
what time(什么时候)
what colour(什么颜色)
how much(多少)
how long(多长)
What can I do for you today?
What is your name, please?
Who will go to Guangzhong with the manager by plane tomorrow?
Who is the man under the big tree?。

常用的疑问词有:what who whose which when where how why等。
特殊疑问句有两种语序:1.如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:疑问词(+主语)+谓语动词+其他成分?如:who is singing in the room﹖whose bike is broken﹖2.如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句语序?如:what class are you in﹖What does she look like﹖Where are you from﹖What time does he get up every morning﹖How do you know﹖注意:1.回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes /no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。
如:Who is from Canada﹖Helen (is).Where's the restaurant﹖Near the station.Why do you like koalas﹖Because they are cute.二、特殊疑问句练习题,选择正确的单词填空。
( who, where, when)1._____ is that pretty girl? She is my sister.2._____ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you.3. _____ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday.4._____ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower.5._____ are they? They are my parents.6._____ is my mother? She is in the living room.7._____ are you going? We are going to the school.8._____ do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon.9._____ does he jog慢跑? He jogs in the park公园.10._____ are you from? I'm from Changchun city.三、就画线部分提问。

1. 你今天去哪里了?
2. 你为什么不愿意帮我呢?
3. 你认为这个问题应该怎样解决?
4. 她的感情生活怎样了?
5. 你想要什么生日礼物?
6. 你几点起床的?
7. 你打算怎么纪念毕业?
8. 你为什么这么晚才来?
9. 你认为这个项目成功的关键是什么?
10. 你觉得今天的会议有什么收获?

特殊疑问句例句大全特殊疑问句是用来询问特殊信息的疑问句,通常以特殊疑问词开头,如what, why, where, when, who, whom, whose, which, how等。
1. What is your favorite color?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?2. Where did you go on vacation last year?你去年去哪里度假了?3. When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?4. Why did you choose this university?你为什么选择这所大学?5. Who is coming to the party tonight?今晚谁要来参加派对?6. Whose book is this?这本书是谁的?7. Which team do you think will win the game?你认为哪个队会赢得比赛?8. How did you learn to speak Chinese so fluently?你是怎么学会如此流利地说中文的?9. How much does this shirt cost?这件衬衫多少钱?10. How many people are going to the concert with you? 有多少人和你一起去听音乐会?11. What time does the movie start?电影什么时候开始?12. Where are we meeting for dinner?我们在哪里吃晚饭?13. When are you going to finish your project?你什么时候完成你的项目?14. Why are you leaving your job?你为什么要离开你的工作?15. Who is running for president in the next election?谁要参加下次选举竞选总统?16. Whose idea was it to go on this trip?这次旅行是谁的主意?17. Which restaurant did you go to for your anniversary dinner?你结婚纪念日晚餐是去哪家餐厅的?18. How did you learn to play the piano?你是怎么学会弹钢琴的?19. How much does it cost to rent a car for a week? 租一辆汽车一周多少钱?20. How many books did you read last month?你上个月读了多少本书?21. What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大了想做什么?22. Where is the nearest hospital?最近的医院在哪里?23. When is the best time to visit Japan?去日本的最佳时间是什么时候?24. Why did you decide to study abroad?你为什么决定出国留学?25. Who is your favorite singer?你最喜欢的歌手是谁?26. Whose turn is it to do the dishes?是谁洗碗的轮到了?27. Which team won the championship last year?去年谁赢得了冠军?28. How did you get to school this morning?你今天早上是怎么去学校的?29. How much time do you spend on social media every day? 你每天在社交媒体上花多少时间?30. How many languages do you speak fluently?你能流利地说几门语言?31. What kind of music do you like?你喜欢什么样的音乐?32. Where are you from?你来自哪里?33. When can we meet to discuss the project?我们什么时候能见面讨论项目?34. Why did you choose to live in the city?你为什么选择住在城市里?35. Who is your best friend?你最好的朋友是谁?36. Whose idea was it to go camping?去野营是谁的主意?37. Which country do you want to visit next?你想去哪个国家旅行?38. How did you learn to cook so well?你是怎么学会做饭的?39. How much money do you need to buy a new car? 买一辆新车需要多少钱?40. How many people are in your family?你家有多少人?41. What time does the store close?商店什么时候关门?42. Where is the nearest bus stop?最近的公交车站在哪里?43. When is the best time to go to the beach?去海滩的最佳时间是什么时候?44. Why are you studying for a degree in engineering? 你为什么要学工程学位?45. Who is in charge of the project?谁负责这个项目?46. Whose car is parked in front of the house?谁的车停在房子前面?47. Which movie did you see last weekend?你上个周末看了哪部电影?48. How did you get so good at playing chess?你是怎么变得这么擅长下国际象棋的?49. How much time do you spend exercising each week? 你每周锻炼多少时间?50. How many pets do you have?你有多少宠物?51. What do you want for your birthday?你生日想要什么?52. Where do you usually go on vacation?你通常去哪里度假?53. When is the best time to plant flowers?种花的最佳时间是什么时候?54. Why do you want to learn a new language?你为什么要学习一门新的语言?55. Who is your favorite author?你最喜欢的作家是谁?56. Whose idea was it to go on a road trip?去自驾游是谁的主意?57. Which restaurant serves the best pizza in town? 镇上哪家餐厅的披萨最好吃?58. How did you become interested in cooking?你是怎么开始对烹饪感兴趣的?59. How much does it cost to travel to Europe?去欧洲旅行要多少钱?60. How many hours of sleep do you get each night? 你每晚睡多少个小时?61. What time do you wake up in the morning?你早上几点起床?62. Where did you buy that dress?你在哪里买的那件连衣裙?63. When did you start learning to play the guitar?你什么时候开始学习弹吉他的?64. Why do you want to study abroad?你为什么想出国留学?65. Who is the best soccer player in the world?谁是世界上最好的足球运动员?66. Whose bike is parked in the garage?谁的自行车停在车库里?67. Which movie won the Oscar for Best Picture last year? 哪部电影去年获得了奥斯卡最佳影片?68. How did you learn to ride a bike?你是怎么学会骑自行车的?69. How much does it cost to rent an apartment in the city?在城市里租一间公寓要多少钱?70. How many hours a day do you spend studying?你每天学习多少小时?71. What do you want to do for a living?你想以什么为生?72. Where are you planning to go for your next vacation?你打算去哪里度假?73. When is the best time to visit the museum?参观博物馆的最佳时间是什么时候?74. Why did you decide to change careers?你为什么决定换个职业?75. Who is going to be the next president?谁将成为下一任总统?76. Whose idea was it to have a picnic in the park?在公园野餐是谁的主意?77. Which team will win the championship this year?哪个队会在今年赢得冠军?78. How did you learn to swim?你是怎么学会游泳的?79. How much does it cost to rent a house in the suburbs? 在郊区租一间房子要多少钱?80. How many movies have you seen this month?你这个月看了多少电影?81. What do you like to do in your free time?你空闲时间喜欢做什么?82. Where is the nearest post office?最近的邮局在哪里?83. When is the best time to visit the zoo?参观动物园的最佳时间是什么时候?84. Why did you choose to major in biology?你为什么选择主修生物学?85. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?你见过最有名的人是谁?86. Whose idea was it to have a surprise party?举办惊喜派对是谁的主意?87. Which team do you think will win the Super Bowl this year?你认为哪个队会在今年赢得超级碗?88. How did you learn to play the drums?你是怎么学会敲鼓的?89. How much time do you spend cooking every day?你每天花多少时间做饭?90. How many people are coming to the wedding?有多少人要来参加婚礼?91. What do you want to achieve in the next year?你想在明年实现什么?92. Where is the best place to go for a hike?最适合徒步旅行的地方在哪里?93. When is the best time to visit the Grand Canyon? 参观大峡谷的最佳时间是什么时候?94. Why did you choose to pursue a career in medicine? 你为什么选择从事医学职业?95. Who is the owner of the company?公司的所有者是谁?96. Whose idea was it to start a book club?成立读书俱乐部是谁的主意?97. Which team do you think will win the World Cup? 你认为哪个队会赢得世界杯?98. How did you learn to play the violin?你是怎么学会拉小提琴的?99. How much does it cost to rent a boat for the day? 一天租一艘船要多少钱?100. How many hours a week do you spend volunteering? 你每周参加志愿活动多少小时?101. What time does the concert start?音乐会什么时候开始?102. Where is the nearest gas station?最近的加油站在哪里?103. When is the best time to visit the Eiffel Tower? 参观埃菲尔铁塔的最佳时间是什么时候?104. Why did you decide to become a teacher?你为什么决定成为一名教师?105. Who is the best basketball player in the world? 世界上最好的篮球运动员是谁?106. Whose car broke down on the highway?谁的车在高速公路上抛锚了?107. Which team won the championship last season?上赛季谁赢得了冠军?108. How did you learn to speak French so well?你是怎么学会说法语如此流利的?109. How much time do you spend studying each day?你每天学习多少时间?110. How many people are invited to the party?有多少人受邀参加派对?111. What do you like to do on the weekends?你周末喜欢做什么?112. Where is the nearest grocery store?最近的杂货店在哪里?113. When is the best time to visit the Great Wall of China?参观中国长城的最佳时间是什么时候?114. Why did you decide to start your own business?你为什么决定开办自己的生意?115. Who is the most influential person in your life?你生活中最有影响力的人是谁?116. Whose idea was it to go on a skiing trip?去滑雪之旅是谁的主意?117. Which team do you think will win the Stanley Cup this year?你认为哪个队会在今年赢得斯坦利杯?118. How did you learn to play the saxophone?你是怎么学会吹萨克斯的?119. How much money do you spend on clothes each month?你每个月买衣服花多少钱?120. How many hours a day do you spend on the internet?你每天上网多少个小时?121. What time does the play start?戏剧什么时候开始?122. Where is the nearest train station?最近的火车站在哪里?123. When is the best time to visit the Louvre Museum? 参观卢浮宫博物馆的最佳时间是什么时候?124. Why did you choose to study psychology?你为什么选择学心理学?125. Who is the most important person in your life?你生活中最重要的人是谁?126. Whose idea was it to have a family reunion?举办家庭团聚是谁的主意?127. Which team do you think will win the World Series? 你认为哪个队会赢得世界大赛?128. How did you learn to skateboard?你是怎么学会滑板的?129. How much does it cost to rent a bike for the day? 一天租一辆自行车要多少钱?130. How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?你每天看电视多少小时?131. What do you want to do with your life?你想通过做什么来度过一生?132. Where is the nearest ATM?最近的ATM在哪里?133. When is the best time to visit the Taj Mahal?参观泰姬陵的最佳时间是什么时候?134. Why did you decide to become a police officer?你为什么决定成为一名警察?135. Who is the funniest person you know?你认识的人...。

特殊疑问句在回答的时候,不可以用Yes 或者No,必须回答具体的内容。
例如:-What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?-His name is Tom. 他的名字是汤姆。
-Who is the girl? 那个女孩儿是谁?-S he’s my sister. 她是我的姐姐。
-Why were you late for school? 你为什么又迟到了?-Because I got up late. 因为我起晚了。
-Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?-It’s mine. 这是我的书。
-Which color do you like? 你喜欢哪个颜色?-I like red. 我喜欢红色。
例如:It’sme. (对划线部分提问)→Who is it?This is my bike. (对划线部分提问)→ Whose bike is this? ②如果对其他成分提问,其语序是:"特殊疑问词+一般疑问句"。
例如:She looks like her mother. (对划线部分提问)→What does she look like?I’m fromEngland. (对划线部分提问)→Where are you from?(3)常见的特殊疑问词的用法。

与一般疑问句(如“你喜欢吃什么?”)不同,特殊疑问句通常包含一个特殊疑问词(如what, where, when, why 等)或者一个以特殊疑问词为基础的短语。
例:What do you like to eat?(你喜欢吃什么?)回答:I like to eat pizza and salad.(我喜欢吃披萨和沙拉。
例:Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)回答:I live in Beijing.(我住在北京。
例:When do you go to the movies?(你什么时候去看电影?)回答:I go to the movies every weekend.(我每周末去看电影。
例:Why do you like to travel?(你喜欢旅行的原因是什么?)回答:I like to travel because it makes me happy and I can learn new things.(我喜欢旅行是因为这让我快乐,而且我可以学到新东西。

1. 啥时候咱能去旅游啊?就像那自由的鸟儿一样,想去哪儿就去哪儿。
2. 为啥我总这么倒霉呀?这运气也太差劲了吧!例子:“为啥我每次出门都下雨呀,难道我是雨神附身了吗?”
3. 怎么才能变得更厉害呢?像那些超级英雄一样。
4. 谁能告诉我该怎么办呀?我都快烦死了!例子:“哎呀,谁能告诉我这道题咋做呀,急死我了!”
5. 哪儿有好吃的呀?我这肚子都咕咕叫了。
6. 多少钱才能买得起那辆车呀?那可真是太酷了。
7. 哪件衣服更适合我呢?真是纠结死了!例子:“这两件裙子哪件更好看呢,我咋选呀!”
8. 怎么提高我的记忆力呀?背书太痛苦啦!例子:“到底怎么提高我的记忆力呀,每次背书都让我头疼!”
9. 什么才是真正的幸福呢?这可太难懂了。
10. 哪条路才是我该走的呀?感觉好迷茫啊!例子:“毕业后我该走哪条路呀,真的好迷茫,谁来帮帮我呀!”

1. 什么是特殊疑问句?
2. 哪些是常用的特殊疑问词?
3. 什么时候使用特殊疑问句?
4. 哪些句子属于特殊疑问句?
5. 为什么特殊疑问句常用于提问?
6. 怎样构成一个完整的特殊疑问句?
8. 哪些场合适合使用特殊疑问句句型?
9. 特殊疑问句与一般疑问句有何区别?
10. 如何回答特殊疑问句?

、二十二种常见的特殊疑问句:1、对职业提问,用WhatWhat is your mother?My mother is a teacher.你妈妈是干什么的?我妈妈是教师。
2、对具体日期提问,用What…the date…?What is the date today?It"s the sec'ond of March.今天几号?今天是三月二号。
3、对星期几提问,用What dayWhat day is today一'?It"s Monday.今天星期几?今天星期一。
4、问为什么用What…for 相当WhyWhat did you do that for?I wanted to make a kite.你为什么做那些?我想做个风筝。
5、问人和事物的性质或持久的特性,用What is 璴ike?What is his brother like?His broth'er is a very nice person.他兄弟怎么样?他兄弟是很好的人。
6、问人和事物的性质或持久的特性用How 或What is …like)How does' the girl look?The girl looks beau'tiful`.这姑娘长得怎么样?这姑娘长得很漂亮。
7、对颜色提问用What col'our What col'our is your coat?My coat is green.你的大衣是什么颜色?我的大衣是绿色。
8、问候别人的健康状况时,用HowHow is your moth'er?My moth'er is ve'ry well.你妈妈的身体怎么样?我妈妈的身体很好。
9、对方式提问,用HowHow does' your fa'ther go to work?He goes to work by bike.你父亲怎样去上班?他骑自行车上班。

小学英语必须掌握的八个特殊疑问句(附例句)由who/whom/whose 引导的注释:who的意思是“谁”,询问人(做主语);whom即“谁”,询问人(作宾语);whose的意思是“谁的”,询问物体的所属。
◆ Who are you? 你是谁?I am Cara. 我是卡拉。
◆ Whose book is this? 这本书是谁的?It's mine. 它是我的。
由which 引导的注释:which即“哪一,哪一个”,问一定范围内特指的人或物。
◆ Which box is yours? 哪个盒子是你的?The blue one. 蓝色的那个。
◆ Which book do you like best? 你最喜欢哪本书?The Little Prince.《小王子》。
◆ Which country do you come from? 你来自哪个国家?China. 中国。
由when 引导的注释:when即“什么时候/何时”,询问时间。
◆ When shall we meet? 我们什么时候见面?Tomorrow 明天。
◆ When is her birthday? 她什么时候生日?May 1st is her birthday. 五月一号是她的生日。
◆ When do you get up every day? 你每天什么时候起床?At 6:00 a.m. 早上六点。
由where 引导的注释:where即“哪里,在哪里”,询问地点。
◆ Where will you spend the summer holiday? 你会去哪里过暑假?I m going to Hawaii. 我要去夏威夷。
◆ Where is your coat? 你的外套在哪啊?It's on the sofa. 在沙发上。
由why 引导的注释:why即“为什么”,询问原因,回答从句一般由because引导。
◆ Why isn't he at school today? 他今天为什么不在学校?Because he is ill. 因为他生病了。

与一般疑问句(如“Is it raining?”)不同,特殊疑问句通常包含一个特殊疑问词(如“what”,“where”,“when”,“why”等)或一个由特殊疑问词构成的短语。
例如:“What time does the movie start?”(电影什么时候开始?),“Where are you going?”(你去哪儿?)。
例如:A: What do you like to eat for breakfast?(你喜欢早餐吃什么?)B: I like to eat an apple and a piece of toast for breakfast.(我喜欢早餐吃一个苹果和一片吐司。
例如:A: Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)B: I live in a small apartment in the city center.(我住在市中心的一个小公寓里。
例如:A: When do you usually go to bed?(你通常什么时候睡觉?)B: I usually go to bed at 10 o"clock in the evening.(我通常晚上 10 点睡觉。

一·What1.问天气: What is the weather like today? It’s sunny.2.问日期: what is the date today?It’s 20th september.3.问星期: What day is today?It’s Tuesday.4.问职业: What is your father?What is your father’job?What does your father do?What does your father work as?He is a doctor.5.问以为......怎么样?What do you think of this book?It’s very interesting.6.问这是什么?What is this?It’s a book.7.为什么?Why did you go to the zoo last Sunny? Because I was very busy.8.问在哪里?Where do you live?I live in GZ.9.问时间: When do you get up every day?I get up at six.When did you have a meeting yesterday?In the morning.10.问谁: Who do you live with?I live with my parents.Who goes to school with you every day?Tom goes to school with me every day.11.问谁的: Whose book is this?Ben’s.12.问哪一个?Which sports do you like best?I like swimming best.二、 How1.问身体怎样: How is your mother?She is fine./Ok / well.2.问交通: How do you go to school every day?By bus.3,问天气: How is the weather?It’s sunny.4.问认为......怎么?How do you like this book?It’s interesting.5.问距离/路程: How far is it from GZ to Beijing ?It’s ten kilometers.6.问多久(时间): How long did you stay at home yestarday?For two hours.7.问多久(时间): How soon willIn two years.8.问多久(频率): How often doOnce a week.you stay in Japan? you watch TV?9.问年龄: How old is your borther?He is seven.10.问身高: How tall are you?I’m 160cm.11.问体重: How heavy are you?How do you weigh?I’m 45 kilo.12.问多少 (可数): How many pens do you have?There.13.问多少(不可数): How much money do you have?Ten yuan.14.问价钱: How much is the dictionary?How much does the dictionary cost ?One hundred yuan.一.填上适当的特殊疑问词1、A:is going to make a speech tomorrow ? B: Our monitor is .2、A: does your uncle do ? B: He is a policeman .3、A: shall we meet ? B: Aroundeighto’clock.4、A: were you late for school this morning ?B: Because I got up late and missed the early bus.5、A: is the weather in Beijing in winter ?B: It’s usually very cold .6、 A: did your father go last month ? B: He went to the UK.7、A: is your sister? B: she is twelve.8、A: is your dictionary. B: It’sone hundredyua n.9、A: do you play computer games ? B: Once a week .10、A: is it from school to your home ? B: It’stwenty kilometres .二、单项选择1、is her e-mail address ? I want to send an e-mail to her .A WhereB WhoC WhenD What2、 are they going to meet ,at the bus-stop or at the gate of cinema?A WhyB WhereC WhatD When3、 Do you know child the boy is ?A WhyB WhoseC WhomD Which4、 is it from your home to the factory ?A How longB How farC How muchD How often5、 people are there in the small village ?A How muchB How manyC How oftenD How long6、A: do you go to see a film ? B: sometimes .A How oftenB How muchC How soonD How long7、A: will you finish your homework tomorrow ?B:I’ll finish it in half an hour .A How oftenB How muchC How soonD How long8、A: desk is yours ?B: The one near the back door .A WhichB WhoseC WhatD Where9、A: do you have meals every day ? B: Four times.A How oftenB How many timesC How longD How soon10、A: do you think of the girl in blue ? B: She is so kind .A HowB WhatC WhomD Which11、 A: the weather like today ? B: It’swindy andcloudy.A WhatB HowC What’sD Which12、 A: is the date today ? B :It’sseptembe r 20 .A WhatB WhenC What’sD Which13、 A: teaches you English ? B : Mr .Zhang .A WhatB WhomC WhoD Which14、 would you like to go shopping with ?A WhatB WhomC WhyD Where15、 A : is your mother ‘s car ? B : RedA WhatB What colourC How colourD How16 、A: do you think of the weather in Guangzhou ?B: It’s very hot .A HowB WhatC What aboutD How about17 、 subject do you like better ,Chinese or English ?A WhichB WhatC WhereD Whose18 、A: orange juice do you want ?B: Three bottles ,please .A How manyB How muchC How oldD How long19、A: is your brother ?B: He is fifteen.A HowB How oldC How manyD How much20、A: does this watch cost ?B: It’stwohundredy uan .A HowB How manyC How muchD How long三划线部分提问1、 I think the film Avater is interesting.( 划线部分提问)do you thefilmAvater.2、Jackie Chan is his favourite actor .( 划线部分提问)his favourite actor?3、I’dliket o take a train from Guangzhou to Japan .( 划线部分提问)you like from Guangzhou to Japan ?4、I’ll leave for Shanghai in a week. (划线部分提问)will you leave for Shanghai?5、 Simon plays two sports in winter .( 划线部分提问)does Simon play In winter ?6、Today is rainy .the weather today ?the weather today ?the weather today ?7、 Ben comes from America .Ben ?Ben from?8、 My brother works as a doctor .Your brother ?Your brother ?Your brother ?Your ?9、They go to work by bus .they to work ?10、There are ten pens in the box.In the box ?特殊疑问句答案一填上适当的特殊疑问词1 Who2 what3 When4 Why5 What6 Where7 How old8 How much9 How often10 How far二单项选择1 – 5 DBBBB 6 – 10 A C AAB 11- 15 CACBB 16 – 20 BABBC 三划线部分提问 .1 What …think of2 Who is3 How would….. to take4 How soon5 How many sports6 What is ….likeWhat’slikeHow is7 Where is ….fromWhere does come8 What isWhat does …..doWhat does… ..work as What is ……brother’s job9 How do ….go10 What’s。

例如:1. What are you doing?(你在做什么?)2. Where is your home?(你家在哪里?)3. When did you arrive?(你什么时候到达的?)4. Why are you tired?(你为什么疲劳?)三、常见的特殊疑问句1. What类:What time is it?(现在几点了?)What color is your car?(你的车是什么颜色的?)What’s your name?(你叫什么名字?)2. When类:When did you go there?(你什么时候去那里的?)When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)When did you get home?(你什么时候到家的?)3. Where类:Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)Where did you go yesterday?(你昨天去哪里了?)Where is your school located?(你的学校在哪里?)4. How类:How much is this shirt?(这件衬衫多少钱?)How do you go to school every day?(你每天怎么去学校?)How many people are there in your family?(你家有几口人?)5. Why类:Why did you come here?(你为什么来这里?)Why were you late for school?(你为什么迟到了?)Why do you like this movie?(你为什么喜欢这部电影?)四、总结通过学习特殊疑问句,我们可以更好地了解英语疑问句及其用法,从而更好地理解口语、书面英语中的表达和交流。
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What is in your pocket?
a:There is an egg in it.
b:An egg is(in it).
What's in the room?
There are a lot of chairs in it. =A 1ot of chairs are in it.有许多椅子。
What did you buy?你买了什么?
I bought a bike.我买了辆自行车。
What is this?这是什么?
It's a bench.这是一条长凳。
What is your mother?你妈妈是干什么的?
What is +人?此句型是问人的职业,一般译为“是干什么的?”
She is a teacher.她是个老师。
Who broke the window?(对主语提问)
Li Ming did.李明打破的。
Who is that woman?(对表语提问)
She is my mother.她是我妈妈。
或者:She is Rose.她是罗思。
Who is +人?是询问某人的姓名或与人关系的问句。
与What is +人?(问人的职业)不同。
Whose is this umbrella?这伞是谁的?
This umbrella is my sister's.
Which is Tom's?(对主语提问)哪个是汤姆的?
This is his.这是他的。
Which does he want?(对宾语提问)
He wants the green one.他想要那个绿色的。
What sports do you like?(对宾语提问)
你喜欢什么运动?I like basketball.我喜欢篮球。
Whose pens are these?(对表语提问)
They are Li Ming's.这些是李明的。
Whose father died two years ago?(对主语提问)
Which picture did you take?(对宾语提问)
I took the one on the right.
When were you born?你何时出生?
(I was born)on June 5,1962.
When will you go to Japan?你什么时候去日本?
(I'll go there)next year.我明年去那儿。
(×)When have you been here?
How long have you been here?
When did you come here?
Where do you live?你住在哪儿?
(I live in)Beijing.(可以简略回答出地点)我住在北京。
Where are you going?你准备去什么地方?
I am going to Japan.我准备去日本。
Why are you late?你为什么迟到?
Because I met the accident.
Why didn't you see the movie?
=Why did you not see the movie?
Because I had seen it before. 因为我已经看过了。
a." How…?"how可单独地置于疑问句的句首。
询问如何地做某事即做某事的方法、手段及健康、天气……How do you go to school?(问方式)
I go to school by bus.我坐公共汽车。
How are you?(问健康)你身体怎样?
I'm fine. Thank you!我很好。
How is the weather today?(问天气)
It's cloudy.今天多云。
by :表示交通工具,用哪一种方式
by bus 搭公车by train 搭火车
by bike 骑自行车by air =by plane 乘飞机
by sea =by ship 乘船
with :表示工具、器官……
with a pen 用笔
with a pencil 用铅笔
with my mouth 用我的嘴with my eyes 用我的眼睛How did you eat ? 你怎样吃的?
I eat with a spoon . 我用勺吃。
in :表示方法
I say in English .
其他:in ink 用墨水……
How are you ?
How do you do ?
How about ~?
= How about ~?
How do you like~?
=What do you think of ~?
b:How +形容词(副词)~?询问年龄、身高、数量、次数、距离……
How many 多少(可数名词)How many sisters do you have?How much 多少(不可数名词)How much is the book?
How old 多大(岁数) How old are you?
How tall 多高(人,树) How tall is that tree?How long 多少时间(多久)How long will you stay here?
多长(长度) How long is the rope?How often 多久(频率)How often do you visit here?
How soon 多块(时间) How soon will he be back?
How far 多远(距离)How far is it from A to B?
How high 多高(山) How high is Mt.Fujin?富士山有多高?。