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响/出发:go off

把。。。叫醒:wake up

占据:take up

起床:get up

关掉:switch /turn off

转换频道:switch over/crowded 充满:be filled with

换衣服:get changed

照顾:take care of /look after

遭受:suffer from

宁愿。。。也不愿:prefer to

无法忍受:can stand

从。。学校毕业:graduate from 。。。的解决方法:the solution to 依靠:depend on

为。。感到骄傲:be proud of

擅长做。。:be good at 对。。。。有益处:be good for

远离。。避免:free from

确保:make sure

与。。。一样:the same as/that

如此。。。以至于:so that

远离。。【地方】:far away from

此刻、目前:at the moment

数年:over the years

对。。厌倦:get bored with/be tired of

抱怨:complain with

习惯于:get/be used to

节食:be on a diet

由。。。设计:be designed by

为。。。设计:be designed for

做运动:do some exercise

准备做:be ready to do

紧急事件:urgent matter

在周末:at weekends

打开:switch on/turn of

发生:take place

犯错误:make a mistake

轮流做:take turns to do

在农场:on the farm

在工作:at work/at desk

数百万:millions of

放弃:give up

是从(受伤)中活下来、渡过难关:pull though

对。。。的反应:react to

达到某种状态:come to

与。。相处融洽:get on with

在太空:in space

从。。。中挑选:choose from

与。。。竞争:compete with

为争取。。。而斗争:fight for

取得进步:make progress

对。。。严格:strict with

停了。。。完了。。终了:come to an end 自杀:commit suicide

在我看来:in my opinion

参加、参与:take part in

单独地、独自地:on one own

表达做。。的愿望:express the wishes 起飞:life off/take off

保持镇静:keep calm

为。。。竞争:compete for

为反对。。。而斗争:fight against/with 因。。。出名:be famous for

继续做:continue to do/doing

不但。。而且not only but also

烧毁:burn down

继续,坚持:carry on

建造,举起:put up

因某事感谢某人:thank for

只要:as long as

从。。毕业:graduation from

多亏,由于:thanks to

即使,尽管:even if/though

认真对待某事:take seriously

祝贺某人某事:congratulate on

适逢。。。正当。。:fall on/upon

向某人申请某事:apply to sb for sth

也、又:as well

挨家挨户:from door to door

由。。制成:be made of/from

用。。装饰:decorate with

应该:ought to

用。。。招待某人:serve with

对。。。作贡献、有助于、导:contribute to 退出、自。。隐退:retire from

正要做某事突然。。:be about to do when 实现:come true

好像:as if

取得联系:get in touch (with)

出毛病:go wrong

弄清楚:find out

为某人提供某物offer to

对。。。有害:do harm to

全球变暖:global warming

别挂断:hang on

做、从事于:be up to

本人亲自:in the flesh

也、又:as well as

被认为是:be know as

对。。。乐观:be optimistic about

对。。。悲观:be pessimistic about

各种各样:all sorts/kinds of

秘密地、暗地里:in secret

采取行动:take action

在不久的将来:in the near future

在过去的三十年里:in the last/past thirty yeas 副作用:side effect

练习做某事:practice doing
