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( ) 1. Small cars are useful in cities with narrow_________________.


B. cinemas

C. squares

D. shops

( ) 2. There will be fewer workers in factories because most work___________by robots in future.

A.is done

B. was done

C. will be done

D. will do

( ) 3. He ___________look at the stars every night, but now he does not.

A.had better

B. used to

C. ought to

D. had to

( ) 4. Luke’s mother will be ____________him if he wins the reading competition.

A.proud of

B. tired of

C. worried about

D. strict with

( ) 5 .---___________do you brush your teeth? --Twice or more a day.

A.How soon

B. How far

C. How long

D. How often

( ) 6.Bob dislikes coffee, so he almost ___________drinks it.


B. always

C. never

D. ever

( ) 7.Sarah ____________many places of interest in Beijing already.


B. has visited

C. will visit

D. ever

( ) 8.My grandparents wrote letters to keep in touch with others__________they were






( ) 9 --Tom , I went to the party yesterday evening.--Oh, I want to know___at the party.

A. who do you meet

B. who you meet

C. who did you meet

D. who you


( ) 10. ---I don’t like the short story “The gifts”, I think it’s out of date.

----I’m sorry,but__________although it may be old ,I still think it’s a moving story.

A. it doesn’t matter B .I don’t agree C. you’re welcome D. that’s all right



One day, a hunter went hunting with his dog. He saw a rabbit running out of a bush not far in front and _____11_____raised his gun to shoot .The rabbit was hurt. It ran away______12___.The hunter waved to the dog to _____13_____it, the well-trained dog rushed like an arrow, running very fast and full of _______14_____.

The rabbit ran so desperately(拼命地)that it _______15____not to have been hurt at all. However ,the dog was surprisingly left behind. Gradually(逐渐地),the dog was losing sight of (看不见)the rabbit, At last when the dog_____16____empty-handed,the hunter was angry and blamed(责备)it, “How_____17____!Unable to catch an injured rabbit! No supper for you. ” Feeling sad, the dog tried to explain for _____18______, “Though I didn’t catch it I had done my best.”

When the rabbit got home, all the other rabbits were surprised at its ______19_______,They were dying to ask, “ How did you _____20____to run away when the dog almost caught you It’s unbelievable!”The frightened rabbit answered, “The dog would only be blamed for not catching me at most, ______21_____all it did was to do its best, the situation is completely different ____22______me. I would surely lose my lite______23_____I was caught. I had to go all out (竭尽全力)!”

We can learn a lesson for our daily life from the story. Have we ever examined ourselves and asked ______24_______we did our best or went all out when we looked for a(n)_____25______for our failure?

( ) 11.A.slowly B.quickly C.easily D.strangely

( ) 12.A.in order B.in need C.in fear D.in surprise

( ) 13.A bark at B.look at C.look after D.run after

( ) 14.A knowledge B.kindness C.humour D.confidence

( ) 15A.seemed B.became C.tasted D.sounded

( ) 16A.followed B.left C.returned D.waited

( ) 17.A.careless eless C.homeless D.harmless

( ) 18.A.itself B.it C.himself D.him

( ) 19.A.sadness B.luck C.worry D.patience

( ) 20.A.succeed B.fail C.manage D.suggest
