用GM复杂问题解决工具Red X解决新产品开发过程中降低产品和工艺的风险
![用GM复杂问题解决工具Red X解决新产品开发过程中降低产品和工艺的风险](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2352bdea5ef7ba0d4a733bc3.png)
ABSTRACTIn today's dynamic automotive environment, reducing the lead-time to introduce new product technologies to the market place can be a key competitive advantage. Employing proactive risk reduction techniques to define key product and process relationships is essential to enhance the production worthiness of a design while it is still in the advanced development phase of the program.This paper describes how Delphi Powertrain Systems applied the Shainin proactive risk reduction methodology in advanced product development to focus resources on understanding and mitigating the risk associated with the development of a new Delphi ammonia anizational and technical strategies to accelerate profound knowledge capture, along with corresponding test results, are presented and discussed.Due to the proprietary nature of the Delphi ammonia sensor's function and operation, this paper limits the disclosure of detailed product characteristics and specifications to generic nomenclature, while still maintaining the technical intent of the paper.INTRODUCTIONThe Delphi ammonia sensor uses a unique Delphi technology to directly measure ammonia levels in the exhaust of Diesel vehicles equipped with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)aftertreatment system. The sensor output can be used to provide feedback to the SCR system helping provide optimal reduction of NO x emissions.In a Diesel engine SCR system, the ammonia sensor is typically situated behind the SCR catalyst. The SCR system helps reduce NO x emissions in Diesel powertrain systems through a chemical reaction in which ammonia reacts with NO x to produce nitrogen and water. Ammonia is typically introduced into the exhaust flow upstream from the SCR in the form of liquid urea. The ammonia sensor detects excess ammonia in the exhaust gas allowing for more precise dosing of urea and onboard diagnostics (OBD) functionality. This added precision allows for optimal SCR system efficiency and prevents the release of excess ammonia into the atmosphere.The Delphi ammonia sensor is typically used to detect ammonia within a range of 0 to 200 ppm. It is based on a planar alumina substrate with an integral temperature sensor and a thick-film heater for optimum performance. The sensor is equipped with two sensing electrodes. The first electrode outputs the concentration of ammonia as a voltage while the second electrode outputs the concentration of NO 2 as a voltage. Because the ammonia electrode is cross-sensitive to NO 2, the voltage from the NO 2 electrode is used as a correction factor to improve the accuracy of the ammonia sensor. [1]AMMONIA SENSORThe Delphi ammonia sensor (Figure 1) uses a unique Delphi technology to directly measure ammonia levels in the exhaust of a Diesel vehicle equipped with an SCR aftertreatment system. Electrical power is supplied by a sensor controller through an electrical harness with additional connector pinsfor data communication.Risk Reducing Product and Process Design During New Product Development2010-01-0391Published 04/12/2010Peter Bovenzi, Don Bender, Ray Bloink and Michael ConklinDelphi Corporation Advanced Powertrain - USAJohn AbrahamianShainin LLCCopyright © 2010 SAE InternationalFigure 1. Delphi ammonia sensor with harness electricalconnector - production intentFAST TO MARKET DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYThis product development methodology provides a framework for identifying and characterizing the significant factors contributing to the variation in key ammonia sensor product functions. It starts with a top-down management project selection that is provided to the team to ensure that the organizational priority is in place. It is an effective tool for getting a cross-functional team to rapidly define all the product's intended functions.Although this product is a sensor which provides both ammonia sensing and NO2gas sensing in the same planar ceramic element, this project's scope was limited to the ammonia sensing requirement.With management priorities established and the appropriate resources in place for this project, it took only approximately nine months to go from project selection to identification of key product characteristics that were driving variation in ammonia sensor outputs. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NEW SENSOR BY HIGH RISK FUNCTION There are many customer requirements for this product, but all do not represent the same amount of risk. Some requirements are functions that have been successfully delivered in other products, while other functions are entirely new to this specific product. These new functions are referred to as high risk functions throughout this paper. To understand the relationship between customer requirements, risk and product function, a tool called function modeling was used. [2, 3, 4] The following high risk functions were included in the function model: 1) “Sense Ammonia” and 2) “Sense NO2,” both of which are customer requirements. The team's initial focus was on the “Sense Ammonia” function.The Function Model in Figure 2 shows that one of the key functions that must be achieved to “sense ammonia” is to create a voltage. There are many “intermediate functions”that must occur to “create voltage” as shown in Figure 2. Ultimately, those intermediate functions are achieved by “potential contributing variables” shown at the right side of the function model. The goal of the project team was to identify and separate the “vital few” from the “trivial many.”[5] These vital few characteristics then become the critical product and process characteristics that ultimately allow the“Sense Ammonia” function to be successfully achieved.Figure 2. Function Model - Functions to the right of a box answer the question “how” a function is achieved, or by what method. Functions to the left of a box answer the question “why” a function is achieved, or what is thegoal.Once completed, the function model provided those potential critical product characteristics (or potential critical process parameters) for the “Sense Ammonia” function.All prototype sensors built at the Delphi development facility were evaluated using a research-grade gas bench test. Performance run charts were created for important characteristics to assess product and process capability as shown in Figure 3. This historical prototype data indicated that performance characteristics tended to shift when new lots of materials were introduced. From this data, it was known that the raw materials in the ink used to make the sensor electrodes were among the most critical product characteristics. Thus the variables for the study were selected from among the materials used to formulate the ammonia electrode ink.Figure 3. Performance run chart of ammonia sensorvoltage output.The function model clearly identified the high risk process relationships that needed to be understood and confirmed. It also provided a deeper understanding of how the product actually worked and identified the need for critical process control features. The high-level functions to create a sensor output voltage are shown as “Intermediate Functions” in the function model format in Figure 2.RISK REDUCING HIGH RISK FUNCTIONSThe completed function model captures the critical product characteristics (from the far right-hand side of the function model) that ultimately drive the function that meets the customer requirements (at the far left-hand side of the function model).To ensure that engineering resources were focused on the highest-risk functions, risk priority numbers (RPN) were assigned to each of the critical product functions based on three ranking criteria:1). The amount of cause-effect characterization work that had been done to understand the physics of how the sensor actually functions. If the physics was well understood and documented, the risk is lower than if the physics was not well understood and documented (analogous to “Occurrence” in FMEA [5]).2). The effectiveness of the measurement systems being used to characterize the physics of the sensor function. If a variable measurement system existed that had sufficient accuracy and repeatability, it was lower risk than an attribute measurement system that could only tell “good” from “bad”(analogous to “Detection” in FMEA [5]).3). The risk associated with the sensor failing to achieve the high risk function (analogous to “Severity” in FMEA [5]). The product of these three ranking criteria defines the RPN. After compiling the RPN scores, a Pareto [6] of high-risk functions was established, and the appropriate project teams were assigned based on the highest combined RPN score(Figure 4).Figure 4. Leveraging cumulative risk score for strategicproject selectionOUTPUT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM VERIFICATIONWhen attempting to characterize any cause-effect relationships, it is necessary to have a measurement system that is sufficient to discriminate the desired product performance output. Real differences in product performance outputs are masked by the “blind spot” of measurement error-if the “blind spot” is too large, important changes in the output might not be seen because measurement error is large. Consequently, a measurement system analysis must be performed to determine the size of the measurement error, or “blind spot.”The tool chosen for analyzing the key measurement systems in this analysis was the Shainin Isoplot®. Once completed, the measurement systems that had acceptable measurement error were identified (see Figure 5), and those that had unacceptably high measurement error were studied in more detail to identify the source of the error and correct it (see Figure 6).The primary product outputs that were verified using the Shainin Isoplot® technique were:• Ammonia sensor output voltage• Ammonia sensor response time• Ammonia sensor impedanceFigure 5. Isoplot® of Sensor Output VoltageMeasurement System with Good RepeatabilityFigure 6. Isoplot® of ammonia measurement systemwith poor repeatability The poor repeatability of the ammonia impedance measurement system drove the team to look for an alternative measurement system. In the past, a change in product output due to measurement error may have been misinterpreted as a change due to actual product variation.UNDERSTANDING FACTORS THAT CONTROL KEY PRODUCT PERFORMANCE OUTPUTSEleven ink-related variables were identified from the function model as being potentially significant to the “sense ammonia”function. With eleven variables, a standard full factorial experiment would require 2,048 separate experimental ing fractional factorial experiments would significantly reduce the number of trials needed, but could provide unclear results from the inherent confounding of interactions with main effects in such designs. This is an important consideration when the cause-effect relationships of thecritical characteristics and their interactions are not yet fully understood.Ultimately, Variable Search™ [7] was selected as the technique to understand which of the eleven variables are critical in the ink formulation. Variable Search™ is a technique that can be used when there are a large number of variables that need to be experimentally quantified as to their physical and statistical significance. It is appropriate to use when the list of variables is so long that a DOE would be too time intensive or expensive to screen out critical factors. It relies on the concept of a “binary search” to systematically eliminate variables or groups of variables that may be contributing to the cause-effect relationships.To begin the Variable Search, the team needs to have the candidate factors arranged in two sets: one set where the factor levels are expected to result in a high output and a second set where the same factors are set to levels expected to result in a low output. Repeat tests are run to confirm that the output differences are significant enough and that the results are repeatable. If the differences repeat, then the levels between the two sets are swapped, one factor or a group of related factors at a time until a change in output is seen in one or both of the sets. In this way, main effects as well as interactions will be exposed.The levels for all the ink-related variables in the experiment were chosen to provide a significant difference between the sensor performance outputs. If a significant difference was achieved, that difference could then be attributed to differences in the ink variable levels. The deviations from the nominal ink formulation were chosen to be slightly outside the expected range of variation, but not so far out as to create a non-functioning sensor.The aforementioned three sensor outputs were evaluated using Variable Search™. For illustrative purposes, only the results from the sensor output voltage are presented here.Figure 7 shows the results of the Variable Search™. Each graphed data point represents the output from an individual sensor. The three left-most pairs (called Stage I) show that the significant variables were captured in the eleven variables tested because there is complete separation between the sensor outputs from the “low” and “high” level groups of variables. Decision limits are then calculated around each set of data (dashed blue and red lines in Figure 7).Stage II begins by swapping levels of variables or groups of variables to determine which drives a change to sensor voltage magnitude outside of the home decision limits. Any swap that results in a data point outside of its home decision limit means that variable is a suspected significant variable.Stage II, as shown in Figure 7, identified three potentialfactors that are suspected significant variables which appear to be driving sensor output voltage variation.Swapping levels of “Material A” caused the low-level combination data point to move out of its own decision limits and into the other. However, the high-level combination data point stayed in its home decision limits. Because there was not complete reversal of the data points, there must be another factor interacting with Material A.The next swap of levels of “Material B” showed a similar effect to swapping levels of Material A. In this case, however, the swap of levels resulted in the low-level combination data point to move outside its own decision limits and not into the other decision limits. Once again, there must be another factor interacting with Material B.The results of swapping levels of “Material D” were nearly identical to that of swapping levels of Material A. The magnitude of the change was slightly greater, however. The conclusion was again that Material D is interacting with another factor.At this point, a confirmation run (called Stage III) was performed involving a swap of all three factors' levels (A, B & D) together to confirm whether the difference seen in Stage I could be attributed to levels of those three materials.The confirmation run is shown as the last swap in Figure 7. Because swapping the levels of Materials A, B & D resulted in a complete reversal of data points, all three variables are significant.An additional conclusion can be drawn from these results. Because variation in these three materials' levels resulted in a complete reversal, the other eight factors not tested can be ruled out as significant contributors to the overall variation. By controlling the levels of these other eight factors to their Stage I values, the increase in variation in ammonia sensor output voltage will be minimal, providing Materials A, B & D are appropriately controlled.In summary, the Variable Search™ provided a sound framework to identify and confirm the significant factors that drive variation in ammonia sensor output voltage.The measurement device used to execute the initial Variable Search™ experiments was a research-grade gas test bench that required highly trained and certified personnel to operate the equipment. This research test bench only had the capability to test and collect product performance data on completed sensor assemblies. To accelerate test plan execution and avoid the complexity of the research gas bench, a simpler and leaner production-intent ammonia sensor element tester was designed and built. The product function model and measurement systems analysis were key inputs into the equipment specification created to define the ammonia sensor element tester requirements.Following the same methodology used to identify and reduce risk for the ammonia sensor element itself, the high-risk functions were identified for the element test equipment design and build. In this case, the customer requirements were internal, and were in regard to measurement system analysis (e.g. repeatability, reproducibility, stability, linearity, accuracy, etc.) for the sensor element outputs.The commissioned and qualified ammonia sensor element tester provides:1). the capture of lessons learned for both the production test equipment design and component performance characterization,2). development of software test modules that can be transferred to a production tester,3). more efficient testing with a device easily operated by non-specialized personnel, and4). faster execution of the “binary searches” in futureVariable Search™ experiments.Figure 7. Variable Search™ is used to identify potential significant factors that contribute to the overall variationof a given product output. MEANINGFUL SPECIFICATIONDEVELOPMENTOnce the most detailed product/process functions have been identified with the function model, and the cause-effect relationships of the variables that drive those functions have been identified and statistically confirmed with Variable Search™, the next step is to determine meaningful specifications for them.The Tolerance Parallelogram™ technique will be used to establish the natural tolerances for the critical productcharacteristics identified from the Variable Search™ (Figure 8). Tolerance Parallelogram™ establishes the cause-effect relationship between the independent and dependent variable using regression on a scatter plot, and then defines 95%tolerance bands based on the amount of scatter from the variation due to all of the other characteristics.The specifications for the product function are used to graphically determine the corresponding required control limits for the independent variable, vis-à-vis the criticalproduct characteristic.Figure 8. A Tolerance Parallelogram™ is used to define a realistic tolerance around a critical variable (Ink material D %) to capably meet the customer requirementfor ammonia sensor output voltage.TYING IT ALL TOGETHERThe linkage matrix (Figure 9) is a tool used to tie the new profound knowledge together in a single read-across document. The high-risk functions, all measurement system information, confirmation of cause-effect relationships of the critical characteristics to the high risk function and their corresponding natural tolerances are summarized in thelinkage matrix.Figure 9. Linkage matrix is a tool used to tie the profound knowledge together in a single read-across document. The high-risk function's documentation is shown on the left half of the document, with the causal variables and their corresponding tolerances and measurement systems shown on the right half.CONTROLLING VARIATION OF KEY PRODUCT PERFORMANCE OUTPUTSThe Variable Search™ experiments provided a methodology to more fully understand the cause-effect relationships of the product variables that are controlling critical sensor functions and outputs. This critical product / process understanding is essential to properly specify production-intent test equipment.The fully defined linkage matrix will be used to populate and develop the production process control plan [8] with significant control variables, realistic tolerances and meaningful reaction plans (Figure 10).It is important to fully understand all sensor product outputs and have the means to accurately test and measure the significant product variables upstream in the manufacturing process. Only by developing complete and thorough equipment specifications that fully define the testing requirements, can one be assured of compliant product moving forward through the manufacturing process.Figure 10. The linkage matrix drives development of ameaningful process control plan. LEVERAGING PROFOUND KNOWLEDGE IN THE ORGANIZATIONInstitutionalizing the applicable new knowledge to other sensor types and test equipment designs, current and future is the responsibility of management. The project leader needs to summarize discoveries in a clear and concise project format so that the rest of the organization can quickly assimilate the applicability of the new knowledge to existing product designs and/or manufacturing processes. The project sponsor is responsible for assessing the leverage opportunity of the new knowledge locally within the organization and communicating the findings to executive leadership for global leverage assessment.CONCLUSIONApplying the Shainin proactive risk reduction methodologies has been shown to accelerate profound knowledge capture in the early phases of new product development where risk can be more easily mitigated.This approach also provided an organizational framework to establish project priorities and promote early product and process cross-functional collaboration. The confirmed key factors that control critical product outputs can be used to develop meaningful specifications and a data-driven process control plan that targets processes to reduce variation.In this case study, the team identified the high risk function to be the “Sense Ammonia” function and developed a focused test plan to quantify the critical performance factors in the ink formulation controlling the ammonia sensor output voltage and other sensor performance characteristics. The Shainin ®Variable Search™ technique was able to quickly isolate the critical few factors responsible for controlling the ammonia sensor output without the need for sophisticated computer simulations or exhaustive full factorial Design of Experiments. This knowledge provides the basis for developing meaningful incoming ink material specifications as well as an element fabrication process control plan to effectively manage the sensor output variation in production. To date, this approach to product development has been shown to systematically expose problems earlier in the process as opposed to identifying them later when the risk to the product and customer would be much higher. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Delphi Powertrain Systems Advanced Engineering Team responsible for the development of the ammonia sensor at the Customer Technology Center Michigan in Auburn Hills, Michigan, as well as the technical consulting provided by Shainin LLC. REFERENCES1. Wang, D.Y., Yao, S., Shost, M., Yoo, J.-H. et al.,“Ammonia Sensor for Closed-Loop SCR Control,” SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Electron. Electr. Syst. 1(1):323-333, 2008.2. Kaufman J. Jerry, Value Engineering for the Practitioner, North Carolina State University, 3rd edition 19893. Bytheway Charles, Fast Creativity & Innovation: Rapidly Improving Processes, Product Development and Solving, J. Ross Publishing, 20064. Miles Lawerence, Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering, Mcgraw-Hill (Tx); 2 edition, 19725. Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Manual -Potential Failure Mode & Effects Analysis, 4th Edition, 20086. Pareto Vilfredo, Manual of political economy, Translated by Schwier Ann S.. Edited by Schwier Ann S. and Page Alfred N., MacMillan, 19727. Shainin Dorian and Shainin Peter, Better than Taguchi Orthogonal Tables, Shainin Consultants, Inc., Manchester, CT 19888. Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Manual -Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan (APQP), 2nd Edition, 2008The Engineering Meetings Board has approved this paper for publication. It has successfully completed SAE's peer review process under the supervision of the session organizer. This process requires a minimum of three (3) reviews by industry experts.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.ISSN 0148-7191doi:10.4271/2010-01-0391Positions and opinions advanced in this paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE. The author is solely responsible for the content of the paper. SAE Customer Service:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerService@SAE Web Address: Printed in USA。
车辆工程技术142维修驾驶汽车液压转向系统共振噪音问题以及处理祁丽华(豫北转向系统(新乡)有限公司,河南 新乡 453000)摘 要:液压转向系统一般被用在大中型汽车中,因为存在固定的特性,所以导致了转向系统共振噪音的产生,影响了驾驶者的体验。
关键词:汽车;液压转向系统;噪音;问题0 前言 在汽车中,液压转向系统具有灵活轻便的优势,安全性和稳定性也很高,所以得到了广泛的运用。
1 液压转向系统共振噪音的原理和测试 在缓慢驾驶汽车,而且进行转向的过程中,底盘容易产生一些噪音。
2 产生共振噪音的原因 系统里很多部件都会导致故障产生,最终引发振动和噪音。
油泵出口所输出的压力P 和流量Q 在运行时产生了异常状态,因为排油腔容积不断变化,所以油泵的输出流量Q 会跟随转子旋转产生有规律的脉动流量变化。
转向异响 原理-概述说明以及解释
![转向异响 原理-概述说明以及解释](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d1f16cb5710abb68a98271fe910ef12d2bf9a96c.png)
转向异响原理-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:转向异响是在行驶车辆转向时发出的一种异常噪音,常常会引起驾驶者和乘客的不适感。
文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
1.3 目的本文的目的在于深入探讨转向异响的原理,为读者提供对这一现象的全面理解。
2.正文2.1 异响的定义和表现异响是指车辆在行驶过程中出现的一种异常声音,通常表现为响声或者嘈杂的声音。
在日常驾驶中,转向异响可能表现为以下几种情况:1. 转向时发出嘎吱嘎吱或者响铃般的声音。
2. 车轮转向时出现摩擦声或者磨擦声。
3. 车辆转向时出现颤抖或震动的感觉,并伴随着异响声音。
汽车转向系统振动异响问题研究吉彦栋 徐克林(同济大学机械与能源工程学院工业工程所上海 200092)摘 要 针对J公司N项目的转向系统在实车试验中发生振动异响的现象,论述了目前在产品质量中所存在的问题,分析了问题产生的根源。
关键词 转向系统 震动异响 壳体 中间轴1 汽车转向系统的振动异响现象汽车转向系统的振动异响是整车厂的主观驾评工程师在整车耐久试验中发现的。
一种为变速箱档位在1~2档、怠速700~1 500 r/min的转速下,会发出连续如“噔噔”的响声,并在转动方向盘的同时伴有明显的振动;另一种在把方向盘转到左右极限位置时,以绕同心圆的方式让整车以5 km/s的时速行驶,从方向盘处会传来轻微的、不规则的“咯咯”声,同时方向盘上伴有不明显的振动。
2 零部件的互换分析试验2.1 转向系统的结构如图1-2所示的转向系统是由转向管柱及转向机两部分组成。
加重分离:BOB不响在粗糙的路 常规路面 面WOW在整个过程中都响
关联分离法: •焦(重)点分离法是当一个顾客的Green Y与另一个Green Y 有联系,哪一 个更有利于我们的工作或能提供更大的差异。
关联分离:所有零件接触A表面都 会响,选择测量间隙(mm)
传统问题解决: 策略:猜测
Red X策略: Red X策略是……
策略:事实组成和 排列图原理
运用有效的策略在Green Y 中衡量差异来查找Red X
•它是一个将定性项目转化为定量项 目的工具(Green Y) •它是如何进行测量的指导性的列表
技术问题的解决不仅仅是 找到处置的办法
技术问题的解决是要获取导致 问题产生的真正原因
在此基础上解决问题才是最 经济有效的
1.从专家处获取 •通常有太多的信息 •被他们的意见和情感所驱使 •混淆事实与猜测 •缺少沟通 2.从经验中获得 •提出问题观察结果
Red X Shainin DOE
GM 全球复杂问题的解决工具
了解什么时候应该使用Red X 通过使用Red X提高取证能力 开拓技术问题解决者迅速获取问题产生原因 的能力
任何事物与标准都有 一定的偏差
所有问题来源于 与标准的差异
过大尺寸 过小尺寸 圆度 等. . .
事件Green Y:是那些发生的或没有发生的“事情” (“物理”项目)事件可能是满意的也可能是不满意 的: 前门关闭 气缸爆裂 挡风玻璃雨刷不动 刹车尖叫 发动机呜呜声 仪表板发出咯哒声 窗卷上 活动车顶泄漏 变矩器振动 等. . .
据 采 集 系 统 ( CDAS , 以 实 现 现 场 数 据 P )
处 理 和 按 照 等 距 离 取 样 在 进 行 等 问 黼 有 效 ・
立 以 I —P BM C— O 2 5 O微 机 为 主 体 的公 路 养
振 动 和 弯 曲振 动, 伏 尔 加 汽 车 制 造 厂用 多 孔
网 状 材 料 (I, 料 ) j 滚 针轴 霞 缓 冲 衬 IC M材 成 套 , 并就 此 进 行 了 专 题 研 究 。 ( 1 在 文 图 ) 献 [1 中详 细 地 叙 述 了多 孔 网 状 材 料 , 这 是 ] 在 寻 找 有 效 减 振 材 料 方 面 ,经 过验 证 的 较 早 的 合 成 工 艺成 果 。 研 究 课 题 对 轴 承 缓 冲 衬 套 提 出 下 列 要求 小 的 柔 韧 性 , 大 的 机 械 迟 滞 作 用 , 高 的 导 热 性 和 承 载 能力 ,在 反 复 的 循
条 路 线 上 测 量路 面的 平 整 度 , 在 汽 车行 驶 方
向大 约 每 隔 5 mm采 集 一 个 数 据 , 测 量 路 面 0 纵 断 面平 整 度 并 记 录 下来 。三 条路 线 是 -外
轮轮 迹 线 ( 乘 客 坐 的 一 边 ) , 内 轮 轮 迹 线 在 ( 驶员 乘坐的一边)和 两车轮 中 央 的 路 驾
环 负 荷 下 恢 复 原 形 的 能力 。 经 过 对 橡胶 、聚
合 物 、 M P 材 料 ( 种 与来自盆 属 相 似 的橡 胶 ) 一
求 的 公 差 。 采 用新 工 艺 时 轴 承 套 与 缓 冲 衬套
成 为 一 体 , 其 外 径 尺寸 可 以 由压 模 保 证 足够 的 精 度 , 将 轴 承装 配 到 万 向节 叉 上 时无 需再
关键词:单齿轮式电子转向机压块压块衬片故障树分析方法0 引言随着我国新能源汽车市场的蓬勃发展,人们对于汽车的功能需求已经不单单局限于基本的转向、制动与前进。
1 Stick-slip噪音运动学机理及问题来源介绍Stick-slip噪音广泛出现在机械工程领域,其主要定义为在运动过程中两个不同接触面之间粘滞和滑动持续交替而引发的有害噪声,不仅仅会影响机械件接触界面的磨损,还会降低系统运动精度。
AUTOMOBILE DESIGN | 汽车设计近几年,汽车工业在中国地区迅猛发展,国内顾客对汽车的要求,由原始代步工具,逐渐演变到对乘坐舒适性、操控性、燃油经济性等均有较高追求的生活必须品,整车NVH性能开发,正是针对整车乘坐舒适性要求提高,所衍生出来的新研究领域。
1 液压助力转向系统噪声产生机理分析液压助力转向系统噪声对整车NVH性能的影响主要表现在怠速工况下,液压助力转向系统噪声主要来源于转向泵噪声及油管振动引起的结构噪声[1]。
1.1 转向泵噪声叶片泵的噪声可分为困油噪声、脉动噪声、碰撞噪声和气蚀噪声。
1.2 油管结构噪声油管与转向泵直接相连,当转向泵泵油时会产生一个激励,当该激励频率与油管固有频率一致或接近时,会激发油管模态,使油管产生共振,从而产生结构噪声。
汽车电动助力转向系统(EPS)具有节能、环保、操 控性能优越等优点,已成为转向系统的发展方向叭 随
量过少、零部件尺寸超差、磨合工艺未执行、蜗轮蜗杆 啮合间隙过大、蜗轮蜗杆耐磨性能不好、磨齿产生设置 不合理等。
人 检测技能不足
机 蜗杆跨棒住
料 壳体中心距一致性差
异常 蜗杆不良
分组未执行 装配不良
对转向异响故障件进行故障里程统计,其中83.7% 的异响故障发生在1 000〜1 000 km区间,发现故障件 异响程度与零部件耐磨损性能强相关,确认导致管柱 异响的直接原因为转向系统蜗轮蜗杆磨损。经分析,转 向管柱蜗轮蜗杆磨损的主要影响因素为:
1) 蜗轮、蜗杆材料耐磨性能不良。当前转向管柱伺 服单元内的蜗杆材料为42Cr,蜗轮材料为PA6,与蜗杆
着汽车NVH性能的不断提升,汽车系统中的各种异响 正逐渐被关注铁近几年国内外学者针对EPS异响的研 究越来越多,旨在研究EPS产生异响的内因、优化EPS 的结构、改良EPS组成构件的材料属性,为开发低噪 声、可靠性高的EPS产品奠定基础。国内外对EPS异 响多采用试验方法进行研究,然而由于研究缺少统一 规划,目前尚没有提岀解决该问题的系统方法。EPS异 响归根到底属于振动与噪声问题⑶,其分析手段主要依 靠在测试试验、设计、工艺、制造、检测等各环节制定对 策,与一般NVH问题的分析手段和解决方法略有不 同。文章基于某款车型试验车在经过坏路时,转向系统 岀现异响的现象,归纳分析了异响问题的主要原因,在
交通科技与管理97技术与应用0 引言转向系统是车辆非常重要的人机交互系统,其直接关系到车辆的驾驶安全性,操控性。
1 转向异响现象某车型转向为C-EPS 转向助力系统,其在进行第一轮样车试装时,车辆下线并在试验场内行驶了几百公里,驾驶员反馈出现了转向异响,异响现象为转向换向时发出砰砰的声音,根据异响现象初步分析为间隙产生的金属碰撞声。
2 异响原因排查为锁定异响源,对转向传动路径逐一断开排查。
图1 断开点图2 故障件拆下故障件进行台架测试,异响复现,并在增加负载后异响变大。
3 异响原因分析针对异响问题,从人、机、料、法、环、测几个方面来查找原因。
图3 压装力测试设备机:涡轮齿轮轴压装设备垂直固定工装设计不合理,如图4所示,现有工装设备无法保证蜗轮齿轮轴压装时上、下同心定位要求,无足够同心定位导向基础上,涡轮与齿轮轴压配前很容易放倾斜。
有 移动车 轮) 并且保持这个位置,或者只是当 实际 的转向时(车轮被转动)
嘟嘟 /哗哗的异响 这种 异响是一个 清晰可以听得 见的 声 音, 很大声 的异响。它可 能暂 时发生在停车的时 候 。 转向 阀开始共振。 这要 取决于转向 油 的油 温 和转向速度。在转向机 外壳内 的较低半径 传 动 轴的 密封油封可 能产生 这种异响, 但要取决于它自身 的条件(环境 ) 。 ﹣检查在工作温 度下哪里产生的异响 ﹣检查是否异响与发动机转速 有关 ﹣检查哪种 转向 运动引 起的异响。什么时 候转向或者 回正? 向左 /向右 ? ﹣检查是否异响 取决于转向速 度。 打转向是快速 还是 慢速。
吱吱声的异响 刮擦的异响
嘶嘶/哨声的异响 嘟嘟/哗哗的异响
噼啪/破裂的异响 咔哒/敲击的异响
发动机转速 ﹣检查是否异响当转向时 而改变
嘶嘶 /哨声的异响 嘶嘶 /哨声的异响是一个声 音尖锐 的响声,它通常 由于 液态管路 中的 毛边或者外部 的 部件而 产生 ﹣检查是否异响 取决于发动机转速 ﹣检查异响是否在向两侧打转向时同样被听见,或者异响只是出 现在向一侧打 转向时 ﹣检查是否异响 出现在 即使没 有转动方向盘时 ( 流动的异响) , 当 很轻微的转动方向盘时 (没
电动助力转向系统(Electronic Power Steering,简 称EPS)是一种直接依靠电动机提供助力的转向系统, 近年来,EPS在各车型中的应用已越来越广。与液压助 力转向系统(HPS)相比, EPS具有节约能源以及综合 操控性能优异等特点。
但由于EPS转向系统内部集成的零部件数量较多, 结构较复杂,各种各样的的异响问题伴随着汽车的生 产越来越凸显。尤其是C-EPS,由于减速机构布置在转 向管柱上,安装在驾驶室内,距驾驶员较近,在发生 异响时更容易被驾驶员发觉,严重影响汽车的操控舒 适性[1]。转向异响作为车辆开发过程中的一项指标,其 重要度越来越高。因此如何降低或抑制异响问题,成为 转向系统的一大难题。
3.转向系统蜗轮蜗杆摩擦异响产生机理 摩擦异响主要由于蜗轮蜗杆之间接触表面发生黏滑 运动,在表面产生不稳定振动,产生传动阻力波动,同 时伴随异响。 黏滑现象是由于静摩擦和动摩擦的交替出现而引起 的,当静摩擦超过动摩擦,且整个系统中存在着一定程 度的弹性时,黏滑现象就会发生。在黏滑阶段,静摩擦 力逐渐增至一定值,一旦外力足以克服这个摩擦力,界 面就发生滑移。黏滑运动本身是低频的,但引起的声音 通常是高频的。
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2021年 第 7 期 / 微信号 auto1950
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图1 汽车转向系统分类图随着用户对车辆行驶舒适性要求越来越高,液压转向系统(HPS)的噪音问题,在车辆售后的抱怨中所占比例越来越高。
1 液压噪音的产生原因及排除方法为了转向轻便,汽车越来越来多安装动力转向装置。
1.1 动力转向装置的噪音(1)可能原因。
AUTO AFTERMARKET | 汽车后市场某车型转向异响问题研究陈展宏 颜天晓 杨勋雷上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 广西柳州市 545007摘 要: 针对某车型动态转向异响问题,运用帕累托图分析并确定主要故障表现,对异响源深入分析确定异响原因——仪表板支架中的IP支架与衬套支架干涉摩擦异响,对可能造成该异响的各因素进行理论分析与实际验证,为后续整车设计阶段如何避免动态转向异响提供参考价值。
关键词:动态转向异响;帕累托图;仪表板支架1 引言随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对汽车品质的要求也越来越高,整车NVH性能对客户日常驾驶体验也显得尤为重要。
2 质量问题简述2019年1月份,质量检验坏路站点反馈,某车型出现动态转向异响问题,故障表现形式:车辆在通过坏路及原地转动方向盘时,转向管柱部位出现“吱吱”声,类似金属碰撞、挤压的声音。
针对某车型动态转向异响问题,统计2月6号至2月10号故障数据,见图1,PPH 平均1.04。
3 异响源确认整车方向盘、转向管柱部位集成多个零件、多条线束,异响可能来源于其中的任何零部件、线束,所以需要对故障车的异响模式进行分类统计。
4 原因分析IP支架与衬套支架干涉摩擦异响原理分析:仪表板支架(简称CCB)上的衬套支架用于固定EPS,IP支架前端固定在前围上,当方向盘转动或者车辆过坏路时,转向传动轴会有小幅度的运动,将衬套支架向上顶,导致与IP支架干涉摩擦异响,见图3。