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Hello everybody, today we will come to lesson 5, The Facts, a humorous story about an editor and a journalist. 大家好,今天我们要讲的是第五课,《确切数字》,一个关于一位编辑和记者的幽默故事。

§Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字

let’s first go through new words and expressions.先看看单词和语法。请大家跟我念:

【New words and expressions】生词和短语

◆editor n. 编辑

◆extreme n. 极端

◆statistics n. 统计数字

◆journalist n. 新闻记者

◆president n. 总统

◆palace n.王宫;宏伟的住宅

◆publish v. 出版

◆fax n. 传真

◆impatient adj. 不耐烦的

◆fire v. 解雇

◆originally adv. 起初,原先,从前


★editor n. 编辑

edit vt. 编辑

edition n.编辑,版本

editorial adj. 编辑的,主编的;n. 社论,评论invent vt. 发明

inventor n. 发明家

visit vt. 拜访

visitor n. 拜访者

★extreme n. 极端adj. 极端的extremely adv.极端地

go to extreme(s) to do 走极端

Eg: He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.他很极端地说这部剧是最好的。


go too far做得过火,走极端,走太远

Don’t go too far or you will get lost. 别走太远,你会迷路的。

You went too far! 你做得太过分了。

go so far as to 竟然到……的地步,甚至

She wouldn’t go so far as to refuse to attend school.

★journalist n. 新闻记者

journalist 新闻工作者,以新闻工作为职业的人

A journalist collects and distributes news and other information. 他们的主要职责是收集并发布新闻及其它信息。



reporter 新闻故事的作者、调查者或主持人,泛称记者

A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports on information to be presented in mass media, including print media (newspapers and magazines), electronic media (television, radio, documentary film), and digital media (such as online journalism).通讯员是记者的一类,负责印刷、电子及数字媒体等大众媒体信息的调查、编写并报道。correspondent 记者,通讯员,被报社或广播媒介雇佣用来提供新闻故事或文章的人,一般是驻外的。全球最大的通讯员网络是德国的ard和英国的bbc。

而且correspondent相对于reporter的写实来说更具有主观性,比如在英国,correspondent一般指在某方面有专业经验的,如最常见的war correspondent,战事通讯员,reporter则没有专向性的,一般是给什么题材报什么题材。

★publish v. 出版

Eg: They have already published the magazine.

= print vt.

Eg: the book has already been published.

The book has gone to press.

★fax n. 传真

send a fax

★impatient adj. 不耐烦的

patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人

be patient with

The doctor is very patient with his patients.这位医生对他的病人十分耐心。


patiently adv. 有耐心地

impatient adj. 不耐烦的

impatiently adv. 不耐烦地

patience n.

impatience n.

★fire v. 解雇

He was fired from his job. 他被解雇了。

dismiss (正式)

The manager disissed him from his company.他经理把他辞退了。


sack(俚语) vt. 解雇,辞退

Eg: If you do it wrong again you will be sacked. 如果你再做错你就走人。

★originally adv. 起初,原先,从前

original adj.

ok, now we finished the words and expressions, then we can come to the passage. However, I wouldn’t suggest u guys to read the passage first, instead, I suggest you read the questions first. 单词讲完了,现在我们来听听文章。虽然大学平时在学习过程中多数的习惯是先看或听文章再做题,但在实际的考试过程中,为了节省答题时间以及加快阅读或听力时对文章的理解,我建议先看题再看文章。现在让我们先看看
