Northwest University of Politics and Law
西北政法大学一、西北政法大学简介西北政法大学(Northwest University of Politics &Law)位于世界历史文化名城西安,是一所中央与地方共建、由陕西省人民政府主管的国立高等政法院校。
关键词:大数据; 政府治理; 治道变革中图分类号: D08 文献标识码: A DOI:10.13411/ki.sxsx.2020.02.001Government Governance Change in the Era of Big Data: Opportunities and ChallengesXIE Bin , LI Yu-pu( Northwest University of Politics & Law,school of politics and public administration,Xi’an 710063, China)Abstract: With the continuous development of information technology, big data has increasingly become one of the focus topics in the field of government governance.As a technology and way of thinking, big data not only brings many opportunities for government governance reform to restructure organizational structure, re-engineer government processes, and optimize decision-making mechanisms, but also transforms government governance thinking, capacity improvement,and “big data adaptation”. The establishment of the government put forward higher requirements.Therefore, in order to build a big data-adaptive government and improve the government's governance capacity and level, government departments must carry out governance reforms, and take the new path of transforming governance concepts, strengthening technology utilization, improving institutional supply, and innovative talent training mechanisms as the focus of change.Key words: big data; government governance; governance reform2012年,繼“互联网+”、“物联网”之后,“大数据”已经引起了人们的热切关注。
美国西北大学Northwestern University
美国西北大学Northwestern University美国西北大学学校简介美国西北大学建校于1851年,是公认的全美新闻学院中最好的之一,目前坐落在密歇根湖附近。
2007-法官后语的言内与言外行为 - 英文本
Lodz Papers in Pragmatics3(2007):137-144137DOI10.2478/v10016-007-0009-4Weiming Liu and Shuying LiuNorthwest University of Politics and Law,ShaanxiI LLOCUTIONARY AND P ERLOCUTIONARY A CTS INC HINESE J UDGE’S A TTACHED D ISCOURSEAbstractAfter2002,courts in China have increasingly been introducingcertain judicial reforms,one of them being the improvement of triallanguage.In these courts,the judges append their comments to thecase at the end of their verdicts in writing.The Chinese judge’sattached discourses resemble the obiter dicta of judges in Westerncourts,but there are differences.Since the new element wasintroduced in some courts in1998,some doubts have been voiced instrong opposition to the new practice,giving rise to a heatedacademic debate on the issue.This paper investigates and analysesChinese judge’s attached discourse in terms of discourse analysiscategories,such as their usage of illocutionary and perlocutionaryacts.KeywordsIllocutionary act,perlocutionary act,judge,discourse,litigant.1.IntroductionOne of the significant judicial reforms implemented in China during the past few years is a language reform that becomes manifest through an improvement in the diction of judicial documents.Many courts now avoid previously common derogatory terms such as frenzied,unscrupulous,severe penalty,crack down on, etc.,or traditional pejorative phrases like despair gives courage to a coward. Instead,they uphold the litigants’rights and interests by restricting themselves to a matter-of-fact legal language with neutral terms,which embodies both justice and civility.At the core of this reform of judicial documents is the court verdict,which includes the judge’s attached discourse.This discourse is a written comment of the judge appended to the end of a court verdict.It is not a judicial document in the strict sense,but rather a supplemental commentary without binding power,and often contains moral and ethicalWeiming Liu&Shuying Liu138Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts…exhortations.It serves to mitigate the solemn nature of the verdict by relating to the underlying social value system,and further adds some warmth and compassion to the bleakness of a legal decision.For example,according to the Chinese view only as a last resort should opponents in civil cases involving family values and responsibilities,such as support of parents and grandparents or spouse and child support in divorce situations,enter into litigation.If they still do,this means they fail to voluntarily fulfill their moral responsibilities and obligations,ignore the ethical framework and over-emphasize their own interests.In such cases,the judge’s attached discourse is to make the litigants aware of those case-relevant ethical and moral values that lie beyond the mere legal reasoning.It is to add the human touch to a legal decision,stress the interdependence of law and morality in society,and inspire the litigants to understand the human concerns underlying the verdict.From what has been mentioned above,we can see that this kind of discourse emphasizes the human touch,reason and morals,so it can play an active role in condemning and admonishing immorality and promoting excellent social morals in such cases,especially in those concerning the party who win a case in the legal sense,but lose an action in the moral sense.Some legal experts even think that the judge’s attached discourse is a“declaration of morals”to a certain extent.1 The judge’s attached discourse is quite similar to obiter dictum,which is widely used in the Anglo-American law system.Firstly,both of them are attached to the end of court verdicts to express the judge’s opinions or comments ex parte. Secondly,both have no binding force and effect on the final decision.However, the judge’s attached discourse and obiter dictum are not exactly the same.There exist some differences between the two.On the one hand,obiter dictum expresses more of the judge’s social and economic values,even love and hatred.On the other hand,although obiter dictum has no binding force,it is more like a final decision than the judge’s attached discourse.Besides,it merges into an organic whole with ratio decidendi.On the contrary,the judge’s attached discourse emphasizes more reason or sense,human concern and human touch than obiter dictum.As a result, its content is full of instructive and inspirational significance,conviction,affinity and public trust.From these differences,we can see that obiter dictum embodies more of the judge’s wisdom and character while the attached discourse shows more of the judge’s welling emotions.2Here,the judge’s attached discourse uses the form of obiter dictum as a reference,but as far as the content is concerned,the two are different from each other.1See“The judge’s attached discourse:declaration of morals.”/news_content.asp?ns_id=234&nc_id=184430&newstype=1.2See Li Jiangping,“Discrimination and analysis of attached opinions.”/faxuejieti/ss/200311/20031118153825.htm.Lodz Papers in Pragmatics3(2007):137-144139DOI10.2478/v10016-007-0009-4Since the judge’s attached discourse was first used in a civil case in Shanghai No.2Intermediate People’s Court in1998,more and more courts in China have taken this measure.From2002to2003,more and more courts in many places, such as Nanjing,Kunming,Changsha,Luoyang,Yancheng,Yuzhao,Qinghai, Shanxi and Zhouning County,were employing this method.All these courts have achieved good results and social effects.However,though it has received high praise,the attached discourse is faced with some doubts and strong oppositions and has thus aroused a heated academic debate.Summing up these ideas,the doubts or oppositions mainly include the following points:1.Court verdicts,in fact,contain morals.Judges should be sure of this,but the attached discourse neglects this point.2.The attached discourse should not go beyond law.3.Judges should merge reason or sense into court verdicts,so as to blend the human touch with law(Zhang 2002).4.The attached discourse blurs the difference between law and morals and causes the disruption of judge’s role and the procedure(Mi2003;Wu2003).5. The attached discourse is out of harmony with the form and content of court verdicts.3Here,the debate is going on all from the legal point of view.However, the present paper will deal with this problem linguistically,which means an attempt to investigate and analyse such a discourse according to the theory of illocutionary and perlocutionary acts,to prove its feasibility as well as its limitations.2.Illocutionary acts in Chinese judge’s attached discourseShuy(2001)says,“One of the defining characteristics of discourse analysis is that it is capable of application in a wide variety of settings and contexts.Wherever there is a continuous text,written or spoken,there is a potential analysis of such a text”(:444).According to Shuy,although the attached discourse is the unilateral and written form or monologue by the judge,it looks forward to the litigants’positive responses most eagerly.Besides,it can be analysed in the context of a court trial.In this kind of context,the speech acts of the judge and litigants are not genuine face-to-face interactions,unlike ordinary conversations,but the judge and litigants play different roles.They can interact with each other easily,thus bringing about consequential effects on the litigants.From this point of view,the judge’s attached discourse has more interactions than ordinary written discourses.It can be said that this kind of discourse is a kind of a special conversation.Therefore,it is necessary to analyse the illocutionary and perlocutionary acts in this discourse in3See Zhang Peng,“Should court verdicts have human touch–debate aroused by the judge’s attached discourse?”Beijing Evening,June27,2001.Weiming Liu&Shuying Liu140Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts…order to find in the context of a court trial how the intention of the discourse is produced by the judge,and how the consequences are brought on the litigants.According to Austin(1962:103),the application of any discourse can perform three kinds of act–the locutionary,the illocutionary,and the perlocutionary.A locutionary act is just to utter a certain sentence with the meaning in the traditional sense.It is the act performed in saying something and does not show any design, intention,or purpose,but its force is identical with the speaker’s intention.An illocutionary act,however,is a conventional act,which is done with design, intention,or purpose.It is performed by or resulting from saying something,so it is the consequence of the discourse.Therefore,an illocutionary act gives a discourse illocutionary force which then has an effect on others,accomplishing the intention. The attached discourse is the words“from the bottom of the judge’s heart,”based on the details of a case at the end of a court trial.It has clear design or intention, strong influence and illocutionary force.Besides,a court trial is a kind of a highly stylized context where there is a set of conventional rules to follow.These rules restrict the content and expressions of the attached discourse.There is no choice in this matter for the judge and just for this reason,the judge’s attached discourse is feasible in a court trial.For example:Case1This was a civil case of dispute over money obligation.Zhou(wife)received compensation in the amount of8,100Yuan(RMB)from her husband’s unit after his death in a traffic accident.However,her mother-in-law claimed some of the payment from her.As a result,they came into conflict with each other and engaged in a lawsuit.In accordance with specific conditions,the judge decided Zhou should give1,000Yuan(RMB)to her mother-in-law.Though it was a fair result,their emotional attachment had been damaged.With a view to repairing it,the judge attached the following discourse to the case at the end of the court verdict:Money cannot substitute for emotional attachment.Get rid of old grievances to renew past cordial family relations.This is not only a question for the litigants and other sons and daughters to ponder deeply over,but also a mutual goal for you to achieve.Case2This was a civil case of divorce.Since they began to do some self-supported business,Peng(husband)has been dissatisfied with Liu(wife)arrogating all family economic powers to herself.Consequently,they often quarrelled with each other and then decided to live apart.Afterwards,Liu resorted to proceedings to claim a divorce from Peng.The judge did not grant the divorce,and then wrote down what he would like to say at the end of the court verdict:Lodz Papers in Pragmatics3(2007):137-144141DOI10.2478/v10016-007-0009-4Any happy family will have conflicts between husband and wife.Now that the conflict has arisen,the two parties should keep a clear head with a view to solving the existing problem through active communication.Congenial love between husband and wife should rely on complete confidence in each other.Case3This was a civil case of a succession dispute.Mu(plaintiff)and Dong (defendant)had had many complaints against each other before they engaged in this lawsuit.However,they have got rid of old grievances and become reconciled with each other again just after the lawsuit.The reason for this was that they were deeply moved by the following attached discourse:His father died when the plaintiff was very young and the defendant’s spouse died when she was middle aged.Such things are really tragedies in the world.The two parties of the case ought to sympathize with one another because of their misfortunes,but it is a great pity that they had instead a dispute for the heritage of the dead and caused a more serious damage to their own hearts.The law can handle this succession dispute between the two parties fairly,but money cannot substitute for emotional attachment at all.The departed is gone;his kinsfolk are still alive.How can the departed close his eyes in his grave when his kinsfolk are disputing about his heritage?I wish the two parties to get rid of old grievances,to respect and love each other,and to renew their emotional attachment.It will really be a great joy to see everything happy and prosperous in your family!According to John R.Searle(1969:48),the sentence provides a conventional means of achieving the intention to produce a certain illocutionary effect in the hearer.If the hearer understands the sentence,the intention will be achieved.In the cases mentioned above,the sentences in the attached discourse stress“affection,”“morals”and“human touch”and reveal judge’s intention explicitly.Besides,in Cases1and3,the sentences like“Get rid of old grievances to renew past cordial family relations,”and“I wish the two parties to get rid of old grievances,to respect and love each other,and to renew their emotional attachment,”in fact, produce a moral call to the litigants and request them to respond to the attached discourse in a positive way,to perform certain conventional acts and to carry out their obligations.Although there are no such sentences in Case2and there are only two sentences like this in Cases1and3,the entire attached discourse expresses the identical meaning and produces the identical illocutionary acts.These acts have strong illocutionary forces.The context can be divided into“linguistic context”and “nonlinguistic context”(Huang1988:44;He1989).The linguistic context depends on cohesion and coherence while the nonlinguistic context goes beyond sentence meaning.Nonlinguistic context can tell us how illocutionary force expresses the discourse.In a court trial,the hearers are in fact the litigants of the case.They show a great deal of concern for the case and are most eager to know the judge’sWeiming Liu&Shuying Liu142Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts…decision and opinion.In this sense,they have strong motivations.Therefore,in these two contexts,they can understand the meaning and intention of the judge’s attached discourse completely.In this way,the discourse takes its expected effect.3.Perlocutionary acts in Chinese judge’s attached discourseA successful performance of an illocutionary act in interactions can bring about the expected consequences and produce the act that tallies with the speaker’s intention,a perlocutionary act.From the examples in the previous section,we may have felt the effects brought about by the judge’s attached discourse.Normally,the litigants will produce certain actions in the context or will be much moved by what the judge says.However,saying something will also produce certain consequential effects upon the feelings,thoughts or actions of the audience and the speaker (Austin1962:101;Searle1969:25).Based on this,the discourses with the same meaning may produce different consequential effects while the same consequential effects may be achieved by different discourses with different meanings because different hearers may have different knowledge,ideology and character which will produce different feelings,thoughts or actions.Therefore,it seems true that a perlocutionary act does not necessarily have any connection with an illocutionary act.From this point of view,the litigants of a case may respond to the judge’s attached discourse positively or negatively.If the litigants respond positively,the attached discourse will achieve its intention.If they respond negatively,such a discourse will not be“reasonable.”This is the most important point–we should notice that the context of the attached discourse is a highly stylized court trial where what the judge says and the expressions he uses is carefully devised.Since most of the cases involve an emotional attachment,the judge’s attached discourse will produce consequential effects on the feelings,thoughts and actions of the litigants.A lot of examples can show that the litigants responded to the attached discourse in a very positive way.In Case1,the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law were deeply moved by the discourse and soon afterwards they became reconciled; in Case2,the husband was inspired greatly by the attached discourse and said that he would not seek divorce any longer;in Case3,the two parties said that they would submit themselves to the fair court decision,and that it was the attached discourse that put them right on how to understand the rule of law and morality. There are of course still more examples in which positive consequential effects are achieved.All these cases show that the judge’s attached discourse really works.It is really convincing.Just because of this,it can be called a“tender court decision”(Mi2003).Lodz Papers in Pragmatics3(2007):137-144143DOI10.2478/v10016-007-0009-44.ConclusionAlthough the Chinese judge’s attached discourse conforms to the conditions of illocutionary and perlocutionary acts and achieves excellent effects,it is not omnipotent.Of course,it has its own limitations and some of its problems should be discussed.Firstly,as has been discussed in the previous section,a perlocutionary act does not necessarily have any connection with an illocutionary act because many factors have an effect on the consequences.Based on this point,the speaker and listener’s interaction determines the effects.The effects are determined by the listener’s responses or acts.In judicial practice,the litigants’feelings,thoughts and actions are not at all stable.Though the judge’s attached discourse has a highly stylized context,explicit convention and strong illocutionary force,it can only be used in civil cases which involve“emotional touch.”This means that it cannot be widely used in other cases,especially criminal cases because the complexity of these cases determines the complexity of the litigants’feelings,thoughts and actions and we are not sure whether they would respond positively or negatively.Secondly,this problem triggers a second one–the expressions in the attached discourse.The expressions should be deeply devised,based on the details of the cases.Proper expressions can bring in strong illocutionary force,so as to affect the litigants. Without proper expressions or an appropriate choice of words,the judge’s attached discourse will not achieve the expected perlocutionary act.Thirdly,the judge’s attached discourse is mainly applicable to such cases as support for parents and grandparents,bringing up children,succession disputes,divorce and the like.These cases often involve emotional attachment,and so the litigants tend to respond positively.However,in other cases,especially in criminal cases,the litigants are usually more emotionally unstable.Thus,the illocutionary and perlocutionary acts of the attached discourse are most likely to be limited.This is the reason why such a discourse is not widely used in other cases.At present,some courts are trying to apply this kind of discourse to criminal cases concerning minors as well as civil cases concerning the disputes of damage compensation and reputation.The effects are encouraging,and show that the judge’s attached discourse still has room for further development.Provided that its expressions are well-designed according to the nature of different cases,it will certainly produce strong impact and achieve excellent long-lasting effects.ReferencesAustin,John L.How to Do Things with Words.New York:Oxford University Press,1962.Weiming Liu&Shuying Liu144Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts…He,Zhaoxiong.Essentials of Pragmatics.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1989.Huang,Guowen.Essentials of Text Analysis.Changsha:Hunan Education Press, 1988.Mi,Jian.“Creativity and unification of judicial reform–should the judge’s attached discourse be postponed?”Legal Daily,March14,2003.Searle,John R.Speech Acts:An Essay in the Philosophy of Language.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1969.Shuy,Roger W.“Discourse analysis in the legal context.”In The Handbook of Discourse Analysis,edited by Deborah Schiffrin,Deborah Tannen and Heidi Hamilton,437-452.Oxford:Blackwell,2001.Wu,Xuean.“Advantages and disadvantages of the judge’s attached discourse.”Worker’s Daily,Jan.18,2003.Zhang,Zhiming.“The judge’s attached discourse and the combination of affection and law.”People’s Court Newspaper,Nov.22,2002.About the authorsWeiming Liu is Professor in English at the School of ForeignLanguages,Northwest University of Politics&Law,Shaanxi,China,now holding the post of a vice-dean.He is a member of IAFL&CAFL and majors in English,linguistics and ELT methodology.Hiscurrent research fields are forensic linguistics,pragmatics in legalcontext and legal translation.Shuying Liu is Associate Professor in English at the School ofForeign Languages,Northwest University of Politics&Law,Shaanxi,China,now being the head of the No.1College EnglishTeaching Section.She majored in English and linguistics in the XianInternational Studies University.Her current research is in languageand the law,linguistics and ELT.。
美国留学名校西北大学这篇《美国留学名校西北大学》是无忧开往为大家精心准备的,希望对大家有所帮助!美国名校西北大学(Northwestern University)是众所周知的大学。
美国西北大学 Northwestern University_入学要求_录取条件_专业学费_世界排名_2018申请指南
美国西北大学Northwestern University_入学要求_录取条件_专业学费_世界排名_2018申请指南美国西北大学简介:美国西北大学(Northwestern University, NU或NWU)创建于1851年,是一所私立研究型大学,由John Evans并其他8名律师、商人及卫理公会领导人联合创办。
美国留学政治学专业全面解析政治学(Political Science)属于典型的社会学科归类,以学习政治学,政治体制,以及政治相关领域内容为主。
As one of the oldest universities of political science and law in China, Southwest University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL) developed from the Department of Political Science and Law at Southwest University of People’s Revolution which was founded i n 1950, with Marshal Liu Bocheng as the president.In 1953, SWUPL was officially established through merging the Political Science and Law departments of Chongqing University and Sichuan University, the Law departments of Chongqing Finance and Economy College, and of Guizhou University and Yunnan University.In 1978, the University was accredited as a key university by the State Council. In 2000, the administration of the University was transferred from the Ministry of Justice to the Chongqing municipality, thus creating a system ofco-administration between the central and local government.In 2003, it was approved as one of the first universities to grant doctorial degree of first-level legal discipline. In 2004, it established one post-doctorate mobile st ation of Law. In 2007, SWUPL was awarded as “excellent undergraduate education” by Ministry of Education.In 2008, SWUPL became the key university co-administrated by Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipality.SWUPL became the first University in Chongqing co-administrated by the Ministry and Municipality. On October 24, 2012.The University has three campuses, the main in Yubei District, the other two in Shapingba District and Baoshenghu, covering a total area of 3136.17 mu. There are 14 schools, including School of Civil and Commercial law, School of Economic Law, Law School, School of Administrative Law, School ofInternational Law, School of Criminal investigation, School of Marxism, School of Juris Master, School of Management, School of Politics and Public Administration, School of Journalism and Communication, School of Foreign Languages, School of Applied Law, and School of Economics.It offers 20 bachelor’s programs, 37 master’s programs of sub-disciplines, 4 professional master’s programs an d 10 doctoral programs of sub-discipline, and 2 national key disciplines. The University has postdoctoral center for legal research and 6 provincial key bases for humanity and social science research. It has 1421 faculty and staff members, among which 1157 are full-time. It has 5159 postgraduates and 18591 undergraduates. The University’s library boasts a collection of more than 4,200,000 books.SWUPL has international exchange programs with over 60 universities from U.S., France, Germany, Japan, Thailand, and South Korea. SWUPL and University of Montana has jointly established the first Confucius Institute in Northwest of U.S. In 2011, SWUPL and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) signed a cooperation agreement on the International Training Centre for local Authorities Project. The project, with a total of 100 million US dollars investment, will build training center in SWUPL and make full use of the training resources of the United Nations.63 years since the foundation of the University, SWUPL has developed a multi-level and multi-type higher education for undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral candidates, and international students, and has educated more than 200,000 high ranking specialized personnel. It is the university that provided the most law personnel for the country. A large number of alumni have become backbones and leading figures in law field and other professions.。
无人机目标检测量子多模式识别优化算法侯旋1,2,薛飞3,陈涛41.西北政法大学新闻传播学院,西安7101222.空军工程大学航空工程学院,西安7100383.空军研究院航空兵研究所,北京1000764.电子科技大学电子科学技术学院,成都611731摘要:研究了现阶段无人机雷达探测技术的难点与方法,分析了量子多模式识别网络模型与算法,根据Grover 算法优化理论,提出了基于相位旋转的量子多模式识别算法(PRQMPRA )。
优化算法避免了在带冗余项的量子多模式识别算法(RQMPRA )中两个相位旋转均为π会导致搜索成功概率降低的缺陷。
利用三种数据集对误差反向传播算法(EBPA )、基于交叉熵函数的深层自编码器学习算法(CDAA )以及RQMPRA 与PRQMPRA 进行模式识别能力分析,结果表明在确定限定误差的情况下PRQMPRA 具有更高的识别率与相对较快的运算速度。
利用上述四种算法进行无人机目标检测实验,研究结果表明PRQMPRA 具有更高的检测精度,在低信噪比的情况下可保持较高的发现概率。
关键词:目标检测;无人机;量子计算;模式识别文献标志码:A中图分类号:TP183doi :10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2001-0143UAV Target Detection on Quantum Multi-pattern Recognition Optimization AlgorithmHOU Xuan 1,2,XUE Fei 3,CHEN Tao 41.School of Journalism and Communication,Northwest University of Politics and Law,Xi ’an 710122,China2.College of Aeronautics Engineering,Air Force Engineering University,Xi ’an 710038,China3.Aviation Institute,Air Force Research Institute,Beijing 100076,China4.College of Electronic Science and Technology,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,ChinaAbstract :The difficulties and methods of unmanned aerial vehicle radar detection technology are studied.It analyzes the model and algorithms of Quantum multi-Pattern Recognition Network (QPRN ).By Grover introducing algorithm optimi-zation theory,Phase Rotation Quantum Multi-Pattern Recognition Algorithm (PRQMPRA )is proposed.The optimization algorithm avoids the defect that both phase rotations are πin the Redundancy Quantum Multi-Pattern Recognition Algo-rithm (RQMPRA ),which will lead to a decrease in the probability of successful search.Three types of data sets are used to analyze the pattern recognition ability of Error Back Propagation Algorithm (EBPA ),Cross-entropy function-Deep Autoencoder learning Algorithm (CDAA ),RQMPRA and PRQMPRA.In the case of determining the limit error,the results show that PRQMPRA has higher recognition rate and relatively faster operation speed.A multi-pattern recognition algorithm based radar target detection method is proposed to study the target detection problem by pattern ing the above four algorithms for UAV target detection experiments,the results show that PRQMPRA has higher detection accuracy and can maintain a higher discovery probability in the case of low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR ).Key words :target detection;Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV );quantum computing;pattern recognition基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51507186)。
Value Engineering 0引言粮食生产需要投入一定的土地要素,城市化的发展在推进经济增长的同时,不可避免的要占据大量的农业用地,而土地作为一种资源具有不可再生性,那么“究竟是保障粮食安全重要呢还是追求经济增长重要呢?”,城市化的发展是历史的必然趋势,而粮食安全关系到一个国家的生存,随着城市化的发展如何处理二者的关系成为一个值得研究的课题。
法律科学(西北政法大学学报)杂志社联系方式 编辑部投稿邮箱
刊名:法律科学(西北政法大学学报)Science of Law(Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law)主办:西北政法大学周期:双月出版地:陕西省西安市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN: 1671-6914CN: 61-1470/D邮发代号: 52-85历史沿革:现用刊名:法律科学(西北政法大学学报)曾用刊名:西北政法学院学报;法律科学(西北政法学院学报)创刊时间:1983该刊被以下数据库收录:中国人文社会科学引文数据库(CHSSCD—2004)核心期刊:中文核心期刊(2008)中文核心期刊(2004)中文核心期刊(2000)中文核心期刊(1996)中文核心期刊(1992)期刊荣誉:Caj-cd规范获奖期刊法律科学(西北政法大学学报)咨询QQ:2275906901法律科学(西北政法大学学报)辅导发表:赵老师法律科学(西北政法大学学报)投稿邮箱:qikantg11@(稿件在3天内必回复)世界经济与政治杂志社联系方式编辑部投稿邮箱世界经济与政治论文来稿要求内容健康、立题新颖、论述清晰、格式规范、资料可靠、具有较强说服力和指导性,引用资料要给出参考文献。
科技信息SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 2012年第33期1研究目的舞龙运动作为中华民族的传统体育项目,不仅有着悠久的历史文化,而且有广泛的群众基础。
2.2数理统计法实验中涉及到的数据,采用Excel 和Spss6.4for windows 软件包进行平均数、标准差、u 检验等常规统计处理.2.3实验法2.3.1实验对象西安电子科技大学2010级体育课舞龙项目的选项班,其中男生有35人,女生30人。
②学生学习舞龙课程前对其身体素质进行测试,男生测试项目为立定跳远、1000m 、握力、体前屈;女生测试项目为立定跳远、800m 、握力、体前屈。
本文在传统AHP 模型的基础上,结合法学硕士论文评价过程中的特点,提出了基于改进AHP 的综合评价方法,该方法将群组AHP 模型和模糊AHP 模型引入法学硕士学位论文评价中,根据评审专家的评价体系、评审专家的可变性、指标权重值、论文属性值的差异,构建了法学硕士论文综合评价方法。
山东大学经济研究院魏建邮编 250100。
联系方法: lixiurong_no.1@陕西省西安市长安南路300号西北政法大学经济管理学院 710063A Game Analysis to the Labor Contract LawLi Xiurong(College of Economics & Management, Northwest University of Politics and Law, 710063) Abstract: This paper applies Game Theory to analyze institutional change of labor relationship since China’s reform and open policy through the analysis of peasant-worker in the Pearl River Delta. This auther makes the conclusion that in L-K game, in order to reach cooperation equilibrium, we have to strengthen the system of labor contract, to reform the system of the minimum wage and social insurance, collective negotiation and collective contract. In addition, we also need to improve the punishment mechanism: the system of labor supervision and dispute settlement.Key words: Labor relationship; L-K game; Cooperative equilibrium; Punishment mechanism《劳动合同法》的博弈分析关键词:劳动关系 L-K博弈合作均衡惩罚机制摘要:本文以珠三角地区农民工为视角,运用博弈论分析方法研究了《劳动合同法》的内在机理,认为在L-K博弈中,要达成合作均衡走出囚徒困境,必须强化劳动合同制度,改革最低工资制度和社会保险制度,完善集体谈判与集体合同制度,并改进惩罚机制:劳动监察和争议处理制度。
西北大学(Northwestern University),简称NU,是一所世界著名私立研究型大学,是美国录取难度较大的大学之一,十大联盟成员校,也是该联盟中唯一的私立大学。
西北大学在US News2017年国家综合大学排名上位列本科第12位,Times2017年世界大学排名上位列第20位。
那么,在西北大学就读是一番怎样的体验呢?Ivy郑潜水党等这个问题等了很久了哈哈~ 终于可以把处女长答献给我大西北了!名字太土,被路人化或者逢年过节被亲戚“哦我孩子也在西安读大学有空见个面吧”的悲剧即将得雪……1. 天气!必须说天气!夏秋超级怡人,冬天冻得一逼。
大概5-9月是比较怡人的天气(也是学生基本都不在的时候= =),秋天开始转凉但校园会有很多红叶,变得很好看。
但是!一到冬天就呵呵呵呵……大概11,12月开始下雪,之后整个winter quarter都是积雪期,去年似乎是百年难遇的冷,最冷零下30度左右,平时一般0到-10度的样子。
西北的本科中国人每年50个左右,质量还是挺高的,学生素质都很好,像学长说的一样都是“什么都玩但GPA赛高的人”……学渣掩面跑,说多了都是泪= = 传媒学院Medill全美第一,不过workload也相对很不轻松,每年大概一两个中国人能进的样子,具体不太清楚。
商学院Kellogg很强,文理学院的中国人大部分都会学一门经济+Kellogg Certificate(内含四门商学院课程),整体金融氛围很浓,学长学姐毕业华尔街/香港实习的比比皆是。
西大简介 英文版
N orthwest University has its origin in Shaanxi College founded in 1902, and assumed its present name in 1912. It was renamed National Northwest University in 1923, and called National Xi’an Provisional University after the merger with National Beiping University, Beiping Normal University, Beiyang College of Engineering and other institutions, which moved inland to Shaanxi when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in 1937. The Provisional University was subsequently named National Northwest Associated University in 1938, and NationalNorthwestUniversity in 1939.I n the early period after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, NorthwestUniversity was one of the 14 comprehensive universities under the direct administration of the central government’s Ministry of Education. In 1958, the University came under the administration of the Shaanxi Provincial Government. In 1978, it was designated as one of the key universities in China. Currently, the University is one of China’s leading comprehensive, multi-disciplinary universities of liberal arts, sciences, engineering, management, law and medicine, with equal emphasis on both teaching and research. It is also one of the institutions of higher learning listed in the State “211 Project”, and one of the universities supported by the State in its western China development campaign.T he University, located in the famous ancient Chinese capital Xi’an, has 3 campuses with a total area of 370 acres, and 22 schools and departments offering 67 undergraduate programs. It is one of the first institutions empowered to set up doctoral, postdoctoral and master’s programs, to approve the promotion to professorship, and to select Ph. D. supervisors. To date the University has established 37 doctoral programs (of which 6 belong to the first-category disciplines), 92 Master’s programs (including special programs like MBA, MPA and Master of Engineering) and 9 postdoctoral programs. The University also boasts 6 national bases for talent training, one national education base for cultural education of college students, 3 national key disciplines, 39 provincial key disciplines, one national engineering and technology center, 11 ministerial or provincial key labs and engineering and technology research centers.T he University has a faculty and staff of over 2,300, of which 1,100 are full-time faculty, and nearly 600 are professors and associate professors. The faculty is also distinguished by 2 academicians and 7 part-time academicians of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, and 4 honored professors under the auspices of “the Cheung Kong Scholars Program”. The University’s student population amounts to about 18,000 including 2,000 doctoral and graduate students, and 150 international students.S ince the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the University has educated more than 100,000 graduates of different disciplines for the nation, and most of them have become the professional, academic and administrative backbone of the country, fulfilling leading roles in different regions and sectors. The University was once praised as “the Mother of Chinese Petroleum Engineering Talents” and “the Cradle of Economists”.T he University contracts for over 100 research projects of national importance each year, including “the 863 Project”, “the 973 Project”, “the Summit-Scaling Project”, and the projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Social Sciences Foundation. Since China’s reforms and opening to the outside world in 1978, the faculty has won over 800 awards for research achievements andpublished over 20,000 academic papers and 1,200 books.T he University pays close attention to international exchange and cooperation, and has established collaborative relations with nearly 50 institutions of higher learning and research in foreign countries, and Hong Kong and Taiwan regions. The exchange and cooperation, covering various areas of study, have contributed to the rise of the University’s academic level and international renown. To its credit, Encyclopedia Britannica once listed Northwest University as one of the world-famous Chinese universities.[up↑]。
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Northwest University of Politics and Law西北政法大学(NorthWest University of Politics and Law)简称西法大,坐落于世界历史文化名城西安,是一所中央与地方共建,由陕西省人民政府主管的高等政法院校。
是著名的“五院四系”成员高校,“立格联盟”组成院校,中国哲学社会科学的重点院校,中央政法委、教育部首批“卓越法律人才”培养基地,“2011计划”司法文明协同创新中心西北基地,同时是全国法律人才培养的重要基地,西北地区法学科研教育中心,西部地区人文社会科学教育重镇,迄今为止已为国家培养了10万多名高素质人才[1] 。
[2]展开创办时间1939年11月所处城市中国西安学校类型政法属性国立重点高等政法大学|省属重点本科高校|“五院四系”|“立格联盟”核心成员主管部门陕西省教育厅学校官网学校概况专业设置历年分数线目录1历史沿革▪历史概述▪发展历程2办学条件▪硬件设施▪对外交流▪师资力量▪院系设置▪学科建设▪学位授予3学术研究▪科研机构▪科研成果▪学术期刊4文化传统▪校徽▪校训▪西法大精神▪办学理念5校园环境6学校领导▪历任校长▪现任领导7知名校友▪党政官员▪著名学者▪知名学者▪企事业人士▪知名律师▪影视明星记者8学校地址基本信息编辑中文名西北政法大学英文名Northwest University of Politics and Law简称西法大NWUPL创办时间1939年11月类别公立大学学校类型政法属性国立重点高等政法大学省属重点本科高校“五院四系”、“立格联盟”核心成员所属地区中国西安现任校长贾宇知名校友葛洪义、牟新生、杨永华、田文昌主管部门陕西省教育厅硕士点39个博士点10个博士后流动站1校训严谨求实文明公正主要院系哲学与社会发展学院、公安学院、刑事法学院、民商法学院等学校地址西安市长安南路300号(雁塔校区)西安市西长安街558号(长安校区)学校代码10726主要奖项首批卓越法律人才教育培养基地国家级实验教学示范中心4个国家级重点科研基地11个省级重点科研基地国家特色专业3个省部重点学科10个发展目标国内一流的教学研究型政法大学邮政编码雁塔校区710063 长安校区7101221历史沿革编辑历史概述陕北公学→延安大学→西北人民革命大学→西北政法干部学校→中央政法干部学校西北分校→西安政法学院→西北政法学院→西北政法大学西北政法大学历史沿革西北政法大学有着70多年的办学历史,具有光荣革命传统,富有丰厚文化底蕴。
2000年9月,学校与美国福特基金会合作实施“法律诊所”教育模式,西北政法大学法律诊所成为全国九大法律诊所之一,“诊所式教育”成为西北政法大学本科教学的一大特色[5] 对外交流学校坚持走开放式的办学道路,积极拓展本科生国际交流途径,鼓励学生走出国门,开拓国际视野。