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Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 (有目录索引)

Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 (有目录索引)

Thermo-Calc®User’s GuideVersion PThermo-Calc Software ABStockholm Technology ParkBjörnnäsvägen 21SE-113 47 Stockholm, SwedenCopyright © 1995-2003 Foundation of Computational ThermodynamicsStockholm, Sweden目录第1部分一般介绍 (12)1.1 计算热力学 (12)1.2 Thermo-Calc软件/数据库/界面包 (12)1.3 致谢 (13)1.4 版本历史 (13)1.5 Thermo-Calc软件包的通用结构 (13)1.6 各类硬件上Thermo-Calc软件包的有效性 (14)1.7 使用Thermo-Calc软件包的好处 (14)第2部分如何成为Thermo-Calc专家 (14)2.1 如何容易地使用本用户指南 (14)2.2 如何安装和维护Thermo-Calc软件包 (16)2.2.1 许可要求 (16)2.2.2 安装程序 (16)2.2.3 维护当前和以前版本 (16)2.2.4 使TCC执行更方便 (16)2.3 如何成为Thermo-Calc专家 (16)2.3.1 从TCSAB与其世界各地的代理获得迅速技术支持 (17)2.3.2 日常使用各种Thermo-Calc功能 (17)2.3.3 以专业的和高质量的标准提交结果 (17)2.3.4 通过各种渠道相互交换经验 (17)第3部分Thermo-Calc软件系统 (17)3.1 Thermo-Calc软件系统的目标 (17)3.2 一些热力学术语的介绍 (18)3.2.1 热力学 (18)3.2.2 体系、组元、相、组成、物种(System, component, phases, constituents and species) (18)3.2.3 结构、亚点阵和位置 (19)3.2.4 成分、构成、位置分数、摩尔分数和浓度(composition, constitution, site fractions, molefractions and concentration) (19)3.2.5 平衡态和状态变量 (19)3.2.6 导出变量 (22)3.2.7 Gibbs相规则 (25)3.2.8 状态的热力学函数 (25)3.2.9 具有多相的体系 (25)3.2.10 不可逆热力学 (26)3.2.11 热力学模型 (26)3.2.12 与各种状态变量有关的Gibbs能 (27)3.2.13 参考态与标准态 (27)3.2.14 溶解度范围 (28)3.2.15 驱动力 (28)3.2.16 化学反应 (28)3.2.17 与平衡常数方法相对的Gibbs能最小化技术 (28)3.2.18 平衡计算 (29)3.3 热力学数据 (30)3.3.1 数据结构 (30)3.3.3 数据估价 (32)3.3.6 数据加密 (33)3.4 用户界面 (34)3.4.1 普通结构 (34)3.4.2 缩写 (34)3.4.3 过程机制(history mechanism) (35)3.4.4 工作目录和目标目录(Working directory and target directory) (35)3.4.5 参数转换为命令 (36)3.4.6 缺省值 (36)3.4.7 不理解的问题 (36)3.4.8 帮助与信息 (36)3.4.9 出错消息 (36)3.4.10 控制符 (36)3.4.11 私人文件 (36)3.4.12 宏工具 (37)3.4.13 模块性 (37)3.5 Thermo-Calc中的模块 (37)3.5.1 基本模块 (37)3.7 Thermo-Calc编程界面 (39)3.7.1 Thermo-Calc作为引肇 (39)3.7.2 Thermo-Calc应用编程界面:TQ和TCAPI (40)3.7.3 在其它软件包中开发Thermo-Calc工具箱 (43)3.7.4 材料性质计算核材料工艺模拟的应用 (43)3.8 Thermo-Calc的功能 (44)3.9 Thermo-Calc应用 (44)第4部分Thermo-Calc数据库描述 (45)4.1 引言 (45)4.2 Thermo-Calc数据库描述形式 (45)第5部分数据库模块(TDB)——用户指南 (55)5.1 引言 (55)5.2 TDB模块中用户界面 (56)5.3 开始 (56)5.3.1 SWITCH-DATABASE (56)5.3.2 LIST-DATABASE ELEMENT (56)5.3.3 DEFINE_ELEMENTS (56)5.3.4 LIST_SYSTEM CONSTITUENT (56)5.3.5 REJECT PHASE (56)5.3.6 RESTORE PHASE (56)5.3.7 GET_DATA (56)5.4 所有TDB监视命令的描述 (56)5.4.1 AMEND_SELACTION (56)5.4.6 DEFINE_SPECIES (58)5.4.7 DEFINE_SYSTEM (58)5.4.8 EXCLUDE_UNUSED_SPECIES (58)5.4.9 EXIT (58)5.4.10 GET_DATA (58)5.4.11 GOTO_MODULE (59)5.4.12 HELP (59)5.4.13 INFORMA TION (59)5.4.14 LIST_DATABASE (60)5.4.15 LIST_SYSTEM (60)5.4.16 MERGE_WITH_DA TABASES (61)5.4.17 NEW_DIRECTORY_FILE (61)5.4.18 REJECT (61)5.4.19 RESTORE (62)5.4.20 SET_AUTO_APPEND_DA TABASE (62)5.4.21 SWITCH_DA TABASE (63)5.5 扩展命令 (64)第6部分数据库模块(TDB)——管理指南 (64)6.1 引言 (64)6.2 TDB模块的初始化 (65)6.3 数据库定义文件语法 (66)6.3.1 ELEMENT (67)6.3.2 SPECIES (67)6.3.3 PHASE (67)6.3.4 CONSTITUENT (67)6.3.5 ADD_CONSTITUENT (68)6.3.6 COMPOUND_PHASE (68)6.3.7 ALLOTROPIC_PHASE (68)6.3.8 TEMPERA TURE_LIMITS (68)6.3.9 DEFINE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT (69)6.3.10 DEFAULT_COMMAND (69)6.3.11 DATABASE_INFORMATION (69)6.3.12 TYPE_DEFINITION (69)6.3.13 FTP_FILE (70)6.3.14 FUNCTION (70)6.3.15 PARAMETER (72)6.3.16 OPTIONS (73)6.3.17 TABLE (73)6.3.18 ASSESSED_SYSTEMS (73)6.3.19 REFERENCE_FILE (74)6.3.20 LIST_OF_REFERENCE (75)6.3.21 CASE与ENDCASE (76)6.3.22 VERSION_DA TA (76)6.5 数据库定义文件实例 (77)6.5.1 例1:一个小的钢数据库 (77)6.5.2 例2:Sb-Sn系个人数据库 (78)第7部分制表模块(TAB) (81)7.1 引言 (81)7.2 一般命令 (81)7.2.1 HELP (81)7.2.2 GOTO_MODULE (81)7.2.3 BACK (82)7.2.4 EXIT (82)7.2.5 PATCH (82)7.3 重要命令 (82)7.3.1 TABULATE_SUBSTANCE (82)7.3.2 TABULATE_REACTION (85)7.3.3 ENTER_REACTION (86)7.3.4 SWITCH_DA TABASE (87)7.3.5 ENTER_FUNCTION (88)7.3.6 TABULATE_DERIV A TIVES (89)7.3.7 LIST_SUBSTANCE (91)7.4 其它命令 (92)7.4.1 SET_ENERGY_UNIT (92)7.4.2 SET_PLOT_FORMAT (92)7.4.3 MACRO_FILE_OPEN (92)7.4.4 SET_INTERACTIVE (93)7.5 绘制表 (93)第8部分平衡计算模块(POL Y) (94)8.1 引言 (94)8.2 开始 (95)8.3 基本热力学 (95)8.3.1 体系与相 (95)8.3.2 组元(Species) (95)8.3.3 状态变量 (96)8.3.4 组分 (97)8.3.5 条件 (98)8.4 不同类型的计算 (98)8.4.1 计算单一平衡 (98)8.4.2 性质图的Steping计算 (99)8.4.3 凝固路径模拟 (99)8.4.4 仲平衡与T0温度模拟 (99)8.4.5 相图的Mapping计算 (101)8.4.6 势图计算 (101)8.4.7 Pourbaix图计算 (101)8.4.8 绘制图 (101)8.5.4 更高阶相图 (104)8.5.5 性质图 (104)8.6 普通命令 (104)8.6.1 HELP (104)8.6.2 INFORMA TION (104)8.6.3 GOTO_MODULE (105)8.6.4 BACK (105)8.6.5 SET_INTERACTIVE (105)8.6.6 EXIT (106)8.7 基本命令 (106)8.7.1 SET_CONDITION (106)8.7.2 RESET_CONDITION (107)8.7.3 LIST_CONDITIONS (107)8.7.4 COMPUTE_EQUILIBRIUM (107)8.7.6 DEFINE_MATERIAL (108)8.7.6 DEFINE_DIAGRAM (111)8.8 保存和读取POL Y数据结构的命令 (112)8.8.1 SA VE_WORKSPACES (112)8.8.2 READ_WORKSPACES (113)8.9 计算与绘图命令 (114)8.9.1 SET_AXIS_V ARIABLE (114)8.9.2 LIST_AXIS_V ARIABLE (114)8.9.3 MAP (114)8.9.4 STEP_WITH_OPTIONS (115)8.9.5 ADD_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (117)8.9.6 POST (118)8.10 其它有帮助的命令 (118)8.10.1 CHANGE_STA TUS (118)8.10.2 LIST_STA TUS (119)8.10.3 COMPUTE_TRANSITION (120)8.10.4 SET_ALL_START_V ALUES (121)8.10.5 SHOW_V ALUE (122)8.10.6 SET_INPUT_AMOUNTS (122)8.10.7 SET_REFERENCE_STA TE (122)8.10.8 ENTER_SYMBOL (123)8.10.9 LIST_SYMBOLS (124)8.10.10 EV ALUATE_FUNCTIONS (124)8.10.11 TABULATE (124)8.11 高级命令 (125)8.11.1 AMEND_STORED_EQUILIBRIA (125)8.11.3 DELETE_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (126)8.11.4 LIST_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIA (126)8.11.5 LOAD_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (126)8.11.10 SELECT_EQUILIBRIUM (128)8.11.11 SET_NUMERICAL_LIMITS (128)8.11.12 SET_START_CONSTITUTION (129)8.11.13 SET_START_V ALUE (129)8.11.14 PATCH (129)8.11.15 RECOVER_START_V ALUE (129)8.11.16 SPECIAL_OPTIONS (129)8.12 水溶液 (132)8.13 排除故障 (133)8.13.1 第一步 (133)8.13.2 第二步 (133)8.13.3 第三步 (133)8.14 频繁提问的问题 (134)8.14.1 程序中为什么只得到半行? (134)8.14.2 在已经保存之后为什么不能绘图? (134)8.14.3 为什么G.T不总是与-S相同? (134)8.14.4 如何获得组元偏焓 (135)8.14.5 为什么H(LIQUID) 是零而HM(LIQUID)不是零 (135)8.14.6 即使石墨是稳定的为什么碳活度小于1? (135)8.14.7 如何获得过剩Gibbs能? (135)8.14.8 当得到交叉结线而不是混溶裂隙时什么是错的? (135)8.14.9 怎么能直接计算最大混溶裂隙? (136)第9部分后处理模块(POST) (136)9.1 引言 (136)9.2 一般命令 (137)9.2.1 HELP (137)9.2.2 BACK (137)9.2.3 EXIT (137)9.3 重要命令 (137)9.3.1 SET_DIAGRAM_AXIS (137)9.3.2 SET_DIAGRAM_TYPE (138)9.3.3 SET_LABEL_CORVE_OPTION (139)9.3.5 MODIFY_LABEL_TEXT (139)9.3.6 SET_PLOT_FORMAT (140)9.3.7 PLOT_DIAGRAM (141)9.3.8 PRINT_DIAGRAM (142)9.3.9 DUMP_DIAGRAM (143)9.3.10 SET_SCALING_STA TUS (144)9.3.11 SET_TITLE (144)9.3.12 LIST_PLOT_SETTINGS (144)9.4 实验数据文件绘图命令 (144)9.4.1 APPEND_EXPERIMENTAL_DA TA (144)9.4.2 MAKE_EXPERIMENTAL_DA TAFILE (145)9.5.3 SET_AXIS_LENGTH (147)9.5.4 SET_AXIS_TEXT_STATUS (147)9.5.5 SET_AXIS_TYPE (147)9.5.6 SET_COLOR (147)9.5.7 SET_CORNER_TEXT (148)9.5.8 SET_FONT (148)9.5.9 SET_INTERACTIVE_MODE (149)9.5.10 SET_PLOT_OPTION (149)9.5.11 SET_PREFIX_SCALING (149)9.5.12 SET_REFERENCE_STA TE (149)9.5.13 SET_TIELINE_STA TE (150)9.5.14 SET_TRUE_MANUAL_SCALING (150)9.5.15 TABULATE (150)9.6 奇特的命令 (150)9.6.1 PATCH_WORKSPACE (150)9.6.2 RESTORE_PHASE_IN_PLOT (150)9.6.3 REINIATE_PLOT_SETTINGS (151)9.6.4 SET_AXIS_PLOT_STATUS (151)9.6.5 SET_PLOT_SIZE (151)9.6.6 SET_RASTER_STATUS (151)9.6.8 SUSPEND_PHASE_IN_PLOT (151)9.7 3D图标是:命令与演示 (151)9.7.1 CREATE_3D_PLOTFILE (153)9.7.2 在Cortona VRML Client阅读器中查看3D图 (154)第10部分一些特殊模块 (155)10.1 引言 (155)10.2 特殊模块生成或使用的文件 (156)10.2.1 POL Y3文件 (156)10.2.2 RCT文件 (156)10.2.3 GES5文件 (156)10.2.4 宏文件 (157)10.3 与特殊模块的交互 (157)10.4 BIN模块 (157)10.4.1 BIN模块的描述 (157)10.4.2 特定BIN模块数据库的结构 (161)10.4.3特定BIN计算的演示实例 (162)10.5 TERN 模块 (162)10.5.1 TERN 模块的描述 (162)10.5.2 特殊TERN模块数据库的结构 (166)10.5.3 TERN模块计算的演示实例 (167)10.6 POT模块 (167)10.7 POURBAIX 模块 (167)10.8 SCHAIL 模块 (167)11.2 热化学 (168)11.2.1 一些术语的定义 (168)11.2.2 元素与物种(Elements and species) (168)11.2.3 大小写模式 (169)11.2.4 相 (169)11.2.5 温度与压力的函数 (169)11.2.6 符号 (170)11.2.7 混溶裂隙 (170)11.3 热力学模型 (170)11.3.1 标准Gibbs能 (171)11.3.2 理想置换模型 (171)11.3.3 规则溶体模型 (171)11.3.4 使用组元而不是元素 (172)11.3.5 亚点阵模型—化合物能量公式 (172)11.3.6 离子液体模型,对具有有序化趋势的液体 (172)11.3.7 缔合模型 (173)11.3.8 准化学模型 (173)11.3.9 对Gibbs能的非化学贡献(如铁磁) (173)11.3.10 既有有序-无序转变的相 (173)11.3.11 CVM方法:关于有序/无序现象 (173)11.3.12 Birch-Murnaghan模型:关于高压贡献 (173)11.3.13 理想气体模型相对非理想气体/气体混合物模型 (173)11.3.14 DHLL和SIT模型:关于稀水溶液 (173)11.3.15 HKF和PITZ模型:对浓水溶液 (173)11.3.16 Flory-Huggins模型:对聚合物 (173)11.4 热力学参数 (173)11.5 数据结构 (175)11.5.1 构造 (175)11.5.2 Gibbs能参考表面 (175)11.5.3 过剩Gibbs能 (175)11.5.4 存储私有文件 (175)11.5.5 加密与不加密数据库 (176)11.6 GES系统的应用程序 (176)11.7 用户界面 (176)11.7.1 模块性和交互性 (177)11.7.2 控制符的使用 (177)11.8 帮助与信息的命令 (177)11.8.1 HELP (177)11.8.2 INFORMATION (177)11.9 改变模块与终止程序命令 (178)11.9.1 GOTO_MODULE (178)11.9.2 BACK (178)11.9.3 EXIT (178)11.10 输入数据命令 (178)11.10.4 ENTER_SYMBOL (180)11.10.5 ENTER_PARAMETER (181)11.11 列出数据的命令 (183)11.11.1 LIST_DATA (183)11.11.2 LIST_PHASE_DA TA (183)11.11.3 LIST_PARAMETER (184)11.11.4 LIST_SYMBOL (185)11.11.5 LIST_CONSTITUENT (185)11.11.6 LIST_STATUS (185)11.12 修改数据命令 (185)11.12.1 AMEND_ELEMENT_DA TA (185)11.12.2 AMEND_PHASE_DESCRIPTION (186)11.12.3 AMEND_SYMBOL (188)11.12.4 AMEND_PARAMETER (189)11.12.5 CHANGE_STATUS (191)11.12.6 PATCH_WORKSPACES (191)11.12.7 SET_R_AND_P_NORM (191)11.13 删除数据的命令 (192)11.13.1 REINITIATE (192)11.13.2 DELETE (192)11.14 存储或读取数据的命令 (192)11.14.1 SA VE_GES_WORKSPACE (192)11.14.2 READ_GES_WORKSPACE (193)11.15 其它命令 (193)11.15.1 SET_INTERACTIVE (193)第12部分优化模块(PARROT) (193)12.1 引言 (193)12.1.1 热力学数据库 (194)12.1.2 优化方法 (194)1 2.1.4 其它优化软件 (195)12.2 开始 (195)12.2.1 试验数据文件:POP文件 (195)12.2.2 图形试验文件:EXP文件 (197)12.2.3 系统定义文件:SETUP文件 (197)12.2.4 工作文件或存储文件:PAR文件 (198)12.2.5 各种文件名与其关系 (198)12.2.6 交互运行PARROT模块 (199) 绘制中间结果 (199) 实验数据的选择 (199) 优化与连续优化 (200)12.2.7 参数修整 (200)12.2.8 交互完成的变化要求编译 (201)12.3 交替模式 (201)12.4 诀窍与处理 (201)12.4.4 参数量 (201)12.5 命令结构 (201)12.5.1 一些项的定义 (201)12.5.2 与其它模块连接的命令 (201)12.5.3 用户界面 (201)12.6 一般命令 (201)12.7 最频繁使用的命令 (202)12.8 其它命令 (203)第13部分编辑-实验模块(ED-EXP) (203)第14部分系统实用模块(SYS) (203)14.1 引言 (203)14.2 一般命令 (203)14.2.1 HELP (203)14.2.2 INFORMA TION (204)14.2.4 BACK (205)14.2.5 EXIT (205)14.2.6 SET_LOG_FILE (205)14.2.7 MACRO+FILE_OPEN (205)14.2.8 SET_PLOT_ENVIRONMENT (206)14.3 Odd命令 (207)14.3.1 SET_INTERACTIVE_MODE (207)14.3.2 SET_COMMAND_UNITS (207)14.3.4 LIST_FREE_WORKSPACE (207)14.3.5 PATCH (207)14.3.6 TRACE (207)14.3.7 STOP_ON_ERROR (208)14.3.8 OPEN_FILE (208)14.3.9 CLOSE_FILE (208)14.3.10 SET_TERMINAL (208)14.3.11 NEWS (208)14.3.12 HP_CALCULATOR (208)14.4 一般信息的显示 (209)第15部分数据绘图语言(DATAPLOT) (215)第1部分一般介绍1.1 计算热力学在近十年内与材料科学与工程相联系的计算机计算与模拟的研究与发展已经为定量设计各种材料产生了革命性的方法,热力学与动力学模型的广泛结合使预测材料成分、各种加工后的结构和性能。

Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 重要

Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 重要

Thermo-Calc®User’s GuideVersion PThermo-Calc Software ABStockholm Technology ParkBjörnnäsvägen 21SE-113 47 Stockholm, SwedenCopyright © 1995-2003 Foundation of Computational ThermodynamicsStockholm, Sweden第1部分一般介绍1.1 计算热力学在近十年内与材料科学与工程相联系的计算机计算与模拟的研究与发展已经为定量设计各种材料产生了革命性的方法,热力学与动力学模型的广泛结合使预测材料成分、各种加工后的结构和性能。



1.2 Thermo-Calc软件/数据库/界面包Thermo-Calc是所有各种热力学和相图计算的通用和柔性的软件包,是建立于强大的Gibbs能最小化基础之上的。


Thermo-Calc软件可使用多种热力学数据库,特别是热力学数据库的国际合作组织Scientific Group Thermodata Europe(SGTE)开发的数据库。




Laboratory Furnaces SOPSummary•There are various types of laboratory furnaces, including Tube, Box, and Muffle.•Because each unit is different, read the manual, complete safety training provided by your PI or trained senior colleagues. Only use a furnace that you fully understand how to operate.•Furnaces present electrical, fire, and burn hazards, and the insulation can pose a health hazard.Furnaces can also create inhalation health hazards if they malfunction and are not stored inappropriate containment, like a fume hood.•Regularly inspect your furnace for any loose or damaged wiring, physical defects, and water or heat damage.•Follow the safety guidelines outlined in this document, and contact the manufacturer if you have questions regarding specific use or servicing of your furnace.What are Laboratory Furnaces?There are many furnace varieties used in the laboratory. They are useful for chemical synthesis, curing ceramics, and are essential in materials science, engineering, food science, and geological research. Three of the most common units are Tube, Box, and Muffle furnaces. Of note, furnaces are similar to ovens, but they can operate at much higher temperatures (typically higher than 500⁰C).A Tube Furnace (Figure 1) consists of cylindrical chambers surrounded by heating elements, which enable rapid heat up, recovery, and cool down. It is typically suited for smaller (and inorganic) samples and heating in an inert atmosphere. Common applications include the purification, coating, drying, hardening, or ageing of samples. A tube furnace can also be used for annealing, brazing, calcination, degassing, sintering, soldering, sublimation, synthesis, and tempering. It is generally a good idea to place tube furnaces in a fume hood, however, the need for local exhaust is process dependent and should be determined through an appropriate risk assessment. EH&S generally recommends keeping furnaces in a fume hood or to provide some other form of local exhaust in case the units malfunction, which can produce burnt wiring and other inhalation hazards.A Box Furnace (Figure 2) features a vertical lift or swing out door allowing the various sized product(s) to be easily placed in the furnace. Box Furnaces are utilized for heat-treating, calcining, curing, annealing, stress relieving, preheating, tempering, and other high temperature thermal processes. The volatile material in a sample is burned off and escapes as a gas; therefore, these furnaces MUST be placed in a fume hood or containment must be provided by some other type of appropriate local exhaust (i.e., a canopy or snorkel hood).Muffle furnaces (Figure 3) are a subclass of Box Furnace: they are compact countertop heating sources with insulated firebrick walls to maintain high temperatures. They allow rapid high-temperature heating,recovery, and cooling in self-contained, energy-efficient cabinets. This is ideal for ashing samples, heat-treating applications, and materials research. Muffle furnaces use mechanical convection to direct airflow out of an exhaust muffle, and typically do not require placement in a fume hood (though it is recommended if possible in case the unit malfunctions).Figure 1. Tube Furnace. Figure 2. Box Furnace. Figure 3. Muffle Furnace.What are the Hazards?Extreme Temperature HazardsHigh voltage is needed to generate temperatures greater than 500°C. With high voltage comes inherent dangers of electrocution, fire, and severe burns. Make sure the furnace is properlygrounded and no loose wires are connected to the furnace, and wear all necessary protectiveclothing while operating (as outlined later in this document).The furnace program should be stopped, or the furnace shut off before opening the furnace door.Note that material will not always glow or appear hot, but will cause severe burns with improper handling.The elements for the furnaces may be exposed and can be easily damaged if bumped or scraped.They are very expensive to replace. The furnace elements are operated at a high current and can be dangerous if touched.Health HazardsMany laboratory furnaces contain refractory ceramic insulation, which can produce respirable fibers or dust with crystalline silica when handled. Crystalline silica may cause chronic lung injury (silicosis) after prolonged exposure or a heavy exposure in a short time. Silicosis is a form of disablingpulmonary fibrosis which can be progressive and may lead to death. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reports sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity of crystalline silica tohumans. IARC classifies ceramic fiber as 2B (possible carcinogenic to humans). Older furnaces typically had insulation which contained asbestos. As such, it is also important to appropriately dispose of furnaces once they have passed their useful lifetime.What Activities Could Pose a Risk?•Using a box furnace that sits outside of a fume hood.•Opening/servicing your furnace unit without specified training.•Altering wiring, and altering or disabling the safety features, such as safety interlocks, sensors, etc.•Using common oven mitts, cryogenic gloves, or no gloves instead of thermal-rated glove protection.•Heating materials beyond their melting or decomposition points. Melting points (and occasionally decomposition points) can be found on a material’s SDS.•Using a malfunctioning furnace or having a furnace malfunction.•Heating sealed vessels in a furnace may result in an explosion if the vessels are not rated for the increased pressure or temperature.•Heating hazardous materials: Do not heat samples or glassware with chemicals that pose respiratory hazards. Evaporation in the furnace will release vapors into the atmosphere, where yourself or other lab members may breathe the toxic materials if the units are not appropriately contained in fume hood or provided with other appropriate local exhaust ventilation.How Can Exposures be Minimized?When working with any hazardous material orprocess, always conduct a thorough riskassessment and employ the hierarchy of controlsto minimize risk. Specific applications of thehierarchy of controls to the unique hazards oflaboratory furnaces are listed below. Apply thecontrols in the order of most effective to leasteffective (see graphic at right), and apply asmany controls as possible to reduce the risk tothe lowest achievable level.Elimination/Substitution•Avoid using a furnace for the sole purpose of cleaning glassware. Towel dry, air dry, or blow dry if possible.•Heat materials to the lowest possible temperature to reduce the severity of potential burns and furnace failure.•When purchasing a furnace, please consider purchasing those with safety features if possible.Engineering Controls•Work in a well-ventilated area. If heating hazardous materials and if the unit fits, put the furnace in a fume hood to ensure sufficient ventilation of escaping fumes. EH&S generally recommends that furnaces are operated in fume hoods or with other appropriate local exhaust ventilation in case the unit malfunctions, which can release hazardous gases into the occupied lab space.Administrative Controls•Before Use:o All furnace operators must complete safety training specific to the furnace they will work with.o Read the instrument’s manual thoroughly, and understand the oven’s capabilities, limitations, safety features and safety protocol. Always follow manufacturer protocoland recommendations.o Consult with the manufacturer and your PI to ensure that your planned experiments are appropriate for the unit. For instance, never overheat the materials or their containers:Borosilicate glass should not be heated above 400°C for short-term service, and Pyrexnot above 300°C. Always check the manufacturer’s recommended usable temperaturerange of containers prior to use in a furnace, and do not use containers for applicationsoutside of the range.o Though lab furnaces have internal safety circuits, consider attaching an external temperature controlled power circuit that would cut the power to the unit in the eventof elevated temperatures. Companies like McMaster Carr and Omega Engineeringprovide thermocouples and controllers that could be used to fabricate a cost-effectivecircuits of this kind.•Keep the furnace’s wiring tidy and away from other heat-generating sources. Damaged wiring could result in an electrical fire.•Never disable safety features. Only service units if permitted by the manufacturer.•Never heat a furnace to its maximum temperature.•Do not heat samples or glassware with chemicals that pose respiratory hazards unless the units are contained in a fume hood or provided with other appropriate local exhaust. Evaporation in the furnace will release vapors into the atmosphere, where yourself or other lab members may breathe the toxic materials if these are not appropriately contained.•Keep the area around the furnace decluttered. Items beside the furnace may get hot and melt, catch fire, boil, or explode.•Always place and remove items from the furnace with thermal-rated tongs or forceps.•Regularly inspect your furnace for any loose or damaged wiring, water and heat damage, or other visual defects. Contact the manufacturer or vendor directly for repairs and servicing.•Dispose of furnace units that are beyond their usable lifetime. Follow the process for laboratory equipment disposal described on the EH&S website.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)•When working with a furnace, always wear long pants, closed-toe shoes, a lab coat, and safety glasses.•ALWAYS wear the appropriate thermal gloves, and regularly check them for rips, holes, or tears.All-cotton terrycloth gloves are sufficient protection for temperatures up to 232°C (i.e. autoclave use), but heat- or flame-resistant gloves are required when using furnaces at highertemperatures. It is recommended that a pair of such gloves is always available near a labfurnace, even when working with lower temperatures, in the case of thermal runaway. Visit the EH&S guide to glove selection for more information. If you need additional assistance inselecting appropriate gloves, please contact EH&S at ****************.Service RecommendationsRegularly inspect your furnace for any loose or damaged wiring, water damage, heat damage, or other visual defects. If something appears damaged, worn, or is malfunctioning, DO NOT begin/continue using the furnace – power off immediately. Contact the manufacturer or vendor directly for repairs and servicing. Dispose of units beyond their useable lifetime.Exposure and Spill ProcedureIn the event of a furnace incident or malfunction, immediately turn off and unplug the furnace if it is safe to do so. Evacuate the room and notify EH&S (413-545-2682) for assistance.After any emergency or near-miss circumstance, notify EH&S (413-545-2682) as soon as possible and complete the lab incident form.For an exposure:1.Dermal Exposure: In the event that exposed skin touches the hot oven or its contents,immediately rinse affected area with copious amounts of cool water for at least 15 minutes toreduce further tissue damage. For serious burns, call 911 (report the building name, roomnumber, and street address) or 413- 545-3111 (or simply 5-3111 from a campus line) to report the incident and request medical help. For minor burns, immediately go to UHS.2.Inhalation: If an individual inhales fumes from a malfunctioning furnace or materials placedinside the furnace, immediately seek medical attention. If the person is unconscious orexperiencing acute breathing difficulties, call 911 (report the building name, room number, and street address) or 413- 545-3111 (or simply 5-3111 from a campus line) to report the incidentand request medical help. Never enter a room with an unconscious person to provide assistance to avoid exposing yourself as well. For inhalation exposures without acute health effects,immediately go to UHS for evaluation. Health effects from inhalation can be delayed by hoursfor exposure to some materials, and can be very serious, so it is important to be evaluated bymedical professionals. If it is possible to do so, provide the SDS (or whatever information isavailable in the absence of an SDS) for any materials involved to the medical personnel.3.Electrical Fire: If the unit is on fire, immediately evacuate the room, close the door behind you,and activate the fire alarm. Follow your lab’s evacuation route and meet in your designatedlocation outside of the building. Call 911 or 413- 545-3111 once outside to report the incidentand provide information, such as locations of the fire and materials involved.References and Sources1.Box Furnace SOP: Oregon State University:https:///content/sop-high-temperature-box-furnace2.Box, Muffle, and Tube Furnaces: Laboratory Equipment: https://boratory-/blog/box-muffle-tube-laboratory-furnaces/3.Extinguishing Electrical Fires: https:///blog/how-to-put-out-an-electrical-fire4.Fisher Scientific Tube Furnaces: https:///us/en/browse/90088045/tube-furnaces5.Gilson Muffle Furnace: https:///muffle-furnaces6.IARC: silica carcinogenic:https:///21834268/#:~:text=The%20panel%20remarked%20that%20cr ystalline,causes%20lung%20cancer%20in%20humans.&text=Silicosis%20and%20lung%20cancer %20in,protect%20persons%20at%20high%2Drisk.7.Insulation Elements SDS:https:///images/MSDS/Kerr_Furnace_Insulation_Elements.pdf8.ThermCraft Ashing Furnace: https:///what-is-ashing-furnace/#:~:text=In%20the%20food%20science%20industry,in%20a%20flow%20of%20oxygen.9.Thermo Scientific Furnaces: https:///TFS-Assets/LED/brochures/LED-FurnacesBrochure-BRFURNACE0316-EN.pdf。

Thermo Scientific Tube Revolver操作手册说明书

Thermo Scientific Tube Revolver操作手册说明书

Tube RevolverCatalog #88881001 & 88881002Operation Manual 9240-11-021MANUAL NUMBER 9240-11-0210--11/5/13Original CCS REV ECR/ECN DATE DESCRIPTION By PrefaceImportant Read this instruction manual. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in damage to the unit, injury to operating personnel, and poor equipment performance. sCaution All internal adjustments and maintenance must be performed by qualified service personnel. sMaterial in this manual is for information purposes only. The contents and the product it describes are subject to change without notice. Thermo Fisher Scientific makes no representations or warranties with respect to this manual. In no event shall Thermo be held liable for any damages, direct or incidental, arising out of or related to the use of this manual.©2013 Thermo Fisher Scientific. All rights reserved.PrefaceImportant operating and/or maintenance instructions. Read the accompanying text carefully.Potential electrical hazards. Only qualified persons should perform procedures associated with thissymbol.Equipment being maintained or serviced must be turned off and locked off to prevent possible injury.Hot surface(s) present which may cause burns to unprotected skin, or to materials which may bedamaged by elevated temperatures.Marking of electrical and electronic equipment, which applies to electrical and electronic equipmentfalling under the Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE) and the equipment that has been put on the market after 13 August 2005.This product is required to comply with the European Union’s Waste Electrical & ElectronicEquipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC. It is marked with the WEEE symbol. Thermo FisherScientific has contracted with one or more recycling/disposal companies in each EU Member StateEuropean Country, and this product should be disposed of or recycled through them. Furtherinformation on Thermo’s compliance with this directive, the recyclers in your country andinformation on Thermo products will be available at .4Always use the proper protective equipment (clothing, gloves, goggles, etc.)4Always dissipate extreme cold or heat and wear protective clothing.4Always follow good hygiene practices.4Each individual is responsible for his or her own safety.PrefaceTable of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2Packing List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2Operation/Rotisserie Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1Rotisserie Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4Features Specifications Section 1 IntroductionThank you for purchasing the Thermo Scientific T ube Revolver. This unit was designed to mix reagent, solution, and other chemical substances for use in the research, medical science, biological engineering, chemical science, and pharmaceuticals industries. T ube Revolver is simple in appearance, and is constructed through precise manufacturing and strict quality control for stable operation, precise control, and reliable quality.• Assortment of rotisseries included• Selection of reciprocating or rotating operation mode• Stepless speed regulation• LED indication of speed•“” Speed-up/increase value •“ ” Slow down/decrease value •“” Selection of operation mode •“LED” to show the settings and working status.Section 1IntroductionControl PanelFigure 1-1. Control Panel Components Packing ListSection 2 Operation/Rotisserie Installation1. Install the rotisserie with reference to Rotisserie Installation in thissection.2. Mount the corresponding tube on the rotisserie.3. T urn the power switch to “on”.4. Switch the operation mode between “rotating” and “reciprocating” bypressing the Mode button.5. Set the speed by pressing the up or down arrow button when it is on“rotating” mode.* 50ml tube rack could be installed with or without the rotisserie axle.**LED shows “” on “reciprocating” mode; LED shows the last speed setting value when it is on “rotating” mode.Figure 2-1. Control PanelSection 2Operation/Rotisserie InstallationRotisserie Installation 1.Hold the tube revolver housing firmly, insert one end of the rotisserieaxle into the slot, turn it until it clicks into place, and insert the other.2.Mount the desired tube rack.3.Place the O-rings into the groove on the rotisserie axle.4.Load the tubes onto the tube rack.Please follow the notes below for ensuring long-term usage:1.Place the tubes steady in working condition.2.T o ensure the unit optimal performance, please reduce the load orkeep the load balanced if there is any noise.Rotisserie Axle O-rings Revolving RackFigure 2-2. AxleFigure 2-4. Balanced Load Figure 2-3. Assembly4XSection 3 CleaningFor safe use, clean the tube revolver as follows:• Unplug the power cord before cleaning.• Clean the unit by a soft damp cloth or a mild non-corrosive (pH≤8) detergent• Do not spray the unit.• Be sure that the unit is completely dry before operation.• Wear gloves when cleaning.Section 4Warranty InformationThermo ScientificTube Revolver4-1Thermo Fisher Scientific 401 Millcreek Road Marietta, Ohio 45750 United States 。

Thermo Fisher CryoMed程序降温仪操作规程

Thermo Fisher CryoMed程序降温仪操作规程

Thermo Fisher程序降温仪操作规程一、界面显示箱体温度(Chamber)、样品温度(Sample)、LCD 显示程序状态、信息、降温程序的编辑与查看二、控制面板2.1 左边Idle 没有程序运行Run 有一个降温程序正在运行中Wait 正在运行的降温处于暂停状态,按下“Run”键可继续运行End 箱体升温到+25℃2.2 右边Cool 打开一个氮气电磁阀Cool+ 打开两个氮气电磁阀Heat 正在加热2.3 控制面板上共有7 个控制键Warm 开始加热。

Run 开始选定降温程序,或者继续暂停的降温程序。

Slience 停止报警音并清除显示的报警信息。

Back 完全停止一个正在运行的降温程序并回到程序主菜单。

Enter 开始新一行,进入子菜单,移动光标到右边。

Up 向上滚动显示条,或改变程序步骤和设置步骤。

Down 向下滚动显示条,或改变程序步骤和设置步骤。


四、自动编辑程序6.1 使用上下箭头键选择“Edit”(编辑)模式,按Enter 键;6.2 使用上下箭头键选择User1 至User10(自定义程序)中的一个,按Enter 键;6.3 使用上下箭头键选择步骤step;6.4 使用左右箭头键移动光标,使用上下箭头键可更改字母、数字或符号,使用SILENCE 键可删除字母、数字或符号,使用左右箭头键移动光标;6.5 步骤0 输入程序名称,完成后,移动光标回到最左边;6.6 按向下箭头键,选择步骤1,按Enter 键进入编辑;6.7 可使用上下箭头键选择一下功能6.7.1 0.0 C/mC to 0.0 C 箱体温度以设定的变化率到达设定温度6.7.2 0.0 C/mS to 0.0 C 样品温度以设定的变化率到达设定温度6.7.3 Wait at 0.0 C 达到设定的温度并等待6.7.4 Hold for 1m at 0.0 C 在设定的箱体温度等待设定的时间然后继续6.7.5 Precool 冷却样品至+5℃然后继续下一步骤6.7.6 Jump to 1 跳到设定的步骤6.7.7 Loop to 1 for 1 从当前步骤回到设定的步骤循环设定的次数6.7.8 End 完成程序6.8 选定功能后,使用上下左右键更改参数6.9 当所有的步骤设置完成后,继续按BACK 键直至回到主菜单。

Thermo Fisher微量冷冻高速离心机操作规程

Thermo Fisher微量冷冻高速离心机操作规程













按START 键,离心机开始运行。









Thermo Fisher CryoMed程序降温仪操作规程

Thermo Fisher CryoMed程序降温仪操作规程

Thermo Fisher程序降温仪操作规程一、界面显示箱体温度(Chamber)、样品温度(Sample)、LCD 显示程序状态、信息、降温程序的编辑与查看二、控制面板2.1 左边Idle 没有程序运行Run 有一个降温程序正在运行中Wait 正在运行的降温处于暂停状态,按下“Run”键可继续运行End 箱体升温到+25℃2.2 右边Cool 打开一个氮气电磁阀Cool+ 打开两个氮气电磁阀Heat 正在加热2.3 控制面板上共有7 个控制键Warm 开始加热。

Run 开始选定降温程序,或者继续暂停的降温程序。

Slience 停止报警音并清除显示的报警信息。

Back 完全停止一个正在运行的降温程序并回到程序主菜单。

Enter 开始新一行,进入子菜单,移动光标到右边。

Up 向上滚动显示条,或改变程序步骤和设置步骤。

Down 向下滚动显示条,或改变程序步骤和设置步骤。


四、自动编辑程序6.1 使用上下箭头键选择“Edit”(编辑)模式,按Enter 键;6.2 使用上下箭头键选择User1 至User10(自定义程序)中的一个,按Enter 键;6.3 使用上下箭头键选择步骤step;6.4 使用左右箭头键移动光标,使用上下箭头键可更改字母、数字或符号,使用SILENCE 键可删除字母、数字或符号,使用左右箭头键移动光标;6.5 步骤0 输入程序名称,完成后,移动光标回到最左边;6.6 按向下箭头键,选择步骤1,按Enter 键进入编辑;6.7 可使用上下箭头键选择一下功能6.7.1 0.0 C/mC to 0.0 C 箱体温度以设定的变化率到达设定温度6.7.2 0.0 C/mS to 0.0 C 样品温度以设定的变化率到达设定温度6.7.3 Wait at 0.0 C 达到设定的温度并等待6.7.4 Hold for 1m at 0.0 C 在设定的箱体温度等待设定的时间然后继续6.7.5 Precool 冷却样品至+5℃然后继续下一步骤6.7.6 Jump to 1 跳到设定的步骤6.7.7 Loop to 1 for 1 从当前步骤回到设定的步骤循环设定的次数6.7.8 End 完成程序6.8 选定功能后,使用上下左右键更改参数6.9 当所有的步骤设置完成后,继续按BACK 键直至回到主菜单。




注意,当酶标仪处于poweron 的状态时,不要手动打开酶标板室和比色皿室的门,以免紫外辐射的伤害或者仪器的损伤。





再点击Defaultinstrument 右边的connect,即可设定好连接。






注意,当酶标仪处于power on 的状态时,不要手动打开酶标板室和比色皿室的门,以免紫外辐射的伤害或者仪器的损伤。

二.软件的运行1.打开桌面快捷方式SkanIt RE for MSS2.4.2运行软件,出现Log on To SkanIt software的界面。

e name默认为“admin”, password为空3.点OK进入SkanIt software 2.4.2界面,New session-新建任务程序,Open session-打开已有程序。

4.在界面上方的setting中选择Instrument,出现Instrumentsetting的界面,在Instrument中选中Multiskan spectrum on COM Ⅰ,Themo Electron。

点击右侧的setup,在serial number中输入1500-850,然后点击OK。

再点击Default instrument右边的connect,即可设定好连接。


三.New session操作1.新建任务程序:→点击new session进入protocol options界面,在session name中输入新的程序名称→点击next进入plate layout options界面,在select plate template中选择所需模板类型(一般96孔板选择use default,比色皿选择cuvette,其他的可以选择相应的类型)→输入plate layout name(系统默认的与session name相同)→点击next进入Definition done界面,在select location中选择任务程序所要保存的目的文件夹(该界面可进行新建,重命名及删除文件夹操作)→点击finish完成新建,进入SkanIt software 2.4.2程序操作主界面(主要有三大块:platelayout用于模板区域选择,protocol 用于程序编辑,results用于数据处理)。

Thermo Fisher 细胞刺激试剂 产品说明书

Thermo Fisher 细胞刺激试剂 产品说明书

流式细胞术整体解决方案Attune流式细胞仪|16,000+种流式抗体|60+种荧光染料|明星样品制备试剂|细胞功能试验|PrimeFlow 流式RNA分析2流式细胞术能够从单细胞水平同时分析细胞样本中的基因表达和蛋白表达,还可以检测细胞活性、细胞周期、细胞凋亡、细胞增殖和细胞氧化等细胞功能。



前言图1. 流式细胞术实验流程。


• 免疫学• 炎症• 肿瘤免疫• 实体肿瘤• 神经炎症• 基因编辑• 微生物学了解更多多色流式实验相关信息,请访问 thermofi/flowcytometry完成流式实验通常需要将多种抗体搭配成多色流式实验方案。

这本流式细胞术整体解决方案手册不仅介绍了Invitrogen ™ eBioscience ™ 流式抗体和Invitrogen ™ 流式细胞功能检测试剂,还展示了Invitrogen ™ Attune ™ 流式细胞仪在以下不同研究领域中的应用:流式细胞术整体解决方案实验流程样品制备确定免疫分型抗体选择缓冲液细胞功能检测活细胞死细胞实验对照上机检测3免疫细胞通常需要刺激活化后才能快速增殖或分化为成熟细胞(图2)。



样品制备:免疫细胞刺激试剂图2. 各种免疫细胞刺激试剂。

(A) 功能级抗体(如CD3抗体和CD28抗体)可用于T 细胞的活化和扩增。

(B) eBioscience 细胞刺激剂(Cell stimulation cocktail ),包括PMA 和离子霉素(ionomycin ),可刺激T 细胞产生γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白介素-2(IL -2)和白介素-4(IL -4)。



Thermo Scientific 实时定量PCR仪PikoReal®简明用户手册目录1目录目录 (1)仪器总体介绍 (2)硬件操作和注意事项 (4)仪器安装连接 (4)仪器打包运输 (4)仪器使用注意 (5)仪器维护 (5)单机操作指南 (6)运行已有程序 (6)软件安装和操作指南 (9)软件安装 (9)连接仪器 (10)软件简介和设置 (11)新建和运行程序 (13)常见程序示例 (19)板布局 (23)结果分析和数据导出 (27)绝对定量(标准曲线)的板布局和分析 (28)相对定量的板布局和分析 (33)双探针法等位基因分型的板布局和分析 (37)高分辨率熔解曲线的板布局和分析 (41)2仪器总体介绍PikoReal 实时定量PCR仪仪器正面:上方为用户界面,下方有U盘插口和抽屉仪器背面:中间有类别标贴(REF代表仪器型号,SN代表序列号),正下方有电源线插口和网线插口用户界面:正下方有仪器名称“PikoReal 24”或“PikoReal 96”,左上角有上下并列的2个状态指示灯(上灯长时间保持蓝色——空闲待运行,上灯蓝色闪烁——程序运行中,下灯长时间保持红色——仪器出错)PikoReal和计算机通过网线相连。







Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 (有目录索引)

Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 (有目录索引)

Thermo-Calc®User’s GuideVersion PThermo-Calc Software ABStockholm Technology ParkBjörnnäsvägen 21SE-113 47 Stockholm, SwedenCopyright © 1995-2003 Foundation of Computational ThermodynamicsStockholm, Sweden目录第1部分一般介绍 (12)1.1 计算热力学 (12)1.2 Thermo-Calc软件/数据库/界面包 (12)1.3 致谢 (13)1.4 版本历史 (13)1.5 Thermo-Calc软件包的通用结构 (13)1.6 各类硬件上Thermo-Calc软件包的有效性 (14)1.7 使用Thermo-Calc软件包的好处 (14)第2部分如何成为Thermo-Calc专家 (14)2.1 如何容易地使用本用户指南 (14)2.2 如何安装和维护Thermo-Calc软件包 (16)2.2.1 许可要求 (16)2.2.2 安装程序 (16)2.2.3 维护当前和以前版本 (16)2.2.4 使TCC执行更方便 (16)2.3 如何成为Thermo-Calc专家 (16)2.3.1 从TCSAB与其世界各地的代理获得迅速技术支持 (17)2.3.2 日常使用各种Thermo-Calc功能 (17)2.3.3 以专业的和高质量的标准提交结果 (17)2.3.4 通过各种渠道相互交换经验 (17)第3部分Thermo-Calc软件系统 (17)3.1 Thermo-Calc软件系统的目标 (17)3.2 一些热力学术语的介绍 (18)3.2.1 热力学 (18)3.2.2 体系、组元、相、组成、物种(System, component, phases, constituents and species) (18)3.2.3 结构、亚点阵和位置 (19)3.2.4 成分、构成、位置分数、摩尔分数和浓度(composition, constitution, site fractions, molefractions and concentration) (19)3.2.5 平衡态和状态变量 (19)3.2.6 导出变量 (22)3.2.7 Gibbs相规则 (25)3.2.8 状态的热力学函数 (25)3.2.9 具有多相的体系 (25)3.2.10 不可逆热力学 (26)3.2.11 热力学模型 (26)3.2.12 与各种状态变量有关的Gibbs能 (27)3.2.13 参考态与标准态 (27)3.2.14 溶解度范围 (28)3.2.15 驱动力 (28)3.2.16 化学反应 (28)3.2.17 与平衡常数方法相对的Gibbs能最小化技术 (28)3.2.18 平衡计算 (29)3.3 热力学数据 (30)3.3.1 数据结构 (30)3.3.3 数据估价 (32)3.3.6 数据加密 (33)3.4 用户界面 (34)3.4.1 普通结构 (34)3.4.2 缩写 (34)3.4.3 过程机制(history mechanism) (35)3.4.4 工作目录和目标目录(Working directory and target directory) (35)3.4.5 参数转换为命令 (36)3.4.6 缺省值 (36)3.4.7 不理解的问题 (36)3.4.8 帮助与信息 (36)3.4.9 出错消息 (36)3.4.10 控制符 (36)3.4.11 私人文件 (36)3.4.12 宏工具 (37)3.4.13 模块性 (37)3.5 Thermo-Calc中的模块 (37)3.5.1 基本模块 (37)3.7 Thermo-Calc编程界面 (39)3.7.1 Thermo-Calc作为引肇 (39)3.7.2 Thermo-Calc应用编程界面:TQ和TCAPI (40)3.7.3 在其它软件包中开发Thermo-Calc工具箱 (43)3.7.4 材料性质计算核材料工艺模拟的应用 (43)3.8 Thermo-Calc的功能 (44)3.9 Thermo-Calc应用 (44)第4部分Thermo-Calc数据库描述 (45)4.1 引言 (45)4.2 Thermo-Calc数据库描述形式 (45)第5部分数据库模块(TDB)——用户指南 (55)5.1 引言 (55)5.2 TDB模块中用户界面 (56)5.3 开始 (56)5.3.1 SWITCH-DATABASE (56)5.3.2 LIST-DATABASE ELEMENT (56)5.3.3 DEFINE_ELEMENTS (56)5.3.4 LIST_SYSTEM CONSTITUENT (56)5.3.5 REJECT PHASE (56)5.3.6 RESTORE PHASE (56)5.3.7 GET_DATA (56)5.4 所有TDB监视命令的描述 (56)5.4.1 AMEND_SELACTION (56)5.4.6 DEFINE_SPECIES (58)5.4.7 DEFINE_SYSTEM (58)5.4.8 EXCLUDE_UNUSED_SPECIES (58)5.4.9 EXIT (58)5.4.10 GET_DATA (58)5.4.11 GOTO_MODULE (59)5.4.12 HELP (59)5.4.13 INFORMA TION (59)5.4.14 LIST_DATABASE (60)5.4.15 LIST_SYSTEM (60)5.4.16 MERGE_WITH_DA TABASES (61)5.4.17 NEW_DIRECTORY_FILE (61)5.4.18 REJECT (61)5.4.19 RESTORE (62)5.4.20 SET_AUTO_APPEND_DA TABASE (62)5.4.21 SWITCH_DA TABASE (63)5.5 扩展命令 (64)第6部分数据库模块(TDB)——管理指南 (64)6.1 引言 (64)6.2 TDB模块的初始化 (65)6.3 数据库定义文件语法 (66)6.3.1 ELEMENT (67)6.3.2 SPECIES (67)6.3.3 PHASE (67)6.3.4 CONSTITUENT (67)6.3.5 ADD_CONSTITUENT (68)6.3.6 COMPOUND_PHASE (68)6.3.7 ALLOTROPIC_PHASE (68)6.3.8 TEMPERA TURE_LIMITS (68)6.3.9 DEFINE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT (69)6.3.10 DEFAULT_COMMAND (69)6.3.11 DATABASE_INFORMATION (69)6.3.12 TYPE_DEFINITION (69)6.3.13 FTP_FILE (70)6.3.14 FUNCTION (70)6.3.15 PARAMETER (72)6.3.16 OPTIONS (73)6.3.17 TABLE (73)6.3.18 ASSESSED_SYSTEMS (73)6.3.19 REFERENCE_FILE (74)6.3.20 LIST_OF_REFERENCE (75)6.3.21 CASE与ENDCASE (76)6.3.22 VERSION_DA TA (76)6.5 数据库定义文件实例 (77)6.5.1 例1:一个小的钢数据库 (77)6.5.2 例2:Sb-Sn系个人数据库 (78)第7部分制表模块(TAB) (81)7.1 引言 (81)7.2 一般命令 (81)7.2.1 HELP (81)7.2.2 GOTO_MODULE (81)7.2.3 BACK (82)7.2.4 EXIT (82)7.2.5 PATCH (82)7.3 重要命令 (82)7.3.1 TABULATE_SUBSTANCE (82)7.3.2 TABULATE_REACTION (85)7.3.3 ENTER_REACTION (86)7.3.4 SWITCH_DA TABASE (87)7.3.5 ENTER_FUNCTION (88)7.3.6 TABULATE_DERIV A TIVES (89)7.3.7 LIST_SUBSTANCE (91)7.4 其它命令 (92)7.4.1 SET_ENERGY_UNIT (92)7.4.2 SET_PLOT_FORMAT (92)7.4.3 MACRO_FILE_OPEN (92)7.4.4 SET_INTERACTIVE (93)7.5 绘制表 (93)第8部分平衡计算模块(POL Y) (94)8.1 引言 (94)8.2 开始 (95)8.3 基本热力学 (95)8.3.1 体系与相 (95)8.3.2 组元(Species) (95)8.3.3 状态变量 (96)8.3.4 组分 (97)8.3.5 条件 (98)8.4 不同类型的计算 (98)8.4.1 计算单一平衡 (98)8.4.2 性质图的Steping计算 (99)8.4.3 凝固路径模拟 (99)8.4.4 仲平衡与T0温度模拟 (99)8.4.5 相图的Mapping计算 (101)8.4.6 势图计算 (101)8.4.7 Pourbaix图计算 (101)8.4.8 绘制图 (101)8.5.4 更高阶相图 (104)8.5.5 性质图 (104)8.6 普通命令 (104)8.6.1 HELP (104)8.6.2 INFORMA TION (104)8.6.3 GOTO_MODULE (105)8.6.4 BACK (105)8.6.5 SET_INTERACTIVE (105)8.6.6 EXIT (106)8.7 基本命令 (106)8.7.1 SET_CONDITION (106)8.7.2 RESET_CONDITION (107)8.7.3 LIST_CONDITIONS (107)8.7.4 COMPUTE_EQUILIBRIUM (107)8.7.6 DEFINE_MATERIAL (108)8.7.6 DEFINE_DIAGRAM (111)8.8 保存和读取POL Y数据结构的命令 (112)8.8.1 SA VE_WORKSPACES (112)8.8.2 READ_WORKSPACES (113)8.9 计算与绘图命令 (114)8.9.1 SET_AXIS_V ARIABLE (114)8.9.2 LIST_AXIS_V ARIABLE (114)8.9.3 MAP (114)8.9.4 STEP_WITH_OPTIONS (115)8.9.5 ADD_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (117)8.9.6 POST (118)8.10 其它有帮助的命令 (118)8.10.1 CHANGE_STA TUS (118)8.10.2 LIST_STA TUS (119)8.10.3 COMPUTE_TRANSITION (120)8.10.4 SET_ALL_START_V ALUES (121)8.10.5 SHOW_V ALUE (122)8.10.6 SET_INPUT_AMOUNTS (122)8.10.7 SET_REFERENCE_STA TE (122)8.10.8 ENTER_SYMBOL (123)8.10.9 LIST_SYMBOLS (124)8.10.10 EV ALUATE_FUNCTIONS (124)8.10.11 TABULATE (124)8.11 高级命令 (125)8.11.1 AMEND_STORED_EQUILIBRIA (125)8.11.3 DELETE_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (126)8.11.4 LIST_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIA (126)8.11.5 LOAD_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (126)8.11.10 SELECT_EQUILIBRIUM (128)8.11.11 SET_NUMERICAL_LIMITS (128)8.11.12 SET_START_CONSTITUTION (129)8.11.13 SET_START_V ALUE (129)8.11.14 PATCH (129)8.11.15 RECOVER_START_V ALUE (129)8.11.16 SPECIAL_OPTIONS (129)8.12 水溶液 (132)8.13 排除故障 (133)8.13.1 第一步 (133)8.13.2 第二步 (133)8.13.3 第三步 (133)8.14 频繁提问的问题 (134)8.14.1 程序中为什么只得到半行? (134)8.14.2 在已经保存之后为什么不能绘图? (134)8.14.3 为什么G.T不总是与-S相同? (134)8.14.4 如何获得组元偏焓 (135)8.14.5 为什么H(LIQUID) 是零而HM(LIQUID)不是零 (135)8.14.6 即使石墨是稳定的为什么碳活度小于1? (135)8.14.7 如何获得过剩Gibbs能? (135)8.14.8 当得到交叉结线而不是混溶裂隙时什么是错的? (135)8.14.9 怎么能直接计算最大混溶裂隙? (136)第9部分后处理模块(POST) (136)9.1 引言 (136)9.2 一般命令 (137)9.2.1 HELP (137)9.2.2 BACK (137)9.2.3 EXIT (137)9.3 重要命令 (137)9.3.1 SET_DIAGRAM_AXIS (137)9.3.2 SET_DIAGRAM_TYPE (138)9.3.3 SET_LABEL_CORVE_OPTION (139)9.3.5 MODIFY_LABEL_TEXT (139)9.3.6 SET_PLOT_FORMAT (140)9.3.7 PLOT_DIAGRAM (141)9.3.8 PRINT_DIAGRAM (142)9.3.9 DUMP_DIAGRAM (143)9.3.10 SET_SCALING_STA TUS (144)9.3.11 SET_TITLE (144)9.3.12 LIST_PLOT_SETTINGS (144)9.4 实验数据文件绘图命令 (144)9.4.1 APPEND_EXPERIMENTAL_DA TA (144)9.4.2 MAKE_EXPERIMENTAL_DA TAFILE (145)9.5.3 SET_AXIS_LENGTH (147)9.5.4 SET_AXIS_TEXT_STATUS (147)9.5.5 SET_AXIS_TYPE (147)9.5.6 SET_COLOR (147)9.5.7 SET_CORNER_TEXT (148)9.5.8 SET_FONT (148)9.5.9 SET_INTERACTIVE_MODE (149)9.5.10 SET_PLOT_OPTION (149)9.5.11 SET_PREFIX_SCALING (149)9.5.12 SET_REFERENCE_STA TE (149)9.5.13 SET_TIELINE_STA TE (150)9.5.14 SET_TRUE_MANUAL_SCALING (150)9.5.15 TABULATE (150)9.6 奇特的命令 (150)9.6.1 PATCH_WORKSPACE (150)9.6.2 RESTORE_PHASE_IN_PLOT (150)9.6.3 REINIATE_PLOT_SETTINGS (151)9.6.4 SET_AXIS_PLOT_STATUS (151)9.6.5 SET_PLOT_SIZE (151)9.6.6 SET_RASTER_STATUS (151)9.6.8 SUSPEND_PHASE_IN_PLOT (151)9.7 3D图标是:命令与演示 (151)9.7.1 CREATE_3D_PLOTFILE (153)9.7.2 在Cortona VRML Client阅读器中查看3D图 (154)第10部分一些特殊模块 (155)10.1 引言 (155)10.2 特殊模块生成或使用的文件 (156)10.2.1 POL Y3文件 (156)10.2.2 RCT文件 (156)10.2.3 GES5文件 (156)10.2.4 宏文件 (157)10.3 与特殊模块的交互 (157)10.4 BIN模块 (157)10.4.1 BIN模块的描述 (157)10.4.2 特定BIN模块数据库的结构 (161)10.4.3特定BIN计算的演示实例 (162)10.5 TERN 模块 (162)10.5.1 TERN 模块的描述 (162)10.5.2 特殊TERN模块数据库的结构 (166)10.5.3 TERN模块计算的演示实例 (167)10.6 POT模块 (167)10.7 POURBAIX 模块 (167)10.8 SCHAIL 模块 (167)11.2 热化学 (168)11.2.1 一些术语的定义 (168)11.2.2 元素与物种(Elements and species) (168)11.2.3 大小写模式 (169)11.2.4 相 (169)11.2.5 温度与压力的函数 (169)11.2.6 符号 (170)11.2.7 混溶裂隙 (170)11.3 热力学模型 (170)11.3.1 标准Gibbs能 (171)11.3.2 理想置换模型 (171)11.3.3 规则溶体模型 (171)11.3.4 使用组元而不是元素 (172)11.3.5 亚点阵模型—化合物能量公式 (172)11.3.6 离子液体模型,对具有有序化趋势的液体 (172)11.3.7 缔合模型 (173)11.3.8 准化学模型 (173)11.3.9 对Gibbs能的非化学贡献(如铁磁) (173)11.3.10 既有有序-无序转变的相 (173)11.3.11 CVM方法:关于有序/无序现象 (173)11.3.12 Birch-Murnaghan模型:关于高压贡献 (173)11.3.13 理想气体模型相对非理想气体/气体混合物模型 (173)11.3.14 DHLL和SIT模型:关于稀水溶液 (173)11.3.15 HKF和PITZ模型:对浓水溶液 (173)11.3.16 Flory-Huggins模型:对聚合物 (173)11.4 热力学参数 (173)11.5 数据结构 (175)11.5.1 构造 (175)11.5.2 Gibbs能参考表面 (175)11.5.3 过剩Gibbs能 (175)11.5.4 存储私有文件 (175)11.5.5 加密与不加密数据库 (176)11.6 GES系统的应用程序 (176)11.7 用户界面 (176)11.7.1 模块性和交互性 (177)11.7.2 控制符的使用 (177)11.8 帮助与信息的命令 (177)11.8.1 HELP (177)11.8.2 INFORMATION (177)11.9 改变模块与终止程序命令 (178)11.9.1 GOTO_MODULE (178)11.9.2 BACK (178)11.9.3 EXIT (178)11.10 输入数据命令 (178)11.10.4 ENTER_SYMBOL (180)11.10.5 ENTER_PARAMETER (181)11.11 列出数据的命令 (183)11.11.1 LIST_DATA (183)11.11.2 LIST_PHASE_DA TA (183)11.11.3 LIST_PARAMETER (184)11.11.4 LIST_SYMBOL (185)11.11.5 LIST_CONSTITUENT (185)11.11.6 LIST_STATUS (185)11.12 修改数据命令 (185)11.12.1 AMEND_ELEMENT_DA TA (185)11.12.2 AMEND_PHASE_DESCRIPTION (186)11.12.3 AMEND_SYMBOL (188)11.12.4 AMEND_PARAMETER (189)11.12.5 CHANGE_STATUS (191)11.12.6 PATCH_WORKSPACES (191)11.12.7 SET_R_AND_P_NORM (191)11.13 删除数据的命令 (192)11.13.1 REINITIATE (192)11.13.2 DELETE (192)11.14 存储或读取数据的命令 (192)11.14.1 SA VE_GES_WORKSPACE (192)11.14.2 READ_GES_WORKSPACE (193)11.15 其它命令 (193)11.15.1 SET_INTERACTIVE (193)第12部分优化模块(PARROT) (193)12.1 引言 (193)12.1.1 热力学数据库 (194)12.1.2 优化方法 (194)1 2.1.4 其它优化软件 (195)12.2 开始 (195)12.2.1 试验数据文件:POP文件 (195)12.2.2 图形试验文件:EXP文件 (197)12.2.3 系统定义文件:SETUP文件 (197)12.2.4 工作文件或存储文件:PAR文件 (198)12.2.5 各种文件名与其关系 (198)12.2.6 交互运行PARROT模块 (199) 绘制中间结果 (199) 实验数据的选择 (199) 优化与连续优化 (200)12.2.7 参数修整 (200)12.2.8 交互完成的变化要求编译 (201)12.3 交替模式 (201)12.4 诀窍与处理 (201)12.4.4 参数量 (201)12.5 命令结构 (201)12.5.1 一些项的定义 (201)12.5.2 与其它模块连接的命令 (201)12.5.3 用户界面 (201)12.6 一般命令 (201)12.7 最频繁使用的命令 (202)12.8 其它命令 (203)第13部分编辑-实验模块(ED-EXP) (203)第14部分系统实用模块(SYS) (203)14.1 引言 (203)14.2 一般命令 (203)14.2.1 HELP (203)14.2.2 INFORMA TION (204)14.2.4 BACK (205)14.2.5 EXIT (205)14.2.6 SET_LOG_FILE (205)14.2.7 MACRO+FILE_OPEN (205)14.2.8 SET_PLOT_ENVIRONMENT (206)14.3 Odd命令 (207)14.3.1 SET_INTERACTIVE_MODE (207)14.3.2 SET_COMMAND_UNITS (207)14.3.4 LIST_FREE_WORKSPACE (207)14.3.5 PATCH (207)14.3.6 TRACE (207)14.3.7 STOP_ON_ERROR (208)14.3.8 OPEN_FILE (208)14.3.9 CLOSE_FILE (208)14.3.10 SET_TERMINAL (208)14.3.11 NEWS (208)14.3.12 HP_CALCULATOR (208)14.4 一般信息的显示 (209)第15部分数据绘图语言(DATAPLOT) (215)第1部分一般介绍1.1 计算热力学在近十年内与材料科学与工程相联系的计算机计算与模拟的研究与发展已经为定量设计各种材料产生了革命性的方法,热力学与动力学模型的广泛结合使预测材料成分、各种加工后的结构和性能。


1.仪器组成 原子吸收光谱仪、火焰原子化器、石墨炉及氢化物发生器, 配套系统包括空气压缩机、冷却水循环装置、氩气高压瓶及乙炔高压瓶。
2.环境及电源要求 2.1 仪器要求温度 25±2℃,相对湿度不得过 60℃。所放置的实验室要求防尘 防湿,避免光线直射,远离热源、风源,严禁水汽、烟尘。 2.2 实验台应坚固稳定,台面平整。为便于操作与维修,实验台四周应留出至 少 0.5 米的空间。 2.3 仪器上方必须设有通风装置,使燃烧器产生的燃烧气体能顺利排出。 2.4 石墨炉电源功率为 7.2KVA,需单独在配电箱上安装保护开关,不要与光谱 仪电源同相。 3.空心阴极灯的安装 3.1 打开原子吸收光谱仪前部的门,将灯安装至灯座上,注意灯底部的脚与底 座的孔相吻合。 3.2 在打开的软件系统中单击“灯”图标,输入“元素”、“灯座位置”与“最 大电流”,进口灯按照标注电流的毫安数输入,国产灯按照标注电流毫安数的三分之 一输入,取整数部分。 4.火焰法操作步骤 4.1 打开光谱仪电源开关,绿色指示灯亮。打开计算机,双击“SOLAAR”图标, 仪器发出“嗡嗡”声进行自检。 4.2 待图标全部变亮后,自检结束,单击“灯”图标,选择使用灯的灯座位置 代码,“状态”为“开”。如需要氘灯进行背景校正,选择“氘灯开”。 4.3 单击“显示方法”图标进行方法编辑。
第1页 共5页
4.3.1 在“概述”项下输入“方法名称”与“操作者”,“技术”项下选择“火 焰”,点击“新建”建立新方法。如方法已建立,在“载入”中寻找此方法,打开即 可。如要保存此方法,点击“保存”。
4.3.2 在“序列”项下添加待测样品,右键单击“动作”可增加、改变或删除 样品批次、校正、空白及式样空白等信息。

美国Thermofisher精密移液器使用说明 - zoomingivfcom

美国Thermofisher精密移液器使用说明 - zoomingivfcom
























Standard PCRPCR is a w idely used technique w ith many applications. What follow s is a basic protocol for PCR, although reaction conditions, such as times and temperatur es of incubations and concentrations of ther mostable DNA poly merase, MgCl2, pr imers and template DNA w ill vary and need to be optimised for different experiments. For further information, see reference 1 below.The ideal length of single-stranded DNA primers is betw een 15-30 bases. Primer sequences should not complement w ithin themselves or w ith each other, especially at the 3' ends. The GC content of the primers should be approximately 50%. Wher e possible, pr imers should be des igned to incorporate G or C at the 3' end. Ideally, the melting temperatures of the pr imers should be w ithin 5℃of each other.1) Use a thin-w alled plastic consumable free of DNases and RNases.2) Mix the reagents in the tube or plate w ell.3) Close or seal the tube or plate w ell and spin briefly to ensure all the reagents are collected at the bottom.4) Start the reaction w ith a DNA denaturation step (1-5 minutes at 94℃).5) P erfor m 30-40 cycles of PCR:Denature 94℃for 20sAnneal 50-65℃for 30sE xtend 72℃for 60sFor the extension step start w ith 60s/kb. In general, higher annealing temperatures yield mor e specific products. A good starting temperature is 5℃below the melting temperature of the primers. To deter mine the optimum, test at 5℃increments (or s maller increments) until the max imum specificity is reached. DNA w ith a high GC content may require a very high (> 60℃) annealing or denaturation temper atures. Alternatively,7-deaza-dGTP, mixed w ith dGTP, or DMSO can be added to reduce hydrogen bonding betw een complementary bases, thus reducing the effective annealing/denatur ing temperatures required. The half-life of Taq DNA poly merase (30 minutes at 95℃) suggests that a denaturing temperature of 96℃should not be exceeded.6) After the last cycle, incubate for a further 10 minutes at 72℃to complete the extension of both strands. After PCR, the samples should be stored at 4℃(short ter m) or -20℃(long ter m).7) The amplification products can be analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis and visualised us ing ethidium bromide staining.Long PCRLong PCR is an amplification that is longer than that usually attainable using Taq DNA poly mer ase. Mixtures of tw o polymerases (one w ith proofreading activ ity and one w ithout) allow long fragment PCR to be carried out (over 20kb). Ther mo Scientific's E xtensor Long PCR Enzy me Mix w orks on the same principle. What follow s is a basic protocol for long PCR.1) It is recommended that a master mix is prepared (on ice). The final volumes in a 25µl reaction should be as follow s.This step can be s implified by using the E xtensor Long PCR Master Mix.2) Mix the reagents in the tube or plate w ell.3) Close or seal the tube or plate w ell and spin briefly to ensure all the reagents are collected at the bottom.4) Start the reaction w ith a DNA denaturation step (1-5 minutes at 92-94℃).5) P erfor m 10 cycles of PCR:Denature 94℃for 20sAnneal 50-65℃for 30sE xtend 68℃for 60s (start w ith 60s/kb)NOTE: When amplifying over 15kb, use a denaturation temperature of 92℃6) P erfor m a further 15-20 cycles of PCR:Denature 94℃for 20sAnneal 50-65℃for 30sE xtend 68℃for 60s (60s/kb + 20s/cycle)7) After the last cycle, incubate for a further 10 minutes at 68℃to complete the extension of both strands. After PCR, the samples should be stored at 4℃(short ter m) or -20℃(long ter m).When using a proofreading enzy me, it is alw ays better to use an extension temperatur e of 68℃, if possible. Depending on the melting temperature of the primers, good results can be obtained us ing a s ingle annealing/extension step at 68℃.E xtension times depend on the length of sequence to be amplified.References1. Roux, K.H. (1995) Optimization and Troubleshooting in PCR. PCR Methods and Applications (supplement) 4: (S185-S194).2. Barnes, W. (1994) PCR A mplification of up to 35kb DNA w ith High Fidelity and High Yield from Lambda Bacteriophage Templates. P roceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91:(2216-2229).。

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CopyCaller Software简易操作流程
CopyCaller Software
CopyCaller Software软件能够简便、快速地分析来自于Applied Biosystems品牌实时荧光定量PCR仪的TaqMan® Copy Number Assays实验数据。

1.1在Applied Biosystems™品牌实时荧光定量PCR仪上运行TaqMan®
Copy Number Assays实验,实验类型设置为绝对定量,每个样品
推荐做4个重复,具体设置请参考TaqMan® Copy Number Assays


2.使用CopyCaller Software软件分析数据
2.1 打开CopyCaller Software软件
双击桌面图标,或从Start > All programs > Applied
Biosystems > CopyCallerSoftware> CopyCaller开启软件。

者多个文件,点击open,选中的文件将会出现在软件的Assay Selection界面。

如下图所示,在○1assay selection界面中选择所要分析的数据,○2点击绿色图标分析,弹出分析设置界面,如果实验中包含已知基因拷贝数的样品,选择○3with calibration sample,在calibrator sample下拉选项中选择用做校正的样品名称,在calibrator sample copy number中输入拷贝数;如果实验中没有已知拷贝数的样品,选择○4without calibration sample, 在most frequent sample copy number中输入本次实验中大多数样品预测的拷贝数。

点击○5 Apply分析实验。

在Assay Selection界面,点击下方箭头指示处 后,即可查看实验结果。



2.4.3下图表格中copy number predicted直观地显示了每个样品预测的拷贝数。

confidence 推荐大于0.95, z-Score参考下表推荐值:
点击或者点击File> Save As,选择路径,保存文

点击或者点击File> Open重新打开.cnv格式的分析文件。
