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一.时间介词(On, in, at):

1. in表示“在一段时间内或一天内的部分时间”,用于某年,季节,月份,一段时间或泛指的一天中的上午,


(1) in 2014

(2) i n SPri ng/summer/autu mn/win ter

(3) i n JanU ary/February/March/April/May/J Un e∕July∕AUgUSt/September/OCtober/November/DeCember

(4) in the morning/afternoon/evening

2. on表示“某一天或某一天内的部分时间”,用于星期,节日具体的某一天或具体日子的上午,下午,晚上


(1) On Mon day/Tuesday/Wed nesday/ThUrSday/Friday/SatUrday/S Un day

(2) on ChiIdren ' S Day(儿童节)∕Women' S Day(妇女节)

(3) o n DeCember 27

(4) on SatUrday morning

3. at表示“某指定时间”,用于重点时间前,也可用于一天中的某段特定时间,如黎明(dawn),中午(noon),黄


(1) at 8:00 o ' clock

(2) at noon /daw n/dusk/mid ni ght

4. 用法比较:


1. 含义:用来表示人或物的__________ 的词语。

2. 常见的方位介词:above, below, Under, below, behind, in front of, beside, in, on 等。

3. 用法:

(1) in front of 与in the front of:

A. in front of: 指在物体_________ 的前面。

There is a small river in front of the house.

B. in the fro nt of: 指在物体__________ 的前面。

There is a blackboard in the front of the CIaSSroom.

(2) above, over 与on:

A. above 意为“在.... 的上面,高于”

The map is above the desk.

B. over ............. 意为“在的正上方”

There is thick cloud over Beiji ng.

C. on 意为“在...... 上”

The book is On the desk.

(3) below 与Under:

A. below 意为“在...... 的下方,低于”

The river is below the moun ta in.

B. Under 意为“在.... 的正下方”

The ball is Un der the chair.

⑷behind 意为“在.... 的后面”

There is a garden behind the house.

(5) ........................................ beside 意为“在 的旁边”

There is a book beside the computer.

(6) ................................. in 意为“在 的里面”

The pen is in the box.

(7) ........................................ next to 意为“在 旁边”

There is a shop near the hospital.

练习 1:

1. Michael Jordan is a great American basketball player. He was born ________ 1963.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

2. My mother ' s birthday is _________ June 15.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. for

5. ---What time does your mother get home every day? --- five o ' clock.

A. At

B. On

C. In

D. For

6. A lot of students in our school were born ___ March, 1981.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. since

7. He suddenly returned __ a rainy night.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. during

8. My grandfather was born ___ October 10, 1935.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. of

9. Mike does his exercises ___ seven ____ the evening.

A. on; to

B. at; in

C. by; of

D. at; on

10. Children get up very early ___ the morning of Christmas Day.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. at

11. __ a cold winter morning, I met her in the street.

A. In

B. On

C. At

D. For

12. Lucy was born ___ the night of May 12, 1984.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. to 13. Mrs. Brown came to China __ 1996.

A. on

B. of

C. to,

D. in 14. ______ the morning of November 20, 1915, the workers came to Chicago.

A. On

B. In

C. On

D. At

15. The English teacher told me to get there __ half past ten.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. of 练习 2:


1. There is a big tree ________ ( 在 ... 的前面 )my house.

2. Who WaS ________ ( 在 ...... 的后面 )you When you Were Waiting in a line?

3. What ' S ______ (在 .... 的下面)the desk?

4. The Children are Playing hide-and-seek. Tom is hiding himself ________ (

在 .. 里)the box. 3. ---Do you have a computer? --- . It helps me a lot.

A. Yes, I have

B. No, I haven 't

C. Yes, I do

D. No, I don 't

A. to

B. on

C. at

D. in

曾见过 )her in Hunan ________ 2012. 4.Li Yuchun is my favourite singer. I once met(
