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Since 2008 the financial crisis since the outbreak of the European debt crisis with international situation and domestic transformation of economic growth mode and curb inflation the deflation of the effect of the policy, China's economic growth has been the influence of different level. College students facing difficult obtain employment problem, this is both social employment problem is also a financial reform. This paper, from the current situation of university students' employment, the thesis analyzes the significance of the university student's pioneering work, further analysis of the venture capital bottleneck restriction college students, this paper puts forward the innovation the financing channels, to solve the difficult question of university student's pioneering work.

【Keywords】University student's pioneering work;Financing ;

Financing countermeasures.


1 引言 (1)

2 大学生创业的意义 (1)

2.1 大学生就业现状 (2)

2.2 大学生创业的意义 (4)

3 制约大学生创业的资金瓶颈问题 (5)

3.1 大学生创业存在的问题 (5)

3.2 大学生创业融资难问题 (8)

4 大学生创业融资难题的破解对策研究 (10)

4.1 落实货币市场小额信贷 (11)

4.2 大力发展资本市场风险投资 (13)

4.3 通过融资租赁融资 (16)

4.4 引导民间借贷市场 (19)

4.5 完善政策环境 (20)

结论 (24)

参考文献 (25)

致谢 (26)
