
初一英语一般将来时练习题30题含答案解析1.She ______ visit her grandparents this weekend.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.was going to答案解析:A 和B 都正确。
A 选项“will”表示单纯的将来;B 选项“be going to”表示有计划、打算做某事。
C 选项“would”一般用于过去将来时;D 选项“was going to”也是过去将来时。
本题中因为没有过去的语境,所以C 和D 不正确。
如果仅从语法角度,A 和B 都可以,但如果强调有计划地看望祖父母,B 选项更合适。
如果只是单纯地说这个周末会去看望祖父母,A 选项也正确。
2.We ______ have a picnic tomorrow if the weather is fine.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.were going to答案解析:A。
“if the weather is fine”是条件状语从句,用一般现在时表将来。
“we”后面不能用“is going to”,B 选项不正确。
C 选项“would”一般用于过去将来时;D 选项“were going to”也是过去将来时。
所以只有A 选项正确。
3.They ______ play football after school.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.are going to答案解析:D。
“they”后面要用“are going to”,A 选项“will”也正确,但如果强调他们有计划地放学后踢足球,D 选项更合适。
C 选项“would”一般用于过去将来时。
所以只有A 和D 正确,但D 更符合语境。
4.I ______ go to the park on Sunday.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.was going to答案解析:A。

七年级英语一般将来时练习题40题带答案解析1.We ______ a picnic this weekend.A.will haveB.haveC.hasD.had答案解析:A。
this weekend 表示将来的时间,所以要用一般将来时。
选项B 是一般现在时;选项C 也是一般现在时,且主语是we,应该用have 而不是has;选项D 是一般过去时。
2.My mother ______ me a new bike next month.A.buyB.buysC.will buyD.bought答案解析:C。
next month 是将来的时间,要用一般将来时。
选项 A 缺少will;选项B 是一般现在时;选项D 是一般过去时。
3.They ______ to the park tomorrow.A.goB.will goC.goingD.went答案解析:B。
tomorrow 表示将来,要用一般将来时。
选项A 缺少will;选项C going 不能单独作谓语;选项D 是一般过去时。
4.I ______ my homework tonight.A.doB.will doC.didD.does答案解析:B。
tonight 表示将来的时间,要用一般将来时。
选项A 缺少will;选项C 是一般过去时;选项D 是一般现在时。
5.The teacher ______ us a test next week.A.giveB.givesC.will giveD.gave答案解析:C。
next week 是将来的时间,要用一般将来时。
选项A 缺少will;选项B 是一般现在时;选项D 是一般过去时。
6.We ______ play basketball after school.A.willB.areC.doD.did答案解析:A。
play basketball 是动词短语,前面需要用助动词will 来表示将来。

七年级英语一般将来时练习题40题含答案解析1.We are going to have a picnic this Sunday. What about you?I am going to ______ my grandparents.A.visitB.visitsC.visitedD.visiting答案解析:A。
be going to 后面接动词原形,表示计划、打算做某事。
B 选项是第三人称单数形式;C 选项是过去式;D 选项是现在分词,都不符合be going to 的用法。
2.My mother is going to buy some fruit. She is going to the ______.A.supermarketB.hospitalC.libraryD.school答案解析:A。
B 选项医院是看病的地方;C 选项图书馆是借书、看书的地方;D 选项学校是学习的地方。
3.Tom is going to play football tomorrow. He is very ______.A.excitedB.sadC.angryD.tired答案解析:A。
B 选项悲伤;C 选项生气;D 选项累,都不符合语境。
4.We are going to have an English test next week. I am going to study ______.A.hardB.hardlyzyzily答案解析:A。
study hard 努力学习。
B 选项hardly 是几乎不的意思;C 选项lazy 是懒惰的;D 选项lazily 是懒惰地,都不符合语境。
5.My sister is going to be a doctor. She is going to study ______.A.mathB.scienceC.artD.music答案解析:B。

初一英语上册一般将来时练习题及答案一、选择填空:()1.There__________ameetingtomorrowafternoon.A.willbegoingtoB.willgoingtobeC.isgoingtobeD.willgotobe()2.Ch arlie________herenextmonth.A.isn’tworkingB.doesn’tworkingC.isn’tgoingtoworkingD.won’twork()3.He________verybusythisweek,he________freenextweek.A.willb e;isB.is;isC.willbe;willbeD.is;willbe()4.There________adolphinshowinthezootomorrowevening.A.wasB.i sgoingtohaveC.willhaveD.isgoingtobe()5.–________you________freetomorrow?–No.I________freethedayaftertomorrow.A.Are;goingto;willB.Are;goingtobe;willC.Are;goingto;willbeD.A re;goingtobe;willbe()6.Mother________meanicepresentonmynextbi rthday.A.willgivesB.willgiveC.givesD.give()7.–ShallIbuyacupofteaforyou?–________.(不,不要。
)A.No,youwon’t.B.No,youaren’t.C.No,pleasedon’t.D.No,please. ()8.–Whereisthemorningpaper?–I________ifforyouatonce.A.getB.amgettingC.togetD.willget()9.________aconcertnextSatur day?A.TherewillbeB.WilltherebeC.TherecanbeD.Thereare()10.Iftheyco me,we________ameeting.A.haveB.willhaveC.hadD.wouldhave()11.He________herabeautifulh atonhernextbirthday.A.givesB.gaveC.willgivingD.isgoingtogiving()12.He________tousassoonasheget sthere.A.writesB.haswrittenC.willwriteD.wrote()13.He________inthreed ays.ingbackB.camebackC.willcomebackD.isgoingtocomingback()14.Ifit________tomorrow,we’llgoroller-skating.A.isn’trainB.won’trainC.doesn’trainD.doesn’tfine()15.–WillhisparentsgotoseetheTerraCottaWarriorstomorrow?–No,________(不去).A.theywilln’t.B.theywon’t.C.theyaren’t.D.theydon’t.()16.Who________we________swimmingwithtomorrowafternoon?A.wil l;goB.do;goC.will;goingD.shall;go()17.We________theworkthiswa ynexttime.A.doB.willdoC.goingtodoD.willdoing()18.Tomorrowhe________akiteintheopenairfirst,andthen________ boatinginthepark.A.willfly;willgoB.willfly;goesC.isgoingtofly;willgoesD.flies; willgo()19.Thedayaftertomorrowthey________avolleyballmatch.A. willwatchingB.watchesC.iswatchingD.isgoingtowatch()20.There________abirthdaypartyt hisSunday.A.shallbeB.willbeC.shallgoingtobeD.willgoingtobe()21.They________anEnglisheven ingnextSunday.A.arehavingB.aregoingtohaveC.willhavingD.isgoingtohave()22.__ ______you________freenextSunday?A.Will;areB.Will;beC.Do;beD.Are;be()23.He________thereattento morrowmorning.A.willB.isC.willbeD.be()24.________yourbrother________amagazinefromthelibrary?A.Are ;goingtoborrowB.Is;goingtoborrowC.Will;borrowsD.Are;goingtobo rrows()25.–ShallIcomeagaintomorrowafternoon?–________(好的).A.Yes,pleaseB.Yes,youwi ll.C.No,please.D.No,youwon’t.()26.It_ _______theyearofthehorsenextyear.A.isgoingtobeB.isgoingtoC.willbeD.willis()27.________openthew indow?A.WillyoupleaseB.Pleasewillyou3C.YoupleaseD.Doyou()28.–Let’sgoouttoplayfootball,shallwe?–OK.I________.A.willcomingB.begoingtocomeeD.amcoming()29.It________usa longtimetolearnEnglishwell.A.takesB.willtakeC.spendsD.willspend()30.Thetrain________at11.A.goingtoarriveB.willbearriveC.isgoingtoD.isarriving二、动词填空:1.I______(leave)inaminute.I______(finish)allmyworkbeforeI______(leave).2.—Howlong_____you_____(study)inourcountry?—I_____(plan)tobehereforaboutonemoreyear.—I_____(hope)tovisittheotherpartsofyourcountry.—What______you______(do)afteryou______(leave)here?—I______(return)homeand______(get)ajob.3.I______(be)tired.I______(go)tobedearlytonight.4.Mary’sbirthdayisnextMonday,hermother_____(give)herapresent.三、句型转换:1.Peopleinthenorthoftengoskatinginwinter.(nextwinter)2.Therearetwocinemasinthattown.(nextyear)3.Hecomesbacklate.(intwodays)4.Sheisaconductorofatrain.(soon)Key一、选择填空1.C2.D3.D4.D5.D6.B7.C8.D9.B10.B11.D12.C13.C14.C15.B16.D17.B18 .A19.D20.B21.B22.B23.C24.B25.A26.A27.A28.D29.B30.D二、动词填空1.amleavingwillfinishleave2.willstudyplanhopewilldoleavewillreturnget3.amwill4.willgive三、句型转换1.Peopleinthenorthwillgoskatingnextwinter.2.Therewillbetwocin emasinthattownnextyear.3.Hewillcomebacklateintwodays.4.Shewil lbeaconductorofatrainsoon.。

初一英语一般将来时练习题30题(带答案)1. I ______ play football with my friends this weekend.A. willB. am going toC. is going toD. are going to答案解析:A。
will和be going to都可以表示将来。
be going to表示计划、打算做某事,主语I对应的be动词是am,C选项is用于第三人称单数,D选项are 用于第二人称或者复数。
2. He ______ visit his grandparents next month.A. willB. is going toC. are going toD. am going to答案解析:B。
be going to表示计划、打算做某事,主语he是第三人称单数,对应的be动词是is,A选项will虽然也表示将来,但这里强调他有计划去看望祖父母,所以用is going to更合适,C选项are用于复数,D选项am用于I。
3. They ______ have a party for Mary's birthday.A. willB. are going toC. is going toD. am going to答案解析:B。
be going to表示计划、打算做某事,主语they是复数,对应的be动词是are,A选项will虽然也表示将来,但这里更强调他们有计划为玛丽举办生日派对,C选项is用于第三人称单数,D选项am用于I。
4. My sister ______ go shopping tomorrow.A. willB. is going toC. are going toD. am going to答案解析:B。
be going to表示计划、打算做某事,主语my sister 是第三人称单数,对应的be动词是is,A选项will虽然也表示将来,但这里强调姐姐有计划去购物,C选项are用于复数,D选项am用于I。

初一英语一般将来时练习题20题带答案解析1.She ______ visit her grandparents this weekend.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.was going to答案解析:A 和B 选项都可以表示一般将来时,C 选项would 通常用于过去将来时或者委婉语气,D 选项was going to 是过去将来时。
根据this weekend 可知要用一般将来时,而“will + 动词原形”和“be going to + 动词原形”都可以表示一般将来时,没有特别的迹象表明有计划,所以A 和B 都可以,但本题最佳答案是A。
2.We ______ have a picnic if the weather is fine.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.were going to答案解析:A 和B 选项都可以表示一般将来时,C 选项would 通常用于过去将来时或者委婉语气,D 选项were going to 是过去将来时。
如果天气好我们将会去野餐,这里没有特别的计划,所以用“will + 动词原形”,答案是A。
3.He ______ play football tomorrow.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.was going to答案解析:A 和B 选项都可以表示一般将来时,C 选项would 通常用于过去将来时或者委婉语气,D 选项was going to 是过去将来时。
根据tomorrow 可知要用一般将来时,没有特别的计划,所以用“will + 动词原形”,答案是A。
4.They ______ go to the zoo on Sunday.A.willB.is going toC.wouldD.were going to答案解析:A 和B 选项都可以表示一般将来时,C 选项would 通常用于过去将来时或者委婉语气,D 选项were going to 是过去将来时。

初一英语一般将来时练习题20题(答案解析)1.We ______ a picnic next Sunday.A.haveB.will haveC.hadD.having答案解析:B。
一般将来时的结构是will + 动词原形。
A 选项have 是一般现在时;C 选项had 是一般过去时;D 选项having 不能单独作谓语。
2.She ______ her grandparents tomorrow.A.visitB.will visitC.visitedD.visiting答案解析:B。
tomorrow 是一般将来时的标志词。
A 选项visit 是一般现在时;C 选项visited 是一般过去时;D 选项visiting 不能单独作谓语。
3.They ______ to the park this weekend.A.goB.will goC.wentD.going答案解析:B。
this weekend 表示将来的时间。
A 选项go 是一般现在时;C 选项went 是一般过去时;D 选项going 不能单独作谓语。
4.I ______ my homework tonight.A.doB.will doC.didD.doing答案解析:B。
tonight 是一般将来时的标志词。
A 选项do 是一般现在时;C 选项did 是一般过去时;D 选项doing 不能单独作谓语。
5.We ______ swimming next Monday.A.goB.will goC.wentD.going答案解析:B。
next Monday 表示将来的时间。
A 选项go 是一般现在时;C 选项went 是一般过去时;D 选项going 不能单独作谓语。
6.She ______ a new dress tomorrow.A.buyB.will buyC.boughtD.buying答案解析:B。

英语一般将来时题20套(带答案)及解析一、初中英语一般将来时1.— I hear Leo will leave for Korea for a meeting.— Really? Do you know when he _______.A. will startB. to startC. started【答案】 A【解析】【分析】句意:——我听说Leo要去韩国开会。
2.Look on the bright side of life,and imagine that you ______ a happy and successful future.A. hadB. will haveC. haveD. have had【答案】 B【解析】【分析】考查时态.句意"看看生活中美好的一面,想象你会有一个幸福和成功的未来.".A过去时.B一般将来时态.C动词原形.D现在完成时态.结合语境"看看生活中美好的一面,想象你___一个幸福和成功的未来.",由future未来,可知,表示将来,用一般将来时态.答案是B.3.I _________ the shops. Can I get you anything?A. go toB. went toC. have gone toD. am going to【答案】 D【解析】【分析】句意:我将去商店,我可以给你买一些东西吗迭项八是一般现在时,表示经常性的行为或状态;选项B是一般过去时,表示动作发生在过去,和现在没有关系;选项C 是现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。
根据Can I get you anything?可知,说话的时候,还没有去商店,所以应该用一般将来时。
4.—Do you have any plans for tonight?—Yes ,I____at the new Italian restaurant in town.A. eatB. have eatenC. ateD. am going to eat【答案】 D【解析】【分析】句意:一今天晚上你有什么计划吗?一是的,我打算到镇上新开的意大利餐馆去吃饭。

初中一般将来时专项练习题及答案一、单项选择( ) 1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. will be going toB. will going to beC. is going to beD. will go to be( ) 2. Charlie ________ here next month.A. isn’t workingB. doesn’t workingC. isn’t going to workingD. won’t work ( ) 3. He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A. will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be( ) 4. There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A. wasB. is going to haveC. will haveD. is going to be( ) 5. –_____ you ______ free tomorrow? –No. I _____ free the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; willB. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will beD. Are; going to be; will be( ) 6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A. will givesB. will giveC. givesD. give( ) 7. –Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________. (不,不要。

初一英语一般将来时练习题50题(答案解析)1.We ______ a picnic next Sunday.A.will haveB.haveC.hadD.has答案解析:A。
next Sunday 表示将来的时间,所以要用will + 动词原形的结构,即will have。
B 选项have 是一般现在时;C 选项had 是一般过去时;D 选项has 是一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。
2.They ______ to the park tomorrow.A.will goB.goC.wentD.goes答案解析:A。
tomorrow 是将来的时间标志,要用一般将来时will go。
B 选项go 是一般现在时;C 选项went 是一般过去时;D 选项goes 是一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。
3.She ______ study hard this term.A.willB.won'tC.doesn't答案解析:A。
this term 可以表示将来的时间,结合语境,应该是她这学期将会努力学习,用will + 动词原形。
B 选项won't 是否定形式,不符合语境;C 选项doesn't 和D 选项isn't 都是用于一般现在时。
4.We ______ see a movie this weekend.A.willB.areC.doD.does答案解析:A。
this weekend 是将来的时间,用will + 动词原形,will see。
B 选项are 后面不能直接跟动词原形;C 选项do 和D 选项does 用于一般现在时。
5.He ______ play basketball after school.A.willB.isC.areD.does答案解析:A。
after school 可以表示将来的时间,用will + 动词原形,will play。
一般将来时(单选题 25题 含解析)初中英语专题练习

一般将来时(单选题 25题含解析)初中英语专题练习一、单选题(共25题)1.If it is sunny tomorrow, we ________ the mountain together.A.climb B.climbed C.will climb D.were climbing 2.—Mary, how many of your friends ________ to your birthday party tomorrow?—I’m not sure. But I invited three yesterday.A.came B.have come C.were coming D.will come 3.We ________ a class meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.have had B.has C.will have D.had 4.Oh, no, I forgot to call Jenny back. I ________ her right away.A.called B.call C.have called D.will call 5.The school sports meeting ________ the day after tomorrow.A.takes place B.will take place C.took place 6.—The World Cup is coming. I am not going to ________ any game!—I’m looking forward to ________ every match of it, too.A.miss; watch B.miss; watchingC.missed; watch D.misses; watched7.—Let’s go swimming if it ________ this weekend.— But nobody knows if it ________.A.will be fine; will rain B.is fine; will rainC.is fine; rains D.will be fine; rains8.—Could you tell me ________?—At 9:00 tomorrow morning.A.when the online meeting will begin B.when will the online meeting begin C.when does the online meeting begin D.when the online meeting begins 9.We ________ a sports test next Friday.A.will have B.had C.have D.are having 10.—Tony, do you know ________?—Tomorrow afternoon.A.when did we have a meeting B.when will we have a meeting C.when we had a meeting D.when we will have a meeting 11.My teacher ________ me with my English next weekend.A.helps B.will help C.was helping D.helped 12.—Don’t worry about the final exam. You ________ it if you work hard.—Thanks!A.pass B.will pass C.passed D.have passed 13.All your efforts ________ if you try your best to achieve your goal.A.pay off B.paid off C.is paying off D.will pay off 14.If you talk with your parents more often, you ________ each other better. A.understand B.will understandC.understood D.have understood15.It is hard to imagine what tomorrow ________ with the rapid development of science. A.is like B.will be like C.likes D.will like 16.—Next Friday is my mother’s birthday, and I’m thinking about ________.—I think you can cook a dinner for her.A.what present did I gave her B.what present I gave herC.what present will I give her D.what present I will give her17.No one can be sure ______ in a million years.A.what humans will look like B.what will humans look like C.what have humans looked like D.what humans are looking like 18.—Have you ever been to the Great Wall?—Not yet. I ________ there with my parents this summer holiday.A.will go B.went C.have gone D.go19.If you water a plant, it _________.A.will grow B.is growing C.grows D.grew 20.—Didn’t you see the sign? You can’t park here.—Sorry, sir. I ________ it away.A.drive B.will drive C.was driving D.have driven 21.Scientists say that in the future there _______ longer summers and shorter winters. A.is B.are C.will have D.will be 22.—David wants to know if ________ a picnic tomorrow.—Yes, but if it ________, we’ll visit the museum instead.A.you have; will rain B.you will have; will rainC.will you; have rains D.you will have; rains23.—Has Linda told you if she ________ here next Sunday?—Not yet. But I think she’d like to join us.A.leaves B.comes C.will leave D.will come 24.—Mum, we have little milk left in the fridge.—I ________ to the shop to get some. Together with me?A.am going B.have gone C.was going D.went25.If it is sunny tomorrow, my parents ________ me to the park.A.take B.took C.will take D.have taken【参考答案】一、单选题(共25题)1.C【详解】句意:如果明天晴天,我们会一起去爬山。

七年级英语一般将来时练习题40题含答案解析1.We __________ a picnic this weekend.A.haveB.will haveC.hadD.has答案解析:B。
“this weekend”表示将来的时间,一般将来时的构成是“will+动词原形”,所以选B。
A 选项“have”是一般现在时;C 选项“had”是一般过去时;D 选项“has”是一般现在时第三人称单数形式。
2.My family and I __________ visit my grandparents tomorrow.A.willB.areC.wereD.do答案解析:A。
B 选项“are”后面跟现在分词构成现在进行时;C 选项“were”是一般过去时;D 选项“do”用于一般现在时。
3.She __________ go shopping with her friends next Sunday.A.isB.willC.was答案解析:B。
“next Sunday”表明是将来的时间,一般将来时结构为“will+动词原形”,选B。
A 选项“is”后面跟现在分词或形容词等构成系表结构;C 选项“was”是一般过去时;D 选项“does”用于一般现在时。
4.They __________ play basketball after school tomorrow.A.willB.areC.wereD.do答案解析:A。
B 选项“are”后接现在分词构成现在进行时;C 选项“were”是一般过去时;D 选项“do”用于一般现在时。
5.We __________ watch a movie tonight.A.willB.areC.wereD.do答案解析:A。

初一英语一般将来时单选题40题及答案1.There will be a sports meeting in our school next week. We are all looking forward to it. What will you do in the sports meeting?A.I will play basketball.B.I played basketball.C.I am playing basketball.D.I play basketball.答案:A。
A 选项“will play basketball”表示将来要做的事情,符合题意;B 选项“played basketball”是一般过去时;C 选项“am playing basketball”是现在进行时;D 选项“play basketball”是一般现在时。
2.My friend and I will go to the park tomorrow. What will we take with us?A.Some books.B.Some bread.C.Some water.D.Some fruits.答案:C。
A 选项书在去公园的场景中不太常见;B 选项面包可能不是首选;D 选项水果携带起来可能不太方便,且容易弄脏。
3.We will have a picnic on Sunday. What will you bring?A.A kite.B.A ball.C.Some food.D.A book.答案:C。
A 选项风筝不是野餐必须带的;B 选项球在野餐场景中不是主要物品;D 选项书在野餐中不是重点携带物品。
4.The teacher said we will have an exam next week. What will you do to prepare for it?A.I will study hard.B.I studied hard.C.I am studying hard.D.I study hard.答案:A。

初一英语一般将来时练习题20题含答案解析1.We ______ have a picnic this weekend.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案解析:A 和B 都可以表示一般将来时,“will + 动词原形”和“be going to + 动词原形”都可以表示将来的动作或状态。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词的原形,不能选。
D 选项“are”不是一般将来时的表达方式。
本题根据语境,可以用“will”或者“are going to”,但没有更具体的语境提示用“be going to”,所以选A。
2.My family ______ visit my grandparents next Sunday.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案解析:A 和B 都符合一般将来时的表达。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词原形,不能选。
D 选项“are”不是一般将来时的表达方式。
根据语境,有具体的计划“visit my grandparents”,所以用“be going to”更合适,选B。
3.She ______ study hard for the coming exam.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案解析:A 选项“will”表示主观意愿,符合语境。
B 选项“are going to”主语是she 时应该用“is going to”,所以不能选。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词原形,不能选。
D 选项“are”不是一般将来时的表达方式。
4.They ______ play basketball after school.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案解析:A 和B 都符合一般将来时的表达。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词原形,不能选。

初中英语一般将来时习题一、选择填空:( ) 1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. will be going toB. will going to beC. is going to beD. will go to be( ) 2. Charlie ________ here next month.A. isn’t workingB. doesn’t workingC. isn’t going to workingD. won’t work( ) 3. He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A. will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be( ) 4. There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A. wasB. is going to haveC. will haveD. is going to be( ) 5. –________ you ________ free tomorrow?– No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; willB. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will beD. Are; going to be; will be ( ) 6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A. will givesB. will giveC. givesD. give( ) 9. ________ a concert next Saturday?A. There will beB. Will there beC. There can beD. There are( ) 10. If they come, we ________ a meeting.A. haveB. will haveC. hadD. would have( ) 11. He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.A. givesB. gaveC. will givingD. is going to giving ( ) 13. He ________ in three days.A. coming backB. came backC. will come backD. is going to coming back ( ) 14. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.A. isn’t rainB. won’t rainC. doesn’t rainD. doesn’t fine( ) 15. – Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?– No, ________ (不去).A. they willn’t.B. they won’t.C. they aren’t.D. they don’t.( ) 16. Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon?A. will; goB. do; goC. will; goingD. shall; go( ) 17. We ________ the work this way next time.A. doB. will doC. going to doD. will doing( ) 18. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.A. will fly; will goB. will fly; goesC. is going to fly; will goesD. flies; will go( ) 19. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A. will watchingB. watchesC. is watchingD. is going to watch( ) 20. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A. shall beB. will beC. shall going to beD. will going to be( ) 21. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A. are havingB. are going to haveC. will havingD. is going to have( ) 22. ________ you ________ free next Sunday?A. Will; areB. Will; beC. Do; beD. Are; be( ) 23. He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A. willB. isC. will beD. be( ) 24. ________ your brother ________ a magazine from the library?A. Are; going to borrowB. Is; going to borrowC. Will; borrowsD. Are; going to borrows ( ) 25. – Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon?–________ (好的).A. Yes, pleaseB. Yes, you will.C. No, please.D. No, you won’t.( ) 26. It ________ the year of the horse next year.A. is going to beB. is going toC. will beD. will is( ) 27. ________ open the window?A. Will you pleaseB. Please will youC. You pleaseD. Do you( ) 28. –Let’s go out to play football, shall we?– OK. I ________.A. will comingB. be going to comeC. comeD. am coming( ) 30. The train ________ at 11.A. going to arriveB. will be arriveC. is going toD. is arriving一般将来时练习一完成句子:1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。

七年级英语一般将来时练习题40题含答案解析1.She ____ visit her grandparents this weekend.A.is going toB.goes toC.went toD.go to答案解析:A。
选项A“is going to”表示一般将来时,符合题意。
选项B“goes to”是一般现在时。
选项C“went to”是一般过去时。
选项D“go to”形式错误,且不是一般将来时。
一般将来时be going to 结构表示计划、打算做某事。
2.We ____ have a picnic tomorrow if the weather is fine.A.is going toB.are going toC.was going toD.were going to答案解析:B。
主语是we,be 动词用are。
“are going to”表示一般将来时。
选项 C 和 D 是过去将来时,不符合题意。
一般将来时be going to 结构中,be 动词要根据主语的人称和数进行变化。
3.He ____ play football after school.A.is going toB.goes toC.will答案解析:A。
选项A“is going to”表示一般将来时,符合题意。
选项B“goes to”是一般现在时。
选项C“will”也可表示一般将来时,但此处强调计划,用“is going to”更合适。
4.They ____ watch a movie tonight.A.is going toB.are going toC.were going toD.will be答案解析:B。
主语是they,be 动词用are。
“are going to”表示一般将来时。
选项C 是过去将来时。
选项D“will be”后面缺少动词原形,不是完整的一般将来时表达。

初一英语一般将来时单选题40题(带答案)1.We ______ have a sports meeting next week.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案:B。
“will + 动词原形”和“be going to + 动词原形”都可以表示将来。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词的现在分词形式,所以错误;D 选项“are”不是一般将来时的表达,所以错误。
“have a sports meeting”是一个具体的计划,通常用“be going to + 动词原形”来表达。
2.They ______ play basketball after school tomorrow.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案:A。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词的现在分词形式,所以错误;D 选项“are”不是一般将来时的表达,所以错误。
“play basketball”没有具体的计划,只是一种可能性,通常用“will + 动词原形”来表达。
3.I ______ visit my grandparents this weekend.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案:A。
C 选项“will be”后面缺少动词的现在分词形式,所以错误;D 选项“are”不是一般将来时的表达,所以错误。
“visit my grandparents”没有具体的计划,只是一种想法,通常用“will + 动词原形”来表达。
4.She ______ buy a new book tomorrow.A.willB.are going toC.will beD.are答案:A。