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Module 6 A trip to the zoo
Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.
A map of the world.
panda from China
giraffe from Africa
tiger from Asia
camel from Africa
A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t.
Read Para. 2 and answer questions.
1. How many pandas are there in China? There are only about 1,800 pandas in China.
1. tiger, swimming, good, the, at, is T__h_e_t_i_g_er__is__g_o_o_d_a_t_s_w__im__m_i_n_g_.__ 2. Asian, the, is, zebra, not, an, animal T__h_e_z_e_b_r_a__is_n__o_t _a_n_A__si_a_n__a_n_im__a_l._ 3. elephants, meat, do, eat, not E__le_p_h_a_n__t _d_o_n_o_t__e_a_t _m_e_a_t_._______ 4. American, from, Americans, come A__m__er_i_c_a_n_s_c_o_m__e_f_r_o_m__A_m__e_r_ic_a_.__ 5. zoo, in, there are, 200, panda, about T_h_e_r_e__a_re__a_b_o_u_t_2_0_0__p_a_n_d_a_s_i_n_z_o_o_s.
1.Fwk.baidu.comnish the passage of your favourite animal.
2. Search more information about animals and make a poster.
Listen to Para. 5 and fill in the blanks.
There are about __2_0_0____ kinds of monkeys. We can find monkey in __A_f_r_ic_a___, __A__si_a__ and _A__m_e_r_i_c_a_. Monkeys eat _m__e_a_t __, _l_e_a_v_e_s___, _f_r_u_i_t ____ and even eggs.
1. Does the elephant eat fruit?
A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t.
2. Is this elephant Asian?
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn’t.
3. Does the elephant like water?
2. Does the zebra eat bamboo? No, it doesn’t.
Listen to Para. 4 and answer.
1. Does the tiger live in Asia? Yes, it does.
2. What does the tiger eat? It catches many kinds of animals for food.
_I_s__ the elephant _fr_o_m__A__fr_i_c_a_? Yes, it is. 3. 他住在非洲吗?不是。 _D_o_e_s__he _li_v_e_i_n_A__fr_i_c_a_? No, _h_e_d_o_e_s_n_’_t. 4. 这只狼是美洲的吗?不是。
_I_s_ the wolf A__m_e_r_i_c_a_n_? No, _it_i_s_n_’t_.
2. How much bamboo does the panda eat a day?
The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day.
Listen to Para. 3 and answer.
1. What does the zebra eat? The zebra eats plants, leaves and grass.
Africa Asia
Food plants bamboo plants meat meat
leaves plants leaves
bamboo leaves grass
Read Para. 1 and choose the correct answers.
一、 根据汉意提示完成单词。 1. What animals live in _A_s_i_a_ (亚洲)? 2. Panda eat plants, leaves and _b_a_m__b_o_o_s_
(竹子). 3. The zebra is an _A__fr_i_c_a_n__ (非洲的) animal. 4. Does the giraffe eat _g_r_a_s_s_ (草)? 5. This monkey is from A__m_e_r_i_c_a_ (美洲). 6. The trees are thick with _le_a_v_e_s__ (树叶).
kangaroo from Australia
polar bear from Arctic
zebra from Africa
wolf from Europe
elephant from Africa and India
from South America
dolphin from ocean
三、 按要求完成句子。
1. They study in high school. (就划线部分提问)
W__h_e_r_e_ _d_o_ they study? 2. The panda eats bamboo. (改为复数句子) The p_a_n__d_a_s eat b_a_m__b_o_o_s_. 3. They are American girls. (改为单数句子) S_h_e_ _is_ _a_nAmerican girl.
4. The kangaroo comes from Australia. (改为同义句)
The kangaroo _is_f_r_o_m_ Australia.
四、根据汉语完成句子。 1. 全世界的人都认识他。
People a_l_l_o_v_e_r_t_h_e_w__o_r_ld__ know him. 2. 这只大象来自亚洲吗?是的。
Look at the video and find out these animals’ home.
Read the passage and complete the table.
Elepha Pandas Zebras Tigers Monkeys nts
Home Africa Asia
koala from Australia
Look at the map and write four sentences. Use the words from the box.
bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebra
There are tigers in Asia. There are elephants in …