
第一章作业解答1.9解:(b )jt t t j e e e t x --+-==)1(2)(由于)()(2)1()1())(1(2t x e e e T t x T j t j T t j ≠==++-+-++-,故不是周期信号;(或者:由于该函数的包络随t 增长衰减的指数信号,故其不是周期信号;) (c )n j e n x π73][= 则πω70= 7220=ωπ是有理数,故其周期为N=2; 1.12解:]4[1][1)1(]1[1][43--=--==+---=∑∑∞=∞=n u m n mk k n n x m k δδ-3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 n1…减去:-3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 nu[n-4]等于:-3 –2 –1 0 1 23 4 5 6 n…故:]3[+-n u 即:M=-1,n 0=-3。
1.14解:x(t)的一个周期如图(a)所示,x(t)如图(b)所示:而:g(t)如图(c)所示……dtt dx )(如图(d )所示:……故:)1(3)(3)(--=t g t g dtt dx 则:1t ,0t 3,32121==-==;A A 1.15解:该系统如下图所示: 2[n](1)]4[2]3[5]2[2]}4[4]3[2{21]}3[4]2[2{]3[21]2[][][1111111222-+-+-=-+-+-+-=-+-==n x n x n x n x n x n x n x n x n x n y n y即:]4[2]3[5]2[2][-+-+-=n x n x n x n y(2)若系统级联顺序改变,该系统不会改变,因为该系统是线性时不变系统。
1.17解:(a )因果性:)(sin )(t x t y =举一反例:当)0()y(,0int s x t =-=-=ππ则时输出与以后的输入有关,不是因果的;(b )线性:按照线性的证明过程(这里略),该系统是线性的。

Chapter 1 Answers1.6 (a).NoBecause when t<0, )(1t x =0.(b).NoBecause only if n=0, ][2n x has valuable.(c).Yes Because ∑∞-∞=--+--+=+k k m n k m n m n x ]}414[]44[{]4[δδ ∑∞-∞=------=k m k n m k n )]}(41[)](4[{δδ ∑∞-∞=----=k k n k n ]}41[]4[{δδ N=4.1.9 (a). T=π/5Because 0w =10, T=2π/10=π/5.(b). Not periodic.Because jt t e e t x --=)(2, while t e -is not periodic, )(2t x is not periodic.(c). N=2Because 0w =7π, N=(2π/0w )*m, and m=7.(d). N=10Because n j j e e n x )5/3(10/343)(ππ=, that is 0w =3π/5, N=(2π/0w )*m, and m=3.(e). Not periodic. Because 0w =3/5, N=(2π/0w )*m=10πm/3 , it ’s not a rational number.1.14 A1=3, t1=0, A2=-3, t2=1 or -1dtt dx )( isSolution: x(t) isBecause ∑∞-∞=-=k k t t g )2()(δ, dt t dx )(=3g(t)-3g(t-1) or dtt dx )(=3g(t)-3g(t+1) 1.15. (a). y[n]=2x[n-2]+5x[n-3]+2x[n-4]Solution:]3[21]2[][222-+-=n x n x n y ]3[21]2[11-+-=n y n y ]}4[4]3[2{21]}3[4]2[2{1111-+-+-+-=n x n x n x n x ]4[2]3[5]2[2111-+-+-=n x n x n xThen, ]4[2]3[5]2[2][-+-+-=n x n x n x n y(b).No. For it ’s linearity.the relationship between ][1n y and ][2n x is the same in-out relationship with (a). you can have a try.1.16. (a). No.For example, when n=0, y[0]=x[0]x[-2]. So the system is memory. (b). y[n]=0.When the input is ][n A δ,then, ]2[][][2-=n n A n y δδ, so y[n]=0. (c). No.For example, when x[n]=0, y[n]=0; when x[n]=][n A δ, y[n]=0. So the system is not invertible.1.17. (a). No.For example, )0()(x y =-π. So it ’s not causal.(b). Yes.Because : ))(sin()(11t x t y = , ))(sin()(22t x t y =))(sin())(sin()()(2121t bx t ax t by t ay +=+1.21. Solution:We have known:(a).(b).(c).(d).1.22. Solution:We have known:(a).(b).(e).(g)1.23. Solution:For )]()([21)}({t x t x t x E v -+= )]()([21)}({t x t x t x O d --= then,(a).(b).(c).1.24.For: ])[][(21]}[{n x n x n x E v -+= ])[][(21]}[{n x n x n x O d --=then,(a).(b).1.25. (a). Periodic. T=π/2.Solution: T=2π/4=π/2.(b). Periodic. T=2.Solution: T=2π/π=2.(d). Periodic. T=0.5. Solution: )}()4{cos()(t u t E t x v π=)}())(4cos()()4{cos(21t u t t u t --+=ππ )}()(){4cos(21t u t u t -+=π )4cos(21t π= So, T=2π/4π=0.51.26. (a). Periodic. N=7Solution: N=m *7/62ππ=7, m=3.(b). Aperriodic.Solution: N=ππm m 16*8/12=, it ’s not rational number.(e). Periodic. N=16 Solution as follow:)62cos(2)8sin()4cos(2][ππππ+-+=n n n n x in this equation,)4cos(2n π, it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/4)=8, m=1.)8sin(n π, it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/8)=16, m=1.)62cos(2ππ+-n , it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/2)=4, m=1. So, the fundamental period of ][n x is N=(8,16,4)=16.1.31. SolutionBecause )()1()(),2()()(113112t x t x t x t x t x t x ++=--=. According to LTI property ,)()1()(),2()()(113112t y t y t y t y t y t y ++=--=Extra problems:Sketch ⎰∞-=t dt t x t y )()(. 1. SupposeSolution:2. SupposeSketch:(1). )]1(2)1()3()[(--+++t t t t g δδδ(2). ∑∞-∞=-k k t t g )2()(δ(2).Chapter 22.1 Solution:Because x[n]=(1 2 0 –1)0, h[n]=(2 0 2)1-, then(a).So, ]4[2]2[2]1[2][4]1[2][1---+-+++=n n n n n n y δδδδδ (b). according to the property of convolutioin:]2[][12+=n y n y(c). ]2[][13+=n y n y][*][][n h n x n y =][][k n h k x k -=∑∞-∞= ∑∞-∞=-+--=k k k n u k u ]2[]2[)21(2 ][211)21()21(][)21(12)2(0222n u n u n n k k --==+-++=-∑ ][])21(1[21n u n +-= the figure of the y[n] is:2.5 Solution:We have known: ⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewhere n n x ....090....1][,,, ⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewhere N n n h ....00....1][,,,(9≤N ) Then, ]10[][][--=n u n u n x , ]1[][][---=N n u n u n h∑∞-∞=-==k k n u k h n h n x n y ][][][*][][ ∑∞-∞=-------=k k n u k n u N k u k u ])10[][])(1[][(So, y[4] ∑∞-∞=-------=k k u k u N k u k u ])6[]4[])(1[][( ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≤=∑∑==4,...14, (140)0N N k Nk =5, then 4≥N And y[14] ∑∞-∞=------=k k u k u N k u k u ])4[]14[])(1[][(⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≤=∑∑==14,...114, (1145)5N N k Nk =0, then 5<N ∴4=N2.7 Solution:[][][2]k y n x k g n k ∞=-∞=-∑(a )[][1]x n n δ=-,[][][2][1][2][2]k k y n x k g n k k g n k g n δ∞∞=-∞=-∞=-=--=-∑∑(b) [][2]x n n δ=-,[][][2][2][2][4]k k y n x k g n k k g n k g n δ∞∞=-∞=-∞=-=--=-∑∑ (c) S is not LTI system..(d) [][]x n u n =,0[][][2][][2][2]k k k y n x k g n k u k g n k g n k ∞∞∞=-∞=-∞==-=-=-∑∑∑2.8 Solution: )]1(2)2([*)()(*)()(+++==t t t x t h t x t y δδ )1(2)2(+++=t x t xThen,That is, ⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≤<-≤<-+-=-<<-+=others t t t t t t t t y ,........010,....2201,.....41..,.........412,.....3)(2.10 Solution:(a). We know:Then,)()()(αδδ--='t t t h)]()([*)()(*)()(αδδ--='='t t t x t h t x t y )()(α--=t x t xthat is,So, ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+≤≤-+≤≤≤≤=others t t t t t t y ,.....011,.....11,....0,.....)(ααααα(b). From the figure of )(t y ', only if 1=α, )(t y ' would contain merely therediscontinuities.2.11 Solution:(a). )(*)]5()3([)(*)()(3t u et u t u t h t x t y t----==⎰⎰∞∞---∞∞--------=ττττττττd t u e u d t u eu t t )()5()()3()(3)(3⎰⎰-------=tt t t d e t u d et u 5)(33)(3)5()3(ττττ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≥+-=-<≤-=<=---------⎰⎰⎰5,.......353,.....313.........,.........0315395)(33)(3393)(3t e e d e d e t e d e t tt t t t t t t t ττττττ(b). )(*)]5()3([)(*)/)(()(3t u e t t t h dt t dx t g t ----==δδ)5()3()5(3)3(3---=----t u e t u e t t(c). It ’s obvious that dt t dy t g /)()(=.2.12 Solution∑∑∞-∞=-∞-∞=--=-=k tk tk t t u ek t t u e t y )]3(*)([)3(*)()(δδ∑∞-∞=---=k k t k t u e)3()3(Considering for 30<≤t ,we can obtain33311])3([)(---∞=-∞-∞=--==-=∑∑ee e ek t u e e t y tk k tk kt. (Because k must be negetive ,1)3(=-k t u for 30<≤t ).2.19 Solution:(a). We have known:][]1[21][n x n w n w +-=(1) ][]1[][n w n y n y βα+-=(2)from (1), 21)(1-=E EE Hfrom (2), αβ-=E EE H )(2then, 212212)21(1)21)(()()()(--++-=--==E E E E E E H E H E H ααβαβ∴][]2[2]1[)21(][n x n y n y n y βαα=-+-+-but, ][]1[43]2[81][n x n y n y n y +-+--=∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=+=143)21(:....812βααor ∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==141βα(b). from (a), we know )21)(41()()()(221--==E E E E H E H E H21241-+--=E EE E ∴][)41()21(2][n u n h n n ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=2.20 (a). 1⎰⎰∞∞-∞∞-===1)0cos()cos()()cos()(0dt t t dt t t u δ(b). 0dt t t )3()2sin(5+⎰δπ has value only on 3-=t , but ]5,0[3∉-∴dt t t )3()2sin(5+⎰δπ=0(c). 0⎰⎰---=-641551)2cos()()2cos()1(dt t t u d u πτπττ⎰-'-=64)2cos()(dt t t πδ0|)2(s co ='=t t π 0|)2sin(20=-==t t ππ∑∞-∞=-==k t h kT t t h t x t y )(*)()(*)()(δ∑∞-∞=-=k kT t h )(∴2.27Solution()y A y t dt ∞-∞=⎰,()xA x t dt ∞-∞=⎰,()hA h t dt ∞-∞=⎰.()()*()()()y t x t h t x x t d τττ∞-∞==-⎰()()()()()()()()()(){()}y x hA y t dt x x t d dtx x t dtd x x t dtd x x d d x d x d A A ττττττττττξξτττξξ∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞==-=-=-===⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰(a) ()()(2)tt y t e x d τττ---∞=-⎰,Let ()()x t t δ=,then ()()y t h t =. So , 2()(2)(2)()(2)()(2)t t t t t h t ed e d e u t τξδττδξξ---------∞-∞=-==-⎰⎰(b) (2)()()*()[(1)(2)]*(2)t y t x t h t u t u t e u t --==+---(2)(2)(1)(2)(2)(2)t t u eu t d u e u t d ττττττττ∞∞-------∞-∞=+------⎰⎰22(2)(2)12(1)(4)t t t t u t e d u t e d ττττ---------=---⎰⎰(2)2(2)212(1)[]|(4)[]|t t t t u t e e u t ee ττ-------=--- (1)(4)[1](1)[1](4)t t e u t e u t ----=-----2.46 SolutionBecause)]1([2)1(]2[)(33-+-=--t u dtde t u e dt d t x dt d t t )1(2)(3)1(2)(333-+-=-+-=--t e t x t e t x t δδ.From LTI property ,we know)1(2)(3)(3-+-→-t h e t y t x dtdwhere )(t h is the impulse response of the system. So ,following equation can be derived.)()1(223t u e t h e t --=-Finally, )1(21)()1(23+=+-t u e e t h t 2.47 SoliutionAccording to the property of the linear time-invariant system: (a). )(2)(*)(2)(*)()(000t y t h t x t h t x t y ===(b). )(*)]2()([)(*)()(00t h t x t x t h t x t y --==)(*)2()(*)(0000t h t x t h t x --=012y(t)t4)2()(00--=t y t y(c). )1()1(*)(*)2()1(*)2()(*)()(00000-=+-=+-==t y t t h t x t h t x t h t x t y δ(d). The condition is not enough.(e). )(*)()(*)()(00t h t x t h t x t y --==τττd t h x )()(00+--=⎰∞∞-)()()(000t y dm m t h m x -=--=⎰∞∞-(f). )()]([)](*)([)(*)()(*)()(000000t y t y t h t x t h t x t h t x t y "=''='--'=-'-'==Extra problems:1. Solute h(t), h[n](1). )()(6)(5)(22t x t y t y dt dt y dtd =++ (2). ]1[][2]1[2]2[+=++++n x n y n y n y Solution:(1). Because 3121)3)(2(1651)(2+-++=++=++=P P P P P P P Hso )()()()3121()(32t u e e t P P t h t t ---=+-++=δ (2). Because )1)(1(1)1(22)(22i E i E EE E E E E E H -+++=++=++=iE Eii E E i -+-+++=1212 so []][)1()1(2][1212][n u i i i k i E E i i E E i n h n n +----=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-+-+++=δChapter 33.1 Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==00000000033113333()224434cos()8sin()44j kt j t j t j t j tk k j t j t j t j tx t a e a e a e a e a e e e je je t t ωωωωωωωωωππ∞----=-∞--==+++=++-=-∑3.2 Solution:for, 10=a , 4/2πj ea --= , 4/2πj ea = , 3/42πj ea --=, 3/42πj ea =n N jk k N k e a n x )/2(][π∑>=<=n j n j n j n j e a e a e a e a a )5/8(4)5/8(4)5/4(2)5/4(20ππππ----++++=n j j n j j n j j n j j e e e e e e e e )5/8(3/)5/8(3/)5/4(4/)5/4(4/221ππππππππ----++++= )358cos(4)454cos(21ππππ++++=n n)6558sin(4)4354sin(21ππππ++++=n n3.3 Solution: for the period of )32cos(t πis 3=T , the period of )35sin(t πis 6=Tso the period of )(t x is 6 , i.e. 3/6/20ππ==w)35sin(4)32cos(2)(t t t x ππ++= )5sin(4)2cos(21200t w t w ++=)(2)(21200005522t w j t w j t w j t w j e e j e e ----++=then, 20=a , 2122==-a a , j a 25=-, j a 25-=3.5 Solution:(1). Because )1()1()(112-+-=t x t x t x , then )(2t x has the same period as )(1t x ,that is 21T T T ==, 12w w =(2). 212111()((1)(1))jkw t jkw tk T T b x t e dt x t x t e dt T--==-+-⎰⎰111111(1)(1)jkw tjkw t T Tx t e dt x t e dt T T --=-+-⎰⎰ 111)(jkw k k jkw k jkw k e a a e a e a -----+=+=3.8 Solution:kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==while:)(t x is real and odd, then 00=a , k k a a --=2=T , then ππ==2/20wand0=k a for 1>kso kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==t jw t jw e a e a a 00110++=--)sin(2)(11t a e e a t j t j πππ=-=-for12)(2121212120220==++=-⎰a a a a dt t x∴2/21±=a ∴)sin(2)(t t x π±=3.13 Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==0004, 0sin(4)()0, 0k k H jk k k ωωω=⎧==⎨≠⎩ ∴000()()4jkw t k k y t a H jkw e a ∞=-∞==∑Because 48004111()1(1)088T a x t dt dt dt T ==+-=⎰⎰⎰So ()0y t =.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞== ∴dt e jkw H t y Ta t jkw Tk 0)()(10-⎰=for⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤=100, (0100),.......1)(w w jw H ∴if 0=k a , it needs 1000>kwthat is 12100,........1006/2>>k kππand k is integer, so 8>K3.22 Solution:021)(1110===⎰⎰-tdt dt t x Ta Tdt te dt te dt e t x T a t jk t jk t jkw T k ππ-----⎰⎰⎰===1122112121)(10t jk tde jk ππ--⎰-=1121⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡---=----111121ππππjk e te jk t jk tjk ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡---+-=--ππππππjk e e e e jk jk jk jk jk )()(21⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+-=ππππjk k k jk )sin(2)cos(221[]πππππk jk k j k jk k)1()cos()cos(221-==-=0............≠k404402()()1184416tj tj t t j tt j t H j h t edt ee dte edt e e dtj j ωωωωωωωω∞∞----∞-∞∞----∞===+=+=-++⎰⎰⎰⎰A periodic continous-signal has Fourier Series:. 0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑T is the fundamental period of ()x t .02/T ωπ=The output of LTI system with inputed ()x t is 00()()jk t k k y t a H jk e ωω∞=-∞=∑Its coefficients of Fourier Series: 0()k k b a H jk ω= (a)()()n x t t n δ∞=-∞=-∑.T=1, 02ωπ=11k a T==. 01/221/21()()1jkw t jk tk T a x t e dt t e dt Tπδ---===⎰⎰ (Note :If ()()n x t t nT δ∞=-∞=-∑,1k a T=) So 2282(2)16(2)4()k k b a H jk k k πππ===++ (b)()(1)()n n x t t n δ∞=-∞=--∑ .T=2, 0ωπ=,11k a T== 01/23/21/21/2111()()(1)(1)221[1(1)]2jkw t jk tjk t k T k a x t e dt t e dt t e dtT ππδδ----==+--=--⎰⎰⎰So 24[1(1)]()16()k k k b a H jk k ππ--==+, (c) T=1,02ωπ=01/421/4sin()12()jk t jk tk T k a x t e dt e dt Tk ωπππ---===⎰⎰28sin()2()[16(2)]k k k b a H jk k k ππππ==+ 3.35 Solution: T= /7π,02/14T ωπ==.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==∴0()k k b a H jkw =for⎩⎨⎧≥=otherwise w jw H ,.......0250,.......1)(,01,. (17)()0,.......k H jkw otherwise ⎧≥⎪=⎨⎪⎩that is 0250250, (14)k k ω<<, and k is integer, so 18....17k or k <≤. Let ()()y t x t =,k k b a =, it needs 0=k a ,for 18....17k or k <≤.3.37 Solution:11()[]()212()21312411511cos 224nj j nj n n n n j nn j nn n j j j H e h n ee ee e e e ωωωωωωωωω∞∞--=-∞=-∞-∞--=-∞=-===+=+=---∑∑∑∑A periodic sequence has Fourier Series:2()[]jk n Nk k N x n a eπ=<>=∑.N is the fundamental period of []x n .The output of LTI system with inputed []x n is 22()[]()jk jk n NNk k N y n a H eeππ=<>=∑.Its coefficients of Fourier Series: 2()jk Nk k b a H eπ=(a)[][4]k x n n k δ∞=-∞=-∑.N=4, 14k a =.So 2314()524cos()44j k Nk k b a H e k ππ==-3165cos()42k b k π=-3.40 Solution: According to the property of fourier series: (a). )2cos(2)cos(20000000t Tka t kw a e a ea a k k t jkw k t jkw k k π==+='- (b). Because 2)()()}({t x t x t x E v -+=}{2k v k k k a E a a a =+='-(c). Because 2)(*)()}({t x t x t x R e +=2*kk k a a a -+='(d). k k k a Tjka jkw a 220)2()(π=='(e). first, the period of )13(-t x is 3T T ='then 3)(1)13(131213120dme m x T dt e t x T a m T jk T t T jk T k +'--'-'-'⎰⎰'=-'='ππTjkk m T jk T T jk T jk m T jk T ea dm e m x T e dm e e m x T πππππ221122211)(1)(1---------=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡==⎰⎰3.43 (a) Proof:(i )Because ()x t is odd harmonic ,(2/)()jk T t k k x t a e π∞=-∞=∑,where 0k a = for everynon-zero even k.(2/)()2(2/)(2/)()2T jk T t k k jk jk T tk k jk T tk k T x t a ea e e a e ππππ∞+=-∞∞=-∞∞=-∞+===-∑∑∑It is noticed that k is odd integers or k=0.That means()()2Tx t x t =-+(ii )Because of ()()2Tx t x t =-+,we get the coefficients of Fourier Series222/200/222(/2)/2/20022/2/200111()()()11()(/2)11()()(1)jk t jk t jk t T T T T T T k T jk t jk t T T T T Tjk t jk t T T k TT a x t e dt x t e dt x t e dtT T T x t e dt x t T e dt T T x t e dt x t e dt T T πππππππ-----+--==+=++=--⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ 2/21[1(1)]()jk t T kT x t e dt T π-=--⎰It is obvious that 0k a = for every non-zero even k. So ()x t is odd harmonic ,(b)Extra problems:∑∞-∞=-=k kT t t x )()(δ, π=T(1). Consider )(t y , when )(jw H ist(2). Consider )(t y , when )(jw H isSolution:∑∞-∞=-=k kT t t x )()(δ↔π11=T , 220==Tw π(1).kt j k k tjkw k k e k j H a ejkw H a t y 20)2(1)()(0∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞===ππ2=(for k can only has value 0)(2).kt j k k tjkw k k e k j H a e jkw H a t y 20)2(1)()(0∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞===πππte e t j t j 2cos 2)(122=+=- (for k can only has value –1 and 1)。

系统(第二版)-学习说明(练习答案)系计算机工程系2005.12目录17第35章第62章第83章第109章第119章第132章第140章160章答案1.1从极坐标转换:1.2从笛卡尔极坐标转换:limlim dtdtdt=cos(t)。
10 10复数指数乘以衰减指数。
fundamentalperiod我们得到fundamentalperiod complexexponential=3/5。

Charpt 11.21—(a),(b),(c)一连续时间信号 x(t) 如图 original 所示,请画出下列信号并给予标注:a)x(t-1)b)x(2-t)c)x(2t+1)d)x(4-t/2)e)[x(t)=x(-t)]u(t)f)x(t)[ δ(t+3/2)- δ(t-3/2)](d),(e),(f)1.22一离散时间信号 x[n] 如图 original 所示,请画出下列信号并给予标注。
a)x[n-4]b)x[3-n]c)x[3n]e) x[n]u[3-n]f) x[n-2] δ [n-2]1.23确定并画出图 original 信号的奇部和偶部,并给予标注。
a)x(t)=3cos(4t+ π /3) T=2π/4=π/2;b)x(t)=e j( t 1) T=2π/π=2;2c)x(t)=[cos(2t- π /3)] 2 x(t)=1/2+cos[(cos(4t-2 π/3))]/2, so T=2π/4=π/2;d)x(t)= E v {cos(4 π t)u(t)} 定义 x(0)=1/2, 则 T=1/2;e)E v {sin(4 π t)u(t)}非周期f ) x(t)= e(2t n)n假设其周期为 T 则e (2t n)= e(2t n 2T)= e(2t (n 2T))= e(2t n)n n n n所以 T=1/2( 最小正周期 ) ;1.26判定下列离散时间信号的周期性;若是周期的,确定他们的基波周期。
(a)x[n]=sin(6 π /7+1)N=7(b)x[n]=cos(n/8- π ) 不是周期信号2(c)x[n]=cos( π n /8)假设其周期为 N,则(n N)2/8 n2/8+2k所以易得 N=8(d) x[n]= cos( n) cos( n)24N=8(e) x[n]= 2cos( n) sin( n) 2cos( n )4 8 2 6N=161.31在本题中将要说明线性时不变性质的最重要的结果之一,即一旦知道了一个线性系统或线性时不变系统对某单一输入的响应或者对若干个输入的响应,就能直接计算出对许多其他输入信号的响应。
信号与系统_第二版_奥本海默 _课后答案[1-10章]
![信号与系统_第二版_奥本海默 _课后答案[1-10章]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6ff45c8f83c4bb4cf6ecd112.png)
学霸h助us手 Contents baz Chapter 1 ······················································· 2 xue Chapter 2 ······················································· 17
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e 1
3 2
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p 2
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p 4
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j(1- j) = 4 ,
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e 2 + j 2 = -1p2
1+ j 3
ò e 1.3.
xue学ba霸zh助usS手hoiug.ncoaml(Sseco&nd EdSitioyn)stems
—Learning Instructions
Computer 2005.12
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x e , 2(t) = j(2t+p4 )

第一章1.3 解:(a). 2401lim(),04Tt T TE x t dt e dt P ∞-∞∞→∞-====⎰⎰(b) dt t x TP T TT ⎰-∞→∞=2)(21lim121lim ==⎰-∞→dt T TTT∞===⎰⎰∞∞--∞→∞dt t x dt t x E TTT 22)()(lim(c).222lim()cos (),111cos(2)1lim()lim2222TT TTTT T TTE x t dt t dt t P x t dt dt TT∞∞→∞--∞∞→∞→∞--===∞+===⎰⎰⎰⎰(d) 034121lim )21(121lim ][121lim 022=⋅+=+=+=∞→=∞→-=∞→∞∑∑N N n x N P N Nn n N N N n N 34)21()(lim202===∑∑-∞=∞→∞nNNn N n x E (e). 2()1,x n E ∞==∞211lim []lim 112121N NN N n N n NP x n N N ∞→∞→∞=-=-===++∑∑ (f) ∑-=∞→∞=+=NNn N n x N P 21)(121lim 2∑-=∞→∞∞===NNn N n x E 2)(lim1.9. a). 00210,105T ππω===; b) 非周期的; c) 00007,,22mN N ωωππ=== d). 010;N = e). 非周期的; 1.12 解:∑∞=--3)1(k k n δ对于4n ≥时,为1即4≥n 时,x(n)为0,其余n 值时,x(n)为1易有:)3()(+-=n u n x , 01,3;M n =-=- 1.15 解:(a)]3[21]2[][][222-+-==n x n x n y n y , 又2111()()2()4(1)x n y n x n x n ==+-, 1111()2[2]4[3][3]2[4]y n x n x n x n x n ∴=-+-+-+-,1()()x n x n = ()2[2]5[3]2[4]y n x n x n x n =-+-+- 其中][n x 为系统输入。

Chapter 1 Answers1.6 (a).NoBecause when t<0, )(1t x =0.(b).NoBecause only if n=0, ][2n x has valuable.(c).Yes Because ∑∞-∞=--+--+=+k k m n k m n m n x ]}414[]44[{]4[δδ ∑∞-∞=------=k m k n m k n )]}(41[)](4[{δδ ∑∞-∞=----=k k n k n ]}41[]4[{δδ N=4.1.9 (a). T=π/5Because 0w =10, T=2π/10=π/5.(b). Not periodic.Because jt t e e t x --=)(2, while t e -is not periodic, )(2t x is not periodic.(c). N=2Because 0w =7π, N=(2π/0w )*m, and m=7.(d). N=10Because n j j e e n x )5/3(10/343)(ππ=, that is 0w =3π/5, N=(2π/0w )*m, and m=3.(e). Not periodic. Because 0w =3/5, N=(2π/0w )*m=10πm/3 , it ’s not a rational number.1.14 A1=3, t1=0, A2=-3, t2=1 or -1dtt dx )( isSolution: x(t) isBecause ∑∞-∞=-=k k t t g )2()(δ, dt t dx )(=3g(t)-3g(t-1) or dtt dx )(=3g(t)-3g(t+1) 1.15. (a). y[n]=2x[n-2]+5x[n-3]+2x[n-4]Solution:]3[21]2[][222-+-=n x n x n y ]3[21]2[11-+-=n y n y ]}4[4]3[2{21]}3[4]2[2{1111-+-+-+-=n x n x n x n x ]4[2]3[5]2[2111-+-+-=n x n x n xThen, ]4[2]3[5]2[2][-+-+-=n x n x n x n y(b).No. For it ’s linearity.the relationship between ][1n y and ][2n x is the same in-out relationship with (a). you can have a try.1.16. (a). No.For example, when n=0, y[0]=x[0]x[-2]. So the system is memory. (b). y[n]=0.When the input is ][n A δ,then, ]2[][][2-=n n A n y δδ, so y[n]=0. (c). No.For example, when x[n]=0, y[n]=0; when x[n]=][n A δ, y[n]=0. So the system is not invertible.1.17. (a). No.For example, )0()(x y =-π. So it ’s not causal.(b). Yes.Because : ))(sin()(11t x t y = , ))(sin()(22t x t y =))(sin())(sin()()(2121t bx t ax t by t ay +=+1.21. Solution:We have known:(a).(b).(c).(d).1.22. Solution:We have known:(a).(b).(e).(g)1.23. Solution:For )]()([21)}({t x t x t x E v -+= )]()([21)}({t x t x t x O d --= then,(a).(b).(c).1.24.For: ])[][(21]}[{n x n x n x E v -+= ])[][(21]}[{n x n x n x O d --=then,(a).(b).1.25. (a). Periodic. T=π/2.Solution: T=2π/4=π/2.(b). Periodic. T=2.Solution: T=2π/π=2.(d). Periodic. T=0.5. Solution: )}()4{cos()(t u t E t x v π=)}())(4cos()()4{cos(21t u t t u t --+=ππ )}()(){4cos(21t u t u t -+=π )4cos(21t π= So, T=2π/4π=0.51.26. (a). Periodic. N=7Solution: N=m *7/62ππ=7, m=3.(b). Aperriodic.Solution: N=ππm m 16*8/12=, it ’s not rational number.(e). Periodic. N=16 Solution as follow:)62cos(2)8sin()4cos(2][ππππ+-+=n n n n x in this equation,)4cos(2n π, it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/4)=8, m=1.)8sin(n π, it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/8)=16, m=1.)62cos(2ππ+-n , it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/2)=4, m=1. So, the fundamental period of ][n x is N=(8,16,4)=16.1.31. SolutionBecause )()1()(),2()()(113112t x t x t x t x t x t x ++=--=. According to LTI property ,)()1()(),2()()(113112t y t y t y t y t y t y ++=--=Extra problems:Sketch ⎰∞-=t dt t x t y )()(. 1. SupposeSolution:2. SupposeSketch:(1). )]1(2)1()3()[(--+++t t t t g δδδ(2). ∑∞-∞=-k k t t g )2()(δ(2).Chapter 22.1 Solution:Because x[n]=(1 2 0 –1)0, h[n]=(2 0 2)1-, then(a).So, ]4[2]2[2]1[2][4]1[2][1---+-+++=n n n n n n y δδδδδ (b). according to the property of convolutioin:]2[][12+=n y n y(c). ]2[][13+=n y n y][*][][n h n x n y =][][k n h k x k -=∑∞-∞= ∑∞-∞=-+--=k k k n u k u ]2[]2[)21(2 ][211)21()21(][)21(12)2(0222n u n u n n k k --==+-++=-∑ ][])21(1[21n u n +-= the figure of the y[n] is:2.5 Solution:We have known: ⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewhere n n x ....090....1][,,, ⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewhere N n n h ....00....1][,,,(9≤N ) Then, ]10[][][--=n u n u n x , ]1[][][---=N n u n u n h∑∞-∞=-==k k n u k h n h n x n y ][][][*][][ ∑∞-∞=-------=k k n u k n u N k u k u ])10[][])(1[][(So, y[4] ∑∞-∞=-------=k k u k u N k u k u ])6[]4[])(1[][( ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≤=∑∑==4,...14, (140)0N N k Nk =5, then 4≥N And y[14] ∑∞-∞=------=k k u k u N k u k u ])4[]14[])(1[][(⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≤=∑∑==14,...114, (1145)5N N k Nk =0, then 5<N ∴4=N2.7 Solution:[][][2]k y n x k g n k ∞=-∞=-∑(a )[][1]x n n δ=-,[][][2][1][2][2]k k y n x k g n k k g n k g n δ∞∞=-∞=-∞=-=--=-∑∑(b) [][2]x n n δ=-,[][][2][2][2][4]k k y n x k g n k k g n k g n δ∞∞=-∞=-∞=-=--=-∑∑ (c) S is not LTI system..(d) [][]x n u n =,0[][][2][][2][2]k k k y n x k g n k u k g n k g n k ∞∞∞=-∞=-∞==-=-=-∑∑∑2.8 Solution: )]1(2)2([*)()(*)()(+++==t t t x t h t x t y δδ )1(2)2(+++=t x t xThen,That is, ⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≤<-≤<-+-=-<<-+=others t t t t t t t t y ,........010,....2201,.....41..,.........412,.....3)(2.10 Solution:(a). We know:Then,)()()(αδδ--='t t t h)]()([*)()(*)()(αδδ--='='t t t x t h t x t y )()(α--=t x t xthat is,So, ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+≤≤-+≤≤≤≤=others t t t t t t y ,.....011,.....11,....0,.....)(ααααα(b). From the figure of )(t y ', only if 1=α, )(t y ' would contain merely therediscontinuities.2.11 Solution:(a). )(*)]5()3([)(*)()(3t u et u t u t h t x t y t----==⎰⎰∞∞---∞∞--------=ττττττττd t u e u d t u eu t t )()5()()3()(3)(3⎰⎰-------=tt t t d e t u d et u 5)(33)(3)5()3(ττττ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≥+-=-<≤-=<=---------⎰⎰⎰5,.......353,.....313.........,.........0315395)(33)(3393)(3t e e d e d e t e d e t tt t t t t t t t ττττττ(b). )(*)]5()3([)(*)/)(()(3t u e t t t h dt t dx t g t ----==δδ)5()3()5(3)3(3---=----t u e t u e t t(c). It ’s obvious that dt t dy t g /)()(=.2.12 Solution∑∑∞-∞=-∞-∞=--=-=k tk tk t t u ek t t u e t y )]3(*)([)3(*)()(δδ∑∞-∞=---=k k t k t u e)3()3(Considering for 30<≤t ,we can obtain33311])3([)(---∞=-∞-∞=--==-=∑∑ee e ek t u e e t y tk k tk kt. (Because k must be negetive ,1)3(=-k t u for 30<≤t ).2.19 Solution:(a). We have known:][]1[21][n x n w n w +-=(1) ][]1[][n w n y n y βα+-=(2)from (1), 21)(1-=E EE Hfrom (2), αβ-=E EE H )(2then, 212212)21(1)21)(()()()(--++-=--==E E E E E E H E H E H ααβαβ∴][]2[2]1[)21(][n x n y n y n y βαα=-+-+-but, ][]1[43]2[81][n x n y n y n y +-+--=∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=+=143)21(:....812βααor ∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==141βα(b). from (a), we know )21)(41()()()(221--==E E E E H E H E H21241-+--=E EE E ∴][)41()21(2][n u n h n n ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=2.20 (a). 1⎰⎰∞∞-∞∞-===1)0cos()cos()()cos()(0dt t t dt t t u δ(b). 0dt t t )3()2sin(5+⎰δπ has value only on 3-=t , but ]5,0[3∉-∴dt t t )3()2sin(5+⎰δπ=0(c). 0⎰⎰---=-641551)2cos()()2cos()1(dt t t u d u πτπττ⎰-'-=64)2cos()(dt t t πδ0|)2(s co ='=t t π 0|)2sin(20=-==t t ππ∑∞-∞=-==k t h kT t t h t x t y )(*)()(*)()(δ∑∞-∞=-=k kT t h )(∴2.27Solution()y A y t dt ∞-∞=⎰,()xA x t dt ∞-∞=⎰,()hA h t dt ∞-∞=⎰.()()*()()()y t x t h t x x t d τττ∞-∞==-⎰()()()()()()()()()(){()}y x hA y t dt x x t d dtx x t dtd x x t dtd x x d d x d x d A A ττττττττττξξτττξξ∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞==-=-=-===⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰(a) ()()(2)tt y t e x d τττ---∞=-⎰,Let ()()x t t δ=,then ()()y t h t =. So , 2()(2)(2)()(2)()(2)t t t t t h t ed e d e u t τξδττδξξ---------∞-∞=-==-⎰⎰(b) (2)()()*()[(1)(2)]*(2)t y t x t h t u t u t e u t --==+---(2)(2)(1)(2)(2)(2)t t u eu t d u e u t d ττττττττ∞∞-------∞-∞=+------⎰⎰22(2)(2)12(1)(4)t t t t u t e d u t e d ττττ---------=---⎰⎰(2)2(2)212(1)[]|(4)[]|t t t t u t e e u t ee ττ-------=--- (1)(4)[1](1)[1](4)t t e u t e u t ----=-----2.46 SolutionBecause)]1([2)1(]2[)(33-+-=--t u dtde t u e dt d t x dt d t t )1(2)(3)1(2)(333-+-=-+-=--t e t x t e t x t δδ.From LTI property ,we know)1(2)(3)(3-+-→-t h e t y t x dtdwhere )(t h is the impulse response of the system. So ,following equation can be derived.)()1(223t u e t h e t --=-Finally, )1(21)()1(23+=+-t u e e t h t 2.47 SoliutionAccording to the property of the linear time-invariant system: (a). )(2)(*)(2)(*)()(000t y t h t x t h t x t y ===(b). )(*)]2()([)(*)()(00t h t x t x t h t x t y --==)(*)2()(*)(0000t h t x t h t x --=012y(t)t4)2()(00--=t y t y(c). )1()1(*)(*)2()1(*)2()(*)()(00000-=+-=+-==t y t t h t x t h t x t h t x t y δ(d). The condition is not enough.(e). )(*)()(*)()(00t h t x t h t x t y --==τττd t h x )()(00+--=⎰∞∞-)()()(000t y dm m t h m x -=--=⎰∞∞-(f). )()]([)](*)([)(*)()(*)()(000000t y t y t h t x t h t x t h t x t y "=''='--'=-'-'==Extra problems:1. Solute h(t), h[n](1). )()(6)(5)(22t x t y t y dt dt y dtd =++ (2). ]1[][2]1[2]2[+=++++n x n y n y n y Solution:(1). Because 3121)3)(2(1651)(2+-++=++=++=P P P P P P P Hso )()()()3121()(32t u e e t P P t h t t ---=+-++=δ (2). Because )1)(1(1)1(22)(22i E i E EE E E E E E H -+++=++=++=iE Eii E E i -+-+++=1212 so []][)1()1(2][1212][n u i i i k i E E i i E E i n h n n +----=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-+-+++=δChapter 33.1 Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==00000000033113333()224434cos()8sin()44j kt j t j t j t j tk k j t j t j t j tx t a e a e a e a e a e e e je je t t ωωωωωωωωωππ∞----=-∞--==+++=++-=-∑3.2 Solution:for, 10=a , 4/2πj ea --= , 4/2πj ea = , 3/42πj ea --=, 3/42πj ea =n N jk k N k e a n x )/2(][π∑>=<=n j n j n j n j e a e a e a e a a )5/8(4)5/8(4)5/4(2)5/4(20ππππ----++++=n j j n j j n j j n j j e e e e e e e e )5/8(3/)5/8(3/)5/4(4/)5/4(4/221ππππππππ----++++= )358cos(4)454cos(21ππππ++++=n n)6558sin(4)4354sin(21ππππ++++=n n3.3 Solution: for the period of )32cos(t πis 3=T , the period of )35sin(t πis 6=Tso the period of )(t x is 6 , i.e. 3/6/20ππ==w)35sin(4)32cos(2)(t t t x ππ++= )5sin(4)2cos(21200t w t w ++=)(2)(21200005522t w j t w j t w j t w j e e j e e ----++=then, 20=a , 2122==-a a , j a 25=-, j a 25-=3.5 Solution:(1). Because )1()1()(112-+-=t x t x t x , then )(2t x has the same period as )(1t x ,that is 21T T T ==, 12w w =(2). 212111()((1)(1))jkw t jkw tk T T b x t e dt x t x t e dt T--==-+-⎰⎰111111(1)(1)jkw tjkw t T Tx t e dt x t e dt T T --=-+-⎰⎰ 111)(jkw k k jkw k jkw k e a a e a e a -----+=+=3.8 Solution:kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==while:)(t x is real and odd, then 00=a , k k a a --=2=T , then ππ==2/20wand0=k a for 1>kso kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==t jw t jw e a e a a 00110++=--)sin(2)(11t a e e a t j t j πππ=-=-for12)(2121212120220==++=-⎰a a a a dt t x∴2/21±=a ∴)sin(2)(t t x π±=3.13 Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==0004, 0sin(4)()0, 0k k H jk k k ωωω=⎧==⎨≠⎩ ∴000()()4jkw t k k y t a H jkw e a ∞=-∞==∑Because 48004111()1(1)088T a x t dt dt dt T ==+-=⎰⎰⎰So ()0y t =.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞== ∴dt e jkw H t y Ta t jkw Tk 0)()(10-⎰=for⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤=100, (0100),.......1)(w w jw H ∴if 0=k a , it needs 1000>kwthat is 12100,........1006/2>>k kππand k is integer, so 8>K3.22 Solution:021)(1110===⎰⎰-tdt dt t x Ta Tdt te dt te dt e t x T a t jk t jk t jkw T k ππ-----⎰⎰⎰===1122112121)(10t jk tde jk ππ--⎰-=1121⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡---=----111121ππππjk e te jk t jk tjk ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡---+-=--ππππππjk e e e e jk jk jk jk jk )()(21⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+-=ππππjk k k jk )sin(2)cos(221[]πππππk jk k j k jk k)1()cos()cos(221-==-=0............≠k404402()()1184416tj tj t t j tt j t H j h t edt ee dte edt e e dtj j ωωωωωωωω∞∞----∞-∞∞----∞===+=+=-++⎰⎰⎰⎰A periodic continous-signal has Fourier Series:. 0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑T is the fundamental period of ()x t .02/T ωπ=The output of LTI system with inputed ()x t is 00()()jk t k k y t a H jk e ωω∞=-∞=∑Its coefficients of Fourier Series: 0()k k b a H jk ω= (a)()()n x t t n δ∞=-∞=-∑.T=1, 02ωπ=11k a T==. 01/221/21()()1jkw t jk tk T a x t e dt t e dt Tπδ---===⎰⎰ (Note :If ()()n x t t nT δ∞=-∞=-∑,1k a T=) So 2282(2)16(2)4()k k b a H jk k k πππ===++ (b)()(1)()n n x t t n δ∞=-∞=--∑ .T=2, 0ωπ=,11k a T== 01/23/21/21/2111()()(1)(1)221[1(1)]2jkw t jk tjk t k T k a x t e dt t e dt t e dtT ππδδ----==+--=--⎰⎰⎰So 24[1(1)]()16()k k k b a H jk k ππ--==+, (c) T=1,02ωπ=01/421/4sin()12()jk t jk tk T k a x t e dt e dt Tk ωπππ---===⎰⎰28sin()2()[16(2)]k k k b a H jk k k ππππ==+ 3.35 Solution: T= /7π,02/14T ωπ==.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==∴0()k k b a H jkw =for⎩⎨⎧≥=otherwise w jw H ,.......0250,.......1)(,01,. (17)()0,.......k H jkw otherwise ⎧≥⎪=⎨⎪⎩that is 0250250, (14)k k ω<<, and k is integer, so 18....17k or k <≤. Let ()()y t x t =,k k b a =, it needs 0=k a ,for 18....17k or k <≤.3.37 Solution:11()[]()212()21312411511cos 224nj j nj n n n n j nn j nn n j j j H e h n ee ee e e e ωωωωωωωωω∞∞--=-∞=-∞-∞--=-∞=-===+=+=---∑∑∑∑A periodic sequence has Fourier Series:2()[]jk n Nk k N x n a eπ=<>=∑.N is the fundamental period of []x n .The output of LTI system with inputed []x n is 22()[]()jk jk n NNk k N y n a H eeππ=<>=∑.Its coefficients of Fourier Series: 2()jk Nk k b a H eπ=(a)[][4]k x n n k δ∞=-∞=-∑.N=4, 14k a =.So 2314()524cos()44j k Nk k b a H e k ππ==-3165cos()42k b k π=-3.40 Solution: According to the property of fourier series: (a). )2cos(2)cos(20000000t Tka t kw a e a ea a k k t jkw k t jkw k k π==+='- (b). Because 2)()()}({t x t x t x E v -+=}{2k v k k k a E a a a =+='-(c). Because 2)(*)()}({t x t x t x R e +=2*kk k a a a -+='(d). k k k a Tjka jkw a 220)2()(π=='(e). first, the period of )13(-t x is 3T T ='then 3)(1)13(131213120dme m x T dt e t x T a m T jk T t T jk T k +'--'-'-'⎰⎰'=-'='ππTjkk m T jk T T jk T jk m T jk T ea dm e m x T e dm e e m x T πππππ221122211)(1)(1---------=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡==⎰⎰3.43 (a) Proof:(i )Because ()x t is odd harmonic ,(2/)()jk T t k k x t a e π∞=-∞=∑,where 0k a = for everynon-zero even k.(2/)()2(2/)(2/)()2T jk T t k k jk jk T tk k jk T tk k T x t a ea e e a e ππππ∞+=-∞∞=-∞∞=-∞+===-∑∑∑It is noticed that k is odd integers or k=0.That means()()2Tx t x t =-+(ii )Because of ()()2Tx t x t =-+,we get the coefficients of Fourier Series222/200/222(/2)/2/20022/2/200111()()()11()(/2)11()()(1)jk t jk t jk t T T T T T T k T jk t jk t T T T T Tjk t jk t T T k TT a x t e dt x t e dt x t e dtT T T x t e dt x t T e dt T T x t e dt x t e dt T T πππππππ-----+--==+=++=--⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ 2/21[1(1)]()jk t T kT x t e dt T π-=--⎰It is obvious that 0k a = for every non-zero even k. So ()x t is odd harmonic ,(b)Extra problems:∑∞-∞=-=k kT t t x )()(δ, π=T(1). Consider )(t y , when )(jw H ist(2). Consider )(t y , when )(jw H isSolution:∑∞-∞=-=k kT t t x )()(δ↔π11=T , 220==Tw π(1).kt j k k tjkw k k e k j H a ejkw H a t y 20)2(1)()(0∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞===ππ2=(for k can only has value 0)(2).kt j k k tjkw k k e k j H a e jkw H a t y 20)2(1)()(0∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞===πππte e t j t j 2cos 2)(122=+=- (for k can only has value –1 and 1)。

信号与系统 奥本海姆第二版 习题解答Department of Computer Engineering2005.12ContentsChapter 1 (2)Chapter 2 (17)Chapter 3 (35)Chapter 4 (62)Chapter 5 (83)Chapter 6 (109)Chapter 7 (119)Chapter 8 (132)Chapter 9 (140)Chapter 10 (160)Chapter 1 Answers1.1 Converting from polar to Cartesian coordinates:111cos 222j eππ==- 111c o s ()222j e ππ-=-=- 2cos()sin()22jj j eπππ=+=2c o s ()s i n ()22jjj eπππ-=-=- 522j jj eeππ==4c o s ()s i n ())144jjj πππ+=+9441j jj ππ=-9441j j j ππ--==-41jj π-=-1.2 055j=, 22j e π-=,233jj e π--=212je π--=, 41j j π+=, ()2221jj eπ-=-4(1)j je π-=, 411j je π+=-12e π-1.3. (a) E ∞=4014tdt e∞-=⎰, P ∞=0, because E ∞<∞ (b) (2)42()j t t x eπ+=, 2()1t x =.Therefore, E ∞=22()dt t x +∞-∞⎰=dt +∞-∞⎰=∞,P ∞=211limlim222()TTTTT T dt dt TTt x --→∞→∞==⎰⎰lim11T →∞=(c) 2()t x =cos(t). Therefore, E ∞=23()dt t x +∞-∞⎰=2cos()dt t +∞-∞⎰=∞, P ∞=2111(2)1lim lim 2222cos()TTTTT T COS t dt dt T Tt --→∞→∞+==⎰⎰(d)1[][]12nn u n x =⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,2[]11[]4nu n n x =⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭. Therefore, E ∞=24131[]4nn n x +∞∞-∞===⎛⎫∑∑ ⎪⎝⎭P ∞=0,because E ∞<∞.(e) 2[]n x =()28n j e ππ-+,22[]n x =1. therefore, E ∞=22[]n x +∞-∞∑=∞,P ∞=211limlim1122121[]NNN N n Nn NN N n x →∞→∞=-=-==++∑∑.(f) 3[]n x =cos 4nπ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭. Therefore, E ∞=23[]n x +∞-∞∑=2cos()4n π+∞-∞∑=2cos()4n π+∞-∞∑,P ∞=1limcos 214nNN n NN π→∞=-=+⎛⎫∑ ⎪⎝⎭1cos()112lim ()2122NN n Nn N π→∞=-+=+∑ 1.4. (a) The signal x[n] is shifted by 3 to the right. The shifted signal will be zero for n<1, And n>7. (b) The signal x[n] is shifted by 4 to the left. The shifted signal will be zero for n<-6. And n>0. (c) The signal x[n] is flipped signal will be zero for n<-1 and n>2.(d) The signal x[n] is flipped and the flipped signal is shifted by 2 to the right. The new Signal will be zero for n<-2 and n>4.(e) The signal x[n] is flipped and the flipped and the flipped signal is shifted by 2 to the left. This new signal will be zero for n<-6 and n>0.1.5. (a) x(1-t) is obtained by flipping x(t) and shifting the flipped signal by 1 to the right. Therefore, x (1-t) will be zero for t>-2. (b) From (a), we know that x(1-t) is zero for t>-2. Similarly, x(2-t) is zero for t>-1, Therefore, x (1-t) +x(2-t) will be zero for t>-2. (c) x(3t) is obtained by linearly compression x(t) by a factor of3. Therefore, x(3t) will be zero for t<1.(d) x(t/3) is obtained by linearly compression x(t) by a factor of 3. Therefore, x(3t) will bezero for t<9.1.6(a) x1(t) is not periodic because it is zero for t<0.(b) x2[n]=1 for all n. Therefore, it is periodic with a fundamental period of 1.(c) x3[n1.7. (a)()1[]vnxε={}1111[][]([][4][][4])22n n u n u n u n u nx x+-=--+----Therefore, ()1[]vnxεis zero for1[]nx>3.(b) Since x1(t) is an odd signal, ()2[]vnxεis zero for all values of t.(c)(){}11311[][][][3][3]221122vn nn n n u n u nx x xε-⎡⎤⎢⎥=+-=----⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭Therefore, ()3[]vnxεis zero when n<3 and when n→∞.(d) ()1554411()(()())(2)(2)22vt tt t t u t u tx x x e eε-⎡⎤=+-=---+⎣⎦Therefore, ()4()vtxεis zero only when t→∞.1.8. (a) ()01{()}22cos(0)tt tx eπℜ=-=+(b) ()02{()}cos()cos(32)cos(3)cos(30)4tt t t tx eππℜ=+==+(c) ()3{()}sin(3)sin(3)2t tt t tx e eππ--ℜ=+=+(d) ()224{()}sin(100)sin(100)cos(100)2t t tt t t tx e e eππ---ℜ=-=+=+1.9. (a)1()tx is a periodic complex exponential.101021()j t j tt jx e eπ⎛⎫+⎪⎝⎭==(b)2()tx is a complex exponential multiplied by a decaying exponential. Therefore,2()tx is not periodic.(c)3[]nx is a periodic signal. 3[]n x=7j neπ=j neπ.3[]nx is a complex exponential with a fundamental period of 22ππ=.(d)4[]nx is a periodic signal. The fundamental period is given by N=m(23/5ππ)=10().3mBy choosing m=3. We obtain the fundamental period to be 10.(e)5[]nx is not periodic. 5[]nx is a complex exponential with 0w=3/5. We cannot find any integer m such that m(2wπ) is also an integer. Therefore,5[]nxis not periodic.1.10. x(t)=2cos(10t+1)-sin(4t-1)Period of first term in the RHS =2105ππ=.Period of first term in the RHS =242ππ=.Therefore, the overall signal is periodic with a period which the least commonmultiple of the periods of the first and second terms. This is equal toπ.1.11. x[n] = 1+74j n e π−25j n e πPeriod of first term in the RHS =1. Period of second term in the RHS =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛7/42π=7 (when m=2)Period of second term in the RHS =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛5/22ππ=5 (when m=1)Therefore, the overall signal x[n] is periodic with a period which is the least common Multiple of the periods of the three terms inn x[n].This is equal to 35.1.12. The signal x[n] is as shown in figure S1.12. x[n] can be obtained by flipping u[n] and thenShifting the flipped signal by 3 to the right. Therefore, x[n]=u[-n+3]. This implies that M=-1 and no=-3.1.13y (t)=⎰∞-tdt x )(τ =dt t))2()2((--+⎰∞-τδτδ=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤≤--<2,022,12,0,t t tTherefore ⎰-==∞224d t E∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞=----=k k k t k t t g 12(3)2(3)(δδ)This implies that A 1=3, t 1=0, A 2=-3, and t 2=1.1.15 (a) The signal x 2[n], which is the input to S 2, is the same as y 1[n].Therefore ,y 2[n]= x 2[n-2]+21x 2[n-3] = y 1[n-2]+ 21y 1[n-3]=2x 1[n-2] +4x 1[n-3] +21( 2x 1[n-3]+ 4x 1[n-4]) =2x 1[n-2]+ 5x 1[n-3] + 2x 1[n-4] The input-output relationship for S isy[n]=2x[n-2]+ 5x [n-3] + 2x [n-4](b) The input-output relationship does not change if the order in which S 1and S 2 are connected series reversed. . We can easily prove this assuming that S 1 follows S 2. In this case , the signal x 1[n], which is the input to S 1 is the same as y 2[n].Therefore y 1[n] =2x 1[n]+ 4x 1[n-1]= 2y 2[n]+4 y 2[n-1]=2( x 2[n-2]+21 x 2[n-3] )+4(x 2[n-3]+21x 2[n-4]) =2 x 2[n-2]+5x 2[n-3]+ 2 x 2[n-4]The input-output relationship for S is once againy[n]=2x[n-2]+ 5x [n-3] + 2x [n-4]1.16 (a)The system is not memory less because y[n] depends on past values of x[n].(b)The output of the system will be y[n]= ]2[][-n n δδ=0(c)From the result of part (b), we may conclude that the system output is always zero for inputs of the form ][k n -δ, k ∈ ґ. Therefore , the system is not invertible .1.17 (a) The system is not causal because the output y(t) at some time may depend on future values of x(t). For instance , y(-π)=x(0).(b) Consider two arbitrary inputs x 1(t)and x 2(t).x 1(t) →y 1(t)= x 1(sin(t)) x 2(t) → y 2(t)= x 2(sin(t))Let x 3(t) be a linear combination of x 1(t) and x 2(t).That is , x 3(t)=a x 1(t)+b x 2(t)Where a and b are arbitrary scalars .If x 3(t) is the input to the given system ,then the corresponding output y 3(t) is y 3(t)= x 3( sin(t))=a x 1(sin(t))+ x 2(sin(t)) =a y 1(t)+ by 2(t)Therefore , the system is linear.1.18.(a) Consider two arbitrary inputs x 1[n]and x 2[n].x 1[n] → y 1[n] =][01k x n n n n k ∑+-=x 2[n ] → y 2[n] =][02k x n n n n k ∑+-=Let x 3[n] be a linear combination of x 1[n] and x 2[n]. That is :x 3[n]= ax 1[n]+b x 2[n]where a and b are arbitrary scalars. If x 3[n] is the input to the given system, then the corresponding outputy 3[n] is y 3[n]=][03k x n n n n k ∑+-==])[][(2100k bx k ax n n n n k +∑+-==a ][001k x n n n n k ∑+-=+b ][02k x n n n n k ∑+-== ay 1[n]+b y 2[n]Therefore the system is linear.(b) Consider an arbitrary input x 1[n].Lety 1[n] =][01k x n n n n k ∑+-=be the corresponding output .Consider a second input x 2[n] obtained by shifting x 1[n] in time:x 2[n]= x 1[n-n 1]The output corresponding to this input isy 2[n]=][02k x n n n n k ∑+-== ]n [1100-∑+-=k x n n n n k = ][01011k x n n n n n n k ∑+---=Also note that y 1[n- n 1]=][01011k x n n n n n n k ∑+---=.Therefore , y 2[n]= y 1[n- n 1] This implies that the system is time-invariant.(c) If ][n x <B, then y[n]≤(2 n 0+1)B. Therefore ,C ≤(2 n 0+1)B.1.19 (a) (i) Consider two arbitrary inputs x 1(t) and x 2(t). x 1(t) → y 1(t)= t 2x 1(t-1)x 2(t) → y 2(t)= t 2x 2(t-1)Let x 3(t) be a linear combination of x 1(t) and x 2(t).That is x 3(t)=a x 1(t)+b x 2(t)where a and b are arbitrary scalars. If x 3(t) is the input to the given system, then the corresponding output y 3(t) is y 3(t)= t 2x 3 (t-1)= t 2(ax 1(t-1)+b x 2(t-1))= ay 1(t)+b y 2(t)Therefore , the system is linear.(ii) Consider an arbitrary inputs x 1(t).Let y 1(t)= t 2x 1(t-1)be the corresponding output .Consider a second input x 2(t) obtained by shifting x 1(t) in time:x 2(t)= x 1(t-t 0)The output corresponding to this input is y 2(t)= t 2x 2(t-1)= t 2x 1(t- 1- t 0)Also note that y 1(t-t 0)= (t-t 0)2x 1(t- 1- t 0)≠ y 2(t) Therefore the system is not time-invariant.(b) (i) Consider two arbitrary inputs x 1[n]and x 2[n]. x 1[n] → y 1[n] = x 12[n-2]x 2[n ] → y 2[n] = x 22[n-2].Let x 3(t) be a linear combination of x 1[n]and x 2[n].That is x 3[n]= ax 1[n]+b x 2[n]where a and b are arbitrary scalars. If x 3[n] is the input to the given system, then the corresponding output y 3[n] is y 3[n] = x 32[n-2]=(a x 1[n-2] +b x 2[n-2])2=a 2x 12[n-2]+b 2x 22[n-2]+2ab x 1[n-2] x 2[n-2]≠ ay 1[n]+b y 2[n]Therefore the system is not linear.(ii) Consider an arbitrary input x 1[n]. Let y 1[n] = x 12[n-2]be the corresponding output .Consider a second input x 2[n] obtained by shifting x 1[n] in time:x 2[n]= x 1[n- n 0]The output corresponding to this input isy 2[n] = x 22[n-2].= x 12[n-2- n 0]Also note that y 1[n- n 0]= x 12[n-2- n 0] Therefore , y 2[n]= y 1[n- n 0] This implies that the system is time-invariant.(c) (i) Consider two arbitrary inputs x 1[n]and x 2[n].x 1[n] →y 1[n] = x 1[n+1]- x 1[n-1] x 2[n ]→y 2[n] = x 2[n+1 ]- x 2[n -1]Let x 3[n] be a linear combination of x 1[n] and x 2[n]. That is :x 3[n]= ax 1[n]+b x 2[n]where a and b are arbitrary scalars. If x 3[n] is the input to the given system, then the corresponding output y 3[n] is y 3[n]= x 3[n+1]- x 3[n-1]=a x 1[n+1]+b x 2[n +1]-a x 1[n-1]-b x 2[n -1]=a(x 1[n+1]- x 1[n-1])+b(x 2[n +1]- x 2[n -1])= ay 1[n]+b y 2[n]Therefore the system is linear.(ii) Consider an arbitrary input x 1[n].Let y 1[n]= x 1[n+1]- x 1[n-1]be the corresponding output .Consider a second input x 2[n] obtained by shifting x 1[n] in time: x 2[n]= x 1[n-n 0]The output corresponding to this input isy 2[n]= x 2[n +1]- x 2[n -1]= x 1[n+1- n 0]- x 1[n-1- n 0] Also note that y 1[n-n 0]= x 1[n+1- n 0]- x 1[n-1- n 0] Therefore , y 2[n]= y 1[n-n 0] This implies that the system is time-invariant.(d) (i) Consider two arbitrary inputs x 1(t) and x 2(t).x 1(t) → y 1(t)= d O {}(t) x 1 x 2(t) → y 2(t)= {}(t) x 2d OLet x 3(t) be a linear combination of x 1(t) and x 2(t).That is x 3(t)=a x 1(t)+b x 2(t)where a and b are arbitrary scalars. If x 3(t) is the input to the given system, then the corresponding output y 3(t) is y 3(t)= d O {}(t) x 3={}(t) x b +(t) ax 21d O=a d O {}(t) x 1+b {}(t) x 2d O = ay 1(t)+b y 2(t)Therefore the system is linear.(ii) Consider an arbitrary inputs x 1(t).Lety 1(t)= d O {}(t) x 1=2)(x -(t) x 11t -be the corresponding output .Consider a second input x 2(t) obtained by shifting x 1(t) in time:x 2(t)= x 1(t-t 0)The output corresponding to this input isy 2(t)= {}(t) x 2d O =2)(x -(t) x 22t -=2)(x -)t -(t x 0101t t --Also note that y 1(t-t 0)= 2)(x -)t -(t x 0101t t --≠ y 2(t)Therefore the system is not time-invariant.1.20 (a) Givenx )(t =jt e 2 y(t)=t j e 3x )(t =jt e 2- y(t)=t j e 3- Since the system liner+=tj e t x 21(2/1)(jt e 2-))(1t y =1/2(tj e 3+tj e 3-)Thereforex 1(t)=cos(2t))(1t y =cos(3t)(b) we know thatx 2(t)=cos(2(t-1/2))= (j e -jte 2+je jt e 2-)/2Using the linearity property, we may once again writex 1(t)=21( j e -jt e 2+j e jte 2-))(1t y =(j e -jt e 3+je jte 3-)= cos(3t-1)Therefore,x 1(t)=cos(2(t-1/2)))(1t y =cos(3t-1)1.21.The signals are sketched in figure S1.21.1.24 The even and odd parts are sketched in Figure S1.24 1.25 (a) periodic period=2π/(4)= π/2 (b) periodic period=2π/(4)= 2(c) x(t)=[1+cos(4t-2π/3)]/2. periodic period=2π/(4)= π/2 (d) x(t)=cos(4πt)/2. periodic period=2π/(4)= 1/2 (e) x(t)=[sin(4πt)u(t)-sin(4πt)u(-t)]/2. Not period. (f) Not period.1.26 (a) periodic, period=7.(b) Not period.(c) periodic, period=8.(d) x[n]=(1/2)[cos(3πn/4+cos(πn/4)). periodic, period=8. (e) periodic, period=16. 1.27 (a) Linear, stable(b) Not period. (c) Linear(d) Linear, causal, stable(e) Time invariant, linear, causal, stable (f) Linear, stable(g) Time invariant, linear, causal 1.28 (a) Linear, stable(b) Time invariant, linear, causal, stable (c)Memoryless, linear, causal (d) Linear, stable (e) Linear, stable(f) Memoryless, linear, causal, stable (g) Linear, stable1.29 (a) Consider two inputs to the system such that[][][]{}111.S e x n y n x n −−→=ℜand [][][]{}221.Se x n y n x n −−→=ℜNow consider a third inputx3[n]=x2[n]+x 1[n]. The corresponding system outputWill be [][]{}[][]{}[]{}[]{}[][]33121212e e e e y n x n x n x n x n x n y n y n ==+=+=+ℜℜℜℜtherefore, we may conclude that the system is additive Let us now assume that inputs to the system such that [][][]{}/4111.Sj e x n y n e x n π−−→=ℜand[][][]{}/4222.Sj e x n y n e x n π−−→=ℜNow consider a third input x 3 [n]= x 2 [n]+ x 1 [n]. The corresponding system outputWill be[][]{}()[]{}()[]{}()[]{}()[]{}()[]{}()[]{}[]{}[]{}[][]/433331122/4/41212cos /4sin /4cos /4sin /4cos /4sin /4j e m e m e m e j j e e y n e x n n x n n x n n x n n x n n x n n x n e x n e x n y n y n πππππππππ==-+-+-=+=+ℜℜI ℜI ℜI ℜℜ therefore, we may conclude that the system is additive (b) (i) Consider two inputs to the system such that()()()()211111Sdx t x t y t x t dt ⎡⎤−−→=⎢⎥⎣⎦and ()()()()222211S dx t x t y t x t dt ⎡⎤−−→=⎢⎥⎣⎦ Now consider a third input x3[t]=x2[t]+x 1[t]. The corresponding system outputWill be()()()()()()()()()2333211111211dx t y t x t dt d x t x t x t x t dt y t y t ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤+⎡⎤⎣⎦=⎢⎥+⎢⎥⎣⎦≠+ therefore, we may conclude that the system is not additiveNow consider a third input x 4 [t]= a x 1 [t]. The corresponding system output Will be()()()()()()()()2444211211111dx t y t x t dt d ax t ax t dt dx t a x t dt ay t ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦=Therefore, the system is homogeneous.(ii) This system is not additive. Consider the fowling example .Let δ[n]=2δ[n+2]+2δ[n+1]+2δ[n] andx2[n]=δ[n+1]+ 2δ[n+1]+ 3δ[n]. The corresponding outputs evaluated at n=0 are [][]120203/2y andy ==Now consider a third input x 3 [n]= x 2 [n]+ x 1 [n].= 3δ[n+2]+4δ[n+1]+5δ[n]The corresponding outputs evaluated at n=0 is y 3[0]=15/4. Gnarly, y 3[0]≠ ]0[][21y y n +.This[][][][][]444442,1010,x n x n x n y n x n otherwise ⎧--≠⎪=-⎨⎪⎩[][][][][][]4445442,1010,x n x n ax n y n ay n x n otherwise ⎧--≠⎪==-⎨⎪⎩Therefore, the system is homogenous.1.30 (a) Invertible. Inverse system y(t)=x(t+4)(b)Non invertible. The signals x(t) and x 1(t)=x(t)+2πgive the same output (c) δ[n] and 2δ[n] give the same output d) Invertible. Inverse system; y(t)=dx(t)/dt(e) Invertible. Inverse system y(n)=x(n+1) for n ≥0 and y[n]=x[n] for n<0 (f) Non invertible. x (n) and –x(n) give the same result (g)Invertible. Inverse system y(n)=x(1-n) (h) Invertible. Inverse system y(t)=dx(t)/dt(i) Invertible. Inverse system y(n) = x(n)-(1/2)x[n-1] (j) Non invertible. If x(t) is any constant, then y(t)=0 (k) δ[n] and 2δ[n] result in y[n]=0 (l) Invertible. Inverse system: y(t)=x(t/2)(m) Non invertible x 1 [n]= δ[n]+ δ[n-1]and x 2 [n]= δ[n] give y[n]= δ[n] (n) Invertible. Inverse system: y[n]=x[2n]1.31 (a) Note that x 2[t]= x 1 [t]- x 1 [t-2]. Therefore, using linearity we get y 2 (t)= y 1 (t)- y 1 (t-2).this is shown in Figure S1.31(b)Note that x3 (t)= x1 [t]+ x1 [t+1]. .Therefore, using linearity we get Y3 (t)= y1 (t)+ y1 (t+2). this is2(4) y 2(t) periodic, period T; x(t) periodic, period T/2;1.33(1) True x[n]=x[n+N ]; y 1 (n)= y 1 (n+ N 0)i.e. periodic with N 0=n/2if N is even and with period N 0=n if N is odd.(2)False. y 1 [n] periodic does no imply x[n] is periodic i.e. Let x[n] = g[n]+h[n] where0,1,[][]0,(1/2),nn even n even g n and h n n odd n odd⎧⎧==⎨⎨⎩⎩ Then y 1 [n] = x [2n] is periodic but x[n] is clearly not periodic. (3)True. x [n+N] =x[n]; y 2 [n+N 0] =y 2 [n] where N 0=2N (4) True. y 2 [n+N] =y 2 [n]; y 2 [n+N 0 ]=y 2 [n] where N 0=N/2 1.34. (a) ConsiderIf x[n] is odd, x[n] +x [-n] =0. Therefore, the given summation evaluates to zero. (b) Let y[n] =x 1[n]x 2[n] .Theny [-n] =x 1[-n] x 2[-n] =-x 1[n]x 2[n] =-y[n]. This implies that y[n] is odd.(c)ConsiderUsing the result of part (b), we know that x e [n]x o [n] is an odd signal .Therefore, using the result of part (a) we may conclude thatTherefore,(d)ConsiderAgain, since x e (t) x o (t) is odd,Therefore,1.35. We want to find the smallest N 0 such that m(2π /N) N 0 =2πk or N 0 =kN/m,{}1[][0][][]n n x n x x n x n ∞∞=-∞==++-∑∑22[][]e o n n n n x x ∞∞=-∞=-∞=+∑∑222[][][]e on n n n n n x x x∞∞∞=-∞=-∞=-∞==+∑∑∑2[][]0eon n n x x ∞=-∞=∑222[][][].e on n n n n n xx x ∞∞∞=-∞=-∞=-∞==+∑∑∑2220()()()2()().eoet dt t dt t dt t t dt x x x x x ∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞=++⎰⎰⎰⎰0()()0.et t dt x x ∞-∞=⎰222()()().e ot dt t dt t dt xx x ∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞=+⎰⎰⎰()()()()()().xy yx t x t y d y t x d t φττττττφ∞-∞∞-∞=+=-+=-⎰⎰where k is an integer, then N must be a multiple of m/k and m/k must be an integer .this implies that m/k is a divisor of both m and N .Also, if we want the smallest possible N 0, then m/k should be the GCD of m and N. Therefore, N 0=N/gcd(m,N). 1.36.(a)If x[n] is periodic0(),0..2/j n N T o e where T ωωπ+= This implies that022o T kNT k T T Nππ=⇒==a rational number . (b)T/T 0 =p/q then x[n] =2(/)j n p q e π,The fundamental period is q/gcd(p,q) and the fundmental frequencyis(c) p/gcd(p,q) periods of x(t) are needed .1.37.(a) From the definition of ().xy t φWe havepart(a) that()().xx xx t t φφ=-This implies that()xy t φis(b) Note from even .Therefore,the odd part of().xx t φis zero.(c) Here, ()().xy xx t t T φφ=-and ()().yy xx t t φφ= 1.38.(a) We know that /22(2)().t t δδ=ThereforeThis implies that1(2)().2t t δδ=(b)The plot are as shown in Figure s3.18. 1.39 We havelim ()()lim (0)()0.u t t u t δδ→→==Also,0022gcd(,)gcd(,)gcd(,)gcd(,).T pp q p q p q p q q p q p pωωππ===/21lim (2)lim ().2t t δδ→∞→∞=01lim ()()().2u t t t δδ→=u Δ'(t ) 1 1/2Δ/2-Δ/2t 0tu Δ'(t )12Δ t 0tu Δ'(t ) 1 1/2Δ-Δttu Δ'(t )1 1/2Δ-Δt 0t⎰⎰∞∞∞--=-=0)()()()()(ττδτττδτd t u d t u t gTherefore,0,0()1,00t g t t undefined for t >⎧⎪=<⎨⎪=⎩()0()()()t u t t δττδτδτ-=-=-1.40.(a) If a system is additive ,then also, if a system is homogeneous,then(b) y(t)=x 2(t) is such a systerm . (c) No.For example,consider y(t) ()()ty t x d ττ-∞=⎰with ()()(1).x t u t u t =--Then x(t)=0for t>1,but y(t)=1 for t>1.1.41. (a) y[n]=2x[n].Therefore, the system is time invariant.(b) y[n]=(2n-1)x[n].This is not time-invariant because y[n- N 0]≠(2n-1)2x [n- N 0]. (c) y[n]=x[n]{1+(-1)n +1+(-1)n-1}=2x[n].Therefore, the system is time invariant .1.42.(a) Consider two system S 1 and S 2 connected in series .Assume that if x 1(t) and x 2(t) arethe inputs to S 1..then y 1(t) and y 2(t) are the outputs.respectively .Also,assume thatif y 1(t) and y 2(t) are the input to S 2 ,then z 1(t) and z 2(t) are the outputs, respectively . Since S 1 is linear ,we may write()()()()11212,s ax t bx t ay t by t +→+where a and b are constants. Since S 2 is also linear ,we may write()()()()21212,s ay t by t az t bz t +→+We may therefore conclude that)()()()(212121t b t a t b t a z z x x s s +−→−+Therefore ,the series combination of S 1 and S 2 is linear. Since S 1 is time invariant, we may write()()11010s x t T y t T -→-and()()21010s y t T z t T -→-Therefore,()()121010s s x t T z t T -→-Therefore, the series combination of S 1 and S 2 is time invariant.(b) False, Let y(t)=x(t)+1 and z(t)=y(t)-1.These corresponds to two nonlinear systems. If these systems are connected in series ,then z(t)=x(t) which is a linear system.00.()().00x t y t =→=0()()()()0x t x t y t y t =-→-=(c) Let us name the output of system 1 as w[n] and the output of system 2 as z[n] .Then11[][2][2][21][22]24y n z n w n w n w n ==+-+-[][][]241121-+-+=n x n x n xThe overall system is linear and time-invariant.1.43. (a) We have())(t y t x s−→−Since S is time-invariant.())(T t y T t x s-−→−-Now if x (t) is periodic with period T. x{t}=x(t-T). Therefore, we may conclude that y(t)=y(t-T).This impliesthat y(t) is also periodic with T .A similar argument may be made in discrete time . (b)1.44 (a) Assumption : If x(t)=0 for t<t 0 ,then y(t)=0 for t< t 0.To prove That : The system is causal.Let us consider an arbitrary signal x 1(t) .Let us consider another signal x 2(t) which is the same as x 1(t)fort< t 0. But for t> t 0 , x 2(t) ≠x 1(t),Since the system is linear,()()()()1212,x t x t y t y t -→-Since ()()120x t x t -=for t< t 0 ,by our assumption =()()120y t y t -=for t< t 0 .This implies that()()12y t y t =for t< t 0 . In other words, t he output is not affected by input values for 0t t ≥. Therefore, thesystem is causal .Assumption: the system is causal . To prove that :If x(t)=0 for t< t 0 .then y(t)=0 for t< t 0 .Let us assume that the signal x(t)=0 for t< t 0 .Then we may express x(t) as ()()12()x t x t x t =-, Where()()12x t x t = for t< t 0 . the system is linear .the output to x(t) will be()()12()y t y t y t =-.Now ,since the system is causal . ()()12y t y t = for t< t 0 .implies that()()12y t y t = for t< t 0 .Therefore y(t)=0 for t< t 0 .(b) Consider y(t)=x(t)x(t+1) .Now , x(t)=0 for t< t 0 implies that y(t)=0 for t< t 0 .Note that the system is nonlinear and non-causal .(c) Consider y(t)=x(t)+1. the system is nonlinear and causal .This does not satisfy the condition of part(a). (d) Assumption: the system is invertible. To prove that :y[n]=0 for all n only if x[n]=0 for all n . Consider[]0[]x n y n =→. Since the system is linear :2[]02[]x n y n =→.Since the input has not changed in the two above equations ,we require that y[n]= 2y[n].This implies that y[n]=0. Since we have assumed that the system is invertible , only one input could have led to this particular output .That input must be x[n]=0 .Assumption: y[n]=0 for all n if x[n]=0 for all n . To prove that : The system is invertible . Suppose that11[][]x n y n → and21[][]x n y n →Since the system is linear ,1212[][][][]0x n x n y n y n -=→-=By the original assumption ,we must conclude that 12[][]x n x n =.That is ,any particular y 1[n] can be produced that by only one distinct input x 1[n] .Therefore , the system is invertible. (e) y[n]=x 2[n]. 1.45. (a) Consider ,()111()()shx x t y t t φ→= and()222()()shx x t y t t φ→=.Now, consider ()()()312x t ax t bx t =+. The corresponding system output will be()()12331212()()()()()()()()()hx hx y t x h t d a x h t d b x t h t d a t b t ay t by t ττττττττφφ∞-∞∞∞-∞-∞=+=+++=+=+⎰⎰⎰Therefore, S is linear .Now ,consider x 4(t)=x 1(t-T).The corresponding system output will be()14411()()()()()()()hx y t x h t d x T h t d x h t T d t T τττττττττφ∞-∞∞-∞∞-∞=+=-+=++=+⎰⎰⎰Clearly, y 4(t)≠ y 1(t-T).Therefore ,the system is not time-invariant.The system is definitely not causal because the output at any time depends on future values of the input signal x(t).(b) The system will then be linear ,time invariant and non-causal. 1.46. The plots are in Figure S1.46.1.47.(a) The overall response of the system of Figure P1.47.(a)=(the response of the system to x[n]+x 1[n])-the response of the system to x 1[n]=(Response of a linear system L to x[n]+x 1[n]+zero input response of S)- (Response of a linear system L to x 1[n]+zero input response of S)=( (Response of a linear system L to x[n]).Chapter 2 answers2.1 (a) We have know that 1[]*[][][]k y x n h n h k x n k ∞=-∞==-∑1[][1][1][1][1]y n h x n h x n =-++-2[1]2[1]x n x n =++-This gives1[]2[1]4[]2[1]2[2]2[4]y n n n n n n δδδδδ=+++-+--- (b)We know that2[][2]*[][][2]k y n x n h n h k x n k ∞=-∞=+=+-∑Comparing with eq.(S2.1-1),we see that21[][2]y n y n =+(c) We may rewrite eq.(S2.1-1) as1[][]*[][][]k y n x n h n x k h n k ∞=-∞==-∑Similarly, we may write3[][]*[2][][2]k y n x n h n x k h n k ∞=-∞=+=+-∑Comparing this with eq.(S2.1),we see that31[][2]y n y n =+2.2 Using given definition for the signal h[n], we may write{}11[][3][10]2k h k u k u k -⎛⎫=+-- ⎪⎝⎭The signal h[k] is non zero only in the rang 1[][2]h n h n =+. From this we know that the signal h[-k] is non zero only in the rage 93k -≤≤.If we now shift the signal h[-k] by n to the right, then the resultant signal h[n-k] will be zero in the range (9)(3)n k n -≤≤+. Therefore ,9,A n =- 3B n =+ 2.3 Let us define the signals11[][]2nx n u n ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭and1[][]h n u n =. We note that1[][2]x n x n =- and 1[][2]h n h n =+ Now,。

解: x (t ) =
k = −∞
∑ δ (t − kT ) , y(t ) = x(t ) * h(t ) = x(t ) *
k = −∞
∑ δ (t − kT ) =
k = −∞
∑ x(t − kT )
(根据: x (t ) * δ (t − t 0 ) = x (t − t 0 ) ) 故: (a) T=4,则 y(t)为 x(t)以周期 4 做周期拓延;
解: (a)由多项式相乘法: x[n] = {1,2,0,−1}n =0,1, 2,3
h[n] = {2,0,2}n = −1, 0,1
1 2 0 -1 2 0 2 2 4 0 -2 2 4 0 -2 2 4 2 2 0 -2
定义域为:[0-1:3+1]=[-1,4] 即: y[n] = {2,4,2,2,0,−2}n = −1, 0,1, 2,3, 4 (b)由性质: (若 x[n] * h[n] = y[n], 则:x[n] * h[n − n0 ] = y[n − n0 ] )得:
1 τ
(1) α ≠
0 t<0 ⎧ ⎪ y (t ) = x(t ) * h(t ) = ⎨ t − aτ − β ( t −τ ) e e dτ t>0 ⎪ ⎩∫0 t<0 ⎧0 = ⎨ − β t − (α − β ) t − 1] t > 0 ⎩e [e t<0 ⎧0 ⎪ −αt − βt = ⎨ e −e t>0 ⎪[ α − β ] ⎩ e −αt − e − βt =( )u (t ) β −α

离散时间信号表示为x [n]。
说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC60图1-1信号的图形表示(a)连续的时间表示;(b)离散时间信号2.信号能量和功率(1)有限间隔内信号的总能量和功率①描述中的连续时间信号x(T):hwocrtemp_ roc120中的总能量说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC130哪里x |是X的模块(可能是复数)。
②描述中的离散时间信号x [n]:hwocrtemp_ roc140中的总能量说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC150将其除以interval_中的点数即可。
(2)无限间隔内信号的总能量和功率①无限时间连续时间信号的总能量x(T)说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC180无限时间连续时间信号x(T)的平均功率说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC220②无限时间中离散时间信号x [n]的总能量说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC190无限时间间隔内离散时间信号x [n]的平均功率说明:hwocrtemp_ ROC230(3)根据信号能量和功率的限制进行分类①该信号的总能量有限,即:hwocrtemp_ Roc240,该信号的平均功率为零。

第一章 1.3 解:(a). 2401lim(),04Tt T TE x t dt e dt P ∞−∞∞→∞−====∫∫(b) dt t x TP T TT ∫−∞→∞=2)(21lim121lim ==∫−∞→dt TTTT∞===∫∫∞∞−−∞→∞dt t x dt t x E TTT 22)()(lim(c).222lim()cos (),111cos(2)1lim()lim2222TT TTTT T TTE x t dt t dt t P x t dt dt TT∞∞→∞−−∞∞→∞→∞−−===∞+===∫∫∫∫(d) 034121lim )21(121lim ][121lim 022=⋅+=+=+=∞→=∞→−=∞→∞∑∑N N n x N P N N n n N NNn N 34)21()(lim202===∑∑−∞=∞→∞nNNn N n x E (e). 2()1,x n E ∞==∞211lim []lim 112121N NN N n N n NP x n N N ∞→∞→∞=−=−===++∑∑ (f) ∑−=∞→∞=+=NNn N n x N P 21)(121lim 2∑−=∞→∞∞===NNn N n x E 2)(lim1.9. a). 00210,105T ππω===; b) 非周期的; c) 00007,,22m N N ωωππ=== d). 010;N = e). 非周期的; 1.12 解:∑∞=−−3)1(k k n δ对于4n ≥时,为1即4≥n 时,x(n)为0,其余n 值时,x(n)为1 易有:)3()(+−=n u n x , 01,3;M n =−=−1.15 解:(a)]3[21]2[][][222−+−==n x n x n y n y , 又2111()()2()4(1)x n y n x n x n ==+−, 1111()2[2]4[3][3]2[4]y n x n x n x n x n ∴=−+−+−+−,1()()x n x n = ()2[2]5[3]2[4]y n x n x n x n =−+−+− 其中][n x 为系统输入。

Chapter 1 Answers1.6 (a).NoBecause when t<0, )(1t x =0.(b).NoBecause only if n=0, ][2n x has valuable.(c).Yes Because ∑∞-∞=--+--+=+k k m n k m n m n x ]}414[]44[{]4[δδ ∑∞-∞=------=k m k n m k n )]}(41[)](4[{δδ ∑∞-∞=----=k k n k n ]}41[]4[{δδ N=4.1.9 (a). T=π/5Because 0w =10, T=2π/10=π/5.(b). Not periodic.Because jt t e e t x --=)(2, while t e -is not periodic, )(2t x is not periodic.(c). N=2Because 0w =7π, N=(2π/0w )*m, and m=7.(d). N=10Because n j j e e n x )5/3(10/343)(ππ=, that is 0w =3π/5, N=(2π/0w )*m, and m=3.(e). Not periodic. Because 0w =3/5, N=(2π/0w )*m=10πm/3 , it ’s not a rational number.1.14 A1=3, t1=0, A2=-3, t2=1 or -1dtt dx )( isSolution: x(t) isBecause ∑∞-∞=-=k k t t g )2()(δ, dt t dx )(=3g(t)-3g(t-1) or dtt dx )(=3g(t)-3g(t+1) 1.15. (a). y[n]=2x[n-2]+5x[n-3]+2x[n-4]Solution:]3[21]2[][222-+-=n x n x n y ]3[21]2[11-+-=n y n y ]}4[4]3[2{21]}3[4]2[2{1111-+-+-+-=n x n x n x n x ]4[2]3[5]2[2111-+-+-=n x n x n xThen, ]4[2]3[5]2[2][-+-+-=n x n x n x n y(b).No. For it ’s linearity.the relationship between ][1n y and ][2n x is the same in-out relationship with (a). you can have a try.1.16. (a). No.For example, when n=0, y[0]=x[0]x[-2]. So the system is memory. (b). y[n]=0.When the input is ][n A δ,then, ]2[][][2-=n n A n y δδ, so y[n]=0. (c). No.For example, when x[n]=0, y[n]=0; when x[n]=][n A δ, y[n]=0. So the system is not invertible.1.17. (a). No.For example, )0()(x y =-π. So it ’s not causal.(b). Yes.Because : ))(sin()(11t x t y = , ))(sin()(22t x t y =))(sin())(sin()()(2121t bx t ax t by t ay +=+1.21. Solution:We have known:(a).(b).(c).(d).1.22. Solution:We have known:(a).(b).(e).(g)1.23. Solution:For )]()([21)}({t x t x t x E v -+= )]()([21)}({t x t x t x O d --= then,(a).(b).(c).1.24.For: ])[][(21]}[{n x n x n x E v -+= ])[][(21]}[{n x n x n x O d --=then,(a).(b).1.25. (a). Periodic. T=π/2.Solution: T=2π/4=π/2.(b). Periodic. T=2.Solution: T=2π/π=2.(d). Periodic. T=0.5. Solution: )}()4{cos()(t u t E t x v π=)}())(4cos()()4{cos(21t u t t u t --+=ππ )}()(){4cos(21t u t u t -+=π )4cos(21t π= So, T=2π/4π=0.51.26. (a). Periodic. N=7Solution: N=m *7/62ππ=7, m=3.(b). Aperriodic.Solution: N=ππm m 16*8/12=, it ’s not rational number.(e). Periodic. N=16 Solution as follow:)62cos(2)8sin()4cos(2][ππππ+-+=n n n n x in this equation,)4cos(2n π, it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/4)=8, m=1.)8sin(n π, it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/8)=16, m=1.)62cos(2ππ+-n , it ’s period is N=2π*m/(π/2)=4, m=1. So, the fundamental period of ][n x is N=(8,16,4)=16.1.31. SolutionBecause )()1()(),2()()(113112t x t x t x t x t x t x ++=--=. According to LTI property ,)()1()(),2()()(113112t y t y t y t y t y t y ++=--=Extra problems:Sketch ⎰∞-=t dt t x t y )()(. 1. SupposeSolution:2. SupposeSketch:(1). )]1(2)1()3()[(--+++t t t t g δδδ(2). ∑∞-∞=-k k t t g )2()(δ(2).Chapter 22.1 Solution:Because x[n]=(1 2 0 –1)0, h[n]=(2 0 2)1-, then(a).So, ]4[2]2[2]1[2][4]1[2][1---+-+++=n n n n n n y δδδδδ (b). according to the property of convolutioin:]2[][12+=n y n y(c). ]2[][13+=n y n y][*][][n h n x n y =][][k n h k x k -=∑∞-∞= ∑∞-∞=-+--=k k k n u k u ]2[]2[)21(2 ][211)21()21(][)21(12)2(0222n u n u n n k k --==+-++=-∑ ][])21(1[21n u n +-= the figure of the y[n] is:2.5 Solution:We have known: ⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewhere n n x ....090....1][,,, ⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewhere N n n h ....00....1][,,,(9≤N ) Then, ]10[][][--=n u n u n x , ]1[][][---=N n u n u n h∑∞-∞=-==k k n u k h n h n x n y ][][][*][][ ∑∞-∞=-------=k k n u k n u N k u k u ])10[][])(1[][(So, y[4] ∑∞-∞=-------=k k u k u N k u k u ])6[]4[])(1[][( ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≤=∑∑==4,...14, (140)0N N k Nk =5, then 4≥N And y[14] ∑∞-∞=------=k k u k u N k u k u ])4[]14[])(1[][(⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≤=∑∑==14,...114, (1145)5N N k Nk =0, then 5<N ∴4=N2.7 Solution:[][][2]k y n x k g n k ∞=-∞=-∑(a )[][1]x n n δ=-,[][][2][1][2][2]k k y n x k g n k k g n k g n δ∞∞=-∞=-∞=-=--=-∑∑(b) [][2]x n n δ=-,[][][2][2][2][4]k k y n x k g n k k g n k g n δ∞∞=-∞=-∞=-=--=-∑∑ (c) S is not LTI system..(d) [][]x n u n =,0[][][2][][2][2]k k k y n x k g n k u k g n k g n k ∞∞∞=-∞=-∞==-=-=-∑∑∑2.8 Solution: )]1(2)2([*)()(*)()(+++==t t t x t h t x t y δδ )1(2)2(+++=t x t xThen,That is, ⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≤<-≤<-+-=-<<-+=others t t t t t t t t y ,........010,....2201,.....41..,.........412,.....3)(2.10 Solution:(a). We know:Then,)()()(αδδ--='t t t h)]()([*)()(*)()(αδδ--='='t t t x t h t x t y )()(α--=t x t xthat is,So, ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+≤≤-+≤≤≤≤=others t t t t t t y ,.....011,.....11,....0,.....)(ααααα(b). From the figure of )(t y ', only if 1=α, )(t y ' would contain merely therediscontinuities.2.11 Solution:(a). )(*)]5()3([)(*)()(3t u et u t u t h t x t y t----==⎰⎰∞∞---∞∞--------=ττττττττd t u e u d t u eu t t )()5()()3()(3)(3⎰⎰-------=tt t t d e t u d et u 5)(33)(3)5()3(ττττ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≥+-=-<≤-=<=---------⎰⎰⎰5,.......353,.....313.........,.........0315395)(33)(3393)(3t e e d e d e t e d e t tt t t t t t t t ττττττ(b). )(*)]5()3([)(*)/)(()(3t u e t t t h dt t dx t g t ----==δδ)5()3()5(3)3(3---=----t u e t u e t t(c). It ’s obvious that dt t dy t g /)()(=.2.12 Solution∑∑∞-∞=-∞-∞=--=-=k tk tk t t u ek t t u e t y )]3(*)([)3(*)()(δδ∑∞-∞=---=k k t k t u e)3()3(Considering for 30<≤t ,we can obtain33311])3([)(---∞=-∞-∞=--==-=∑∑ee e ek t u e e t y tk k tk kt. (Because k must be negetive ,1)3(=-k t u for 30<≤t ).2.19 Solution:(a). We have known:][]1[21][n x n w n w +-=(1) ][]1[][n w n y n y βα+-=(2)from (1), 21)(1-=E EE Hfrom (2), αβ-=E EE H )(2then, 212212)21(1)21)(()()()(--++-=--==E E E E E E H E H E H ααβαβ∴][]2[2]1[)21(][n x n y n y n y βαα=-+-+-but, ][]1[43]2[81][n x n y n y n y +-+--=∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=+=143)21(:....812βααor ∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==141βα(b). from (a), we know )21)(41()()()(221--==E E E E H E H E H21241-+--=E EE E ∴][)41()21(2][n u n h n n ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=2.20 (a). 1⎰⎰∞∞-∞∞-===1)0cos()cos()()cos()(0dt t t dt t t u δ(b). 0dt t t )3()2sin(5+⎰δπ has value only on 3-=t , but ]5,0[3∉-∴dt t t )3()2sin(5+⎰δπ=0(c). 0⎰⎰---=-641551)2cos()()2cos()1(dt t t u d u πτπττ⎰-'-=64)2cos()(dt t t πδ0|)2(s co ='=t t π 0|)2sin(20=-==t t ππ∑∞-∞=-==k t h kT t t h t x t y )(*)()(*)()(δ∑∞-∞=-=k kT t h )(∴2.27Solution()y A y t dt ∞-∞=⎰,()xA x t dt ∞-∞=⎰,()hA h t dt ∞-∞=⎰.()()*()()()y t x t h t x x t d τττ∞-∞==-⎰()()()()()()()()()(){()}y x hA y t dt x x t d dtx x t dtd x x t dtd x x d d x d x d A A ττττττττττξξτττξξ∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞∞∞∞∞-∞-∞-∞-∞==-=-=-===⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰(a) ()()(2)tt y t e x d τττ---∞=-⎰,Let ()()x t t δ=,then ()()y t h t =. So , 2()(2)(2)()(2)()(2)t t t t t h t ed e d e u t τξδττδξξ---------∞-∞=-==-⎰⎰(b) (2)()()*()[(1)(2)]*(2)t y t x t h t u t u t e u t --==+---(2)(2)(1)(2)(2)(2)t t u eu t d u e u t d ττττττττ∞∞-------∞-∞=+------⎰⎰22(2)(2)12(1)(4)t t t t u t e d u t e d ττττ---------=---⎰⎰(2)2(2)212(1)[]|(4)[]|t t t t u t e e u t ee ττ-------=--- (1)(4)[1](1)[1](4)t t e u t e u t ----=-----2.46 SolutionBecause)]1([2)1(]2[)(33-+-=--t u dtde t u e dt d t x dt d t t )1(2)(3)1(2)(333-+-=-+-=--t e t x t e t x t δδ.From LTI property ,we know)1(2)(3)(3-+-→-t h e t y t x dtdwhere )(t h is the impulse response of the system. So ,following equation can be derived.)()1(223t u e t h e t --=-Finally, )1(21)()1(23+=+-t u e e t h t 2.47 SoliutionAccording to the property of the linear time-invariant system: (a). )(2)(*)(2)(*)()(000t y t h t x t h t x t y ===(b). )(*)]2()([)(*)()(00t h t x t x t h t x t y --==)(*)2()(*)(0000t h t x t h t x --=012y(t)t4)2()(00--=t y t y(c). )1()1(*)(*)2()1(*)2()(*)()(00000-=+-=+-==t y t t h t x t h t x t h t x t y δ(d). The condition is not enough.(e). )(*)()(*)()(00t h t x t h t x t y --==τττd t h x )()(00+--=⎰∞∞-)()()(000t y dm m t h m x -=--=⎰∞∞-(f). )()]([)](*)([)(*)()(*)()(000000t y t y t h t x t h t x t h t x t y "=''='--'=-'-'==Extra problems:1. Solute h(t), h[n](1). )()(6)(5)(22t x t y t y dt dt y dtd =++ (2). ]1[][2]1[2]2[+=++++n x n y n y n y Solution:(1). Because 3121)3)(2(1651)(2+-++=++=++=P P P P P P P Hso )()()()3121()(32t u e e t P P t h t t ---=+-++=δ (2). Because )1)(1(1)1(22)(22i E i E EE E E E E E H -+++=++=++=iE Eii E E i -+-+++=1212 so []][)1()1(2][1212][n u i i i k i E E i i E E i n h n n +----=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-+-+++=δChapter 33.1 Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==00000000033113333()224434cos()8sin()44j kt j t j t j t j tk k j t j t j t j tx t a e a e a e a e a e e e je je t t ωωωωωωωωωππ∞----=-∞--==+++=++-=-∑3.2 Solution:for, 10=a , 4/2πj ea --= , 4/2πj ea = , 3/42πj ea --=, 3/42πj ea =n N jk k N k e a n x )/2(][π∑>=<=n j n j n j n j e a e a e a e a a )5/8(4)5/8(4)5/4(2)5/4(20ππππ----++++=n j j n j j n j j n j j e e e e e e e e )5/8(3/)5/8(3/)5/4(4/)5/4(4/221ππππππππ----++++= )358cos(4)454cos(21ππππ++++=n n)6558sin(4)4354sin(21ππππ++++=n n3.3 Solution: for the period of )32cos(t πis 3=T , the period of )35sin(t πis 6=Tso the period of )(t x is 6 , i.e. 3/6/20ππ==w)35sin(4)32cos(2)(t t t x ππ++= )5sin(4)2cos(21200t w t w ++=)(2)(21200005522t w j t w j t w j t w j e e j e e ----++=then, 20=a , 2122==-a a , j a 25=-, j a 25-=3.5 Solution:(1). Because )1()1()(112-+-=t x t x t x , then )(2t x has the same period as )(1t x ,that is 21T T T ==, 12w w =(2). 212111()((1)(1))jkw t jkw tk T T b x t e dt x t x t e dt T--==-+-⎰⎰111111(1)(1)jkw tjkw t T Tx t e dt x t e dt T T --=-+-⎰⎰ 111)(jkw k k jkw k jkw k e a a e a e a -----+=+=3.8 Solution:kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==while:)(t x is real and odd, then 00=a , k k a a --=2=T , then ππ==2/20wand0=k a for 1>kso kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==t jw t jw e a e a a 00110++=--)sin(2)(11t a e e a t j t j πππ=-=-for12)(2121212120220==++=-⎰a a a a dt t x∴2/21±=a ∴)sin(2)(t t x π±=3.13 Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==0004, 0sin(4)()0, 0k k H jk k k ωωω=⎧==⎨≠⎩ ∴000()()4jkw t k k y t a H jkw e a ∞=-∞==∑Because 48004111()1(1)088T a x t dt dt dt T ==+-=⎰⎰⎰So ()0y t =.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞== ∴dt e jkw H t y Ta t jkw Tk 0)()(10-⎰=for⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>≤=100, (0100),.......1)(w w jw H ∴if 0=k a , it needs 1000>kwthat is 12100,........1006/2>>k kππand k is integer, so 8>K3.22 Solution:021)(1110===⎰⎰-tdt dt t x Ta Tdt te dt te dt e t x T a t jk t jk t jkw T k ππ-----⎰⎰⎰===1122112121)(10t jk tde jk ππ--⎰-=1121⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡---=----111121ππππjk e te jk t jk tjk ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡---+-=--ππππππjk e e e e jk jk jk jk jk )()(21⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+-=ππππjk k k jk )sin(2)cos(221[]πππππk jk k j k jk k)1()cos()cos(221-==-=0............≠k404402()()1184416tj tj t t j tt j t H j h t edt ee dte edt e e dtj j ωωωωωωωω∞∞----∞-∞∞----∞===+=+=-++⎰⎰⎰⎰A periodic continous-signal has Fourier Series:. 0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑T is the fundamental period of ()x t .02/T ωπ=The output of LTI system with inputed ()x t is 00()()jk t k k y t a H jk e ωω∞=-∞=∑Its coefficients of Fourier Series: 0()k k b a H jk ω= (a)()()n x t t n δ∞=-∞=-∑.T=1, 02ωπ=11k a T==. 01/221/21()()1jkw t jk tk T a x t e dt t e dt Tπδ---===⎰⎰ (Note :If ()()n x t t nT δ∞=-∞=-∑,1k a T=) So 2282(2)16(2)4()k k b a H jk k k πππ===++ (b)()(1)()n n x t t n δ∞=-∞=--∑ .T=2, 0ωπ=,11k a T== 01/23/21/21/2111()()(1)(1)221[1(1)]2jkw t jk tjk t k T k a x t e dt t e dt t e dtT ππδδ----==+--=--⎰⎰⎰So 24[1(1)]()16()k k k b a H jk k ππ--==+, (c) T=1,02ωπ=01/421/4sin()12()jk t jk tk T k a x t e dt e dt Tk ωπππ---===⎰⎰28sin()2()[16(2)]k k k b a H jk k k ππππ==+ 3.35 Solution: T= /7π,02/14T ωπ==.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==∴0()k k b a H jkw =for⎩⎨⎧≥=otherwise w jw H ,.......0250,.......1)(,01,. (17)()0,.......k H jkw otherwise ⎧≥⎪=⎨⎪⎩that is 0250250, (14)k k ω<<, and k is integer, so 18....17k or k <≤. Let ()()y t x t =,k k b a =, it needs 0=k a ,for 18....17k or k <≤.3.37 Solution:11()[]()212()21312411511cos 224nj j nj n n n n j nn j nn n j j j H e h n ee ee e e e ωωωωωωωωω∞∞--=-∞=-∞-∞--=-∞=-===+=+=---∑∑∑∑A periodic sequence has Fourier Series:2()[]jk n Nk k N x n a eπ=<>=∑.N is the fundamental period of []x n .The output of LTI system with inputed []x n is 22()[]()jk jk n NNk k N y n a H eeππ=<>=∑.Its coefficients of Fourier Series: 2()jk Nk k b a H eπ=(a)[][4]k x n n k δ∞=-∞=-∑.N=4, 14k a =.So 2314()524cos()44j k Nk k b a H e k ππ==-3165cos()42k b k π=-3.40 Solution: According to the property of fourier series: (a). )2cos(2)cos(20000000t Tka t kw a e a ea a k k t jkw k t jkw k k π==+='- (b). Because 2)()()}({t x t x t x E v -+=}{2k v k k k a E a a a =+='-(c). Because 2)(*)()}({t x t x t x R e +=2*kk k a a a -+='(d). k k k a Tjka jkw a 220)2()(π=='(e). first, the period of )13(-t x is 3T T ='then 3)(1)13(131213120dme m x T dt e t x T a m T jk T t T jk T k +'--'-'-'⎰⎰'=-'='ππTjkk m T jk T T jk T jk m T jk T ea dm e m x T e dm e e m x T πππππ221122211)(1)(1---------=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡==⎰⎰3.43 (a) Proof:(i )Because ()x t is odd harmonic ,(2/)()jk T t k k x t a e π∞=-∞=∑,where 0k a = for everynon-zero even k.(2/)()2(2/)(2/)()2T jk T t k k jk jk T tk k jk T tk k T x t a ea e e a e ππππ∞+=-∞∞=-∞∞=-∞+===-∑∑∑It is noticed that k is odd integers or k=0.That means()()2Tx t x t =-+(ii )Because of ()()2Tx t x t =-+,we get the coefficients of Fourier Series222/200/222(/2)/2/20022/2/200111()()()11()(/2)11()()(1)jk t jk t jk t T T T T T T k T jk t jk t T T T T Tjk t jk t T T k TT a x t e dt x t e dt x t e dtT T T x t e dt x t T e dt T T x t e dt x t e dt T T πππππππ-----+--==+=++=--⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ 2/21[1(1)]()jk t T kT x t e dt T π-=--⎰It is obvious that 0k a = for every non-zero even k. So ()x t is odd harmonic ,(b)Extra problems:∑∞-∞=-=k kT t t x )()(δ, π=T(1). Consider )(t y , when )(jw H ist(2). Consider )(t y , when )(jw H isSolution:∑∞-∞=-=k kT t t x )()(δ↔π11=T , 220==Tw π(1).kt j k k tjkw k k e k j H a ejkw H a t y 20)2(1)()(0∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞===ππ2=(for k can only has value 0)(2).kt j k k tjkw k k e k j H a e jkw H a t y 20)2(1)()(0∑∑∞-∞=∞-∞===πππte e t j t j 2cos 2)(122=+=- (for k can only has value –1 and 1)。

Charpt 11.21—(a),(b),(c)一连续时间信号x(t)如图original所示,请画出下列信号并给予标注:a)x(t-1)b)x(2-t)c)x(2t+1)d)x(4-t/2)e)[x(t)=x(-t)]u(t)f)x(t)[δ(t+3/2)-δ(t-3/2)](d),(e),(f)1.22一离散时间信号x[n]如图original所示,请画出下列信号并给予标注。
a) x(t)=3cos(4t+π/3)T=2π/4=π/2;b) x(t)=e )1(-t j πT=2π/π=2;c) x(t)=[cos(2t-π/3)]2x(t)=1/2+cos[(cos(4t-2π/3))]/2, so T=2π/4=π/2;d) x(t)=E v {cos (4πt)u(t)}定义x(0)=1/2,则T=1/2;e) E v {sin(4πt)u(t)}非周期f )x(t)=∑∞-∞=--n n t e )2(假设其周期为T 则∑∞-∞=--n n t e )2(=∑∞-∞=+--n T n t e )22(=∑∞-∞=---n T n t e ))2(2(=∑∞-∞=--n n t e )2( 所以T=1/2(最小正周期);1.26判定下列离散时间信号的周期性;若是周期的,确定他们的基波周期。
(a) x[n]=sin(6π/7+1)N=7(b) x[n]=cos(n/8-π)不是周期信号(c )x[n]=cos(πn 2/8)假设其周期为N ,则8/8/)(22n N n ππ=++πk 2 所以易得N=8(d )x[n]=)4cos()2cos(n n ππ N=8 (e) x[n]=)62cos(2)8sin()4cos(2ππππ+-+n n n N=161.31在本题中将要说明线性时不变性质的最重要的结果之一,即一旦知道了一个线性系统或线性时不变系统对某单一输入的响应或者对若干个输入的响应,就能直接计算出对许多其他输入信号的响应。
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Chap 33.1 A continuous-time periodic signal x(t) is real value and has a fundamental period T=8. The nonzero Fourier series coefficients for x(t) arej a a a a 4,2*3311====--.Express x(t) in the form)cos()(0k k k k t A t x φω+=∑∞=Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==00000000033113333()224434cos()8sin()44j kt j t j t j t j tk k j t j t j t j tx t a e a e a e a e a e e e je je t t ωωωωωωωωωππ∞----=-∞--==+++=++-=-∑A discrete-time periodic signal x[n] is real valued and has afundamental period N=5.The nonzero Fourier series coefficients for x[n] are10=a ,4/2πj e a --=,4/2πj e a =,3/*442πj e a a ==- Express x[n] in the form)sin(][10k k k k n A A n x φω++=∑∞=Solution:for, 10=a , 4/2πj ea --= , 4/2πj ea = ,3/42πj e a --=,3/42πj e a =n N jk k N k e a n x )/2(][π∑>=<=n j n j n j n j e a e a e a e a a )5/8(4)5/8(4)5/4(2)5/4(20ππππ----++++=n j j n j j n j j n j j e e e e e e e e )5/8(3/)5/8(3/)5/4(4/)5/4(4/221ππππππππ----++++=)358cos(4)454cos(21ππππ++++=n n)6558sin(4)4354sin(21ππππ++++=n nFor the continuous-time periodic signal)35sin(4)32cos(2)(t t t x ππ++= Determine the fundamental frequency 0ω and the Fourier seriescoefficients k a such thattjk k kea t x 0)(ω∑∞-∞==.Solution:for the period of )32cos(t πis 3=T , the period of )35sin(t πis 6=Tso the period of )(t x is 6, i.e. 3/6/20ππ==w )35sin(4)32cos(2)(t t t x ππ++=)5sin(4)2cos(21200t t ωω++=0000225512()2()2j t j t j t j t e e j e e ωωωω--=++-- then, 20=a , 2122==-a a , j a 25=-, j a 25-=3.5 Let 1()x t be a continuous-time periodic signal with fundamental frequency1ω and Fourier coefficients k a . Given that211()(1)(1)x t x t x t =-+-How is the fundamental frequency2ω of 2()x t related to? Also,find a relationship between the Fourier series coefficients k b of2()x t and the coefficients k a You may use the properties listed inTable 3.1. Solution:(1). Because )1()1()(112-+-=t x t x t x , then )(2t x has the same period as )(1t x , that is 21T T T ==, 12w w =(2). 212111()((1)(1))jkw t jkw t k TT b x t e dt x t x t e dt T --==-+-⎰⎰ 111111(1)(1)jkw t jkw t TTx t e dt x t e dt T T --=-+-⎰⎰111)(jkw k k jkw k jkw k e a a e a e a -----+=+=Suppose given the following information about a signal x(t): 1. x(t) is real and odd.2. x(t) is periodic with period T=2 and has Fourier coefficients k a .3. 0=k a for 1||>k .4 1|)(|21202=⎰dt t x .Specify two different signals that satisfy these conditions. Solution:0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑while: )(t x is real and odd, then k a is purely imaginary and odd , 00=a , k k a a --=,.2=T , then 02/2ωππ==and0=k a for 1>kso0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑00011j t j t a a e a e ωω--=++)sin(2)(11t a e ea t j tj πππ=-=-for12)(2121212120220==++=-⎰a a a a dt t x∴ j a 2/21±=∴)sin(2)(t t x π±=3 Consider a continuous-time LTI system whose frequency response is⎰∞∞--==ωωωω)4sin()()(dt e t h j H t jIf the input to this system is a periodic signal⎩⎨⎧<≤-<≤=84,140,1)(t t t x With period T=8,determine the corresponding system output y(t). Solution:Fundamental period 8T =.02/8/4ωππ==0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑∴ 00()()jk t k k y t a H jk e ωω∞=-∞=∑0004, 0sin(4)()0, 0k k H jk k k ωωω=⎧==⎨≠⎩ ∴ 000()()4jkw t k k y t a H jk e a ω∞=-∞==∑Because 48004111()1(1)088T a x t dt dt dt T ==+-=⎰⎰⎰另:x(t)为实奇信号,则a k 为纯虚奇函数,也可以得到a 0为0。
So ()0y t =.Consider a continuous-time ideal lowpass filter S whose frequencyresponse is1, (100)()0,.......100H j ωωω⎧≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩When the input to this filter is a signal x(t) with fundamental period6/π=T and Fourier series coefficients k a , it is found that)()()(t x t y t x S=→.For what values of k is it guaranteed that 0=k a ? Solution:for0()j kt k k x t a e ω∞=-∞=∑∴ 00()()jk t k k y t a H jk e ωω∞=-∞=∑即对于所有的k ,1)(0=ωjk Hfor1, (100)()0, (100)H j ωωω⎧≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩ 也就是说1000<ωk , 126/0=⇒=ωπT 即12k<100,k<=8,故当k>8时,a k =0。
.Consider a continuous-time LTI system S whose frequency responseis1,||250()0,H j otherwiseωω≥⎧=⎨⎩When the input to this system is a signal x(t) with fundamental period/7T π= and Fourier series coefficients k a ,it is found that theoutput y(t) is identical to x(t).For what values of k is it guaranteed that 0k a =? Solution: T= /7π,02/14T ωπ==.kt jw k k e a t x 0)(∑∞-∞==∴ t jkw k k e jkw H a t y 0)()(0∑∞-∞==∴0()k k b a H jkw =for⎩⎨⎧≥=otherwise w jw H ,.......0250,.......1)(,01, (17)()0,.......k H jkw otherwise ⎧≥⎪=⎨⎪⎩that is 0250250, (14)k k ω<<, and kisinteger,so18....17k or k <≤.Let()()y t x t =,k kb a =, it needs=k a ,for18....17k or k <≤.Chap 44.1 Use the Fourier transform analysis equation(4.9)to calculate the Fourier transforms of;(a))1()1(2---t u e t (b)|1|2--t eSketch and label the magnitude of each Fourier transform. Solution: (a). ()()j t X j x t e dt ωω∞--∞=⎰2(1)(1)t j t e u t e dt ω∞----∞=-⎰2(1)(2)211t j t j t e e dt e e dt ωω∞∞-----==⎰⎰(2)(2)221222j t j j e e e e e j j j ωωωωωω∞------===----+(b).()()j t X j x t e dt ωω∞--∞=⎰21)2(21)2(2122122124422|21|21ωωωωωωωωωωωωω+=-++=-++-=+==---∞---∞+--∞-+--∞+--∞∞---⎰⎰⎰j j j t j t j t j t tj t tj t e j e j e e j e e j e dte e dt eedt ee4.2 Use the Fourier transform analysis equation(4.9) to calculate the Fourier transforms of: (a))1()1(-++t t δδ (b))}2()2({-+--t u t u dtdSketch and label the magnitude of each Fourier transform. Solution: (a). ()()j t X j x t e dt ωω∞--∞=⎰-j t - [(t 1)(t-1)]e dt ωδδ∞∞=++⎰-j t-j t -(t 1)e (t-1)e dt dt ωωδδ∞∞∞-∞=++⎰⎰2cos j j e eωωω-=+= (b). ()()j t X j x t e dt ωω∞--∞=⎰{(2)(2)}j t du t u t e dt dtω∞--∞=--+-⎰{(2)(2)}j t t t e dt ωδδ∞--∞=---+-⎰ (2)(2)j tj t t edt t e dt ωωδδ∞∞---∞-∞=---+-⎰⎰222sin 2j j e e j ωωω-=-+=-4.5 Use the Fourier transform synthesis equation(4.8) to determine the inverse Fourier transform of )()()(ωωωj X j e j X j X ∠=,where|()|2{(3)(3)}X j u u ωωω=+-- πωω+-=∠23)(j XUse your answer to determine the values of t for which x(t)=0. Solution:dw e e jw X dw e jw X t x jwt jw X j jwt )()(21)(21)(<∞∞-∞∞-⎰⎰==ππdw e ew u w u jwt w j )23()}3()3({221ππ+-∞∞---+=⎰dw ee dw ee wt j j jwtw j )23(33)23(331--+--⎰⎰==ππππ)23(1)23(1)23(3)23(333)23(--⋅-=-⋅-=-----t j e e t j e t j t j wt j ππ)23()23(3sin 2)23()23(3sin 21---=--⋅-=t t j t j t j ππ If x(t)=0 then ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≠-±±==-0)23(,...2,1,0,.........)23(3t k k t πThat is 0., (2)33≠+=k k t π Given that x(t) has the Fourier transform ()X j ω, express the Fourier transforms of the signals listed below in the terms of()X j ω.You may find useful the Fourier transform properties listedin Table4.1.(a))1()1()(1t x t x t x --+-= (b))63()(2-=t x t x(c) )1()(223-=t x dtd t xSolution: Accorrding to the properties of the Fourier transform, we ’ll get: (a). )(t x −→←FT()X j ω ∴)1(t x - −→←FT()j X j e ωω--)1(t x -- −→←FT ()j X j e ωω-then)1()1()(1t x t x t x --+-= −→←FT1()()()2()cos j j X j X j e X j e X j ωωωωωωω--=-+-=-(b). )(t x −→←FT()X j ω)(b at x + −→←FT1()b j a X j e a aωω∴ )63()(2-=t x t x −→←FT221()()33j X j X j e ωωω-= (c).)(t x −→←FT()X j ω)1(-t x −→←FT ()j X j e ωω-)(22t x dtd −→←FT 2()()j X j ωω ∴)1()(223-=t x dtd t x −→←FT23()()j X j X j e ωωωω-=- Given the relationships)()()(t h t x t y *=,And )3()3()(t h t x t g *=And given that x(t) has Fourier transform )(ωj X and h(t) hasFourier transform )(ωj H ,use Fourier transform properties to show that g(t) has the form)()(Bt Ay t g =Determine the values of A and B. Solution: for )()()(t h t x t y *=−→←FT()()()Y j X j H j ωωω=and)3()3()(t h t x t g *=)3(t x −→←FT1()33X j ω )3(t h −→←FT1()33H j ωthen11()()()3333G j X j H j ωωω=⋅1()93Y j ω=−→←FT)3(31)(t y t g =∴3,31==B AConsider a signal x(t) with Fourier transform )(ωj X .Suppose we are given the following facts: 1. x(t) is real and nonnegative.2. ),()}()1{(21t u Ae j X j F t --=+ωωwhere A is independent of t.3.⎰∞∞-=πωω2|)(|d j X .Determine a closed-form expression for x(t). Solution: From (1), we know )(t x is real and 0)(≥t x ;From (2), we know : )(2t u Ae t- −→←FT(1)()j X j ωω+And we also know )(2t u Ae t- −→←FT2Aj ω+So (1)()j X j ωω+=2Aj ω+That is ()(1)(2)12A A AX j j j j j ωωωωω-==+++++−→←FT)()()(2t u Ae t u Ae t x t t ---=From (3), we know:2()2X j d ωωπ∞-∞=⎰But222220()2()2()t t X j d x t dt A e e dtωωππ∞∞∞---∞-∞==-⎰⎰⎰dt e e e At t t )2(243202---∞+-=⎰π∞----+---=04322)4322(2tt t e e e A π 22122)413221(2A A ππ=+-= So2122A π=π2, that is 122=A, 12±=AWhile 0)(≥t x , 12=AThen )()()(2t u Ae t u Ae t x t t ---=)()(122t u e e t t ---=。