英国文学史上-The Renaissance


• Geographical Discoveries (commercial expansion and broadening the mental horizons)
• In the commercial expansion, Spain was the rival with England over the sea. At last a war broke out in 1588. it ended with the rout of the Spanish fleet “Armada”.
• Pastoral, as an adjective, refers to the lifestyle of shepherds and pastoralists, moving livestock around larger areas of land according to seasons and availability of water and food.
• Thomas Wyatt and Surrey were court poets. They are both top-notch aristocrats and their poetry was more representative of the thoughts and feelings of the nobility.
• Then Spenser studied at Cambridge, where she read the classics and italian poets and wrote poems. He received his M.A.degree in 1576.
• In 1579 he wrote The Shepherd’s Calendar, a pastoral poem in twelve books, one for each month of the year.

1.the Renaissance: the period in Europe between the 14th and mid 17th centuries,when the art, literature, and ideas of ancient Greece were discovered again and widely studied, causing a rebirth of activity in all these things. On the foundations of medieval society and culture the Renaissance first rose in Italy in the 14th century and came to a flowering in the 15th century and then in the 16th century it spread to other countries, notably France, and then to Germany and England and Spain and the other countries.2.Humanism: a system of beliefs and standards concerned with the needs of people, and not with religious ideas人文主义;人道主义3.Metaphysical poem is a derogatory term invented by John Dryden and later adopted by Samuel Johnson describing a school of highly intellectual poetry marked by bold and ingenious(别出心裁的)conceits((尤指诗歌中)奇想;夸张的比喻), incongruous(不和谐的,不匀称的,不一致的)imagery(比喻), complexity of thought, frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression. The main themes of the metaphysical poets are love, death and religion.4.Allegory: A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. Thus, an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. The most famous example is John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress.5.Enlightenment: An eighteenth-century philosophical movement. It began in France but had a wide impact throughout Europe and America. Thinkers of the Enlightenment valued reason and believed that both the individual and society could achieve a state of perfection. Corresponding to this essentially humanist vision was a resistance to religious authority.6.Classicism: a term used in literary criticism to describe critical doctrines that have their roots in ancient Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and art. Works associated with classicism typically exhibit restraint on the part of the author, unity of design and purpose, clarity, simplicity, logical organization, and respect for tradition.7.Neoclassicism:(also known as Age of Reason) in literary criticism, this term refers to the revival of the attitudes and styles of expression of classical literature. It is generally used to describe a period in European history beginning in the late seventeenth century and lasting until about 1800. In its purest form, Neoclassicism marked a return to order, proportion, restraint, logic, accuracy, and decorum(正统).8.Sentimentalism came into being as a result of a bitter discontent on the part of certain enlighteners in social reality. The later enlighteners found the power of reason to be insufficient, and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice.9.Romanticism is a complex artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Western Europe, and gained strength in reaction to the Industrial Revolution.[1] In part, it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature,[2] and was embodied in the visual arts, music, and literature.10.The sonnet is one of the poetic forms that can be found in lyric poetry from Europe. The term "sonnet" derives from the Occitan word sonet and the Italian word sonetto, both meaning "little song". By the thirteenth century, it had come to signify a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure. The conventions associated with the sonnet have evolved over its history. The writers of sonnets are sometimes referred to as "sonneteers," although the term can be used derisively. One of the best-known sonnet writers is William Shakespeare, who wrote 154 of them (not including those that appear in his plays). A Shakespearean, or English, sonnet consists of 14 lines, each line containing ten syllables and written in iambic pentameter, in which a pattern of an unemphasized syllable followed by an emphasized syllable is repeated five times. The rhyme scheme in a Shakespearean sonnet is ababcdcdefef gg; the last two lines are a rhyming couplet.Sonnet: A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.11.Epic A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.12.Alliteration:The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry.Alliteration is the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of nearby words. The term is usually applied only to consonants, and only when the recurrent sound begins a word or a stressed syllable within a word. In old English alliteration meter, alliteration is the principal organizing device of the verse line: the verse is unrhymed; each line is divided into two half-lines of two strong stresses by a decisive pause.13. Ballad: A story told in verse and usually meant to be sung. In many countries, the folk ballad was one of the earliest forms of literature. Folk ballads have no known authors. They were transmitted orally from generation to generation and were not set down in writing until centuries after they were first sung. The subject matter of folk ballads stems from the everyday life of the common people. Devices commonly used in ballads are the refrain, incremental repetition, and code language. A later form of ballad is the literary ballad, which imitates the style of the folk ballad. 14. Classicism: A movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity, balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes.15. Comedy: in general, a literary work that ends happily with a healthy, amicable armistice between the protagonist and society.16.Couplet: Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. A heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter couplet.in this form of poetry lines consisting of five iambic feet rime together in pairs. The rime scheme:aa bb cc17.Elegy: A poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual. An elegy is a type of lyric poem, usually formal in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy in tone.18.Essay: A piece of prose writing, usually short, that deals with a subject in a limited way and expresses a particular point or view. An essay may be serious or humorous, tightly organized or rambling, restrained or emotional. The two general classifications of essay are the informal essay and the formal essay. An informal essay is usually brief and is written as if the writer is talking informally to the reader about some topic, using a conversational style and a personal or humorous tone. By contrast, a formal essay is tightly organized, dignified in style, and serious in tone..19. Novel: A book-length fictional prose narrative, having may characters and often a complex plot.20.Poetry:The most distinctive characteristic of poetry is form and music. Poetry is concerned with not only what is said but how it is said. Poetry evokes emotions rather than express facts. Poetry means having a poetic experience. Imagination is also an essential quality of poetry. Poetry often leads us to new perceptions, new feelings and experiences of which we have not previously been aware.21.Pre-Romanticism:It originated among the conservative groups of men and letters as a reaction against Enlightenment and found its most manifest expression in the “Gothic novel”. The term arising from the fact that the greater part of such romances were devoted to the medieval times22.Romance: Any imagination literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals with a heroic adventures and battles between good characters and villains or monsters 【仅供参考】。

• 2). Religious reformation • Henry VIII declared the break with Rome • Catholicism(天主教)was got rid of and Protestantism (新教)became the official national religion.
The Bourgeoisie
• The word "bourgeoisie" originally meant "town dwellers", especially those who lived by trading. By nature, the feudal order was agrarian. At the time of the Renaissance, the bourgeoisie appeared as a new class of society, and the conflicts between the newly arising bourgeoisie and feudalism and the Church became the main social contradiction of the time. Humanism was the very weapon for the bourgeoisie to use in its fight against feudalism restrictions and the dominating influence of the church, which had ruled men’s minds for centuries.
General introduction
• The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. It began in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spread to the rest of Europe by the 16th century. Its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry.
英国文学史The Renaissance(3).概要

The Renaissance was marked by the spread of humanism, the keynote (the great spirit) of Renaissance. It sprang as a result of rediscovery and restudy of the Greek and Roman civilization which is based on the conception that man is the measure of all things, the man-centered culture. It stands for devotion to the humane values represented in classical literature.
The Evolution of Drama
English drama has roots reaching back to ① The miracle play ② The morality play ③ The Interlude ④ Classical Drama
Christopher Marlowe
---------What is Renaissance?
From the beginning of the 16th c, the English Renaissance witnessed the brisk development of literature: the translation of ancient English, Italian and French works, as well as classical works of Greece and Rome; books of discoveries and adventures; the flowering of sonnets; the highest glory of the English renaissance is its drama ( the Elizabethan drama). This was England’s golden age in literature. There appeared many literary giants such as Shakespeare, Spenser, Jonson, Sidney, Marlowe, Bacon and Donne.
英国文学简史Part Two The English Renaissance

Part Two The English Renaissance第二部分英国文艺复兴时期(14th century to 17th century)14世纪到17世纪I Background 背景1.It started in Italy and ended in England and Spain.起源于意大利,结束于英国和西班牙。
2.Meaning意义:(1)The Renaissance, which means “rebirth”or “revival’, is actually an intellectual movement with a thirsting curiosity for classical literature and the keen interest in the activities of humanity.文艺复兴意味着“复活”与“重生”,实际上是对古典文学与人文活动的热情。
(2)It aims to get rid of conservation in feudalist Europe and introducing new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie.为了去除封建欧洲的特性,引进资产阶级的思想。
3.Essence of Renaissance文艺复兴的本质It is the reflection of the rise of bourgeoisie in the sphere of cultural life.资产阶级的上升在文化领域显示了其影响力,从而掀起了文艺复兴的学术运动。
II Chapter 1 Old England in Transition过渡时期的旧英格兰1.The Renaissance and Humanism文艺复兴和人文主义(1)The one is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature. So the love of classics was but an expression of the general dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas.一是对古典文学的渴望和好奇。
The Renaissance英国文学文艺复兴时期总结

The RenaissanceThis is a greatest and most advanced revolution in the human history. This is the age the giants are needed and produced.------F. Engles<1> Brief introduction▪Renaissance in European history, refers to the period between 14th century to 17th century. It started in Italy and ended in England and Spain.▪“Renaissance” means “revival”, the revival of interest in Ancient Greek and Roman culture and getting rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introducing new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie.▪Renaissance sprang first in Italy (Florence and Venice) with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture, and gradually spread all over Europe;▪Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical arts and science (ancient Greek and Roman culture) after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism.During the period of Renaissance:1. the Roman Catholic Church was shaken,2. old sciences revived and new sciences emerged,3. national languages and cultures took shape,4. art and literature flourishedBrief introduction▪There arose an interest in the manuscripts surviving from ancient Greece and Rome. Classical learning and philosophy were enthusiastically studied.▪The intellectual wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome encouraged a rebirth of human spirit,a realization of human potential for development and creation.▪Never before in human history were men and women so eager to create and discover something new.In Italy a group of artists,scientists,politicians,and writers created the most brilliant page of culture and science in Renaissance Europe.Examples:①Copernicus (哥白尼) asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe;②The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced Shakespeare and many others;③Boccaccio(卜伽邱) wrote tales of eternal charm: The Decameron;④Marco Polo (马可波罗) made journeys into the remote kingdom of China;⑤Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Raphael (拉斐尔),and Titian (提香) createdpaintings and sculptures that are invaluable treasures of the world.<2>Essence and features▪Essence: It is the reflection of the rise of bourgeoisie in the sphere of cultural life.(另版本):Renaissance, in essence, is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to:to get rid of conservatism in Feudalist Europe;to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie,to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.Briefly it is the reflection of the rise of bourgeoisie inthe sphere of cultural life.▪Features: there are two striking features①A thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.②The keen interest in the activities of humanity.<3>Renaissance and HumanismRenaissance: the term originally indicated a revival of classical arts and science after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. Indeed, a great number of the works of classical authors were translated into English during the 16th century.Humanism:The progressive thinkers of the humanists held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and bravely fought for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas.Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance. It reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class;<4>HumanismHumanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a reverence for the Greek and Roman civilization based on the conception that man is the measure of all things.Contrary to the subordination of individuals to the feudal rules and the sacrifice of earthly life for a future life in the medieval society, Renaissance humanists found in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development for perfection.By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.<5>Features of humanism in RenaissanceEmphasizing the power, value and dignity of the human being and holding that human beings are glorious creatures The core of Renaissance thought is the greatness of man/giants. This is best summarized in the lines of Shakespeare’s HamletWhat a piece of work is man; how noble in reason; how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable; in action how like and angel; in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals.人是一件多么了不起的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的力量!多么优美的仪表!多么文雅的举动!在行为上多么像一个天使!在智慧上多么想一个天神!宇宙的精华!万物的灵长!▪1. Emphasizing secular happiness and individualism against the medieval ideas of asceticism;▪2.shifting man’s interest from Christianity to humanity, from religion to philoso phy, from beauty and greatness of God to the beauty of human body in all its joys and pains.▪3. Applying Aristotle’s theory, Humanist literature mainly use realistic style and take literature as the mirror or miniature of the society.<6>Influence and English RenaissanceInfluences:1.These Italians, and many others, helped to make Italy the center of the Renaissance movement in Europe.2.The movement changed the medieval Western Europe into a modern one.3.The intellectual wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome encouraged a rebirth of human spirit,a realization of human potential for development and creationEnglish Renaissance:Oxford Reformers: the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduced classical literature to England. Education was revitalized and literature became more popular.This was England’s Golden Age in literature. There appeared many English literary giants such as Shakespeare, Spenser, Johnson, Sidney, Marlowe, Bacon and Donne.English RenaissanceContents●I.TheSixteenthCentury England ●II. Renaissance in England ●III. The main artistic styles●IV. William Shakespeare●V. Francis BaconI. The Sixteenth Century England1. Enclosure Movement2. The establishment of absolute monarchy3. Religious reformation4. International situation5. Cultural preparati●The background of the humanism in Europe●The introduction of printing led to an enlarged reading public and a commercial market for literature;●The great economic and political changes led to the rise of democracy;●The spirit of nationalism;●The growing of "new science” etc.Characteristics of the Elizabethan Age1. An age of comparative religious tolerance;2. An age of comparative social contentment;3. An age of dreams, of adventures, of unbounded enthusiasm;4. An age of intellectual liberty, of growing intelligence and comfort among all classes and of unbounded patriotism.II. Renaissance in England▪The time: mainly from the reign of Henry VIII, Edward, Mary and then to Queen Elizabeth and Jacobean Eraa. Beginning: the last years of the 15-th century---first half of the 16-th centuryb. Flourishing: the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)c. Declining: the period of James I (1603-1625) early 17-th centuryThe flowering of English literatureThe second half of the 16th century, “a nest of singing birds”The early period:imitation and assimilation, translated works, poetry and poetic drama were the most outstanding literary forms. ▪Sonnet: an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter intricately rhymed.▪Blank verse: iambic pentameter unrhymedThe latter period:Drama— the real mainstream of the English Renaissanceyears 1587-93. they were all of humble birth and struggled for a livelihood by writing. Through hard work, they revised old plays and wrote new ones. They made rapid progress in dramatic techniques because they has close contact with the actors and audiences. They were looked down upon by the gentlemen and suspected by the government. It was their industrious works that furnished the Elizabethan stage.Christopher MarloweWilliam ShakespeareIII. The main artistic stylesThe artistic styles as lyric poetry, narrative poetry, drama are maturized; new styles which characterized the modern literature such as sonnets, short stories and novels were produced.translation:Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Homer’s Iliad, Montaigne’s Essays▪travel books:More’s Utopia▪poetry: Edmund Spenser▪drama: “University Wits”, Marlowe, Shakespeare▪essay: Francis BaconForerunner of utopian socialism▪An imaginative travel narrative written in the form of conversation between More and Hythloday, a returned voyager describing an ideal state governed by reason.▪The subject is the search for the best possible form of government: Utopia---a community of property---a pure, pre-Marx form of communism.The Sheph erd’s Calendar 《牧人日历》: 12 pastoral poems and eclogues, one for each month, put into the mouths of speakers distinguishing themselves as shepherds, really representing Spenser and his friends.▪Amoretti《爱情小诗》:a series of 88 sonnets in honor of his lover Elizabeth. All except one was written in the Spenserian sonnet.▪Epithlamion 《婚后曲》: marriage hymns to celebrate his marriage with Elizabeth.The Faerie Queene《仙后》:▪The blending of religious and historical allegory with chivalric romance: a long poem planned 12 books. 12 knights for the qualities of the chivalric virtues--- the six completed books are holiness, temperance, chastity, friendship, justice and courtesy.Fairy Queen—Queen Elizabeth, the knights as a whole --- England, the evil figures—enemies.Themes of the poem :●nationalism( celebration of Queen Elizabeth)●humanism (strong opposition to Roman Catholicism),●Puritanism (moral teaching)Spenserian stanza:it is a nine-line stanza with the first 8 lines iambic pentameter and the ninth, iambic hexameter 六步格的诗rhyming abab,bcbc,c which is the typical verse in The Faerie Queene.For its rare beauty, this verse form was much used by many later poets, esp. imitated by the romantic poets of the 19th century.Spenser’s position in English Literature:the publica tion of “The Shepherd’s Calendar” marks the budding of Renaissance flower in the northern island of England.The language he used was modern English which has distinguished itself from the Middle English of Chaucer's day. Spenserian stanza: a model of poetic art among the Renaissance English poets.“the poet’s poet”, the first master to make the Modern English the natural music of his poetic effusion and held his position as a model of poetic art. His influence can be traced in the works of Milton, Shelley and Keats.Life: short but riotous⏹Major works:➢Tamburlaine the Great:《帖木耳》•A drama in a blank verse•About the rise and fall of Tamburlaine the Mongol conqueror on the 14th century central Asia.•A tragedy about a man who thinks he can but actually can not control his own fate.•By depicting a great hero with high ambition and sheer brutal force, the author voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance for infinite power and authority.•➢The Jew of Malta:《马耳他的犹太人》•A study of the lust for wealth, which centers around Barabas the Jew, an old money lender, whose only philosophy is the art of gaining advantage.•Suggestive of Shylock in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.•A tragic result: typically greedy of riches and gold, which is another feature shared by those in Renaissance England. •➢The History of Doctor Faustus 《浮士德博士》•Refer to compare with Goethe’s Faust•The Faust myth in 16th century Germany: the myth of men seeking great earthly power from demons at the cost of their immortal soul.•The conventional view: Dr. Faustus is a morality play that vindicates humility, faith and obedience to the law of God. •The new view: Dr. Faustus celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness, and also reveals man’s frustration in realizing the high aspiration in a hostile moral order.⏹Social significance and literary achievement1.showing the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie. Its eager curiosity for knowledge, power and gold.The praise of individuality freed from the restraints of medieval dogmas and the conviction of the boundless possibility of human efforts in conquering the universe.The heroes are mainly individualists. Their individualistic ambition often brings ruin to the world and to themselves.…soul of the Age!The applause! Delight! The wonder of our stage! Triumph, my Britain, thou hast one to show To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe. He was not of an age, but for all time!William Shakespeare1. Brief Introduction2. Shakespeare’s dramaFour periods of his literary career Categories of his drama 3. the artistic features of his plays4. Shakespeare’s place and contribution5. Shakespeare’s sonnetsWhat to be at least known about ShakespeareLife: birthplace, birth date, death date, important time in his life and career●His major works: 37 plays(10histories, 10 comedies, 10 tragedies), 2 long narrative poems, 154 sonnets.Plays to be read: great comedies & 4 great tragedies●Writing features in each of four periodsI. Brief IntroductionA dramatist “not of an age, but of all time” by Ben Jonhson, not of Engla nd, but of the world.●Not only a master of English language but also a genius of character portrayal and plot construction●A “poet of reality” for his idea that literature should reflect nature and reality.●37 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.II. Shak espeare’s dramaFour Periods of Shakespeare’s Literary careerFour major phrases represent respectively his early, mature, flourishing and late periods.1. Period of early experiment and apprenticeship (1590-1594)Background:A. it was in the middle of the highly thriving Elizabethan Age.B. The thoughts of humanism and the ideas of man’s emancipation, freedom of love was rapidly spread.C. Shakespeare was a young man full of astonishing versatility and wonderful talent and the great interest in the political questions of his time.Features:A. the writer made experiments in a number of dramatic forms: the historical plays, comedy, the revenge tragedy and the romantic tragedy.B. this period is distinctively marked by youthfulness and exuberance of imagination, by extravagance of witty language or speech, and by the final and frequent use of blank verse. In his hand, blank verse developed into a happy vehicle to express all kinds of thoughts and emotions (thus shaking off the rigidity of rimed and mechanic lines) .2. Period of maturity (1595-1600)Features:A. a period of “great comedies” and mature historical plays and sonnets.B. a sweet and joyful time when the writer portrays successfully a magnificent panorama of the manifold pursuit of people in real life.C. a great shift in characterization. A notable gallery of heroines in the comedies and vivid characters in historical plays is presented: Portia, Posalynd, Voila, Beatrice, Sir John Falstaff.3. Period of gloom and depression (1601-1607)Background:A. the aggravation of the social situation: the rising of peasants, the corruption, the tension between bourgeoisie and the feudal lands.B. the change of mood in the playwright: gloomy and indignantFeatures:A. a period of “great tragedies” and “dark comedies”B. the writer gave a scathing exposition of the somber pictures and scenes of murder, lust, treachery, ingratitude and crime.C. a higher level of crafts is reached: more intricate plotting, intense inner conflict, meticulous depiction of human mind.4. Period of calm and reconciliation (1608-1612)Background:A. the fall and collapse of absolute monarchB. the retirement of the playwright back into the tranquil countrysideFeatures:A. some serenity and optimism, instead of the beginning lightness and the middle somber violence reigned.B. romantic dramas and comedies were the main form.C. moral teaching and supernatural forces were relied on to restore the rightful honor and position. These plays all show a falling off from his previous works.Categories of his dramacomedies histories tragedies romances??Comedy is a light form of drama aiming primarily to amuse and ending happily. It often deals with people in their human state, restrained and ridiculous by their limitations, faults, bodily functions.Four Great ComdiesThe Merchant of VeniceA Midsummer Night’s DreamAs you Like itTwelfth NightComedies of the First PeriodThe keynote of his comedies:●to portray people just freed from the feudal fetters, sing of youth, love and ideas of happiness.●The heroes and heroines fight against destiny and mould their fate according to their own free will. Thus becomethe sons and daughters of Renaissance.●The victory of humanist ideal is inevitable. The general spirit of these plays is optimistic.The Merchant of Venice•The double plot: one is about the Bassanio’s winning of a bride by undergoing a test; the other is about the demanding of a pound of human flesh by Shylock.•The traditional theme is to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty and to expose the insatiable greed and brutality of the Jew.•The new one is to regard the play as a satire of the Christian hypocrisy and their false standards of friendship and love, their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and unreasoning prejudice against Jews.Portia: a rich heiress of Belmont in Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice.●1. Portia is a woman of Renaissance—beautiful, prudent, cultured, courteous and capable of rising to an emergency. She is one of Shakespear’s ideal women.●2. the young heroes in Shakespeare's comedies are always independent in character and take their own path of life.History plays aim to present some historical age or character, and may be either a comedy or a tragedy.●His histories include two tetralogies (四部曲)and two other plays. Characterizes two centuries of English history from Richard III to Henry VIII (1377-1547)●There is only one ideal king---Henry V who represents the aspiration for national unity under a powerful and efficient monarchy.The image of Henry V:Henry V is the symbol of Shakespear’s ideal kingship. He represents the upsurging patriotism of the time. In depicting Henry V as a prince and as a man, Shakespeare looks deep into the personality of his hero and shows a profound understanding of the politics and social life of the time.Theme: Shakespeare’s historical plays describe the decaying of the old feudal society an d the rising of the new forces. His historical plays sum up the necessity for national unity under a mighty and just sovereign. The idea is anti-feudal inIt is concerned with the harshness and injustice of life. They are often serious plays with sad endings.●Often the hero’s tragedy is due to a weakness in his or her character which brings self-destruction. A weakness such as the excessive pride of Faustus, the overweening ambition of Macbeth, or the uncontrolled jealousy of Othello.●In S hakespeare’s plays, he saw sharp contradictions between his lofty humanistic ideals and the evil social forces. Background for Shakespeare’s tragediesHe began to observe life with penetration, to expose mercilessly the contradiction of the Elizabethan society. The economical and social crisis which began at the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth continued right up to the English Revolution.The bourgeoisie intended to break up the yoke of absolute monarchy and struggled for free development.It was in this atmosphere of general unrest that he created his great tragedies.Four Great Tragedies All analyzing the human wickedness.●Hamlet: the hero’s weakness makes him vulnerable in fighting against the outward evil.●Othello shows how an outward evil make s use of the hero’s weakness and causes his fall.●King Lear demonstrates how man’s mistake sets free the evils of treachery, hypocrisy, flattery, selfishness and distrust.●Macbeth reveals how the outward evil stirs up the wickedness in man and destroys him.Hamlet“Hamlet” is considered the summit of Shakespeare's art.Hamlet is a man of genius, highly accomplished and educated, a man of profound perception and sparkling wit. He is a scholar, soldier and statesman all combined. His image reflects the versatility of the man of Renaissance.Hamlet’s melancholy is not the negative, over-subtle and fruitless kind, it is the result of his penetrating mind. It expresses, in away, the crisis of humanism at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century.III. the artistic features of his plays1. Characterization: By using comparison and contrasts, he depicts a group of individuals with strong and distinct personalities.The melancholy of Hamlet, the wickedness of Claudius and Iago, the honesty of Othello, ambition of Macbeth and the beauty and wit of Portia.2. Psycho-analytical study: He reveals the intricate inner workings of the character’s minds through the full use of soliloquies(独白).3. Structure:⏹His plays usu. have more than one plot. Through contrast and parallel, the major and minor plots are woven intoan organic whole.⏹the device of a play within the play also plays an important part.4. Language: Shakespeare is a master of the English language, with a large vocabulary of 16000 English words. More important are the figurative speeches such as analogy and metaphor.5. style: realistic style. The reader may be impressed by the typical speech modes —the question in Hamlet, the ambiguities in Macbeth, the exclamations and very simple but also very basic questions in King Lear.IV. Shakespeare’s place and contributionOne of the founder of realism in world literature. Living in the historical period of the transition from feudalism to capitalism, he paints a panorama of the decline of the old feudal nobility and the rise of new bourgeoisie.Amazing prolificacy. In 22years, nearly 40 plays, no two of which evoke the same feeling or image among the audience, a master of every forms of drama.Skilled in many poetic forms. The songs, sonnets, couplets, esp. at home with blank verse, which became a vehicle of utterance to all the possible sentiments of his characters.A great master of English language. He has an amazing wealth of vocabulary and idiom. He is known to have used 16,000 different words. His coinage of new words and distortion of the meaning of the old ones also create striking effects on the reader.He was universally regarded are the summit of English Renaissance. His influence on later writers is immeasurable. Almost all English writers after him have been influenced by him either in artistic point view, in literary form or in language.SonnetDefinition:▪A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter with a carefully patterned rhyme scheme.Origin:▪A form of lyrical poetry was originated in Italy. “sonnet” was derived from Provencal (普罗旺斯语) “Sonet”. It was once a short popular poetry used for singing in the medieval age.▪Italian poet Petrarch was the major representatives of the poets who used this poetic form. He wrote altogether 375 sonnets, dedicated to his lover. That is the Petrarchan sonnet.▪Sonnet was introduced into England by Thomas Wyatt . It flourished in the 1590s and reach its peak of popularity with the surge of Renaissance in England.Two types of sonnetThe Italian, or Petrarchan sonnet :Petrarchan Sonnet▪The Italian form, in some ways the simpler of the two, Its fourteen lines break into an octave (八行诗)(or octet), which usually rhymes abba,abba, and a sestet (六行诗节), which may rhyme cdecde or cdcdcd, or any of the multiple variations possible using only two or three rhyme-sounds.▪It usually projects and develops a subject in the octave, then executes a turn at the beginning of the sestet, which means that the sestet must in some way release the tension built up in the octave.▪Example: see Wyatt's "Farewell Love and all thy laws for ever."Farewell, LoveSir Thomas Wyatt (1503~1542)Farwell, Love, and all thy laws forever,Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more;Senec and Plato call me from thy lore,To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor,In blind error then I did persever,Thy sharp repulse, that prickth aye so sore,Hath taought me to set in trifles no storeAnd’ scape forth since liberty is leverTherefore farewell, go trouble younger hearts, And in me claim no more authorityWith idle youth go use thy property,And therein spend thy many brittle darts,For hitherto though I have lost all my time,Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb.别了,爱,以及你所有的法则,你上饵的钩子不再能把我缠绞,塞内克与柏拉图叫我离开你那套,并尽我才智把完美的财富获得。

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英国文学史概括英国文学史概括第一个时期: Old English, Middle English and Chaucer,古英国,中世纪和乔叟,这个时期的文学作品主要以诗歌为主,需要关注的是乔叟和他的《坎特伯雷故事集》。
以上纯属原创,转载请标明出处,谢谢英国文学史目录!PrefaceThe Anglo-Saxon Period 449-1066IntroductionThe Venerable Bede and Caedmon King Alfred the GreatBeowulfThe Exeter BookThe Medieval Period 1066 -1485 IntroductionMedieval RomanceFolk BalladsJohn Wycliffe and William Langland Drama in the Middle AgesGeoffrey ChaucerThe Elizabethan Age 1485-1625 IntroductionThomas MoreSir Philip SidneyEdmund SpenserChrisher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh Minor PlaywrightsWilliam ShakespeareFrancis BaconKing James BibleThe Seventeenth Century 1625-1700 IntrodutionBen Jonson and the Cavalier Poets John Donne and the Metaphysical Poets John MiltonJohn BunyanJohn DrydenThe Age of Neo-Classici *** 1700-1764 IntroductionAlexander PopeJonathan SwiftRichard Steele and Joseph AddisonSamuel Johnson and James BoswellThe Novel of the Eighteenth CenturyDaniel DefoeSamuel RichardsonHenry FieldingTobias SmollettLaurence SterneOliver Gold *** ithPre-Romantic Period 1764-1798IntroductionHorace WalpoleAnn RadcliffeThomas GrayRobert BurnsWilliam BlakeThe Romantic Age 1798-1837IntroductionWilliam WordsworthSamuel Taylor Coleridge……The Victorian Age 1837-1901The Modernist Age 1901-1945The Postmodern Period 1945-Present BibliographyIndex……关于英国文学史刘柄善的那本《英国文学史》上说,维多利亚时期是英国现实主义小说的巅峰时期,代表人物就是狄更斯,而当时英国之所以掀起现实主义风潮,则是因为此前的18世纪到19世纪初期,浪漫主义风靡英国,雪莱,济慈等人的诗歌风花雪月,让人一时忘却了现实,但随着浪漫褪去,人们又重归现实,于是狄更斯等人的现实主义作品,如《雾都孤儿》,《大卫科波菲尔》等书得以广为流传。
英国文学简史 Part II The English Renaissance

cruel, inhuman, cold-blooded, heartless
By depicting a great hero with high ambition and sheer brutal force in conquering one enemy after another, Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance for infinite power and authority.
用是B教. 化m民y众s,te教ry人抛p弃la欲y望s,一心向善。 到也更C十加.六多i世n样纪te化,r,l道u包德d括剧e世越俗来插越剧世(俗s化ec,ula最r终in发te展rlu成d世e)俗、剧闹,剧形式 (drfaDamr.ac)eC)。l、a其s民中s俗闹ic剧剧a(是lf完pollk全ap世yla俗sy)化和的寓戏言剧剧,(没al有le任go何ric宗al教成分, 民俗A剧主要以罗宾汉等家喻户晓的人物为主角,世俗插剧用于节 庆演2出. A,寓m言o剧r主al要it流y行p于la荷y兰p、r比e利s时en等t国e家d。the
Marlowe’s Learning and Works
learned and knowledgeable
astronomy, geography, medical science, history, Greek epics and Latin, and especial interest in drama
I. The Miracle Plays 圣迹剧
1.在C1h5o9o9s年e 歌th剧e r诞ig生ht之a前ns,w戏er剧. 就已经存在了,中 世Th纪e的M神ira秘cl剧e p(lamysyswteerrye apltafyir)st 就pe是rf其or中m最ed主in the

A Brief Outline of British Literature(英国文学概要)I. The early and Medieval literature(早期和中世纪文学)1. Beowulf (贝奥武夫,有记载的最早的一部英国文学作品)2. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales。
(杰弗里乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集)II. The English Renaissance (1485-1603) (英国文艺复兴时期)1. Edmund Spence r’s The Shepherd's Calendar and Faerie Queen(埃德蒙斯宾塞的牧羊人日记和精灵女王)2. Francis Bacon’s Essays(弗朗西斯培根的散文)3. William Shakespeare’s dramas(威廉莎士比亚的戏剧)III. The 17th century (1603-1660)1. The English Revolution (英国革命)2. John Milton’s Paradise Lost(弥尔顿的失乐园)3. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress(约翰班扬的天路历程)IV. The Restoration and the 18th Century (1660-1798) (复辟与十八世纪)1. enlightenment (启蒙运动)2. neo-classicism:(新古典主义)a. John Dryden’s dramas(约翰德来端的戏剧)b. Ale xander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock (亚历山大蒲柏的夺发记)c. Richard Steele and Joseph Addison's essays(理查德斯蒂尔和约瑟夫艾迪生的散文)d. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary(赛缪尔约翰逊的词典)3. rise of the novel writing:(小说创作的兴起)a. Daniel DeFoe’s Robinson Crusoe(丹尼尔笛福的鲁滨逊漂流记)b. Janathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels(贾纳森斯威夫特的格列佛游记)V. The Age of Romanticism (1798-1830)(浪漫主义时代)1. Pre-Romanticism : (前浪漫主义)a. William Blake (威廉布雷克英国诗人和画家)b. Robert Burn (罗伯特彭斯)c. William Wordsworth(威廉华兹华斯英国诗人)2. Romanticism (浪漫主义)a. P. B. Shelley (Percy Bysshe Shelley 珀西比西雪莱)b. G. G. Byron(George Gordon Byron 乔治戈登拜伦)c. J. Keats(John Keats 约翰济慈)3. Jane Austen’s novels(简奥斯丁小说)VI. The Victorian Age (1832-1901)(维多利亚时代)1. industrial revolution (工业革命)2. realism (现实主义)a. Charles Dickens (查尔斯狄更斯英国作家)b. Thomas Hardy(托马斯哈代英国小说家)c. Bronte sisters(勃朗特三姐妹)d. George Eliot(乔治艾略特)3. aestheticism: Oscar Wilde (唯美主义,奥斯卡王尔德)VII. The 20th century (1901-)1. two world wars(两次世界大战)2. modernism(现代主义)3. psychological fiction and stream of consciousness (心理小说与意识流)a. D. H. Lawrence (David Herbert Lawrence大卫赫伯特劳伦斯)b. James Joyce(詹姆斯乔伊斯)c. Virginia Woolf(弗吉尼亚伍尔夫)4. Poetry(诗歌)Definition of Literature :Literature refers to All written or spoken compositions ( discourses) designed to tell stories, dramatize situations and reveal thoughts and emotions, and also more importantly, to interest, entertain, stimulate, broaden and ennoble readers. (文学的定义:文学是所有口头或书面的成分设计讲故事,戏剧化情况,揭示思想和情感,而且更重要的是,兴趣,娱乐,刺激,拓宽和授予爵位的读者。

英美文学选读中文翻译及重点习题答案英国文学(AMERICAN LITERATURE)第一章文艺复兴时期(The Renaissance Period)二、背景知识(Background knowledge)1、历史文化背景(Historical and cultural background)(1)文艺复兴是从中世纪向近代过渡时期发生在欧洲许多国家的一场思想文化运动。
2、英国文艺复兴时期文学的特点(Features of English Renaissance literature)(1) 诗歌(Poetry)开创文艺复兴时期一代新的华丽诗风的两个最重要的人物是菲利普·悉尼爵士和埃德蒙·斯宾塞。
the renaissance 文艺复兴时英国文学

Renaissance(14th—mid 17th-It’s the rebirth of Greek and Roman cultures. It sprang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. Two features are striking of this movement. One is the thirst for the classical literature and the other is the keen interest in life and human activities.The RenaissanceA thirsty curiosity for classical literature.Old manuscripts were dug out. There arose a general revival of the study of Greek and Latin authors.. While people learned to admire their works as models of literary form they also caught something very different in spirit from the medieval Catholic dogma.So the love of classics was in fact also an expression of the general dissatisfaction with the Catholic and feudal ideas.B. The keen interest in life and human activities. People ceased to look upon themselves as living only for God and a future world. Thinkers, artists, and poets showed their admiration for human beauty and human achievements. So arose humanism—the key-note of the Renaissance, reflecting the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. Ideas: both man and the world are hindered from infinite improvement by external checks; man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of human intellect.The Chief Characteristics of the Background of the RenaissanceThis is a greatest and most advanced revolution in the human history. This is the age the giants are needed and produced ------F. EnglesHere from Engels’analysis we may see the chief characteristics of the Renaissance: (1)Politically the feudal nobility lost their power and with the establishment of the great monarchies there was the centralization of power necessary for the development of the bourgeoisie;(2)The Catholic Church was either substituted by Protestantism as a result of the so-called Reformation (as in Germany and England) or weakened in its dictatorship over men’s minds (as in Italy and France and Spain);(3)Geographical discoveries opened up colonial expansion and trade routes to distant parts of the world and brought back gold and silver and other wealth and also broadened men’s mental horizons;(4) In the countryside the peasants were terribly exploited and they either rose in uprisings or ran away and flocked to the cities and added to the proletariat there; (5) In the cities the merchants and the master artisans grew in wealth and in power and became the bourgeoisie while handicraft turned gradually into manufacture and the modern proletariat sprang up among the employed workers in the factories; and finally,(6) Culturally, as the interest in God and in the life after death was transformed into the exaltation of man and an absorption in earthly life and as materialistic philosophy and scientific thought gradually replaced the church dogmas and religious mysticism of the Middle Ages, a totally new culture rose out of the revival of the old culture ofancient Greece and Rome and out of the emergence of a new philosophy and science and art and literature through the exploration of the infinite capabilities of man . Examples①Copernicus (哥白尼) asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe;②The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced S hakespeare and many others;③Boccaccio(卜伽邱) wrote tales of eternal charm;④Marco Polo (马可波罗) made journeys into the remote kingdom of China;⑤Michelangelo (米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Raphael (拉斐尔),and Titian (提香) created paintings and sculptures that are invaluable treasures of the world.HumanismHumanism is the key note of the Renaissance. The humanists put man at the center of their beliefs and hold that man is the measure of all things. By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they believed that man had not only the right to enjoy the beauty of life, but the ability to perfect and perform wonders. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are representatives of English humanists.The Renaissance in EnglandSome major historic events:a. The War of Roses (1455-1488) and the establishment of the dynasties of Henry VII and VIII—the centralized monarchy.b. The Enclosure movement (“sheep devoured Men”)c. The religious reformation, establishment of the Anglican Churchd. Flourishing in the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)e. defeating the Spanish Invincible fleet “Armada”in 1588 and the establishment of the hegemony(霸权)on the seas.f. The geographical exploration and trade expansion brought about the growth of the cities and the development of the capitalist textile industry.The House of Tudor, one of the English ruling dynasties (1485-1603), including Henry VII and his descendants Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.都铎王朝:英格兰统治王朝(1485-1603年),包括亨利七世及其后代亨利八世、爱德华六世、玛丽一世和伊丽莎白一世Tudor DynastyHenry VII (acceded to throne in 1485)Henry VIII (acceded to throne in 1509)Edward VI (acceded to the throne in 1547)Mary I (acceded to the throne in 1553 and ruled until 1557)Queen Elizabeth I (acceded to the throne in 1558 and ruled until 1603)The Reformation(1) There is an inevitable conflict between the regime(统治)of the Roman Catholic Church and the establishment of an absolute monarchy in England, Hence the far-reaching movement of the Reformation. (2) Under the reign of Henry Ⅷ, England witnessed some rapid social changes. Feudalism was on the decline, population increased fast, printing machines became popular, and intellectual knowledge was spreading rapidly. Henry Ⅷwas a strong king and he always had awill of his own.(3) One thing he did during his reign sowed the seed of trouble for England for many years to come. He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon, who had borne only one daughter, Mary. When the Pope in Rome refused to end their marriage, he rebelled by marrying Anne Boleyn without permission. He soon declared himself head of the English Church. So England was separated from Rome. During the reign of his successor, the child king Edward Ⅵ, the Protestant movement developed rapidly.But he died young and the next monarch, Queen Mary, was a devout Catholic. Her attempts to restore Catholicism to England resulted in internal conflicts and much bloodshed. The bloody religious persecution came to a stop after the church settlement of Queen Elizabeth.(4) The Protestant Reformation was in essence a political movement in a religious guise, a part of the long struggle of the bourgeois class for power.Defeating the Spanish Invincible Fleet “Armada”The War with SpainReason: Commercial ExpansionTime : 1588.5.28 –1588.7.29 –the end of Sep.,1588Winner: the English bourgeoisie defeated the Spanish feudalismThe Spanish Armada was a fleet of warships that attempted to destroy the English fleet in 1588. The English defeated the Armada, however, by sending small boats to set a fire to float among the Spanish ships as they lay at anchor off the French coast near Calais. About 60 English ships sank two Spanish ships and damaged over 50 more. The crippled Armada then sailed back toward Spain, but heavy winds wrecked many more ships. Out of the original number of 130 ships in the Armada, only 67 returned to Spain.the Hundred-year W ar with France百年战争指1337年到1453年英法之间一场断断续续的战争,战争的起因既有领土因素又有经济因素。

Period one: Medieval literature(450-1066)The Celts (7-3 BC);The Roman Conquest (55BC--410 AD)The Norman Conquest (1066)Noun explanation:Epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. It usually celebrates the feats of one or more legendary or traditional heroes. The action is simple but full of magnificence. Today,some long narrative works, like novels that reveal an age and its people are also called epic.Beowulftribal society; use of alliteration; heroicPeriod two: Medieval literature:(1066-1500)Bkg:Norman Conquest:Religiously: Catholic ChurchPolitically:Feudalismlanguages: languages, 3 languages co-existedliterary form: Romance; chivalric(骑士)literary content:Matter of Brit ain/ France/Rome”Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(高文爵士和绿衣骑士); king ArthurNoun explanation:A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzans, with the second and the fourth lines rhymed. The ballads are in various English and Scottish dialects. They are mainly the literature of the peasants.The Robin Hood Ballads:fighting spirit, indomitable courage and revolutionary energyGeoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)founder of English poetry; forerunner of humanisim(praises man's energy, intellect, affirms men and women's right to pursue their happiness on earth and oppose the dogma of church) Literary Career:Works translated from FrenchWorks adapted from the Italian (Troilus and Criseyde) Purely English works(The Canterbury Tales) heroic coupletachievement: presented a comprehensive realistic picture of his age developed his characterizationHe anticipated a new era,the RenaissanceAnd he greatly contributed to the maturing of English prosodyNoun explanation:Heroic couplet is a rhyming couplet of iambic pentameter (aa, bb, cc),often containing a complete thought.Period three: The Renaissance (1516-1660)Bkg:medieval to the modern worldbourgeois cultural movementEnglish bkg: The Hundred Years' War(1337-1453)The War of the Roses (1455-1485)Reformation of the church The Enclosure MovementThe Commercial Expansion and the War with SpainThe Introduction of PrintingThe Oxford Reformers the movement seems to be a rebirth or revival of ancient Greek and Roman culture, caused(stimulated) by a series of historical events, such as (the rediscovery of Roman and Greek culture)the new discoveries in geography and astrology, the religious reformation and the economic expansion .Two features are striking of this movement , the one is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literatur. Another is the keen interest in the activities of humanity. Humanists is the key-note of the Renaissance.Three parts: 1516-1578, beginning1578-162, flowering1625-1660, epilogueHow to define the Humanism?Humanism is a system of beliefs upheld by writers and artists of the Renaissance period in their fighting against medieval asceticism.It states that man is godly,that man is able to find truth,goodness and beauty,and that man is in contro1 of the present life rather than being controlled by God. Briefly,humanism puts man at the center of their be1iefs and takes man to be the measure of every thing while the former asceticism puts God at the center of their beliefs and takes personal salvation to be the most important thing on the earth for man.Thomas More(1478-1535)"giants" of the Renaissance; one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.Masterpiece: UtopiaNoun explanation:Sonnet is a poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, restricted to a definite rhyme scheme. The term "sonnet" derives from the Latin sonitus (meaning "sound") and the Italian sonetto (meaning "sound", "song") English sonnets, in terms of structure, largely fall into two classes: the Petrarchian or Italian form and the Shakespearian or English form.blank verseThis term,which was first brought into England by Surrey,is used to name the unrhymed iambic pentameter (抑扬格五音步)1ine in poetry.Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599The Poet's poeta perfect melody;a rare sense of beauty;a splendid imagination;a lofty moral purity seriousnessa dedicated idealismThe Shepherd's Calendar:marked the budding of the Renaissance flower in the northern island of England.The Faerie Queene,Spenser's greatest workNoun explanation:Spenserian stanzaA Spenserian stanza is one that consists of eight five-foot iambic lines, followed by an iambic line of six feet, rhyming ababbcbcc. It is so named because it was Spenser that first used this form in his masterpiece The Faerie Oueene.Francis Bacon (1561-1626)was an English lawyer, statesman, essayist, historian, intellectual reformer, philosopher, and champion of modern sciencephilosophical ones The Advancement of Learning and Novum Organuliterary works (Essays) professional works, (Maxims of Law and The Learned Reading upon the Statute of Usesdirectness, terseness,(简洁,精炼)and forcefulnessChristopher Marlowe (1564-1593)As the most gifted of the "University Wits", Marlowe composed six plays within his short lifetime. Among them the most important are: Tamburlaine, parts I & II (1587-1588),Doctor Faustus (1589?),The Jew of Malta (1590)Marlowe was the greatest of the pineers of the English dramma. "mighty line"William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 16世纪后半期到17 世纪初叶伊丽莎白时代literary career can be divided into four periods.1)Period of Early Apprenticeship. (1590-1594)2)Period of Rapid Growth and Maturity. (1595- 1600 )3)Period of Gloom and Depression. (1600- 1607 )4)Period of Calm after Storm. (1608-1613)achievements:1)Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature.2)Shakespeare is amazingly prolific. 3)Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization 4)Shakespeare's plays are well-known for their adroit plot construction.5)Shakespeare is a great master of the English language.154 sonnets fall into two groups, divided at sonnet 126.The first group was addressed to a Mr. W.H.The second group was addressed to a Dark Lady.period 1:Romeo and Juliet is earliest great success.period 2:greatest comedies:The Merchant of Venice; As you like it; Twelfth Night; Much Ado about nothingperiod3:greatest tragedies: Othello; King Lear; Macbeth; HamletThe melancholy of HamletPeriod fourth: Rovolution&RestorationBkg: the weakening of tie between monarchy and bourgeoisiethe clashes between the king and parliamentthe outburst of the English revolutionthe split within the revolutionary campthe religious cloak of the English RevolutionLiterature:Unitity,patriotic---resent to the kinginspiring---sadness/gloom/pessimismromantic---nothing romanticJohn Milton (1608-1774)Milton's literary achievements can be divided into three groups:(1)the early poetic works, (Lycidas)(2)the middle prose pamphlets (Areopagitica,The Defence of the English People)(3)the last great poems (Paradise Lost (1667) Paradise Regained (1671), and Samson Agonistes (1671).achievements:Milton was political in both his life and his art.Milton wrote the greatest epic in English literature.Milton is a master of the blank verse.Milton is a great stylist.his sublimity(壮严, 崇高, 气质高尚)thought and majesty of expression.John Bunyan(1628-1688)poor; sensitive imagination; military; live in political struggles adopted the form of religious struggle; put in prison;Masterpiece: The Prigrim's Progress(spitural journal)The book become one of the most popular works in English languageBunyan's prose is admirable: solemn dignity and simplicity of the languageJohn Donne(1572?-1631)Works:The Songs and Sonnets《歌与短歌》, love is the basic themeHoly Sonnets 《圣歌集》, struggles with unparalleled force artistic features: 1. Conceit(奇思妙想)Noun explanation:Conceit is a far-fetched metaphor or simile originally a "concept" or "idea", conceit came to mean a striking parallel between two highly dissimilar things, The metaphysical conceit is more far-fetched and less trivially ornamental, and generally more original.2.ArgumentThe form is frequently that of an argument with the poet's beloved,with God, or with himself. In metaphysical poetry emotions are shaped and expressed by logical reasoning.3. Dramatic and Conversational StyleMost of Donne's poems employ a central speaker who takes effort to argue, to persuade, to analyze or to confess. His voice resembles that of stage character's in the sense that the messages are conveyed in conversations, though in most cases, only the voice of one talker can be heard.Metaphysical Poetry:"The term "metaphysical poetry" is commonly used to designate the works of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne .With a rebellious spirit, they tried to break away from the conventional fashion of Elizabethan love poetry, in particular the Petrarchan tradition, which is full of refined language, polished rhyming schemes and eulogy to ideal love, The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassic periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.John Dryden:(1631-1700)the most distinguished literary figure of the restoration period, poet, playrighter and critic. works:All for love(best-known play)An Essay of Dramatic poesy(most famous prose composition)key words: classicism, reason, law&orderHe makes the English prose precise, concise and flexible and raised English literary criticism to a new level. He was the forerunner of the English classsical school of literature in the next school of the literature.Period five: the Eighteenth Century1.Enlightenmenta progressive intellectual movementan European movementa furtherance of the Renaissancepurpose: to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideasBkg: comparatively peaceful (political)Industrial Revolution(economic)Influenced by the enlightenment in Europe(cultural)Noun explanation: Classicism P128The classicists tried to control literary creation by some fixed laws and rules drawn from Greek and Latin works. Owing to the need of the English middle class, classicism achieved a rapid growth and prevailed for the better part of the 18th century.Richard Steele (1672-1729)The TatlerJoseph Addison(1672-1719)The spectatorContribution: 期刊随笔的创始人P134Pope:Alexander Pope(1688-1744)Essay on Criticism (1711)heroic couplets, many lines have become proverbial maxims(谚语格言)The rape of the lock (1714)mock-heroic poemThe Dunciad (1728-1742)a satirical poemEssay on man(1732-1734)philosophical poemPope was an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school in the first half of the 18th century. He is singularly direct and compact. He was at his best in satire and epigram(警句). He was an example of conscious literary artists.Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)Swift' s chief works are:A Tale of a Tub (parable,寓言,比喻satire upon religious sects)The Battle of the BooksThe Drapier' s Letters ( 1724-1725 )Gullive ' s Travels(Lilliput, 小人国;Brobdingnag, 大人国;Flying island 飞岛和巫人岛;houyhnhnms 智马国)A Modest Proposal (1729).Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple, clear and vigorous. He is a master satirist and his irony is deadly and an apparent calmness conceals his bitter irony.Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)merchant; journalist; novelistRobinson Crusoe one of the forerunners of the English realistic novel. It creates the image of an enterprising Englishman, typical of the English bourgeoisie of the 18th century.Other works: Colonel Jacque; Captain Singleton; Moll FlandersSamuel Richardson (1689-1761)insight into the secrets of the female heart; storyteller, letter writer and moralistPamela: life and love between of ordinary people;entertainment & moral instructionthe first English psycho-analytical novelClarissa--the best of Richardson's novel.His main achievement lies in his technique to show characters as personalities, thinking and feeling for themselves with the author himself absent from the stage,refusing to intervene in theaction.Henry Fielding (1707 - 1754)drama: The Coffee-House Politician (1730)The Tragedy of Tragedies (1730)Pasquin (1736)The Historical Register for the Year (1736-1737)Novel: The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews the book quickly turns into a great novel of the open road, a “comic epic in prose”.The History of Jonathan Wild, the Great points out the Great Man is no better than a great gangster.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling a masterpiece on the subject of human nature,Tom became a national hero , brings its author the name of the "Prose Homer"The History of Amelia the story of the unfortunate life of an idealized woman, a good wife in contrast with an unworthy husband.Why is Henry Fielding regarded as "Father of the English Novel"1). His contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel …comic epic in prose" laugh mankind out of their favorite follies and vices".2). Before him, the relating of a story in a novel was either in the epistolary form (a series of letters), or the picaresque form (adventurous wanderings) through the mouth of the principal character. But Fielding adopted …the third-person narration‟, in which the author becomes the …all-knowing God"Features:1, the story was told directly by the author2, satire3, educational function of the novel4, style: easy; unlaboured and familar, vivid and vigorousLaurence Sterne(1713-1768)sentimentalism; humorist; "stream-of-consciousness"Thristram Shandy&A sentimental Journey Richard Brinsley Sheridan(1751-1816)masterpiece: The school for scandalThe Rival(Mrs Malaprop, 大词小用)theme:moralitytechniques: conventionalplots well organizedcharacters are all sharply drawnunity dialogueneat&decent languagethe best English comedy since Shakespeare and before Bernade ShawSamuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)A poet, dramatist, essayist, critic, lexicographer and publicist.poems: London (1738)The Vanity of Human Wishes 《人类欲望的虚幻》(1749);romance:The History of Rasselas《拉塞拉斯的历史》Prince of Abyssinia 《阿比西尼亚王子》(1759);a tragedy: Irene《艾琳》(1749); comments on 52 poets in Lives of the Poets 《诗人传》(1779-1781). lexicographer:A Dictionary of the English Language (1755)"To the Right Honorable the Earl Of Chesterfield”A letter to patronThomas Gray(1716-1771)sentimentalism; 墓畔派Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardPre-Romanticism: protest the bondage of Classicism;the claims of passion and emotionWilliam Blake(1757-1827)Song of Innocence(1789)Songs of Experience(1794)The Marriage of Heaven and Hall(1790)a forerunner of the Romantic poetry of the 19th centuryRobert Burns (1759-1796)“A Red, Red Rose,”“John Anderson, My Jo,”“My Heart's in the Highland,”“Auld Lang Syne”Features:Scottish; peasant; musical qualityPeriod Six: Romantic periodBkg: Industrial Revolution(complicated social contradictions)French Revolution(liberty; equality; fraternity)William Wordsworth(1770-1850)One of the earliest and perhaps the greatest, of the English Romantic poets.Wordsworth had a long poetic careerhis first volumes (Descriptive Sketches, an Evening Walk, 1793) the Lyrical BalladsThe PreludeAccording to the subjects, Wordsworth's short poems can be classified into two groups: poems about nature and poems about human life.*“worshipper of nature.”Wordsworth is a nostalgic poet* life is a cyclical journeyHis language :simplicity and puritySamuel Taylor Coleridge?(1772 - 1834)The demonic group includes his three masterpieces:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798)Christabel (1797-1800)Kubla Khan (1797)philosophy and his viewpoints towards literary criticism:His most important prose work is Biographia Literaria, or Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions (1817)Coleridge was the first critic of the Romantic school.George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824)romanticist&realist1)Narrative poems:Don Juan(epic satire), Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1816)The Prisoner of Chillon(1816)2) Poetic drama: Cain3) Other poemsShe Walks in BeautyNoun explanation: Byronic heroA proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immense superiority in his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.Influence: his work was widely read among the workers. his influence has shown itself in the works of the Chartist poets in England and the progressive poets in many other countries.Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)Long poems:Queen Mab (1813), The Revolt of Islam (1818)The immortal four-act poetic drama:Prometheus Unbound (1820)Distinguished lyrics are:Ode to the West Wind (1819), To a Skylark (1820), and The Cloud (1820)Chief prose work:The Defence of Poetry (1821)Point of View:Influencd by free thinkers like Hume and Godwin, he held a lifelong aversion to cruelty, injustice, authority, institutional religion and the formal shams of respectable society, condemning war, tyranny and exploitation.Influenced by Christian humanism, he realized that the evil was also in man's mind.So he predicated that only through gradual and suitable reforms of the existing institutions could benevolence be universally established and none of the evils would survive in this "genuine society," where people could live together happily, freely and peacefully.John Keats (1795-1821)Long Poems:Endymion 《安底弥翁》、Isabella 《伊莎贝拉》and" Hyperion" 《赫坡里昂》Short Poems:Ode to a Nightingale 《夜莺颂》, Ode on an Grecian Urn, 《希腊古瓮颂》, To Autumn.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)The first major historical novelist, exerting a powerful literary influence both in Britain and on the Continent throughout the 19th century. 1.The group on the history of Scotland, Rob Roy 《罗布·罗伊》2.The group on English history, Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》3.The group on history of European countries, Quentin Durward 《昆丁·达威特》The death of Scott remarked the end of the Romanticism非重点:Charles Dickens(1812-1870)The First Period(1836-1837)" The Pickwick Papers"《匹克威克外传》1837-1838"Oliver Twist"《奥利弗·特威斯特》1840-1841 "The Old Curiosity Shop"《老古玩店》The Second Period1846-1848 “Dombey and Son”《董贝父子》1849-1850" David Copperfield"《大卫·科波菲尔》The Third Period1852-1853 "Bleak House” 《荒凉山庄》1854"Hard Times" 《艰难时世》1855-1857" Little Dorrit" 《小杜丽》1859"A Tale of Two Cities" 《双城记》1860-1861"Great Expectations" 《远大前程》Thackeray: Vanity FairJane Austen (1775-1817)1) She wrote her first three novels in the period of 1795 to 1798 : Sense and Sensibility (1811)Pride and Prejudice (1813)Northanger Abbey (1818)2) Austen's second period : Mansfield Park (1814)Emma (1815)Persuasion (1818)The Bronte SistersCharlotte Bronte : Jane EyreEmily Bronte is better known today as the author of that most fascinating novel, Wuthering Heights.D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)Sons and Lovers 《儿子与情人》;The White Peacock;The Trespasser;Lady Chatterley‟s Lover 《查特莱夫人的情人》;his masterpieces: The Rainbow 《虹》;Women in Love 《恋爱中的女人》.George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)Shaw held that art should serve social purpose by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people.Works: Plays Pleasant;Widower‟s House;Caesar and Cleopatra; St. Joan 《圣女贞德》Mrs. Warran‟s Profession;James Joyce(1882-1941)stream-of-consciousness novelist;Ulysses 《尤利西斯》first novel is A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManJohn Galsworthy(1867-1933)His first trilogy: The Forsyte Saga 《福尔赛世家》; The Man of Property; In Chancery; To Let His second trilogy: A Modern Comedy. Absurd literature (the literature of the absurdist). In the mid-1950s and early 1960sSamuel BeckettWaiting for Godot is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd.Robert Browning(1812-1889)dramatic monologue.The Ring and the BookMy Last DuchessT. S. Eliot (1888-1965)Works: Prufrock; The Waste Land 《荒原》; The Hollow Men.He is a verse dramatist: Murder in the Cathedral; The Cocktail Party.He is also a prose writer: his famous essay …Tradition and Individual Talent‟Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) The Princess 《公主》;The main theme of The Princess is the women's rights and position.In Memoriam 《悼念》Idylls of the King 《国王叙事诗》Thomas Hardy(1840-1928)The Return of the Native;The Mayor of Casterbridge;Tess of the D‟Urberv illes 《德伯家的苔丝》;Jude the Obsure 《无名的裘德》;Under the Greenwood Tree.Virginia Woolf( 1882—1941 )The V oyage Out (1915) and Night and Day (1919)Jacob's Room (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse ( 1927) , Orlando (1928) The Waves (1931)The Years (1938),and Between the Acts (1941).The Victorian age1. The early period 1832-18482. The middle period 1848-18703. The last period 1870-1901Euphuism 绮丽体John Lyly。
英国文学简史 文艺复兴(16世纪)

四、The Renaissance(16世纪)一、文学知识Definitions of the Literary Terms:1. The Renaissance: It is a cultural and intellectual movement. It started in Italy in the late 13th century and gradually spread in Europe. The peak of Renaissance occurred at different time in different places. In England it was in 16th century. It was brought out by the growth of productive forces with the development of new forces of social relationships. It signified the beginning of disruption of feudal system. It’s a great liberation of human thought. It became the movement against feudalism and the classical literature and culture. The second feature is keen interest in human activities. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2. Humanism:Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It is a kind of literature and psychological system of thought. It tries to place the affairs of mankind at the center of their concerns. It originated in Italy during Renaissance and soon spread through out west Europe. It reflects the interest and new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.二、文学分类和代表作家1、小说:1)Thomas More (1478-1535)an outstanding humanist in the early 16th centuryUtopia: The first book contains a long discussion on the social conditions of England. In the second book is describedin detail an ideal communist society, Utopia.2)John Lyly(1553-1606):Eupheus大学才子:Thomas Kyd, John Lyly, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Deloney, Thomas Nashe,Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene.2、诗歌lyrical poems:Sonnet:is a lyrical poem in 14 lines with 10 syllables in each line, usually in iambic pentameter. It’s composed in definite rhyming scheme, of which the Petrarcan and Shakespearean are the principle. The Petrarcan sonnet was introduced into England by Thomas Wyatt and Earl of Surrey in the early 16th century. The rhyme pattern was abba abba cdcdcd/ cde cde. The rhyme pattern of Shakespearean sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg. Sonnet became a perfect English poetic medium in the hands of Shakespeare and Milton and so on.1Thomas Wyatt(1503-1542)[first introduced the sonnet into English literature]; Earl of Surrey2Earl of Surrey(1527-1547)[created blank verse];3Philip Sidney(1554-1586);4Edmund Spenser(1552-1599). the author of the greatest epic poem of the time The Fairy Queen; The Shepherds’ Calendar.He created a new stanza, called the Spenserian stanza, which is well suited to narrative verse.Spenserian stanza: Spenserian stanza was invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter & the last line in iambic hexameter, rhyming ababbcbcc.3、EssayFrancis Bacon(1561-1626)The founder of English materialist philosophy and modern science in England.. He is the first English essayist.散文:Of Truth; Of Studies4、戏剧A Christopher Marlowe(1564-1593)Marlowe was the first great English Dramatist. In his plays, Marlowe used blank verse, which he molded into a superb instrument for expressing intense emotions. After his development of blank verse it became the standardmedium for English dramatic & epic poetry.作品:Doctor Faustus; The Jew of Malta; TamburlaineB) Ben Jonson(1572-1637)作品:Every Man in His Humour; V olpone, or the Fox; The Alchemist; Bartholomew Fair.C William Shakespeare(1564-1616)The First Period (1590-1594)-five historical plays & four comedies:Henry Ⅵ, part Ⅰ (1590)Henry Ⅵ, part Ⅱ (1590)Henry Ⅵ, part Ⅲ (1591)Richard Ⅲ (1592)Titus Andronicus (1593)The Comedy of Errors (1592)The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594)The Taming of the Shrew (1593)Love's Labor's Lost (1594)The Second Period (1595-1600)-five historical plays, six comedies & two tragedies:Richard Ⅱ (1595)King John (1596)Henry Ⅳ, Part Ⅰ & Part Ⅱ(1597)Henry V (1598)A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595)The Merchant of Venice (1596)Much Ado About Nothing (1598)As You Like It (1599)Twelfth Night (1600)The Merry Wives of Winsor (1598)Romeo & Juliet (1595)Julius Caesar (1599)The Third Period (1601-1609)-Seven tragedies & two dark comedies:HamletOthelloKing LearMacbethAntony & CleopatraTroilus & CressidaCoriolonusAll's Well That Ends WellMeasure for MeasureThe Fourth Period (1609-1612)-Romantic tragic-comedies & two plays:PericlesCymbelineThe Winter's TaleThe TempestHenry ⅧThe Two Noble KinsmenShakespeare's authentic non-dramatic poetry consists of two long narrative poems: Venus & Adonis & The Rape of Lucrece & his sequence of 154 sonnets.。
英国文学 各个时期介绍

二、文艺复兴时期文学 作品
? 托马斯·莫尔《乌托邦》(Utopia)
? 开空想现实主义小说之先河 ? 埃德蒙·斯宾塞的长诗《仙后》 ? 塑造一个能实现12种美德的完美绅士。宣
弗兰西斯·培根Francis Bacon
? 《论说文集》(Essays) ? 58篇 ? 现代科学之父 ? 《Of Study (论读书)》 ? STUDIES serve for delight, for ornament, and for
二、文艺复兴时期文学 背景
? 中世纪结束后遍及欧洲许多国家的文化和 思想运动。以复兴希腊罗马古典文化为契 机,推行代表新兴城市资产阶级利益的新 思想,具有强烈反封建反教会倾向。核心 是人文主义 humanism
? 普遍认为文艺复兴发端于14世纪的意大利 ,15世纪后期起,扩展到西欧各国,16世 纪达到鼎盛。
一、中世纪文学 作品
? 英国文学最初同其他国家一样,是口头的 。
? 《贝奥武甫》(Boewulf),是英国8世纪 的一部英雄史诗,该诗长达千余行,用古 典语写成。
? 公元10世纪,浪漫传奇 ? 《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》 ? Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ? 以亚瑟王和圆桌骑士为题材
? 一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485) ? Old and Medieval English Literature ? 二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初) ? The Renaissance Period ? 三、17世纪文学 ? 四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期) ? The Enlightenment Period ? 五、浪漫主义时期文学(1798-1832) ? The Romantic Period ? 六、现实主义时期文学(19世纪30年代-1918) ? 七、现代主义文学时期(1918-1945) ? 八、当代文学(1945— )

1,什么叫文艺复兴The Renaissance (“rebirth” in French) was a cultural and intellectural movement that spanned roughly the 14th through the 17 century, beginning in Italy and later spreading to the rest of Europe 2,Renaissance is considered as the great flowering of art, architecture, politics, and the study of literature, and is also usually seen as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern world.2,什么叫玄学派诗歌the Metaphysical school of poetryI. Definition: A school of highly intellectual(智力的)poetryTime: the early 17th centuryMajor features: mysticism in content and fantasticality in form; peculiar conceit(奇思妙想), unique way of reasoning and comparisonMain themes: life, death, love, religion, universeRepresentatives: John Donne, Andrew Marvell and George HerbertSignificance: greatly influenced the modernists of the 20th centuryII. Metaphysical conceits悬想比喻,奇喻,别出心裁的比喻Conceit: an elaborate metaphor that offers a surprising or unexpected comparison between two seemingly highly dissimilar things. This can involve original images or familiar images used in an unfamiliar way.Literature in This Age: The 18th century marked the beginning of an intellectual movement throughout in Europe known as Enlightenment. It was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century and Russia in the 19th Century.In late 17th and early 18th century England, there was a change of taste, which was part of a general movement in Europe, seen perhaps most impressive in 17th century France. The dominant literary theory of this period was “Neoclassicism”.Literary Genre文学流派Generally speaking, literature of the 18th century was very complex. We may classify it under three general heads: the reign of classicism, the pre-romantic poetry, and the beginning of modern novel.3,什么是启蒙运动Enlightenment (1) a progressive intellectual movement(2) flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe(3) aims at enlightening the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas; celebrated reason (4) called for a reference to order, reason and rules4,什么是前浪漫主义Pre-RomanticismWhen did Pre-romanticism appear? in the latter half of the 18th centuryWhat are the major features of Pre-romanticism?1)Romantic Revival;2)Strong protest against the bondage ofClassicism; 3)Claims of passion and emotion;4)Renewed interests in medievalliterature.Who are the representatives? William Blake and Robert BurnsWhat’s the significance?marked the decline of classicismPaved the way for the coming of romanticism in England5,什么叫Byron hero: Byronic hero was created by Byron in the Romantic period of the English literature. Such a hero is a proud, rebellious figure of noble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is to right all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and he would fight single-handedly against all the misdoings. These heroes rise against tyranny and injustice, but they are merely lone fighters striving for personal freedom and some individualistic ends.1. epic 史诗a long narrative poem, grand in style, about heroes and heroic deeds, embodying heroic ideals of a nation or race in the making. Beowulf is the English national epic that was passed from mouth to mouth and written down by many unknown hands.3. alliteration 头韵the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are close to each other. It is a feature of Beowulf and other Old English poems.4. alliterative verse 头韵诗poetry written in alliteration. Nearly all Old English verse, including Beowulf, is heavily alliterative, and the pattern is fairly standard – with either two or three stressed syllables in each line alliterating.5. kenning 隐喻语a metaphor usually composed of two words and used for description and association. Beowulf is full of kennings, such as ―helmet bearer‖ for ―warrior‖ and ―swan road‖ for ―sea‖.8. romance 传奇a type of literature that was popular in the Middle Ages, usually containing adventures and reflecting the spirit of chivalry. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was a great verse romance, but its author remains unknown.11. heroic couplet 英雄双韵体two successive lines of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter. Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece The Canterbury Tale was written in heroic couplet.12. ballad meter 民谣体traditionally a four-line stanza containing alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, usually with a refrain and the rhyme scheme of abcb. Robert Burns’ ―A Red, Red Rose‖ is a great love ballad.14. English Renaissance 英国文艺复兴the literary flowering of England in the late 16th century and early 17th century, with humanism as its keynote. William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is considered the summit of this renaissance. 15. Elizabethan literature 伊丽莎白时代的文学literature written in the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603). William Shakespea re’s Romeo and Juliet was a masterpiece of this period.16. sonnet 十四行诗a fixed form consisting of fourteen lines of 5-foot iambic verse. It first flourished in Italy in the 14th century. William Shakespeare was a great English sonnet writer famous for his 154 sonnets.20. rhyme scheme 押韵格式the pattern of end-thymes in a stanza or poem, generally described by using letters of the alphabet to denote the recurrence of rhyming lines. For example, heroic couplets are ―aabbcc‖ and so on.21. quatrain 四行诗节a stanza of four lines, rhymed or unrhymed. It is the commonest of all stanzaic forms in English poetry. Robert Burns’ ―A Red, Red Rose‖ has four quatrains.24. verse drama 诗剧drama written in the form of verse. It was most widely used in the Elizabethan Age. William Shakespeare’s dramas are all verse dramas, Hamlet being the most famous.25. blank verse 无韵诗,素体诗unrhymed iambic pentameter, the most widely used of English verse forms and usually used in English dramatic and epic poetry. William Shakespea re’s play Hamlet is written in blank verse.27. essay 散文a composition, usually in prose, which may be of only a few hundred words or of book length and which discusses, formally or informally, a topic or a variety of topics. It is one of the most flexib le and adaptable of all literary forms. Francis Bacon is a great essayist; his ―Of Studies‖ isa model of good essay.28. English Romanticism 英国浪漫主义a literary movement that aimed at free expression of the writer’s ideas and feelings and flourished in the early 19th century England. A great representative of this movement is Percy Bysshe Shelley, the author of ―Ode to the West Wind‖.Sonnet 18One of the best known of Shakespeare’s sonnets, Sonnet 18 is memorable for the skillful and varied presentatio n of subject matter, in which the poet’s feelings reach a level of rapture unseen in the previous sonnets. The poet here abandons his quest for the youth to have a child, and instead glories in the youth’s beauty.Initially, the poet poses a question—‖Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?‖—and then reflects on it, remarking that the youth’s beauty far surpasses summer’s delights. The imagery is the very essence of simplicity: ―wind‖ and ―buds.‖ In the fourth line, legal terminology—‖summer’s lease‖—is introduced in contrast to the commonplace images in the first three lines. Note also the poet’s use of extremes in the phrases ―more lovely,‖ ―all too short,‖ and ―too hot‖; these phrases emphasize the young man’s beauty.Although lines 9 through 12 are marked by a more expansive tone and deeper feeling, the poet returns to the simplicity of the opening images. As one expects in Shakespeare’s sonnets, the proposition that the poet sets up in the first eight lines—that all nature is subject to imperfection—is now contrasted in these next four lines beginning with ―But.‖ Although beauty naturally declines at some point—‖And every fair from fair sometime declines‖—the youth’s beauty will not; his unchanging appearance is atypical of nature’s steady progression. Even death is impotent against the youth’s beauty. Note the ambiguity in the phrase ―eternal lines‖: Are these ―lines‖ the poet’s ver ses or the youth’s hoped-for children? Or are they simply wrinkles meant to represent the process of aging? Whatever the answer, the poet is jubilant in this sonnet because nothing threatens the young man’s beautiful appearance.Then follows the concludi ng couplet: ―So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.‖ The poet is describing not what the youth is but what he will be ages hence, as captured in the poet’s eternal verse—or again, in a hoped-for child. Whatever one may feel about the sentiment expressed in the sonnet and especially in these last two lines, one cannot help but notice an abrupt change in the poet’s own estimate of his poetic writing. Following the poet’s disparaging reference to his ―pupil pen‖ and ―barren rhyme‖ in Sonnet 16, it comes as a surprise in Sonnet 18 to find him boasting that his poetry will be eternal.John Keats认为,夜莺的歌声是美妙绝伦的,是不朽的,是永恒的,将世世代代的唱下去。
Unit 2 Literature of English Renaissance

Literature of English Renaissance (1485-1616)
The Renaissance
It was the greatest progressive revolution that mankind has so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants – giants in power of thought, passion and character, in universality and learning.
textile factory in Italy
The earliest bank in Italy
Florence in Italy
In the Renaissance period , scholars and educators called themselves humanists and began to emphasize the capacities of the human mind and they held their chief interest in man’s values and his environment and doings . So humanism became the keynote of the English Renaissance.
During this period , the classical arts and learning were discovered again and widely studied , so the term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical (Roman and Greek) arts and learning after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism , it also marked the beginning of bourgeois revolution .
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The Renaissance PeriodReference: 1) 16th century, Thomas More, “sheep devoured men”羊吃人的时代2) At the beginning of the 16th century, absolute monarchy was formed in England. King Henry VIII broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries修道院and abbeys大修道院in the country, confiscated没收their lands and proclaimed himself head of the Church of England.3) The absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.4) Beginning of the 16th century, Thomas More, a outstanding humanist杰出的人文主义者, wrote Utopia in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’s suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.5) In the 1st half of the 16th century, there appeared lyrical poems抒情诗by Thomas Wyatt怀亚特. Wyatt was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature. In the 2nd half of the 16th century lyrical poetry became widespread in England. Famous lyrical and epic poets of the time were Philip Sidney菲利普•锡德尼, Thomas Campion托马斯•坎皮恩and Edmund Spenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞(<The Faerie Queene>仙后)6) Various types of novels were developed in the 16th century. John Lyly约翰•黎里and Thomas Lodge托马斯•洛奇were authors of novels dealing with the court life and gallantry.(宫廷生活和侠士风流)John Lyly→Euphues: The Antatomy of Wit艳词(首创euphuism绮丽体这一修辞手段) Thomas Deloney托马斯•德洛尼&Thomas Nashe托马斯•纳什→developed the realistic tendencies发展了小说中的现实主义风格(devoted to the everyday life of craftsmen, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes)7) Drama→the greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗•马洛. He made blank verse the principle vehicle of expression in drama.(把无韵诗作为英语戏剧主要表达方式His work→The Jew of Malta; The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)8) A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.9) Three historical events of the Renaissance—rebirth or revival:①new discoveries in geography and astrology(占星术)②the religious reformation and economic expansion③rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureDefinition of important literary terms:Renaissance:the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.William Shakespeare 1564~1616 P61Works: Stage1→1590 The Second Part of King Henry VIThe Third Part of King Henry VI1591 The First Part of King Henry VI1592 The Life and Death of King Richard IIIThe Comedy of Errors1593 Titus Andronicus泰特斯•安德鲁尼克斯(复仇悲剧)The Taming of the Shrew训悍记1594 The Two Gentlemen of Verona维罗纳两绅士Lover’s Labour Lost爱的徒劳Romeo and Juliet1595 The Life and Death of King Richard IIA Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦1596 The Life and Death og King JohnThe Merchant of Venice维纳斯商人1597 The First Part of King Henry IVThe Second Part of King Henry IV1598 Much Ado About Nothing无事生非The Merry Wives of Windsor温莎的风流娘儿们The Life of King Henry V1599 The Life and Death of Julius Caesar尤里乌斯•凯撒As You Like It 皆大欢喜(Figure: Rosalind)1600 Twelfth Night, or What You Will第十二夜Stage2→1601 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Price of Denmark(复仇悲剧)√1602 Troilus and Cressida 特罗伊斯与克瑞西达(黑暗喜剧)All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属(黑暗喜剧)1603 Measure for Measure 一报还一报(黑暗喜剧)Othello, the Moore of Venice 奥赛罗(Figure: Desdemona)1605 King Lear李尔王(Figure: Cordelia)The Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白1606 Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼和克利奥佩特拉1607 The Tragedy of Coriolanus 克利奥拉鲁斯Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门1608 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 佩里克里斯Stage3→(均为传奇剧)1609 Cymbeline, King of Britain 辛白林1610 The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨The Life and Death of Henry VIII( Comedy:—Tragedy:—)Four Comedies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜<Twelfth Night>第十二夜<A Midsummer Night‟S Dream>仲夏夜之梦<Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人Four Tragedies:<Hamlet>哈姆莱特<Othello>奥赛罗<King Lear>李尔王<Macbeth>麦克白Shakespeare Sonnet: 154 <The Sonnets> (ababcdcdefefgg) 18(shall I compare thee)、29(when in disgrace)、106(when in the chronicle of wasted time)Shakespeare’s 2 narrative poems: Venus and Adonis维纳斯与阿多尼斯Lucrece露克里丝受辱记Figures and things mentioned: <In Hamlet> Horatio (Hamlet’s friend)霍拉旭Elsinore Castle埃利塞纳城堡Claudius (Hamlet’s uncle)克劳迪斯Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother)乔特鲁德Rosencrantz(Hamlet’s friend)罗森克兰茨Guildenstern(Hamlet’s friend)吉尔登斯坦Ophelia(Hamlet’s girlfriend)奥菲利亚Polonius (girlfriend’s father)波洛琉斯Laertes(girlfriend’s brother)雷欧提斯<In The Merchant of Venice>Bassanio 巴萨尼奥Antonio(Bassanio’s Friend)安东尼奥Portia鲍西娅Shylock (the wealthy Jew)Jessica(Shylock’s daughter, who ran off with Bassanio’s friend Lorenzo罗兰佐)Gratiano (Bassanio’s friend, fell in love with Portia’s waiting-woman Nerissa尼莉莎) Definition of important literary terms:1)Renaissance: Renaissance marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Itfirst started in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. The word“Renaissance” means rebirth or revival. In essence, it is a historical period in which theEuropean humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to lift the restriction in all areas placed by the Roman Catholic Churchauthorities. Two features of renaissance: It is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.People learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form. It is the keen interest in the activities of humanity.2)Sonnet: 14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter.The rhymescheme in the Italian form as typified in the sonnets of Petrarch(彼得拉克)is abbaabbacdecde. The Petrarchian sonnet has two divisions: the first is of eight lines (the octave), and the second is of six lines (the sestet). The rhyme scheme of the English, or Shakespearean sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg. The change of rhyme in the English sonnet is coincidental(一致) with a change of theme in the poem.3)Spenserian Stanza: Spenser invented a new verse form for his poem. The verse form hasbeen called "Spenserian Stanza" since his day. Each stanza has nine lines, each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentameter form, and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步抑扬格) line. The rhythm scheme is abab bcbc c.4) Humanism: it refers to the main literary trend and is the keynote of English Renaissance.Humanists took interest in human life and human activities and gave expression to the new feeling of admiration for human beauty, human achievement. They think that man has a potential for culture which distinguishes him from lower orders of beings, and which he should strive constantly to fulfill.FrancisBacon弗兰西斯•培根1561~1626 P103(哲学家、散文家;在论述探究知识的著作中提出了“知识就是力量”这一著名论断;近代唯物主义哲学的奠基人和近代实验科学的先驱。