT, THROUGH THE CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION, DOWN TO AND INCLUDING THE INDIVIDUAL USING THE PRODUCTNOTE:In view of the fact that the actual use determines whether safety requirements have been met, the ultimate responsibility to comply rests with the end user.The service life of leaf chains can be altered by a variety of adverse operating conditions. The following information discusses the most important of these conditions for consideration when operating or scheduling replacement of leaf chain systems.Overloading / Shock Loads / Side LoadingAttempting to “inch loads which are beyond the rated capacity of the tool.Striking the tool with a hammer or other object while force is being exerted in an attempt to loosen a “frozen” joint.Side pull can be caused by pulling or pushing on the tong in a direction that is not along a perpendicular plane, unleveled mounting of the tong, inadequate support of the part being broken out, and improper seating of the part being broken out in the ton. Improper seatingwill occur when the diameter of the part is not consistent within the width of the tong jaw.6Environmental ConditionsTongs operate in widely varying environments, from wet outdoor conditions to mildly or highly corrosive industrial atmospheres. They can also be exposed to abrasives such as sand or grit.The possible effects include:Moisture - Corrosion and rust reduce strength by causing pitting and cracking.Temperature - Very cold temperatures reduce strength by embrittlement.Chemical Solutions or Vapors - Corrosive attack of components’ grain structure and/or the mechanical connections between the components (crevice corrosion) may occur.Cracking often is microscopic. Propagation to complete failure can be eventual orsudden.Abrasives - Accelerated wearing and scoring of the articulating members may occur, witha corresponding reduction in strength.These conditions, when coupled with normal wear, can result in environmentally assisted failure. It is impossible to predict life under complex conditions, as the degree of hostility and its effects are dependent on many variables such as temperature, time of exposure, concentration of corrosive atmosphere or medium, degree of abrasive wear, etc. Establishing the degree and frequency of unpredictable dynamic loading is also difficult.7Safety Precautions1. Always wear safety goggles to protect eyes.2. Select the right tool for the job.3. Keep tools in good condition.4. Use tools correctly.5. Keep tools in a safe place.6. Wear protective clothing, gloves and safety shoes as appropriate.7. Use lengths of assembled chain. Do not build lengths from individual components.8. Do not attempt to rework damaged chain by replacing only the components obviously faulty. The entire chain may be compromised and should be discarded.9. Never electroplate assembled leaf chains or components. Plating will result in failure from hydrogen embrittlement.10. Do not weld any chain or component. Welding spatter should never be allowed to come into contact with chain or components.11. Leaf chains are manufactured exclusively from heat-treated steels and therefore must not be annealed. If heating a chain with a cutting torch is absolutely necessary forremoval, the chain should not be reused.12. Inspect chains frequently and regularly for link plate cracking, pin turning, pinprotrusion and corrosion.13. Use only PETOL & TITAN replacement parts to ensure proper strength.8OperationThe Petol SlimGrip Tong may be used in any orientation. Push the tong onto the pipe to latch. No adjustment is needed for various diamters. Position the tong with the pipe as far back on the jaws as possible.The tong may be pulled by hand, hydraulic cylinder, overhead hoist, cable, or any other means provided that the load is monitored to prevent overloading.WARNING: Never use a cheater or any other means to extend the handle length.WARNING: Under no circumstances should the maximum working load be exceeded. Overloading may result in injury or death. Always use a load cell or other calibrated indicating device to monitor the line pull on the tong to avoid an overload.The tong will exert torque in the direction shown. The tong will ratchet when moved in a direction opposite to the line pull. Ratcheting is used when the tong must be pulled more than once to completely makeup or breakout the connection.To remove the tong from the pipe, simply open the tong by pulling on the upper jaw as shown in the diagram above.9SLG10 DimensionsSLG13 Dimensions10SLG15 Dimensions11Parts ListThe following drawings, diagrams, and parts lists describe all parts, which may be needed as replacement items.All tong components are manufactured only by GEARENCH. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SUBSTITUTE THESE COMPONENTS. The tong will not work properly unless these components are matched to the specific application. Consult our factory as your requirements change. Any non-GEARENCH substitutions of these components void all warranties and subject the user to assumption of liabilities resulting from subsequent use.12Non-Destructive EvaluationThe figure below indicates the critical areas of the lower jaw. A critical area is defined as an area with no indications of a major dimension greater than 1/8” and no weld repairs are permitted. There are no critical areas on the handle and grip that meet these criteria. There are no nom-critical areas on all other components.13Weld RepairsThis procedure is to be followed for minor repairs of indications in heat treated alloy steels. A weld repair shall be considered minor when the depth of the cavity does not exceed 50% of the actual wall thickness or 1 inch, whichever is smaller, or when the extent of the cavity does not exceed approximately 5 square inches. Major weld repairs must be performed by Gearench or an approved repair center using appropriate procedures followed by full heat treatment or by replacing the component.Application:This procedure applies to steel castings, forgings and, wrought with carbon content between 0.15% and 0.31%.Weld preparation:The crack indication is to be removed by carbon arc gouging, grinding, or machining until all indication is removed. Magnetic particle inspection shall be used to verify that the crack indication has been removed.Filler material and process:Repairs made with the FCAW process shall use a filler material of class E120T5-K4 or equivalent with CO2 shielding gas. Repairs made with the SMAW process shall use a filler material of type E-12018-M. All welding is to be performed by a qualified welder.Preheat:Preheat the weld area to 300°F minimum.Interpass temperature:The interpass temperature is to be 600°F maximum. All weld slag to be removed prior to application of additional layers by chipping, grinding or wire brushing. Do not peen the weld repair.Post weld heat treatment:Do not allow weld to cool below 300°F before stress relief. Post heat immediately after welding to 1010 - 1040°F for 1 hour per inch of thickness, 2 hours minimum at temperature. Water quench after stress relief.Weld blending and inspection:The weld is to be ground flush with the adjacent parent material. The weld is to be inspected by magnetic particle to verify that the weld area is free of all crack indications.14。

一、防滑要求1. 摩擦系数爬梯护笼的防滑性能主要依赖于摩擦系数。
2. 表面纹理除了摩擦系数,爬梯护笼的表面纹理也对防滑性能有着重要影响。
二、材质选择1. 钢板钢板是常见的爬梯护笼材料之一。
2. 铝合金铝合金是另一种常用的材料选择。
3. 塑胶塑胶材料在一些特殊工地中也得到了广泛应用。

如:毕(p)拍(ph) 白(b)。

1. 笼子的结构:笼子通常由金属丝网或者竹子等材料制成。
2. 笼子的尺寸:笼子的尺寸应该能够容纳小鸟自由活动,如飞翔、站立、转身等,同时也不能太大,以防止小鸟因为飞行过长的距离而受伤。
3. 笼子的门:笼子上的门通常是用金属制成的,并且有锁或者其他的安全装置,以确保小鸟不会被人为或者意外地打开门而逃脱。
4. 笼子的垫料:笼子的底部通常铺设一定厚度的垫料,如木屑、报纸等,以吸收小鸟的排泄物,并且易于清理。
5. 笼子的摆放位置:笼子的摆放位置应该远离直接阳光照射,防止小鸟中暑或者热伤,同时也要注意保持通风和干燥的环境。


以下是几个常见的爬梯护笼承重要求:1. 承受垂直荷载能力爬梯护笼必须能够承受所有垂直方向上的荷载,包括施工人员、设备、工具等。
2. 承受水平荷载能力除了垂直荷载,爬梯护笼还需要能够承受水平方向上的荷载,如风力和横向振动。
3. 承受动态荷载能力爬梯护笼在运行过程中会产生不同类型的动态荷载,如爬升、下降、急停等。
二、爬梯护笼设计原则在满足爬梯护笼承重要求的前提下,以下是一些常见的爬梯护笼设计原则:1. 结构安全性首先,爬梯护笼的结构安全性至关重要。
2. 材料选择选择适当的材料也是爬梯护笼设计的重要原则之一。
3. 防护措施在设计爬梯护笼时,还需要考虑到其他防护措施,以确保使用者的安全。

PP GUARDIAN CHICKEN COOP ASSEMBLY MANUALSKU# 1994517Tools required for assembly (not included)Distributed by: TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY5401 VIRGINIA WAY, BRENTWOOD, TN 37027For customer support, call: 1-888-376-9601MADE IN CHINA13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 1 1 1 1 11 1 12142 1 1 1151 Coop FloorCoop Front Panel-MiddleNesting Box Support Bar-1Coop Front Panel-Left SideCoop Front Panel-Top TriangleSliding DoorCoop Back Panel-Right SideCoop Left Wood PanelCoop Front Panel-Right SideCoop Right Wood PanelCoop Back Panel-Left SideCoop Back Panel-Top TriangleNesting Box Support Bar-2Nesting Box Bottom Board2 Nesting Box Divider1618 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282 1 1 4 1 21 1 117296 1 1 1303 Short Roosting BarGuard SheetMesh Door PanelBack Door PanelMesh Side PanelRoof Support Frame 1Mesh Door-Top Triangle PanelLong Roosting BarRoof Support Frame 2Mesh Door-Left PanelMesh Door-Right PanelDoor Bottom BarShoulder Support FrameRoof Ridge Support Frame6 Roof PVC PanelPart#DescriptionDrawing Qty.363738391231323334343516124041424332+5Roof Ridge Metal CoverMetal Panel ClampsSliding Door HelperDoor LatchCoop Connecting MetalRoof Panel HookM8 NutM6x40 Bolt 52+3M8x45 Bolt 8+1 Hexagonal Self-tapping Screw94+10M6 Nut 20+28+18+2Self-tapping Screw 3.5x1344M4x20 Bolt1Tapping Screw 3.9x19AABB3323745●Step 2A. Identify the front of the Coop Floor. (On the front side, there are two holes in circle A ).B. Follow below diagram, fix Coop Floor (#1), Coop Left Wood Panel (#2), and Coop Front Panel-Left Side (#3) together by Bolt (#37).●Fix Coop Front Panel-Top Triangle (#5) on the top of Coop Front Panel-Middle (#4), by Bolt (#37) and Nut (39#).12326373737373739C. On the left edge of the Front Panel, fix two pcs of Coop Connecting Metal (#32) with Bolt (#37) for later use.Then insert the Sliding door (#6) in the to U-channel.543739373737Assemble the (#4) & (#5) combination part into the Coop by Bolt (#37), and Nuts(#39), next to (#3).●Step 4●Continue to fix the Coop Front Panel-Right Panel (#7) as below diagram by Bolt (#37), and Nuts(#39).73737399111037373737398323737●Attach the Coop Right Wood Panel (#8) by Bolt (#37). Then fix the rest 2pcs of Coop Connecting Metal (#32) withBolt (#37) on the right edge of the front panel.●Repeat above steps assemble Coop Back Panel-Left Side (#9), Coop Back Panel-Right Side (#10), and Coop Back37373737Panel-Top Triangle Part (#11) by Bolt (#37) and Nut (39#).37Step 6131237●Follow below diagram, fix the Nesting Box S u pport Bars (#12 & #13) by Bolt (#37).●Attach the Nesting Box Bottom Board (#14) and Nesting Box Divider (#15).37Step 81617●Insert the Short Roosting Bar(#16) and Long Roosting Bar (#17).●Fix the Door Panel(#18) into its position.18Step 1020● Loosen the 4 screws in the Coop Floor, fix the Guard Sheet (#19) as below diagram, then reattach it.●Put the Mesh Side Panel (#20) next to the Coop Connecting Metal (#32), connect it to the Coop part by Bolt (#37)1920372039and Nut (#39).Step 12A ABB2122●Continue to assemble the remaining 2pcs Mesh Side Panel (#20) by Clamps (#33), Bolt (#38) and Nut (#40).●Assemble Roof Support Frame 1 (#21) and Roof Support Frame 2 (#22) by Bolt (#37) and Nut (#39).Step 142020333840ABB●Follow below diagram, use Mesh Door-Left Panel (#23), Mesh Door-Right Panel (#24), Mesh Door-Top Triangle●Attach the Mesh Door Frame from Step 15 into the main frame by Clamp (#33), Bolt (#38) and Nut (#40).23252426383340Panel (#25) and Door Bottom Bar (#26), to finish the frame structure of the mesh door.Step 162929●Slide the Metal Door (#27) into its position.●Fix the Shoulder Support Frame (#28) and Ridge Support Frame (#29) byH exagonal Self-tapping Screw (#42).2729282829424242Step 18●●42Hook 2pc of Roof Panel Hook (#34) from one side of the Shoulder Support Frame (#28) as below diagram, then put one pc of PVC panel on the Panel Hook (#34). Keep the roof panel held in place with the help of (#34).D o not screw down the roof panel .Repeat Step 19, put remaining panels on the roof frame, adjust to make sure they are properly aligned,then fix all the roof panel by Hexagonal Self-tapping Screw (#42).Step 2031313143●Fix the Roof Ridge Metal Cover (#31) by Self Tapping Screw (#43).●Attach the Sliding Door Helper (#35) by Bolt (#44).3544Step 22●Fix the Door Latch on the mesh door and wood door seperately, by Screw (#41).3641。

二、直梯防护笼标准规范根据GB/T 17904-2008《直梯防护笼》国家标准,直梯防护笼应满足以下要求:1.材料:直梯防护笼的材质应具有足够的强度和耐腐蚀性,一般采用不锈钢、铝合金等优质材料制作。

三、格宾笼施工工艺的施工步骤1. 准备工作:首先需要根据设计要求准备好所需的钢筋网片和混凝土材料。
2. 铺设钢筋网片:将钢筋网片按照设计要求铺设在施工现场的地面上,注意保持钢筋网片的平整和固定性。
3. 连接钢筋:将钢筋网片之间的重叠部分用钢筋连接件连接起来,以增加整体的稳定性和承载能力。
4. 浇筑混凝土:将预先准备好的混凝土倒入钢筋网片中,注意保持混凝土的均匀性和流动性。
5. 养护和拆模:待混凝土凝固后,对其进行养护,保持适宜的湿度和温度,以确保混凝土的强度和稳定性。
四、格宾笼施工工艺的优缺点格宾笼施工工艺具有以下优点:1. 施工简单快捷:格宾笼施工工艺不需要使用传统的模板和支撑体系,减少了施工的复杂性和工期。
2. 造价低廉:格宾笼施工工艺所需的材料成本较低,且施工过程中不需要特殊设备,减少了施工成本。
3. 构件质量可控:格宾笼施工工艺可以根据需要调整钢筋的数量和布置,使得构件的强度和稳定性可控。
然而,格宾笼施工工艺也存在一些缺点:1. 钢筋网片的加工和连接较为复杂,需要一定的技术和经验。
