听力场景词汇 雅思 新航道 全

雅思听力高频场景词汇整理一,地理特征词汇physical features物理特征census人口普查impact of tourism旅游业影响desert沙漠(dessert 餐后甜点)myths and legends神话和传说dynamic(人或事物)相互作用的方式cause and effect因果关系traffic density交通密度population density人口密度landsat= landsatellite 大地卫星outcrop露出地面的岩层二,教育单词elementary education初等教育secondary education中等教育adult education成人教育day-care center幼儿园(美)primary/elementary school小学(英/美) coeducation男女生同校制度attached middle school附中polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学graduate school研究生院open university夜大、函大universal education普及教育educationist/educator教育家auditor=guest student旁听生orientation program新生训练period of schooling学习年限schedule=school timetable课程表individual coaching=tutorial个别指导after-school activities课外活动social investigation社会调查graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书attendance/participation出勤率miscellaneous expenses杂费a grant-aided student领助学金的学生三,职场高频词汇vacant position 空缺职位work experience 工作经验employment background 工作背景colleague/workmate 同事challenging 有挑战性的job responsibilities 工作职责previous position 前任职位salary/wage/pay/income/payment 工资vocational course 职业课程workplace 车间,工作场所window dressing 橱窗布置stock market 股票市场source of information 信息来源advertisement 广告handwriting 笔迹、书写体hardworking 苦干的。

最新雅思听力场景词汇大全雅思听力场景词汇:job huntingType of work: vacation jobs, office work, bar attendant, waiter, waitress,zoo attendant, childcare, library assistant, restaurant work, shop assistant, sales assistant, domestic work, reporter, carpenter, freelance, part-time job,full-time job, temporary jobMain roles: receptionist, shop assistant, looking after animals (kangaroo),educate visitors, save wounded/injured animals, maintain website, selling gardentools/carpets, handle customer complaintAdvantages and disadvantages: pay, working hours, workload, flexible,equipment, transportationWorking hours: am pm weekdays (during the week), weekends,bank holidays,public holidays, New year, ChristmasPay rate: pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wageClothes: formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniformTransportation: bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cabMagazine reporters: housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sportsmagazine, economy magazine, IT magazine雅思听力场景词汇:shoppingPrice: discount, concession, promotion, sales, half price, normal price,30% offPackaging: economy package, family package, container, image, presentationof productsWhere to buy: supermarket, market, shop, store, department store, chainstore, online shoppingReceipt: invoice, quality warranty, receiptSupermarket: entrance (profitable), middle shelf (expensive), end of aisles(hard to move), quieter places ( need time to think about)雅思听力场景词汇:social eventsEvents: Convention, exhibition, conference, festival, expositionExamples: Australian retailers’convention, art exhibition, business conference, summer music festival, drama festival, travel exposition, worldexpo, cartoon exhibition, flower exhibition, auto showPublicity: website/internet, leaflets, flyers, notice board, posters, advertisements, good for a family, children, adult, senior citizens Transportation: bus, taxi, cab, subway, tube, coach, parking problemsAgenda: dates, timetableFocus/theme: music/live music, art, ballet, clothes, drama, food, business,demonstration, comics, flower arrangement, biscuitsCelebration: parade, dance, chorus, music bandCatering: café, restaurant, pub, cafeteria, canteen, refectory, dining room, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, set lunch, barbecue Security: security entrance, security office, security personnel/staff, fire exit, lockers, Check ID, video surveillance, cameras, crowded, childreneasily get lost雅思听力场景词汇:diet and healthFood intake/elements: protein, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates, fat acid, calcium, cholesterol, minerals, calorie, kilocaloriediet: cereals, sugar, salt, lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, vegetables, fruit, red meat, white meatcereals: wheat, corn, barley, oat, maize, ricehealth: low nutrition, malnutrition, overweight, obese, underweight, intelligence, eyesight, brain, learning difficulty, digestion, congestion, heartdisease, tuberculosisPhysical exercises: running, jogging, swimming雅思听力场景词汇:medicinedoctors: physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, pediatrician, therapist, general practitionertreatments: cure, remedy, therapy, acupuncture,diseases: headache, toothache, backache (back pain), stomachache, heartdisease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diabetes, insomnia, asthma, employmentmedical, sprain, sports injury, sprained kneemedicine: antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, sleeping pills (tablets), painkillers, dose, underdose, overdose, ice pack, walking sticks surgery: operationhospital: clinics, ward, maternity, emergency, surgery, practice雅思听力场景词汇:libraryregistration: information desk, information sector, librarian deskregistration fee, membership feeID documents: passport, visa, student card, library card, driver’s license,credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter Library card, borrower’s card, reader’s card, electronic card, PIN, passwordBooks: fiction, reference books, technical books, leisure books, notion,academicPeriodicals: magazines, journals Current issues, back issuesTechnical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white andblack photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access, computers, laptopsElectronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROMRecall system: catalogue (title, author, press, category) , call slip, librarianCirculation: borrow, loan, return, renew, overdue, fine, reserveLoan time: weeks, months (up to 4 weeks, maximum loan time)Training classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertationwriting雅思听力场景词汇:environmentatmosphere: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide,Ozone, sulphur monoxidepollution: air pollution, acid rain, contaminated water, pollutant, contaminant, chemicals, toxic wasteGeographical: soil erosion, desertification, drought, floods, overfishing,over-felling, deforestationenergy: fossil fuels, coal, gas, petroleum, solar, tide, wind power, nuclear, marsh gas, methane, biogasrecycling: plastic, paper, glass, bottle tops, ink cartridges, spare parts/components雅思听力场景词汇:repairWhat to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electriclight, clock, bungalow, cooker, rice cooker, printer (shelf)Model type/numberMain problem: leaking, door broken, flashing, hands broken, noisy, fanbroken, steam escapingWhen to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgentNext week, weekdays, weekends, in a couple of weeksMornings, afternoons (am pm)Quality warranty: expiry date, quality guaranteed for two yearsCompensation: refund, replacementPayment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transfer雅思听力提高需从基本功练习最新的统计数据表明,由于种种政策和形势方面的原因,雅思考试的难度有逐渐增大的趋势,这种趋势使得越来越多的考生叫苦连天。

房东 客户
位置 地址 住处 财产;房地产 社区 公寓住宅 设施 地下室 小屋 冰箱 家具 洗衣房 厨房 烤面包机 衣柜 厨房 卧室 花园 停车场地
dining room
city centre
rural area
attachment evaluation list of objectives wide reading design research relevant material class note collect data Conference report laboratory report
skill focus
教科书 网络连接 暗房设备 (张)纸
作业相关 random presentation layout reference purpose well-organized publication essay assignment sevenfold documentary
任意的 描述 设计 参考 目的 有条理的 出版 散文 任务 七倍的 文件的

雅思听力十大场景必备词汇下面是雅思听力中十大常见场景的必备词汇:1. 旅行场景:- airport (机场)- boarding pass (登机牌)- customs (海关)- luggage (行李)- passport (护照)- security check (安检)- flight (航班)- destination (目的地)- departure (出发)2. 购物场景:- supermarket (超市)- aisle (过道)- cashier (收银员)- checkout (结账)- discount (折扣)- price (价格)- payment (支付)- receipt (收据)- sale (促销)3. 教育场景:- classroom (教室)- teacher (老师)- student (学生)- lesson (课程)- homework (作业)- exam (考试)- timetable (课程表)- assignment (作业)- graduation (毕业)4. 工作场景:- office (办公室)- colleague (同事)- meeting (会议)- deadline (截止日期)- project (项目)- promotion (晋升)- salary (薪水)- overtime (加班)- interview (面试)5. 餐饮场景:- restaurant (餐厅)- menu (菜单)- reservation (预订)- waiter/waitress (服务员) - bill (账单)- tip (小费)- dish (菜肴)- dessert (甜点)- ingredients (食材)6. 健身场景:- gym (健身房)- treadmill (跑步机) - weights (举重)- yoga (瑜伽)- fitness class (健身课) - trainer (教练)- warm-up (热身)- stretch (伸展)- workout (锻炼)7. 娱乐场景:- cinema (电影院)- ticket (票)- film/movie (电影)- audience (观众)- actor/actress (演员) - director (导演)- premiere (首映)- screen (屏幕)- comedy (喜剧)8. 医疗场景:- hospital (医院)- doctor (医生)- patient (病人)- appointment (预约) - prescription (处方)- diagnosis (诊断)- treatment (治疗)- surgery (手术)- ambulance (救护车)9. 交通场景:- bus stop (公交车站) - subway/metro (地铁) - traffic lights (红绿灯) - pedestrian (行人)- taxi (出租车)- crosswalk (人行横道) - traffic jam (交通堵塞) - road sign (路标)- bicycle (自行车)10. 住宿场景:- hotel (酒店)- room (房间)- reservation (预订)- reception (前台)- check-in (办理入住)- check-out (办理退房) - key card (门卡)- guest (客人)- suite (套房)。

2023雅思听力高频场景词汇总结Living scenario: Renting, Banking, Shopping, Travelling, Enquiry, Sports, Party, Exhibition, Library, Job hoppingCulture scenario: Leisure life, Social life下面,就简洁介绍一下这几类常见的场景词汇,各位同学们在背单词的过程中,可以根据这些场景分类归类记忆以提高背单词的效率。
Renting中会遇到的词汇包括人:tenant房客, landlord房东, landlady女房东房子类型:flat公寓, villa别墅, hall of residence宿舍(英式), dormitory宿舍(美式), homestay住家地理位置:location位置, urban城区, suburban郊区, downtown 市中心, outskirt郊区, rural农村房租:rent房租, deposit押金, bill账单(phone, water, gas, electricity), cash现金, cheque支票, credit card信用卡, refundable可退还的房间内设施:furniture家具, furnished带家具的, unfurnished 不带家具的, facilities设施, lobby大厅, balcony阳台, curtain窗帘, basement地下室, stereo音响, radiator暖气, air-conditioner 空调, central-heating集中供暖Banking中会遇到的词汇包括账户:current account活期账户, deposit account定期账户, service charge手续费, password密码, bankbook存折, interest rate 利率, branch分行, bank statement银行报表, headquarter总行交易:deposit存款, withdraw取款, overdraft透支, transfer 转账, loan贷款, exchange rate汇率货币:cash现金, chequebook支票簿, cheque支票, bill纸币, coin 硬币雅思听力如何按场景背诵单词的方法就是以上内容,他们在section1和section2局部将会被高频繁的使用,同学们平常可以多拿出来看看,多复习,记住它们许多不必要的分就不会丧失了。

雅思听力场景词汇学术场景词汇一.新生人学Orientation 新生入学教育会 welcome package 入学或旅游时收到的欢迎辞Reception招待会,接待处英国人用faculty表示”系",faculty-based“以系为单位的”,department则多用在北美表示“系"campus校园, on campus在校内,off campus在校外机经词汇:modern sports facilities现代体育设施specialized sports facilities 专门体育设施experimental facilities实验设施lab equipment 实验器材sense of achievement成就感University guide大学指南Curriculum 课程 (curriculum vitae=CV简历)lecture授课 tutorial/seminar小组讨论 study club学习小组session课程,时间 reading session阅读课assignment 作业slide presentation 幻灯片演讲:presentation skills陈述部分,answer questions/oral defence答辩(通常论文的考核形式)assessment 学习考核,评估 record 成绩;记录;唱片tape/cassette磁带 cassette recorder 卡带式录音机 video tape录像带attendance出勤率 deadline最后期限机经词汇:留学生通常会遇到的问题distant deadline 离最后期限还有段时间give/deliver a speech作演讲letter of recommendation 推荐信(一般教授或导师出示用于申请学校)take notes 记笔记 note—taking (这个词组的发音很像no taking,一定要注意)notice board布告栏TIPS:学生可以在布告栏上找到关于课程或其他方面的通知,英国用notice board,北美用bulletin board.机经词汇:advanced course 高级课程(注意advanced后面的d,听的时候不一定能够听到,但必须知道这里是形容词形式)Intermediate course 中级课程Beginning course 入门课程Basic course 基础课程Compulsory/obligatory/required course 必修课Intensive course 强化课程Optional course 选修课Refreser course进修课Specialized course 专业课Survival course 生存课程Senior staff高级员工RA (research assistant) 研究助理Lecturer 讲师,所有教课的老师都是lecturer,Professor 教授, Associate professor 副教授Instructor 讲师 adviser/advisor/supervisor 指导老师 senior advisor资深督导师Assistant professor助教机经词汇: Teaching syllabus 教学大纲Teaching method 教学法Teaching staff 教学人员Academic teaching staff 教学人员,教职员工学生类型:local/resident/domestic student当地学生International/overseas student国际学生(注意overseas后面的s,听的时候不一定能听出来,但一定得知道)Freshman/first-year student大一学生, sophomore/second-year student大二学生,junior/third-year student大三学生, senior/fourth—year student大四学生applicant申请人,graduate毕业生,Bachelor学士 (Undergraduate本科生),Master 硕士 (Postgraduate研究生)机经词汇:headmaster (英)高中以下学校校长Principal (美)高中以下学校校长Graduation announcements毕业典礼请柬二、专业Major/subject 专业(be majored in/specialize in)以。

听力高频词汇作业议论场景单词coursesubjecteducation department computing anthropology Communication in Businessspecialist knowledgeseminarhandoutcriteria bibliography referencesgraphessayinterview vocabularyfindingsfiguresexperiment assessment checklistdeadline investigationinsert paragraphs,due课程专业释意单词释意课程degree学位科目lecture演讲教育research研究项目院系management管理计算办理sociology社会学人类学engineering工程商务交际Population studies人口学专业知识课程内容商讨班booklet小册子讲义copies复印件标准feedback反应参照书目extension缓期参照书目articles文章图表task任务文章questionnaire问卷采访survey检查词汇responses答复发现mistakes错误数据sample样本实验measurement丈量评估dissertation论文清单statistics统计学截止日期observation察看检查proposal建议插入subheadings副标题段落formatting格式化到期的submit提交inaccurate delay Medicine Psychology concentrate music cartoons retail concernkey textskey pointvideo cameras exam preparation slide presentation focus on glass and green waste.. Chemistry Lab page numbering telephone intervieworal presentation computer-loaded information research methodology data collection analyze material 不正确的缓期医学心理学集中音卡通片零售波及关字重点像机考放映幻灯片关注玻璃与色垃圾化学室采口述算机加信息研究方法数据采集剖析资料invalidlecturesLiteraturetutorialsdistractionsportsseminarresitvirtual learningglobal listening skillspopulation computersciencecomputer programvocational coursegroup discussionStatistics engine designengineer roomgroup discussioncontents pagewrittenassignment/workdraft versiondiscuss the resultscience research建无效的演文学的注意力会考虚学掌握粗人口算算机程数据引工程室小目笔作草稿果科学研suggestions建recommend介绍drawbacks弊端advice建guidance指rehearsing排useful实用的helpful有帮助的learning methods学方法reading list目be better sequenced安排得更好cut ⋯ down减少proper structure合理的构wild selection of宽泛的beginnertutoreditorexpertreliableoffice assistant weaker students gain confidence interview skills demonstration and suggestionsamplematerialswhite boardtape recorder monthly magazinebeginning summary measurement approach checklistdraftformate-mailsurvey submission incorrectness attachment evaluationlist of objectives wide reading design research 初学者指导编写干练的靠谱的办公室助理较弱的学生获取信心面试技巧示范和建议取样物质的白板录音机月刊开始简要的丈量方法清单底稿格式电子信件检查提交错误附件评论对象列表博学多才设计研究人物有关audience观众postgraduate研究生professor教授classify分类lecturer讲课老师young set青年组project team项目组obey rules恪守规定time management skills 时间管理能力物件有关textbook教科书Internet connections网络连结darkroom facilities暗房设备sheet of paper(张)纸作业有关random随意的presentation描绘layout设计reference参照purpose目的well-organized有条理的publication第一版essay散文assignment任务sevenfold七倍的documentary文件的italic斜体字seminar group议论小组project outline项目计划纲领a clear argument思路清楚的论证theory chapters理论篇relevant material有关资料new approach新方法class note讲堂笔录independent learning独立学习collect data采集数据write paper白纸Conference report会议报告end of term学期末laboratory report实验报告be filmed被拍摄skill focus技术专攻picture framing图片组成,成像postal survey邮寄检查租房住宿场景人物单词释意单词释意tenant房客landlords房主couple夫妻customer客户veterinarian兽医设备住所ground地面location地点district地区address地址suburb市郊dwelling住所surrounding环境property财富 ;房地产flat公寓community社区studio公寓住所apartment公寓住所neighborhood邻居邻居facility设备armchair扶手椅basement地下室cupboard碗柜cot小屋carpet地毯freezer冰箱drawer抽屉furniture家具kettle壶laundry洗衣房heating供暖kitchen厨房heater加热器toaster烤面包机towels毛巾wardrobe衣柜washbasin脸盆kitchen厨房cloakroom衣帽间bedroom寝室yard院子garden花园garage车库parking泊车场所furniture家具television电视机telephone电话dining room餐厅city centre市中心rural area乡村地域urban area城市地域living quarters居住区hall of residence大学宿舍microwave oven微波炉dining room餐厅game room游戏室an alarm system报警系统telephone call电话back door后门silver cloth银光呢night table床头柜alarm clock闹钟queen size女王尺寸(双人)desk lamp床头灯two-bedroomed house 双寝室别墅single room单间twin room标间triple room三人间swimming pool游泳池games room游艺室living room客堂租金bill账单rental租金deposit押金maximum monthly rent 最高月租文件documents证件reference介绍信contract合同passport护照primary初级的intermediate中级的advanced高级的bank statement银行账单extension permit缓期允许饮食vegetarian素食者diet饮食seafood海鲜周边户外bicycles自行车balcony露台garage车库garden花园mower割草机supermarket超级市场park公园parcel包裹kindergarten少儿园childcare小孩保健table tennis乒乓球outdoor table户外用桌子swimming pool游泳池Sports Centre体育中心picnic area郊游地域local shops土产商铺primary school小学recorded delivery挂号信银行购物场景钱币单词释意单词释意dollar美元cent分pound英镑penny便士Euro欧元cost花费refund退款cash现金charge花费expenses花费rent租金rental租金bill账单price list价目表annual subscription fee年费joining fee加入费minimum let最低租金(租期)travelers ’ cheque旅行支票money problem钱的问题银行cashier出纳员currencyinitial 用姓名的首字母签名tellertransaction交易insurance credit card信誉卡savinglow-interest loan低息贷款business centre bank account银行账户current account deposit account按期存款账户joint account reference number参照号check identity security安保minimum sum credit card信誉卡serial number bank statements银行账单interest rate exchange rate汇率bank loan transfer转账购物purse钱包walletincome收入voucher 钱币出纳员保险存款商务中心活期存款账户联名账户检查身份最小金额序列号利率银行贷款皮夹收条clothing服饰pricesweater毛线衣discountjacket夹克dark trousers department store百货商场gift shopmailing list通信名单some special offers one leather jacket皮夹克pay by cashnote book单据簿sold out washable shoes可水洗鞋子black velvet经济贸易economy经济businesspenalty处分quotationtax税funding marketing市场营销cabinetbelonging行李itemsgoods商品financefinancial issues金融问题insurance incident reportshipping agent货运代理place of origin date of arrival抵达日期make a claim insurance commercial保险广告life insurance replacement policy替代策略cooperative loan 价钱折扣深色裤子礼物店特卖现金支付售罄黑天鹅绒商业报价单资本货柜条款金融保险事故报告产地索赔人寿保险联合贷款医健康景身体部位意意chin下巴elbow肘部ankle踝关neck脖子knee膝盖eye眼睛生理disease疾病diet食stomachache胃疼scar痕flu流感headache疼sick心的cold严寒的allergic⋯敏insomnia失眠症yellow fever黄病back pain背疼bad eyesight力欠佳be allergic to seafood海敏chest infection胸腔感染fitness level健康水平food allergies食品敏症cater for供伙食心理pressure力stress力anxiety焦indifference冷漠intention意attitude(s)度lonely孤独的unhappy不高兴unaware不知道的tragic悲的harm害spiritual guidance精神引导upset心的unmotivated缺少力的adapt to适治doctors医生practitioner医生dentist牙医nurse士injection注射vaccine疫苗stick刺cushion起和作用之物penicillin青霉素antibiotics抗生素,抗生学painkiller止痛药ambulance救护车resistant抵挡的bitterness苦味hospitals医院clinic诊所practice诊所pharmacy药房infirmary养老院nursery托儿所X-ray使用 X 光health check健康检查health centre卫生所non-medicine item非药品类项目ice pack冰袋optic examination视力检查side effect副作用 ,cough medicine止咳药before meals饭前sick note病假条sleeping pills安息药blood flow血流(量)图书室场景会员金额单词释意单词释意qualification资格administration行政external member分机号minimum fine最低罚款nominal charge象征性收费maximum fine最高罚款课程咨询lecture讲座workshop商讨会coursework作业term学期semester学期strategies策略techniques技巧skills技术speech演讲orientation状况介绍会review回首timetable时间表final assessment最后评估 a case study事例剖析a short report简洁的报告counseling services咨询服务waiting list等候名单academic year学年full-time intensive整日制密集型part-time非整日制的diploma course证书课程Personnel Management 人事管理modular courses单元课程time/stress时间 / 压力管理managementleisure time休闲时间trial session实验课程teaching session教课课程report writing报告写作文件书本fiction小说database数据库magazines杂志dictionary词典journals期刊password,密码catalogue目录index索引textbooks教科书manuals手册periodicals期刊back issues过期报刊driving license驾驶执照passport photos护照照片credit card信誉卡bank statement银行账单reference books参照书目national newspaper全国性报刊local papers地方报纸union card会员卡training resource培训资源online databases网上数据库printed version打印版设备服务laboratory实验室,研究室headphone双耳式耳机pigeonhole分类photocopy复印件library图书室counter计算器videos视频cassettes磁带laptops笔录本电脑classroom教室laboratory实验室software软件borrow借return还overdue过期的renew续借available可利用的recall召回donation捐钱,捐赠behavior行为registration登记scholarship奖学金accommodation住所security office捍卫处computer printer电脑打印audio-visual room视听教室computer centre计算机中心internet service网络服务CD-ROM只读型光盘technical support技术支持college dining room大学食堂single-sex schools单性别学校mixed-sex schools男女共学学校copy machine复印机Microfilm Library微缩胶卷库 ,multimedia resources多媒体资源electronic directory电子电话簿tape recorder录音机photocopying facilities复印设备lecture教室room(hall/theatre)academic talents学术人材pink slip辞退通知书人物researcher研究人员staff职工undergraduate大学生postgraduate研究生colleague同事director主管borrower借用人instructor指导员conductor售票员Cataloguing Assistant编目助手overseas students留学生full-time students整日制学生international students国际学生旅行景点场景地名单词释意单词释意India印度Tahiti塔希提岛Africa非洲Ecuador厄瓜多尔Europe欧洲Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Germany德国Australia澳大利亚Greece希腊Ireland爱尔兰England英格兰New South Wales新南威尔士London伦敦New Zealand新西兰Bath巴斯Middle East中东Stonehenge巨石阵South America南美Bristol布里斯托尔Scotland苏格兰旅行交通nationality国籍pedestrian步行的visa签证minibus面包车consulate领事railways铁路vocation职业transport运输sunshield遮阳板station站hiking徒步旅行hectares公顷cycling骑脚踏车intersection十字路口excursion远足necessity需要souvenir纪念品out of bounds出界waterproof防水的at the junction of在交错口string细绳sharp corner急转弯directions方向south-eastern corner东南角wider footpaths宽步道city buses市里公共汽车bus system公交系统medium-sized coach中型长途车shuttle bus班车electric tram电车solar car太阳能轿车travel package旅行套票business trip出差tower view塔顶视线(景观)tourism tax旅行业税收swimming suit游泳衣casual clothes休闲服饰horse riding骑马culture context文化背景sun hat遮阳帽night tour夜游地址景点landmark地标weed除草embassy大使馆terminal终点utilities公共设备waterfall瀑布restaurant餐馆post岗位cinema电影院France法国Rome罗马Greece希腊Malaysia马来西亚spectacular壮观的Oceania大洋洲beautiful漂亮的Alaska阿拉斯加attractive吸引人的hotel旅店amazing令人惊诧的sculpture雕塑magnificent宏伟的loudspeaker扬声器attractions景点grass草地views景色harbor海港coast海岸amenity舒坦beaches海滩valley溪谷stables马厩cruise游船cathedral大教堂bushwalk森林徒步旅行castle城堡forest森林painting绘画zoo动物园museum博物馆picnic野餐market市集countryside乡村church教堂town市镇aquarium水族馆cottages村舍greenhouse温室path小道footbridge人行桥theme park主题公园seven-screen cinema七块荧幕的影院bowling alley保龄球馆historical interest历史名胜countryside botanical植物园gardensart gallery美术馆tribal park民族园glass ground轧碎玻璃reptile park爬行动物公园elephant zone大象(观光)区main entrance正门进口speed information desk 迅速查问台forest campsite林中阵营padding pool潜水池front desk前台city overhead view城市俯视景观fishing trip垂钓之旅formal gardens规则式庭院video games arcade电子游玩场industrial village工业小镇City Council市政厅climbing wall攀岩墙good variety of目不暇接的购物环境shoppingweather observing天气观察tropical zone热带地区viewing shelter观察点passenger assistance旅客帮助中心officeluggage place, pick-up上客点pointstore room储蓄室emergency exit紧迫出口Town Hall市政厅main information desk总服务台人物类landlady女房主slim苗条的appearance外观moustache小胡须cop巡警beard胡须burglar窃贼married couples已婚夫妻young adults年青人blind visitor盲人旅客primary school小学curly hair卷发blond hair金发手续服务departure出发return返程schedule时间表cancellation撤消complaint投诉brochure小册子workshop车间showroom展厅caf é咖啡馆hotel饭馆toilets卫生间entrance进口private个人的legroom放脚空间boardingvacuumentry gatetennis courts accommodation packageTower Restaurantcar parkprovisional booking seats reservations hop-on/hop-off service guide bookgroup bookingtravel agency walking tourssign namecleaning maidwater heater 木板reception款待会真空suitcase手提箱进口overhead power lines头顶的高压线网球场table tennis乒乓球宿舍指南包superb residence极好的住宿塔上旋转弄餐厅ticket office售票处泊车场gift shop礼物店临时预定reserve a seat预留座位预约座位local history books当地历史册随乘随下观光车guided tours有导游的旅行旅行指南student newspaper校刊集体预定two-dimensional maps 二维地图旅行社special offers特卖徒步旅行Reception Block招待处署名private个人的女佣check in抵达登记热水器dining car餐车课外活动场景单词释意demonstration示范thriller惊险小说slang行话feedback反应discount折扣prevention预防supervision监察Yoga瑜伽cancel撤消performers演奏者orchestra管弦乐队tennis网球drama戏剧leaflets传单a poster competition海报大赛model making模型制作online exchange在线沟通reference letter介绍信social programme交际活动social network交际网络social contacts社会交往personal crisis个人危机farewell party辞别晚会compete with a friend 与朋友竞争 no cheap ticket available廉价票已售完fire drill消防演习活动类单词释意Jazz爵士乐classic经典的Pop流行音乐adviser指导老师book预约reservation [预约deposit保证金invitation邀请volleyball排球football足球handball手球run all kinds of path试试各种各种途径book a camp预约营帐notice board通告栏match tickets比赛门票collect information采集信息sport equipment运动器械rock climb攀岩book in advance提早预约a free hour with training免费一小时附送培训指导the leg strength腿部力量better concentration更好地集中release stress开释压力react time反响时间the Newsletter时势通信物件类poster海报rose玫瑰decoration装修chocolates巧克力item条gift礼物rubber橡皮rucksack背包flowers花mop拖把bucket水桶barbecue烤肉野餐oven炉cool box冷却箱fridge冰箱 a picnic blanket野餐毯luxury tent豪华帐篷camping equipment露营装备washing facilities冲刷设备 a thank-you present谢礼high quality items高质量的商品 a pot plant盆栽baby shampoo婴儿洗发精talcum powder爽身粉a soft toy毛绒玩具weaving blankets编织毯子sport sweater运动服stop watch秒表beautiful carpets漂亮的地毯gorgeous red blankets漂亮的红色毛毯食品有关meat肉类starter创始者cheese干酪shelf架子cocktail鸡尾酒snack零食label标明refreshments零食点心sandwich三明治French onion soup法式洋葱汤steel钢铁fruit juice果汁vegetarian素食的mineral water矿泉水menu菜单cold drink冷饮buffet自助餐salad bar自助沙拉吧coffee咖啡roast dinner烤肉大餐tea茶lentil curry咖喱扁豆plum pudding葡萄干布丁apple pie苹果馅饼double-grill双层烤架heat indicator温度指示器food container食品容器local produced food当地生产的食品vegetable burger蔬菜汉堡take-away food外带食品packed lunch自备午饭chewing gum口香糖地址交通university大学theatre剧场castle城堡helicopter直升飞机station站town hall市政府opera歌剧farming museum农场博物馆library图书室Central Hotel中央饭馆lounge歇息室transport museum交通博物馆domestic国内的dance studio舞蹈练习室greyhound灰狗steam train蒸汽火车ferry渡船cable car缆车tractor拖沓机free transport免费交通brake刹车canoe独木舟交际类relationship关系receptionist招待员manner方式communication沟通age年纪confidence信心teenagers青少年waitress女服务生address演说chef厨师科普物件场景物件、加工单词释意单词释意charcoal木炭stones石头plastic塑料的rice稻clay黏土oven炉fire火artificial人造的arrows箭procedure程序lanes巷子placement部署advertisements广告timber木材cosmetics化妆品innovation创新beer啤酒rubber橡胶salt盐high temperatures高温nuts坚果install an alarm安装报警器loss of monopoly丧失垄断地位eating pattern饮食习惯clothing sector服饰业Vitamin A维生素 Awater pipe水管olive oil橄榄油cement水泥water collection tanks集水藏man-made人造的public transport公共交通government election政府选举eating pattern饮食习惯lid of container容器的盖子Vitamin A维生素 Awindow dressing橱窗布置soft sediment柔软堆积物food intake食品摄入(量)汽车建筑elevator电梯purpose目的weight重量gravity重力revert恢还原状Conference Centre会议中心motor发动机Transport Museum交通博物馆shopping malls购物中心larger engine capacity 更大的发动机功率higher seat更高的座位roll over翻腾running tunnel区间地道express train特快列车其余shortage缺少heritage遗产cheerful快乐的activate刺激lid盖子onto the ground到地面上junction连结dry up使干透strike停工absorbed by sponge被海绵汲取election选举high winds强风antique古老的voting system投票制度golden rush淘金热legal problem法律问题工业农业agriculture农业manufacture制造mineral矿物fuels燃料coal煤firewood柴火industry工业power力量furnace焚化炉tools工具products产品safety安全性creation创作craftsman工匠axe斧chimney烟囱bricks砖livestock牲口crops农作物grains谷物ploughs犁farmers农民raw materials原料water mill水磨steam engine蒸汽机grinding shop研磨车间engine room发动机房bottle tops瓶式过滤器(壶盖)agricultural workers农民工farming economy农业(场)经济iron ore铁矿石天文地理continent大陆snowfall降雪(量)iceberg冰山kilometer公里kilocalories千卡路里climate天气volume体积process过程earth地球density密度rainbow彩虹coastline海岸线wave波涛crystal水晶identifyremoteuninhabitedocean currents physical features economic geography rock saltice-capreceiving station ordinary lightcrimemurderpovertyleadershipclothinggovernment sanitationsecond language acquisitionbusiness organizations individual customers rock paintings international trade 确认遥远的杳无人迹的洋流自然特点经济地理学岩盐冰盖接收站一般光线罪状谋杀贫困领导层服饰政府卫生环境二语习得商业组织个人客户岩画国际贸易symbolize象征hostile有敌意的dynamic动力的ozone layer臭氧层human life styles人类生活方式satellite technology卫星技术cause and effect因果关系data analysis数据剖析weather conditions天气条件gender studies性别研究robbery打劫theft偷窃prince王子images影像combination联合inhabitants居民decoration装潢public sphere公共领域illegal acts非法行为illegal profit非法利润social history社会史ancient coins古钱币动物类单词释意单词释意species物种creature生物camel骆驼species物种chameleon变色龙animal动物frog青蛙poultry家禽birds鸟类sheep绵羊insects昆虫rabbit兔eggs蛋,卵horses马herring鲱鱼cattle牛swan天鹅hens母鸡goose鹅goats山羊dinosaur恐龙kangaroo袋鼠squirrel松鼠crocodile鳄鱼monkey猴子lion狮子nest巢giraffe长颈鹿spider蜘蛛swan天鹅hunting狩猎shark鲨鱼germ微生物dinosaur恐龙insects昆虫texture质地parasites寄生虫feather羽毛beef牛肉hide隐蔽lamb羊羔肉leather兽皮chicken鸡肉cholesterol胆固醇pork猪肉nourish'n?:-] footprint脚迹bones骨骼breed生殖mane鬃毛tail尾巴length长度feed饲养weight重量bee optic蜜蜂视力skeleton骷髅collect food采集食品wings翅膀injured animals受伤的动物nourish滋润training animals训练动物sense of smell嗅觉life cycle生命周期skin texture肤质killer whale战戟鲸track rear 后轮距后轮距migration patterns迁移模式native bees野生蜜蜂domesticated ostrich圈养鸵鸟sea horse海马植物类organic有机的pollinate授粉corn谷物seed种子fiber纤维branch(es)树枝leaves树叶blossom开花vegetation植物plants植物人物类experts专家workforce劳动力scientist科学家learning学习experts专家passive被动的lecturer讲课老师guard保卫consumer花费者media媒体smoker抽烟者gender性别drinker酗酒者philosopher哲学shoplifter商铺扒morality道德juvenile青少年的stimulation激励self-centered自我中心的 ,Lord Mayor市长大人historical maps历史地图children's background孩子的背景环境类astronomy天文tides趋向coastline海岸线garbage垃圾flooding泛滥tides趋向crystal结晶forest深林estimate预计rocks岩石farming农业settlement解决volcano火山oxygen氧气storm狂风雨wetland湿地rainforest雨林isolation隔绝battery电池petrol汽油climate天气salinity盐度environment环境current洋流impact影响circumstances条件temperature温度sanctuary逃难所canyon峡谷ancestors先人sunlight日光atmosphere大气restrictions限制windy有风的sand沙子humid湿润的surface表面dry干燥的patterns模式evaporate蒸发distortion误解 ,shady(shaded)背阴的chemicals化学制品water level水位control(s)操控装置urban area市里vehicle noise车辆噪声urban landscape城市景观ocean floor海底internal mechanism内部机理rock salt岩盐natural gas天然气Flood farmer受洪水的农民standard grade标准级traditional industry传统工业Environmental Agency 环境署loss of soil土壤流失soil damage土体损害grain pattern颗粒构造incineration plant焚化场negative effect悲观影响工作流程场景职业类单词释意单词释意career事业cooperative合作的companies企业training培训employees雇员status地位managers经理Order Section订单执行处vacancies空位Education Officer教育官员unemployed失业的shift work倒班 ,hire租用day shift白班gift礼物senior staff高级人员workplace车间job title职称lobby大厅staff advantage职工福利attendants服务员conference centre会议中心poster海报conference room会议室vacancy空位office assistant办公室助理personality个性ladies and gentlemen 女士们先生们poster海报training programme培训项目培训项目insurance保险conference pack会议指南occupation职业conference pack会议指南opportunity时机security arrangement安全举措promotion荣膺staff canteen职工餐厅pension退休金extra payment奖赏employee雇员calling barrier呼喊阻碍colleague同事call diversion呼喊分别part-time兼职的domestic work家务活director主管mission statement主旨intelligent聪慧的team leaders组长commission委员会CV/curriculum简历accountant会计existing skills已具备的技术deputy代理人IT course信息技术专业学业类Economics经济学visiting students接见学生Politics政治学exchange students互换生Geography地理postgraduate students 研究生Science理科Business Studies商业研究photograph照片passport-sized photo护照照片Agricultural Science农业科学 ,union card会员卡活动类activity活动warehouse库房competitions比赛bakery面包店postcode邮政编码outdoor games户外游戏会员会费register注册representative有代表性的registration注册membership资格enrolment入学subscription定阅apply申请record记录reception招待处certificate证明allowance津贴donation捐钱subcommittee小组委员会self-funded自费application申请表membership card会员卡by post/phone邮寄 / 打电话squash courts壁球场, dance studio舞蹈房annual fee年费传统节日场景活动单词释意单词tradition传统circus festival节日;庆贺活动 juggle celebration庆典mime performance表演rehearsal dance舞蹈 n.(跳舞 v)tune exposition展览会comedymedal勋章exaggerated by mediaregulation管理fancy dress stopwatch跑表theatrical events family ticket家庭套票magic show action plan行动方案aerial display puppet show木偶剧会议制作sticker张贴物stage production conference story剧本议论会planning meeting人物audience听众videotape editor participant参加者wheelchair users champion冠军场所tent帐篷auditorium stadium体育场backstage marquee大帐篷liftaccess进口curtainfoyer大厅redevelopment lighting system灯光系统reopen释意马戏森林哑剧排演曲调喜剧被媒体夸张舞会所穿服装剧场演出魔术表演空中表演多阶段生产计划会议录影编写轮椅使用者观众席后台电梯幕布重修从头开业dressing room be reoriented 换衣室以⋯⋯方向的improvement改。
雅思听力 听力常用场景词

low impact 小冲击alternative energy 新能源roads and bridges 路和桥high absence rate 高缺席率persuasive writing 说服性文章academic essays 学术论文code 密码ocean conditions 海洋调节maximum 最大的study ability 学习能力simple memories 简单回忆information sector 信息部门digital store 数码商店coconut 椰子mould 模具machinery 机械化的elastic 有弹性的volcanic dust 火山灰bar code 条形码climate change 气候变化learning difficulty 学习障碍reading difficulty 阅读障碍low nutrition 缺乏营养desert habitat 沙漠栖息地no change 无变化extra resources 额外资源vertical 垂直的private property 私人财产accountable 有责任的fruit growing 果树栽培specialized software 专业软件chewing gum 口香糖water pipes 水管big company 大公司decisions 决定action plan 行动计划window glass 窗玻璃road building 道路建设knife handle 刀柄seasona l季节的olive oil 橄榄油goat skin 山羊皮herds 群clay 土high temperatures 高温度eco-cement 生态水泥land bridge 陆桥nuts 坚果arrows 箭头spears 矛fresh meat 鲜肉concentrated 注意的shipping 运输segments 部分food intake 食物摄入eating pattern 吃饭习惯transport museum 交通博物馆germs 细菌water tanks 水箱government election 政府选举car tax 购车税corn 玉米insects 昆虫coastline 海岸线textile factory 纺织工厂reliable 可靠的critical 批判的/核心的cognition 认识emotion 感情intelligence 情报/智力connected 连接的self-centered 自我的passive 消极的/被动的tea tree oil 茶树油lid 盖子gravity 重力stems 根茎obstacles 困难mechanism 进程/机械装置seminar 研讨会drought 干旱erosion 腐蚀digestion 消化carbon dioxide 二氧化碳global warming 全球变暖furniture 家具retail 零售maturity 成熟online service 在线服务postal 邮政的self-evaluation 自我评估further training 进阶训练internal flight 国内航线traffic flow 车流量random 随机的cost-effective 性价比高的navigate 航行genetic 基因的density 密度triangle 三角cliffs 悬崖short stroke 短笔画(写字)large-scale housing 大面积住房区域group meeting 团队会议comprehension 理解standard feedback 标准反馈irrigation 灌溉contaminants 污染物protective clothing 保护衣物mission statement 任务清单training session 训练阶段soil damage 土壤损害broken axe 坏的斧子fish bones 鱼骨soldiers 士兵concrete 混凝土triangle-shaped 三角形的absence rate 缺席率lifespan 寿命green tax 环保税sleeping disturbance 睡眠障碍therapy 疗法public square 广场feeding time 喂食时间temperature 温度fluids 液体kidney 肾sustainable 可忍受的vertical cabin 垂直座舱portable 便携的ask for apology 寻求道歉excitement 激动voices and faces 声音和脸mammal 哺乳动物breathe 呼吸heart rate 心率red blood cell 红细胞Indian tribes 印第安部落grain pattern 谷物图案prime motivation 主要动机streets and roads 街道和道路pollutants 污染物guidelines 方针政策forest planet 森林星球mapping 制图calculator 计算器exploration 探索toothache 牙痛natural fibre 天然纤维melting pot 熔炉carbon mining 碳矿fishing lesson 钓鱼课程known world 熟悉的世界silver coins 银币Roman emperor 罗马皇帝social conformity 社会从众性pirates 海盗law firm 律师事务所powder 粉cosmetics 化妆品carpets 地毯tunnel 隧道packaging 打包worms 虫子odor 气味butterflies 蝴蝶bacteria 细菌protein 蛋白质migration 迁徙morality 道德situational 环境造成的aspirations 渴望amber 琥珀reflective practice 应激训练tolerance 容忍contribution 贡献humidity 潮湿度habitat loss 栖息地丧失rich experiences 丰富经历barrier 阻碍tuna 金枪鱼gill 鳃zero noisy 无噪音的durable contracture 持久性痉挛land resources 陆地资源cables 电缆fish farming 养鱼业hospitality industry 酒店管理oyster 牡蛎time and sequence 时间和顺序guessing 推测relaxation 放松language barrier 语言障碍concentration 注意力literacy 读写能力wealthy people 富有的人们food prices 食物价格predators 捕食者molt 脱毛diversity 多样性cement 水泥presence rate 出勤率cognitive 认知的peers 同龄人rationally 理性的willing 意愿的instinct 天性/本能reward 报酬boiler 水壶direct route 直接路线tracking devices 跟踪设备operation manager 执行经理monument 纪念堂fish hooks 鱼钩rare glass 稀有玻璃drawback 缺点obligation 义务responsibility 责任cooperation process 合作过程social glue 社会粘性rags 破布rainbow 彩虹desert 沙漠lizard 蜥蜴carpet case 地毯hand torch 手电筒。

202X雅思听力高频场景词汇总结以下是202X年雅思听力高频场景词汇的总结:旅行场景:1. destination 目的地2. luggage 行李3. boarding pass 登机牌4. passport 护照5. customs 海关6. immigration 移民局7. hotel 酒店8. reservation 预订9. tourist 景点10. sightseeing 观光交通场景:1. traffic 交通2. highway 高速公路3. road 路4. junction 交叉路口5. pedestrian 行人6. subway 地铁7. platform 站台8. ticket 票9. timetable 时间表10. congestion 拥堵购物场景:1. shop 商店2. supermarket 超市3. mall 商场4. department store 百货商店5. customer 顾客6. cashier 收银员7. sale 促销8. discount 折扣9. payment 付款10. receipt 收据餐厅场景:1. restaurant 餐厅2. menu 菜单3. waiter 服务员4. reservation 预订5. order 点菜6. dish 菜品7. dessert 甜点8. bill 账单9. tip 小费10. buffet 自助餐学校场景:1. classroom 教室2. student 学生3. teacher 老师4. textbook 教科书5. lecture 讲座6. exam 考试7. assignment 作业8. library 图书馆9. campus 校园10. dormitory 宿舍工作场景:1. office 办公室2. colleague 同事3. boss 老板4. meeting 会议5. presentation 演讲6. deadline 截止日期7. overtime 加班8. salary 工资9. promotion 升职10. interview 面试家庭场景:1. family 家庭2. parent 父母3. child 孩子4. sibling 兄弟姐妹5. marriage 婚姻6. divorce 离婚7. birthday 生日8. anniversary 周年纪念9. celebration 庆祝10. tradition 传统健身场景:1. gym 健身房2. exercise 锻炼3. workout 训练4. equipment 设备5. trainer 教练6. yoga 瑜伽7. aerobics 有氧运动8. weightlifting 举重9. stretching 伸展10. fitness 健身以上是202X年雅思听力高频场景词汇的总结,希望对您有帮助!。

雅思听力高频场景词汇第一部分(Section One)IELTS考试听力部分的Section One 一般为对话或会话之类的对答。
话题围绕社会生存的主题,有社会生活性的,如房产中介、租房、租车、预定房间、机场问讯、旅行安排、失窃报警、参加晚会、入学报到注册、办理图书证、办理请假手续、加入俱乐部、求职面试、参加义务劳工等;也有社会新闻性的,如一段现场采访(Interview )或市场调查(Survey),内容涉及到有关被采访人的学习、生活、工作习惯、个人经历以及被采访人对某一问题的看法和态度等。
在IELTS真题中,频繁出现在Section One的听力场景归纳如下:一、指示方向(指路)场景总汇be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across /to/through 径直走过(向,穿过)cross (over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转(右转)go up /down 向上,向下go back /back up 往回走,回去,回到go east /west/south /north 向东(西,南,北)go on / along...till you meet 沿……一直走,直至你见到……be on one's left / right 在某处的左边(右边)be the first /second / third from the left / right 从左(顺)数第一(二,三)个directly opposite 和……相对be located behind / in front of 坐落在……的后面(前面)be on the corner of A street and B street 在A 街和B 街交叉础be in the corner of 在……的角落里ground floor (英)一层wing 配楼,建筑的一部分annex 配楼,建筑的附属建筑basement 地下室(半地下)层twin building 双子建筑landmark 标志性建筑block 由若干个建筑构成的建筑群,街区avenue /Ave. (城市的)大街,林荫道,林荫小路stair 楼梯step 台阶wheelchair access 无障碍通道aisle 过道intersection 十字路口a fork on the road 分叉路口a T road 丁字路口intersection / crossroads / junction / clover- leaf 立交桥二、住宿场景总汇accommodation 住宿,食宿homestay (指留学生与户主家一起居住以求互利的)住家住宿(方式)student hostel 学生公寓flat (英) 公寓的单元住房apartment (美)公寓的单元住房entrance hall 门厅,大堂lobby (公共场所入口处的)大厅,通道porch 走廊,门廊twin - bed room 有两张单人床的双人房double - bed room 有一张双人床的双人房bedroom 卧室,房间bedsit 卧室兼起居室share room 共用房间single room 单人房间bathroom 浴室(一般带有厕所)shower 淋浴balcony 阳台kitchen 厨房English proficiency 英语水平Intermediate 中等程度的,中等水平的Special food requirement 特殊食物要求Vegetarian / vegetable only 吃素的,吃斋的no red meat 不吃红色肉类(指羊肉、牛肉等)pets are not allowed 禁止养宠物non - smoker 不吸烟者non - drinker 不喝酒者maximum rent 最高租金dollar /$ 美元pound & 英镑deposit 按金,押金lease 租约,租赁expensive 昂贵的reasonable 合理的furnished (房间)配有家具的,配备家具的unfurnished 没有配备家具的facility 设施,设备heater 加热器,暖气机,炉子stove 烤炉microwave oven 微波炉air - conditioning 空调central air - conditioning 中央空调radiator 暖气片,暖气装置refrigerator 冰箱carpet 地毯electric fan 电扇telephone 电话colour TV set 彩电cooled / heated 制冷(制热)sheet / linen 床单blanket 毛毯,毯子cushion 垫子,坐垫,靠垫rent /rental price 租金,租房价格available 可用的,可入住的shared kitchen 公用厨房no privacy 没有隐私,没有私人空间road / rd. 路,大道,街道street / st . 路,街道avenue / ave. 大街,林荫道,林荫小路lane 小路,车道landlord 房东advertisement / Ads. 广告newspaper 报纸,报刊surroundings (房屋周围)环境downtown 市中心suburb 郊区,市郊rural area 乡村(地区)(not ) near the center /railway station (远离) 靠近市中心(火车站)far from the bus stop 远离汽车站near the airport 靠近机场noisy 吵闹的,有噪音的insects haunting 有蚊虫叮咬的repellant 讨人厌的,令人反感的三、描述人物相貌特征景总汇外貌一般特征beard 大胡子,络肋胡,下巴上的胡子moustache 小胡子,上唇上的胡子unshaven 未剃胡子的clean - shaven 刮过脸的,胡子刮得很干净的with a scar 一道疤痕(伤痕)a beauty - spot 美人痣with dimples 带酒窝的with spots 带斑的with wrinkles 有皱纹的with lines 有皱纹的with glasses 带眼镜的made - up 化妆的slim and tall 瘦高的weather - beaten face 饱经风霜的脸red cheeks 红脸颊big nose 大鼻子thick hair 浓密的头发twinkling eyes 亮晶晶的眼睛blond 金发碧眼的a big smile 满面笑容a jolly man 快乐的人头发颜色black 黑色brown 棕色red 红色blonde 金黄色grey 灰色white 白色dyed 染色的dark 深色发型long 长的short 短的straight 直的wavy 波浪形的curly 卷曲的neat 整齐的untidy 不整齐的with plaits 编辫子的swept back 向后梳的in a bun 圆发髻pony - tail 马尾巴发型bald 光秃的parted on the right side 右分头pigtail 辨子curly hair 卷发wavy hair 卷发straight hair 直发short hair 短头发long hair 长头发衣着wearing glasses / spectacles / lens 戴眼镜的wearing contact lenses 戴隐型眼镜的wearing jewelry 戴珠宝的formal dress 正式服装suit and tie 西装和领带casual dress 非正式服装jeans 牛仔服T - shirt T 恤衫loose - clothes 宽松服tight clothes 紧身服top 上衣pullover 套头毛衣be in red / green / dark / white / light 身着红(绿、黑、白、浅)色衣服suit (男)西服,(女)套装wear / be in tie 戴领带,打领带sweater 套头衫,毛衣,运动衫外形fat 肥胖的thin 瘦的slim 苗条的plump 丰满的medium- built 适中的,不胖不瘦的well - built 健壮的broad - shouldered 宽肩膀的overweight 肥胖的slender 苗条的,瘦长的stout 结实的,矮胖的stocky 粗壮的高度1. 70m tall 1.7米高medium height 不高不矮average height 一般高below average 较矮tall 高的short 矮的tallish 稍嫌高的shortish 稍嫌矮的small 矮小的年龄middle - aged 中年的elderly 老年的old 老的in his / her 30's 30 多岁in his / her late teens 青少年时期in his / her mid - 20's 25~26 岁in his / her early 40's 40 岁出头脸型thin 瘦脸long 长脸round 圆脸square 方脸high forehead 突前额high cheekbones 高颧骨thin lips 薄嘴唇full lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁straight nose 直鼻梁turned - up nose 朝天鼻broken nose 鼻子坍塌a pointed chin 翘下巴double chin 双下巴眼睛blue 蓝色的grey 灰色的brown 棕色的black 黑色的green 绿色的long eyelashes 长睫毛bushy eyebrows 浓眉毛thin eyebrows 淡眉毛double eyelid 双眼皮肤色pale 苍白的sunburned / tanned 日晒后的颜色,棕褐色fair - skinned 白皮肤brown 棕色皮肤black 黑皮肤四、看病就医community hospital 社区医院campus clinic 校园诊所patient 病人feel dizzy 觉得头晕,头晕眼花drowsy 困倦的,昏昏欲睡的fatigue 疲乏,疲劳,劳累exhaustion 精疲力竭toothache 牙痛backache 背痛headache 头痛cough 咳嗽catch a cold 感冒have a fever / temperature 发烧,发热take the temperature 量体温,测体温feel one's pulse 号脉symptom 症状,病症take one's blood pressure 量血压pneumonia 肺炎liver trouble 肝脏毛病flu 流感have a sore throat 喉咙痛have a stuffed nose 鼻塞,流鼻涕doctor 医生consultant (医学)顾问,专家practitioner 从业医生specialist 专科医生,专家surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医prescribe 开(药),开处方give a prescription 开处方medicine 药,药物,医学,医药pill 药片,片剂,药丸tablet 药片,药丸mixture 混合(药剂)penicillin 青霉素antibiotic 抗生素get / receive an injection 注射,打针syrup 糖浆diet treatment 食疗pad 垫,衬垫,护垫vitamin 维生素,维他命aspirin 阿司匹林take medicine or pills before or after meals twice a day 饭前或饭后吃药,每天两次have an operation 动手术dental care 牙齿护理relaxation 娱乐,消遣,放松状态exercise 锻炼charge 收费,要价cost 花费,代价check - up 检查,体检receptionist 接待员consulting hours 就诊时间,看病时间make an appointment 预约五、假日出游安排(1)semester 学期break 放假,短期休息holiday 假期,假日go camping 去野营go swimming 去游泳go fishing 去钓鱼go horse - riding 去骑马go cycling 骑自行车游览do a part - time job 做兼职do some summer courses 参加暑期学习课程Royal Park 皇家公园Wild - life zoo 野生动物园beach 海滩,沙滩30 kilometers south of 在……南部30 公里coast 海岸hire boats / go boating / row boats 租船,去划船scuba diving 斯库巴潜水(戴自携式潜水呼吸器潜水)underwater life 海底生命national park 国家公园domestic animal 家畜equipment 器具,设备van 小货车a sleeping bag 睡袋bathers 泳装good hiking boots 结实的徒步旅行靴strong boots and socks 结实的靴和袜warm sweater 温暖的毛衣jacket for the evening 夜间穿的夹克衫rocky bluff 悬崖,陡壁waterfall 瀑布animals and birds 动物和鸟类sea creatures 海生物spectacular view 壮观的美景picnic 野餐,野炊barbecue 烧烤野餐book beds 预定床位youth hostel 青年施舍,青年招待所guide 向导,导游六、假日出游安排(2)finish our exams 考完试relaxation 放松,轻松exercise 锻炼,训练take some fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气recreation office 娱乐办公室brochure 广告小册子,宣传小册子excursion (通常是几个人结伴)短途旅行,远足riverboat trip 乘船河上游览bus trip 乘公共汽车出游boat trip 乘船出游expense 花费,开销expensive 昂贵的relaxing 令人放松的,令人轻松的horse riding 骑马cycling 骑自行车游hire 租用equipment 设备,器具riding helmet (骑自行车用)头盔,安全帽stable 马厩extra cost 额外花费mountain bike 山地车deposit 押金,定金;储蓄,存款return 归还,退还cycle hire place 自行车租车处assistant 管理员,助理,助手riverside drive 滨江大道railway station 火车站car park 停车场path 小路,小径marked with signs 标有指示牌picnic 野餐rent 租金the rate has gone up 涨价了pannier (挂在马或脚踏车两侧的)驮篮,挂篮,背篓checked regularly and well - maintained 定期检查和保养,良好的repair kit 一套修理工具recommend 推荐hill 小山,丘陵beach 沙滩,海滩energetic 精力充沛的,精神旺盛的cycling trac k单车道back pack 背包identification 身份,确认student card 学生证driver's license 驾驶执照fill in this form 填表names and addresses 姓名和地址contact telephone number 联系电话七、假日出游安排(3)travel agency 旅行社book the ticket 订票International Student Card 国际学生卡Student preference 学生优惠passport 护照visa 签证credit card 信用卡driving license / license 驾照travel agency 旅行社flight number 航班号check in 办理登机手续take off 起飞land 降落motel 汽车旅馆youth hostel 青年旅社,青年招待所expire (护照等的)满期,到期,过期platform 站台museum 博物馆souvenir 纪念品art gallery 画廊hiking 徒步旅行hitch - hike 搭便车旅行surfing 冲浪skiing 滑雪bag - packer 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人八、假日出游安排(4)book a flight 预订航班organize 组织stay through 住,小住(一段时间)accommodation 住宿five - star hotel 五星级宾馆pricy 昂贵的,价高的popular resort town 很受欢迎的游览胜地(城镇)check 检查accommodation directory 住宿名录簿book in advance 预订book a bed or room 预订床位或房间stay in a caravan site 投宿拖车式活动房stay in a hostel 投宿廉价旅舍cramped 拥挤的privacy 私人空间snorer 睡觉打呼噜的人,睡觉打鼾很厉害的人caravan park 拖车式活动房宿营地recommend 推荐white sands 白色沙滩go diving 去潜水barrier 障碍,屏障reef 悬崖,峭壁coral 珊瑚,珊瑚礁marine life 海洋生物magnificent 壮观的,壮丽的,view the reef 观赏悬崖glass - bottomed boat 玻璃底板船relax 放松,使轻松soak up the sun 泡太阳浴walk along the beach 沿着沙滩散步admire the sunset 赏日落warn sb of 警告go swimming 去游泳stinger 叮咬人的昆虫或动物jellyfish 水母,海蛰sting 叮,咬,蛰sunscreen 太阳伞beach towel 沙滩浴巾九、周末休闲(消遣)活动weekend 周末go to a pub 去酒吧wash one's car 洗车doing the laundry 洗衣服go out for brunch 外出吃早中餐read Sunday newspapers 读周日报刊sit in the garden over a cup of coffee 坐在花园喝咖啡play chess / game 下象棋,下棋a board game played by two persons / players 两人玩的棋盘light coloured piece 白色棋子dark coloured piece 黑色棋子rook (国际象棋中的)车bishop (国际象棋中的)象knight (国际象棋中的)马king (国际象棋中的)王queen (国际象棋中的)王后pawn (国际象棋中的)兵,卒chessboard 棋盘horizontal rows of squares across the board / ranks 棋盘上横排方格,横线格the rows of squares up and down / vertical rows / files 上下纵列方格,直线格lines of squares running diagonally / diagonals 沿对角线走的方格,斜对角线格rules to move pieces 走棋规则jump over pieces 走跳棋move in any direction, forwards ,backwards or to either side 按前后左右任何方向走棋move three squares at a time 一次走三格the aim of the game 下棋的目标trap your opponent's King 困住对手的大王escape being captured 躲避被抓checkmate 将军,败北,彻底击败the checking piece /pieces 将军棋子need a lot of practice 需要很多练习,操练十、电话预定农庄旅游小住farming accommodation 农庄住宿设施reservation 预定package tour 包团旅游tourist number 游客人数meeting room 会议室,接待室flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的unavailable 不能使用的cook service 烹调服务inform in advance 预先通知(告知)activity 活动安排feed animals 给动物喂食organic farming 施用有机肥料耕种,不使用化肥的耕种information 信息,消息survival course 生存训练,生存锻炼find food by themselves 自己寻找食物rainy day 雨天,下雨天visit museum 参观博物馆rent bicycle 租借自行车cycling route 骑自行车游览路线pay all the fees and expenses 付清所有的费用deposit 押金,按金fill in a form 填表address 地址,地点postcode 邮政编码contact 联系(人)number (登记)编号十一、日常生活咨询及服务book 预订reservation 预订confirm a reservation 确认预订cancel 取消schedule / timetable 时间表,日程表restaurant 餐馆,酒家dining hall 就餐大厅,食堂canteen 餐厅,食堂café咖啡馆,茶餐厅cafeteria 自助餐厅(食堂)pub 酒吧,酒馆snack bar 小吃部,小食店first come,first serve 先来招待order 点(菜)dinner 用餐,吃饭appetizer 开胃小吃,开胃饮料soup 汤,菜汤salad 色拉dessert 甜食,甜品soft drink 软饮料coffee 咖啡tea 茶milk 奶,牛奶juice 果汁drive - in 汽车餐馆,汽车影院cinema 剧院,戏院fare 车费,票价admission ticket 入场券toll 通行费,使用费open ticket 单程票round - up ticket 双程票extra charge 额外收费,加收费vacant seat 空位,未被占座位non - stop train / coach / flight 直达列车(长途客车,飞机)arrival 到达,抵达departure 离开,出发destination 目的地window - shopping 逛街,逛商店shopping mall 购物中心department store 百货商店supermarket 超市dime store 杂货店shop assistant 售货员cashier 收银员,出纳free parking lot 免费停车场take a taxi 乘坐出租车十二、电话图书租借服务City Central Library 城市中心图书馆order 预定,预借send through the post or courier 用邮寄或专递派送get the form and take down some details 拿表格记下个人信息first name 名last / family name 姓capital letter 大写字母membership number 会员证号码address to send the items to 送件地址road / Rd. 路,马路,大道street/ Strt. 街,街道phone number 传真号码daytime phone number 日间电话号码home/ residential number 住宅电话号码a telephone request 电话索取prepare a short article for the environment watch section 为环保栏目写一篇短文local newspaper 地方报纸be quite concerned about the problems we're facing 非常关注我们所面临的问题publicize the problem 让公众知晓这个问题keep the books for 3 weeks 借书三周normal loan period 正常租借期限two - week extension 两周续借期allow a longer initial loan period 允许更长的首期租借时间allow for the delivery time 允许扣除邮寄的时间have the books for six weeks from the date of postage 从邮寄之日起租借六周renew by bringing them in for stamping 带回来盖戳后再续借reserve on the item 预借这本书(预先登记)pay the postage and photocopy fees 付邮资和影印费用accept both cash and credit card 既可用现金支付,也可用信用卡支付send a money order 用汇款单支付pay cash 支付现金get all that down 记下tell me the books your need 说出所需书目have them immediately available 可以即时借到have to wait a bit for them 需等一等才能借到author 作者publication date 出版日期title of the book 书名government publications 政府出版物government archives 政府档案馆put that aside for you 为你留着standard works 标准出版物out on loan 已出借put that on reserve 归为预借类inter - library loan service 图书馆际互借服务十三、电话失物报失police officer 警官police station 警察局report 报案,报告stolen briefcase 被盗的行李箱wallet 钱包personal details 个人信息spell 拼写address 地址flat 公寓套间,一套房road 路,大道number (街道)门牌号contact telephone number 联系电话double 双(写)triple 三个,三value 价值contents 内含物,内容rough estimate 粗略估计pound 英镑dollar 美元soft leather 软皮box - type 箱型的buckle 扣子,纽扣gold - plated 镀金的locked 锁上的distinguishing feature 显著特征marks or badges 标记,特征brand name 商标名bottom 底部left - hand corner 左边拐角scratch 划痕,抓痕,划伤,划破frustrating 令人沮丧的pocket 口袋platform 站台,平台crowded 拥挤的station 车站十四、目击者向警方报告抢动案witness 目击者,目击证人report 报告,报案robbery 抢劫,抢劫案policeman 警察theft 盗窃,偷盗happening place 案发地点in the street 在大街上West Street 西街thieves 'car 窃贼用车elderly women 老年妇女,年长妇女rob 抢劫,打劫wallet 钱包value 价值amount of money 钱的数额unhurt 没有受伤的,未被伤害的robber 抢劫犯,抢劫者appearance feature 外貌特征young thief 年轻的窃贼age 年龄curly black hair 黑色的卷发tall and slim 又高又瘦elder thief 年纪大的窃贼35 years old 35 岁distinguished feature 明显的特征a small scar 一道小疤痕in his chins 在他的下颌(下巴)上十五、旅游存款服务open an account 开(帐)户higher rate deposit account 高利率储蓄帐户advantage 优势,益处main feature 主要特征option 选择percent 百分比net 纯利,净收入gross 毛利,毛收入rate of interest 利率non - resident 非居民,非寄宿生bonus 奖金,奖励calculate 计算,推算,估算quarterly 按季(结算)的,每季的withdraw money (支)取钱cheque book 支票簿access 途径,通道branch (银行)分支,分理处,分部balance 作额reduce 减少,降低close the account 清(帐)户notice (清账户)通知十六、求职面试vacant position 待聘职位,职位空缺applicant 申请人advertisement 广告receptionist 接待员assistant 助理,店员job interview 求职面试interviewer 面试官interviewee 被面试人requirement 要求,必备条件experienced 有经验的,熟手的personnel manager 人事经理certificate 证书,证明qualification 资历,资格full - time job 全职工作international company 国际公司Ladies' Fashion 女装部Men's Wear 男装部Children's Wear 童装部appoint 指派,委派Young Set 青年套装Shop assistant 营业员cashier 收银员ask information about 询问有关……的信息job arrangements and benefits 工作安排和待遇commission 佣金salary 薪水,薪金wage 工资,报酬,酬金coffee time (15 minutes) 喝咖啡的休息时间(15分钟)lunch time (1 hour ) 午餐时间(1个小时)buying clothes at (25%) discount 买衣服可以打25%的折扣in the third year 在第3年have 4 weeks' holiday 有4周(带薪)假期fill in the from 填表department manager 部门经理office room 办公室boss 老板job responsibilities 工作职责widow dressing (商店的)橱窗布置,橱窗装饰,摆橱窗routine work 日常工作formal clothes 正式服装black skirt and red blouse 红罩衫配黑短裙training session 培训课程the 1st Tuesday of each month 每月的第一个星期二十七、市场问卷调查do some market research for 为……做市场调查television channel 电视频道work through this form 通过表格提问(调查)start with some personal background information 从个人背景信息开始respondent 受试者,被试者,被问卷调查者occupation 职业professional 专业人士business 生意age 年龄salary 薪水leave it blank 留空,空出,不填TV- watching habit 看电视的习惯help relax and unwind 有助于放松和大脑休息on average 平均breakfast time 早餐时间midnight 午夜programme 节目new bulletins 新闻快报comedy shows 喜剧影片factual programmes like news and documentaries 新闻或记录片之类的纪实节目local information 地方消息,当地新闻provide a service for the community 提供社区服务good quality stuff 高质量(水准)的东西director 导演specific advice 具体建议set up the channel 新开频道broadcast 广播sound system 音响系统interview 面试,访谈potential customer 潜在顾客commercial channel 商业频道tolerable to have adverts 容忍插播广告complain about 抱怨,投诉special promotions 特别促销活动make a note of 记下,记录mailing list 邮寄单name and address 姓名一地址第二部分(Section Two)IELTS考试听力部分的Section Two 通常为一段独白(Monologue),但有时也会出现一个生活或游乐专题访谈节目—主持人引导话题,被访者做主要描述。

SHENZHEN GLOBAL IELTS雅思听力场景词汇Tom 赵启哲微博:环雅Tom公共邮箱: tomlistening@Accommodation ScenarioPeoplelandlord / landlady (女)房东tenant房客agent/agency中介host family接待家庭guest客人neighbour邻居Feesrent 租金deposit 押金utility bills 水电费water / gas / electricity / telephone bill weekly/monthly每周的/每月的refundable可退回的insurance保险contract合同,合约Location位置downtown / city centre市中心suburbs / outskirts 郊区urban/rural area市区/郊县north北, south南, east东, west西northwest西北;southwest西南northeast东北;southeast东南northern北边的road/street/avenue街道Accommodation住宿property房产guest house招待所homestay 寄宿家庭flat / apartment公寓studio apartment单身公寓single room单人间twin room 双人间(两个床)triple room 三人间Dietrefreshments/ snack点心special food / dietary requirement对于食物特殊要求food allergies/ be allergic to 对…食物过敏vegetarian素食主义者seafood海鲜Facility / Equipment / Apparatus 设备living room客厅dining room饭厅kitchen厨房kitchen-dinerbathroom卫生间garden花园yard庭院cloakroom衣帽间study书房garage 车库car park 停车场lift电梯fire gate/exit紧急出口air conditioner / conditioning 空调heating取暖closed-circuit TV / video surveillance *闭路电视/监控系统TRAVELLINGTravel arrangement travel agency旅行社tour guide导游guided tours带导游的旅行reserve/reservation预定book/booking预定recreation/ entertainment/ leisure娱乐Tourist Attraction旅游景点highlight热点rainforest雨林swamp / marsh 沼泽*wetland湿地*desert沙漠grassland草原bush灌木丛waterfall 瀑布viewpoint 观景点,制高点viewing shelter观景棚*historic(al) interest历史遗迹castle城堡cathedral大教堂botanical garden植物园*art gallery画廊museum博物馆ancient temple古寺theme park主题公园organic farm有机农场* aquarium水族馆undersea worlds海底世界amusement park游乐园* orchard果园beach / coast/ shore沙滩、海滨hot spring温泉water mill水力发电站dock港口dam水坝footbridge人行小桥Great Barrier Reef大堡礁Stonehenge巨石阵Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Tower of London伦敦塔Activitiesbushwalk林中漫步hiking徒步旅行trekking跋涉camping野营campsite营地cycling骑自行车rock climbing / cliff walks攀岩* Entertainment娱乐musical instrument乐器keyboard键盘piano钢琴;pianist钢琴家string instrument弦乐器violin小提琴;violinist小提琴家cello大提琴;cellist大提琴家* guitar吉他;guitarist吉他手* flute笛子drum鼓pop流行音乐jazz爵士乐folk民谣easy listening轻音乐classical古典音乐live music现场音乐disco跳舞厅pub酒吧clubhouse会所concert hall音乐厅opera house歌剧院karaoke bars卡拉OK* concert音乐会cinema电影院Studio Theatre演播剧场theatre剧院theatrical events戏剧* exhibition展览department stores百货商场Transportationvehicle车辆four-wheel drive四驱车jeep吉普车minibus中巴coach长途客车railway station火车站Central Station中央车站airport机场river cruise游艇游览helicopter直升飞机shuttle bus班车cab / taxi计程车BANKING*Paymentcash现金check(cheque)支票credit card 信用卡(VISA, MASTER, American Express)Currencyforeign currency 外汇exchange rate 汇率pound £dollar $euro €Opening an accountcurrent account 活期账户deposit account定期账户joint account 联合账户* instant account 速成账户* select account 高级账户opening sum 开户额identity security身份认证bank statement 银行对账单Transactiondeposit 存款withdraw (withdrawal) 取款overdraft/ overdraw 透支balance 余额interest 利息interest rate 利率teller 出纳*transfer 转账loan贷款Job Hunting1.人applicant 申请人candidate 候选人interviewee 被面试者interviewer 面试官HRpersonnel manager2. 找工作的过程- positions available/ vacant positions/ vacancy- post an advertisement (online, newspaper, supermarket)- apply for a job- application form- accompanying letter (coverletter)- resume / CV=curriculum vitae- interview- call reference(证明人)3简历上要写的东西Qualification 资质education background 教育背景letter of recommendation 推荐信* previous experiencecertificate/ diplomabachelor *master*doctor*4. 其他词汇take on/hire/employ*colleague = the person I work with = the person in my departmenttrainingfull-time jobpart-time jobpermanent jobtemporary jobwork overtimeshift work (day shift, night shift)5. 薪资salary / wage/ pay bonus commission 佣金allowance 津贴(car allowance)welfare 福利(pension养老金,health benefits健康福利,insurance保险)MEMBERSHIP & CARDivisionssports club健身俱乐部fitness centre健身俱乐部gym健身房reception前台locker room更衣室keep-fit studio健身室dance studio舞蹈教室tennis court网球场swimming pool游泳池salad bar沙拉吧Staffreceptionist前台接待人员coach/trainer教练instructor指导教练dietician饮食专家*internal member内部人员* external member外部人员*Registrationapplication form申请表reference number档案号passport photo护照照片documents for ID/ ID card证明文件driver’s license驾照passport护照student card学生证bank statement银行对账单utility bills (water, electricity, phone, gas)水电费账单reference letter from employer雇主证明信joining fee入会费annual fee年费SportsTEAM SPORTSsoccer/ football足球beach volleyball沙滩排球basketball篮球baseball棒球hockey曲棍球*handball手球*BALL GAMESgolf高尔夫badminton羽毛球table tennis乒乓球RACKET BALLtennis网球squash壁球*EXERCISEboxing拳击kick-boxing搏击judo柔道yoga瑜伽jogging慢跑aerobics有氧运动*stretch class拉伸运动*CARmake 牌子model 型号manufacturer 厂商engine size排量(litre升, cc) * gear change 变速器* manual 手动挡automatic 自动挡top speed 最高速mileage 里程数*instrument panel 仪表盘*frame 车架*wheel (front, rear) 车轮(前轮,后轮)* steering wheel方向盘car bumper保险杠* insurance company 保险公司Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯part exchange 部分抵换*Public FacilitiesLIBRARY Loansreference book 参考书fiction小说textbooks 教材periodical期刊current / back issue 现(过)刊journal 学术期刊newspaper(papers)报纸(local, national) magazine杂志category 种类publisher出版人,出版方press出版社author作者multimedia materials多媒体资料*audio-visual materials 音像材料video录像cassette磁带*tape录像带Procedureborrowing/loan period借阅期限due date还书日overdue 过期fines 罚款renew 续借recall 预借FacilitiesCD-ROM 只读光盘database 数据库Internet access网络接入laptop 笔记本电脑scanner扫描仪photocopier复印机laser printer激光打印机microscope显微镜COLLEGE FACILITIES equipment room器材室media room媒体室resources room资源室computer center计算机中心laboratory实验室main hall大厅,礼堂lecture room阶梯教室lecture theater演讲厅drama theater剧院halls of residence宿舍living quarters居住区* student health center医务室insurance center保险中心refectory自助餐厅* canteen自助餐厅cafeteria自助餐厅dining room食堂diner饭馆nursery托儿所child care centre托儿所counseling center咨询中心Teaching and LearningCOURSE DELIVERYFaculty师资tutor导师lecturer讲师convenor老师* counselor顾问*principal校长director主任staff员工Sessionsenroll报名参加session(一节)课tutorial辅导课lecture讲座seminar研讨会group discussion小组讨论workshop讨论会diploma course文凭课程* modular course 模块课程* training session 培训课程refresher course补习课程*intensive course强化课程studies研究semester/term学期course outline 课程大纲handout(s) 讲义orientation week学习指导周(开学第一周)SubjectBiology生物*Biophysics生理*Social Science社会科学*Topography地形学*CoursesAdvanced English Studies高级英语研究*General English普通英语*Academic English学术英语*Gender Studies性别研究*Second LanguageAcquisition第二语言习得*Educationprimary school小学secondary school初中undergraduate本科postgraduate研究生Bachelor学士Master硕士Doctor博士Social Science社会科学ASSIGNMENTCoursework assignment作业essay论文report报告case study案例分析project项目presentation演示,报告dissertation学位论文experiment实验written work书面作业Requirementsdeadline最后期限extension延期submit/hand in上交length/word limit篇幅/字数限制title标题chapter/section章,节bibliography参考书目*draft初稿typos拼写错误*layout排版*contents page目录subheadings副标题formatting格式numbering编码page numbers页码headers页眉footers页脚bullet points要点列举Methodologystudy研究branch分支identify鉴定,验明research 研究investigation调查survey调查data, statistics, figure数据main methods:1) questionnaire 问卷调查response rate回复率2) Interview采访telephone interview电话采访face-to-face interview面对面的采访taped interview 录音采访*3) observation观察Assessmentreview批改evaluation评估marking criteria评分标准feedback反馈oral / written test口(笔)试placement test分级考试* Countries & Nationalities-ishBritain-BritishIreland-IrishTurkey-Turkish*Spain-SpanishPoland-Polish *Sweden-Swedish, Denmark-Danish-anCanada-CanadianAustralia-AustralianAmerica-AmericanRussia-Russian Germany-German-eseChina-Chinese Japan-Japanese Portugal-Portuguese Vietnam- Vietnamese*-iIraq-Iraqi*Pakistan-Pakistani*othersFrance-FrenchNew Zealand-New ZealanderGreece-GreekSwitzerland-SwissThailand-Thai*Holland/Netherlands-Dutch* MajorArt 艺术Biology 生物学Accounting 会计Engineering 工程学History 历史学Chemistry 化学Economics 经济学Politics 政治学Marketing 市场学Finance 金融学Law 法学Psychology 心理学Sociology 社会学Architecture 建筑学Education 教育学Business 商科Computer Science 计算机科学--- Administration xx管理--- Studies xx研究备注:后面带* 号的为非重点词汇,了解意思即可;其余不带* 号为重点词汇,必须懂意思、懂发音、懂拼写。

IELTS Listening VocabularyScene 1: Accommodation 住宿y location 位置考点y layout 布局 y type of house 房屋类型y facilities 房屋设施信息y Newspaper Advertisement/Ads 广告 y House Agency 房屋中介y city centre 市中心y downtown 商业中心区y urban 城市的位置 y street 街道y avenue 大道y road 路y lane 小路小巷y flat (英) 公寓y apartment (美) 公寓类型y studio flat/apartment 单居室公寓 y hall(s) of residence (英) 学校公寓y dormitory/dorm (美) 学生宿舍y youth hostel 青年旅店y house agent 房屋代理人人y landlord 房东y landlady 女房东y facilities 设施y lobby 大堂大厅y lounge 公共休息室y entrance gate/hall 入口y foyer 休息室、门厅y garden 花园y yard 围绕建筑物的一块场地y attic 阁楼设施 y balcony 阳台y basement 地下室y garage 车库y radio(s) 收音机y stereo 立体声音响y lamp 台灯y digital camera 数码相机y lift(英)elevator(美)电梯y furnished 配备家具的饮食y vegetarian 素食者 n./a. y take-away 外卖y environment 环境 y contact 联系方式 y rental price 房租价格 y rules and regulations 规则,规定 y Accommodation Office 宿舍管理办公室 y social network 社会网络 y suburb 郊区 y rural 农村的 y outskirts 外围地区,郊外 y countryside 乡下,农村 y village 村庄 y cottage 小屋,村舍y homestay 家庭寄宿 y host family 寄宿家庭 y friendly faces 住在当地人家里 y en suite 带独立卫浴设备的宿舍 y standard suite 标准套间 y bedsit 小套房(卧室兼起居室) y property owner 业主 y tenant 房客,租客 y flatmate 同公寓房客 y refrigerator(fridge) 冰箱 y air-conditioner 空调 y water heater 热水器 y shower 淋浴 y radiator 电暖炉 y stove 炉灶 y microwave oven 微波炉 y flashlight 电筒 y kitchen curtain 厨房窗帘 y cabinet 橱柜 y drawer 抽屉 y cot 轻便小床 y bed sheet 床单 y blanket 毛毯 y carpet 地毯 y cushion 沙发靠垫 y towel 浴巾毛巾 y meal times 就餐时间 y weekdays/workdays 周一至五Compiled By Chen Qian1问题 规定 费用 付款y not near the railway station 离火车站远 y insect 昆虫y far from the bus stop 离汽车站远y shared kitchen 公用厨房y near the airport 离机场近y have no privacy 没有隐私y lock 锁y no smoking/drinking/pets allowedy front door key 前门钥匙禁止吸烟/喝酒/养宠物y emergency, fire door 消防通道y be allergic to 对…过敏y maximum rent 最高租金y laundry charges 洗衣费y minimum rent 最低租金y water/electricity/power/telephone billy rental price 租金价格水费/电费/电话账单y refundable deposit 可退还的押金y personal property insurancey hire furniture 租家具个人财产保险y week by week/ per week / weeklyy by credit card 信用卡y cash 现金y Master Card 万事达卡y by cheque/check 支票y Visa Card 维萨卡Compiled By Chen Qian2Scene 2: Food & Diet 饮食y College Dining Room/Hall 学校餐厅y Riverside Restaurant 河边餐厅y seafood restaurant 海鲜餐厅Placey self-service restaurant 自助餐厅 y café 咖啡馆, 小餐馆(不供酒水)y cafeteria [美]自助食堂[餐馆]y school cafeteria 学校食堂/自助餐厅y buffet lunch 自助餐y cater 提供饮食及服务Drinksy drinks and snacks 饮料和零食 y refreshment 茶点,点心y alcoholic beverages 含酒精的饮料y cater 提供饮食及服务y regular dinner 套餐y snack 快餐,零售y mid-morning snacks (上午)间食y appetizer/starter 开胃小吃y soup 汤y side dishes 副菜y main course 主菜Foody dessert/after-dinner snacks 饭后甜点y French / Italian cuisine 法国/意大利菜y vegetarian 素食主义者y red meat (pork, lamb, mutton, beef)红肉(猪肉、羔羊肉、羊肉、牛肉等)y white meat(fish, chicken, duck)白肉 (鱼肉、鸡肉、鸭肉等)y meat and cheese 肉类和奶酪y junk food 垃圾食品y hot (味道)剌激性的, 辛辣的Description y spicy辛辣的y greasy 油腻的y kitchen utensils 厨房器皿Itemy cutlery 餐具y pay the bill 付账的Payment y split the bill 平均分担费用y go Dutch AA 制y coffee shop 咖啡店 y pub 酒吧 y drive-in restaurant 免下车餐馆 y bakery 面包店 y pizzeria 比萨饼店 y snack bar 小吃店 y tavern 客栈y tea and coffee 茶和咖啡 y mineral water 矿泉水 y fruit juice 果汁 y coke cola 可乐 y hamburger 汉堡包 y vegetable burger 蔬菜堡 y take-away 外卖 y hot dog 热狗 y sandwich 三明治 y pizza 披萨 y fish and chips 炸鱼加炸土豆片 y sauce调味汁, 酱汁 y vinegar 醋 y flour 面粉 y lentil curry 小扁豆咖喱 y garlic大蒜 y salad 沙拉 y nut(s) 干果, 坚果 y chocolate 巧克力y tasty美味的,可口的 y delicious 美味的 y low nutrition 低营养 y knife and fork 刀和叉y by credit card 信用卡付账 y change 零钱 y tips 小费Compiled By Chen Qian3Scene 3: Travel(l)ing 旅游考点 活动准备Landscape风景主要考察地名(distance from nearest city),行政区划,人口(population),语言,风土人情,有利和不利因素 (advantage/disadvantage),吸引人之处(attraction) ,气候和天气(climate/weather:wet and windy, cold and wet, rainy, cloudy.)y tour 旅行, 观光y swimming 游泳y tourism 旅游业y jogging 慢跑y trip 短途旅行y excursion 远足y voyage 航行, 航海y cycling 骑自行车y cruise乘船巡游y mountain climbing 登山y hiking 徒步旅行y hot air ballooning 乘坐热气球y banquet 宴会y rafting 漂流y feast 盛宴y skiing 滑雪y picnic 野餐y water skiing 滑水y camping 野营y rowing划船,赛艇运动y barbecue 烧烤y leisure time 空闲时间y plan the route 计划路线y relaxation 消遣,娱乐y itinerary 旅程, 行程y unwind yourself 放松自己y schedule 时间表;明细表y recreation means 娱乐方式y planner 计划(表)y travel agency 旅行社y emergency contact person 紧急联系人y package tour 跟团旅游y self-organized expedition 自助游穿着y comfortable clothes/trousers 舒适的衣服y walking boots 步行靴y sandal [`sændl] 凉鞋y wading boots 涉水靴y sun glasses 太阳眼镜y stout boots 结实的靴子携带物品y book of local history 当地历史书y passport 护照y entrance fee 门票y visa 签证y insurance 保险y fishing gear 钓具y safety helmet 安全帽y double-grill 双层烤架y souvenir 纪念品y booklet 小册子y tourist brochure 游客手册y make a reservation 预定y timetable 时刻表y book the ticket 预定票y airport tax 机场税y confirm a reservation 确定定位y duty-free shop 免税店y cancel one’s reservation 取消定位y vacant seat 空座y first come, first reservation 先到先服务原则 y excess change 超重y fare 票价y direct/ non-stop flight 直达航班y toll 通行费y connecting-flight 转机y saver ticket 优惠票y layover/ stopover 中途停留y open ticket 开放机票y check in 办理登记手续y one-way ticket 单程票y driving license 驾照y round-trip ticket 往返票y expire (信用卡,护照)过期y art gallery 画廊,艺术馆y cave 洞穴y education exhibition 教育展y fossil 化石Compiled By Chen Qian4人 住宿交通 其他y exhibition of instruments 乐器展 y historical/ art/science/natural/museum 历史、艺术、科学、自然博物馆 y concert hall 音乐厅 y cathedral总教堂, 大教堂 y church 教堂 y castle 城堡 y palace 宫殿 y coastal area 沿海地区 y eastern beach 东海岸 y harbour/harbor海港 y theme garden 主题花园 y backyard (yard) <美>后花园 y department store 百货商店 y family ticket 家庭套票 y children y kid 儿童 y elder 长辈 y the old 老人 y hotel 宾馆 y motel 汽车旅馆 y youth hostel 青年旅社 y free transportation 免费运送 y one-way ticket 单程票 y round trip ticket 往返票 y rush hour 交通高峰期 y vehicle 车辆 y wheel 方向盘,车轮 y ferry 轮渡 y flight 航班 y bus route 公车路线 y mini-sized coach 长途汽车 y bicycle 自行车 y motorcycle 摩托车 y safety regulations 安全规章y ancient temple 古庙 y silent island 孤岛 y tower 塔 y outdoor activities 户外活动 y forest area森林地带 y wildlife 野生动植物 y safari park 野生动物园 y tropical rainforest 热带雨林 y creek 小溪 y Central Park 中心公园 y Stonehenge 巨石阵 y Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 y Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 y Tower of London 伦敦塔 y passenger 旅客 y shopper 购物者 y commuter 通勤者 y tourist 游客 y thief 小偷 y B&B (bed and breakfast) 民宿 y cottage 小屋y trolley 电车 y tram 有轨电车 y steam engine ship 蒸汽船 y cable car 缆车 y wheelchair 轮椅 y double-decker bus 双层公共汽车 y coach/ motor coach 长途汽车 y trolleybus 无轨电车 y tramcar, streetcar 有轨电车 y tube/subway/underground/Metro 地铁 y driving/driver’s license 驾照y helmet 头盔Compiled By Chen Qian5Scene 4: Health 健康y catch a cold 感冒y sore throat 嗓子疼y cough 咳嗽y stuffed nose 鼻子不通症状y fever 发烧y stiff neck 脖子发僵Symptom y dizzy 头晕y allergic 过敏的y headache 头痛y insomnia 失眠y stomachache 胃痛y drowsiness 嗜睡,睡意y toothache 牙痛y epidemic 流行病y tropical disease 热带病疾病 Diseasey influenza 流感 y heart disease 心脏病 y injury 损伤y yellow fever 黄热病 y chest infection 胸部发炎 y decayed teeth 蛀牙y wound 伤口y eyesight 视力y disabled 肢体残疾的y Medical Center 医疗中心y private practice 私人诊所y Health Center 健康中心y General Practioner/ GP 全科医师y private clinic 私人诊所医院及医生 y make an appointment 预约 y surgeon 外科医生y vet 兽医 y psychiatric a.精神病的;y physician 内科医生y psychiatrist n.精神病学家y oculist / eye doctor 眼科医生y nurse 护士y dentist 牙医y patient 患者, 病人y head 头y wrist 手腕y forehead 额头y palm 手掌y eyes 眼睛y finger 手指身体y nose 鼻子 y mouth 嘴y chin, jaws 下巴 y waist 腰部y ear 耳朵y heart 心脏y neck 脖子, 颈部y ankle 脚踝y arm 手臂y slim 苗条的, 纤细的y precaution/prevention 预防y have an operation 动手术y take one ‘s temperature 量体温y ambulance 救护车治疗y take one’s blood pressure 量血压 y feel one’s pulse 量脉搏y therapy 理疗,疗法 y relaxation therapy 放松疗法Treatment y to prescribe/ give a prescription 开处方 y recreaton therapy 娱乐疗法y take medicine or pills 吃药y psychotherapy 精神疗法,心理疗法y get/have/receive an injection 打针y physical therapy 理疗y chemist’s 药店,药房y pill,tablet 药片,药丸y antibiotics 抗生素y vitamin 维他命药物y aspirin 阿斯匹林y capsule 胶囊y pain killer 止痛片y ointment 药膏y penicillin 盘尼西林y vaccine 疫苗y mental 精神的y cycle 循环其他y physical 肉体的y blood flow 血流y beats 跳动的次数yCompiled By Chen Qian6Scene 5: Social Life 社会生活 Sports Activitiesy Town Hall 市政厅y Main Hall 主厅地点y Fitness Center 健身中心 y Sports Hall 体育馆y gym 健身房, 运动场y stadium 露天体育场y personal trainer /PT 私人教练y instructor 教练人y coach 教练y team leader 领队y judge 评委y interest 爱好y hobby 嗜好y taste 爱好y bowling 保龄球活动y bowling alley 保龄球道 y football 橄榄球y soccer 英式足球y hunting 打猎y hiking 远足 Shopping y y y y y y y Movie y y y yretail pattern 零售模式 shopping mall/center 购物中心 department store 百货商店 general store杂货店,综合商店 grocery store 食品商店 reasonable price 合理的价格 free parking lot 免费停车场movie theater 电影院 comedy 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧 documentary 纪录片 Partyy fancy dress 晚会服装;奇装异服 y fancy party 化妆舞会 y decoration balloons 装饰气球 y toy 玩具y fitness club 健身俱乐部 y soccer club 足球俱乐部 y walking club 徒步旅行俱乐部 y tennis club 网球俱乐部 y chess club 国际象棋俱乐部 y golf club 高尔夫俱乐部 y referee/umpire 裁判员 y sportsman 男运动员 y membership 会员资格; y gym membership 健身房会员 y annual membership fee 年会费 y cycling 骑自行车 y tennis 网球 y squash 壁球 y surfing 冲浪 y roller-skating 旱冰 y water-skiing 滑水 y swimming 游泳 y yoga 瑜珈 y weight training 力量训练y bookshop 书店 y shopping online 网上购物 y website网站, 网址 y counter(商店、银行等的)柜台 y shop assistant售货员 y item 项目/货品/东西 e.g. single item 单件物品y cartoon 卡通片 y science fiction movie 科幻片 y literary film 故事片 y headphone头戴式耳机y film festival 电影节 y guest宾客 y waiter / waitress (男/女)服务生Compiled By Chen Qian7yyyy服装yyyyyy Industryyyyyy Workingyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Banking人yy账户yyyyyydress code 着装要求 costume服装, 女装 formal clothes 正装 casual clothes 休闲装 comfortable clothes 舒适的衣服 dark/black trousers 深色/黑色裤子 black skirt 黑色短裙 blue sweater 蓝色毛衣 school uniform 校服 party wear 晚宴装y casual/leisure wear 休闲服 y sportswear 运动装 y uniform 制服 y suit一套衣服, 西装 y swimming suit 游泳衣 y silver cloth 银布 y clothing 服装 y jeans 牛仔服 y sandal 凉鞋 y spare socks 备用袜子forestry industry 林业 mining industry 矿业 energy industry 能源业 fishing industry 渔业 insurance company 保险公司y agriculture/agricultural y farming products 农产品 y wetland 沼泽地,湿地 y marsh 沼泽 y black velvet 黑天鹅绒,材料名employment 就业,职业 unemployment 失业 employ 雇佣 employer 雇主 employee 雇员 staff 全体职员 the role of staff 员工的角色 director 主任、董事、导演 accountant 会计师 shop manager 店长 senior manager 高层管理者 engine 发动机 engineer 工程师 cleaner 保洁员 customer 顾客 colleague 同事 vacancy 空缺 recruit method 招聘方法 salary/payment 薪水/报酬y charitable organization 慈善组织 y tourism organizaiton 旅游组织 y co(-)operation合作 y co(-)coperative 合作的, 协作的 y corporation crime 公司/集团犯罪 y violent crime 暴力犯罪 y royal commission 英国皇家调查委员会 y economic growth 经济增长 y population growth 人口增长 y British Council 英国文化协会 y city council 城市委员会 (vs. counsel) y geography trip 地理考察 y subcommittee 小组委员会 y welfare department 福利部门 y flexible working time 弹性工作时间 y position 位置,职位 y extension 分机,延期 y shift work 倒班 y day/night work 白/晚班cashier 收银员 teller 银行职员y accountant 会计domestic bank 国内银行yoversea bank 国外银行ycommercial bank 商业银行ymerchant bank 商业银行ybank book/pass book 存折yopen a bank account 开户yCompiled By Chen Qiansavings account 储蓄存款帐户 current account 活期存款帐户 check/cheque account 支票帐户 deposit account 定期存款帐户 monthly savings account 按月计息帐户 daily interest account 按天计息帐户8申请 费用y opening sum 开户金额y joint account 联名帐户y current account balance 现金帐户余额 y expense account 公款支付帐户y type of account 账户类型y fill out/in an application form 填申请表 y order check/cheque 记名支票- namey rubber check/cheque 空头支票- date of birthy blank check/cheque 空白支票- addressy traveler’s check/cheque 旅行支票- telephone (home & work)y exchange rate 汇率- occupation 职业y password/code 密码- type of accounty full refund 全额偿还- valid identity certificate 有效身份证明 y extension 延期- security 担保人,保证金y overdraw/overdraft 透支y bank statement 对账单y rebate 回扣y earn interest 赚取利息y payday 发薪日y annual interest rate 年利率y pay slip/envelop 薪水单y apply for a loan 申请贷款y mortgage 抵押y grant a loan 批准贷款y by installment 分期付款y low-interest loan 低息贷款y debt 债务y no-interest loan 无息贷款y collateral 担保物y instant account 速成户头y chquebook/checkbook 支票簿y signature card 签名卡y money order 汇票y draw/withdraw 提款y A.T.M 自动取款机y service charge 服务费/手续费y bill 钞票y four in hundred 四张一百元面额y change 零钱y give the money in fives/tensy cash 现金换成五元或十元面额y unit 货币单位y coin 硬币y value/worth 面值y penny(单) pence (复) 便士y ounce 盎司 1/16 磅y nickel(美、加)的五分硬币y amount in figures 小写金额y dime(美、加)的十分硬币y amount in words 大写金额Compiled By Chen Qian9Scene 6: Education 教育y major 主修y History 历史y minor 副修- economic history 经济学史y subject 学科- historian n.历史学家y curriculum 课程- historical a.y Arts 文科y International Business 国际商务y fine arts 美术y Journalism 新闻学y Science 理科y Linguistics 语言学y School of Arts and Sciences 文理学院 y Literature 文学y Applied Mathematics 应用数学y Law 法学y Accountancy/Accounting 会计学y Microbiology 微生物学y Architecture 建筑学y Money Management 理财课y Anthropology 人类学- Time Management 时间管理课y Astronomy 天文学- Stress Management 压力管理课学科y Astrology 占星术 y Archaeological 考古学的- Space Management 空间管理课 y Mass Media 大众传播y Biology 生物学y Modern Languages 现代语言y Bankingy Politics 政治y Chemistry 化学y Physical Education=PE 体育- chemistry lab 化学实验室y Physiology 生理学y Computer Science 计算机专业y Psychology 心理学y Engineering 工程(学)- psychological course 心理学课程y Economics 经济学- psychologist 心理学家y Environmental Science 环境学- patients 患者y Education 教育学y Philosophy 哲学y Finance 金融学y Statistics 统计学y Geography 地理y Sociology 社会学- geographical adj.地理学的- geographic location 地理位置y President Am. 校长y Student Adviser 学生顾问/辅导员y Chancellor En.(大学/名誉)校长y Senior Advisor 资深督导师y Principal 校长y Counselor 顾问,指导老师y Dean 系主任y Coordinator 协调员y Secretary 秘书y international/overseas student 国际学生人y Associate Professor 副教授y Lecturer 讲师,y freshman 大学一年级学生 y sophomore 大学二年级学生y Instructor 讲师y junior 大学三年级学生y Supervisor 导师y senior 大学四年级学生y Tutor 导师y candidate 候选人,求职者y Support Tutor 助教y applicant 申请者y Teaching Assistant (T.A.) 助教y representative 代表,代理人Compiled By Chen Qian10新生入学 课程 授课 问题 评估 论文y orientation 新生入学,新生报到 y orientation meeting 迎新会 y welcome package入学或旅游时收到的欢迎辞 y registration 注册 y enroll 报名 y enrollment fee 报名费 y surroundings 环境 y history of school 学校历史y faculty [美](大学或学院的)全体教职员;系- the students and faculty 全院师生 - the faculty of theology 神学系 y achievements 成就 y buildings and functions 建筑及功能 y culture 文化 y rules and regulations 规章制度 y problem-solving 问题解决y semester/ term 学期 y curriculum 课程 y extra-curriculum 课外 y resume 个人简历 y CV=Curriculum vitae 个人简历 y compulsory course 必修课 y optional / selective course 选修课 y exemption 免修课 y lecture 大班授课 y lecturer 讲师 y tutorial 小班辅导课 y attendance rate 出勤率 y presentation 论文陈述,课堂发言 y seminar 学术研讨 y workshop 专题讨论会 y group discussion 小组讨论 y pressure / stress 压力 y social problems - social network disruption 社交圈 - new surroundings 新环境 - a balanced diet 均衡饮食 - take regular exercise 有规律练习y beginning course 入门课程 y basic course 基础课 y intermediate course 中级课程 y advanced course 高级课程 y intensive course 强化课 y session 学期; (进行某活动连续的)一段时间 y general English course 实用英语课程 y academic English 学术英语 y field trip 实地考察旅行 y cassette recorder 卡带式录音机 y tape recorder 磁带录音机 y videotape 录像带 y projector 投影仪 y photocopier 复印机 y printer 打印机 y scanner 扫描仪 y financial problems 经济问题 y academic problems 学术问题 y drop a course 退选一门课 y dropout 辍学y assignment 作业 y coursework 作业 - case study 案例研究 - essay 短文 - short report 报告 - study diary 学习日记 y course feedbacks 课程反馈 y evaluation 评估 y assessment methods 考核方法y paper 论文 y essay 短文 y thesis 硕士/专题论文 y dissertation 博士论文 y theme of project 项目主题 y subject 研究对象y exam 考试 - open exam 开卷考试 - closed exam 闭卷 - failure 不及格 y resit 重考 mark/score 分数 - grade 年级,成绩 A plus - record 记录,学习成绩; - credit (point)学分 - (academic) transcript 成绩单y research methods 搜集数据的方式 - interview 采访 - observation 实地观察 - questionnaire 问卷调查 y gather/collect data 收集数据 y analysis 分析Compiled By Chen Qian11y topic/title of essay 论文题目 y project outline 项目大纲 y essay plan 论文计划 y abstract 摘要 y summary report 摘要报告 y summarize 总结 y objective 目标,目的 y research 调查,研究 y investigation 调查,研究 y survey 调查 y checklist 清单,一览表y statistics 统计数据 y common sense 常识 y hypothesis 假设 y reference 参考书目 y bibliography 参考文献目录 y introduction 引言 y review of literature 文献综述 y previous studies 采用前人的研究 y theoretical background 理论背景 y theoretical framework 理论架构 y research findings 研究结果Compiled By Chen Qian12图书馆 毕业y passport photos 护照照片 y item: book y librarian 图书管理员 y delivery desk 借书台 y library/admission card 借书卡 y call slip 借书证 y international system 网络系统 y open shelves 开架书库 y close shelves 闭架书库 y classification 分类 y category 种类 y catalog 目录 y reference 参考书目 y bibliography 参考书目 y periodical 期刊 y current issue 现刊 y back issue 过期期刊 y certificate 毕业证,结业证 y diploma 毕业证,大专文凭 y commencement 毕业典礼y pink slip 代书板,(美)解雇通知书 y reference stacks 书库 y in circulation 在书库里 y out circulation 已借出 y not for circulation 不外借 y closed reserve 只读不借 y photocopy 影印,复印 y reserve 预借 book in advance y check out 登记借出 y date of expiry 期限 y renew v .续借 y renewal n. 续借 y recall 收回、召回 y due 到期 y overdue 过期 y pay fines 交罚金y Bachelor’s degree 学士学位 y Master’s degree 硕士学位 y Doctor’s degree 博士学位 y PHD=Doctor of Philosophy(哲学)博士Compiled By Chen Qian13Scene 7: Environment 地理环境y atmosphere 大气y atmospheric components 大气成分气y air quality 空气质量y oxygen 氧气y carbon dioxide 二氧化碳y gas 气体,煤气,汽油y pollution 污染y contamination 污染- contaminant 污染物- contaminated land 污染的土地污染- contaminated soil 污染的土壤y rubbish 垃圾y garbage can 垃圾箱y waste disposal 垃圾处理y drop-off site 垃圾投放处y atmospheric pollution 大气污染y greenhouse effect 温室效应现象y global warming 全球变暖 y temperature 温度- 10℃: 10 degrees centigradey wind erosion 风蚀资源/材料海洋 发展 人口y coal 煤 y mine 矿,矿山 y firewood 木柴,柴火 y oil 汽油,油类 y petrol 汽油 y solar energy 太阳能 y wind energy 风能 y wind force 风力 y electric power 电力 y freshwater resources 淡水资源 y conservation of freshwater 淡水保护 y marine ecosystems 海洋生态系统 y marine pollution 海洋污染 y ocean temperature 海洋温度 y living marine resources 海洋生物资源 y nature conservation 自然保护 y eco-development 生态发展 y renewable resources 可再生资源 y cost-benefit 成本-效益 y development cooperation 发展合作 y development planning 发展计划 y human settlements 人类居住y rainfall 降雨 y acid rain 酸雨 y fog 雾 y evaporate v. 蒸发 y evaporation n. 蒸发y plastic collection 回收塑料 y recycling material 回收材料 y sewage 污水 y sewer 下水道 y soil 土壤 y stone 石头,石料 y caves 洞穴 y bacteria 细菌 y viruses 病毒 y seismic activity 地震活动 y solar radiation 太阳辐射 y volcano eruption 火山喷发 y tides 潮,潮汐 y flood 洪水 y drought control 抗旱y natural resources 自然资源 y mineral resources 矿产资源 y natural drainage systems 自然排水系统 y water treatment 水处理 y electric power plants 发电厂 y nuclear power plants 核电站 y nuclear fuels 核燃料 y turbine (涡)轮机, 叶轮机, 汽轮机 y fiberglass 玻璃纤维,玻璃丝 y timber 木材, 木料 y organic fiber 有机纤维 y coastal ecosystems 沿海生态系统 y coastal environments 沿海环境 y coastal erosion 海岸侵蚀y environmental indicators 环境指标 y social surveys 社会调查 y status of development 发展状况 y sustainable development 可持续发展 y environmental economic issues 环境经济问题 y minorities 少数民族Compiled By Chen Qian14yyyy Geographyy行政区yy优缺点yyyy产业yyyyy天气和气候 yyyy语言yhuman migration 人类迁居 human population 人口 human rights 人权 population shift 人口迁移county state cost of living crime pace of life agriculture 农业 manufacturing 制造业 processing 加工业 farming 农业,畜牧业 sheep and cattle 羊和牛 weather 天气 climate 气候 climatic issues 气候问题 humid / wet 潮湿的 humidity 湿度 language 语言 accent 口音,重音y race relations 种族关系 y lifestyles/ life-styles 生活方式 y urban area 城市地区 y coastal area 沿海地区y province y town y interesting y boring y dull y fishing 渔业 y wine-making 酿酒 y transportation 交通 y printing 印刷业 y electronics 电子行业 y windy 有风的 y rainy 有雨的 y snowy 有雪的 y cloudy 多云的y dialect 方言Compiled By Chen Qian15Scene 8: Animals & Plants 动植物 动物y lion 狮子y goat 山羊y sheep (绵)羊陆y kangaroo 袋鼠y koala 树袋熊y zebra 斑马y elephant 大象y crocodile 鳄鱼海y shark 鲨y dolphin 海豚空y falcon 猎鹰y pigeon 鸽子 植物 botany, plant sciencey creature 生物认识植物 y plant 植物y vegetation 植被y root 根y stem 茎(植物)y stalk 茎(草或花)类y trunk 干y branch 树枝y bought 粗枝y twig 细枝y bloom 开花植物y fruit tree 果树y blossom 果花y flower vase 花瓶y artificial flowers 人造花y rose 玫瑰种类y cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 y radish 萝卜y garlic 大蒜y onion 洋葱y red pepper 辣椒y spinach 菠菜y carrot 胡萝卜y cucumber 黄瓜树木y shrub 灌木 y wood 木材y species in rare animal area其它稀有动物的种类y 捕猎 huntingy rhino 犀牛 y ostrich 鸵鸟 y bear 熊 y wolf 狼 y fox 狐 y deer 鹿 y bull 公牛 y whale 鲸 y hippos 河马y owl 猫头鹰y grass 草本植物 y tree 木本植物 y bamboo 竹子 y leaf 叶子 y fruit 果实 y core 核 y seed 种子 y bud 发芽 y flower 花朵y tomato 西红柿 y potato 马铃薯 y melon 香瓜 y bean 菜豆 y watermelon 西瓜 y pumpkin 南瓜 y strawberry 草莓 y wild berry 野草莓 y pear 梨子 y grape 葡萄 y peach 桃子 y mushroom 蘑菇 y lettuce 莴苣,生菜 y lentil 小扁豆 y oak tree 橡树 y ivy 常春藤 y 保护区 protected areas y 受保护的物种 protected species y 生态平衡 ecological balanceCompiled By Chen Qian16。

★租房场景关键词汇★租房方式及过程:accommodation住宿住处homestay住家estate agency/property agency/house agency房产中介real estate agent/estate agent房地产经纪人rent租借,租用房租rental电话、电视、汽车、工具等的租金additional cost/fee附加费deposit_保证金/押金electric bill电费gas bill煤气费water bill_水费telephone bill电话费lease租约contract合同landlord/landlady房东tenant_房客petrol汽油vegetarian素食主义者住宅类型、环境及地理位置:dormitory学生宿舍(detached)house独立式住宅(UK)block of flats/(US)apartment building公寓楼flat/apartment一套公寓房en suite卧室与厕所相连的套间studio apartment/flat一室户(配厨房和厕所) bedsit一室户(只有一间卧室bedroom/sitting room)dinning room餐厅living room起居室/客厅toilet厕所bedroom卧室bathroom浴室kitchen厨房balcony阳台laundry room洗衣房store room/storage room储藏室basement地下室attic阁楼in the suburb在近郊in/on the outskirts在远郊downtown市中心家用电器、家具及内外设施:electric appliance家用电器facility设备/设施washing machine洗衣机water heater热水器micro-wave oven微波炉dishwasher洗碗机alarm clock闹钟cable TV有线电视coffeemaker咖啡机closed circuit TV闭路电视video tape recorder录像机tape cassette磁带录音机CD player CD播放器broadband internet宽带网络stereo system组合音响fridge冰箱家用电器或设施维修及购买保险★入学注册及学习场景核心词汇★入学报到:学校教学、行政部门及相关人员学科及专业vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器electric kettle 电热水壶electric fan 电扇toaster 烤面包机swimming pool 游泳池garden 花园garage 车库gas stove 煤气炉carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘decorate 装饰central heating 中央供暖air conditioner 空调supermarket 超市kitchen cupboard 橱柜wardrobe 衣橱coffee table 茶几twin size/double size/queen size/king sizeleak 渗漏insurance 保险application form 申请表Student Information Desk 学生信息咨询台student loan 学生贷款tuition fee 学费enrollment form 注册表driver driver’’s/driving license 驾照passport 护照reception 接待接待处,服务台,问询处student card 学生证grant 助学金scholarship 奖学金financial problem 经济问题Campus Service Center 校园服务中心faculty/division/department 学院/系University Career Office 大学就业指导大学就业指导中中心Principal/President 校长Director of Studies 教导主任faculty and staff 教职员工compulsory/required/mandatory course 必修课elective course /optional course;elective/option 选修课She took five required courses and three elective courses last term.(elective 作形容词)She is taking several electives this year (elective 作名词)I took an option in history last year.general course 公共课specified course 专业课flexible灵活的flexible working hours foundation course基础课程chemistry化学major专业主修He is an English major He majors in Englishsociology社会学archaeology考古学philosophy哲学psychology心理学history历史学economics经济学maths数学linguistics语言学zoology动物学anthropology人类学computer science计算机科学discipline学科journalism新闻学medicine医学law法学education教育学information technology信息技术tourism旅游学finance金融学accounting会计学biology生物学statistics统计学physics物理学nursing护理学information technology信息技术学architecture建筑学agriculture农学engineering工程学biochemistry生物化学astronomy天文学上课及研究lecture讲座seminar专题讲座tutorial个别辅导小组讨论exemption免修course schedule课程表research method/approach研究方法course outline课程大纲participate参加参与plagiarism抄袭compassionate leave丧假attendance出勤作业及考试quiz小测验deadline最后期限hand in交作业thesis/dissertation论文intermediate中级的(preliminary初级的advanced高级的upper-intermediate中上)assignment作业功课任务I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.placement test分班考试presentation口头陈述报告give a presentation on somethingreview复习whiteboard白板marker白板笔学历★图书管场景核心词汇★library 图书馆library card lib librarian rarian [laiˈbrɛəriən ]图书馆管理员(a person who works in a library )availableout on loan overduerenewpay finescurrent/back issues 当期/过期杂志closed reserve section 非外借书库information desk 咨询台assessment 评估(risk assessment 风险评估)survey 调查analyze data 分析数据conclusion 结论feedback 反馈hypothesis 假设interview 访谈questionnaire 调查问卷college graduate 本科毕业生undergraduate 本科在读生postgraduate研究生The library loans books,CDs and videotapes.(CD 光碟/录像带)lending library:a lending library is a library from which the public are allowed to borrow books 借阅图书馆reference library:a reference library is a library that contains books which you can look at in the library itself but which you cannot borrow 参考图书馆借书证I'd like to apply for a library card可借到的/可借阅的The book you want to borrow is available on the second floor of the library.已借出Sorry,the book you want is out on loan at the moment 过期超期My library books are a week overdue.续借You should renew this book for it it’’s due.罚款If you return the books late,you have to pay finescirculation desk借书台touch-screen information service触摸式信息屏(你可以通过它了解图书管的布局、最新发布的信息等等computer center计算机中心reference(book/materials)参考书/资料interlibrary service图书馆馆际互借服务audio-visual resource center视听资料中心specialist library专业图书馆reserve section预借书库periodical期刊journal学术杂志date of expiry到期日retrieval检索The new retrieval system is faster than the old one.archives档案loan period借阅期call slip索书单check out办理外借手续abstract摘要This is the abstract of my thesis.extention延期The extension for this book is two weekscatalogue目录microfilm library萎缩胶卷图书库printed materials印刷材料(manuscripts,books,newspapers,and magazines)films,sound and video recordings音像及录像制品in electronic format以电子格式fiction小说类non-fiction非小说类recall召回database数据库★饮食用餐场景核心词汇★各式餐馆canteen餐厅(a place in a factory,office,etc.where food and meals are sold,often at a lower than usual price)staff canteen员工餐厅refectory餐厅(a large room in a monastery,college,school,etc.where meals are eaten)(a restaurant where you choose your food from a counter and take it to your table after paying for it)Are you having a sit-down meal(桌餐)or a buffet at the wedding?(machine from which you can buy small things such as cigarettes,drinks and sweets by putting coins into it)drive-in restaurant免下车餐馆barbecue烧烤Mexican/Indian food/Italian food印度/意大利食物食物及饮品main course主菜(the largest or most important part of a meal)I had salmon for my main course.salad沙拉steak牛排rare(牛排)三分熟medium(牛排)五分熟well done(牛排)全熟snack小吃refreshment茶点sandwich三明治appetizer开胃酒/菜beverage饮料a drink of any typeHot beverages include tea,coffee and hot chocolate.We do not sell alcoholic beverages.black tea红茶sea food海鲜mineral water矿泉水burger汉堡包pizza皮萨饼yogurt酸奶low-fat yogurt curry咖喱ginger生姜ketchup番茄酱lentil小扁豆broccoli花椰菜red meat红色肉类(beef or lamb)cheese奶酪营养元素★医疗健康场景核心词汇★医生疾病及治疗dessert 餐后甜点noodles 面French fries 薯条greasy 油腻的spicy 辣的bland 清淡的vitamin 维他命vegetarian 素食主义者calcium 钙calorie 卡路里a unit of energy protein 蛋白质carbohydrate 碳水化合物nutrition 营养nutritious 有营养的surgeon 外科医生physician 内科医生dentist 牙医vet 兽医psychiatrist 精神病医师clinic 诊所Chemist Chemist’’s (=drug store)药店pharmacist 药剂师nurse 护士diagnosis 诊断flu 流感immune system 免疫系统infection 感染patient 病人symptom 症状sneeze 打喷嚏chronic 慢性的have a running nose 流鼻涕have a cold/fever 感冒/发烧allergy 过敏症He has an allergy to cats receive an injection 接受注射allergic adj.过敏的have a sore throat 嗓子疼ambulance 救护车have a headache/stomachache/toothache 头疼/肚子疼/牙疼aspirin 阿司匹林tablet 药片pill 药丸eye drops 眼药水antibiotics 抗生素take one's temperature 量体温feel /take one's pulse 测脉搏take one's blood pressure 量血压prescription 处方report 处方checkup 体检have an operation 动手术dosage 剂量insomnia 失眠medical treatment 治疗medication 药物health certificate 健康证vaccination 疫苗National Health Service (NHS)国民保健服务emergency treatment 急症★运动场景、娱乐旅游场景核心词汇★take out medical insurance 购买医疗保险register with a doctor 到医生处注册General Practitioner 医生medical card 医疗卡ambulance 急救车cough 咳嗽fatigue 疲劳epidemic 流行病dizzy 眩晕drowsiness 嗜睡membership 会员资格facility 设备joining/membership fee 会员费tennis court 网球场badminton 羽毛球keep-fit studio/gym 健身房fitness center 健身中心judo 柔道yoga 瑜珈kick-boxing 跆拳道subscription fee 会员费skiing 滑雪table tennis 乒乓球jogging 慢跑aerobics 有氧运动/有氧健身操stadium 体育场squash 壁球cricket 板球baseball 棒球martial art 武术soccer 英式足球boxing 拳击mime 哑剧scuba-diving潜水skiing滑雪water skiing 滑水bathing suit/swimming costume/bather/swimming suit 游泳衣sunrise日出sunset日落waterfall 瀑布cabin 小木屋causal clothes 休闲装He likes to wear causal clothes.compass 指南针Some scientists think they can use the sun as a compass.excursion 远足We went for an excursion to the Pyramids.expedition 远征探险We We’’d like to go on an expedition to the North Pole get lost 迷路safari park 野生动物园hiking boots 登山靴You You’’d better wear a pair of hiking boots on your trip to Blue Mountain.insect repellent 驱虫剂Don Don’’t forget to bring insect repellent.sunburnt 晒伤的Be careful not to get sunburnt.sunglasses 太阳镜He then took a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket.torch 手电筒They will need the torch again to find their way here.backpack 背包Her backpack must have weighed twenty pounds.brochure 小册子You may get some information from this travel brochure first.extra charge额外收费go camping露营itinerary旅行计划/行程安排package holiday包价旅游recreation娱乐travel agency旅行社amusement park游乐场Children likes to go to amusement park.aquarium水族馆cathedral大教堂art gallery画廊There was a big fire in the art gallery and several of the paintings were destroyed.botanical garden植物园poisonous snake/spider有毒的蛇/蜘蛛tent帐篷We look for a flat spot where we could pitch our tent.mosquito net蚊帐I lay under my mosquito net and waited.non-open time It It’’s non-open time and please come here tomorrow.picnic野餐In summer,we sometimes go on picnics together.sock短袜I need to put my socks and shoes on.sunblock防晒霜I never go out without my sunblock.bungee jumping蹦极跳castle城堡guided tour有导游带领的游览rock climbing攀沿route路线book the ticket in advance提前订票sleeping bag睡袋bus route map公交线路图cable car缆车couch长途公共汽车cruise乘船游览ferry渡船suntan lotion太阳油skating滑冰operate/run tours组织旅行beach沙滩acrobatics杂技表演audience观众circus马戏团comedy喜剧juggle玩杂耍magic魔术cottage小屋handball手球athlete运动员discount打折★银行场景核心词汇★cash现金/兑现bill钞票I have five one-dollar bills.我有五张一美元的钞票。
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Survival ScenarioHOUSE-RENTINGPeoplelandlord / landlady (女)房东tenant房客tenancy 租约rents 房租agent/agency中介Intermediate company股票经纪人:stock brokerProperty managementRealtyReal estate= realisticHome-stayhost family接待家庭guest客人neighbor邻居Feesrent 租金rentaldeposit 押金定金Down payment首付initial paymentutility bills 水电费water / gas / electricity / telephone bill pay for utilitiesweekly/monthly每周的/每月的non-refundable可退回的insurance保险contract合同,合约ExpireTerminate v. 中止Renew 续约Refill 续杯“Due”Location位置downtown / city centre市中心suburbs / outskirts郊区urban/rural area市区/郊县rural residents 农村居民urban residents=dwellersettler 定居者colony 殖民地colonization 殖民化colonel a.north北, south南, east东, west西northwest西北;southwest西南northeast东北;southeast东南northern北边的road/street/avenue街道Accommodation住宿property房产guest house招待所hostel 客栈Youth Hostelhome stay 寄宿家庭flat / apartment公寓a block of flats 公寓楼studio apartment单身公寓single room单人间twin room 双人间(两个床)triple room 三人间Dietrefreshments/ snack点心special food / dietary requirement对于食物特殊要求Dietician 膳食家On a diet 节食减肥food allergies/ be allergic to 对…食物过敏vegetarian素食主义者= veganseafood海鲜Facility / Equipment / Apparatus 设备living room客厅dining room饭厅kitchen厨房kitchen-dinerbathroom卫生间garden花园yard庭院balconycloakroom衣帽间study书房garage 车库car park 停车场parking lotlift电梯vs. Elevatorescalator 扶手电梯fire gate/exit紧急出口air conditioner / conditioning 空调heating取暖closed-circuit TV / video surveillance 闭路电视/监控系统CCTV TRAVELLINGTravel arrangementtravel agency旅行社T.A.tour guide导游guided tours带导游的旅行Do a bit sight-seeing 观光Holiday-makers 度假者On vacationVs. vocation 职业,工作Vocational school 技校Guidebook 指南LP Lonely planetBackpacker, tents,go on campingOpen air, outdoorsBook/reserve/reservation预定book/booking预定recreation/ entertainment/ leisure娱乐Recreational activitiesTourist Attraction旅游景点highlight热点,亮点rainforest雨林Amazon jungle rule丛林“Survival of the fittest”Competitiveswamp / marsh 沼泽wetland湿地desert沙漠grassland草原bush灌木丛“stop beating around bushes”get to the pointwaterfall 瀑布falls vs. Forceviewpoint 观景点,制高点Observatory viewing shelter观景棚historic(al) interest历史遗迹castle城堡medieval age 中世纪cathedral大教堂catholic 天主教Christianity 基督教Buddhism 佛教Hinduism 印度教Islamic 伊斯兰教Westminster Abbeybotanical garden植物园art gallery画廊museum博物馆ancient temple古寺Shrine 神社theme park主题公园amusementorganic farm有机农场Pesticide, chemical, fertilizer aquarium水族馆undersea worlds海底世界amusement park游乐园orchard果园beach / coast/ shore沙滩、海滨Coast guardhot spring温泉yellow stoneThermo areaThermometerKilometerwater mill 磨坊Hydro-electric project 水力发电站dock港口, portdam水坝Reservoirfootbridge人行小桥Great Barrier Reef大堡礁At alarming rateStonehenge巨石阵Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Tower of London伦敦塔Activitiesbushwalk林中漫步hiking徒步旅行Excursion, the Antarctica expedition, explorationtrekking跋涉camping野营campsite营地cycling骑自行车rock climbing / cliff walks攀岩extreme gamesEntertainment娱乐musical instrument乐器keyboard键盘piano钢琴;pianist钢琴家string instrument弦乐器a string of 一系列violin小提琴;violinist小提琴家cello大提琴;cellist大提琴家guitar吉他;guitarist吉他手flute笛子drum鼓pop流行音乐jazz爵士乐folk民谣Folklore, saga 传说easy listening轻音乐light musicclassical古典音乐live music现场音乐disco跳舞厅pub酒吧clubhouse会所concert hall音乐厅opera house歌剧院karaoke bars卡拉OK concert音乐会cinema电影院Studio Theatre演播剧场theatre剧院theatrical events戏剧cinematic ….theatrette 剧院exhibition展览department stores百货商场Transportationvehicle车辆carMotor, auto, automobile Motorist, GM: general motor automobilefour-wheel drive四驱车jeep吉普车pick-up 皮卡车:truck 小卡车minibus中巴coach长途客车railway station火车站Central Station中央车站airport机场terminal终端。
river cruise游艇游览helicopter直升飞机shuttle bus班车Commute 往返Commute r 通勤者。
上班族cab / taxi计程车MEMBERSHIPDivisionssports club健身俱乐部fitness centre健身俱乐部gym健身房reception前台locker room更衣室keep-fit studio健身室dance studio舞蹈教室tennis court网球场swimming pool游泳池salad bar沙拉吧Staffreceptionist前台接待人员coach/trainer教练instructor指导教练dietician饮食专家internal member内部人员external member外部人员Registrationapplication form申请表reference number档案号passport photo护照照片documents for ID/ ID card证明文件driver’s license驾照passport护照student card学生证bank statement银行对账单steady incomeutility bills (water, electricity, phone, gas)水电费账单reference letter from employer雇主证明信joining fee入会费annual fee年费SportsTEAM SPORTSsoccer/ football足球beach volleyball沙滩排球basketball篮球baseball棒球hockey曲棍球handball手球BALL GAMESgolf高尔夫badminton羽毛球table tennis乒乓球RACKET BALLtennis网球squash壁球EXERCISEboxing拳击kick-boxing搏击judo柔道yoga瑜伽jogging慢跑aerobics有氧运动stretch class拉伸运动CARmake牌子brandName brand 名牌established brand 老字号model 型号manufacturer 厂商manufacturingengine size排量(liter升, cc) Gallon 加仑Quart 夸脱2o Ounces of cola 盎司Ton 吨gear change 变速器manual手动挡MT transmission AT AutomaticMTTransmissionATautomatic 自动挡top speed 最高速mileage 里程数instrument panel 仪表盘solar panel 太阳能板framework 框架frame 车架wheel (front, rear) 车轮(前轮,后轮)rear windowsteering wheel方向盘car bumper保险杠insurance company 保险公司Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯part exchange 零部件抵换BANKINGPaymentcash现金suit changecheck(cheque)支票credit card 信用卡(VISA, MASTER, American Express) LogisticsDeliveryFedExUPSCurrencyforeign currency 外汇exchange rate 汇率interest ratepound £dollar $euro €Opening an accountcurrent account 活期账户deposit account定期账户joint account 联合账户instant account 速成账户select account 高级账户opening sum 开户额identity security身份认证bank statement 银行对账单BalanceWithdrawTransactiondeposit 存款withdraw (withdrawal) 取款overdraft/ overdraw 透支balance 余额max outStudent loanBills are piling upTax breakInternal demandSocial welfare & security system Without scruplesinterest 利息interest rate 利率teller 出纳, cashierATMtransfer 转账loan贷款Mortgage rateAcademic Scenario COURSE DELIVERYFaculty师资tutor导师lecturer讲师convenor老师counselor顾问principal校长director主任staff员工Sessionsenroll报名参加session(一节)课tutorial辅导课lecture讲座seminar研讨会group discussion小组讨论workshop讨论会diploma course文凭课程modular course 模块课程training session 培训课程refresher course补习课程cramming schoolintensive course强化课程studies研究semester/term学期course outline 课程大纲curriculum,extra-curricularhandout(s) 讲义orientation week学习指导周(开学第一周)SubjectBiology生物Biophysics生理Cartography绘图法Economics经济学Education教育Finance金融Geography地理Mathematics数学Marketing市场Politics政治Sociology社会学Statistics统计学Social Science社会科学Topography地形学CoursesAdvanced English Studies高级英语研究General English普通英语Academic English学术英语Gender Studies性别研究Second Language Acquisition第二语言习得Educationprimary school小学secondary school初中undergraduate本科postgraduate研究生Bachelor学士Master硕士Doctor博士Countries, regions and Languages AustraliaQueenslandNew South WalesPortugueseSpanishLatin America=LatinoASSIGNMENTCourseworkassignment作业essay论文report报告case study案例分析project项目presentation演示,报告dissertation学位论文experiment实验written work书面作业Requirementsdeadline最后期限extension延期sick leaveterminalsubmit/hand in上交length/word limit篇幅/字数限制title标题chapter/section章,节bibliography参考书目draft初稿drift offtypos拼写错误layout排版contents page目录subheadings副标题formatting格式numbering编码page numbers页码headers页眉footers页脚bullet points要点列举Bulletin boardMethodologystudy研究branch分支identify鉴定,验明research 研究investigation调查survey调查data, statistics, figure数据main methods:1) questionnaire 问卷调查2) millionaireresponse rate回复率2) Interview采访telephone interview电话采访face-to-face interview面对面的采访*taped interview 录音采访3) observation观察Assessmentreview批改evaluation评估marking criteria评分标准feedback反馈oral / written test口(笔)试placement test分级考试LIBRARYLoansreference book 参考书fiction小说textbooks 教材periodical期刊current / back issue 现(过)刊journal 学术期刊newspaper(papers)报纸(local, national) magazine杂志category 种类publisher出版人,出版方press出版社author作者multimedia materials多媒体资料audio-visual materials 音像材料video录像cassette磁带tape录像带Procedureborrowing/loan period借阅期限due date还书日overdue 过期fines 罚款renew 续借recall 预借FacilitiesCD-ROM 只读光盘database 数据库Internet access网络接入laptop 笔记本电脑scanner扫描仪photocopier复印机laser printer激光打印机microscope显微镜COLLEGE FACILITIESequipment room器材室media room媒体室resources room资源室computer center计算机中心laboratory实验室main hall大厅,礼堂lecture room阶梯教室lecture theater演讲厅drama theater剧院halls of residence宿舍living quarters居住区student health center医务室insurance center保险中心refectory自助餐厅canteen自助餐厅cafeteria自助餐厅dining room食堂diner饭馆nursery托儿所child care centre托儿所counseling center咨询中心Lectures ECONOMICSoverheads经费outlay经费investment投资capital资本strike罢工takeover收购issue发行stock股票share股份stock market股市market share市场份额outlet商店chain连锁retail零售wholesale批发distributer分销商marketing市场营销campaign战略advertising广告sales销售额profit利润product产品production生产manufacture生产manufacturer出厂商storehouse/warehouse仓库competition竞争cooperation合作interest rates利率training培训favorable terms优惠的条款innovation创新outdated落后的machinery机器(总称)management team/ layers管理层employer雇主employee雇员staff员工applicant申请者corporate公司organization组织corporate crime集团犯罪embezzlement盗用,侵吞fraud诈骗import进口export出口BIOLOGYspecies物种sub-species亚种gene pool基因库ancestor祖先descend传承breed繁殖rear养育extinction灭绝endanger濒危threaten威胁eradicate灭绝infest感染introduced animals外来动物wildlife reserve野生动物保护区nature reserve自然保护区sanctuary 保护区refuge保护区habitat栖息地prohibit禁止quarantine service检疫局creature生物parasite寄生虫mite(s) 螨pest害虫insect昆虫honey bee蜜蜂reptile爬行动物Amphibiansnake蛇dinosaur恐龙mammal哺乳动物lion狮子whale鲸鱼dolphin海豚shark鲨鱼kiwi几维鸟emus鸸鹋ostrich鸵鸟penguin企鹅pollinate授粉flora植物群Fauna & flora sting(昆虫)叮咬sense of smell嗅觉vision视觉,视野eye-sight 视力skeleton骨骼limbs四肢hoof蹄子horn角hair/fur皮毛skin/hide兽皮leather皮革mane鬃毛pouch育儿袋scale鱼鳞tail尾巴fin(s)鱼鳍beak喙feather羽毛wings翅膀flightless不会飞的chick雏鸟hatch孵化pellet(s)坚硬小球,团粒Microscopic creatureDevastating effectMoisturizerWetInsectTrustworthyValidityReliabilityInvalidSuperior to …Rehearse franticallyStretch sb enough.Sort out …prioritiesAGRICULTUREproduce农产品livestock牲畜poultry家禽fishstock养鱼业cattle牛群herd(兽)群crops农作物cereal crops谷物wheat小麦barley大麦grain谷粒farmland农地plough犁;耕地cultivation耕作husbandry农业,耕作animal husbandry畜牧irrigation灌溉pot罐子pottery陶器clay粘土stone age石器时代Neolithic新石器时代的hunter-gatherer狩猎和采集者dwellings居住地dweller居民inhabitant居民craftsman工匠carpenter木匠merchant商人money-lender借贷者water wheel水车water mill水磨坊quarry采石场cottage农舍stables马厩iron forge打铁铺,锻铁厂furnace熔炉grinding shop磨坊engine room发动机房steam engine蒸汽机industry工业ENVIRONMENTincineration plants垃圾焚化场landfill sites垃圾填埋场carbon dioxide emission二氧化碳排放greenhouse effect温室效应greenhouse gas温室气体fuel燃料coal miner 煤firewood柴火fossil fuels矿物燃料carbon fuelsrecycling回收再利用household waste家庭垃圾soil conditioner土壤调节剂recycling containers回收容器raw materials原始材料virgin materials原材料drop-off sites回收站bring banks回收银行toughened glass强化玻璃plastic bags塑料袋water filtration水处理filterfiberglass manufacture玻璃纤维制造crushed glass碎玻璃polystyrene cups聚苯乙烯杯子temperature温度humid潮湿humidity潮湿landscape风景,地形vegetation植被climate change气候变化windy有风的inland内陆的shady有树荫的evaporate蒸发leaf叶子gust阵风;狂风canyon峡谷ocean currents洋流GEOGRAPHYgeographical features地理特征physical features物理特征dome穹顶Skullcensus人口普查impact of tourism旅游业影响surface地表Earth地球Planet行星desert沙漠monoliths巨石spires尖顶hectares公顷acresquare milesquare metercover an area ofcaves洞穴drought干旱rainwater雨水vegetation植被wildlife野生动物shallow-rooted species浅根物种EndangeredRarefossil化石fuelterritory领地ColonyHabitatoutcrop露出地面的岩层plain平原Tibetan plateau(x)高原2012NASA2013Pole shift3-6cliff悬崖landscape地形erode腐蚀sandstone砂岩aboriginal土著的two-dimensional二维的lifestyle生活方式density密度myths and legends神话和传说dynamic(人或事物)相互作用的方式cause and effect因果关系technology技术pattern模式monitor监查interact互动migration迁移traffic density交通密度population density人口密度ocean floor海床landsat= landsatellite 大地卫星satellite卫星distortion扭曲aerial空气的CHEMISTRYcarbon dioxide二氧化碳ozone臭氧metal金属iron铁mineral矿物质nutrition营养物salinity盐分carbohydrate碳水化合物amino acid氨基酸protein蛋白质vitamin维生素cholesterol胆固醇bitterness苦味sourness酸味kilocalorie千卡metabolism新陈代谢photosynthesis光合作用fossil化石toxin毒素MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)味精digest消化indigestible无法消化的科兴教育雅思课堂笔记KevinLive on campusLive off campusDormitory = accommodationUnaffordableShare a room, share an apartment群租All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.Throw a partyParty animalSydney University460DialogueMonologueMono- 单一Extra-curriculum 大纲之外=课外Outside of classThesis 毕业论文Paper 小论文Seminar 研讨会Mini-lecture 小型演讲对话的基本模式:问答式Q&A演讲的模式最大挑战:考点(要点)把握不清。