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• A generalized formula for Present Value of Annuity: PVA = A × PVIFA
Where: PVA = Present value of the Annuity PVIFA = Annuity Factor = {1 – [1 ÷ (1+i)n] ÷ i} A = Annuity value i = Interest rate n = Number of periods
In the previous case, PV = $1,000, i = 10%, n = 4, hence;
Future Value of $1(FVIF)
Table 9–1
Future Value – Single Amount (Cont’d)
• In determining future value, the following can be used:
• The Future Value of an Annuity is the sum of the future values of single amounts receivable at the end of each period
Determining the Annuity Value
Compounding Process for Annuity
Future Value of an Annuity of $1(FVIFA)
Table 9–3
Present Value – Annuity
• Calculated by discounting each individual payment back to the present and then adding up all of these payments
– Assuming
Present Value of $1(PVIF)
Table 9–2
Relationship of Present and Future Value
Future Value – Annuity
• Annuity:
– A series of consecutive payments or receipts of equal amount
– Assuming n = 4, i = 6%:
Relationship of Present Value to Annuity
Annual interest is based on the beginning balance for each year as shown in the following table that shows flow of funds:
• A generalized formula for Future Value of Annuity: FVA = A × FVIFA
Where: FVA = Future value of the Annuity FVIFA = Annuity Factor = {[(1+i)n – 1] ÷ i} A = Annuity value i = Interest rate n = Number of periods; • Assuming, A = $1,000, n = 4, and i = 10%
– The relationship between present value and future value
• Inverse relationship exists between the present value and future value of a single amount
– The relationship between the Present Value of a single amount and the Present Value of an Annuity
Future Value – Single Amount (Cont’d)
A generalized formula for Future Value:
Where FV = Future value PV = Present value i = Interest rate n = Number of periods;
• The Present Value of an Annuity is the sum of the present values of single amounts payable at the end of each period
– The relationship between the Future Value and Future Value of Annuity
• Mathematical tools of the time value of money are used in making capital allocation decisions
Future Value – Single Amount
• Measuring value of an amount that is allowed to grow at a given interest over a period of time
= the interest factor
• If $10,000 were invested for 10 years at 8%, the future value would be:
Present Value – Single Amount
• A sum payable in the future is worth less today than the stated amount
– The formula for the present value is derived from the original formula for future value:
– The present value can be determined by solving for a mathematical solution to the formula above, thus restating the formula as:
– Assuming that the worth of $1,000 needs to be calculated after 4 years at a 10% interest per year, we have:
1st year……$1,000 X 1.10 = $1,100 2nd year…...$1,100 X 1.10 = $1,210 3rd year……$1,210 X 1.10 = $1,331 4th year……$1,331 X 1.10 = $1,464
ChapterFra Baidu bibliotek
The Time Value of Money
Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter Outline
• Time value associated with money • Determining future value at given interest
rate • Present value based on current value of
funds to be received • Determining Yield on an Investment. • Compounding or discounting occurring on a
less than annual basis
– For n = 4, and i = 10%, $1,000 as below :
is 4.641. Thus, A equals
Annuity Equaling a Present Value
– Determining what size of an annuity can be equated to a given amount:
Table 9–5
Loan Amortization
• A mortgage loan to be repaid over 20 years at 8% interest:
Loan Amortization Table
•In such a case the part of the payments to the mortgage company will go toward the payment of interest, with the remainder applied to debt reduction, as indicated in the following table: Table 9–6
Relationship to The Capital Outlay Decision
• The time value of money is used to determine whether future benefits are sufficiently large to justify current outlays
• Future Value of an Annuity:
– Calculated by compounding each individual payment into the future and then adding up all of these payments
Future Value – Annuity (cont’d)
Present Value of an Annuity of $1(PVIFA)
Assuming that A = $1,000, n = 4, i = 10%, we have: Table 9–4
Time Value Relationships
• Comparisons include:
Yield – Present Value of a Single Amount
• To calculate the yield on an investment producing $1,464 after 4 years having a present value of $1,000:
Six Formulas
Determining the Yield on Investment
• Determining the unknown variable “ i “, given the following variables :
1. FV/PV : Future/Present value of money 2. N : no. of years 3. A : Annuity Value / payment per period in an
• Given the first three variables, and determining the fourth variable “A” (unknown ).
Annuity Equaling a Future Value
– Assuming that at a 10% interest rate, after 4 years, an amount of $4,641 needs to accumulated:
• A re-look at the variables involved in time value of money:
1. FV/PV : Future/Present value of money 2. N : no. of years 3. I : Interest or YIELD 4. A : Annuity Value / payment per period in an annuity