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If there is no air, there would be impossible to have any lives on the earth.


When you get close to the school, you should slow down, even if no kids are around.


Although the tusk is hard, we are determined (坚定,下决心)to accomplish (完成) it.


Undoubtedly, they should cope with lots of complicated problems in order to dig so deep a hole 5老师布置(assigned)读多少章节(chapters)作为家庭作业(assign)?

How many chapters has the teacher assigned us to read as our homework?


The energy can neither create, nor disappear during chemical changes.


He will never be criticized unless he did something wrong.

8他的口音(accent)说明(betrays,泄露,出卖,显露) 他是外国人(betray);

His accent betrays he is a foreigner.

9到18世纪末,英国正迅速(rapidly迅速地,很快地) 成为世界工厂;

At the end of 18th century, the great Britain rapidly became the factory of the world.

10我们完全(totally)意识到(aware of知道,觉察到)局势(situation))的严重性(aware);

We are totally aware of the importance of the situation.


He was prohibited into the city.


The headmaster conferred the best students with honorary titles.

13他在申请一份职员工作(office clerk.)(apply);

He was applying for an office clerk.


We have already waited him for two hours when he finally came.


I can ask him whether he remembered that he had sent a letter for you.


I was totally absorbed in reading, and didn’t hear you calling me.


The heavy fruits bend the branches.


The bacteria are too small to be seen.


We bargained with the farmer on the price of milk.


I wondered whether it is cheaper when I call at 5p.m.


When his father lose his temper, he behaves rude.


Nothing distracts him when he works.


The little girl is avid to be awarded.


He attributes his success to his efforts.


The airport they built was 20km away from the town.


It is Newton that first discovered the attractiveness between objects.

27这家旅馆可供500人住宿.(accommodate) ;

The hotel can accommodate for 500 people.


I begged them not to mention my name in front of her.


These tickets are available for 7 days.


If he left earlier, he would have caught the train.


The jets were not used until World War Ⅱ.


If I see him, I’ll ask him to wait for a while.


If you came here yesterday, you can see him.


I have been studied for three years by July next year.


I attained victory in that battle.


Xiao Zhang lost his balance and fell off the ladder.


I wanted to know the importance of spatial communication.


His heart beats so fast that he can hardly breathe.


He cannot bear being laughed at by other people.


Our troops attained victory in that battle.


一、Was hoe is a young chimpanzee,she is no 1 chimpanzee though Scientists are doing









9、room 10、reach 11、problem 12、on 13、long 14、box 15、knocked 16、lives 17、day 18、There19、even 20、learn

二、When Henry Alice came home 1 the office 2 he saw a note 3 his wife on the kitchen table


2、last Thursday night



5、am going

6、to be with

7、a few

8、be done

9、cleaner’s 10、get 11、some 12、come 13、must be done 14、asking for 15、in 16、on 17、to give 18、let 19、at 20、would be

三、Yesterday was 1 ,he got a lot of presents 2 his friends and family.

1、jim’s birthday




5、the packages




9、was 10、was not 11、removed 12、another 13、wrapped in 14、covered with 15、as 16、said 17、in 18、went in 19、opening 20、before

四、It was an early morning in summer.In the streets,sleep-eyed people were moving quickly,









9、with 10、distance 11、crowds 12、wonder 13、tiny 14、trips15、walking 16、even 17、courage 18、terrified 19、show 20、why

五、Making friends is a skill like most skills. It 1 with practice.









9、seeing 10、uncomfortable 11、Most of 12、with 13、ourselves 14、judging 15、as 16、act 17、if 18、enter 19、directly

20、the other

六、Americans travel by air in 1 the same way as Europeans and 2 travel by train.


2、the Japanese



5、by train




9、less 10、because 11、afford 12、No 13、highly 14、to love 15、only 16、to 17、Except 18、another 19、has 20、as well

七、Most people agree that fencing is one sport in which a person must be at least 30yuars old


2、has shown







9、master 10、against 11、certain 12、real 13、forget 14、settle 15、life and death 16、came 17、play 18、had been

19、as if 20、killed

八、Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat.



3、as well as






9、others 10、harder 11、gives of 12、female 13、produces 14、conclude 15、hard-working 16、17、18、19、20、阅读理解

一、While plant and animal species are disappearing at a rapidly increasing rate throughout

1、Protecting Endangered Species

2、African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants


4、Rwanda developed an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas

5、the wild nature

二、In 1848, gold was discovered in California, from all over the nation, thousands of young

1、how people got blue jeans

2、Levi found riches in the gold fields

3、many people looking for gold

4、miners wanted pants which could stand rough work

5、it was one tailor who started making blue jeans/It was in California that blue jeans first became popular

三、If you want to keep young, sit down and have a good think,

1、why some people age sooner than others

2、eating and breathing

3、persons chosen to be studied in an experiment

4、farm workers

5、the team of doctors made these tests in order to show how the brain works

四、Charlie chaplin has broken all records in making people laugh no one has

1、he was born in the USA

2、both B and C

3、his unhappy early years in the poor area in London

4、chaplin’s films are the combinations of funny and sad elements

5、written about Charlie chaplin

五、The University of London is one of Britain’s largest centers for higher education,

1、full of activity and energy

2、international education

3、the Student Service Office

4、they can have a place in halls of residence if they wish to …..

5、draw more international students

六、“the more you learn, the more you earn,”said the pop singer Cyndi lauper

1、they can get higher income with higher degrees

2、college education can make a student understand a lot about the world around him

3、do all of the above

4、much higher than in most other major nations

5、in the past, high school graduates account for the majority of college students/

all of the Americans have realized the importance of receiving a college education

七、Manners are important to happy relations among people. Everyone likes

1、he knows what to do and what not to do on different occasions

2、do whatever he can do help

3、interrupting him if he talks too much

4、Making no sound all the time in class.

5、"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"

八、Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been

1、is an occupational disease of foreign people /is actually not a disease

2、the sudden change of the social atmosphere and customs

3、You suddenly forget what a word means.

4、He is most likely to refuse to absorb the strange environment at first.

5、a book on medicine and psychology /an essay on human customs

九、The English names of the months of the year come from Latin.January,March,May,

1、Both A and C.

2、it is time to consider spring cleaning

3、not very sure

4、It is frequently rainy and stormy in March in most of North America.

5、The English names of the months of the year are from Latin.

十、Rote-learning (死记硬背), spoon-fed education, produces a brand of kids that don't


2、Combine listening with looking and doing.

3、What we learned today may not be useful tomorrow.

4、Students may have to do jobs which have not yet been invented.


十一、Since the late 1960s a growing number of women have expressed a strong

1、they are in the inferior position/the wife only take care of the household

2、Husband plays a superior role while wife plays an inferior role.

3、Wife earns the living while husband does housework.

4、all of the above

5、The Equal Right Between Husband and Wife

十二、When all the animals of a species die out, the whole loses. That creature


2、may species in the animal world may die out

3、gentle and shy

4、the enemy of harmful insects

5、Joan Embery has set a good example for them. Joan Embery

十三、Being a man has always been dangerous. There are about 105 males born for every

1、What used to be the danger in being a man according ot the first paragraph?(A lower survival rate.)

2、Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor.

3、life has been improved by technological advance

4、Human Evolution Going Nowhere.

5、there is another factor to prevent us from evolving

1. According to the author, what was the danger a man had to face?(Lower survival.)

2. The sentence "There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide" perhaps means

(there is another factor to)

3.The example of India interprets that

(natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor)

4. The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because

(life has been improved by technological advance.)

5.What is the main idea of the passage? (Human evolution going nowhere)

十四、How do the American office men and women dress themselves when they go to work

1、pants are almost a necessity for their work

2、dress in proper and unobvious clothes

3、grooming should be overemphasized because it is very important

4、everyone make sure he or she is properly dressed or made up

5、Both men and women may go to an evening engagement before returning home.

十五、A man on a lonely island can act as he likes because he has no one to consider

1、he feels it unnecessary to consider others

2、they make peace with each other or one defeats the other

3、teaching them your language

4、receive the visitor better

5、you should follow the rules and conventions of society

十六、Most people feel stress at some time in their lives. Some people like this pressure and work better

1、Stress is the cause of our discomfort and should be avoided by everyone.


3、support that stress comes from how people regard the stress

4、a critical event


十七、What kind of home you need to prepare for your dog will depend on what kind of

1、regularly with balanced food.

2、It helps to develop friendly character and working skills.

3、The dog

4、training of a dog.

十八、One morning a young woman, who has recently lost her first job,was examining

1、Send a postal for five pence and an envelope with a stamp and her address.

2、didn't believe the ad. and didn't want her to do so

3、To learn from the advertiser.

4、a humor.

十九、That "Monday morning feeling " could be a crushing pain in the chest which leaves you sweating

1、It's a feeling of pain in the chest which makes people sweat and gasp.

2、has something to do with heart attacks.

3、"Monday morning feeling" is not enough to explain the cause of heart attacks.


4、We should learn to enjoy our work.

二十、More than 2,500 years ago, a man in India made a discovery. He discovered the cause

1、the founder of a great religion

2、Siddhartha had a happy childhood.

3、He tried to work out the truth of life

4、The Founder of a Great Religion

二十一、For thousands of years people dreamed of having ability to fly. Mythology and folklore are

1、People have always hoped to fly since ancient times.

2、People can reach any place in the world within 24 hours.

3、The southern hot area.

4、more job chances

二十二、Few countries will admit officially that they employ spies. However, from time to time,


2、They dressed in heavy black coats.

3、over the side

4、They were exchanging spies.

二十三、you have decided to raise a dog. Keep in mind that a dog, is a living creature that will become

1、regularly with balanced food.

2、It helps to develop friendly character and working skills.

3、The dog

4、training of a dog.

二十四、If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research

1、why certain people age sooner than others

2、The study of brain volumes of different

3、some people ' s brains have contracted

4、persons chosen to be studied in an

5、Lawyers. 律师

二十五、Regular feedings are an important part of taking good care of a dog.

1、regularly with balanced food.

2、It helps to develop friendly character and working skills

3、The dog

4、training of a dog
