



电容(陶瓷/钽/电解等)、晶体、晶体振荡 器、声表面波谐振器、芯片电阻、晶体滤波 器、蓝牙TM射频模块、天线开关模块、光学
深圳市宝安区石岩洲石路 梨园科技园B,C栋
宝安区大浪街道浪口社区 华明路仪佳扬工业园2栋1
端子、接插件 音频、视频连接器 器 音频、视频插座
二极管、三极管、晶闸管、场效应管、稳压 电路等。
昆山市玉山镇紫竹路1389 电池/SIM卡连接器,I/O,摄像头插座,


48 Sunlord(顺络电子)
电感、热敏电阻、LC滤波器共模抑制器、 EMC元器件、RF元件、电路保护器件等。
北京市海淀区上地五街七 号昊海大厦201-202室
16 Fairchild(飞兆半导体)
浦东新区 张江高科技园区



NTC - CN0603R103B3435HB

NTC - CN0603R103B3435HB

第 1 页(共 8 页)
1、 规格型号
公司地址:广东省东莞市桥头镇东江村恒福工业区 邮编:523539
FAX:0769-83428283 : E-mail sss@
环境温度:25±2℃; 工作电流 周期:6000
无外观损伤 ∣△ ∣≤ R25/ R25 5% ∣△B/ B∣≤2%
4、 包装、贮存
4.1 包装
序号 包装方式 (1) 编带 (2) 内包装盒 (3) 外包装箱
包装材料、尺寸 0603 纸带,标准带轮 纸箱,L×W×H=185mm×70mm×190mm 纸箱,L×W×H=370mm×205mm×215mm
RMin(KΩ) 201.5613 190.0997 179.3741 169.3323 159.9259 151.1105 142.8448 135.0908 127.8135 120.9802 114.5610 108.5280 102.8553 97.5191 92.4971 87.7689 83.3153 79.1185 75.1621 71.4308 67.9103 64.5873 61.4495 58.4854 55.6843 53.0362 50.5317 48.1622 45.9196 43.7962 41.7850 39.8794 38.0731 36.3605 34.7360 33.1946 31.7315 30.3423 29.0228
FAX:0769-83428283 : E-mail sss@



前处理|材料属性 1 Faq-020304: CST 中的3种微带薄膜电阻的设置CST 中设置微带薄膜电阻分为3种情况:1) 微带线有厚度,趋肤深度远大于带线厚度;2) 微带线有厚度,趋肤深度与带线厚度可比拟;3) 微带线为零厚度。


如上图所示,在两微带线之间新建一个Brick 方块并定义其材料作为微带薄膜电阻,以下是3种情况下各自材料的定义方法。

1. 有厚度材料,材料属性设为Normal这种设置适用于微带线有厚度,趋肤深度远大于带线厚度的情况,如下图所示:上图中W 、L 、t 分别为微带薄膜电阻的截面宽度、电阻长度和截面厚度。

其电阻值为L L R Wt Wtρσ==,其中ρ为电阻率,σ为电导率。

有L RWtσ=。

如下图所示,新建的电阻材料Resistor 材料设置对话框中材料类型选用Normal ,Conductivity 选项卡中电导率设为L/(R*W*t),这里采用参量设置,另需要设置L 、R 、W 、t 四参量的值。

其中R 即为所希望电阻值。

2CST 工作室套装™–常见问题解答FAQs2.有厚度材料,材料属性设为Lossy metal 这种设置适用于工作频率较高,良导体微带线有一定厚度,但趋肤深度与带线厚度可比拟的情况。

此时材料类型选用Lossy metal 。


R 即为所希望的电阻值。



3. 零厚度材料,材料属性设为Ohmic Sheet这种设置适用于带线采用零厚度的情况,如下图所示: 材料用Normal设电导率前处理|材料属性 3其中W 、L 分别为电阻材料的截面宽度和长度。

材料类型选用Ohmic Sheet ,此时需要设置面电阻值s RWR L =,如下图所示:注意:这种方法仅能用于频域有限元求解器。








标准零件之尺寸规格有英制与公制两种表示方法,如下表英制表示法1206 0805 0603 0402公制表示法3216 2125 1608 1005含义L:1.2inch(3.2mm)W:0.6inch(1.6mm)L:0.8inch(2.0mm)W:0.5inch(1.25mm)L:0.6inch(1.6mm)W:0.3inch(0.8mm)L:0.4inch(1.0mm)W:0.2inch(0.5mm)注:a、L(Length):长度;W(Width):宽度;inch:英寸b、1inch=25.4mm(b)、在(1)中未提及零件的厚度,在这一点上因零件不同而有所差异,在生产时应以实际量测为准。




注:ABCD四类型的封装形式则为其具体尺寸,标注形式为L X S X H 1210具体尺寸与电解电容B类3528类型相同0805具体尺寸:2.0 X 1.25 X 0.5(公制表示法)1206具体尺寸:3.0 X 1.5 0X 0.5(公制表示法)2)电阻的命名方法1、5%精度的命名:RS – 05 K 102 JT2、1%精度的命名:RS – 05 K 1002 FTR -表示电阻S -表示功率0402是1/16W、0603是1/10W、0805是1/8W、1206是1/4W、1210是1/3W、1812是1/2W、2010是3/4W、2512是1W。


















总部:台湾 主营:电感器;滤波器;磁珠;线圈电感器;天线等通讯组件。 官网:/
总部:台湾 主营:电感元件专业制造与服务供应商。 官网:/ 13、西北台庆科技股份有限公司(Tai-tech)
主营:共模磁环电感,工字带磁屏蔽电感,UU9.8、UU10.5 滤波器, 工字电感,磁棒电感,空心线圈。 官网:/ 43、深圳市引领者科技有限公司(香港佳器实业有限公司) 总部:深圳 主营:专业设计、生产、销售为一体的各类电感器、电子变压器、 工字电感、滤波器及线圈类产品。 官网:/ 44、无锡市锦云电感器有限公司
主营:专业生产片式多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC);HIC 和片式电阻用 氧化铝陶瓷基片,光纤连接器陶瓷插芯,微波介质陶瓷器件,塑封 片式电感器,各种膜类固定电阻器,电阻陶瓷基体等电子元器件。 官网:/ 26、东莞市宇顺塑胶电子有限公司
总部:东莞 主营:绕线电感,一体成型 SMD 电感,大电流功率电感、大功率电 感,SMD 功率电感、扁平线圈电感,组装式大电流电 感, CPU CHOKE,POWER CHOKE,模压线圈、模压电感、可调电感、片式电感、 片式磁珠、贴片中周、空芯线圈等。 官网: 27、深圳市迈翔科技有限公司
总部:深圳 主营:插件及贴片功率电感、大电流功率电感。 官网: 28、深圳市研科达电子有限公司
总部:深圳 主营:SMD 功率电感、片式电感、片式磁珠、贴片中周、扼流线圈、 空芯线圈、立式电感、模压线圈、可调电感等。 官网: 29、深圳市安瑞科电子有限公司
电感基本常识介绍 基本作用:滤波、振荡、延迟、陷波等。 形象说法:“通直流,阻交流” 细化解说:在电子线路中,电感线圈对交流有限流作用,它与电阻器或电容器能 组成高通或低通滤波器、移相电路及谐振电路等;变压器可以进行交流耦合、变 压、变流和阻抗变换等。 电感线圈也是一个储能元件,它以磁的形式储存电能,储存的电能大小可用下式 表示:WL=1/2 Li2 。可见,线圈电感量越大,流过越大,储存的电能也就越多。 电感在电路最常见的作用就是与电容一起,组成 LC 滤波电路。


额定负荷百分比 Percent rated load
-75 -50 -25
25 50 75 100 125 155
环境温度 Ambient temperature (℃)
当电阻使用的环境温度超过 70℃时,其额定负荷(额定功率或额定电流)按上述曲线下降。 For resistors operated in ambient over 70℃,rated load (power rating or current rating) shall be derated in accordance with the above figure.
最大过负荷电压(V) Max.Overload Voltage
1/10W 1/8W 1/4W 1/3W 1/2W 3/4W 1W
400 500 600 700 800 1000
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000
电阻温度系数 Resistance Temperature
Coefficient Code
型号 代号 Type Code
0805 L ±250ppm/℃ 1206
1812 2010 M ±500ppm/℃
Packing Style Code
Code Packing Style
Tape & Reel
■ 特性 Characteristics
项目 Item
Bending Strength
电阻温度系数 T.C.R



贴片电阻资料大全简述:我们常说的贴片电阻(SMD Resistor)学名叫:片式固定电阻器,是从Chip Fixed Resistor直接翻译过来的。


按生产工艺分厚膜(Thick Film Chip Resistors)、薄膜(Thin Film Chip Resistors)两种。


我们通常所见的多为厚膜片式电阻,精度范围±0.5% ~ 10%,温度系数:±50PPM/℃~ ±400PPM/℃。

















下面易容网就为大家盘点全球常用的MLCC的制造商和MLCC各大品牌的代理商(排名不分先后)1.村田制作所国家:日本英文名:MURATA 中文名:村田村田制作所是日本一家电子零件专业制造厂,其总部设于京都府长冈京市。








代理商目录(排名不分先后)深圳仁天芯科技有限公司深圳市湘海电子有限公司雅创电子零件有限公司帕太国际贸易(上海)有限公司深圳市怡海能达科技发展有限公司首科科技(深圳)有限公司威雅利电子(上海)有限公司香港雅创台信电子有限公司深圳市健三实业有限公司上海庆翌电子有限公司苏州欣村电子有限公司天津通慧阳国际贸易有限公司上海旭沁电子科技有限公司深圳市威欣睿电子有限公司深圳庆美达电子有限公司深圳市奇林实业有限公司深圳市水泽田科技有限公司深圳市赣龙科技发展有限公司深圳市鼎芯无限科技有限公司深圳市顺百科技有限公司深圳市长天电子科技有限公司苏州明贝电子有限公司深圳市兴又昌科技有限公司2.TDK株式会社国家:日本英文名:TDK 中文名:TDKTDK是一个著名的电子工业品牌,一直在电子原材料及元器件上占有领导地位。



电源 交采 模块
12V 8V 交采 (串口)
核心处 理模块
串口 控制
通讯 模块
图 2 终端功能模块结构图 2.2.1 核心处理模块 终端核心处理模块使用 AT91SAM9200 处理器,对外提供 8 各通讯串口、6 个按键、一个 USB 接口、12 个指示灯及一块 160*160 的 LCD 点阵显示器。 串口分派如下:UART0 用于 GPRS 通讯; UART1 用于本地 232 通讯; UART2 用于 RS485 抄表口 1 通讯; UART3 用于 RS485 抄表口 2 通讯; UART4 用于红外通讯; UART5 用于和交采模块通讯; DEBUG 口用于和接口模块通讯。 2.2.2 电源交采模块 电源交采模块由电源部分和交采部分组成, 电源部分使用开关电源实现 AC-DC 转换, 电 源共有三组直流电压输出:一组+8V、一组+12V、一组+5V,其中+8V 用于为主系统提供电源 支持,+12V 用于为接口模块提供电源支持,+5V 用于为交采模块提供电源支持,三组电源相 互隔离。 交采模块由交流采集专用芯片、交采 MCU 及存储器等相关其器件组成,主要负责采集 3 相电压与电流信号(含零序采集)及相关项的谐波数据采集,同时也负责检测 CT 开路、短 路。 2.2.3 通讯模块 终端通讯模块与核心处理模块之间通过串口通讯, 通讯模块负责将终端的数据发送到网 络或将网络的数据接收到终端, 核心处理模块对相应的数据进行处理。 通讯模块的电源由核 心处理模块控制, 当通讯模块出现异常时核心处理模块可以通过复位其电源实现对通讯模块 的重启。
2.1 终端外形结构

电阻 电容的品牌大全交流问答

电阻 电容的品牌大全交流问答


电阻:美国:AVX、VISHAY威世日本:KOA兴亚、Kyocera京瓷、muRata村田、Panasonic 松下、ROHM罗姆、susumu、TDK台湾: LIZ丽智、PHYCOM飞元、RALEC旺诠、ROYALOHM厚生、SUPEROHM美隆、TA-I大毅、TMTEC泰铭、TOKEN德键、TYOHM幸亚、UniOhm厚声、VITROHM、VIKING 光颉、WALSIN华新科、YAGEO国巨新加坡:ASJ 中国:FH风华、捷比信电容:美国:AVX、KEMET基美、Skywell泽天、VISHAY威世英国:NOVER诺华德国:EPCOS、WIMA威马丹麦:JENSEN战神日本:ELNA伊娜、FUJITSU富士通、HITACHI日立、KOA兴亚、Kyocera京瓷、Matsushita松下、muRata村田、NEC、nichicon(蓝宝石)尼吉康、Nippon Chemi-Con(黑金刚、嘉美工)日本化工、Panasonic松下、Raycon威康、Rubycon(红宝石)、SANYO三洋、TAIYO YUDEN太诱、TDK、TK东信韩国:SAMSUNG三星、SAMWHA 三和、SAMYOUNG三莹台湾:CAPSUN、CAPXON(丰宾)凯普松、Chocon、Choyo、ELITE金山、EVERCON、EYANG宇阳、GEMCON至美、GSC杰商、G-Luxon世昕、HEC 禾伸堂、HERMEI合美电机、JACKCON融欣、JPCON正邦、LELON立隆、LTEC辉城、OST奥斯特、SACON士康、SUSCON 冠佐、TAICON台康、TEAPO智宝、WALSIN华新科、YAGEO国巨香港:FUJICON富之光、SAMXON万裕中国:AiSHi 艾华科技、Chang常州华威电子、FCON深圳金富康、FH广东风华、HEC东阳光、JIANGHAI南通江海、JICON吉光电子、LM佛山利明、R.M佛山三水日明电子、Rukycon海丰三力、Sancon海门三鑫、SEACON深圳鑫龙茂电子、SHENGDA扬州升达、TAI-TECH台庆、TF南通同飞、TEAMYOUNG天扬、QIFA奇发电子电感:美国:AEM、AVX、Coilcraft线艺、Pulse普思、VISHAY威世德国:EPCOS、WE 日本:KOA兴亚、muRata村田、Panasonic松下、sumida胜美达、TAIYO YUDEN 太诱、TDK、TOKO、TOREX特瑞仕台湾:CHILISIN奇力新、yers美磊、TAI-TECH台庆、TOKEN德键、VIKING光颉、WALSIN华新科、YAGEO国巨中国:Gausstek丰晶、GLE格莱尔、FH风华、CODACA科达嘉、Sunlord顺络、紫泰荆、肇庆英达2、请解释电阻、电容、电感封装的含义:0402、0603、0805。



Functional code X : Thick film low ohm M : Metal low ohm N : Metal low ohm, high power W : Thick film low TCR P : Thick film low TCR high power ( 2512 size=2 watt, 2010 size=1 watt, 1210 size=0.5 watt, 1206 size=0.5 watt,
Tolerance F : +/- 1% J : +/- 5% P : Jumper
Packaging code P : 4” reel taping T : 7” reel taping A : 7” reel taping 15Kpcs Q : 10” reel taping G : 13” reel taping R : 0603 2mm pitch taping B : Bulk K : Bulkcase
Termination code L = Sn base (Lead free) 5 3E SSP (total)
Type code WW: R< 1ohm MW: R< 1ohm Automotive SW: R< 1ohm Anti-sulfuration
Size code 25 : 2512 (6432) 20 : 2010 (5025) 18 : 1218 (3248) 12 : 1206 (3216) 10 : 1210 (3225) 08 : 0805 (2012) 06 : 0603 (1608) 04 : 0402 (1005)



WR02X(W)±5%, ±1%Thick Film General purpose chip resistors Size 0201*Contents in this sheet are subject to change without prior notice.FEATURE1. Small size and light weight2. High reliability and stability3. Reduced size of final equipment4. Suitable for high density print circuit board assembly5. Higher component and equipment reliability6. Lead free productAPPLICATION•Mobile phone•PDA•Camcorders•Palmtop computers•Hybrid moduleDESCRIPTIONThe resistors are constructed in a high grade ceramic body (aluminum oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste that is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to nominated value within tolerance which controlled by laser trimming of this resistive layer.The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat. Finally, the two external end terminations are added. For ease of soldering the outer layer of these end terminations is a pure Tin.Fig 1. Construction of Chip-R WR02XQUICK REFERENCE DATAItem General Specification Series No. WR02X(W)Size code 0201(0603) Resistance Range 1Ω~10MΩ ( ±5% tolerance ), Jumper1Ω~ 10MΩ ( ±1% tolerance )Resistance Tolerance ±1%E96/E24 ±5% E24TCR (ppm/°C) 10Ω - 10MΩ, ≤±2001 - 9.76Ω, +600~-200Max. dissipation @ T amb=70°C 1/20 WMax. Operation Voltage (DC or RMS) 25VMax. Overload Voltage (DC or RMS) 50VOperation temperature -55 ~ +125’CNote :1. This is the maximum voltage that may be continuously supplied to the resistor element, see “IEC publication60115-8”2. Max. Operation Voltage : So called RCWV (Rated Continuous Working Voltage) is determined byValueResistancePowerRatedRCWV×=or Max. RCWV listed above, whichever is lower. DIMENSION(unit : mm)WR02X(W)L 0.60 ± 0.03W 0.30 ± 0.03T 0.23 ± 0.03Tb 0.15 ± 0.05Tt 0.10 ± 0.05MARKINGWR02X(W) has no marking.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONProduct characterizationStandard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E24/E96 series for resistors with a tolerance of ±5% & ±1%. The values of the E24/E96 series are in accordance with “IEC publication 60063”DeratingThe power that the resistor can dissipate depends on the operating temperature; see Fig.2Figure 2. Maximum dissipation in percentage of rated powerAs a function of the ambient temperatureMOUNTINGDue to their rectangular shapes and small tolerances, Surface Mountable Resistors are suitable for handling by automatic placement systems.Chip placement can be on ceramic substrates and printed-circuit boards (PCBs).Electrical connection to the circuit is by individual soldering condition.The end terminations guarantee a reliable contact.SOLDERING CONDITIONThe robust construction of chip resistors allows them tobe completely immersed in a solder bath of 260°C for 10seconds. Therefore, it is possible to mount SurfaceMount Resistors on one side of a PCB and otherdiscrete components on the reverse (mixed PCBs).Surface Mount Resistors are tested for solderability at235°C during 2 seconds. The test condition for noleaching is 260°C for 30 seconds. Typical examples ofsoldering processes that provide reliable joints withoutany damage are given in Fig 3.Fig 3. Infrared soldering profile for Chip Resistors WR02X(W)CATALOGUE NUMBERSThe resistors have a catalogue number starting with :WR02 X 472_ J A LSize codeWR02 : 0201 Type codeX: NormalW : 1% For <10Ω and>1MΩResistance code5%, E24: 2 significant digitsfollowed by no. ofzeros and a blank4.7Ω = 4R7_100Ω = 101_10KΩ = 103_1%, E24+E96: 3 significantdigits followed by no.of zeros100Ω=100037.4KΩ=3742ToleranceJ : ±5%F : ±1%P : JumperPackaging codeA: 7” Reeled taping(15Kpcs/Reel)T: 7” Reeled taping(10Kpcs/Reel)D: 7” Reeled taping(20Kpcs/Reel)H : 13” Reeled taping(50Kpcs/Reel)G : 13” Reeled taping(70Kpcs/Reel)Termination codeL= Sn base (leadfree)TEST CONDITION FOR JUMPER (0 Ω)Item WR02Power Rating At 70°C 1/20WResistance MAX.50mΩ Rated Current 1APeak Current within 5 sec 2.5AOperating Temperature -55 ~ +125°CTEST AND REQUIREMENTS (JIS C 5201-1 : 1998)PACKAGINGPaper Tape specifications (unit :mm)Series No. A B W F E WR02X0.67±0.050.37±0.058.00±0.203.50±0.051.75±0.10Series No. P1 P0 ΦDTWR02X2.00±0.054.00±−Φ0.45±0.05Reel dimensionsSymbol A B C D 7” Reel Φ178.0±0.2 Φ60.0±1.0 13.0±0.2 9.0±0.5 10” Reel Φ254.0±2.0 Φ100.0±1.0 13.0±0.2 9.0±0.5 13” ReelΦ330.0±2.0Φ100.0±1.013.0±0.29.0±0.5Taping quantity and Tape material- Chip resistors 10,000 / 15,000 / 20,000 pcs 7” Reel, Paper tape. - Chip resistors 50,000 / 70,000 pcs 13” Reel, Paper tape.WR12, WR08, WR06, WR04±1%, ±5%Thick Film General Purpose Chip Resistors Size 1206, 0805, 0603, 0402RoHS 2 compliant & Halogen free*Contents in this sheet are subject to change without prior notice.FEATURE1. High reliability and stability2. Reduced size of final equipment3. Lower assembly costs4. Higher component and equipment reliability5. RoHS 2 compliant and Halogen free productsAPPLICATION∙Consumer electrical equipment∙EDP, Computer application∙Telecom applicationDESCRIPTIONThe resistors are constructed in a high grade ceramic body (aluminum oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste that is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to within tolerance by laser cutting of this resistive layer.The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat. Finally, the two external end terminations are added. For ease of soldering the outer layer of these end terminations is a Tin (lead free) alloy.Fig 1. Construction of Chip-RQUICK REFERENCE DATANote :1. This is the maximum voltage that may be continuously supplied to the resistor e lement, see “IEC publication60115-8”2. Max. Operation Voltage : So called RCWV (Rated Continuous Working Voltage) is determined byValueRes is tancePowerRatedRCWV⨯=or Max. RCWV listed above, whichever is lower.3. The resistance of Jumper is defined <0.05Ω.DIMENSIONS (unit : mm)MARKING3-digits marking(±5% : 1206 & 0805 & 0603 )Each resistor is marked with a three digits code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value. 3-digits marking(±1% : 0603)4-digits marking(±1% : 1206/0805)Each resistor is marked with a four digits code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value. ExampleFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONProduct characterizationStandard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of ±5%, and E96 series for resistors with a tolerance of ±1%. The values of the E24/E96 series are in accordance with “IEC publication 60063”DeratingThe power that the resistor can dissipate depends on the operating temperature; see Fig.2Figure 2Maximum dissipation in percentage of rated power as afunction of the ambient temperature for WR12, WR08,WR06, WR04MOUNTINGDue to their rectangular shapes and small tolerances, Surface Mountable Resistors are suitable for handling by automatic placement systems.Chip placement can be on ceramic substrates and printed-circuit boards (PCBs).Electrical connection to the circuit is by individual soldering condition.Storage and Handling Conditions:1. Products are recommended to be used up within two years since operation date as ensured shelf life. Check solderability in case shelf life extension is needed.2. To store products with following condition:Temperature :5 to 40℃Humidity :20 to 70% relative humidity3. Caution:a.Don't store products in a corrosive environment such as sulfide, chloride gas, or acid.It may cause oxdization of electrode, which easily be resulted in poor solderingb.To store products on the shelf and avoid exposure to moisture.c.Don't expose products to excessive shock, vibration, direct sunlight and so onSOLDERING CONDITION follows J-STD-020DThe robust construction of chip resistors allows them to be completely immersed in a solder bath of 260︒C for 10 seconds. Therefore, it is possible to mount Surface Mount Resistors on one side of a PCB and other discrete components on the reverse (mixed PCBs).Surface Mount Resistors are tested for solderability at 235︒C during 2 seconds. The test condition for no leaching is 260︒C for 30 seconds. Typical examples of soldering processes that provide reliable joints withoutany damage are given in Fig 3.CATALOGUE NUMBERSThe resistors have a catalogue number starting withWR12, WR08, WR06:1. Reeled tape packaging : 8mm width paper taping 5000pcs per 7” reel, 10kpcs per 10” reel, 20kpcs per 13” reel.2. Bulk packaging : 5000pcs per poly-bagWR04:1. Reeled tape packaging : 8mm width paper taping 10,000pcs per 7” reel, 20,000pcs per 10” reel. 70,000pcs per 13”reel.2. Bulk packaging : 10,000pcs per poly-bagTEST AND REQUIREMENTSEssentially all tests are carried out according to the schedule of IEC publication 115-8, category LCT /UCT /56(rated temperature range : L ower C ategory T emperature, U pper C ategory T emperature; damp heat, long term, 56 days). The testing also meets the requirements specified by EIA, EIAJ and JIS.The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC publication 68, "Recommended basic climatic and mechanical robustness testing procedure for electronic components" and under standard atmospheric conditions according to IEC 60068-1, subclause 5.3. Unless otherwise specified, the following value supplied : Temperature: 15°C to 35°C. Relative humidity: 45% to 75%.Air pressure: 86kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar). All soldering tests are performed with midly activated flux.TEST CONDITION FOR JUMPER (0 Ω)PACKAGING(unit :mm)Paper Tape specifications7” Reel dimensionsWR10X(W)±1%, ±5%Thick film Technology General purpose chip resistors Size 1210FEATURE1. High reliability and stability2. Reduced size of final equipment3. Lower assembly costs4. Higher component and equipment reliability5. RoHS compliant and Lead free productsAPPLICATION•Consumer electrical equipment•Automotive application•EDP, Computer application•Telecom applicationDESCRIPTIONThe resistors are constructed in a high grade ceramic body (aluminum oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste that is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to nominated value within tolerance which controlled by laser trimming of this resistive layer.The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat. Finally, the two external end terminations are added. For ease of soldering the outer layer of these end terminations is Tin (lead free) alloy.Fig 1. Construction of Chip-RQUICK REFERENCE DATAItem General SpecificationSeries No. WR10X(W)Size code 1210 ( 3225 ) Resistance Tolerance ±1% ( E96/E24 ), ±5% ( E24 ) Resistance Range Jumper, 1Ω ~ 10MΩ ( E96+E24 series)TCR (ppm/°C) -55°C ~ +155°C> 10R , ≤± 100 ppm/°C1R ~ 10R, ≤± 200 ppm/°CMax. dissipation at T amb=70°C 1/3 W ( 0.33 W )Max. Operation Voltage (DC or RMS) 200VMax. Overload Voltage (DC or RMS) 400VClimatic category 55/155/56Type WR10XPower Rating At 70C1/3 WResistance Max. 50mRRated Current 2.5 APeak Current 6 AOperating Temperature-55C ~ 155CNote :1. This is the maximum voltage that may be continuously supplied to the resistor element, see “IEC publication60115-8”2. Max. Operation Voltage : So called RCWV (Rated Continuous Working Voltage) is determined byValueResistancePowerRatedRCWV×=or Max. RCWV listed above, whichever is lower. DIMENSIONS(unit : mm)Part No WR10XL 3.10 ± 0.10W 2.60 ± 0.10Tt 0.50 ± 0.20Tb 0.50 ± 0.20 *1T 0.55 ± 0.10*1 original 0.45+/-0.20MARKING3-digits marking(±5%)Each resistor is marked with a three digits code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value.4-digits marking(±1%)Each resistor is marked with a four digits code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value.ExampleRESISTANCE 90Ω100Ω6800Ω47000Ω4-digits marking 90R0 1000 6801 47023-digits marking - 101 682 473FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONProduct characterizationStandard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E96 & E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of ±1%, ±5%. The values of the E24/E96 series are in accordance with “IEC publication 60063”.DeratingThe power that the resistor can dissipate depends on the operating temperature; see Fig.2Figure 2Maximum dissipation in percentage of rated poweras a function of the ambient temperatureMOUNTINGDue to their rectangular shapes and small tolerances, Surface Mountable Resistors are suitable for handling by automatic placement systems.Chip placement can be on ceramic substrates and printed-circuit boards (PCBs).Electrical connection to the circuit is by individual soldering condition.The end terminations guarantee a reliable contact.SOLDERING CONDITIONThe robust construction of chip resistors allows them to be completely immersed in a solder bath of 260°C for 10 seconds. Therefore, it is possible to mount Surface Mount Resistors on one side of a PCB and other discrete components on the reverse (mixed PCBs).Surface Mount Resistors are tested for solderability at 235°C during 2 seconds. The test condition for no leaching is 260°C for 30 seconds. Typical examples of soldering processes that provide reliable joints without any damage are given in Fig 3.Fig 3. Infrared soldering profile for Chip ResistorsCATALOGUE NUMBERSThe resistors have a catalogue number starting with .WR10X4702FTLSize code WR10: 1210Type code X :5%: 1R ~ 10M 1%: 10R ~ 1M W:1%: < 10R; > 1M0Resistance code5%, E24: 2 significant digitsfollowed by no. of zeros 100Ω = 101_ 10K Ω = 1031% E24+E96: 3 significantdigits followed by no. of zeros102Ω =1020 37.4K Ω =3742 220Ω=2200Tolerance J: ± 5% F: ± 1% P: JumperPackaging code T: 7” Reeled tapingTermination code L = Sn base (lead free)Reeled tape packaging : 8mm width paper taping 5000pcs per 7” reel.TEST AND REQUIREMENTS(JIS C 5201-1 : 1998)The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC publication 68, "Recommended basic climatic and mechanical robustness testing procedure for electronic components" and under standard atmospheric conditions according to IEC 68-1, subclause 5.3, unless otherwise specified.Temperature: 15ºC to 35ºC.Relative humidity: 45% to 75%.Air pressure: 86kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar).REQUIREMENT TEST PROCEDURE / TEST METHODResistor 0ΩInsulation ResistanceApply the maximum overload voltage (DC) for 1minutes R≧10GΩClause 4.6Dielectric WithstandApply the maximum overload voltage (AC) for 1 minutes No breakdown or flashover VoltageClause 4.7PACKAGINGPaper Tape specifications (unit :mm)Component Size / SeriesW F E P0 ΦDWR10X8.00±0.303.50±0.201.75±0.104.00±0.10−ΦComponent Size / SeriesA B P1 T WR10X3.60±0.203.00±0.204.00±0.10Max. 1.0Reel dimensionsSymbol A B C D (unit : mm)Φ178.0±2.0Φ60.0±1.013.0±0.29.0±0.5Taping quantity- Chip resistors 5,000 pcs/reelWR18X(W), WR20X(W), WR25X(W)±1%, ±5%Thick Film Power Chip ResistorsSize 1218,2010,2512*Contents in this sheet are subject to change without prior notice.FEATURE1. High power rating and compact size2. High reliability and stability3. Reduced size of final equipment4. RoHS compliant and Lead free productsAPPLICATION∙Power supply∙PDA∙Digital meter∙Computer∙Automotives∙Battery charger∙DC-DC power converterDESCRIPTIONThe resistors are constructed in a high grade ceramic body (aluminum oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste that is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to nominated value within tolerance which controlled by laser trimming of this resistive layer.The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat. Finally, the two external end terminations are added. For ease of soldering the outer layer of these end terminations is Tin (lead free) alloy.Fig 1. Construction of 2512, 2010 Chip-RFig 2. Construction of a 1218 Chip-RQUICK REFERENCE DATATest conditions for jumper ( 0 ohm )Note : 1. This is the maximum voltage that may be continuous ly supplied to the resistor element, see “IEC publication 60115-8”2.Max. Operation Voltage : So called RCWV (Rated Continuous Working Voltage) is determined byValue Res is tance Power Rated RCWV ⨯= or Max. RCWV listed above, whichever is lower.3.Max. Operation Current : So called RCWC (Rated Continuous Working Current) is determined by 4.Value Resistance /Power Rated RCWC =MECHANICAL DATA (unit : mm)MARKINGEach resistor is marked with a four-digit code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value.Example:1R00 = 1Ω1001 = 1000Ω0000 = 0ΩFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONProduct characterizationStandard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E96 & E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of±5% & ±1%. The values of the E24/E96 series are in accordance with “IEC publication 60063”.Derating curveThe power that the resistor can dissipate depends on the operating temperature; see Fig.3Figure 3. Maximum dissipation in percentage of rated poweras a function of the ambient temperature.MOUNTINGDue to their rectangular shapes and small tolerances, Surface Mountable Resistors are suitable for handling by automatic placement systems.Chip placement can be on ceramic substrates and printed-circuit boards (PCBs).Electrical connection to the circuit is by individual soldering condition.The end terminations guarantee a reliable contact.SOLDERING CONDITIONThe robust construction of chip resistors allows them to be completely immersed in a solder bath of 260︒C for 10 seconds. Therefore, it is possible to mount Surface Mount Resistors on one side of a PCB and other discrete components on the reverse (mixed PCBs).Surface Mount Resistors are tested for solderability at 235︒C during 2 seconds. The test condition for no leaching is 260︒C for 30 seconds. Typical examples of soldering processes that provide reliable joints without any damage are given in below.CATALOGUE NUMBERS3-5 secThe resistors have a catalogue number starting with .TEST AND REQUIREMENTS(JIS C 5201-1 : 1998)Essentially all tests are carried out according to the schedule of IEC publication 115-8, category LCT/UCT/56(rated temperature range : L ower C ategory T emperature, U pper C ategory T emperature; damp heat, long term, 56 days). The testing also meets the requirements specified by EIA, EIAJ and JIS.The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC publication 68, "Recommended basic climatic and mechanical robustness testing procedure for electronic components" and under standard atmospheric conditions according to IEC 60068-1, subclause 5.3. Unless otherwise specified, the following value supplied :Temperature: 15°C to 35°C.Relative humidity: 45% to 75%.Air pressure: 86kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar).All soldering tests are performed with midly activated flux.PACKAGINGPlastic Tape specifications(unit :mm)Reel dimensions(unit : mm)Taping quantityWR20, WR25 by plastic tape taping 4,000 pcs per 7” reel; 8,000pcs per 10” reel; 16,000pcs per 13” reel ! WR18 by plastic tape taping 3,000 pcs per 10” reel。



Zero Ohm,Jumper
≦ 1A
Zero Ohm,Jumper
≦ 2A
Zero Ohm,Jumper
≦ 2A
Zero Ohm,Jumper
≦ 3A
Zero Ohm,Jumper
3. Dimension and construction ………………………..……………..2
4. Power Derating Curve …..…………………………….…………..3
5. Rating ……………………………………………………………….3
6. Part Number ………………………………..………………………5
L 1.00±0.05 1.60±0.10 2.00±0.10 3.10±0.10 3.10±0.10 5.00±0.20 6.40±0.20
W 0.50±0.05 0.80±0.10 1.25±0.10 1.60±0.10 2.60±0.10 2.50±0.20 3.20±0.20
C 0.20±0.10 0.30±0.20 0.40±0.20 0.50±0.25 0.50±0.25 0.60±0.25 0.60±0.25
Soldering Reference:

FWF series. (AEC-Q200)
Automotive Grade General Purpose


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Approval sheet High Capacitance CapacitorsMULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITORS High Capacitance Series 0402 to 1812 Sizes X7R, X5R & Y5V Dielectrics RoHS Compliance*Contents in this sheet are subject to change without prior notice.Page 1 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors1. DESCRIPTIONMLCC consists of a conducting material and electrodes. To manufacture a chip-type SMT and achieve miniaturization, high density and high efficiency, ceramic condensers are used. WTC high capacitance MLCC offers low ESR and excellent frequency characteristics to be suited for coupling and decoupling applications in circuit. The high dielectric constant material X7R, X5R and Y5V are used for this series product.2. FEATURESa. b. Small size with high capacitance. Capacitor with lead-free termination (pure Tin).3. APPLICATIONSa. b. c. Digital circuit coupling or decoupling applications. For high frequency and high-density type power suppliers. For bypassing.4. HOW TO ORDER1206Size Inch (mm) 0402 (1005) 0603 (1608) 0805 (2012) 1206 (3216) 1210 (3225) 1812 (4532)FDielectric B=X7R X=X5R F=Y5V106CapacitanceZTolerance100Rated voltage Two significant digits followed by no. of zeros. And R is in place of decimal point. 6R3=6.3 VDC 100=10 VDC 160=16 VDC 250=25 VDC 500=50 VDC 101=100 VDCCTermination C=Cu/Ni/SnTPackaging T=7” reeled G=13” reeledTwo significant digits K=±10% followed by no. of zeros. M=±20% And R is in place of Z=-20/+80% decimal point. eg.: 106=10x106 =10µFPage 2 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors5. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONSSize Inch (mm) 0402 (1005) L (mm) 1.00±0.05 1.00±0.20 1.60±0.10 1.60±0.20* 0805 (2012)1W (mm) 0.50±0.05 0.50±0.20 0.80±0.10 0.80±0.20*1T (mm)/Symbol 0.50±0.05 0.50±0.20 0.80±0.07 0.80±0.20*1Remark #MB (mm)LN E S X B D I C D G J C D G K M D K M U0.25 +0.05/-0.10T0603 (1608) 1.60+0.15/-0.10 0.80+0.15/-0.10 0.80+0.15/-0.10 0.80±0.10 1.25±0.10 1.25±0.20 0.95±0.10 1.25±0.10 1.60±0.20 1.15±0.15 0.95±0.10 1.25±0.10 1.60±0.20 2.00±0.20 2.50±0.30 4.50±0.40 1812 (4532) 4.50±0.40 3.20±0.40 3.20±0.30 1.25±0.10 2.00±0.20 2.50±0.30 2.80±0.300.40±0.15W MB MB2.00±0.15 2.00±0.20 3.20±0.151.25±0.10 1.25±0.20 1.60±0.15 1.60±0.20# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #0.50±0.20Fig. 1 The outline of MLCC1206 (3216)3.20±0.200.60±0.203.20+0.30/-0.10 1.60+0.30/-0.10 1.60+0.30/-0.10 P 3.20±0.30 1210 (3225) 3.20±0.40 2.50±0.30 2.50±0.200.75±0.250.75±0.25# Reflow soldering only is recommended. *1 : For 0603/X5R/6.3V/Cap≧10µF productsPage 3 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors6. GENERAL ELECTRICAL DATADielectric Size Capacitance range* Capacitance tolerance** Rated voltage (WVDC) DF(Tan δ)* Operating temperature Capacitance characteristic Termination -55 to +125° C ±15% Ni/Sn (lead-free termination) 0.56µF to 47µF X7R X5R 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812 0.027µF to 100µF 6.3V, 10V, 16V, 25V, 50V, 100V Note 1 -55 to +85° C -25 to +85° C +30/-80% 1µF to 100µF Z (-20/+80%) K (±10%), M (±20%) Y5V* Measured at 1.0±0.2Vrms, 1.0kHz±10% for C≤10µF; 0.5±0.2Vrms, 120Hz±20% for C>10µF, 30~70% related humidity, 25° C ambient temperature for X7R, X5R and at 20° C for Y5V. ** Preconditioning for Class II MLCC: Perform a heat treatment at 150±10° C for 1 hour, then leave in a mbient condition for 24±2 hours before measurement.Note 1:X7R/X5RRated vol. D.F.≦ Exception of D.F. ≦ ≦3% 0201(50V); 0603≧0.047µF; 0805≧0.18µF;1206≧0.47µF ≧50V ≦2.5% ≦5% 1210≧4.7µF ≦10% 0603≧1µF; 0805≧1µF;1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧10µF 35V ≦3.5% ≦10% 0805≥2.2µF; 1210≧10µF ≦5% 0201≧0.01µF;0805≧1µF; 1210≧10µF 25V ≦3.5% ≦7% 0603≧0.33µF; 1206≧4.7µF 0402≧0.10µF;0603≧0.47µF; 0805≧2.2µF; ≦10% 1206≧6.8µF ; 1210≧22µF ; TT series 0201≧0.01µF;0402≧0.033µF; ≦5% 0805≧0.68µF;1206≧2.2µF;1210≧4.7µF ≦3.5% 0402≧ 0.22uF; 0603≧0.68µF;0805≧2.2µF; ≦10% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF; TT series 0201≧0.012µF;0402≧0.33µF;0603≧0.33µF; 0805≧2.2µF; ≦10% 1206≧2.2µF;1210≧22µF; TT series ≦5% ≦15% 0201≧0.1µF; 0402≧1µF 0201≧0.1µF;0402≧1µF;0603≧10µF; 0805≧4.7µF; ≦15% 1206≧47µF :1210≧100µF; TT series ≦10% ≦20% 0402≧2.2µF ≦15% ----25V 5% 9% 16V (C<1.0µF) ≧ 7% 9% 12.5% 12.5% 20% ---Y5VRated vol. ≧50V 35V D.F.≦ 5% 7% Exception of D.F.≦ 7% --7% 0603≧0.1µF; 0805≧0.47µF; 1206≧4.7µF --0402≧0.047µF;0603≧0.1µF; 0805≧0.33µF;1206≧1µF; 1210≧4.7µF 0402≧0.068µF;0603≧0.47µF; 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 0402≧0.068µF; 0603≧0.68µF 0402≧0.22µF 0603≧2.2µF; 0805≧3.3µF; 1206≧10µF; 1210≧22µF; 1812≧47µF 0402≧0.47µF ---16V16V 9% (C≧1.0µF) 10V 6.3V 12.5% 20%10V6.3V 4VPage 4 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors7. CAPACITANCE RANGE7-1 X7R DielectricDIELECTRIC SIZE Rated Voltage (VDC) 0.56µF (564) 0.68µF (684) 0.82µF (824) 1.0µF (105) Capacitance 1.5µF (155) 2.2µF (225) 3.3µF (335) 4.7µF (475) 6.8µF (685) 10µF (106) 22µF (226) 47µF (476) I I P P P P P I I I X I 6.3 X X X X 10 X X X X 0603 16 X X X X X D I I D I I D I I I J J P P J J J P P J J J P P J P P P P P P P P 25 6.3 10 X7R 0805 16 25 50 6.3 10 1206 16 25 50 100The letter in cell is expressed the symbol of product thickness.DIELECTRIC SIZE Rated Voltage (VDC) 0.56µF (564) 0.68µF (684) 0.82µF (824) 1.0µF (105) Capacitance 1.5µF (155) 2.2µF (225) 3.3µF (335) 4.7µF (475) 6.8µF (685) 10µF (106) 22µF (226) 47µF (476) M K K M K M M M K K K G G K M D D D D K M M M D D D K K K M 10 16 25 1210 35 50 100 10 16 X7R 1812 25 50 100The letter in cell is expressed the symbol of product thickness.Page 5 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors7-2 X5R DielectricDielectric Size 0.027µF (273) 0.033µF (333) 0.039µF (393) 0.047µF (473) 0.056µF (563) 0.068µF (683) 0.082µF (823) N 0.10µF (104) N 0.15µF (154) 0.22µF (224) N 0.27uF (274) Capacitance 0.33µF (334) N 0.39µF (394) 0.47µF (474) N 0.68µF (684) N 0.82uF (824) 1.0µF (105) N 1.5µF (155) 2.2µF (225) N 3.3µF (335) 4.7µF (475) E 6.8uF (685) 10µF (106) E 22µF (226) 47µF (476) 100µF (107) X X X I I I I I I I X X X N N N N N N X X X X X X X N X N N N N N N N N X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I I I I D I I I I D I I I I D I I I I I P P P P P P I J J P P P P P P P P P K M M M K M M M K M M K M M J J P P P P P P K K K K K K K X X X X 0402 16 N N N N N N N N N 25 6.3 10 0603 16 25 50 6.3 10 Rated Voltage (VDC) 6.3 10 16 X5R 0805 25 50 6.3 10 1206 16 25 50 6.3 10 1210 16 25 50The letter in cell is expressed the symbol of product thickness.7-3 Y5V DielectricDIELECTRIC SIZE RATED VOLTAGE (VDC) 1.0µF (105) 1.5µF (155) Capacitance 2.2µF (225) 3.3µF (335) 4.7µF (475) 6.8µF (685) 10µF (106) 22µF (226) DIELECTRIC SIZE RATED VOLTAGE (VDC) 1.0µF (105) 1.5µF (155) 2.2µF (225) Capacitance 3.3µF (335) 4.7µF (475) 6.8µF (685) 10µF (106) 22µF (226) 47µF (476) 100µF (107) P 6.3 10 C C C J J J J P K M C C C J J J J P 1206 16 25 C C C J J J P J 35 50 C 6.3 10 C C C C C C D K K C C C C C C D K M Y5V 1210 16 25 C C C C D D G K G G 35 50 C 10 D D D D D D D 16 D D D D D D D 1812 25 D D D D D D D 50 D D D D D D 100 D I I X X S 6.3 N 0402 10 N 6.3 10 S S S X 0603 16 X 25 X 6.3 10 B D D D D I I I Y5V 0805 16 B D D D D I I 25 D 50 DThe letter in cell is expressed the symbol of product thickness.Page 6 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors8. PACKAGING STYLE AND QUANTITYSize 0402 (1005) 0603 (1608) Thickness (mm)/Symbol 0.50±0.05 0.50±0.20 0.80±0.07 0.80±0.20 0.80±0.10 1.25±0.10 1.25±0.20 0.95±0.10 1.15±0.15 1206 (3216) 1.25±0.10 1.60±0.20 1.60+0.30/-0.10 0.95±0.10 1.25±0.10 1210 (3225) 1.60±0.20 2.00±0.20 2.50±0.30 1.25±0.10 2.00±0.20 2.50±0.30 2.80±0.30 N E S X B D I C J D G P C D G K M D K M U Paper tape 7” reel 10k 10k 4k 4k 4k 13” reel 50k 15k 15k 15k 7” reel 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 2k 2k 3k 3k 2k 1k 1k 1k 1k 0.5k 0.5k Plastic tape 13” reel 10k 10k 10k 10K 10k 10k 9k 10k 10k 6k 6k 5k 3k Unit: pieces0805 (2012)1812 (4532)Page 7 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS◙ Typical Impedance/ESR vs. Frequency1206X106_10V 1000 100 10 Ohm Ohm 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 10 100 Frequency (kHz) 1,000 10,000 ESR IZI 1000 100 10 1 0.1 ESR 0.01 0.001 1 10 100 Frequency (kHz) 1,000 10,000 IZI 0805F106_10VFig. 2 ESR and IZI vs. frequency (1206X106_10V)Fig. 3 ESR and IZI vs. frequency (0805F106_10V)0805F475_10V 1000 10000 1000 100 100 10 Ohm IZI 1 Ohm 10 1 0.1 0.1 ESR ESR 0.01 0.001 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 100603X105_10VIZI0.01 Frequency (kHz)100 Frequency (kHz)1,00010,000Fig. 4 ESR and IZI vs. frequency (0805F475_10V)Fig. 5 ESR and IZI vs. frequency (0603X105_10V)Page 8 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance Capacitors10. RELIABILITY TEST CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTSNo. 1. 2. 3. ItemVisual and Mechanical Capacitance Q/ D.F. (Dissipation Factor)Class II: X7R,X7E, X5R,Y5V Cap≤10µF, 1.0±0.2Vrms, 1kHz±10% ** Cap>10µF, 0.5±0.2Vrms, 120Hz±20% Class I: NP0 Cap≤1000pF 1.0±0.2Vrms, 1MHz±10% Cap>1000pF 1.0±0.2Vrms, 1KHz±10%Test Condition--* No remarkable defect.Requirements* Dimensions to conform to individual specification sheet. * Shall not exceed the limits given in the detailed spec. NP0: Cap≥30pF, Q≥1000; Cap<30pF,Q≥400+20C X7R, X5R: Rated D.F.≦ vol.Exception of D.F. ≦ ≦3% 0201(50V); 0603≧0.047µF; 0805≧0.18µF;1206≧0.47µF≧50V ≦2.5% ≦5% 1210≧4.7µF ** Test condition: 0.5±0.2Vrms,1KHz±10% X7R: 0603≧225(10V),0805=106(6.3V&10V) 35V X5R: 01R5≧103, 0201≧224 (6.3V), 0402≧475 (6.3V), 0402≧225(10V), 25V 0603=106 (6.3V), TT18X≧475(10V) , TT15X series 16V ≦10% 0603≧1µF; 0805≧1µF;1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧10µF ≦3.5% ≦10% 0805≥2.2µF; 1210≧10µF ≦5% 0201≧0.01µF;0805≧1µF; 1210≧10µF ≦3.5% ≦7% 0603≧0.33µF; 1206≧4.7µF 0402≧0.10µF;0603≧0.47µF; 0805≧2.2µF; ≦10% 1206≧6.8µF ; 1210≧22µF ; TT series 0201≧0.01µF;0402≧0.033µF; ≦5% 0805≧0.68µF;1206≧2.2µF;1210≧4.7µF ≦3.5% 0402≧ 0.22uF; 0603≧0.68µF;0805≧2.2µF; ≦10% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF; TT series 0201≧0.012µF;0402≧0.33µF;0603≧0.33µF; 0805≧2.2µF; ≦10% 1206≧2.2µF;1210≧22µF; TT series ≦5% ≦15% 0201≧0.1µF; 0402≧1µF 0201≧0.1µF;0402≧1µF;0603≧10µF; 0805≧4.7µF; ≦15% 1206≧47µF :1210≧100µF; TT series ≦10% ≦20% 0402≧2.2µF ≦15% ----Exception of D.F.≦ 0603≧0.1µF; 0805≧0.47µF; 7% 1206≧4.7µF ----0402≧0.047µF;0603≧0.1µF; 7% 0805≧0.33µF;1206≧1µF; 1210≧4.7µF 0402≧0.068µF;0603≧0.47µF; 9% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 9% 0402≧0.068µF; 0603≧0.68µF 12.5% 0402≧0.22µF 0603≧2.2µF; 0805≧3.3µF; 12.5% 1206≧10µF; 1210≧22µF; 1812≧47µF 20% 0402≧0.47µF -----≧10V6.3V 4VY5V: Rated vol. ≧50V 35VD.F.≦ 5% 7%25V5%16V (C<1.0µF)7%16V 9% (C≧1.0µF) 10V 6.3V 12.5% 20%4.Dielectric Strength* To apply voltage (≤100V) 250%. * Duration: 1 to 5 sec. * Charge and discharge current less than 50mA.* No evidence of damage or flash over during test.5.Insulation ResistanceTo apply rated voltage for max. 120 sec.10GΩ or RxC≧500Ω-F whichever is smaller. Class II (X7R, X5R, Y5V) Rated voltage 100V: X7R 50V:0603≥1µF;0805≥1µF;1206≥4.7µF;1210≥4.7µF 35V:0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF 25V:0402≥1µF;0603≥2.2µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥10µF 16V:0402≥0.22µF;0603≥1µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥47µF 10V:0201≥47nF;0402≥0.47µF;0603≥0.47µF;0805≥2.2µF; 1206≥4.7µF;1210≥47µF 6.3V ; 4V 10GΩ or RxC≧100 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Insulation Resistance6.Temperature CoefficientWith no electrical load. T.C. NPO X7R X5R Y5V Operating Temp -55~125° C at 25°C -55~125° C at 25°C -55~ 85° C at 25° C -25~ 85° C at 20° C T.C. NPO X7R X5R Y5V Capacitance Change Within ±30ppm/° C Within ±15% Within ±15% Within +30%/-80%Page 9 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance CapacitorsNo. 7. ItemAdhesive Strength of TerminationTest Condition* Pressurizing force: 5N (≤0603) and 10N (>0603) * Test time: 10±1 sec.Requirements* No remarkable damage or removal of the terminations.8.Vibration Resistance * Vibration frequency: 10~55 Hz/min. * Total amplitude: 1.5mm * Test time: 6 hrs. (Two hrs each in three mutually perpendicular directions.) * Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrs.* No remarkable damage. * Cap change and Q/D.F.: To meet initial spec.9. 10.Solderability* Solder temperature: 235±5° C * Dipping time: 2±0.5 sec.95% min. coverage of all metalized area.Bending Test* No remarkable damage. means of the pressurizing rod at a rate of about 1 mm per * Cap change: second until the deflection becomes 1 mm and then the NP0: within ±5% or 0.5pF whichever is larger pressure shall be maintained for 5±1 sec. * Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrs. X7R, X5R: within ±12.5% Y5V: within ±30% (This capacitance change means the change of capacitance under specified flexure of substrate from the capacitance measured before the test.)* The middle part of substrate shall be pressurized by11.Resistance to Soldering Heat* Solder temperature: 260±5° C * Dipping time: 10±1 sec * Preheating: 120 to 150° C for 1 minute before imme rse the capacitor in a eutectic solder. * Before initial measurement (Class II only): Perform 150+0/-10° C for 1 hr and then set for 24±2 hrs at r oom temp. * Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrs.* No remarkable damage. * Cap change: NP0: within ±2.5% or 0.25pF whichever is larger X7R, X5R: within ±7.5% Y5V: within ±20% * Q/D.F., I.R. and dielectric strength: To meet initial requirements. * 25% max. leaching on each edge.12.Temperature Cycle* Conduct the five cycles according to the temperatures and time. Step 1 2 3 4 Temp. (° C) Min. operating temp. +0/-3 Room temp. Max. operating temp. +3/-0 Room temp. Time (min.) 30±3 2~3 30±3 2~3* No remarkable damage. * Cap change: NP0: within ±2.5% or 0.25pF whichever is larger X7R, X5R: within ±7.5% Y5V: within ±20% * Q/D.F., I.R. and dielectric strength: To meet initial requirements.* Before initial measurement (Class II only): Perform 150+0/-10° C for 1 hr and then set for 24±2 hrs at r oom temp. * Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrs.Page 10 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance CapacitorsNo. 13.ItemHumidity (Damp Heat) Steady StateTest Condition* Test temp.: 40±2° C * Humidity: 90~95% RH * Test time: 500+24/-0hrs. *Before initial measurement (Class II C for 1 hr and only): Perform 150+0/-10° then set for 24±2 hrs at room temp. * Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrs.Requirements* No remarkable damage. * Cap change: NP0: within ±5% or 0.5pF whichever is largerX7R, X7E, X5R: ≥10V**,within ±12.5%;6.3V within ±25%; TT series & C≥ 1uF,within ±25% **10V:0603≧4.7µF;0402≧1µF;0201≧0.1µF, within ±25%;Y5V: ≥10V, within ±30%; 6.3V, within +30/-40% * Q/D.F. value: NP0: More than 30pF Q≥350, 10pF≤C≤30pF, Q≥275+2.5C Less than 10pF Q≥200+10C X7R, X5R: Rated D.F.≦ Exception of D.F. ≦ vol. ≦6% ≧50V ≦3% 35V ≦5% 0201(50V);0603≧0.047µF; 0805≧0.18µF; 1206≧0.47µF ≦10% 1210≧4.7µF ≦20% 0603≧1µF; 0805≧1µF;1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧10µF ≦20% 0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF ≦10% 0201≧0.01µF;0805≧1µF; 1210≧10µF 25V ≦14% 0603≧0.33µF;1206≧4.7µF 0402≧0.10µF;0603≧0.47µF;0805≧2.2µF;1206≧6.8µF; ≦15% 1210≧22µF ≦10% 0603≧0.15µF;0805≧0.68µF;1206≧2.2µF;1210≧4.7µF ≦5% 0201≧0.01µF;0402≧0.033µF;0603≧0.68µF;0805≧2.2µF; ≦15% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 0201≧0.012µF;0402≧0.33µF; 0603≧0.33µF; ≦15% 0805≧2.2µF; 1206≧2.2µF; 1210≧22µF ≦7.5% ≦20% 0201≧0.1µF ;0402≧1µF 0201≧0.1µF;0402≧1µF;0603≧10µF; ≦15% ≦30% 0805≧4.7µF;1206≧47µF;1210≧100µF ≦20% ----≦5%16V10V 6.3V 4VY5V: Rated vol. ≧50VException of D.F.≦ 0603≧0.1µF; 0805≧0.47µF; 10% 1206≧4.7µF 35V 10% ----0402≧0.047µF;0603≧0.1µF; 10% 0805≧0.33µF;1206≧1µF; 25V 7.5% 1210≧4.7µF 0402≧0.068µF;0603≧0.47µF; 15% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 12.5% 0402≧0.068µF; 0603≧0.68µF 16V 10% (C<1.0µF) 20% 0402≧0.22µF 0603≧2.2µF; 0805≧3.3µF; 16V 12.5% 20% 1206≧10µF;1210≧22µF; (C≧1.0µF) 1812≧47µF; 10V 20% 30% 0402≧0.47µF 6.3V 30% ----7.5%D.F.≦*I.R.: ≥10V, 1GΩ or 50 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Class II (X7R, X5R, Y5V) Rated voltage 100V: X7R 50V:0603≥1µF;0805≥1µF;1206≥4.7µF;1210≥4.7µF 35V:0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF 25V:0402≥1µF;0603≥2.2µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥10µF 16V:0402≥0.22µF;0603≥1µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥47µF 10V:0201≥47nF;0402≥0.47µF;0603≥0.47µF;0805≥2.2µF; 1206≥4.7µF;1210≥47µF 6.3V ; 4V 1GΩ or RxC ≧10 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Insulation ResistancePage 11 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance CapacitorsNo 14ItemHumidity (Damp Heat) LoadTest Condition* Test temp.: 40±2° C * Humidity: 90~95%RH * Test time: 500+24/-0 hrs. * To apply voltage:rated voltage. * Before initial measurement (Class II only): To apply test voltage for 1hr atRequirements* No remarkable damage. Cap change: NP0: ±7.5% or 0.75pF whichever is larger.X7R, X7E, X5R: ≥10V**,within ±12.5%;6.3V within ±25%; TT series & C≥ 1uF,within ±25% **10V:0603≧4.7µF;0402≧1µF;0201≧0.1µF, within ±25%;Y5V: ≥10V, within ±30%; 6.3V, within +30/-40% 40° C and then set for 24±2 hrs at room Q/D.F. value: NP0: C≥30pF,Q≥200;C<30pF, Q≥100+10/3C temp. X7R, X5R: * Measurement to be made after Rated D.F.≦ Exception of D.F. ≦ keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrs. vol. ≦6% ≧50V ≦3% 35V ≦5% 0201(50V);0603≧0.047µF; 0805≧0.18µF; 1206≧0.47µF ≦10% 1210≧4.7µF ≦20% 0603≧1µF; 0805≧1µF;1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧10µF ≦20% 0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF ≦10% 0201≧0.01µF;0805≧1µF; 1210≧10µF 25V ≦14% 0603≧0.33µF;1206≧4.7µF 0402≧0.10µF;0603≧0.47µF;0805≧2.2µF;1206≧6.8µF; ≦15% 1210≧22µF ≦10% 0603≧0.15µF;0805≧0.68µF;1206≧2.2µF;1210≧4.7µF ≦5% 0201≧0.01µF;0402≧0.033µF;0603≧0.68µF;0805≧2.2µF; ≦15% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 0201≧0.012µF;0402≧0.33µF; 0603≧0.33µF; ≦15% 0805≧2.2µF; 1206≧2.2µF; 1210≧22µF ≦7.5% ≦20% 0201≧0.1µF ;0402≧1µF 0201≧0.1µF;0402≧1µF;0603≧10µF; ≦15% ≦30% 0805≧4.7µF;1206≧47µF;1210≧100µF ≦20% ----≦5% D.F.≦ 7.5%16V10V 6.3V 4VY5V: Rated vol. ≧50VException of D.F.≦ 0603≧0.1µF; 0805≧0.47µF; 10% 1206≧4.7µF 35V 10% ----0402≧0.047µF;0603≧0.1µF; 10% 0805≧0.33µF;1206≧1µF; 25V 7.5% 1210≧4.7µF 0402≧0.068µF;0603≧0.47µF; 15% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 12.5% 0402≧0.068µF; 0603≧0.68µF 16V 10% (C<1.0µF) 20% 0402≧0.22µF 0603≧2.2µF; 0805≧3.3µF; 16V 12.5% 20% 1206≧10µF;1210≧22µF; (C≧1.0µF) 1812≧47µF; 10V 20% 30% 0402≧0.47µF 6.3V 30% -----*I.R.: ≥10V, 500MΩ or 25 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Class II (X7R, X5R, Y5V) Rated voltage 100V: X7R 50V:0603≥1µF;0805≥1µF;1206≥4.7µF;1210≥4.7µF 35V:0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF 25V:0402≥1µF;0603≥2.2µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥10µF 16V:0402≥0.22µF;0603≥1µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥47µF 10V:0201≥47nF;0402≥0.47µF;0603≥0.47µF;0805≥2.2µF; 1206≥4.7µF;1210≥47µF 6.3V ; 4V 500MΩ or RxC≧5 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Insulation ResistancePage 12 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance CapacitorsNo 15.ItemHigh Temperature Load (Endurance)Test Condition*Test temp.: NP0, X7R/X7E: 125±3°C X5R, Y5V: 85±3° C *Test time: 1000+24/-0 hrs. *To apply voltage: (1) 6.3V or C≧10µF or TT series: 150% of rated voltage. (2) 10V≦Ur<500V: 200% of rated voltage. (3) 500V: 150% of rated voltage. (4) Ur≧630V: 120% of rated voltage. (5) 100% of rated voltage for below range.Size Dielectric Rated voltage 6.3V,10V 6.3V,10V 6.3V,10V 6.3V 6.3V 3000V Capacitance range C≧0.1µF C≧1.0µF C≧4.7µF C≧22µF C≧47µF C≧1.5pFRequirements* No remarkable damage. Cap change: NP0: ±3.0% or ±0.3pF whichever is largerX7R, X7E, X5R: ≥10V**,within ±12.5%;6.3V within ±25%; TT series & C≥ 1uF,within ±25% **10V:0603≧4.7µF;0402≧1µF;0201≧0.1µF, within ±25%;Y5V: ≥10V, within ±30%; 6.3V, within +30/-40% Q/D.F. value: NP0: More than 30pF, Q≥350 10pF≤C<30pF, Q≥275+2.5C Less than 10pF, Q≥200+10C X7R, X5R: Rated D.F.≦ Exception of D.F. ≦ vol. ≦6% ≧50V ≦3% 35V ≦5% 0201(50V);0603≧0.047µF; 0805≧0.18µF; 1206≧0.47µF ≦10% 1210≧4.7µF ≦20% 0603≧1µF; 0805≧1µF;1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧10µF ≦20% 0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF ≦10% 0201≧0.01µF;0805≧1µF; 1210≧10µF 25V ≦14% 0603≧0.33µF;1206≧4.7µF 0402≧0.10µF;0603≧0.47µF;0805≧2.2µF;1206≧6.8µF; ≦15% 1210≧22µF ≦10% 0603≧0.15µF;0805≧0.68µF;1206≧2.2µF;1210≧4.7µF ≦5% 0201≧0.01µF;0402≧0.033µF;0603≧0.68µF;0805≧2.2µF; ≦15% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 0201≧0.012µF;0402≧0.33µF; 0603≧0.33µF; ≦15% 0805≧2.2µF; 1206≧2.2µF; 1210≧22µF ≦7.5% ≦20% 0201≧0.1µF ;0402≧1µF 0201≧0.1µF;0402≧1µF;0603≧10µF; ≦15% ≦30% 0805≧4.7µF;1206≧47µF;1210≧100µF ≦20% ----≦5% D.F.≦0201 0402 0603 0805 1206X5R/X7R X5R/X7R X5R/X7R X5R/X7R X5R/X7R NP0(6)150% of rated voltage for below range.Size Dielectric X5R/X7R Y5V X5R/X7R Y5V X5R/X7R Y5V Rated voltage 10V,16V, 25V 16V10V,16VCapacitance range C≧0.22µF C≧0.47µF C≧1.0µF C≧2.2µF C≧4.7µF C≧4.7µF16V040210V 6.3V 4V0603 080516V 10V 16V*Before initial measurement (Class II only): To apply test voltage for 1hr at test temp. and then set for 24±2 hrs at room temp. *Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp. for 24±2 hrsException of D.F.≦ 0603≧0.1µF; 0805≧0.47µF; ≧50V 7.5% 10% 1206≧4.7µF 35V 10% ----0402≧0.047µF;0603≧0.1µF; 10% 0805≧0.33µF;1206≧1µF; 25V 7.5% 1210≧4.7µF 0402≧0.068µF;0603≧0.47µF; 15% 1206≧4.7µF; 1210≧22µF 12.5% 0402≧0.068µF; 0603≧0.68µF 16V 10% (C<1.0µF) 20% 0402≧0.22µF 0603≧2.2µF; 0805≧3.3µF; 16V 12.5% 20% 1206≧10µF;1210≧22µF; (C≧1.0µF) 1812≧47µF; 10V 20% 30% 0402≧0.47µF 6.3V 30% -----Y5V: Rated vol.*I.R.: ≥10V, 1GΩ or 50 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Class II (X7R, X5R, Y5V) Rated voltage 100V: X7R 50V:0603≥1µF;0805≥1µF;1206≥4.7µF;1210≥4.7µF 35V:0805≥2.2µF;1210≧10µF 25V:0402≥1µF;0603≥2.2µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥10µF 16V:0402≥0.22µF;0603≥1µF;0805≥2.2µF;1206≥10µF;1210≥47µF 10V:0201≥47nF;0402≥0.47µF;0603≥0.47µF;0805≥2.2µF; 1206≥4.7µF;1210≥47µF 6.3V ; 4V 1GΩ or RxC ≧10 Ω-F whichever is smaller. Insulation ResistancePage 13 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013Approval sheet High Capacitance CapacitorsAPPENDIXES◙ Tape & reel dimensionsFig. 6 The dimension of paper tape Fig. 7 The dimension of plastic tapeSize Thickness A0 B0 T K0 W P0 10xP0 P1 P2 D0 D1 E F0402 N0603 S, X A0805 B C, D, I <1.57 <2.40 B 2.00±0.10 3.50±0.101206 C, J, D <1.85 <3.46 G,P <1.95 <3.67 C, D <2.97 <3.731210 G, K <2.97 <3.73 M <2.97 <3.73 D, K <3.81 <5.301812 M <3.81 <5.30 U <3.90 <5.300.62±0.05 1.02±0.05 1.50±0.10 1.50±0.10 1.12±0.05 1.80±0.05 2.30±0.10 2.30±0.100.60±0.05 0.95±0.05 0.75±0.05 0.95±0.05 0.23±0.05 0.95±0.05 0.23±0.05 0.23±0.05 0.23±0.05 0.23±0.05 0.23±0.05 0.25±0.05 0.25±0.05 0.25±0.05 <2.50 <2.50 <2.50 <2.50 <2.50 <3.00 <2.50 <3.00 <3.508.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 12.0±0.20 12.0±0.20 12.0±0.20 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.10 40.0±0.20 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 8.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 2.00±0.05 1.55±0.05 1.55±0.05 1.55±0.05 1.55±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.05 1.50±0.10 1.00±0.10 1.00±0.10 1.00±0.10 1.00±0.10 1.00±0.10 1.00±0.10 1.50±0.10 1.50±0.10 1.50±0.101.75±0.05 1.75±0.05 1.75±0.05 1.75±0.05 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 1.75±0.10 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 3.50±0.05 5.50±0.05 5.50±0.05 5.50±0.05Size Reel size C W1 A N0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210 7” 10” 13” 13.0+0.5/-0.2 13.0+0.5/-0.2 13.0+0.5/-0.2 8.4+1.5/-0 8.4+1.5/-0 8.4+1.5/-0 178.0±0.10 250.0±1.0 330.0±1.0 60.0+1.0/-0 100.0±1.0 100±1.01812 7” 13.0+0.5/-0.2 12.4+2.0/-0 178.0±0.10 60.0+1.0/-0Fig. 8 The dimension of reelPage 14 of 16ASC_ High Capacitance_002V_ASMar. 2013。

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WR12, WR08, WR06, WR04±1%, ±5%Thick Film General Purpose Chip Resistors Size 1206, 0805, 0603, 0402*Contents in this sheet are subject to change without prior notice.FEATURE1. High reliability and stability2. Reduced size of final equipment3. Lower assembly costs4. Higher component and equipment reliability5. RoHS compliant and Lead free productsAPPLICATION•Consumer electrical equipment•EDP, Computer application•Telecom applicationDESCRIPTIONThe resistors are constructed in a high grade ceramic body (aluminum oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste that is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to within tolerance by laser cutting of this resistive layer.The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat. Finally, the two external end terminations are added. For ease of soldering the outer layer of these end terminations is a Tin (lead free) alloy.Fig 1. Construction of Chip-RQUICK REFERENCE DATAItemGeneral SpecificationSeries No. WR12 WR08 WR06 WR04 Size code 1206(3216)0805(2012)0603(1608)0402(1005)Resistance Range1Ω~10M Ω (±5% tolerance), Jumper1Ω~10M Ω (±1% tolerance),Resistance Tolerance ±1% E96/E24±5% E24±1% E96/E24±5% E24±1% E96/E24±5% E24±1% E96/E24±5% E24TCR (ppm/°C) 10M Ω ≥R >10Ω R ≤10Ω≤ ± 100 -200~+400Max. dissipation @ T amb =70°C 1/4 W 1/8 W 1/10 W 1/16 W Max. OperationVoltage (DC or RMS) 200V 150V 50V 50V Max. OverloadVoltage (DC or RMS) 400V300V100V100VClimatic category 55/155/56Note : 1. This is the maximum voltage that may be continuously supplied to the resistor element, see “IEC publication 60115-8”2.Max. Operation Voltage : So called RCWV (Rated Continuous Working Voltage) is determined byValue Resistance Power Rated RCWV ×=or Max. RCWV listed above, whichever is lower.3.The resistance of Jumper is defined <0.05Ω.DIMENSIONS (unit : mm)WR12 WR08 WR06 WR04 L 3.10 ± 0.10 2.00 ± 0.10 1.60 ± 0.10 1.00 ± 0.05 W 1.60 ± 0.10 1.25 ± 0.10 0.80 ± 0.10 0.50 ± 0.05 T 0.60 ± 0.15 0.50 ± 0.15 0.45 ± 0.15 0.35 ± 0.05 Tb 0.45 ± 0.20 0.40 ± 0.20 0.30 ± 0.15 0.25 ± 0.10 Tt0.50 ± 0.200.40 ± 0.200.30 ± 0.100.20 ± 0.10MARKINGSize \ Nr. Of digit of code\tolerance ±5% ±1%1206 (3216) 3-digits marking 4-digits marking0805 (2012) 3-digits marking 4-digits marking0603 (1608) 3-digits marking 3-digits marking0402(1005) N0 MARKING3-digits marking(±5% : 1206 & 0805 & 0603 )Each resistor is marked with a three digits code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value.3-digits marking(±1% : 0603)Nominal resistance Description1.E-24 series As 0603 WR06X ±5%.2.E-96 series The 1st two digit codes are referring to the CODE on the table, the 3rd code is the index of resistancevalue :Y=10-2,X=10-1,A=100,B=101,C=102,D=103,E=104,F=105EX : 17.8Ω=25X,178Ω=25A,1K78 =25B17K8=25C, 178K=25D, 1M78=25E3. Remark There is no marking for the items are not under E-24 and E-96 seriesCODE R_value CODE R_value CODE R_Value CODE R_value CODE R_value CODE R_value CODE R_value CODE R_value01 100 13 133 25 178 37 237 49 316 61 422 73 562 85 75002 102 14 137 26 182 38 243 50 324 62 432 74 576 86 76803 105 15 140 27 187 39 249 51 332 63 442 75 590 87 78704 107 16 143 28 191 40 255 52 340 64 453 76 604 88 80605 110 17 147 29 196 41 261 53 348 65 464 77 619 89 82506 113 18 150 30 200 42 267 54 357 66 475 78 634 90 84507 115 19 154 31 205 43 274 55 365 67 487 79 649 91 86608 118 20 158 32 210 44 280 56 374 68 499 80 665 92 88709 121 21 162 33 215 45 287 57 383 69 511 81 681 93 90910 124 22 165 34 221 46 294 58 392 70 523 82 698 94 93111 127 23 169 35 226 47 301 59 402 71 536 83 715 95 95312 130 24 174 36 232 48 309 60 412 72 549 84 732 96 9764-digits marking(±1% : 1206/0805)Each resistor is marked with a four digits code on the protective coating to designate the nominal resistance value. ExampleRESISTANCE 10Ω12Ω100Ω6800Ω47000Ω3-digits marking(1206 & 0805 & 0603 ±5% )100120101682473 4-digits marking 10R0 12R0 1000 6801 4702FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONProduct characterizationStandard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of ±5%, and E96 series for resistors with a tolerance of ±1%. The values of the E24/E96 series are in accordance with “IEC publication 60063”DeratingThe power that the resistor can dissipate depends on the operating temperature; see Fig.2Figure 2Maximum dissipation in percentage of rated power as afunction of the ambient temperature for WR12, WR08,WR06, WR04MOUNTINGDue to their rectangular shapes and small tolerances, Surface Mountable Resistors are suitable for handling by automatic placement systems.Chip placement can be on ceramic substrates and printed-circuit boards (PCBs).Electrical connection to the circuit is by individual soldering condition.The end terminations guarantee a reliable contact.SOLDERING CONDITIONThe robust construction of chip resistors allows them to be completely immersed in a solder bath of 260°C for 10 seconds. Therefore, it is possible to mount Surface Mount Resistors on one side of a PCB and other discrete components on the reverse (mixed PCBs).Surface Mount Resistors are tested for solderability at 235°C during 2 seconds. The test condition for no leaching is 260°C for 30 seconds. Typical examples of soldering processes that provide reliable joints without any damage are given in Fig 3.Fig 3. Infrared soldering profile for Chip ResistorsCATALOGUE NUMBERSThe resistors have a catalogue number starting withWR12X472_JTLSize code WR12 : 1206 WR08 : 0805 WR06 : 0603 WR04: 0402Type code X :±5%, 1Ω ~ 10M Ω ±1%, 10Ω ~ 1M Ω W :±1%, < 10Ω; >1M ΩResistance code±5%, E24: 2 significant digits followed by no. ofzeros and a blank4.7Ω =4R7_ 10Ω =100_ 220Ω =221_ Jumper=000_(“_” means a blank) ±1%, E24+E96: 3 significantdigits followed by no. of zeros102Ω =1020 37.4K Ω=3742ToleranceF : ±1%J : ±5% P : JumperPackaging code T : 7” Reeled taping Q : 10” Reeled taping G : 13” Reeled taping H : 13'' reel 50Kpcs only for 0402 B : BulkD : 7'' reel 20Kpcs only for 0402A : 7" reel 15Kpcs only for 0402Termination code L = Sn base (lead free)WR12, WR08, WR06:1. Reeled tape packaging : 8mm width paper taping 5000pcs per 7” reel, 10kpcs per 10” reel, 20kpcs per 13” reel.2. Bulk packaging : 5000pcs per poly-bagWR04:1. Reeled tape packaging : 8mm width paper taping 10,000pcs per reel,2. Bulk packaging: 10,000pcs per poly-bagTEST AND REQUIREMENTSEssentially all tests are carried out according to the schedule of IEC publication 115-8, category LCT /UCT /56(rated temperature range : L ower C ategory T emperature, U pper C ategory T emperature; damp heat, long term, 56 days). The testing also meets the requirements specified by EIA, EIAJ and JIS.The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC publication 68, "Recommended basic climatic and mechanical robustness testing procedure for electronic components" and under standard atmospheric conditions according to IEC 60068-1, subclause 5.3. Unless otherwise specified, the following value supplied : Temperature: 15°C to 35°C. Relative humidity: 45% to 75%.Air pressure: 86kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar). All soldering tests are performed with midly activated flux.REQUIREMENTTEST PROCEDURE / TEST METHODResistor 0ΩLoad life in Humidity JISC5201-1: 1998 Clause 4.24 1000 +48/-0 hours, loaded with RCWV or Vmax in humidity chambercontroller at 40°C±2°C and 90~95% relative humidity, 1.5hours on and0.5 hours off±5%: ∆R/R max. ±(2%+0.1Ω)±1%: ∆R/R max. ±(1%+0.1Ω)No visible damage<50mΩLoad life (endurance) JISC5201-1: 1998 Clause 4.25 1000 +48/-0 hours, loaded with RCWV or Vmax in chamber controller70±2ºC, 1.5 hours on and 0.5 hours off±5%: ∆R/R max. ±(3%+0.1Ω)±1%: ∆R/R max. ±(1%+0.1Ω)No visible damage<50mΩInsulation ResistanceJISC5201-1: 1998Clause 4.6Apply the maximum overload voltage (DC) for 1minute R≧10GΩDielectric WithstandVoltageJISC5201-1: 1998Clause 4.7Apply the maximum overload voltage (AC) for 1 minute No breakdown or flashoverTEST CONDITION FOR JUMPER (0 Ω)Item WR12 WR08 WR06 WR04 Power Rating At 70°C 1/4W 1/8W 1/10W 1/16WResistance MAX.50mΩRated Current 2A 1.5A 1A 1APeak Current 5A 3.5A 3A 2AOperating Temperature -55 ~ +155°CPACKAGINGPaper Tape specifications(unit :mm)Series No. A B WFEWR12 3.60±0.20 2.00±0.20 WR08 2.40±0.20 1.65±0.20 WR06 1.90±0.20 1.10±0.20 WR041.20±0.100.70±0.108.00±0.303.50±0.201.75±0.10Series No. P1 P0ΦDT WR12 / WR08Max. 1.0WR06 4.00±0.10 0.65±0.05 WR042.00±0.104.00±−Φ0.40±0.057” Reel dimensionsSymbol A B C D (unit : mm)Φ178.0±2.0Φ60.0±1.013.0±0.29.0±0.5。
