


( )1. Dear boys and girls,please relax yourselves! Treat this exam with _____ usual mind and take _____active work in thinking and writing carefully, and then you’re

sure to get good grades.

A. a; an

B. a; /

C. an;/

( )2.Happiness is very important. _____ you live, _____ you are. So make every effort to make yourself happy every day.

A. The happier; the healthier

B. The more happily; the more healthily

C. The more happily; the healthier

( )3.Twenty students in this university ______ to Australia to study last year, and more students are expecting to have the chance next year.

A. are sent

B. were sent

C. sent

( )4.--How can I improve my composition?

--First of all, you should pay attention to _______ more.

A. write

B. writing

C. written

( )5.--The month exam is coming. You should spend as much time as you can ______for it.

--Thanks for reminding me of it. I will.

A. prepare

B. preparing

C. to prepare

( ) 6. --The Internet plays an important role in our daily life, but many children spend too much time on computer games or movies online.

-- That is bad for _______ teenagers’ health ________ mind.

A. either, or

B. not only, but als o

C. neither, nor ( ) 7. Different people have different life goals, but we have one thing ________, which is that we all pursue (追求) the happiness in our heart.

A. in advance

B. in common

C. in order

( ) 8. Andrew, a boy_____ one leg shorter than_____ won the special game. So we can see that no matter how much difficulty we meet, do not give up and then bright future will wait for us anywhere.

A. without; the other

B. with; another

C. with; the other ( )9. Sometimes people won't know the value of friendship _______ they lose it. Therefore, my dear friends,don't try to know your friends' privacy(隐私) _______ say something

bad behind their backs.

A. until; while

B. when; and

C. before; or

( )10. Anyone who refuses _______ others carefully will lose respect for themselves.

A. listening to

B. to listen

C. to listen to ( )11. --Hi, Lucy, I hear that you will further your study abroad. Congratulations. --Thank you, Steve. I only _____ it as a good _______ to improve myself in many ways.

A. regard, change

B. think, choice

C. regard, chance

( )12.Without friends, one can’t be happy although he is rich enough.As for me, I will never forget the most wonderful days________ I spent with my friends.

A. which

B. that

C. on which

( )13.--Could you tell me _________? --In fact, there is no pathway to success.

A. which was the way to success

B. which the way t o success was

C. which is the way to success

( )14. Every year there is contest to see who ______ the best corn ,and for the past eleven years, the same man, Farmer Duffy, ________.

A. grows; won

B. grows; has won

C. grew; won

( )15. When visiting a friend, we don’t express ourselves directly, but it’s quite different in western countries. In the USA, w hich of the following doesn’t fit its custom?

a: Would you like something to drink?


b: I am not thirty.

B.a: May I get something to drink for you?

b: Yes, please.

a: Would you like some more eggs?


b: No, thanks. I am full.

( )16. Good grades depend on good study habits. Good study habits are helpful to you throughout your education. As a successful student with good grades, you should ____.

①ask your c lassmates for help as soon as you find a problem

②pay attention to WHY but not the ANSWER during your study

③review your notes before doing your homework

④make a plan for your study

⑤try to study too much at one time

A. ②③④


C. ①②③

( )17. From the table, we can see the prices of the books. You should pay ______if you buy each book of them.

A. ¥180

B. ¥110


( )18. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?

A. wisdom drive

B. count proud

C. thus either

( )19. Which word has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “conn e ct” ?

A. elect

B. affect

C. state

( )20 Which word of the following has a different stress from others?

A. princess

B. extra

C. victory


No matter who will have difficulties at any time ,help is so necessary for everyone. The following 21

some advice on how to help the students who have trouble in studying.

Help them set up the easier goal that they can achieve. The goal too high and the progress in a hurry only make us have trouble in studying. So in the daily lives and studying, they should achieve the learning goal step by step .After they make ___22___progress ,they will go nearer to their last goal.

Help them develop a good habit that is useful for ____23___learning .Good habits can improve grades. Before class ,they should prepare learning tools,____24___markers, notebook, ruler, book etc. for the lesson. In the class ,they should listen to the teacher carefully and write down the notes. As the saying goes, “Excellence isn`t ____25___action, but a habit .”Good habits are the first step to success for the students who have trouble in studying.

Help them overcome the inferiority(自卑) that is in their hearts. The students who have trouble in studying have strong inferiority more or less .So let them __26__confidence and believe their abilities. Let them believe their own strength and function .They need to tell themselves :“I can, I can study well ,____27___I work hard every class ,every day, every week and every term, the succes s will belong me !”The person with enough 28 will be the strongest one on the earth.

If you follow the advice above ,you will help the ones who _____29___difficulties in studying . Without the sun, the moon isn`t beautiful, either. Without the help from each other ,we also 30 warmth. Let`s gives others who need help.

( )21. A. are B. to be C. is

( )22. A. little B. a little C. few

( )23. A. its B.

it`s C. their

( )24. A. instead of B. such as

C. for example

( )25. A. a B.

an C.\

( )26. A. increase B.

reduce C. lose

( )27. A. as soon as B. as long as

C. while

( )28. A. confidence B. confident

C. confidently

( )29. A. meet B.

met C. meets

( )30. A. increase B.

get C. lose

三. 阅读理解(本题20分,每小题1分)(A)

Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an American university, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren’t always smart enough to be accepted by the university.

One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the president of the university and asked whether the student would be allowed to enter without an exam. "Well," the president said after some persuasion(劝说), "I’d better ask him a few questions as easy as ABC first."

Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn’t know any of the answers.

At last the dean (院长) said, "Well, what‘s five times seven?"

The student thought for a long time and then answered, "Thirty-six."

________, but the coach said sincerely, "Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two."


( ) 31. What does the underlined word “as easy as ABC” probably means in this passage?

A. interesting

B. very very

easy C. hard

( )32.So me good player weren’t accepted by the university , because.

A. they couldn’t cooperate as a team

B. they were poor in playing skills

C. they were not good at studying.

( ) 33. One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the president of the university and asked whether the student would be allowed to enter without ____.

A. practice

B. a

game C an exam

( ) 34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The excellent young player gave the right answer.

B. The coach gave the right answer.

C. Five times seven equals Thirty-five.

( ) 35. The sentence “_____________” will be the missing one in this passage.

A. The president threw up his hands and looked at the coach in disappointment

B. The president wasn’t surprised to hear that

C. The president nodded his head and looked at the coach happily



( )36. From the chart we know that the latest metro station is in _______.


Shanghai B. Beijing

C. Harbin

( )37. According to the information above we know that ____________.

A. the number of Shanghai metros will increase about 31.2% in 2050

B. there are about 4.3 million passengers per day in Shanghai

C. the price of the Shanghai ticket is 3 yuan in Shanghai metro

( )38. From the information in the chart we know that the metro station _________ has the most passengers per day.

A. in Nanjing

B. in Shanghai


in Beijing

( )39. From the chart we know that____________.

A. It is very convenient and comfortable to go from the south to the north

in Beijing.

B. the price of ticket in Nanjing is the cheapest of all the metro stations

mentioned above.

C. Beijing has the largest number of metro trains.

( )40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information?

A. From the chart we know that we can take metro every two minutes in all the cities.

B. The passengers in Shanghai can take metros to go everywhere.

C. The price of the ticket in Harbin is the same as that in Shanghai.


A mantis (螳螂) grew very stout and strong. When he walked around in the backyard, he walked around in the backyard, he waved his two powerful hands. He could easily catch some smaller insects. Since he was stronger and caught more smaller insects than other mantis, he felt that he should be the leader of his kingdom.

One day, his ability was challenged by another strong mantis. After a fighting, he beat his challenger, who quickly disappeared. The winner ran after on the road, but he could not find loser. He was very angry, and killed several smaller insects. And all the other smaller insects were scared and escaped.

The mantis stood bravely on the road by himself. He thought that he might be the most strong animal in the world. Soon, he heard a strange sound from a distance. It was a one -wheel wooden cart (手推车) pushed by a man coming toward his direction on the way.

The mantis had never seen a wooden cart. He really believed that he could frighten away the unknown monster (怪物) as he had beaten his challenger. In another minute, the wheel of wooden cart ro lled over the poor mantis, crushing (压碎) him without the cart driver's even knowing.

In our society, there are many "mantises'. They think they are stronger and smarter than others. They speak highly of their own ability, because they have never seen a "wooden cart".

A Chinese proverb says, "If you think you are the strongest, there is always somebody who is stronger than you; if you think your world is the largest, there is always another world which is larger than yours. "


( ) 41. The mantis was proud because he thought he was strong and caught more insects than others.

( ) 42. The mantis challenged another strong mantis and succeeded.

( ) 43. The mantis had seen this cart before , but he still believed he could frighten it away.

( ) 44. The cart driver did n’t know until the cart crushed the mantis.

( ) 45. Wherever you go, there is always somebody stronger and smarter than you.

( D)

When we say, “ Oh, I like the fresh air in the countryside. I can breathe freely.” In fact, yes, we are breathing in air. But just one fifth of each breath is useful for us. That is because we just need O2 instead of the others, which include(包括) N2, less than four fifths and one percent other gases like CO2. This is just the modern air.

The air was not around us everywhere like now. Over 4.6 billion years ago, there was even almost no air around the earth but dust and smoke. Then with the activities of the earth and pieces’ hitting from space, the earth began to have its real air. But at first, the air was full of harmful and deadly(致命的) gases like H and CO. We call that original(原始的) air. About 3 billion years ago, about 79% of the air was vapor from the hot oceans or underground rivers and 12% was CO2. It made the earth very hot and the original living things like alga(水藻) appeared deep under oceans and then plants which breathe in CO2 and release O2 appeared. We call that air the secondary(次生的) air. But the valuable gas for

animals, O2, wasn’t in the air until the alga in oceans produced it a bout 2 billion years ago. Then most CO2 began to be held into water and rocks. That made the temperature become cooler and better for animals to live. So more living things including animals appeared. At last, N2 and O2 have become the main parts of the modern air. The most important among the rest is CO2. Green plants use CO2 to make food for them, then give out food and O2 that animals and people need.


( ) 46. The underlined word “ vapo r” in the passage means “__________” in Chinese.

A. 液体


C. 蒸汽

( ) 47. CO2 is used by green plants to make food and O2 is needed b y _________.

A. people and plants

B. People and animals

C. People , animals and plants ( ) 48. From the passage we know ________.

A. the air around the earth experienced three big changes

B. the first gas that animals and people need was given by plants on land

C. the air around the earth was ever filled with CO about 3 billion years ago ( ) 49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Every time we breathe, the air we get is all very useful and valuable.

B. In the secondary air, CO2 and vapor were everywhere and living things appeared

under oceans.

C. There was almost no air around the earth about 5 billion years ago.

( ) 50. The best title for this passage should be _______.





A: Hi, Peter! Did you enjoy here?

B: 51 I appreciate your help very much. Array

A: 52


A: That’s great. 53 .

B: I'm going to visit Harbin this winter.

A: Really? Harbin is a nice place to visit.

B: I agree with you. 54___

A: How can you get there? It's far away from here.

B: By train. 55

A: 56___

B: Yes, I had. It's 280 yuan per day, including car

tickets, park tickets, hotel and meals.

A: Well, it's nice. 57___

B: Thanks a lot. 58__

A: So am I.



A: Hello, Jennifer. Come in, please .

B: 59 nice to meet you . I’ve been looking for ward to meeting you.

A: Do you like Chinese food, Jennifer?

B: Yes, I love it. The food here is 60 .

A: Is this your first time 61 at a Chinese home?

B: Yes, it is. So it’s a new 62 for me.

A: This Saturday 63 visit my mother’s house. Would you care to join us?

B: Oh, I’d love to , but I’ve already made plans 64 that day.

A: What a pity! 65 We’ll have another chance next week.

59. _ 60. __ 61. __ 62. __63. ___64. __65. ___




A princess promised to be friends with a frog. Her father, the king , made her keep her promise. At first she was ___66____, but she ___67___ fond of the frog. In the end, she was glad to keep her word. She also got___68____ for keeping her promise because the frog turned into a prince! I think the story teaches us a good lesson. If we keep our promises, we will feel good about___69___.But we should not expect a good reward like the one the princess got . __70____ good is its own reward.


Ask yourself this question: Do you read every word in your own language when you are reading a book?

The answer is probably: No! Reading in English is like reading in your own language. This means that it is not always necessary to read and understand each word in English. Remember that there are not big differences between your own language and English when using reading skills. Here is a reading skill used in every language:

Skimming (略读)is used to quickly gather the most important information. Use skimming to quickly get up to speed. It’s not necessary to understand each word when you are skimming. This skill is an efficient(高效的)way to improve your reading ability.


It’s important for us students to pr otect our eyesight. However, many students have poor eyesight. It’s reported that nearly three in every ten students wear glasses. Many students always keep reading for long in poor light and don’t have a rest. Then little by little they become short-sighted. Do you know how to protect your eyesight? Here are some pieces of advice for you.

First, we should read in soft light with the book about 30 cm from our eyes. Second,

don’t read in the sun or in poor light. Third, never read when we are on a bus or in bed. Finally, do eye exercises every day.

If you follow the suggestions mentioned above, you will have good eyesight.


66. __________ 67. __________ 68. __________ 69. _______ 70. __________


71.g_______ to search for things of the same type in several different places and collect them together.

72. p_______ without much doubt

任务3: 阅读短文(B),完成同义句转换,每空一词。

Remember that there are not big differences between your own language and English when using reading skills.

Remember that your own language is not quite 73 74 English when using reading skills.


What is skimming used to quickly gather?



76. __________77. ___________ 78. __________ 79. _______ 80. ________ 六.书面表达(本题共20分)

假设你是学校的学生会主席David,本周六学校将组织去帽儿山(Mount Maoer) 郊游,请根据



1. 周六早上6:30分在学校操场上集合,乘坐学校巴士前往。

2. 活动内容




3. 至少写出两条出行的建议。






All the students of our school,

Here is good news for you!__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________






The Students’ Union


一. 选择题:

1-5 BCBBB 6-10 BBCCC 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 ABABA


21-25CBCBB 26-30 ABAAC


31-35 BCCCA 36-40CAACC 41-45 ABBBA 46-50 CBAAB 四.交际


59-60 It’s delicious eating experience we’ll for Maybe 五、任务型阅读:

66-70 angry , grew , rewarded , ourselves , Feeling

71-75 gather, probably, different, from ,

The most important information.

76- 80 tenths, without, book, protect, daily


Unit1 When is your birthday? 【短语】 1.your mother’s birthday 你妈妈的生日 2. October tenth 十月十号 3. date of birth 出生日期; 生日 4. how old 多大(岁数) 1.她的生日her birthday party 2.几岁how old 3.英语测验English test 4.学校郊游school trip 5.篮球\足球比赛basketball\soccer game 6.艺术\音乐节art\music festival 7.三十八thirty-eight 8.英语节English Day 9.体育节Sports Day 10.校庆日School Day 11.举办图书特卖会have a book sale 12.在学校图书馆in the school library 13.这个学期this term 14.在下午\上午\晚上in the afternoon\morning\evening 15.来我们学校come to our school 16.来参加我的生日聚会come to my birthday party 17.过得愉快have a good time 18.我妹妹的生日my sister’s birthday 19.生日快乐happy birthday 20.再见good-bye 【句子】 1.你妈妈什么时候过生日?When is your mother’s birthday? 2.你父亲多少岁?50. How old are your father?He is fifty. 3.你的生日是什么时候?我的生日是六月四号。 W hen is your birthday? My birthday is on June fourth. 4.DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st. 出生日期:三月二十一日。 5.今天几月几号?1月1号。 What’s the date today?Today is on January first. 6.你想来参加我的生日聚会吗? Do you want to come to my birthday party?


人教版2019届九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷A卷 一、在下列的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。( (共5题;共5分) 1. (1分)You should look after y________ when your parents are not at home. 2. (1分)To be healthy. you should have more ________ (蔬菜)every day. 3. (1分)My mother enjoys ________(购物) every Saturday. 4. (1分)His father is a w________ man and he always makes a great decision at last. 5. (1分)The rain began to beat heavily against the windows and Ben could not fell ________ (睡着). 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) (共5题;共5分) 6. (1分)I have bought a new flat and it's on the ________ floor of the building. (twenty) 7. (1分)On hearing the great news that Beijing has won the bids of 2008 Olympic Games, The crowds at Tian An Men Square began to cheer ________. (excite) 8. (1分)Our classroom is much________ (big) than theirs. 9. (1分)The school is much bigger than ________ (our). 10. (1分)It's 7:30 pm. It's time for you ________(do) your homework, Sara. 三、单项选择。(15分) (共15题;共15分) 11. (1分)Life is like ______ one-way street. It will never lead you back. So, enjoy life every moment as ______ of them will happen the same way again. A . the; nothing B . a; none C . an; none D . a; nothing 12. (1分)—Mary _______ since ten years ago. It is impossible for her to make a living now. —You mean ________? That's kind of cruel to her. A . has been unemployed; in her twentieth B . has become unemployed; in twenties C . had stayed unemployed; in her twenties D . was unemployed; in her twenties 13. (1分)________ good advice it is! Why not go out for a walk? A . What a


九年级上学期开学考试语文试题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 1 . 下列文学、文化常识说法有误的一项是() A.《山海经》是中国先秦古籍。主要记述的是古代神话、地理、物产、巫术、宗教、古史、医药、民俗等方面的内容。 B.《木兰诗》是南北朝时北方的一首乐府民歌,选自郭茂倩编辑的《乐府诗集》。 C.《陋室铭》中的“铭”是古代刻在器物上用来警诫自己或称述功德的文字,后来成为种文体。 D.《孙权劝学》一文里“孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪”中的“经”即儒家经典,其中“五经”指《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《论语》。 2 . 下列各句中,所引古诗文名句不符合语境的一项是 A.贾爷爷真可谓“老骥伏枥,志在千里”,七十岁了还不想着颐养天年,而是去山区兴办企业,带动当地人民脱贫致富。 B.朋友即将远行,小李在临别纪念册扉页上,潇洒写下“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”两句诗,祝福朋友克服成长路上的困难,学业进步,早日实现心中的梦想。 C.“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”,我们在探讨学问时,往往会出现扑朔迷离的情况,但只要锲而不舍,继续深究,便会发现一个全新的天地。 D.世界上最美好的东西往往是无法用语言来表达的,只能用心去感受它,真可谓“此中有真意,欲辨已忘言”。 3 . 在《我爱这土地》一诗中,对“鸟”的形象分析不正确的一项是() A.诗人只是把自己假设成一只鸟,但这鸟正是诗人自己,假设是为了更好地抒情。 B.这只鸟死得可怜,目的是唤起人们的同情。 C.鸟死了也要把羽毛腐烂在土地里,把自己的一切毫不保留地献给土地,表达了热爱祖国的执着深情。 D.我是一只鸟,我要歌唱,一直到死。 二、字词书写 4 . 在下面句子的括号中,给加点字注音。 (1)这是在达卡多拉游泳场的八千名观众一齐翘(____)首而望、屏声敛息的一刹(_____)那。


枫叶国际学校秋季入学试题 九年级英语试A卷 姓名:__________成绩:___________/75 I.Grammar and Vocabulary语法和词汇(35’) (1)Fill in the blanks with the right forms.用所给词组的恰当形式填空.(10’) took part in arrived at bad for had a cold good for the number of broke the record all over the world leave for grow up 1.My uncle__________the Party in1988. 2.What are you going to be when you__________? 3.They__________the bus stop early this morning. 4.He__________and won a gold medal in the Athens Olympic. 5.I'm sure that eating too much is__________you. 6.Because it makes me strong and it is popular__________. 7.Running is__________legs,heart and lungs,and it makes us healthy. 8.We don’t know__________the stars in the sky. 9.I__________and felt so bad all the day. 10.We will__________Beijing at the end of the month. (2)Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the giving verbs.动词填空。(10’) 1.My father___________(teach)English at a junior high school for15years. 2.John’s brother________________(live)in England since he went to university. 3.My mother___________(collect)stamps as her hobby. 4.Please keep___________(quietly)in class. 5.I choose____________(hike)to the mountain with my friend. 6.The traffic policeman______________(deal)with the traffic accident soon. 7.The boy does everything__________(careful)so he is perfect. 8.I would like_________(have)dinner with my mother together. 9.__________(play)chess needs a good memory. 9.People often_____________(stand)in line to get on the bus. 10.I will stay at home if it_______(rain)tomorrow. (3)Multiple choice选出最佳答案。(1.5*10) 1.This book belongs_____Mr.White. A.with B.of C.to D.at 2.She finished her homework early___________with her friends. A.to go shopping B.went shopping c.and go shopping D.goes shopping 3.The girl who sits next to me________Lucy. A.is call B.is calling C.is called D.called 4.Michael often talks______but does_____So everybody says he is a good boy. A.many,little B.little,many C.less,more D.more,less 5.Stop___________so much noise,my father is sleeping. A.to make B.make C.making D.made 6.---Must I stay at home tonight?---No,you___________.


Unit 1 (疑问副词)什么时候月;月份 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月十一月 十二月 愉快的;高兴的 生日快乐! 年老的;旧的 ……多大年纪?……几岁了?聚会;晚会 看见;见到 再见! 第一 第二 第三

第八 第九 第十二 第二十 测验;检查 旅游;旅行 艺术;美术 (音乐、戏剧等的)会演节;节日亲爱的 学生 东西;事情 学期时间 (表示祝愿)过得愉快!(在)那里 Unit 2 特别喜爱的(人或事物) 学科;科目 科学 体育 音乐;乐曲 数学 语文;汉语;汉语的,中国的地理(学)

为什么 因为 星期一 星期一 星期五 星期六 无疑;肯定空闲的 妙极的;酷的星期二 星期三 星期四上午 下午;午后 说;讲 有用的;有益的 (表示开始的时间)从……开始从……到…… (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人完成;做好 课;一节课 小时 Unit 3 吉他

游泳 跳舞;舞蹈 画 国际象棋 下国际象棋 说(某种语言);说话说英语 参加;加入 俱乐部;社团 ……擅长于…… 讲述;告诉 故事;小说演出;节目 给……看,展示 或者;也不(用于否定句)说话;交谈 跟……说 (中国)功夫 鼓 敲鼓 钢琴 弹钢琴 小提琴 拉小提琴

人;人们 家;活动本部;到家;在家善于;对……有办法 使成为;制造 结交朋友 在今天 在某方面帮助某人 中心;中央 周末 (在)周末 教;讲授 音乐家向上 起床;站起 穿衣服;连衣裙 穿上衣服 刷;刷净;刷子 牙齿 淋浴;淋浴器(间) 洗淋浴 通常地;一般地 四十 (表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀从不;绝不


第一学期初三入学考试 英语试卷 考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:100分 第一部分客观题 Ⅰ.听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题0.5分) 1. A. collect B. correct C. protect 2. A. team B. term C. time 3. A. afford B. avoid C. attend 4. A. waiter B. water C. winter 5. A. give up B. take up C. get up Ⅱ.听短对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(每小题0.5分) 6. A. He’s tall. B. He’s a bit short. C. He is of medium height. 7. A. Boring. B. Great. C. Terrible. 8. A. Ping-pong. B. Basketball. C. Soccer. 9. A. She has to look after her sister. B. She has too much homework to do. C. She has to meet her uncle at the airport. 10. A. Five. B. Eleven. C. Sixteen. Ⅲ.听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答第11~12题。 11. What happened to Mike yesterday morning? A. He had an accident. B. His car was stolen. C. He lost his new phone. 12. When did Mike buy his new phone? A. This week. B. Last week. C. Last month. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15题。 13. What’s the woman’s size? A. 13. B. 19. C. 30. 14. What does the woman decide to buy at last? A. A red dress. B. A green dress. C. A brown dress. 15. How much does the red dress cost? A. $20. B. $30. C. $50. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分) 16. How does Tom feel when Mr. Brown asks him to buy something? A. Bored. B. Glad. C. Sad. 17. When did Mr. Brown expect Tom to be back? A. By 5:20. B. By 6:00. C. By 6:20. 18. Why was Tom glad when his father gave him two pounds? A. His father wanted him to buy some stamps. B. His father wanted him to buy a box of chocolates. C. He didn’t have so much money for a long time. 19. How long did it take Tom to be back? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 20. What did Tom buy with the two pounds? A. Some stamps. B. A box of chocolates. C. A good meal. Ⅴ.单项选择(每小题0.5分):


人教版九年级上学期数学开学考试试卷新版 一、选择题 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分)关于一元二次方程,下列判断正确的是() A . 一次项是 B . 常数项是 C . 二次项系数是 D . 一次项系数是 2. (2分)下列方程中,关于x的一元二次方程是() A . x2+2y=1 B . ﹣2=0 C . ax2+bx+c=0 D . x2+2x=1 3. (2分)关于x的方程ax2-3x+2=0是一元二次方程,则() A . a>0 B . a≠0 C . a=1 D . a≥0 4. (2分)若关于x的一元二次方程为ax2-3bx-5=0(a≠0)有一个根为x=2,那么4a-6b 的值是() A . 4 B . 5

D . 10 5. (2分)已知关于x的一元二次方程M为ax2+bx+c=0、N为cx2+bx+a=0(a≠c),则下列结论:①如果5是方程M的一个根,那么是方程N的一个根;②如果方程M有两个不相等的实数根,那么方程N也有两个不相等的实数根;③如果方程M与方程N有一个相同的根,那么这个根必是x=1.其中正确的结论是() A . ①② B . ①③ C . ②③ D . ①②③ 6. (2分)将方程x2-6x+3=0左边配成完全平方式,得到的方程是() A . (x-3)2=-3 B . (x-3)2=6 C . (x-3)2=3 D . (x-3)2=12 7. (2分)关于x的一元二次方程x2-mx-1=0的根的情况() A . 有两个不相等的实数根 B . 有两个相等的实数根 C . 有一个实数根 D . 没有实数根 8. (2分)有一人患了流感,经过两轮穿然后共有49人患了流感,设每轮传染中平均一个人传染了x人,则x的值为()


外研版2020届九年级上学期英语8月开学考试试卷(I)卷 一、根据首字母及句意提示完成单词(10分) (共10题;共10分) 1. (1分)It's my d________ to become a singer when I grow up. 2. (1分)To perform in front of 40, 000 screaming fans was a great e________. 3. (1分)June 1st is Children's Day. Parents usually give their kids many g________on that day. 4. (1分)B________ is thicker than water. 5. (1分)It's so cold today that n ________ of us would like to play outside. 6. (1分)What about having a p________ in the park. 7. (1分)The man ________(用手拉) the dog out of the water just now. 8. (1分)Mum always c________ a nice present for rile for my birthday. 9. (1分)Every Chinese believes that Taiwan is our land and always b________ to China. 10. (1分)The weather was terrible. There were f________ people in the street. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(15分) (共15题;共15分) 11. (1分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 Once upon a time, a very old man named Yu Gong lived near two mountains. They were so high and big that it ________(take) a long time to walk to the other side. The old man told his family that they should all help him to move the mountains. But his wife said an old man probably even________(not move) a small tree and where they would put all the earth and stone from the mountains. Yu Gong said they could put it into the sea because it's big enough ________(hold) everything. So they all started digging the next day and moved some of the earth and stone to the sea. One day, a man saw Yu Gong and his children when they ________(work) on moving the mountains. He told Yu Gong that he could never do it because he was old and weak. As soon as the man finished ________(talk), Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died because his family would live and grow, but the mountains could not get bigger. So Yu Gong and his family kept on ________(dig) day after day and year after year. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away. This story reminds us that you can never know what's possible unless you try to make it ________(happen). 12. (1分)阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下义连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。 Look! This is a photo ________ my family. The boy on the right is ________ (I) brother. ________ (he) name is Zhang Tian and he is six years old. ________ is the girl next to him? She is my cousin Wu Xiaochen. She is ten years old. They ________ (be) in the same school ________ (this) are my parents. My mother is a doctor at a ________. My father works at a police station and he is a ________. Oh, what's this in front of Wu Xiaochen7 It's my cat. ________ (it) name is Taotao. Where is me? Oh, sorry! I am ________ in this photo!

鲁教版 五四制 六年级下册 英语教材全解

鲁教版五四制六年级下册英语教材全解 (本检测题满分:100分;时间:60分钟) 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ听句子选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分满分5分) A B C D E 1 _________ 2 _________ 3 _________ 4 _________ 5 _________ Ⅱ听对话及问题根据对话内容选择正确的答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分满分5分) 6 A Her bike is los t B There is something wrong with her bike C She doesn’t like riding 7 A He takes a bus B He rides a bike C He walks to school 8 A Thirty minutes B An hour C An hour and thirty minutes 9 A By ship B By air C By bike 10 A Less than two miles B More than two miles C Two miles Ⅲ听对话根据对话内容选择正确的答语。对话读两遍。(每小题1分满分5分) 11 How does Mr Li go to work? A He goes to work by bus B He goes to work by boat C He goes to work on foot 12 How does Mr Li’s wife go to work? A She goes to work by car B She goes to work by bus C She goes to work by boat 13 How does Mr Smith go to work? A He goes to work by car B He goes to work by subway C He goes to work by boat 14 How does Mr Smith’s brother go to work? A He goes to work by taxi B He goes to work by subway C He goes to work by motorbike 15 How does Tom go to work? A He goes to work by bike B He goes to work by subway C He walks to work Ⅳ听短文根据短文内容填空。短文读两遍。(每小题1分满分5分) Mr Brown has a car In the morning he 16 his children to school in his car Then he drives to work Mr Brown and his children do not have 17 at home but Mrs Brown does She does not go to work She stays at home She does some shopping and cleaning in the morning In the afternoon she 18 goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them Then she cooks 19 20 二、笔试部分(满分80分) Ⅰ单项填空(每小题1分满分10分) 21 —How does your sister go to school? — A Once a day B Two miles C By bus D Twenty


人教版2020届九年级下学期英语开学考试试卷A卷 一、完形填空 (共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 As I held my father's hands one night. I couldn't help but notice their calluses(老茧) and roughness(粗糙). His hands tell the story of his life as a1, including all his struggles. One summer, I remember, a drought(旱灾) hit Ontario, turning it into a burning desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my2 to fill the last order from the food store. Fifty dozen(一打)was all we needed which3 took t wenty minutes. That morning? however, the process(过程) didn't go4. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field we5 needed twenty dozen. I was completely sad and6. Dropping the basket heavily I shouted." If the store wants its last twenty dozen they can pick it themselves!" Dad laughed. "Just think my little girl only ten dozen left for each of us and then we're7." Such is Dad whatever problem he8 he never gives up. 9 the very bad influence of the drought were felt all over our country. It was a challenging time for everyone 10 Dad remained hopeful. It was then that I truly began to thank Dad for his faith that guided us through the hard times. Dad is also a living example of real11. From day to night he works hours and hours to12 our family. He always puts our happiness13 his own and never fails to cheer me up at my sports games even though he is very14 after long days. His loving and selfless nature has encouraged me to become more helpful putting other15. Dad the life. I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and most importantly my hero. (1) A . teacher B . shopkeeper C . farmer D . cleaner (2) A . brother B . dad C . mother D . friend (3) A . mostly B . usually


人教版2019版九年级上学期开学考试语文试题A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。 一、选择题 1 . 下列选项中没有错别字的一项是() A.有一天,你们吃着苹果搽着嘴,要记着,你们嘴里的那份甜呀,就是我祝福的心意。 B.你为人类的诉讼案辨护,搏斥暴君和凶神,你胜诉了。 C.时候既然是深冬,渐近故乡时,天气又阴诲了。 D.跟着我去踩田圃的泥土将润如油膏。 2 . 下列词语读音和书写全正确的一项是() A.忧柔寡断秀颀(qí)海市蜃(shèng)楼可望而不可即 B.亵(xié)渎沾轻怕重坦荡如砥(dǐ)婆娑(suō) C.仙露琼浆迸(bèng)溅沧(cāng)桑断章取义 D.热枕(chén)旁逸斜出争妍(yàn)斗艳并蒂(dì) 3 . 下列说法错误的一项是() A.“伯”“仲”“叔”“季”表示兄弟之间的排序。“谥号”是古代王侯、名臣、将相高级官吏、文士等死后,朝廷根据他们生前的德行给予的称号。 B.新闻结构的五部分,分别是标题、导语、主体、背景、结语,其中标题、主体、结语是必不可少的三部分。 C.科举时代,一般童生先在县或府里参加院试,考取了叫“进学”,也就是中了秀才,秀才再到省会参加三年一次的乡试,考中的为“举人”。 D.《最后一课》《昆虫记》《我的叔叔于勒》都是法国作家的作品。 4 . 下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A.你不得不承认文学作品对人的影响是潜移默化的。

B.教育行政部门提出,要制定进城务工人员随迁子女义务教育后在当地参加升学考试。 C.通过加强校园周边道路交通安全的管理,使学生的人身安全得到了保障。 D.他的晚年,仍然精力充沛,充满创作激情,留下了许多优秀作品。 5 . 给空缺处选填语句,最恰当的一项是()。 人是需要有点精神的,做人做事当有定力。。在他们身上,人生的定力是面对艰苦寂寞时“直挂云帆济沧海”的远大志向,是面对磨难逆境时“咬定青山不放松”的顽强毅力,是面对挫折打击时“泰山崩于前而色不变”的钢铁意志,是面对质疑嘲讽时“任尔东西南北风”的执着追求,是面对名利诱惑时“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”的高尚气节。 A.有定力的人,信念如磐,敢于担当,不随物流,不为境转,意志坚强 B.无定力之人,往往朝秦暮楚、心浮气躁、浅尝辄止,最终贻误事业和人生 C.坚定的理想信念是政治定力的核心内容,具备这种政治定力的人,就能在大风大浪中稳坐“钓鱼船”,在拒腐防变中练就“金刚身” D.大凡历史上有作为、有成就的人物,其定力往往也是超出常人的 二、现代文阅读 阅读下面选文回答问题。 自给自足的人体生物能发电 ①随着煤炭、石油等资源日趋枯竭,环境恶化日趋严重,一些科学家为了开发更多的新能源,已把研究课题转向人类自身的生物能这一领域,利用人体生物能发电现已初见成效。 ②人体中存在着一些化学物质,它们之间在发生反应时会产生化学能量。像新陈代谢过程中,葡萄糖和氧分子的反应就有能量释放出来若稍加利用,这种能量就可以转化为电能。根据这一原理,科学家开始了人体生物电池的研究。 ③据专家介绍,人体生物电池的电极是由两根长2厘米、直径约1/7000纳米的碳纤维制成,在每根碳纤维的外层还涂有一种聚合物,此外还有一种作为催化剂的葡萄糖氧化酶聚合物的作用是将碳纤维与葡萄糖氧化酶连接成一个电路,而葡萄糖氧化酶则是用来加速葡萄糖与氧分子的化学反应。这种人体生物电池在37℃、pH为7.2的环境下工作,这很接近人体血液的温度和酸碱度它产生的动力可以驱动一个监控糖尿病的小型传感器。 ④人体生物能发电还有其它形式。当一个人坐着或站立时,就会持续产生重力势能。此时,若能采用特制的重力转换器就能将这种能转换成电能。美国有一家公司将发电装置埋在行人拥挤的公共场所,外面是一排踏板。当行



七星关区第三实验学校春季九年级年级 入学考试考试英语试卷 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分 一.单项选择(20分) ( ) 1.I want to be _____ actor in the future. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. My father will be back from Nanjing ___ a week. A. in B. after C. behind ( ) 3. Mary said she to school the next Sunday. A.won’t go B.isn’t go C.wouldn’t go ( )4. ________give him a ticket to a ball game? A. Why not you B.Why don’t you C. Why not to ( ) 5. The children _____ on the playground when I left school. A. were playing B. .are playing C. was playing ( ) 6. In order to keep healthy, you should eat _______ meat, _______ vegetables and take enough exercise. A. less, less B. less, more C. fewer, more ( ) 7. ——I’m sorry I ______my bag at home. ——You did that last week. Never forget ______ it to school next time. A. forget; to take B. forget; to bring C. left; to take. ( ) 8. He gave us some ______ on how to learn a language. A. advice B. advices C. advises ( ) 9. Could you please ______ me such boring questions? I’mtired. A. not ask B. not to ask C. not asking ( ) 10. --He’s never late for school, __________? --Yes, he is. A. isn’t he B. is he C. doesn’t he ( ) 11. If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will ____. A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it ( )12. -–Where is your sister? --She _________the library A.has been to B.is going to C.has gone to ( )13.She is ________to look after herself . A. enough young B. old enough C. enough old ( )14.We have been studying English . A. since two years B. since two years ago C. for two years ago. ( )15.I don’t like this shirt, and I don’t like that one,___ A. too B. either C. also ( )16.Most students are under______ pressure. A. much too B.too much C. too many ( )17.The plane will _____ in ten minutes. A. take away B. take off C.take out. ( )18. I need to _____ ten yuan for the book. A. spend B. cost C. pay ( )19.There _____ a basketball match in our school next week A. is going to be B. is going to have C. is ( )20.If it ____rain tomorrow , we will go camping. A. don’t B. won’t C. doesn’t 二.完形填空(20分)。 A Paul is a Canadian. He _21__in a tall building in the city of Toronto. There are eighteen floors in the __22__,and he lives _2_3__ the fifteenth floor.He uses a __24__ to go up and down.Paul is very __25__ every day. He goes to __26 early. He leaves his __27__ and walks to the lift. He gets __28__ the lift. It __29__ him down to the first floor. Then he _30__ the No.11 bus to work. ( )21.A. gets B. live C. lives ( )22.A. school B. room C. building ( )23.A. on B. in C. at ( )24.A. car B. lift (电梯) C. bike ( )25.A happy B. interesting C. busy ( )26.A. work B. park C. home ( )27.A. town B. home C. factory ( )28.A. into B. for C. up ( )29.A. does B. took C. takes ( )30.A.takes B. get C. does B A French writer 31 a story about a cat and a parrot(鹦鹉). A friend of 32 came to visit him one day. The friend said, "I' m going away for a short time. Will you please 33 my parrot for me?"The writer said he would do so, and his friend 3 4 his parrot to the
