AIDS knowledge questionnaire艾滋病知识问卷调查表

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AIDS knowledge questionnaire艾滋病知识问卷调查表

From Mathematical 1122

This questionnaire is an anonymous survey, only do research use, please carefully fill in. And thank you for the participation. The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us to deepen the understanding of HIV/AIDS, for the public to offer more help to those HIV sufferers .

1.Your gender is




A.Under 18

B.19—25 years old

C.Over 25

3.Have ever you heard about AIDS? So, do you think the following statement which is correctly.

A.Infected with the AIDS virus is AIDS 感染了艾滋病毒的人就是艾滋病人

B.Infected with the AIDS virus is infected, after a long incubation period for the development of HIV/AIDS感染了艾滋病毒的人是感染者,经过较长的潜伏期后发展为艾滋病人

4.Do you think the following ways may transmit HIV?(在相应的空格√)

Approach途径YES NO Not sure Drug taking with Shared injectors (intravenous)共用


Blood transfusion is not used when tested blood输血


Without strict disinfection equipment with

treatment/repair teeth用未经严格消毒的器械治疗/修补牙


Infected with the AIDS virus and lactation women

bear children感染了艾滋病毒的妇女生育和哺乳孩子

Mosquito bites蚊虫叮咬

To shake hands or hug with a people with HIV/AIDS


Kiss with a people who with HIV/AIDS courtesy


People with HIV/AIDS sneezing, coughing艾滋病毒感


Do you think the following measures can be taken to prevent the transmission of HIV?Approach途径YES NO Not

sure Have a fixed partner 有固定的性伴侣

Use condoms correctly正确使用安全套

The use of disposable or pass strict disinfection needles

and syringes/dental equipment


Prepare before pregnancy accept HIV testing and

consulting准备怀孕前接受 HIV 抗体检测和咨询

Already infected with HIV maternal postpartum avoid

breastfeeding已感染 HIV 的母亲产后避免母乳喂养

For the assistance what you offer, we express our sincere thanks to you! In order to ensure information is complete and true, please spend a minute, and turn yourself fill in a questionnaire, and see if it has to fill a fault, and fill out the leakage place. Thank you very much!
