
Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C Matters that need attentionI. Household Register has the legal force to prove the citizenship status and the relationship between family members and it is the main basis for the household registration institution to investigate and check the household registration. The head of household or the member of the household shall initiatively submit the household register for checking at the time that the staff in the household registration authority conducts investigation and check of the Household Register.II. The head of the household shall keep the Household Register properly and is prohibited to alter, assign and lend the Household Register privately. If the Household Register is lost, the head of the household shall immediately report to the household registration authority.III. The registration rights of the Household Register shall belong to the registration authority. Any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the Household Register.IV. If the household has personnel increase or decrease or change of registered items, they shall apply to the registration authority for declaration with the Household Register.V. Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the household registration authority for revocation.Register of Residence Change住址变动登记Page 2Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Signature seal承办人签章Recording date: June 24, 2016 Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2016年6月24日马坡派出所王艳琛Page 3Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载Page 4Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Signature seal承办人签章Recording date: June 24, 2016 Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2016年6月24日马坡派出所王艳琛Page 5Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载Page 6Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口Registration date : 20xx-xx-xxSignature seal承办人签章Recording date: January 29, 2019Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2019年1月29日Page 7---------------------------------------------- End of Records--------------------------------------------------I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document.a)Full name of the translator: XXb) Qualification: Test for English Major-Band 8 (TEM8)c) Qualification Serial Number: XXXXXd) Contact details of the translator:Ⅰ) Phone Number: XXXⅡ)Contact Address: XXXe) Date of the translation:f) Signature of the translator:。

Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.Matters needing attentionI.Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relationsamong family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In doing so, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own will, show the booklet.II.The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. Should the booklet be lost, the household owner must immediately report to the residence registration authority.III.The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it.IV.If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet.V.When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation.Register of Residenec Change地址变动登记Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)Updates of Member's Information 登记事项变更和更正记载。

中华人民共和国居民##Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic ofChina签发机关:##省##市##区〔县〕公安分局Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of ## District <County>, ## City, ## Province有效期限:Valid through〔或Duration of Validity,或Period of Validity〕翻译与填写注意事项:1.户号:Household number注意,我不知道其他地区的户口簿中这个"户号"是如何打印的.的户号是红色字体,打印在表格外右上角.表格内"户号"一栏反而是空的.填写的时候一定要注意,不要忘了将模板上的No. 88888888改为实际的户号.2.集体户:Corporate很多人将"集体户口"译为collective,是根据字面按照汉语思维做的机械翻译.译为corporate较为恰当.非农业家庭户即为Non-agricultural family.非农业集体户即为Non-agricultural corporate.其他依此类推.有的户口簿"户口类型"一栏不注明"农业"或"非农业",直接就是"家庭户"或"集体口".这种情况,建议译为Household of a Family 或Household of a Cor porate.2a.集体户口常住人口登记卡——这绝对是个具有"中国特色"的名词.我琢磨了一下,建议这样翻译:Reg istry of De Jure Population in Corporate Household其中,de jure是个法律术语,拉丁文,意思是"合法的"、"已注册的";De Ju re Population就是"常住人口"的概念.有人翻译为Permanent Resident,不能说错.一个国家的Permanent Reside nt,就是这个国家的"永久居民"〔不一定是本国公民,也可能是拿到"绿卡"、获得该国永久居留权的外国公民〕.但是,对于一个城市,特别是对于一个"集体户口"内的人口,只能是"常住人口",不可能是真正"永久"的人口.现在不是封建社会,是允许劳动力自由流动的.所以,一个"集体户口"内的"常住人口"不建议译为perma nent resident,译为de jure population好一些,也比较能够"跟国际接轨",呵呵.或者可以回避这个问题,直接简单译为Information of Member.2b.非亲属,可译为Non-relative,或者用形容词Non-relational所谓"亲属〔relative〕",既可能是"血亲〔法律术语consanguinity〕",也可能是"姻亲〔法律术语affinity〕".两者可以统称relative,对应的形容词是relatio nal.其他还有一些非正式的用语,如kinfolk、kinsfolk、kindred等,一般不作为法律术语使用,而且其意义都偏向于"血亲",或者有"宗亲"、"氏族"等含义,不要乱用.Descent虽然也是正式的法律术语,但其意义是"〔以血缘关系为纽带的〕宗族、血统、门第、世袭".这里也不适用.3.户主与户内成员的##用英文填写后,再用汉字重复一遍,因为汉语名称是法定名称.比如,要向签证官证明,Zhang San就是张三.4.派出所Police station;公安分局Public Security Sub-Bureau〔市辖区级〕;公安局Public Security Bureau〔地、市、县级〕;公安厅Public Secur ity Department〔省级〕5.户主或与户主关系如果是户主本人,就填Householder himself或Householder herself.与户主关系:纯正的英语是relation to.不用relation with,那是汉语式英语.如果是户主的父母、配偶、儿女、兄弟、姐妹,直接填Father / Mother / Husband / Wife / Son / Daughter / Brother / Sister即可,不需要加Househol der's / His / Her,也不需要加elder / younger来区分兄/弟或姐/妹.长子/女、次子/女之类,不需要加first, second之类的序数词,因为具体栏目里已经有出生日期,年龄大小、排辈自然就比较出来了.西方人不像中国人那么强调家庭中的辈分和大小尊卑.需要注意的是,儿媳、女婿不可用Son-in-law / Daughter-in-law,易引起歧义〔多数情况下指"养子女"或"继子女"〕,应当用Son's wife / Daughter's husban d.6.民族,民族成分:Ethnicity或Ethnic group千万、千万注意!决不可译为nationality!那是"国籍"的意思!正确的译法是ethnicity或ethnic group!别让人认为你是一个分离主义分子!咱们还是坚决与"藏独"、"疆独"划清界限!看到网上N多翻译模板,都译为nationality,甚至不少"专业的"翻译公司都这么译,真是大错特错!让人生气和无奈,感觉国内英文教学的失败.笔者以前也曾犯过这种错误〔毕竟也是国内的学校、词典教出来的〕.在国外进修时,曾经问几位印度的同学,他们是哪个民族的〔因为我也知道印度有50多个民族和部族,是个多民族的联邦制国家〕,用的是nation和nationality,结果看到他们的一致反应是炸了锅般地强烈!听了他们的解释,我才开始明白nationalit y和ethnicity这两个词的含义和区别.在国外的很多场合下,nationality和ethnicity是正式的法律用语,意义有着较为严格的区别.笔者在一些国外的法律档案看到ethnicity 栏目的用法,都大体相当于国内的"民族成分"或者"血统".加拿大总理Stephen Harper就是因为在公开场合说了一句"Quebecers form a nation within united Canada",差点断送自己的政治前程.大家想想看,20##3月和4月间,海外华人示威抗议西方国家支持藏独,打出的标语是"One China, 56 ethnics ",意即"56个民族,一个中国"〔有网上的新闻照片为证〕;如果是One China 56 nations,那岂不是自己抽自己耳光,当场被老外耻笑,成为全世界的笑谈,正中反华势力下怀?——原则问题,一定要注意!译错了,被老外看见,如果是善意的,仅仅会感到困惑,或者嘲笑译者英文水平差,分不清两个单词的应用场合;如果是恶意的,就会嘲笑中国人的国家意识不强,都有独立倾向.咱们中国是个多民族的大国,别让老外看不起咱!并非所有民族的英文名称都是按汉语拼音拼写的.以下是中国政府官方认定的56个民族的英文名称列表〔按人口排序〕:汉 Han壮 Zhuang / Bouxcuengh满 Manchu回 Hui苗 Miao / Hmong / Meo维吾尔 Uyghur / Uygur / Uighur / Uigur土家 Tujia / Bizika彝 Yi / Nuosu蒙古 Mongolian藏 Tibetan布依 Buyei / Buxqyaix侗 Dong / Gaem瑶 Yao朝鲜 Korean白 Bai / Baipho哈尼 Hani / Ha Nhi哈萨克 Kazakh / Kazak黎 Li / Hlai傣 Dai / Tai畲 She / Sa傈僳 Lisu仡佬 Gelao / Klau东乡 Dongxiang / Sarta高山〔这是大陆叫法,是个统称.##原住民有若干族系,因此##早已不用这个称呼.姑且按大陆汉语拼音写作Gaoshan.〕拉祜族 Lahu / Lad Hull水 Shui / Sui佤 Va纳西 Nakhi土 Monguor仫佬 Mulao / Mulam锡伯 Xibe / Sibe / Sibo柯尔克孜 Kyrgyz / Khalkhas 达斡尔 Daur景颇 Jingpo / Jinghpaw毛南 Maonan / Anan撒拉 Salar布朗 Blang塔吉克 Tajik / Tadzhik阿昌 Achang / Ngacang普米 Pumi / Primi鄂温克 Evenk / Evenki怒 Nu基诺 Jino德昂 Deang / Palaung保安 Bonan俄罗斯 Russian裕固 Yughur乌孜别克 Uzbek门巴 Monpa鄂伦春 Oroqen独龙 Derung塔塔尔 Tatar赫哲 Nanai珞巴 Lhoba7.籍贯:Ancestral native placeNative origin是"原籍",native place是"故乡",都是指本人的出生地.而所谓"籍贯"是指父亲一辈的故乡,含义其实类似于"祖籍".因而译为ances tral native place较为合适.8.身高:Stature9.血型:Blood type或blood group均可.直接写blood也可以.10.文化程度: Educational degree.或者直接叫 Education 亦可.英、美、澳等国的学历、学位名称不尽相同.写成下面这样,一般不会造成误解:Elementary School 小学Junior High School初中Senior High School高中Technical Secondary School中等专业学校Junior College大学专科Undergraduate大学本科〔在读或肄业,未取得学士学位〕Postgraduate研究生〔在读或肄业,未取得相应学位〕Bachelor学士〔也可细分为Bachelor of Art文科学士、Bachelor of Scie nce理科学士、Bachelor of Engineering工科学士、Bachelor of Laws法学士等〕Master硕士〔也可细分为Master of Art文科硕士、Master of Science理科硕士、Master of Engineering工科硕士、Master of Laws法学硕士、Maste r of Medicine医学硕士等〕Doctor 博士〔可缩写为PhD,泛指所有学科的博士〕11.婚姻状况:Marital status译为marriage status是不对的.中国户口簿上的选项一般是"有配偶"、"未婚"、"离异"和"丧偶"等.而英美国家的"婚姻状况"分得很细,根据申请人的不同情况选择:Single单身 / Never married未婚 / Engaged已订婚 / Married已婚 / Sep arated分居 / Divorced离异 / Widowed丧偶 / De facto事实婚姻>其中,Single〔单身〕是笼统的说法,包括了Never married〔未婚〕、Divor ced〔离异〕、 Widowed〔丧偶、鳏居、寡居〕等情况.根据自己的实际情况选择.12.兵役状况:Military service status如果未服役,就填Nil或干脆空着.13.服务处所:Employer.直接译为employer即可.不要按照汉语硬翻成 Se rvice Place.14.职业:Occupation看到国内户口簿"职业"这一栏,填写的内容实际都是"职务".下面是主要职务名称的译法:Director of Board董事长 / Board Member 董事 / President 总裁 /Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 /Self-employed 个体户 / 自雇佣 / 自由职业者Governor 〔银行〕行长 /General Manager 总经理 / Manager 经理 /Director General of Department 厅〔司/局〕长 /Director of Division 处长 /Section Chief 科长 /Staff member 科员 / Clerk 办事员〔职员〕 /Farmer 农民〔有自家土地的自耕户〕 / Farm worker 农民〔耕种集体所有土地的〕Retired 退休15.登记事项变更和更正记载:Updates of Member's Information"变更"、"更正"一律译为update即可,不必罗嗦.。

Former Name
Place of Birth
Native place
Other Dwelling Place
in the City/Town
Citizen ID Number
Degree of Education
Work Unit
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the
Degree of Education
Work Unit
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the
City/Town and Date of Moving
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/
City/Town and Date of Moving
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/
Previous Dwelling Place in the City/Town and Date of
Moving into Present Dwelling Place
Other Dwelling Place
in the City/Town
Citizen ID Number
Degree of Education
Work Unit
Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving into the
City/Town and Date of Moving

ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of acitizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference forthe censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the householdregistration authority. Whenthe functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the householdregister is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of thatthe household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the householdregistration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on thebooklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority fortransacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet,in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.I n case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household registershall be turned in and cancelled.Alterati on of Registratio n Items and Correctio n RecordRegistrati on Card of Perma nent Reside ntNon-Pers on in charge (sig n and seal): ****** (policeman)Issued on:Registrati on Card of Perma nent Reside ntAlterati on of Registratio n Items and Correctio n RecordRegistrati on Card of Perma nent Reside nt。

精选全文完整版Important Notice:1.The inhabitant registration book is a legal document to prove the citizen’s statusand relationship with the family members. It is also a main proof for inhabitant registration authority to inquire and check. Householder and family members should submit the book at any time required by a registrar for checking.2.Householder should keep safe the book. It is an offense for altering, transferringor lending this book to others.3.Except the inhabitant registration office, neither anyone nor any institution canendorse on the book.4.Any changes on number of the family and item should be reported to theregistration office.5.The inhabitant registration book should be surrendered to the registration officeif the whole family moves into other jurisdiction area.Modifications in Registration Items and RecordsRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentModifications in Registration Items and RecordsRegistration Card of Permanent Resident总之,在这一学年中,我不仅在业务能力上,还是在教育教学上都有了一定的提高。

完整户口本英文翻译模板ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent Resident。

ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):****** (policeman) Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentPerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:。

3.Except the inhabitant registration office,neitheranyonenor any institutioncanendorse on the book.
Date of Birth
Other Dwelling Place in the City/County
Citizen ID Number
Blood Group
Marital Status
Military Service
Non-agricultural Household
Householder’s Name
Seal: Special Stamp for Inhabitant Registration
Public Security Bureau
Handling Person:(sealed)
Modifying date
Stamp of the officer in charge
Householderor RelationshiptoHouseholder
Place of Birth

ANNOUNCEMENTS1. Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorney ship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2. The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3. The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4. The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5. In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.Residents’ Committee: ***Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department specially used for household register provincial public security organs special seal for Household register *** Municipal Public Security Bureau specially used for household register Jiangshu Police Stationhousehold register registration organs special seal for household registerPerson in charge(sign and seal):***(policeman) Issued on Apr. 30,1999Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordItemAfter alteration ·correction Date of alteration Seal and sign of person in chargeRegistration Card of Permanent Resident Non-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): ****** (policeman) Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): Issued on:。

Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.Points for Attention1. The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It is a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register.2. The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly.3. Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it.4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office.5. If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.Change Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: mm/dd/yyChange Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: 10/20/2008Change Address RegistrationResident RegistrationRegistration Officer: Issued Date: 05/12/2009。

ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorney ship of a citizen and therelationship of family members,and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority.When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register,the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibitedto be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registrationauthority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting thedeclaration and registration,applying bring with the booklet,in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency,the Household register shall beturned in and cancelled.Category Agriculutral Householder’s name ***Residence No. *****Address No.39, *** Village, *** Town, *** City, *** Residents’ Committee: ***Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Departmentspecially used for household registerprovincial public security organsspecial seal for Household register*** Municipal Public Security Bureauspecially used for household registerJiangshu Police Stationh ousehold register registration organsspecial seal for household registerPerson in charge(sign and seal):***(policeman) Issued on Apr. 30,1999Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordItem After alteration ·correction Date of alteration Seal and sign of person in chargeRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalHouseholderName***Householder or relationwith the householderName used before Sex MalePlace of birth ***City, Jiangsu Nation HanNative place *** City, Jiangsu Date of birth Apr.22, 1966Other address in this city (county) Religion N/ACitizen ID card No. ********Height168cm BloodtypeEducation Middle school Marital status Married Military serviceN/AstateService place Occupation FarmerWhen and from where moved to this city (county) No MigrationWhen and from where moved to this place No MigrationPerson in charge (sign and seal):****** (policeman) Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordItem After alteration ·correction Date of alteration Seal and sign of person in chargeRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalName Householder or relationwith the householderName used before SexPlace of birth NationNative place Date of birthOther address in this city (county) ReligionCitizen ID card No. Height BloodtypeEducation Marital status Military servicestateService place OccupationWhen and from where moved to this city (county)When and from where moved to this placePerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:Alteration of Registration Items and Correction Record Item After alteration ·correction Date of alteration Seal and sign of person in chargeRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agricultural Name Householder or relationwith the householderName used before SexPlace of birth NationNative place Date of birthOther address in this city (county)Citizen ID card No. Height BloodtypeEducation Marital status Military servicestateService place OccupationWhen and from where moved to this city (county)When and from where moved to this placePerson in charge (sign and seal):Issued on:。

transferred or lent to a third party. In case of loss, instant notification must be made to the household registration authority.
registered particulars, this register must be presented to the household registration authority for incorporation of such changes.
5. In the event of household removal outside the jurisdiction of the registration authority, this
Special seal for household affairs of provincial public security agency: Special Seal for Household of XXX Municipal Public Security Bureau (sealed)
Special seal for household affairs of household registration authority: Special Seal for Household of XXX Municipal Public Security Bureau

ANNOUNCEMENTS1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority。
When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register.2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping,the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased。
In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed。
3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration,applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency,the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled。

ANNOUNCEMENTS1.H ousehold register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of acitizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.T he familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the householdregister is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed.3.T he right for registering the household register shall be performed by thehousehold registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet.4.T he member of this family shall go to the household registration authority fortransacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items.5.I n case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household registershall be turned in and cancelled.Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalPerson in charge (sign and seal): ****** (policeman) Issued on: Alteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agriculturalAlteration of Registration Items and Correction RecordRegistration Card of Permanent ResidentNon-agricultural欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

XXX Local Police Station XXX
Type of household
Non-agricultural family household
Name of Householder
1. This household register may serve as a legal proof of citizenship and family relationship. It is
the essential documentation on which household surveys and data verification conducted by the household registration authority are based. The head and members of the household shall spontaneously produce this register to officers of the registration authority for examination when the above exercises are conducted.
Regular Household Member Registration Card
Householder or Relationship with
Householder Sex
Ethnic Group
Date of Birth
(County) ID Card No.
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Household Register
Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C Matters that need attention
I. Household Register has the legal force to prove the citizenship status and the relationship between family members and it is the main basis for the household registration institution to investigate and check the household registration. The head of household or the member of the household shall initiatively submit the household register for checking at the time that the staff in the household registration authority conducts investigation and check of the Household Register.
II. The head of the household shall keep the Household Register properly and is prohibited to alter, assign and lend the Household Register privately. If the Household Register is lost, the head of the household shall immediately report to the household registration authority.
III. The registration rights of the Household Register shall belong to the registration authority. Any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the Household Register.
IV. If the household has personnel increase or decrease or change of registered items, they shall apply to the registration authority for declaration with the Household Register.
V. Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the household registration authority for revocation.
Register of Residence Change住址变动登记
Page 2
Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)
Signature seal承办人签章Recording date: June 24, 2016 Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2016年6月24日
Page 3
Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载
Page 4
Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)
Signature seal承办人签章Recording date: June 24, 2016 Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2016年6月24日
Page 5
Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载
Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡)
Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx
Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口
Police station of Mapo, Wang Yanchen 登记日期:2019年1月29日
Page 7
---------------------------------------------- End of Records --------------------------------------------------
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c) Qualification Serial Number: XXXXX
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