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题号I II III IV V 总分得分




( )1. --- Can you see there is _____________ apple on the table?

--- Yes. _____________ apple is for you.

A. a; The

B. the; The

C. an; An

D. an; The

( )2. --- Happy New Year! --- __________ .

A. Thank you

B. That’s right

C. The same to you.

D. OK.

( )3. --- __________________?

--- They’re fine, tha nk you.

A. How are you

B. Who are you

C. What are they

D. How are your mother and father

( )4. Barack Obama is from the .





( )5. When the light is red, you ________ cross the road. You ___________ wait for the green light.

A. can; must

B. can; must not

C. can’t; must

D. can’t; must not

( )6. Millie ________ eating fruit ________ apples, oranges and pears.

A. likes, like

B. like, likes

C. like, like

D. likes, likes

( )7. ---_________, where’s the bookshop, please?

---_______________, I don’t know.

A. Excuse me; Sorry

B. Excuse me; Excuse me

C. Sorry; Excuse me

D. Sorry; Sorry

( )8. ---Whose ball is this?


A. Jim’s and Tom’s

B. Tom’s and Jim

C. Jim and Tom’s

D. Jim and Tom

( )9. There _________ some milk and bread on the table. You can have them _________ breakfast.

A. are; for

B. are; in

C. is; for

D. is; in

( )10. ---Does Daniel often play ________ you?

---No. He often looks ________ things on the Internet.

A. for; on

B. with; out

C. with; for

D. for; out

( )11.---Is Peter from America?

---No. Peter is an _________ boy, but he’s in ___________.

A. America; England

B. English; America

C. American; English

D. England; America

( )12. I have a watch here. It says 1:58 .

A. two past two

B. fifty-eight past one

C. two to one

D. two to two

( )13. Does your mother cook __________ you ___________ the weekend?

A. for; in

B. for; at

C. with; on

D. to; at

( )14. Please ___________ the picture. What can you __________?

A. look at; see

B. see; look at

C. look at; look at

D. see; see


A. Do; go

B. Do; go to

C. Does; go

D. Does; go to

( )16. --- __________ pencil-box is that?

--- It’s not __________, it’s __________.

A. Who’s, mine, hers

B. Which , my, her

C. What, me, her

D. Whose, hers, his

( )17. Kitty is a nice girl. She enjoys __________ very much.

A. singing

B. to sing

C. sings

D. sang

( )18. Thank you for _________ me ________ my Maths.

A. help; at

B. helping; on

C. help; with

D. helping; with

( )19. Peter and John are __________. The two boys are the same age and look the same.

A. twin sisters

B. twins sisters

C. twins brothers

D. twin brothers

( )20. How do you __________ that in English?

A. tell

B. talk

C. speak

D. say

( )21. ---Can I have a look at your new pen, please?

--- _______________________.

A. Yes, I can

B. No, I can’t

C. OK. Here you are

D. No, I’m not.

( )22. Mrs. Wang is Tom’s mother. She is my aunt. Tom is my _________.

A. cousin

B. twin brother

C. son

D. uncle

( )23. ---Are there __________ halls in the building? ---Yes, there are __________.

A. some; some

B. any; any

C. some; any

D. any; some

( ) 24. The sign on the right means (意思是) “______________.”

A. Don’t swim in the lake

B. Don’t fly kites here

C. Don’t smoke here

D. Don’t ride the bike here

( )25. ---Would you like a cup of tea?

--- ____________________.

A. Sorry, I wouldn’t

B. No, thanks

C. I don’t know

D. Yes, I don’t like it




Mr. White has a son and a daughter. The boy’s name is Jim, and the girl’s name is Kitty, they are both students. After__26__ Mr. White and Mrs. White __27__ their children to the school __28__ the car every morning. Then they go to work in a __29__. The children have lunch at school. The Whites have lunch at the factory. There __30__ four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After __31__ the children play games for some time, but sometimes the children __32__ the classroom with their classmates. Then they go home by school bus. Mrs. White often cooks supper for the __33__.The children help their mother do the housework.

After supper the children do their __34__. Mr. and Mrs. White watch TV or __35__.

( ) 26. A. lunch B. supper C. dinner D. breakfast

( ) 27. A. take B. bring C. help D. get

( ) 28. A. on B. by C. at D. in

( ) 29. A. hospital B. factory C. school D. restaurant

( ) 30. A. has B. are C. is D. have

( ) 31. A. classes B. school C. class D. afternoon

( ) 32. A. clean B. stay C. wash D. play

( ) 33. A. home B. child C. herself D. family

( ) 34. A. homeworks B. houseworks C. housework D. homework

( ) 35. A. read book B. do some reading C. make some reading D. do some reading books
