



美容美发术语有哪些(2)关于美容美发的术语:发型师须知的英语专业名词边沿层次:graduated form刘海:graduated form fringer提升:expansion提升削剪:expansion tapering内圈:interior外圈:exterior徒手或修剪:freedom sculping渐增层次:incressing graduation自然下垂:natural fall不平行修剪:nonparallel sculpting一手指位提升:one-finger projection平行修剪:parallel sculpting正常发质:normal hair受损发质:damaged hair強韧发质:resistant hair表皮层:cuticle皮质层:cortex髓质层:medulla头皮屑:dandruff麦拉宁:melanin角质层:kelatin无层次剪法:solid(one length)低层次剪法:low graduation高层次剪法:high graduation均衡:symmentry平均:balance不平均:unbalance等长剪法:uniform(square) 短薄剪法:light layering 長薄剪法:heavy layering 凹形层次剪法:concave cut 凸形层次剪法:convex cut 线条:line引导基准线:guide line角度:holding angle长发:long hairstyle中长发:medium hairstyle 短发:short hairstyle弹性:body波浪:wave很鬈:curly旁分:side parting中分:cetral parting十字交叉检查:cross check 发缘线:hair line分区:parting(brocking) 黃金点:golden point打薄:thinning打凹痕:notching挑剪:weaving头頂区:crown侧发区:side前額区:front后脑区:back后颈区:nape手乾法:finger gry梳剪:scissor over comb逆梳:back combing。



专业美发英文术语产品(product)&工具(instrument) 商业:business产品(product)&工具(instrument)头发:hair 冷烫液: cold wave/ perm洗发精:shampoo 护发霜:hair care/conditioner发胶:gel 定型液:hair spary染发剂:hair color 发雕:lotion正常(一般):normal 受损:damage卷发:curl 干燥:dry湿的:wet 润丝:rinse平梳:comb 镜子:mirror吹风机:hair dryer 毛巾:towel剪刀:scissors 发夹:hair pick帽子:cap 削刀:razor模特儿:model 发叉:hair pin冷烫卷:perm rod 冷烫纸:perm paper橡皮筋:rubber band 工作车:setting cart洗发槽:shampoo sink 发刷:brush圆梳:round brush 尖尾梳:tail comb吹风机:blow dryer 电棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors 剪刀:scissors(shears) 大吹风;air dryer 蒸气机;steamer推剪:clipper 电推剪:electric clipper 雷脑:computer 大发夹:hair clip围巾:cap 假人头:manikin假发:wig 消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves商业:business洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo 烫发:permanent剪发:cut/hair cutting 染发:color/hair coloring吹风(发):blow/blowdrying 护发:treatment/hair treatment 修指甲:manicure 修脚甲:pedicure洗澡:take a bath 打烊:It's is close'd便宜:cheap 不劳点:P.S赶快:hurry up /quickly 小费:tip结帐:pay the bill 较贵:expensive完成:finished 劳水:set折扣:discount 钱:money整发做花:hair setting 发型设计:hair design手指卷法:pin curl 化妆:make up按摩:massage 全套服务:full service快速服务:quick service 免费服务:free service指甲保养:nail care。



美发英文術語基礎篇:商業:business 洗頭:shampoo /:hair shampoo 燙髮:permanent剪髮:cut/hair cutting 染髮:color/hair coloring 吹風(髮):blow/blowdryi ng護髮:treatment/hair treatment 修指甲:manicure 修腳甲:pedicure打烊:It's is close'd 便宜:cheap 趕快:hurry up /quickly小費:tip 結帳:pay the bill 較貴:expensive完成:finished 折扣:discount 錢:money整髮做花:hair setting 髮型設計:hair design 手指捲法:pin curl化粧:make up 按摩:massage 全套服務:full service快速服務:quick service 免費服務:free service 指甲保養:nail care產品: product 工具:instrument 頭髮:hair冷燙液: cold wave/ perm 洗髮精:shampoo 護髮霜:hair care/conditioner 髮膠:gel 定型液:hair spary 染髮劑:hair color髮雕:lotion 正常(一般):normal 受損:danger捲髮:curl 乾燥:dry 濕的:wet潤絲:rinse 平梳:comb 鏡子:mirror吹風機:hair dryer 毛巾:towel 剪刀:scissors髮夾:hair pick 帽子:cap 削刀:razor模特兒:model 髮叉:hair pin 冷燙捲:perm rod冷燙紙:perm paper 橡皮筋:rubber band 工作車:setting cart洗髮槽:shampoo sink 髮刷:brush 圓梳:round brush尖尾梳:tail comb 吹風機:blow dryer 電棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors 剪刀:scissors(shears) 大吹風;air dryer蒸氣機;steamer 推剪:clipper 電推剪:electric clipper雷腦:computer 大髮夾:hair clip 圍巾:cap假人頭:manikin 假髮:wig 消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves技術專有名詞(technical terms)正常髮質:normal hair 受損髮質:damaged hair 強韌髮質:resistant hair表皮層:cuticle 皮質層:cortex 髓質層:medulla頭皮屑:dandruff 麥拉寧:melanin 角質層:kelatin無層次剪法:solid(one length) 低層次剪法:low graduation 高層次剪法:high graduation 均衡symmentry 平均balance 不平均unbalance等長剪法:uniform(square) 短薄剪法:light layering 長薄剪法:heavy layering凹形層次剪法:concave cut 凸形層次剪法:convex cut 線條:line引導基準線:guide line 角度:holding angle 長髮:long hairstyle中長髮:medium hairstyle 短髮short hairstyle 彈性:body波浪:wave 很鬈:curly 旁分:side parting中分:cetral parting 十字交叉檢查:cross check 髮緣線:hair line分撮:sectioning 分區:parting(brocking) 黃金點:golden point打薄:thinning 打凹痕:notching 挑剪:weaving頭頂區:crown 側髮區:side 前額區:front後腦區:back梳剪:scissor over comb 生活& 數字後頸區:nape 逆梳:back combing手乾法:finger gry1:one 2:two 3:three 4:four 5:five 6.six 7.seven百:hundred 千:thousand 萬:ten thousand 元:dollars8:eight 9:nine10:ten漂亮:pretty(女)/handsome (男)買東西(上街):go shopping 流行:fashion簽名:sign in 人物(person)男士:man小孩:boy or girl/child 髮型設計師:hair designer 客人:client/customer/guest 學徒:follower 學生: student 美髮師:hair stylist其他(others)美容院:beauty salon雜誌:magazine 髮型書:hairstyle book 化粧:make up挑剔:trouble造型:style 特別的:special零:Zero女人:girl/woman 學長(老員工):senior女士:lady(年輕)/woman(年長)美髮從業人員:hairdresser 經理/店長:manager 老師:teacher模特兒:model美容學校:beauty school 海報:poster髮型發表會(秀):hair show 加盟店:franchise教育:education小贈品:gimmick (gift)化粧室:Toilet檢查:check在家吃飯:to eat in新進人員(學弟妹):junior助理: hair assistant美髮師:hair stylist 老板:boss /hair owner連鎖店:chain store 訓練:traning 促銷:promotion 會話篇(conversation)早安Good morning 午安Good afternoon請坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please)我可以為您服務嗎Hello,May I help you ?茶謝謝Yes,Tea please 謝謝Thanks you very much. 部門主任:department 業務員:saleman您想看點雜誌報紙或髮型書?Would you like a magazine ,newspaper or hairstyle books麻煩給我報紙Yes newspaper please ?.您要洗頭嗎?Would you like a shampoo ? 您要整髮做花嗎?Would you like a hairset您要護髮嗎? Would you like a conditioner ?您要剪髮嗎?Would you like a haircut ?您要吹風嗎?Would you like a blowdry ?您要燙髮嗎?Would you like a perm ?您要修指甲嗎?Would you like a manicure ?您要修腳指甲嗎?Would you like a pedicure ?您要染髮嗎?Would you like a hair colored ?我要洗頭(護髮,吹風...)I'd need a shampoo.(conditioner,blowdry,haircut,perm,medicure)我要染髮.I'd need my hair colored.您比較喜歡什麼髮型?What hairstyle would you prefer?我喜歡短髮(中長髮,長髮) I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle. 我建議您這款的新髮型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ? 很好,好主意That's a good idea.您使用何種洗髮精? What brand of shampoo do you use? 我們建議您使用framesi 洗髮精Werecommend framesi Shampoo 我現在為您按摩肩膀I'm going to massage your shoulder now. 請放輕鬆Please try to relax 謝謝Thank you very much 我們現在去沖水吧! Let's go to rinse your hair now 請跟我來.Please follow me.是的很好.Yes it's all right. 水溫可以嗎?Is the water O.K 不, 太熱(冷)了No, it's too hot(cold) 您有您的美髮師嗎?Do you have your own stylist? 沒有No. 我可以建議一位我們最好的美髮師嗎?May l recommend one of our best stylists? 請稍等.Wait for a moment please 我們待會兒就來We will be with you in a moment嗨! 小姐(先生)Hello! Madame(Sir) 抱歉讓您久等了Sorry,to keep you waiting 我的名字是傑克( 妮娜)My name is Jack(Nina) 我是3 號設計師I am No 3 designer 很高興為您服務I'm glad to be at your service洗髮(護髮..)要多少錢How much do you charge for a shampoo?(conditioner,haircut,perm) 洗髮200 元It's two hundred NT dollars(NT$200) for a shampoo剪髮400 元It's four hundred NT dollars (NT $400) for a haircut 燙髮2500 元It's two thousand five hundred NT dollars (NT $2,500) for a perm 我建議您這種髮型I would recommend this hairstyle for you 這種髮型很適合您的臉型It seems to fit your face very well新的髮型您覺得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle? 您要不要看看鏡子Would you like to use a mirror? 您今天看起來很漂亮You look very nice today您的消費額是600 元That will be six hundred NT dollars(NT $600) , please 零錢不用找Keep the change 這是小費This is a tip歡迎再度光臨Thank you for coming to our salon 歡迎再來We hope to see you again. 歡迎再來Please come again再見Goodbye !專業美髮英文術語(進階篇)英文術語中文術語中文解釋Acute Angle 銳角小於九十度的角Align 準線將往上引導的基準線Alter 修正變更細節,但本質不變Angle 角點兩直線交於一點的形狀Angle of elevation 持起點持起髮束的位置Axis 軸線一條在髮型部分平均對稱的分線Back-center 後中區後頭中央部分Bang 瀏海額頭前的頭髮控留Bias shape 線條型將頭髮向前引或向後引或是將該部向左或向右偏斜Blend 轉層次混合所以能產生期望的髮型Blunt cut 齊剪法所有頭髮修剪成同一長度Breeze cut 飄逸髮型Bridge line 轉接從不同導線連接兩點的線Blow dry 吹乾用手用吹風機吹乾頭髮的方法Centrifugal 離心式從中心向外發展設計Centripetal 向心式外圍髮量向中心集中設計Check cut 檢修對完成的髮型檢查是否有銜接不當的部分Circumference 弧線、弧形區依頭形弧度分線,頭形呈圓弧形Concave 凹曲線如半個空心球的內部曲線,亦稱凹圓線Concentrated shape 聚攏型將頭髮集於一點修剪Convex 凸曲線像球體表面的曲線Corner point 文叉點髮末端垂直線與水平線相交之處Cowlick 高立型頭髮蓬鬆豎起的造型Cross check 交叉檢查法當頭髮垂直修剪後就以水平方法檢查反之亦然Crown 冠部頭頂Cutting by rotating 環繞剪法用來達成短的頂髮長的頸背頭髮或是豐富感的剪法Cutting by twisting 扭轉剪導線決定後,將頭髮曲捲至導線長度銜接Cutting line 裁剪線切囗Diagonal 對角線、斜的斜的移動或是伸展,特別是以45 度角Ear to ear parting 側中主線從一邊的耳朵劃過冠部至另邊耳朵的分線Elevate 提高提昇髮束Finger dry 手梳法利用指頭划過頭髮來將頭髮弄乾的方法Finger grips 指套剪刀的環套Finger round cut 指圓剪利用手指彎曲將頭髮整型Forty five degree angle 四十五度角對角,九十度的對方Fragment 片髮髮末梢形成一種凌亂感Gathering 聚攏將頭髮聚攏於一點修剪Graduction cut 小層次剪法漸層次Guideline 導線修剪其他部分時一條被用做引導長度的修剪線Hairline 髮緣線頭髮與皮膚的邊緣Hair movement 髮向頭髮自然生長的方向Hair quality 髮質頭髮的狀況Horizontal section 水平部分水平分區部分Intuition 直覺察覺事物的能力Lamp dry 烘乾法用紅外線弄乾頭髮的方法Layer cut 大層次剪法將各部頭髮提昇90 度以上的剪法Meeting point 交會點兩條導線交會點,交會點決定該部分修剪的角度Mohican section 正中主線從冠部到頸背的正中部分,通常做為修剪頭髮的線Moving blade 滑剪剪刀刀刃修剪時的移動Nape 頸背頸部的後面Obtuse angle 鈍角頸部的後面大於九十度小於一百八十度Occipital bone 後腦骨後腦點的位置Off base 斜梳法引髮除了九十度外的任何角度One length cut 水平剪法零層次一字形剪法On base 九十度梳法與頭皮成垂直提昇髮束Outline 輪廓一個髮型的外形Panel 髮束頭髮上被取的一部分或是區分之部分Paper round cut 紙剪法頭髮如剪紙的剪刀一張一合Parallel section 平行部分取一個與先前部分線平行的部分Part 分線將頭髮梳向不同方向的區分線Perpendicular 垂直與他線或其他面成九十度Perimeter 垂直直上或直下Polygon 多邊形一個封閉的幾何圖形,尤其是超過四邊或四角的Radial section 放射部分冠部周圍取放射狀Regent cut 雷根髮型Repertoire 髮目你對髮型及技術的搜集Rigth angle 垂直角九十度角,兩條互相垂直線的交會角Roots 髮根頭髮最接近頭皮的部分Scalloped line 貝殼曲一條如貝殼的紋路的曲線Scrunch dry 抓揉法一種藉著用手抓揉頭髮擠壓弄乾頭髮的方法Sculpting 雕塑法使頭髮形狀像雕刻狀Shaggy round 圓齒線Side-back 側後邊介於側邊與後邊的部分Side-front 側前邊側邊最近臉部的部分Silhouelle 造型輪廓髮型的外型Slice 髮片從較大部分取出的較薄部分Slide cut 滑剪法剪刀刀刃滑過髮束的修剪方法Spherical 球狀像球形Squeeze cut 凹圓剪髮型Step bob-cut 鮑勃短髮型Still blade 靜刃修剪時刀刃不動Sub-section 次部分任何部分的小部分Taper 削薄法向髮梢方向逐漸將厚度削薄Tension 張力引髮修剪頭髮時持拉的力量Thinning 打薄法藉著削剪頭髮裏頭髮量沒有改變外頭長度Three dimensional 三度空間法除了有高度寬度外還有厚的深度Vertical section 垂直部分一個取垂直的部分Volume 髮量頭髮的數量與重量Whorls 螺紋型頭髮形成一個漩渦的效果,就像冠部一樣。



humidity temperature extreme exposure sunlight surfactant
physical property reaction roughen surface tangle
Unit one Hair
hairline sidewall whisker tendrill
flip strand hairdresser customer
hold towel cover rinse haircut treatment wave dye
define dazzle trust
Unit fifteen manicure

assist complement wardrobe affect trend
relax mailbrush varnish bright
consumer paint category popular
contain significant extent trade



整容术语隆胸:breast implants隆鼻:hump nose美容产品Acne 青春痘用品Active 赋活用After sun 日晒后用品Alcohol-free 无酒精Anti- 抗、防Anti-wrinkle 抗老防皱Balancing 平衡酸碱Blusher 腮红Clean- 清洁用Combination 混合性皮肤Cottect- 遮瑕膏Cream 霜Day 日间用Dry 干性皮肤Essnece 精华液Exfoliator 去角质Eye gel 眼胶Eye mask 眼膜Eye shadow 眼影Eyeliner 眼线(笔、刷)Facial 脸部用Fast dry 快干Firm 紧肤Foam 泡沫Foundation 粉底Freshener 化妆水Gel 胶状Gentle 温和的Hydra- 保湿用Lip brillant 唇彩Lip care 护唇用Lip coat 口红护膜Lipstick 口红Liquid- 液状Long lasting 持久性Lotion 水、露Losse powder 蜜粉Makeup 粉底Mask 面膜Mascara 睫毛膏Milk 乳Moisture 保湿Mult- 多元Nail color 指甲油Nail enamel 指甲油Nail polish 指甲油Nail saver 护甲液Normal 中性皮肤Nutritious 滋养Oil-control 抑制油脂Oily 油性皮肤Pack 剥撕式面膜Peeling 敷面剥落式面膜Pressed powder 粉饼Purify- 清洁用Quick dry 快干Remover 去除、卸妆Repair 修护Revitalite 活化Scrub 磨砂式(去角质Sensitive 敏感性皮肤Shading powder 修容饼Solvent 溶解Spot 青春痘用Sun block 防晒用Tanning 仿晒用品Toning lotion 化妆水Trentment 修护Wash 洗Waterproof 防水-White- 美白用美容院洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo烫发:permanent剪发:cut/hair cutting染发:color/hair coloring吹风(发):blow/blowdrying护发:treatment/hair treatment 修指甲:manicure修脚甲:pedicure洗澡:take a bath打烊:It's is close'd便宜:cheap不劳点:P.S赶快:hurry up /quickly小费:tip结帐:pay the bill较贵:expensive完成:finished劳水:set折扣:discount钱:money整发做花:hair setting发型设计:hair design手指卷法:pin curl化妆:make up按摩:massage全套服务:full service快速服务:quick service免费服务:free service指甲保养:nail care化妆工具术语:工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bag美发店洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo剪发:cut/hair cutting染发:color/hair coloring护发:treatment/hair treatment假发:hairpiece刘海:fringe头皮:Scalp理发,发式:Haircut发型:fashion理发师:haircutter(女子)头发式样; (女子)理发:hairdo吹风机:hairdryer,blow/blowdrying 毛(发)刷:hairbrush发剪:hairclippers染发药水:hairdye梳子:comb发夹,发带:hairlace发网:hairnethairwearing:(尼龙)假发植入(术)洗发精:shampoo,hair lotion发饰:decration电烫:permanent wave冷烫:cold wave打薄剪刀thinning?乱发shock修剪trim平顶头crop分发?part?hair做发型?cutting&styling电烫?permanent?wave点烫药水?setting?lotion女子做发?hairdo点烫发机?electric?hair?curler压发?hair?fixer束发结?snood发网?hairnet假辫子?coronet?braid?weitch前刘海?bang美发专用英语(词汇与口语)洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo烫发:permanent剪发:cut/hair cutting染发:color/hair coloring吹风(发):blow/blow-drying护发:treatment/hair treatment修指甲:manicure修脚甲:pedicure洗澡:take a bath打烊:It's is close'd便宜:cheap不劳点:P.S赶快:hurry up /quickly小费:tip结帐:pay the bill较贵:expensive完成:finished劳水:set折扣:discount钱:money整发做花:hair setting发型设计:hair design手指卷法:pin curl化妆:make up按摩:massage全套服务:full service快速服务:quick service免费服务:free service指甲保养:nail care产品(product)&工具(instrument) 头发:hair冷烫液: cold wave/ perm洗发精:shampoo护发霜:hair care/conditioner发胶:gel定型液:hair spray染发剂:hair color发雕:lotion正常(一般):normal受损:danger卷发:curl乾燥:dry湿的:wet润丝:rinse平梳:comb镜子:mirror吹风机:hair dryer毛巾:towel剪刀:scissors发夹:hair pick帽子:cap削刀:razor模特儿:model发叉:hair pin冷烫卷:perm rod冷烫纸:perm paper 橡皮筋:rubber band 工作车:setting cart洗发槽:shampoo sink 发刷:brush圆梳:round brush尖尾梳:tail comb吹风机:blow dryer电棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors剪刀:scissors(shears)大吹风;air dryer蒸气机;steamer推剪:clipper电推剪:electric clipper雷脑:computer大发夹:hair clip围巾:cap假人头:manikin假发:wig消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves技术专有名词(technical terms) 正常发质:normal hair受损发质:damaged hair强韧发质:resistant hair表皮层:cuticle皮质层:cortex髓质层:medulla头皮屑:dandruff麦拉宁:melanin角质层:kelatin无层次剪法:solid(one length) 低层次剪法:low graduation 高层次剪法:high graduation 均衡symmentry平均balance不平均unbalance等长剪法:uniform(square)短薄剪法:light layering长薄剪法:heavy layering凹形层次剪法:concave cut 凸形层次剪法:convex cut线条:line引导基准线:guide line角度:holding angle长发:long hairstyle中长发:medium hairstyle短发short hairstyle弹性:body波浪:wave很鬈:curly旁分:side parting中分:cetral parting十字交叉检查:cross check发缘线:hair line分撮:sectioning分区:parting(brocking) 黄金点:golden point打薄:thinning打凹痕:notching挑剪:weaving头顶区:crown侧发区:side前额区:front後脑区:back後颈区:nape手乾法:finger gry梳剪:scissor over comb 逆梳:back combing生活&数字1:one2:two3:three4:four5:five6.six7.seven8:eight9:nine10:ten百:hundred千:thousand万:ten thousand元:dollars漂亮:pretty(女)/handsome(男) 化妆:make up化妆室:Toilet买东西(上街):go shopping挑剔:trouble检查:check流行:fashion造型:style特别的:special在家吃饭:to eat in签名:sign in零:Zero人物(person)男士:man女人:girl/woman新进人员(学弟妹):junior小孩:boy or girl/child学长(老员工):senior助理: hair assistant发型设计师:hair designer女士:lady(年轻)/woman(年长) 美发师:hair stylist客人:client/customer/guest美发从业人员:hairdresser老板:boss /hair owner学徒:follower经理/店长:manager部门主任:department学生: student老师:teacher业务员:saleman美发师:hair stylist模特儿:model其他(others)美容院:beauty salon美容学校:beauty school流行:fashion杂志:magazine海报:poster图片:picture发型书:hairstyle book发型发表会(秀):hair show发型研习会:hair seminar连锁店:chain store加盟店:franchise沙龙经营:salon management训练:traning教育:education待客礼节:etiquette促销:promotion小赠品:gimmick (gift)恕不赊帐: no credit早安Good morning午安Good afternoon晚安Good evening请坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please) 欢迎光临Welcome!我可以为您服务吗Hello,May I help you ? 您想喝茶或咖啡?Tea or coffee茶谢谢Yes,Tea please谢谢Thanks you very much.麻烦给我报纸Yes newspaper please ?.您要洗头吗?Would you like a shampoo ?您要整发做花吗?Would you like a hairset ?您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner ?您要剪发吗?Would you like a haircut ?您要吹风吗?Would you like a blow-dry ?您要烫发吗?Would you like a perm?您要修指甲吗?Would you like a manicure ?您要修脚指甲吗?Would you like a pedicure ?您要染发吗?Would you like a hair colored?我要洗头(护发,吹风...)I'd need a shampoo.(conditioner, blow-dry, haircut, perm, medicure) 我要染发.I'd need my hair colored.您比较喜欢什麽发型?What hairstyle would you prefer?我喜欢短发(中长发,长发) I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle.我建议您这款的新发型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ?很好,好主意That's a good idea.您使用何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use?我们建议您使用framesi洗发精We recommend framesi Shampoo我现在为您按摩肩膀I'm going to massage your shoulder now.请放轻松Please try to relax谢谢Thank you very much我们现在去冲水吧! Let's go to rinse your hair now请跟我来.Please follow me.是的很好.Yes it's all right.水温可以吗?Is the water O.K不,太热(冷)了No, it's too hot(cold)您有您的美发师吗?Do you have your own stylist? 没有No.我可以建议一位我们最好的美发师吗?May l recommend one of our best stylists?请稍等.Wait for a moment please我们待会儿就来We will be with you in a moment嗨!小姐(先生)Hello! Madame(Sir)抱歉让您久等了Sorry,to keep you waiting我的名字是杰克(妮娜)My name is Jack(Nina)我是3号设计师I am No 3 designer很高兴为您服务I'm glad to be at your service洗发(护发..)要多少钱How much do you charge for a shampoo?(conditioner,haircut, perm) 洗发200元It's two hundred NT dollars(NT$200) for a shampoo剪发400元It's four hundred NT dollars (NT $400) for a haircut烫发2500元It's two thousand five hundred NT dollars (NT $2,500) for a perm我建议您这种发型I would recommend this hairstyle for you这种发型很适合您的脸型It seems to fit your face very well新的发型您觉得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle?您要不要看看镜子Would you like to use a mirror?您今天看起来很漂亮You look very nice today您的消费额是600元That will be six hundred NT dollars(NT $600) , please钱不用找Keep the change这是小费This is a tip欢迎再度光临Thank you for coming to our salon 欢迎再来We hope to see you again.欢迎再来Please come again。


导语:随着时代的发展,越来越多的人喜欢去美容,愉悦自己的同 时取悦别人,下面是 YJBYS 小编收集整理的美容行业常用英语词汇, 欢迎参考! 洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo 烫发:permanent 剪发:cut/hair cutting 染发:color/hair coloring 吹风(发):blow/blowdrying 护发:treatment/hair treatment 修指甲:manicure 修脚甲:pedicure 整发做花:hair setting 发型设计:hair design 手指卷法:pin curl 化妆:make up 按摩:massage 全套服务:full service 快速服务:quick service 免费服务:free service 指甲保养:nail care 产品(product) 头发:hair 冷烫液: cold wave/ perm 洗发精:shampoo
十字交叉检查:cross check 发缘线:hair line 分撮:sectioning 黄金点:golden point 打薄:thinning 打凹痕:notching 挑剪:weaving 头顶区:crown 侧发区:side 前额区:front 后脑区:back 后颈区:nape 手干法:finger gry 梳剪:scissor over comb 逆梳:back combing 化妆:make up 化妆室:Toilet 挑剔:trouble 检查:check 流行:fashion 造型:style 助理: hair assistant 发型设计师:hair designer 美发师:hair stylist 模特儿:model 美容院:beauty salon



The Hairdressers◎词汇barber ['bɑ:bə]理发师hairdresser ['heədresə]美容美发师stylist ['stailist]形象设计师barbershop 理发店hair salon/beauty salon 美容美发厅cut剪wash洗blow dry吹干shampoo [ʃæm'pu:]n. 香波,洗发水v.洗头发hair conditioner 护发素trim your hair 修头发trim your beard 修胡子sideburns ['saɪdbɜːnz]两鬓fringe [frindʒ]n.刘海dye [dai]染dye one’s hair染发dye his hair green 染成绿色【发型和颜色】直发straight;卷曲curly;波浪wavy;自然的发色有黑色black、棕色brown、金色blond还有红色red. jet black 深黑;Dark brown 深棕色;Chestnut brown粟棕色;golden blond 金黄色;auburn 赤褐色;titian/Red hair 红头发;yellowish 淡黄色【常见发型】平头crew cut ;中分发型centre parting ;直发型straight hair;长直发long and straight;波浪发wavy hair;卷发Curly hair;波波头Bob;童花头Pageboy;马尾辫Ponytail;刘海Bangs(美语里刘海是用bangs,英式是用fringe);直刘海Straight bangs;鬓角sideburns◎句型【美发师询问】:1、How do you want it cut你想理什么样的(发型)?;2、How would you like to do your hair today? 今天想理什么发型呢?3、Do you want it curled?你想要卷发吗?4、Which style would you prefer?你喜欢什么发型?5、Would you like a trim?你要修剪吗?5:How do you want it?6:how would you like your haircut/ how shall I cut it【自己提要求】:1、My hair's getting a little 2 long. I want it cut short我的头发太长了,我想理短些;2、I'm thinking about a perm in fashion我想烫个时尚的发型;3、Don't cut it too short on the sides and the back, Just trim it a little. 两边和后面别理太短,稍微修一下就好。



美发英文術語基礎篇:商業:business 洗頭:shampoo /:hair shampoo 燙髮:permanent剪髮:cut/hair cutting 染髮:color/hair coloring 吹風(髮):blow/blowdrying 護髮:treatment/hair treatment 修指甲:manicure 修腳甲:pedicure打烊:It's is close'd 便宜:cheap 趕快:hurry up /quickly小費:tip 結帳:pay the bill 較貴:expensive完成:finished 折扣:discount 錢:money整髮做花:hair setting 髮型設計:hair design 手指捲法:pin curl化粧:make up 按摩:massage 全套服務:full service快速服務:quick service 免費服務:free service 指甲保養:nail care產品: product 工具:instrument 頭髮:hair冷燙液: cold wave/ perm 洗髮精:shampoo 護髮霜:hair care/conditioner 髮膠:gel 定型液:hair spary 染髮劑:hair color髮雕:lotion 正常(一般):normal 受損:danger捲髮:curl 乾燥:dry 濕的:wet潤絲:rinse 平梳:comb 鏡子:mirror吹風機:hair dryer 毛巾:towel 剪刀:scissors髮夾:hair pick 帽子:cap 削刀:razor模特兒:model 髮叉:hair pin 冷燙捲:perm rod冷燙紙:perm paper 橡皮筋:rubber band 工作車:setting cart洗髮槽:shampoo sink 髮刷:brush 圓梳:round brush尖尾梳:tail comb 吹風機:blow dryer 電棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors 剪刀:scissors(shears) 大吹風;air dryer蒸氣機;steamer 推剪:clipper 電推剪:electric clipper雷腦:computer 大髮夾:hair clip 圍巾:cap假人頭:manikin 假髮:wig 消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves技術專有名詞(technical terms)正常髮質:normal hair 受損髮質:damaged hair 強韌髮質:resistant hair表皮層:cuticle 皮質層:cortex 髓質層:medulla頭皮屑:dandruff 麥拉寧:melanin 角質層:kelatin無層次剪法:solid(one length) 低層次剪法:low graduation 高層次剪法:high graduation 均衡symmentry 平均balance 不平均unbalance等長剪法:uniform(square) 短薄剪法:light layering 長薄剪法:heavy layering凹形層次剪法:concave cut 凸形層次剪法:convex cut 線條:line引導基準線:guide line 角度:holding angle 長髮:long hairstyle中長髮:medium hairstyle 短髮short hairstyle 彈性:body波浪:wave 很鬈:curly 旁分:side parting中分:cetral parting 十字交叉檢查:cross check 髮緣線:hair line分撮:sectioning 分區:parting(brocking) 黃金點:golden point打薄:thinning 打凹痕:notching 挑剪:weaving頭頂區:crown 側髮區:side 前額區:front後腦區:back 後頸區:nape 手乾法:finger gry梳剪:scissor over comb 逆梳:back combing生活&數字1:one 2:two 3:three 4:four 5:five 6.six 7.seven 8:eight 9:nine 10:ten百:hundred 千:thousand 萬:ten thousand 元:dollars漂亮:pretty(女)/handsome(男) 化粧:make up 化粧室:Toilet買東西(上街):go shopping 挑剔:trouble 檢查:check流行:fashion 造型:style 特別的:special 在家吃飯:to eat in簽名:sign in 零:Zero人物(person)男士:man 女人:girl/woman 新進人員(學弟妹):junior小孩:boy or girl/child 學長(老員工):senior 助理: hair assistant髮型設計師:hair designer 女士:lady(年輕)/woman(年長) 美髮師:hair stylist客人:client/customer/guest 美髮從業人員:hairdresser 老板:boss /hair owner學徒:follower 經理/店長:manager 部門主任:department學生: student 老師:teacher 業務員:saleman美髮師:hair stylist 模特兒:model其他(others)美容院:beauty salon 美容學校:beauty school 流行:fashion雜誌:magazine 海報:poster 圖片:picture髮型書:hairstyle book 髮型發表會(秀):hair show 髮型研習會:hair seminar連鎖店:chain store 加盟店:franchise 沙龍經營:salon management 訓練:traning 教育:education 待客禮節:etiquette促銷:promotion 小贈品:gimmick (gift) 恕不賒帳: no credit會話篇(conversation)早安Good morning 午安Good afternoon 晚安Good evening請坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please) 歡迎光臨Welcome!我可以為您服務嗎Hello,May I help you ? 您想喝茶或咖啡?Tea or coffee 茶謝謝Yes,Tea please 謝謝Thanks you very much.您想看點雜誌報紙或髮型書?Would you like a magazine ,newspaper or hairstyle books ?麻煩給我報紙Yes newspaper please ?.您要洗頭嗎?Would you like a shampoo ?您要整髮做花嗎?Would you like a hairset ?您要護髮嗎? Would you like a conditioner ?您要剪髮嗎?Would you like a haircut ?您要吹風嗎?Would you like a blowdry ?您要燙髮嗎?Would you like a perm ?您要修指甲嗎?Would you like a manicure ?您要修腳指甲嗎?Would you like a pedicure ?您要染髮嗎?Would you like a hair colored ?我要洗頭(護髮,吹風...)I'd need a shampoo.(conditioner,blowdry,haircut,perm,medicure)我要染髮.I'd need my hair colored.您比較喜歡什麼髮型?What hairstyle would you prefer?我喜歡短髮(中長髮,長髮) I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle.我建議您這款的新髮型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ?很好,好主意That's a good idea.您使用何種洗髮精? What brand of shampoo do you use?我們建議您使用framesi洗髮精We recommend framesi Shampoo我現在為您按摩肩膀I'm going to massage your shoulder now.請放輕鬆Please try to relax 謝謝Thank you very much我們現在去沖水吧! Let's go to rinse your hair now請跟我來.Please follow me.是的很好.Yes it's all right.水溫可以嗎?Is the water O.K不,太熱(冷)了No, it's too hot(cold)您有您的美髮師嗎?Do you have your own stylist? 沒有No.我可以建議一位我們最好的美髮師嗎?May l recommend one of our best stylists?請稍等.Wait for a moment please我們待會兒就來We will be with you in a moment嗨!小姐(先生)Hello! Madame(Sir) 抱歉讓您久等了Sorry,to keep you waiting我的名字是傑克(妮娜)My name is Jack(Nina)我是3號設計師I am No 3 designer很高興為您服務I'm glad to be at your service洗髮(護髮..)要多少錢How much do you charge for a shampoo?(conditioner,haircut,perm)洗髮200元It's two hundred NT dollars(NT$200) for a shampoo剪髮400元It's four hundred NT dollars (NT $400) for a haircut燙髮2500元It's two thousand five hundred NT dollars (NT $2,500) for a perm我建議您這種髮型I would recommend this hairstyle for you這種髮型很適合您的臉型It seems to fit your face very well新的髮型您覺得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle?您要不要看看鏡子Would you like to use a mirror?您今天看起來很漂亮You look very nice today您的消費額是600元That will be six hundred NT dollars(NT $600) , please零錢不用找Keep the change 這是小費This is a tip歡迎再度光臨Thank you for coming to our salon歡迎再來We hope to see you again. 歡迎再來Please come again再見Goodbye !專業美髮英文術語(進階篇)英文術語中文術語中文解釋Acute Angle 銳角小於九十度的角Align 準線將往上引導的基準線Alter 修正變更細節,但本質不變Angle 角點兩直線交於一點的形狀Angle of elevation 持起點持起髮束的位置Axis 軸線一條在髮型部分平均對稱的分線Back-center 後中區後頭中央部分Bang 瀏海額頭前的頭髮控留Bias shape 線條型將頭髮向前引或向後引或是將該部向左或向右偏斜Blend 轉層次混合所以能產生期望的髮型Blunt cut 齊剪法所有頭髮修剪成同一長度Breeze cut 飄逸髮型Bridge line 轉接從不同導線連接兩點的線Blow dry 吹乾用手用吹風機吹乾頭髮的方法Centrifugal 離心式從中心向外發展設計Centripetal 向心式外圍髮量向中心集中設計Check cut 檢修對完成的髮型檢查是否有銜接不當的部分Circumference 弧線、弧形區依頭形弧度分線,頭形呈圓弧形Concave 凹曲線如半個空心球的內部曲線,亦稱凹圓線Concentrated shape 聚攏型將頭髮集於一點修剪Convex 凸曲線像球體表面的曲線Corner point 文叉點髮末端垂直線與水平線相交之處Cowlick 高立型頭髮蓬鬆豎起的造型Cross check 交叉檢查法當頭髮垂直修剪後就以水平方法檢查反之亦然Crown 冠部頭頂Cutting by rotating 環繞剪法用來達成短的頂髮長的頸背頭髮或是豐富感的剪法Cutting by twisting 扭轉剪導線決定後,將頭髮曲捲至導線長度銜接Cutting line 裁剪線切囗Diagonal 對角線、斜的斜的移動或是伸展,特別是以45度角Ear to ear parting 側中主線從一邊的耳朵劃過冠部至另邊耳朵的分線Elevate 提高提昇髮束Finger dry 手梳法利用指頭划過頭髮來將頭髮弄乾的方法Finger grips 指套剪刀的環套Finger round cut 指圓剪利用手指彎曲將頭髮整型Forty five degree angle 四十五度角對角,九十度的對方Fragment 片髮髮末梢形成一種凌亂感Gathering 聚攏將頭髮聚攏於一點修剪Graduction cut 小層次剪法漸層次Guideline 導線修剪其他部分時一條被用做引導長度的修剪線Hairline 髮緣線頭髮與皮膚的邊緣Hair movement 髮向頭髮自然生長的方向Hair quality 髮質頭髮的狀況Horizontal section 水平部分水平分區部分Intuition 直覺察覺事物的能力Lamp dry 烘乾法用紅外線弄乾頭髮的方法Layer cut 大層次剪法將各部頭髮提昇90度以上的剪法Meeting point 交會點兩條導線交會點,交會點決定該部分修剪的角度Mohican section 正中主線從冠部到頸背的正中部分,通常做為修剪頭髮的線Moving blade 滑剪剪刀刀刃修剪時的移動Nape 頸背頸部的後面Obtuse angle 鈍角頸部的後面大於九十度小於一百八十度Occipital bone 後腦骨後腦點的位置Off base 斜梳法引髮除了九十度外的任何角度One length cut 水平剪法零層次一字形剪法On base 九十度梳法與頭皮成垂直提昇髮束Outline 輪廓一個髮型的外形Panel 髮束頭髮上被取的一部分或是區分之部分Paper round cut 紙剪法頭髮如剪紙的剪刀一張一合Parallel section 平行部分取一個與先前部分線平行的部分Part 分線將頭髮梳向不同方向的區分線Perpendicular 垂直與他線或其他面成九十度Perimeter 垂直直上或直下Polygon 多邊形一個封閉的幾何圖形,尤其是超過四邊或四角的Radial section 放射部分冠部周圍取放射狀Regent cut 雷根髮型Repertoire 髮目你對髮型及技術的搜集Rigth angle 垂直角九十度角,兩條互相垂直線的交會角Roots 髮根頭髮最接近頭皮的部分Scalloped line 貝殼曲一條如貝殼的紋路的曲線Scrunch dry 抓揉法一種藉著用手抓揉頭髮擠壓弄乾頭髮的方法Sculpting 雕塑法使頭髮形狀像雕刻狀Shaggy round 圓齒線Side-back 側後邊介於側邊與後邊的部分Side-front 側前邊側邊最近臉部的部分Silhouelle 造型輪廓髮型的外型Slice 髮片從較大部分取出的較薄部分Slide cut 滑剪法剪刀刀刃滑過髮束的修剪方法Spherical 球狀像球形Squeeze cut 凹圓剪髮型Step bob-cut 鮑勃短髮型Still blade 靜刃修剪時刀刃不動Sub-section 次部分任何部分的小部分Taper 削薄法向髮梢方向逐漸將厚度削薄Tension 張力引髮修剪頭髮時持拉的力量Thinning 打薄法藉著削剪頭髮裏頭髮量沒有改變外頭長度Three dimensional 三度空間法除了有高度寬度外還有厚的深度Vertical section 垂直部分一個取垂直的部分V olume 髮量頭髮的數量與重量Whorls 螺紋型頭髮形成一個漩渦的效果,就像冠部一樣。



美容美发美体英语参考答案Unit1Lesson 1Check and learnSkin Type Chinese The Feel normal skin 普通肌肤soft and smoothdry skin 干性肌肤tight after cleansing oily or combination skin 油性及混合性肌肤uneven and rough.sensitive skin 敏感性肌肤hot and burningDialoguedry skin avoid harsh cleansers.oily skin have a daily mask.sensitive skin look for products that are gentle on skin.combination skin pay attention to oily T-Zone.ReadingA.全面干燥脸颊干燥但T区有点油不得不在一年中不同的季节或者整年与油性,正常,干性肌肤对抗全面油性Lesson 2Check and Learn:cleanse; toner; massageDialogue:1. a thorough cleansing; a toner; exfoliation treatment.2. smoothing rough areas; releasing dead skin cellsReading:A.1.cleansing; toning; nourishing2.about 30 seconds3.Moisturizing4.lotions; creams; upwards-outwardsB.3-2-4-1-5Lesson 3Check and learnloose powder; foundation; blush; eye shadow; lipstick; mascaraDialogue:略Reading:A.Step 1: Put on primer and foundation.Step 2: Conceal dark circles and other spots.Step 3: Play up the eyes in a subtle way.Step 4: Apply blush to flatter the face shape.Step 5: Apply a lip color at last.B.2-4-3-5-1Lesson 4Check and learneye liner; brow pencil; lash curler; false eyelash; powder puff; tweezersDialogue1.earth series of eye shadow2.appears friendly;3.Extremely suit for the attendance of formal situation.ReadingA.1.frighten their enemies2.paint their faces; blacken their eyebrows3.making up in publicB. 略Unit 2Lesson 1Check and LearnDry Hair: Over exposure to the sun; Need plenty of nourishment.Oily Hair: Accompany with oily skin; Look greasy.Normal Hair: The most ideal hair; Look shining.DialogueA.1.Don’t comb your hair when you take a shower.2.Don't blow-dry your hair for a long time. Let it dry naturally.3.Buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and a good conditioner and use them regularly.B. 略Reading1.normal hair2.dry skinned person3.oily hair4.oily head and dry endsLesson2Check and Learnshort hairstyle; long hairstyle; medium hairstyle; crew cut; side parting; all back; bun pigtails; braids; pony tail; bobDialogue略ReadingA.brush; hair band; gather hair; pin; coil hair twist hair; hairnet; flatten; finishB. 略Lesson 3Check and Learnhair dryer; hot hair brush; curling iron; flat iron; hair comb; hair brush DialogueA.regular perm( a ) cold perm( e ) straight perm( d )pin curl perm( c ) foam perm( b )B. 略ReadingA.1.Identify the types of hair the customers have.2.Consider alternate treatments and techniques.3.Consider a haircut.4.Consider the shapes of customers’ faces when selecting perms.5.Discuss the kinds of perm with your customers.6.Tell your customers that a hair perm takes about 2 hours to do well.B. 略Lesson 4Check and Learnclipper; hair band; hair pin; pony holder; shears; hair clampDialogue1.trim, sideburns, on the left, ,a little of my moustache2.thin the top, the sides,the back.3.Not bad!ReadingA.Hairdresser: could be both male and female; a person who cuts, washes, and arranges people's hair in particular styles.Barber: whose job is to always a male; cut men's hair and sometimes to shave them.B. 略Lesson 5Check and Learnhair salon; crown; frizzy; flicks; oval; fringeDialogueA.1.Keep it simple.2.natural hair texture; look beautiful.3.they can't control their frizzy hair.B.philosophy; touchable; texture; recommend; majority; absolutelyReadingNo; No; Yes; No; YesUnit 3Lesson 1Check and Learnspa; aromatherapy; lift your spirit; volcanic; ash muscle; mudDialogue略ReadingA.traditional; aromatherapy; alleviate; individual; chocolate; traditionalB.1.Traditional Chinese Medicine spa; Bath in mud; Natural Thai spa; "Doctor Fish" spa,wine spa, chocolate spa2.traditional Chinese therapy3.MassagistLesson2Check and Learnheadache; neck pain; shoulder pain; arm pain; hip pain; knee trouble; aching legs Dialogue1.make a massage reservation2.traditional Thai3.cell phoneReadingA.No; Yes; YesB.relaxation; togetherness; application; essential; physical; massageLesson3Check and Learntoe walk ( 4 ) stair walk ( 1 ) standing calf stretch ( 5 ) roller stretch ( 2 ) towel stretch( 3 ) rotation stretch( 6 ) DialogueA.1. a foot massage2.foot reflexes3.pushing; forefinger4.have a glass of waterB. 略Reading1.Stroke the bottom of the foot.2.Rotate the foot from the ankle.3.Gently pull and squeeze the toes.4.Slide your fingers between the toes.5.Push your hand along the arch of the foot.Lesson 4Check and Learnnail clippers; nail polish; nail file; nail buffer; nail scissors; nail brush DialogueA.1.manicure; with this special discount2.passion red3.square4.about five minutesB. 略Reading美甲的基本流程A. 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. No; 4. Yes.Unit 4Lesson 1Check and LearnTelevision advertisement ( 1 ) Radio advertising ( 3 )Press advertising ( 5 ) Online advertising ( 4 )Mobile billboard advertising ( 2 ) Street advertising ( 6 )Dialogue略ReadingA.1.Good communication skills;2. A warm, vibrant personality;3.Diligence;4.Can-do attitude;5.Speaking Cantonese.B.Non-working experience:1.Facial Treatment, Eye Treatment & Slimming Treatment;2.Good communication skills and a warm, vibrant personality;3.Diligence, with a can-do attitude;4.Speaking Cantonese would be an advantage;Skilled:1.Min 1 year working experience in beauty line;2.CIDESCO/ CIBTAC/ IFA/ DIPLOMA IN BEAUTY or equivalent qualification3.Able to start work immediately;4.Able to speak English, Mandarin.Lesson2Check and LearnResume简历; Contact Information联系方式; Objective目标职位; Education教育背景; Activities参加的活动Experience 经验DialogueA.newspaper; suggestion; summary; important; schedule; cosmetologyB.1.what position you are seeking2. a summary of your qualifications3.cosmetology training; your work details; the responsibilitiesReadingA.1.Date of Birth;2.Marital status;3.Expected employment status;4.Ready to Relocate.B. 略Lesson3Check and LearnOpen Questions:开放式问题Closed Questions:封闭式问题Hypothetical Questions:假设性问题Leading Questions:引导性问题Double-Barreled Questions:双向式问题Behavioral Questions:行为式问题Final Questions:最终问题Summary:总结DialogueA.personnel;qualification; additionally; interviewer; motivation; professionalB.1.Cosmetology2.qualifications; my hardworking; diligent.3.after taxReadingA.1.pay attention to his appearance and manners2.demonstrate his skills for the job.3.Ought to be honest about his academic background.B. 略。



我的美容美发专业作文英语As a professional in the beauty and hair industry, I have always been passionate about helping people look and feel their best. Whether it's a simple haircut or a full makeover, I believe that everyone deserves to feelconfident and beautiful in their own skin. In this essay, I will discuss my experiences in the beauty and hair industry, as well as the importance of self-care and self-love.Growing up, I always had a fascination with hair and makeup. I would spend hours experimenting with different hairstyles and makeup looks, and I loved the way that a simple change in appearance could make me feel moreconfident and empowered. As I got older, I realized that I wanted to turn my passion into a career, and I enrolled ina beauty school to learn more about the industry.During my time in beauty school, I learned the importance of not only physical appearance, but also self-care and self-love. I saw firsthand how a simple haircut ora new makeup look could boost someone's confidence and make them feel more comfortable in their own skin. However, I also saw how many people struggled with self-esteem andself-worth, and how important it was to help them see their own beauty and value.After graduating from beauty school, I began working in a salon, where I continued to learn and grow as a professional. I worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds, and I saw how a simple haircut or color could transform their entire look and outlook on life. However, I also saw how many people struggled with insecurities and negative self-talk, and how important it was to help them see their own worth and beauty.Over time, I developed my own philosophy on beauty and self-care. I believe that true beauty comes from within, and that taking care of yourself both physically and mentally is essential for feeling and looking your best. I encourage my clients to practice self-care in their daily lives, whether it's through exercise, meditation, or simply taking a few minutes each day to do something they enjoy.In conclusion, my experiences in the beauty and hair industry have taught me the importance of self-care andself-love. I believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, and that a simple change in appearance can make a big difference. As a professional in this industry, I am committed to helping my clients see their own beauty and value, and to encouraging them to practice self-care in their daily lives.。






一、皮肤护理词汇1. Cleanser - 清洁剂2. Toner - 爽肤水3. Moisturizer - 保湿霜4. Serum - 精华液5. Exfoliator - 去角质产品6. Mask - 面膜7. Sunscreen - 防晒霜8. Acne - 痤疮9. Wrinkles - 皱纹10. Hyperpigmentation - 色素沉着二、美发词汇1. Shampoo - 洗发水2. Conditioner - 护发素3. Haircut - 理发4. Styling - 发型设计5. Blow-dry - 吹干6. Highlights - 高光7. Perm - 烫发8. Hair dye - 染发剂9. Split ends - 开叉10. Dandruff - 头皮屑三、美甲词汇1. Nail polish - 指甲油2. Base coat - 底油3. Top coat - 面油4. Nail file - 指甲锉5. Cuticle - 甲皮6. Nail art - 美甲艺术7. Gel nails - 喷砂甲8. French manicure - 法式美甲9. Nail extension - 延长甲10. Nail salon - 美甲沙龙四、化妆品词汇1. Foundation - 粉底2. Concealer - 遮瑕膏3. Blush - 腮红4. Eyeshadow - 眼影5. Eyeliner - 眼线液6. Mascara - 睫毛膏7. Lipstick - 口红8. Lip gloss - 唇彩9. Makeup brush - 化妆刷10. Makeup remover - 卸妆液五、身体护理词汇1. Body lotion - 身体乳液2. Body scrub - 身体磨砂3. Body wash - 沐浴露4. Body oil - 身体油5. Body spray - 身体喷雾6. Bath salts - 浴盐7. Massage - 按摩8. Relaxation - 放松9. Spa - 水疗10. Aromatherapy - 芳香疗法以上是一些常见的美容英语词汇,希望对你有所帮助。



Unit 1Answers the following questions with the information you have got from the text.1.How many kinds of beards does the man in the picture have? What are they? Two.Moustache and whiskers.2.How many kinds of hairstyles does the lady in the picture have? What are they?Four. Knot, pony tail, braid and curl.3.What is the first service does the hairdresser offer? Rinse4.What service does the lady want after the haircut? She‟d like her hair waved.5.Why doesn‟t the lady want a hair dye? She doesn‟t think that suits her.6.How would the lady like to have her hair permed? She‟d like it done in one of themost fashionable styles.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Her dresses are always in fashion. 她的衣着总是很时尚。

2.Cover the table with a tablecloth. 用桌布铺上桌子。

3.She holds me by the sleeve. 她捉住了我的袖子。

4.Does the climate suit your health? 这儿的气候有利于你的健康吗?5.Would you please turn down the light? 你能把这个灯调暗些吗?Unit 2Answers the following questions with the information you have got from the text.1.What are the three forms of hair? straight, wavy and curly2.Is the shape of the individual hair shaft related to the form of the hair? Yes.3.Can you say something about the shape of the three hair forms respectively?Straight hairs are usually round, wavy hairs are oval, and curly and extra curly hairs are usually flat.4.Are there any exceptions to the rules of the hair shape? Yes.5.What factors is the shape of the hair due to? Genetic or inherited factors6.What are the differences between European straight hair and Asian straight hair?The Europeans wear fine and blond hair, while the Asians wear thick and dark hair.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The accident was due to careless driving. 事故是由于没有小心驾驶导致的。



我的美容美发专业英语作文Working in the beauty and hair industry is such a creative and rewarding career. Every day, I get to use my skills to help people look and feel their best.As a professional hairstylist, I have the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients, each with their own unique hair type and style preferences. It's always exciting to create new looks and transform someone's appearance.In addition to cutting and styling hair, I also provide various hair treatments, such as coloring, highlighting, and deep conditioning. It's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in order to offer the best services to my clients.In the field of beauty, I also offer skincare services, such as facials, waxing, and makeup application. I love helping my clients achieve a fresh, glowing complexion andenhancing their natural beauty.One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job is seeing the confidence and happiness that my clients feel after their beauty or hair treatment. It's incredibly rewarding to know that I've played a part in helping someone feel good about themselves.In this industry, it's essential to have strong communication and interpersonal skills. Building trust and rapport with clients is crucial for understanding their needs and delivering the best possible service.Overall, working in the beauty and hair industry allows me to express my creativity, connect with people, and make a positive impact on their lives. I'm grateful for the opportunity to pursue a career that brings joy and beauty to others.。



【护肤品术语】护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash【护肤专业术语】Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)【化妆工具及其他术语】工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bagmakeup(粉底)mask(面膜)mascara(睫毛膏)milk(乳)moisturisor(保湿面霜)mult-(多元)nail color(指甲油)nail enamel(指甲油)nail polish(指甲油)nail saver(保甲液)normal(中性皮肤)nutritious(滋养)oil-control(抑制油脂)oily(油性皮肤)pack(剝撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剝落式面膜)pressed powder(粉饼)purify(清洁用)quick dry(快干)remover(去除、卸妝)repair(修保)revitalite(活化)scrub(磨砂式(去角质))sensitive(敏感性皮肤)shading powder(修容饼)solvent(溶解)spot(青春痘用)sun block(防晒用)toning lotion(化妝水)trentment(修护)wash(洗)waterproof(防水)-white-(美白用)acne(青春痘用品)active(賦活用)after sun(日晒后用品)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防)anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸碱)blusher(腮紅)clean-(清洁用)combination(混合性皮肤)correct(遮瑕膏)cream(霜)day(日间用)dry(干性皮肤)essence(精华液)exfoliator(去角质)eye gel(眼胶)eye mask(眼膜)eye shadow(眼影)eyeliner(眼线(笔、刷))facial(脸部用)fast dry(快干)firm(紧肤)foam(泡沫)foundation(粉底)toner(化妝水)gel(胶狀)gentle(温和的)hydra-(保湿用)lip care(护唇用)lip coat(口红弧膜)lipstick(口红)long lasting(持久性)lotion(水、露)loose power(蜜粉)护肤: skin care:洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash (Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent(紧肤水firming lotion,柔肤水toner/smoothing toner)facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist护肤霜: moisturizers and creams(保湿moisturizer,隔离霜,防晒sunscreen/sun block,美白whitening,露lotion,霜cream,日霜day cream,晚霜night cream)眼霜: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash彩妆: cosmetics:遮瑕膏: concealer粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder(散粉loose powder,闪粉shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder, (眉笔)brow pencil眼线液:(眼线笔)liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure:指甲油-去甲油: nail polish, nail polish remover发: hair products/accessories:洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel 发胶/发型剂:hair spray染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm皮肤类型:干性:dry skin油性:oily skin混合:normal to combination敏感性:sensitive skin除逗类:anti-acne抗老类:anti-aging理发用语打薄剪刀:THINNING乱发: SHOCK修剪: TRIM平顶头: CROP分发ART HAIR做发型: CUTTING & STYLING电烫: PERMANENT WAVE点烫药水; SETTING LOTION女子做发: HAIRDO点烫发机: ELECTRIC HAIR CURLER 压发: HAIR FIXER束发结: SNOOD发网: HAIRNET假辫子: CORONET BRAID SWITCH 前流海: BANG。



⼥⼠:lady(年轻)/woman(年长) 美发师:hair stylist 客⼈:client/customer/guest 美发从业⼈员:hairdresser ⽼板:boss /hair owner 学徒:follower 经理/店长:manager 部门主任:department manager 学⽣: student ⽼师:teacher 业务员:salesman 美发师:hair stylist 模特⼉:model 其它(others) 美容院:beauty salon 美容学校:beauty school 流⾏:fashion 杂志:magazine 海报:poster 图⽚:picture 发型书:hairstyle book 发型发表会(秀):hair show 发型研习会:hair seminar 连锁店:chain store 加盟店:franchise 沙龙经营:salon management 训练:traning 教育:education 待客礼节:etiquette 促销:promotion ⼩赠品:gimmick (gift) 恕不赊帐: no credit 会话篇(conversation) 早安Good morning 午安Good afternoon 晚安Good evening 请坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please) 欢迎光临 Welcome! 我可以为您服务吗Hello,May I help you ? 您想喝茶或咖啡?Tea or coffee 茶谢谢Yes,Tea please 谢谢Thanks you very much. 您想看点杂志报纸或发型书?Would you like a magazine ,newspaper or hairstyle books ? ⿇烦给我报纸Yes newspaper please ?. 您要洗头吗?Would you like a shampoo ? 您要整发做花吗?Would you like a hairset ? 您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner ? 您要剪发吗?Would you like a haircut ? 您要吹风吗?Would you like a blowdry ? 您要烫发吗?Would you like a perm ? 您要修指甲吗?Would you like a manicure ? 您要修脚指甲吗?Would you like a pedicure ? 您要染发吗?Would you like a hair colored ? 我要洗头(护发,吹风……)I'd need a shampoo.(conditioner,blowdry,haircut,perm,medicure) 我要染发.I'd need my hair colored. 您⽐较喜欢什么发型?What hairstyle would you prefer? 我喜欢短发(中长发,长发) I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle. 我建议您这款的新发型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ? 很好 ,好主意 That's a good idea. 您使⽤何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use? 我们建议您使⽤framesi洗发精We recommend framesi Shampoo 我现在为您按摩肩膀 I'm going to massage your shoulder now. 请放轻松Please try to relax 谢谢Thank you very much 我们现在去冲⽔吧! Let's go to rinse your hair now 请跟我来.Please follow me. 是的很好.Yes it's all right. ⽔温可以吗?Is the water O.K 不,太热(冷)了No, it's too hot(cold) 您有您的美发师吗?Do you have your own stylist? 没有No. 我可以建议⼀位我们的美发师吗?May l recommend one of our best stylists? 请稍等.Wait for a moment please 我们待会⼉就来We will be with you in a moment 嗨!⼩姐(先⽣)Hello! Madame(Sir)抱歉让您久等了Sorry,to keep you waiting 我的名字是杰克(妮娜)My name is Jack(Nina) 我是3号设计师 I am No 3 designer 很⾼兴为您服务 I'm glad to be at your service 洗发(护发……)要多少钱How much do you charge for a shampoo?(conditioner,haircut,perm) 洗发200元It's two hundred NT dollars(NT$200) for a shampoo 剪发400元It's four hundred NT dollars (NT $400) for a haircut 烫发2500元 It's two thousand five hundred NT dollars (NT $2,500) for a perm 我建议您这种发型 I would recommend this hairstyle for you 这种发型很适合您的脸型 It seems to fit your face very well 新的发型您觉得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle? 您要不要看看镜⼦Would you like to use a mirror? 您今天看起来很漂亮You look very nice today 您的消费额是600元That will be six hundred NT dollars(NT $600) , please 零钱不⽤找Keep the change 这是⼩费This is a tip。

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(女子)理发:hairdo吹风机:hairdryer,blow/blowdrying 毛(发)刷:hairbrush发剪:hairclippers染发药水:hairdye梳子:comb发夹,发带:hairlace发网:hairnethairwearing:(尼龙)假发植入(术)洗发精:shampoo,hair lotion发饰:decration电烫:permanent wave冷烫:cold wave打薄剪刀thinning?乱发shock修剪trim平顶头crop分发?part?hair做发型?cutting&styling电烫?permanent?wave点烫药水?setting?lotion女子做发?hairdo点烫发机?electric?hair?curler压发?hair?fixer束发结?snood发网?hairnet假辫子?coronet?braid?weitch前刘海?bang美发专用英语(词汇与口语)洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo烫发:permanent剪发:cut/hair cutting染发:color/hair coloring吹风(发):blow/blow-drying护发:treatment/hair treatment修指甲:manicure修脚甲:pedicure洗澡:take a bath打烊:It's is close'd便宜:cheap不劳点:P.S赶快:hurry up /quickly小费:tip结帐:pay the bill较贵:expensive完成:finished劳水:set折扣:discount钱:money整发做花:hair setting发型设计:hair design手指卷法:pin curl化妆:make up按摩:massage全套服务:full service快速服务:quick service免费服务:free service指甲保养:nail care产品(product)&工具(instrument) 头发:hair冷烫液: cold wave/ perm洗发精:shampoo护发霜:hair care/conditioner发胶:gel定型液:hair spray染发剂:hair color发雕:lotion正常(一般):normal受损:danger卷发:curl乾燥:dry湿的:wet润丝:rinse平梳:comb镜子:mirror吹风机:hair dryer毛巾:towel剪刀:scissors发夹:hair pick帽子:cap削刀:razor模特儿:model发叉:hair pin冷烫卷:perm rod冷烫纸:perm paper 橡皮筋:rubber band 工作车:setting cart洗发槽:shampoo sink 发刷:brush圆梳:round brush尖尾梳:tail comb吹风机:blow dryer电棒:curling iron扛薄剪:thinning scissors剪刀:scissors(shears)大吹风;air dryer蒸气机;steamer推剪:clipper电推剪:electric clipper雷脑:computer大发夹:hair clip围巾:cap假人头:manikin假发:wig消毒器:sterilizer手套:gloves技术专有名词(technical terms) 正常发质:normal hair受损发质:damaged hair强韧发质:resistant hair表皮层:cuticle皮质层:cortex髓质层:medulla头皮屑:dandruff麦拉宁:melanin角质层:kelatin无层次剪法:solid(one length) 低层次剪法:low graduation 高层次剪法:high graduation 均衡symmentry平均balance不平均unbalance等长剪法:uniform(square)短薄剪法:light layering长薄剪法:heavy layering凹形层次剪法:concave cut 凸形层次剪法:convex cut线条:line引导基准线:guide line角度:holding angle长发:long hairstyle中长发:medium hairstyle短发short hairstyle弹性:body波浪:wave很鬈:curly旁分:side parting中分:cetral parting十字交叉检查:cross check发缘线:hair line分撮:sectioning分区:parting(brocking) 黄金点:golden point打薄:thinning打凹痕:notching挑剪:weaving头顶区:crown侧发区:side前额区:front後脑区:back後颈区:nape手乾法:finger gry梳剪:scissor over comb 逆梳:back combing生活&数字1:one2:two3:three4:four5:five6.six7.seven8:eight9:nine10:ten百:hundred千:thousand万:ten thousand元:dollars漂亮:pretty(女)/handsome(男) 化妆:make up化妆室:Toilet买东西(上街):go shopping挑剔:trouble检查:check流行:fashion造型:style特别的:special在家吃饭:to eat in签名:sign in零:Zero人物(person)男士:man女人:girl/woman新进人员(学弟妹):junior小孩:boy or girl/child学长(老员工):senior助理: hair assistant发型设计师:hair designer女士:lady(年轻)/woman(年长) 美发师:hair stylist客人:client/customer/guest美发从业人员:hairdresser老板:boss /hair owner学徒:follower经理/店长:manager部门主任:department学生: student老师:teacher业务员:saleman美发师:hair stylist模特儿:model其他(others)美容院:beauty salon美容学校:beauty school流行:fashion杂志:magazine海报:poster图片:picture发型书:hairstyle book发型发表会(秀):hair show发型研习会:hair seminar连锁店:chain store加盟店:franchise沙龙经营:salon management训练:traning教育:education待客礼节:etiquette促销:promotion小赠品:gimmick (gift)恕不赊帐: no credit早安Good morning午安Good afternoon晚安Good evening请坐Sit down ,Please(Take a seat,Please) 欢迎光临Welcome!我可以为您服务吗Hello,May I help you ? 您想喝茶或咖啡?Tea or coffee茶谢谢Yes,Tea please谢谢Thanks you very much.麻烦给我报纸Yes newspaper please ?.您要洗头吗?Would you like a shampoo ?您要整发做花吗?Would you like a hairset ?您要护发吗? Would you like a conditioner ?您要剪发吗?Would you like a haircut ?您要吹风吗?Would you like a blow-dry ?您要烫发吗?Would you like a perm?您要修指甲吗?Would you like a manicure ?您要修脚指甲吗?Would you like a pedicure ?您要染发吗?Would you like a hair colored?我要洗头(护发,吹风...)I'd need a shampoo.(conditioner, blow-dry, haircut, perm, medicure) 我要染发.I'd need my hair colored.您比较喜欢什麽发型?What hairstyle would you prefer?我喜欢短发(中长发,长发) I prefer a short(medium,long)hairstyle.我建议您这款的新发型May l recommend this new hairstyle for you ?很好,好主意That's a good idea.您使用何种洗发精? What brand of shampoo do you use?我们建议您使用framesi洗发精We recommend framesi Shampoo我现在为您按摩肩膀I'm going to massage your shoulder now.请放轻松Please try to relax谢谢Thank you very much我们现在去冲水吧! Let's go to rinse your hair now请跟我来.Please follow me.是的很好.Yes it's all right.水温可以吗?Is the water O.K不,太热(冷)了No, it's too hot(cold)您有您的美发师吗?Do you have your own stylist? 没有No.我可以建议一位我们最好的美发师吗?May l recommend one of our best stylists?请稍等.Wait for a moment please我们待会儿就来We will be with you in a moment嗨!小姐(先生)Hello! Madame(Sir)抱歉让您久等了Sorry,to keep you waiting我的名字是杰克(妮娜)My name is Jack(Nina)我是3号设计师I am No 3 designer很高兴为您服务I'm glad to be at your service洗发(护发..)要多少钱How much do you charge for a shampoo?(conditioner,haircut, perm) 洗发200元It's two hundred NT dollars(NT$200) for a shampoo剪发400元It's four hundred NT dollars (NT $400) for a haircut烫发2500元It's two thousand five hundred NT dollars (NT $2,500) for a perm我建议您这种发型I would recommend this hairstyle for you这种发型很适合您的脸型It seems to fit your face very well新的发型您觉得如何? What do you think if your new hairstyle?您要不要看看镜子Would you like to use a mirror?您今天看起来很漂亮You look very nice today您的消费额是600元That will be six hundred NT dollars(NT $600) , please钱不用找Keep the change这是小费This is a tip欢迎再度光临Thank you for coming to our salon 欢迎再来We hope to see you again.欢迎再来Please come again。
