新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照(之一【新闻学】)II. 报纸版面各部分名称1.报耳(ear)2.报头(flag/masterhead/nameplate)3.标题(headline)4.版口(head margin)5.当日新闻提要(index)6.插图(cut)7.图片说明(cutline)8.标题之一行(deck)9.署名(by-line)10.新闻导言(lead)11.引题(kicker)12.头版(frontpage)III 报纸常见栏目名称一、常见新闻栏目1.City / Local / City Edition/ City Page/ Region 城市2.National/ Around The Nation/ Domestic/ Home News 国内新闻3.International / Global 国际新闻4.Brief / In Brief / Briefing / Bulletin 摘要5.Recap 简明新闻6.Pony Report 每日新闻摘要7.Newsline 新闻经纬8.Events And Trends 事件/ 动向9.Exclusive 独家报道10.Expose 新闻曝光11.Issue In The News/ Focus/ Hot News 新闻热点12.Update / Latest News 最新报道13.Feature / News Features / General Features 特写(可囊括除新闻以外的一切报道)mentary / Editorial / Opinion / Column / Letters To The Editors 评论15.Advertisement: Display Advertising / Classified Advertising--- (Jobs/Auto/RealEstate/ For Sale/ Help Wanted) 广告二、常见其他栏目名称1.agony column 答读者问专栏2.anecdote 趣闻轶事3.candid camera 抓拍镜头4.caricature漫画、讽刺画5.cartoon漫画6.chitchat column 闲话栏ic strip 连环漫画8.continued story 连载故事9.correspondence column 读者来信10.critique 评论11.crossword 猜字游戏/纵横填字字谜12.digest 文摘13.document 文件摘14.editor’s note 编者按15.essay杂文、随笔、小品文16.going out guide 旅游指南17.gossip 社会新闻18.how-to-stories 常识指导19.interview 访谈录20.leader社论21.light literature 通俗文学22.mini-torial 短评23.note 随笔24.notice 启事25.obit 讣告26.pegging 新闻背景27.personal / personal column 私人广告/ 人事要闻28.profile 人物专访29.readers’ forum 读者论坛30.review 评论31.round-up综合报道/综述32.running story/ serials 连载故事33.shirttail 社论栏/ 附注34.side story / sidebar / sidelight 花絮新闻/趣闻35.situations vacant / situations wanted 招聘广告36.sponsored section特约专版37.squib小品文/随笔38.strip cartoon / strip 连环漫画/连环画39.Supplement 增刊40.Think piece 时事短评41.Titbit 花絮42.Travelogue/ travels游记43.What’s on 影视指南44.Wise saying 至理名言IV. 常见报纸类型1.daily 日报2.morning edition 晨报3.evening edition 晚报4.quality paper 高级报纸5.popular paper 大众报纸6.evening paper 晚报ernment organ 官报8.part organ 党报9.trade paper 商界报纸10.Chinese paper 中文报纸11.English newspaper 英文报纸12.vernacular paper 本国文报纸13.political news 政治报纸14.Newspaper Week 新闻周刊V. 各类记者名称accredited journalist n. 特派记者publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家VI 其他bulldog edition 晨版article 记事banner headline 头号大标题big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻general news column 一般消息栏public notice 公告calssified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊newsbeat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference,press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处newsboy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻assignment n.采写任务back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。
(七) 借用词汇
借用人、物名称来表示某个意思,可以 取得生动形象的效果,使大多数人都能 理解,如: 1) The Francophone Summit offered Mitterrand government an opportunity to protect French as an international language, a status it is steadily losing to English. China Daily, Nov.22, 1991
GMT=Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间 DJI=Dow-Jones Index 道· 琼斯指数. PR=public relations 公共关系 DJ=disk jockey 音乐节目主持人 IELTS=International English Language Testing System (赴英联邦国家英语水平测试)雅思
trauma (医学)外伤,伤口 → 心理/ 精神创伤 leverage 杠杆作用 →(为达到某一种目 的而使用的)力量、手段;优势;影响;
(六) 形象化词汇
形象化词汇的使用可以使描述对象栩栩 如生,吸引读者注意力。例如下面有关 报道日美两国之间贸易摩擦的两段文字 即为典型实例: Japan spends almost nothing on its own defense than turns around and kicks Uncle Sam in the teeth on trade. …
(四) 新词
新词汇在构成和表现形式上主要有以下 几种情况:旧词衍生新意、新事催生新 词、旧词派生新词。 1. 旧词衍生新意:如:source原意为来 源、源泉,在新闻报道中常用来表示提 供消息来源的有关人士或官员
对外新闻常用语汉英翻译400例400 Examples of often-used Words & Expressions in Writing English News forAudience Abroad (For reference only)1.社会生产力、综合国力、人民生活又上了一个新的台阶:The productive forces,the overall national strength and the standard of living of the people were brought to a new stage of development.2.我国政通人和,百业俱兴,国力增强:China enjoyed political stability and unity among the people, d eveloped all businesses and increased its national strength. 3.经济发展保持良好势头:Our economy maintained a good momentum of growth. 4.国内生产总值达到74 772亿元:China’s gross domestic product (GDP) reached 7.477 2 trillion yuan.5.按可比价格计算:calculated in terms of comparable prices.6.提前实现了本世纪末国民生产总值比1980年翻两番的目标:We attained ahead of schedule the goal of quadrupling the GNP by the end of the century.7.“十五”计划的五项指导方针是:把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高人民生活水平作为根本出发点,把经济发展和社会发展结合起来:Making development the central theme, concentrating on economic restructuring, making reform and opening up and technological progress the driving force for economic growth,making improvement of the people’s living standards the prime goal, and coordinating economic development with social development —these are five guiding principles for the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (2001--2005). 8.一度出现某些领域过热、物价涨幅过高的问题:We used to have overheated growth in some fields and excessively high price rises.9.我们既克服了“九五”前期通货膨胀的影响,又抑制了中后期的通货紧缩趋势:The country controlled inflation during the initial stage of the Ninth Five-Year P1an and curbed deflation in the middle and late stages.10.我国成功实现经济“软着陆”:China achieved a successful “soft-landing.”11.这种“高增长、低通胀”的良好态势,是多年来没有过的:This favorable situation featuring a high economic growth rate with low inflation has not been witnessed for many years.12.计划的预期目标要留有余地:We have to leave some leeway when defining our target.13.农业增加值平均每年增长4.5%:The added value of agriculture increased by 4.5 percent annually on the average.14.主要工农业产品产量位居世界前列,商品短缺状况基本结束:China’s output of major industrial and agricultural products stands in the front ranks of the world’s economies, and commodity shortage were by and large eliminated in the country. 15.乡镇企业保持了较快增长的态势:Town and township enterprises maintained a good momentum of rapid growth.16.产业结构和产品结构出现了积极的变化:The industrial pattern and the product mix underwent positive changes.17.保证人民群众向更加宽裕的小康生活迈进:We must ensure a more comfortablelife for the people.18.电话交换机总容量达到1.1亿门:The total number of telephones climbed to 110 million.19.发电装机总容量达到2.5亿千瓦:The power-generating capacity reached 250 million kw.20.主要生产资料和消费品出现了供求基本平衡或供大于求的格局:The supply of main means of production and consumer goods more or less meets or exceeds the demand.21.长期以来困扰我们的商品紧缺现象已经根本改观了:The long-standing phenomenon of commodity shortages has now been fundamentally ameliorated.22.基础产业和基础设施的“瓶颈”制约。
新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照(之一【新闻学】)新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照II. 报纸版面各部分名称1.报耳(ear)2.报头(flag/masterhead/nameplate)3.标题(headline)4.版口(head margin)5.当日新闻提要(index)6.插图(cut)7.图片说明(cutline)8.标题之一行(deck)9.署名(by-line)10.新闻导言(lead)11.引题(kicker)12.头版(frontpage)III 报纸常见栏目名称一、常见新闻栏目1.City / Local / City Edition/ City Page/ Region 城市2.National/ Around The Nation/ Domestic/ Home News 国内新闻3.International / Global 国际新闻4.Brief / In Brief / Briefing / Bulletin 摘要5.Recap 简明新闻6.Pony Report 每日新闻摘要7.Newsline 新闻经纬8.Events And Trends 事件 / 动向9.Exclusive 独家报道10.Expose 新闻曝光11.Issue In The News/ Focus/ Hot News 新闻热点12.Update / Latest News 最新报道13.Feature / News Features / General Features 特写(可囊括除新闻以外的一切报道)31.round-up综合报道/综述32.running story/ serials 连载故事33.shirttail 社论栏/ 附注34.side story / sidebar / sidelight 花絮新闻/趣闻35.situations vacant / situations wanted 招聘广告36.sponsored section特约专版37.squib小品文/随笔38.strip cartoon / strip 连环漫画/连环画39.Supplement 增刊40.Think piece 时事短评41.Titbit 花絮42.Travelogue/ travels游记43.What’s on 影视指南44.Wise saying 至理名言IV. 常见报纸类型1.daily 日报2.morning edition 晨报3.evening edition 晚报4.quality paper 高级报纸5.popular paper 大众报纸6.evening paper 晚报ernment organ 官报8.part organ 党报9.trade paper 商界报纸10.Chinese paper 中文报纸11.English newspaper 英文报纸12.vernacular paper 本国文报纸13.political news 政治报纸14.Newspaper Week 新闻周刊V. 各类记者名称accredited journalist n. 特派记者publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家VI 其他bulldog edition 晨版article 记事banner headline 头号大标题big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻general news column 一般消息栏public notice 公告calssified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊newsbeat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference,press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处newsboy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻assignment n.采写任务back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。
实用商务英语翻译 第六章 企业外宣资料翻译
In recent years we have formed unique corporate culture and run efficiently. As a leading global-market oriented enterprise, we have established 3 joint ventures, thus taking shape a large enterprise group.
第二节 企业外宣资料翻译策略
(一)直译 (二)意译 (三)调整语序 (四)词类转换
第三节 企业外宣资料译文评析
原文: 几年来,公司实行“高薪、严管、高效”的管理办法,发扬“敬 业、拼搏、执着、奉献”的企业精神,努力发挥外向型企业的龙头作 用,相继引进了三个外资项目,初步形成了集团化经营新格局。 译文:
译文:Located in the modern tourist area in the new district of Changzhou with an area of 600 acres, China Dinosaur Land has established its own core competitiveness, namely, a tourist destination of both entertainment and scientific education since its foundation in September 2000. (43 words)
we have established a reputation for product innovation, quality, design and value.
英语新闻选读翻译标题翻译:looking back to look ahead.回首往昔展望未来america's careening foreign policy.摇摆不定的美国对外政策bill clinton assumes office in white house as us president.比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌大权) olympics begin in style;swimmer takes 1st gold.奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌li elected cppcc head李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席lewis,xie voted world's top two路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)emperor's visit a milestone in bilateral ties天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑quake death toll tops 5000(日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千young wheelers,big dealers青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾after the boom everything is gloom 繁荣过后,尽是萧条(或译:繁荣好景不再,萧条接因而来)soccer kicks off with violence 足球开踢拳打脚踢liberty mother of invention 自由是发明之母accuser accused 原告没当成反而成被告middie east:a cradle of terror 中东——恐怖主义的摇篮desperate need,desperate deed 燃眉之急非常行动1990:year of marco polo chic 1990年:中国热的一年a vow to zip his lips 誓将守口如瓶'silent' office workers demand to be heard “不闻不问”的办公室员工今后将不再不闻不问了russian reform old wine in new bottle (俄罗斯改革——新瓶装陈酒)标题语态:girl of 18 raped after threat with bread knife(=a girl of 18 raped after threat with a bread knife)餐刀威逼下,18岁少女遭强暴van goghs recovered after theft(=van goghs are recovered after the theft)梵高名画窃而复得father jailed for murder of daughter(=father is jailed for the murder of his daughter)谋杀亲生女儿父亲银档人狱标题时态:comeback gives china a sensational thomas cup win(=the comeback gave china a sensational thomas cup win )中国队反败为胜荣获汤姆斯杯street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceed(=street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceeded)和平会谈进行之际巷战依然炮声隆隆last two beiruit hostages 'to go free'(=the last two hostages inbeiruit are 'to go free')贝鲁特最后两名人质“获释在望”florida freeze to increase area produce prices(=the freeze in florida is to increase the areas produce prices)佛罗里达严寒将使该地区农产品涨价signs of rifts appearing in argentina's junta(=the signs of rifts are appearing in argentina's junta)阿根廷军人政府出现内讧迹象deposits, loans rising in shanghai(=deposits and loans are rising in shanghai)上海储蓄与贷款额见升标题省略:tenth of british mackerel catch ground into feed(=a tenth of the british mackeel catch ground into feed)英国捕获鳍鱼一成碾为饲料three g0rges flooded by 'farewell' tourists(=the three gorges flooded by 'farewell' tourists)惜别之情难以挡游客蜂拥至三峡three dead after inhaling oven gas(=three are dead after inhaling oven gas)吸入炉灶煤气三人窒息身亡clinton inauguration most expensive ever(=clinton inaugurati0n is m0st expensive ever)克氏就职典礼花费空前巨大financier killed by burglars(=a financier is killed by burglars)夜毛贼入室金融家遇害pope to visit japan in february(=pope is to visit japan in february)教皇拟于二月访日india mending fences(=india is mending fences)印度正在改善与邻国的关系us,vietnam resume talks(=us and vietnam resume talks)美越恢复会谈nbc's president robert wright seeks big acquisiti0ns,ventures for the network(=nbc's president robert wright seeks big acquistions and ventures for the network)“强有力的伙伴”+“可观的投资”——罗伯特董事长为nbc网络扩展而奔走新闻定义:1)News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story。
新闻英语中文翻译版篇一:新闻英语翻译新闻定义1) News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.(新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。
)2) News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。
)3) News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.(新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。
)4) News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience.(新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或趣味性。
)5) If a dog bites a man, it is not news; if a man bites a dog, it’s (big) news.(狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。
2019上半年翻译资格考试初级英语笔译词汇:新闻倒叙inverted pyramid style回访return visit均势balance of power社论editorial试播start trial broadcasts述评commentary顺叙pyramid style主编chief editor直播live broadcast专电special dispathc编者按editors note读者量readership发刊词prospectus发行量circulation公正性fairness画外音voiceover幻灯片slideshows时效性timeliness假新闻pseudo-news教育性enrichment可信度credibility新闻稿news release言论版opinion page本报记者staff writer编辑主任managing editor标题妙语headline witticism常驻记者resident correspondent 地方新闻local news电视指南TV Guide电视转播on-camera delivery独家新闻exlusive news扼要重述recap the headlines发布公报issue a communiqu封锁消息news blackout公众意识public consciousness 国际新闻world news国内新闻domestic news滚动报道running/rolling stories 记者新闻eye-account经济新闻economic news媒体炒作press hype秘密采访covert coverage民意测验opinion poll目标受众targeted audience深度报道in-depth reportABC (accuracy, brevity and clarity) 准确、简洁、明晰accurate journalism 精确新闻学advance copy 预备稿advertising film/commercial message 广告片advertorial 社论式广告advocacy journalism 鼓吹式新闻;偏袒性新闻报道affair 社会轶闻;桃色新闻;绯闻agony column (报刊上登载寻人、寻物、丧葬等启事的)私事广告栏;答读者问专栏airdate (排定的)广播时间airspace 用于广告的广播时间(尤批电台、电视台)air time (电台、电视台节目)始播时间,播出时间all (names are arranged) in random order 排名不分先后anchor booth 新闻节目主持人播音室annual/annals 年报,年刊,年鉴apocryphal story 假新闻,骗人的新闻a revised edition 修订版Associated Press (AP) 美联社banner headline 通栏大字标题black and white 白纸黑字(指是非分明)blue-ribbon event 重大体育比赛Breaking News Award 突发新闻报道奖(普利策奖中的一个奖项)broadloid 小型大报(由broadsheet和tabloid两词合并而成) call-in (phone-in) (电台或电视台的)听众、观众来电直播节目canned copy 通稿city news 社会新闻color supplement 彩色增刊copy reader 文字编辑(美)creative media 创意媒体cyberslacker 在工作时间用因特网做私事的人editorial department 编辑部exterior/location/outdoor shooting 外景拍摄feature story 专题报道follow-up stories 后续报道fragmentation of the mass audience 受众的分流full house 爆满glocalization 全球化下的本土化(由globalization与localization两词合并而成)gutter press 黄色小报hard news/spot news 重要新闻/最新消息heroinware 海洛因电子游戏infortainment 新闻娱乐化(由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成)interpretative reporting 解读性报道investigative reporting 调查性报道invisible opinion 无形的观点(指记者用事实本身的力量向读者进行宣传)jargon 行话journalistic coinage 新闻生造词latest news/hot news 最新消息live television coverage 电视实况转播mass media 大人传播media advisor 媒体顾问;宣传顾问media blitz 舆论声势media competition 传媒大战media event 重大新闻事件media gate 媒体丑闻media individual 新闻人物media polling (为预测大选结果而举行的)媒体民意测验media tycoon 传媒大亨media war 媒体战争mega-hit 轰动效应memorial volume 纪念刊method acting 演技派表演morning/afternoon/evening paper 晨报/午报/晚报news background articles 新闻背景专稿news bulletin 简明新闻news-oriented features新闻性特写newspaper campaign 报纸战newspaper extra 报纸特刊/增刊news production research 新闻制作研究outside broadcasting van 电视实况转播车penny press 廉价报纸physical media 传统媒体podcast 播客popular newspaper 大人化报纸positions vacant 招聘press baron 报业巨头,报业大王press circles 报界;新闻界press communiqu 新闻公报press corps 联合报道组;记者团prime time 黄金时间production cost 制作成本Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction 普里策非小说奖residential block TV 楼宇电视Shield Law 新闻保障法(美)show biz (= show business) 娱乐性行业,娱乐界sound-and-light 光幻音响special correspondent 特约记者special issue 特刊tabloid journalism 小报新闻tabloid reporting 耸人听闻的报道televised violence 电视暴力television interviewer 电视访谈节目主持人The Nielsen Ratings 尼尔森收视率调查The Reuters, Ltd. (Reuters) 路透社(英) transmission perspective 传输视角trick shot 特技摄影TV coverage 电视报道typecast actor 特型演员United Press International (UPI) 美国合众国际新闻社veteran columnist 资深专栏作家wanted column 招聘栏war correspondent 随军记者weekly publication 周刊yellow journalism 黄色新闻。
12. 2 新闻文体的翻译 (Translation of Journalistic Writing)
新闻按地域分有:国际新闻、国内新闻、本地 新闻。按内容分有:科技新闻、政治新闻、财经 新闻、法律新闻、军事新闻、文教新闻、体育新 闻、娱乐新闻、卫生新闻等。按事件发生的状态 分有:突发性新闻、持续性新闻、周期性新闻。 按事件发生与报道的时间差距分有:事件性新闻 和非事件性新闻。按新闻事实的意义分有:典型 新闻、综合新闻、系列新闻。按传播渠道和信息 载体分有:文字新闻、图片新闻、音像新闻等。 就新闻报道的体裁和形式而言,可分为消息报道、 快讯、调查报告、特写、社论、评论等。
【译】美分析人士未发现本·拉登拥有核武器的证 据
• 5. Pioneer colleges face axe 【译】一些实验学院面临砍削
• 6. Private eyes seek legal recognition • 【译】私人侦探寻求法律认可
• 7. Plane hits Milan skyscraper, terror ruled out
• 【译】世界关注中东和平谈判 • 2. Education brings a better tomorrow • 【译】教育改变未来生活
• 3. Husband and wife team unlocks new gene secrets
• 4. U.S. analysts find no sign Bin Laden had nuclear arms
护 • 7. 布什称反恐战争远未结束 • 8. 美好时代,艰难岁月
12. 2. 3 新闻报道的翻译
新闻定义1)News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.(新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。
)2)News is anything timely that interests a number of persons,and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。
)3)News is any event,idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.(新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。
)4)News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience.(新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或趣味性。
)5)If a dog bites a man,it is not news;if a man bites a dog,it's (big)news.(狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。
acredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisment n.⼴告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair(e) n.桃⾊新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. ⼩道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千⾥。
banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt. "开天窗"body n. 新闻正⽂boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n. 花边新闻brief n. 简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n. 署名⽂章caption n.图⽚说明caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登cartoon n.漫画censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流⾏⾳乐排⾏版clipping n.剪报column n.专栏;栏⽬columnist n.专栏作家continued story 连载故事;连载⼩说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿⼈copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.⽂字编辑correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写covergirl n. 封⾯⼥郎covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图⽚)crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数)cutline n.插图说明daily n.⽇报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深⼊采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.⽂摘editorial n.社论editorial office 编辑部editor's notes 编者按exclusive n.新闻expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光extra n.号外eye-account n.⽬击记;记者见闻faxed photo 传真照⽚feature n.特写;专稿feedback n.信息反馈file n.发送消息;发稿filler n.补⽩first amendment (美国宪法)第⼀修正案(内容有关新闻、出版⾃由等) five "w's" of news 新闻五要素flag n.报头;报名folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道fourth estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)freedom of the press 新闻⾃由free-lancer n.⾃由撰稿⼈full position 醒⽬位置good news comes on crutches. 好事不出门。
术语英文1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观 foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity6.新能源观 new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译 let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译 draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作 cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advancedculture/cultural advancement4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activitiescultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese,pro-science and people-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化 promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world.When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。
disability for women of reproductive age in developing countries. The statistics
are grim: roughly 600000 women die each year of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. That’s one woman every minute.
• • Show, cool, copy, mouse, web, desktop, e-commerce, e-tail, biz(business), supercrat Each time as he speak, Bush has to be mindful of the need to preach hope to Israelis and Palestinians, Cajole Arabs warn rogue states, reassure European allies and point a finger at would-be terrorists. It is a huge piece of multitasking for a man, who is best at doing one thing at a time. • 布什每次讲话,他都要注意多方面的事情,宣扬给巴以人民带来和平, 笼络中间的阿拉伯人,警告“无赖”国家,安抚欧洲同盟国,斥骂恐怖
• 有非谓语动词的标题
• • • • • Six Black Countries to Hold Summit 非洲六国将举行首脑会议 New Effort to Learn About Planet Mars 探索火星的新举措 • Working for better Sino-US ties 中美两国政府为促进美中双边关系 而努力 • Traveling Under the Channel in the Eurostar Train • • • 乘“欧洲之星”列车穿过海底隧道 Japanese Rocket Launch Delayed 日本政府决定推迟火箭发射日期
实用英语翻译5 Amplification & Omission
• 汉语中有许多没有主语的句子,英语则一般需要主 语; 另外汉语中很多名词前都没有代词,需要增补。
• 大作收到,十分高兴。 • I am very glad to have received your writing. • 没有调查就没有发言权。 • He who makes no investigation and study has no
• It’s better to be wise by the defeat of others than to be wise by the defeat of your own.
• 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教 训更好。
• The fox may grow old, but never good. • 狐狸会变老,永远难变好。 • 江山易改本性难移。
• 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 • Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit
makes one lag behind. • 姐姐在等我,我得走了。 • My sister is expecting me, so I must be off now. • 他不来我不走。 • I shall not go until he comes.
Amplification & Omission
基本翻译技巧之 增 词&减 词
Amplification Omission Translation of Letters Exercises
How to translate the “wash”?
1) Mary washes before meals. 2) Mary washes after getting up. 3) Mary washes for a living. 4) Mary washes in a restaurant.
新闻时政短语英文翻译汇总(二)1. non-profit cultural undertakings 公益性文化事业2. regulation of income distribution 收入分配调节3. a conservation-minded society 资源节约型社会4. supporting measures 配套措施5. carry out the process of urbanization 推进城镇化6. Economic recovery 经济复苏7. Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济8. Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分9. Multi-polarization of world economy 世界经济多极化10. Transaction of property rights 产权交易11. Consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表12. primary-level organizations 基层组织13. prevention and treatment work 预防救治工作14. land and resources administration 国土资源管理15. post-disaster reconstruction 灾后重建16. rural credit cooperatives 农村信用社17. non-profit cultural undertakings 公益性文化事业18. to call for the establishment of a just and equitable new order 倡导公正、合理的新秩序观19. to ensure social equity and justice 实现社会公平与正义20. Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革21. Special administrative region 特别行政区22. Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区23. State-owned economy 国有经济24. Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济25. Economic sanction 经济制裁26. National economic budget 国民经济预算27. Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革28. Safeguard state property 保卫国有资产29. th e inevitablere sult of social development 社会发展的必然结果30. be supported by sound reasons 有充分的理由支持31. widen one's horizon/broaden one's vision 开阔眼界32. foster new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观33. One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点34. Macro control and micro invigoration 宏观控制与微观搞活35. Clearly defining property rights, specifying rights 产权清晰,责权明确36. Prevent the drain of State-owned property 防止国有资产流37. the increasingly fierce social competition 日益激烈的社会竞争38. set forth a compromise proposal 提出折中提议39. lack of credibility 诚信缺失40. development for the people, by the people and the benefit of all the people 发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享1. Administrative interference/Administrative intervention 行政干预2. Risk-control mechanism 风险控制机制3. Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动的通货膨胀4. Galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀5. patriotic sanitation campaign 爱国卫生运动6. system for land expropriation and requisition土地征收征用制度7. proprietary intellectual property rights 自主知识产权8. optimize the education structure 优化教育结构9. anti-dumping investigations 反倾销调查10. an appropriate amount of fine-tuning 适度微调11. non-government funded education 民办教育12. competence-oriented education 素质教育13. overheated economy 过热的经济14. consumer price index 消费品价格指数15. commodity price index 商品物价指数16. annual checks of the registration of property rights 产权登记年检17. enterprises and enterprises groups 企业集团18. merging of enterprises and promote re-employment 促进再就业19. enlarge the right of self-management 扩大自主权20. information release system for industries 行业信息发布制度21. relief subsidies扶贫基金22. grain risk fund 粮食风险基金23. reform of rural taxes and administrative charges 农村税费改革24. fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications 坚持不懈地进行"扫黄""打非"斗争25. construction of major transport trunk lines and hubs 重大交通运输干线与枢纽工程26. a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work 主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风27. promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society 推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展28. medical care system and medical assistance system 医疗制度和医疗合作制度29. from another perspective 从另一个角度30. a controversial issue 有争议性的问题31. interest coordinating (balancing) mechanism 利益协调机制32. Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制33. Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分34. Control of overall volume and economic restructuring 总量控制与经济结构调整35. leadership system against corruption 反腐败领导体制36. legal functions 法定职能37. promote democracy in international relations 国际关系民主化38. leapfrog development 跨越式发展39. a system of keeping the public informed 社会公示制度40. exercise democratic supervision 实行民主监督1. to foster a culture of clean government 廉政文化建设2. the implications of social harmony the characteristics of harmonious society 和谐社会的内涵3. scientific outlook on development 科学发展观4. harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony 和谐共赢5. social assistance (aid) system 社会救助体系6. become increasingly prosperous 日益昌盛maintain prolonged stability 长治久安7. enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness 增强综合国力和国际竟争力8. bring about development and prosperity 实现发展繁荣9. cadre and personnel system 干部人事制度10. system of dual control over cadres 干部双重管理体制11. non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁12. leadership system against corruption 反腐败领导体制13. outdated governance 不合时宜的社会治理模式14. urban social security system 城镇社会保障体系15. new thinking on energy development 新能源观16. innovation-oriented country 创新型国家17. foster integration with the global economy 促进全球经济一体化18. export processing zone 出口加工区19. maintain prolonged stability 长治久安20. the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities 党的民族政策21. Party and government organs 党政机关22. duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法23. system of public servants 公务员制度24. the vanguard of the working class 工人阶级的先锋队25. subjectivism, metaphysics 主观主义、形而上学26. democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy 民主集中制、党内民主27. the rule of law and the rule of virtue 依法治国和以德治国28. productive force, relation of production 生产力、生产关系29. the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages 利远远大于弊30. complicated social phenomenon 复杂的社会现象31. sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 责任感/ 成就感32. sense of competition and cooperation 竞争与合作精神33. T ake the essence and discard the dregs 取其精髓,去其糟粕34. an irresistible trend of……必然趋势35. unshakable duty 不可推卸的义务36. comprehensive quality 综合素质37. The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论38. Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策39. Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象40. Curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀。
第一章 语体
第二节 新闻语体
• 把英汉新闻语体分别定位为标准英语和普通话是就整体 情况而言,是新闻语体的主流。
• 因此在新闻翻译中,译者在一般情况下应采用中性的标 准语。
• 能做到这一点,译文就会在语体上基本满足新闻翻译的 要求。从而为广大受众所接受。
第一章 语体
第三节 新闻语体的翻译
第三节 新闻语体的翻译
帐篷中女子被草坪滚压机所伤 警方逮捕21人
第一章 语体
第三节 新闻语体的翻译
例5 原文
Trial shows new drug better than
rat poison at preventing stroke
第一章 语体
第二节 新闻语体
• 虽然有些国家官方机构对本国的标准语作出相关规定。 但标准英语具有约定俗成的性质,并非是官方语言机构 为其制定规则。其词汇、语法、拼写和语音层面等方面 都力求符合大众需求。词汇通用、易懂、多样;句法结 构正统、完整、简洁;逻辑关系严谨、明确。
第一章 语体
第二节 新闻语体
• 语体实际上是一个连续体。处于两个极端的特征比较明确, 而中间过渡部分则非常模糊。具体划分起来具有很大的随 意性。虽然上述提到两套5级划分法,实际上相邻的两种 语体都在一定程度上存在互相交叠的情况。划分级别越细, 就越容易交叠,操作难度也往往越大。
• 为了便于操作,人们一般采用3分法,即正式语体 (formal)、中性语体(neutral)和非正式语体(informal)。
学会识别语体差异,做到译文语体同原文语体契 合才能译出令人满意的译文。 • 语体差异可以体现在语音、词汇和语法等多个层 次。
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一、公示语从目的功能上可分为说服型、 信息型和警示型。
二、公示语的功能特点决定了公示语的 语言风格和词汇选择。
英语公示语广泛使用名词、动词、动名 词、词组、短语、缩略语、文字与标志 组合、现在时态、祈使句和规范性、标 准性词汇,具有语汇简洁措辞精确的特 点。
5.1.2 新闻报道的文体特点
五角大楼 → 美国国防部
赌城 →(美国以夜总会和赌场著 称的)拉斯维加斯市;
(医学)外伤,伤口 → 心理/精神创 伤
杠杆作用 →(为达到某一种目的而使 用的)力量、手段;优势;影响;
(六) 形象化词汇
形象化词汇的使用可以使描述对象栩栩 如生,吸引读者注意力。例如下面有关 报道日美两国之间贸易摩擦的两段文字 即为典 , , a 10﹪ .
二、简洁性()。“言贵简洁”( ),为 了迅速吸引读者的注意力,提高传播的 有效性,同时由于版面、篇幅的限制, 公示语和新闻报道唯有用精炼,浓缩的 语言才能在有限的文字空间内展现丰富 的内容。 .
三、准确性()。公示语和新闻报道要求 表达准确,只有建立在“准确”的基础 上,才能实现公示语的信息功能和呼唤 功能,才能确保新闻报道以事实为依据, 避免误导读者,混淆视听,从而具有新 闻价值。
(长凳)→ 责令(运动员)退场;; (鸡蛋) → 炸弹;水雷
(鸽) → 主和派;温和派; → 主战派;强硬派;
(投递)→ 履行;实现(诺言等) (打嗝)→(股市)短暂跌价;
(月光)→ 兼职;赚外快;
(建立;确立) → 权势集团;当权派; 领导核心等
2. 社会、生活的变化也会催生一些新词
一、用词精炼、新颖: 二、句式灵活、多样 三、时态呼应不拘规则 四、被动语态频繁使用,突出重点,吸
引注意力 五、善用修辞,讲究效果:主要包括押
韵、幽默、比喻、夸张、排比、双关、 和借用典故、成语
(一) 简短词 (二) 缩写词 (三)节缩词 (四) 新词 (五) 时髦词 (六) 形象化词汇 (七) 借用词汇 (八)掺用外来语
前苏联发射世界上第一颗人造卫星,英 语新闻按俄文字母拼为 I ,之后,一系 列以为后缀表示 “具有……特征”的新 词出现在英文新闻媒介中,常见的有:
: 垮掉的一代; 电脑专家;
: 电影迷; :
: 逃避兵役者; : 工作狂; : 爵士乐迷;
3. 旧词派生新词指在一个旧词的基础上 巧妙地加上表示某种意义的前缀或后缀, 构成某个新词。
表示“无政府主义的” :
无政府独裁主义; 无政府自由主义 者;、 无政府社会主义者;
表示“反对” 、“阻止” :
反种族隔离浪潮; 反政府骚乱;
表示“网络的” :
网吧; 网民; 网络空间;虚拟现 实;
表示“新”、“新型的” :
保守派; 新法西斯主义者;
表示“歧视” :
(e) 年龄歧视; 高歧视;
肥胖歧视; 身
容貌歧视; 体重歧视
(五) 时髦词
在传播过程中,这些时髦词原有的词义 往往得到扩展和引申,如: 尺寸;长 度 → 方面;范围;情况;
(地质学)分界面 → 熟人;交叉 点;
汽车耗油里程数 → 好处,利益; (牌戏用语)摊牌 → 决斗;
1) 2) 3) , ; 4)
(一) 简短词
(二) 缩写词
缩写词()又称首字缩略词(),全部 用大写字母拼成,用来表示组织机关等 专有名词、常见事物的名称、职业或职 务的名称等
1) . ( , .2, 1992)
2) , ’s ( , .27, 2000) 欧盟; 世贸组织 3) ( , .25, 1991) 获得性免疫缺损综合症,即“艾滋病”
第五章 外宣新闻题材翻译
5.1 外宣新闻题材文本特点 5.2 外宣新闻题材文本翻译 5.3 翻译训练
5.1 外宣新闻题材文本特点
一、大众性()。公示语和新闻报道的读 者遍及社会各阶层,包括本地公众、旅 游者、海外宾客等群体,内容涉及面广, 包括政治、经济、文化、教育,交通等 诸多领域 5.1.2 新闻报道的文体特点
节缩词( 或),即通过“截头去尾”的方 法将一些常用的名词、形容词等截短或 缩短。
( , .18, 1992)
, 1, 1983
这里,(踢)和(扇耳光)形象地展示 了日美两国在贸易竞争中剑拔弩张的形 势。
(七) 借用词汇
借用人、物名称来表示某个意思,可以 取得生动形象的效果,使大多数人都能 理解,如:
,a .
, .22, 1991
豆城 → 波士顿市; → 纽约市;
() 国会山 → 美国国会; 美国福特牌 汽车 → 畅销货;
2) ( , .8, 2001)
(四) 新词
新词汇在构成和表现形式上主要有以下 几种情况:旧词衍生新意、新事催生新 词、旧词派生新词。
1. 旧词衍生新意:如:原意为来源、源 泉,在新闻报道中常用来表示提供消息 来源的有关人士或官员
(), ’s , .
, 13, 1992
四、时效性与时宜性(&)。时效是决定 新闻价值大小的重要因素,新闻见诸报 刊与事件发生之间的“时间差”越小, 其新闻价值越高。某些事件虽已成为过 去,不够新鲜,但与目前的时事热点或 重大事件的密切联系,仍然能引起读者 的兴趣,故仍可以看作新闻,这便是新 闻的时宜性。公示语的时效性和时宜性 则表现在其强调保持与社会生活同步, 及时传递相关信息,选择最适宜的时机 和方式实现其呼唤功能等方面。