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Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing第3章

Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing第3章

CHAPTER3ATOMIC COLLISIONS3.1BASIC CONCEPTSWhen two particles collide,various phenomena may occur.As examples,one or both particles may change their momentum or their energy,neutral particles can become ionized,and ionized particles can become neutral.We introduce the funda-mentals of collisions between electrons,positive ions,and gas atoms in this chapter, concentrating on simple classical estimates of the important processes in noble gas discharges such as argon.For electrons colliding with atoms,the main processes are elastic scattering in which primarily the electron momentum is changed,and inelas-tic processes such as excitation and ionization.For ions colliding with atoms,the main processes are elastic scattering in which momentum and energy are exchanged, and resonant charge transfer.Other important processes occur in molecular gases. These include dissociation,dissociative recombination,processes involving negative ions,such as attachment,detachment,and positive–negative ion charge transfer,and processes involving excitation of molecular vibrations and rotations. We defer consideration of collisions in molecular gases to Chapter8.Elastic and Inelastic CollisionsCollisions conserve momentum and energy:the total momentum and energy of the colliding particles after collision are equal to that before collision.Electrons and fully stripped ions possess only kinetic energy.Atoms and partially stripped ions have internal energy level structures and can be excited,de-excited,or ionized, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing,by M.A.Lieberman and A.J.Lichtenberg. ISBN0-471-72001-1Copyright#2005John Wiley&Sons,Inc.43corresponding to changes in potential energy.It is the total energy,which is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy,that is conserved in a collision.If the internal energies of the collision partners do not change,then the sum of kinetic energies is conserved and the collision is said to be elastic.Although the total kinetic energy is conserved,kinetic energy is generally exchanged between particles.If the sum of kinetic energies is not conserved,then the collision is inelas-tic.Most inelastic collisions involve excitation or ionization,such that the sumof kinetic energies after collision is less than that before collision.However,super-elastic collisions can occur in which an excited atom can be de-excited by acollision,increasing the sum of kinetic energies.Collision ParametersThe fundamental quantity that characterizes a collision is its cross section s(v R), where v R is the relative velocity between the particles before collision.To define this,we considerfirst the simplest situation shown in Figure3.1,in which aflux G¼n v of particles having mass m,density n,andfixed velocity v is incident on a half-space x.0of stationary,infinitely massive“target”particles having density n g.In this case,v R¼v.Let d n be the number of incident particles per unit volume at x that undergo an“interaction”with the target particles within a differential distanced x,removing them from the incident beam.Clearly,d n is proportional to n,n g,and d x for infrequent collisions within d x.Hence we can writed n¼Às nn g d x(3:1:1)where the constant of proportionality s that has been introduced has units of area and is called the cross section for the interaction.The minus sign denotes removal from the beam.To define a cross section,the“interaction”must be specified,for example,ionization of the target particle,excitation of the incident particle to a given energy state,or scattering of the incident particle by an angle exceeding p=2.Multiplying(3.1.1)by v,wefind a similar equation for theflux:d G¼Às G n g d x(3:1:2) FIGURE3.1.Aflux of incident particles collides with a population of target particles in the half-space x.0.44ATOMIC COLLISIONSFor a simple interpretation of s,let the incident and target particles be hard elastic spheres of radii a1and a2,and let the“interaction”be a collision between the spheres.In a distance d x there are n g d x targets within a unit area perpendicular to x.Draw a circle of radius a12¼a1þa2in the x¼const plane about each target.A collision occurs if the centers of the incident and target particles fall within this radius.Hence the fraction of the unit area for which a collision occurs is n g d x p a212.The fraction of incident particles that collide within d x is thend G G ¼d nn¼Àn g s d x(3:1:3)wheres¼p a212(3:1:4)is the hard sphere cross section.In this particular case,s is independent of v.Equation(3.1.2)is readily integrated to give the collidedfluxG(x)¼G0(1ÀeÀx=l)(3:1:5) with the uncollidedflux G0eÀx=l.The quantityl¼1n g s(3:1:6)is the mean free path or the decay of the beam,that is,the distance over which the uncollidedflux decreases to1=e of its initial value G0at x¼0.If the velocity of the beam is v,then the mean time between interactions ist¼lv(3:1:7)Its inverse is the interaction or collision frequencyn;tÀ1¼n g s v(3:1:8)and is the number of interactions per second that an incident particle has with the target particle population.We can also define the collision frequency per unit density,which is called the rate constantK¼s v(3:1:9)3.1BASIC CONCEPTS45and,trivially,from (3.1.8)and (3.1.9)n ¼Kn g(3:1:10)Differential Scattering Cross SectionLet us consider only those interactions that scatter the particles by u ¼908or more.For hard spheres,taking the angle of incidence equal to the angle of reflection,the 908collision occurs on the x ¼458diagonal (see Fig.3.2),therefore having a cross section s 90¼p a 2122,(3:1:11)which is a factor of two smaller than (3.1.4).Of course,multiple collisions at smaller angles (radii larger than a 12=ffiffiffi2p )also eventually scatter incident particles through 908.This indeterminacy indicates that a more precise way of determining the scat-tering cross section is required.For this purpose we introduce a differential scatter-ing cross section I (v ,u ).Consider a beam of particles incident on a scattering center (again assumed fixed),as shown in Figure 3.3.We assume that the scattering force is symmetric about the line joining the centers of the two particles.A particle incident at a distance b off-center from the target particle is scattered through an angle u ,as shown in Figure 3.3.The quantity b is the impact parameter and u is the scattering angle (see also Fig.3.2).Now,flux conservation requires that for incoming flux G ,G 2p b d b ¼ÀG I (v ,u )2p sin u d u (3:1:12)FIGURE 3.2.Hard-sphere scattering.46ATOMIC COLLISIONS3.1BASIC CONCEPTS47FIGURE3.3.Definition of the differential scattering cross section.that is,that all particles entering through the differential annulus2p b d b leave through a differential solid angle d V¼2p sin u d u.The minus sign is because an increase in b leads to a decrease in u.The proportionality constant is just I(v,u), which has the dimensions of area per steradian.From(3.1.12)we obtainI(v,u)¼bsin ud bd u(3:1:13)The quantity d b=d u is determined from the scattering force,and the absolute value is used since d b=d u is negative.We will calculate I(v,u)for various potentials in Section3.2.We can calculate the total scattering cross section s sc by integrating I over the solid angles sc¼2p ðpI(v,u)sin u d u(3:1:14)It is clear that s sc¼s for scattering through any angle,as defined in(3.1.2).It is often useful to define a different cross sections m¼2p ðp(1Àcos u)I(v,u)sin u d u(3:1:15)The factor(1Àcos u)is the fraction of the initial momentum m v lost by the incident particle,and thus(3.1.15)is the momentum transfer cross section.It is s m that is appropriate for calculating the frictional drag in the force equation(2.3.9).For asingle velocity,we would just have n m¼s m v,where s m is generally a function of velocity.In the macroscopic force equation(2.3.15),n m must be obtained by aver-aging over the particle velocity distributions,which we do in Section3.5.We illustrate the use of the differential scattering cross section to calculate thetotal scattering and momentum transfer cross sections for the hard-sphere modelshown in Figure3.2.The impact parameter is b¼a12sin x,and differentiating, d b¼a12cos x d x,so thatb d b¼a212sin x cos x d x¼12a212sin2x d x(3:1:16)From Figure3.2the scattering angle u¼pÀ2x,such that(3.1.16)can be written asb d b¼À1a212sin u d u(3:1:17)48ATOMIC COLLISIONSSubstituting(3.1.17)into(3.1.13),we haveI(v,u)¼14a212(3:1:18)Using the definitions of s sc and s m in(3.1.14)and(3.1.15),respectively,wefinds sc¼s m¼p a212(3:1:19) for hard-sphere collisions.In general,s sc=s m for other scattering forces.For electron collisions with atoms the electron radius is negligible compared to the atomic radius so that a12%a,the atomic radius.Although the value of a% 10À8cm gives s sc¼s m%3Â10À16cm2,which is reasonable,it does not capture the scaling of the cross section with speed.In the following sections of this chapter,we consider collisional processes in more detail.Except for Coulomb collisions,we confine our attention to electron–atom and ion–atom processes.After a discussion of collision dynamics in Section3.2,we describe elastic collisions in Section3.3and inelastic collisions in Section3.4.We reserve a discussion of some aspects of inelastic collisions until Chapter8,in which a more complete range of atomic and molecular processes is considered.In Section3.5,we describe the averaging over particle velocity distri-butions that must be done to obtain the collisional rate constants.Experimental values for argon are also given in Section3.5;these are needed for discussing energy transfer and diffusive processes in the succeeding chapters.A more detailed account of collisional processes,together with many results of experimental measurements,can be found in McDaniel(1989),McDaniel et al.(1993),Massey et al.(1969–1974),Smirnov(1981),and Raizer(1991).3.2COLLISION DYNAMICSCenter-of-Mass CoordinatesIn a collision between projectile and target particles there is recoil of the target as well as deflection of the projectile.In fact,both may be moving,and,in the case of like-particle collisions,not distinguishable.To describe this more complicated state,a center-of-mass(CM)coordinate system can be introduced in which projec-tiles and targets are treated equally.Without loss of generality,we can transform to a coordinate system in which one of the particles is stationary before the collision. Hence,we consider a general collision in the laboratory frame between two particles having mass m1and m2,position r1and r2,velocity v1and v2;0,and scattering angle u1and u2,as shown in Figure3.4a.We assume that the force F acts along the line joining the centers of the particles,with F12¼ÀF21.3.2COLLISION DYNAMICS49The center-of-mass coordinates may be defined by the linear transformationR ¼m 1r 1þm 2r 2m 1þm 2(3:2:1)andr ¼r 1Àr 2(3:2:2)with the accompanying CM velocityV ¼m 1v 1þm 2v 2m 1þm 2(3:2:3)and the relative velocityv R ¼v 1Àv 2(3:2:4)v 2´m 1m R center(a )(b )FIGURE 3.4.The relation between the scattering angles in (a )the laboratory system and (b )the center-of-mass (CM)system.50ATOMIC COLLISIONSThe force equations for the two particles are:m1_v1¼F12(r),m2_v2¼F21(r)¼ÀF12(r)(3:2:5) Adding these equations we get the result for the CM motion that_V¼0,such that the CM moves with constant velocity throughout the collision.Now dividing thefirst of (3.2.5)by m1and the second by m2,and using the definition in(3.2.4)we havem R_v R¼F12(r)(3:2:6) which is the equation of motion of a“fictitious”particle with a reduced massm R¼m1m2m1þm2(3:2:7)in afixed central force F12(r).Thefictitious particle has mass m R,position r(t), velocity v R(t),and scattering angle Q,as shown in Figure3.4b.This result holds for any central force,including the hard-sphere,Coulomb,and polarization forces that we subsequently consider.If(3.2.6)can be solved to obtain the motion,includ-ing Q,then we can transform back to the laboratory frame to get the actual scattering angles u1and u2.It is easy to show from momentum conservation(Problem3.2)thattan u1¼sin Q(m1=m2)(v R=v0R)þcos Q(3:2:8a)andtan u2¼sin Qv R=v0RÀcos Q(3:2:8b)where v R and v0R are the speeds in the CM system before and after the collision, respectively.For an elastic collision,the scattering force can be written as the gradient of a potential that vanishes as r¼j r j!1:F12¼Àr U(r)(3:2:9) It follows that the kinetic energy of the particle is conserved for the collision in the CM system.Hence v0R¼v R,and we obtain from(3.2.8)thattan u1¼sin Q1=m2þcos Q(3:2:10)3.2COLLISION DYNAMICS51and,using the double-angle formula for the tangent,u2¼1(pÀQ)(3:2:11) For electron collisions with ions or neutrals,m1=m2(1and we obtain m R%m1 and u1%Q.For collision of a particle with an equal mass target,m1¼m2,we obtain m R¼m1=2and u1¼Q=2.Hence for hard-sphere elastic collisions against an initially stationary equal mass target,the maximum scattering angle is908.Since the same particles are scattered into the differential solid angle 2p sin Q d Q in the CM system as are scattered into the corresponding solid angle 2p sin u1d u1in the laboratory system,the differential scattering cross sections are related byI(v R,Q)2p sin Q d Q¼I(v R,u1)2p sin u1d u1(3:2:12)where d Q=d u1can be found by differentiating(3.2.10).Energy TransferElastic collisions can be an important energy transfer process in gas discharges,and can also be important for understanding inelastic collision processes such as ioniz-ation,as we will see in Section3.4.For the elastic collision of a projectile of mass m1 and velocity v1with a stationary target of mass m2,the conservation of momentum along and perpendicular to v1and the conservation of energy can be written in the laboratory system asm1v1¼m1v01cos u1þm2v02cos u2(3:2:13)0¼m1v01sin u1Àm2v02sin u2(3:2:14)1 2m1v21¼12m1v012þ12m2v022(3:2:15)where the primes denote the values after the collision.We can eliminate v01and u1 and solve(3.2.13)–(3.2.15)to obtain1 2m2v022¼12m1v214m1m2(m1þm2)2cos2u2(3:2:16)Since the initial energy of the projectile is12m1v21and the energy gained bythe target is12m2v022,the fraction of energy lost by the projectile in the laboratory52ATOMIC COLLISIONSsystem isz L¼4m1m2(m12)cos2u2(3:2:17) Using(3.2.11)in(3.2.17),we obtainz L¼2m1m2(m1þm2)2(1Àcos Q)(3:2:18)where Q is the scattering angle in the CM system.We average over the differential scattering cross section to obtain the average loss:k z L l Q¼2m1m2(m1þm2)2Ð(1Àcos Q)I(v R,Q)2p sin Q d Q ÐI(v R,Q)2p sin Q d Q¼2m1m2 (m1þm2)2s ms sc(3:2:19)where s sc and s m are defined in(3.1.14)and(3.1.15).For hard-sphere scattering of electrons against atoms,we have m1¼m(electron mass)and m2¼M(atom mass),and s sc¼s m by(3.1.19),such that k z L l Q¼2m=M 10À4.Hence electrons transfer little energy due to elastic collisions with heavy particles,allowing T e)T i in a typical discharge.On the other hand,for m1¼m2,we obtain k z L l Q¼12,leading to strong elastic energy exchange among heavy particles and hence to a common temperature.Small Angle ScatteringIn the general case,(3.2.6)must be solved to determine the CM trajectory and the scattering angle Q.We outline this approach and give some results in Appendix A. Here we restrict attention to small-angle scattering(Q(1)for which the fictitious particle moves with uniform velocity v R along a trajectory that is practi-cally unaltered from a straight line.In this case,we can calculate the transverse momentum impulse D p?delivered to the particle as it passes the center of force at r¼0and use this to determine Q.For a straight-line trajectory,as shown in Figure3.5,the particle distance from the center of force isr¼(b2þv2R t2)1=2(3:2:20)where b is the impact parameter and t is the time.We assume a central force of the form(3.2.9)withU(r)¼C(3:2:21)3.2COLLISION DYNAMICS53where i is an integer.The component of the force acting on the particle perpendicu-lar to the trajectory is (b =r )j d U =d r j .Hence the momentum impulse isD p ?¼ð1À1b r d U d r d t (3:2:22)Differentiating (3.2.20)to obtaind t ¼r v R d r(r 2Àb 2)1=2substituting into (3.2.22),and dividing by the incident momentum p k ¼m R v R ,we obtainQ ¼D p ?p k ¼2b m R v R ð1b d U d r d r (r 22)(3:2:23)The integral in (3.2.23)can be evaluated in closed form (Smirnov,1981,p.384)to obtainQ ¼AW R b (3:2:24)where W R ¼12m R v 2R is the CM energy andA ¼C ffiffiffiffip p G ½(i þ1)=2 (3:2:25)FIGURE 3.5.Calculation of the differential scattering cross section for small-angle scattering.The center-of-mass trajectory is practically a straight line.54ATOMIC COLLISIONSwith G ,the Gamma function.ÃInverting (3.2.24),we obtainb ¼A W R Q1=i (3:2:26)and differentiating,we obtaind b ¼À1i A W R 1=i d Q Q (3:2:27)Substituting (3.2.26)and (3.2.27)into (3.1.13),with sin Q %Q ,we obtain the differ-ential scattering cross section for small angles:I (v R ,Q )¼1i A W R 2=i 1Q 2þ2=i (3:2:28)The variation of s ,n ,and K with v R are determined from (3.2.28)and the basic definitions in Section 3.1.If (3.2.28)is substituted into (3.1.14)or (3.1.15),then we see that a scattering potential U /r Ài leads to s /v À4=i R and n /K /v À(4=i )þ1R .These scalings are summarized in Table 3.1for the important scattering processes,which we describe in the next section.3.3ELASTIC SCATTERINGCoulomb CollisionsThe most straightforward elastic scattering process is a Coulomb collision between two charged particles q 1and q 2,representing an electron–electron,electron–ion,or ion–ion collision.The Coulomb potential is U (r )¼q 1q 2=4pe 0r such that i ¼1and TABLE 3.1.Scaling of Cross Section s ,Interaction Frequency n ,and Rate Constant K ,With Relative Velocity v R ,for VariousScattering Potentials UProcessU (r )s n or K Coulomb1/r 1/v R 41/v R 3Permanent dipole1/r 21/v R 21/v R Induced dipole1/r 41/v RConst Hard sphere 1/r i ,i !1Const v RÃG (l )¼(l À1)!¼l G (l À1)with G (1=2)¼ffiffiffiffip p .3.3ELASTIC SCATTERING 55we obtainA¼C¼q1q2 4pe0from(3.2.25).Using this in(3.2.28),wefindI¼b0Q2(3:3:1)whereb0¼q1q240W R(3:3:2)is called the classical distance of closest approach.The differential scattering cross section can also be calculated exactly,which we do in Appendix A,obtaining the resultI¼b04sin(Q=2)2(3:3:3)However,due to the long range of the Coulomb forces,the integration of I oversmall Q(large b)leads to an infinite scattering cross section and to an infinitemomentum transfer cross section,such that an upper bound to b,b max,must beassigned.This is done by setting b max¼l De,the Debye shielding distance for a charge immersed in a plasma,which we calculated in Section2.4.For momentumtransfer,the dependence of s m on l De is logarithmic(Problem3.5),and the exact choice of b max(or Q min)makes little difference.For scattering,s sc pl2De, which is a very large cross section that depends sensitively on the choice of b max. However,we are generally not interested in scattering through very small angles, which do not appreciably affect the discharge properties.The cross section for scattering through a large angle,say Q!p=2,is of more interest.There are two processes that lead to a large scattering angle Q for a Coulombcollision:(1)a single collision scatters the particle by a large angle;(2)the cumu-lative effect of many small-angle collisions scatters the particle by a large angle.Thetwo processes are illustrated in Figure3.6;the latter process is diffusive and,as wewill see,dominates the former.To estimate the cross section s90(sgl)for a single large-angle collision,we inte-grate(3.3.3)over solid angles from p=2to p to obtain(Problem3.6)s90(sgl)¼14p b2(3:3:4)To estimate s90(cum)for the cumulative effect of many collisions to produce a p=2deflection,wefirst determine the mean square scattering angle k Q2l1for a 56ATOMIC COLLISIONSsingle collision by averaging Q 2over all permitted impact parameters.Since the col-lisions are predominantly small angle for Coulomb collisions,we can use (3.2.24),which is Q ¼b 0=b .Hencek Q 2l 1¼1p b 2max ðb max b min q 1q 24pe 0W R 22p b d b b 2(3:3:5)The integration has a logarithmic singularity at both b ¼0and b ¼1,which is cut off by the finite limits.The singularity at the lower limit is due to the small-angle approximation.Setting b min ¼b 0=2is found to approximate a more accurate calcu-lation.The upper limit,as already mentioned,is b max ¼l De .Using these values and integrating,we obtaink Q 2l 1¼2p b 20p b 2max ln L (3:3:6)where L ¼2l De =b 0)1.The number of collisions per second,each having a cross section of p b 2max orsmaller,is n g p b 2max v R ,where n g is the target particle density.Since the spreadingof the angle is diffusive,we can then writek Q 2l (t )¼k Q 2l 1n g p b 2max v R tSetting t ¼t 90at k Q 2l ¼(p =2)2and using (3.3.6),we obtain (see also Spitzer,1956,Chapter 5)n 90¼t À190¼n g v R 8p b 20lnLFIGURE 3.6.The processes that lead to large-angle Coulomb scattering:(a )single large-angle event;(b )cumulative effect of many small-angle events.3.3ELASTIC SCATTERING 57Writing n90¼n g s90v R,we see thats90¼8p b 2ln L(3:3:7)Although L is a large number,typically ln L%10for the types of plasmas we are considering.Comparing s90(sgl)to s90,we see that due to the large range of the Coulomb fields,the effective cross section for many small-angle collisions to produce a root mean square(rms)deflection of p=2is larger by a factor(32=p2)ln L. Because of this enhancement,it is possible for electron–ion or ion–ion particle col-lisions to play a role in weakly ionized plasmas(say one percent ionized).Another important characteristic of Coulomb collisions is the strong velocity dependence. From(3.3.2)we see that b0/1=v2R.Thus,from(3.3.4)or(3.3.7)s90/1v4R(3:3:8)such that low-velocity particles are preferentially scattered.The temperature of the species is therefore important in determining the relative importance of the various species in the collisional processes,as we shall see in subsequent sections.Polarization ScatteringThe main collisional processes in a weakly ionized plasma are between charged and neutral particles.For electrons at low energy and for ions scattering against neutrals, the dominant process is relatively short-range polarization scattering.At higher energies for electrons,the collision time is shorter and the atoms do not have time to polarize.In this case the scattering becomes more Coulomb-like,but with b max at an atomic radius,inelastic processes such as ionization become important as well.The condition for polarization scattering is v R.v at,where v at is the charac-teristic electron velocity in the atom,which we obtain in the next section.Because of the short range of the polarization potential,we need not be concerned with an upper limit for the integration over b,but the potential is more complicated.We determine the potential from a simple model of the atom as a point charge of valueþq0,sur-rounded by a uniform negative charge sphere(valence electrons)of total chargeÀq0,such that the charge density is r¼Àq0=43p a3,where a is the atomic radius.An incoming electron(or ion)can polarize the atom by repelling(or attracting) the charge cloud quasistatically.The balance of forces on the central point charge due to the displaced charge cloud and the incoming charged particle,taken to have charge q,is shown in Figure3.7,where the center of the charge cloud and the point charge are displaced by a distance d.Applying Gauss’law to a sphere 58ATOMIC COLLISIONSof radius d around the center of the cloud,4pe0d2E ind¼Àq0d3 awe obtain the induced electricfield acting on the point charge due to the displaced cloudE ind¼Àq0d 4pe0a3The electricfield acting on the point charge due to the incoming charge isE appl¼q 4pe0rFor force balance on the point charge,the sum of thefields must vanish,yielding an induced dipole moment for the atom:p d¼q0d¼qa3r2(3:3:9)The induced dipole,in turn,exerts a force on the incoming charged particle:F¼2p d q4pe0r3^r¼2q2a34pe0r5^r(3:3:10)FIGURE3.7.Polarization of an atom by a point charge q.3.3ELASTIC SCATTERING59Integrating F with respect to r,we obtain the attractive potential energy:U(r)¼Àq2a38pe0r4(3:3:11)The polarizability for this simple atomic model is defined as a p¼a3.The relative polarizabilities a R¼a p=a30,where a0is the Bohr radius,for some simple atoms and molecules are given in Table3.2.The orbits for scattering in the polarization potential are complicated(McDaniel, 1989).As shown in Figure3.8,there are two types of orbits.For impact parameter b.b L,the orbit has a hyperbolic character,and for b)b L,the straight-line trajec-tory analysis in Section3.2can be applied(Problem3.7).For b,b L,the incoming particle is“captured”and the orbit spirals into the core,leading to a large scattering angle.Either the incoming particle is“reflected”by the core and spirals out again,or the two particles strongly interact,leading to inelastic changes of state.The critical impact parameter b L can be determined from the conservation of energy and angular momentum for the incoming particle having mass m and speed v0,with the mass of the scatterer taken to be infinite for ease of analysis.In cylindrical coordinates(see Fig.3.8a),we obtain1 2m v2¼12m(_r2þr2_f2)þU(r)(3:3:12a)m v0b¼mr2_f(3:3:12b)TABLE3.2.Relative Polarizabilities a R5a p/a03ofSome Atoms and Molecules,Where a0is the Bohr RadiusAtom or Molecule a RH 4.5C12.N7.5O 5.4Ar11.08CCl469.CF419.CO13.2CO217.5Cl231.H2O9.8NH314.8O210.6SF630.Source:Smirnov(1981).60ATOMIC COLLISIONSAt closest approach,_r¼0and r ¼r min .Substituting these into (3.3.12)and elimi-nating _f ,we obtain a quadratic equation for r 2min:v 20r 4min Àv 20b 2r 2min þa p q 240m¼0Using the quadratic formula to obtain the solution for r 2min ,we see that there is noreal solution for r 2min when(v 20b 2)2À4v 20a p q 20 0Choosing the equality at b ¼b L ,we solve for b L to obtains L ¼p b 2L ¼pa p q 2e 0 1=21v 0(3:3:13)which is known as the Langevin or capture cross section.If the target particle has a finite mass m 2and velocity v 2and the incoming particle has a mass m 1and velocity v 1,then (3.3.13)holds provided m is replaced by the reduced mass m R ¼m 1m 2=(m 1þm 2)and v 0is replaced by the relative velocity v R ¼j v 1Àv 2j .We (a )(b )FIGURE 3.8.Scattering in the polarization potential,showing (a )hyperbolic and (b )captured orbits.3.3ELASTIC SCATTERING 61。

板壳理论 课件 chapter2 弹性薄板的稳定和振动

板壳理论 课件 chapter2 弹性薄板的稳定和振动

m r K r m
, r
a b
利用dK/dr=0,可知r=m当时K值最小,其最小值为K=4,因而最 小的临界屈曲应力为:
s x cr
4 2 D 2 b h
第二章 弹性薄板的稳定和振动
应该注意到,当n=1, r=m时,sx具有最小值,这说明当板屈曲时, 在受压方向上可能形成几个半波,而在y轴方向则只有一个半波, 且(2.2.9)式仅当a/b为整数时才成立。 当a/b非常小时,(2.2.7)式括号内的第二项恒小于第一项,只要使括 号内的第一项取最小值m=1 ,即得sx的最小临界值。

Qx q0 x y
2 M xy 2 M y 2M x 2 q0 x y x2 y2
第二章 弹性薄板的稳定和振动
4 w 4w 4w D w D w D 4 2 2 2 q x x y y4
图2.3 单向受压板
第二章 弹性薄板的稳定和振动
如以受压为正,且取代入方程(2.1.13)中,即得这一问题的 屈曲控制方程为: 边界条件是:
2w D w N x 0 2 x
2w x 0, a: w 0 2 x 2w y 0, b: w 0 y2
2 xy 2 w 2 w 2 w x 2 2 x y x 2 y 2 x y y x



第9章 层合板的宏观力学性能层合板是由若干单层板叠压而成。






图9.1 单层板叠压成层合板§9.1 经典层合理论经典层合理论(Classical lamination theory ,CLT )是建立在薄板假设的基础上。


9.1.1 层合板中单层的应力-应变关系在平面应力状态下,正交各向异性材料单层板在材料主方向上的应力-应变关系为:1111212122221266120000Q Q Q Q Q σεσετγ⎧⎫⎡⎤⎧⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥=⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥⎩⎭⎣⎦⎩⎭(9.1.1)其中,二维刚度ij Q 可以用工程常数确定。

在单层板平面内任意坐标系中的应力为:111216122226162666x x y y xy xy Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ σεσετγ⎧⎫⎧⎫⎡⎤⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥=⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥⎣⎦⎩⎭⎩⎭(9.1.2)式中,二维刚度ij Q 由二维刚度ij Q 通过坐标转换给出。


方程(9.1.1)和(9.1.2)两者都可以设想为多层层合板第k 层的应力-应变关系。

方程(9.1.2)可写为:{}{}k k k Q σε⎡⎤=⎣⎦ (9.1.3)图9.2 层合板的变形9.1.2 层合板的应变和应力对于确定层合板的拉伸和弯曲刚度,沿着层合板厚度的应力和应变变化知识是重要的。
























复合材料层合板MA 02139,剑桥麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系David Roylance2000年2月10日引言本模块旨在概略介绍纤维增强复合材料层合板的力学知识;并推导一种计算方法,以建立层合板的平面内应变和曲率与横截面上内力和内力偶之间的关系。







各向同性线弹性材料如初等材料力学教材(参见罗兰奈斯(Roylance )所著、1996年出版的教材1)中所述,在直角坐标系中,由平面应力状态(0===yz xz z ττσ)导致的应变为由于泊松效应,在平面应力状态中还有沿轴方向的应变:z )(y x z σσνε+−=,此应变分量在下文中将忽略不计。

在上述关系式中,有三个弹性常量:杨氏模量E 、泊松比ν和切变模量。

但对各向同性材料,只有两个独立的弹性常量,例如,G 可从G E 和ν得到上述应力应变关系可用矩阵记号写成 1 参见本模块末尾所列的参考资料。

方括号内的量称为材料的柔度矩阵,记作S 或。


从矩阵乘法的规则可知,中第i 行第列的元素表示第个应力对第i 个应变的影响。

例如,在位置1,2上的元素表示方向的应力对j i S j i S j j y x 方向应变的影响:将E 1乘以y σ即得由y σ引起的方向的应变,再将此值乘以y ν−,得到y σ在x 方向引起的泊松应变。


第二层j=2, Ex=? j=1, Ex=?
对[90/0/90]s铺层梁 90
第二层j=2, Ex=? j=1, Ex=?
第二层j=2, Ex=? j=1, Ex=?
[90/0/90]s 16.55 18.34
[0/90/90]s 27.32 18.34
总结: 对于层压板梁,拉伸模量只与含量有关; 弯曲模量与含量有关,也与铺层顺序有关。
例题7.2 上题中层压梁总厚度0.6mm, 宽10mm,SL(+)=SL(-)= 700MPa,ST(+)=ST(-)= 7.0MPa,应用最大应力准则确定Mmax
Δx u+Δu
Δx段的伸长量= Δx+Δu - Δx =Δu
Δx段的应变= Δx段的伸长量/Δx
εx = Δu/Δx Δx段→0 εx = əu/əx
某方向的应变 =位移沿此方向的偏导数 =该方向位移的变化率
前面已经表示了层 压板任意点位移:
根据7.13可以估算层压板梁的破坏性能 例如,第j层为纵向受压(0)层,应用最大应力失效准则 类似的,第j层为横向受拉(90)层,应用最大应力失效准则


6.4 例题四 拉线塔..................................................................................................... 114 6.5 例题五 双层网壳施工过程分析......................................................................... 123 第七章 常见问题解答...................................................................................................... 132
第六章 工程实例例题......................................................................................................... 86 6.1 例题一 网壳结构的稳定性分析........................................................................... 86 6.2 例题二 复杂框架的稳定性分析........................................................................... 96 6.3 例题三 张弦桁架................................................................................................. 104
第四章 地震时程分析....................................................................................................... 62 4.1 地震波选择............................................................................................................. 62 4.2 计算内容................................................................................................................. 64 4.3 计算结果显示查询................................................................................................. 64



迟法的本质是通过一维时间序列{x(n)}的不同时间延迟来构造 m 维相空间矢量:
1.2 延迟时间τ 的确定
时间延迟τ 如果太小,则相空矢量 x(i) = {x(i), x(i −τ ), , x(i − mτ )} 中的任意两个分 量 x(i − jτ ) 和 x(i − ( j + 1)τ ) 在数值上非常接近,以至于无法相互区分,从而无法提供两 个独立的坐标分量;但如果时间延迟τ 太大的话,则两坐标在统计意义上又是完全独立
1985 年 Grassberger 和 Procaccia 基于坐标延迟法,提出了关联积分的概念和计算公
式,该方法适合从实际时间序列来计算混沌吸引子的维数,被称作 G-P 算法[4]。G-P 算
以上讨论的主要是求混沌不变量如关联维、Lyapunov 指数、Kolmogorov 熵或复杂 度的常用相空间重构方法,重构的目标是重构吸引子和真正吸引子的近似程度达到全局 最优。但由于无法得到混沌时间序列关于相空间重构的先验知识,因此上面提到的方法 都具有一定的主观性[16]。目前并没有一种适合各种混沌时间序列的通用相空间重构方 法,各种新的重构方法也不断被提出[17],甚至有学者提出不需要进行重构直接描述系统 混沌特征的新方法[18, 19],但他们的可靠性有待于进一步验证[20, 21]。另外虽然均匀嵌入这 种全局最优算法能保证求得的混沌不变量能体现系统全局特征,但不能达到很好的局部 预测效果。从混沌时间序列建模和预测的角度,Judd 和 Small 提出非均匀嵌入和可变嵌 入等将非线性建模和相空间重构相结合的方法[22-25],可变嵌入方法也在不断发展中[26]。



第二章:组成细胞的分子 第三章:细胞的基本结构
结构特点是至少含有一个氨基(NH2和一个羧基(COOH),并且都有一个有一个 氨基(NH2和一个羧基(COOH)连接在同一个碳原子上,将氨基酸区别为不同的 种类的依据是R基(侧链基团)。
1970年细胞融合等实验表明细胞膜具有流动性 1972年桑格和尼克森提出流动镶嵌模型为大多数人所接受
磷脂双分子层构成了膜的基本支架,具有流功性。蛋白质 分子有的镶在磷脂双分子层表面,有的部分或全部嵌入磷 脂双分子层中有的贯穿于整个磷脂双分子层。大多数蛋白 质分子也是可以运动的。


应激性 应激性
反射等神经活动需要多种细胞的参 与
免疫作为机体对入侵病原微生物的 种防御反应,需要淋巴细胞的参与
一条或几条肽链通过一定的化学键互相链接在一起,形成具有复杂空间结构的蛋 白质。高温、强酸强碱和重金属都会破坏蛋白质的空间结构。
组成蛋白质的氨基酸数目不同、氨基酸的种类不同、氨基酸排列顺序不同、多肽链的盘曲、折叠方 式及其形成的空间结构千变万化



地模 拟 了 复 合材 料 层 合 板 的 冲 击 损 伤 文 献




层 可 以 通 过层 内 基 体裂 纹 表 征 因 此 本 文 采 用 连 续

提 出 基 于 材 料 应 变 能 释 放 的 损 伤 线 性 软 化模 型 伤程 度 经 应变 控 制 通 过 引 入 单 元 特 征 长 度 在

试验 中 的 观 测 值
而 非 根据 冲 击 条 件 下 单层 板 的 实 基 于 冲 击载 荷 下 复 合 材 料 层 合板 的 损 伤 机 理 分

际 应 力 状 态 确 定 断 裂 面 角 度 针对材 料 损 伤 萌 生 后 的 析

本文 认为


复 合 材 料 基 体 裂纹 将 直 接 造 成 材
预测 了

不 同 冲 击 能 量 下 复 合 材 料 层 合 板 的 低速 冲 击 损 伤 响 应 参 数

试 验 结 果 证 明 了 连 续 介 质 损 伤 力 学 模 型 的 有 效性

模 型 在 不 同 网 格 密 度 下 的 计 算 结 果 表 明 单 元 特 征长 度 的 引 入 可 以 在


种 各 向 异 性 材 料连 续 介 质 损 伤 力 学 模 型

模 型涵 盖 损


损伤 起 始 判定 和 损 伤 演 化 法 则

个 方 面 通 过 材 料 断 裂 面 坐 标 下 的 损 伤 状 态 变 量 矩 阵 完 成 损 伤表 征


图3 复合材料层合板多尺度几何结构模型
(4)在有限元分析中, 如果上述单胞采用相对面节点等同分割则上式(3)可进一步简化为:顶点节点对,边界节点对和面内节点对。(a) 顶点节点对:对顶点节点 C, D’, B’, C’,式(3)则可表示为:


IM 经 验
纤维增强复合材料结构的层间和 层内损伤分析
撰文 / 中国航空综合技术研究所 刘秦智
本文介绍了一种针对纤维增强复合材料结构的高级损伤分析的解决方案,该方法包含成熟的复合材料结构层间和层内损 伤的材料模型和判据,能够针对铺层的损伤失效模式进行分析。本文首先介绍了复材层间和层内损伤模型,然后通过对一个 标准复材曲梁进行虚拟的四点弯曲试验,验证了所应用方法的准确性。
本文首先介绍了经典的层间和层内失效的模型及判据, 然后以复合材料曲梁四点弯曲为例,研究层间失效和层内失 效的建模和分析方法,并将分析结果与试验结果进行比对。
对于层间失效的分析,包含断裂力学分析方法和粘接 单元分析方法,相比较而言粘接单元方法既能分析复合材料 结构是否会发生分层破坏,而且能模拟整个层间失效和裂纹 扩展的过程,因此是一种更加常用的方法。粘接单元方法是 在层与层之间添加粘接单元,定义粘接单元相关的模型属性,
并基于文dⅡ和 dⅢ,分别代表Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ 型三种不同的层间失效模式。
(1) k0 Ⅰ为非损伤刚度。与之相对应的粘接单元模型本构关 系如下:
损伤广义力 Y 可以通过关于 dⅠ的表达式(1)推导得出。 对于多向加载的情况,层间损伤的演化为与三个层间断裂韧 性 GⅠC ,GⅡC和 GⅡC有关,这三个变量分别对应三种不同的层 间失效模式,分别为张开型(Ⅰ 型)、滑开型(Ⅱ 型)和撕 开型(Ⅲ型)。等效的损伤广义力 Y 表示为:
如图 3 所示,在曲梁的横截面中,各层厚度是不均匀的, 尤其是在弯曲的区域。这种厚度的变化在模型中应该被考虑 到,因为他对弯曲刚度和结构失效行为有影响。粘接单元的 特性可以从参考资料 Brauner C 和 SAMCEF 中查到。


– 弯矩和扭矩: N – 剪力: N/m
§1.3 薄板的内力和应力

12M x t3

12M y t3

12M xy t3

6Qx t3

t2 4



6Qy t3

t2 4


M xy x

F点合M成xy为 向Mx下xy 的dx 合力
u z w v z w 由几何方程得应x变分量:y


u x

2w x2


v y

2w y2


v x

u y

2w yx
§1.2 薄板弯曲的基本方程

2w x2

2w y2

2w yx
x zx y z y xy zxy x , y , xy 为板的广义应变。
§1.2 薄板弯曲的基本方程


1 2
x y
§1.2 薄板弯曲的基本方程


即 : n p n 3 p 0 p p 0
xq n p pn p 0 p 0 p p

假定在空间电荷层中满 足经典分布 k0T np x N ce qV x k0T ppx pp0e
E qV xE c0 F
qV x k0T
qV x qV x k T k T 0 0 则 x q p e 1 n e 1 5 p 0 p 0

(a)多子积累时: 外加电压VG<0 ,即Vs<0, 表面层的电势是负 的,表面电荷是空穴。即Qs>0。
q V x q V x n q Vx q Vx p 0 k T k T e0 1 e0 1 k T p k T 0 p 0 0
并 且 E d V/d x 在 6 式两边同乘以 dV 并积分
2 q p 2 k T 2 p 0 0 E q 2 k T rs 0 0 2
qV x qV x n qV x qV x k p 0 T k T 0 0 e 1 e 1 7 k T p k T 0 p 0 0
空间电荷区对电场、电势与能带的影响: 空间电荷层两端的电势差为表面势,以 V S 表示之。规定表面势比内部高时,取 正值,反之 V S 取负值。 表面势surface potential及空间区内电荷 的分布情况,随金属与半导体间所加的电 压VG而变化,主要可归纳为堆积、耗尽和 反型三种情况:



在我对复合材料的研究中,一本名为《纤维金属层板的失效行为与应用性能》 的书籍引起了我的注意。这本书以其深入浅出的方式,详尽地探讨了纤维金属层 板在不同环境下的失效行为和其应用性能。我深感其研究内容具有极高的学术价 值和实际应用价值,因此决定对其进行深入的解读和评价。
本书的目录体现了从基础到深入,从理论到实践的逻辑结构。它引导读者逐 步深入到FML失效行为和性能的主题中,提供了全面而深入的理解。无论是对于 初学者还是专业人士,这本书都是一个宝贵的资源。
书中还详细介绍了纤维金属层板在不同领域的应用性能。作者指出,由于纤 维金属层板具有高强度、高刚度和良好的耐腐蚀性能等特点,因此在航空航天、 汽车、船舶等领域得到广泛应用。例如,在航空航天领域,纤维金属层板被用于 制造翼板、蒙皮等关键部件;在汽车领域,纤维金属层板被用于制造车身、车架 等结构部件;在船舶领域,纤维金属层板被用于制造船体、甲板等结构部件。
书中首先介绍了纤维金属层板的基本概念、制备工艺和力学性能,为后续的失效行为分析提供了 基础。紧接着,作者详细阐述了纤维金属层板在复杂载荷条件下的失效机理,包括界面断裂、层 间分离、屈曲等多种失效模式。针对这些失效模式,书中提出了相应的预测模型和优化方法,为 工程应用提供了重要的参考依据。
书中还对纤维金属层板在航空航天、汽车、船舶等领域的应用性能进行了深入探讨。作者通过大 量实例说明了纤维金属层板在不同应用场景中的优势和局限性,并提出了相应的改进措施。作者 还对纤维金属层板的未来发展趋势和研究方向进行了展望,为相关领域的研究人员提供了有益的 启示。


《Composite Aircraft Structure》
铺层样板制作 ★ 制作修理铺层样板
➢ 另取一张透明隔离膜;以此为修理铺层样板;
➢ 在隔离膜上标明0°方向;
➢ 并根据每层的铺层取向旋转一定的角度后,
➢ 在每层上标出铺层信息。
《Composite Aircraft Structure》
即纤维与树脂的重量比例为 1: 1. 2 。 ➢ 考虑到在调配时有少量会粘在器皿上,通常还要增加一个的系数。 ➢ 得到总量后,再按树脂和固化剂的调配比例分别计算出各自需要的量。
《Composite Aircraft Structure》
湿铺层制作 ★ 浸渍
《Composite Aircraft Structure》
Composite Aircraft Structure 并根据每层的铺层取向旋转一定的角度后,画出每层外轮廓;
The Repair Process of Delaminate Damage
固化时间是修理区温度达到规定温度所需保持的时间; 考虑到在调配时有少量会粘在器皿上,通常还要增加一个的系数。
The Repair Process of Delaminate Damage
Composite Aircraft Structure
损伤区域的确定 ➢ 目视法检查表面损伤 ➢ 敲击法检查复合材料层合板的内部损伤
★ 从损伤中心向四周辐射 ★ 敲击声沉闷则表明有可能分层 ★ 用马克笔将分层区域轮廓勾勒出来
《Composite Aircraft Structure》
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