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What you did to your boss is a kind of rebellious behaviour. 22 reverence [ ] n. 崇敬,尊敬 Great respect and admiration
They look on him with reverence. reverence [ ] v. 崇敬,尊敬 Respect
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8 Alice Cooper, America's singing ghoul A singing ghoul here means a singer who has the habit of making some horrible acts .
Biblioteka Baidu
9 Inside the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, Bob Dylan and The Band were tuning up for a concert . "Tuning up for the concert" means "adjusting their musical instruments to the same pitch so as to perform in the concert".
adj. 洗礼的 n.
4 bewilderment[
迷惑;慌乱,不知所措 Confusion
Imagine my bewildment when she did that. bewilder [ ] v. 迷惑 Confuse
Big city's traffic bewilders me. bewildered [ ] adj. 迷惑不解的 Completely puzzled
Pepole still reverence the name of Mahatma Gandhi. reverent [ ] adj. 崇敬的 Having a feeling of reverence
reverent behaviour reverential [ ] adj. 恭敬的 Respectful
The crowd surged past him. surge [ ] n. 波涛,巨浪 Strong , wavelike, forward movement
The surge crashed against the coast.
Test Explanation
1 By a man's heroes ye shall know him. You'll find out what kind of a person someone is if you know who his or her heroes are.
2 … the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking . The Amphitheater was crowded with listeners, which made the place oppressively hot. It was rocking because the music was played loud and the listeners were rocking to the music .
[ [ [ [
] ] ] ] ] ] ]
n. n. v. v. n. vi. vt.
小丑 体育场 设想,想出,想像 发出嘈杂声地走 不满 报刊发表评论 表达
A person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior Amphitheater Have the idea for Make crunching noises The feeling of being alienated from other people Insert personal opinions into an objective statement Express
adv. 在台上,上台 n. n. 虔诚 朝圣
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20 rambler 21 rebellion
[ [
] ]
n. n.
漫步者;漫谈者 造反,叛乱,反抗
A person who takes long walks in the country; A person whose Speech or writing is not well organized An act or the state of rebelling
Lesson One Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell us About Ourselves and Our Society?
Words and Expressions
1 adulation [ ] n. 过分赞扬,奉承 Praise that is more than necessary or deserved
A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. rebel [ ] v. 造反,叛乱,反抗 Take part in a rebelling
The slaves rebelled against their masters. rebellious [ ] adj. 反抗的 Participating in organized resistance to a constituted government
He was bewildered by her question. bewildering [ ] adj. 令人疑惑不解的 Very confusing
What she said was bewildering to me.
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5 clown 6 coliseum 7 conceive 8 crunch
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25 sprinkle
To scatter in drops or small grains
Sprinkle sand along the icy path. 26 swelter 27 variety show 28 surge [ ] v. [ ] v. 热气逼人,汗流浃背 歌舞杂耍表演,演出 汹涌,彭湃 Be uncomfortably hot A show consisting of a series of short unrelated performances To move, esp forward, in or like powerful waves
9 disaffection [ 10 editorialize 11 embody [ [
Words embody thought. embodiment [ ] n. 体现,表示 Giving concrete form to an abstract concept
His enemies called him the embodiment of evil. 12 gasp 13 ghoul 14 guillotine 15 jug 16 lyrics 17 onstage 18 piety 19 pilgrimage [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] vi. n. n. n. n. 喘气 食尸鬼 断头台 有柄的水罐 歌词;抒情诗 Breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted An evil spirit or ghost Instrument of execution, used for beheading people A large bottle with a narrow mouth A short poem of songlike quality On the stage Devoutness A journey made to a sacred place to show religious devotion.
6 They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops . "baptismal drops " means "baptismal water drops ".
7 Some 14,000 screaming fans were crunching up to the front… About 14,000 screaming fans were crowding up noisily to the front
He received adulations from many people. adulate [ ] v. 奉承 Flatter
The leaders are easily adulated. 2 amphitheater [ 3 baptismal [ ] ] ] n. 圆形露天剧场 Coliseum Of or relating to baptism
Lesson One
10 high priest A chief priest in charge of special acts of religion.
11 Do you reject Alice Copper as sick ? Do you refuse to accept Alice Copper because you think his performance is disgusting ?
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3 onstage This is an adverb meaning on the stage . In this kind of open-air performances, the stage is a raised platform installed somewhere in the middle of the open place.
reverential movement of the head 23 sociological [ 24 sociologist [ ] ] adj. 社会的,社会学的 n. 社会学家 Of or relating to or determined by sociology Social scientist
4 critic Don Heckman Popular usage in news. Other samples are: fan Chris Singer and sociologist Irving Horowitz
5 Jagger, … grabs a half-gallon jug … sprinkling its contents over … sweltering listeners . sprinkling 是现在分词做状语,表示伴随发生的动作, 所表示的必须是主语的一个动作或状态。 "its contents " refers to the contents of the jug , same as "water ". "sweltering listeners " means listeners who are sweating because of too much heat .
12 … because he acts out your wildest fantasies? … because he expresses by actions your wildest fantasies?
13 These aren't idle questions . These are not worthless questions asked casually .