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• 1. 定义?

• 2. 分类?

• 3. 本质?

• 1.定义:在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句(Noun Clauses)。


• 1. 主语

• 2. 宾语

• 3. 表语

• 4. 同位语

• 2.分类:


• 1. 主语--- 主语从句

• 2. 宾语--- 宾语从句

• 3. 表语--- 表语从句

• 4. 同位语--- 同位语从句

• 3.本质




•Robert is short is true.


•That Robert is short is true.


•That Robert is short is true.


•It is true that Robert is short .


A. It is +形容词+that 从句

(clear, possible, likely, natural, certain, fortunate, necessary, strange…

B. It is +名词(短语)+that 从句

(a pity, a shame, an honor, a good idea, a miracle…)

C. It is +过去分词+that 从句

(found, believed, reported, thought…

•Exam link

•Furthermore, it is obvious that strength of a country’s econ omy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.



•It is true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?

•20006年考研阅读text 5

• 1.陈述句充当四种成分


• 1.1.主语:That Robert is short is true.

• 1.2.宾语:

I know that Robert is short.

• 1.3.表语:

The fact is that Robert is short.

• 1.4.同位语:

•I know the fact that Robert is short .



•I want to know is Robert short.

•一般疑问句--- Yes/No question



•I want to know whether/if is Robert short.

•I want to know whether/if Robert is short.

• 2.一般疑问句充当四种成分

• a.用whether或if引导。

• b.一般疑问句语序变成陈述语序。

• 2.1.一般疑问句充当主语


•Whether Robert is short or not is not important.

• 2.2.一般疑问句充当宾语


•I don’t know whether/if Robert is short.

• 2.3.一般疑问句充当表语


•My question is whether Robert is short or not.

• 2.4.一般疑问句充当同位语


•I have a question whether Robert is short or not.

• 3.特殊疑问句别充当四种句子成分

• 3.1特殊疑问句充当主语


•Why is Robert short is not important.


Why Robert is short is not important.

• 3.2特殊疑问句充当宾语

•I don’t know why is Robert short.

•I don’t know why Robert is short.

• 3.3特殊疑问句充当表语

•My question is that why is Robert short.

•My question is why Robert is short.

• 3.4特殊疑问句充当同位语

•I have a question why Robert is short.











•That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.


•That the plates are moving is not beyond dispute.


•Decision-making thinking is not unlike poker--it often matters not only what you think , but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think .

The mental process is similar. (高考阅读理解)

•I know that that “that” that that student wrote on the blackboard is wrong.

•We learn from history that we don’t learn from history.


•The only thing that I know is that I know nothing.
