人教版九年级英语精品学案 第十三单元

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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.

单元重点知识导航Unit 13

102 lagoon n. 泻湖;环礁湖

104 scientific adj. 科学的

104 therefore adv. 因此;所以

104 pink adj. 粉红色的

104 lighting n. 光线;照明

104 hard adj. 坚硬的;坚决的

104 serve v. (为…)服务;招待;端上(饭菜等)

104 fair adj. 公平的;公道的

104 campaign n. 运动

104 endangered adj.有绝种危险的;濒临灭绝的

105 slogan n. 标语;口号

105 mysterious adj. 神秘的;不可思议的

105 shiny adj. 有光泽的;发亮的

105 skin n. 皮皮肤

105 product n. 产品

105 lookout n. 前景;远景

105 beauty n. 美;美貌

105 keep out (使)不进入;(使)留在外面

106 stardust n. 星团;幻觉

106 advertising n. 广告;广告活动;广告业

106 pros and cons 赞成与反对;正面和反面

106 aim v. 瞄准;对准

106 aim at 瞄准;针对;致力于;旨在

106 specifically adv. 特定地;特殊地;明确地

106 instance n. 例子;实例

106 for instance 例如;比如

106 list v. 列出;列举;列表

106 confusing adj. 令人困惑的;含糊不清的

106 misleading adj. 令人误解的;骗人的

truth 真实;真相

at times 有时;偶尔

to start with 首先

tense 紧张的;焦虑的

home-made 自制的;DIY

schoolbag 书包

purple 紫色的

purse 钱包;女用小包

guilty 内疚的;有罪的

taste 品味;审美力

saying 格言警句;谚语

thought 思想;考虑

count 有价值;重要

(A) 词汇部分

1. scientific adj.科学的→science n.科学→scientist n.科学家

2. shiny adj.有光泽的,发亮的→shine v.发光,照耀

3. beauty n. 美,美貌→beautiful adj. 漂亮的,美丽的→beautifully adv. 漂亮地,美丽地

4. truth n. 事实,真相→true adj.真的→truly adv.真实地

tell the truth 说真话

5. taste n. & v. 口味,审美力,尝(后接形容词,不接副词) →tasty adj. = delicious可口的,美味的

6. saying n. 格言,谚语,警句→say v. 说

7. thought n. 思想,想法,考虑,关心→think v.思考,认为

(B) 短语部分

1. keep out (使)不进入,(使)留在外面

keep on (v-ing) 继续做

2. aim at 瞄准,针对,旨在,致力于

3. for instance =for example =such as 例如

4. make a list of = list列……的表

5. at times = sometimes 有时,偶尔

at other times 在其它时候/场合,平常

at the same time 同时

by the time 在那时

6. to start with = to begin with 首先

7. have fun with 与……过得高兴

have fun v-ing sth. =enjoy v-ing sth.高兴做某事

8. so…that 如此……以致于

so that 为了,以便

9. keep sb. v-ing 让某人做……(保持某状态)

keep sb. from v-ing sth. = stop sb. (from) v-ing sth. 让某人别做某事

keep sb. away from让……远离

10. tell the truth /lie 说真话/ 撒谎

11. learn from 向……学习

learn much /a lot about sth. /sb. 对某事/某人了解很多

learn …by heart 背诵,记住

12. look /taste /sound /feel /grow… adj. 看(尝, 听)起来/觉(长)得…..

13. to be honest = honestly 老实说,说实在地

14. listen to 听……,收听

listen for 倾耳听,等着听

15. jump out of 从……跳出来

jump off 跳离

the long /high jump 跳远/高

1. make sb. adj. /v sth. 让某人怎么样做某事

Waiting for her made me angry.


Sad movies don’t make me cry.


注意:如果作“制造”时,后面的补语接带的不定式。如:The farmers make something to protect the environment. 农民们做些事来保护环境。

2. would rather v sth.宁愿做某事

I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.

我宁愿去Blue Lagoon餐馆,是因为我在吃饭时喜欢听宁静的音乐。

3. How do you feel about sth? = How do you like sth.? = What do you think of sth.?你觉得某物如何?

How do you feel about pollution?


4. lead sb. to v sth. 领着某人做某事

At times an ad can lead you to buy something you don’t need at all.


5. … so adj./adv. that clause.如此……以致于

… so that clause为了……,以便于……

It was so sad that it make us cry.


they can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need.


6. prefer to v sth.更喜欢做某事

prefer v-ing sth.更喜欢做某事

prefer to v sth rather than v sth. = would v sth. rather than v sth.宁愿/愿意做某事而不愿做某事

prefer v-ing sth. to v-ing sth. = like v-ing sth. instead of v-ing sth. 喜欢做某事,而不喜欢做某事

I prefer to receive a gift that counts.


He prefers listening to gentle songs.


I prefer to stay at home rather than go out. = I would rather stay at home than go out.
