













具体操作为:进入“1.1简单设置” 或“1.4电机控制”菜单,进入自整定(tUn)参数,选中“请求自整定(YES)”,按“ENT”按键,变频器自动对电机进行自整定。



ATV61变频器_ATV61HU15M3施耐德变频器说明书产品参数表说明书ATV61HU15M3ATV61 1.5kW 3P 220VAC, 1.5KW,普通涂层,中⽂⾯板,EMC主要信息产品系列Altivar 61产品类型变频器应⽤领域泵机和通风机组件名称ATV61电动机功率 (kW)0.75 kW 单相 200...240 V 1.5 kW 3 相 200...240 V 电机功率 1 hp 单相 200...240 V 2 hp 3 相 200...240 V 电源电压200...240 V (- 15...10 %)电源相数 3 相单相线路电流11.3 A 适⽤200 V 3 相 1.5 kW / 2 hp 12 A 适⽤200 V 单相 0.75 kW / 1 hp 9.6 A 适⽤240 V 3 相 1.5 kW / 2 hp 9.9 A 适⽤240 V 单相 0.75 kW / 1 hp EMC 滤波器C2类EMC滤波器组装⽅式带散热⽚视在功率2.4 kVA 适⽤240 V 单相 0.75 kW / 1 hp 4 kVA 适⽤240 V 3 相 1.5 kW / 2 hp 最⼤预期短路电流Isc 5 kA 3 相5 kA 单相最⼤瞬变电流 5.7 A 适⽤60 s 单相9.6 A 适⽤60 s 3 相额定开关频率12 kHz开关频率 1...16 kHz 可调12...16 kHz 带降额因素异步电机控制电压/频率⽐,2点电压/频率⽐,5点⽆传感器磁链⽮量控制标准电压/频率⽐同步电机控制配置模式⽆传感器⽮量控制通讯端⼝协议CANopen Modbus极化⽅式⽆阻抗适⽤ Modbus 选项卡APOGEE FLN 通信卡BACnet 通信卡责声明:本⽂档不代表或不⽤于确定⽤于特定⽤户应⽤产品的适⽤性或可靠性控制器内可编程卡DeviceNet 通信卡Ethernet/IP 通信卡Fipio 通信卡I/O 扩展卡Interbus-S 通信卡LonWorks 通信卡METASYS N2 通信卡Modbus Plus 通信卡Modbus TCP 通信卡Modbus/Uni-Telway 通信卡泵站控制卡Profibus DP 通信卡Profibus DP V1 通信卡补充信息产品功能异步电机同步电机电源电压上限170...264 V供电电源频率50...60 Hz (- 5...5 %)电源频率限制47.5...63 Hz连续输出电流8 A 12 kHz, 230 V 3 相4.8 A 12 kHz, 230 V 单相最⼤输出频率0.1...599 Hz速度范围 1...100 处于开环模式下, ⽆速度反馈速度精度+/- 10 % 标称滑距适⽤ 0.2 Tn ⾄ Tn 转矩变化不带速度反馈扭矩精度+/- 15 % 处于开环模式下, ⽆速度反馈瞬时过转矩130 % 标称电机转矩, +/- 10 % 适⽤ 60 秒制动⼒矩30 % 不带制动电阻器<= 125 % 带有制动电阻器调节回路频率 PI 调节器电机滑差补偿可调⾃动⽆论负载情况可以抑制不可⽤电压/频率⽐(2 或 5 点)诊断 1 个LED 红⾊状态设备电压输出电压<= 电源电压电⽓隔离电源与控制端⼦之间安装在外壳中的电缆的类型带有⼀个 IP21 或 IP31 套件 : 3-绞股 IEC 电缆在…上 40 °C, 铜 70 °C PVC 不带安装套件 : 1-绞股 IEC 电缆在…上 45 °C, 铜 70 °C PVC不带安装套件 : 1-绞股 IEC 电缆在…上 45 °C, 铜 90 °C XLPE/EPR带有UL 1类套件 : 3-绞股 UL 508 电缆在…上 40 °C, 铜 75 °C PVC电⽓连接AI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1...LI6, PWR 端⼦ 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+, PA, PB 端⼦ 6 mm2 / AWG 8紧固扭矩AI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1...LI6, PWR 0.6 N.mL1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+, PA, PB 1.4 N.m / 12.3 lb.内部电源内部电源⽤于参考电位计 (1 ⾄ 10 kOhm) 10.5 V 直流 +/- 5 %, <= 10 mA 适⽤过载和短路保护内部电源 24 V 直流 (21...27 V), <= 200 mA 适⽤过载和短路保护来⾃外部供电 24 V 直流 (19...30 V)模拟量输⼊数量2模拟量输⼊类型AI1-/Al1+ 双极差分电压 +/- 10 V 直流, 输⼊电压 24 V 最⼤, 分辨率 11位+符号位AI2 软件-可配置电流 0...20 mA, 阻抗 242 ?, 分辨率 11 位AI2 软件-可配置电压 0...10 V 直流, 输⼊电压 24 V 最⼤, 阻抗 30000 ?, 分辨率 11 位采样时间离散量输⼊ LI6 (如果配置为逻辑输⼊的话) 2 ms, +/- 0.5 ms模拟量输⼊ AI1-/Al1+ 2 ms, +/- 0.5 ms模拟量输⼊ Al2 2 ms, +/- 0.5 ms模拟量输出 AO1 2 ms, +/- 0.5 ms离散量输⼊ LI1...LI5 2 ms, +/- 0.5 ms绝对精度AI1-/Al1+ +/- 0.6 % ⽤于60 °C的温度变动AI2 +/- 0.6 % ⽤于60 °C的温度变动AO1 +/- 1 % ⽤于60 °C的温度变动线性度误差AI1-/Al1+ 最⼤值 +/- 0.15 %AI2 最⼤值 +/- 0.15 %模拟量输出数量1模拟量输出型号AO1 软件-可配置电流, 模拟量输出范围 0...20 mA, 阻抗 500 ?, 分辨率 10 bits AO1 软件-可配置逻辑输出 10 V, <= 20 mAAO1 软件-可配置电压, 模拟量输出范围 0...10 V DC, 阻抗 470 ?, 分辨率 10 bits 离散量输出数量2指⽰装置类型(R1A, R1B, R1C) 可配置的继电器逻辑 NO/NC, 电⽓寿命 100000 次(R2A, R2B) 可配置的继电器逻辑 NO, 电⽓寿命 100000 次最⼤响应时间<= 100 ms 在 STO (安全转矩关闭) 内R1A, R1B, R1C <= 7 ms, 公差 +/- 0.5 msR2A, R2B <= 7 ms, 公差 +/- 0.5 ms最⼩开关电流 [Imin]可配置的继电器逻辑 3 mA 在…上 24 V DC最⼤开关电流R1, R2 在…上阻性(负载)负载, 5 A 30 V DC, cos phi = 1, 0 msR1, R2 在…上感性负载负载, 2 A 30 V DC, cos phi = 0.4, 7 msR1, R2 在…上阻性(负载)负载, 5 A 250 V AC, cos phi = 1, 0 msR1, R2 在…上感性负载负载, 2 A 250 V AC, cos phi = 0.4, 7 ms离散量输⼊数量7数字量输⼊类型(LI1...LI5) 可编程, 24 V 直流, 电压限制 <= 30 V, 有 1 级 PLC, 阻抗 3500 ?(LI6) 开关-可配置, 24 V 直流, 电压限制 <= 30 V, 有 1 级 PLC, 阻抗 3500 ?(LI6) 开关可配置 PTC 探头, 0...6, 阻抗 1500 ?(PWR) 安全输⼊, 24 V 直流, 电压限制 <= 30 V, 阻抗 1500 ?离散量输⼊逻辑LI1...LI5 负逻辑 (漏), < 5 V (状态 0), > 11 V (状态 1)LI1...LI5 负逻辑 (漏), > 16 V (状态 0), < 10 V (状态 1)LI6 (如果配置为逻辑输⼊的话) 负逻辑 (漏), > 16 V (状态 0), < 10 V (状态 1)LI6 (如果配置为逻辑输⼊的话) 负逻辑 (漏), < 5 V (状态 0), > 11 V (状态 1)加速和减速倾斜超出刹车能⼒时的坡道⾃适应,采⽤电阻从 0.01 ⾄ 9000 s 独⽴线性可调S, U 或⾃定义制动⾄停⽌采⽤直流注⼊保护类型驱动防⽌超出限制速度驱动防⽌输⼊相位丢失驱动控制电路上制动驱动输⼊断相驱动线路电源过压驱动总线供电⽋压驱动输出相线和接地之间的过流驱动过热保护驱动直流总线过压驱动拆卸电源驱动电机各相线之间短路驱动热保护马达电机断相马达拆卸电源马达热保护绝缘电阻> 1 m? 在…上接地 1 分钟 500 V 直流频率分辨率模拟量输⼊ 0.024/50 Hz显⽰单元 0.1 Hz端⼝类型 1 RJ45 适⽤ Modbus 前⾯板1 RJ45 适⽤ Modbus 接线端RJ45的针型SUB-D 9 适⽤ CANopen物理接⼝2线制RS485 适⽤ Modbus传输帧RTU 适⽤ Modbus传输率20 kbps, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 1 Mbps 适⽤ CANopen 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38.4 Kbps 适⽤ Modbus 接线端9600 bps, 19200 bps 适⽤ Modbus 前⾯板数据格式8 位, 1 停⽌, 偶校验适⽤ Modbus 前⾯板8 位, 奇偶或⽆可配置的校验适⽤ Modbus 接线端地址数 1...247 适⽤ Modbus1...127 适⽤ CANopen访问⽅法从(站)适⽤ CANopen标识CE操作位置垂直⽅向 +/- 10°产品重量 3 kg宽度130 mm⾼度230 mm深度175 mm环境噪⾳等级43 dB 符合 86/188/EEC绝缘性能2830 V DC 接地和电源接线端之间4230 V DC 控制和电源接线端之间电磁兼容性符合 IEC 61000-4-2 级别 3符合 IEC 61000-4-11符合 IEC 61000-4-6 级别 3符合 IEC 61000-4-3 级别 3符合 IEC 61000-4-4 级别 4符合标准EN 55011 A 类第 1 组EN 61800-3 环境 1 级别 C2EN 61800-3 环境 2 级别 C2EN/IEC 61800-3EN/IEC 61800-5-1IEC 60721-3-3 第 3C1 类IEC 60721-3-3 第 3S2 类UL 类型 1产品认证CSAC-TickDNVGOSTNOM 117UL污染等级 2 符合 EN/IEC 61800-5-1保护程度IP20 在上⽅部件封盖上不带盲板符合 EN/IEC 60529 IP20 在上⽅部件封盖上不带盲板符合 EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP21 符合 EN/IEC 60529IP21 符合 EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP41 在上⽅部件符合 EN/IEC 60529IP41 在上⽅部件符合 EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP54 对下⾯的部件符合 EN/IEC 60529IP54 对下⾯的部件符合 EN/IEC 61800-5-1抗振动波峰⾄波峰 1.5 mm (f = 3...13 Hz) 符合 EN/IEC 60068-2-6 1 gn (f = 13...200 Hz) 符合 EN/IEC 60068-2-6抗冲击15 gn 适⽤ 11 ms 符合 EN/IEC 60068-2-27相对湿度 5...95 % ⽆冷凝符合 IEC 60068-2-35...95 % ⽆滴⽔符合 IEC 60068-2-3环境温度-10...50 °C ⽆降容50...60 °C 带降额因素贮存环境温度-25...70 °C⼯作海拔<= 1000 m ⽆降容1000...3000 m 电流降额 1%/100m合同保修阶段18 个⽉。

Schneider Electric ATV61 22kW 三相变速器产品说明书

Schneider Electric ATV61 22kW 三相变速器产品说明书

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsATV61HD22N4ZSPEEDDRIVE 30HP,460V,ATV61LEDKEYPADMainRange of product Altivar 61Product or component typeVariable speed driveProduct specific appli-cationPumping and ventilation machine Component name ATV61Motor power kW 22 kW 3 phases at 380...480 V Motor power hp 30 hp 3 phases at 380...480 V Power supply voltage 380...480 V (- 15...10 %)Supply number of phases 3 phasesLine current 50 A for 380 V 3 phases 22 kW / 30 hp 42 A for 480 V 3 phases 22 kW / 30 hp EMC filter Level 3 EMC filterVariant Without remote graphic terminal Assembly style With heat sinkApparent power 32.9 kVA for 380 V 3 phases 22 kW / 30 hp Maximum prospective line Isc22 kA 3 phases Maximum transient cur-rent57.6 A for 60 s 3 phases Nominal switching fre-quency12 kHzSwitching frequency 12...16 kHz with derating factor 1...16 kHz adjustableAsynchronous motor controlVoltage/Frequency ratio, 2 points Voltage/Frequency ratio, 5 pointsFlux vector control without sensor, standardVoltage/Frequency ratio - Energy Saving, quadratic U/fSynchronous motor control profile Vector control without sensor, standard Communication port protocolCANopen ModbusType of polarization No impedance for ModbusOption cardProfibus DP V1 communication card Profibus DP communication card Multi-pump cardModbus/Uni-Telway communication card Modbus TCP communication card Modbus Plus communication card METASYS N2 communication card LonWorks communication card Interbus-S communication card I/O extension cardFipio communication cardEthernet/IP communication card DeviceNet communication cardController inside programmable card CC-Link communication card BACnet communication cardAPOGEE FLN communication cardComplementaryProduct destination Asynchronous motorsSynchronous motorsPower supply voltage limits323...528 VPower supply frequency50...60 Hz (- 5...5 %)Power supply frequency limits47.5...63 HzContinuous output current48 A at 12 kHz, 380 V 3 phases40 A at 12 kHz, 460 V 3 phasesSpeed drive output frequency0.1...599 HzSpeed range 1...100 in open-loop mode, without speed feedbackSpeed accuracy+/- 10 % of nominal slip for 0.2 Tn to Tn torque variation without speed feedback Torque accuracy+/- 15 % in open-loop mode, without speed feedbackTransient overtorque130 % of nominal motor torque, +/- 10 % for 60 sBraking torque30 % without braking resistor<= 125 % with braking resistorRegulation loop Frequency PI regulatorMotor slip compensation AdjustableAutomatic whatever the loadCan be suppressedNot available in voltage/frequency ratio (2 or 5 points)Diagnostic 1 LED red presence of drive voltageOutput voltage<= power supply voltageElectrical isolation Between power and control terminalsType of cable for mounting in an enclosure Without mounting kit : 1-strand IEC cable at 45 °C, copper 90 °C XLPE/EPRWithout mounting kit : 1-strand IEC cable at 45 °C, copper 70 °C PVCWith UL Type 1 kit : 3-strand UL 508 cable at 40 °C, copper 75 °C PVCWith an IP21 or an IP31 kit : 3-strand IEC cable at 40 °C, copper 70 °C PVC Electrical connection L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+, PA, PB terminal 50 mm² /AWG 1/0AI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1...LI6, PWR terminal 2.5mm² / AWG 14Tightening torque L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+, PA, PB 12 N.m / 106.2 lb.inAI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1...LI6, PWR 0.6 N.m Supply Internal supply 24 V DC (21...27 V), <= 200 mA for overload and short-circuit pro-tectionInternal supply for reference potentiometer (1 to 10 kOhm) 10.5 V DC +/- 5 %, <=10 mA for overload and short-circuit protectionExternal supply 24 V DC (19...30 V), 30 WAnalogue input number2Analogue input type AI2 software-configurable voltage 0...10 V DC, input voltage 24 V max,impedance 30000 Ohm, resolution 11 bitsAI2 software-configurable current 0...20 mA, impedance 242 Ohm, resolution 11bitsAI1-/Al1+ bipolar differential voltage +/- 10 V DC, input voltage 24 V max, resolu-tion 11 bits + signSampling time Discrete input LI6 (if configured as logic input) 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msDiscrete input LI1...LI5 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAnalog output AO1 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAnalog input Al2 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAnalog input AI1-/Al1+ 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAbsolute accuracy precision AO1 +/- 1 % for a temperature variation 60 °CAI2 +/- 0.6 % for a temperature variation 60 °CAI1-/Al1+ +/- 0.6 % for a temperature variation 60 °CLinearity error AO1 +/- 0.2 %AI2 +/- 0.15 % of maximum valueAI1-/Al1+ +/- 0.15 % of maximum valueAnalogue output number1Analogue output type AO1 software-configurable logic output 10 V, <= 20 mAAO1 software-configurable voltage, analogue output range 0...10 V DC,impedance 470 Ohm, resolution 10 bitsAO1 software-configurable current, analogue output range 0...20 mA, impedance500 Ohm, resolution 10 bitsDiscrete output number2Discrete output type(R2A, R2B) configurable relay logic NO, electrical durability 100000 cycles(R1A, R1B, R1C) configurable relay logic NO/NC, electrical durability 100000 cy-clesMaximum response time R2A, R2B <= 7 ms, tolerance +/- 0.5 msR1A, R1B, R1C <= 7 ms, tolerance +/- 0.5 ms<= 100 ms in STO (Safe Torque Off)Minimum switching current Configurable relay logic 3 mA at 24 V DCMaximum switching current R1, R2 on resistive load, 5 A at 30 V DC, cos phi = 1, L/R = 0 msR1, R2 on resistive load, 5 A at 250 V AC, cos phi = 1, L/R = 0 msR1, R2 on inductive load, 2 A at 30 V DC, cos phi = 0.4, L/R = 7 msR1, R2 on inductive load, 2 A at 250 V AC, cos phi = 0.4, L/R = 7 ms Discrete input number7Discrete input type(PWR) safety input, 24 V DC, voltage limits <= 30 V, impedance 1500 Ohm(LI6) switch-configurable PTC probe, 0...6, impedance 1500 Ohm(LI6) switch-configurable, 24 V DC, voltage limits <= 30 V, with level 1 PLC,impedance 3500 Ohm(LI1...LI5) programmable, 24 V DC, voltage limits <= 30 V, with level 1 PLC,impedance 3500 OhmDiscrete input logic LI6 (if configured as logic input) positive logic (source), < 5 V (state 0), > 11 V(state 1)LI6 (if configured as logic input) negative logic (sink), > 16 V (state 0), < 10 V(state 1)LI1...LI5 positive logic (source), < 5 V (state 0), > 11 V (state 1)LI1...LI5 negative logic (sink), > 16 V (state 0), < 10 V (state 1) Acceleration and deceleration ramps Automatic adaptation of ramp if braking capacity exceeded, by using resistorLinear adjustable separately from 0.01 to 9000 sS, U or customizedBraking to standstill By DC injectionProtection type Motor thermal protectionMotor power removalMotor motor phase breakDrive thermal protectionDrive short-circuit between motor phasesDrive power removalDrive overvoltages on the DC busDrive overheating protectionDrive overcurrent between output phases and earthDrive line supply undervoltageDrive line supply overvoltageDrive input phase breaksDrive break on the control circuitDrive against input phase lossDrive against exceeding limit speedInsulation resistance> 1 mOhm at 500 V DC for 1 minute to earthFrequency resolution Display unit 0.1 HzAnalog input 0.024/50 HzType of connector Male SUB-D 9 on RJ45 for CANopen1 RJ45 for Modbus on terminal1 RJ45 for Modbus on front facePhysical interface2-wire RS 485 for ModbusTransmission frame RTU for ModbusTransmission rate20 kbps, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 1 Mbps for CANopen9600 bps, 19200 bps for Modbus on front face4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38.4 Kbps for Modbus on terminalData format8 bits, odd even or no configurable parity for Modbus on terminal8 bits, 1 stop, even parity for Modbus on front faceNumber of addresses 1...247 for Modbus1...127 for CANopenMethod of access Slave for CANopenMarking CEOperating position Vertical +/- 10 degreeProduct weight30 kgWidth240 mmHeight420 mmDepth236 mmEnvironmentNoise level59.9 dB conforming to 86/188/EECDielectric strength5092 V DC between control and power terminals3535 V DC between earth and power terminalsElectromagnetic compatibility Voltage dips and interruptions immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-11Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test conforming to IEC61000-4-3 level 3Electrostatic discharge immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 level 3Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 level 4Conducted radio-frequency immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 Standards EN 55011 class A group 2EN 61800-3 environments 1 category C3EN 61800-3 environments 2 category C3EN/IEC 61800-3EN/IEC 61800-5-1IEC 60721-3-3 class 3C1IEC 60721-3-3 class 3S2UL Type 1Product certifications CSAC-TickDNVGOSTNOM 117ULPollution degree 3 conforming to UL 8403 conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1Degree of proctection IP54 on lower part conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP54 on lower part conforming to EN/IEC 60529IP41 on upper part conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP41 on upper part conforming to EN/IEC 60529IP21 conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP21 conforming to EN/IEC 60529IP20 on upper part without blanking plate on cover conforming to EN/IEC61800-5-1IP20 on upper part without blanking plate on cover conforming to EN/IEC 60529 Vibration resistance 1.5 mm peak to peak (f = 3...13 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 60068-2-61 gn (f = 13...200 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 60068-2-6Shock resistance15 gn for 11 ms conforming to EN/IEC 60068-2-27Relative humidity 5...95 % without dripping water conforming to IEC 60068-2-35...95 % without condensation conforming to IEC 60068-2-3Ambient air temperature for operation50...60 °C with derating factor-10...50 °C without deratingAmbient air temperature for storage-25...70 °COperating altitude1000...3000 m with current derating 1 % per 100 m<= 1000 m without deratingOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0946 -Schneider Electric declaration of conformity REACh Reference contains SVHC above the threshold -go to CaP for more details Product environmental profile Available Download Product EnvironmentalProduct end of life instructions Available Download End Of Life ManualProduct data sheetATV61HD22N4Z Dimensions DrawingsVariable Speed Drives without Graphic Display TerminalDimensions without Option CardDimensions in mmDimensions in in.Dimensions with 1 Option Card (1)Dimensions in mmDimensions in in.(1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside” programmable card.Dimensions with 2 Option Cards (1)Dimensions in mmDimensions in in.(1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside” programmable card.Product data sheetATV61HD22N4ZMounting and ClearanceMounting RecommendationsDepending on the conditions in which the drive is to be used, its installation will require certain precautions and the use of appropriate accessories.Install the unit vertically:●Avoid placing it close to heating elements●Leave sufficient free space to ensure that the air required for cooling purposes can circulate from the bottom to the top of the unit. ClearanceMounting TypesType A MountingType B MountingType C MountingBy removing the protective blanking cover from the top of the drive, the degree of protection for the drive becomes IP 20.The protective blanking cover may vary according to the drive model (refer to the user guide).Specific Recommendations for Mounting the Drive in an EnclosureVentilationTo ensure proper air circulation in the drive:●Fit ventilation grilles.●Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation. If there is not, install a forced ventilation unit with a filter. The openings and/or fans must providea flow rate at least equal to that of the drive fans (refer to the product characteristics).●Use special filters with IP 54 protection.●Remove the blanking cover from the top of the drive.Dust and Damp Proof Metal Enclosure (IP 54)The drive must be mounted in a dust and damp proof enclosure in certain environmental conditions: dust, corrosive gases, high humidity with risk of condensation and dripping water, splashing liquid, etc.This enables the drive to be used in an enclosure where the maximum internal temperature reaches 50°C.Product data sheetATV61HD22N4ZConnections and SchemaWiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 1, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply with Upstream Breaking via ContactorA1ATV61 driveKM1ContactorL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerQ2GV2 L rated at twice the nominal primary current of T1Q3GB2CB05XB4 B or XB5 A pushbuttonsS1,S2T1100 VA transformer 220 V secondary(1)Line choke (three-phase); mandatory for ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(2)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(3)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(4)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(5)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(6)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of thestrap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(7)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(8)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 1, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply with Downstream Breaking via Switch DisconnectorA1ATV61 driveL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerQ2Switch disconnector (Vario)(1)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(2)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(3)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(4)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(5)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(6)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of thestrap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(7)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(8)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 3, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply, Low Inertia Machine, Vertical MovementA1ATV61 drive A2Preventa XPS AC safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the “Power Removal”function for several drives on the same machine. In this case, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS AC module. These contacts are independent for each drive.F1Fuse L1DC choke Q1Circuit-breaker S1Emergency stop button with 2 contacts S2XB4 B or XB5 A pushbutton (1)Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac.(2)S2: resets XPS AC module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions.(3)Requests freewheel stopping of the movement and activates the “Power Removal” safety function.(4)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for and ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(5)The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe stop state.(6)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(7)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(8)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(9)Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C 93-550, external diameter 2.54 mm /0.09 in., maximum length 15 m / 49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed.(10)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(11)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(12)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(13)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 3, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 1 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply, High Inertia MachineA1ATV61 drive A2(5)Preventa XPS ATE safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the "Power Removal”safety function for several drives on the same machine. In this case the time delay must be adjusted on the drive controlling the motor that requires the longest stopping time. In addition, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS ATE module. These contacts are independent for each drive.F1Fuse L1DC choke Q1Circuit-breaker S1Emergency stop button with 2 contacts S2XB4 B or XB5 A pushbutton (1)Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac.(2)Requests controlled stopping of the movement and activates the “Power Removal” safety function.(3)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(4)S2: resets XPS ATE module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions.(5)The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe state.(6)For stopping times requiring more than 30 seconds in category 1, use a Preventa XPS AV safety module which can provide a maximum time delay of 300 seconds.(7)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(8)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(9)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(10)Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C 93-550, external diameter 2.54 mm/0.09 in., maximum length 15 m/49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed.(11)Logic inputs LI1 and LI2 must be assigned to the direction of rotation: LI1 in the forward direction and LI2 in the reverse direction.(12)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(13)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(14)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(15)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Product data sheet Performance Curves ATV61HD22N4ZDerating CurvesThe derating curves for the drive nominal current (In) depend on the temperature, the switching frequency and the mounting type (A, B or C).For intermediate temperatures (e.g. 55°C), interpolate between 2 curves.X Switching frequencyNOTE: Above 50ºC, the drive should be fitted with a control card fan kit.。













具体操作为:进入“1.1简单设置” 或“1.4电机控制”菜单,进入自整定(tUn)参数,选中“请求自整定(YES)”,按“ENT”按键,变频器自动对电机进行自整定。



ATV61变频器针对 0.75 至 2400 kW 三相同异步电机产品泵和风机会消耗大量的能源,特别是在工业环境和基础设施领域。




ATV61 标准转矩产品针对您的所有特殊需求提供了独创性的解决方案。


■在变频器控制下,流量为额定值 80% 时的电机功率仅对应额定功率的50%,而在传统控制方式下则为 95%。

■ATV61 提供多种控制比率:- 二次比率 (Kn2)。

- 电压/频率比 (2 或 5 个点)。

- 节能比:根据施加在设备上的负载来优化能耗。

■减少电流谐波 (直流电抗器、无源滤波器等)。

ATV61前沿产品!强大的产品阵容■ IP20,UL 1 型,三相 200 至 240 V:ATV61 0.75 至 90 kW■ IP20,UL 1 型,三相 380至 480 V:ATV61 0.75 至 630 kW■ IP20,UL 1 型,三相 500 至 690 V:ATV61 2.2 至 800 kW■ IP54,UL 12 型,三相 380 至 480 V:ATV61 0.75 至 90 kW■ IP23/54,柜式变频器,三相 380 至 480 V:ATV61 90 至 1400 kW■ IP23/54,柜式变频器,三相 500 至 690 V:ATV61 90 至 2400 kW■集成 A 级或 B 级 EMC 滤波器。

■适应全世界要求的产品:UL、CSA、CE、C-Tick、DNV、GOST、ATEX ...可扩展的功能基本设备配有多种功能:应用功能、输入/输出、通信网络等等,可通过以下板卡进一步扩展:■输入/输出扩展卡。

schneider ATV 61 中压电机用变频器 说明书

schneider ATV 61 中压电机用变频器 说明书
中压电机的应用范围很广。现有许多 200 kW 以上的系统在泵和风机上均采用中压电机。流量控制经常是采用阀和风门等简单机械 组件实现,因此是效率很低的操作。 对于新系统,也采用了功率范围在 1 MW 以下的中压电机。这主要适用于石化和地热场合中的泵技术。其中电机电缆的长度经常会 超过 1000 m,但在采用中压电机时,可以避免线路上无谓的电压降落。
1. 变频器连接在电机的中压线路上
ATV61 - S387
ዷ၍ ‫ۉ‬ऐ
*)在 V < 1 kV 下,无需 SMF! 2. 变频器由低压电源供电,用于操作中压电机
ATV61 - S387
ዷ၍ ‫ۉ‬ऐ
( 根据 IEC/EN 60721-3-3 为 3M3)
*)主线电压的技术数据和备注在产品目录的 “主线条件”一章中给出。
存放 / 运输温度 保护等级
环境等级 / 湿度 海拔高度
基本标准 EMC 抗干扰性
EMC 辐射 绝缘 认证
-10...+45°C ( 根据 IEC/EN 60721-3-3 为 3K3) 最高 +60°C 有降容 -25...+70°C 侧面、前方 IP31 顶部 IP20 ( 采用直流箱时为 IP31) 底部 IP00 ( 采用端子盒时为 IP31) 根据 IEC/EN 60721-3-3 的 3K3 级 / 相对湿度最高 95 % 下无结露 ATV61HCppN4D387:1000 m 以下无降容, 1000 m 以上、 3000 m 以下有降容 ATV61HCppY387:1000 m 以下无降容, 1000 m 以上、 2400 m 以下有降容 根据 EN 61800-5-1 的 2 级污染 根据 EN 60721-3-3 的 3C2 和 3S2 根据 EN 50178 的 1 级



ATV61参数设置➢菜单[1 变频器菜单][2 访问等级][3 打开/另存为][4 密码][5 语言选择][6 监视设置][7 显示设置]➢[1 变频器菜单][1.1简单起动]:用于快速起动的简化菜单[1.2监视]:显示电流、电机与输入/输出值[1.3设置]:访问可在运行期间修改的调节参数[1.4 电机控制]:电机参数(电机铭牌,自整定,开关频率,控制算法等)[1.5输入/输出设置]:I/O设置(缩放比例,滤波,2线控制,3线控制等)[1.6命令]:命令与给定通道的设置(图形显示终端,端子,总线等)[1.7应用功能]:应用功能设置(例如:预置速度,PID等)[1.8 故障管理]:故障管理设置[1.9通信]:通信参数(现场总线)[1.10诊断]:电机/变频器诊断[1.11软硬件识别]:变频器与内部可选件的识别[1.12出厂设置]:访问设置文件并返回出厂设置[1.13用户菜单]:用户在[7.显示设置]菜单中创建的专用菜单[1.14内置控制器卡]:可选Controller Inside(内置控制器)卡的设置➢[1.1简单起动]●[2/3线控制]tCC=2C[2线控制]●[宏配置]CFG=PnF[泵和风机]●bFr[标准电机频率]= [50 Hz IEC](50):IEC●nPr[电机额定功率]=●UnS[电机额定电压]=●[电机额定电流]nCr=●FrS[电机额定频率]=●nSP[电机额定速度]=●tFr[最大输出值频率]=●tUn[自整定]= [No](nO)/ [Yes](YES)/ [电阻已整定](dOnE)●tUS[自整定状态]✧[电阻未整定](tAb):默认的定子阻抗值用于控制电机。






• 维护变频器之前应断开所有电源,包括外部控制电源。须等 15 分钟,以便直流母线电容器放电,然后按照安装手册 中给出的直流母线电压测试程序来检查直流电压是否低于 45Vdc。变频器的 LED 并不是有无直流母线电压的精确指 示器。
不要操作或安装任何看起来已损坏的变频器。 不按照使用说明会导致设备损坏。
ATV 38/ATV 61 兼容性手册
此手册讲述了 Altivar 61 与 Altivar 38 的区别,解释了如何用 Altivar 61 替换 Altivar 38,包括如何替换总线或网络上正在通信的变频器。
安装 v 1 参考安装手册
编程 b 2 无运行命令通电
b 3 选择语言,如果变频器有图形显示
讲述变频器终端 (集成显示终端与图形显示终端)的功能、参数以及用法。 通信功能没有在本手册中详细描述,请参考所使用的总线和网络的手册。
此手册讲述: • 通过总线或通信网络使用的含有专用信息的变频器参数。 • 通信专用工作模式 ( 状态图 )。 • 通信与本地控制之间的交互作用。
• 在开始编程之前,填写用户设置表,见第 223 页。
• 执行自整定操作以优化性能,见第 33 页。 • 如果调乱了,返回出厂设置,第 201 页。
注意:检查并确认变频器的接线与其配置 一致。
b 4 设置
[ 简单起动 ] (SIM-) 菜单
v 2 线或 3 线控制 v 宏配置
v 电)机执参行数自整定操作
Modbus、 CANopen、 Ethernet、 Profibus、 INTERBUS、 Uni-Telway、 FIPIO、 Modbus Plus 等手册


11- 设定 PID 调节器
➢ 创建一个 “PID” 用户菜单,其中包含下列参数
– PID 给定 , PID 反馈 , PID 输出 , PID 误差 – PID 比例增益, PID 积分增益 – 主菜单 > 显示配置 > 用户菜单 > 选择参数> – 监视菜单> PID给定, PID反馈, PID输出, PID 误差 – 应用功能 >PID 调节器 > PID比例增益, PID 积分增益 – 将用户菜单更名为“PID Regulator” – 主菜单 > 显示配置 > 用户参数 > 用户菜单名称 = PID Regulator
• 显示参数单位改为 m/s (1gt; 显示设置菜单 > 用户菜单 > 参数选择 – > Conveyor菜单: 选中 预置速度2,3,4; 加速时间减速时间 – > 监视菜单: 选中 给定频率,输出频率(监视菜单)
• 主菜单 > 显示设置菜单 > 用户参数 > 客户选择 > 给出参数的新名称,比例和单位 – 例如 预置速度2 -> user name =low, unit=m/s, divisor=10
• 将电机起动正转 – 激活 LI1
• 设置参数组切换功能 – 变频器菜单 > 应用功能 > 参数组切换 > 2 组参数 = LI5
• 设定要切换的参数为 "low", "medium", "high" – 变频器菜单 > 应用功能 > 参数组切换 > 参数组选择 = 设定菜单 “low”, “medium”, “high”, acc以及dec
• 设定功能键 F1, F2 用于由图形终端加速或减速 – 变频器菜单 > 命令 – > F1 键设定 = + 速度 – > F2 键设定 = - 速度



快速起动指南 - ATV 61F电气设备的安装、操作、维修和维护工作仅限于专业人员执行。


以下信息适用于使用与单部异步电机连接的单个变频器并且电机电缆长度小于 50 米(164 英尺)的情况。

对于其他任何情形,请查阅 上的检查变频器的交付•从包装箱中取出 ATV61F ,检查它是否损坏。


记录变频器型号: _______________________________和序列号: ______________________________________检查线电压兼容性•检查线电压是否与变频器的电压范围兼容。

线电压 _______ V / 变频器电压范围 _______ V 变频器范围: ATV pppppp N4Z = 380/ 415 V 三相垂直安装变频器危险电击、爆炸或电弧危险•在对本变频器进行任何操作之前,请阅读并理解本快速安装指南。






•切勿造成端子 PA/+ 和 PC/- 之间或直流母线电容器之间的短路。

•在对变频器进行维修之前:- 断开所有电源,包括可能会带电的外部控制电源。

- 在所有电源分断装置上放置“禁止合闸”标签。

- 将所有电源分断装置锁定在打开位置。

- 等待 15 分钟以便直流母线电容器放电。

- 测量 PA/+ 和 PC/- 端子之间的直流母线电压,确保该电压低于直流 42 伏。

- 如果直流总线电容未完全放电,请与当地的 Schneider Electric 代表联系。




Schneider Electric ATV61 45kW 60HP 变速驱动器数据表说明书

Schneider Electric ATV61 45kW 60HP 变速驱动器数据表说明书

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsATV61HD45N4Zvariable speed drive ATV61 - 45kW 60HP -380...480V - IP20MainRange of product Altivar 61Product or component typeVariable speed driveProduct specific appli-cationPumping and ventilation machine Component name ATV61Motor power kW 45 kW 3 phases at 380...480 V Motor power hp 60 hp 3 phases at 380...480 V Power supply voltage 380...480 V (- 15...10 %)Supply number of phases 3 phasesLine current 85 A for 480 V 3 phases 45 kW / 60 hp 104 A for 380 V 3 phases 45 kW / 60 hp EMC filter Level 3 EMC filterVariant Without remote graphic terminal Assembly style With heat sinkApparent power 68.5 kVA for 380 V 3 phases 45 kW / 60 hp Maximum prospective line Isc22 kA 3 phasesMaximum transient cur-rent112.8 A for 60 s 3 phases Nominal switching fre-quency12 kHzSwitching frequency 12...16 kHz with derating factor 1...16 kHz adjustableAsynchronous motor controlVoltage/Frequency ratio, 2 points Voltage/Frequency ratio, 5 pointsFlux vector control without sensor, standardVoltage/Frequency ratio - Energy Saving, quadratic U/fSynchronous motor control profile Vector control without sensor, standard Communication port protocolCANopen ModbusType of polarization No impedance for ModbusOption cardProfibus DP V1 communication card Profibus DP communication card Multi-pump cardModbus/Uni-Telway communication card Modbus TCP communication card Modbus Plus communication card METASYS N2 communication card LonWorks communication card Interbus-S communication card I/O extension cardFipio communication cardEthernet/IP communication card DeviceNet communication cardController inside programmable card CC-Link communication card BACnet communication cardAPOGEE FLN communication cardComplementaryProduct destination Asynchronous motorsSynchronous motorsPower supply voltage limits323...528 VPower supply frequency50...60 Hz (- 5...5 %)Power supply frequency limits47.5...63 HzContinuous output current94 A at 12 kHz, 380 V 3 phases77 A at 12 kHz, 460 V 3 phasesSpeed drive output frequency0.1...500 HzSpeed range 1...100 in open-loop mode, without speed feedbackSpeed accuracy+/- 10 % of nominal slip for 0.2 Tn to Tn torque variation without speed feedback Torque accuracy+/- 15 % in open-loop mode, without speed feedbackTransient overtorque130 % of nominal motor torque, +/- 10 % for 60 sBraking torque30 % without braking resistor<= 125 % with braking resistorRegulation loop Frequency PI regulatorMotor slip compensation AdjustableAutomatic whatever the loadCan be suppressedNot available in voltage/frequency ratio (2 or 5 points)Diagnostic 1 LED red presence of drive voltageOutput voltage<= power supply voltageElectrical isolation Between power and control terminalsType of cable for mounting in an enclosure Without mounting kit : 1-strand IEC cable at 45 °C, copper 90 °C XLPE/EPRWithout mounting kit : 1-strand IEC cable at 45 °C, copper 70 °C PVCWith UL Type 1 kit : 3-strand UL 508 cable at 40 °C, copper 75 °C PVCWith an IP21 or an IP31 kit : 3-strand IEC cable at 40 °C, copper 70 °C PVC Electrical connection L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+, PA, PB terminal 150 mm² /300 kcmilAI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1...LI6, PWR terminal 2.5mm² / AWG 14Tightening torque L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+, PA, PB 41 N.m / 360 lb.inAI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1...LI6, PWR 0.6 N.m Supply Internal supply 24 V DC (21...27 V), <= 200 mA for overload and short-circuit pro-tectionInternal supply for reference potentiometer (1 to 10 kOhm) 10.5 V DC +/- 5 %, <=10 mA for overload and short-circuit protectionExternal supply 24 V DC (19...30 V), 30 WAnalogue input number2Analogue input type AI2 software-configurable voltage 0...10 V DC, input voltage 24 V max,impedance 30000 Ohm, resolution 11 bitsAI2 software-configurable current 0...20 mA, impedance 242 Ohm, resolution 11bitsAI1-/Al1+ bipolar differential voltage +/- 10 V DC, input voltage 24 V max, resolu-tion 11 bits + signSampling time Discrete input LI6 (if configured as logic input) 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msDiscrete input LI1...LI5 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAnalog output AO1 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAnalog input Al2 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAnalog input AI1-/Al1+ 2 ms, +/- 0.5 msAbsolute accuracy precision AO1 +/- 1 % for a temperature variation 60 °CAI2 +/- 0.6 % for a temperature variation 60 °CAI1-/Al1+ +/- 0.6 % for a temperature variation 60 °CLinearity error AO1 +/- 0.2 %AI2 +/- 0.15 % of maximum valueAI1-/Al1+ +/- 0.15 % of maximum valueAnalogue output number1Analogue output type AO1 software-configurable logic output 10 V, <= 20 mAAO1 software-configurable voltage, analogue output range 0...10 V DC,impedance 470 Ohm, resolution 10 bitsAO1 software-configurable current, analogue output range 0...20 mA, impedance500 Ohm, resolution 10 bitsDiscrete output number2Discrete output type(R2A, R2B) configurable relay logic NO, electrical durability 100000 cycles(R1A, R1B, R1C) configurable relay logic NO/NC, electrical durability 100000 cy-clesMaximum response time R2A, R2B <= 7 ms, tolerance +/- 0.5 msR1A, R1B, R1C <= 7 ms, tolerance +/- 0.5 ms<= 100 ms in STO (Safe Torque Off)Minimum switching current Configurable relay logic 3 mA at 24 V DCMaximum switching current R1, R2 on resistive load, 5 A at 30 V DC, cos phi = 1, L/R = 0 msR1, R2 on resistive load, 5 A at 250 V AC, cos phi = 1, L/R = 0 msR1, R2 on inductive load, 2 A at 30 V DC, cos phi = 0.4, L/R = 7 msR1, R2 on inductive load, 2 A at 250 V AC, cos phi = 0.4, L/R = 7 ms Discrete input number7Discrete input type(PWR) safety input, 24 V DC, voltage limits <= 30 V, impedance 1500 Ohm(LI6) switch-configurable PTC probe, 0...6, impedance 1500 Ohm(LI6) switch-configurable, 24 V DC, voltage limits <= 30 V, with level 1 PLC,impedance 3500 Ohm(LI1...LI5) programmable, 24 V DC, voltage limits <= 30 V, with level 1 PLC,impedance 3500 OhmDiscrete input logic LI6 (if configured as logic input) positive logic (source), < 5 V (state 0), > 11 V(state 1)LI6 (if configured as logic input) negative logic (sink), > 16 V (state 0), < 10 V(state 1)LI1...LI5 positive logic (source), < 5 V (state 0), > 11 V (state 1)LI1...LI5 negative logic (sink), > 16 V (state 0), < 10 V (state 1) Acceleration and deceleration ramps Automatic adaptation of ramp if braking capacity exceeded, by using resistorLinear adjustable separately from 0.01 to 9000 sS, U or customizedBraking to standstill By DC injectionProtection type Motor thermal protectionMotor power removalMotor motor phase breakDrive thermal protectionDrive short-circuit between motor phasesDrive power removalDrive overvoltages on the DC busDrive overheating protectionDrive overcurrent between output phases and earthDrive line supply undervoltageDrive line supply overvoltageDrive input phase breaksDrive break on the control circuitDrive against input phase lossDrive against exceeding limit speedInsulation resistance> 1 mOhm at 500 V DC for 1 minute to earthFrequency resolution Display unit 0.1 HzAnalog input 0.024/50 HzType of connector Male SUB-D 9 on RJ45 for CANopen1 RJ45 for Modbus on terminal1 RJ45 for Modbus on front facePhysical interface2-wire RS 485 for ModbusTransmission frame RTU for ModbusTransmission rate20 kbps, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 1 Mbps for CANopen9600 bps, 19200 bps for Modbus on front face4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38.4 Kbps for Modbus on terminalData format8 bits, odd even or no configurable parity for Modbus on terminal8 bits, 1 stop, even parity for Modbus on front faceNumber of addresses 1...247 for Modbus1...127 for CANopenMethod of access Slave for CANopenMarking CEOperating position Vertical +/- 10 degreeProduct weight44 kgWidth320 mmHeight630 mmDepth290 mmEnvironmentNoise level63.7 dB conforming to 86/188/EECDielectric strength5092 V DC between control and power terminals3535 V DC between earth and power terminalsElectromagnetic compatibility Voltage dips and interruptions immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-11Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test conforming to IEC61000-4-3 level 3Electrostatic discharge immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 level 3Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 level 4Conducted radio-frequency immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 Standards EN 55011 class A group 2EN 61800-3 environments 1 category C3EN 61800-3 environments 2 category C3EN/IEC 61800-3EN/IEC 61800-5-1IEC 60721-3-3 class 3C1IEC 60721-3-3 class 3S2UL Type 1Product certifications CSAC-TickDNVGOSTNOM 117ULPollution degree 3 conforming to UL 8403 conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1Degree of proctection IP54 on lower part conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP54 on lower part conforming to EN/IEC 60529IP41 on upper part conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP41 on upper part conforming to EN/IEC 60529IP21 conforming to EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP21 conforming to EN/IEC 60529IP20 on upper part without blanking plate on cover conforming to EN/IEC61800-5-1IP20 on upper part without blanking plate on cover conforming to EN/IEC 60529 Vibration resistance 1.5 mm peak to peak (f = 3...13 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 60068-2-61 gn (f = 13...200 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 60068-2-6Shock resistance15 gn for 11 ms conforming to EN/IEC 60068-2-27Relative humidity 5...95 % without dripping water conforming to IEC 60068-2-35...95 % without condensation conforming to IEC 60068-2-3Ambient air temperature for operation50...60 °C with derating factor-10...50 °C without deratingAmbient air temperature for storage-25...70 °COperating altitude1000...3000 m with current derating 1 % per 100 m<= 1000 m without deratingOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0946 -Schneider Electric declaration of conformity REACh Reference contains SVHC above the threshold -go to CaP for more details Product environmental profile Available Download Product EnvironmentalProduct end of life instructions Available Download End Of Life ManualDimensions DrawingsVariable Speed Drives without Graphic Display TerminalDimensions with or without 1 Option Card (1)(1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside” programmable card. Dimensions with 2 Option Cards (1)(1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside” programmable card.Mounting and ClearanceMounting RecommendationsDepending on the conditions in which the drive is to be used, its installation will require certain precautions and the use of appropriate accessories.Install the unit vertically:●Avoid placing it close to heating elements●Leave sufficient free space to ensure that the air required for cooling purposes can circulate from the bottom to the top of the unit. ClearanceMounting TypesType A MountingType B MountingType C MountingBy removing the protective blanking cover from the top of the drive, the degree of protection for the drive becomes IP 20.The protective blanking cover may vary according to the drive model (refer to the user guide).Specific Recommendations for Mounting the Drive in an EnclosureVentilationTo ensure proper air circulation in the drive:●Fit ventilation grilles.●Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation. If there is not, install a forced ventilation unit with a filter. The openings and/or fans must providea flow rate at least equal to that of the drive fans (refer to the product characteristics).●Use special filters with IP 54 protection.●Remove the blanking cover from the top of the drive.Dust and Damp Proof Metal Enclosure (IP 54)The drive must be mounted in a dust and damp proof enclosure in certain environmental conditions: dust, corrosive gases, high humidity with risk of condensation and dripping water, splashing liquid, etc.This enables the drive to be used in an enclosure where the maximum internal temperature reaches 50°C.Product data sheetATV61HD45N4ZConnections and SchemaWiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 1, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply with Upstream Breaking via ContactorA1ATV61 driveKM1ContactorL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerQ2GV2 L rated at twice the nominal primary current of T1Q3GB2CB05XB4 B or XB5 A pushbuttonsS1,S2T1100 VA transformer 220 V secondary(1)Line choke (three-phase); mandatory for ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(2)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(3)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(4)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(5)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(6)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of thestrap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(7)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(8)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 1, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply with Downstream Breaking via Switch DisconnectorA1ATV61 driveL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerQ2Switch disconnector (Vario)(1)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(2)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(3)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(4)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(5)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(6)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of thestrap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(7)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(8)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 3, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply, Low Inertia Machine, Vertical MovementA1ATV61 driveA2Preventa XPS AC safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the “Power Removal”function for several drives on the same machine. In this case, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS AC module. These contacts are independent for each drive.F1FuseL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerS1Emergency stop button with 2 contactsS2XB4 B or XB5 A pushbutton(1)Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac.(2)S2: resets XPS AC module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions.(3)Requests freewheel stopping of the movement and activates the “Power Removal” safety function.(4)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for and ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(5)The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe stop state.(6)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(7)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(8)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(9)Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C 93-550, external diameter2.54 mm /0.09 in., maximum length 15 m / 49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed.(10)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(11)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of thestrap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(12)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(13)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 3, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 1 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply, High Inertia MachineA1ATV61 drive A2(5)Preventa XPS ATE safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the "Power Removal”safety function for several drives on the same machine. In this case the time delay must be adjusted on the drive controlling the motor that requires the longest stopping time. In addition, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS ATE module. These contacts are independent for each drive.F1Fuse L1DC choke Q1Circuit-breaker S1Emergency stop button with 2 contacts S2XB4 B or XB5 A pushbutton (1)Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac.(2)Requests controlled stopping of the movement and activates the “Power Removal” safety function.(3)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(4)S2: resets XPS ATE module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions.(5)The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe state.(6)For stopping times requiring more than 30 seconds in category 1, use a Preventa XPS AV safety module which can provide a maximum time delay of 300 seconds.(7)For ATV61HC50N4, ATV61HC63N4 and ATV61HC50Y…HC80Y drives, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(8)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(9)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(10)Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C 93-550, external diameter 2.54 mm/0.09 in., maximum length 15 m/49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed.(11)Logic inputs LI1 and LI2 must be assigned to the direction of rotation: LI1 in the forward direction and LI2 in the reverse direction.(12)There is no PO terminal on ATV61HC11Y…HC80Y drives.(13)Optional DC choke for ATV61H•••M3, ATV61HD11M3X…HD45M3X and ATV61H075N4…HD75N4 drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV61HD55M3X…HD90M3X, ATV61HD90N4…HC63N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it. For ATV61W•••N4 and ATV61W•••N4C drives, the DC choke is integrated.(14)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(15)Reference potentiometer.NOTE: All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Product data sheet Performance Curves ATV61HD45N4ZDerating CurvesThe derating curves for the drive nominal current (In) depend on the temperature, the switching frequency and the mounting type (A, B or C).For intermediate temperatures (e.g. 55°C), interpolate between 2 curves.X Switching frequencyNOTE: Above 50ºC, the drive should be fitted with a control card fan kit.。




ATV(变频器):施耐德ATV系列变频器61(系列号):产品为61系列,对应的还有32、312、71等系列H(产品结构类型):H代表UL类型1/ip20标准型变频器D90(电机功率):D90为90KWN4(供电电压等级):380v-480vZD337(附加信息):该产品为非标准产品,Z代表无图形显示终端,D代表无直流对抗器施耐德ATV61变频器特点施耐德ATV61系列变频器是用于功率范围在0.75 kW至2400kW三相异步电机的变频器。

施耐德atv61中文说明书施耐德atv61中文说明书 2 2 ATV61变频器技术参数●功率:0.75 至 630kW●电压:三相 200/240V 380/480V●过载能力:110 % . 120 % - 60 s●ATV61图形终端:标准文本,导航键●内置 A 级或 B 级 EMC 滤波器●内置 Modbus and CANopen●多泵可编程卡:兼容 ATV38 以及新应用●安全功能:安全断电●用于工业场合的通讯卡:Ethernet 、 FIPIO 、 Modus Plus 、DeviceNet 、 Interbus-S 、 Unitelway 以及用于建筑应用的 LonWorks 、BACnet 、 METASYS N2 and Apogee FLN 。





施耐德A T V61——P I D供水调试说明(总4页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除地大单台恒压供水施耐德变频器ATV61调试说明一、施耐德ATV61变频器是专门为泵类电机而单独开发的一种变频器,功能强大。














6、HSP高速频率:50HZ.进入SET设置模式下:7、SFR变频器开关频率设成12HZ.8、TLS低速运行超时设成300S,当电机连续在低速运行超过TLS 设定的时间,将请求停机。


连接电抗器支撑与托台的螺钉很难取下,存在受伤危险。须采取所有可能的预防 措施来防止危险,并使用保护手套。 不按照使用说明会导致严重伤害。
3 取下连接变频器与托台的螺钉并使用起重机搬运变频器。变频器为此配备了吊耳 ( 图 4)。
由于变频器可能翻转,因此在没有支撑的情况下决不要将变频器竖直放置(图5)。 不按照使用说明会导致死亡或严重伤害以及设备损坏。
• 如果变频器长时间没有通电,则其电解电容器的性能将会下降。 • 如果变频器将在很长一段时间内不使用,应每两年将变频器至少通电 5 小时,以恢复
电容器的性能,然后检查其工作情况。建议不要将变频器与线电压直接连接,应使用 可调的 AC 电压源逐渐加压。 不按照使用说明会导致设备损坏。
- 在安装直流电抗器之前,应按照本手册中描述的建议将变频器安装在墙上或安装在机柜的背部。
ATV61H D55M3XD 至 D90M3XD 与 ATV61H D90N4D 至 C63N4D 变频器在供货时不带直流电抗器。 ATV61H D55M3X 至 D90M3X 与 ATV61H D90N4 至 C63N4 变频器在供货时带有一个直流电抗器,此电抗器必须安装在变频器的顶部并按 照本文档中描述的建议连线。变频器与 3 相电路电源连接时,必须使用此电抗器。
- 将直流电抗器安装在机柜的背部或安装在变频器顶部的墙上,并进行连线。在第 12 页上给出了电抗器的安装与连线指导。 - 检查并确认变频器与电抗器底盘间的密封能够满足使用要求。
阅读并了解 “编程手册”中的使用说明。





1. 产品概述
- 简要介绍施耐德ATV61变频器的特点和功能。

- 详细说明变频器与其他系统的兼容性。

- 概述变频器在不同应用场景中的应用优势。

2. 技术规格
- 列出ATV61变频器的各项技术规格和参数。

- 解释各个规格的含义和作用。

- 提供安装和配置变频器的步骤和要求。

3. 操作指南
- 详细说明变频器的各个操作面板和控制按钮的功能。

- 指导用户进行变频器的启动、停止和调节操作。

- 介绍如何进行故障排除和维修。

4. 应用示例
- 提供一些典型的应用示例,演示如何将ATV61变频器应用于不同的工业控制场景。

- 每个示例包括所需的配置和设置参数。

5. 常见问题解答
- 回答用户常见问题并提供解决方案。

- 建议用户遇到问题时首先参考此部分。

6. 附录
- 提供有关施耐德ATV61变频器的附加信息和参考资料。

- 包括技术术语解释、常见故障代码和诊断方法等。










第一章:产品概述1.1 产品简介ATV61HU15M3型号是施耐德电气生产的一款变频器。


1.2 主要特点a) 高性能:ATV61HU15M3具有高时钟频率,高控制精度和高输出电压。

b) 内置保护:具备过电流、过载、过热等故障的保护功能。

c) 多功能IO:支持多种输入输出接口,方便用户应用和连接其他设备。

d) 节能环保:通过控制减速机的输出速度,实现节能效果。

1.3 产品规格a) 输入功率.220V~240V, 50/60Hzb) 输出功率.15KWc) 控制方式:向量控制d) 适用负载:重脉冲负载第二章:安装准备2.1 安装环境要求a) 温度:-10°C~40°Cb) 湿度.20%~90%(无结露)c) 高度:<1000米d) 电源:要求稳定的供电2.2 安装步骤a) 安装前检查:检查设备包装是否完好,并确认配件齐全。

b) 安装驱动装置:将ATV61HU15M3固定在固定架上,确保稳定安装。

第三章:使用说明3.1 变频器启停操作a) 启动操作:将电源接通,在显示屏上“启动”按钮。

b) 停止操作:“停止”按钮,停止电机的工作。

3.2 变频器调速操作a) 旋钮调速:通过旋转速度调节旋钮,实现电机的调速。

b) 程序控制调速:通过控制面板上的程序设置功能,实现电机的调速。

3.3 故障排除a) 电源故障:检查供电是否正常,如有异常及时更换或修复。

b) 过热故障:检查风扇是否正常工作,如需要更换请联系专业人员。

c) 过载故障:检查负载是否超过额定值,并及时减少负载。

施耐德atv71变频器 施耐德ATV61变频器说明书_图文

施耐德atv71变频器 施耐德ATV61变频器说明书_图文

施耐德atv71变频器施耐德ATV61变频器说明书_图文导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“施耐德ATV61变频器说明书_图文”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持![1.7 应用功能] (FUn-)输出接触器命令允许变频器对位于变频器与电机之间的接触器进行控制。






当存在不一致时,如果输出接触器没有闭合(LIx为1)而出现FCF2 故障,以及输出接触器被卡住(LIx为0)而出现FCF1故障,变频器就会跳闸。

当发送运行命令时,参数 [电机运行延时] (dbS) 可被用于在故障模式下使跳闸延时;当发送停机命令时,参数 [接触器分断延时] (dAS) 使故障延时。

注意:故障FCF2 (接触器没有闭合)可通过运行命令复位,从状态1变为状态0 (0 --&gt; 1 --&gt; 0,在3线控制时)。

[输出接触器分配] (OCC) 与 [输出接触器反馈] (rCA) 功能可单独使用,也可一起使用。

169[1.7 应用功能] (FUn-)代码 OCC-OCC2nOLO1-LO4r2-r4dO1rCAnOLI1---dbS名称/说明调节范围出厂设置b [输出接触器命令]M [输出接触器分配]vvvv[未设置] (nO)3逻辑输出或控制继电器。

[未设置] (nO):功能未被赋值(在此情况下,不能访问任何一个功能参数)。

[LO1] (LO1) 至[LO4] (LO4):逻辑输出(如果已插入一个或两个I/O卡,可选择LO1至LO2或LO4)。

[R2] (r2) 至[R4] (r4):继电器(如果已插入一个或两个I/O卡,可将选择R2扩展至R3或R4)。

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2.高、中、低、压变频器是多少伏的?高压变频器是3KV、6KV 或10KV的,如西门子罗宾康系列,安川的FSDrive-MV1S系列。










按变频器调压方法PAM变频器是一种通过改变电压源Ud或电流源Id 的幅值进行输出控制的。

