
初中晨读英语美文三篇【篇一】初中晨读英语美文Self-EsteemSelf-esteem is the combination of self-confidence andself-respect—the conviction that you are competent to cope with life's challenges and are worthy of happiness. Self-esteem is the way you talk to yourself about yourself. Self-esteem has two interrelated aspects; it entails a sense of personal efficacy and a sense of personal worth.It is the integrated sum of self-confidence and self-respect. It is the conviction that one is competent to live and worthy of living.Our self-esteem and self-image are developed by how we talk to ourselves. All of us have conscious and unconscious memories of all the times we felt bad or wrong—they are part of the unavoidable scars of childhood. This is where the critical voice gets started. Everyone has a critical inner voice. People with low self-esteem simply have a more vicious and demeaning inner voice.Psychologists say that almost every aspect of our lives—our personal happiness, success, relationships with others, achievement, creativity, dependencies—are dependent on our level of self-esteem. The more we have, the better we deal with things.Positive self-esteem is important because when people experience it, they feel good and look good, they areeffective and productive, and they respond to other people and themselves in healthy, positive, growing ways. People whohave positive self-esteem know that they are lovable and capable, and they care about themselves and other people.They do not have to build themselves up by tearing other people down or by patronizing less competent people.Our background largely determines what we will become in personality and more importantly in self-esteem. Where do feelings of worthlessness come from? Many come from our families, since more than 80% of our waking hours up to the age of eighteen are spent under their direct influence. Weare who we are because of where we've been. We build our own brands of self-esteem from four ingredients: fate, the positive things life offers, the negative things life offers and our own decisions about how to respond to fate, the positives and the negatives. Neither fate nor decisions canbe determined by other people in our own life. No one can change fate. We can control our thinking and therefore our decisions in life.自尊是自信和自重的综合体,是一个人深信自己能应付生活的挑战,确信自己有资格享有幸福人生。

篇1:初一晨读英语美文“Packing” a PersonA person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment, so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely. A young person, especially a female, radiant with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time. If you still enjoy life's exuberance enough to retain self-confidence and pursue pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your charm and grace will remain. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth. There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing; the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland. Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only endin unpleasantness. To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of deluxe edition that fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with. As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.篇2:初一晨读英语美文A Little GirlSitting on a grassy grave, beneath one of the windows of the church, was a little girl.With her head bent back she was gazing up at the sky and singing, while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny cloud that hovered like a golden feather above her head.The sun, which had suddenly become very bright, shining on her glossy hair, gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color, dark bronze or black.So completely absorbed was she in watching the cloud to which her strange song or incantation seemedaddressed, that she did not observe me when I rose and went towards her.Over her head, high up in the blue, a lark that was soaring towards the same gauzy cloud was singing, as if in rivalry.As I slowly approached the child, I could see by her forehead, which in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl, and especially by her complexion, that she uncommonly lovely.Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way, and these matched in hue her eyebrows, and the tresses that were tossed about her tender throat were quivering in the sunlight.All this I did not take in at once; for at first I could see nothingbut those quivering, glittering, changeful eyes turned up into my face.Gradually the other features, especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth, grew upon me as I stood silently gazing. Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my loveliest dreams of beauty.Yet it was not her beauty so much as the look she gave me that fascinated me, melted me.篇3:初一晨读英语美文knowledge and VirtueKnowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humilitynor is largeness and justness of view faith. Philosophy, however enlightened, however profound, gives no command over the passions, no influential motives, no vivifying principles. Liberal Education makes not the Christian, not the Catholic, but the gentleman.It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind,a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life—these are the connatural qualities of a large knowledge; they are the objects of a University.I am advocating, I shall illustrate and insist upon them; but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, and they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them. Taken by themselves, they do but seem to be what they are not; they look like virtue at a distance, but they are detected by close observers, and in the long run; and hence it is that they are popularly accused of pretense and hypocrisy, not, I repeat, from their own fault, but because their professors and their admirers persist in takingthem for what they are not, and are officious in arrogating for them a praise to which they have no claim. Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the vessel with a thread of silk, then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man.。

英语简单晨读美文篇1Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work. There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eyes. I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours, the afternoon sun is too warm for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers. This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. I've often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditches would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Everyday I drove past the flowers thinking, “I'll stop on my way home and dig them.”“Gee, I don't want to get my good clothes dirty...” Whatever the reason, I never stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel one year for my trunk to be used for that expressed purpose. One day on my way home from work, I was saddened to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone. I thought to myself, “Way to go, you waited too long. You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.” A week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor. She is 20 years older than my husband and unfortunately, because of age and distance, we h aven’t been as close as we all would have liked. I couldn’thelp but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband's sister and us. I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us. And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.英语简单晨读美文篇2There are lives that have bread in abundance and yet are starved; with barns and warehouses filled, with shelves and larders laden they are empty and hungry. No man need envy them; their feverish, restless whirl in the dust of publicity is but the search for a satisfaction never to be found in things. They are called rich in a world where no others are more truly, pitiably poor; having all, they are yet lacking in all because they have neglected the things within. The abundance of bread is the cause of many a man's deeper hunger. Having known nothing of the discipline that develops life's hidden sources of satisfaction, nothing of the struggle in which deep calls unto deep and the true life finds itself, he spends his days seeking to satisfy his soul with furniture, with houses and lands, with yachts and merchandise, seeking to feed his heart on things, a process of less promise and reason than feeding a snapping turtle on thoughts. It takes many of us altogether too long to learn that you cannot find satisfaction so long as you leave the soul out of your reckoning. If the heart be empty the life cannot be filled. The flow must cease at the faucet if the fountains go dry. The prime, the elemental necessities of our being are for the life rather than the body, its house. But, alas, how often out of the marble edifice issues the poor emaciated inmate, how out of the life having many things comes that which amounts to nothing.The essential things are not often those which most readily strike our blunt senses. We see the shell first. To the undeveloped mind the material is all there is. But looking deeper into life there comes an awakening to the fact and the significance of the spiritual, the feeling that the reason, the emotions, the joys and pains that have nothing to do with things, the ties that knit one to the infinite, all of which constitute the permanent elements of life.英语简单晨读美文篇3I was up before the sunrise one October morning, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of gray mountain and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places, then stole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grass-land, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding. The woods arose, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. Autumn's mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father. Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose, according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower and bud and bird had a flutteringsense of them, and all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence. So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great ocean; when glory shall not scare happiness, neither happiness envy glory; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the Father's countenance, because itself is risen. 英语简单晨读美文篇4I'm 16. The other night while I was busy thinking about important social issues, like what to do over the weekend, I overheard my parents talking about my future. My dad was upset—not the usual stuff that he and Mom worry about, like which college I'm going to, how far away it is from home and how much it's going to cost. Instead, he was upset about the world his generation is turning over to mine. He sounded like this: "There will be a pandemic that kills millions, a devastating energy crisis, a horrible worldwide depression and a nuclear explosion set off in anger." As I lay on the living room couch, starting to worry about the future my father was describing, I found myself looking at some old family photos. There was a picture of my grandfather in his uniform. He was a member of the war class. Next to his picture were photos of my great-grandparents. Seeing those pictures made me feel a lot better. I believe tomorrow will be better, not worse. Those pictures helped me understand why.I considered some of the awful things my grandparents and great-grandparents had seen in their lifetimes: two world wars, killer flu, a nuclear bomb. But they saw other things, too, better things: the end of two world wars, the polio vaccine, passage of the civil rights laws. I believe that my generation will see better things, too —that we will witness the time when AIDS is cured and cancer is defeated; when the Middle East will find peace, andthe Cubs win the World Series—probably only once. I will see things as inconceivable to me today as a moon shot was to my grandfather when he was 16, or the Internet to my father when he was 16. Ever since I was a little kid, whenever I've had a lousy day, my dad would put his arm around me and promise me that "tomorrow will be a better day." I challenged my father once, "How do you know that?" He said, "I just do." I believed him. As I listened to my Dad talking that night, so worried about what the future holds for me and my generation, I wanted to put my arm around him, and tell him what he always told me: "Don't worry Dad, tomorrow will be a better day."英语简单晨读美文篇5One day thirty years ago Marseilles lay in the burning sun. A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France than at any other time before or since.Everything in Marseilles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun, and had been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there. Strangers were stared out of countenance by staring white houses, staring white streets, staring tracts of arid road, staring hills from which verdure was burnt away. The only things to be seen not fixedly staring and glaring were the vines drooping under their loads of grapes. These did occasionally wink a little, as the hot air barely moved their faint leaves. The universal stare made the eyes ache.Towards the distant blue of the Italian coast, indeed, it was a little relieved by light clouds of mist slowly rising from the evaporation of the sea, but it softened nowhere else. Far away the dusty vines overhanging wayside cottages, and the monotonous wayside avenues of parched trees without shade, dropped beneath the stare of earth and sky. So did the horseswith drowsy bells, in long files of carts, creeping slowly towards the interior; so did their recumbent drivers, when they were awake, which rarely happened; so did the exhausted laborers in the fields. Everything that lived or grew was oppressed by the glare; except the lizard, passing swiftly over rough stone walls, and cicada, chirping its dry hot chirp, like a rattle. The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself were panting. Blinds, shutters, curtains, awnings, were all closed and drawn to deep out the stare.Grant it but a chink or a keyhole, and it shot in like a white-hot arrow.英语简单晨读美文篇6Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work. There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eyes.I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours, the afternoon sun is too warm for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers. This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. I've often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditches would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Everyday I drove past the flowers thinking, “I'll stop on my way home and dig them.” “Gee, I don't want to get my good clothes dirty...” Whatever the reason, I never stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel one year for my trunk to be used for that expressed purpose. One day on my way home from work, I was saddened to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone. I thought to myself, “Way to go, you waited too long. You should have doneit when you first saw them blooming this spring.”A week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor. She is 20 years older than my husband and unfortunately, because of age and distance, we haven’t been as close as we all would have liked. I can not help but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband's sister and us.I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us. And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.英语简单晨读美文篇7I have known very few writers, but those I have known, and whom I respect, confess at once that they have little idea where they are going when they first set pen to paper.They have a character, perhaps two; they are in that condition of eager discomfort which passes for inspiration; all admit radical changes of destination once the journey has begun; one, to my certain knowledge,spent nine months on a novel about Kashmir, then reset the whole thing in the Scottish Highland. I never heard of anyone making an “outline”, as we were taught at school. In the breaking and remaking,in the timing, interweaving,beginning again, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began. This organic process, often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery, is of an indescribable fascination. A blurred image appears; he adds a brushstroke and another, and it is gone; but something was there, and he will not rest till he has captured it.Sometimes the passion within a writer outlives a book he has written. I have heard of writers who read nothing but their ownbooks; like adolescents they stand before the mirror, and still cannot understand the exact outline of the vision before them. For the same reason, writers talk endlessly about their own books, digging up hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them. Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood: he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair. He is also, incidentally, an unforgivable bore. This temptation to cover the distance between himself and the reader, to study his image in the sight of those who do not know him, can be his undoing:he has begun to write to please.A young English writer made the pertinent observation a year or two back that the talent goes into the first draft, and the art into the drafts that follow. For this reason also the writer, like any other artist,has no resting place, no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, no judgment from outside which can replace the judgment from within. A writer makes order out of the anarchy of his heart; he submits himself to a more ruthless discipline than any critic dreamed of, and when he flirts with fame, he is taking time off from living with himself, from the search for what his world contains at its inmost point.英语简单晨读美文篇8In order to experience everlasting love in life, you ought to first figure out what is missing in your life and then fill in the gaps. People fall in and out of love because they expect their lovers to be everything to them and do everything for them. They then become dissatisfied when the partner fails to meet all their requirements. If you have a dream of achieving everlasting love you better create your very own life crowned by hobbies, interests and beneficial passions. This makes you a full lover when you enjoy a complete, interesting life on your own. Create a worldof your own. On your to-do-list add forgiveness. It is always healthy to forgive while you can, disappointments and sadness is a part of life.Some people find it hard to forgive their partners especially if they happened to catch them cheating on them. Seek professional help from a marriage and relationship counselor. This is an important move towards search for everlasting love. Most buried resentments are the cause to failed marriages and broken relationships. At one time they resurface and blow the present things out of proportion. To find a smooth sail in your love life you have to learn to forgive and move on with a clean slate. Accept changes when they arrive instead of fighting the reality. In life change is inevitable. At one time you will be loved, dumped, married, you will have children, become sick and die. You should acknowledge the happenings in life and move through them strongly. No matter how settled you might be it is good to know that things can change in an instant.Always accept the unexpected. Always find Happiness in what you have and be grateful to own what you have. It is a great secret to everlasting love. Despite the greatest fear and uncertainties of the unknown, when the inevitable things happen you will look back on the good old times and wish that you had been more grateful when things were more colorful. To enjoy your love life you should give thanks every moment and learn to appreciate the small problems we experience because unknown to us they can get worse and some time they probably will. T o experience how it feels to have everlasting love, create time for each other as lovers. Many people who are unhappy keep on postponing time to be together. People get caught up in the many and demanding daily activities and forget to get time tolive for today.It happens to me and you. There will always be more laundry, more house chores and more errands to be carried out. It is a routine where we retire to bed when we are very exhausted late at night only to awake and follow the same routine again the next day. To live life to the fullest stop at some point and take time for yourself and for each other too. T oday might be the only gift you have in life so live like there is no tomorrow. The precious moments we reckon in life are achieved by creating time for them against the much pressure of work. Create such short and fleeting moments everyday to enjoy everlasting love.英语简单晨读美文篇9The greatest peace, I believe, is the peace which we derive from our faith in God Almighty; from certainty about our relationship with our Creator. Crises might beset us, battles might rage about us — but if we have faith and the certainty it brings, we will enjoy peace — the peace that surpasses all understanding.我相信,最伟大的和平源于我们对万能的上帝的信赖,源于我们和造物主之间关系的确定性。

【篇一】初中晨读英语美文精选Either the first streaming of the sunshine,whichbroke the dark night,打破黑夜的第一道阳光,or the hurried steps on the stairs made by those whohastened to catch the time或是楼上赶时间的人匆忙的脚步声,brough me back to consciousness,and before mywindow of heart being opened,把我从睡梦中唤醒.在迎接新的一天到来之前,my hand had reached out of the warm quilt我先把手从暖和的被窝中伸出来to the watch placed on the bed-stand.抓起放在床头的表。
With a sleeping look at the watch,迷糊中看了看表,I repeated the time deep in my heart,"Twenty to seven."心中默念着"七点差二十分"。
"What?Twenty to seven?""什么?七点差二十分?"Throwing the quilt aside without losing time,把被子一扔,为了抓紧时间,I jumped to my feet and addressed myself at flying speed.我踮着脚,边跑边穿衣服。
With a basin,in which lay the tooth- brush and toothpaste on my left hand,左手拿着脸盆,里面放着牙刷,牙膏;and the towel around my neck,I hurried to the washroom.脖上围着洗脸毛巾,我飞般地冲进了卫生间。

下面是店铺带来的初中晨读英语美文,欢迎阅读! 初中晨读英语美文篇一Someday有一天[美]艾莉森•麦基文[美]彼德•H•雷诺兹图安妮宝贝译Someday 有一天One day, I counted your fingers and kissed each one.那一天,我数算你的手指,轻轻把它们亲遍Someday 有一天One day, the first snowflakes fell, and I help you up and watched them melt on your baby skin.那一天,初雪飘落,我把你高高举起,看雪花在你柔软的肌肤上融化。
Someday 有一天One day, we crossed the street, and you held my hand tight.那一天,我们一起穿过街道,你紧紧抓住我的手。
Someday 有一天Then, you were my baby, and now you are my child.曾经,你是我的小宝宝;现在,我家有女初长成。
Someday 有一天1Sometimes, when you sleep, I watch you dream, and I dream too...有时,当你睡着,看着你入梦,我也开始畅想……Someday 有一天1That someday you will dive into the cool, clear water of a lake.有一天,你会跃入一面冰凉清澈的湖水。
Someday 有一天1Someday you will walk into a deep wood.有一天,你会独自走进一座幽密的森林。
Someday 有一天1Someday your eyes will be filled with a joy so deep that they shine.有一天,你的眼眸会被深刻的喜悦充满而闪闪发光。

【导语】保持晨读的良好习惯,是提⾼英语阅读⽔平的⽅法,以下是由整理的有关三篇英语经典晨读美⽂,希望⼤家喜欢!【篇⼀】英语经典晨读美⽂:⼈⽣如诗 I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads like a poem. 我以为,从⽣物学⾓度看,⼈的⼀⽣恰如诗歌。
It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay. ⼈⽣⾃有其韵律和节奏,⾃有内在的⽣成与衰亡。
No one can say that a life with childhood, manhood and old age is not a beautiful arrangement; ⼈⽣有童年、少年和⽼年,谁也不能否认这是⼀种美好的安排, the day has its morning, noon and sunset, and the year has its seasons, and it is good ⼀天要有清晨、正午和⽇落,⼀年要有四季之分,如此才好。
that it is so. There is no good or bad in life, except what is good according to its own season. ⼈⽣本⽆好坏之分,只是各个季节有各⾃的好处。
And if we take this biological view of life and try to live according to the seasons, no one but a conceited fool or an impossible idealist can deny that human life can be lived like a poem. 如若我们持此种⽣物学的观点,并循着季节去⽣活,除了狂妄⾃⼤的傻⽠和⽆可救药的理想主义者,谁能说⼈⽣不能像诗⼀般度过呢。

英语背诵美文30篇英文+翻译第一篇:Youth 青春Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple1) knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental2) predominance3) of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting4) our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, th e unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite5), so long are you young.When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism6) and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.[Annotation:]1)supple adj. 柔软的2)temperamental adj. 由气质引起的3)predominance n. 优势4) desert vt. 抛弃5) the Infinite上帝6) cynicism n. 玩世不恭青春青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、恢弘的想象、炙热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌动。

下面店铺为大家带来晨读英语美文,希望大家喜欢!晨读英语美文篇一:One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.一个世界上最著名的纪念碑,自由女神像,是美国的美国在第十九世纪时由法国人民。

【篇一】初中晨读英语美文Self-EsteemSelf-esteem is the combination of self-confidence andself-respect—the conviction that you are competent to cope with life's challenges and are worthy of happiness. Self-esteem is the way you talk to yourself about yourself. Self-esteem has two interrelated aspects; it entails a sense of personal efficacy and a sense of personal worth.It is the integrated sum of self-confidence and self-respect. It is the conviction that one is competent to live and worthy of living.Our self-esteem and self-image are developed by how we talk to ourselves. All of us have conscious and unconscious memories of all the times we felt bad or wrong—they are part of the unavoidable scars of childhood. This is where the critical voice gets started. Everyone has a critical inner voice. People with low self-esteem simply have a more vicious and demeaning inner voice.Psychologists say that almost every aspect of our lives—our personal happiness, success, relationships with others, achievement, creativity, dependencies—are dependent on our level of self-esteem. The more we have, the better we deal with things.Positive self-esteem is important because when people experience it, they feel good and look good, they are effective and productive, and they respond to other people and themselves in healthy, positive, growing ways. People who have positive self-esteem know that they are lovable and capable, and they care about themselves and other people. They do not have to build themselves up by tearing other people down or by patronizing less competent people.Our background largely determines what we will become in personality and more importantly in self-esteem. Where do feelings of worthlessness come from? Many come from our families, since more than 80% of our waking hours up to the age of eighteen are spent under their direct influence. We are who we are because of where we've been. We build our own brands of self-esteem from four ingredients: fate, the positive things life offers, the negative things life offers and our own decisions about how to respond to fate, the positives and the negatives. Neither fate nor decisions can be determined by other people in our own life. No one can change fate. We can control our thinking and therefore our decisions in life.自尊是自信和自重的综合体,是一个人深信自己能应付生活的挑战,确信自己有资格享有幸福人生。

初中英语晨读美文(一)Song of Tomorrowby Wen JiaTomorrow comes and again comes tomorrow,Tomorrows are like rivers that endlessly flow。
If all my things are put off till tomorrow,My time wasted to no purpose will brew woe。
All mortals are tired for the sake of tomorrow,The passage of time will make them old before they know。
In the morning they see water eastward running,At dusky they see the sun in the west low hanging。
How many tomorrows are in your lifetime, do you know?Please listen to me sing the Song of T omorrow。
初中英语晨读美文(二)幸福的本质I live in Hollywood. You may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.我住在好莱坞。

英语散文篇一The Song of the River河之歌W.S Maugham毛姆You hear it all along the river. You hear it, loud and strong, from the rowers as they urge the junk with its high stern, the mast lashed alongside, down the swift running stream. You hear it from the trackers, a more breathless chant, as they pull desperately against the current, half a dozen of them perhaps if they are taking up wupan, a couple of hundred if they are hauling a splendid junk, its square sail set, over a rapid.沿河上下都可以听见那歌声。
On the junk, a man stands amidships beating a drum incessantly to guide their efforts, and they pull with all their strength, like men possessed, bent double; and sometimes in the extremity of their travail they craw on the ground, on all fours, like the beasts of the field. They strain, strain fiercely, against the pitiless might of the stream.船中央站着一个汉子不停地击鼓助威,引导他们加劲。

英语背诵美文30篇英文+翻译第一篇:Youth 青春Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple1) knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental2) predominance3) of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting4) our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, th e unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite5), so long are you young.When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism6) and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.[Annotation:]1)supple adj. 柔软的2)temperamental adj. 由气质引起的3)predominance n. 优势4) desert vt. 抛弃5) the Infinite上帝6) cynicism n. 玩世不恭青春青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、恢弘的想象、炙热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌动。

晨读英语美文10篇1.每日晨读《一张有趣的报纸》Every morning Mike goes to work by train.每天早上迈克坐火车去上班。
As he has a long trip, he always buys a newspaper.由于路途遥远,他总会买一份报纸。
It helps to make the time pass more quickly.它可以让时间过得更快一点。
One Tuesday morning, he turned to the sports page.一个星期二的早晨,他把报纸翻到体育版。
He wanted to read the report about an important football match.他想读一篇关于一场重要足球比赛的报道。
The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station.这篇报道很有趣,以至于他忘了下车。
He didn't know it until he saw the sea. 直到他看到大海他才知道。
He got off at the next station, and had to wait a long time for a train to go back. 他在下一站下了车,然后要等很久才有回去的车。
Of course, he got to the office very late. 当然,他上班迟到了。
His boss was very angry. 他的老板非常生气。
2.每日晨读《一个失踪的老虎》We used to have a cat called Tiger.我们曾经养了一只名叫老虎的猫。
He was a beautiful tabby with a great deal of character.他是一只漂亮的虎斑猫,很有个性。

晨读英语美文多篇学校晨读美文英语摘抄2Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring;for ornament, is in discourse;and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one;but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs,e best from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth;to use them too much for ornament,is affectation;to make judgement wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants,that need pruning by study;and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large,except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty mencontemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them;for they teach not their own use;but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute;nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse;but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is, some books are to be read only in parts;others to be read, but not curiously;and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others;but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books;else distilled books are, like mon distilled waters, flashy things. Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore,if a man write little,he had need have a great memory;if he confer little, he had need have a present wit;and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he does not. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep; moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.。

欢迎阅读及参考!篇一、初中晨读英语美文范例My house is perfect. By great good fortune I have found a housekeeper no less to my mind, a low-voiced, light-footed woman of discreet age, strong and deft enough to render me all the service I require, and not afraid of loneliness. She rises very early. By my breakfast-time there remains little to be done under the roof save dressing of meals. Very rarely do I hear even a clink of crockery; never the closing of a door or window. Oh, blessed silence! My house is perfect. Just large enough to allow the grace of order in domestic circumstance; just that superfluity of inner space, to lack which is to be less than at one's ease. The fabric is sound; the work in wood and plaster tells of a more leisurely and a more honest age than ours. The stairs do not creak under my step; I am attacked by no unkindly draught; I can open or close a window without muscle-ache. As to such trifles as the color and device of wall-paper, I confess my indifference; be the walls only plain, and I am satisfied. The first thing in one's home is comfort; let beauty of detail be added if one has the means, the patience, the eye. To me, this little book-room is beautiful, and chiefly because it is home. Through the greater part of life I was homeless. Many places have I lived, some which my soul disliked, and some which pleased me well; but never till now with that sense of security which makes a home. At any moment I might have been driven forth by evil accident, by disturbing necessity. For all that time did I say within myself: Some day, perchance, Ishall have a home; yet the "perchance" had more and more of emphasis as life went on, and at the moment when fate was secretly smiling on me, I had all but abandoned hope. I have my home at last. This house is mine on a lease of a score of years. So long I certainly shall not live; but, if I did, even so long should I have the money to pay my rent and buy my food. I am no cosmopolite. Were I to think that I should die away from England, the thought would be dreadful to me. And in England, this is the place of my choice; this is my home.篇二、初中晨读英语美文范例Half the people on our streets look as though life was a sorry business. It is hard to find a happy looking man or woman. Worry is the cause of their woebegone appearance. Worry makes the wrinkles; worry cuts the deep, down-glancing lines on the face; worry is the worst disease of our modern times. Care is contagious; it is hard work being cheerful at a funeral, and it is a good deal harder to keep the frown from your face when you are in the throng of the worry worn ones. Yet, we have no right to be dispensers of gloom; no matter how heavy our loads may seem to be we have no right to throw their burden on others nor even to cast the shadow of them on other hearts. Anxiety is instability. Fret steals away force. He who dreads tomorrow trembles today. Worry is weakness. The successful men may be always wide-awake, but they never worry. Fret and fear are like fine sand, thrown into life's delicate mechanism; they cause more than half the friction; they steal half the power. Cheer is strength. Nothing is so well done as that which is done heartily, and nothing is so heartily done as that which is done happily. Be happy, is an injunction not impossible of fulfillment. Pleasure may be an accident; but happiness comes in definite ways. It is the castingout of our foolish fears that we may have room for a few of our common joys. It is the telling our worries to wait until we get through appreciating our blessings. Take a deep breath, raise your chest, lift your eyes from the ground, look up and think how many things you have for which to be grateful, and you will find a smile growing where one may long have been unknown. Take the right kind of thought—for to take no thought would be sin—but take the calm, unanxious thought of your business, your duties, your difficulties, your disappointments and all the things that once have caused you fear, and you will find yourself laughing at most of them.篇三、初中晨读英语美文范例I was up before the sunrise one October morning, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of gray mountain and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places, then stole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grass-land, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding. The woods arose, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. Autumn's mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father. Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose, according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof ofdarkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them, and all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence. So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great ocean; when glory shall not scare happiness, neither happiness envy glory; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the Father's countenance, because itself is risen. 篇四、初中晨读英语美文范例Everybody has blue days. These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted. Days when you feel small and insignificant, when everything seems just out of reach. You can’t rise to t he occasion. Just getting started seems impossible. On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you. This is not always such a bad thing. You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye! On blue days you feel like you’re floating in an ocean of sadness. You’re about to burst into tears at any moment and you don’t even know why. Ultimately, you feel like you’re wandering through l ife without purpose. You’re not sure how much longer you can hang on, and you feel like shouting,“Will someone please shoot me!”It doesn’t take much to bring on a blue day. You might just wake up not feeling or looking your best, find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose. You could forget your date’s name or have an embarrassing photograph published. You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname, or just have aplain old bad-hair day. Maybe work is a pain in the butt. You’re under major pressure to fill someone else’s shoes, your boss is picking on you, and everyone in the office is driving you crazy. You might have a splitting headache, or a slipped dish, bad breath, a toothache, chronic gas, dry lips, or a nasty ingrown toenail. Whatever the reason, you’re convinced that someone up there doesn’t like you. Oh what to do, what to do?。
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下面学习啦小编为大家精选了两篇初中晨读英语美文,希望大家喜欢!初中晨读英语美文:忙碌的早晨E i t h e r t h e f i r s ts t r e a m i n g o f t h e s u n s h i n e,w h i c h b r o k e t h e d a r kn i g h t,打破黑夜的第一道阳光,o r t h e h u r r i e d s t e p s o n t h e s t a i r s m a d e b y t h o s e w h o h a s t e n e d t o c a t c h t h e t i m e或是楼上赶时间的人匆忙的脚步声,b r o u g h m e b ac k t o c o n s c i o u s n e s s,a nd bef o r em y w i n d o w o f h e a r t b e i n g o p e n e d,把我从睡梦中唤醒.在迎接新的一天到来之前,m y h a n d h a d r e a c h e d o u t o f t h e w a r m q u i l t 我先把手从暖和的被窝中伸出来t o t h e w a t c h p l a c e d o n t h e b e d-s t a n d.抓起放在床头的表。
W i t h a s l e e p i n g l o o k a t t h e w a t c h,迷糊中看了看表,I r e p e a t e d t h e t i m e d e e p i n m y h e a r t,T w e n t y t o s e v e n.心中默念着七点差二十分。
W h a t?T w e n t y t o s e v e n?什么?七点差二十分?T h r o w i n g t h e q u i l t a s i d e w i t h o u t l o s i n g t i m e,把被子一扔,为了抓紧时间,I j u m p e d t o m y f e e t a n d a d d r e s s e d m y s e l f a t f l y i n g s p e e d.我踮着脚,边跑边穿衣服。
W i t h a b a s i n,i n w h i c h l a y t h e t o o t h- b r u s h a n d t o o t h p a s t e o n m y l e f t h a n d,左手拿着脸盆,里面放着牙刷,牙膏;a n d t h e t o w e l a r o u n d m y n e c k,I h u r r i e d t o t h e w a s h r o o m.脖上围着洗脸毛巾,我飞般地冲进了卫生间。
P u t t i n g d o w n t h e b a s i n a n d s w i t c h i n g o n t h e t a p,放下脸盆,打开水龙头,I t u r n e d t o t h e c l o s e t a n d t o o k o u t o f a b a g o f i n s t a n t n o o d l e s,转向壁柜,拿出一袋速食面w i t h t h e p u r p o s e o f c o o k i n g m y s e l f b r e a k f a s t.来做早餐。
H o t v a p o r r o s e f r o m t h e p o t.热气从水壶中冒出来。
I s t o o d b r u s h i n g m y y e l l o w i s h t e e t h b e s i d e t h e h e a r t h,站在炉前,我一边刷着泛黄的牙,m o n i t o r i n g t h e c o o k i n g p r o c e s s.一边准备早餐。
F e w m i n u t e s l a t e r,t h e n o o d l e s w e r e r e a d y,a n d w a s h i n g w a s d o n e.几分钟后,早餐好了,洗漱完了.H o t a s i t w a s,i t c o u l d n t h i n d e r m e f r o m e a t i n g.尽管很烫,我还是吃下去了。
A s I g o t t o m y f e e t a n d w a l k e d t o t h e d o o r,迈开步伐朝门口走去,I p i c k e d u p a p i e c e o f s c r o l l t o w i p e o f f t h eg r e a s e a r o u n d m y r o s y m o u t h我撕了一卷纸擦去红唇上边的油渍。
A s I w a s r u n n i n g t o w a r d s t h e r e g u l a r b u s s t o p,当我朝车站奔去时,t h e b u s s t a r t e d o f f a n d a n d d i s a p p e a r e d i n t h e d i s t a n c e...公交车刚刚出发,消失在远处......初中晨读英语美文:什么也不说H o w t i r e d I a m!L o o k i n g a t t h e n i g h t l a m p,真累啊!注视着夜灯。
I t h i n k a b o u t n o t h i n g i n p a r t i c u l a r.我的脑子一片空白,I a l s o d o n t f e e l l i k e s a y i n g a n y t h i n g也不想说什么。
S o f t m u s i c c o m e s f r o m t h e r a d i o.I t m a k e s m e m o r e t i r e d a n d s l e e p y.收音机里飘出来的轻音乐让我昏昏欲睡,M y e y e l i d s a r e f e e l i n g h e a v y.眼皮沉甸甸的。
S u d d e n l y,i t o c c u r s t o m e t h a t I h a v e n t d o n e m yh o m e w o r k y e t.突然,我意识到我还没有做完家庭作业。
W h a t a s h a m e!I h a v e t o t u r n o f f t h e r a d i o a n d o p e n m y m a t h e x e r c i s e b o o k.真可怜.我得关掉收音机,打开数学练习本。
W h i c h o f t h e s i x g r a p h s b e s t r e p r e s e n t s e a c h f u n c t i o n?下面六幅图哪个最准确地代表了各个公式。
r e a d s t h e t i t l e.我念着题目。
T h e w o r k i s n o t d i f f i c u l t f o r m e,这些作业对我来说不太难,b u t I a m w e a r y a n d w h e n I s e e t h e m o u n t a i n o u s p i l e o f b o o k s o n m y l e f t,可是我筋疲力尽,再看看左手边堆积如山的书本,I r e a l l y d o n t w a n t t o d o a n y m o r e.我真的不想再做了。
S o m e t i m e s I h a t e h a v i n g t o r e a d s o m a n y b o o k s.有时候我真讨厌要读那么多书,I d o n t k n o w w h y w e h a v e t o r e a d a l l k i n d s o f b o o k s我真不明白为什么要读尽有的a n d t a k e s o m a n yb o r i n g e x a m i n a t i o n s.参加那么多的考试。
S o m e t e a c h e r s d i v i d e s t u d e n t s i n t o g r o u p sa c c o r d i n g t o h o w h i g h t h e i r m a r k s a r e有些老师根据学生的分数划分学生等级。
I t s e e m s t h a t s t u d e n t s w i t h d i f f e r e n t m a r k s a r e t r e a t e d d i f f e r e n t l y.分数不同的学生所受的待遇不同。
I t i s a g o o d i d e a b u t d o t e a c h e r s r e a l l y k n o w h o w a b a d-s t u d e n t t h i n k s?这是个好办法.可是老师们真的知道差学生怎么想的吗?I g u e s s i t s t h e w o r s t w a y.我想这是最差劲的办法。
A s w e k n o w s o m e N o b e l w i n n e r s w e r e a c t u a l l y b a d s t u d e n t s,众所周知,一些诺贝尔获得者其实是差学生,w h i l e n o n e o f t h e t o p s t u d e n t s e v e r w i n i t.没有一个好学生获得这个奖。
W h a t d o y o u t h i n k a b o u t i t?你是怎么想的呢?E v e r y o n e,i n c l u d i n g s t u d e n t s,t e a c h e r s, p a r e n t s e t c.包括学生,老师,家长在内的所有人e x p e c t s t h e e d u c a t i o n s y s t e m t o c h a n g e.都希望改善教育体系。