睡前少儿英语故事带翻译-Momotaro 桃太郎
简单英语童话故事带翻译-潘多拉PandoraAfter the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he ordered his son Hephaestus tobuild an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.Among others,Athena clothed her in an attractive coat and Hermes gave her the power of telling lies.A charming young lady,she was the first woman that ever lived.Zeus called her Pandora.Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift.The gift was harmful to men.Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus,brother of Prometheus.The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her,and Epimetheus happily received her into his house.He had quite forgotten Pometheus' warning:never to accept anything from Zeus.The couple lived a happy life for some time.Then trouble came on to the human world.When he was busy with teaching men the art ofliving,Prometheus had left a bigcask in the care of Epimetheus.He had warned his brother not to open thelid.Pandora was a curious woman.She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask.One day,when Epimetheus was out,she lifted the lid and out itcame unrest and war,Plague and sickness,theft and violence, grief sorrow,and all the other evils.The human world was hence to experience theseevils.Only hope stayed within the mouth of the jar and never flew out.So men always have hope within their hearts.潘多拉偷窃天火之后,宙斯对人类的敌意与日俱增。
Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in the mountains. Everyday the old man went to the mountain and collected firewood, while the old woman went to the river and did the laundry. One day, she was doing the washing when a big peach came floating down the river towards her. As it was a big and juicy-looking fruit, she thought that her husband would be glad to eat it so she took it home. When the old man came back for lunch and saw the nice peach, he was really happy. The old woman cut the big peach open with a knife. What a surprise! A lovely little boy was in the peach.The old man and woman had no children so they were really grateful the gods had sent them a boy in this peach. Since he was born in a peach, they decided to call him Momotaro which means "peach-boy". The old woman cooked a meal for the little boy who ate as much as he could; the more he ate, the more he grew. Soon he became a tall and strong boy.No matter how tall or strong he was, Momotaro was a lazy boy. Day after day, all he did was sleep and eat. In the village the other boys went to the mountain and picked firewood while Momotaro was the only one doing nothing. This worried the old man and the old woman, so they asked the other boys to try to make Momotaro go and work with them.The boys then invited him, "Momotaro, would you come with us? We're going to collect firewood."But he answered, "I haven't a basket, so I can't go with you" and went back to sleep.The following day, they invited him again, "Momotaro, would you come with us? We're going to collect firewood."And he answered them, "I haven't any sandals, so I can't go with you" and went back to sleep. Upon hearing this, the old woman got angry with Momotaro for being so lazy, so the next day he went to collect firewood with the other boys.While the boys were working and collecting firewood, Momotaro took a nap. When the work was finished, the boys decided to go back to the village. Just then, Momotaro awoke and said to them, "I'll collect firewood and come back with you."They retorted, "If you start working now, we'll get back too late."Momotaro turned a deaf ear to them and went to a very big tree. Holding it by the middle, he uprooted it. Astonishing! All the boys could not believe their eyes! Thus the tall and strong Momotaro carried the big tree, while the other boys carried bundles of firewood back to the village. The old man and the old woman were amazed when they saw Momotaro carrying this very big tree as if it was a mere bundle of firewood.The county lord happened to hear about this and wished to meet Momotaro. The next day Momotaro went to see the county lord. The lord said to him, "Ogres have been threatening and robbing my peasants for a long time. If you are as strong as I heard, you shall go and punish them." Momotaro then agreed to go to the Island of Ogres.For his journey, the old man and woman baked some millet cookies and gave them to Momotaro. Away he went and on his way he met a dog."Momotaro, where are you going?" asked the dog."To the Island of Ogres, to punish them.""And what are you bringing with you?""The best millet cookies of Japan.""Can I have one and go with you?" offered the dog. Momotaro gave the dog a cookie and they went along together.Soon they met a monkey."Momotaro, where are you going?" asked the monkey."To the Island of Ogres, to punish them.""And what are you bringing with you?""The best millet cookies of Japan.""Can I have one and go with you?" offered the monkey. Momotaro gave the monkey a cookie and the three of them went along together.Then they met a pheasant."Momotaro, where are you going?" asked the pheasant."To the Island of Ogres, to punish them.""And what are you bringing with you?""The best millet cookies of Japan.""Can I have one and go with you?" offered the pheasant. So Momotaro gave the pheasant a cookie too.Momotaro, the dog, the monkey and the pheasant went together to the Island of Ogres by boat. They were sailing but could not see the island, so the pheasant went up in the sky. He found the island and guided the boat. Soon they landed on the Island of Ogres. There on the island was a great big castle with a huge door. It was tightly closed, but the monkey jumped easily inside and opened the huge door.Momotaro entered and said to the ogres, who were having a feast, "My name is Momotaro, and I came to punish you." The ogres laughed at him, but the dog ran in and bit them as Momotaro fought using his sword. Momotaro and his companions, having eaten the best millet cookies of Japan, knew no fear and were strong.At last the ogres cried for mercy, "We shall never be bad again, please spare our lives."The defeated ogres gave Momotaro their treasure. He took it and returned with his companions, who had eaten the best millet cookies of Japan and helped defeat the ogres. The old man and the old woman, who had been worrying about Momotaro, welcomed them back cheerfully.After that Momotaro and the old man and woman lived happily together. 翻译:很久很久以前,⼀个地⽅住着⽼爷爷和⽼奶奶.通常,爷爷上⼭砍柴,奶奶去河边洗⾐服.⼀天,奶奶洗⾐服时,⼀个⼤桃⼦⼀沉⼀浮地顺⽔漂来.看到了这个桃⼦,奶奶就把它带回了家,想让爷爷尝个鲜.吃中午饭时,爷爷从⼭⾥回来了,看到了这个桃⼦后欢喜得不得了.两个⼈刚刚将桃⼦切开,不由得吓了⼀⼤跳,原来呀,⼀个活蹦乱眺的⼩男孩从桃⼦⾥⾯跳了出来.爷爷和奶奶没有孩⼦,于是欢天喜地地认为孩⼦是天赐的,就把他叫做"桃太郎", 奶奶做好了饭给他吃,尽管桃太郎有点⼉害怕,但仍然吃得很⾹甜.于是,桃太郎渐渐地长⼤了.桃太郎不停地吃,不停地长,变成了⼀个⼤⼒⼠,同时也是⼀个⼤懒汉.每天的任务只是吃了睡,睡了吃.村⾥的年轻⼈每⽇上⼭捡柴,可桃太郎却什么活也不⼲.爷爷和奶奶挺担⼼的,就拜托村⾥年轻⼈说:"叫上桃太郎⼀起去吧."当他们来找桃太郎⼀起上⼭并说:"桃太郎,⼀块⼉打柴去吧"时,他却推说:"没有背篓,去不成啊."说完后,继续睡午觉.第⼆天,这些年轻⼈⼜来邀桃太郎,他推诿道:"没鞋,去不了哇."⼜过了⼀天,奶奶终于忍不住⽣⽓了,没有办法,桃太郎不得不和村⾥的年轻⼈们⼀起上⼭了.⼤家在⼭⾥拾柴,桃太郎却只是睡⼤觉.等到⼤家收拾好柴篓要回家时,桃太郎说:"我也想拾点⼉柴,然后⼀起回去吧."⼤家说:"天⾊都已经不早了,来不及了."就在这时, 桃太郎抓住了⼀棵⼤树,突然间将它拔了出来,把⼤家吓了⼀⼤跳.于是,他扛着⼤树和⼤伙返回了村⾥.见到了这种情况,爷爷和奶奶⾮常吃惊.这事传到了⼤⼈的⽿朵⾥,⼤⼈萌⽣了特别想见桃太郎的念头.见了⾯,⼤⼈说:"前⼀阵⼉总有坏魔⿁骚扰村民,偷盗各种物品器具.因为你很有⼒⽓,那么请你去征服魔⿁吧."因此,桃太郎伏⿁这件事就这么定了.爷爷和奶奶作好了黄⽶⾯团给桃太郎带上.就这样他出发了.途中他遇到了⼀条狗, 狗问他,:"桃太郎,你这是去哪⼉呀.""魔⿁要去岛上,我正要去除⿁.""那你腰间挂的是什么呢?""最吃的黄⽶⾯团.""给我⼀个好吗,我和你⼀起去",狗说.于是桃太郎给了狗⼀个黄⽶⾯团.和狗⼀起继续⾏进时,⼜遇到了⼀只猴⼦,猴⼦问:"桃太郎,你这是去哪⼉呀.""魔⿁要去岛上,我去除⿁.""那你腰间挂的是什么呢?""最吃的黄⽶⾯团.""给我⼀个吧,我和你们⼀块⼉去",猴⼦说.桃太郎⼜给了猴⼦⼀个黄⽶⾯团.于是,桃太郎带着狗和猴⼦继续赶路了.这回跳出来⼀只野鸡.同样地,野鸡问他:"桃太郎,你这是去哪⼉呀.""魔⿁要去岛上,我去除⿁.""你腰间挂着的是什么呀?""最吃的黄⽶⾯团.""给我⼀个吧,我和你们⼀块⼉去."这样,桃太郎⼜给了野鸡⼀个黄⽶⾯团. 桃太郎,狗,猴⼦,野鸡好不容易才到了海边,因为魔⿁们已经去了岛上,他们就划船向海岛出发了.摇啊摇,摇啊摇,怎么也看不到那个岛屿.野鸡就飞到了空中,观察到了岛屿的位置,指挥着⼤家向那个地⽅划去,这样,⼤家到达了岛上.岛上有⼀座⼤城,城门紧闭, 猴⼦敏捷地爬到了门⾥,将门栓摘掉,把门打开了.⽽魔⿁们仍⼀⽆所知地⼜是喝酒⼜是唱歌.桃太郎⼤声喝道:"我乃桃太郎是也,前来消除你们."魔⿁们见他们势单⼒薄,并不把他们放在眼⾥.但是,吃了最吃的黄⽶⾯团后精⼒充沛的桃太郎和伙伴们并肩作战, 瞬间就把魔⿁们打得落花流⽔.魔⿁们赔罪说:"我们归还抢盗来的宝物,决不再做坏事了,给我们留⼀条活路吧." 惩治了魔⿁后,桃太郎和伙伴们带着宝物回到了村⾥.正担惊受怕的爷爷和奶奶见状⾮常⾼兴.从那以后,桃太郎与爷爷和奶奶⼀直过着幸福愉快的⽣活.。
桃太郎英语绘本故事读后感英文回答:The story of Momotaro, or Peach Boy, is a classic Japanese folktale that has been passed down through generations. It tells the tale of a boy who was born from a peach and grew up to become a brave hero. This story has always been one of my favorites because it teachesimportant lessons about bravery, friendship, and the powerof teamwork.One of the things I love about the story is how Momotaro shows incredible bravery from a young age. He decides to go on a journey to defeat the demons that are causing trouble in his village. Despite being just a young boy, he is not afraid to face the challenges that lie ahead. This reminds me of the saying "courage is not the absenceof fear, but rather the judgment that something else ismore important than fear." Momotaro's determination to protect his village and his loved ones is truly inspiring.Another aspect of the story that I find fascinating is the theme of friendship. Along his journey, Momotaro encounters various animals who become his loyal companions. There is the dog, the monkey, and the pheasant, who alljoin forces with Momotaro to defeat the demons. This reminds me of the saying "friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" The bond that Momotaro forms with his animal friends is a testament to the power of unity and the importance of having a strong support system.The story also emphasizes the importance of teamwork. Momotaro and his animal friends work together to come up with a plan to defeat the demons. Each animal uses their unique abilities to contribute to the success of the mission. This reminds me of the saying "teamwork makes the dream work." By working together and utilizing each other's strengths, Momotaro and his companions are able to overcome the challenges they face. This teaches us that we can achieve great things when we collaborate and support one another.In conclusion, the story of Momotaro is a timeless tale that teaches valuable lessons about bravery, friendship, and teamwork. It shows us that even in the face of adversity, we can find the strength within ourselves to overcome challenges. It reminds us of the importance of having a strong support system and the power of unity. I believe that these lessons are not only applicable to the fictional world of Momotaro, but also to our own lives. We can all learn from Momotaro's courage, his ability to form meaningful friendships, and his understanding of the power of teamwork.中文回答:《桃太郎》这个故事是一个经典的日本民间故事,已经传承了很多年。
儿童睡前小山羊故事Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling green hills, there lived a little goat named Baobao. Baobao was a playful and curious little goat, always eager to explore the world around him. He loved to frolic in the meadows, climb trees, and make new friends. However, there was one thing that Baobao enjoyed more than anything else in the world – bedtime stories.Every night, Baobao's mother, Mimi, would gather all the little goats under the starry sky and tell them enchanting tales. These stories would transport Baobao and his friends to far-off lands and teach them important life lessons. Among all the bedtime stories, Baobao's favorite was the story of a magical mountain goat.The tale spoke of a wise and gentle mountain goat named Leo, who lived on the highest peak of a magnificent mountain. Leo possessed great knowledge and had the power to bring joy and happiness to all those who visited him. It was said that every night, while the world was asleep, Leo would come down from the mountain and sprinkle a touch of magic on all the children, ensuring they had sweet dreams and a peaceful sleep.Baobao would listen in awe as his mother described how Leo's fur shone brightly in the moonlight and how his gentle eyes sparkled with wisdom. The little goat would imagine himself traversing through lush meadows and climbing towering cliffs to reach Leo. The thought of meeting this kind and magical creature filled Baobao's heart with excitement.Motivated by this wondrous tale, Baobao would eagerly anticipate bedtime every night. He would make sure he was clean and cozy, nestled safely in his warm bed of soft straw. As Mimi began to weave her story, Baobao would close his eyes and let his imagination take flight. He could almost feel the cool mountain breeze and the soft grass beneath his hooves.One night, after hearing the story for what felt like the hundredth time, Baobao made a wish. He wished with all his might to meet Leo, the magical mountain goat. Little did Baobao know that his heartfelt wish was about to come true.Just as Baobao began to drift off to sleep, a warm breeze brushed against his fur, and a soft voice whispered in his ear, "Baobao, follow the stars, and your wish shall be granted."Startled but filled with excitement, Baobao opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a mesmerizing glow. The stars above him twinkled brightly, pointing him in the direction of the mountain.Without hesitation, Baobao set off on his magical journey. He followed the stars, climbing higher and higher up the steep mountain path. The higher he ascended, the more he could feel the presence of Leo drawing near.As Baobao reached the mountain's peak, he was greeted by a sight that took his breath away. There, standing before him, was Leo – the majestic mountain goat. His fur shimmered in silver and gold, illuminating the entire mountaintop.Leo's voice was as gentle as a summer breeze as he spoke to Baobao, "You have shown great courage and determination to seek me out, little one.You shall be blessed with the gift of bringing joy and happiness to all those around you."With those words, Leo raised his mighty hoof and touched Baobao's forehead. Baobao felt a surge of warmth and love pulsate through his body. In that moment, he knew that he had been given a special gift – the gift of making others happy.Filled with gratitude, Baobao bid farewell to Leo and began his journey back down the mountain. As he returned to his village, he noticed how everything seemed brighter and more beautiful. The trees swayed graciously in the wind, and even the flowers seemed to smile at him.From that day on, Baobao became known as the village's little joy-bringer. His laughter echoed through the meadows, and his playful antics brought smiles to everyone's faces. Baobao shared the stories he had heard from his mother, spreading the magic and wisdom of Leo far and wide.And so, the bedtime story of Leo, the magical mountain goat, continued to be told for generations to come. It inspired countless children, just like Baobao, to believe in the power of kindness and the magic that lies within their imaginations.As the moonlight bathed the village once again, Baobao settled down with his friends, ready to listen to his mother's enchanting tales. And as Baobao closed his eyes, he knew that even though Leo was not physically with him, the magic of their meeting would forever be etched in his heart.Goodnight, Baobao. Pleasant dreams, little one. May your journey continue to inspire the dreams of children far and wide.Note: This story is a work of fiction and does not represent any specific format such as a contract, essay, or composition.。
There was once a little princess, she was playing with her golden ball at the well, her ball into the air, failed to catch the hand, golden ball fell into the well, she was very sad. She looked around, hoping someone can help her. At this time, there is a frog came before her. The frog said: "? Little Princess, why do you cry" little princess said: "My golden ball fell into the well." The frog said: "If you are willing to work with me to eat a bowl of rice, sleep in the same bed and my friends, I can give you retrieve golden. "Princess do not care. Help her retrieve golden frog, she turned and ran back to the palace, a small frog had to jump back to the well.The Frog Prince The next morning, the little princess was at the table having breakfast, small frogs hard knock on the door of the palace. Little Princess opened the door, turned the offending frog, she quickly shut the door, panting back to the previous table. The king asked her: "? What's wrong with" the little princess after yesterday told the king. The king hear very angry and said: "They help you, how you gone back yet?" Little princess had to open the door for small frogs come reluctantly and small frogs eat together, sleep. Finally, the little princess was angry, grabbed a small frog thrown into the wall. Frog Just a floor, suddenly turned into a handsome prince. Little princess prince to talk to his terrible experience: "There is an evil witch turned me into an ugly frog, I had to stay in the bottom of the well, only you can save me." Little Princess is very sympathetic to the prince encounter, and he agreed to be good friends.Later, they became husband and wife, and lived a happy life.I think a man can not speak not words, inconsistencies, be a man of honor. 从前有⼀位⼩公主,有⼀次她在井边玩她的⾦球,她将球抛向空中,却没能⽤⼿接住,⾦球掉到了井⾥,她很伤⼼。
英语民间小故事:Big TurtleMany years ago the world had two parts.Animals lived in the lower part, which was was completely covered in water and had no land or soil. Above was the Sky World, where the sky people lived.The Sky World had lots of soil, with beautiful mountains and valleys. One day a girl from the Sky World went for a long walk and became very tired."I'm so tired, I need to rest" she said. She sat down under the spreading branches of an apple tree and quickly fell asleep.Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound like thunder and the ground began to crack. A big hole opened up next to the apple tree."What's happening?" screamed the frightened girl. She tried to move but it was too late. She and the tree slid through the hole and tumbled over and over towards the watery world below."Help me! Help me!" screamed the girl. Luckily two swans were swimming below and saw the girl tumbling down from the sky."Come on!" yelled one swan. "Let's catch her before she hits the water""Okay!" yelled the other.The swans spread their wings together and caught the girl on their soft feather backs."Whew! That was lucky" said the girl. "But what do I do now?I can't get back up to the Sky World and I can't stay on your backs forever."We'll take you to Big turtle" said the swans. "He knows everything".After hearing what happened, the Big Turtle called all the animals in the water world to a meeting. He told them an old story about soil being found deep under the water."If we can get some of that soil, we can build an island on my back for you to live on" said the Big Turtle. "Sounds good to me" said the young girl.The Otter, Beaver and Muskrat started arguing over who would dive for the soil."I'll go" said the sleek Otter, brushing his glossy fur."No! I'll go" said Beaver, slapping the water with his big flat tail."I'm the best swimmer" said Muskrat "I'll go.""Aaaachooo!" sneezed the young girl. "Guys, guys, would just one of you go. These swan feathers are getting up my nose and making me sneeze"."Sorry" said the swans."That's alright" said the young Sky girl.Then Toskwaye the little Toad, popped up out of the water. "I'll go. I can dive very deep" she said.The other animals started laughing and pointing at Toskwaye. "You! You're too small and ugly to help". cried the others, laughing."Be quite!" said Big Turtle in a loud, stern voice."Everyone is equal and everyone will have a chance to try".The sleek Otter smoothed his glossy fur, took a deep breath and slid into the water. He was gone for a long time before he came up gasping for air."It was too deep" he said. "I couldn't dive that far."Now it's my turn" said Beaver. He slapped the water with his tail as he disappeared. After a long time he came to the surfaceagain."It's too far" he gasped. "No one can dive that deep."Muskrat tried next and failed. "Aaaachoo!" sneezed the young girl. "This is not looking good""Now it's my turn" said little Toskwaye the T oad. She took a deep breath and jumped into the water. She was gone a very long time and everyone thought they wouldn't see her again.Suddenly Otter pointed at the water, shouting "Look, look! Bubbles!"Toskwaye's small, ugly face appeared through the water. She spat a few grains of soil onto the Big Turtle's back, then fell back into the water - dead.The Turtle ordered the others to rub the soil grains and spread them around on his shell. The grains grew and grew, until a large island was formed - big enough for the girl to live on.It grew into our world as we know it today. And the descendants of the Sky girl became the Earth's people.Today, some people say the whole world still rests on Big Turtles back. When he gets tired and changes his position, we have earthquakes.Toad has not been forgotten either. American native Indians call her "Mashutaha", which means 'Our Grandmother'. No one is allowed to harm her.。
桃太郎英语绘本故事读后感English:After reading the story of Momotaro in the English picture book, I was truly fascinated by the timeless tale of courage, compassion, and triumph. The character of Momotaro, the Peach Boy, embodies bravery and heroism as he sets out on a quest to defeat the menacing ogres who are terrorizing the land. His determination, leadership, and unwavering spirit inspire not only his animal companions but also the readers to believe in the power of good prevailing over evil. The vivid illustrations brought the story to life, capturing the essence of traditional Japanese folklore and showcasing the bond between Momotaro and his loyal animal allies. The messages of unity, friendship, and perseverance resonated deeply with me, reminding me of the importance of coming together with others to overcome obstacles and achieve victory. Overall, the story of Momotaro left me feeling inspired and uplifted, demonstrating the enduring impact of timeless tales on readers of all ages.中文翻译:读完英语绘本中的桃太郎故事后,我真正被这个充满勇气、同情心和胜利的永恒故事所吸引。
桃太郎英语读后感Reading "Momotaro" in English is a delightful experience that brings me back to my childhood days in Japan. The story of a boy bornfrom a peach who goes on a mission to defeat evil demons is a classic tale that continues to captivate readers of all ages.读过《桃太郎》的英语版给我带来了愉快的体验,让我回想起在日本的童年时光。
The character of Momotaro embodies bravery, kindness, and determination. His courage in facing the demons and his compassion towards his animal companions teach us valuable lessons about friendship and teamwork.桃太郎这个人物体现了勇敢、善良和坚定的品质。
The English version of "Momotaro" captures the essence of the original Japanese folktale while adding a new layer of excitementand adventure. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative make the story come alive in a fresh and compelling way.《桃太郎》的英语版捕捉了原日本民间故事的精髓,同时增加了新的刺激和冒险元素。
2023带翻译的英文寓言小故事2023带翻译的英文寓言小故事(一)站在屋顶的小山羊与狼Standing on the roof of a small goat and the WolfKid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, bu2023带翻译的英文寓言小故事y, scold me is not you, but your terrain."This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong.小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。
2023带翻译的英文寓言小故事(二)The Hippo and IA hippo lives in the zoo. I like him very much. I often go to see him. He often thinks of me, too. Today is Sunday. It is fine day. I go to see him again. After I leave the zoo, he follows me to my house. I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other food. He eats them up. When I sing songs, he stays in the pool. He is as quite as a rabbit.In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with me. My mum tells him to go home. He has to pack his bag and go back to the zoo. My mum lets me see him every week.我与河马河马住在动物园里,我很喜欢他。
桃太郎英语绘本故事读后感Title: Reflections on the English Illustrated Story of MomotaroReading the English illustrated story of Momotaro was a delightful experience that transported me to a world of ancient Japanese folklore and adventure. The story, which centers around the brave and intelligent hero Momotaro, is a timeless tale that resonates with young and old alike.The illustrations in the book were particularly captivating, bringing the story to life in vivid colors and detailed drawings. They effectively captured the essence of each scene, from the serene countryside where Momotaro was born to the exciting battles against evil ogres. The combination of text and illustrations made the story even more engaging and enjoyable to read.The story itself is a classic example of good vs. evil, with Momotaro embarking on a journey to rid his village of harmful ogres. His bravery, wit, and kindness are qualities that are admirable and inspire young readers to emulate. The message of overcoming obstacles and standing up for what is right is a powerful one that resonates strongly in today's world.Additionally, the English translation of the story was smooth and easy to follow, making it accessible to a wider audience. The language used was simple yet effective, capturing the essence of the original story while maintaining the charm and magic of the folklore.In conclusion, the English illustrated story of Momotaro is a wonderful introduction to Japanese folklore and a great read for children and adults alike. It is a story that warms the heart, stimulates the imagination, and leaves a lasting impression. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in exploring different cultures and enjoying a timeless tale of heroism and adventure.桃太郎英语绘本故事的读后感阅读桃太郎的英语绘本故事是一次令人愉快的体验,它带我进入了一个充满日本古代民间传说和冒险的世界。
少儿双语英语故事:蚊子和狮子蚊子和狮子The Mosquito and the LionA mosquito went up to a lion and said, “Everyone saysyou are the strongest animal in the world.”“That’s right,” said the lion. “I am big and strong, and I have sharp teeth.”“Well, I’m not afraid of you,” said the mosquito. “I am going to fight you, and I am going to win!”“You could never win,” laughed the lion. “I am a thousand times stronger than you.”“Here I come!” cried the mosquito, and he flew towardthe lion’s f ace.The mosquito landed on the lion's nose and bit him again and again. The lion tried to sink his teeth into the mosquito, but the mosquito was too small."I give up!" said the lion. "Please don't bite me anymore.""I won!" shouted the mosquito as he flew away. But hedidn't look where he was going and he became trapped in a spider's web."How strange," thought the mosquito. "I defeated a lion, but a tiny spider can defeat me."Vocabulary1.mosquito n. 蚊子ugh v. 笑;嘲笑3.toward prep. 朝….;向…..nd v. 降落;着陆5.web n. (蜘蛛)网6.defeat v. 击败;战胜7.tiny adj. 微小的英语补给站Language NotesA thousand times stronger than 比…强壮一百倍解析要说『A比B更…』时,我们常用这样的句型:A +be动词+比较级+than +B*He is stronger than you.他比你强壮。
Near the king's castle lay a dark, gloomy forest. In the middle of the forest there was a fountain. One day, the king' s daughter went into the forest when it was very hot. She sat down on the side of the cool fountain. Then she began to toss a golden ball in the air, and catch it. It was a most interesting game to her. Once, however, the king' s daughter failed to catch the golden ball. It fell on the ground, and rolled into the water. The princess followed it with her eyes, but soon it disappeared. The water was very deep and she could not see the bottom. Then she cried aloud, and began to weep. Soon she heard a voice. It said, "Why are you weeping, princess? Your tears can melt even the stones!" She looked around and saw a frog. He was stretching his thick ugly head out of the water. "Oh, there you are, old waterpaddler," she said. "I am crying for the loss of my golden ball. It has fallen into into the fountain." 很久很久以前,有⼀位国王,他有很多美丽的⼥⼉。
桃太郎的民间故事《桃太郎》外文名:《Momotarou Densetsu》,在日本是一个家喻户晓的民间故事,它具有民间故事叙事性强、结构清晰、故事曲折等典型特点,桃太郎身上也具备了善良、勇敢、坚毅等民间故事主角的典型性格特征。
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睡前少儿英语故事带翻译-Momotaro 桃太郎
Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in the mountains. Everyday the old man went to the mountain and collected firewood, while the old woman went to the river and did the laundry. One day, she was doing the washing when a big peach came floating down the river towards her. As it was a big and juicy-looking fruit, she thought that her husband would be glad to eat it so she took it home. When the old man came back for lunch and saw the nice peach, he was really happy. The old woman cut the big peach open with a knife. What a surprise! A lovely little boy was in the peach.
The old man and woman had no children so they were really grateful the gods had sent them a boy in this peach. Since he was born in a peach, they decided to call him Momotaro which means "peach-boy". The old woman cooked a meal for the little boy who ate as much as he could; the more he ate, the more he grew. Soon he became a tall and strong boy.
No matter how tall or strong he was, Momotaro was a lazy boy. Day after day, all he did was sleep and eat. In the village the other boys went to the mountain and picked firewood while Momotaro was the only one doing nothing. This worried the old man and the old woman, so they asked the other boys to try to make Momotaro go and work with them.
The boys then invited him, "Momotaro, would you come with us? We're going to collect firewood."
But he answered, "I haven't a basket, so I can't go with you" and went back to sleep.
The following day, they invited him again, "Momotaro, would you come with us? We're going to collect firewood."
And he answered them, "I haven't any sandals, so I can't go with you" and went back to sleep. Upon hearing this, the old woman got angry with Momotaro for being so lazy, so the next day he went to collect firewood with the other boys.
While the boys were working and collecting firewood, Momotaro took a nap. When the work was finished, the boys decided to go back to the village. Just then, Momotaro awoke and said to them, "I'll collect firewood and come back with you."
They retorted, "If you start working now, we'll get back too late."
Momotaro turned a deaf ear to them and went to a very big tree. Holding it by the middle, he uprooted it. Astonishing! All the boys could not believe their eyes! Thus the tall and strong Momotaro carried the big tree, while the other boys carried bundles of firewood back to the village. The old man and the old woman were amazed when they saw Momotaro carrying this very big tree as if it was a mere bundle of firewood.
The county lord happened to hear about this and wished to meet Momotaro. The next day Momotaro went to see the county lord. The lord said to him, "Ogres have been threatening and robbing my peasants for a long time. If you are as strong as I heard, you shall go and punish them." Momotaro then agreed to go to the Island of Ogres.
For his journey, the old man and woman baked some millet cookies and gave them to Momotaro. Away he went and on his way he met a dog.
"Momotaro, where are you going?" asked the dog.
"To the Island of Ogres, to punish them."
"And what are you bringing with you?"
"The best millet cookies of Japan."
"Can I have one and go with you?" offered the dog. Momotaro gave the dog a cookie and they went along together.
Soon they met a monkey.
"Momotaro, where are you going?" asked the monkey.
"To the Island of Ogres, to punish them."
"And what are you bringing with you?"
"The best millet cookies of Japan."
"Can I have one and go with you?" offered the monkey. Momotaro gave the monkey a cookie and the three of them went along together.
Then they met a pheasant.
"Momotaro, where are you going?" asked the pheasant.
"To the Island of Ogres, to punish them."
"And what are you bringing with you?"
"The best millet cookies of Japan."。