范文:A Boy’s FirstsThe boy is such a common boy. He is so common that only acquaintedfriends can notice him among the crowd; he is so common that he does not changehis girlfriend one time per month, just as those playboys do; and he is socommon that his daily life is no more special than those who listen to rock n’roll, bet for soccer games and seldom clean their rooms.However, the boy is somewhat special.He usually thinks that, his experience and personal achievements,along with his own happiness and grievances, are enough for him to be unique,though he does not have a face as good-looking as Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves, orwhoever.First AwardIt was such a surprising gift for a 12-year-old boy to know that hehad won the first prize in the national mathematics competition. The boyclutched the certification and laughed like a sun-flower blooming in a springmorning. He had spent three months preparing for that competition and hadlost5kgweight but he was very happy, as happy as you could imagine. Enjoyingthe pace of enterprising, he began to believe “No pain no gain” that afternoon.分享到•微信朋友圈•微信好友•新浪微博•QQ空间•更多。
新GRE 北美范文精析 Argument 12 范文精析
Argument 1212、Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented a new procedure that encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all their professors. Since that time, Omega professors have begun to assign higher grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages at Omega have risen by 30 percent. Potential employers, looking at this dramatic rise in grades, believe that grades at Omega are inflated and do not accurately reflect student achievement; as a result, Omega graduates have not been as successful at getting jobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University. To enable its graduates to secure better jobs, Omega University should terminate student evaluation of professors.In this memo Omega University's dean points out that Omega graduates are less successful in getting jobs than Alpha University graduates, despite the fact that during the past 15 years the overall grade average of Omega students has risen by 30%. The dean also points out that during the past 15 years Omega has encouraged its students, by way of a particular procedure, to evaluate the effectiveness of their professors. The dean reasons that this procedure explains the grade-average increase, which in turn has created a perception among employers that Omega graduates are less qualified for jobs. On the basis of this line of reasoning the dean concludes that to enable Omega graduates to find better jobs Omega must terminate its professor-evaluation procedure. This argument contains several logical flaws, which render it unconvincing.A threshold problem with the argument involves the voluntary nature of the evaluation procedure. The dean provides no evidence about the or percentage of Omega students who participate in the procedure. Lacking such evidence it is entirely possible that those numbers are insignificant, in which case terminating the procedure is unlikely to haveany effect on the grade average of Omega students or their success in getting jobs after graduation.The argument also assumes unfairly that the grade-average increase is the result of the evaluation procedure--rather than some other phenomenon. The dean ignores a host ofother possible explanations for the increase--such as a trend at Omega toward higher or higher quality instruction or facilities. Without ruling out all other possible explanations for the grade-average increase, the dean cannot convince me that by terminating the evaluation procedure Omega would curb its perceived grade inflation let alone help its graduates get jobs.Even if the evaluation procedure has resulted in grade inflation at Omega, the dean's claim that grade inflation explains why Omega graduates are less successful than Alpha graduates in getting jobs is unjustified. The dean overlooks a myriad of other possible reasons for Omega's comparatively poor job-placement record. Perhaps Omega's career services are inadequate; or perhaps Omega's curriculum does not prepare students for the job market aseffectively as Alpha's. In short, without accounting for other factors that might contribute to Omega graduates' comparative lack of success in getting jobs, the dean cannot justify the claim that if Omega curbs its grade inflation employers will be more likely to hire Omega graduates. 这段话的内容太重复了这个描述不够清晰直接说有调查错误 就好了the survey cited by the author is not reliable. 这篇文章的数据有很多问题,比如30%和average这个因果关系的梳理很好这两个原因列举 的很好划线部分是 让步攻击部分,即使上面这个逻辑 错误不存在,那么 后面这个也有问题Finally, even if the dean can substantiate all of the foregoing assumptions, the dean's assertion that Omega must terminate its evaluation procedure to enable its graduates to find better jobs is still unwarranted, in two respects. First, the dean ignores other possible ways by which Omega can increase its job-placement record--for example, by improving its publicrelations or career-counseling services. Second, the dean unfairly equates "more" jobs with "better" jobs. In other words, even if more Omega graduates are able to find jobs as a resultnot necessarily be better ones.In sum, the dean's argument is unpersuasive as it stands. To strengthen it the dean must provide better evidence that the increase in grade average is attributable to Omega's professor-evaluation procedure, and that the end result is a perception on the part of employers that Omega graduates are less qualified for jobs than Alpha graduates. To better assess the argument I would need to analyze 15-year trends in (l) the percentage of Omega students participating in the evaluation procedure, (2) Omega's admission standards and quality of education, and (3) Omega's emphasis on job training and career preparation. I would also need to know what other means are available to Omega for enabling its graduates to find better jobs. 这是一个非常不明显的偷换概念 -- 可以不做攻击结尾段有些太长了 如果时间有限,那么solutions是可以不写的。
Essay范文Please submit a one-page,single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s).请提交一篇文书解释一下你为什么选择卡耐基梅隆大学,你为什么要选这个专业。
My interest in mathematics stems from the first time my teacher taught me calculus in tenth grade. I was so intrigued to discover the area under the curve can be calculated so easily and even completed the problems not assigned by the teacher that night. From that day on,boring math homework for others started to be my first homework to complete even to this day. Today, I sit in the classroom of the most difficult mathematics course the school offers –multivariable calculus –solving interesting ellipsoid problems.After finishing my tenth grade in China,I went back to America, the country I was born in and raised for seven years. The change was enormous,both culturally and academically.For the first month, I had a hard time adjusting to the different situation. Fortunately, I survived after two months; and within several months later,I found myself excelling once again academically. I even had more class participation in Shakespeare Literature classes!Nonetheless,my passion for math remained consistent across the continental shift. When it was homework time, my math notebook was always on the top of the pile.In high school, I benefited from the great opportunities my school offered and had much free time to pursue my math interests. Every week in school, there are preparation sessions for the math competition “Great New Haven Math League,” which is a regional math competition held every two weeks throughout the entire school year. In February,I have the chance to represent my school,along with my math team members, to attend the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament. As one of the key members on the math team,I established practice groups during free time so that team members can solve practice problems together and help each other. In June,I represented my school in attending the American Regions Math League,which is a competition held annually joined by high schools across America.At Mellon College of Science, I would elect to study both the Mathematical Science degree and the Computational Finance Minor,as I desire to enter the financial world after college. Doing so would equip me with the advanced mathematical modeling aptitude to succeed in numerous roles on Wall Street,such as currency trading. I look forward to solving interesting problems with my classmates and enjoying the enthusiasm mathematics brings to us. Moreover,I look forward topartaking in various math contests including the Putnam Competition.In closing, math is going to be one of my enduring friends and accompany me throughout my entire life. Future studies in my life will determine my ultimate vocation, but math will be an essential factor despite the field in which I work. Mastering advanced mathematics concepts during college will ensure me the fulfillment of my passion and broaden my perspectives in the ocean of knowledge that is mathematics.。
美国大学ESSAY范文:ABoy’sFirstsTheboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriends cannoticehimamongtheheisso common thathedoesnot changehis girlfriend onetimeper month,justasplayboys do;andheis socommon thathisdailylifeisnomore special than thoselistentorockn’roll,betfor soccer games and seldom clean their rooms.However,theboyissomewhatspecial.Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonal achievements,along withown happinessand grievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,though hedoesnothaveaasgood-looking asBradPittorKeanu Reeves,orwhoever.First AwardItwassucha surprising giftfora12-year-old boytoknowthat hehad wonthefirstprizeinthenational mathematics competition. The boyclutched the certification andlaughedlikeasun-flower bloomingina springmorning. Hespentthreemonths preparingforthat competitionandhadlost5kgweight buthewasveryhappy,ashappyyoucould imagine. Enjoyingthe paceof enterprising,hebegantobelieve“Nopainnogain”thatafternoon.First SetbackHuddling upinthequilt crying,theboywas introspecting Truehis haughtinessachievingthesecondprizeintheNational PhysicsCompetition,hedeservedtherankoflast5%infinal examination of7thgrade. Wipingupthetears,hesethimselfapromiseofbeing humble andsober.boy keptthe promise and became ayoung manofgreat maturity.First cooking“Quite atough work.”Theboysaidto himself,smearing soaponablister causedby theburningButasmallblisternevercouldstophimfromdoinghis “cookingresearch”. Theboystoodinofthegas-stove again,holding apancaketurner inhislefthand,hewastryingtofindoutcorrect timeof addingsalt andthe appropriate amountofother flavorings. Aftersomany failures,hefeltitwasnotasimple taskof cooking out palatable meals,nut achallenge of surpassing himself.theboy finally finished working one anda half hours later,heputa sweet smile onhisdirty face. Theboy wrote inhis diary,“keep working and you’ll win.”First LoveAttheageof16,theboyfellinlovewithasmartgirl.Eatingice-cream withtheintheice-cream baratthestreet,walkingon theboulevard handinhand,cyclingherhomekissing goodbye,heregarded loveastheholythinginhislife.Thus,theboy demonstrates afrom heart;hecares everyone nearby and wants themtobe beatific with their families. Aspeople say,angelic soul.First JobThe extremely hot summer holidayof16,theboywasexcited when hegotajobatthelocaltrain stationasaticket-taker. First working day,theboygotupsoearlythatwhenhearrivedatthestation,the previousticket-taker wasstillonhisin astonishment oftheboy’s Truethe ticket-taker didnotknowthat,theboywasjustsoastoget onthejobtoshow thathehad grown up.Soon a commonstudentwillhebe.Acommon onethatwill beassiduous inclassand passionate inthebasketball court;thatwillmake everyeffort torunforthe Chairman ofthe Student Unionbutmaystillface failure;that isnomore special thanthosewhospendhalfadayinlibraries andgotodinnerwhendo researchesinlabs.But somehowhewillbea uniquecollege student,hewill have hisown wayof fulfilling his dreams.And asyou may know,theboyisme.以上就是一篇标准的美国ESSAY范文,看懂这篇美国大学申请ESSAY的文章写作套路了吗?一、标题:也许,这个标题不算非常特别,但是它引人注目,一个男孩的第一次,可能我们想到更多的是一些“第一次”,联想到我们自己的“第一次”,兴趣自然就产生了!二、结构:结合了“第一次”的标题核心,下面分别以男孩生活、学习及工作中的各个第一次进行阐述,涉及的面比较全,包括感情,给人的感觉非常丰富且完整。
也就是申请人在申请过程中想要呈现在AO(admission officer)面前的是怎样一个人。
下面做一下简单的举例: 1.评价你的一个重要经历、成就、风险决定、或者你曾面对的两难选择的经历,并评价对你造成的影响。
英文原文是:Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.(上海家装公司办公室设计上海:) 2.讨论某个个人的、地区性的、国家性的、或国际性的关注话题以及对你的重要性。
英文原文是:Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. 3.说明一个对你有重要影响的人并描述对你的影响。
英文原文是:Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. 4.描述一个影响你的人物并说明对你的影响,该人物可以是小说中的、历史中的、或者某创新性作品(比如在艺术、音乐、科学等方面)中的。
有关哥伦比亚大学的英语阅读理解Scientists have long understood that supermassive black holes weighing millions or billions of suns can tear apart stars that come too close.The black hotels gravity pulls harder on the nearest part of the star,an imbalance that pulls the star apart over a period of minutes or hours,once it gets close enough.Scientists say this Uneven pulling is not the only hazard facing the star.The strain of these unbalanced forces can also trigger a nuclear explosion powerful enough to destroy the star from within.Matthieu Brassart and Jean-Pierre Luminet of the Observatoire de Paris in Meudon,France1,carried out computer simulations of the final moments of such an unfortunate star’s life,as it veered towards a supermassive black hole.When the star gets close enough,the uneven forces flatten it into a pancake shape.Some previous studies had suggested this flattening would increase the density and temperature inside the star enough to trigger intense nuclear reactions that would tear it apart.But other studies had suggested that the picture would becomplicated by shock waves generated during the flattening process and that no nuclear explosion should occur.The new simulations investigated the effects of shock waves in detail,and found that even when their effects are included,the conditions favor a nuclear explosion.“There will be an explosion of the star —it will be completely destroyed,” Brassart says. Although the explosion obliterates the star,it saves some of the star’s matter from being devoured by the black hole.The explosion is powerful enough to hurl much of the star’s matter out of the black hole’s reach,he says.The devouring of stars by black holes may already have been observed,although at a much later stage.It is thought that several months after the event that rips the star apart,its matter starts swirling into the hole itself.It heats up as it does so,releasing ultraviolet light and X-rays.If stars disrupted near black holes really do explode,then they could in principle allow these events to be detected at a much earlier stage,says Jules Hatpern of Columbia University in New York,US2.“It may make it possible to see the disruption of that starimmediately if it gets hot enough,” he says.Brassart agrees.“Perhaps it can be observed in the X-rays and gamma rays,but it’s something that needs to be more studied,” he says.Supernova researcher Chris Fryer of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos,New Mexico,US3,says the deaths of these stars are difficult to simulate,and he is not sure whether the researchers have proven their case that they explode in the process.注释:1. the Observatoire de Paris in Meudon,France:位于法国默顿的巴黎天文台。
申请美国本科Essay的写作指导 范文分析
[我要留言咨询]• 芝加哥大学(University of Michigan)Essay I 题目:Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (Approximately 250 words)• 学生原文:“Hi! I’m Shanlin ” “How’s that pronounced? Wait, don’t you have an English name?“ (the idea is to highlight som e conflict over whether it’s easier for you to give up and adopt an English name that’s not yours. We use the girl here as a device, so it’s okay to portray her as a little more ignorant and surprised by your Chinese name.)This happened the first time I traveled outside China and introduced myself to a girl at our dorm. Her confusion left me quite puzzled too, and I wondered if picking an English name would indeed help me fit in. I flipped through dictionaries and name databases, looking for the perfect name to identify myself with. Hours later, frustrated and still indecisive, I closed the book and gave up. I don’t need an English name.My Chinese name given by my grandfather represents the well wishes and love of my family. “Shan” means slow-paced, because my grandfather wants me to take the time to appreciate all that life has to offer; “Lin” means having a kind heart as pure as jade. I’m proud of my name, and I do my best to live up to it.To my family, their only child is leaving for her journey into young adulthood; she must study hard in school and make them proud of her accomplishments. To my friends, the silly girl they grew up with is going all the way across the world for college; she must send back amazing photos of her new adventures. To my country, I am the daughter who, despite being thousands of miles away, will always carry the greatest memories of growing up in China.And to me, Shanlin Hu, this is my exploration. I’ll always be Chinese, but as my geography expands, so wil l what I identify as my new community. I can’t wait to be a part of the Ann Arbor campus where I’ll make meet new people, learn about their cultures, celebrate new traditions, and teach everybody how to pronounce my Chinese name!• 修改后的文章:Living in Shanghai, I have a strong feeling towards the sea. What word might occur to people when they imagine the sea? Huge, endless, blue, shiny… however, when I come up to the shore in Shanghai, the word “dirty” strikes to my mind. What I sawwas far from an ocean paradise. Garbage barges slowly cut through the debris, while thick pools of oil lap against the shore.In recent years, our city has campaigned to reduce air and waste pollution. Iparticipated in the Johnson&Johnson’s Beach Clean-Up Day Project. I, together with other volunteers, worked two hours a day to collect the rubbish along the sea in the summer of 2012. After we finished the work,the scenes recurred in my mind: little boy kicked the beverage cans into the sea, drunken man threw away the bottle in his hand and visitors dropped their rubbish while they walked along the shore. We can send a volunteer team out every day, but it won’t solve the problem if our own people are the ones polluting the sea!Then I took the initiative to encourage clean and green living among my classmates and neighbors. Since I have hundredsof fans on my Weibo, I think it may be a great deal if my fans spread the ideas to their friends so that I started to post the information about environmental protection on my micro-blog. Fortunately, more and more people in our community had noticed the information on Weiboand more people had joined the campaign to pass the spirit of promoting a cleaner Shanghai.This is the community I belong to: calling for more people to protect the environment of Shanghai. I knowthere are still a lot of challenges on our way, but I will stick to that for the cityI love.• 留学专家点评:初稿是通过写自己名字体现自己属于的家庭,并为自己的名字而感到自豪。
Why did it work?1.an opening line that draw people in(一个吸引人的开场白)2.detailed opening story (非常讲究细节的开场故事)3.turning a specific incident into a deeper insight (从一个特定的故事中洞悉更深层次的内容)ing concrete examples when making abstract claims(使用抽象的说法时一定要运用实在的例子)ing small bits of humor and casual word choice (不经意的运用一些小幽默)6.an ending that stretches the insight into the future(结尾要有对未来的展望)How could it be even better?1.replace some of the clichéd language注意:口语化的词一定不能过多,要是用口语化的词一定要精心设计,使用的位置十分重要(如该篇文书中作者就在为了使父亲过于严厉的形象得到缓和的位置使用了口语化的词语,是比较合适的)。
e another example from recent life注意:文书中使用的故事最好能做到呼应的效果(如该篇文书中写到的第一个故事结束就结束了,如果作者能在别的地方或者做志愿者的经历中写一个类似的故事,就能起到首尾呼应的效果)反面教材该文书的问题在哪?1、模联的题材太常见了,如果你在模联的经历不是很特别或者对你的影响特别大,就尽量不要写了。
哥伦比亚CBS MBA 2012 essay全面解析!感兴趣的童鞋可以回顾一下去年的解析及讨论:/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=404953&highlig ht=Columbia%2BDeadlines%2BEssay%2BAnalysis/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=404699&extra= page%3D1/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=405014&extra= page%3D1Based on this year’s essay questions, it looks like Columbia remains interested in learning about applicants’ career goals and personal experiences, although the first two essay topics have slight variations from last year’s. New to the application, the third question offers students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of Columbia’s program, as well as their personalities, through outlining a business plan, election speech, or career counseling conversation. Let’s take a closer look at each of the questions now:尽管前两个题目和去年相比稍微有了变化,但基于去年的题目,哥伦比亚仍然热衷于了解申请者的职业目标和个人经历。
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称为哥大(Columbia),是一所位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的世界著名研究型大学,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,属于私立八大私立常春藤盟校之一。
Columbia University哥伦比亚美国大学Essay范文 "sustainable Development in south Africa"As I sat at a table in the corner of a cafe, hunched over a press release I was writing, I asked myself, "Why is a youth advocate from Long Island, halfway around the world in South Africa this summer, debating issues of sustainable development at a United nations conference?" I needed to meet a deadline for the Youth Caucus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) after an exhausting but exhilarating day of lobbying. My goal was to help persuade world leaders at the largest United nations conference in history that pursuing sustainable development is essential for the future of our planet. Because I had attended a previous Un conference about children's rights, I understood the importance of sustainable development in this context. Then, I was chosen to represent SustainUS, a national network of American youth, at the WSSD. I raised all of the money needed for my trip. I was thrilled to witness the human spirit in its purest sense, taking collective action to care for the less fortunate around the globe.It was one thing to debate language in the conference document about goals set to provide people in developing nations with access to water. It was quite another tovisit Soweto, only a few kilometers away from the conference, and to meet poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water. This observation embedded in my mind the seriousness of my work in a way that no statistic could describe. The challenge on paper seemed quite different from the harshness of Soweto and Alexandria and the long-suffering faces and pleading eyes of the beggars there. I reminded myself that I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people.After arriving in Johannesburg this past August, I traveled to the International Youth Summit. I drafted the youth declaration which was used for lobbying, and I helped to write a statement from the youth delegates for government representatives to read and consider while negotiating. While at the WSSD, aside from writing daily pressreleases that became Associated Press and reuters articles, I drafted speeches which were presented to the delegates, including over one hundred heads of state. I experienced an adrenaline rush when I felded questions from reporters during a press conference. These challenging situations were new learning opportunities for me and provided me with knowledge much different from what one learns in high school. I want to learn more about the histories of international fnancial institutions and the ways they interact with national governments.As a result of my attending the World Summit, I have gained a new perspective on global politics and its effects on people's lives. The thought that people from around the world can join together to solve a global issue never fails to impress and inspire me.My participation in the WSSD has taught me more about the convergence of politics, international relations and the environment than I have learned in any other activity or in the classroom. Working with others to reveal the crucial need for sustainable development is essential to our world's successful future. All of my experiences have helped me to understand how international meetings operate and to accept the responsibility that comes with the privilege to attend and contribute to the solution.申请美国哥伦比亚大学的Essay范文点评AnalysisSteve's essay gives us insight into his experiences as a youth advocate in South Africa and youth representative for the WSSD. This unique opportunity is obviously a great honor. Steve does a good job presenting specifc examples of his summer experiences and relating the larger lessons he learned from them.In his introduction, Steve might have helped contextualize the situation by explaining what it means to be a "youth delegate," how long the WSSD was going to last, why he needed to write a press release, and what kind of lobbying he was doing. While impressive, the frst paragraph in this essay is almost overwhelming because it contains so much information with limited explanation. Additionally, the reference to the SustainUS conference is confusing. It is unclear whether the next two sentences about fundraising for the trip and witnessing "the human spirit in its purest sense" refer to the SustainUS conference or the South Africa conference. Avoid the temptation to inundate readers with information and make sure that what you do write is clear and concise. Think of your college application as a package where you can include information about yourself through many different avenues—the essays are just one channel for introducing yourself to the admissions offcers.The second paragraph of the essay is strong because it focuses specifcally onSteve's experiences in Soweto. The contrast between the conference and the shantytowns is striking. Steve might have elaborated more on his experiences of meeting "poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water" to further demonstrate why"this observation embedded in [his] mind the seriousness of [his] work in a way that no statistic could describe." Steve demonstrates his commitment to helping others in his assertion, "I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people." His essay would be even stronger if he could more explicitlyrelate this lesson to what he learned from the International Youth Summit. Clarifying the distinctions between the Youth Caucus at the WSSD, the International Youth Summit, and the World Summit would help readers be on the same page as Steve.The ease withwhich Steve uses these terms clearly demonstrates his familiarity with government and politics. However, it is important to remember that college admissions essays are typically written for the general reader, rather than a specialist reader. Exceptionsto this include essays that ask about specifc career paths.The conclusion of the essay cleanly ties together Steve's diverse experiences and looks towards the future, where one suspects that Steve will consider working towards sustainable development, both in and out of the classroom. Had Steve applied to aschool with a strong international development or political science program, he might have also referenced these specifc university assets to tailor his essay for thatspecifc university.关于哥伦比亚美国大学Essay范文赏析就为大家介绍到这里,希望对大家的美国大学申请essay有所帮助,大家想了解更多关于美国大学essay的信息,请关注天道留学美国本科留学频道,有问题可以咨询天道在线顾问老师。
每本书之后学生们要写一篇文学分析文章 - literary analysis essay。
作为精读的高潮及收官之作,这篇分析文章要求学生1)从更深,更复杂的层面理解文学作品;2)阐明自己对作品的解释(personal interpretation)和观点,并用作品中的论述及描述实例支撑自己的观点。
本次写作课会教你像美国学生一样 -1)如何通过头脑风暴确定文章论点- developing an effective thesis statement2)在书中找到详实论据来支撑你的学术论点3)如何开头,如何展开论证,如果过渡指引你的读者,如何用不同的句子长度和结构来写出一篇有水平有深度的文学分析文章。
老师介绍:詹姆斯.威斯(James Wies)在爱荷华大学获得英语文学学士学位,而后在Governors State University 获得美国文学硕士学位,詹姆斯.威斯在芝加哥地区的Bolingbrook高中任教超过二十年,是教育委员会认证的教师。
Jim 老师目前正在妈妈圈在线学堂讲授【伟大的盖茨比】的精读课。
Columbia University哥伦比亚大学Essay范文"sustainable Development in south Africa"As I sat at a table in the corner of a cafe, hunched over a press release I was writing, I asked myself, "Why is a youth advocate from Long Island, halfway around the world in South Africa this summer, debating issues of sustainable development at a United nations conference?" I needed to meet a deadline for the Youth Caucus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) after an exhausting but exhilarating day of lobbying. My goal was to help persuade world leaders at the largest United nations conference in history that pursuing sustainable development is essential for the future of our planet. Because I had attended a previous Un conference about children's rights, I understood the importance of sustainable development in this context. Then, Iwas chosen to represent SustainUS, a national network of American youth, at the WSSD. I raised all of the money needed for my trip. I was thrilled to witness the human spirit in its purest sense, taking collective action to care for the less fortunate around the globe.It was one thing to debate language in the conference document about goals set to provide people in developing nations with access to water. It was quite another to visit Soweto, only a few kilometers away from the conference, and to meet poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water. This observation embedded in my mind the seriousness of my work in a way that no statistic could describe. The challenge on paper seemed quite different from the harshness of Soweto and Alexandria and the long-suffering faces and pleading eyes of the beggars there. I reminded myself that I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people.After arriving in Johannesburg this past August, I traveled to the International Youth Summit. I drafted the youth declaration which was used for lobbying, and I helped to write a statement from the youth delegates for government representatives to read and consider while negotiating. Whileat the WSSD, aside from writing daily press releases that became Associated Press and reuters articles, I drafted speeches which were presented to the delegates, including over one hundred heads of state. I experienced an adrenaline rush when I felded questions from reporters during a press conference. These challenging situations were new learning opportunities for me and provided me with knowledge much different from what one learns in high school. I want to learn more about the histories of international fnancial institutions and the ways they interact with national governments.As a result of my attending the World Summit, I have gained a new perspective on global politics and its effects on people's lives. The thought that people from around the world can join together to solve a global issue never fails to impress and inspire me.My participation in the WSSD has taught me more about the convergence of politics, international relations and the environment than I have learned in any other activity or in the classroom. Working with others to reveal the crucial need for sustainable development is essential to our world's successful future. All of my experiences have helped me to understand how international meetings operate and to accept theresponsibility that comes with the privilege to attend and contribute to the solution.申请美国哥伦比亚大学的Essay范文点评AnalysisSteve's essay gives us insight into his experiences as a youth advocate in South Africa and youth representative for the WSSD. This unique opportunity is obviously a great honor. Steve does a good job presenting specifc examples of his summer experiences and relating the larger lessons he learned from them.In his introduction, Steve might have helped contextualize the situation by explaining what it means to be a "youth delegate," how long the WSSD was going to last, why he needed to write a press release, and what kind of lobbying he was doing. While impressive, the frst paragraph in this essay is almost overwhelming because it contains so much information with limited explanation. Additionally, the reference to the SustainUS conference is confusing. It is unclear whether the next two sentences about fundraising for the trip and witnessing "the human spirit in its purest sense" refer to the SustainUS conference or the South Africa conference. Avoid the temptation to inundate readers with information and make sure that what you do write is clear andconcise. Think of your college application as a package where you can include information about yourself through many different avenues—the essays are just one channel for introducing yourself to the admissions offcers.The second paragraph of the essay is strong because it focuses specifcally on Steve's experiences in Soweto. The contrast between the conference and the shantytowns is striking. Steve might have elaborated more on his experiences of meeting "poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water" to further demonstrate why "this observation embedded in [his] mind the seriousness of [his] work in a way that no statistic could describe." Steve demonstrates his commitment to helping others in his assertion, "I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people." His essay would be even stronger if he could more explicitly relate this lesson to what he learned from the International Youth Summit. Clarifying the distinctions between the Youth Caucus at the WSSD, the International Youth Summit, and the World Summit would help readers be on the same page as Steve.The ease with which Steve uses these terms clearly demonstrates his familiarity with government and politics. However, it is important toremember that college admissions essays are typically written for the general reader, rather than a specialist reader. Exceptions to this include essays that ask about specifc career paths.The conclusion of the essay cleanly ties together Steve's diverse experiences and looks towards the future, where one suspects that Steve will consider working towards sustainable development, both in and out of the classroom. Had Steve applied to a school with a strong international development or political science program, he might have also referenced these specifc university assets to tailor his essay for that specifc university.关于美国哥伦比亚大学Essay范文赏析就为大家介绍到这里,希望对申请者能够有所帮助。
Columbia University哥伦比亚大学Essay范文(fànwén) "sustainable Development in southAfrica"As I sat at a table in the corner of a cafe, hunched over a press release Iwas writing, I asked myself, "Why is a youth advocate from Long Island, halfwayaround the world in South Africa this summer, debating issues of sustainable development at a United nations conference?" I needed to meet a deadline for theYouth Caucus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) after anexhausting but exhilarating day of lobbying. My goal was to help persuade worldleaders at the largest United nations conference in history that pursuingsustainable development is essential for the future of our planet. Because I had attended a previous Un conference about children's rights, I understood theimportance of sustainable development in this context. Then, I was chosen to represent SustainUS, a national network of American youth, at the WSSD. I raisedall of the money needed for my trip. I was thrilled to witness the human spirit in its purest sense, taking collective action to care for the less fortunatearound the globe.It was one thing to debate language in the conference document about goalsset to provide people in developing nations with access to water. It was quite another to visit Soweto, only a few kilometers away from the conference, and tomeet poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water. Thisobservation embedded in my mind the seriousness of my work in a way that no statistic could describe. The challenge on paper seemed quite different from the harshness of Soweto and Alexandria and the long-suffering faces and pleading eyes of the beggars there. I reminded myself that I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people.After arriving in Johannesburg this past August, I traveled to theInternational Youth Summit. I drafted the youth declaration which was used for lobbying, and I helped to write a statement from the youth delegates forgovernment representatives to read and consider while negotiating. While at theWSSD, aside from writing daily press releases that became Associated Press andreuters articles, I drafted speeches which were presented to the delegates,including over one hundred heads of state. I experienced an adrenaline rush whenI felded questions from reporters during a press conference. These challengingsituations were new learning opportunities for me and provided me with knowledgemuch different from what one learns in high school. I want to learn more about the histories of international fnancial institutions and the ways they interactwith national governments.As a result of my attending the World Summit, I have gained a newperspective on global politics and its effects on people's lives. The thoughtthat people from around the world can join together to solve a global issuenever fails to impress and inspire me.My participation in the WSSD has taught me more about the convergence of politics, international relations and the environment than I have learned in any other activity or in the classroom. Working with others to reveal the crucialneed for sustainable development is essential to our world's successful future.All of my experiences have helped me to understand how international meetingsoperate and to accept the responsibility that comes with the privilege to attend and contribute to the solution.申请(shēnqǐng)美国哥伦比亚大学的Essay范文点评AnalysisSteve's essay gives us insight into his experiences as a youth advocate inSouth Africa and youth representative for the WSSD. This unique opportunity isobviously a great honor. Steve does a good job presenting specifc examples of his summer experiences and relating the larger lessons he learned from them.In his introduction, Steve might have helped contextualize the situation byexplaining what it means to be a "youth delegate," how long the WSSD was goingto last, why he needed to write a press release, and what kind of lobbying he was doing. While impressive, the frst paragraph in this essay is almostoverwhelming because it contains so much information with limited explanation.Additionally, the reference to the SustainUS conference is confusing. It isunclear whether the next two sentences about fundraising for the trip andwitnessing "the human spirit in its purest sense" refer to the SustainUSconference or the South Africa conference. Avoid the temptation to inundate readers with information and make sure that what you do write is clear andconcise. Think of your college application as a package where you can include information about yourself through many different avenues—the essays are just one channel for introducing yourself to the admissions offcers.The second paragraph of the essay is strong because it focuses specifcallyon Steve's experiences in Soweto. The contrast between the conference and the shantytowns is striking. Steve might have elaborated more on his experiences ofmeeting "poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water" tofurther demonstrate why "this observation embedded in [his] mind the seriousnessof [his] work in a way that no statistic could describe." Steve demonstrates his commitment to helping others in his assertion, "I needed to work around theclock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people." His essaywould be even stronger if he could more explicitly relate this lesson to what he learned from the International Youth Summit. Clarifying the distinctions betweenthe Youth Caucus at the WSSD, the International Youth Summit, and the WorldSummit would help readers be on the same page as Steve.The ease with which Steveuses these terms clearly demonstrates his familiarity with government andpolitics. However, it is important to remember that college admissions essays are typically written for the general reader, rather than a specialist reader.Exceptions to this include essays that ask about specifc career paths.The conclusion of the essay cleanly ties together Steve's diverseexperiences and looks towards the future, where one suspects that Steve will consider working towards sustainable development, both in and out of theclassroom. Had Steve applied to a school with a strong international developmentor political science program, he might have also referenced these specifcuniversity assets to tailor his essay for that specifc university.关于美国哥伦比亚大学Essay范文赏析就为大家介绍到这里,希望对申请者可以(nénggòu)有所帮助。
Essay范文-哥伦比亚大学-Power of People
本文为原作者成功申请到美国常春藤大学之一的哥伦比亚大学的Essay范文,Essay短文题材为challenges,含专业点评与分析,作者为Suzanne Arrington。
Columbia University Undergraduate Application Essay:"Power of People"I BELIEVE IN PEOPLE. THIS CONVICTION drives my action and ambitions, and defines me in a world of cynicism and doubt. I have seen the power of people and their ability to come together in times of need and joy and sorrow. I know that ultimately, humans strive for belonging and community; thus, while loneliness and anger may always be in existence, so will be togetherness and bliss. My strong faith in humanity stems from my witnessing of the best in human qualities while doing the MS150 and during Hurricane Ike, and pushes me to pursue a career in helping others. Both of these events have allowed me to see humanity at its best, performing selfless acts of benevolence.For the past four years, I have participated in the BPMS150 bike tour from Houston to Austin. This 175 mile ride raises funds for the national MS Society, which sponsors medical research for multiple sclerosis and aids the families of its victims. I can say from experience, the ride is grueling; enormous hills, headwinds, fatigue, and body aches are prevalent throughout. Yet every year, over thirteen thousand riders decide to put their minds and bodies through two days of torture so that they can help those who live with it every day. I have raised, over four years, more than eight thousand dollars to benefit the MS Society, and have never regretted any of the painful training or the ride itself. The view at the starting line is one of the most empowering I have ever witnessed: thousands of people, all of them with their hands on their handle bars, one foot poised on a pedal. All are ready to experience exhaustion for the benefit of others, like my father. He was diagnosed with MS when I was four, and is a constant motivator for me. I witnessed him become blind in one eye, and struggle with a body that refuses to function normally. I participate in this ride every year for him, as do thirteen thousand others. The power of people will ultimately help my father to receive better medical treatment, and maybe even one day, be cured.While writing this essay, I was also able to observe and be a part of amazing human efforts. Hurricane Ike devastated Southeastern Texas, particularly the Houston and Galveston areas. Much of my extended family lives in Galveston, and so was forced to evacuate. Without hesitation, my parents opened up our home to aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and pets. This is the environment in which I have always lived; our home is anyone's shelter, our food is anyone's nourishment. Together, our entire familyweathered the storm, and comforted one another. My aunt's home received electrical power prior to my home, and so she eagerly welcomed us to stay with large scale displays of altruism could be seen in the hundreds of University of Houston students handing out food and water to those affected by the hurricane. During times of need, people band together for safety and solace. Community is instinctual; dismiss the notions of survival of the fittest. People truly desire closeness with one another.In the future, I hope to pursue a career in public health. I love studying science and math, and I would like to use this passion to benefit large numbers of people. Many go without basic medical treatment, and this causes a huge discrepancy in quality of life and health in the population. Even if this problem can never completely be solved, I want to help remedy this as much as possible. With small deeds and cooperative effort, humans can accomplish immense good.I know this because I believe in people, and I have seen them at their finest.下面就是对Suzanne的这篇申请哥伦比亚大学的优秀Essay的点评与分析AnalysisSuzanne begins her essay with a four-word sentence that is powerful for its simplicity and frankness: "I believe in people." She goes on to explain why this assertion of her beliefs distinguishes herself from the people around her. Several of the statements Suzanne makes are quite grand; for example, she states that "humans strive for belonging and community; thus, while loneliness and anger may always be in existence, so will be togetherness and bliss." Still, she avoids the pitfalls of generalization by honing in on two specific examples: the MS150 and Hurricane Ike. One minor point to comment on here is that it is best to spell out all acronyms when first using them in an essay. Most people probably do not know what the MS150/BPMS150 is, so Suzanne could have made this clear by referencing a 150-mile benefit bike tour.The second paragraph does an excellent job of demonstrating what Suzanne does for the MS150, her feelings toward the event, and her personal motivation for participating in this "grueling" bike tour's "two days of torture" for four years. This description is particularly strong because Suzanne not only relates her own experience, but also shows that there are 13,000 other people dedicated to the same cause. This adds evidence to the faith in humanity that she describes in the first when making broad claims, it is necessary to provide a broad base of evidence and support. Suzanne certainlyaccomplishes this in describing her fundraising achievements for the MS Society. Her essay is made more compelling by sharing the story of her "constant motivator," her father.The transition between the second and third paragraph is some-what jarring. After the sentence, "The power of people will ultimately help my father to receive better medical treatment, and maybe even one day, be cured," Suzanne could have chosen to write about her future career goals in public health. This link makes more sense logically than the current sentence preceding her career plans, "People truly desire closeness with one another." Luckily, because Suzanne referenced both the bike tour and Hurricane Ike in her introduction, the paragraph about the Hurricane is not entirely incongruous. It would simply have ft. the flow of the essay better, had she chosen a more specific and compelling transition sentence rather than "While writing this essay, I was also able to observe and be a part of amazing human efforts."The power of the Hurricane Ike story is similar to the strength of the MS150 description in that Suzanne presents her individual perspective along with a sense of collective effort. Overall, Suzanne does an excellent job of conveying two profound experiences to illustrate her conviction that "With small deeds and cooperative effort, humans can accomplish immense good."。
美国哥伦比亚辍学英语作文The United States has long been considered a land of opportunity where individuals can achieve their dreams through hard work and dedication. However, one persistent challenge that has plagued the country for decades is the issue of high school dropouts. The dropout rate, particularly in certain regions and communities, remains a significant concern that has far-reaching implications for both individuals and society as a whole.One of the regions that has faced particularly high dropout rates is the state of Columbia. Located in the heart of the United States, Columbia has long been a hub of economic activity and cultural diversity. Yet, despite its many strengths, the state has struggled to address the problem of high school dropouts, with some communities experiencing rates that far exceed the national average.The reasons behind the high dropout rate in Columbia are complex and multifaceted. Poverty, lack of access to quality education, and social and family instability are just a few of the factors that contribute to the problem. In many low-income communities,students are faced with a daunting array of challenges that make it difficult for them to stay in school and succeed academically.One of the most significant factors contributing to the dropout crisis in Columbia is the issue of poverty. Many students in the state come from families that are struggling to make ends meet, and the financial pressures they face can make it difficult for them to prioritize their education. These students may be forced to take on part-time jobs or other responsibilities to help support their families, leaving them with little time or energy to focus on their studies.Additionally, the quality of education in many of Columbia's schools has been a persistent concern. In some communities, students are faced with overcrowded classrooms, outdated textbooks, and a lack of resources that make it difficult for them to engage with the material and achieve academic success. This, in turn, can lead to frustration and disengagement, ultimately contributing to the high dropout rate.Social and family instability is another key factor that has been linked to the dropout crisis in Columbia. Many students in the state come from homes that are plagued by issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse, or mental health problems. These challenges can create a highly stressful and unstable environment that makes it difficult for students to focus on their education and thrive in theclassroom.In response to these challenges, various stakeholders in Columbia have implemented a range of initiatives aimed at addressing the dropout crisis. Schools have worked to implement more personalized and engaging curriculum, while community organizations have launched programs to provide additional support and resources to at-risk students and their families.One particularly promising approach has been the implementation of early intervention programs that identify students who are at risk of dropping out and provide them with the support and resources they need to stay in school. These programs may include tutoring, counseling, and other forms of academic and social-emotional support, all designed to help students overcome the obstacles they face and succeed in their studies.Another key strategy has been the development of alternative education programs that cater to the unique needs of students who may not thrive in a traditional classroom setting. These programs, which may include online learning, vocational training, or specialized learning environments, can provide students with the flexibility and support they need to achieve academic success.Despite these efforts, however, the dropout crisis in Columbiaremains a significant challenge. The problem is deeply rooted in the social, economic, and educational inequities that have long plagued the state, and addressing it will require a sustained and coordinated effort on the part of all stakeholders.One promising approach to addressing the dropout crisis in Columbia is to adopt a more holistic and collaborative approach that brings together a range of stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, community organizations, and families. By working together to identify the root causes of the problem and develop comprehensive solutions, it may be possible to make significant progress in reducing the dropout rate and ensuring that all students in Columbia have the opportunity to succeed.Ultimately, the issue of high school dropouts in Columbia is a complex and multifaceted challenge that will require a sustained and coordinated effort to address. However, with the right strategies and a commitment to equity and social justice, it is possible to make significant progress in reducing the dropout rate and ensuring that all students in the state have the opportunity to reach their full potential.。
介绍哥伦比亚的英语作文Colombia is a captivating South American country that has long captured the imagination of travelers and explorers alike. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, this diverse nation boasts a rich cultural heritage, breathtaking natural landscapes, and a vibrant history that has shaped its unique identity. In this essay, we will delve into the wonders of Colombia and uncover the reasons why it has become a must-visit destination for those seeking adventure, cultural immersion, and an unforgettable experience.At the heart of Colombia lies the bustling capital city of Bogotá, a cosmopolitan hub that seamlessly blends the old and the new. The city's colonial-era architecture, exemplified by the striking Iglesia de San F rancisco and the grand Plaza de Bolívar, stands in contrast to the modern skyscrapers and trendy neighborhoods that have emerged in recent decades. Visitors can explore the city's vibrant street art scene, indulge in the rich flavors of Colombian cuisine, and immerse themselves in the lively cultural events that take place throughout the year.Beyond Bogotá, Colombia's diverse landscape offers a myriad of natural wonders to discover. The country's Caribbean coast is home to the stunning Tayrona National Park, where pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and ancient indigenous ruins converge to create a truly breathtaking setting. Further inland, the coffee-growing regions of the Eje Cafetero, or Coffee Axis, invite visitors to explore verdant plantations, learn about the intricate process of coffee production, and savor the rich flavors of Colombia's world-renowned coffee.One of the most captivating aspects of Colombia is its vibrant cultural heritage, which is a reflection of the country's diverse indigenous, African, and European influences. The colorful festivals and celebrations that take place throughout the year, such as the Carnival of Barranquilla and the Fiesta de las Flores in Medellín, are a testament to the country's rich traditions and the pride of its people. Visitors can immerse themselves in the rhythmic beats of Colombian music, from the infectious salsa and cumbia to the soulful sounds of the Vallenato genre.Colombia's history is also a fascinating tapestry of triumph and struggle, with the country overcoming significant challenges to emerge as a modern, thriving nation. The country's tumultuous past, marked by civil conflicts and the infamous drug trade, has given rise to a resilient and determined people who have worked tirelessly to transform their nation. Today, Colombia is a safe and welcomingdestination, with its major cities and tourist hubs offering a high level of security and infrastructure to cater to the needs of travelers.One of the most remarkable aspects of Colombia is its biodiversity, which is among the highest in the world. The country's diverse ecosystems, ranging from the Andes mountains to the Amazon rainforest, are home to an incredible array of flora and fauna. Visitors can explore the country's national parks, such as the Chiribiquete National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the largest protected areas in the Amazon basin. These natural wonders offer endless opportunities for adventure, from hiking and birdwatching to exploring the rich marine life along the Caribbean coast.In recent years, Colombia has also emerged as a hub for contemporary art and design, with a thriving creative scene that has gained international recognition. The country's vibrant cities, such as Medellín and Cartagena, have become hubs for innovative architecture, cutting-edge fashion, and dynamic art galleries that showcase the talents of Colombian artists and designers.Despite the challenges it has faced, Colombia has embraced its diversity and resilience, transforming itself into a destination that offers a unique and unforgettable experience for travelers. From the bustling cities to the breathtaking natural landscapes, Colombia'srich cultural heritage and warm, welcoming people make it a truly captivating country to explore.In conclusion, Colombia is a multifaceted destination that offers something for every traveler. Whether you're seeking adventure, cultural immersion, or simply a chance to escape the everyday, this remarkable country is sure to leave a lasting impression. So pack your bags, embrace the spirit of Colombia, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey.。
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那么本科文书究竟该如何写呢?首先,申请美国本科,文书包括两部分:主文书(PS/Common Essay),和每个学校单独的小文书(essay)。
常见的本科申请系统包括:mon Application系统,简称CA系统2.Coaliation Application系统,简称CAAS系统或Coalition系统。
以2020-2021年度申请为例,以下为CA系统主文书:题目一:Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.你有没有这样一个成长背景、你自己的特殊标签、兴趣爱好或特长是你觉得在向别人介绍自己时必须和他分享的?因为,如果不分享这个点,他可能就不能真正了解“你是谁”。
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哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称为哥大(Columbia),是一所位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的世界著名研究型大学,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,属于私立八大私立常春藤盟校之一。
Columbia University哥伦比亚美国大学Essay范文 "sustainable Development in south Africa"As I sat at a table in the corner of a cafe, hunched over a press release I was writing, I asked myself, "Why is a youth advocate from Long Island, halfway around the world in South Africa this summer, debating issues of sustainable development at a United nations conference?" I needed to meet a deadline for the Youth Caucus at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) after an exhausting but exhilarating day of lobbying. My goal was to help persuade world leaders at the largest United nations conference in history that pursuing sustainable development is essential for the future of our planet. Because I had attended a previous Un conference about children's rights, I understood the importance of sustainable development in this context. Then, I was chosen to represent SustainUS, a national network of American youth, at the WSSD. I raised all of the money needed for my trip. I was thrilled to witness the human spirit in its purest sense, taking collective action to care for the less fortunate around the globe.It was one thing to debate language in the conference document about goals set to provide people in developing nations with access to water. It was quite another tovisit Soweto, only a few kilometers away from the conference, and to meet poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water. This observation embedded in my mind the seriousness of my work in a way that no statistic could describe. The challenge on paper seemed quite different from the harshness of Soweto and Alexandria and the long-suffering faces and pleading eyes of the beggars there. I reminded myself that I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people.After arriving in Johannesburg this past August, I traveled to the International Youth Summit. I drafted the youth declaration which was used for lobbying, and I helped to write a statement from the youth delegates for government representatives to read and consider while negotiating. While at the WSSD, aside from writing daily pressreleases that became Associated Press and reuters articles, I drafted speeches which were presented to the delegates, including over one hundred heads of state. I experienced an adrenaline rush when I felded questions from reporters during a press conference. These challenging situations were new learning opportunities for me and provided me with knowledge much different from what one learns in high school. I want to learn more about the histories of international fnancial institutions and the ways they interact with national governments.As a result of my attending the World Summit, I have gained a new perspective on global politics and its effects on people's lives. The thought that people from around the world can join together to solve a global issue never fails to impress and inspire me.My participation in the WSSD has taught me more about the convergence of politics, international relations and the environment than I have learned in any other activity or in the classroom. Working with others to reveal the crucial need for sustainable development is essential to our world's successful future. All of my experiences have helped me to understand how international meetings operate and to accept the responsibility that comes with the privilege to attend and contribute to the solution.申请美国哥伦比亚大学的Essay范文点评AnalysisSteve's essay gives us insight into his experiences as a youth advocate in South Africa and youth representative for the WSSD. This unique opportunity is obviously a great honor. Steve does a good job presenting specifc examples of his summer experiences and relating the larger lessons he learned from them.In his introduction, Steve might have helped contextualize the situation by explaining what it means to be a "youth delegate," how long the WSSD was going to last, why he needed to write a press release, and what kind of lobbying he was doing. While impressive, the frst paragraph in this essay is almost overwhelming because it contains so much information with limited explanation. Additionally, the reference to the SustainUS conference is confusing. It is unclear whether the next two sentences about fundraising for the trip and witnessing "the human spirit in its purest sense" refer to the SustainUS conference or the South Africa conference. Avoid the temptation to inundate readers with information and make sure that what you do write is clear and concise. Think of your college application as a package where you can include information about yourself through many different avenues—the essays are just one channel for introducing yourself to the admissions offcers.The second paragraph of the essay is strong because it focuses specifcally onSteve's experiences in Soweto. The contrast between the conference and the shantytowns is striking. Steve might have elaborated more on his experiences of meeting "poor Africans living in shanties with limited access to water" to further demonstrate why"this observation embedded in [his] mind the seriousness of [his] work in a way that no statistic could describe." Steve demonstrates his commitment to helping others in his assertion, "I needed to work around the clock while I was in South Africa to help these impoverished people." His essay would be even stronger if he could more explicitlyrelate this lesson to what he learned from the International Youth Summit. Clarifying the distinctions between the Youth Caucus at the WSSD, the International Youth Summit, and the World Summit would help readers be on the same page as Steve.The ease withwhich Steve uses these terms clearly demonstrates his familiarity with government and politics. However, it is important to remember that college admissions essays are typically written for the general reader, rather than a specialist reader. Exceptionsto this include essays that ask about specifc career paths.The conclusion of the essay cleanly ties together Steve's diverse experiences and looks towards the future, where one suspects that Steve will consider working towards sustainable development, both in and out of the classroom. Had Steve applied to aschool with a strong international development or political science program, he might have also referenced these specifc university assets to tailor his essay for thatspecifc university.关于哥伦比亚美国大学Essay范文赏析就为大家介绍到这里,希望对大家的美国大学申请essay有所帮助,大家想了解更多关于美国大学essay的信息,请关注天道留学美国本科留学频道,有问题可以咨询天道在线顾问老师。