


Color Words
1.white 2.black
4.yellow 5.blue
white在中英文里都有“清楚,纯洁,幸福,公正”的意思。如 英文a white day(吉日)white city(游乐场)white headed(宠 儿);中文“白净”、“清白”、“坦白” 在英语里,有时white表达的含义和中文的“白”没什么必然的 联系。同样中文里有些“白”的表达翻译成英文是需要借助其 他词的解释。 英文:white lie (善意的谎言)white elephant(昂贵又无用的东西) white-livered(怯懦) the white coffee(牛奶咖啡)white feather (怯懦的表现)、white slaver(诱女为娼者)...... 中文:“白痴”a foolish person、“白眼”a tired look、“不分 青红皂白”not tell right or wrong、“告白”explain sht.for oneself......


色谱中,蓝色是冷色调。但是它又是青色与品色的相融合的颜 色。冷静中多了几分性感的情感。蓝色的象征意义取决于它的 明度:明度高的蓝色象征清新与宁静,“蓝天碧水”;明度低 的蓝色象征庄重与崇高“澧兰沅芷”;明度极低的蓝色象往着 孤独与悲伤“蓝色妖姬”。蓝色产生有寒冷、消极与肃穆的心 理联想“白袷蓝衫”。蓝色脸谱,表现性格刚直,桀骜不驯。 如:《上天台》中的马武,“《连环套》里的窦尔墩。 在英文里,blue是一个含义非常丰富的颜色词。常用来形容人 “忧愁苦闷”的情绪。 1)They felt rather blue after the failure in the foodball match. 2)—She looks blue today.What's the matter with her? —She is in holiday blue.














用red组成的短语也往往含有贬义:in the red(亏损), red alert(紧急警报),, red-light district(妓女出没的红灯区), red tape(官僚作风), red rag/flag(令人愤怒、仇恨的事), see red(勃然大怒), red-handed(残忍的), red ruin(战祸), red revenge(血腥复仇)。



对于颜色中西文化差异_终稿 PPT

对于颜色中西文化差异_终稿 PPT
a white lie
White, opposite to red, is a basic taboo color in Chinese traditional culture. It is the expression of exhausted and nonblooded, non-life, and stands for death and ill omen.
In western In the "Bible", the first appeared dragon is red
(fiery red dragon), but it is the king of devil Satan. So in English, red is the color of strong derogatory word.
In the use of Chinese, white usually contains for nothing, look down on and useless.
Example: “no use”(白搭) “go to waste”(白费) “supercilious look”(白眼)
But red-letter day is a memorable day, especially happy day. It originated in the West, the festival on the calendar is marked in red, while the other day printed in black
1、The different use of color in China and Western 2、Causes of cultural differences of colors 3、Conclusion



注:下划线斜字体不在ppt上展示!Part 1:Before we start our presentation today, first let’s try some interesting translation. “You look blue today. What’s wrong with you?”“你今天看起来闷闷不乐,你怎么了”Means “你今天看起来闷闷不乐,你怎么了”。


Then let’s move on to another case:“The smoke made him cough. He coughed harshly, his face lit like a tomato.”“烟使他呛起来。

他难受地咳着,脸胀得像番茄一样红”Which means“烟使他呛起来。



可见,颜色词在中英文中的含义用法有诸多的不同,而这正是我们今天presentation 的主题:Part2:The Cultural Differences of Color Words in Chinese and English(单独作一页PPT,也可以在这里加上小组成员,分工等)From the scientific definition, color is a visual phenomenon launched, reflected or caused through certain light wave by the object; it is one kind of visual essential features of human eye. While on the basic color words, there is not so much difference in English and in Chinese, in Chinese, there are 赤(chi)、橙(cheng)、黄(huang)、绿(lv)、青(qing)、蓝(lan)、紫(zi)、黑、白,and in English there are red,orange, yellow, green,cyan,blue and purple, black and white, color words in each nation’s language differ from one anther in the world.可见在对视觉上对颜色的描述,中英文是不存在什么差异的But now the color words not only express the color, but also imply the cultural factors of each country, different cultures can reflect one country’s history, aesthetic taste and national psychology. It is the bright and colorful nature which provides the place for life and the foundation for developing. Therefore, it is of great importanceto study color words to find out how they reflect cultural differences in both the original and target language and why they can influence our daily life.然而在象征意义和文化含义上,中英文对颜色的理解就十分明显了,并且了解这种差异对于我们学习英语来说是非常有必要的In specific. The main colors of English and Chinese are same or similar,but some color words in one language can refer to more one color in other language. So the English and Chinese color words are not always corresponding word. Take the colorsof red, black, white, yellow, green and blue for examples as showed below.REDBoth in China and English speaking countries, red always be connected with joyous and celebrate events. For example, “red-letter days” in English means memorial day, often refers to Christmas Day. ”to paint the town red” means binge, quaff, or even monkey business〔狂欢痛饮胡闹〕“roll out the red carpet for sb.”〔铺展红地毯隆重地欢送某人〕.red also used to express some sorts of emotion. For instance, “become red-faced”or “sb’s face turned red” has the same meaning with “脸红” in Chinese. And “to see red ” along with “wave a red flag” equals to “为难、发怒” in Chinese.In Chinese particularly, the word “ hong ” represents luck, happiness, success, celebration and festival. In traditional Chinese weddings, not only the decorations are full of red color, including red candle, red quilts, red words “喜”and so on, but also the clothing of the bride and groom, as well as the red veil of the bride〔新娘的红盖头〕, thus bringing a wedding atmosphere and implying the prosperous future of the newlyweds. Furthermore, the word “红火”represents exuberant and lively. The word “红利” , describes the enterprise division of profits to shareholders or bonuses to staff. The word “红颜” refers to a young and beautiful woman.But in English, the word “ red ” represents danger, violence and debauchery〔放纵;沉湎酒色〕 with strong derogatory〔贬义的〕 meaning. When talking about the word red, people always imagine the fire and blood. For instance, “ red-faced ” represents embarrassed or angry; “ red alert ” is a warning that something very dangerous is likely to happen; “ the red rules of tooth and claws ”〔残杀和暴力统治〕means tyranny or a cruel, harsh, and unfair control over other people. With the cultural exchange, the word “ red ” in English comes to have some complimentary sense, such as “ red carpet ” used to welcome very important visitors as the speci al treatment when they arrive. However, in English “ red ” has different meanings in economy, such as “ in the red ” “ get into the red ” both mean somebody is in debt. So “ red ” is really the word making people happy at some time, but upset at other time.No matter in China or western countries, as a darker color, “黑” or “ black ” often has something to do with dirtiness, illegality, death, mourning, sadness, despair, an ger and justice. “V icious”“bad” are common meanings of black in both Chinese and English.In China, “乌黑的手” is what we call dirty hands. “黑市” implies the listed commodities trading allowed without government's approval, “黑车” means the illegal taxi with a higher charge. In the funeral, Chinese will tie a black band around one arm to show the sad feeling. If people get angry, we see the expression “他黑着个脸”. Sometimes “黑” symbolizes the justice, because in ancient China, we had a famous righteous officer called “包拯”, who had black complexion.In western country, “ a black sweet ”“ black water ” mean dirty. “ Black money ” indicates the income earned in an illegal way. Black is also a color for mourning dress (丧服)in Western countries. “ A black dog ” and “ black mood ”both refer to the low spirit of people. When people get angry, they look “ black-browed ” or “ black in the face ” or “ as black as thunder ”, and they also have“ black passion ”.WhiteSimilarities:The color white gives both Chinese and English the similar imagination to some extent. Take “pure” and ”innocent” for example , which means “纯洁,清白无辜的”. In Chinese, the word “白” is the symbol of death, depression and failure. In the funerals, traditional Chinese people always wear white mourning dress to express condolences to the dead. The funeral can also be called “白事” in Chinese. Also, the word “白” has the meaning of the civilian, such as “白丁” represents the illiterate people or the uneducated common people. In traditional drama, the implications of the word “白” is treachery. That is why the famous ancient politician,曹操, was described as “白脸奸臣”.On the contrary, the word “ white ” refers to the chastity, hope, happiness, joy and naivety in English. “ A white lie ” means a lie that you tell someone in order to protect them or avoid hurting their feelings. If someo ne is said to be “ white-handed ”, it means he or she is honest or innocent. In the Bible, the Angels are always with a pair of white wings and a silver-white halo overhead. White is the incarnation〔具象化〕 of being smart, kind and beautiful. the bride always dresses in a white wedding dress as a symbol of pure and beautiful.In ancient China, the word “黄” is a kind of noble color because it signifies the color of the skin of the Chinese people. When it came to “黄”, the majority of Chinese people will be reminded of the yellow clothes which the emperor wore. So, there are a lot of words with “黄”, such as “黄道吉日” with the meaning of the lucky day suitable to do things and “黄袍加身” with the meaning of acclaiming emperor. Nowadays, this word is associated with sex in Chinese. The word “扫黄”is the symbol of the elimination of the pornography and prostitution(淫秽制品以及卖淫嫖娼).As the color of gold and the sun, “ yellow” is the symbol of wealth, honor and power in English. It’s a holy color in Christianity. The Father wears golden crucifix 〔十字架〕, and the holy cup used by Jesus in his last supper is also yellow. In English, there is a phrase “ a yellow ribbon ”, used as a symbol of welcome for those people who will return home. So “ to hang yellow ribbons for somebody ” is to give awarm welcome for one’s return. “ Yellow ” sometimes implies warning. “ A yellow card ” is a card held up by a football referee to show that a player has done something wrong. Later it is used generally throughout the world as a symbol of warning.GreenGreen is a sort of color full of vigor and energy underlying life, youth, hope, peace and energy both in Chinese and English.In Chinese, there is another saying of “绿”, that is “青”, so there exists such phrases as “青春年华”, “常青树”. At present, the color “绿” also means environmental protection, such as in the phrase: “ the Green Party ”, “ Green Revolution ”, “ green food ”, “ green consumerism ” and so forth.But comparatively speaking, green has more associative indications in English such as “ green hands ” and “ be in the green ”, which mean being inexperienced. What’s more, the implications of green can also be envious and jealous, such as “ green with envy ”, “ green as jealousy ” and “ green-eyed monster ”. In Britain as well as in the United States, the color green is one of the favorite colors, and there are many places decorated with green color and even US dollars are green. Thus the color term “ green ” is often used to refer to money or fortune.BlueIn Chinese, the word “ 蓝” represents the color of the sky and water, symbolizing calm, reflection, modesty and the intellect. In fact, the implications of Chinese word“ 蓝” is less. To Chinese people, blue is the color of the dress worn by Confucian scholars in ancient times, and “蓝衫”was once used to refer to “秀才”, who passed the imperial examination at the county level in Ming and Qing dynasties.In English, the word “ blue ” commonly is a metaphor of depression, frustration, sorrow and anguish. If somebody is “ in a blue mood ”, he or sh e may feel sad, gloomy and depressed. Similar in meaning is “ a blue Monday ”, indicating the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend. Moreover, blue denotes high social position or being aristocratic〔贵族的〕. For instance, “ blue-blooded ” describes someone who have been born into a family which belongs to a royal or noble family or the highest social class. In contrast, another meaning of “ blue ” in English is connected with sex. “ Blue movie ” means a movie showing a lot of sexual activ ity, and “ blue talk ” means a talk which is coarse〔粗俗的〕.Part3:The Reasons for Different Culture Connotation between English and Chinese Color Words1、Natural EnvironmentsWe know the weather of England is always warm and the wool spinning industry has developed rapidly in England from early time.Thereby,English people often use sheep or wool as analogue. For example,there is wool so white but a dyer call make it black(羊毛虽白,染之则黑)As rice is the main food in china, Chinese is accustomed to using “米黄色” to describe the yellow just like the color of rice, while in western countries, butter and cream is the daily food, so “cream ” or “ butter- yellow” is often used in English. But in English yellow also has meanings of vulgar and despicable which has nothing to do with pornographic as yellow means in Chinese. This kind of usage began in 1895.New York world published picture story caricature yellow kids that was printed in yellow.Yellow journalisms and yellow covered literatures are just some vulgar publications.2、Historical BackgroundsIn Chinese, “绿帽子” (lv mao zi) is a metaphor, which means to be a cuckold. This kind of usage appropriately began in Tang dynasty. At that time, the male in brothel should wear a green hat to represent their identity. Chinese ancients viewed green as an impure color and represents low class. Therefore, the one whose wife has a paramour is called “戴绿帽子”. While western countries have no similar historic background, they don’t understand the meaning inside. In translation, it can not be simply translated into “He wears a green hat”, but “a cuckold husband”。



While we have to acknowledge that foreigners are not rather crazy about red. On the contrary, red often appears in bad circumstances such as danger, blood, revenge or violence.Red Alert (warning); in the red (loss); red ruin.
became the imperial color. Statue of fiveyear "emperor, wearing a" yellow robe ", sit imperial car is called "yellow house", the path of the call "zodiac", Tours with
It can be very retro, it feels like a hundred days.
As the most profound color in blue, the use case of Tibetan blue in indoor environment is endless
White collar(白领)
Snow White(白雪公主) A White war(不流血的战争)
The collocation of color
Gray has always been a constant fashion color, and its versatile features apply everywhere. Yellow is the color of energy and enthusiasm, when it collides with the gray, the effect is warm and soft.







一、颜色名称1. 颜色的计数方式辛亥革命期间,许多粤籍人士曾因所习惯的数目计数方式不同而产生误解。





在英语中,颜色的基本单元是primary colors(三原色)和secondary colors(三原色的混合色),还有white(白)和black(黑)两种非色彩语义。



2. 颜色的名称差异由于中英文发音习惯和语言形式的不同,同一种颜色在两种语言中的名称往往会存在差异。




例如,在英语中,“surprising pink”指的是粉红色的一种较亮的变种;而在中文中,“惊艳粉”这个名称并不常用,还没有一个确定的颜色指向。

二、颜色意象1. 黑色的象征黑色在中英文中的象征意义存在一定的差异。






所谓颜色词(color word),是指语言中表示颜色的词汇。




红色在汉语中有"顺利、喜庆、吉祥、热情、热烈、正义、革命" 等褒义色彩。

1.1汉英语言中"红" 的积极涵义。

凡是与吉祥、兴旺、热闹等有关的事物,在汉语中都喜欢用"红" 来表示。

春节人们用红色的纸张写对联,大人们给孩子发红包,希望他们平安、健康;在中国传统的婚礼仪式上,新娘子总要穿上大红礼服,新郎胸前一朵大红花,门上,窗子上,墙上到处贴上红双喜(double happiness written in red )。

在西方民族中,red 同样也表示喜庆和欢乐,如节假日称为(red-letter days );在机场迎接国家元首或贵宾时要铺上红地毯to rollout the red carpet for someone ,以示隆重热烈的欢迎。

1.2汉语言中" 红" 的革命含义。



中国共产党最初的政权叫"红色政权" ;最早的武装叫"红军" 。

英语中外的颜色文化差异 PPT

英语中外的颜色文化差异 PPT
Color & Culture
The symbolic significance of various colors in different national languagቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs often differs a
颜色 lot in feature, some of which even arouse
Power, majesty the centre is yellow
Yellow in western culture
yellow symbolizes
abjection, suspicion.
颜色 Because of Judas,
who betrayed Jesus, wore a yellow robe.
BLACK in china
black was regarded as the king of all colors in ancient
颜色 china and the single color
worshiped the longest.
black also symbolizes death, fear and illegal forces.
BLACK in Western cultures
In English culture, black is a taboo to death and ill omen, and foreigners usually worn at funerals to express sadness
颜色 and heavy mood.
So, black is usually associated with hopelessness,gloominess, wickedness, even to express anger and death.


Such as: black words,
The Black Friday
Look , his wings are black.
I’m Satan, King of hell in Europe
So the meaning of black in west is similar with China, black is considered derogatory basically, is one taboo color in west.h as: black in the face, to look black at someone
The affection also reflected the Chinese people’s pursuit in material and spiritual aspect. Red symbolizes happiness and auspiciousness. When the Spring Festival comes,people stick the red couplet and hang red lanterns;At the same time, red represents smooth and successful, enthusiasm and vitality.
Black White Red Yellow
Black :
traditional culture, black and white both
belong to the Five Colors.
In Chinese funeral, people usually wear a black armband to show their mourns to the death relative.



Black White Yellow Red
Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him, he was in a brown study. I hope he will soon be in the pink again. 布朗先生是一位忠实可靠的人。那天他脸色 不好,近来他一直闷闷不乐。我见到他的时 候,他显得心事重重。我希望他早点振作起 来。
1、The different use of color in China and Western 2、Causes of cultural differences of colors
The different use of color in China and Western
② “yellow” 是腐化堕落的代名词,如: yellow journalism 在美国指不择手段地夸张,渲染以招揽或影响读 者的黄色办报作风。如突出社会丑闻,把普通新 闻写得耸人听闻,有时甚至歪曲事实以引起轰动。 yellow press 也是指刊载低级趣味的文字或耸人听闻的报道以 吸引读者的黄色报刊。
③ 在《圣经》中,黑便是黑暗,邪恶和妖魔的象征, 具有黑暗,邪恶,阴险,恐怖等贬义。如: Black hand (黑手党) 指在美国从事犯罪活动的一个意大利秘密组织。
Black Panther(黑豹 党) (指美国的黑人政党)
black Friday (黑色星期五) 1869年9月24日 Black Tuesday 1873年9月13日 (指1987年10月19日美 国华尔街股市崩溃, 接着世界各地股市随 之崩溃)



中外颜色文化差异英文作文The Cultural Divergence in Color Perception betweenChina and the WestColors, as universal elements of visual aesthetics, carry deep cultural connotations that often transcend their intrinsic properties. The perception and interpretation of colors can vary significantly between cultures, reflecting distinct histories, philosophies, and social norms. This essay explores the cultural divergences in color perception between China and the West, highlighting how specific colors are imbued with unique meanings and associations in each context.In Chinese culture, red is a color that holds immense significance, symbolizing prosperity, luck, and celebration. It is prominently featured during festivals and weddings, adorning decorations, envelopes filled with money (hongbao), and even the attire of the celebrants. This adoration for red stems from ancient beliefs where it was seen as a protective color against evil spirits and a symbol of vitality and good fortune. Contrastingly, in Western cultures, while red also signifies passion, love, and intensity, it can also evoke feelings of danger, anger, or warning, exemplified by red traffic lights or stop signs.White, in Chinese tradition, is often associated with mourning anddeath, as it is the color worn during funeral rites. This association stems from ancient times when white was the color of the underworld and was believed to represent purity in the afterlife. Conversely, in Western cultures, white is synonymous with purity, innocence, and new beginnings, commonly seen in wedding dresses and christening ceremonies.Yellow, a color of imperial significance in ancient China, represents nobility, honor, and sometimes, happiness. The Forbidden City, the imperial palace of China, features extensive use of yellow in its architecture, symbolizing the emperor's supreme power. In contrast, Western cultures often associate yellow with joy, sunshine, and energy, but it can also carry connotations of cowardice or caution, as evidenced by the term "yellow-bellied."Green, in Chinese culture, is linked to youth, growth, and vitality, mirroring its natural associations with plants and spring. However, it can also have negative connotations, such as being inexperienced or jealous. In Western societies, green similarly represents renewal and nature but is also strongly tied to wealth, finance (e.g., the "greenback" for American currency), and environmentalism. Its negative associations include envy or being ill (e.g., "green with envy" or "feeling green").Lastly, black in Chinese culture is traditionally associated with darkness, evil, and misfortune, seldom used in celebratory contexts. InWestern cultures, while black can indeed signify mourning or solemnity, it is also a symbol of elegance, sophistication, and authority, commonly seen in formal attire or luxury branding.These divergences underscore how color perception is deeply embedded within cultural narratives, influencing art, fashion, rituals, and daily life. Understanding these differences fosters cross-cultural empathy and appreciation, enabling more effective communication and collaboration in our increasingly interconnected world. As we navigate diverse cultural landscapes, recognizing the unique stories each color tells within its respective context becomes a valuable tool in bridging understanding and respect.。


黑色在中英文中都含有“邪恶,阴险”的意思。但是翻译是不 一定翻译成黑或者black.例如:
黑心-evil mind
black sheep 害群之马
黑市-black marketΒιβλιοθήκη black Maria 囚车
黑幕-the evil inside of something black leg 破坏罢工的工贼
色谱中,蓝色是冷色调。但是它又是青色与品色的相融合的颜 色。冷静中多了几分性感的情感。蓝色的象征意义取决于它的 明度:明度高的蓝色象征清新与宁静,“蓝天碧水”;明度低 的蓝色象征庄重与崇高“澧兰沅芷”;明度极低的蓝色象往着 孤独与悲伤“蓝色妖姬”。蓝色产生有寒冷、消极与肃穆的心 理联想“白袷蓝衫”。蓝色脸谱,表现性格刚直,桀骜不驯。 如:《上天台》中的马武,“《连环套》里的窦尔墩。
—She is in holiday blue.
blue在英文中还有“黄色,下流”的意思。例如: blue talk 下流的谈话 blue vedio 爱情动作片 有时blue又有“高贵,社会地位高”的意思。例如: blue blood 贵族血统 blue在和其他词搭配的时候还有其他意思。例如: out of blue意想不到 once in a blue 千载难逢 drink till all's blue 一醉方休
“春风又绿江南岸”,在中文里,绿色象征着“勃勃生机、生 命和希望”。但是在一些特定的词和诗里又有其特定的意思。 比如:“灯红酒绿”、“绿色食物”、“绿帽子”、“绿林好 汉”、“一路绿灯”。
green在英文里可以表示“嫉妒,眼红”。所以中文的“眼红” 应翻译成green-eyed.




1. 红色 (Red):在中国文化中,红色代表着喜庆、热情、吉祥和好运。



2. 黄色 (Yellow):在中国文化中,黄色象征着皇权和尊贵。




3. 白色 (White):在中国文化中,白色代表着清白、纯洁和丧事悼念。



4. 蓝色 (Blue):在中国文化中,蓝色常与男性相关,代表着清澈和

而在英文文化中,蓝色通常与忧郁和冷静相关,例如“Monday blues”表示星期一的低落情绪。

5. 绿色 (Green):在中国文化中,绿色与春天、生命和希望相关,

而在英文文化中,绿色通常与自然、环保和生态相关,也与嫉妒相关(green with envy)。




Culture of colors
Culture of colors
People have the same sense and feeling on various colours. However, colours also reflect different value and aesthetics. Due to the differences in nation, history, religion, life or emotion, the colour word is likely to have associative meanings.
There are always differences between Chinese and westerners. Differences in color do exist if geography, nation, feeling are different one day. Only we master the difference can we better communicate wiked
with grieve an d
death. People should
be in black on the
funeral. And demons
Well~ Compare to others, both Chinese and Westerners have the opposing meaning on black.
Yellow looks (depressive appearance) Yellow card, Yellow Sign (warning). Yellow Pages.

cultural difference in colors 中西方颜色理解的不同之处

cultural difference in colors 中西方颜色理解的不同之处

a white lie the white coffee white man white coal white sale
善意的谎言 牛奶咖啡 善良的人,有教养的人 水力 大减价
Black is a colour to express mourning in the funeral ceremony. English and American would wear black costume. Chinese would wear black yarn.
Blue,in English,refers to depressed unhappy and worried.
Sometimes,blue means dirty,indecent. Sometimes, blue means gentlefolk or a family has a right and power.
out of the red
red ink
red gold
to catch sb. red / 当场抓获 take sb. red-handed
to be shown the red card
In Tang dynasty, only emperor can wear yellow clothes. Yellow refers to right.
Yellow ,in the western,refers to mean and coward.
yellow boy to be yellow



In western, red is always stand for cruel, disaster, bloody. Example: “red hands ”(杀人的手) “be caught red—handed”(当场被捕) “red—headed ”(狂怒的) "red—light district"(红灯区)
“yellow” 是腐化堕落的代名词,如:
Yellow back
Golden-collar (金领)
He has a yellow streak in him. 他天性怯懦。 You are yellow! 你真是个懦夫! turn yellow 胆怯起来
黑色的西服;黑色领带; 黑色礼帽,黑色围巾; 黑色面纱;黑色眼镜借以表达对死者的悼念和尊敬。
Black hand (黑手党) 指在美国从事犯罪活动的一个意大利秘密组织。
Black Panther(黑豹党) (指美国的黑人政党)
E.g: red tape 指“官僚作风”
①paint the town red 尤指在公共场所“狂欢;痛饮作乐;花天酒地”以表示庆祝某事。
Put/ roll out the red carpet “铺开红色地毯热诚欢迎某人”
A red letter day 原用来表示圣徒的节日 现泛指一切值得高兴的日子




它象征着吉祥、喜庆,如把促成他人美好婚姻的人叫"红娘",喜庆日子要挂大红灯笼、贴红对联、红福字;男娶女嫁时贴大红"喜"字,把热闹、兴旺叫做" 红火";形容繁华、热闹的地方叫"红尘";它又象征革命和进步,如中共最初的政权叫“红色政权”,最早的武装叫“红军”,把政治上要求进步、业务上刻苦钻研的人称为“又红又专”等;它也象征顺利、成功,如人的境遇很好被称为"走红"、"红极一时",得到上司宠信的叫"红人",分到合伙经营利润叫"分红",给人发奖金叫"送红包"等;它还象征美丽、漂亮,如指女子盛妆为"红妆"或"红装",把艳妆女子称为"红袖",指女子美艳的容颜为"红颜"等。

西方文化中的红色(red)则是一个贬意相当强的词,是"火"、"血"的联想,它象征着残暴、流血,如(1)Theredrulesoftoothandclaw 残杀和暴力统治,(2)redrevenge 血腥复仇,(3)aredbattle 血战;它又象征激进、暴力革命,如(1)red hot political campaign 激烈的政治运动,(2)a red revolution 赤色革命,(3)red activities 左派激进活动;它也象征危险、紧张,如(1)red alert 空袭报警,(2)a red adventure story 一个令人紧张的冒险故事,(3)a red flag 危险信号旗;它还象征着放荡、淫秽,如(1)a red waste of his youth 他那因放荡而浪费的青春,(2)a red light district 花街柳巷(红灯区),(3) Is she really sored as she is painted难到她真的象人们所描绘的那样放荡吗?至于红色的褒义,如red—letterday 喜庆的日子,theredcarpet 隆重的接待等,则得益于不同文化之间的交流和融合。

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注:下划线斜字体不在ppt上展示!Part 1:Before we start our presentation today, first let’s try some interesting translation. “You look blue today. What’s wrong with you?”“你今天看起来闷闷不乐,你怎么了”Means “你今天看起来闷闷不乐,你怎么了”。


Then let’s move on to another case:“The smoke made him cough. He coughed harshly, his face lit like a tomato.”“烟使他呛起来。

他难受地咳着,脸胀得像番茄一样红”Which means“烟使他呛起来。



可见,颜色词在中英文中的含义用法有诸多的不同,而这正是我们今天presentation 的主题:Part2:The Cultural Differences of Color Words in Chinese and English(单独作一页PPT,也可以在这里加上小组成员,分工等)From the scientific definition, color is a visual phenomenon launched, reflected or caused through certain light wave by the object; it is one kind of visual essential features of human eye. While on the basic color words, there is not so much difference in English and in Chinese, in Chinese, there are 赤(chi)、橙(cheng)、黄(huang)、绿(lv)、青(qing)、蓝(lan)、紫(zi)、黑、白,and in English there are red,orange, yellow, green,cyan,blue and purple, black and white, color words in each nation’s language differ from one anther in the world.可见在对视觉上对颜色的描述,中英文是不存在什么差异的But now the color words not only express the color, but also imply the cultural factors of each country, different cultures can reflect one country’s history, aesthetic taste and national psychology. It is the bright and colorful nature which provides the place for life and the foundation for developing. Therefore, it is of great importanceto study color words to find out how they reflect cultural differences in both the original and target language and why they can influence our daily life.然而在象征意义和文化含义上,中英文对颜色的理解就十分明显了,并且了解这种差异对于我们学习英语来说是非常有必要的In specific. The main colors of English and Chinese are same or similar,but some color words in one language can refer to more one color in other language. So the English and Chinese color words are not always corresponding word. Take the colorsof red, black, white, yellow, green and blue for examples as showed below.REDBoth in China and English speaking countries, red always be connected with joyous and celebrate events. For example, “red-letter days” in English means memorial day, often refers to Christmas Day. ”to paint the town red” means binge, quaff, or even monkey business(狂欢痛饮胡闹)“roll out the red carpet for sb.”(铺展红地毯隆重地欢迎某人).red also used to express some sorts of emotion. For instance, “become red-faced”or “sb’s face turned red” has the same meaning with “脸红” in Chinese. And “to see red ” along with “wave a red flag” equals to “为难、发怒” in Chinese.In Chinese particularly, the word “ hong ” represents luck, happiness, success, celebration and festival. In traditional Chinese weddings, not only the decorations are full of red color, including red candle, red quilts, red words “喜”and so on, but also the clothing of the bride and groom, as well as the red veil of the bride(新娘的红盖头), thus bringing a wedding atmosphere and implying the prosperous future of the newlyweds. Furthermore, the word “红火”represents exuberant and lively. The word “红利” , describes the enterprise division of profits to shareholders or bonuses to staff. The word “红颜” refers to a young and beautiful woman.But in English, the word “ red ” represents danger, violence and debauchery(放荡;沉湎酒色) with strong derogatory(贬义的) meaning. When talking about the word red, people always imagine the fire and blood. For instance, “ red-faced ” represents embarrassed or angry; “ red alert ” is a warning that something very dangerous is likely to happen; “ the red rules of tooth and claws ”(残杀和暴力统治)means tyranny or a cruel, harsh, and unfair control over other people. With the cultural exchange, the word “ red ” in English comes to have some complimentary sense, such as “ red carpet ” used to welcome very important visitors as the speci al treatment when they arrive. However, in English “ red ” has different meanings in economy, such as “ in the red ” “ get into the red ” both mean somebody is in debt. So “ red ” is really the word making people happy at some time, but upset at other time.No matter in China or western countries, as a darker color, “黑” or “ black ” often has something to do with dirtiness, illegality, death, mourning, sadness, despair, an ger and justice. “V icious”“bad” are common meanings of black in both Chinese and English.In China, “乌黑的手” is what we call dirty hands. “黑市” implies the listed commodities trading allowed without government's approval, “黑车” means the illegal taxi with a higher charge. In the funeral, Chinese will tie a black band around one arm to show the sad feeling. If people get angry, we see the expression “他黑着个脸”. Sometimes “黑” symbolizes the justice, because in ancient China, we had a famous righteous officer called “包拯”, who had black complexion.In western country, “ a black sweet ”“ black water ” mean dirty. “ Black money ” indicates the income earned in an illegal way. Black is also a color for mourning dress (丧服)in Western countries. “ A black dog ” and “ black mood ”both refer to the low spirit of people. When people get angry, they look “ black-browed ” or “ black in the face ” or “ as black as thunder ”, and they also have“ black passion ”.WhiteSimilarities:The color white gives both Chinese and English the similar imagination to some extent. Take “pure” and ”innocent” for example , which means “纯洁,清白无辜的”. In Chinese, the word “白” is the symbol of death, depression and failure. In the funerals, traditional Chinese people always wear white mourning dress to express condolences to the dead. The funeral can also be called “白事” in Chinese. Also, the word “白” has the meaning of the civilian, such as “白丁” represents the illiterate people or the uneducated common people. In traditional drama, the implications of the word “白” is treachery. That is why the famous ancient politician,曹操, was described as “白脸奸臣”.On the contrary, the word “ white ” refers to the chastity, hope, happiness, joy and naivety in English. “ A white lie ” means a lie that you tell someone in order to protect them or avoid hurting their feelings. If s omeone is said to be “ white-handed ”, it means he or she is honest or innocent. In the Bible, the Angels are always with a pair of white wings and a silver-white halo overhead. White is the incarnation(具象化) of being smart, kind and beautiful. the bride always dresses in a white wedding dress as a symbol of pure and beautiful.In ancient China, the word “黄” is a kind of noble color because it signifies the color of the skin of the Chinese people. When it came to “黄”, the majority of Chinese people will be reminded of the yellow clothes which the emperor wore. So, there are a lot of words with “黄”, such as “黄道吉日” with the meaning of the lucky day suitable to do things and “黄袍加身” with the meaning of acclaiming emperor. Nowadays, this word is associated with sex in Chinese. The word “扫黄”is the symbol of the elimination of the pornography and prostitution(淫秽制品以及卖淫嫖娼).As the color of gold and the sun, “ yellow ” is the symbol of wealth, honor and power in English. It’s a holy color in Christianity. The Father wears golden crucifix (十字架), and the holy cup used by Jesus in his last supper is also yellow. In English, there is a phrase “ a yellow ribbon ”, used as a symbol of welcome for those people who will return home. So “ to hang yellow ribbons for somebody ” is to give awarm welcome for one’s return. “ Yellow ” sometimes implies warning. “ A yellow card ” is a card held up by a football referee to show that a player has done something wrong. Later it is used generally throughout the world as a symbol of warning.GreenGreen is a sort of color full of vigor and energy underlying life, youth, hope, peace and energy both in Chinese and English.In Chinese, there is another saying of “绿”, that is “青”, so there exists such phrases as “青春年华”, “常青树”. At present, the color “绿” also means environmental protection, such as in the phrase: “ the Green Party ”, “ Green Revolution ”, “ green food ”, “ green consumerism ” and so forth.But comparatively speaking, green has more associative indications in English such as “ green hands ” and “ be in the green ”, which mean being inexperienced. What’s more, the implications of green can also be envious and jealous, such as “ green with envy ”, “ green as jealousy ” and “ green-eyed monster ”. In Britain as well as in the United States, the color green is one of the favorite colors, and there are many places decorated with green color and even US dollars are green. Thus the color term “ green ” is often used to refer to money or fortune.BlueIn Chinese, th e word “ 蓝” represents the color of the sky and water, symbolizing calm, reflection, modesty and the intellect. In fact, the implications of Chinese word“ 蓝” is less. To Chinese people, blue is the color of the dress worn by Confucian scholars in ancient times, and “蓝衫”was once used to refer to “秀才”, who passed the imperial examination at the county level in Ming and Qing dynasties.In English, the word “ blue ” commonly is a metaphor of depression, frustration, sorrow and anguish. If somebody is “ in a blue mood ”, he or she may feel sad, gloomy and depressed. Similar in meaning is “ a blue Monday ”, indicating the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend. Moreover, blue denotes high social position or being aristocratic(贵族的). For i nstance, “ blue-blooded ” describes someone who have been born into a family which belongs to a royal or noble family or the highest social class. In contrast, another meaning of “ blue ” in English is connected with sex. “ Blue movie ” means a movie showi ng a lot of sexual activity, and “ blue talk ” means a talk which is coarse(粗俗的).Part3:The Reasons for Different Culture Connotation between English and Chinese Color Words1、Natural EnvironmentsWe know the weather of England is always warm and the wool spinning industry has developed rapidly in England from early time.Thereby,English people often use sheep or wool as analogue. For example,there is wool so white but a dyer call make it black(羊毛虽白,染之则黑)As rice is the main food in china, Chinese is accustomed to using “米黄色” to describe the yellow just like the color of rice, while in western countries, butter and cream is the daily food, so “cream ” or “ butter- yellow” is often used in English. But in English yellow also has meanings of vulgar and despicable which has nothing to do with pornographic as yellow means in Chinese. This kind of usage began in 1895.New York world published picture story caricature yellow kids that was printed in yellow.Yellow journalisms and yellow covered literatures are just some vulgar publications.2、Historical BackgroundsIn Chinese, “绿帽子” (lv mao zi) is a metaphor, which means to be a cuckold. This kind of usage appropriately began in Tang dynasty. At that time, the male in brothel should wear a green hat to represent their identity. Chinese ancients viewed green as an impure color and represents low class. Therefore, the one whose wife has a paramour is called “戴绿帽子”. While western countries have no similar historic background, they don’t understand the meaning inside. In translation, it can not be simply translated into “He wears a green hat”, but “a cuckold husband”。
