








计时/计数器非常感谢您选择AUTONICS的产品为了您的安全,请在使用前阅读以下的内容注意安全1. 在以下情况下使用这个设备,如(核能控制,医疗设备,汽车,火车,飞机,航空,娱乐或 安全装置等),需要安装安全保护装置,或联系我们索取这方面的资料. 否则会引起严重的损失,火灾或人身伤害.必须要安装面板.否则可能会发生触电.否则可能会发生触电.在供电状态中不要接触接线端子.不要随意拆卸和改动这个产品,如确实需要请联系我们.否则会引起触电和火灾.否则会引起火灾.请在连接电源线或信号输入时检查端子号. 这个装置不能使用在户外. 否则会缩短此产品的使用寿命或发生触电事故.当电源输入端或信号输入端接线时, 螺丝拧到端子上的力矩为--否则可能会发生损坏或连接端子起火.请遵守额定的规格.否则会缩短这个产品的寿命后发生火灾.清洁这个产品时,不要使用水或油性清洁剂.否则会发生触电或火灾,也将损坏本产品.在易燃易爆,潮湿,太阳光直射,热辐射,振动等场所应避免使用这个单元.否则可能会引起爆炸.在这个单元中不能有流尘或沉淀物.否则可能会引起火灾或机械故障.以上规格如有变化,不另行通知.双预设功能。



EWCT-1孔间电磁波层析成像仪使用手册中国水电顾问集团贵阳勘测设计研究院2012年编写目录前言 (3)1 系统主要技术参数 (4)2 系统简介 (4)2.1发射机 (5)2.1.1 发射机结构 (5)2.1.2 发射机连接 (7)2.2接收机 (8)2.2.1 接收机结构 (8)2.2.2 接收机连接 (9)2.3天线 (10)2.4数据采集处理机 (10)2.5功率指示器 (11)2.5.1 功率指示器组成 (11)2.5.2 使用 (12)3 仪器连接与使用 (13)3.1系统连接 (13)3.2发射机系统连接使用 (13)3.2.1 连接使用步骤 (13)3.2.2 注意事项 (14)3.3接收机系统连接使用 (14)3.3.1 连接使用步骤 (14)3.3.2 注意事项 (15)3.4采集使用 (15)4 仪器维护 (21)4.1仪器正常工作时状态 (21)4.2锂电池使用注意事项 (21)4.3正式工作前的最后检查 (21)4.4常见故障分析 (22)4.5仪器的维护 (22)5 仪器保修 (23)前言非常感谢你选用中国水电顾问集团贵阳勘测设计研究院研制的EWCT-1型孔间电磁波层析成像仪。




1 计数仪表 中文操作说明书

1 计数仪表 中文操作说明书

































Metapace T-1统计机说明书

Metapace T-1统计机说明书

Command Manual Metapace T-1Thermal Printer Rev. 1.001. Control Commands ListControl codes Hexadecimal codes Function<HT> 09 Horizontaltab <LF> 0A Print and line feed<FF> 0C Print and return to standard mode in page mode<CR> 0D Print and carriage return<CAN> 18 Cancel print data in page mode<DLE><EOT> n 10 04 n Real-time status transmission<DLE><ENQ> n 10 05 n Real-time request to printer<ESC><FF> 1B 0C Print data in page mode<ESC><SP> n 1B 20 n Set right-side character spacing<ESC> ! n 1B 21 n Select print modes<ESC> $ nL nH 1B 24 nL nH Set absolute print position<ESC> % n 1B 25 n Select/Cancel user-defined character set <ESC> & y c1 c2 .. 1B 26 y c1 c2 Define user-defined characters<ESC> * m nL nH .. 1B 2A m nL nH Select bit-image mode<ESC> - n 1B 2D n Turn underline mode on/off<ESC> 2 1B 32 Select default line spacing<ESC> 3 n 1B 33 n Set line spacing<ESC> = n 1B 3D n Set peripheral device<ESC> ? n 1B 3F n Cancel user-defined characters<ESC> @ 1B 40 Initialize printer<ESC> D n1 ~ nK 1B 44 … 00 Set horizontal tab position<ESC> E n 1B 45 n Turn emphasized mode on/off<ESC> G n 1B 47 n Turn double-strike mode on/off<ESC> J n 1B 4A n Print and feed paper<ESC> L 1B 4C Select page mode<ESC> M n 1B 4D n Select character fonts<ESC> R n 1B 52 n Select an international character set<ESC> S 1B 53 Select standard mode<ESC> T n 1B 54 n Select print direction in page mode<ESC> V n 1B 56 n Turn 90º clockwise rotation mode on/off <ESC> W xL….. 1B 57 …. Set printing area in page mode<ESC> \ nL nH 1B 5C n Set relative print position<ESC> a n 1B 61 n Select justification<ESC> c 3 n 1B 63 33 n Select paper sensor to output paper end signals<ESC> c 4 n 1B 63 34 n Select paper sensor to stop printing<ESC> c 5 n 1B 63 35 n Enable/Disable panel button<ESC> d n 1B 64 n Print and feed n lines<ESC> p m t1 t2 1B 70 m t1 t2 Generate pulse<ESC> t n 1B 74 n Select character code table<ESC> { n 1B 7B n Turn on/off upside-down printing modeControl codes Hexadecimal codes Function <FS> p n m 1C 70 n m Print NT bit image<FS> q n …. 1C 71 n … Define NV bit image<GS> ! n 1D 21 n Select character size<GS> $ nL nH 1D 24 nL nH Set absolute vertical print position in page mode<GS> * x y ….. 1D 2A x y ….. Define downloaded bit image<GS> / m 1D 2F n Print downloaded bit image<GS> : 1D 3A Start/end macro definition<GS> B n 1D 42 n Turn white/black reverse printing mode on/off <GS> H n 1D 48 n Select printing position of HRI characters<GS> I n 1D 49 n Transmit printer ID<GS> L nL nH 1D 4C nL nH Set left margin<GS> P x y 1D 50 x y Set horizontal and vertical motion units<GS> V m <GS> V m n 1D 56 m1D 56 m nSelect cut mode and cut paper<GS> W nL hH 1D 57 nL nH Set printing area width<GS> \ nL nH 1D 5C nL nH Set relative vertical print position in page mode<GS> ^ r t m 1D 5E r t m Execute macro<GS> a n 1D 61 n Enable/Disable Automatic status back <GS> f n 1D 62 n Select font for HRI characters<GS> h n 1D 68 n Set bar code height<GS> k m ….NUL <GS> k m n … 1D 6B m… NUL1D 6B m n …Print bar code<GS> r n 1D 72 n Transmit status<GS> v 0 m …. 1D 76 30 Print raster bit image <GS> w n 1D 77 n Set bar code width2. Control Commands Details 2-1 Command Notation[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] The name of the command.The code sequence. ASCII Indicates the ASCII equivalents. Hex indicates the hexadecimal equivalents.Decimal indicates the decimal equivalents.[ ] k indicates the contents of the [ ] should be repeated k times. Gives the allowable ranges for the arguments.Describes the function of the command.2-2 Explanation of TermsLSB Least Significant Bit2-3 Control Commands DetailsHT[Name] [Format] [Description] Horizontal tab.ASCII HTHex 09Decimal 9Moves the print position to the next horizontal tab position.LF[Name] [Format] [Description] Print and line feed.ASCII LFHex 0ADecimal 10Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds one line based on the current line spacing.FF[Name] [Format] [Description] Print and return to standard mode in page mode.ASCII FFHex 0CDecimal 12Prints the data in the print buffer collectively and returns to standard mode.CR[Name] [Format] [Description] Print and carriage return.ASCII CRHex 0DDecimal 13When automatic line feed is enabled, this command functions the same as LF : when automatic line feed is disabled, this command is ignored.CAN[Name] [Format] [Description] Cancel print data in page mode.ASCII CANHex 18Decimal 24In page mode, deletes all the print data in the current printable area.DLE EOT n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Real-time status transmission.ASCII DLE EOT nHex 10 04 nDecimal 16 4 n1 ≤n ≤4Transmits the selected printer status specified by n in real-time, according to the following parameters :n = 1 : Transmit printer status. n = 2 : Transmit off-line status.n = 3 : Transmit error status. n = 4 : Transmit paper roll sensor status.n = 1 : Printer statusBit Off/On Hex Decimal Function0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On.Off 00 0 Drawer open/close signal is LOW (connector pin 3). 2On 04 4 Drawer open/close signal is HIGH (connector pin 3).Off 00 0 On-Line3On 08 8 Off-Line4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On.5-6 - - - Undefined.7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.n = 2 : Off-line statusBit Off/On Hex Decimal Function0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On.Off 00 0 Cover is closed.2On 04 4 Cover is open.Off 00 0 Paper is not being fed by using the PAPER FEEDbutton.3On 08 8 Paper is being fed by the PAPER FEED button.4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On.Off 00 0 No paper-end stop.5On 20 32 Printing stops due to paper end.Off 00 00 Noerror.6On 40 64 Erroroccurs.7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.Bit 5 : Becomes on when the paper end sensor detects paper end and printing stops.n = 3 : Error statusBit Off/On Hex Decimal Function0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On.2 - - - Undefined.Off 00 0 No auto-cutter error.3On 08 8 Auto-cutter error occurs.4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On.Off 00 0 No unrecoverable error.5On 20 32 Unrecoverable error occurs.Off 00 0 Noauto-recoverableerror. 6On 40 64 Auto recoverable error occurs.7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.Bit 3 : Bit 6 : If these errors occur due to paper jams or the like, it is possible to recover by correcting the cause of the error and executing DLE ENQ n (1 ≤n ≤2).When printing is stopped due to high print head temperature until the print head temperature drops sufficiently or when the paper roll cover is open during printing, bit 6 is on.n = 4 : Continuous paper sensor statusBit Off/On Hex Decimal Function0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On.2 Off 00 0 Paper roll Near-END sensor : Paper adequate.3 On 0C 12 Paper near-end is detected by the paper roll Near-END sensor.4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On.5 Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor : Paper present.6 On 60 96 Paper roll end detected by the paper roll-endsensor.7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.DLE ENQ n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Real-time request to printer.ASCII DLE ENQ nHex 10 05 nDecimal 16 5 n1 ≤n ≤2Recovers from an error and restart printing from the line where the error occurred.ESC FF[Name] [Format] [Description] Print data in page mode.ASCII ESC FFHex 1B 0CDecimal 27 12In page mode, prints all buffered data in the printing area collectively.ESC SP n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set right-side character spacing.ASCII ESC SP nHex 1B 20 nDecimal 27 32 n0 ≤n ≤255Sets the character spacing for the right side of the character to [n ×horizontal or vertical motion units].ESC ! n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select print modes.ASCII ESC ! nHex 1B 21 nDecimal 27 33 n0 ≤n ≤255Selects print mode(s) using n as follows.Bit Off/On Hex Decimal FunctionOff 00 0 Character font(12 ×24) selected. 0On 01 1 Character font(9 ×17) selected. 1,2 - - - Undefined.Off 00 0 Emphasized mode not selected. 3On 08 8 Emphasized mode selected.Off 00 0 Double-height mode not selected. 4On 10 16 Double-height mode selected.Off 00 0 Double-width mode not selected. 5On 20 32 Double-width mode selected.6 - - - Undefined.Off 00 0 Underline mode not selected.7On 80 128 Underlinemodeselected. ESC $ nL nH[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set absolute print position.ASCII ESC $ nL nHex 1B 24 nL nDecimal 27 36 nL n0 ≤n ≤2550 ≤n ≤255Set the distance from the beginning of the line to the position at which subsequent characters are to be printed.* The distance from the beginning of the line to the print position is[(nL + nH ×256) ×(vertical or horizontal notion unit)] inches.ESC % n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select / Cancel user-defined character set.ASCII ESC % nHex 1B 25 nDecimal 27 37 n0 ≤n ≤255Selects or cancels the user-defined character set.When the LSB is 0, the user-defined character set is canceled. When the LSB is 1, the user-defined character set is selected.ESC & y c1 c2 [x1 d1…d(y X x1)]… [xk d1… d(yx X xk)][Name] [Format] [Range][Description] Define user-defined characters.ASCII ESC & n y c1 c2[x1 d1…d(y X x1)]… [xk d1… d(yx X xk)] Hex 1B 26 n y c1 c2[x1 d1…d(y X x1)]… [xk d1… d(yx X xk)] Decimal 27 38 n y c1 c2[x1 d1…d(y X x1)]… [xk d1… d(yx X xk)] y = 3, 32 ≤c1 ≤c2 ≤1260 ≤x ≤12 (12x24 font)0 ≤x ≤9 (9x17 font)0 ≤d1 … d(y X xk) ≤255- y specifies the number of bytes in the vertical direction.- c1 specifies the beginning character code for the definition,and c2 specifies the final code.- x specifies the number of dots in the horizontal direction.ESC * m nL nH d1…dk[Name] [Format] [Range][Description] Select bit-image mode.ASCII ESC * m nL nH d1…dkHex 1B 2A m nL nH d1…dkDecimal 27 42 m nL nH d1…dkm = 0, 1, 32, 330 ≤nL ≤2550 ≤nH ≤30 ≤d ≤255Selects a bit-image mode using m for the number of dots specified by nL and nH, as follows :Vertical Direction Horizontal Directionm No. Vertical Dots Numberof DotsDotDensityDotDensityNumber of Data (k)0 8-dots single-density 8 60 DPI 90 DPI nL + nH ×2561 8-dot double-density 8 60 DPI 180 DPI nL + nH ×25632 24-dot single-density 24 180 DPI90 DPI (nL + nH ×256) ×333 24-dot double-density 24 180 DPI180 DPI(nL + nH ×256) ×3ESC - n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description]Turn underline mode on / off.ASCII ESC - nHex 1B 2D nDecimal 27 45 n0 ≤n ≤2, 48 ≤H ≤50Turns underline mode on or off, based on the following values of n : n Function0, 48 Turns off underline mode.1, 49 Turns on underline mode (1-dot thick). 2, 50 Turns on underline mode (2-dot thick).ESC 2[Name] [Format] [Description] Select default line spacing.ASCII ESC 2Hex 1B 32Decimal 27 50Selects 1/6-inch line (approximately 4.32mm) spacing.ESC 3 n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set line spacingASCII ESC 3 nHex 1B 33 nDecimal 27 51 n0 ≤n ≤255Sets the line spacing to [n X vertical or horizontal motion unit] inches.ESC = n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select peripheral device.ASCII ESC = nHex 1B 3D nDecimal 27 61 n0 ≤n ≤3Selects device to which host computer sends data, using n as follows :Bit Off/On Hex Decimal FunctionOff 00 0 Printer Disabled.On 01 1 Printer Disabled.1-7 - - - Undefined.ESC ? n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Cancel user-defined characters. ASCII ESC ? n Hex 1B 3F n Decimal 27 63 n 32 ≤n ≤126Cancels user-defined characters.ESC @[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Initialize printer.ASCII ESC @Hex 1B 40Decimal 27 6432 ≤n ≤126Clears the data in the print buffer and resets the printer mode to the mode that was in effect when the power was turned on.ESC D n1… nk NUL[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set horizontal tab positions.ASCII ESC D n1… nk NUL Hex 1B 44 n1… nk 00 Decimal 27 68 n1… nk 0 1 ≤n ≤2550 ≤k ≤32Sets horizontal tab positions.* n specifies the column number for setting a horizontal tab position from the beginning of the line.* k indicates the total number of horizontal tab positions to be set.ESC E n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Turn emphasized mode on / off. ASCII ESC E nHex 1B 45 n Decimal 27 69 n0 ≤n ≤255Turns emphasized mode on or off.* When the LSB of n is 0, emphasized mode is turned off. * When the LSB of n is 1, emphasized mode is turned on. ESC G n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Turn on / off double-strike mode. ASCII ESC G nHex 1B 47 n Decimal 27 71 n0 ≤n ≤255Turns double-strike mode on or off.* When the LSB of n is 0, double-strike mode is turned off. * When the LSB of n is 1, double-strike mode is turned on. ESC J n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Print and feed paper.ASCII ESC J nHex 1B 4A nDecimal 27 74 n0 ≤n ≤255Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds the paper [n X vertical or horizontal motion unit] inches.ESC L[Name] [Format] [Description] Select page mode.ASCII ESC LHex 1B 4CDecimal 27 76Switches from standard mode to page mode.ESC M n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select character font.ASCII ESC M n Hex 1B 4D n Decimal 27 77 n n = 0, 1, 48, 49Selects character fonts.n Function0, 48 Character font A (12 ×24) selected.1, 49 Character font B (9 ×17) selected. ESC R n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Default] Select an international character set.ASCII ESC R nHex 1B 52 nDecimal 27 82 n0 ≤n ≤10Selects an international character set in from the following table. n = 0n Character set n Character set0 U.S.A 5 Sweden1 France 6 Italy2 Germany 7 Spain3 U.K 9 Norway4 Denmark 1 10 Denmark 2ESC S[Name] [Format] [Description] Select standard modeASCII ESC SHex 1B 53Decimal 27 83Switches from page mode to standard mode.ESC T n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Default] Select print direction in page mode.ASCII ESC T nHex 1B 54 nDecimal 27 84 n0 ≤n ≤348 ≤n ≤51Selects the print direction and starting position in page mode. n specifies the print direction and starting position as follows :n Print Direction Starting Position A→→→→0, 48 Left right Upper left (A in the figure)1, 49 Bottom to top Lower left (B in the figure) Print area 2, 50 Right to left Lower right (C in the figure)3, 51 Top to bottom Upper right (D in the figure)←←←←C ESC V n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Turn 90°clockwise rotation mode on/off. ASCII ESC V nHex 1B 56 n Decimal 27 86 n0 ≤n ≤1, 48 ≤n ≤49Turn 90°clockwise rotation mode on/off. n is used as follows :n Function0, 48 Turn off 90°clockwise rotation mode.1, 49 Turn on 90°clockwise rotation mode. ESC W xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set printing area in page mode.ASCII ESC W xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyHHex 1B 57 xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyHDecimal 27 87 xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH0 ≤ xL xH yL yH dxL dxH dyL dyH ≤255 (except dxL=0 or dyL=dyH=0) The horizontal starting position, vertical starting position, printing area width, and printing area height are defined as x0, y0, dx (inch), respectively.x0 = [(xL + xH ×256)] ×(horizontal motion unit)]y0 = [(yL + yH ×256)] ×(vertical motion unit)]dx = [(dxL + dxH ×256)] ×(horizontal motion unit)]dy = [(dyL + dyH ×256)] ×(horizontal motion unit)]The printing area is set as shown in the figure below.B→→→→D→→→→ESC \ n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set relative print position.ASCII ESC \ nL nHHex 1B 5C nL nHDecimal 27 92 nL nH0 ≤nL ≤2550 ≤nH ≤255Set the print starting position based on the current position by using the horizontal or vertical motion unit.* This command sets the distance from the current position to[(nL + nH ×256) ×horizontal or vertical motion unit]ESC a n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select justification.ASCII ESC a nHex 1B 61 nDecimal 27 97 n0 ≤nL ≤2, 48 ≤nL ≤50Aligns all the data in one line to the specified position. n selects the type of justification as follows :n Justification0, 48 Left justification1, 49 Centering2, 50 Right justification ESC c 3 n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select paper sensor(s) to output paper end signals. ASCII ESC c 3 nHex 1B 63 33 nDecimal 27 99 51 n0 ≤n ≤255Selects the paper sensor(s) to output paper end signals. * Each bit of n is used as follows.Bit Off/On Hex Decimal FunctionOff 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor disable. 0On 01 1 Paper roll near-end sensor enable.Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor disable. 1On 02 2 Paper roll near-end sensor enable.Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor disable.2On 04 4 Paper roll end sensor enable.Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor disable.3On 08 8 Paper roll end sensor enable.4-7 - - - Undefined.ESC c 4 n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select paper sensor(s) to stop printing.ASCII ESC c 4 nHex 1B 63 34 nDecimal 27 99 52 n0 ≤nL ≤255Selects the paper sensor(s) used to stop printing when a paper-end is detected, using n as follows :Bit Off/On Hex Decimal FunctionOff 00 0 Paper roll end sensor disable.On 01 1 Paper roll end sensor enable.Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor disable.1On 02 2 Paper roll end sensor enable.2-7 - - - Undefined.ESC c 5 n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Enable / Disable panel button.ASCII ESC c 3 nHex 1B 63 35 nDecimal 27 99 53 n0 ≤n ≤255Enables or disables the panel button.* When the LSB of n is 0, the panel buttons are enabled. * When the LSB of n is 1, the panel buttons are disabled.ESC d n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Print and feed n lines.ASCII ESC d nHex 1B 64 nDecimal 27 100 n0 ≤n ≤255Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds n lines.ESC p m t1 t2[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Generate pulse.ASCII ESC p m t1 t2Hex 1B 70 m t1 t2Decimal 27 112 m t1 t2m = 0, 1, 48, 490 ≤t1 ≤255, 0 ≤t2 ≤255Outputs the pulse specified by t1 and t2 to connector pin m as follows.m Connector pin0, 48 Drawer kick-out connector pin 2 1, 49 Drawer kick-out connector pin 5ESC t n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select character code table.ASCII ESC t nHex 1B 74 nDecimal 27 116 n0 ≤n ≤5, n = 255Selects a page n from the character code table.n Page0 0 (PC437 {USA, standard Europe})1 1(Katakana)2 2 (PC850 {Multilingual})3 3 (PC860 {Portuguese})4 4 (PC863 {Canadian-French})5 5 (PC865 {Nordic})19 19(PC858{Euro}) 255 SpacepageESC { n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Turns on / off upside-down printing mode.ASCII ESC { nHex 1B 7B nDecimal 27 123 n0 ≤n ≤255Turns upside-down printing mode on or off.* When the LSB of n is 0, upside-down printing mode is turned off. * When the LSB of n is 1, upside-down printing mode is turned on.FS p n m[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Print NV bit image.ASCII FS p n mHex 1C 70 n mDecimal 28 112 n m1 ≤n ≤2550 ≤m ≤3, 48 ≤m ≤51Prints a NV bit image n using the mode specified by m.m Mode Vertical Dot Density (DPI) Horizontal Dot Density (DPI) 0, 48 Normal 180 1801, 49 Double-width180 902, 50 Double-height 90 1803, 51 Quadruple 90 90* n is the number of the NV bit image (defined using the FS q command).* m specifies the bit image mode.FS q n [xL xH yL yH d1…dk]1…[xL xH yL yH d1…dk]n[Name] [Format] [Range][Description] Defined NV bit image.ASCII FS q n [xL xH yL yH d1…dk]1…[xL xH yL yH d1…dk]n Hex 1C 71 n [xL xH yL yH d1…dk]1…[xL xH yL yH d1…dk]n Decimal 28 113 n [xL xH yL yH d1…dk]1…[xL xH yL yH d1…dk]n 1 ≤n ≤2550 ≤xL ≤2550 ≤xH ≤3 (when 1 ≤(xL + xH ×256) ≤10230 ≤yL ≤3 (when 1 ≤(xL + xH ×256) ≤2881 ≤d ≤255k = (xL + xH ×256) ×(yL + yH ×256) ×8Total defined data area = 2M bits (256K bytes)Define the NV bit image specified by n.* n specifies the number of the defined NV bit image.* xL, xH specifies (xL + xH ×256) ×8 dots in the horizontal directionfor the NV bit image you are defining.* yL, yH specifies (yL + yH ×256) ×8 dots in the vertical directionfor the NV bit image you are defining.GS ! n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select character size.ASCII GS ! nHex 1D 21 nDecimal 29 33 n0 ≤n ≤255(1 ≤vertical number of times ≤8, 1 ≤horizontal number of times ≤8)Selects the character height using bits 0 to 2 and selects the character width using bits 4 to 7, as follows :Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function 0-3 Character height selection. See Table 24-7 Character width selection. See Table 1Table 1 Character Width SelectionTable 2 Character Height SelectionHex Decimal Width Hex Decimal Height00 0 1 (normal) 00 0 1 (normal)10 16 2 (double-width) 01 1 2 (double-width) 20 32 3 02 2 3 30 48 4 03 3 4 40 64 5 04 4 5 50 80 6 05 5 6 60 96 7 06 6 7 70 112 8 07 7 8GS $ nL nH[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Set absolute vertical print position in page mode.ASCII GS $ nL nHHex 1D 24 nL nHDecimal 29 36 nL nH0 ≤nL ≤255, 0 ≤nH ≤255* Sets the absolute vertical print starting position forbuffer character data in page mode.* This command sets the absolute print position to[(nL + nH ×256) ×(vertical or horizontal motion unit)] inches.GS * x y d1…d(x ×y ×8)[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Define downloaded bit image.ASCII GS * x y d1…d(x ×y ×8)Hex 1D 2A x y d1…d(x ×y ×8)Decimal 29 42 x y d1…d(x ×y ×8)1 ≤x ≤255, 1 ≤y ≤48x x y ≤1536, 0 ≤d ≤255Defines a downloaded bit image using the dots specified by x and y. * x indicates the number of dots in the horizontal direction.* y indicates the number of dots in the vertical direction.GS / m[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Print downloaded bit image.ASCII GS / mHex 1D 2F mDecimal 29 47 m0 ≤m ≤3, 48 ≤m ≤51Prints a downloaded bit image using the mode specified by m. m selects a mode from the table below :m Mode Vertical Dot Density (DIP) Horizontal Dot Density (DIP) 0, 48 Normal 180 1801, 49 Double-width 180 902, 50 Double-height 90 1803, 51 Quadruple 90 90GS :[Name] [Format] [Description] Start/End macro definition. ASCII GS :Hex 1D 3A Decimal 29 58Starts or ends macro definition.GS B n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Turn white/black reverse printing mode on/off.ASCII GS B nHex 1D 42 nDecimal 29 66 n0 ≤n ≤255Turns on or off white/black reverse printing mode.* When the LSB is 0, white/black reverse printing mode is turned off. * When the LSB is 1, white/black reverse printing mode is turned on.GS H n[Name] [Format] [Description] Select printing position of HRI characters.ASCII GS B nHex 1D 48 nDecimal 29 72 nSelects the printing position of HRI characters when printing a bar code. n selects the printing position as follows :n Printing position0, 48 Not printed.1, 49 Above bar code.2, 50 Below bar code.3, 51 Both above and below the bar code.* HRI indicates Human Readable Interpretation. GS I n[Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Transmit printer ID.ASCII GS I nHex 1D 49 nDecimal 29 73 n1 ≤n ≤3, 49 ≤n ≤51Transmits the printer ID specified by n as follows :n Printer ID Specification ID (hexadecimal) 1, 49 Printer model ID Metapace T-1 series 202, 50 Type ID 023, 51 ROM version ID Depends on ROM version 02GS L nL nH [Name] [Format][Range][Description]Set left margin.ASCII GS L nL nH Hex 1D 4C nL nH Decimal 29 76 nL nH 0 ≤nL ≤255, 0 ≤nH ≤255Sets the left margin using nL and nH.* The left margin is set to [(nL + nH ×256) ×horizontal motion unit] inches.GS P x y [Name] [Format][Range][Description]Set horizontal and vertical motion units. ASCII GS P x y Hex 1D 50 x y Decimal 29 80 x y 0 ≤x ≤255, 0 ≤y ≤255Sets the horizontal and vertical motion units to approximately 25.4/x mm {1/x inch and } and approximately 25.4/y mm {1/y inches }, respectively. When x and y are set to 0, the default setting of each value is used.GS V m , GS ①②V m n [Name] [Format] [Range] [Description] Select cut mode and cut paper. ASCII GS V m ① Hex 1D 56 m Decimal 29 86 mm = 0,1,48,49 m = 65,66, 0 ≤n ≤255①② Selects a mode for cutting paper and executes paper cutting.The value of m selects the mode as follows :m Print mode0,1,49 Partial cut (one point left uncut)66Feeds paper (cutting position + [nX(vertical motion unit)]),and cuts the paper partially (one point uncut).ASCII GS V m n ② Hex 1D 56 m nDecimal 2986m nGS W nL nH [Name] [Format][Range][Description]Set printing area width.ASCII GS W nL nH Hex 1D 57 nL nH Decimal 29 87 nL nH 0 ≤nL ≤255, 0 ≤nH ≤255Sets the printing area width to the area specified by nL and nH. * The printing area width is set to[(nL + nH ×256) ×horizontal motion unit] inches.GS \ nL nH [Name] [Format][Range][Description]Set relative vertical print position in page mode. ASCII GS \ nL nH Hex 1D 5C nL nH Decimal 29 92 nL nH 0 ≤nL ≤255, 0 ≤nH ≤255Sets the relative vertical print starting position from the current position in page mode.* This command sets the distance from the current position to [(nL + nH ×256) ×vertical or horizontal motion unit] inches.GS ^ r t m [Name] [Format][Range][Description]Execute macro.ASCII GS ^ r t m Hex 1D 5E r t m Decimal 29 94 r t m 0 ≤r ≤255, 0 ≤t ≤255 m = 0, 1Executes a macro.* r specifies the number of times to execute the macro. * t specifies the waiting time for executing the macro. * m specifies macro executing mode. When the LSB of m = 0The macro executes r times continuously at the interval specified by t. When the LSB of m = 1 :After waiting for the period specified by t, the PAPER OUT LED indicators blink and the printer waits for the FEED button to bepressed. After the button is pressed, the printer executes the macro once. The printer repeats the operation r times.。



感谢您选用我公司的 CT 计数显示控制器,请 在使用前认真阅读本说明书,并按照本说明书 进行操作。如有任何疑难问题,请与本公司直 接联系,我们将为您提供竭诚而满 意 的 服 务 。
***********†††*********** 如产品需要维修时,
-- 1 --
SIWEI 四维测控
检测开关可选用接近开关或红外线感应开关。 ⑴.接近开关:接近开关是一种磁感应开关,在检测非磁性金 属物体时必须以磁性金属为介质;接近开关的感应距离为: (1~ 5)mm,接近开关的周围不能有强磁场。 ⑵.红外线感应开关:分为发射端(T)和接收端(R)两个 部分, 在安装时要保证发射端和接收端水平垂直相对,两端形成的红外 线 光束要与被检测物体垂直,被检测物要“充分”通过红外线光束, 要保持开关窗口的清洁。感应距离为 0~5 米,感应光束直径:≤ 10mm。 现场运行设备的电气部分安装一组常开触点,两触点的引线 分 别接“外控端子”。而且确保设备运行时,常开触点充分闭合,否 则控制器不进行计数。
【数据 1】: 查 看 “数据 1”区内各个数据
【数据 2】:查看“数据 2”区内各个数据
【 设 置 】:查看“设置”区内各个数据
【 方 式 】:用于转换 PNP 和非 PNP(NPN)状态(需在开锁下进行)
请将产品、发票送到以下地址进行检修 **********************************************

ABB电子计时器 CT 系列说明书

ABB电子计时器 CT 系列说明书

Electronic timers CT range2 2CDC111110B0203For many years, ABB’s CT range electronic timers has been used in applications worldwide and has proven its excellent functionality in daily use even under the toughest conditions. Three ranges of electronic timers provide timing functions for all applications.CT-DThe CT-D range with MDRC design (modular DIN rail compo-nents) in an enclosure with a width of only 17.5 mm fits into all domestic installation and distribution panels.CT-EThe CT-E range offers an excellent price/performance ratio and is an ideal solution for serial applications.ABB electronic timers CT rangeCT-SThe highly sophisticated CT-S range in ABB’s new S-range enclosure offers two different types of connection terminals and is ideally suited for universal use.AccessoriesThe CT-S range offers the possibility of using accessories such as a remote potentiometer to adjust the time delay or a sealable transparent cover to protect against unauthorizedchanges in time and threshold values.General news and benefitsThe CT range includes 103 electronic timers and switching relays with 16 different functions. The electronic timers are divided into three ranges with their individual benefits. A lot of different connection terminals such as screw, chamber, double-chamber cage and push-in connection terminals are available. Furthermore, relay outputs and solid-state outputs are also available.2CDC111110B0203 3The modular CT-D range of electronic timersThe CT-D range represents a link between industry and the installation types. For maximum flexibility in operation, 10 single-function as well as 2 multifunction devices with 7 timing functions are available. The devices offer 4 or 7 time ranges from 0.05 seconds up to 100 hours. Their wide input range allows use in applications worldwide.Characteristics of the CT-D range:−Diversity:− 2 multifunction timers−10 single-function timers−Control supply voltages:−Wide range: 12 - 240 V AC/DC−Multi range: 24 - 48 V DC, 24 - 240 V AC− 4 time ranges, from 0.05 s - 10 min, or−7 time ranges, from 0.05 s - 100 h−Width of only 17.5 mm−Light-grey enclosure in RAL 7035−Devices with:− 1 c/o (SPDT) contact (250 V / 6 A) or2 c/o (SPDT) contacts (250 V / 5 A)−Control input: voltage-related triggering, polarized, capable of switching a parallel load4 2CDC111110B02032CDC111110B0203 5Width and structural form:With a width of only 17,5 mm, the CT-D range of electronic timers is ideally suited for installation in distribution panels. The light-grey enclosure (RAL 7035) perfectly fits in with ABB’s MDRC products such as RCBs and MCBs.Approvals / marks:A UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14D GOST K CB scheme E CCC a b C-Tick6 2CDC111110B0203The economic CT-E range of electronic timersThe CT-E range with its excellent price/performance ratio offers an ideal solution for serial applications. 56 single-function devices with 5 different time ranges as well as 2 multifunction timers with 6 functions and 8 time ranges offer the highest possible flexibility for almost everyapplication. For high operating cycles, contact-free CT-E timers with solid-state output are available.Characteristics of the CT-E range: −Diversity:− 2 multifunction timers −56 single-function timers − 4 switching relays −Control supply voltages: −Dual range: 24 V AC/DC−Single range: 110 - 130 V AC, 220-240 V AC −Wide range: 24 - 240 V AC/DC (CT-MFE) −Time ranges:− 5 single ranges: 0.05 - 1 s, 0.1 - 10 s, 0.3 - 30 s, 3 - 300 s, 0.3 - 30 min−8 time ranges: 0.05 s - 100 h (CT-MFE) −Devices with:− 1 c/o (SPDT) contact (250 V / 4 A) or solid-state output for high switching frequencies (thyristor 0.8 A)−Switching relay CT-IRE for added switching contacts with either side-by-side or diagonally positioned connection terminals2CDC111110B0203 7The economic range:The CT-E range offers a wide range of single-function timers with a very good price/performance ratio in the well-known ABB quality. With a total of 56 electronic timers and switching relays, the devices in this range are the ideal solution for most standard applications, for example in machinery.Approvals / marks:A UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14C GL D GOST K CB scheme 1)E CCC 1) L RMRS a b C-Tick1)Except CT-MKE, CT-EKE and CT-AKE8 2CDC111110B0203The high-end CT-S range of electronic timers in a new housing NEWThe highly sophisticated CT-S range is ABB’s most modern and universal time relay range. This program includes 24 single-function devices and 16 multifunction timers with up to 11 functions offering the highest flexibility in operation. The devices feature 7 or 10 time ranges that are adjustable from 0.05 seconds to 300 hours.!NEW!Extended temperature range from -40 °C to 85 °CCharacteristics of the CT-S range: −Diversity:−8 multifunction timers −13 single-function timers −Control supply voltages:−Multi range: 24 - 48 V DC, 24 - 240 V AC −Wide range: 24 - 240 V AC/DC −Single range: 380 - 440 V AC −Devices with:− 1 or 2 c/o (SPDT) contacts−2nd c/o (SPDT) contact can be selected as instantaneous contact−Remote potentiometer connection−Control input with volt-free (dry/floating) or voltage-related (wet/non-floating) triggering e.g. to start timing, pause timing Approvals / marks:A UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14 C GL 1)D GOST K CB scheme 2)E CCC ab C-Tick1) Except CT-VBS.xx2)Pending for CT-ARS.xxDouble-chamber cage connection terminalsDouble-chamber cage connection terminals provide connectionof wires up to 2 x 2.5 mm2 (2 x 14 AWG), rigid or fine-strand,with or without ferrules. Potential distribution does not requireadditional terminals.Easy Connect TechnologyInnovative Push-in connection terminals for tool-free installation.The connection is gas-proof and has the same connectiondirection as the double-chamber cage connection terminals2CDC111110B0203 910 2CDC111110B0203Accessories for the CT-S rangeTo extend the functionalities of the CT-S range you can use one of the following accessories:Remote potentiometer connectionThe CT-S range offers the possibility of connecting a remote potentiometer for the fine adjustment of the time delay. When an external potentiometer is connected, the internal front-face potentiometer is disabled.Sealable transparent coverProtection against unauthorized changes of time and threshold values. Available as an accessory.The symbols are printed on all multifunction electronic timers to make adjustment as easy as possible. The following table explains which symbol represents which function.The timing functions in detailFor further information please have a look at:Catalogue (2CDC 110 004 C0207)Panorama (2CDC 110 065 C0201)Symbol Function A ON delay B OFF delay AB ON and OFF delay CA Impulse ON CB Impulse OFF CE Impulse ON and OFF DA Flasher starting with ON DB Flasher starting with OFF DE Flasher starting with ON or OFF ED Pulse generator starting with ON or OFF H Pulse formerF Star-delta change-overFC Star-delta change-over with impulse FA Star-delta change-over twice ON-delayed G Switching relay G ON/OFF function A + Accumulative ON delayAC Fixed impulse with adjustable time delay BCAdjustable impulse with fixed time delayNotes2CDC111110B0201 11Contact usABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH/lowvoltage-> Control Products -> Electronic Relays and Controls-> Time Relays/contacts Note:We reserve the right to make technical changesor modify the contents of this document withoutprior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potentialerrors or possible lack of information in this docu-ment.We reserve all rights to this document and the sub-ject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilisationof its contents – in whole or in part – is forbidden without prior written consent from ABB AG.Copyright© 2011 ABBAll rights reservedOrderNumber2CDC11111B23PrintedinGermany(7/11)。




为了适应广大用户的生产需求,特为水泥行业开发WSD-ZH-09 型计数器,该计数器使用简单,计数准确,使用方便,可以用一台主机最多连接12个计数器窗口,可在不同的地方随时观察计数数值,子窗口链接距离1000米。










按清零/学习键,屏幕将出现表示第一次学习(按取消可退出),开动流水线,让包过红外对管,此时屏幕下行会出现一数字,如:07 08。










二、PLC特殊继电器使用列表1. 计数器(CT)计数器是一种常见的PLC特殊继电器,用于对输入信号进行计数。


2. 定时器(TIM)定时器是另一种常见的PLC特殊继电器,用于控制输出信号在一定时间内的延时或定时操作。


3. 比较器(CMP)比较器是一种用于比较输入信号与设定值之间关系的PLC特殊继电器。


4. 移位寄存器(MOV)移位寄存器是一种用于对二进制数进行移位操作的PLC特殊继电器。


5. 累加器(ACC)累加器是一种用于对输入信号进行累加操作的PLC特殊继电器。


6. 条件继电器(CND)条件继电器是一种根据特定条件执行控制逻辑的PLC特殊继电器。



CT教学实验仪实验指示书目录一、概述 (1)二、实验原理 (2)三、实验装置与相关仪器 (5)四、实验目的 (6)五、实验内容 (7)六、实验步骤 (7)七、注意事项 (8)八、附录 (8)一、概述计算机断层扫描(Computed Tomography, 简称CT)是计算机技术、数字化图像重建技术和核技术相结合的产物。



1895年11月,德国物理学家伦琴博士(W. C. Rontgen)发现X射线后(并由此获得诺贝尔奖)。














Table of contents目录表重要安全事项和符号说明.................................................................1前言......................................................................................................2前板功能介绍.....................................................................................3后板功能介绍.....................................................................................4技术指标.............................................................................................5故障排除.............................................................................................6Important Safety Instruction and symbol description......8Foreword...........................................................................................9Front panel functions..................................................................10Rear panel functions....................................................................11Specifications.................................................................................12Troubleshooting. (13)User Manual 's 用户使用手册CT Series重要安全事项和符号说明重要安全事项1. 阅读这些规定,注意所有警告,遵守这些规定。



本产品操作时请注意:● 使用前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并按照本使用说明书的要求进行试验接线和操作。

● 使用前请将仪器面板上的接地端钮就近可靠接地。


● 本测试仪最高输出电压可超过1200V! 非专业维修人员严禁打开机箱修理、换件,以免发生触电或其它事故。

● 在给被试设备升压(升流)前本测试仪的屏幕上虽有“请将调压器置零位”的明确提示,但仍强调操作者必须在检查调压器确实在零位后,方可按旋转鼠标! 以防被试设备和仪器遭受高电压、大电流的冲击。

● 本测试仪采用安全隔离型调压器,允许被试设备有一点接地。



)● 本测试仪不允许在高电压、大电流的情况下长时间停留,以防内置升压(流)器过热!● 本测试仪输出容量较大,在试验中应根据试品情况按规程要求合理设置试验参数,以防被试设备过流过载。

● 强烈建议在对试验电压较低的电流互感器做伏安特性试验时使用低电压输出方式;这样能明显改善电压调节细度。

一、产品的用途及特点 HDFA-3 CT特性测试仪(伏安特性、变比、极性)博采众长,摒弃华宠,突出实用,功能全面。



该仪器能够自动测试,并根据所设置的试验参数进行全自动测试CT的伏安特性数据并自动绘制励磁特性曲线,运用本公司开发的随机软件能自动生成和编辑典型的测试报告,并可对1 A 和5A的CT进行5%、10%误差曲线计算、分析、比对,便于技术管理和存档;自动测试和计算CT的变比。




CT-1计数器说明书.docCT-1型计数控制器使用说明书产品介绍CT-1 系列小型计数器与国内其他单机相比,经济实用,结构简单紧凑,安装容易,维护方便。







与同类产品相比 CT-1 计数器最大的优势在于自动检测通过传感器的水泥包装袋的长度,以便计数器更准确的记录,由于其他原因造成的水泥包装袋在输送皮带上的堆积连包,并配有高亮度数码显示屏供人远距离查看计数状态,计数器和大屏幕电源要求220V±10%,超出范围请配电源稳压器。

















































*仪器选用不同电极可进行:颜色滴定、酸碱滴定、氧化还原滴定、络合滴定、非水滴定和pH测量、电导滴定等多种滴定,具备温度探头实现pH 滴定温度补偿。

LCT-01 电子载重测试仪产品说明书

LCT-01 电子载重测试仪产品说明书

F-7The LCT-01 is a portable device designed to help analyze the condition of strain gage–based load cells in scale and industrial applications. The LCT-01 works with most common types and ranges of load cells found in industry. The unit is fully computerized, and a 16 x 2 alphanumeric display guides the operator through all test stages and clearly displays the results. It is also equipped with an LED and buzzer to alert the operator to suspect results.The unit’s 3 operating keys and concise messages guide the user through testing in a step-by-step process.The LCT-01 provides the user with essential data on the condition of the load cell, such as physical condition (including distortions possibly caused by overloading, shock loads, or metal fatigue) and electrical conditions (such as bridge resistance and possible ground faults).Ordering Example: LCT-01, load cell tester, batteries and complete operator’s manual.Digital lOaD CEll tEStERFaSt, REliaBlE tEStiNg OF lOaD CEllSLCT-01 shown smaller than actual size, with LCAE-10KG load cell, sold separately. The LCT Will Test the Following Types of Strain Gage Load Cells:Load Cell Configuration: 4- or 6-wireBridge Impedance: 1 mV/V to 5 mV/V; determined by user in 0.1 mV/V steps Main Test Features Input Impedance: 1 Ω resolution Output Impedance: 1 Ω resolution Sense to Output Impedance: 6-wire load cells Shielding to I/O Impedance: Up to 10 M ΩGround to I/O Impedance: Up to 10 M ΩLoad Cell Output: In % of full scale U Speeds Troubleshooting of Scale SystemsU Compatible with Most Load CellsU No Need to Disconnect Load Cell to TestU Stand-Alone, Portable, Battery OperatedU Clear Screen MessagesSPECIFICATIONS Excitation Voltage: 2.5 Vdc Internal Resolution: 12 bit Total Accuracy: 2%Load Cell Output: 1 mV/V to 5 mV/V selectable in 0.1 mV/V steps (default = 2 mV/V)Power: 4 “AA” batteries (included)Battery Life: Approx. 500 hr with alkaline Connections: Push/clamp terminals Total Connecting Points: 8 (2 input, 2 output, 2 sense, 1 shield, 1 ground)Size: 100 W x 180 H x 44 mm D (4 x 7 x 1.75")Weight: Approx: 250 g (8.8 oz)lCt-01DISCONTINUED。

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CT-1型计数控制器使用说明书产品介绍CT-1 系列小型计数器与国内其他单机相比,经济实用,结构简单紧凑,安装容易,维护方便。







与同类产品相比 CT-1 计数器最大的优势在于自动检测通过传感器的水泥包装袋的长度,以便计数器更准确的记录,由于其他原因造成的水泥包装袋在输送皮带上的堆积连包,并配有高亮度数码显示屏供人远距离查看计数状态,计数器和大屏幕电源要求 220V±10%,超出范围请配电源稳压器。










“记录”键:按此键显示最后一次的计数值并作为第 9 个记录(最后记录),此时按一下“↑”键,记录向前移动一个, 9→8→7 0→9循环显示,按“↓”键与此相反。

二.数码显示 :上排大数码管为主显示,用于显示计数包数或设定包数。






三.状态指示灯 :左下 4 个灯显示仪表输入输出信号状态,“报警输出”输出信号,当计数值小于设定值-报警值时报警输出“皮带启动”输出信号,当按下“启动”键时启动皮带此邓亮。



四.端子出线情况 :1.电源(电源插座在左侧面)电源为 220V 交流电,分为L 和 N,插座为标准带保险三孔插座,在仪表左侧2.输出信号端子( 4 位端子,在左侧面)输出为两组无源信号开点,输出端子为 4 位端子,位于仪表左下侧端子定义如下1,2------- OUT1,OUT1 无源开点,控制报警输出3,4------- OUT2,OUT2 无源开点,控制皮带运行3.大屏幕通讯端子( 3 位端子,在右侧面)大屏幕通讯端子在仪表右侧,为 3 位端子, 1—3 接大屏幕,定义如下1 ---------IGND 大屏幕 485 通讯信号地2 --------- A 大屏幕 485的 A端大屏幕 485的B端3--------- B注意:通讯线要用屏蔽双绞线,屏蔽层连接仪表IGND和大屏幕信号地通讯距离大于200 米。

4.输入信号端子J9(6 位端子,在右侧面)信号输入端子位于仪表右侧,为 6 位端子,接启动连锁信号和光电传感器信号V+24V+,接光电开关电源 +2---------IN1皮带连锁输入信号,1,2(24V+)接皮带运行信号(无源常开点),皮带启动, 1,2 脚接通。

3-------- 24V+ 24V+,接光电开关电源 +4--------- PNP PNP型光电开关输出端,若光电开关为NPN 此端接 24V+。

5--------- NPN NPN 型光电开关输出端,若光电开关为 PNP此端接 24V-。

6-------- 24V- 24V-,接光电开关电源 -。

5.电子锁电子锁为一位电子锁,钥匙插入锁中旋转90 度,此时钥匙不能拔出为打开状态,电子锁触点导通,回转90 度,钥匙可以拔出则为断开状态,只有在电子锁打开时才能按“测试”键进行时间基准测试,断开时不能测试。

五.红外传感器 :发射器(两芯线):棕色接24V电源+,蓝色接24V电源地。

接收器(三芯线):棕色接 24V 电源 +,蓝色接 24V 电源地,黑色接信号,PNP型接收器信号端接PNP端子, NPN 端子接 24V-;NPN 型接收器信号端接NPN端子, PNP端子接 24V+。

光电传感器与端子接线:PNP方式 : NPN 方式 :+24V 电源正+24V 电源正传传PNP 信号PNP感感NPN NPN 信号器器-24V 电源负-24V 电源负注:计数器端子设计为两种传感器均可使用的形式,现场更换使用时一定要注意光电传感器的方式(基恩士: PZ-G52NR、PZ-G52T, 10-30VDC)。

六.详细说明:1.24V 由仪表内部输出,皮带运转应答为皮带运行时输入启动的信号,为皮带运行控制接触器的无缘常开触点。

皮带运行时触点吸合,24V 电压通过触点由IN1 返回仪表,皮带运转应答有效。


2.红外发射和接收管成对使用,电源为6-36V,在此处使用 24V 电压,平时没有水泥包经过时,光电开关三极管截止,仪表没有应答信号,当水泥包经过时,光电开关三极管导通,仪表得到应答信号。

3.当实际计数值 =设定值 -报警包时,报警输出,报警灯亮,即外面继电吸出报警信号。


七.仪表操作1.包数,报警值和正倒计数设定在待机状态下,按“设定”键,主显示最左面数码管显示“F”,进入设定状态,此时主显示右面数码管闪烁,按“↑” “↓”键和“←”,“→”修改设定包数,若认可则按“确认”键存储设定值,此时副显示最右面数码管闪烁,可以修改报警值,按“↑” “↓”键和“←”,“→”修改,按“确认”键存储报警值,此时副显示最左面数码管显示计数方式,H 为正计数, L 为到计数,可按按“↑”“↓”键进行选择,按“确认”键存储计数方式。

若报警值比设定值大则两排数码管闪烁 5 秒,闪烁完毕可重新设定,直到正确为止。

再按一下“设定”键返回待机状态,此时主显示显示设定值 (即设定的包数 ),副显示显示设定重量(吨),等待皮带启动,包数设定值最大数不能超过60000 包,否则溢出。




若显示值 =0 则皮带输出停,皮带停止,报警输出停止。


但大屏幕显示的为总包数,例如设定1000 包,实际计数为1005 包,则仪表显示“ + 00005”,说明超过了 5 包,但大屏幕显示 1005 包。

当设定为正计数形式时,从 0 开始正计数,若皮带连锁信号输入,则水泥袋经过开始计数(即使不按“启动”键,只要有水泥袋经过且皮带连锁信号输入,仪表就计数)。


若显示值大于等于设定值 -报警值,报警灯亮,报警输出。

若显示值 =设定值则皮带输出停,皮带停止,报警输出停止。




3.测试 :由于皮带速度,和包装袋尺寸不同,每包经过光电传感器时间也不一样,所以每包经过的时间必须要经过测试。

(为了更准确的判断连包 ) 只有在测试锁打开的状况下按键才有效,打开电子锁,仪表在皮带停止状态下,按“测试”键,主显示最左面数码管显示“H”并闪烁,进入测试状态,主显示显示上次测试的时间基准(毫秒),按一下“启动”键,皮带启动,每经过一包测试一次时间并更新显示在主显示上,此数值为一袋经过的时间,单位为毫秒,如果认可按一下“启动”键停止皮带,再按一下“测试”键退出测试状态,时间基准存储到存储器中,关闭电子锁并拔下以防止误操作。

4.查看记录仪表共存储最近10 条记录,每计数一次10 条记录循环前移一次,最早记录被覆盖, 10 条记录中最新一条永远是第9 条,最老一条永远是0。

仪表在待机状态下 ,按一下“记录”键,进入查看记录状态,主显示显最新一条记录记录号为 9,最左位显示记录号,右五位显示记录包数,副显示显示吨数,每按一次“↑”键,记录上移一个,到0 后又返回到 9,每按一次“↓”键相反,若想清除记录,按一下“清零”键,记录全部清零。


5.查看累计仪表在待机状态下 ,按一下“累计”键,进入查看累计状态,主显示显示累计包数,副显示显示累计吨数,若想清除累计,按一下“清零”键,记录全部清零。

