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第 I卷(三部分,共70分)




1. How did the woman get home?

A. By air.

B. By train.

C. By bus.

2. What did Kate do?

A. She sang a song.

B. She took a nap in her room.

C. She listened to some music.

3. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In an office.

B. At the man’s

C. At the woman’s.

4. What does the woman enjoy doing now?

A. Playing the piano.

B. Singing.

C. Playing tennis

5. What did Bob do yesterday?

A. He went out with his family.

B. He attended a birthday party.

C. He went for a barbecue with his friend.



6. What is the package’s weight?

A. 1.25 kilograms.

B. 1.35 kilograms.

C. 12.5 kilograms.

7. What will the man do next?

A. Make the payment.

B. Fill in a form.

C. Leave the post office.


8. Who is the man probably?

A. The employer.

B. A visitor.

C. The woman’s husband.

9. What does the man next to the girl do?

A. An engineer.

B. An accountant.

C. A businessman.

10. What do we know about the office?

A. It’s ver y comfortable.

B. It’s next to a coffee bar.

C. It is very small.


11. Why does the woman admire O·Henry?

A. He began writing in hard conditions.

B. His stories have unexpected ending.

C. His language is full of humor.

12. When did Jack London leave the school?

A. In 1916

B. In 1890

C. In 1896


13. Who does Tom live with?

A. His parents.

B. His aunt.

C. His uncle.

14. Where does Tom get lost?

A. In a cave.

B. On an island.

C. In the mountain.

15. What is Injun Joe like?

A. He is handsome.

B. He is Tom’s best friend.

C. He is a bad man.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25)


16.S miling is ________universal language and it is one of ________ ways to express


A.the; /

B. a; /

C. an; the

D. a; the

17.----Hey, you haven’t been acting like yourself. Everything OK?

----________ .

A.Sure, it is

B. I’m fine, thanks

C. That’s good

D. That’s right

18.A s the global economy doesn’t have a good time, graduates nowadays have to fight

for jobs in a ________ competitive market.


B. fiercely

C. magically



19.O ver the years WWF _______ many prizes for its efforts to protect the endangered



B. is winning

C. has won

D. wins

20.F reddy taught me how to sing well, _______ I will always be grateful for.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. one

21.S ince I was just back from a long journey a few hours ago, I think I’d prefer

something less _______ for the moment.


B. energetic

C. attractive



22.P aul Won g’s performance on the TV show---I’m a Singer, _______ the newspaper

put it, was a “brave try”, representing the spirit of rock’n’roll ---to try something different, and be ready to accept failure.


B. since

C. for

D. like

23.T oday, traditional Chinese snack, spring rolls enjoy worldwide _______. They

even served as the starter for the Hollywood stars at this year’s Academy Awards.


B. celebration

C. similarity


