
新目标英语八年级上册短语归纳复习(Unit1-Unit12)1. go to the movies=go to the cinema 看电影2。
look after=take care of 照顾3. surf the Internet 上网4。
healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式5。
go skateboarding 去划板6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy身体健康7。
keep healthy=keep in good health 保持健康8。
as for至于9。
take/do exercise=play/ do sports锻炼,做运动10. eating habits 饮食习惯11。
the same as 与……相同12。
once a month一月一次13。
be different from 不同14。
twice a week一周两次15. make a difference to 对什么有影响16. how often 多久一次17。
most of the students=most students大多数学生19. activity survey活动调查20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物21. do homework做家庭作业22. do housework做家务事23. junk food垃圾食物24。
be good/bad for 对……有益(害)25。
on/at weekends 在周末26。
want to do sth=would like to do sth=feel like doing sth 想要做某事27。
want sb to do sth= would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事28。
try to do sth 尽量做某事try doing sth。

Unit 1stay at homego to summer campgo to the mountaingo to the beachvisit museumgo shopping=do some shoppinggo on vacationbuy something special someone interesting study for a testgo out to do sthLong time no see.take photosquite a fewmost of the time nothing...but+动词原形seem+adj+ to do sthin the countrysidebored / boringkeep a diaryarrive in/ at=get to = reachdecide to do sth =make a decision to dotry to do sthtry doing sthtry one’s best to do sth feel likefeel like doing stha lot of= lots ofwonder=want to knowin the pastwalk up to... the top of... start to do sth =start doing sthwait for sb to do sthcan’t wait to do sthbe different from...make a difference to sb because of +nbecause+句子enough to do sthenough money =money enoughbig enough/ old enougha bowl of ricealong the wayforget to do sthforget doing sththis timedislike doing sthHow do you feel about..What do you think of...?How do you like...?Why not +动词原形=Why don’t you +动原shopping centerso+adj+that so thatkeep (on) doing sthquite a fewof course an umbrellaUnit 2how often how soonhow far how oldhow many how muchhow long how tallhow deep/heavyhelp sb with sthhelp sb (to) do sthalways/usuallyoften/ sometimeshardly ever never/ seldomon weekends =on the weekendonce a week twice a monththree times a yearuse the Internet =go onlinebe free to do sthbe full of =be filled withHow come=whywhat kind ofstay up late to do =stay up to do sthat least/ at mostgo to bed =go to sleepwant sb to do sthbe good for/ be bad forbe good at doing =do well in doing sthkeep healthy =stay healthy =be in good healthask sb to do sthask sb not to do sthask sb about sthnot....at allnot at all=You’re welcomefifteen percentbe surprised to dobe surprised at sthto one’s surprisesurprise sbthe answer to thequestiongame showIt is +adj for sb to do sthby doing sthmind sb doing sthstand doing sthsuch asthe best way to do sthmore than=overbe afraid of sthbe afraid of doing sthless thanno one=nobodyUnit 3both...and...both...of.... jump highthe singing competitionthe dancing competitionwhich one主语+be+to do sthas fast asbe talented in doing sththe same astrue trulycare aboutmake sb do sthlaugh at sb be likebe serious about sthas long asbe different fromhelp sb (to) do sthbring out the best in meget better gradeshand in in factshare sth with sbbe similar to...more outgoingprimary school studentshard-workinga piece of informationUnit 4close tocomfortable seatsthe ticket to...be popular with sbin town so farthe freshest foodask a questionthank you for doing sthdream of doing sth =dream about doing sthhow far pretty badthe poor/ the richtake...seriouslyaround the world =all over the worldsuch as = for exampleHave...in commonlook for= search forThe most talented dancerthe most exciting magicianthe funniest actorand so on1all kinds ofsing most beautifullybe up to sbbe up to sb to do sthplay a role in doing sthplay an important roleenjoy doing sththe lives of the performers be made upgive sb sth =give sth to sbgive in doing stha way to do sthcome truethe best place to do sth finish doing sthone of... a plate of ...sing a songwin the prizeUnit 5want sb to do sthsports show talent show soap operashow sb sth =show sth to sbmind sb doing sthstand sb doing sththink of learn from sb learn sth from sbplan to do sthmake a plan to do sthhope sb to do sthHave a discussion about doing sthhappen to do sthwhat happened to sb expect sb to do sthmay not beone daytell jokesplay jokesbe serious about doing sth have problem (in) doing sthbe ready to do sthAre you ready?famous= well-knownbe famous forbe famous tobe famous asbe rich in sthcome out In the 1930sthe main reasona common mancartoon characteras famous asdress up likedress up infight in the armytake sb’s placetake sb’s place to do sthsomething enjoyablean action movieUnit 6be going to do sthgrow upPractice doing sthcomputer programmerbus driverbasketball playertake dancing lessonhave acting lessonwant to bekeep on doing sthbe sure about doing sthbe sure to do sthmove to+地点a race car drivera fast carsend sb sth =send sth to sbsend sb to do sthtake uptoo+adj+to+动词原形learn to do sthget good gradesforeign languagesounds likebe able to do sthmake a resolutiondiscuss with sbthe meaning ofdifferent kinds ofmake a promise to sbPromise sb to do sthget back from schoolat the beginning ofImprove...in....write it/ them downphysics healthhave to do withhave nothing to do withmake a weekly planfor this reasonthe start of the yearown personal improvementteach sb to do sthan articleUnit 7be free to do sthstudy at home on computerslive to be+基数词+years oldon the earthon earthin the futureplay a part in doing sthworld peacefresh waterfree timespace stationthere be sth doing sthbelive in sbas soon as possible(时间)as fast as possible(速度)as quickly as possibledisagree with sbhundreds offall downlook for=search forseem to do sthmany timeslive in/ atas a reporterfly up toa piece of paperair pollutionwater pollutionplant treesin the skyan astronautan apartmentspace stationhuman servantsover and over againUnit 8turn on/offturn up/downpeel sb sth =peel sth for sbpour...into... pour...out...put...into/in...add to add...to...a cup of yogurta piece of breadtraditional foodit is(a) time to do sthby doing stha good way to do sthmix it/ them upfill...with...a few hours =a couple of hourscover...with...be covered with...cut ...into pieceserve sb sth =serve sb with sthone by onedig a hole milk shake2popcorn machinea plate of...Unit 9on Saturday morning prepare ...forprepare to do sthgo to the doctorhave the fluhave a coldgo to the party available = free not...untilhang out with sbcatch you= see you invite sb to do sth refuse sb to do sthlook forward to doing sth hear from sbsee sb doing sthsee sb do sthto one’s surprise surprise sbbe surprised to do sth look after=take care of =care forstudy for a testhave a piano lesson what day is it today?It is Monday.What’s the date today? It is the 4th.What’s today?It is Monday the 4th.be sad to do sthat the end ofat the beginning of accept an invitation make an invitationhow to do sthtake a tripbe glad to do sthhelp out with sth go back to...by 10 o’clockwithout doing sththe opening of...reply to sb/sthanother timeturn down拒绝catch up with sbon weekdaysbe glad to do sthan eventUnit 10have a good timehave a good dayhave funenjoy+oneselftalk aboutsome adviceadvise sb to do sthgo to collegemake moneyget a good educationkeep...to oneselfbe afraid of sthbe afraid to do sthbe angry with sbbe angry at/ about sthin the end=at lastmake a mistakein the futurethe same asrun away fromtrust in sbtrust sb(not) to do sthcut...in halfbe halfway to doing sthget advice from sbagree with sbagree to do sthdiscuss with sban old people’s homego to the meetinghave a fight with sbgot into a fight with sbpotato chipsan experttake a taxi= by taxisolve the problemwhat elsewho elseclass meetingsports meetingwatch a videoa piece of chocolatean agenttwo milesUnit 1What’s the matter?What’s wrong?What’s the trouble?have a coldhave a stomachachehave a sore backhave a sore throathave a headachehave a fevertake one’s temperaturelie down/ lay downgo to the dentistget an X-rayput...on...take a breakin the same wayfor too long timeon the side of the roadshout for helpwithout thinking twiceget off/ get onhave a heart problemact quicklyexpect sb to do sthagree /disagree to dothanks to sbthink about doing sthhave trouble(in) doingright away/nowget into troublehave a restfall downhave problem breathingbe interested in doingmountain climberbe used to do sthbe used to doing sthused to do sthtake a riskdangerous sportsmany timesbecause offall onby oneselfrun out (of)be ready to do sthuse sth to do sth =use sth for doing sthclimb down the mountaincalled = namedmean to do sthmean doing sthget out ofthe importance of doingmake good decisionsbe in control ofkeep on doing sththe same as...give up doing sthhave a nosebleedrisk sb’s life to do sthby accidentThree kilos/ kilogramsknife/ knivescut offUnit 2clean upcheer sb up/ ongive out= hand out3volunteer to do sthcome up with=think upput off doing sthnotice sb doing sthnotice sb do sthcall sb upserval = a fewa strong feeling of satisfactionto one’s joythe owner of...try out for...go on a journeyraise money for doing sth repair= fix upgive awaytake after= be similar toset updisabled peoplemake a difference to sbthe blindthe deafimagine doing sthimagine sb to do sthhave difficulty in doing sth open/close the doorcarry sth to sbtrain sb to do sthbe excited about doing sth be excited to do sthchange one’s lifeat the food bankafter-school study program put up sth doing sthwant to beat the age of...decide to do sth=make a decision to do sth learn to do sthat the same timebe worried about doing sth =worry about doing sth make a plan to do sth homeless peoplemove to...not...any more= no morewrite to sb=write a letter to sbmake it possible for sb to doanswer the telephonea friend of minea special trained dogfeel/ be lucky to do sthgive sb ordera photo of him/her/mebe strong in...unit 3take out the rubbishfold the clothessweep/swept the floor= clean the floorbe in a messthrow down/ awayall the timeneither of...neither...nor...as soon as= the minutepass sb sth=pass sth to sbborrow sb sth =borrow sth from sblend sb sth =lend sth to sbhate to do/ doing sthdo choresa waste of time(in) doing sthin order to do sthprovide sth for sbprovide sb with sthdepend on sbdevelop sb’s independencethe ides of fairnessdo/ wash the dishesmake the bedclean the living roomwork on doing sthget a ridestay out latea few thingsat least/ at mostfinish doing sthany minute nowwelcome to+地点come home from schoolcome home from worktake sb for a walk =take a walk with sbas tired aswalk awayshout backshout for helpwhat happened to sbin surprisebe sorry to do sthinvite sb to do sthhave time to do sthdon’t have time to do sth=have no time to do sththere is no need for sb to domind doing sthit is not enough to do sthas a resultdo sb’s part in doing sthunit 4why don’t you= why notgo to sleep= go to bedstudy too muchhave free time to do sthallow sb to do sthallow doing sthbe allowed to do sthafter-school classesnot...until...offer sb sth=offer sth to sbexplain sth to sbsurprise sbon the phonelook throughreturn sb sth= return sth to sb=give sth back to sbit’s not a big dealwork it/ them outargue with sb about sthget on with sb=get well with sbget on well with sbhang overelder brotherinstead of doing sthbe nervous about doing stharound the house= at houseproper communicationcommunicate with sbthe last minutestudy for a testmy school gradescopy other’s homeworkbe oneselffamily memberscompete with sbcompete to do sthcompete for sthso much pressurefree time activitiesshould all be doing sthbe successful in doing sthsucceed in doing sthcontinue doing sth=go on doing sth(同一)continue to do sth=go on to do sth(另一)these days= nowadaysmany of thempractice sportsexam skillsin Chinaon most daysbasketball practicefootball trainingcut out4it is time to do sthit is time for sthall kinds of compare...with...push sb to do sth developing country developed countryin my opinionspeak to sbdeal withunit 5an alarm clockgo offbegin to do sthheavy rain/snowrain/snow heavilyall of a suddenpick uppick up the phonelight a candlea piece of woodopen the windowbeat heavily againstfall asleep/fell asleepdie down/ died down fallen treesbroken windowshave a look atAre you kidding?make one’s way to+地点a school pupil completely shockedin silence= silentlyrecent newstake downat first= at the beginning of tell the truthat the time of...wait for sb to do sthbe busy with sth=be busy doing sthwake sb up at that timestrong windsblack cloudsmake sure to do sthsome matchesplay a card gamebreak sth apartin times of difficultytalk abouta car accidentthe place of the accidentin bad shapeby the side of the roadwalk by= go byin American historybe killedover = more thanon the radioten minutes agothe rest of...have meaning to sblook outbe scared of sthbe scared to do sthpoint it/ them outas wellin the sixth gradeunit 6shoot/ shot at sbthe weak=weak peoplea little bit= a bita bit ofturn...into...hide/hid sth from sbmagic stickwestern childrenonce upon a timefall in love with sbbe fit for sbkeep fita couple of = a fewbe/get married to sban emperorcheat on sbwife= wivesthe whole all thein the moonlightlead/led sb to do sthlead/led tothe voice of sbbe brave to do sthbe movedremind sb of/ about sthremind sb to do sthsend/sent sb to do sthbuild a roadfor the first timemost of themthe main characterthis is becausemake 72 changesat others timesthe children of China=Chinese childrenfor many yearscome outbe/ become interested indoing sthnew couplecan’t/couldn’t stop doing sthall over the world=around the worldbe lost= get losthear sb doing sthhear sb do sthfollow sb to do stha piece of breadon the groundlearn aboutsomething badthe second timethe way homeunit 7square meterstake a deep breaththe population of...feel free to do sthan ancient houseprotect...from/ againstas far as I konwweather conditionchallenge sb to do sthface a challengein the face of...achieve one’s dreamthe forces of natureeven through/ ifat birthan adult pandaendangered animalswith excitementwalk intofall overor sowild animalsChinese governmentsquare kilometerssalt lakesin the worldbe amazed at sthbe amazed to do sththe main reasonas you can seeman-made objectsmountain climbingdangerous sportsrun alongtake in airthe first to do sthreach the toprisk sb’s life to do sthchallenge oneselfthe spirit of sbmany times more thandie from/ ofbe special to sbevery two years5bamboo forest research centerteach sb to do sthteach sb about sthsing songsone way to do sth =one way of doing sthfor a short timefewer and fewerunit 8treasure islandbe full of=be filled with turn to pageon pagehurry upbe due to do sthgo/ run towards science fictionspeak Frenchtwo Frenchespop musicrock musiccountry musicstudy abroadgo abroadever sincemake a successbelong to sbone another= each other millions ofintroduce sb to sbthe first linewhich to do sth couldn’t put it down choose to do sthbring backnot long after that one...the other one...the othersa piece of landin the sealive with sb can’t/couldn’t wait to do sthmust befight overcome to do sthbring sb back tobe kind to sbdo research on sthmusic concertssing livebecome famouslook good on sbat the end ofunit 9an amusement parkan inventionmake progress in sthencourage sb to do sthtea art performancestea seta couple of= a fewSichuan province=the province of Sichuanthousands ofon the one hand...on theother handfear to do sth=be afraid to dowhether...or...an Indian / Indian foodspeak Japanesea/two JapaneseJapanese carall year round=all the yearin springwater parkspace museumart museumgo skatingput up a tentit’s unbelievable thatsuch a rapid waya cup of teaas enjoyable asdrink teatried Chinese foodSoutheast Asiathree quartersa loy of the timean English-speaking countrya good place to do sthat nightduring the daytimethe best time to do sthnatural environmentclose tofar fromin the past 3 yearsunit 10have a yard saleon sale/ for salesweet memoriestoy bearsbread makersscarf/ scarvessoft toyscheck outboard gamejunior high schoolclear outno longer=not... any longerpart withbe certain to do sthas foran honest girlto be honest=to tell (you) the truthsearch forcrayon factoryit is a shame to do sthregard... as...according to sbacross from=oppositeconsider doing sth= think about doing sthover thereone last thingfor a long timetoy monkeystrain and railway setfor a while nowa bridgeconcert hallonce or twicewith great interestprimary school studentsstay the samea symbol ofplay togetherin my timesummer holidaysin our heartsenjoy your time6。

八年级英语重点短语汇总(上册+下册)八上英语全册重点短语(Unit1-10)Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?【重点短语】1.go on vacation 去度假2. stay at home 待在家里3. go to the mountains 上山/进山4. go to the beach 到海边去5. visit museums 参观博物馆6. go to the summer camp 去夏令营7. quite a few 相当多8. study for为……学习,9. go out 出去10. most of the time 大部分时间/绝大多数时间11. taste good 尝起来味道好12. have a good time 玩的开心13. of course 当然可以14. feel like 感觉像……/想要15. go shopping 去购物16. in the past 在过去17. walk around 绕……走18. too many 太多(可数名词前面)19. because of 因为20. one bowl of 一碗……21. find out 查出来/发现22. go on 继续23. take photos 照相24. something important 重要的事情25. up and down 上上下下26. come up 出来Unit2 How often do you exercise? 【重点短语】1. help with housework 帮助做家务活2. go shopping 去购物3. on weekends 在周末4. how often 多久一次5. hardly ever 几乎不6. once a week 每周一次7. twice a month 每月二次8. go to the movies 去看电影9. every day 每天10. use the Internet 上网/用网11. be free 有空12. have dance and piano lessons 上舞蹈钢琴课13. swing dance 摇摆舞14. play tennis 打网球15. stay up late 熬夜16. at least 至少17. go to bed early 早睡18. play sports 锻炼身体19. be good for 对…...有好处20. go camping 去野营21. in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间22. not...at all 根本不23. the most popular 最流行的24. such as 例如25. go to the dentist 去看牙医26. more than 超过/多于27. Old habits die hard. 旧习惯难改28. hard=difficult 困难的29. less than 少于/不到Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 【重点短语】1. more outgoing 更外向/更开朗2. as...as...与……一样3. the singing competition 歌咏比赛4. the most important 最重要的5. be talented in music 在音乐方面有天赋6. the same as 与……相同7. care about 关心/留意/关注8. be different from 与…...不同9. be like a mirror 像一面镜子10. as long as 只要;与…...一样长11. bring out 显示/显出12. get better grades 取得更好的成绩13. reach for 伸手达到/达到14. touch one’s heart 感动15. in fact 事实上16. make friends 交朋友17. be good at 在某方面成绩好18. the other 另一个19. be similar to 与…相似20. be good with 与…和睦相处Unit4 What's the best movie theater?【重点短语】1. so far 到目前为止,迄今为止2. no problem 没什么,别客气3. have….in common 有相同特征(想法、兴趣等方面)相同4. be up to 由…...决定/是…...的职责5. all kinds of …各种各样的……6. play a role in doing sth./ sth. 发挥作用,有影响7. make up 编造(故事、谎言等)8. for example=e.g. 例如9. take …..seriously 认真对待10. not everybody 并不是每个人11. close to 离..….近12. more and more 越来越……Unit5 Do you want to a game show?【重点短语】1. find out 查出/发现2. be ready to do 准备做…3. dress up 打扮/化妆成4. take one's place 代替某人5. do a good job 干的好/表演的出色6. think of 想到/思考7. game show 游戏节目8. learn from 向…...学习9. talk show 访谈节目10. soap opera 肥皂剧11. go on 继续12. watch a movie 看电影13. one of…其中之一14. try one’s best to =do one’s best to 竭尽全力15. a pair of 一双16. as famous as 一样闻名/出名17. look like 看起来像18. around the world 世界各地19. have a discussion about 讨论…...20. one day 有一天/某一天21. such as 例如22. a symbol of 一个象征/标志23. something enjoyable 快乐的事情24. interesting information 有趣的信息Unit6 I'm going to study computer science.【重点短语】1. grow up 长大2. every day 每天3. be sure about 对某事确信4. make sure 确信/有把握5. send…to…把…...发送到...…/把...…寄…...6. be able to 能/能够7. the meaning of …...的意思/含义8. different kinds of 不同种类的9. have …..in common 有…共同点10. at the beginning of 在…开始的时候11. write down 写下/记下12. have to do with 与….有关系13. take up 开始从事/着手处理/接受14. hardly ever 几乎不15. too…to…太......而不能......Unit7 Will people have robots?【重点短语】1. on computers 在电脑上2. on paper 在纸上3. live to be 200 years old 活到200岁4. free time 空闲时间5. in danger 在危险中6. on the earth 在世界上7. play a part in sth 在某方面出力/做贡献8. space station 太空站8. look for 寻找9. computer programmer 电脑程序师10. in the future 在将来11. hundreds of 成百上千的12. the same…as 与…...一样13. over and over again 反复14. get bored 无聊15. wake up 醒来/唤醒16. look like 看起来像17. fall down 倒下/落下Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 【重点短语】1. milk shake 奶昔2. turn on打开,turn off 关上3. pour ….into…. 将…...倒入…...4. a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶5. a good idea 一个好主意6. on Saturday morning 在星期六早上7. cut up 切碎8. put…into…将…... 放入...…9. one more thing 还有一件事10. a piece of 一片/一张/一块11. at this time 在此时12. a few 几个13. fill…with…用…装满14. cover…with…用...…盖住15. one by one 一个接一个16. a long time 长时间17. cut…into pieces 将...…切成碎片18. add…to(into)…将...…加到......上(里)19. mix...together…将...…混合一在起20. mix up…将……混合21. serve …to…用...…招待…...22. half a cup 半杯23. another ten minutes 另外十分钟24. peel the banana 剥一个香蕉Unit9 Can you come to my party?【重点短语】1. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午2. have to 必须3. prepare for 准备4. go to the doctor 去看病5. have the flu 患流感6. help my parents 给父母帮忙7. come to the party 参加晚会8. meet my friend 见朋友9. go to the party 参加晚会10. too much homework 太多的家庭作业11. go to the movies 去看电影12. another time 下次,另外的时间,别的时间13. last fall 去年秋天14. hang out 闲逛15. after school 放学后16. on the weekend=on weekends 在周末17. study for a test 备考18. visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶19. the day before yesterday 前天20. the day after tomorrow 后天21. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课22. look after 照看23. make an invitation 制定邀请24. accept an invitation 接受邀请turn down (refuse)an invitation 拒绝邀请25. take a trip to Wuhan 去武汉旅游26. at the end of this month 在本月底27. look forward to + doing 期望/渴望28. the opening of…开幕/开业29. reply in writing 写回信30. go shopping 购物31. do homework 做作业32. go to the concert 参加音乐会33. not…until…直到......才......Unit10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 【重点短语】1.go to the party 参加晚会2. have a great /good time 玩得开心3.stay at home 待在家4. take the bus 乘公交车5.tomorrow night 明天晚上6.have a class party 举行班级聚会7.have a class meeting 开班会8.half the class 全班一半人9.make some food 做食物10.at the party 在聚会上11.order food 预订食物12.potato chips 薯条13.be angry with sb. 对某人生气14.give sb. some advice 给某人建议或劝告15.travel around the world 环游世界16. go to college 上大学17.make(a lot of)money 挣钱,赚钱18.get an education 接受教育19. work hard 努力工作;努力学习20. a soccer player 一个足球运动员21.keep…to oneself 保守秘密22.talk to sb. 与某人谈话23. in life 一生中24.in the end 在最后25. be angry at/about sth. 因某事而生气26. make mistakes 出错;犯错误27.in the future 在将来28.run away 逃跑29.the first step 第一步30.in half 分成两半31.solve a problem 解决问题32.school clean-up 学校大扫除八下英语全册重点短语(Unit1-10)Unit11.What + (a / an) + 形容词+ 可数名词单数(+ 主语+ 谓语)!2. look+形容词看上去…/ 看来…3.be afraid that +从句恐怕……be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth 害怕……4. thank (sb ) for dong sth 因……感谢某人做…thank(sb)for sth 因……感谢某人5.can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事6.spend 时间/金钱+(in)doing sth 某人做…….花……spend 时间、金钱+on sth. 某人花…在某方面7.be proud of…=take pride in 以……为自豪8.be proud to do sth. 为做某事而感到自豪9.be proud that…为……感到自豪be done 做完10.hear from/ receive a letter from... 收到......的来信11.each other 互相,彼此12.arrive in/at 到达13.be good at =do well in 擅长,善于14.have a try 尝试15.on top 在上面,处于优势16.in the middle 在中间17.as well 也;还18.get bad marks 取得不好的成绩19.speak Chinese 讲中文20.in the right way 以正确的方式21.be excited about 对......兴奋22.shake hands 握手23.close to 离......近24.look sb. in the eye 正视某人Unit21. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事2.think about 考虑3. make up 编造4. stop doing sth 停止做某事5. come with 和.......一起去6. the first prize 一等奖7. at the moment 此时,现在8. so far 到目前为止9. ask sb to do sth 要去某人做某事10. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事11. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩12. one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数最.......之一13. be different from 与.......不同14. count down 倒数15. send sb to do sth 把某人送去做某事16. enter a competition 参加竞赛17. write about 编写;写作18. think about 考虑19. travel around the world 环游世界20. work for 效力于21. for example 例如22. look forward to doing/sth 期盼;期待23. have a wonderful time 玩的开心24. a pair of 一双25. the rest of 剩余的Unit31. What are you up to? 你在干什么?2. the latest news 最新消息3. get information 获得信息4. search for 寻找,搜索5. in order to 为了6. much +比较级......得多7. on earth 在世界上,在人间,究竟,到底8. communicate with sb 与某人交谈9. hundreds of 数以百计的10. go around 绕着......走11. billions of 数十亿的12. take photos 拍照13. send...to... 把......送到.....14. no problem 没问题15. be far away(from) 遥远16. go online 上网17. search for 搜索18. more than 超过;多余19. look for 寻找20. look like 看起来像21. finish doing sth 做完某事Unit41. catch a cold 感冒2. do much exercise 经常性的锻炼3. be harmful to 对......有害4. such as 例如5. three times a say 一天三次6. have got /take a stomachache 胃痛7. take one’s temperature 量体温8. fast food 快餐9. in front of 在......前面10. look after 照顾,照料11. take sb for a walk 带某人散步12. feel bit/ health 感觉健康13. by underground 乘地铁on the underground14. ride to work 骑车去上班15. decide to do sth 决定做某事16. take part in 参加17. in the last few years 在过去的几年里18. be too+形容词+to do sth 太......不能做......19. from time to time 不时地20. set up 建立21. be ill 生病22. go for a run 去散步23. feel awful 感觉不舒服24. all over 浑身;遍及25. rather than (与其...)倒不如;是...而不是26. turn off 关掉27. have a pain in... (某身体部位)疼痛Unit51. can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事2. keep doing sth 一直做某事3. it’s time to do sth 到干某事的时间4. make a terrible mess 弄得一团糟5. as well as 也,还6. more than 多于7. all over the world 全世界8. even since 从那以后9. the same as... 和...相同10. learn from 向...学习11. win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心12. come out 出版;发行13. one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数最...的之一14. It’s time to do sth. 到做某事的时间了15. That’s cool. 太酷了16. find it +adj.+to do sth. 发现做某事是...的17. Sounds great! 听起来太棒了Unit61. a bit of 一点儿2. collect stamps 收集邮票3. have a look 看一看4. such as/for example 例如5. look after animals 照顾动物6. as well as 并且,还7. in the future 在将来8. come out 出版9. a sixteen-year-old boy 一个六岁的男孩10. as a result 结果;因此11. be interested in 对......感兴趣12. spend time in doing sth 做某事花费......时间13. tidy up 使整洁;使整齐14. take up 占据;占用15. something important 重要的事16. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事17. make sb do sth 让某人做某事18. such as 例如19. not only ......but also...... 不但...... 而且......20. show sb. Sth. 向某人展示某事21. close to 靠近22. stop doing sth. 停止做某事23. run out of 用完;用光24. go sailing 去航行25. dress in 穿着Unit71. how long 多长时间2. at the end of 在......的末端3. pay for 付款4. had better do sth 最好做某事5. have a great time 玩得高兴6. write to 给......写信7. by the way 顺便说一下8. make a list 列清单9. forget to do sth 忘记做某事10. four hours a day 一天四次11. stay in touch with 与......保持联系12. at the beginning of 在......的起初13. depend on 依赖,相信,随…而定14. at least 至少15. fill out 填充;填写16. would like to do sth 愿意做某事17. be able to do 能做某事18. get close to nature 接近大自然19. try out new ideas 尝试新的主意20. grow up 长大21. summer camp 夏令营22. prepare for... 为.......做准备23. at the same time 同时24. make progress 取得进步25. as well as 且;又;还26. take part in 参加27. would like to do 愿意去做28. go sightseeing 去观光旅行29. add to 增加30. agree/disagree with... 同意/ 不同意Unit81. listen to 听......2. walk along 沿着......走3. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事4. climb up 爬上5. be famous for 因......而著名6. take up 占用;占去7. point out 指出8. at the top of 在......的顶部9. so...that... 如此......以至于......10. time off 放假期间11. look like 看起来像12. wake sb up 叫醒某人13. have a wonderful time 玩得高兴14. be back to 返回15. make some noise 制造一些噪音16. look for 寻找17. find out 查出18. not...any more 不在.....19. fall asleep 入睡20. Here+代词+系动词......到了21. can hardly do sth. ......几乎不能做......22. be so+adj.+that 从句如此......以至于....... Unit91. join in 参加2. be patient with sb 对某人有耐心3. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事4. last term 上学期5. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事6. feel lonely 感觉孤独7. introduce...to... 把......介绍给8. at first 起初9. in silence 沉默地10. at that moment 在那时11. at the momemt 现在12. worry about 担心13. the early autumn 早秋14. wake friends with 与......交朋友15. smile at 朝......微笑16. turn back 返回17. find out 发现;弄明白18. at the concert 在音乐会19. play the piano 弹钢琴20. take message 捎信21. be filled with/ be full of 充满22. all the time 一直;总是23. stay in touch 保持联系24. be patient with 对......有耐心25. have a problem with 在......方面有问题26. feel very sure of oneself 很自信27. get separated 分开28. day and day 一天天地29. circle of friends 朋友圈30. Could I speak to sb.? 我可以和某人说话吗?31. Can I take a message? 要我给你传个口信吗?32. Who’s calling, please? 请问是哪一位?33. This is ......speaking. 我是......Unit101. on air (广播,电视)播出2. show sb around 带领某人参观3. avoid making any noise 避免制造任何噪音4. keep doing 一直做某事5. keep quiet 保持安静6. do interviews 做采访7. more and more 越来越多8. look down 向下看9. sit close to the radio 坐在收音机旁10. ask for jobs 找工作11. ask for... 请求.......12. at the age of... 在......岁时13. in person 亲自;本人14. once a week 一周一次15. an electronic dictionary 一个电子词典16. have picnic 野餐17. close down 关闭18. take sb around 带某人四处参观19. the end of ......的结尾20. in my free time 在我的空闲时间21. weather report 气象预报22. come this way 这边请23. Learn about 了解24. do research on 做......研究25. It seems that... 似乎...26. I hope that... 我希望......。

下面是对英语八年级上册中常用短语的总结:1. catch up with:迎头赶上I need to study hard to catch up with my classmates.2. take up:从事,占据He took up painting as a hobby.3. put on:穿上Please put on your coat. It's cold outside.4. get along (with):与...相处She gets along well with her classmates.5. look forward to:期待I'm looking forward to the summer vacation.6. break up:结束,分解The meeting broke up at noon.7. make up:编造,化妆She made up an excuse for being late.8. look up:查阅I always look up new words in the dictionary.9. set up:建立,设立They set up a new company last year.10. turn up:出现,到达He didn't turn up at the party.11. show up:出现,露面He showed up at the meeting yesterday.12. give up:放弃Don't give up easily. Keep trying.13. bring up:抚养,提出She was brought up by her grandparents.14. look over:仔细查看Please look over your homework before handing it in.15. think over:仔细考虑I need some time to think over your proposal.16. take off:起飞,脱下The plane is about to take off.17. pick up:捡起,学会He picked up a pen from the ground.18. carry on:继续进行Please carry on with your work.19. think about:考虑We need to think about our future.20. look after:照顾,照料Her grandparents look after her while her parents are at work.21. be interested in:对...感兴趣He is very interested in playing basketball.22. be afraid of:害怕She is afraid of spiders.23. be fond of:喜欢She is fond of playing the piano.24. take care of:照顾,保护Please take care of your little sister.25. get on:上(车、船、自行车等)We need to get on the bus now.26. get off:下(车、船、自行车等)You should get off the bus at the next stop.27. look out:当心,小心Look out! There's a car coming.28. keep on:继续,坚持Don't give up. Keep on trying.29. give away:分发,赠送The teacher gave away books to the students.30. hear about:听说I heard about the news from my friend.31. wait for:等待Please wait for me at the school gate.32. be similar to:类似于This dress is similar to the one she is wearing.33. be different from:与...不同The new phone is different from the old one.34. be good at:擅长She is good at playing the piano.35. be bad at:不擅长He is bad at swimming.36. be interested in:对...感兴趣She is interested in learning new things.37. be famous for:因...而著名The Great Wall is famous for its long history.38. be proud of:为...骄傲I am proud of my achievements.39. get to:到达We finally got to the top of the mountain.40. get (something) done:完成I need to get my homework done before tomorrow.41. make sure:确保Please make sure you lock the door before leaving.42. by the way:顺便说一句By the way, do you have any plans for the weekend?43. as soon as possible:尽快Please finish your work as soon as possible.44. at the same time:同时He can read and listen to music at the same time.45. for example:例如There are many sports you can choose from, for example, swimming, basketball, and football.46. in the end:最后After a long discussion, we decided to go to the movies in the end.47. in fact:事实上I thought the movie would be boring, but in fact, it was really interesting.48. after all:毕竟We should always try our best, after all, we have nothing to lose.49. at first:起初At first, I didn't like the idea of moving to a new city.50. by accident:无意中I found the book by accident while cleaning my room.。
八年级上册英语Unit 10 短语总结

八年级上册英语Unit 10 短语总结1.玩得高兴;过得愉快have a good time =have fun=enjoy oneself2.待在家里stay at home3.乘公交车take the bus(动词短语)/by bus(介词短语)4.与某人交谈talk with sb.(侧重双方的交流)5.与某人谈话talk to sb.(侧重一方在说,另一方在听)6.与某人谈论某事talk with sb.about sth.7.计划做某事plan to do sth.8.让某人做某事;请求某人做某事;要求某人做某事ask sb.to do sth.9.太......以至于不能做某事too+adj.+to do sth.例如:He is too tired to go on working.他太累了,以至于不能继续工作了。
10.如此......以至于...... such/so...that+从句(注意such和so 的区别)例如:She is such a good girl that we all like her.她是如此优秀的一个女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。
She is so good a girl that we all like her.她是如此优秀的一个女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。
11.足够......可以做某事be + adj./adv.+ to do sth.He is old enough to go to school.他的年龄可以上学了。
(他年龄足够大,可以上学了)He is not old enough to go to school.他年龄不足以上学。
(他年龄不够大,不可以上学)12.环游世界travel around the world13.赚钱make money 赚很多钱make a lot of money14.接受教育get an education 接受良好的教育get a good education15.做某事有困难/麻烦/问题have difficulty/trouble/problems+with sth.have difficulty/trouble/problems +(in) doing sth.16.一直做某事keep doing sth.17.最后;最终;终于in the end=at last=finally18.在......的末端;在......结束的时候at the end of...19.犯错误make a mistake/make mistakes20.犯粗心的错误make careless mistakes21.错误地by mistake22.把A误认为是B mistake A for B23.与某人分享某事/物share sth.with sb.24.尝试做某事try doing sth.25.尽力做某事try to do sth.26.尽某人最大努力做某事try one’s best to do sth.27.需要做某事need to do sth.28.某事做成了一半be halfway to doing sth.29.一些建议some advice=some suggestions30.给某人带来某物bring sb.sth.=bring sth.to sb.31.待在外面stay out32.决定做某事decide to do sth.33.保守秘密keep... to oneself34.分成两半in half35.关于某事给某人建议advise sb. on/about sth.36.让某人进入let sb. in37.担心(强调动作)worry about(此处worry 是动词)38.担心(强调状态)be worried about(此处worried 是形容词)39.不敢做某事be afraid to do sth.40.记得做过某事remember doing sth.41.记得去做某事remember to do sth.42.与......相同the same(...) as...43.在下午五点以前by five (o’clock) p.m.。

八年级上册英语必背短语Unit11. how often 多久一次2. how many 多少3. look after 照顾4. go to the movies 去看电影5. the results of… …的结果6. eating habits 饮食习惯7. the same as … 与…相同8. be different from… 与…不同9. try to do … 试图(努力)做某事10. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事11. be good for … 对…有益12. keep in good health = keep healthy保持身体健康13.want (sb.) to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事Unit214. 感冒have a cold15. 发烧have a fever16. 背痛have a sore back17. .肚子痛have a stomachache18. 牙痛have a toothache19. 休息have a rest20. 紧张,有压力stressed out21 有些,几个(+可n)a few22. 此刻,现在at the moment23. 直到…才…not…until…24.喉咙疼have a sore throat25.看牙医see a dentist26.…的平衡a balance of…27.much too+形容词“太…”28.too much +不可数名词“太多的…”29.too many+可名复数“太多的…”30.感到疲劳get tired31.It is +形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是很…的。
Unit332.go camping 去野营33.go bike riding 骑自行车旅行34.get back to…回到…35.Take/have a vacation 度假36. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.把某物展示给某人看37.stay for three weeks 待三周38.take walks=take a walk 散步39. make a movie 拍电影40. a plan for……的计划41. plan to do sth. 计划做某事42. be famous for 以…而著名43. be famous as 作为…而出名44.think about+名/代/动名词“考虑”45.think of “想起”46.decide on “决定”,后接名动名词47.decide to do sth. 决定做某事48.spend on sth. 花时间/金钱在…上49.spend(in)doing sth.花时间/金钱在做某事上50.forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未)51.forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已)52.finish doing sth. 做完某事53.something different 一些不同的事情54.leave for+某地“出发去某地”55.leave from+某地“从某地离开”56.a good place to do sth.一个做某事的好地方57.places to visit 参观的地方Unit458.由…决定depend on59.worry about 担心…60.做某事的方式ways of doing sth.61.交通方式means of transportation62.不得不,必须have to +动词原型63.需要做某事need to do sth.64.看一看look at =have a look at65.许多…a number of+名复数,谓用复66.…的数量the number of+名,谓用单Unit567.去看医生go to the doctor68..去看电影go to the movies69.后天the day after tomorrow70.为…测试而学习study for…71.上周last week72.这周this week73.下周next week74.与某人论某事discuss sth. with sb.Unit675.超出more than76.有一些共同之处have some things in common77.擅长be good at/do well in78.Thank you for sth./doing sth.谢谢79.在一些方面in some ways80.喜爱做某事enjoy doing sth.81.与…一样的as…as…82.不如…not as(so) …as…83.与…相同the same as84.高一点a little taller85.高许多much taller86.使某人做某事make sb.do sth.87.喜欢做某事like to do sth./doing sth.88.大多数的…Most of…89.与…不同be different from…90.与…相处得好be good with91.讲笑话tell jokes92.拨打+电话号码+找某人call sb. at +电话号码93.stop to do sth. 停下来去做另外的事情94.stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情95.以…开始begin with96.不同种类的…different kinds of…Unit797.打开turn on98.切碎cut up99.把…倒入…里pour …into …100.把…放入…里put…in/into…101.一杯…a cup of …102.把…放在…上面put…on…103.两茶匙的…two teaspoons of …104.一片…a slice/piece of105.两片…two slices of …106.把…加到…上add…to…107.另一片面包another slice of bread108.在上面,在顶部on the top109.把…混合在一起mix…upUnit8110.去沙滩go to the beach111.照相take photos112.闲逛hang out113.其他的什么what else114.睡过头sleep late115.在…末端/尽头at the end of …116.show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.给某人看某物117.开车去兜风go for a drive118.上课take a class=have a class119.做某事很开心have fun doing sth.120.休息日day off121.把…摆放出来put…out122.…中的一些some of …123.据某人看来in one's opinion124.帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth.125.在将来in the future126.…中没有人none of…127.变湿get wet128.从…回来come back from…129.一整天all day=the whole dayUnit9130.出生于be born131.stop to do sth. 停下去做另一件事132.stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事133.start doing sth. 着手做某事134.start to do sth. 开始去做某事135.一部叫做…的喜剧a comedy called…136.他所有的空闲时间all his free time 137.太…以至不能…too+形/副原型+to+动词原形138.如此的…以至…so++形/副原型+that从句139.learn to do sth. 学着做某事140.learn from…向…学习141.learn of 听说,了解到142.参加,参与take part in143.at the age of+数字= when +主语+be动词+数字+(years old) “在…岁时”144.be the first (one) to do sth.第一个…的人145.获得第一名win first prize146.see sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事或经常做某事147.see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事148.因为,由于because of149.主修专研major in150.谱写曲子write music151.一首音乐a piece of music152.一些较难的乐曲some difficult pieces of musicUnit10153.长大grow up154.打算be going to +动词原形155.上表演课take acting lessons156.练习…practice sth./doing sth. 157.非常努力地学习数学study math really hard158.搬到…去move to …159.我所想要做的事what I want to do160.某个有趣地方somewhereinteresting161.听起来像…sound like …162.许多,大量的lots of=a lot of163.举办艺术展览会hold art exhibitions164.一份兼职的工作a part-time job165.一两年a year or two = one or twoyears166.环游世界travel all over the world167.存钱save money168.同时at the same time169.给某人买某物buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.170.把…寄给…send…to…171.写文章write articles172.弹奏一种乐器play an instrument173.明年next year174.收到某人的来信get a letter from sb.175.keep sb./sth+adj.使某人/物处某状态176.keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做事177.与某人交流communicate with sb.178.从…到…from…to…179.制定新年计划make New Year's resolutionsUnit11180.做家务do chores181.与…讨论discuss with…182.洗餐具do the dishes183.扫地sweep the floor184.整理床铺make one's/ the bed185.叠(你的)衣服fold the/ (your) clothes186.倒垃圾take out the trash187.打扫客厅clean the living room188.在外面待到很晚stay out late189.搭车get a ride190.参加一个会议go to a meeting191.从事于,忙于work on192.出去go out193.洗衣服do the laundry194.讨厌(不喜欢)某人/物hate sb./sth.195.讨厌做某事hate to do sth(表示具体的,特指某次行为或动作)196.讨厌做某事hate doing sth.(表示经常或习惯性的行为或动作)197..agree to +计划,提议,安排198.agree with sb.同意某人的观点,看法199.agree to do sth.同意做某事200.做早饭make breakfast201.向某人借某物(借入)borrow sth. from sb. /borrow one's sth.202.把某物借给某人(借出)lend sb. sth. /lend sth. to sb.203.invite sb. to +地名"邀某人到某地"204.invite sb. to do sth. 邀某人做某事205.不在家be not in= be out206..照顾(好)take (good) care of sb.= look after sb. well207..出去(散步)go out (for a walk)208.把某物给某人give sth.to sb.=give sb. sth.209.feed sth. to…把某物喂给…210.feed…(with sth.) (用某物)喂211.feed on…以…为主食,以…为生212.与…一起玩play with…213.要去度假be going on vacation214.ask sb. for help寻求某人的帮助215.ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事216.生气get angryUnit12217.离…近be close to …218.在镇上的繁华地段in a fun part of town219.受…欢迎be popular with…220.电影院movie theater221.在镇里in town222.最好的服装店the best clothing store223.对…做调查do/make a survey of…224.至于…;对…而言as for225.非常成功a great success226.因…而获奖win the prize for…227.…的价格the price of…228.或者…或者…either…or…229.降(他们的)价cut (their) prices230.一点也不…not…at all。

八年级上册英语必背短语Unit11. how often 多久一次2. how many 多少3. look after 照顾4. go to the movies 去看电影5. the results of… …的结果6. eating habits 饮食习惯7. the same as … 与…相同8. be different from… 与…不同9. try to do … 试图(努力)做某事10. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事11. be good for … 对…有益12. keep in good health = keep healthy保持身体健康13.want (sb.) to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事Unit214. 感冒have a cold15. 发烧have a fever16. 背痛have a sore back17. .肚子痛have a stomachache18. 牙痛have a toothache19. 休息have a rest20. 紧张,有压力stressed out21 有些,几个(+可n)a few22. 此刻,现在at the moment23. 直到…才…not…until…24.喉咙疼have a sore throat25.看牙医see a dentist26.…的平衡a balance of…27.much too+形容词“太…”28.too much +不可数名词“太多的…”29.too many+可名复数“太多的…”30.感到疲劳get tired31.It is +形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是很…的。
Unit332.go camping 去野营33.go bike riding 骑自行车旅行34.get back to…回到…35.Take/have a vacation 度假36. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.把某物展示给某人看37.stay for three weeks 待三周38.take walks=take a walk 散步39. make a movie 拍电影40. a plan for……的计划41. plan to do sth. 计划做某事42. be famous for 以…而著名43. be famous as 作为…而出名44.think about+名/代/动名词“考虑”45.think of “想起”46.decide on “决定”,后接名动名词47.decide to do sth. 决定做某事48.spend on sth. 花时间/金钱在…上49.spend(in)doing sth.花时间/金钱在做某事上50.forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未)51.forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已)52.finish doing sth. 做完某事53.something different 一些不同的事情54.leave for+某地“出发去某地”55.leave from+某地“从某地离开”56.a good place to do sth.一个做某事的好地方57.places to visit 参观的地方Unit458.由…决定depend on59.worry about 担心…60.做某事的方式ways of doing sth.61.交通方式means of transportation62.不得不,必须have to +动词原型63.需要做某事need to do sth.64.看一看look at =have a look at65.许多…a number of+名复数,谓用复66.…的数量the number of+名,谓用单Unit567.去看医生go to the doctor68..去看电影go to the movies69.后天the day after tomorrow70.为…测试而学习study for…71.上周last week72.这周this week73.下周next week74.与某人论某事discuss sth. with sb.Unit675.超出more than76.有一些共同之处have some things in common77.擅长be good at/do well in78.Thank you for sth./doing sth.谢谢79.在一些方面in some ways80.喜爱做某事enjoy doing sth.81.与…一样的as…as…82.不如…not as(so) …as…83.与…相同the same as84.高一点a little taller85.高许多much taller86.使某人做某事make sb.do sth.87.喜欢做某事like to do sth./doing sth.88.大多数的…Most of…89.与…不同be different from…90.与…相处得好be good with91.讲笑话tell jokes92.拨打+电话号码+找某人call sb. at +电话号码93.stop to do sth. 停下来去做另外的事情94.stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情95.以…开始begin with96.不同种类的…different kinds of…Unit797.打开turn on98.切碎cut up99.把…倒入…里pour …into …100.把…放入…里put…in/into…101.一杯…a cup of …102.把…放在…上面put…on…103.两茶匙的…two teaspoons of …104.一片…a slice/piece of105.两片…two slices of …106.把…加到…上add…to…107.另一片面包another slice of bread108.在上面,在顶部on the top109.把…混合在一起mix…upUnit8110.去沙滩go to the beach111.照相take photos112.闲逛hang out113.其他的什么what else114.睡过头sleep late115.在…末端/尽头at the end of …116.show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.给某人看某物117.开车去兜风go for a drive118.上课take a class=have a class119.做某事很开心have fun doing sth.120.休息日day off121.把…摆放出来put…out122.…中的一些some of …123.据某人看来in one's opinion124.帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth.125.在将来in the future126.…中没有人none of…127.变湿get wet128.从…回来come back from…129.一整天all day=the whole dayUnit9130.出生于be born131.stop to do sth. 停下去做另一件事132.stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事133.start doing sth. 着手做某事134.start to do sth. 开始去做某事135.一部叫做…的喜剧a comedy called…136.他所有的空闲时间all his free time 137.太…以至不能…too+形/副原型+to+动词原形138.如此的…以至…so++形/副原型+that从句139.learn to do sth. 学着做某事140.learn from…向…学习141.learn of 听说,了解到142.参加,参与take part in143.at the age of+数字= when +主语+be动词+数字+(years old) “在…岁时”144.be the first (one) to do sth.第一个…的人145.获得第一名win first prize146.see sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事或经常做某事147.see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事148.因为,由于because of149.主修专研major in150.谱写曲子write music151.一首音乐a piece of music152.一些较难的乐曲some difficult pieces of musicUnit10153.长大grow up154.打算be going to +动词原形155.上表演课take acting lessons156.练习…practice sth./doing sth. 157.非常努力地学习数学study math really hard158.搬到…去move to …159.我所想要做的事what I want to do160.某个有趣地方somewhereinteresting161.听起来像…sound like …162.许多,大量的lots of=a lot of163.举办艺术展览会hold art exhibitions164.一份兼职的工作a part-time job165.一两年a year or two = one or twoyears166.环游世界travel all over the world167.存钱save money168.同时at the same time169.给某人买某物buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.170.把…寄给…send…to…171.写文章write articles172.弹奏一种乐器play an instrument173.明年next year174.收到某人的来信get a letter from sb.175.keep sb./sth+adj.使某人/物处某状态176.keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做事177.与某人交流communicate with sb.178.从…到…from…to…179.制定新年计划make New Year's resolutionsUnit11180.做家务do chores181.与…讨论discuss with…182.洗餐具do the dishes183.扫地sweep the floor184.整理床铺make one's/ the bed185.叠(你的)衣服fold the/ (your) clothes186.倒垃圾take out the trash187.打扫客厅clean the living room188.在外面待到很晚stay out late189.搭车get a ride190.参加一个会议go to a meeting191.从事于,忙于work on192.出去go out193.洗衣服do the laundry194.讨厌(不喜欢)某人/物hate sb./sth.195.讨厌做某事hate to do sth(表示具体的,特指某次行为或动作)196.讨厌做某事hate doing sth.(表示经常或习惯性的行为或动作)197..agree to +计划,提议,安排198.agree with sb.同意某人的观点,看法199.agree to do sth.同意做某事200.做早饭make breakfast201.向某人借某物(借入)borrow sth. from sb. /borrow one's sth.202.把某物借给某人(借出)lend sb. sth. /lend sth. to sb.203.invite sb. to +地名"邀某人到某地"204.invite sb. to do sth. 邀某人做某事205.不在家be not in= be out206..照顾(好)take (good) care of sb.= look after sb. well207..出去(散步)go out (for a walk)208.把某物给某人give sth.to sb.=give sb. sth.209.feed sth. to…把某物喂给…210.feed…(with sth.) (用某物)喂211.feed on…以…为主食,以…为生212.与…一起玩play with…213.要去度假be going on vacation214.ask sb. for help寻求某人的帮助215.ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事216.生气get angryUnit12217.离…近be close to …218.在镇上的繁华地段in a fun part of town219.受…欢迎be popular with…220.电影院movie theater221.在镇里in town222.最好的服装店the best clothing store223.对…做调查do/make a survey of…224.至于…;对…而言as for225.非常成功a great success226.因…而获奖win the prize for…227.…的价格the price of…228.或者…或者…either…or…229.降(他们的)价cut (their) prices230.一点也不…not…at all。

新人教八(上)英语各单元短语汇总(Unit1-10)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?1.arrive in+大地点/arrive at+小地点= get to地点(n.)= reach+地点(n.)2.arrive(get)here/there/home 到这/那/家3.because of +名/代/V-ing4.because+从句5.bring back ...from 从...带回...6.buy sth for sb. = buy sb. sth 为某人买某物e true 实现e up 出现;走近;发生9.decide =make a decision=make up one's mind to do sth 下定决心做某事10.dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事11.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事12.enough +名词/名词+enough “足够… ;形容词/副词+enough13.feel like 给…… 的感觉;感受到;想要14.find out 找出;查明;弄清楚15.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事16.forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事17.go on vacation=take/have vacation 去度假18.go on 继续;发生19.go out 出去20.go shopping 去购物21.have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得开心22.in excitement 激动地;兴奋地23.in the past 在过去24.keep a diary 记日记25.keep doing sth. 继续做某事26.look+adj. 看起来… …27.most of the time 大部分时间28.nothing ….but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有29.of course 当然30.one bowl of… 一碗… …31.quite a few+名复相当多32.seem + (to be) + adj 看起来33.so + adj + that + 从句如此……以至于… …34.something important 重要的事35.start doing sth.=begin doing sth.开始做某事36.stay at home 待在家里37.stop doing sth. 停止做某事38.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事39.study for 为……而学习40.take photos 照相41.taste + adj. 尝起来… …42.tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事43.the next day 第二天44.try doing sth. 尝试做某事45.try to do sth. 尽力做某事46.up and down 上上下下47.wait for 等候48.walk around 四处走走49.want to do sth. 想去做某事50.Why not do. sth.? 为什么不做……呢?51.wonder=want to know 想知道Unit2 How often do you exercise?1.ask sb. about sth. 向某人询问某事2.at least 至少3.be bad for 对什么有害4.be different from 不同5.be free 有空6.be good for 对……有好处7.be good for 对什么有益8.by doing sth. 通过做某事e home from school 放学回家10.eating habits 饮食习惯11.every day 每天12.get good grades 取得好成绩13.go camping 去野营14.go skate boarding 去划板15.go to bed early 早点睡觉16.go to the dentist 去看牙医17.go to the movies 去看电影18.go to the movies 去看电影19.hardly ever 几乎从不20.have dance and piano lessons 上舞蹈课和钢琴课21.healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式22.help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事23.help with housework 帮助做家务24.how many+可数名词复数25.how often “多久一次”问频率26.in one's free time 在某人的业余时间27.It's+ adj. + to do sth. 做某事的…… 的。

八年级上册英语必背短语汇总1. die out灭绝2. in the countryside在农村3. find out了解4. human being人类5. look up 查阅6. from an early age 在很小的时候7. learn about了解8. more than多于9. go for a walk去散步10. learn…from…从…获得…11. take pictures of 拍…的照片12.a type of 一类13. be important to 对…而言重要14. climb up to往上爬至15.a long time ago很早以前16. challenge…to…向…挑战…17. and so on …等等18. the rest of 剩余的19. make money赚钱20. follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议21. nothing but…除了…以外什么都…22. from then on从那时起23. not…any more 不再24. all year round终年25. take place发生26. copy down抄下27. work with从事…工作;在一起干28. at first首先29. in the way 以这种方式30. so that以便31. develop into 使发展成32. lead to导致33. for sure无疑34. one grain of一粒35. get a prize得到一件奖品36. work as从事…工作37. be unaware of 没意识到38. depend on依靠39. in addition除了…以外40. grand total总计41. one day总有一天42. happen to发生在….的身上43. change one’s life 改变某人生活44. get on the Internet上网45. be forward to盼望46. be made of由…制成47. for too long长时间的48. in the past在过去49. at a…speed以…速度50. since then自那以来51. keep in touch with与….保持联系52. in the daytime在白天53. keep…off使…不接近54. at the same time同时55. get a mark得到分数56. at the weekend 在周末57. top speed最高速度58. on land在陆地上59. turn into变成60. instead of代替61. right now现在;目前62. work as担任63. all the time一直64. make a mess 弄得一团糟65. at the tip of在…的尖端66. refer to涉及67. with the help of在…的帮助下68. look like像69. at first 起初70. so far迄今为止71. introduce…. to…使…初次了解72. come over to从…到…(远距离)73. in one’s home在某人的家里74. tour around 游览75. one another互相76. activities in school校内活动77. activities outside school校外活动78. apply for申请79. between…and………和….之间80. have a reference from 有…的推荐信81. wait for等待82. come on 加油83. look down俯视84. be under attack受到攻击85. turn around转身86. fill…with…装满87. act out将…表演出来88. except for除了…之外89. look over察看90. go to sleep入睡91. on the side of在…旁边92. climb out of从…爬出来93. one by one一个接一个94. be afraid of害怕95. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人96. take out取帐97. pour out 涌出98. put…into把…放进99. make a noise发出嗓音100. exercise one's brain锻炼某人大脑101. live a healthy life过健康的生活102. have a balanced diet饮食均衡103. get worried 担心104. slow down反应慢105. stay relaxed保持放松106. take place发生107. write down写下108. improve one's memory 提高某人记忆力109. in one’s mind在某人脑海里110. make a sentence造句111. far from…离…很远112. have trouble with因…苦恼113. treasure hunt寻宝游戏114. in public 公开的115. put on 上演116. in my opinion 依我看117. above all尤其是118. look out小心119. give a speech 演讲120. communicate…with…与…交流…121. first at all 首先122. in all总计123. ought to应该124. set a trap设计圈套125. belong to 属于。

Unit2haveacold患感冒shouldn't=shouldnotbestressedout紧张的;有压力的afew有些;几个(针对可数名词)alittle[bit]有些;几个(针对不可数名词)atthemoment此刻;现在What'sthematter=What'swrong=What'stheproblemWhat’sthetrouble怎么了?liedownandrest躺下休息seeadoctor看病hopetodosth.希望做某事listento听forexample举个例子begoodfor对……有益it's+adj.+[forsb.]+todosth.做某事(对某人来说)……(加形容词)gettired感到疲倦stayhealthy保持健康givesb.sth.=givesth.tosb.把某物给某人needtodosth.需要做某事Unit3howlong多久getback=comeback回来takeavacation=haveavacation去度假alot=verymuch很;非常begoingtodosth.将要去做某事sound+adj.听起来……(加形容词)soundlike+n.听起来像……(加名词)haveagoodtime=havefun=enjoyoneself玩得愉快showsb.sth.=showsth.tosb.把某物给某人看wanttodosth.=wouldliketodosth.想要做某事plantodosth.计划做某事spendsometime[in]doingsth.花时间做某事needtodosth.需要做某事asksb.aboutsth.询问某人某方面的事情goshopping去购物leavefor离开去某地Unit4bybus=takethebus乘公共汽车howfar多远dependon依赖于byboat=taketheboat乘船lookat看bytrain=takethetrain乘火车bybike=rideone'sbike骑车bysubway=takethesubway乘地铁byplane=taketheplane乘飞机onfoot走路getup起床havebreakfast吃早饭leaveforsomewhere离开去某地takesb.tosomewhere带某人去某地halfanhour=thirtyminutes半小时(三十分钟)aroundtheworld=allovertheworld全世界gettoschool到学校thinkof认为onweekend在周末Unit5thedayaftertomorrow后天thedaybeforeyesterday前天comeover来访studyforatest复习迎考gotothedoctor=seethedoctor看病haveto不得不;必须(强调客观上)must不得不;必须(强调主观上)helpsb.withsth.=helpsb.[to]dosth.帮助某人做某事toomuch+n.太多(针对不可数名词)toomany+n.太多(针对可数名词)muchtoo+adj.太……(加形容词)gotothemovies看电影practicedoingsth.练习做某事thanksfor[doing]sth.为(做)某事而感谢gotothedentist看牙医begoingtodosth.将要做某事(该事已计划好)willdosth.将要做某事(该事尚未计划)keepquiet保持安静Unit6morethan超出……incommon共同的begoodat=dowellin在某方面做得好mostof大多数insomeways在某些方面thesameas与……一样makesb.+adj.让某人(感觉)……(加形容词)stopdoingsth.停止做某事stoptodosth.停止当前做的事去做另一件事beginwith以……开始eachother互相enjoyoneself=havefun=haveagoodtime玩得高兴spendsometime[in]doingsth.=spendsometimeonsth.花时间做某事plantodosth.计划做某事onafarm在农场Unit7turnon打开(电器)[闭合开关]turnoff关闭(电器)[断开开关]cutup切碎mixup混合add...to...把……加到……上pour...into...把……浇到……里面put...in...把……放到……里面put...on...把……放到……上面acupof一杯ateaspoonof一勺Unit8hangout闲逛sleeplate睡过头takephotos=takepictures照相haveagreattime=havefun=enjoyoneself玩得高兴attheendof在……的尽头theclassmonitor班长adayoff一整天goforadrive开车兜风havefundoingsth.做某事很愉快abowlof一碗helpsb.[to]dosth.帮助某人做某事一些不规则动词的原形和过去式:hang→hung buy→boughtsleep→sleptread/ri:d/→read/red/Unit9too...to...太……以致不能……takepartin=join参加becauseof因为……majorin主修;专研startdoingsth.开始做某事(该事已计划好)starttodosth.开始做某事(该事尚未计划)spendsometimewithsb.花时间和某人在一起spendsometime[in]doingsth.=spendsometimeonsth.花时间做某事seesb.dosth.看见某人做某事(强调全局)seesb.doingsth.看见某人做某事(强调偶然性)Unit10growup成长;长大atthesametime同时allover遍及allovertheworld=aroundtheworld全世界begoingtodosth.将要做某事practicedoingsth.练习做某事studyhard努力学习takelessons上课sound+adj.听起来……(加形容词)soundlike+n.听起来像……(加名词)savemoney存钱buysb.sth.=bysth.forsb.给某人买某物buysth.withthemoney用钱买某物writearticles写文章learntodosth.学习做某事getgoodgrades取得好成绩playsports运动keepfit保持健康writetosb.给某人写信enjoydoingsth.享受做某事ayearortwo一两年=oneortwoyears Unit11dothedishes=washthedishes洗碗takeout取出makeone'sbed整理床铺workon从事;忙于dochores=dohousework干家务dothelaundry=washtheclothes洗衣服takecareof=carefor=lookafter照看;照顾sweepthefloor扫地foldone'sclothes叠衣服gotothemovies看电影getaride骑车gotoameeting开会hate(todo/doing)sth.讨厌做某事like(todo/doing)sth.喜欢做某事invitesb.tosomewhere邀请某人去某地gotothestore=goshopping购物forgettodosth.忘记做某事(该事尚未做)forgetdoingsth.忘记做某事(该事已做过)givesb.sth.=givesth.tosb.把某物给某人buysb.sth.=buysth.forsb.买某物给某人onvacation度假Unit12closeto=near靠近;接近inexpensive=cheap便宜的clothingstore服装店radiostation广播站talentshow业余歌手演唱会itisadj.[forsb.]todosth.做某事(对某人来说)感觉……(加形容词)cuttheprice打折not...atall=not...intheslightest一点也不infact实际上payfor为……而付款sth.costsb.(money)某人花钱买了某物good/well→better→thebest形容词good/副词well的原级、比较级和最高级bad/badly→worse→theworst形容词bad/副词badly的原级、比较级和最高级Step2:重点句型及结构1.wanttodosthwantsbtodosth2.wouldliketodosthwouldlikesbtodosthwouldlovetodosth3.begoodforbegoodatbegoodtobegoodwith4.bebadfor5.beangrywithsb6.helpsbtodosthhelpsbwithsth7.bethesameasbedifferentfrom8.liketodolikedoing9.enjoydoingsth10.start/begantodosthstar/begandoingsthstar/beganwithsth11.hope/wishtodosthhope/wish+从句12.Itis+adj.+todosth13.bepopularwith14.needtodosth15.sendsthtosbsendsbsth16.showsbsthshowsthtosb17.rentsthfromsb rentsthtosb18.asksbtodosth19.plantodosth20.finishdoingsth21.decidetododecideonsth22.befamousforbefamousas23.forgettodo forgetdingsth24.remembertodo rememberdoingsth25.spend……onsth spend……(in)doingsth spend……with sbpay……forsth sthcostsb……Ittakesbsometimetodosth26.Thanksfordoingsth27.begoingtodosth28.How/Whataboutdoingsth29.thinkaboutdoingsth30.trytodosthtrydoingsthtryone’sbesttodosth31.anumberof thenumberof32.Whatdoyouthinkof……?33.Howdoyoulike……?34.needtodosth35.letsbdosthmakesbdosthhavesbdosth36.dowellingetonwellwith37.bepopularwithsbughatsb39.bebusywithsthbebusydoingsth40.感叹句:what+(a/an)+adj.+名词+主语+谓语!How+adj./adv+主语+谓语!41.…as+adj.+as…42.A+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B43.….the+形容词或副词的最高级+(of/in……)44.stoptodosthstopdoingsth45.too…to…so…that…not……enoughtodo46.learntodosth47.seesbdosthseesbdoingsth48.because+that从句becauseof+名词(短语)49.not……until……50.whynotdosthWhydon’tyoudosth51.begoingto=wanttodo52.practicedoingsth53.send……to……54.getaletterfromsbhearfromsb55.keep+sb/sth.+adj.keep(sb)doingsth.keep(on)doingsth.keepsb./sth.away(fromsb./sth.) keepupwithsb.=catchupwithsb.municatewithsb.57.Couldyoupleasedosth. Wouldyouminddoingsth58.hatesth.hatetodosth.hatedoingsth.59.borrowsth.fromsb.lendsb.sth.=lendsth.tosb.60.invitesb.todosthinvitesbtosomeplace61.agreesb.todosth.agreewithsb.62.havetodosthneedtodosthstarttodosthbegintodosthasksbtodosth63.moveto/into64.thanksfor65.doasurveyof…makeasurveyof…66.bepopularwith…67.besuccessfulin(doing)sthsucceedin(doing)sth68.wintheprizefor…69.sth+adj.(adv)+enough(forsb)todosth.70.becloseto……befarfrom…71.buysbsth=buysthforsbmakesbsth=makesthforsbgivesbsth=givesthtosb72.notatall73.oneof+可数名词的复数形式74.anumberofthenumberof。

八年级上册英语语法、短语和知识点总结Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。
语法:1.本单元出现的动词不规则过去式有:is\am---was是are -- were是go---went去buy—bought买take ---took拿走,do\does—did feed—fed喂see—saw 看见eat—ate 吃have\has—had 有,吃feel—felt感觉ride—rode骑get—got到达,得到can—could能,会forget—forgot忘记drink—drank喝find—found找到2.不定代词和不定副词的用法:some bodyany oneevery thingno where(疑问副词)不定代词和不定副词(1)左边的some、any、every、no与右边的body、one、thing构成不定代词,some、any、every、no与右边的疑问副词where构成不定副词;(2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);(3)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。
He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。
(肯定句用something,形容词important放后)Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗?(一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后)(4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。

八年级上英语短语总结1. on Saturday afternoon在周六下午2. prepare for为……做准备3. go to the doctor去看医生4. have the flu患感冒5. help my parents帮助我的父母6. come to the party来参加聚会7. another time其他时间8. last fall去年秋天9. go to the party去聚会10. hang out常去某处;泡在某处11. the day after tomorrow后天12. the day before yesterday前天13. have a piano lesson上钢琴课14. look after照看;照顾15. accept an invitaton接受邀请16. turn down an invitation拒绝邀请17. take a trip去旅行18. at the end of this month这个月末19. look forward to盼望;期待20. the opening of… ……的开幕式/落成典礼1. milk shake奶昔2. turn on接通电流、煤气、水等;打开3. pour…into…把……倒入……4. a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶5. a good idea好主意6. on Saturday在星期六7. cut up切碎8. put…into…把……放入……9. one more thing还有一件事10. a piece of一片/张/段/首……11. at this time在这时12. a few一些;几个13. fill… with…用……把……装满14. cover…with…用……覆盖……15. one by one一个接一个;逐个;依次16. a long time很长时间17. how many+可数名词复数多少……18. how much+不可数名词多少……19. It’s time for sb.+to do sth. 到某人做某事的时间了First…Next…Then…Finally 首先……接下来……然后…….最后……20. want + to do sth.想要做某事1. on computer 在电脑上2. on paper 在纸上3. live to do 200 years old 活动200岁4. free time 空闲时间5. in danger 处于危险之中6. on the earth 在地球上7. play a part in sth. 参与某事8. space station 太空站9. look for 寻找10. computer programmer 电脑编程员11. in the future 在未来12. hundreds of 许多;成百上千13. the same…as… 与……一样14. over and over again 多次;反复地15. get bored 感到厌烦的16. wake up 醒来17. fall down 倒塌18. will+动词原形将要做……19. fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多……20. less/more+不可数名词更少/更多……看过八年级上英语短语的人还:感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

初二英语上学期短语总结初二英语上学期短语总结初二英语上学期短语11. Can I ask you some? 我能问你一些吗?2. How do you like? 你认为怎么样?3. Thanks for doing sth. 因做某事而感谢。
4. What do you think of? 你认为怎么样?5. much+ adj./adv.的比较级得多6. watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做某事7. play a role in doing sth 在做某事方面扮演重要的角色8. one of+可数名词的复数之一9. talk show 谈话节目10. game show 游戏节目11. soap opera 肥皂剧12. go on 发生13. watch a movie 看电影14. a pair of 一双;一对15. try one’s best 尽某人最大努力16. as famous as 与一样有名17. have a discussion about 就讨论18. one day 有一天19. such as 例如20. dress up 打扮;梳理21. take sb.’s place 代替;替换22. do a good job 干得好23. something enjoyable 令人愉快的东西24. interesting information 有趣的资料25. one of 之一26. look like 看起来像27. around the world 全世界28. a symbol of 的象征29. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事30. plan to do sth. 计划/打算做某事31. hope to do sth. 希望做某事32. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事33. expect to do sth. 盼望做某事34. How about doing? 做怎么样?35. be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事36. try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事动词不定式做宾语37. think of 认为38. learn from 从获得;向学习39. find out 查明;弄清楚40. grow up 成长;长大41. every day 每天42. be sure about 对有把握43. make sure 确信;务必44. sendto 把送到45. be able to能46. the meaning of 的意思47. different kinds of 不同种类的48. write down 写下;记下49. have to do with 关于;与有关系50. take up 开始做;学着做51. hardly ever 几乎不;很少52. tooto 太而不能/太以至于不能53. be going to+动词原形打算做某事54. practice doing 练习做某事55. keep on doing sth. 不断地做某事56. learn to do sth. 学会做某事57. finish doing sth. 做完某事58. promise to do sth. 许诺去做某事59. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事60. remember to do sth. 记住做某事61. agree to do sth. 同意做某事62. love to do sth. 喜爱做某事63. want to do sth. 想要做某事64. on computer 在电脑上65. on paper 在纸上66. live to do 0 years old 活动0岁67. free time 空闲时间68. in danger 处于危险之中69. on the earth 在地球上70. play a part in sth. 参与某事71. space station 太空站72. look for 寻找73. computer programmer 电脑编程员74. in the future 在未来75. hundreds of 许多;成百上千初二英语上学期短语21. the sameas 与一样2. over and over again 多次;反复地3. get bored 感到厌烦的4. wake up 醒来5. fall down 倒塌6. will+动词原形将要做7. fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多8. less/more+不可数名词更少/更多9. have to do sth. 不得不做某事10. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见11. such+名词(词组) 如此12. play a part in doing sth. 参与做某事13. There will be + 主语+其他将会有14. There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.有正在做某事15. make sb. do sth.16. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事17. try to do sth. 尽力做某事18. It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事的。

2.否定形式:主语+didn't +谓语动词原形+其它。
3.一般疑问句:①Did+主语+谓语动词原形+其它? ②Was/Were+主语+表语?4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ did+主语+动词原形+其它?5.一般过去时记忆口诀一般过去时并不难,过去动作、状态记心间。
否定句很简单,didn't 站动原前,其它部分不要变。
语言目标● What do you usually doon weekends? I sometimes go to the beach.● How often do you eatvegetables? Every day● Most students dohomework every day.重点词汇● always, usually, often, sometimes , hardly , ever, never.● how often, once, twice , three times a week , every day.应掌握的词组1. go to the movies去看电影2. look after = take care of照顾八年级上册英语短语总结第3篇1. be able to do sth. 能够xxx事2. agree with sb. 同意\赞同某人(或某人的意见)3. wake up 喊醒,唤醒,醒来4. fall down 突然倒下,跌倒,倒塌5. hundreds of 许多;成百上千6. have many different shapes 拥有很多不同的形状7. in 25 to 50 years 在25到50年以后8. fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多……9. less/more+不可数名词更少/更多……10. have to do sth. 不得不xxx事11. such+名词(词组) 如此……12. There will be + 主语+其他将会有……13. There is\ are going to be + 主语 + 其他将会有…...14. try to do sth. 尽力xxx事15. It’s+ adj. + for sb. to do sth. xxx事对某人来说是……的16. seem impossible 似乎不可能17. robots more like humans 更像人类的机器人18. in the near future 在不远的将来19. at some point 在某种情况下,在某一时刻20. which side 哪一方21. as a reporter 作为一名记者22. during the week 在一周的工作日内23. during the holiday 在假期里24. on the weekend=at the weekend=on weekends=at weekends在周末25. one day 一天,有一天(可用于一般过去时和一般将来时)26. be human-like 形似真人的,真人一样的27. be bird-like 形似鸟儿的,像鸟一样的28. when possible 当可能的时候最新范文八年级上册英语短语总结第4篇语法:一.一般将来时:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。

八年级上册英语短语总结八年级上册英语短语总结如下:quite a few 相当多;不少of course 当然;自然feel like 给……的感觉;感受到because of 因为Central Park 中央公园(美国纽约) Huangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布(贵州)hardly ever 几乎从不swing dance 摇摆舞at least 至少;不少于;起码junk food 垃圾食品such as 例如;像……这样more than 多于less than 少于care about 关心;在意as long as 只要;既然be different from 与……不同;与……有差异bring out 使显现;使表现出the same as 和……相同;与……一致in fact 确切地说;事实上;实际上be similar to 与……相像的、类似的primary school 小学so far 到目前为止;迄今为止have…in common 有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相同all kinds of 各种类型的;各种各样的be up to 是……的职责;由……决定play a role 发挥作用;有影响make up 编造(故事、谎言等)for example 例如take…seriously 认真对待……action movie 动作影片be ready to 准备好(做某事);愿意(做某事)dress up 装扮;乔装打扮take sb’s place代替;替换do a good job 干得好grow up 长大;成熟;成长computer programmer 计算机程序设计员;编程人员be sure about 确信;对……有把握make sure 确保;查明make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员be able to 能够做某事at the beginning of 在……开始write down 写下;记录下have to do with 关于;与……有关系take up (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做play a part 参与;发挥作用space station 太空站;宇宙空间站over and over again 多次;反复地hundreds of 许多;大量fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌look for 寻找;寻求milk shake 奶昔turn on 接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开prepare for 为……做准备go to the/a doctor 去看医生another time 其他时间;别的时间the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天look after 照料;照顾turn down 拒绝take a trip 去旅行help out (帮助……)分担工作、解决难题look forward to 盼望;期待hear from 接到(某人的)信、电话等potato chips 炸土豆片;炸薯条keep…to oneself 保守秘密in half 分成两半。

一、动词短语1. look forward to (期待)例句:I'm looking forward to the summer holiday.2. take care of (照顾)例句:My sister helps to take care of my pet dog when I'm not at home.3. give up (放弃)例句:Don't give up when things get difficult, keep trying!4. make a difference (产生影响)例句:Small actions can make a big difference in the world.5. take off (脱下)例句:He took off his coat and hung it on the hook.6. put on (穿上)例句:Put on your shoes and let's go for a walk.7. break down (出故障)例句:My car broke down on the way to work this morning.8. come up with (想出)例句:I need to come up with a good idea for the school project.9. look up (查找)例句:If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in the dictionary.10. get along with (相处)例句:I get along well with my classmates.二、名词短语1. a piece of cake (易事)例句:The math problem is a piece of cake for him.2. a waste of time (浪费时间)例句:Playing video games all day is a waste of time.3. a good idea (一个好主意)例句:Going out for a picnic is a good idea on a sunny day.4. a lot of (很多)例句:There are a lot of books on the shelf.5. a little bit (一点儿)例句:Could you please speak a little bit louder?6. a great number of (大量的)例句:A great number of students attended the school talent show.7. a piece of advice (一条建议)例句:I have a piece of advice for you: don't give up easily.8. a sense of (一种感觉)例句:He has a sense of pride after winning the first prize.9. a variety of (各种各样的)例句:There is a variety of food in the cafeteria.10. a series of (一系列的)例句:We watched a series of movies last night.三、形容词短语1. be famous for (以...而闻名)例句:Paris is famous for its beautiful architecture.2. be interested in (对...感兴趣)例句:He is interested in playing basketball.3. be tired of (厌倦)例句:I'm tired of studying all day, I need a break.4. be good at (擅长)例句:She is good at playing the piano.5. be similar to (与...相似)例句:The two pictures are similar to each other.6. be different from (与...不同)例句:His opinion is different from mine.7. be full of (充满)例句:The park is full of flowers in spring.8. be proud of (为...感到骄傲)例句:My parents are proud of my achievements.9. be worried about (担心)例句:She is worried about her exam results.10. be excited about (对...感到兴奋)例句:We are excited about the upcoming summer vacation.四、副词短语1. all the time (一直)例句:He talks on the phone all the time.2. as soon as possible (尽快)例句:Please finish your homework as soon as possible.3. at first (一开始)例句:At first, I didn't like him, but now we are good friends.4. by the way (顺便说一下)例句:By the way, have you seen my keys?5. in the end (最后)例句:In the end, they decided to cancel the trip due to bad weather.6. on time (准时)例句:Please make sure you arrive at the airport on time.7. once again (再次)例句:Let's try it once again.8. right away (立刻)例句:We need to fix the broken window right away.9. up and down (上上下下)例句:She looked up and down before crossing the street.10. a little bit (一点儿)例句:Could you please speak a little bit slower?五、介词短语1. in front of (在...前面)例句:The cat is sitting in front of the door.2. on the way to (在去...的路上)例句:We saw a beautiful sunset on the way to the beach.3. at the same time (同时)例句:They both started talking at the same time.4. by the end of (到...结束时)例句:I will finish reading the book by the end of this week.5. at the beginning of (在...开始时)例句:At the beginning of the movie, there was a short introduction.6. behind the scenes (在幕后)例句:There is a lot of hard work behind the scenes of a successful play.7. in the middle of (在...中间)例句:She stood in the middle of the crowd.8. during the day (在白天)例句:He likes to take a nap during the day.9. after school (放学后)例句:Let's meet at the park after school.10. at the end of (在...末尾)例句:There is a surprise waiting for you at the end of the story. 以上就是八年级上册英语短语的详细介绍,希望对你有所帮助!。

八年级上学期英语知识点八年级英语短语总汇Unit1 Topic11.be going to do 打算做某事2.See sb do sth看见某人做某事(全过程)See sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(正在进行)3.cheer sb on为...加油4.Play against=fight against 与...对抗/大战5.Be against--Be for 反对—赞同6.practice+doing 练习做...7.Prefer+doing 跟喜欢...Prefer doing to doing 或比起做后者,更喜欢做前者Perfer to do, quite a lot/bit/often.Which one do you prefer, which kind of that?10. Join+某人/组织Join in+活动/比赛加入Take part in+活动/比赛Be in+活动/比赛13.Know about... 知道/了解有关于...当时间来临时,我们将采取行动;这是我们的计划。
15. It takes sb+时间/钱 to do sthSpend+时间/钱+(in) doing sth 在某方面花费多少Spend+时间/钱+on+n.物+cost+时间/钱16.There be going to be=there will be 这里将会有...17.Be good at+(doing)sth=Do well in+(doing)sth 擅长做...18.Be sure that+宾语从句确信... 19.Be sure to do 肯定要做...20.Be sure of/about 对...有把握 21.At the weekend 在周末22.Make sb/sth+adj 使...处在什么状态23.Keep+adj 保持...;keep sb/sth+adj 使...保持什么状态24.A way to 一种...的方法 25.Relax oneself 使某人自己放松26.Play for 为...效力27.Arrive in=get to=reach+大地方;Arrive at+小地方28.Excited(人);exciting(物)29.Leave for动身做某地;leave A for B 离开A地去B地Unit1 Topic21.Could you(not)....=cuold/would you please(not)do=would/do youmind(not)doing=Would you mind (not)+if+从句2.fall ill=be ill 生病其中之一是n的复数形式.优化后的文本可以是:Use 'keep doing' for continuous action and 'keep on doing' for repeated action with intervals.5.Help sb.=give sb a hand 帮助某人6.V.+间宾(人)+直宾(物)=V.+直宾+to/for+间宾7.Sure=certainly=of course 当然8.Not at all=certainly not=of course not 不介意9.Never mind=it’s nothing=it’s doesn’t matter 没关系乱扔11.Adj.修饰不定代词放其后12.Be sorry for/about.... 对...感到内疚13.What do you mean by...?=what does...mean?=what’s the meaning of...?意思是什么?14.Shout at sb. 斥责某人15.Do/try one’s best to do sth 尽某人做大的努力做某事16.Be angry with sb. For doing sth 因为某人做某事而生气17.be angry at/about sth 因某事而生气18.be angry with 因...而生气19.With the help of sb.=with one’help 在某人的帮助下20.Say...to sb. 对某人说...e into being=be born 形成/产生22.So...that... 如此...以致...=to...too... 太...而不能...23.A century=one hundred year 一个世纪24.Over=more than 超过25.Through(中间)=aross(表面) 通过阻止他们从做28.It’s + adj +(for sb.)+to do (对某人来说)做...是...29.Another+基数词又一,在一; other +n.复数另外的Around=all_over 处到处31.Just for...只是为了...32.Turn...into... 使...变成...33.Sit around 围坐在34.Get from doing 得到...35.Such as 后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西36.A number of+n.可数复数许多的;the number of+n.单数 ...的数量37.Hero 复数(Pl.) heroesUnit1 Topic31.连字符后不加soman则例外,需用复数。

八年级英语上短语(知识点)班别:____________ 姓名: _________ 成绩:_____________1. 看见某人做了某事 see sb do sth看见某人正在做某事 see sb doing sth2. 为某人加油 cheer sb on3. 许多,大量(修饰动词) quite a bit / a lot4. 长大成人,成长 grow up5. 今后 in the future6. 放弃某物,放弃做某事 give up sth / give up doing sth7. 参加,加入(三种表达) take part in / join in / be in积极参加 take an active part in8. 两个都,既……又……both … and …(连接两个名词 / 代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
)9. 某人花费时间/金钱在某物上/做某事上Sb spends(spent) some time / some money on sth / in doing sth.做某事花费某人时间It takes(took) sb some time to do sth.某人花费金钱买某物Sb pays(paid) some money for sth.某物花费某人金钱Sth costs(cost) sb some money.10. 做运动(三种表达) do exercise / do sports / play sports11. 跳高 the high jump跳远 the long jump12. 到处,遍及 all over全中国 all over China全世界 all over the world13. 对……有益 be good for对……有害 be bad for14. 后天 the day after tomorrow15. 保持健康(两种表达) keep fit / keep healthy16. 到达某地 (遇到home、here、there不用任何介词)arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方get to + 地方reach + 地方17. 同……比赛 play against为某球队效力 play for a team18. 动身去某地 leave for离开A 地前往B地 leave A for B19. 患病,病倒 fall ill20. 乐意于 be glad to21. 整理床铺 make one’s bed22. 大声叫,喊 shout at23. 生某人的气 be angry with sb24. 尽某人最大努力 do / try one’s best尽某人最大努力去做某事 do / try one’s best to do sth25. 继续做某事 keep doing sth26. 关小,调低 turn down开大,调高 turn up关掉 turn off打开 turn on(turn +名词 + down / turn down + 名词; turn + 代词 + down ;其它几个类似)27. 马上,立即(四种表达) at once / right now / right away / in a minute28. 坐下,就座 take a seat29. 也,还有 as well(句末) = also(句中) / too (句末)→用在肯定句 either →用在否定句30. 越来越…… more and more31. 代替/而不是某物/做某事(介词短语) instead of sth / doing sth32. 增强某人的体质 build sb up33. 玩得高兴(三种表达) have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself34. 许多,大量(三种表达)a lot of / lots of / plenty of + 可数名词复数/ 不可数名词35. 为……准备好 be ready for36. 和某人交朋友 make friends with sb37. 能够做某事 be able to do sth38. 代表,象征 stand for39. 至少,不少于 at least40. 患感冒 have a cold发烧 have a fever咳嗽 have a cough患重感冒 have a bad cold患流感 have the flu41. 休息(两种表达) take a rest / have a rest42. 在夜晚 at night43. 日日夜夜 day and night44. 想要做某事(三种表达)feel like doing sthwant to do sthwould like to do sth45. 躺下 lie down46. 关心,照顾(两种表达) take care of / look after好好照顾(两种表达) take good care of / look after well47. 给……做体检,给……做健康检查;核对,检查 check over48. 担心,烦恼 worry about / be worried about49. 感冒药 cold pill50. 进入,达到 get into51. 当众,公开 in public52. 赶快,快点 hurry up53. 开始,开始做,着手,干吧 go ahead54. 一直 all the time55. 远离 keep away from56. 稍等一会儿,请稍等 just a moment57. 给某人打电话 ring sb up给某人回电话 call sb back58. 介意做某事 mind doing sth介意不做某事 mind not doing sth59. 练习做某事 practice doing sth60. 为……而抱歉(难过) be sorry for61. 在某人的帮助下(两种表达) with sb’s help = with the help of sb62. 目的是,为了,以便 so that63. 从做某事中获得乐趣 have fun (in) doing sth64. 赢得第一名 win first place65. 吃药 take some medicine66. 使某人/某物处在某种状态中(两种表达)make / keep sb / sth + 形容词67. 向某人道歉 / 问候 / 道谢 / 道别say sorry / hello / thanks / goodbye to sb68. 肯定要做某事 be sure to do sth确信,对某事有把握 be sure of sth69. 对……来说是必不可少的 be necessary for70. 众所周知 as we know71. 在白天 during the day72. A和B相比,更喜欢A prefer A to BA事和B事相比,更喜欢做A事 prefer doing A to doing B73. 帮某人忙 do sb a favor74. 感到兴奋的(修饰人) excited令人兴奋的(修饰物) exciting75. 留口信 leave a message捎口信 take a message76. 要求某人做某事(两种表达) ask / tell sb to do sth要求某人不要做某事(两种表达) ask / tell sb not to do sth77. 另一方面 on the other hand78. 对某事/做某事说不 say no to sth / doing sth79. 一种,一类 a kind of各种各样 all / different kinds of80. 照顾(病人);照料;喜欢 care for81. 防止/避免做某事 avoid sth / doing sth82. 学习做某事 learn to do sth向某人/某事学习 learn from sb / sth从某人/某事上学到某物 learn sth from sb / sth83.(战争、火灾)突然发生、爆发 break out84. 在那时 at that time85. 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth86. 上交,交纳 hand in87. 错误地 by mistake88. 从那时起 from then on从现在起 from now on89. 在某人空闲时间 in one’s spare time / in one’s free time90. 对某事/做某事感兴趣 be interested in sth / doing sth91. 喜欢做某事(五种表达)like doing sthloving doing sthenjoy doing sthprefer doing sthbe fond of sth / doing sth92. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth过去不常做某事 didn’t use to do sth93. 等等 and so on94. 在音乐会上 at the concert95. 借给某人某物(两种表达) lend sb sth = lend sth to sb向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb96. 继续做同一件事 go on doing sth继续做另外一件事 go on to do sth97. 以某事物而闻名 be famous for以某种身份而闻名 be famous as98. 最后;终于 at last99. 建立;创立 set up100. 同意某人的看法,与某人看法一致 agree with sb101. 做鬼脸,做苦脸 make faces102. 太……而不能做…… too + 形容词 / 副词 + to do sth103. 停止正在做的那件事 stop doing sth停下来去做另外一件事 stop to do sth104. 与……共有…… ; 与……分享…… share …with…105. 以……为食 feed on106. 成千上万,几千 thousands of成百上千的 hundreds of成百万上千万的,数以百万计的 millions of107. 实际上,事实上 in fact108. 组成;化妆;和解 make up109. 在地球上,在世界上;(加强疑问句的语气)到底,究竟 on earth 110. 用……填满…… fill… with …111. 处在危险状态 in danger112. 取代,代替 take the place of发生 take place113. 把……错当成…… mistake… for…114. 寻求;需要;号召,提倡 call for115. 醒来 wake up叫醒某人 wake sb up116. 例如(两种表达) for example / such as 117. 查找 look up118. 注意 pay attention to119. 以……开始 begin with120. 写信给…… write to121. 接通(电源),把(插头)插进(插座) plug in 122. 拆毁 pull down123. 由……组成 be made up of124. 按照 according to125. 把……看作…… regard …as…126. 沉迷于……; 专心致志于…… lose oneself in 127. 考虑,思考 think about认为,想起 think of128. 不确定是否 be not sure whether / if129. 命令某人做某事 order sb to do sth130. 教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth。

八年级上册Unit 1. Words (36单词)physics n. 物理学recent adj. 最近的;近代的perform v. 表演,演出agree v. 同意advise v. 劝告;忠告;建议glue v. 用胶水将物体粘合n. 胶水hate n. 憎恨;讨厌immediately adv. 立即地,马上地glad adj. 高兴的;乐意的ahead adv. 在前面;向前pancake n. 薄饼lemon n. 柠檬pizza n. 比萨饼pea n. 豌豆either adv. 也(用在否定句中)comb v. 用梳子梳头n. 梳子pod n. 豆荚copy v. 抄写;复制n. 复制品surprise n. 意想不到的事v. 使惊奇lend v. (lent/lent) 借给(某人钱或东西);借出cheat v. & n. 作弊;欺骗following adj. 接下来的;接着的gym n. 体育馆;健身房embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,窘迫的enemy n. 敌人,仇人encourage v. 鼓励;支持deal n. 交易v. (dealt/dealt) 处理;应付someone p ron. 某人;有人piano n. 钢琴knowledgeable adj. 有丰富知识的;博学的discuss v. 讨论;谈论jeans n. 牛仔裤patient adj. 有耐心的;能忍耐的n. 病人pleasure n.愉快,快乐;满足local adj.本地的,当地的n.当地人angry adj.愤怒的;生气的Unit 1. Structures and Expressions (13 单词)introduce to 给……介绍……be up to 由……定agree with 同意……go ahead (口语)请吧,说吧play the violin 拉小提琴two peas in a pod 一个豆荚里的两粒豆子(比喻两个人形影不离或一模一样)to one's surprise 让……感到惊奇的是make a deal 达成协议play the piano 弹钢琴advise someone to do something 建议……做某事feel lucky to do something 做……感到很幸运encourage someone to do something 鼓励……去做……have the pleasure of doing something 很高兴做……Unit 2. Words (30 单词)geography n. 地理(学)sometime adv. 在某时painter n. 画家timetable n. 课程表;时间表physical adj. 身体的;肉体的runner n. 跑鞋except prep. 除了……之外tonight adv. & n. 今晚since p rep. 自……以后;从……以来conj. 因为;由于;既然poor adj. 可怜的;贫穷的cough n. & v. 咳嗽because conj. 因为seem v. 好像;似乎convenient adj. 方便的;便捷的download v. 下载librarian n. 图书管理员suddenly adv. 突然地rush v. 冲;奔into prep. 进入;到……里shout v. 喊whisper v. 低语,小声说话n. 低语,小声说的话quarter n. 刻;四分之一recently adv. 最近;不久前;近来southern adj. 南部的;来自南方的tourist n. 游客,游人,观光者mine p ron. 我的ocean n. 海洋remind v. 使想起,提醒finally adv.最后;终于discussion n. 讨论,谈论be late for 迟到physical education (P.E.) 体育have a cough 咳嗽not at all 一点儿也不Mother's Day 母亲节Father's Day 父亲节remind of 使... 想起;令……想到……convenient for 对……方便/便利Unit 3. Words (44 单词)celebrate v. 庆祝mid- prefix 居中;在中间lunar adj. 月球的;农历的,阴历的round adj. 圆的adv. 周而复始地celebration n. 庆祝;庆贺however adv. 然而;不过thanksgiving n. 感恩节wonder v. 好奇;想知道memory n. 回忆;记忆;记忆力past n. 过去;昔日;过去的事情prep. 晚于;在……之后collection n. 收藏品album n. (收藏照片、邮票等)簿,册;唱片集;专辑choose v. (chose/chosen) 选择slide n. 幻灯片v. (使)滑行;滑动record v. 录像;录音;记录n. 记录;记载view n. 观点,想法lively adj. 生动有趣的;充满活力的birth n. 出生;生育attend v. 参加;出席touch n. 接触;联系v. 触摸;接触size n. 尺寸;大小fit v. (fitted/fitted或fit/fit) 合适;合身anyway adv. 无论如何style n. 款式hug n. & v. 拥抱turkey n. 火鸡meal n. (一)餐;(一顿)饭食gathering n.聚会;集会dessert n. 甜点conversation n. 交谈;对话thirteenth num. & adj. & adv. 第十三(的)tape n. 胶带post v. 邮寄yet adv. 还;仍旧(用于否定句中)address n. 地址top n. 顶部;(物的)上面stamp n. 邮票postman n. 邮递员;邮差fashion n. 流行的式样;时尚balloon n. 气球candle n. 蜡烛deep adj. 深的breath n. (呼吸的)空气;吸气blow v. (blew/blown) 吹Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节such as 例如add to 把……加入……face to face 面对面地stay in touch with 与... 保持联系try on 试穿on the top of 在……顶上all ready 一切都准备好了!in fashion 时尚;流行turn off 关掉make a wish 许愿blow out 吹熄;吹灭give someone a hug 给……一个拥抱best wishes to 给……最美好的祝福have no luck 未能如愿;不走运Unit 4. Words (30 单词)neighbourhood n. 街区;城区;(统称)某街区(或城区)的居民thirsty adj. 渴的perfect adj. 美好的;完美的;理想的complete v. 完成;结束bakery n. 面包店biscuit n. 饼干downtown adv. (在/向)城市商业中心或市中心coffee n. 咖啡through prep. 穿过cherry n. 樱桃sidewalk n. 人行道himself pron. 他自己entrance n. 进入;入口pond n. 池塘freeze v. (froze/frozen) 冻死;冻僵;结冰hockey n. 冰球;曲棍球block n. 街道;栋,幢bank n. 银行whole adj. 整个的;完全的chat v. 闲聊;闲谈;聊天cost v. (cost/cost) 花费interview v. & n. 面试;采访;访谈tailor n.裁缝fix v. 修理;维修sound v. 听起来n. 声音enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的treat n. 美食;款待flu n. 流行性感冒mile n. 英里across prep. 横过……;从……一边到另一边go by (=go past) 走过/路过……tea biscuit 茶点be lost 迷路;走失get lost 迷路;走失be busy doing 忙于做……sound like 听起来像across from 在对面;在对过Unit 5. Words (35 单词)might v. aux. 可能,也许scientist n. 科学家grow v. (grew/grown) 生长;增加engineer n. 工程师;技师page n. 页yearbook n. 年刊;年报airplane n. 飞机pilot n. 飞行员fear n. & v. 害怕;惧怕;担忧height n. 高度;身overcome v.克服;解决model n. 模型advice n. 建议;劝告diamond n. 钻石number n. 数字;号码spell v. (spelled/spelled或spelt/spelt) 拼写;拼出;拼成seventeen num. 十七eighteen num. 十八opposite n. & adj. 相反(的);相对的company n. 公司crop n. 庄稼;作物manager n. 经理;管理人business n.买卖;生意creative adj.创造性的goal n. 目标ambition n. 抱负;雄心fishermann. 渔夫,渔民policewoman n. 女警察artist n. 艺术家;(尤指)画家choice n. 选择path n.途径;小路strict adj.严厉的;严格的punish v. 处罚;惩罚wise a dj. 聪明的;智慧的;明智的actor n. (男)演员give a talk 做讲演/报告grow up 长大;成长no matter what 无论……be nice to someone 对……好a fear of heights 恐高stop someone from doing something 阻止……;防止……take steps to do something 采取措施做……run a business 经营生意Unit 6. Words (44 单词)transportation n. 运输;交通hometown n. 故乡;家乡seldom adv. 不常;罕见;难得rapid a dj. 快速的steam n. 蒸汽engine n. 发动机;引擎wheel n. 车轮;轮子born v. 出生;诞生;产生(仅用于被动语态)passenger n. 乘客railway n. 铁路most adj. (many或much的最高级) 大多数的;最多的adv. (much的最高级)最n. 最大量;最多数station n. 站;所;车站easily adv. 容易地standard n. 标准;规格speed n. 速度per prep. 每,每一wing n. 翅膀pull n. 拉;拖cart n. 手推车skateboard n. 滑板able adj. 能,能够(用作情态动词)power v. 驱动;推动n. 能量;力量appear v. 出现;呈现;来到machine n. 机器;机械space n. 太空;空间;距离spaceship n. 宇宙飞船imagine v.想像;想到environment n. 环境presentation n. 介绍;陈述invention n. 发明;创造backpack n. 背包cardboard n. 硬纸板fuel n. 燃料oil n. 油;石油probably adv. 大概;很可能;也许imagination n. 想像;想象力smooth adj. 平稳的;平坦的;光滑的float v. 漂浮transporter n. 运输车;输送器allow v. 允许form n. 形式;形状pedal v. 踏……的踏板;骑自行车n. 踏板than prep. & conj. 比energy n. 能量on foot 步行;徒步steam engine蒸汽机be born 出生;产生;形成get on 上(车、船等)get off 下(车、船等)be able to 能;能够stay up late 熬夜turn on 打开(电脑、收音机、电视等)all the time 一直;向来from now on 从现在开始think of 想出;想起;记起jump down 跳下more than 超过;多于travel at the speed of light 以光速行驶Unit 7. Words (28 单词)hobby n. 爱好spare adj. 空闲的earth n. 地球;大地collect v. 收集;集合stone n. 石头;石块concert n. 音乐会ticket n. 票;券trade v. & n. 用……进行交换;交易garden v. 从事园艺;种植n. 花园;果园confidence n. 自信postcard n. 明信片outdoor adj. 户外的;露天的giant n. 巨人;伟人adj. 巨大的huge adj. 极大的;巨大的African adj. 非洲(人)的hen n. 母鸡anymore adv. 再也(不);不(再launch v. 发射;使……运动;送上轨道adult n. 成年人break v. (broke/broken) 弄坏;损坏n. 间歇;休息;间断land v. 登陆;降落n. 陆地;土地challenging adj. 挑战性的;考验能力的spin v. (使)快速旋转performance n. 表演;演出commonadj. 普通的;一般的real adj. 真正的;确实的support v. & n. 支持;拥护;鼓励daily a dv. 每日;每天adj. 每日的;日常的all kinds of 各种各样的not only but also 不但……而且……take up 开始从事be made of 由……做成up and down 上上下下;来回;往复;起伏parking lot 停车场go through 穿过in someone's spare time (= in someone's free time) 在某人的空闲时间be interested in 乐于(做)……;感兴趣(做)……feel proud 感到骄傲not any more 不再……Unit 8. Words (35 单词)unique adj. 独特的suppose v. 假定;认为ourselves pron. 我们自己person n. 人talent n. 才智;天赋personal adj. 个人的strength n. 长处;力量sense n. 意义;感觉nobody pron. 没有人return v. & n. 返回;回应Greek adj. 希腊(人)的n. 希腊人junior adj. 初级(的);儿童(的)continue v. 继续;延续smart adj. 聪敏的average adj. 一般的;平均的n. 平均;一般水平stupid adj. 愚蠢的;傻的impossible adj. 不可能的weak a dj. 弱的;无气力的mirror n. 镜子microphone n. 麦克风;话筒program n.节目;程序;方案;计划confident adj. 自信的voice n. 嗓音excellent adj. 优秀的;杰出的;好极了;棒极了stage n. 舞台heart n. 心;心脏beat v. & n. (beat/beaten) 跳动;敲打(声)slowly adv. 慢慢地herself pron. 她自己loser n. 输者;败者fail n. & v. 不及格;失败accept v. 接受;承认award n. 奖状;奖品college n. 学院;大学misspell v. 拼错what's up (口语)怎么了?有什么事吗?近来怎么样?SOS 紧急求救(国际救难信号,一般作为海难求救信号)be supposed to 应该;被期望make sense 有道理;有意义strong points 优点;强项because of 因为it's my pleasure 乐意效劳。
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八年级英语上短语汇总Unit 11. go on vacation 去度假2.stay at home 待在家里3.go to the mountains 去爬山4. go to the beach 去海滩5. visit museums 参观博物馆6. go to summer camp 去参加夏令营7.quite a few 相当多8.study for 为……而学习9.go out 出去10.most of the time 大部分时间11. taste good 尝起来很好吃12.have a good time 玩得高兴13. of course 当然14.feel like 给……的感觉;感受到15.go shopping 去购物16.in the past 在过去17. walk around 四处走走18. because of 因为19. one bowl of…一碗20. the next day 第二天21. drink tea 喝茶22. find out 找出;查明23. go on 继续24.take photos 照相25. something important 重要的事26. up and down 上上下下27. come up 出来28. buy sth. for sb. / buy sb.sth.为某人买某物29. taste + adj.尝起来30. look+adj.看起来31.nothing…but+动词原形除了…之外什么都没有32.seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…33.arrive in+大地点/arrive at+小地点到达某地34.decide to do sth. 决定去做某事35. try doing sth. 尝试做某事36. try to do sth. 尽力去做某事37. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事38. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事39. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事40. want to do sth. 想去做某事41. start doing sth.开始做某事42. stop doing sth. 停止做某事43. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事44. keep doing sth. 继续做某事45. Why not do. sth.? 为什么不做…呢?46. so+adj.+that+从句如此…以至于…47. tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事Unit 21. help with housework 帮助做家务2. on weekends 在周末3. how often 多久一次4. hardly ever 几乎从不5. once a week 每周一次6. twice a month 每月两次7. every day 每天8. be free 有空9. go to the movies 去看电影10. use the Internet 用互联网11 swing dance 摇摆舞12. play tennis 打网球13. stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚14. at least 至少15. have dance and piano lesson 上舞蹈课和钢琴课16. go to bed early 早点睡觉17. play sports 进行体育活动18. be good for 对……有好处19. go camping 去野营20. not…at all 一点儿也不…21. in one’s free time在某人的业余时间22. the most popular 最受欢迎的23. such as 比如;诸如24. old habits die hard 多于;超过25. go to the dentist 去看牙医26. morn than 多于27. less than…少于28. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事29. How about…? 怎么样?/ …好不好?30. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事31. How many+可数名复+…?有多少…?32. 主语+find+that从句.发现…33. spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光34. It’s+ adj.+ to do sth.做某事是…的35. ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事36. by doing sth.通过做某事37. What’s your favorite…?你最喜爱的…是什么?38. the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式Unit 3 1. more outgoing 更外向 2. as …as … 与…一样 3. the singing competition 唱歌比赛 4.be similar to 与…相像的/类似的 5.the same as 和…相同;与…一致 6.be different from 与…不同 7.care about 关心;介意 8.be like a mirror 像一面镜子 9.the most important 最重要的 10.as long as 只要;既然 11.bring out 使显现;使表现出 12.get better grades 取得更好的成绩 13.reach for 伸手取 14.in fact 事实上;实际上 15.make friends 交朋友 16.the other 其他的 17.touch one ’ heart 触动某人的心灵 18.be talented in music 有音乐天赋 19.be good at 擅长… 20.be good with 善于与…相处 21.have fun doing sth. 享受做某事的乐趣 22.be good at doing sth 擅长做某事 23.make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 24.want to do sth. 想要做某事 25.as+adj./adv.的原级+as 与…一样 26.It ’s+ adj.+for sb. To do sth. 对某人来说做某事是 27.not as/so …as 不如 Unit 4 1. movie theater 电影院 2. close to … 离……近 3. clothes store 服装店 4. in town 在镇上 5. so far 到目前为止 6. 10 minutes by bus 坐公共汽车10分钟的路程 7. talent show 才艺表演 8. in common 共同;共有 9. around the world 世界各地;全世界 10. more and more … 越来越 11. and so on 等等 12. all kinds of … 各种各样的 13. be up to 是…的职责;由…决定 14. not everybody 并不是每个人 15. make up 编造(故事、谎言等) 16. play a role in … 在…方面发挥作用/有影响 17. for example 例如 18. take …seriously 认真对待 19. give sb. sth . 给某人某物 20. come true 梦想、希望)实现;达到 21. Can I ask you some …? 我能问你一些…吗? 22. How do you like …? 你认为…怎么样? 23. Thanks for doing sth. 因做某事而感谢 24. What do you think of …? 你认为…怎么样 25. much+ adj./adv.的 比较级得多 26. watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做某事 27. play a role in doing sth. 在做某事上扮演重要角色 28. one of+可数名词的复数… 之一 Unit 5 1. talk show 谈话节目 2. game show 游戏节目 3. soap opera 肥皂剧 4. go on 发生 5. watch a movie 看电影6. a pair of 一双;一对7. try one ’s best 尽某人最大努力8. as famous as 与…一样有名9. have a discussion about 就……讨论 10. one day 有一天替;替换 14. do a good job 干得好 15. something enjoyable 11. such as 例如 12. dress up 打扮;梳理 13. take sb.’s place 代令人愉快的东西 16. interesting information 有趣的资料 17. one of ……之一 18. look like 看起来像 19. around the world 全世界 20. a symbol of 的象征21. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 22. plan to do sth. 计划/打算做某事 23. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 24. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 25. expect to do sth. 盼望做某事 26. How about doing …? 做…怎么样? 27. be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事 28. try one ’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事 29. think of 想起;认为 30. learn from 从...获得;向…学习31. find out 查明;弄清楚Unit 61. grow up 成长;长大2. every day 每天3. be sure about 对…有把握4. make sure 确信;务必5. send…to…把…送到…6. be able to 能7. the meaning of…的意思8. different kinds of不同种类的9. write down 写下;记下10. have to do with 关于;与…有关系11. take up 开始做;学着做12. hardly ever 几乎不;很少13. too…to…太…以至于不能14. be going to+动词原形打算做某事15. practice doing 练习做某事16. keep on doing sth.不断地做某事17. learn to do sth.学会做某事18. finish doing sth.做完某事19. promise to do sth.许诺去做某事20. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事21. remember to do sth.记住做某事22. agree to do sth.同意做某事23. love to do sth.喜爱做某事24. want to do sth. 想要做某事Unit 71. on computer 在电脑上2. on paper 在纸上3. live to do 200 years old 活到200岁4. free time 空闲时间5. in danger 处于危险之中6. on the earth 在地球上7. play a part in sth.参与某事8. space station 太空站9. look for 寻找10. computer programmer 电脑编程员11. in the future 在未来12. hundreds of 许多;成百上千13. the same…as…与……一样14. over and over again 多次;反复地15. get bored 感到厌烦的16. wake up 醒来17. fall down 倒塌18. will+动词原形将要做19. fewer/more+可数名复更少/更多20. less/more+不可数名更少/更多…21. have to do sth. 不得不做某事22. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见23. such+名词(词组)如此……24. play a part in doing sth.参与做某事25. There will be + 主语+其他将会有26. There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth 有…正在做某事27. make sb. do sth.让某人做某事28. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事29. try to do sth.尽力做某事30. It’s+ adj.+for sb. To do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是…Unit 8k shake 奶昔2.turn on 接通(电/煤气/水等);打开3.pour…into…把…倒入…4.a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶5.a good idea 好主意6.on Saturday 在星期六7.cut up 切碎8.put…into…把…放入…9.one more thing 还有一件事10.a piece of 一片/张/段/首…21.want + to do sth.想要做某事22.forget+to do sth.忘记去做某事23.how + to do sth.如何做某事24.need+to do sth. 需要做某事25.make+宾语+形容词使…怎样26.let sb. +do sth. 让某人做某事Unit 91. on Saturday afternoon 在周六下午2. prepare for 为…做准备3. go to the doctor 去看医生4. have the flu 患感冒5. help my parents 帮助我的父母6. come to the party 来参加聚会7. another time 其他时间8. last fall 去年秋天9. go to the party 去聚会10. hang out 常去某处;泡在某处11. the day after tomorrow 后天12. the day before yesterday 前天13. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课14. look after 照看;照顾15. accept an invitation 接受邀请16. turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请17. take a trip 去旅行18. at the end of this month 这个月末19. look forward to 盼望;期待20. the opening of…的开幕式/落成典礼21. reply in writing 书面回复22. go to the concert 去听音乐会23. not…until 直到…才24. meet my friend 会见我的朋友25. visit grandparents 拜访祖父母26. study for a test 为考试学习27. have to 不得不28. too much homework 太多作业29. do homework 做家庭作业30. go to the movies 去看电影31. after school 放学后32. on the weekend 在周末33. invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事34. what引导的感叹句结构:多么---的---- What+adj.+名复/不可名(+主+谓)!What+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数(+主+谓)35.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事36.be sad to do sth. 做某事很悲伤37.see sb. do sth. 看着某人做某事(过程)38.see sb.doing sth.看见某人做某事(片段)39.the best way to do sth.做某事最好的方式40.have a surprise party for sb.为某人举办一个惊喜派对41.look forward to doing sth. 期盼做某事42.reply to sth./sb.答复某事/某人43.What’s today? 今天是什么日子?44.What’s the date today?今天几号?45.What day is it today?今天星期几? Unit 101. stay at home 待在家里2. take the bus 乘公共汽车3. tomorrow night 明天晚上4. have a class party 进行班级聚会5. half the class 一半的学生6. make some food 做些食物7. order food 订购食物8. have a class meeting 开班会9. at the party 在聚会上10. potato chips 炸土豆片,炸薯条11. in the end 最后12. make mistakes 犯错误13. go to the party 去参加聚会14. have a great/good 玩得开心15. give sb. some advice 给某人提一些建议16. go to college 上大学17. make(a lot of)money 赚(许多)钱18. travel around the world 环游世界19. get an education 得到教育20. work hard 努力工作21. a soccer player 一名足球运动员22. keep…to oneself 保守秘密23. talk with sb.与某人交谈24. in life 在生活中25. be angry at/about sth.因某事生气26. be angry with sb.生某人的气27. in the future 在将来28. run away 逃避;逃跑29. the first step 第一步30. in half 分成两半31. solve a problem 解决问题32 school clean-up 学校大扫除33. ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事34. give sb. sth.给某人某物35. tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事36. too…to do sth. 太…而不能做某事37. be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事38. advise sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做某事39. It’s best (not) to do sth. 最好(不)做某事40. need to do sth.需要做某事。