
1. 确保直流电阻测试仪处于正常工作状态,检查仪器外观、显示屏和连接线是否完好。
2. 确保测试仪的电源线正确接入并接通电源,检查电源指示灯是否亮起。
1. 确保样品处于放置平稳且无外部干扰的环境下,准备测试夹具并将样品固定于夹具上。
2. 清洁样品表面,确保测试接触点干净无杂质。
1. 打开直流电阻测试仪电源开关,待仪器启动完成后进入测试界面。
2. 设置测试参数,包括电流大小、测试时间等参数,确保测试参数符合样品要求。
3. 用测试夹具连接测试仪与样品,确保连接牢固且无杂质。
4. 按下测试按钮,开始测试过程。
1. 测试完成后,关闭测试仪电源开关,断开连接线,并拔掉电源线。
2. 清洁测试夹具和仪器表面,并将设备放置在指定位置。
1. 操作人员应穿戴静电防护设备,避免因静电造成的影响。
2. 操作人员应严格按照操作规程进行操作,禁止在未经培训的情况下操作测试仪。
3. 在测试过程中,要注意保持周围环境安静,避免外部振动影响测试结果。

③供电电流:交流220V±10% 50Hz
PC36c直流电阻测试仪 英文说明书

PC36 Series D.C. Resistance Meters Operation InstructionsShanghai Taiou Electronic CO.,Ltd.1.Basic ParametersThe basic parameters are shown as table 1Table 12Technique Requirements2.1environmental conditions2.1.1 environmental temperature 15—25℃2.1.2 relative humidity ≤85%RH2.1.3 power 220V±10%, 48-62Hz2.1.4 Outside of the earth magnetic field, there is no electric field or magnetic field of electric pulse and electric spark in the measurement environment.12.2basic toleranceThe basic tolerance of the measurement is shown as table 2R X:reading of the measurement R m:maximum value of the range2.3Accurate class and maximum toleranceshown as table 3.The accurate class and maximum tolerance isThe rated output currents of the measurement are shown as table 4.22.5Two way current measurementOnce the thermoelectric voltage of the circuit is removed the difference of the result between the positive current measurement and negative current measurement is less than the half of the basic tolerance.2.6 Temperature conversion of the copper wire and aluminum wire2.6.1 temperature conversion rangeenvironmental temperature input ringing from15℃to26℃with the step of 0.1℃.2.6.2 properties of temperature conversionK t = 1/ [1+0.004( t-20 )] = 250 / (230 + t )t: environmental temperature ℃.2.6.3 readout of the meter: R X= R20 = K t*R tR20:resistance at 20℃; R t:resistance at t℃2.7Insulation resistanceInsulation resistance is more than 20 MΩbetween power input leads and outside sell of the meter.2.8Insulation strengthInsulation strength is 50Hz at 1500V (1 minute) between power input leads and outside sell of the meter.3Operation methods3.1 Introduction of panel functionOf which:(1)liquid crystal display (8) measurement state choice switch(2)range choice switch (9) current output terminal “C1”(3)function choice switch (10) voltage input terminal “P1,P2”(4)power switch (11) current output terminal “C2”(5)zero check and balance knob (12) environmental temperature input switch(6)reading hold switch (15-26℃,step 1℃)(7) current direction choice switch (13) environmental temperature input switch(0.0-1.1℃,step 0.1℃)(14)temperature conversion switchNote: The meter has 12 ranges, but the range choice switch (2) has only 6 positions for turning. When the measurement state choice switch (8) is turned to the “normal current” (normal current measurement) position, the screen displays“ THI”, the 6 ranges witch on the upper position of the panel (printed in blue) is effective; and when the switch (8) is turned to the “low current” (low current measurement) position, the screen displays“ TLO”, the 6 ranges witch on the lower position of the panel (printed in black) is effective. The screen displays the maximum value of range ( 2、20 、200 or 2000 ) and the unit of the resistance (Ω、mΩ、μΩ)when measuring3.2 the measuring steps of resistance3.2.1 meter preheat and zero checkTurn the function switch (3) to “zero check”, measurement state choice switch (8) to “ low current”, range choice switch (2) to “200μΩ” to make the meter in the highest sensitivity condition. Turn the power switch (4) to preheat the meter, after 3 minutes, turn zero check knob (5) to make meter value at “00.00”.3.2.2 Connect the meter and the resistor witch is to be measured in the sequence of “C1, P1, P2, C2”with the current junctions outside and the voltage junctions inside, red wires are “C1,P1” and black wires are “ C2, P2 ”. Reduce the possibility of touching the “P1, P2” junctions because the human body will heat the voltage junction, and the effect of thermocouple will influence the result of low resistance measurement.3.2.3 Select suitable range and measurement condition according to the resistor to be measured. The “normal current” measurement state is more accurate in measurement and stronger in the ability against interference. The “low current” measurement state is higher sensitivity and better resolution. If the user can’t estimate the value of the resistor to be measured, please select the higher range and lower current to prevent the resistor from damaging by the high current shock.3.2.4 voltage balance of the measuring circuitTurn function switch (3) from “zero check” to “balance”, The screen will probably display a value which indicates that there exists a no balanced voltage in the measuring circuit. Pay attention, the no balanced voltage is caused by the effect of thermocouple. It is not stable and will reduce in a few minutes, please wait till the value of no balanced voltage is less than 5. Then turn knob (5) again to make meter value between “ –0000 ” to “0000”.3.2.5 resistance measurementTurn function switch (3) to “1.00I ”, the screen displays the resistance value of the resistor to be measured. If it shows “1—”, it means the measurement is under range, please turn range choice switch (2) at clockwise to make measurement value appear. If the value less than 1800, it means the measurement is over range, so turn switch (2) at counter-clockwise to make value in high resolution. If the range issuitable for measurement, readout of the meter is between 1800 to 19999.3.3 reading holdTurn the reading hold switch (6) to “ hold ”, the meter will get into reading hold state, the screen displays “H”, user can record the measurement value conveniently. Normally, the switch (6) is turned to “ run ”, so that the measurement is continuous.3.4 Two-way current measurementIf the resistance of the measurement is less than 0.1Ω, the operation of two-way current measurement should be taken to offset the thermoelectric voltage caused by the effect of thermocouple in the measuring circuit. First, turn the current direction choice switch (7) to “I+”(positive current measurement), t ake down the value of measurement as R I+, and then turn switch (7) to “I-” (negative current measurement), the negative sign appears in front of the resistance value, it indicates the meter has got into the negative current measurement state, take down this value as R I-(omit the negative sign), the result R = (R I++ R I-) / 2 , is more accurate than one-way current measurement.3.5multiple current measurementBecause the temperature resistance coefficient of the copper wire and aluminum wire is rather big, if the measurement current is too big, the wire will be heated so that serious error will be caused. It can be checked by the method of multiple current measurement, to prevent the measurement from too big current.Turn the “function” switch (3) to “ 1.41I ” position (1.41 times of the rated current), to compare with the result under the “ 1.00I ” (rated current). If the difference is within the value required by the national standard, it means the measurement result is valid. Otherwise it means the outcome is not valid because the measurement current is too big. In order to reduce the measurement current please turn switch (3) to “0.707I” position (0.707 times of the rated current). Again, compare it with the result under the “ 1.00I ” (rated current). If the difference is within the value required by the national standard, it means the measurement result under “0.707I” is valid. Otherwise the measurement current is still too big, please select the higher range or turn switch (8) to “ low current ” posit ion, to further reduce the current.3.5 Temperature conversion of the copper wire and aluminum wireWhen measuring the conductor resistance of the copper wire and aluminum wire, set the switch (12) and switch (13) to environmental temperature, and then the readout of the meter will automatically convert to the resistance under the standard temperature—20℃.In this way ,the users don’t need to conversion by the formula themselves. Pay attention to make the measurement of the environmental temperature accurately ( the error less then 0.1℃) .The wires which to be measured must stay in the environment for enough time, so that wire’s temperature totally equals the environmental temperature.Pay more attention, the operation of the automatic temperature conversion is only suitable for the measurements of the resistors which are made of pure copper or pure aluminum (electrolytic copper or electrolytic aluminum). Except this two, neither the standard resistor、the touching resistance and the other substantial resistors;nor the resistors which are made of copper alloy、aluminum alloy、iron alloy and other alloys can be measured with the function of the automatic temperature conversion. The temperature conversion switch (14) should be turned to “OFF ” position, when measuring these resistors. In this state, the function of the temperature conversion is not effective and the readout of the meter is the real resistance of the resistor under the environmental temperature. Because the temperature resistance coefficients of these resistors are rather different from the temperature resistance coefficient of pure copper, it will cause serious errors when the function of temperature conversion is wrongly used.4. Points of attention4.1 The meter is the specialized equipment of measuring the conductor resistance of wires and cables. In order to use the meter correctly and safely, the user must read the operation instructions carefully and completely before using it, because there are many new techniques and special functions in the meter, and it is rather different from other low resistance meters.4.2 When the terminal of “P1, P2, C1, C2” are not connected to the resistor to be measured, the function switch (3) must be turned to “zero check” position. After measurement, the user must turn switch (3) to “zero check” first, and then cut off theconnector. Especially avoid cutting off the measuring circuit when the measurement current is big. When the meter is out of use, please turn switch (3) to “zero check” position too.4.3 Don’t cover the vent of the meter when the meter is being used in order to make heat dissipated well.4.4 The meter should be put in a dry, ventilated place when out of use, avoid severe cold and extremely hot.5 The quality standard and the guarantee of repair5.1 The meter is made on the basis of the standard No. Q/AEXJ3 Shanghai China. 5.2 The manufacturer guarantees to keep the meter in good repair all it’s life, and the repair is free in 12 months expect the trouble of the meter is caused by the wrong use of the user.6 Complete set of the meterProvide following technique files and attachments with every meter:a) product qualified certificate oneb) operation introductions onec) power line oned) measuring cable one pairThe patent has been entitled to this meter. No imitator is allowed.Shanghai Taiou Electronic Co.,LtdAddress: 1, lane74, GuangLing No.1 Road, Shanghai ChinaPost code: 200083Tel: 008621-65607047 65604787 65420430Fax:008621-65607047http:。


1、目的.............................................................. ・12、简介................................................................ -13>范围................................................................. -14、原理................................................................ -15、操作方法............................................................ -15.1、使用条件:............................................................. -15.2、测试接线:............................................................. -26、Z C36高绝缘电阻测量仪操作注意事项................................... ・46. 1 > 危险事项:........................................................... -46.2、注意事项............................................................... -4参考文献 ............................................................... -4ZC36高绝缘电阻测量仪操作指导书1、目的严格规范高绝缘电阻计的使用步骤及方法,以免引起安全隐患或损害测量仪器。

中国上海强佳电气有限公司上海ZC36型高绝缘电阻测量仪使用说明书上海强佳电气有限公司电话:******** 传真:********1 概述ZC36型高绝缘电阻测量仪用于测量绝缘材料、电工产品、各种元器件的绝缘电阻;与恒温水浴配套后,还能测量不同温度下的塑料电线电缆(无屏蔽层)的绝缘电阻,该仪器具有测量精度高、性能稳定、操作简单、输入端高压短路等优点,仪器的最高量程1017Ω电阻值(测试电压为1000V和10¯14A微电流)。
本仪表贯彻Q/TPGG 7-2008 高绝缘电阻测量仪企业标准。
2 规格及技术特性及使用条件2.1 规格和主要技术参数2.1.1测试电压(见表1)、测量范围(见表2) 和倍率量程(见表3)7 1081×1012—2×1013±20%5×1012—1×1014±20%1×1013—2×1014±20%2.5×1013—5×1014±20%5×1013—1×1015±20%1×1014—2×1015±20% 8 1091×1013—2×1014±20%5×1013—1×1015±20%1×1014—2×1015±20%2.5×1014—5×1015±20%5×1014—1×1016±20%1×1015—2×1016±20%2.2 使用条件①环境温度:0~40℃②相对温度:≤70%③供电电流:交流220V ±10% 50Hz2.3 仪器可连续工作8小时2.4消耗功率:约10W2.5外形尺寸:长宽深355mm×320mm×145mm2.6重量:约6kg(主机)3仪器结构及工作原理3.1仪表结构:主要由五部分组成如图1图1 结构图①直流高压电流输出10,50,100,250,500,1000V 六档 ②根据试样的电阻值及直流高压值选择合适的量程倍率。

DESCRIPTIONMegger’s new range of DC insulation testers MIT515, MIT525,MIT1025 and MIT1525 are targeted at original equipment manufacturers and industrial companies. The top of the rangeMIT1525 performs insulation resistance tests up to 15 kV with a30 TΩ maximum resistance and an accuracy of ±5 % from 1 MΩup to 3 TΩ. The MIT515 offers IR, DAR and PI functions but has no memory functionality. MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 have a full suite of test modes as well as on-board memory and the ability to stream data/download data to a PC/laptop. Instrument productivity is a focus of the new MIT range which offers rapid charge batteries and operation from an AC source if the batteries are flat. Rapid charge batteries enable > 60 minutes testing after a 30 minute charge.MIT515: 5 kV IRT with PI and DAR but no memoryMIT525: 5 kV IRT with all test modes including a ramp test plus advanced memory functions with recall to screen, RTC for time/dat stamp of results and USB cable interface to PC/PowerDBMIT1025: 10 kV IRT with all test modes including a ramp test plus advanced memory functions with recall to screen, RTC for time/dat stamp of results and USB cable interface to PC/PowerDBMIT1525: 15 kV IRT with all test modes including a ramp test plus advanced memory functions with recall to screen, RTC for time/dat stamp of results and USB cable interface to PC/PowerDBSafety rating is not compromised on the MIT range with all terminals safety rated to CAT IV 600 V to 3000 m (5 kV, 10 kV) or CAT IV 1000 V to 3000 m (15 kV). A range of 5 kV and 10 kV test leads are available plus dedicated 15 kV test leads which are double insulated with clips designed for 15 kV creepage paths. The 15 kV leads are supplied in a holdall. Suitably rated HV gloves and other personal protection equipment are required to be worn when testing.The MIT range share dual case design which includes a tough outer case to protect the tester from knocks/drops and an inner fire retardant case. The IP rating is IP 65 case closed eliminating moisture and dust ingress.An intuitive user interface ensures no lost time remembering how to use the tester. Simplicity of operation is achieved with two rotary switches and the large backlight display which enables multiple results to be displayed simultaneously. A graphical quick start guide is provided inside the lid to assist first time users.Five preset voltage ranges are provided in insulation test mode, plus a user settable lock voltage range. Preconfigured diagnostic tests include Polarisation Index (PI), Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR), dielectric discharge (DD), Stepped Voltage (SV) and ramp test. Advanced memory storage includes time/date stamping of results, logging of data and recall of results to screen. A fully isolatedUSB interface is used for safe transfer of data to Megger’s asset management software; PowerDB Pro, Advanced and Lite packages.Test leads are double insulated t with clamps rated at 3 kV t equivalent to 6 kV single insulation for the medium clip leadset and 5 kV t equivalent to 10 kV single insulation for the large clip. The 15k V leadset is insulated to 15 kV.Advanced memory storage includes time/date stamping of results, logging of data and recall of results to screen. A fully isolated USBMIT515, MIT525, MIT1025, MIT15255 kV, 10 kV, 15 kV DC Insulation Resistance TestersMIT515, MIT525, MIT1025, MIT15255 kV, 10 kV, 15 kV DC Insulationresistance testers■■Measures up to 30 TΩ■■Safety rated up to CAT IV 1000 V to 3000 m■■Unique dual-case design - additional userprotection■■Operates from battery or AC mains supply■■Rapid charge Li-ion battery■■Advanced memory with time/date stampdevice interface (type B) is used for safe transfer of data to Megger’s PowerDB / Pro, Advanced and Lite asset management software. (MIT525, MIT1025 nd MIT1525 only)APPLICATIONThe Insulation Resistance (IR) test is a quantitative test which indicates the effectiveness of a product’s electrical insulation. Applications include cables, transformers, motors/generators, circuit breakers and bushings. Common insulation tests are the “spot test”, a 1 minute IR test and a 10 minute Polarisation Index (PI) test, where PI is the ratio R10min / R1min and is temperature independent.FEATURES AND BENEFITS■■Insulation resistance up to 30 TΩ @ 15 kV , 20 TΩ @ 10kV , 10 TΩ@ 5 kV■■IR, Timed IR, DAR, PI, DD, SV and ramp diagnostic tests ■■High current – 3 mA short circuit current■■High noise immunity – 3 mA (5 kV and 10 kV) 6 mA (15 kV) ofnoise rejection■■Li-ion battery – up to 6 hrs continuous testing @ 5 kV with a100M load, battery meets IEC 2133■■Safety rating: CAT IV 600 V to 3000 m (5 kV , 10 kV) CAT IV 1000V to 3000 m (15 kV)■■Large LCD display with backlight■■Dedicated voltmeter function (30 V to 660 V)■■Advanced memory, on screen recall and real time clock for date/time stamped results (MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■Download of on-board results via USB interface (MIT525,MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■Recorded temperature (measured by independent instruments)can be saved with test result (MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■PowerDB Lite asset management software supplied (MIT525,MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)■■MIT515, MIT525 and MIT1025 safety rated at CAT IV 600 V(maintained to 3000 m altitude)■■MIT1525 safety rated at CAT IV 1000 V (maintained to 3000 maltitude)SPECIFICATIONSAC voltage (auto-ranging)5 kV , 10 kV: 90-264 V rms, 47- 63 Hz 100 VA15 kV: 90-264 V rms, 47- 63 Hz 200 VABattery charge time 2.5 hours deep discharge, 2 hours normal dischargeBattery life11.1 V , 5.2Ah Li-ion batteries, meet IEC 62133:2003, MIT1525 has 2 battery packsBattery life MIT515, MIT525: 6 hours (typical) continuous testing at 5 kV with a 100 MΩ load Battery life MIT1025: 4.5 hours (typical) continuoust esting at 10 kV with a 100 MΩ load Battery life MIT1525: 4.5 hours (typical) continuous t esting at 15 kV with a 100 MΩ load Test voltageMIT515, MIT525:250 V , 500 V , 1000 V , 2500 V , 5000 V , V L MIT1025:500 V , 1000 V , 2500 V , 5000 V , 10000 V , V L MIT1525:1000 V , 2500 V , 5000 V , 10000 V , 15000 V , V L Lock test voltage100 V L to 1 kV in 10 V steps, 1 kV to 5 kV in 25 V steps, 5 kV to 15 kV in 25 V steps Test voltage accuracy+4%, -0%, ±10 V nominal test voltage at 1 GΩ load (0°C to 30°C)Resistance range10 kΩ to 15 TΩ @ 5 kV , 10 kΩ to 20 TΩ @ 10 kV , 10 kΩ to 30 TΩ @ 15 kVAccuracyMIT515, MIT525 accuracy (23 °C) 5000 V 2500 V 1000 V 500 V250 V±5% from 1MΩ to 1 TΩ 500 GΩ 200 GΩ 100 GΩ 50 GΩ ±20% from 1MΩ to 10 TΩ 5 TΩ 2 TΩ 1 TΩ 500 GΩ MIT1025 accuracy (23 ºC) 10 kV 5000 V 2500 V 1000 V500 V±5% from 1MΩ to 2 TΩ 1 TΩ 500 GΩ 200 GΩ 100 GΩ±20% from 1MΩ to 20 TΩ 10 TΩ 5 TΩ 2 TΩ1 TΩMIT1525 accuracy (23 ºC) 15 kV 10 kV 5000 V 2500 V 1000 V ±5% from 1MΩ to 3 TΩ 2 TΩ 1 TΩ 500 GΩ 200 GΩ±20% from 1MΩ to 30 TΩ20 TΩ10 TΩ5 TΩ2 TΩGuard terminal performanceGuards out parallel leakageresistance down to 250 kΩ with a maximum additional resistance error of 1% with a 100 MΩ load DisplayAnalogue : 100 kΩ to 10 TΩDigital: 10 kΩ to max a above Short circuit/charge current 3 mA @ 5 kV , 10 kV , 15 kV Insulation testAlarm: 100 kΩ to 10 GΩTEST LEADS SUPPLIEDThe MIT515. MIT525, MIT1025 and the MIT1525 are all supplied with test leads that are compliant with the requirements ofIEC61010-031:2008. The 5 kV models are supplied with one 3m lead-set with medium sized clips. The 10 kV models are supplied with two 3m lead-sets, one with medium sized clips and the other with large clips with insulation suited to 10 kV use and the 15 kV models supplied with a 3m lead-set, with large clips with insulation suited to 15 kV use.These leads are designed based on Megger’s extensive knowledge of insulation testing using the latest technology. The leads are in compliance with IEC61010-31:2008 which requires a fully insulated clip design.MEDIUM INSULATED TEST CLIP 3 M X 3 LEADSET - 5 KV AND 10 KVThese test leads are supplied as standard on MIT515, MIT525 and the MIT1025.These clips are designed for clamping on larger diameter test pieces but where space is at a premium.The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the output of Megger 5 kV and 10 kV (set below 6 kV) insulation resistance testers. The clips cannot in any circumstance be relied on to protect the user from live ac systems above 600 V a.c., r.m.s. in an CAT IV environment.Cable insulation rating: 12 kV dc (marked on cable)Cable type: flexible dual insulated silicon (inner insulation layer coloured white tohighlight damageCapacitor chargeMIT515, MIT525 <3 s/μF at 3 mA to 5 kV MIT1025 <5 s/μF at 3 mA to 10 kV MIT1525 <7.5 s/μF at 3 mA to 15 kV Capacitor discharge<120 ms/μF to discharge from 5000 V to 50 V (MIT515 and MIT525)<250 ms/μF to discharge from 10000 V to 50 V (MIT1025)<3500 ms/μF to discharge from 15000 V to 50 V (MIT1525)Capacitance range With test voltage set above 500 VMIT515, MIT525 MIT1025: 10 nF to 25 μF MIT1525: 10 nF to 50 μFCapacitance measurement accuracy ±10% ±5 nF Current range 0.01 nA to 6 mACurrent accuracy ±5% ±0.2 nA at all voltages (23 °C)InterferenceMIT515, MIT525: 3 mA from 450 V to 5 kV MIT1025: 3 mA from 960 V to 10 kV MIT1525: 6 mA from 2100 V to 15 kV Voltmeter range 30 V to 660 V ac or dc, 45Hz – 65Hz Voltmeter accuracy ±3%, ±3VTimer range Up to 99 minutes 59 seconds, 15 second minimum setting Memory capacity5.5 hours logging @ 5 sec intervals(MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)Test modesMIT515: IR, IR(t), DAR, PIMIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525: IR, IR(t), DAR, PI, SV , DD, ramp testInterfaceUSB type B (device)(MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)Real time output1 Hz output readings (V , I, R) (MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 only)ENVIRONMENTAL Maximum altitude3000 m (5 kV , 10 kV)3000 m (15 kV)Operating temperature range -20 °C to 50 °C Storage temperature range -25 °C to 65 °CHumidity 90% RH non-condensing at 40 °C IP rating IP65 (lid closed), IP40 (lid open)SAFETYMIT515, MIT525 MIT1025: CAT IV 600 V to 3000 m altitude MIT1525: CAT IV 1000 V to 3000 m altitude Meets the requirements of IEC 61010-1,TEST LEADS SUPPLIED CONT.MEDIUM INSULATED TEST CLIP 3 M X 3 LEADSET - 15 KVThese test leads are supplied as an option on the MIT1525.These clips are designed for clamping on larger diameter test pieces but where space is at a premium.The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the output of Megger 15 kV (set below 6 kV) insulation resistance testers.The clips cannot in any circumstance be relied on to protectthe user from live ac systems above 1000 V a.c., r.m.s. in an CAT IV environment.Cable insulationrating: 15 kV dc(marked on cable)Cable type: flexibledual insulated silicon(inner insulation layercoloured white tohighlight damage These test leads may also be supplied in none standard lengths to suit a particular application.Please contact Megger for a quotation. Minimum order quantities may apply.LARGE INSULATED TEST CLIP 3 M X 3 LEADSET These test leads are supplied as standard on MIT1025 and MIT1525 Models (different leadset dependant on model)These clips are designed for clamping on larger diameter test pieces. The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the output of Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation resistance testers.The clips cannot in any circumstance be relied on to protect the user from live ac systems above 600 V a.c., r.m.s. in an CAT IV environment.10 kV lead setCable insulation rating:12 kV dc (marked on cable)Cable type: flexible dualinsulated silicon (innerinsulation layer colouredwhite to highlight damage)15 kV lead setCable insulation rating:18 kV dc (marked on cable)Cable type: flexible dualinsulated silicon (innerinsulation layer colouredwhite to highlight damage) The design of the lead sets is intended to facilitate connectionto a variety of de-energized systems for the purpose of making insulation resistance measurements. In all cases it is the responsibility of the user to employ safe working practices and verify that the system is safe before connection. Even isolated systems may exhibit significant capacitance which will become highly charged during the application of the insulation test. This charge can be lethal and connections, including the leads and clips, should never be touched during the test. The system must be safely discharged before touching connections.DESIGNED FOR EVERYDAY USETest leads are a key component of any precision instrument and that safety, long life, and the ability to provide reliable connections to a variety of test pieces found in everyday applications are of the utmost importance. Megger design test leads for both safety and practical operation.LOCKING HV INSULATED PLUGS/NON-REMOVABLE TEST CLIPSAll Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation testing test leads are fitted with unique locking HV plugs and non-removable test clips. This reduces the likelihood of a plug or clip inadvertently losing electrical connection and the capacitance of a long cable remaining lethally charged.With the arrows on the plug finger guard horizontal on the instrument as shown to lock. Twist 90º to to unlock. In addition,for the same reason, the test clips are not removable from the test lead.PRACTICAL INSULATION DESIGNMoving jaw fingers maintain the clips touch proof safety when clip is closed but flex back to allow metal teeth of the clip to contact test piece unimpeded when in use.Megger clip beingtested with IECstandard testfinger for creepageand clearance.PRACTICAL JAW DESIGNCurved jaws allow reliable connection around test piecesand flat jaw tips provide excellent connection and grippingof individual wires.OPTIONAL TEST LEADSMEDIUM AND LARGE TEST CLIPSTest leads above with medium and large size insulated clips are available supplied as an option in 5m, 8m, 10m and 15m lengths. These are listed in the ordering information panel at the endof this data sheet. These test leads may also be suppliedin non-standard lengths to suit a particular application/ requirement. Please contact Megger for a quotation, minimum order quantities may apply.Versions available for all MIT modelsCOMPACT TEST CLIP LEADSThese clips are designed for clamping on test pieces where access is limited. There is no insulation on these clips.Extreme caremust be taken toavoid electric shockwhen connecting/disconnecting dueto the bare metallicclips.Cable insulationrating: 12 kV dc(marked on cable) Cable type: flexible dual insulated silicon (inner insulation layer coloured white to highlight damage)Fits: MIT515, MIT525 and MIT1025COMPACT TEST CLIP WITH 5 OR 10 KV SCREENED CABLEThe clips are designed for clamping on test pieces where access is limited. There is no insulation on these clips. Extreme care must be taken to avoid electric shock when connecting/ disconnecting due to the bare metallic clips.The screened test lead set consists of:■■A black/negative test lead that has been screened.■■A red/positive test lead that is not screened.Cable insulation rating: 5 kV or 10 kV dcCable type: flexible screened PVCNote: Screened test leadsare an important accessoryfor those working in highnoise environments, and/or locations where testlead leakage could be aproblem.Fits: MIT515, MIT525 andMIT1025LARGE TEST CLIP WITH 15 KV SCREENED CABLE Relative motion between unshielded long leads for a D.C. test causes a variation in capacitance between them. This in turn causes very low frequency currents to flow, creating interference with the D.C. being measured. In addition induced current from nearby cables or radiated noise from corona around HV bushings can interfere with measurements causing unstable readings. This can be greatly reduced by using a screened lead set.The screened test lead set consists of:■■A black/negative test lead that has been screened.■■A red/positive test lead that is not screened.Cable insulation rating: 15 kV dcCable type: flexiblescreened PVCNote: Screened test leadsare an important accessoryfor those working in highnoise environments, and/or locations where test leadleakage could be a problem.Fits: MIT1525CONTROL CIRCUIT TEST LEAD SETSThis probe and clip leadset is designed for testing low voltage circuits with test voltages up to 1 kV.The insulation is designed only to protect the user from the outputof Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kVinsulation resistance testers setto a maximum output voltage of1 kV. Do not use this leadset atvoltages above 1 kV.Cable insulation rating: 1 kV dcFUSED TEST PROBE AND CLIP LEAD SETThis fused probe and clip leadset is designed for testing low voltage circuits with test voltages up to 1 kV. The leadset is GS38 compliant, fitted with FF500mA 50 kA fuses, which allows voltage measurements to be made in safety when using the user selectable voltage measuring range on the MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 instruments.The insulation is designed only toprotect the user from the output ofMegger 5 kV and 10 kV insulationresistance testers set to a maximumoutput voltage of 1 kV. Do not usethis leadset at voltages above 1 kV.Cable insulation rating: 1 kVMore detailed information can be found on the 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation tester lead sets application note. This document can be downloadedfrom: UKArchcliffe Road Dover CT17 9EN EnglandT +44 (0) 1304 502101 F +44 (0) 1304 207342 ******************UNITED STATES4271 Bronze WayDallas TX 75237-1019 USAT 800 723 2861 (USA only)T +1 214 333 3201F +1 214 331 7399******************OTHER TECHNICAL SALES OFFICESValley Forge USA, College Station USA,Sydney AUSTRALIA, Danderyd SWEDEN,Ontario CANADA, Trappes FRANCE,Oberursel GERMANY, Aargau SWITZERLAND,Kingdom of BAHRAIN, Mumbai INDIA,Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA, Chonburi THAILANDCERTIFICATION ISORegistered to ISO 9001:2000 Cert. no. Q 09290MIT515--MIT525--MIT1025--MIT1525_DS_en_V06Megger is a registered trademarkDescription Order Code Description Order CodeMIT515-UK 1001-935 MIT515-US 1001-936 MIT515-EU 1001-937 MIT515-AU 1001-938 MIT525-UK 1001-939 MIT525-US 1001-940 MIT525-EU 1001-941 MIT525-AU 1001-942 MIT1025-UK 1001-943 MIT1025-US 1001-944 MIT1025-EU 1001-945 MIT1025-AU 1001-946 MIT1525 UK 1002-907 MIT1525 US 1002-909 MIT1525 EU 1002-908 MIT1525 AU 1002-910Included AccessoriesPower leadUSB cablePowerDB Lite softwareProduct information CDIncluded accessories (5 kV, 10 kV, 15kV)3 m lead set, medium size insulated clips(MIT515 and MIT525 only) 1002-531 3 m leadset x 3, large insulated clips(MIT1025 only) 1002-534 3m leadset x 3, large 15 kV insulated clips(MIT1525 only) 1002-949Optional Accessories 1 kV test lead sets(MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 only)Fused test probe and clip lead set 1002-913 CONTROL CIRCUIT TEST SET 6220-822Optional accessories – 1 kV test lead sets(MIT1525 only)Fused test lead set with probes and clips(2 x leads, 1.25m) 1005-265 Control circuit test lead set (2 x leads, 3m) 1005-264HV test leads sest (MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 only)* These test leads may also be supplied in non-standard lengths to suit a particular application / requirement. Please contact Megger for a quotation, minimum order quantities may apply.3 x 5 m with large insulated clips 1002-6453 x 8 with large insulated clips 1002-6463 x 10 m with large insulated clips 1002-6473 x 15 m with large insulated clips 1002-6483 x 5 m with medium insulated clips 1002-6413 x 8 m with medium insulated clips 1002-6423 x 10 m with medium insulated clips 1002-6433 x 15 m with medium insulated clips 1002-644 COMPACT, BARE TEST CLIP: Lead length: 3 m 8101-181 COMPACT, BARE TEST CLIP: Lead length:5 m 8101-182 COMPACT, BARE TEST CLIP: Lead length: 15 m 8101-183HV test lead sets (MIT1525 only)5 m lead set, large size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-25910 m lead set, large size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-26015 m lead set, large size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-2613 m lead set, medium size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-26210 m lead set, medium size insulated clips (3 x leads) 1005-263Screened - HV test lead sets(MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025 only)1 x 3 m, wtih 5 kV screened un-insulatedsmall clips 6220-8351 x 15 m, with 5 kV screened un-insulatedsmall clips 6311-0803 m, 10 kV screened un-insulated small clips 6220-83410 m, 10 kV screened un-insulated small clips 6220-86115 m, 10 kV screened un-insulated small clips 6220-833Screened HV test lead sets (MIT1525 only)3 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-26610 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-26715 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-26820 m, 15 kV screened, large size insulated clips,supplied in carry holdall 1005-269OtherCB101; 5 kV Calibration Box 6311-077 Calibration certificate - CB101 1000-113 UKAS calibration certificate CB101 1000-047。

PC36C直流电阻测试仪使用说明书龙嘉电子设备科技一、用途PC36 C直流低电阻测试仪是一种由高稳定精密恒流源、带自校的高精度数字电压表和CPU 微处理器组成的5位半台式数字式直流电阻测试仪,其测量结果用6位VFD荧光显示。
二、技术指标2.1 使用条件:2.1.1环境温度:20±15℃(校准温度:20±1℃)2.1.2相对湿度:不大于75%RH2.1.3供电电源:220V±10%,50Hz±1Hz2.1.4无剧烈震动和机械冲击2.1.5环境周围无强电磁场干扰2.1.6空气中不含腐蚀气体、灰尘和有害杂质2.1.7通风条件良好2.1.8总技术指标2.2 量程、测量围、分辨力及基本误差产品在标准条件(20±1℃)下符合表 1规定2.3 温度的影响产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示如用BZ3标准电阻进行现场标定,PC36c的精度可以大大提高2.4 温度附加误差产品在偏离20±1℃的情况下工作,环境温度每变化多端10℃所引起的附加误差应不超出基本误差值。
2.5 倍功率的影响(×0.707I、×1.414I)产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示2.6 极性、量程过载指示2.6.1在电阻测量时不显示极性2.6.2当输入电阻值超过仪表测量围时仪表显示 <LCE>2.7 采样速度:2~3次/s2.8 消耗功率:≤30W三、工作原理和特点本仪器是由5 1/2位,具有0.1μV灵敏度的数字电压表和一个精密恒流源组成,如图 1所示:I00.1m A~10ARxP L图1由精密恒流源流出的电流I在被测电阻RX产生一电压降,同时用5 1/2位数字电压表去测试这个电压降,其测量结果用电阻值反应出来。

直流电阻测试仪用途及功能特点如何一、直流电阻测试仪的用途直流电阻测试仪(DC Resistance Tester)是一种用于测试电线、电缆、电机、发电机、变压器等电气设备内部电阻的专用仪器。
根据欧姆定律,电阻是电压与电流的比例值,即 R=V/I。
二、直流电阻测试仪的功能特点1. 高精度测试直流电阻测试仪具备高精度测试的功能特点。
2. 显示直观直流电阻测试仪使用LCD液晶屏幕显示测试结果,能够直观地显示测试结果数据。
3. 防守护措施直流电阻测试仪具有防护措施的功能特点。
4. 多种测试模式直流电阻测试仪还具有多种测试模式的功能特点。
久茂自动化(大连)有限公司 室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻说明书

传感器通常使用一支符合DIN EN 60751 B级二线制的Pt100热电阻,也可提供Pt500、Pt1000、Ni1000型和各种NTC版本。
技术数据接线盒塑料PC支架(材料PP对应型号902520/11),防护等级从IP20到IP65 型号902524/25防护等级IP54和IP65保护管不锈钢1.4571,直径6mm热电阻插芯Pt100热电阻温度传感器,DIN EN 60751 B级,二线制Pt1000热电阻温度传感器,DIN EN 60751 B级,二线制更多热电阻温度传感器请参考选型说明变送器模拟变送器,输出4~20mA或0~10V变送器1所指数据为量程满度20mA2使用较高数据认证/认证标准接线图标准版本变送器用于基本型号902520/10变送器适用于基本型号902520/2x和902524/3x供电单元接线示例,4~20mA和0~10V外形尺寸基本型号 902520/10基本型号 902520/11基本型号 902520/15基本型号 902520/21基本型号 902520/22基本型号902520/23基本型号 902520/24基本型号 902524/25基本型号 902524/31基本型号 902524/32选型说明:室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻(1)基本型号(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)选型代码- - / (1)选型举例902520/10 - 572 - 1001 - 1 / 0001请逐一列出附加代码,代码顺序由小到大,用逗号隔开2请指明测量范围选型说明:室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻(1)基本型号×658(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)选型代码- - /选型举例902520/21 - 573 - 1003 - 1 / 000选型说明:室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻(1)基本型号(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)选型代码- - - - - - / (1)选型举例902524/25 - 380 - 1003 - 1 - 6 - 100 - 000 / 0001请逐一列出附加代码,代码顺序由小到大,用逗号隔开2工艺连接可在“工艺连接附件”部分找到选型说明:室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻(1)基本型号(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)- - - - - / (1)902524/31 - 380 - 1003 - 1 - 6 - 100 - 000 / 0001请逐一列出附加代码,代码顺序由小到大,用逗号隔开2请指明测量范围过程连接附件。

PC36c直流电阻测试仪使用说明书上海汉仪电气科技有限公司一、用途PC36 c直流低电阻测试仪是一种由高稳定精密恒流源、带自校的高精度数字电压表和CPU 微处理器组成的5位半台式数字式直流电阻测试仪,其测量结果用6位VFD荧光显示。
二、技术指标2.1 使用条件:2.1.1环境温度:20±15℃(校准温度:20±1℃)2.1.2相对湿度:不大于75%RH2.1.3供电电源:220V±10%,50Hz±1Hz2.1.4无剧烈震动和机械冲击2.1.5环境周围无强电磁场干扰2.1.6空气中不含腐蚀气体、灰尘和有害杂质2.1.7通风条件良好2.1.8总技术指标2.2 量程、测量范围、分辨力及基本误差产品在标准条件(20±1℃)下符合表 1规定2.3 温度的影响产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示如用BZ3标准电阻进行现场标定,PC36c的精度可以大大提高2.4 温度附加误差产品在偏离20±1℃的情况下工作,环境温度每变化多端10℃所引起的附加误差应不超出基本误差值。
2.5 倍功率的影响(×0.707I、×1.414I)产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示2.6 极性、量程过载指示2.6.1在电阻测量时不显示极性2.6.2当输入电阻值超过仪表测量范围时仪表显示 <LCE>2.7 采样速度:2~3次/s2.8 消耗功率:≤30W2.9 重量:≤7kg三、工作原理和特点本仪器是由5 1/2位,具有0.1μV灵敏度的数字电压表和一个精密恒流源组成,如图 1所示:I00.1m A~10A图1由精密恒流源流出的电流I0在被测电阻RX产生一电压降,同时用5 1/2位数字电压表去测试这个电压降,其测量结果用电阻值反应出来。
S CIENTIFIC PHYSICS 3B 电阻温度计测试仪用户手册说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSInstructions d'utilisation10/15 ALF1 Connecteur multiple2 Écarteur3 Tuyaux capillaires de chauffage4 Cristal de germanium dopé p5 Sonde de température PT100Le cristal de germanium est très fragile :∙ Manipulez le circuit imprimé avec précautionet ne l'exposez à aucunes charges mécaniques.Le circuit imprimé d'essai peut devenir très chaud pendant l'utilisation (170°C). Risque de brûlure ! ∙ Attendre que le circuit imprimé ait bien refroidiavant de le démonter.En raison de sa résistance spécifique élevée, le cristal de germanium chauffe dès qu'on applique un courant d'essai.∙ Ne pas dépasser le courant d'essai maximal I= ±33 mA.∙ Tourner le régulateur du courant d'essai sur laposition centrale.Le circuit imprimé associé à l'appareil de base pour l'étude de l'effet de Hall (1009934), permet de mesurer la conductivité et la tension de Hall du germanium dopé p, en fonction de la température. Il est également possible de mesurer la tension de Hall, à travers le cristal, en fonction du champ magnétique externe et du courant d'essai.Le circuit imprimé est doté d'un connecteur multiple avec des contacts pour le courant d'essai, le chauffage de résistance et la sonde de température sous le cristal. 1 circuit imprimé avec cristal de germanium 1 protocole d'essai 1 mode d'emploiCourant d'essai maximal :±33 mADimensions du cristal : env. 20 x 10 x 1 mm³ Dimensions : env. 70 x 70 x 10 mm³ Masse : env. 30 gFig.1 A Tuyaux capillaires de chauffage, B Courant d'essai à travers le cristal de germanium, C Sonde de température PT100, D Tension de HallLe montage du circuit imprimé dans l'appareil de base pour l'étude de l'effet de Hall, ainsi que le branchement du montage expérimental, sont décrits dans le mode d'emploi de l'appareil de base pour l'étude de l'effet de Hall.Tension de Hall U H (appareil de base) Tension d'essai U (appareil de base) Courant d'essai I(appareil de base) Température d'essai T P (appareil de base) Flux magnétique B(avec capteur de champ magnétique)Grandeurs déduites :Conductivité : σ=⋅⋅20mm10mm 1mmI UTempérature absolue en degrés Kelvin : =+P 273,15K T T∙ Pour le nettoyage, utiliser un pinceau souple, éviter de toucher le cristal avec les doigts. ∙Une fois l'utilisation terminée et l'appareil refroidi, le conserver dans son carton d'origine.∙Ne pas jeter le circuit imprimé dans les ordures ménagères. Il est important de respecter les consignes locales relatives au traitement des déchets électriques.L'emballage est composé de matériaux écologiques et recyclables.∙ Le déposer dans les centres de recyclagelocaux.10.1 U H en fonction de IU H / mV 10.4 U et σ en fonction de I10.2 U H en fonction de BU H / mV10.5 U et σ en fonction deB10.3 U H en fonction de T70605040302010-100U H/ mV10.6 U et σ en fonction de T。

序号量具名称规格/型号制造商校准依据允许误差1压力表0-1.0MPa SMCJJG52-2013 2.5级测量上限的90%-100% 允许误差降低一级。
(有 1.0、1.6、2.5、4.0等级)23压力表0-1.6MPa青岛工业仪表研究所JJG52-2013 2.5级测量上限的90%-100% 允许误差降低一级。
(有 1.0、1.6、2.5、4.0等级)24数显绝缘电阻表MS5201MASTECHJJG1005-2005JJG315-1983JJG(航天)35-1999JJG724-1991绝缘电阻:200M Ω/250V ±3%、200M Ω/500V ±3%、0-1000M Ω/1000V ±3%、1000-2000M Ω/1000V ±5%直流电压:1000V ±0.8%交流电压:700V ±1.2%电阻:200Ω±1.2%25绝缘电阻测试仪CS2676CX 南京长盛仪器JJG1005-2005输出电压(DC )精度:±(2%+3‰FS )电阻精度:300V-1000V:R <1000M Ω ±2% R <10G Ω ±3% R <100G Ω ±5%100V-300V:R <1000M Ω ±3% R <10G Ω ±5% R <100G Ω ±7%30.0V-99.9V:R <1000M Ω ±3% R <10G Ω ±5% R <100G Ω ±7%1.0V-9.99V:R <100M Ω ±5% R <1G Ω ±7%26数字万用表MS8261MASTECH JJF1587-2016直流电压:量程200mV-200V ±(0.5%读数+1字)量程1000V ±(0.8%读数+2字)交流电压:量程2V-200V ±(0.8%读数+3字)量程750V ±(1.2%读数+3字)电阻:量程200Ω ±(0.8%+3字)量程2k Ω-2M Ω ±(0.8%+1字)量程20M Ω ±(1.0%读数+2字)量程200M Ω ±(5.0%读数+10字)直流电流:量程2mA ±(0.8读数+1字)量程20mA-200mA ±(1.5%读数+1字)量程10A ±(2.0%读数+5字)交流电流:量程2mA ±(1.0读数+3字)量程200mA ±(1.8%读数+3字)量程10A ±(3.0%读数+7字)计量器具允许误差序号量具名称规格/型号制造商校准依据允许误差计量器具允许误差27数字万用表87V FLUKE JJG315-1983JJG598-89JJG(航天)34-1999JJG(航天)35-1999JJG724-1991直流电压:±(0.05%+1)交流电压:±(0.7%+2)直流电流:±(0.2%+2)交流电流:±(1.0%+2)电阻:±(0.2%+1)29干湿球温度计-10-50℃上海华辰JJG205-2005温度示值误差不超过± 2.0℃湿度允许误差:±5%RH(40%RH-70RH 20℃)±7%RH(40%RH以下或70RH以上 20℃)30温湿度表TH-101B美德时JJG205-2005温度示值误差不超过± 2.0℃湿度允许误差:±5%RH(40%RH-70RH 20℃)±7%RH(40%RH以下或70RH以上 20℃)31数显温度指示调节仪E5CN欧姆龙JJG617-1996±2.0℃42扭矩扳手 4.5-30N·mENDURA JJG707-2014示值误差:±3% 44扭矩扳手5-25N·mSATA JJG707-2014示值误差:±3%45红外测温仪ST25Raytek JJG856-2015证书:100℃±3℃200℃±3℃300℃±6℃400℃±8℃500℃±10℃无锡市计量测试院说明书-18-23℃±2℃23-510℃读数的±1%或±1℃46针式数字测温仪TP101JJG874-2007±1℃76密度计1.200~1.300g/cm3JJG42-2011浮计示值的最大允许误差,除分度值为0.5kg/m3的石油密度计为±0.6个分度值外,其他均不能大于±1个分度值79电子天平ARRV70上海奥豪斯JJG1036-2008准确度等级:II级,最大称量:410/100g,检定分度值:0.1/0.01g最大允许误差 I级 II级 III级 IIII级±0.5e 0≤m≤5*104 0≤m≤5*103 0≤m≤5*102 0≤m≤50±1.0e 5*104<m≤2*105 5*103<m≤2*104 5*102<m≤2*103 50<m≤2*102±1.5e 2*105<m 2*104<m≤1*105 2*103<m≤1*104 2*102<m≤1*103序号量具名称规格/型号制造商校准依据允许误差计量器具允许误差80架盘天平HC-TP11-20上海精科天平JJG156-2016JJG99-2006最大称量:2000g,分度值:2g最大允许误差:载荷m(以检定分度值e表示)最大允许误差0≤m≤500 ±0.5e500<m≤2000 ±1.0e注:天平使用中检查的最大允许误差应是首次检定时最大允许误差的2倍。
YTC336-10 变压器直流电阻测试仪 用户操作手册说明书

YTC336-10变压器直流电阻测试仪用户操作手册目录一、产品概述 (2)二、技术参数 (2)三、使用条件 (2)四、面板介绍 (3)五、操作说明 (3)六、故障分析 (9)七、售后服务 (10)一、产品概述YTC336-10变压器直流电阻测试仪是用于大容量变压器绕组直流电阻三相同时测量的仪器。
二、技术参数输出电流三相测试:0.5A~10A单相测试:1A~20A测量范围三相测试:1mΩ~20Ω单相测试:1mΩ~20Ω分辨率1μΩ测量精度±(0.2%+2字)存储容量 80条外形尺寸 395mm×290mm×240mm仪器重量 10kg三、使用条件环境温度 -10℃~50℃环境湿度≤85%RH工作电源 AC220V±10%电源频率 50±1Hz四、面板介绍(如图一):●↑、↓、←、→及“选择”键:用来选择测试项,数字的输入及查看存储的测试记录。

1.PC36系列直流电阻测试仪技术性能:测量范围、测量电流、准确度、灵敏度、分辨力等应全面满足国家标准 GB/T3048.2 《电线电缆电性能试验方法第 2 部分:金属材料电阻率试验》及GB/T3048.4 《电线电缆电性能试验方法第 4 部分:导体直流电阻试验》中对电阻测试设备的各项技术要求。
2.为了方便用户操作,在仪表的附加功能中添置了 GB/T3048.2 及GB/T3048.4 推荐的一些特殊功能及测量方法,如反向电流测量、倍率电流测量、热电势平衡、导线温度校正等功能。
经过一年多时间的研制、试用和改进,该仪表已正式面世 , 其间得到了上海电缆研究所与上海南洋电材有限公司的大力支持和帮助。
1PC36系列直流电阻测试仪技术性能1.1 测量范围及分辨力在 GB/T3048.2 5.2.1 条规定了导体电阻测量的下限值为 10 -5 Ω,这个看似简单的要求给仪表的设计带来了新的挑战, 10 -5 Ω数量级的电阻是个什么概念?截面在 172mm 2 至 1724mm 2 范围内的 1m 长的铜导线在20 ℃ 时的电阻值就落在 10 -5 Ω数量级范围内( 10.0—99.9 μΩ ) ,考虑到GB/T3048.2 中电阻率测试允许误差 0.15% 及 GB/T3048.4 中导体电阻测试允许误差 0.5% 的要求,仪表读数的有效位应不少于 4 位,( 3 位有效读数在zui不利的情况下,zui后一位变化 1 个字的量化误差,可能造成 1% 的测量误差),这就要求仪表的zui 高分辨力达到 10 -8 Ω(0.01 μΩ)。

浅谈铜导体直流电阻测试过程中的误差分析及注意事项发表时间:2018-10-15T10:04:21.527Z 来源:《知识-力量》2018年10月下作者:张小东[导读] 铜的良好导电性使铜导线在一些重要设备(例如发电机、电动机、变压器、电抗器等)中广泛应用。
铜导线的直流电阻测试可以验证铜导线中其他杂质金属的含量和铜导线的直径,并可以判断设备中的铜导线是否存在断线等缺陷(四川川东电缆有限责任公司,四川大竹 635100)摘要:铜的良好导电性使铜导线在一些重要设备(例如发电机、电动机、变压器、电抗器等)中广泛应用。

ZC36型高阻计操作规程1 仪器用途本仪器专用于测量电线电缆成品绝缘电阻;当与三电极系统联用时,可用来分别测量绝缘材料试片的体积电阻Rv(求体积系数ρv),表面电阻Rs(求表面电阻系数ρs)和总电阻等。
3 每次操作时必须检查(准备)的内容:3.1使用前面板上各开关的位置应如下:○1测量电压开关置“0V”位置;○2倍率开关置于最低档位置(1×102或1×10-1);○3“放电-测试”开关置“放电”位置;○4电源开关扳到“断”的位置;○5输入短路开关扳到“短路“位置;○6极性开关置于“0”位置。
3.2 检查测试环境的温度和湿度是否处在允许范围内,尤其当环境湿度高于80%时,对测量较高的绝缘电阻>1011Ω及<10-8A时,微小电流可能会导致较大的误差。

第9期 收稿日期:2020-03-05作者简介:蔡 宁,工程师,主要从事化验分析。
电工用铜线坯中电阻率测定方法的不确定度评定蔡 宁1,万 双2,孔令青1,刘 杰1(1.山东祥瑞铜材有限公司,山东聊城 252327;2.阳谷祥光铜业有限公司,山东聊城 252327)摘要:依据直流电桥测量法测定电工用铜线坯的体积电阻率,对该方法的测量不确定度进行了评定。
关键词:电工用铜线坯;电阻率;测量不确定度中图分类号:O657.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-021X(2020)09-0119-03UncertaintyEvaluationofResistivityMeasurementMethodinElectricalCopperWireBlanksCaiNing1,WanShuang2,KongLingqing1,LiuJie1(1.ShandongXiangruiCopperMaterialCo.,Ltd.,Liaocheng 252327,China;2.ShandongYangguXiangguangCopperCo.,Ltd.,Liaocheng 252327,China)Abstract:Accordingtothedirectcurrentbridgemeasurementmethod,thevolumeresistivityofcopperwireblankforelectricalpurposesismeasured,andtheuncertaintyofthismethodisevaluated.Throughtheanalysisofexperimentalmethodsandmathematicalmodels,variouscomponentsofmeasurementuncertaintyareobtained.Includingrepeatedmeasurementofresistanceanddensity,ambienttemperature,balanceweighingerror,resistancetemperaturecoefficientandotheraspects.Throughexperiments,theexpandeduncertaintyofresistivitymeasurementresultsis2.10×10-11Ω·mwhentheconfidencelevelis95%,whichisfarlowerthantheallowabledeviationspecifiedinthestandardmethodandmeetsthedetectionrequirements.Keywords:electricalcopperwireblank;resistivity;measurementuncertainty 电工用铜线坯是生产电工用铜线的坯料的统称,主要是指直径为6.0~35.0mm,供进一步拉制线材或其他电工用铜导体的圆形截面铜线坯[1]。
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PC36 C直流低电阻测试仪是一种由高稳定精密恒流源、带自校的高精度数字电压表和CPU 微处理器组成的5位半台式数字式直流电阻测试仪,其测量结果用6位VFD荧光显示。
2.1 使用条件:
2.2 量程、测量围、分辨力及基本误差
产品在标准条件(20±1℃)下符合表 1规定
2.3 温度的影响
产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示
2.4 温度附加误差
2.5 倍功率的影响(×0.707I、×1.414I)
产品在(20±5℃)条件下,误差如表 2所示
2.6 极性、量程过载指示
2.6.2当输入电阻值超过仪表测量围时仪表显示 <LCE>
2.7 采样速度:2~3次/s
2.8 消耗功率:≤30W
本仪器是由5 1/2位,具有0.1μV灵敏度的数字电压表和一个精密恒流源组成,如图 1所示:
0.1m A~10A
产生一电压降,同时用5 1/2位数字电压表去测试这个电压降,其测量结果用电阻值反应出来。
4.1 产品外形
图2 ⑨---校验区⑩---电源开关
5 1/2位数字电压表
(输入插座的C 1和C 2为恒流源的输出端;输入插座的P 1和P 2为数字表的输入端)。
4.2 使用方法 4.2.1 接通电源之前,先按下测试/暂停按键。
再打开电源开关,电阻测试仪预热10min 即可进行测量。
4.2.3在测量过程中应注意量程围测量夹子的用法如图3,P 1是电压高端,P 2是电压低端,C 1是电流高端, C 2是电流低端。
按图3接好,然后接通仪器的电源,待面板上读数稳定后,显示的数据值就是A 、B
C 1(电流端)
P 1(电位端)
B P 2(电位端)
C 2 (电流端)导线和导体的测法,建议用专用导线测试设备与PC36c 配合在一起使用, 基本原理如图4,如测导线A 、B 两点之间的电阻,恒流电源I 0的方向是从R 的 C → A → B →
D → C1 → P1 → P2 → C2,A 、B 之间的压降即用电阻值来表示。
从图中可看出电压段接触点要小,尤其在测试低阻值导线时更要注意,如图中的A 、B 之间两点,电流段接触面要大、要紧,如图中的C 、D 之间两点。带电感的电阻测量(小电感,不宜测电力变压器、发电机、电动机等)。
接 通仪器电源之前,将仪器测试导线与被测对象相连,如图5所示:
200μΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 10A电流
2mΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 10A电流
20mΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 1A电流
200mΩ档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 0.1A电流
2Ω档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 0.01A电流
20Ω档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 1mA电流
200Ω档,电流端C1 、C2端可输出 0.1mA电流
4.2.5 正反向测试电流的用法
4.2.6 倍功率测试电流的用法
4.2.7 温度补偿的用法
一般用PC36c 对电线电缆测试的环境温度不再这一点上,本仪器为了方便使用特增加温度补偿开关,使用者可根据环境温度值,设置到PC36c的温度补偿开关温度值上,此时PC36c上的读数已经是转换到20℃时的电阻值。
5.1 复核所需设备:
⑴ 0.01%精度直流标准电阻一套(0.001Ω、0.01Ω、0.1Ω、1Ω、10Ω、100Ω)
⑵ 0.01%精度直流电阻箱一台(0~200Ω)
C 1(电流端)
P 1(电位端)
P 2 (电位端)
C 2(电流端) 图6
① 按图6接法,依次在各档量程接上相应的标准电阻测量,如2m Ω档接0.001Ω、
20m Ω档接0.01Ω、200m Ω档接0.1Ω、2Ω档接1Ω、20Ω档接10Ω、200Ω档接100Ω。
② 用微欧计专用电阻箱进行标定。
5.2 维护和调节
六 、 成套性
6.1 随同产品一起供应的技术文件有: 6.1.1 产品合格证 1份 6.1.2 使用说明书 1份
6.2 随同产品一起供应的附件有 6.2.1 输入线 1付 6.2.2 电源线 1根