中考英语基础题型 补全对话专练

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中考英语基础题型 补全对话专练



1.做好此类题,首先要对所提供的语言材料能够充分地理解与掌握。如对对话双方的身份、职业、年龄、性别、意图及交际 活动的时间、地点、场景等要有准确的了解。



4.检查整篇对话,看看上下文是否通顺、连贯,表达方式是否合乎习惯。发现不妥之处,立即纠正。 训练

A (2014·山西) 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。 (Kitty and Mark meet outside the school gate after school.) A:Hi ,Mark. Ben’s birthday is coming. I’m

planning a surprise party for him this Saturday. 1 B:Sure ,Kitty. I’m free. What are we going to do at the party? A: 2 We’ll also have a barbecue. Someone will bring Ben to the party without telling him. B:Really? You mean he doesn’t know the party at all? A: 3 We’ve also prepared some gift s for him. B:Sounds great.I’m looking forward to it. 4 A:It’s in my house.You can come earlier.See you then. 4.________5._________

B (2014·天津)


A:Hi ,Tom! You look very happy today.

B:Oh ,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming. A:Oh ,really? 1

B:Tomorrow.I can’t wait to see him. A: 2

B:For two weeks. A: 3

B:He is really friendly. I’m sure you will like him when you see him. A:What does he look like?

B: 4 He plays football well. A:Could you introduce him to me? 1.____________2.____________3.___________ 4.____________5.____________ C (2014·襄阳) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,使对话完整、通顺。 W:You look worried ,David ,what’s wrong? M: 1 W:You said you liked English. 2 M:I find it difficult to do English reading ,especially reading a longer passage. W:That doesn’t sound too bad. M: 3 What should I do? W:Just read quickly to get the main idea at first.Don’t read word by word.Read word groups. M: 4

W:To guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.You probably understand more than you think. M:That sounds difficult. W: 5 You can improve your English reading by more

practice. The more you read ,the faster you’ll be.



D (2014·南昌)


Kate:Good morning ,Jack. 1 Jack:Oh no!

Kate:What do you mean ,“Oh no”?

Jack:I think I left it…on the kitchen table! I was hurrying because I was late. Kate: 2

Jack:I’m very sorry!

Kate:Well ,it doesn’t matter. 3 But can you bring it tomorrow?

Jack:Yes ,OK.I’m sorry!

Kate:It’s all right.See you tomorrow…Oh,Jack ,what’s the matter?


Jack:Well ,I remember your book isn’t at home. I think I left it on the bus! 1._________2._________3.__________ 4._________5.__________ Ⅱ填词型









在做完题目后要复读全篇对话,确保对话语句通顺,意思连贯,且符合西方国家的语言风俗习惯。 训练


A (2014·台州) Helen :Oh ,what a beautiful house! I love it. Victor :Me too.Well ,where shall we put these 1 first?

Helen :Let’s put them in that corner.And we could put the shelf here ,2 the desk.

Victor :Good suggestion! We can get books more 3 if the shelf is here. Helen :Wouldn’t it be a good i dea to place the sofa here ,right in the middle? Victor :No ,it will 4 too crowded. It will be much

better if we put it on the right.

Helen :If the sofa is on the right ,the TV should be 5 to the left. Victor :That’s right.






B (2014·舟山) have 1 some problems.

Dad:Oh ,Tom ,what’s 2 ?

Tom:Dad ,you and mum are always around me.I don’t have my own time and 3 . Dad:Are we?

Tom:Yes.I always have to obey you ,but I’m able to decide my own business now.

Dad:Oh ,I didn’t realize that we hardly 4 you to make your own decision in the past.
