





中国教育部认可的英国大学名单A阿伯丁大学University of Aberdeen阿伯泰邓迪大学 University of Abertay Dundee安格利亚理工大学Anglia Polytechnic University阿斯顿大学 Aston University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单B巴斯大学University of Bath伯明翰大学University of Birmingham波恩茅斯大学Bournemouth University布拉德福德大学University of Bradford布莱顿大学University of Brighton布里斯托大学University of Bristol布鲁内尔大学 Brunel University白金汉大学University of Buckingham中国教育部认可的英国大学名单C剑桥大学University of Cambridge卡地夫大学Cardiff University伯明翰英格兰中部大学University of Central England (UCE) in Birmingham兰开夏中部大学University of Central Lancashire城市大学 City University考文垂大学 Coventry University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单D德蒙特福大学De Montfort University德比大学University of Derby邓迪大学 University of Dundee杜伦大学 University of Durham中国教育部认可的英国大学名单E东安格利亚大学University of East Anglia (UEA)伦敦大学亚非研究学院School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), UL伦敦大学学院 University College of London(UCL), UL伦敦市政厅大学London Guildhall University拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University卢顿大学University of Luton中国教育部认可的英国大学名单M曼切斯特大学The University of Manchester曼切斯特理工大学University of Manchaster Institute of Science & Technology(UMIST) 曼切斯特城市大学 Manchester Metropolitan University米德尔赛克斯大学Middlesex University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单N龙比亚大学 Napier University, Edinburgh纽卡斯尔大学University of Newcastle upon Tyne纽卡斯尔诺生比亚大学University of Northumbria at Newcastle北伦敦大学University of North London诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham诺丁汉特伦特大学 Nottingham Trent University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单O牛津大学University of Oxford牛津布鲁克斯大学 Oxford Brookes University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单P佩斯利大学University of Paisley浦利茅斯大学University of Plymouth朴次茅斯大学University of Portsmouth中国教育部认可的英国大学名单Q贝尔法斯特女王大学 Queen,s University of Belfast中国教育部认可的英国大学名单R雷丁大学 University of Reading罗伯特哥敦大学Robert Gordon University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单S萨尔福德大学University of Salford谢菲尔德大学University of Sheffield谢费尔德哈莱姆大学Sheffield Hallam University南安普敦大学University of Southampton南岸大学South Bank University圣安佐斯大学University of St Andrews斯坦福德郡大学Staffordshire University斯德灵大学University of Stirling斯特拉斯克莱德大学University of Strathclyde桑德兰大学University of Sunderland萨里大学 University of Surrey萨里大学, 鲁尔汉普敦University of Surrey, Roehampton萨塞克斯大学University of Sussex中国教育部认可的英国大学名单T提赛德大学University of Teesside泰晤士河谷大学Thames Valley University中国教育部认可的英国大学名单U阿尔斯特大学 University of Ulster中国教育部认可的英国大学名单W威尔士大学阿伯里斯特威斯分校University of Wales, Aberystwyth 威尔士大学班戈分校University of Wales, Bangor威尔士大学卡地夫学院University of Wales, Cardiff Institute威尔士大学纽波特学院University of Wales College, Newport威尔士大学兰彼得分校University of Wales, Lampeter威尔士大学斯旺西分校University of Wales, Swansea华威大学 University of Warwick威斯敏斯特大学 University of Westminster英格兰西部大学,布里斯托University of the West of England, Bristol沃尔沃汉普敦大学University of Wolverhampton中国教育部认可的英国大学名单Y约克大学University of YorK上面所列出来的大学就是中国教育部认可的全部英国大学,希望大家在英国留学的时候能够认准正牌的大学,不要走不必要的弯路。



英国西米德兰兹郡考文垂英文Coventry, West Midlands, EnglandCoventry is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands county of England. It is located in the county of Warwickshire, approximately 160 kilometers northwest of London. With a population of over 360,000, Coventry is the second-largest city in the West Midlands region, after Birmingham.Historically, Coventry has played a significant role in English history. It was a thriving medieval market town, renowned for its wool and cloth industries. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city became a major center for the automotive industry, with famous names such as Jaguar, Rover, and Triumph being associated with Coventry.One of the most notable landmarks in Coventry is its cathedral. The original cathedral, built in the 14th century, was destroyed during the Blitz in 1940. The ruins of the old cathedral, known as Coventry Cathedral, now stand as a powerful reminder of the city's resilience and determination. Next to the ruins, a new cathedral, known as Coventry Cathedral, was built in the 1950s, showcasing modernist architecture and serving as a symbol of hope and reconciliation.Coventry is also home to several museums and cultural attractions. The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, located in the city center, offers exhibitions and displays on art, history, and natural sciences. The Coventry Transport Museum, located in a former car factory, showcases the city's rich automotive heritage. It houses the largest collection of British road transport in the world, including vintage cars, motorcycles, and bicycles.In recent years, Coventry has undergone significant regeneration, with the city center being transformed into a modern and vibrant space. The city now boasts a wide range of shopping, dining, and entertainment options, including the West Orchards and Lower Precinct shopping centers.Coventry is also known for its thriving music and cultural scene. The city hosts several music festivals and events throughout the year, including the Godiva Festival, oneof the largest free music festivals in the UK. The Belgrade Theatre, one of the largest regional theaters in the country, offers a diverse program of plays, musicals, and performances.In terms of education, Coventry is home to two universities: Coventry University and the University of Warwick. These institutions attract students from all over the world, contributing to the city's diverse and multicultural atmosphere.In conclusion, Coventry, located in the West Midlands county of England, is a city with a rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving economy. From its medieval past to its automotive heritage and modern regeneration, Coventry offers a diverse range of attractions and opportunities. Whether you are interested in history, art, music, or simply enjoying the city's lively atmosphere, Coventry has something for everyone.。
















考文垂大学在英国共有四大校区,分别为:位于考文垂市中心的考文垂主校区、位于伦敦金融城的伦敦校区、距离伦敦市中心9 英里的达格南校区以及位于北约克郡的斯卡伯勒校区。

考文垂大学主校区位于考文垂市——2021 年英国文化之城,享有得天独厚的地理优势,交通极其便利,距离伦敦1 小时车程,到英国第二大城市伯明翰坐火车仅需15分钟。
































拉夫堡大学的人类工程学研究成果已经被菲亚特公司应用于它的Punto Bravo及Brava车型上。













最受中国教育部认可的英国大学名单1.阿伯丁大学2.阿伯泰大学3.亚伯大学4.安格利亚鲁斯金大学5.坎特伯雷大教主大学6.伯恩茅斯艺术大学7.伦敦艺术大学8.阿什里奇商学院9.阿斯顿大学10.班戈大学11.巴斯大学12.巴斯斯巴大学13.贝德福特大学14.伦敦大学伯贝克学院15.伯明翰大学16.伯明翰城市大学17.伯明翰大学学院18.格罗斯泰斯特主教大学19.博尔顿大学20.伯恩茅斯大学21.英博夏尔大学22.布拉德福德大学23.布莱顿大学24.布里斯托大学25.布鲁内尔大学26.白金汉大学27.新白金汉大学28.剑桥大学29.坎特伯雷大学30.卡迪夫城市大学31.卡迪夫大学32.中央兰开夏大学33.切斯特大学34.奇切斯特大学35.城市大学36.考文垂大学37.克兰菲尔德大学38.创意艺术大学39.坎布里亚大学40.德蒙福特大学41.德比大学42.邓迪大学43.杜伦大学44.东英吉利亚大学45.东伦敦大学46.知山大学47.爱丁堡大学48.爱丁堡龙比亚大学49.埃塞克斯大学50.埃克塞特大学51.法尔茅斯大学52.格拉斯哥大学53.格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学54.格鲁斯特大学55.格林多大学(备注:内政部2014年6月24日宣布暂停该校继续招收海外留学生的资质)56.伦敦大学金史密斯学院57.格林威治大学58.吉尔德霍尔音乐与戏剧学院59.哈珀亚当斯大学60.赫瑞·瓦特大学61.赫特福德大学62.伦敦大学海斯洛普学院63.高地与群岛大学64.哈德斯菲尔德大学65.赫尔大学66.英国金融国际服务协会大学学院67.帝国理工学院68.伦敦大学教育学院69.基尔大学70.肯特大学71.伦敦国王学院72.金斯顿大学73.兰卡斯特大学74.英国法学大学75.利兹大学76.利兹贝克特大学77.利兹三一大学78.莱斯特大学79.林肯大学80.利物浦大学81.利物浦赫普大学82.利物浦约翰摩尔大学83.伦敦大学84.伦敦商学院85.伦敦城市大学86.伦敦卫生与热带医药学院87.伦敦政治经济学院88.伦敦南岸大学89.伦敦大学学院90.拉夫堡大学91.曼彻斯特大学92.曼彻斯特城市大学93.密德萨斯大学94.纽卡斯尔大学95.纽曼大学96.北安普顿大学97.诺森比亚大学98.诺里奇艺术大学99.诺丁汉大学100.诺丁汉特伦特大学101.开放大学102.牛津大学103.牛津布鲁克斯大学104.普利茅斯大学105.朴次茅斯大学106.爱丁堡玛格丽特女王大学107.伦敦玛丽女王大学108.学校名称贝尔法斯特女王大学109.雷丁大学110.伦敦摄政大学111.罗伯特戈登大学112.罗汉普顿大学113.英国皇家音乐学院114.英国皇家农业大学115.中央演讲与戏剧学院116. 英国皇家艺术学院117.皇家音乐学院118.苏格兰皇家音乐戏剧学院119.伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院120.皇家北方音乐学院121.皇家兽医学院122.索尔福德大学123.伦敦大学亚非学院124.谢菲尔德大学125.谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学126.南威尔士大学127.南安普顿大学128.南安普顿索伦特大学129.圣安德鲁斯大学130.伦敦大学圣乔治医学院131.圣马克与圣约翰大学132.圣玛丽大学学院133.斯泰福厦大学134.斯特灵大学135.思克莱德大学136桑德兰大学137.萨里大学138.萨赛克斯大学139.斯旺西大学140.提赛德大学141.阿尔斯特大学142.威尔士大学143.威尔士三一圣大卫大学144.华威大学145.西英格兰大学146.西伦敦大学(备注:英国内政部2014年6月24日宣布暂停该校继续招收海外留学生的资质)147.西苏格兰大学148.威斯敏斯特大学149.温切斯特大学150.胡弗汉顿大学151.伍斯特大学152.约克大学153.约克圣约翰大学整个英国现有90多所大学和150多所提供本科以上课程的学院。

















在卫报(Guardian) 2010年的全国教学质量排名中, 商学院的经济专业排名第13位、金融和会计专业排名第20位,地理环境专业排名第20位。







英国工业硕士学校有哪些1.皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art申请难度:4.8;优势专业:工业设计、交互设计、摄影;院校地址:英国伦敦肯辛顿戈尔皇家艺术学院坐落在伦敦,皇家艺术学院的课程讲授者均为国际知名艺术家,从业者和理论家。





英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art现代化的图书馆拥有藏书超过7万册,每年订阅的期刊超过120份,为学生及教师提供了广泛可参考的艺术信息。





2.中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design申请难度:4.7;优势专业:服装设计、配饰设计、室内设计、平面设计、插画;院校地址:英国伦敦伦敦国王十字格拉纳里广场一号格拉纳里大楼中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院成立于1989年,由2个学校合并而成:中央艺术与设计学校(始建于1896年,英国皇家女子艺术学院1908年并入)和圣马丁艺术学校(始建于1854年)。














学院一直与福特、大东电讯、美洲豹、诺基亚、标致、国家医疗服务组织 (NHS) 及一些大银行保持密切的合作关系。






考文垂大学哈佛索引格式Harvard referencing

考文垂大学哈佛索引格式Harvard referencing

Coventry UniversityHarvard ReferenceStyle GuideThis Guide shows you how to write in-text citations and aList of References in the CU Harvard Reference StyleFor more information and the latest version of this Guide:/cawThis Guide is updated annually. Version 3.0.1 Sept2009.© Deane, M. (2006) Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Guide.Unpublished booklet. Coventry:Coventry University.Produced in collaboration with Ray Summers (Illustrations),Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams (editorial assistance), and Catalina Neculai,Erik Borg (Editors), with input from the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Working Party.Table of contentsForeword to the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Guide (3)Introduction (4)I Can’t Find an Example of My Source! (4)Part One: In-text citations (8)I. In-text Citations: Frequently Asked Questions (8)1. What should I do if I can’t find the date on a web site? (8)2. How should I cite an author’s name? (8)3. What should I do if I cannot find the author of a source? (8)4. Where in the sentence should I put in-text citations? (9)5. Can I cite lots of sources in the same sentence? (9)6. How do I cite a single source with multiple authors using ‘et al.’? (9)7. Does the full stop go before or after in-text citations? (9)8. When should I use italics? (9)9. When should I give page numbers? (10)10. When should I omit page numbers? (10)II. In-text Citations: Numerical Data (10)III. In-text Citations: Printed Written Sources (10)1. A whole book (10)2. A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited collection of essays (11)3. Multiple authors (11)4. A corporate author (11)5. A journal article (11)6. Personal communication (11)7. A book in the Bible or the Koran (11)8. A Government Bill (11)9. Hansard official report of a Parliamentary debate (12)IV. In-text Citations: Electronic Written Sources (12)1. Electronic texts (12)2. A website (12)3. An online discussion forum/mailing list (JISCMAIL or Listserv) (12)4. A blog (12)V. In-text Citations: Electronic Visual or Audio Sources (12)1. A video film or a sound recording accessed electronically (DVD, CD, streamlined) (13)2. A broadcast or a podcast (13)3. A programme video recording (from TV) (13)4. A recorded radio broadcast (13)VI. In-text-Citations: Printed or Exhibited Visual Sources (13)1. An image or an art figure in a book, magazine or catalogue (14)2. An advertisement (14)3. An exhibition stand or an item in an exhibition (14)4. A map (14)VII. In-text Citations: Spoken Sources (15)1. A Lecture (15)2. An interview you have conducted (15)VIII. In-text Citations: Secondary Sources (15)Part Two: The List of References (16)I. List of References: Frequently Asked Questions (16)1. What should I do if I list more than one source by the same author? (16)2. How do I find the date in a book? (16)3. How should I reference a first, second, etc. or revised edition? (17)4. How do I find the place of publication in a book? (17)5. Where should I put an editor or the editors? (17)6. What do I do if I have both an editor and an author? (17)7. Where should I put a translator? (17)8. What should I do if I cannot find an author in a printed source? (17)9. How should I reference a book written in a foreign language? (17)II. List of References: Numerical Data (18)III. List of References: Printed Written Sources (18)1. A whole book (18)2. A book produced by an organisation (a corporate author) (18)3. A book with multiple authors (18)4. A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited collection of essays (18)5. A printed journal article (18)6. A report (19)7. An unpublished booklet or departmental handbook (19)8. A leaflet (19)9. A newspaper article (19)10. A conference paper within conference proceedings (19)11. Conference proceedings (19)12. A thesis or dissertation (20)13. A UK patent (20)14. An international patent (20)15. A standard (20)16. A Statutory Instrument (20)17. A technical paper (20)18. A personal communication or letter (20)19. An encyclopaedia entry (21)20. A dictionary (21)21. The Bible or other sacred text (21)22. A House of Commons / Lords Report (21)23. A Government Bill (21)24. An Act of Parliament (21)25. A Government Green or White Paper (22)26. Hansard official report of a Parliamentary debate (22)27. An official report of a Parliamentary debate in a Standing Committee (22)28. A music score (22)IV. List of References: Electronic Written Sources (22)1. An electronic journal article (22)2. A web site (or other online media) (23)3. An electronic book (23)4. Electronic Newspaper Article (23)5. Electronic lecture notes or transcript (24)6. Personal communication: an email (24)7. Online discussion forum/mailing list (JISCMAIL or Listserv) (24)8. A report accessed electronically (24)9. A thesis or a dissertation online (24)10. A blog (25)11. Computer Software (25)V. List of References: Electronic Visual and Audio Sources (25)1. An image, a video film or a sound recording accessed electronically (DVD, CD, streamlined) (25)2. A broadcast or a podcast (25)3. A programme video recording (from TV) (26)4. A Lecture: audio recording (26)5. An advertisement in a magazine or newspaper accessed (26)electronically (26)6. An artwork or image in a magazine accessed electronically (26)VI. List of References: Printed or Exhibited Visual Sources (27)1. An image or an art figure in a magazine (27)2. A work of art, photograph, illustration or item in an exhibition or exhibition stand (27)3. An exhibition catalogue or an art book (27)4. An advertisement in a printed magazine or newspaper (27)5. A map (28)6. An Ordnance Survey map (28)7. An exhibition stand (28)VII. List of References: Spoken Sources (28)1. A Lecture: students’ written notes (28)2. An interview you have conducted (28)3. An interview in an edited book or collection (28)VIII. List of References: Secondary Sources (29)1. A secondary reference in a book (29)2. A secondary reference in a journal (29)List of FiguresFigure 1. The two elements in a sample paper (5)Figure 2. In-text citations (6)Figure 3. The List of References (7)Figure 4. In-text citation of numerical data (10)Figure 5. In-text citation of an image accessed electronically (13)Figure 6. In-text citation of a printed image (14)Foreword to the Coventry University HarvardReference Style GuideThe Coventry University Harvard Reference Style is a customisation of an author-date or Harvard referencing system. Our version, created by the Centre for Academic Writing, provides a stable instrument with which to refer to sources in academic writing. By providing a common version, Coventry University’s academic community will have a shared system that will allow readers to exchange new ideas and access the sources that form the basis for these ideas in a simple and consistent manner.Explicit indication of the sources of information and ideas is one of the characteristics of academic writing in Britain and in many other countries, but not all. Explicit referencing of sources distinguishes academic writing from other types of writing, including newspapers, novels, and much workplace writing. Academic writers show where they got the information or ideas for their texts through referencing systems, such as Coventry University’s Harvard Reference Style (CU Harvard). They do this for a number of reasons:•To respect intellectual property;•To strengthen arguments by indicating the source of ideas;•To demonstrate knowledge of the field in which you are writing;•To establish your own voice in your academic writing;•To meet marking criteria;•To avoid accusations of plagiarism.By using the CU Harvard Reference Style, you will join an academic conversation maintained through our written texts.The CU Harvard Reference Style Guide is organised into two parts. Part One deals with in-text citations, the indication in your text that you are referring to a source. Part Two deals with the List of References, which is where you provide all the information a reader needs to find the source. Any written assignment that refers to sources must contain both in-text references as they occur in the body of the text and an alphabetic list of the sources you have used at the end. Each part of the guide has a group of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’, followed by source types: printed or electronic, written, spoken/audio, and visual. The Guide is accompanied by a Glossary that defines the most useful terms used in referencing.A brief word about referencing software tools:Software tools can simplify the process of accurately referring to sources and including appropriate references in your List of References. Coventry University supports RefWorks, a referencing software programme that allows a writer to enter the information needed for a full reference only once, and then simply and easily add citations to that source. The programme will format and alphabetise the list of references in CU Harvard Reference Style. Microsoft Word 2007 includes a referencing facility that will format references in APA style, another author-date style. References formatted this way will need a limited amount of manual change to conform to CU Harvard Reference Style. At an even simpler level, the “sort” function in Microsoft Word can be used to alphabetise the List of References after it has been manually entered.IntroductionWhenever you borrow information, ideas, images, or numerical data from other sources you must document the source in two ways:• Provide an in-text citation of the source in the main body of your writing: give the author’s surname or the corporate author, the year of publication, and page number if you quote or paraphrase, or if you summarise information on a specific page of thesource.•Enter the source in the List of References at the end of your document: give all the publication or internet details in the correct format (see the Contents Page of thisGuide for details).It is important that there is a link between these two elements, as illustrated in Figure 1, which shows that the author and date given in your in-text citation must correspond to the author and date given at the start of your List of References entry.I Can’t Find an Example of My Source!The purpose of this Guide is to help you become a confident and independent writer and researcher, so do not be afraid to use your own judgement if you encounter an unusual source. In this Guide a balance has been struck between listing every possible type of source and keeping the guidelines concise and reader friendly. Therefore, on rare occasions you may need to cite and reference an unusual type of source that is not included in this Guide (a jam jar label for instance). Do not panic if you cannot find precise guidelines in such a case, but consider these tips:In-text citations are easy because you just give the author or corporate author and the date (plus page numbers if relevant). See the Introduction to Part One of this Guidefor a list of all the pieces of information you should include in an in-text citation inwhich order, and adapt these principles if necessary.•The List of References entry is also simple when you know how! See the Introduction to Part Two of this Guide for a list of all the pieces of information youshould include in a List of References entry, in which order, and adapt theseprinciples if necessary.• Follow the ARC of Successful Citing and Referencing:How do I integrate research sources into my writing?For guidance on how to quote, paraphrase, and summarise, see the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style website and Glossary at: /caw.The relationship between in-text citations and the List of ReferencesAn in-text citation gives formal recognition of a source you have used. To ‘cite’ means to refer to a source in the main body of your academic paper. An ‘academic paper’ is the scholarly term for an essay, assignment or other document. The List of References provides sufficient information for readers to locate each source you have cited. To ‘reference’ means to enter full details of a source in this list that goes on a separate page at the end of your academic paper.The List of References is organised alphabetically according to the surname of the author or corporate author. Every line after the first should be indented so that author stands out. There is a line of space between each entry.Figure 1 shows a sample page from an academic paper with the List of References page superimposed. This figure shows that these two elements are linked, and that they each start with the same author or corporate author and date. A source should only appear once in the List of References even if there are many in-text citations for that source in your paper.Figure 1. The two elements in a sample paperAn example of in-text citationsFigure 2 shows in-text citations in the main body of an academic paper. This sample paper is about Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled England during the second half of the sixteenth century. You must give in-text citations each time you borrow ideas, information, images, or numerical data from a source in order to display intellectual honesty about the sources you have used.Figure 2. In-text citationsThis writer has undertaken independent research and learnt how to cite and reference with skill. By marshalling evidence from other sources, you can advance your own original argument in a convincing way to become a scholarly and authoritative writer. Make sure you credit the intellectual property of other scholars.An example of the List of ReferencesFigure 3 shows a sample List of References. It demonstrates that sources are referenced differently depending on the type, and there is a special format for books, journal articles, online journal articles, web sites, etc. See the Contents Page of this Guide for a list of different types.The List of References is organised alphabetically according to the surname of the author or corporate author. Every line after the first should be indented so that author stands out. There is a line of space between each entry.Make just one list and do not divide the entries into separate categories. There is no full stop at the end of each entry. Put the List of References on a separate page at the end of your paper, but, if you include an Appendix, this goes after the List of References.Figure 3. The List of ReferencesPart One: In-text citationsThis section of the Guide explains how to write in-text citations. The basic principle is to give the surname of the author or the corporate author and the year of publication in brackets (author date), plus the page number if you quote or paraphrase, or if you summarise information on a specific page of the source.•Example of citing a quote or paraphrase: Higgins argues that land fill sites are ‘not cost efficient’ (2005: 68).• Example of summarising an entire book or article: A recent study reveals new information about child health (Wikes 2006).• Example of summarising a point made on two consecutive pages of a book or article: The book provides examples of how the eating habits of parents directlyinfluence children (Wikes 2006: 19-20).I. In-text Citations: Frequently Asked Questions1. What should I do if I can’t find the date on a web site?For the purpose of accuracy, if you can’t find the date, it is best to write ‘n.d.’, which means ‘no date’. Example:Students are gaining increasingly high grades (National Student Forum n.d.).2. How should I cite an author’s name?You have two options, and you may vary the practice throughout your academic paper. Option 1If you mention the author’s name in your own writing, just give the date (and page number if you quote, paraphrase, or summarise specific information) in your in-text citation. Example: Shah (2005: 66) maintains that in recent years Coventry has become Britain’s most important industrial city.Option 2If you do not mention the author’s name in your writing, give the author’s surname and date (and the page number if you quote, paraphrase, or summarise specific information) in your in-text citation. Example:Wavelets are an effective means of disease detection (Qureshi 2006: 95).3. What should I do if I cannot find the author of a source?If the source is anonymous, you can write ‘Anon.’ instead of the author. Example:At the turn of the twentieth century, research in biology was influenced by scientific positivism (Anon. 1900).4. Where in the sentence should I put in-text citations?You can either place in-text citations near the start of your sentences, or near the end. Be aware that writers in different disciplines follow different practices in this regard.5. Can I cite lots of sources in the same sentence?Readers need to know exactly who made each point you have borrowed as you advance your own argument, so only cite more than one author in the same sentence if they make similar points or use similar methods or evidence. Example:Shaw (2001: 15) argues that therapists are losing their skills. Similarly, Higgins (2004: 72) maintains that there has been a decrease in skills development.If you cannot avoid citing more than one source because various authors all argue the same point, put the sources in alphabetical order and separate each one with a comma. Example: Health informatics will radically change the nature of the National Health Service by the year 2010 (Brown 2002: 3, Lee 2006: 44 and Padda 2005: 14).6. How do I cite a single source with multiple authors using ‘et al.’? For up to three authors, give all the authors’ surnames in your in-text citation. Example: Cox, Patel, and Pavliotis (2004) discuss Britain’s future adoption of the euro.However, if there are more than three authors use ‘et al.’ which is short for ‘et alii’ meaning‘and others’ in Latin. Note that there is a full stop after ‘al.’ because it is an abbreviation (a shortened form of the original word). Remember that although only one surname is given, you are referring to multiple authors, so the next verb in your sentence must agree in the plural rather than the singular. Example:Fletcher et al. (2006: 88) suggest that in this century global climate change has caused billions of dollars worth of damage.7. Does the full stop go before or after in-text citations?Even when quoting, do not use a full stop until AFTER your in-text citation in brackets because the in-text citation is part of your sentence. Example:Anderson posits that vitamin E has ‘life-changing effects’ (2006: 8).8. When should I use italics?•Put the title of a print publication in italics (do not use bold or underline). The titles of all the main documents must be italicised, such as titles of books, titles ofjournals, titles of websites etc. so that readers can see at a glance which physicalsources you have cited. Example: Dickens wrote many novels, but Hard Times(Jones 2004: 16) is the most interesting from a philosophical perspective.•Put all foreign words in italics, including et al.•Do not use italics for the title of journal articles or book chapters. Instead use single quotation marks. The title of any sub-document or sub-section of a maindocument, such as the article or chapter that sits within a publication, must sit withinsingle quotation marks. Example: Peterson’s recent article on oncology entitled‘Meningioma Detection’ (2006) makes a real contribution to cancer research.•Do not use italics when quoting. Instead, use either double or single quotation marks, and whichever you choose, be consistent throughout your document.Example: Although there are many approaches to disaster planning, the Smartsonmodel ensures both ‘effectiveness and efficiency’ (Smartson 2004: 65).9. When should I give page numbers?Give a page number in your in-text citation when you QUOTE or PARAPHRASE a source because this enables readers to locate the exact passage you have cited for their own use, or to check that you have quoted or re-phrased the source accurately. Also give page numbers when you SUMMARISE a point that appears on a specific page or pages of a source. Example of a quote: Crude oil price rises have been ‘alarming’ (Brown 2006: 5).10. When should I omit page numbers?If you are summarising what an author has argued in a book or article, you do not need to give page numbers. Example: McArthurs has undertaken new research into alternative therapies (McArthurs 2006).II. In-text Citations: Numerical DataEvery time you borrow a date, statistic or other numerical data from a source, give an in-text citation. Example: The number of heart attacks has risen dramatically in recent years and there has been an increase of 10% since 1992 (Department of Health 2005: 65).If you present numerical data visually, label it as a figure or table and include a List of Figures or Tables in your Contents Page. If the figure is from a paginated source, you must give the page number in your in-text citation. In your own writing, explain who compiled the data because the in-text citation only tells readers your source. Give the figure a title and an in-text citation with the author or corporate author and date of the source in brackets. Discuss the significance of the data in full.Example of how to cite a Figure in your paper:Figure 4. In-text citation of numerical dataIII. In-text Citations: Printed Written Sources1. A whole bookGive the author’s surname and the year of publication in brackets. Example:Applied research has boosted pedagogical practice (Anderson 2006).2. A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited collection of essaysIf your source is just one chapter within a collection of essays by various different authors, give an in-text citation for the author of the chapter you want to cite, and the date of the edited book. Example:Recent developments in the field of pedagogical research have revolutionised teaching practice (Taylor 2006: 47).3. Multiple authorsFor up to three authors, give all the authors’ surnames in your in-text citation. Example: Cox, Patel, and Pavliotis (2004) discuss Britain’s future adoption of the euro.However, if there are more than three authors use ‘et al.’ which is short for ‘et alii’meaning‘and others’ in Latin. Note that there is a full stop after ‘al.’ because it is an abbreviation (a shortened form of the original word). Remember that although only one surname is given, you are referring to multiple authors, so the next verb in your sentence must agree in the plural rather than the singular. Example:Fletcher et al. (2006: 88) suggest that in this century global climate change has caused billions of dollars worth of damage.4. A corporate authorSometimes sources are produced by an organisation, not individuals. This is known as a corporate author. Give an in-text citation as usual but cite the organisation as the author. Example:It is essential to plan for emergencies (Disaster Agency 2006).5. A journal articleGive the surname of the author of the article and the year the journal was published in brackets. Example:Evidence-based practice has many positive effects (Smithson 2006).6. Personal communicationGive the surname of the person you are citing and the date in brackets. In your own writing give the full name of the person you are citing. Example:In a personal communication, Androulla Athanasiou explained that she is ‘completely against’ recent moves to erect a new football stadium in Coventry (Athanasiou 2006).7. A book in the Bible or the KoranWithin brackets give the title of the chapter in place of the author, then give the chapter number (for the Bible), add a colon, then give the verse number. Example:David was a mighty warrior (2 Kings 10:3).As the chapter, ‘The Star’ shows, the cosmic universe has a powerful symbolism for Arabic people. (The Star: 1)8. A Government BillIn your own writing within brackets write ‘HC Bill’ or ‘HL Bill’ and in new brackets give the Parliamentary Session, then give the Bill serial number in square brackets. Note that every time a Bill passes through Parliament, it is re-numbered. Give an in-text citation within brackets with ‘HC’ for House of Commons or ‘HL’ for House of Lords then the date and page number if appropriate. Example:It was revealed today in the House of Commons (HC Bill (2000-1) [30]) that housing tax is likely to be revised (HC 2001: 56).9. Hansard official report of a Parliamentary debateIn your own writing within brackets write ‘HC Deb.’ or ‘HL Deb.’ and in new brackets give the Parliamentary Session, then outside these brackets give the volume number, add a comma, then write ‘col.’ for the column number, and state the column number. Give an in-text citation within brackets with ‘HC’ for House of Commons or ‘HL’ for House of Lords then the date and page number if appropriate. Example:Pattern hounded the Prime Minister (HC Deb. (2000-1) 203, col. 346) over international debt (HC 2001: 42).IV. In-text Citations: Electronic Written SourcesFollow the same practice as when you cite printed sources by giving the author and date, but no page number is required for online sources.1. Electronic textsFor any source accessed online including an electronic journal article, electronic book, electronic lecture notes, etc. give the author’s surname or the corporate author and the date in brackets. Example:White noise has been under-researched (Wallace 2006).2. A websiteGive the corporate author and the date in brackets. DO NOT give the full web address (called the URL) in your in-text citation because this goes in the List of References. Example:There are many software packages for detecting plagiarism (Referencing 2006).If you cannot find the date, for the purpose of accuracy, it is best to write ‘n.d.’, which means ‘no date’. Students are gaining increasingly high grades (National Student Forum n.d.).Note: If the website has both a copyright and a ‘last updated’ date, then give the ‘last updated’ date in brackets!3. An online discussion forum/mailing list (JISCMAIL or Listserv) Give the surname of the author of the email you wish to cite and the date of the email in brackets. Example:Neurological rehabilitation has been under-funded for years (Lango 2005).4. A blogGive the surname of the author of the blog and the date it was written. Example:Chaos theory has impacted seriously on literature as well as science (Richards 2006). V. In-text Citations: Electronic Visual or Audio SourcesEvery time you borrow a picture, painting, photograph, diagram, or other image from a source, give an in-text citation. Label it as a figure and include a List of Figures in your Contents Page. If the figure is originally from a printed source you can give the page number in your in-text citation. In your own writing, explain who the artist is, because the in-text citation only tells readers your source. Give the figure a title and an in-text citation with the author or corporate author and date of the source in brackets. Discuss the significance of the figure in full.Example of how to cite a Figure when the source is accessed online:Figure 5. In-text citation of an image accessed electronically1. A video film or a sound recording accessed electronically (DVD, CD, streamlined)Give the director’s or the producer’s surname as the author, or the corporate author if no other information is available, then the date in brackets. Example:Dance is an effective form of therapy (Anderson 2006).2. A broadcast or a podcastGive the title of the broadcast in italics and the date in brackets. Example:Contemporary politicians are more image-conscious than ever (Have I Got News for You 2005).3. A programme video recording (from TV)Give the title of the programme in italics and the date in brackets. Example:Farmers are required to diversify in order to survive (Farming Today 2005).4. A recorded radio broadcastGive the title of the programme as the author in italics and the date in brackets. Example: Political life has changed since the election of New Labour (Radio4 News 2005).VI. In-text-Citations: Printed or Exhibited Visual Sources。





希望对你的留学(liú xué)申请有帮助。

1、会计(kuài jì)与金融专业商科专业一直以来都是众多赴英留学生的首选,可谓是经久不衰的热门专业。


推荐(tuījiàn)院校:利兹大学(University of Leeds)斯特拉思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen’s University Belfast)兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)巴斯大学(University of Bath)华威大学(University of Warwick)拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary, University of London)雷丁大学(University of Reading)埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)2、旅游及酒店管理对中国留学生而言,酒店管理类工作进入门槛较低,而且将来就业却相对容易,获得工作签证时机更高,甚至可通过技术移民评分实现移民。





推荐院校:伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)萨里大学(University of Surrey)斯特拉思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)利物浦约翰摩尔大学(Liverpool John Moores University)爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)考文垂大学(Coventry University)罗伯特戈登大学(Robert Gordon University)赫特福德郡大学(University of Hertfordshire)3、化学和材料工程专业由于英国政府发现进步(tí gāo)工程和高技术方面的产业,对国家的开展占有很大的优势。



英国考文垂大学(Coventry University)的建校历史可追溯到1843年考文垂设计学院(Coventry College of Design),后于1954年成为考文垂美术学院(Coventry College of Art)。

1970年,考文垂美术学院(Coventry College of Art)与兰彻斯特技术学院(Lanchester College of Technology)、拉格比工程技术学院(Rugby College of Engineering Technology)合并为“兰切斯特理工学院”(Lanchester Polytechnic),以纪念英国兰中部地区的汽车工业先驱Frederick W. Lanchester。

1987年,更名为考文垂理工学院(Coventry Polytechnic)。









英国前100所大学排名名单1 牛津大学Oxford2 剑桥大学Cambridge3 帝国理工学院Imperial College4 伦敦经济政治学院London School of Economics5 华威大学Warwick5 爱丁堡大学Edinburgh6 伦敦大学学院University College London7 圣安德鲁斯大学St Andrews9 约克大学York10 杜伦大学Durham10 布里斯托大学Bristol12 诺丁汉大学Nottingham13 巴斯大学Bath14 拉夫堡大学Loughborough15 伦敦大学亚非研究学院SOAS16 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院Royal Holloway16 伦敦大学国王学院King's College London16 曼切斯特大学Manchester19 纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle20 格拉斯哥大学Glasgow21 谢菲尔德大学Sheffield22 卡迪夫大学Cardiff23 伯明翰大学Birmingham24 莱斯特大学Leicester25 邓迪大学Dundee26 阿斯顿大学Aston26 南安普敦大学Southampton28 阿伯丁大学Aberdeen29 艾塞克斯大学Essex30 兰卡斯特大学Lancaster31 贝尔法斯特女王大学Queens, Belfast32 斯特拉思克莱德大学Strathclyde33 东英吉利大学East Anglia34 艾克斯特大学Exeter35 基尔大学Keele36 赫瑞-瓦特大学Heriot-Watt37 萨塞克斯大学Sussex38 利兹大学Leeds39 瑞丁大学Reading40 斯德灵大学Stirling41 利物浦大学Liverpool42 斯旺西大学Swansea43 布鲁内尔大学Brunel44 伦敦大学玛利皇后学院Queen Mary45 萨里大学Surrey46 坎特伯雷肯特大学Kent47 布拉德福德大学Bradford47 赫尔大学Hull49 诺桑比亚大学Northumbria50 阿伯瑞斯特威斯大学Aberystwyth51 威尔士大学卡迪夫学院UWIC, Cardiff52 威尔士大学兰彼得学院Lampeter53 牛津布鲁克斯大学Oxford Brookes54 伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths College55 阿尔斯特大学Ulster55 城市大学City57 普利茅斯大学Plymouth58 班戈大学Bangor58 罗伯特高登大学Robert Gordon60 赫特福德郡大学Hertfordshire61 金斯顿大学Kingston62 诺丁汉特伦特大学Nottingham Trent62 桑德兰大学Sunderland64 西英格兰大学West of England65 伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts66 布莱顿大学Brighton67 菲尔德哈莱姆大学Sheffield Hallam68 萨尔福德大学Salford69 西敏寺大学Westminster70 萨里大学,鲁尔汉普顿Surrey Roehampton71 格拉摩根大学Glamorgan72 哈德斯菲尔德大学Huddersfield73 阿伯泰邓迪大学Abertay Dundee74 格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学Glasgow Caledonian75 曼切斯特城市大学Manchester Metropolitan76 佩斯利大学Paisley77 朴次茅斯大学Portsmouth78 英格兰中部大学Central England79 米都塞克斯大学Middlesex80 林肯大学Lincoln80 斯坦福郡大学Staffordshire82 纳皮尔大学Napier83 利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学Liverpool John Moores84 伍尔弗汉普敦大学Wolverhampton85 伯恩茅斯大学Bournemouth86 兰开夏郡中部大学Central Lancashire87 格洛斯特郡大学Gloucestershire88 考文垂大学Coventry89 德蒙福特大学De Montfort90 利兹城市大学Leeds Metropolitan91 卢顿大学Luton91 梯塞德大学Teesside93 威尔士大学新港学院UWCN, Newport94 英吉利理工大学Anglia95 南岸大学London South Bank96 德比大学Derby97 格林尼治大学Greenwich99 东伦敦大学East London100 泰晤士河谷大学Thames Valley。



考文垂大学怎么样?英国考文垂大学(Coventry University)位于考文垂市中心,是一所年轻、面向未来的大学,具有提供优质高等教育的传统。










在2008年泰晤士高等教育评比中,考文垂大学被列为‘highly commended’杰出企业型大学。





英国专升本(Top-up)课程权威总结一、什么是英国Top-up课程?英国Top-up课程即专升本或者插读英国本科,国际学生通过攻读英国大学本科最后一年(Final Year)即可取得英国本科学士学位。





英国部分开设Top-up课程院校推荐1.考文垂大学✧International Business国际商务✧Informatics信息学✧International Marketing国际市场营销✧International Human Resource Management国际人力资源管理✧Environmental Management环境管理✧International Events and Hospitality Management国际活动与旅游管理✧General Engineering一般工程✧Public Health Studies公共卫生研究✧Applied Business应用商务2.普利茅斯大学✧Public Services公共服务✧Business Management 商务管理✧Navigation and Maritime Science航海与海洋科学✧International Finance国际金融✧Fine Art艺术3.诺丁汉特伦特大学✧International Fashion Business国际时尚商务✧International Business Administration国际商务管理✧Business Finance商务金融✧Marketing Management市场营销管理✧Environmental Design and Management环境设计与管理4.赫尔大学✧Early Childhood Education and Care早期儿童教育与关爱5.伯恩茅斯大学✧Global Media Practice全球媒体实践✧International Finance国际金融✧Business and Management商务与管理✧Landscape Design景观设计✧International Business Communication国际商务传播✧Design Engineering设计工程✧Animal Behavior 动物行为学文章来源:小猴子聊留学博客。




为方便大家择校,经查询,将最新公布的中国教育部认可的英国大学名单确认,并对广大留学生与家长公示,希望对大家有所帮助,名单具体如下(按英文字母顺序排列):1.阿伯丁大学2.阿伯泰大学3.亚伯大学4.安格利亚鲁斯金大学5.坎特伯雷大教主大学6.伯恩茅斯艺术大学7.伦敦艺术大学8.阿什里奇商学院9.阿斯顿大学10.班戈大学/ 11.巴斯大学12.巴斯斯巴大学13.贝德福特大学14.伦敦大学伯贝克学院15.伯明翰大学16.伯明翰城市大学17.伯明翰大学学院18.格罗斯泰斯特主教大学19.博尔顿大学20.伯恩茅斯大学21.英博夏尔大学22.布拉德福德大学23.布莱顿大学24.布里斯托大学/ 25.布鲁内尔大学26.白金汉大学27.新白金汉大学28.剑桥大学29.坎特伯雷大学30.卡迪夫城市大学31.卡迪夫大学32.中央兰开夏大学33.切斯特大学34.奇切斯特大学35.城市大学36.考文垂大学37.克兰菲尔德大学38.创意艺术大学/ 39.坎布里亚大学40.德蒙福特大学41.德比大学42.邓迪大学43.杜伦大学44.东英吉利亚大学45.东伦敦大学46.知山大学47.爱丁堡大学48.爱丁堡龙比亚大学49.埃塞克斯大学50.埃克塞特大学51.法尔茅斯大学52.格拉斯哥大学/ 53.格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学54.格鲁斯特大学55.格林多大学(备注:内政部2014年6月24日宣布暂停该校继续招收海外留学生的资质)56.伦敦大学金史密斯学院57.格林威治大学58.吉尔德霍尔音乐与戏剧学院59.哈珀亚当斯大学60.赫瑞·瓦特大学61.赫特福德大学62.伦敦大学海斯洛普学院63.高地与群岛大学64.哈德斯菲尔德大学65.赫尔大学66.英国金融国际服务协会大学学院/ 67.帝国理工学院68.伦敦大学教育学院69.基尔大学70.肯特大学71.伦敦国王学院72.金斯顿大学73.兰卡斯特大学74.英国法学大学75.利兹大学76.利兹贝克特大学77.利兹三一大学78.莱斯特大学79.林肯大学80.利物浦大学/ 81.利物浦赫普大学82.利物浦约翰摩尔大学83.伦敦大学84.伦敦商学院85.伦敦城市大学86.伦敦卫生与热带医药学院87.伦敦政治经济学院88.伦敦南岸大学89.伦敦大学学院90.拉夫堡大学91.曼彻斯特大学92.曼彻斯特城市大学93.密德萨斯大学94.纽卡斯尔大学/ 95.纽曼大学96.北安普顿大学97.诺森比亚大学98.诺里奇艺术大学99.诺丁汉大学100.诺丁汉特伦特大学101.开放大学102.牛津大学103.牛津布鲁克斯大学104.普利茅斯大学105.朴次茅斯大学106.爱丁堡玛格丽特女王大学107.伦敦玛丽女王大学108.学校名称贝尔法斯特女王大学/ 109.雷丁大学110.伦敦摄政大学111.罗伯特戈登大学112.罗汉普顿大学113.英国皇家音乐学院114.英国皇家农业大学115.中央演讲与戏剧学院116. 英国皇家艺术学院117.皇家音乐学院118.苏格兰皇家音乐戏剧学院119.伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院120.皇家北方音乐学院121.皇家兽医学院122.索尔福德大学/ 123.伦敦大学亚非学院124.谢菲尔德大学125.谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学126.南威尔士大学127.南安普顿大学128.南安普顿索伦特大学129.圣安德鲁斯大学130.伦敦大学圣乔治医学院131.圣马克与圣约翰大学132.圣玛丽大学学院133.斯泰福厦大学134.斯特灵大学135.思克莱德大学136桑德兰大学/ 137.萨里大学138.萨赛克斯大学139.斯旺西大学140.提赛德大学141.阿尔斯特大学142.威尔士大学143.威尔士三一圣大卫大学144.华威大学145.西英格兰大学146.西伦敦大学(备注:英国内政部2014年6月24日宣布暂停该校继续招收海外留学生的资质)147.西苏格兰大学148.威斯敏斯特大学149.温切斯特大学150.胡弗汉顿大学/ 151.伍斯特大学152.约克大学153.约克圣约翰大学整个英国现有90多所大学和150多所提供本科以上课程的学院。




以下是一些值得参观的景点:1. 考文垂大教堂(Coventry Cathedral):这座教堂是考文垂的标志性建筑之一,也是英国最重要的现代教堂之一。


2. 传统村庄斯托尼·斯特斯福(Stoney Stanton):这个古老的村庄位于考文垂以南,有着迷人的乡村风光和迷人的石头建筑,是一个理想的地方悠闲地漫步。

3. 考文垂运河盆地(Coventry Canal Basin):这个历史悠久的运河区域被精心修复,成为一个时尚的休闲区,拥有一系列的咖啡馆、酒吧和商店,您可以在这里享受美食、购物和放松。

4. 历史博物馆与美术馆(Herbert Art Gallery and Museum):这个博物馆和美术馆陈列着来自考文垂和周边地区的丰富艺术和文化藏品。


5. 科维庭花园(Coombe Country Park):这个公园占地500多英亩,设有湖泊、草地和森林,是进行野餐、散步和户外活动的理想场所。


6. 斯特华尔顿猛禽中心(Stratford-Upon-Avon Butterfly Farm):这个猛禽中心是世界上最大的木蝶展览馆之一,拥有各种各样的蝴蝶和其他昆虫。


考文垂还有很多其他的景点和活动,包括科维庭汽车博物馆(Coventry Transport Museum)、冰球体育场(Ricoh Arena)以及参观莎士比亚诞生地斯特拉特福(Stratford-Upon-Avon)等。
















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英国奖学金最高的大学介绍班戈大学 University of BangorInternational Scholarship 国际学生奖学金最高12023英镑,所有国家学生均可申请。

Alumni/Existing Students/Family Discount 校友/在读学生/家庭折扣1000英镑,所有国家学生均可申请,获得国际奖学金的学生也可以申请。

巴斯泉大学 Bath Spa UniversityVice Chancellor"s International Scholarship 副校长国际奖学金5000英镑,适用于在之前的教育阶段中的获得高成就的学生,申请者必须展示其关于创意,文化和企业等方面的独到见解。


伯明翰城市大学 Birmingham City University0-20% Scholarship 适用于本科毕业于伯明翰城市大学的研究生申请人。


10% Scholarship 适用于毕业于英国其他院校的研究生申请人。

奇切斯特大学 University of Chichester£1500奖学金适用于以下专业的申请者:MSc International Business 国际商务硕士;MSc International Business and Finance 国际商务与金融硕士;MSc International Business and Marketing 国际商务与市场营销硕士。

考文垂大学 Coventry University考文垂大学的奖学金非常丰厚,总计价值150万英镑。


东安格利亚大学 University of East Anglia50% Final Year Undergraduate Continuation Scholarship 50%最后一年本科继续奖学金,适用于即将进入本校研究生课程的一等学位本科生。

UEA Alumni 10% ScholarshipUEA校友10%奖学金:UEA校友减免10%学费。

School of International Development Scholarships 国际发展学院为来自日本,韩国,美国和拉丁美洲的学生提供奖学金,要求申请者有卓越的学术成就并提供个人陈述。















英国大学金融专业的学校排名1巴斯大学 - University of Bath2埃克塞特大学 - The University of Exeter3思克莱德大学 - University of Strathclyde4拉夫堡大学 - Loughborough University5伦敦政治经济学院 - The London School of Economics and Political Science6华威大学 - The University of Warwick7格拉斯哥大学 - University of Glasgow8伦敦城市大学 - City University London9诺丁汉大学 - The University of Nottingham10曼彻斯特大学 - University of Manchester11贝尔法斯特女王大学 - Queen’s University of Belfast12兰卡斯特大学 - Lancaster University13卡迪夫大学 - Cardiff University14爱丁堡大学 - The University of Edinburgh15雷丁大学 - The University of Reading16伯明翰大学 - University of Birmingham17南安普顿大学 - University of Southampton18纽卡斯尔大学 - Newcastle University19肯特大学 - University of Kent20利兹大学 - University of Leeds21东英吉利大学 - University of East Anglia22罗伯特高登大学 - The Robert Gordon University23布里斯托大学 - University of Bristol24威尔士班戈大学 - University of Bangor25伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院 - Queen Mary University of London 26杜伦大学 - Durham University27谢菲尔德大学 - The University of Sheffield28阿伯丁大学 - University of Aberdeen29赫瑞瓦特大学 - Heriot-Watt University30诺森比亚大学 - University of Northumbria31西英格兰大学 - University of the West of England 32赫尔大学 - University of Hull33诺丁汉特伦特大学 - Nottingham Trent University34阿尔斯特大学 - University of Ulster35德蒙福特大学 - De Montfort University36英国林肯大学 - University of Lincoln37萨里大学 - University of Surrey38朴次茅斯大学 - University of Portsmouth39中央兰开夏大学 - University of Central Lancashire 40邓迪大学 - University of Dundee41布莱顿大学 - University of Brighton42伯恩茅斯大学 - Bournemouth University43利物浦大学 - University of Liverpool44斯特灵大学 - University of Stirling45基尔大学 - Keele University46埃塞克斯大学 - University of Essex47布拉德福德大学 - University of Bradford48格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学 - Glasgow Caledonian University 49曼彻斯特城市大学 - Manchester Metropolitan University 50谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学 - Sheffield Hallam University51萨尔福大学 - University of Salford52格拉摩根大学 - University of Glamorgan53爱丁堡龙比亚大学 - Edinburgh Napier University54牛津布鲁克斯大学 - Oxford Brookes University55格林威治大学 - The University of greenwich56阿伯里斯特威斯大学 - Aberystwyth University57伯明翰城市大学 - Birmingham City University58格罗斯特大学 - University of Gloucestershire59泰晤士河谷大学 - Thames Valley University60利物浦约翰摩尔大学 - Liverpool John Moores University 61赫特福德大学 - University of Hertfordshire62金斯顿大学 - Kingston University63考文垂大学 - Coventry University64北安普顿大学 - University of Northampton65东伦敦大学 - University of East London66利兹都会大学 - Leeds Metropolitan University67贝德福德大学 - University of Bedfordshire68斯塔福德郡大学 - Staffordshire University69密德萨斯大学 - Middlesex University70德比大学 - University of Derby71伦敦南岸大学 - London South Bank University72威尔士大学卡地夫学院 - Cardiff Metropolitan University73伍尔弗汉普顿大学 - University of Wolverhampton74南安普顿索伦特大学 - Southampton Solent University2023英国大学网申常见问题1.雅思成绩还没出来可以网申吗如果现在申请没写以后还可以补填吧可以。
