新编英语教程4 unit6

Book 4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life1) To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household appliances with government subsidy.译文:为了刺激消费,农民可以通过政府补贴来购买家用电器。
2)Conventional medicine has concentrated mainly on the treatment of chronic and acute illness, and until recent years the role of preventive(预防性的) medicine has suffered comparative neglect.译文:传统医学一直主要致力于慢性病和急性病的治疗,而且预防医学的作用还一直相对地遭到冷遇,直到近几年这个情况才有所缓解。
3)Cost apart, you should remember that however fancy a fridge is ,it doesn’t kill bacteria (细菌); it only shows down the rate at which they multiply.译文:除去(购买的)费用,你应该记住,不管电冰箱有多别致,它也不能够杀灭死细菌,它只能降低细菌的繁殖速度。
4)The economic planners are seeking to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society, but it’s easier said than done, I think.译文:经济规划师正设法在全社会实现更为公平的财富分配,但我认为这说起来容易做起来难。
注释:seek to do…意为“设法做…”,相当于try to do…;distribution 意为“分配”5)The town has been producing wool, cloth, and blankets since the 13th century and much of its prosperity today is still founded on those industries.译文:自13 世纪以来,这个城镇一直生产羊毛、布匹和地毯,它今天的许多繁荣兴旺仍然建立在那些工业的基础上。

Unit 6Text comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the autho r’s purpose of writing.A.II. Judge. according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F. Refer to Paragraphs 1.It is true that the flag the narrator hangs draws little attention in Paris, but the reason is not that Parisians or Frenchmen are not interested in flag-hanging in general. Rather, the Independence Day is an occasion special for Americans only and, understandably, the French show little interest in the day or the celebrating flag.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 2.3. F. Refer to Paragraph 3. The author’s children have had little chance of learning the history of the U.S. at school, and the parents as native Americans are the only ones who could have taught them about it. This, however, is not true of children in general in France.4. F. Refer to Paragraph 4. They do not conceal the dark side of the American society but try to keep their children from the follies of the American society like school shootings.5. T. Refer to Paragraph 9-11.6. F. Refer to Paragraph 12. Globalization is both beneficial and detrimental. It helps to blur the clear-cut divide between cultures on the one hand but makes children less than fully immersed in a foreign world on the other.III. Answer the following questions.1. For one thing, flag-hanging is the only thing he can do in Paris to celebrate the Independence Day, which is part of his national heritage. For another, he intends to use it as a special occasion for teaching his children about the American history and as a reminder of their native American identity.2. The children seldom mix languages up because they have acquired French through the school instructions and English through their family life withEnglish-speaking parents. And they seem to know when to use which.3. Refer to paragraphs 4-8. The benefits of raising children in a foreign culture, as the writer suggests, include acquiring a foreign language and culture and avoiding being exposed to the problems of the native culture.4. It is difficult, according to the author, to make the children understand and identify the virtues of their native culture without living in it. Family instructions are not satisfactorily effective and have to be complemented by other means such asre-entering into the native culture and taking children to historical places.5. Because he grew up in a foreign culture and he knows it is quite an issue to know how to raise children in a foreign culture without losing their native identity. He understands that the issue involves the efforts on the part of the parents.6. Globalization is like a double-edged sword to the growth of children in a foreign culture. On the one hand, it helps to reduce differences between the foreign culture and the native culture, and facilitates the physical and spiritual re-entry into the native culture. On the other hand, it unfortunately makes it more difficult than ever for children to be fully immersed in the foreign culture.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken form the text.1. July 4 is one of the times I, as a native American, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children’s understanding of their American identity, and thus I am motivated to do something to fill the gaps.2. And living away from our native country does not matter much.3. When I lived in France as an expatriated child, the French kids were dressed in the unique French style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4. Full immersion in a truly foreign world no longer seems possible in Western countries, and I think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country.Structural analysis of the textThe author of this text follows a “specific-general” pattern in his discussion, i.e. he first talks about what it means to his children to hang the national flag of their native land in a foreign country on July 4th every year and then expresses his view on the importance for expatriated people in general to keep their cultural identity, especially when the whole world is undergoing a process of globalization. The specific points can be found in his discussion of the costs and benefits of raising children in a foreign culture in Paragraphs 4-9 while the general conclusion can be found in paragraphs10-12, especially paragraph 12.Vocabulary exercisesI. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with appropriate forms of words chosen from the text.1. pursue2. resonates3. confronted4. clichés5. had suppressed6. has confirmedII. Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. fluency2. enrollment3. accessible4. obtainable5. personification6.enlightened7.globalization8. promptingIII . Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text .1. took pride in2. was immersed in3. resonating with4. had…been exposed to5. in his mind’s eye6. a glimpse of7.convey…to8. turned …toIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. literature2. joined3. motionless4. more than5. quickly6. desiresGrammar exercisesI. Note the use of the words in italics.Where and when are relative adverbs, introducing relative clauses.II. Complete the following sentences, using where, when or why.1.why2. where3. when4. where5. where6.where7.why8. when III. Rewrite the following sentences, omitting either the antecedent or the relative adverb if possible.1.Sam knows where we are meeting.2./(The omission of the village may cause a loss of information since it carriesspecific message. If we omit where, then we need to insert in after born.)3.Four in the afternoon is the time he always reads./ Four in the afternoon is whenhe always reads.4./(Similar to Sentence 2)5.I don’t know the exact time I should meet him.6.Why he resigned is still unknown.IV. Rank the following sentences according to their degree of formality.More formal—less formal:2 3 1V. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences.1. He failed in part because of his carelessness.Why exactly she hated him I don’t know, but I think it was in part because he had insulted her.2.There were times when I didn’t know what to do.Can you suggest a time when it will be convenient to meet?3.The beaten enemy had not other choice than to surrender.It’s none other than the manager himself.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets .1. The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.2. I saw, in my mind’s eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son’s death.3. His walk reminds me of the way his father used to walk.4. I mixed the dates up and arrived on a wrong day.5. Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter was accepted by oxford University.6. Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for being filtered by the government or the media.7. The Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election.8. After he inherited his father’s estate, he was immersed in all kinds of pleasure.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.美国人热情友好,不像许多外国人想象的那样浮于表面。

新编英语教程(基础英语)第三版4unit6课⽂详解及练习答案Unit SixText I1.Pre-Reading QuestionsThink about the following questions before you read the text.1. How do people usually think of pearl? As an ordinary piece of jewellery? A thing of great value?A useless ornament? Give reasons for your answer.2. What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value? Think of two or three possibilities.For your reference(They are open questions. Let the students air their views freely and exercise their imagination.)2.The Main IdeaMuch of the language of the text is metaphorical, and that makes it difficult for you to understand the meaning of the passage quickly. But it is far from incomprehensible. Go over the text once, not too rapidly, and see how much you understand at first reading.Now answer the following questions:1.What point is made about the news in a town?2.What was the news in the town?3.Who were particularly interested in Kino’s pearl?For your referenceAnswers:1.It travels fast.2.That Kino had found the Pearl of the World.3.The priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, the beggars, the agents of the buyer of pearls.3.Background Notes(1) colonial animalA colonial animal is an association of individual organisms that are incompletely separated. Life forms such as corals and moss animals are good examples of colonial animals. They are individual organisms that normally exist in mass of large collections.4.TextThe PearlKino, a poor fisherman, has just found a very large and valuable pearl and is going to the nearest town to sell it. He needs money urgently to get medical help for his baby who has just been stung by a scorpion. Before Kino found the pearl, the only doctor available had refused to treat the baby because Kino could not afford to pay for the treatment.A town is a thing like a colonial animal. A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet. (1)A town is a thing separate from all other towns, so that there are no two towns alike. (2)And a town has a whole emotion. How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved. News seems to move faster than small boys can (1)scramble and (2)dart to tell it, (3)faster than women can call it over the fences.(4)Before Kino and Juana and the other fishers had come to Kino’s brush house, the nerves of the town were pulsing and (3)vibrating with the news — Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it. (5)The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster. It came to the priest walking in his garden, and it put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church. He wondered what the pearl would be worth. And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino’s baby, or married him (6)for that matter. The news came to the shopkeepers and they looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well.The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whose illness was age, thoughneither she nor the doctor would admit it. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew (4)stern and(5)judicious at the same time. “He is (7)a client of mine,” the doctor said. “I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.” And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris. He remembered the room he had lived in there as a great and (6)luxurious place. The doctor looked past his (7)aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.The news came early to the beggars in front of the church, and it made them giggle a little with pleasure, for they knew that (8)there is no (8)alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly lucky.Kino has found the Pearl of the World. In the town, in little offices, sat the men who bought pearls from the fishers. They waited in their chairs until the pearls came in, and then they (9)cackled and fought and shouted and threatened until they reached the lowest price the fisherman would stand. But there was a price below which they dared not go, for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church. And when the buying was over, these buyers sat alone and their fingers played (10)restlessly with the pearls, and they wished they owned the pearls. For there were not many buyers really —there was only one, and he kept these agents in separate offices to give a (9)(11)semblance of competition. The news came to these men, and their eyes (12)squinted and (10)their finger-tips burned a little, and each one thought how the (13)patron could not live forever and someone had to take his place. And each one thought how with some capital he could get a newstart.All manner of people grew interested in Kino — people with things to sell and people with favors to ask. Kino had found the Pearl of the World. (11)The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark (14)residue was (15)precipitated. Every man suddenly became related to Kino’s pearl, and Kino’s pearl went into the dreams, the speculations, the schemes, the plans, the futures, the wishes, the needs, the lusts, the hungers, of everyone, and only one person stood in the way and that was Kino, so that he became curiously every man’s enemy. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; (12)the black (16)distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is (17)withheld. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture (18)venom, and (13)the town (19)swelled and (20)puffed with the pressure of it.By John Steinbeck (an excerpt)Words and phrases: (点击⽂中红⾊单词或词组,出现该红⾊部分及e.g.字样,再单击e.g. ,出现例句)1.scramble:v. move somewhere in a hurried awkward waye.g. The man scrambled to his feet(=stood up very quickly and awkwardly)and hurried intothe kitchen.Your students may scramble up the bank of the river to follow you.2.dart: v. move suddenly and quickly in a particular directione.g. His teacher darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.The guard pulls the fire alarm, and the elevator stops, giving the passengers time todart down the stairwell.3.vibrate: v. shake quickly and continuously with very small movementse.g. The floor was vibrating to the beat of the music.The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread out in a circle.4.stern: a. serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behaviore.g. Father looked stern at us for a while, and then we went to watch him hunt.Now it takes a stern soul to resist the temptation to check the headlines at least oncewhile you're away.5.judicious: a. done in a sensible and careful waye.g. In an environment of multiple campaigns promoting judicious antibiotic use in children,identification of effective strategies is important.Meditators should learn how to be judicious without being judgmental.6.luxurious: a. very expensive, beautiful, and comfortablee.g. She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.7.aged: a. advanced in yearse.g. I well remember taking my aged grandfather across a road.He is aged, but his memory is still good.8.alms-giver: n. people who give money, food etc. to poor peoplee.g. But William is an entrepreneur, not just an alms-giver.There can be no friendship between a beggar and an alms-giver.9.cackle: v. laugh in a loud unpleasant way, making short high soundse.g. The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine.The teacher let us cut the cackle in the class.10.restlessly: adv. act unwillingly to keep still or stay where a person is, especially because he or she is bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and wants to do something elsee.g. I bought a rose and restlessly searched for her in the restaurant.As for poor Leo, after turning restlessly for hours, at last he had dropped off into asleep or stupor.11.semblance: n. a situation, condition etc. that is close to or similar to a particular one, usuallya good onee.g. After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.Pursuing name brands can only create the semblance of wealth, not win actual respect.12.squint: v. look at something with eyes partly closed in order to see bettere.g. He also seems to be slightly blinded by the sun, causing him to squint.Increase the text size if you can. Small text that forces you to squint is much harder onthe eyes.13.patron: n.someone who supports the activities of an organization, for example by giving moneye.g. A patron of the arts should have deep pockets.He was warmly welcomed at the annual meeting as a celebrated patron of the Hope Project. 14.residue: n. a substance that remains on a surface, in a container etc. and cannot be removed easily, or that remains after a chemical processe.g. In the United States, shredders generate about 5 million tons of shredder residue every year.Recently the reports on pesticide residue and unsafe bottled drinking water haveprompted government action.15.precipitate: v. separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separated in this waye.g. Diamond is precipitated from the kimberlite magma.If the blood acid content increased, it will also precipitate the formation of stones.16.distillate: n. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling; the product of distillinge.g. Most ships run on bunker fuel, which is cheaper than distillate, but more polluting.U.S. distillate fuel consumption fell 4% last year as a mild winter curbed heating oiluse.17.withhold: v. refuse to give someone somethinge.g. Jack was accused of withholding vital information from the police.The boss withheld payment until they had completed the work.18.venom: n. a liquid poison that some snakes, insects etc. produce when they bite or sting youe.g. The infection or venom from the bite could kill my sheep.The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes.19.swell: v. become larger and rounder than normal, especially about parts of the bodye.g. His ankle was already starting to swell.The little girl’s arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.20.puff: v. become bigger by increasing the amount of air inside, or to make something bigger inthis waye.g. He would surely puff out if he ate everything he wanted.Her eyes were puffed from lack of sleep.Notes (点击⽂中蓝⾊字体,出现该内容,再点击,出现下⾯的注释内容)1. A town is a thing separate from all other townsA town is detached from / apart from all other towns; in other words, each town is a separateentity, not joined to or connected with any other town.2.And a town has a whole emotion.This is an example of metaphor. A town is compared to a living being with feelings of all kinds — love, joy, hate, fear, grief, etc.3.faster than women can call it over the fencesfaster than women can talk about it to their neighbours over the fences that separate theirhomes4.Before ... the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news — Kino hadfound the Pearl of the World.Before ... the town was alive with the news that Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Here the author wants to show us how fast news travelled. Kino found the Pearl of the World when he was out fishing, but before he reached home, the news had already spread through thewhole town and was on everyone’s lips.5.The news swept on past the brush houses and it washed in a foaming wave into the townof stone and plaster.The brush houses, referring to the houses in the area where the poor fishermen live, which is presumably just outside the town, form a strong contrast with the town of stone and plaster, where the priest, shopkeepers, doctor, and pearl buyers live. Note also how the author uses the figurative language to make the scene more vivid, comparing the news to a body ofwater that swept on and washed in a foaming wave.6.for that matterThis phrase gives emphasis to what he had said. In other words, if he had baptized Kino’s baby or had married him, Kino would be grateful to him and would show him his gratitude.7. a client of mineA client is a person who gets help or advice from any kind of professional. Usually, however,a lawyer has a “client”, whereas a doctor has a “patient” and a shopkeeper has a “customer”.8.there’s no alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly luckyA poor man who becomes suddenly rich is more generous than any alms-giver.alms — money, clothes or food given to the poor (usually money)Alms has only one form for both singular and plural.Other examples of nouns with plural forms:earnings, savings, surroundings, belongings, goods, remains, headquarters, thanks9. a semblance of competitionan outward appearance of competition that aimed to fool the fishermen10.their finger-tips burned a littleeach of them felt a little uneasy, hoping to start a pearl buying business of his own11.The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue wasprecipitated.The great value of the pearl and man’s insatiable desire to possess wealth combine to form a strange sort of wickedness / a strange wicked greed quickly.12.the black distillatea metaphor for the deep, evil feelings and desires of people who were affected by the news13.the town swelled and puffedthe town became vain and conceited / was filled with self-interest and vanity/doc/98cccd42aa114431b90d6c85ec3a87c241288a48.html ments on the TextThis excerpt is a good example of creativity in writing. It describes the psychology of various kinds of people just before Kino, a poor fisherman, goes to the town to sell the Pearl of the World, which he has found in the sea. The writer, through his excellent use of language, sets the scene for Kino’s arrival in the town and the reader is likely to anticipate with interest the meeting between him and the pearl buyers.What makes it possible for the writer to produce such vivid and immediate description, which leaves the reader with a profound impression of the town, its people and the forces at work in it?1. His close contact with and awareness of different types of people.2. His thorough and profound understanding of “human nature”.3. His keen power of observation and active imagination.4. His effective use of language.6.ExercisesA. Answer the following questions.(先单击出现⿊⾊问题, 后单击出现蓝⾊答案)1. At what point in the story is the scene of this extract set?It is set before the arrival in town of the central figure, Kino. Kino is going to sell his newly found Pearl of the World.2. What personal details do we know about Kino?Kino is a poor fisherman who lives in a brush house. He has a child. He is in great need of money because his child has been stung by a scorpion and needs treatment. He is eager to sell the pearltoget money to pay for medical treatment of the sting.3. Why does the writer tell us that the shopkeepers looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well?The shopkeepers are concerned about their business which has not been brisk, so there are a lot of men’s clothes in stock. When they learn that Kino has found a valuable pearl, they think of Kino as a possible buyer of the men’s clothes. Steinbeck tells us about the shopkeepers as an illustration of the effect of Kino’s find on other people.4. What details are given to describe the doctor’s appearance and his thoughts?Why does the writer want to supply us with such information?The doctor “grew stern and judicious at the same time” and his “eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks”, which suggests that he is immediately aware of what treating Kino’s child might mean for him. He thinks of Paris, recalling his room there as “a great and luxurious place” and imagines himself eating and drinking in a Parisian restaurant. The writer gives the reader this description to remind us that doctors whose work is curing people can be as money-oriented and pleasure-seeking as anyone else. This acts as a statement about “human nature”.5. How does the writer prepare the stage fo r a “battle” between the pearl buyers and Kino? How does the writer make the reader anticipate the meeting?The writer prepares the stage for the battle by telling us that the pearl buyers were experienced in bargaining with and “beating down” the pearl se llers. As Kino is presumably eager to get as much money as possible because of his child, the reader is likely to be looking forward with interest to the meeting of the two parties.6. Who do “the people with things to sell” and “the people with favours to ask” include?“The people with things to sell” include:1) the priest (who sells spiritual comfort)2) the shopkeepers (who sell men’s clothes)3) the doctor (who sells his medical skill)“The people with favours to ask” include:1) the beggars in front of the church2) the other poor fishers7. What does the writer mean by “The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated”?The sentence can be interpreted as: The combination of the inestimable value of pearl and the fundamental human vice —greed — resulted in evil intentions and malicious plots. The writer wants to show that when people are obsessed with the idea of money, they are very likely to do evil things.B. Explain the following in your own words.(先单击出现⿊⾊问题, 后单击出现蓝⾊答案)1. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it.The mothers had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.2. The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.The news spread from one brush house to another and continued to travel fast into the town.3. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.When the doctor realized that Kino was the man who had asked for his help, he became both serious(about the treatment) and wise / clever (about how he could gain).4. And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.For a moment the doctor’s eyes were focused on nothing as his thoughts turned to Paris.5. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; the black distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is withheld.The news caused a profound “negative force” to be at work in the town. This could be compared to a scorpion, which causes pain, or the hunger created by the smell of food, or feeling of loneliness which comes when love is refused.6. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.What acted as the “venom-producing bag” of the town, i.e., the increasing self-interest in the townspeople, began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.。
新核心综合学术英语教程 4 Unit 6 参考答案

V. Keys to the ExercisesFocusing on ReadingTask 11 — Para. D2 — Para. F3 — Para. E4 — Para. B5 — Para. G6 — Para. I7 — Para. A 8 — Para. N9 — Para. C 10 — Para. H11 — Para.M 12 — Para. O13 — Para. LTask 21) The problems of earlier studies on the effect of food deprivation include: not enough attention waspaid on the effects of food deprivation on cognition; some of the findings have been contradictory;not all groups of people have been sufficiently studied; not all cognitive aspects have been studied.2) The purpose of the study was to understand how short-term food deprivation affects concentrationand perseverance with a difficult task.He chose concentration and perseverance as his experiment items because he considered these twoimportant in cognitive functioning.3) Three groups were employed in the experiment. The criterion is the length of food deprivation.4) He predicted that participants with long-term food deprivation would perform worse on theconcentration perseverance tasks than those with short-term food deprivation, who in turn wouldperform worse than those without food deprivation.The result was that food deprivation had no significant effect on concentration, and a significantTeacher’s Manual of an Integrated Academic English Course IV130effect on perseverance time, with the 12-hour group spending significantly less time on theperseverance task than either the control group or the 24-hour group, with no significant differencebetween the latter two groups.5) It was explained that the participants in the 12-hour group gave up more quickly on theperseverance task because of their hunger produced by the food deprivation, while the 24-hourgroup had developed “learned industriousness”. Another explanation was the motivational state ofparticipants, for the 12-hour group took the tests at 10 p.m., a prime time of the night for businessand socializing rather than for working on the puzzle.The first limitation of the study was the time of day when the respective groups took the tests, andthe second was the reasons of food deprivation; for example, fasting for religious reasons.Task 31) s 2) q 3) r 4) p 5) n 6) f7) g 8) m 9) k 10) l 11) i 12) j13) h 14) e 15) t 16) d 17) b 18) c19) a 20) o 21) x 22) v 23) w 24) uTask 4SentencesChineseequivalentsSynonyms1) The number of wells is a fair indicator of thedemand for water.指标,指示物index, display, signal, sign2) Body temperatures can fluctuate when you areill.波动,变动oscillate, change, alter, vary,vacillate3) Unemployment is a chronic problem in thiscountry.长期的,慢性的constant, deep-rooted, deep-seated,persistent, ineradicable4) I requested a copy of the form. 请求,要求demand, ask for, appeal for, put infor, desire, pray for, put forward,beg for5) She then proceeded to criticize the way I did it. 开始,继续进行continue, carry on, go on, go ahead, advance, continue6) Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability todrive.损害,削弱spoil, injure, decrease, weaken,damage, worsen, diminish,reduce, reduce, undermine, harm7) We need to designate someone as our spokesperson. 指定,指派name, appoint, choose8) Can my child be medically examined withoutmy consent?同意sanction, approval, assent,permission, agreement,acquiescence9) They’ve been deprived of the fuel necessary toheat their homes.剥夺,使丧失strip, rob, dispossess131Unit 6 The Effects of Food DeprivationSentencesChineseequivalentsSynonyms10) Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation. 稀疏的,稀少的scarce, meager, sporadic, scattered, scanty11) He surmised that he had discovered one of theillegal streets.猜测,推断infer, guess, speculate, deduce,conclude, predicate, theorize12) Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct. 假定,认为presume, suspect, assume, presuppose, suppose, hypothesizeThe most formal ones are: fluctuate, oscillate, vacillate, ineradicable, undermine, sanction,acquiescence, sparse, meager, sporadic, surmise, hypothesizeTask 51) According to some researchers, most of the results so far prove that short-termfasting does notaffect cognitive function very much. However, it is too early to draw the conclusion because there isnot enough research on the cognitive functions such as concentration and perseverance. 2) In general, we found our hypothesis supported by the data, as 12 hours of food deprivation wouldgreatly affect perseverance when compared to no deprivation. Unexpectedly, 24 hours of fooddeprivation did not influence perseverance much when compared with the control group.3) We guess that the participants who were deprived of food for 12 hours gave up more quickly on theperseverance task because of hunger. But why didn’t 24-hour food deprivation produce the sameeffect? We assume that it is because of “learned industriousness” which means participants whoperform one difficult task do better on a following task than those who never took the f irst task.Task 6Summary: Future researches on food deprivation and cognition could include the effects of short-termfood deprivation on other aspects of cognition, exploration of longer-term fooddeprivation periods andthe effects of food deprivation on learned industriousness.Task 7Food deprivation has been found to affect people’s ability to focus on a task in previous studies, butnot much attention has been paid to the effects of food deprivation on cognition.①This study intendedto explore how short-term food deprivation affects concentration and perseverance with a difficulttask.②Qualified participants were divided into the control group(with no food deprivation), 12-hourfood deprivation group and 24-hour food deprivation group and they were assigned tofinish theconcentration tasks and perseverance tasks.③It was found that food deprivation had no significant effecton concentration, 12 hours of food deprivation greatly affected perseverance when compared to nodeprivation while 24 hours of food deprivation did not influence perseverance much.④“ Learnedindustriousness” and the motivational state of participants were the possible explanations for theresults.⑤The study provides some insights into the cognitive and physiological effects of skipping meals.(Continued )Teacher’s Manual of an Integrated Academic English Course IV132① the objective ② methods used ③ findings④ explanation ⑤ implicationTask 8(omitted)Task 9(omitted)Task 10(omitted)Research Paper WritingTask 1Function: Describe the outline of the talkFunction: Introduce the topicFunction: Indicate the shift from one idea to anotherFunction: Giving closing remarksFunction: Summarize the talkTask 2Will our city be buried under the sea in one thousand years time? It sounds funny but with theeffects of global warming becoming more and more serious, this may become true in the future. I’mgoing to discuss with you today the effects of global warming. I will concentrate on the three effects ofglobal warming in my presentation today: first, global warming causes melting glaciers and rising sealevels; second, global warming leads to climate change and has an impact on wild animals’ behaviorand habitat; the last effect is the retreating snowlines and death of some species of trees.Task 31) How many hours of sleep did you get last night?The lecture began with the question to arouse the listeners’ interest.2) The major points are the causes of sleep deprivation and its effects.He presented them in the first paragraph to give the listeners a general view of the content.3) The transitional words: but, however, as a result, also4) To illustrate difficult or abstract points.5) The rhetorical questions:In fact, did you know that more than 30 percent of American adults work more than f ifty hours aweek?How many of you would say that ... that you don’t go to sleep when you should because of the TVor the Internet?Rhetorical questions are used to catch the listeners’ attention.6) Colloquial expressions include: OK, well, let’s, yeah, now, yes, eh, as you can see. 133Unit 6 The Effects of Food DeprivationThe speaker uses them to talk to the audience instead of reading to them.7) The talk differs from a formal essay in several aspects: f irst, the talk uses colloquial words,like well, let’s, OK, etc.; the talk uses simpler language, like short sentences; third, the talk usescontractions, like don’t.Task 4(omitted)Task 5(omitted)Task 6(omitted)Task 7(omitted)Task 8(omitted)Task 9(omitted)Task 10Sentences to elicit questions from the audience:— Are there any questions you’d like to ask?— Feel free to ask questions if you have any.— I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.— Alright. Now, any questions or comments?Strategies dealing with questions and answers:— Ask for repetition or clarification if necessary“. Do you mean ...?”— Check that the question is relevant. If not, don’t answer if you don’t want to.“I’m afraid that’soutside the scope of my talk / this session.”— Refer questioner to another person if you can’t answer.“ I don’t think I’m the right person to answerthat. Perhaps (Mr. Holmes) can help ...”— Check that the questioner is satisfied with your answer: eye contact and a pause is often sufficient.“Does that answer your question?”Task 11(omitted)Task 12(omitted)Task 13(omitted)Task 14(omitted)Teacher’s Manual of an Integrated Academic English Course IV134Academic Survival SkillsTask 1Abstract:The study aims to find out the Fudan university students’ knowledge of anthropogenic climatechange. We designed a questionnaire including eight questions and gave it to 40 students, who weredivided into majors and non-majors in different grades. News media was found to be themost populardevice to make sense of information, but the classroom education is more important for majors tounderstand some professional knowledge. Another major finding of this study was that students’understanding of the anthropogenic global warming becomes more comprehensive in pace with gradeincreasing.Introduction:Error 1: It’s an interesting context to study appropriating of knowledge and sense making with respectto anthropogenic global warming.Revised: It is significant to study appropriating of knowledge and sense making with respect toanthropogenic global warming.Error 2: Henning Finsereas and his partners relies on data from the 2005—09 World Values Surveyto examine individual and cross-national variation in perception of seriousness of global warming,and show that a large majority of public in all countries are concerned about the problem of globalwarming.Revised: Henning Finsereas and his partners rely on data from the 2005—09 World Values Survey toexamine individual and cross-national variation in perception of seriousness of global warming, andshow that a large majority of the public in all countries are concerned about the problem of globalwarming.Error 3: Everyone wants to know what terrible things happened to the Earth and what influence to ourlife.Revised: Everyone wants to know what terrible things happen to the Earth and what influence theyhave on our life.Error 4:“ There is strong evidence that the warming of the Earth over the last half-century has beencaused largely by human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels”(Royal Society, 2010:1).Revised: The citation should be included in the references.Error 5: However, environmental change is not just the single factor of anthropogenic influence, andit’s a complex interactions.Revised: However, environmental change is not just the single factor of anthropogenic influence whichresults from complex interactions.Error 6: This paper study how the people reason about and make sense of human-made global warming,based on some interviews with the Fudan University students.Revised: This paper studies how people reason about and make sense of human-made global warming,135Unit 6 The Effects of Food Deprivationbased on some interviews with Fudan University students.Error 7: It shows that the domestication of climate science knowledge was shaped through foursense-making devices: news media, some experts’ disagreement about global warming (included theclassroom education), observations of political inaction, and considerations with respect to everydaylife.Revised: It shows that the domestication of climate science knowledge was shaped through foursense-making devices: news media, some experts’ disagreement about global warming (including theclassroom education), observations of political inaction, and considerations with respect to everydaylife.Error 8: The study is based on eight focus group interviews with the students at school, include theenvironmental science majors and non-professional students.Revised: The study is based on eight focus group interviews with the students at school,including theenvironmental science majors and non-professional students.Error 9: In these groups, with the exception of a smaller number, it was commonly accepted as a factthat anthropogenic global warming is under way.Revised: In these groups, with the exception of a small number, it was commonly accepted as a factthat anthropogenic global warming was under way.Error 10: The paper explores the ways of reasoning that produce these diverse positions, meanwhile,obtain the college awareness of global warming.Revised: The paper explores the ways of reasoning that produced these diverse positions and,meanwhile, it obtains the college awareness of global warming.Conclusion:Error 1: The results of questionnaire provide the following findings.Revised: The results of the questionnaire provide the following findings.Error 2: Because global warming is a hot topic, whether it is professional or not professional students,the majority are very concerned about the climate change.Revised: Because global warming is a hot topic, the majority of the students, professional or nonprofessional,are very concerned about climate change.Error 3: Furthermore, strong f low of information with the development of networks and smart phone,contribute to the people understanding of various academic fields, even some highly specializedknowledge.Revised: Furthermore, the strong f low of information brought by the development of networks andsmart phones contributes to people’s understanding of various academic fields, even some highlyspecialized knowledge.Error 4: The information resource has diversiform form, such as news media, classroom education,government documents and considerations with respect to everyday life.Revised: The information resource has diverse forms, such as news media, classroom education,government documents and considerations with respect to everyday life.Teacher’s Manual of an Integrated Academic English Course IV136Error 5: News media is the main resource in today’s information age. But for majors in university,classroom education gives more professional knowledge and correct sense-making. Revised: News media is the main resource in today’s information age, but for majors in university,classroom education gives more professional knowledge and correct sense-making.Error 6: So many sense-making devices give high-capacity information to people, and it’s not allsources of information have meticulous certification.Revised: So many sense-making devices give high-capacity information to people, but not all sourcesof information have meticulous certification.Error 7: Perhaps, the reason is that college atmosphere more open compared to a high school education,and give the opportunity to exchange various academic fields.Revised: Perhaps the reason is that college atmosphere is more open compared with high schooleducation, and gives the opportunity to exchange various academic fields.References:Error 1: BeritKvaloy, HeningFinseraas, OlaListhaug, 2012. The publics’ concern for global warming:A cross-national study of 47 countries. Journal of Peace Research, 49 (1), 11—22. Revised: Kvaloy, B, H. Finseraas and O. Listhaug. 2012. The publics’ concern for globalwarming: Across-national study of 47 countries. Journal of Peace Research, 49 (1): 11—22.Error 2: LeeAnnKahlor, Sonny Rosenthal, 2009. If we seek, do we learn?: predicting knowledge ofglobal warming. Science Communication, 380 originally published online 7 January 2009. Revised: Kahlor, L. and S. Rosenthal. 2009. If we seek, do we learn?: predicting knowledge of globalwarming. Science Communication, 380 originally published online 7 January 2009.Error 3: LI LiJuan, WANG Bin, ZHAOTianJun, 2007. Impacts of external forcing on the 20th centuryglobal warming. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(22), 3148—3154.Revised: LI, LiJuan, WANG Bin, ZHAOTianJun, 2007. Impacts of external forcing on the 20th century global warming. Chinese Science Bulletin 52(22): 3148—3154.Error 4: Nicholas Smith, Helene Joffe, 2013. How the public engages global warming: A socialrepresentations approach. Public Understanding of science, 22, 16—32.Revised: Smith, N and Helene Joffe. 2013. How the public engages global warming: A social representations approach. Public Understanding of science 22: 16—32.Error 5: W. S. Broecker, 2006. Global warming: take action or wait? Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(9),1018—1029.Revised: Broecker, W. S. 2006. Global warming: take action or wait? Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(9):1018—1029.137。
新编英语教程(基础英语)第三版第四册课文翻译Book 4 Unit 6珍珠_英中对照

Unit Six第六单元Text I正文一Pre-Reading Questions预读问题Think about the following questions before you read the text.在你阅读课文之前,想一想下面的问题。
1.How do people usually think of pearl?As an ordinary piece of jewellery?A thing of great value?A useless ornament?Give reasons for your answer.1.人们通常如何看待珍珠?作为一件普通的珠宝?一件很有价值的东西?无用的装饰品?给出你回答的理由。
2.What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value?Think of two or three possibilities.2.如果一个非常贫穷的人拥有了一颗非常大的价值连城的珍珠,会发生什么呢?想想两三种可能性。
For your reference供您参考(They are open questions.Let the students air their views freely and exercise their imagination.)(它们是开放的问题。
)The Main Idea主要观点Much of the language of the text is metaphorical, and that makes it difficult for you to understandthe meaning of the passage quickly.But it is far from incomprehensible.Go over the text once, nottoo rapidly, and see how much you understand at first reading.这篇文章的大部分语言是隐喻性的,这使得你很难快速理解文章的意思。
外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4,Unit6 Risk,Quiz

外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4Unit6RiskQuiz1. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence ifit is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.1. The first span of the bridge is one hundred meters long.A. prefaceB. sectionC. blockD. phase2. Statistics indicate that there are more boys than girls attending school.A. NumbersB. AccountC. SchoolmasterD. Calculations3. Lampreys (七鳃鳗) and hagfish (盲鳗) have slimy, scaleless bodies shaped somewhat like thebodies of eels.A. in some casesB. at some timesC. to some degreeD. for some reasons4. De Vaca did the only wise thing by asking the Indians for food and shelter in their village.A. sensitiveB. sensibleC. sentimentalD. sensational5. The United States was a divided nation in 1850—half slave and half free.A. alliedB. combinedC. separatedD. united6. Virtually all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory ofsoundless codes.A. SimultaneouslyB. AbsolutelyC. BasicallyD. Almost7. A baby's blood has slightly more hemoglobin (血红素) than that of an adult.A. noB. a littleC. evenD. very much8. In a 1983 newspaper poll, Ann Landers, an advice columnist, was listed among the twenty-fivemost influential women in the United States.A. surveyB. articleC. headlineD. conference9. A fundamental premise (前提) of a free-enterprise economic system is that all small business facedifficult competition.A. confrontB. takeC. loseD. appreciate10. A cup of whole milk provides roughly one hundred and sixty-six calories (热量) of energy.A. barelyB. coarselyC. onlyD. approximately11. Tanagers (唐纳雀) are usually found in the forests, where they feed on insects, fruits, and flowers.A. huntB. eatC. keepD. see12. Probability is the mathematical study of the likelihood of an event's occurrence.A. predictabilityB. possibilityC. feasibilityD. undeniability2. Choose appropriate words to complete the following passage.Where do pesticides (杀虫剂) fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen thatthey now soil, water, and food, and that they have the to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Man, (15)he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature. Can he escape a pollutionthat is now so thoroughly throughout our world?We know that even single exposures these chemicals, if the amount is (18)sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others sufficient quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not occur. For the population as a whole, we must bemore with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of pesticides thatpollute our world.Responsible public health officials have that the biological (23)of chemicals are cumulative (累积的) over long periods of time, and that the danger tothe individual may the sum of the exposures received throughout his or her lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored. It is human nature to shake off (摆脱,避开) may seem to us a threat of future disaster. "Men are naturally most impressed bydiseases which have obviousof their worst enemies slowlyYour answer Correct answer(13) pollute pollute(14) power power(15) however much however much(16) distributed distributed(17) toto(18) large enough large enough (19) exposed to exposed to (20) concerned concerned (21) invisibly invisibly (22) pointed out pointed out (23) effects effects (24) depend on depend on (25) what what (26) signs signs (27)approachapproach3. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.28.If you are aware of what behavior is being rewarded in a given situation,你便可以随之改变你的行为). (accordingly)Your answerSuggested answeryou can change your behavior accordinglyyou can change your behavior accordingly29.收入减少大约56%) uponretirement among a sample of about 2,000 people. (approximately, reduction)Your answerSuggested answeran approximately 56 percent reduction in incomean approximately 56 percent reduction in income30.Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food,因为它们的干净、有韧性和低成本).(by virtue of, toughness)Your answerSuggested answerby virtue of their cleanness, toughness, and low costby virtue of their cleanness, toughness, and low cost31.The military fathers often believe that if they seek help for a problem, they may冒着使他们处于非常不利境地的风险) and thus ruin their career. (risk the danger of)Your answer Suggested answerrisk the danger of putting themselves in very unfavorable conditionsrisk the danger of putting themselves in very unfavorable conditions32.要成为一名合格的医生),you have to study a long time andpass exams. (qualify)Your answerSuggested answerTo be qualified as a doctorTo be qualified as a doctor 33. 人造丝绸看起来和摸起来很像天然丝绸),but people still prefer that latter.Your answer Suggested answerArtificial silk looks and feels much likenatural oneArtificial silk looks and feels much like natural one34.应我需要一名合格秘书的要求). (in response to)Your answerSuggested answerin response to my request for aqualified secretaryin response to my request for a qualified secretary35. 艺术不仅反映一个民族的政治价值观),but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology. (reflect)Your answer Suggested answerArt reflects not only the political values of a people Art reflects not only the political values of a people36.In many businesses, 计算机已在很大程度上替代了日常的文书工作), because they are fast, flexible, and reliable. (replace)Your answer Suggested answercomputers have largely replacedpaperworkcomputers have largely replacedpaperwork37.Usually, the more difficult a shrub (灌木) is to grow, 它的价格越高).Your answer Suggested answerthe higher its price the higher its price (is)。

新编英语教程4(李观仪)-练习册汉译英1-10单元 Unit 11.每当他午夜下班回家,他总是蹑手蹑脚地上楼,以免吵醒邻居。
Every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to disturb his neighbours.2.为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子。
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour, Mr. Jones lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage into the house.3.米勒博士向我们推荐的文章集中论述了空气污染问题,同时也提到了诸如水污染,噪音污染和视觉污染等问题。
The article recommended by Dr. Miller centres on the problem of air pollution;meanwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution, noise pollution and visual pollution.4.要不是她的朋友时常鼓励她、帮助她,她将一事无成。
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friends, she couldn’t have accomplished anything.5.几天前他还对这项计划嗤之以鼻,可是他现在却以高涨的热情去努力落实这项计划,这真是令人难以理解的转变。
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project, but he is now working hard with zest for its realization. What a baffling change!6.从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。

Unit 1 PersonalityV ocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsV ocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是一体充满混沌。
新编英语教程4 unit6

A flesh-eating animal
2. prey on (L.17)
Hunt an animal of any kind
3. superb (L.25)
4. array (L.13)
A collection
5. species (L.25) 6. ad infinitum (L.38) 7. deliberately (l.42)
victim. 牺牲品 3. The act or practice of preying. 捕猎,捕食
词组: 1) be [become, fall] a prey to 成了...的受害者, 受...的折磨 2) easy prey 容易捕获的猎物; 容易上钩者; 头脑简单的人 3) make a prey of 把...当作食物[猎获物] 4) seek after one's prey 寻食; 寻求战利品
新标准大学英语综合教程4 第六单元 unit test 答案

Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.1.Our office building luckily had a(n) auxi l i ar ypower supply to use when the electricitywent out.Your answer Correct answerauxiliary auxiliary2.There's not much of a(n) or i ent at i onfor the year's best movie, but there are a few goodones.Your answer Correct answerorientation selection3.Unfortunately, she's had a(n) degener at i oand her cancer has reappeared.Your answer Correct answerdegeneration relapse4. Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers are often not veryt ol er antof differing opinions.Your answer Correct answertolerant tolerant5.During wartime, there's usually a surge in nat i onal i smas people rally together tosupport a common cause.Your answer Correct answernationalism nationalism6.I've never had a friend quite so l oyalas my dog Rex.Your answer Correct answer loyal loyal7.Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permission to pr oposetoher.Your answer Correct answerpropose propose8.We hired a company to come in and er adi cat ethe mice from our basement.Your answer Correct answer eradicate eradicate9.The teacher slowly lost control of her students and let the class r el apseinto achaos of voices.Your answer Correct answerrelapse degenerate 10. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of theuni f or m edpolice officers.Your answer Correct answeruniformed uniformed11.I tend to live by the m ot t o"Work hard, play hard."Your answer Correct answer motto motto12.The law states that people younger than 21 cannot drink beer, wine, or l i quor.Your answer Correct answerliquor liquor13. sel ect i onof public opinion, increasing anddecreasing in popularity every day.Your answer Correct answerselection tyranny14.Last Saturday, we stood in line for an hour to get a cone from the ice cream vendor.Your answer Correct answer vendor vendor15.College students usually begin their first year with t yr annyactivities so they arefamiliar with their new environment.Your answer Correct answertyranny orientation16. H i st or i ansusually disagree about who they think the greatest world leader of all time is.Your answer Correct answerHistorians Historians17.If you'd like to di sput ethe charges, please call the phone number for complaints. Your answer Correct answerdispute dispute18.The r enownedphysicist earned even more recognition when he won the Nobel Prize.Your answer Correct answerrenowned renowned19.Do you have anyi nsi ghtinto why your employees are behaving so poorly? Your answer Correct answerinsight insight20. After ten long years of holding a grudge against him, I think it's finally time to makeam ends.amends amends Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Why did you interview for that job i nthe first place?Your answer Correct answer in in22.Oh my goodness, these photos date backto my college days.Your answer Correct answer back back23.After our dog destroyed the living room couch, we packed him upto obedienceschool.Your answer Correct answerup off24.As soon as five o'clock rolled around, Maria took of fand went home.Your answer Correct answer off off25.The book can be summed upin one word: boring.Your answer Correct answer up up26.Can you get me outof this assignment?Your answer Correct answer out out27.The researchers were onthe brink of a major discovery.on on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit outthis game.Your answer Correct answer out out29.The spare bedroom doubles asmy home office.Your answer Correct answer as as30.The presidents talked about, am ongother things, the peace treaty between theircountries.Your answer Correct answeramong amongPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It is truly (31)shabbythat people nowadays don't know nearly enough aboutancient civilizations. In the Western world, the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome gave rise to thepopular idea of (32)dem ocr acythat is central to many modern governments.Democratic governments sometimes are derided as a(n) (33)f al l acyin today'sworld—many people don't feel as if they truly have a meaningful voice. However, there were cities (particularly in Greece) where the democratic ideal was born and every citizen truly had a powerful voice.Remarkably, we know this is the case because many documents have survived. Historians canverify their (34)m i ghtby dating the paper, so we can (35)unhesi t at i ngl ydeclare that they are legitimate. Linguists are able to (36)deci pherthe ancientlanguages used in the documents, and we are therefore able to benefit from the wisdom inscribed onthose pages. In addition, researchers can use (37)ar chaeol ogyto uncover the physicalremains of ancient villages. We have discovered that homes were a uniform size and most people lived as relative equals.I find it truly (38)l am ent abl eto hear people say that there's nothing we can learnfrom history. Even if only a small (39)f r agm entof the wisdom of ancient Greecesurvived until today, we would be better off. Indeed, it is an amazing thing to realize that our(40)dest i nyas a people, our future, depends on our knowledge and understandingof our past.Your answer Correct answer(31) shabby lamentable(32) democracy democracy(33) fallacy fallacy(34) might authenticity(35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly(36) decipher decipher(37) archaeology archaeology(38) lamentable offensive(39) fragment fragment(40) destiny destinyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Museums, as places of cultural significance, find their roots in the classical world. Ancient Greece and Rome constructed and valued "museums," though they were largely centers of philosophical thought, rather than repositories of valuable objects. Nevertheless, the ancient world still had public collections of objects which resembled the modern concept of a museum. Greek temples and Roman forums often displayed gold and silver offerings, sculptures, and paintings.During the 15th century, the modern concept of museums came into fashion in Europe. During the following few centuries, museums such as the Ashmolean Museum, the Vatican museums, the British Museum, and the Louvre were founded and opened. The first modern museums began as private collections of wealthy individuals who amassed extensive collections and then exhibited them for public viewing. The modern museum has been described as "a product of Renaissance humanism,eighteenth-century enlightenment, and nineteenth-century democracy." These first museums were, however, rarely accessible to the public beyond the upper classes.Until the 18th century, museums were chiefly concerned with collecting the beautiful and the curious, and this was often done for personal interests. During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, museums and cultural institutions proliferated throughout Europe and the United States. It was during this intense period of proliferation that the concept of the museum as something more than just a storehouse for invaluable treasures was developed. Museums began to dedicate themselves to collection, conservation, preservation, and research. Natural history, science, and art museums became scholarly centers of academic research and thought. Once museums and other cultural institutions became public, exhibition became a much more predominant concern. Preexisting museum goals (e.g., collection, conservation, and preservation) suddenly became the means to procure interesting and desirable exhibitions.Museums in the United States developed slowly. Charles Wilson Peale founded his natural history museum in the late 18th century in Philadelphia, and he is considered the first great American museum director. In 1846, James Smithson made a bequest to the United States "for the increase and diffusion ofknowledge" which led to the development of the Smithsonian Institution. The United States finally made its mark on the development of the modern museum in 1870 with the founding of the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Throughout the 20th century, museums and other cultural institutions began to focus on education. American museums, especially, are devoted to public education in their specific areas of expertise. Many such organizations have also transformed themselves into cultural centers with performing arts, music, and film presentations.41. Which of the following museums was the first to open?A. Metropolitan Museum of Art.B. Smithsonian Institution.C. British Museum.D. Peale's Natural History Museum.42. With which of the following statements would the author of this passage NOT agree?A. Museums in the classical world were very similar to museums in the 19th century.B. The modern museum developed over several hundred years.C. Modern museums have many priorities other than collecting.D. The earliest museums were only accessible to the wealthy.43. According to this passage, the modern concept of museums dates back to _____.A. the classical worldB. the 15th centuryC. the 18th centuryD. the 20th century44. This passage is best described as _____.A. a first-person memoirB. a dramatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. a historical survey45. Modern museums tend to focus on all of the following EXCEPT _____.A. conservationB. philosophical thoughtC. preservationD. educationts, music, and film presentations.。
大学英语综合教程4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life - 课件电子教案

state; make sth. complicated easier to deal with - untangle the problem / a cable /the traffic jam (解开缠结的电缆/整顿交通堵塞)
Part one (paras 1-11)
• What are the three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today?
Part I (Paras 1-11)
• eat into (Line 6): use up (profits, resources,
or time), especially when they are intended for other purposes; gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); dam现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
大学英语综合教程4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life - 课件
The students will be able to:
1. Learn the main idea and structure of the

Language Focus
1. What is success? Name some successful people. Why do you consider them successful?
By definition, success may mean, but is not limited to: (1) a level of social status; (2) the achievement of an objective/goal; (3) the opposite of failure. So different people may have different standards for success. Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Einstein and Newton are all successful people in my eyes. They are successful because they are famous and they have made great contributions in their own fields. For other people, success is a process in which
UNIT 6 Success
Unit 6 Success
Pre-listening Task
Language Focus
Questions for Discussion
1. What is success? Name some successful people. Why do you consider them successful?
• I think finding the right kind of product or service to offer customers/recruiting intelligent and loyal employees / good marketing / good advertising plays a vital role in the success of a business.

Unit SixText I1.Pre-Reading QuestionsThink about the following questions before you read the text.1. How do people usually think of pearl? As an ordinary piece of jewellery? A thing of great value?A useless ornament? Give reasons for your answer.2. What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value? Think of two or three possibilities.For your reference(They are open questions. Let the students air their views freely and exercise their imagination.)2.The Main IdeaMuch of the language of the text is metaphorical, and that makes it difficult for you to understand the meaning of the passage quickly. But it is far from incomprehensible. Go over the text once, not too rapidly, and see how much you understand at first reading.Now answer the following questions:1.What point is made about the news in a town?2.What was the news in the town?3.Who were particularly interested in Kino’s pearl?For your referenceAnswers:1.It travels fast.2.That Kino had found the Pearl of the World.3.The priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, the beggars, the agents of the buyer of pearls.3.Background Notes(1) colonial animalA colonial animal is an association of individual organisms that are incompletely separated. Life forms such as corals and moss animals are good examples of colonial animals. They are individual organisms that normally exist in mass of large collections.4.TextThe PearlKino, a poor fisherman, has just found a very large and valuable pearl and is going to the nearest town to sell it. He needs money urgently to get medical help for his baby who has just been stung by a scorpion. Before Kino found the pearl, the only doctor available had refused to treat the baby because Kino could not afford to pay for the treatment.A town is a thing like a colonial animal. A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet. (1)A town is a thing separate from all other towns, so that there are no two towns alike. (2)And a town has a whole emotion. How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved. News seems to move faster than small boys can (1)scramble and (2)dart to tell it, (3)faster than women can call it over the fences.(4)Before Kino and Juana and the other fishers had come to Kino’s brush house, the nerves of the town were pulsing and (3)vibrating with the news — Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it. (5)The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster. It came to the priest walking in his garden, and it put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church. He wondered what the pearl would be worth. And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino’s baby, or married him (6)for that matter. The news came to the shopkeepers and they looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well.The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whose illness was age, thoughneither she nor the doctor would admit it. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew (4)stern and (5)judicious at the same time. “He is (7)a client of mine,” the doctor said. “I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.” And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris. He remembered the room he had lived in there as a great and (6)luxurious place. The doctor looked past his (7)aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.The news came early to the beggars in front of the church, and it made them giggle a little with pleasure, for they knew that (8)there is no (8)alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly lucky.Kino has found the Pearl of the World. In the town, in little offices, sat the men who bought pearls from the fishers. They waited in their chairs until the pearls came in, and then they (9)cackled and fought and shouted and threatened until they reached the lowest price the fisherman would stand. But there was a price below which they dared not go, for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church. And when the buying was over, these buyers sat alone and their fingers played (10)restlessly with the pearls, and they wished they owned the pearls. For there were not many buyers really — there was only one, and he kept these agents in separate offices to give a (9)(11)semblance of competition. The news came to these men, and their eyes (12)squinted and (10)their finger-tips burned a little, and each one thought how the (13)patron could not live forever and someone had to take his place. And each one thought how with some capital he could get a new start.All manner of people grew interested in Kino — people with things to sell and people with favors to ask. Kino had found the Pearl of the World. (11)The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark (14)residue was (15)precipitated. Every man suddenly became related to Kino’s pearl, and Kino’s pearl went into the dreams, the speculations, the schemes, the plans, the futures, the wishes, the needs, the lusts, the hungers, of everyone, and only one person stood in the way and that was Kino, so that he became curiously every man’s enemy. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; (12)the black (16)distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is (17)withheld. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture (18)venom, and (13)the town (19)swelled and (20)puffed with the pressure of it.By John Steinbeck (an excerpt)Words and phrases: (点击文中红色单词或词组,出现该红色部分及e.g.字样,再单击e.g. ,出现例句)1.scramble:v. move somewhere in a hurried awkward waye.g. The man scrambled to his feet(=stood up very quickly and awkwardly)and hurried intothe kitchen.Your students may scramble up the bank of the river to follow you.2.dart: v. move suddenly and quickly in a particular directione.g. His teacher darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.The guard pulls the fire alarm, and the elevator stops, giving the passengers time todart down the stairwell.3.vibrate: v. shake quickly and continuously with very small movementse.g. The floor was vibrating to the beat of the music.The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread out in a circle.4.stern: a. serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behaviore.g. Father looked stern at us for a while, and then we went to watch him hunt.Now it takes a stern soul to resist the temptation to check the headlines at least oncewhile you're away.5.judicious: a. done in a sensible and careful waye.g. In an environment of multiple campaigns promoting judicious antibiotic use in children,identification of effective strategies is important.Meditators should learn how to be judicious without being judgmental.6.luxurious: a. very expensive, beautiful, and comfortablee.g. She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.7.aged: a. advanced in yearse.g. I well remember taking my aged grandfather across a road.He is aged, but his memory is still good.8.alms-giver: n. people who give money, food etc. to poor peoplee.g. But William is an entrepreneur, not just an alms-giver.There can be no friendship between a beggar and an alms-giver.9.cackle: v. laugh in a loud unpleasant way, making short high soundse.g. The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine.The teacher let us cut the cackle in the class.10.restlessly: adv. act unwillingly to keep still or stay where a person is, especially because heor she is bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and wants to do something elsee.g. I bought a rose and restlessly searched for her in the restaurant.As for poor Leo, after turning restlessly for hours, at last he had dropped off into asleep or stupor.11.semblance: n. a situation, condition etc. that is close to or similar to a particular one, usuallya good onee.g. After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.Pursuing name brands can only create the semblance of wealth, not win actual respect.12.squint: v. look at something with eyes partly closed in order to see bettere.g. He also seems to be slightly blinded by the sun, causing him to squint.Increase the text size if you can. Small text that forces you to squint is much harder onthe eyes.13.patron: n.someone who supports the activities of an organization, for example by givingmoneye.g. A patron of the arts should have deep pockets.He was warmly welcomed at the annual meeting as a celebrated patron of the Hope Project.14.residue: n. a substance that remains on a surface, in a container etc. and cannot be removedeasily, or that remains after a chemical processe.g. In the United States, shredders generate about 5 million tons of shredder residue everyyear.Recently the reports on pesticide residue and unsafe bottled drinking water haveprompted government action.15.precipitate: v. separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separatedin this waye.g. Diamond is precipitated from the kimberlite magma.If the blood acid content increased, it will also precipitate the formation of stones.16.distillate: n. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling; theproduct of distillinge.g. Most ships run on bunker fuel, which is cheaper than distillate, but more polluting.U.S. distillate fuel consumption fell 4% last year as a mild winter curbed heating oiluse.17.withhold: v. refuse to give someone somethinge.g. Jack was accused of withholding vital information from the police.The boss withheld payment until they had completed the work.18.venom: n. a liquid poison that some snakes, insects etc. produce when they bite or sting youe.g. The infection or venom from the bite could kill my sheep.The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes.19.swell: v. become larger and rounder than normal, especially about parts of the bodye.g. His ankle was already starting to swell.The little girl’s arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.20.puff: v. become bigger by increasing the amount of air inside, or to make something bigger inthis waye.g. He would surely puff out if he ate everything he wanted.Her eyes were puffed from lack of sleep.Notes (点击文中蓝色字体,出现该内容,再点击,出现下面的注释内容)1. A town is a thing separate from all other townsA town is detached from / apart from all other towns; in other words, each town is a separateentity, not joined to or connected with any other town.2.And a town has a whole emotion.This is an example of metaphor. A town is compared to a living being with feelings of all kinds — love, joy, hate, fear, grief, etc.3.faster than women can call it over the fencesfaster than women can talk about it to their neighbours over the fences that separate theirhomes4.Before ... the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news — Kino hadfound the Pearl of the World.Before ... the town was alive with the news that Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Here the author wants to show us how fast news travelled. Kino found the Pearl of the World when he was out fishing, but before he reached home, the news had already spread through thewhole town and was on everyone’s lips.5.The news swept on past the brush houses and it washed in a foaming wave into the townof stone and plaster.The brush houses, referring to the houses in the area where the poor fishermen live, which is presumably just outside the town, form a strong contrast with the town of stone and plaster, where the priest, shopkeepers, doctor, and pearl buyers live. Note also how the author uses the figurative language to make the scene more vivid, comparing the news to a body ofwater that swept on and washed in a foaming wave.6.for that matterThis phrase gives emphasis to what he had said. In other words, if he had baptized Kino’s baby or had married him, Kino would be grateful to him and would show him his gratitude.7. a client of mineA client is a person who gets help or advice from any kind of professional. Usually, however,a lawyer has a “client”, whereas a doctor has a “patient” and a shopkeeper has a “customer”.8.there’s no alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly luckyA poor man who becomes suddenly rich is more generous than any alms-giver.alms — money, clothes or food given to the poor (usually money)Alms has only one form for both singular and plural.Other examples of nouns with plural forms:earnings, savings, surroundings, belongings, goods, remains, headquarters, thanks9. a semblance of competitionan outward appearance of competition that aimed to fool the fishermen10.their finger-tips burned a littleeach of them felt a little uneasy, hoping to start a pearl buying business of his own11.The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue wasprecipitated.The great value of the pearl and man’s insatiable desire to possess wealth combine to form a strange sort of wickedness / a strange wicked greed quickly.12.the black distillatea metaphor for the deep, evil feelings and desires of people who were affected by the news13.the town swelled and puffedthe town became vain and conceited / was filled with self-interest and vanityments on the TextThis excerpt is a good example of creativity in writing. It describes the psychology of various kinds of people just before Kino, a poor fisherman, goes to the town to sell the Pearl of the World, which he has found in the sea. The writer, through his excellent use of language, sets the scene for Kino’s arrival in the town and the reader is likely to anticipate with interest the meeting between him and the pearl buyers.What makes it possible for the writer to produce such vivid and immediate description, which leaves the reader with a profound impression of the town, its people and the forces at work in it?1. His close contact with and awareness of different types of people.2. His thorough and profound understanding of “human nature”.3. His keen power of observation and active imagination.4. His effective use of language.6.ExercisesA. Answer the following questions.(先单击出现黑色问题, 后单击出现蓝色答案)1. At what point in the story is the scene of this extract set?It is set before the arrival in town of the central figure, Kino. Kino is going to sell his newly found Pearl of the World.2. What personal details do we know about Kino?Kino is a poor fisherman who lives in a brush house. He has a child. He is in great need of money because his child has been stung by a scorpion and needs treatment. He is eager to sell the pearltoget money to pay for medical treatment of the sting.3. Why does the writer tell us that the shopkeepers looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well?The shopkeepers are concerned about their business which has not been brisk, so there are a lot of men’s clothes in stock. When they learn that Kino has found a valuable pearl, they think of Kino as a possible buyer of the men’s clothes. Steinbeck tells us about the shopkeepers as an illustration of the effect of Kino’s find on other people.4. What details are given to describe the doctor’s appearance and his thoughts?Why does the writer want to supply us with such information?The doctor “grew stern and judicious at the same time” and his “eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks”, which suggests that he is immediately aware of what treating Kino’s child might mean for him. He thinks of Paris, recalling his room there as “a great and luxurious place” and imagines himself eating and drinking in a Parisian restaurant. The writer gives the reader this description to remind us that doctors whose work is curing people can be as money-oriented and pleasure-seeking as anyone else. This acts as a statement about “human nature”.5. How does the writer prepare the stage fo r a “battle” between the pearl buyers and Kino? How does the writer make the reader anticipate the meeting?The writer prepares the stage for the battle by telling us that the pearl buyers were experienced in bargaining with and “beating down” the pearl se llers. As Kino is presumably eager to get as much money as possible because of his child, the reader is likely to be looking forward with interest to the meeting of the two parties.6. Who do “the people with things to sell” and “the people with favours to ask” include?“The people with things to sell” include:1) the priest (who sells spiritual comfort)2) the shopkeepers (who sell men’s clothes)3) the doctor (who sells his medical skill)“The people with favours to ask” include:1) the beggars in front of the church2) the other poor fishers7. What does the writer mean by “The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated”?The sentence can be interpreted as: The combination of the inestimable value of pearl and the fundamental human vice — greed — resulted in evil intentions and malicious plots. The writer wants to show that when people are obsessed with the idea of money, they are very likely to do evil things.B. Explain the following in your own words.(先单击出现黑色问题, 后单击出现蓝色答案)1. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it.The mothers had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.2. The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.The news spread from one brush house to another and continued to travel fast into the town.3. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.When the doctor realized that Kino was the man who had asked for his help, he became both serious(about the treatment) and wise / clever (about how he could gain).4. And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.For a moment the doctor’s eyes were focused on nothing as his thoughts turned to Paris.5. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; the black distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is withheld.The news caused a profound “negative force” to be at work in the town. This could be compared to a scorpion, which causes pain, or the hunger created by the smell of food, or feeling of loneliness which comes when love is refused.6. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.What acted as the “venom-producing bag” of the town, i.e., the increasing self-interest in the townspeople, began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.。

视听说4 听力原文及答案Unit 1 Leisure activitiesPart 1 listening oneEver wish you could do magic tricks, or introduce yourself as “magician” at a party? Imagine, everybody wants to have fun, but nothings’ really happening, it’s time for you to show one of your new tricks. Here, you can learn how, and without any need for special materials or much practice.times as this will arrange the grains of salt. Then it will stand up. Don't forget to thank the chicken.Questions:1.What does the magician ask people to do in the first trick2.What happens to the coin?3.How does the magician prove that he can communicate his thoughts to theaudience in the second trick?4.What is the first step to make the egg stand upright?5.What else is needed to make the egg stand upright?Keys: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. DPart 1 listening two(The following is an interview from a weekly sports program.)Presenter: Good morning, listeners. Welcome to our weekly sports program aimed at all those underactive youngsters with time on their hands! Listen to whatour two guests have to say about their hobbies and how their hobbies havemade a difference to their lives. Adrienne first, then, Jonathan. Adrienne: I collect very interesting jewelry. I tend to travel a lot as most of my familyI and skills is a very compelling reason to choose a particular career. Presenter: Then, Adrienne, do you have a similar plan?Adrienne: Yes, I love making beaded jewelry. I’ve decided to get some formal training. I want to learn how to be a jewelry designer.Questions:1. Who is the target audience in the program?2. What is Adrienne’s hobby?3. What does Adrienne usually buy when she visits a place?4. How does Jonathan benefit from canoeing?5. What should be the major concern in choosing a career according to Jonathan? Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. BPart 1 listening threeGerry: I've just been to see Gone with the Wind. It was fantastic. Well worth seeing.Have you ever seen it?Judy : N o, but I've read the book. I don't think I would like to see the film really. It would spoil the story for me.Gerry: Really? Oh, give me a film any day. Honestly, if I had to choose between the film of a story and the book of it, I'd go for the film.I easiertake less time: two hoursan social event: fun, go with friendsBooks: take more time: one weeknot a social event: do it on your ownbooks: use readers’ own imaginationget much more insight into the charactersfilms: spoil the storyexpensivePart 1 listening fourSally Marino gets married. After the wedding, there is a big party—a wedding reception. All the guests eat dinner. There is a band and, after dinner, everyone dances. Sally's mother and father pay for everything. At the end of the reception, Sally and her new husband cut the wedding cake and all the guests get a piece.Pete and Rose buy a new house. After moving in, they invite their friends and family to a party—a housewarming party. Everybody comes to see the new house. They look at the bedrooms, the dining room, even the garage. Pete and Rose serve drinks, sandwiches, and snacks. The party is on a Saturday afternoon.Receptionist: The first one is an aerobics class from 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. Then there's another aerobics class at lunchtime from 12:30 to 1:30.Cathy: Right.Receptionist: Then in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30—another aerobics class too. And there's a jazz dance class from 6:30 to 7:30.Cathy: Right. And what level are they for? I mean, would they be OK for a beginner?Receptionist: The morning aerobics—8:30 to 9:30—is advanced. All the others are at the beginner to intermediate level. But let me give you a schedule.Cathy: Thanks. And how much does it cost for a class?Receptionist: You pay a £1 entrance fee and then the classes are £2.50 each and £3.50 for the jazz dancing. It's there on the sheet.Cathy: Oh, yes, I see.Receptionist: If you become a member, entrance is free and...Cathy: Oh, no, it's OK. I'm only in London for two weeks.Receptionist: Oh, right. That's no good then.Cathy: And I guess you have showers and everything?Receptionist: Yes, sure, and in the evenings you can use the sauna free, too.Cathy: Oh, great. So the next class is at 5:30? Well, I'll see you then.with foreign currency, changing money and all that when we go abroad. Ihate all that. And it's so confusing.Woman: O h, don't be silly, Steve.Man: And what's more, I can't speak any of the languages—you know that. It's all right for you. You can speak some foreign languages.Woman: Exactly. You see, what I'd really like to do is practice my French and Spanish. It would help me a lot at work.Man: Mm, but that's no use to me.Woman: B ut just think of the new places we'd see, the people we'd meet!Man: But look, if we stayed here, we wouldn't have to plan very much. Woman: I'm sorry, Steve. No. I don't fancy another cold English summer. Questions:1. Where does the man want to spend the summer holiday?2. According to Steve, what is considered important in planning vacation?3. What does Steve find confusing about traveling abroad?4. What will help Juliet in her work?5. What does Juliet think of summer in Britain?Keys:4. Why was it NOT possible to have football matches between two schools until 1850?5. What happened to football in 1863?Keys:1. D2. D3. A4. C5. CListening 4In one town, there were three longtime friends, Pat, Mike and Bob. Pat and Bobwere quite bright, but Mike was rather dull.One day as Pat and Mike were walking down the sidewalk together, Pat put his hand on a solid brick wall and said, "Mike, hit my hand as hard as you can." Mike struck a hard blow, but Pat pulled his hand away from the wall just before Mike's fist hit it. Of course, it hurt Mike's hand very much when he hit the wall, but Pat said, "That was a good joke on you, wasn't it?" Mike agreed, but was not too happy.The following day Mike and Bob were walking in the town square. Mike decided to play the joke on Bob. He looked around, and seeing no solid object, he placed his hand over his face and said, "Bob, hit my hand as hard as you can." Bob agreed, and as he struck a hard blow with his fist, Mike quickly pulled his hand away and wasanalysis of it. The second guy is so amazed that he says to the mermaid, "Hey, triple my IQ." The mermaid says, "Done." The guy begins pouring out all the mathematical solutions to problems that have puzzled scientists in all fields.The last guy is so impressed by the changes in his friends that he says to the mermaid, "Quintuple my IQ." The mermaid looks at him and says, "You know, I normally don't try to change people's minds when they make a wish, but I really wish you'd reconsider."The guy says, "No, I want you to increase my IQ five times, and if you don't do it, I won't set you free." "Please," says the mermaid, "you don't know what you're asking... It'll change your entire view of the universe. Won't you ask for something else? A million dollars or anything?"But no matter what the mermaid says, the guy insists on having his IQ increased by five times its usual power. So the mermaid sighs and says, "Done." And he becomes a woman.Keys: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. Tevident.Bob White: I thought e-mail messages were gender neutral!Dr. Herring: No. While theoretical gender equality exists for the Internet, in reality women are not given equal opportunity because of differentcommunication and language styles between the sexes.Bob White: How does that happen? Do you have any hard facts to back up this impression?Dr. Herring: Yes. I've done a research project using randomly selected e-mailmessages from online discussion groups. I found that females uselanguage that is more collaborative and supportive such as "Thanksfor all your tips on...", "Good point." and "Hope this helps!". Mentend to use more aggressive or competitive language such as "Do youunderstand that?", "You should realize that...", "It is absurd tothink...".Bob White: How great are these gender differences?Dr. Herring: Males write messages using aggressive, competitive language more than twice as often as females did, while females use collaborativematter who opens the door for whom. Maybe females just should not expect too much. Life isn't a fairy tale after all.John: It's absolutely true. Sometimes I feel that there isn't any difference in the roles both genders can perform. Of course I'm not saying that men can give birth.Rather what I meant was except for the physical and natural differences between both sexes, there isn't much difference between them.Cathy: But honestly, although I don't expect guys to open doors for me, or to pull outa chair for me, I am usually quite impressed if they do so, as many guys don'tdo it nowadays. If the guy was walking in front of me and went through thedoor first, I'd appreciate it if he could hold the door and not let it slam in myface.John: Well, if I'm the one walking in front, I will open the door and hold it for the people behind me, be it a girl or a boy. I actually had the door slam right in my face a number of times though, when the person walking closely in front of me didn't hold the heavy glass door and let it swing back in my face. Of course, I tried to hold the door, but it was too heavy and too late. But I think it was more embarrassing for him than me as everyone was looking at him, while I was rubbing my squashed nose.Cathy: So being a gentleman does not stop at opening doors. There are many otherKeys:2. F F T T F2.1reflects descriptions 2.2 parents’ attitudes2.3suggest, act 2.4 raising their family, supporting their husbands2.5used to be, share these responsibilitiesPart 4 Listening 1"Equal" does not always mean "the same". Men and women are created equally but boys and girls are not born the same.You throw a little girl a ball, and it will hit her in the nose. You throw a little boy a ball, and he will try to catch it. Then it will hit him in the nose.A baby girl will pick up a stick and look in wonder at what nature has made. A baby boy will pick up a stick and turn it into a gun.When girls play with Barbie dolls, they like to dress them up and play house with them. When boys play with Barbie dolls, they like to tear their hair off.Boys couldn't care less if their hair is untidy. But for girls, if their hair got cut a quarter-inch too short, they would rather lock themselves in their room for two weeks than be seen in public.Baby girls find mommy's makeup and almost instinctively start painting their faces.One day I took my seven-year-old son with me to shop for an electric wall clock for the kitchen and found a whole counter full of them on sale at a discount store. I had trouble deciding which clock to buy. While I held one clock in my hand and looked at another, I asked my son which one he liked better.“The one you’re holding with the mouse in it, Mom,” he said.Before I understood his words, a real, live mouse jumped out onto the counter and ran away. I screamed so loud everyone turned to see what was wrong. I was so embarrassed. I tried to make my way quietly out of the store. Everyone was looking at me. On the way out the door, my delighted son recited Hickory Dickory Dock. What anaughty boy!Questions:1.Where did the story take place?2.Why did the mother ask her son which clock he liked better?3.Which clock did the boy like best?4.Why did the mother feel embossed?5.Why did he boy recite Hickory Dickory Dock?Keys:2. B 2. D3. A4. C5. DListening 4It is my belief that gender stereotypes are very real gender characteristics that are exaggerated to the extreme ends with no gray areas. So in truth a woman is "weak" physically only because a man is in reality "stronger". A woman is "submissive" only because a man in reality is more "aggressive". A woman is "emotional" only because a man is "less emotional". All these are observed facts.Are there ways to avoid the stereotyping? This is hard to do. We as males and females love to exaggerate our differences. It seems we love to do this in many ways.We love to exaggerate gender traits as if to say "Look how female I am" or "Look how male I am". Do we go so far as to actually create differences that do not exist? Not from what I see. I think we like to exaggerate our differences because the more male we feel or the more female we feel the more attractive we feel.So all in all I believe stereotypes are true differences that are exaggerated. I don't think stereotypes should be avoided because they are real. I do think that we should not place extremes of a trait to a gender as a whole and most certainly not limit someone's potential abilities based on a stereotype. Stereotypes should apply in general but not to an individual. They should serve to help make judgment but not as an absolute.proficient 6)interesting 7) original 8) less 9) finish the race Listening IIOnce Wealth and Poverty approached a merchant and introduced themselves as Goddesses. The merchant greeted both of them and said, "May I ask why you have come to my humble home?" The Goddess of Wealth said, "We want you to judge between us who is the most beautiful."The merchant did not know what to say. He knew he was between the devil and the deep blue sea. If he said that Wealth was more beautiful than Poverty, Poverty would curse him. If he said that Poverty was more beautiful than Wealth, Wealth would abandon him. However, he became calm and said, "I have great respect for you both. Would you please do what I ask of you? It is the only way I can judge properly." The Goddesses agreed. He said, "Mother Wealth, would you please walk towards my house? Mother Poverty, Would you please walk away from my house? This way I can see you both better, from near and far." The two Goddesses did what the merchant had asked them to do. Then the merchant confidently declared, "Mother Wealth! You appear most beautiful when you are nearest my house. Mother Poverty! You looktiles on the roofs, many of these houses now have living roofs. The wooden top of the house is covered with a special waterproof plastic material. On top of this there is soil, in which grass and flowers are planted. Such a roof can be very beautiful. But this really is not a new idea. When the early settlers came to the United States, they often made their houses by digging into the ground. Their roofs were made of wood, and covered by large areas of soil with grass or turf. They were warm, though not always waterproof. People replaced these houses and roofs as soon as they could live in regular wooden homes with wooden or metal roofs. Now, 200 years later, some people think of this as a new idea. But I think, "There is nothing new under the sun."1. 1) partly underground 2) living 3 ) digging into the ground 4) grass waterproofQuestions:1. What does the speaker mean by saying "There is nothing new under the sun"?2. What makes the speaker think of "earth-sheltered houses"?3. What is a living roof?4. How many years ago did the early settlers first build earth-sheltered homes?5. Why did People replace these earth-sheltered houses with regular wooden ones?transmit television.Man: Garbage! It was the Italians.Woman: No, it says here, the first TV transmission was in London, 1925. And here we are again, the first traffic lights were in London, in 1868.Man: But they didn't even have cars then, so why would they have needed traffic lights?1.D A A F C E A B B2.1)1762 2)1888/Belgium 3)1890/the United States 4)New York5)1514/Holland 1557 6) 1903 7) 1868Part 4 Listening 1Juan comes up to the Mexican border on his bicycle. He's got two large bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and says, "What's in the bags?""Sand," answered Juan.The guard says, "We'll just see about that. Get off the bike." The guard takes the two bags and rips them apart; he empties them out and finds nothing in them but sand. He detains Juan overnight and has the sand analyzed, only to discover that there is nothing but pure sand in the bags.The guard releases Juan, puts the sand into new bags, hefts them onto the man'sLater, people learned to mix different clays together to make stronger pottery and to put the pottery in a fire oven so that the clay would harden faster. The potter's wheel was invented in China around 3,100 BC. The wheel spins clay like a top. It allows people to make pottery much more quickly and make shapes that were perfectly symmetrical—bowls that were really round, rather than lumpy or uneven. Pottery is not only considered one of the first inventions but also one of the first art forms. Most types of pottery have been painted with figures or designs; some even tell a story!1. B A C2. 1.The oldest known piece of pottery was found in china and dates back to 7900BC(and was made almost 10,000 years ago).2. It was used for holding water ,milk ,seeds, and grains.3. To make stronger pottery and to make the clay harden faster.4. It allowed people to make pottery much more quickly and to make symmetricalshapes.5. Because most types of pottery have been painted with figures or designs; someeven tell a story.Listening IIICathy: Yes, although she didn't like it.So, how did she cope?Michael:Cathy: She got an idea of putting art and candy together.Michael: How?Cathy: First she experimented with making an edible paint. She found that powdered food coloring mixed with vodka would work.Michael: That's quite a combination.Cathy: Then, for her "canvas", she melted white chocolate and molded it flat.She even learned how to make chocolate frames.Michael: What kind of art did she create?Cathy: She copied the works of famous painters. She displayed her candy art in the candy shop and customers would come in just to look at the art.Michael: What did her family think then?Cathy: They didn't take her seriously until the Toledo Museum of Art heard about her works and paid her to paint 77 reproductions of works intheir collection. That was her first big job. Now she works full-timeidea of making his own puppet show. He made a stage from wooden orange boxes and his mother's old curtains. He charged 2 cents for admission and earned 32 cents for his first performance.Spinney's family liked his creativity and encouraged him to do more . For Christmas when he was nine, his older brother made him a better puppet theater and his mother secretly sewed eight colorful puppets for him. Spinney later wrote, "The more I gave shows, the more I felt the power that one has when performing. All these people would sit in a room and listen to everything I said. I did all the character voices: little girl voices, an old lady voice, and a ghost voice. The audience listened and clapped atthe end, and also paid me to do it. What could be a better way to make a living than to perform? I knew that I would wind up in the world of entertainment."Spinney continued giving puppet shows. When he decided to go to art school, puppet shows helped him pay for his tuition. Even when he was in the army, he managed to continue giving puppet shows. He knew he wanted to do this as his life's work and that he wanted his audience to be children. When he was given the opportunity to create the character of Big Bird on "Sesame Street", he accepted it and over the years has made Big Bird one of the most beloved characters on American television.although it's really cold, you can still get a tan. Of course, the scenery is beautiful and it's really nice when you're tired to go and have a hot drink afterwards. The problem is that it's very expensive and really dangerous. But apart from getting hurt occasionally,I still thoroughly enjoy it.1. 1) tennis 2 ) quite young 3)soccer 4) a little kid 5) nearly 40 years 6)skiing 7) remember2. tennis 1,5,7 football/soccer 2,9,10 skiing 3,4,6,8Listening IIDuring the 1930s and 1940s, when someone asked a kid whom his role models were, he would often respond with the names of baseball players. Advertisers trying to sell a product would often turn to baseball stars because the public knew them and loved them. Now looking at today's baseball players, the only time we seem to hear about them is when they are complaining about their salaries. Baseball is no longer the great national pastime, and kids are looking elsewhere for their role models.Back in the 1930s and 1940s, money wasn't such an important issue. Players playedThere was no atmosphere. So we brought in a pool table and fruit machines. When players choose to spend time together, it generates a better atmosphere.The team spirit is very important, but I don't believe in motivating the team as a team.I don’t give team talks. I try to motivate the team as individuals. I speak to the players individually and try not to put too much pressure on anyone. I believe players perform best when they are relaxed. If they're too tense, I can guarantee they won't play well.I also believe in giving people autonomy. I like all the people who work for me to be autonomous. I very rarely interfere. I feel people should be judged on their results. Ifthey prove incompetent, then I'm incompetent if I continue employing them.It's like that with the team. I get criticized for not interfering during a game and for not making more substitutions. But I feel if I've chosen those 11 players to get a result, then I should leave them alone to get on with it.If I'm dropping a player from the team, I don't feel I have to explain it to them. If they want to discuss it, I'll say, "Come back and talk about it in a couple of days' time." But I don't try to remotivate them. It's up to them to have the character to fight their way back to the team. I'm a great believer that almost everything you achieve in life isas an occasion for propaganda. But why should the feelings of a few spoil it for all those who continue to be inspired by the Games?No! As long as the majority wants it, these Games will continue. This is sport, not politics, and it should remain so.1. 1.What is said about the purpose of the Olympic Games? C2.What is said about the spirit of the Olympic Games ? B3.What is said about the influence of the Games ? B2. 1.Criticism. 2. It could be harmfully deployed, as in war.3. The world is like a big family.4. Hostilities.5. The majority of people.6. To explain why the Olympic Games should be continued.hours. I suppose I finish at about midday.Karen: So you're free after twelve. What do you do then?Bo: You mean, what do I do in my spare time?Karen: Right.Bo: Well, we usually go swimming in the afternoon. That's all. I go to bed early. I want to win a gold medal for Sweden.Karen: Well, I hope you do. Thank you, Bo Lundquist. Next we have Bob Smith with me in the studio. Bob's a long distance runner and theAmerican 3000 meters champion.Bob: Hi!Karen: Hello, Bob. How is your training going?Bob: Fine, just fine. I have a really good program and I think I'm infirst-class condition.Karen: Tell me about it, Bob.Bob: Well, I don't like training early in the morning. I don't know why. I just don't like it. So I start around 10 o’clock.Karen: Mmm. And what about having lunch?People in tropical countries can read about winter sports but are unable to participate in them. They cannot build snowmen, throw snowballs, toboggan, or ice-skate. Above all, they cannot go skiing.Someone defined skiing as gliding over the ground on two boards. The sport is popular in America in the states which have snow in the winter months. The pleasure we take in this healthy outdoor activity is shared by the Finns, the Russians, the Swedes, the Norwegians, the Germans, the Italians, the Swiss, and the French, who also live in temperate zones with winter climates. But what must people from Egypt, Libya, and Nigeria think of this strange sport?Skiing, unlike tennis and baseball, is not a city sport. Until recently, even in countries with snow, it was limited to mountainous regions. Now there is a new variation that can be enjoyed by everyone. It's called ski touring.1. 1.building snowman2.throwing snowballs3.tobogganing4.ice-skating5.skiing2.Finland; Sweden; Switzerland; Germany; U.S.A; Italy; France; Norway; Russia (√)skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a naturalsort of ability?Man: Well, there're people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have much. I just worked hard and that's what got me here.1. Male Baseball player 24 Pitcher five to six2. 1.What is the prime career time for a pitcher? C2. What makes the man successful in baseball, according to the conversation? A3. What can be inferred from the conversation? D4. Which of the following statements is true? D5. What kind of feeling does the man have now and then ? D6. What does the man think of baseball as a career? AListening IVLearning to swim had been surprisingly easy, thanks to the Navy's policy of dealing with fear by ignoring it. My fear of deep water left after my Navy experience. On the first day in the pool, an instructor with a voice like a bullhorn ordered 50 of us to climb a high board and jump in feet first. The board looked about 200 feet high, though it may have been only 20 or 25. A line was formed to mount the ladder andA2. How high was the board/? C3. What did the instructor do when he found out about the speaker’s problem?A4. Why did the speaker eventually jump into the pool? A5. What is the best way to overcome fear, according to the speaker? B6. Which of the following is true about the speakers’ education? D7. Which of the following can be used to describe the instructor? C8. Why did the speaker want to go to the shallow end of the pool? B9. Why did the instructor ask the speaker to do it again? D10. How did the instructor assure the speaker that he wouldn’t drown? B 2. 1) drifted 2) stepped 3) introduced 4) Quaking 5) climbed6) walked into 7)sinking 8) rising 9) broke 10)supportingUnit 6 risksListening 2Scripts:The possibility that something bad will happen is a risk. Risk can also be defined as the degree of danger that goes along with an opportunity. All risks have possible negative results. However, some risks are worth taking. For example, suppose that you have the chance to join a school football team. You risk a possible injury while playing to achieve the sense of accomplishment that comes with being on the team.。
新编大学基础英语综合教程4 教案unit6

Lesson 1 DedicationLearning Objectives:1. Describing people and identifying common factors。
Defining words and discussing the connotations。
Reading a text about a man with an obsession.4。
Discussing body transformations。
Speaking1.Work in pairs。
Look at the photos and discuss these questions。
1) What does each picture show?2) How would you describe the people in the pictures?3) What do you think they might have in common?4) Do you think you are like any of these people? If so, in what way?Vocabulary :Talking about people1. Look at these definitions. Can you guess the words?In what way are the words different?Do they have positive or negative connotations?2。
Can you think of any other similar examples ? traditional — old-fashioned — conventional3。
Look at the following words , which are all synonyms of determined 。
新编实用英语综合教程(第四版)上册Unit4-Unit6 课文段落翻译

Unit4-Unit6课文段落翻译1.第一册P88 Unit4 Passage1 第二段If you come from a culture that has a more relaxed view of time, you're likely to be surprised at how serious Americans are about time. While not all Americans are punctual all the time, the society as a whole operates on the basis of well-kept schedules. This is true in personal and community life as well as in U.S. business culture.如果你来自一个对时间有更宽松看法的文化,你很可能会惊讶于美国人对时间的严肃态度。
2.第一册P88 Unit4 Passage1 第四段If the team had been American, it's likely they would have been annoyed, and unlikely they would have waited more than 10 minutes — at the most. They would have left me a message asking to reschedule the meeting. Why? Because American-style appointments have a firm end as well as start time, and if you start late you won't be able to finish the business at hand without running beyond the scheduled ending time.如果这个团队是美国人,他们很可能会很恼火,也不太可能等待超过10分钟——最多10分钟。

Unit 6 risksPart One Listening 1Scripts:Husband: Husband: Oh! It’s unbelievable!Oh! It’s unbelievable! Wife: Wife: What’s the matter?What’s the matter?Husband: The article says that lifespan varies according to race, income level and whether you are male or female. Now, can you guess which is the most important factor?Wife: Hmm, I think it might be the sex. Husband: Husband: That’s right! My grandma lived four years long That’s right! My grandma lived four years long That’s right! My grandma lived four years longer than my grandpa. er than my grandpa. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. In 1993, the average lifespan of women was 6.9 years longer than that of men in the United States.Wife: Wife: 6.9 years! I can’t believe it. Then how about race?6.9 years! I can’t believe it. Then how about race?Husband: About race, the paper says white woman live 5.1 years longer than black women.Wife: Wife: So this means I am doubly lucky since I’m a white woman.So this means I am doubly lucky since I’m a white woman.Husband: Yes. But actually the largest risk you could run is being poor. Being poor is far more likely to kill you than smoking, drinking, a hereditary disease, or an unhealthy lifestyle.Wife: Wife: That’s true. If you are poor, you may not have good living conditions, good That’s true. If you are poor, you may not have good living conditions, good medical care and good nutrition. But still I have a question. Why do women live longer than men?Husband: I Husband: I think you’d better ask the experts.think you’d better ask the experts. Key:Ex 1: 3, 5, 6,8,10 Ex 2:four, 6.9, 5.1, doubly, far moreListening 2Scripts:The possibility that something bad will happen is a risk. Risk can also be defined as the degree of danger that goes along with an opportunity. All risks have possible negative results. However, some risks are worth taking. For example, suppose that you have the chance to join a school football team. You risk a possible injury while playing to achieve the sense of accomplishment that comes with being on the team. You decide that the pleasure of playing is worth the injury. By being fit, you can also reduce the risk of physical injury.How can we determine the risks involved in an action? Many risks that relate to health choices have been studied. These risks relate to choices made over activities or behaviors that influence one’s health, either positively or negatively. Scientists ca n use statistics to measure these risks. Statistics is a branch of mathematics that helps determine the possibility that something will occur. The information about this possibility is called statistical risk and can help you make healthy choices.For example, statistics indicate that in the United States the chance of dying from cancer is about 20 percent. In other words, two out of every 10 deaths are due to some kind of cancer. Therefore, the risk of death from cancer is quite high. However, statistics also show that 80 percent of all cancers are related to things over which you have some control. In other words, you can make choices that will reduce your risk of developing cancer. These include such things as avoiding pollution, mot smoking and eating a diet high in fiber. If you do these things, you are less likely to develop cancer. Key:Ex 1: FTFTTEx 2: 1.bad, degree, opportunity 2.relate, measure these risks3.mathematics, occurrmation, statistical risk5.pollution, smoking, fiberListening 3Scripts:If you plan to go hiking in the wilderness or a national park, make sure you are prepared. A compass, a knife, and maps are essential items to take with you. You should also take wooden matches in a waterproof case; some concentrated food such as nuts and dried fruit and water in a canteen. Plan for emergencies as well. Take along first-aid equipment, shelter for the rain, and extra clothes. In order to stay warm, your head, hands and feet must be kept warm, so you should bring gloves, extra socks and a wool hat.If you get lost in the woods, first try to backtrack and find the trail you were on. Look for trail signs other people may have left, such as piles of rocks, tied bunches of grass, or broken branches. Sit down and try to figure out which direction you came from and then go back that way.If you can't find the trail, try to explore the area, marking your path as you go. Climb a tree and look for landmarks. During the day, look for roads or rooftops in the distance. At night, look for lights and sniff the air. You may be able to smell smoke from a campfire. If you detect any of these signs, start to walk in their direction, but if it is dark, find shelter for the night and wait until the morning. Even a full moon won't give you enough light to see; it can throw shadows that hide dangers.If you are lost, do not expect to be rescued. Even if someone knows you are lost and sends out a search party, it may not find you. Therefore, if you can get out on your own, do so. However, if you cannot move far for some reason, build a bright fire at night and a smoky one during the day. Try to clear an area that can be seen from the air, and use rocks to write a message. You can also use bright colors, shiny metal or mirrors to signal aircraft. Above all, do not panic.Key:Ex 1: AHCLE GINJF KMOBDEx 2: BDDDDListening 4Scripts:I've been in a lot of dangerous situations. Over in Bolivia, for example, I was working for a small airline, and we carried just about everything: animals, whisky, dynamite, and, of course, people. There were times when I felt I was flying a bomb, not a plane. Once I was taking dynamite to the mines. Dynamite! Man, I had never seen so much. They had even put some on the floor right next to me. I was certainly nervous on that trip. Well, I was flying over the mountains when suddenly the engine stopped. Somehow I got my parachute on, and got down without the plane, but I was hurt. I was lying out there for about four days before they found me. They told me later that they had almost given me up for dead. Anyway, they got me back to the hospital, and three months later I was flying again. No, I'm not afraid of flying. But there's a lot to worry about as a pilot.Key:Ex 1: 1-5 B D C D B Ex 2: 5 7 3 1 4 6 2Part Four Further ListeningListening 1Scripts:Balley: Hello, fire service.Grace: Oh, em, I'm ringing because I think there's a fire in the house across the street. Smoke is coming out of the upstairs windows, and I can see flames, too.Balley: Can you give me your name and address and telephone number, Madam? Grace: Yes. Grace Litton, 17, Mallett Street, Alford.Balley: I'm sorry. Can you spell Mallett, please?Grace: Yes, M, A, double L, E, double T. The telephone number is 6943168. Thefire's in number 18, just across the road.Balley: Is anyone in the house?Grace: No, they've gone on holiday. They went to Bournemouth last Saturday, for two weeks.Balley: All right, Madam. We'll send a fire engine up to Mallett Street straightaway. Grace: What shall I do? Shall I warn the neighbors?Balley: Yes, you'd better tell the people living next door, at number 16 and number 20. But don't go into the house.Key:Ex 1: F T T T FEx 2: 1. 17,Mallett Street, Alford 2. 6943168 3. fire service4. 185. 16, 20Listening 2Scripts:Six days ago, in Russia, a mine was flooded and lots of miners were trapped underground. Nobody knew how much air was inside and what the situation was to the trapped miners. Rescue teams tried every way to get some message from the miners, but it all seemed in vain. This caused worldwide concerns. The accident was reported by the world media. But this morning, to people's great surprise, came thedramatic news that rescue teams had dug 60 meters and tunneled through. They had discovered survivors in the part of the mine not flooded. For the rest of the miners, however, those were really anxious moments. They had prepared themselves for the worst. Now suddenly there was hope that they could see their loved ones again. And then they too were rescued and brought out of the mine. Exhausted and wounded, they were not strong enough to wave to their relatives or friends. Wrapped with blankets, these survivors were carefully handed over to the ambulances and taken to a nearby hospital. However, not everyone survived. One miner was reported to have been found dead, another missing.Key:Ex 1: CBCDAListening 3Scripts:( Joe Burns is a famous racing driver. He is being interviewed on a sports program.)Reporter: You've had a very dangerous life, haven't you, Joe? I mean, you've been almost killed several times?Joe: Yes. I suppose that's right.Reporter: When was your worst accident?Joe: I'd say last year. It was during the British Grand Prix. I smashed into a wall. The car was completely ruined and my left leg was broken. Luckily, nobody was killed. Reporter: Is that the only time you've been close to death?Joe: No. Once, during the Mexican Grand Prix, two cars in front of me had a bad accident. One of them ran into the other. I swerved to avoid them and hit a fence. My car was badly damaged, but luckily, I wasn't even hurt.Reporter: You must enjoy danger. I mean, you wouldn't be a racing-driver otherwise?Joe: I don't know about that. I had a very frightening experience quite recently. I was frightened to death! I thought I was going to be killed at any moment.Reporter: Really? Was that during your last race?Joe: No. It was on my way to this studio. I had to drive through London during rush hour.Key:Ex 1: TTFFFEx 2: 1. killed 2. wall 3. leg 4. killed 5. two 6 .avoid 7. hit8. damaged 9. hurt 10 .frighteningListening 4Scripts:On the morning of April 10, 1912, the luxury liner, Titanic, left England on a voyage to New York. Four days later she lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. On July 18, 1956, the ocean liner, Andrea Doria, left Italy. It was also traveling to New York. Eight days later, this great ship also lay at the bottom of the Atlantic.The sinking of the two huge ships shocked the world. Reports of the two tragedies filled the newspapers for days. When Andrea Doria went down, people compared her sinking with the sinking of Titanic. There were similarities between the two events; however, there were also important differences.What were some of these similarities? First of all, both ships were transatlantic ocean liners. In addition, they were both luxury liners. They carried many of theworld's rich and famous people. In fact, 10 American millionaires lost their lives when Titanic went down. Today, millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, and cash may still remain locked inside these two sunken ships.Another similarity is that as each ship was sinking, there were acts of heroism and of evil. Some people acted very bravely, even heroically. Some people even gave up their lives so that others could live. There were also some people who acted like cowards. For example, one man on Titanic dressed up as a woman so that he could get into a lifeboat and save his own life. One last similarity is that both of these ships were considered "unsinkable". People believed that they would never sink.There are also differences between these great ship disasters. To begin with, Titanic was on her very first voyage across the Atlantic; Andrea Doria, on the other hand, was on her hundred and first transatlantic crossing. Another difference is that the ships sank for different reasons. Titanic struck an iceberg; while Andrea Doria collided with another ship. Also, Andrea Doria had radar to warn of the approach of another ship; but Titanic was not equipped with radar--It had only a lookout. The lookout was only able to see the iceberg moments before the ship struck it. But, of course, the greatest difference between these two terrible accidents is the number of lives lost. When Titanic sank, more than 1,500 people died--They drowned or froze to death in the icy North Atlantic water. Also, about 700 people survived the sinking. In the Andrea Doria accident, 60 people lost their lives, and around 1,650 lives were saved. One of the reasons that so many people died on Titanic is that the ship was considered to be unsinkable, so there were about half the number of necessary lifeboats to rescue all the people aboard. Andrea Doria had more than enough lifeboats to rescue every person on the ship. However, they were only able to use about half of the lifeboats due to a mechanical problem. The passengers and crew of Andrea Doria were very lucky that another ship was able to rescue most of them. The passengers on Titanic were not so fortunate. It is interesting too that the wreck of Titanic was only found in September, 1985.Key:Ex 1: TFTFFFFFEx 2: 1. New Y ork 2. luxury liners 3. heroism 4. evil 5. “unsi 5. “unsinkab nkab nkable” le”6. July 26,19567. 18. 1019. Iceberg 10. Y es 11. 150012. 60 13, half 14. More than enough 15. another ship。

Book 4Unit 6 The Pace of Life1) To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household appliances with government subsidy.译文:为了刺激消费,农民可以通过政府补贴来购买家用电器。
2)Conventional medicine has concentrated mainly on the treatment of chronic and acute illness, and until recent years the role of preventive(预防性的) medicine has suffered comparative neglect.译文:传统医学一直主要致力于慢性病和急性病的治疗,而且预防医学的作用还一直相对地遭到冷遇,直到近几年这个情况才有所缓解。
3)Cost apart, you should remember that however fancy a fridge is ,it doesn’t kill bacteria (细菌); it only shows down the rate at which they multiply.译文:除去(购买的)费用,你应该记住,不管电冰箱有多别致,它也不能够杀灭死细菌,它只能降低细菌的繁殖速度。
4)The economic planners are seeking to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society, but it’s easier said than done, I think.译文:经济规划师正设法在全社会实现更为公平的财富分配,但我认为这说起来容易做起来难。
注释:seek to do…意为“设法做…”,相当于try to do…;distribution 意为“分配”5)The town has been producing wool, cloth, and blankets since the 13th century and much of its prosperity today is still founded on those industries.译文:自13 世纪以来,这个城镇一直生产羊毛、布匹和地毯,它今天的许多繁荣兴旺仍然建立在那些工业的基础上。
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Text I
Pre-reading Activity
Predators, Parasites and Other Relationships
1.Look up the following words in the dictionary. 2.What subjects do you think this text is about? 3.What type of writing is it? What do you anticipate?
understood, we can think about more of these ecosystem services.
services. And ecosystem services are really just things that ecosystems provide
that humans care about and that we like.
_v_a_El_uc_eo_s. ySswteinmtosnerisvipcleasnnminayg
Unit 6
Text I Predators, Parasites and Other Relationships
Text II Slaughter of the Elephant
❖ Text I ❖ Text II ❖ Oral Work ❖ Guided Writing ❖ Listening
expository piece of writing on ecology.
Text I
Listening Practice
This is Earth and Sky. When you look at a farm or a ranch, you might think to yourself, that’s wherec_o_r_n__ orda_i_r_y__ products come from.
Text I
Pre-reading Activity
Predators, Parasites and Other Relationships
1. Predator: a wild animal that lives on other animals
by killing and eating them
Text I
List of key words of each paragraph
Now, please underline the key words or phrases.
not be bought and sold in a marketplace. a survey of Michigan citizens to ask what
But they have they'd pay for
ecosystem services such as reduced erosion or runoff or more greenhouse gas
Text 1: Predators, Parasites and Other Relationships
❖ Pre-reading Activity ❖ Structure ❖ Vocabulary Acquisition ❖ Intensive Reading ❖ Answer the Questions Orally
Parasite: a plant or animal that lives on or in
another and gets food from it
Ecosystem: a system which relates all the plants,
animals and people in an area to their surroundings 2. The title of the text strongly suggests that it is an
storage. Swinton
It’s also
part of wants
an to
value on farming
ecosystem services. practices affect the
ecosystem services that a piece of land provides.
Text I
List of key words of each paragraph
Now, please underline the key words or phrases.
1. Predators include lions, wolves, robins, frogs, humans, etc. 2. Humans are the greatest predators known 3. Predators do not really have an easy time killing defenseless
You might see _c_o_tt_o_n_ that goes into clothing, or wood for paper, construction or