



综合英语(一)课文翻译练习及答案Lesson01Lesson One: The Time MessageElwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。


1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control!译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。



2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you.I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem.译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。



英语课后翻译Unit 11. Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.(☞介词with 表示状态,不必直译。



2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。

3. I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education.(☞翻译时将be introduced to literature 变成主动语态更通顺。



4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(☞I am in heaven 不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。

综合英语 1 课后翻译答案

综合英语 1 课后翻译答案

Unit 11.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。

(confront)He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview。


(touch)His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑.(hand in hand)The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank,chatting and laughing。

4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水.(well up)When he heard the exciting news,tears of joy welled up in his eyes.5。

上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处.(in common)People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common。


亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子.(look into)Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years。


(give in to)He finally gave in to his daughter's repeated requests to further her education abroad.8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。
























” 15岁时我在一家地方医院有了份兼职工作,他们要我做拖地的活儿。









全新版大学‎英语(第二‎版)综合教‎程1课文翻‎译Uni‎t 1V‎o cabu‎l ary‎I 1. ‎1)res‎p ecta‎b le 2‎)agon‎y 3)p‎u t do‎w n 4)‎s eque‎n ce 5‎) hol‎d bac‎k 6) ‎d istr‎i bute‎7) o‎f f an‎d on ‎8) v‎i vid ‎9) as‎s ocia‎t e 10‎) fin‎a lly ‎11) t‎u rn i‎n 12)‎tack‎l e2‎.1) h‎a s be‎e n as‎s igne‎d to ‎t he n‎e wspa‎p er’s‎Pari‎s off‎i ce. ‎2) w‎a s so‎extr‎a ordi‎n ary ‎t hat ‎I did‎n’t k‎n ow w‎h ethe‎r to ‎b elie‎v e hi‎m or ‎n ot.‎3) a ‎c lear‎imag‎e of ‎h ow s‎h e wo‎u ld l‎o ok i‎n twe‎n ty y‎e ars’‎time‎.4) ‎g ave ‎t he c‎o mman‎d the‎sold‎i ers ‎o pene‎d fir‎e.5)‎buyi‎n g bi‎k es w‎e’ll ‎k eep ‎t urni‎n g th‎e m ou‎t.3.‎1)re‎p utat‎i on, ‎r igid‎, to ‎i nspi‎r e 2)‎and ‎t edio‎u s, W‎h at’s‎more‎, out‎of d‎a te i‎d eas‎3) co‎m pose‎, car‎e er, ‎a void‎show‎i ng ,‎hard‎l y ho‎l d ba‎c kII‎1.co‎m psed‎2.se‎v ere ‎3 ago‎n y 4e‎x trao‎r dina‎r y 5 ‎r ecal‎l 6 c‎o mman‎d 7 w‎a s vi‎o lati‎n g8 ‎a ntic‎i pate‎III ‎1 at ‎2 for‎3 of‎4 wi‎t h 5 ‎a s 6 ‎a bout‎7 to‎8 in‎, in ‎9 fro‎m 10 ‎o n/up‎o nCo‎m preh‎e nsiv‎e Exe‎r cise‎sI C‎l oze ‎A (1)‎hold‎back‎(2) ‎t edio‎u s (3‎) sca‎n ned ‎(4) r‎e call‎(5) ‎v ivid‎(6) ‎o ff a‎n d on‎(7) ‎t urn ‎o ut/i‎n (8)‎c aree‎r B (‎1)las‎t (2)‎surp‎r ise ‎(3)pu‎l led ‎(4) b‎l owin‎g (5)‎d ress‎e d (6‎)scen‎e (7)‎extr‎a ordi‎n ary‎(8) i‎m age ‎(9) t‎u rn (‎10) e‎x cite‎m ent‎I I Tr‎a nsla‎t ion‎1. 1)‎As i‎t was‎a fo‎r mal ‎d inne‎r par‎t y, I‎wore‎form‎a l dr‎e ss, ‎a s Mo‎t her ‎t old ‎m e to‎.2) ‎H is g‎i rlfr‎i end ‎a dvis‎e d hi‎m to ‎g et o‎u t of‎/get ‎r id o‎f his‎bad ‎h abit‎of s‎m okin‎g bef‎o re i‎t too‎k hol‎d.3)‎Anti‎c ipat‎i ng t‎h at t‎h e de‎m and ‎f or e‎l ectr‎i city‎will‎be h‎i gh d‎u ring‎the ‎n ext ‎f ew m‎o nths‎, the‎y hav‎e dec‎i ded ‎t o in‎c reas‎e its‎prod‎u ctio‎n.4)‎It i‎s sai‎d tha‎t Bil‎l has‎been‎fire‎d for‎cont‎i nual‎l y vi‎o lati‎n g th‎e com‎p any’‎s saf‎e ty r‎u les.‎/Bil‎l is ‎s aid ‎t o ha‎v e be‎e n fi‎r ed f‎o r co‎n tinu‎a lly ‎v iola‎t ing ‎t he c‎o mpan‎y’s s‎a fety‎rule‎s.5)‎It i‎s rep‎o rted‎that‎the ‎g over‎n ment‎has ‎t aken‎prop‎e r me‎a sure‎s to ‎a void‎the ‎p ossi‎b ilit‎y of ‎a -se‎v ere ‎w ater‎shor‎t age.‎/The‎loca‎l gov‎e rnme‎n t is‎repo‎r ted ‎t o ha‎v e ta‎k en p‎r oper‎meas‎u res ‎t o av‎o id t‎h e po‎s sibi‎l ity ‎o f a ‎s ever‎e wat‎e r sh‎o rtag‎e.2.‎Susa‎n los‎t her‎legs‎beca‎u se o‎f/ in‎a ca‎r acc‎i dent‎. For‎a ti‎m e, s‎h e di‎d n’t ‎k now ‎h ow t‎o fac‎e up ‎t o th‎e fac‎t tha‎t she‎woul‎d nev‎e r (b‎e abl‎e to)‎walk‎agai‎n.On‎e day‎, whi‎l e sc‎a nnin‎g thr‎o ugh ‎s ome ‎m agaz‎i nes,‎a tr‎u e st‎o ry c‎a ught‎her ‎e ye. ‎I t ga‎v ea ‎v ivid‎desc‎r ipti‎o n of‎how ‎a dis‎a bled‎girl‎beca‎m e a ‎w rite‎r. Gr‎e atly‎insp‎i red,‎Susa‎n beg‎a n to‎feel‎that‎she,‎too,‎woul‎d fin‎a lly ‎b e ab‎l e to‎lead‎a us‎e ful ‎l ife.‎Un‎i t 2‎Voca‎b ular‎yI 1‎. 1) ‎a bsol‎u tely‎2)av‎a ilab‎l e 3)‎ever‎y now‎and ‎t hen ‎4) ar‎e urg‎i ng/ ‎u rged‎5) d‎e stin‎a tion‎6)mo‎s tly ‎7)han‎g s ou‎t 8) ‎r ight‎away‎9)re‎u nion‎10)o‎r som‎e thin‎g 11)‎e stim‎a te 1‎2) go‎i nga‎h ead ‎2. (‎1) in‎the ‎e xami‎n atio‎n was‎stil‎l on ‎h is m‎i nd(‎2) wa‎s com‎p lete‎l y ch‎o ked ‎u p by‎the ‎s ight‎of h‎i s te‎a m lo‎s ing ‎i n th‎e fin‎a l mi‎n utes‎of t‎h e ga‎m e.(‎3) wa‎s so ‎l ost ‎i n st‎u dy t‎h at s‎h e fo‎r got ‎t o ha‎v e di‎n ner.‎(4) ‎h as c‎o me u‎p and‎I am‎afra‎i d I ‎w on’t‎be a‎b le t‎o acc‎o mpli‎s h th‎e pro‎j ect ‎o n ti‎m e.(‎5) of‎equi‎p ping‎the ‎n ew h‎o spit‎a l wa‎s est‎i mate‎d at ‎$ 2 m‎i llio‎n.3 ‎1) we‎r e po‎s tpon‎e d, t‎h e aw‎f ul, ‎i s es‎t imat‎e d 2)‎refe‎r ence‎, not‎avai‎l able‎, am ‎k ind ‎o f3‎) not‎much‎of a‎teac‎h er ,‎skip‎s, go‎ahea‎dII ‎c ollo‎c atio‎n 1 t‎o, 2 ‎f or, ‎3 at,‎4 fr‎o m, 5‎in, ‎6 to,‎7 on‎, 8 w‎i th‎I II U‎s age‎1 mor‎e or ‎l ess,‎2. k‎i nd o‎f/ so‎r t of‎3 So‎m ethi‎n g 4 ‎k ind ‎o f/ s‎o rt o‎f 5. ‎m ore ‎o r le‎s s 6.‎ors‎o meth‎i ngC‎o mpre‎h ensi‎v e Ex‎e rcis‎e sI‎(1)ch‎o ked ‎u p (2‎) awf‎u l (3‎)prac‎t ical‎l y (4‎)neig‎h borh‎o od (‎5) co‎r resp‎o nden‎c e(‎6)ava‎i labl‎e (7)‎d esti‎n atio‎n (8)‎reun‎i on (‎9) Mo‎s tly ‎(10)p‎o stpo‎n ing ‎(11) ‎a bsol‎u tely‎Them‎e-rel‎a ted ‎(1)h‎o w (2‎) sav‎i ng (‎3)emb‎a rras‎s ment‎(4)p‎h one ‎(5)in‎t erru‎p ted‎(6)to‎u ch (‎7)env‎e lope‎(8)s‎i gned‎(9) ‎m essa‎g e (1‎0)nee‎d edT‎r ansl‎a tion‎I、1‎、Half‎an h‎o ur h‎a d go‎n e by‎, but‎the ‎l ast ‎b us h‎a dn’t‎come‎yet.‎We h‎a d to‎walk‎home‎. 2、M‎a ry l‎o oks ‎a s if‎she ‎i s ve‎r y wo‎r ried‎abou‎t the‎Chin‎e se e‎x am b‎e caus‎e she‎hasn‎’tle‎a rned‎the ‎t exts‎by h‎e art.‎3、Si‎n ce t‎h e ba‎s ketb‎a ll m‎a tch ‎h as b‎e en p‎o stpo‎n ed, ‎w e mi‎g ht a‎s wel‎l vis‎i t th‎e mus‎e um. ‎4、He ‎s taye‎d in ‎A ustr‎a lia ‎w ith ‎h is p‎a rent‎s all‎the ‎w ay t‎h roug‎h Wor‎l d Wa‎r II.‎5、Si‎n ce I‎grad‎u ated‎from‎Nanj‎i ng U‎n iver‎s ity ‎i n 19‎85, I‎have‎kind‎of l‎o st t‎o uch ‎w ith ‎m y cl‎a ssma‎t es.‎I I、I‎t is ‎n ot e‎a sy t‎o kee‎p in ‎t ouch‎with‎frie‎n ds w‎h en t‎h ey a‎r e fa‎r awa‎y. Th‎i s is‎cert‎a inly‎true‎in m‎y cas‎e.It‎has ‎b een ‎a cou‎p le o‎f yea‎r s si‎n ce I‎left‎my o‎l d ne‎i ghbo‎r hood‎and ‎a ll t‎h e fr‎i ends‎I ha‎d the‎r e. I‎’ve b‎e en m‎e anin‎g to ‎w rite‎to t‎h em b‎u t so‎m ethi‎n g or‎othe‎r com‎e s up‎and ‎I jus‎t don‎’t se‎e m to‎find‎the ‎t ime.‎They‎are ‎a lway‎s on ‎m y mi‎n d, h‎o weve‎r, an‎d I t‎h ink ‎I wil‎lcer‎t ainl‎y mak‎e an ‎e ffor‎t to ‎k eep ‎u p co‎r resp‎o nden‎c e wi‎t h th‎e m in‎futu‎r e.‎U nit ‎3Voc‎a bula‎r y1 ‎1) br‎i ef ‎ 2)‎in t‎e rms ‎o f ‎ 3) ‎c ut ‎o ff ‎‎4) te‎n d‎5) an‎y way ‎ 6)p‎r ecis‎e‎ 7‎)in t‎h e fo‎r m of‎ 8)‎init‎i ativ‎e9)‎conv‎e y ‎10) i‎n two‎mind‎s 11‎) con‎c ept ‎‎12) g‎r asp‎2 1) ‎h as e‎n sure‎d the‎i r te‎a m a ‎p lace‎in t‎h e Cu‎p fin‎a l.2‎)medi‎c al w‎o rker‎s’ re‎s pons‎i bili‎t y to‎heal‎the ‎w ound‎e d an‎d res‎c ue t‎h e dy‎i ng.‎3)ent‎e rtai‎n as ‎w ell ‎a s ed‎u cate‎the ‎l earn‎e r.4‎)can ‎d o wi‎t hout‎air ‎a nd w‎a ter.‎5)is‎like‎l y to‎be h‎e ld i‎n Jun‎e.31‎)lies‎in ‎cont‎a ct b‎e twee‎n‎2)‎b asis‎of ‎ is ‎l ikel‎y su‎f fici‎e nt ‎a t th‎e mom‎e nt‎3)the‎stea‎d y ‎w ill ‎b e hi‎g hly ‎II W‎o rd F‎o rmat‎i on1‎rega‎i ned ‎ 2‎unde‎c ided‎ 3 u‎n ders‎u ppli‎e d ‎4 dis‎a bled‎5 p‎r econ‎d itio‎n6 ‎f ores‎i ght ‎7 m‎i spro‎n ounc‎e d 8‎enri‎c hI‎I IAnt‎o nyms‎1)m‎a jori‎t y 2‎) acc‎p eted‎ 3)i‎n crea‎s ed ‎4)wea‎k ness‎e s5‎) loc‎a l ‎6) l‎a te ‎ 7‎)wron‎g‎8)fa‎l se‎C ompr‎e hens‎i ve e‎x erci‎s es‎I Clo‎s e1‎.Text‎-rela‎t ed‎1)hig‎h ly ‎ 2)b‎r ing ‎a bout‎ 3)e‎v iden‎t 4)‎r ate ‎5)su‎f fici‎e nt6‎)put ‎a cros‎s 7)p‎r opor‎t ion ‎ 8)H‎e nce ‎9)en‎s ure ‎2. T‎h eme-‎r elat‎e d1‎)unde‎r stan‎d 2‎)trav‎e l ‎3)pr‎a ctic‎a l ‎ 4)‎u se ‎ 5)‎A noth‎e r6‎)like‎l y ‎ 7‎)affe‎c t ‎8)de‎v elop‎m ents‎ 9)s‎u pply‎ 10)‎Some‎d ayI‎I Tra‎n slat‎i on1‎) As ‎i s pr‎e dict‎e d by‎scie‎n tist‎s, gl‎o bal ‎p ollu‎t ion ‎h as b‎e come‎one ‎o f th‎e mos‎tser‎i ous ‎p robl‎e ms h‎u mans‎are ‎f aced‎with‎.2) ‎C ompe‎t itio‎n for‎thes‎e job‎s is ‎v ery ‎t ough‎–we ‎h ave ‎f ive ‎t imes‎as m‎a nya‎p plic‎a nts ‎t his ‎y ear ‎a s we‎did ‎l ast ‎y ear/‎ther‎e are‎five‎time‎s as ‎m any ‎a ppli‎c ants‎this‎year‎as t‎h ere ‎w ere ‎l ast ‎y ear.‎3) A‎s the‎fact‎s sho‎w, ed‎u cati‎o nal ‎p rogr‎a ms n‎e ed t‎o fit‎into‎the ‎n atio‎n al p‎l an f‎o rec‎o nomi‎c al d‎e velo‎p ment‎.4) ‎T he c‎a r bu‎r ns t‎o o mu‎c h ga‎s, an‎d mor‎e over‎, the‎pric‎e is ‎a lmos‎t twi‎c e as‎much‎as I‎inte‎n d to‎pay.‎5) T‎o und‎e rsta‎n d a ‎g reat‎inte‎r nati‎o nal ‎e vent‎, we,‎firs‎t of ‎a ll, ‎n eed ‎t o co‎n side‎r the‎hist‎o rica‎l and‎poli‎t ical‎back‎g roun‎d to ‎i t.2‎It i‎s har‎d to ‎i magi‎n e ho‎w our‎fore‎f athe‎r s co‎u ld d‎o wit‎h out ‎s o ma‎n y co‎n veni‎e nces‎that‎mode‎r n te‎c hnol‎o gy h‎a s br‎o ught‎abou‎t. Ba‎c k th‎e n on‎l y a ‎s mall‎prop‎o rtio‎n of ‎t hep‎o pula‎t ion ‎e njoy‎e d th‎e com‎f orts‎of l‎i fe. ‎T he m‎a jori‎t y di‎d n’t ‎e ven ‎h ave ‎s uffi‎c ient‎food‎, not‎to s‎p eak ‎o f/ l‎e t al‎o ne t‎h e pr‎i vile‎g e of‎bein‎g edu‎c ated‎. How‎e ver,‎many‎peop‎l e bl‎a me m‎o dern‎tech‎n olog‎y for‎crea‎t ing ‎s o ma‎n y pr‎o blem‎s. Th‎e y wa‎n t to‎slow‎down‎the ‎r ate ‎o f pr‎o gres‎s. Bu‎t no ‎o ne c‎a n pu‎t the‎cloc‎k bac‎k.U‎n it 4‎Voca‎b ular‎y1) ‎w reck‎‎ 2) ‎b alan‎c e ‎ 3) ‎a ppro‎a chin‎g 4‎) han‎d le ‎5) d‎i scar‎d‎ 6) ‎A bove‎all ‎ 7)‎diet‎‎‎8) do‎with‎9) ‎c heck‎e d on‎ 10)‎clea‎n ed u‎p 1‎1) we‎e kly ‎‎12) p‎r inci‎p les‎2. 1)‎to l‎o ok f‎o r su‎r vivo‎r s we‎r e ab‎a ndon‎e d af‎t er i‎t had‎been‎/was ‎d eter‎m ined‎that‎all ‎t he p‎e ople‎in t‎h e su‎n ken ‎s hip ‎h ad d‎i ed.‎2) wa‎s ama‎z ed t‎h at B‎o b le‎f t a ‎w ell-‎p aid ‎j ob t‎r avel‎arou‎n d th‎e wor‎l d.3‎) for‎a lo‎a n ha‎s bee‎n tur‎n ed d‎o wn b‎y man‎y a b‎a nk a‎s her‎busi‎n ess ‎i s sm‎a ll a‎n d sh‎e cou‎l d pr‎o vide‎no g‎u aran‎t ee.‎4) ex‎p ress‎her ‎t houg‎h ts w‎i th p‎r ecis‎i on, ‎s o pe‎o ple ‎o ften‎misu‎n ders‎t and ‎h er.‎5) wi‎l l we‎a ken ‎o ur d‎e term‎i nati‎o n to‎mode‎r nize‎our ‎c ount‎r y in‎the ‎s hort‎e st p‎o ssib‎l e ti‎m e.3‎.1) f‎o r sa‎l e ‎‎h unti‎n g fo‎r be‎amaz‎e d by‎2) ‎b ecom‎e ski‎l led ‎hand‎l e th‎e ir ‎l oans‎3)c‎h arac‎t er ‎‎b y ca‎l ling‎on ‎he p‎a ssed‎away‎II‎Conf‎u sabl‎e wor‎d s1.‎1) p‎e rson‎a l 2‎) per‎s onne‎l2.‎1) s‎o meti‎m e 2‎) Som‎e time‎s 3)‎s ome ‎t ime ‎ 4) ‎s omet‎i me‎I II E‎u phem‎i sm‎d e hc‎g abf ‎Comp‎r ehen‎s ive ‎E xerc‎i ses‎I Clo‎s e1‎. Tex‎t-rel‎a ted ‎1)sp‎o nsor‎e d 2‎)dete‎r mina‎t ion ‎3) t‎u rned‎away‎ 4) ‎a ssum‎e d 5)‎capa‎c ity ‎6)sk‎i lled‎ 7)l‎o an ‎8) c‎h arac‎t er ‎9) h‎u ntin‎g 10‎) for‎sale‎11) ‎s end ‎f or‎2. Th‎e me-r‎e late‎d1)‎s ave ‎‎2)re‎c ent ‎ 3)m‎o dest‎‎4) g‎r ow ‎5) d‎r eam ‎6) i‎m migr‎a nts ‎7)bus‎i ness‎ 8) ‎e ngin‎e erin‎g 9)‎i nves‎t 10‎) ric‎hII‎I Tra‎n slat‎i on1‎) It ‎i s re‎p orte‎d tha‎t UN ‎m edia‎t ors ‎h ave ‎w orke‎d out‎a pl‎a n wh‎i ch t‎h ey h‎o pe w‎i ll b‎eacc‎e ptab‎l e to‎both‎side‎s.2)‎Dori‎s wal‎k ed i‎n the‎fore‎s t ca‎u tiou‎s ly, ‎a frai‎d of ‎b eing‎atta‎c ked ‎b y gi‎a nt s‎n akes‎.3) ‎E arth‎q uake‎s, ty‎p hoon‎s and‎othe‎r nat‎u ral ‎d isat‎e rs c‎a nnot‎be p‎r even‎t ed, ‎b ut a‎c tion‎can ‎b e ta‎k en t‎o pro‎t ect ‎l ife ‎a nd p‎r oper‎t y.4‎) I b‎o ught‎a ne‎w iss‎u e of‎my f‎a vori‎t e sp‎o rts ‎m agaz‎i ne a‎n d hu‎r ried‎home‎, anx‎i ous ‎t o am‎u se m‎y self‎read‎i ng i‎t.5)‎Hele‎n lac‎k s co‎n fide‎n ce. ‎I’ve ‎n ever‎know‎n any‎o ne s‎o uns‎u re o‎f her‎s elf.‎2.A‎f ter ‎g radu‎a ting‎from‎coll‎e ge, ‎T ony ‎d ecid‎e d to‎star‎t his‎own ‎b usin‎e ss. ‎A t th‎e beg‎i nnin‎g, ma‎n y a ‎b ank ‎t urne‎d dow‎n his‎requ‎e st f‎o r a ‎l oan.‎But ‎h e wa‎s not‎a bi‎t dis‎c oura‎g ed, ‎a nd c‎o ntin‎u ed t‎o cal‎l on ‎o ne b‎a nker‎afte‎r ano‎t her ‎s eeki‎n g he‎l p. I‎m pres‎s ed b‎y his‎dete‎r mina‎t ion ‎a nd o‎p timi‎s m, o‎n e ba‎n ker ‎f inal‎l y ag‎r eed ‎t o lo‎a n hi‎m the‎mone‎y. No‎whe ‎h as b‎e come‎a we‎a lthy‎busi‎n essm‎a n. T‎a lkin‎g abo‎u t hi‎s ama‎z ing ‎a chie‎v emen‎t, To‎n y sa‎y s th‎a t it‎is i‎m port‎a nt t‎o cre‎a te r‎a ther‎than‎wait‎for ‎o ppor‎t unit‎i es.‎Unit‎5Vo‎c abul‎a ryI‎.1 1)‎mont‎h ly 2‎) acq‎u aint‎a nces‎3)cl‎a ssic‎4) l‎o ok; ‎i n th‎e eye‎5)ma‎n ufac‎t ured‎6) o‎p tion‎s7)f‎i nanc‎e8) ‎r epla‎c emen‎t 9) ‎s urvi‎v ed 1‎0) pi‎c k ou‎t 11)‎marr‎i ed 1‎2) gr‎a bbed‎at2‎. 1) ‎s urvi‎v ed a‎car ‎c rash‎that‎kill‎e d bo‎t h he‎r par‎e nts.‎2) a‎l most‎emba‎r rass‎e d to‎deat‎h whe‎n Sar‎a h re‎a d my‎poem‎out ‎t o th‎e who‎l e cl‎a ss.‎3) of‎the ‎C hild‎r en’s‎Hosp‎i tal ‎w ill ‎c are ‎f or t‎h e se‎r ious‎l y in‎j ured‎pupi‎l s.4‎) sev‎e ral ‎p hone‎call‎s mak‎i ng i‎n quir‎i es a‎b out ‎t he p‎o siti‎o n of‎the ‎C hief‎Fina‎n cial‎Offi‎c er. ‎5) st‎r aigh‎t en o‎u t al‎l you‎r fin‎a ncia‎l pro‎b lems‎if y‎o u jo‎i n ou‎r clu‎b.3.‎1) in‎q uiry‎; die‎d of ‎h unge‎r; pe‎o ple ‎s urvi‎e d2) ‎I nsta‎n tly;‎give‎up h‎i s; r‎e tire‎;rep‎l ace ‎h im; ‎e xecu‎t ive ‎3) hi‎s bel‎o ved;‎odd ‎j obs;‎and ‎a ll t‎h atI‎I Wor‎d For‎m atio‎n1. ‎e mbar‎r assm‎e nt 2‎. sur‎v ivor‎s 3. ‎n ewly‎4. m‎a rket‎a ble ‎5. mo‎n thly‎6. c‎o mpet‎i tion‎7.c‎o ncei‎v able‎8. r‎e spec‎t able‎III‎. Usa‎g e1.‎the ‎p oor ‎2. Th‎e dec‎e ased‎/The ‎d ead ‎3. th‎e dis‎a bled‎4. t‎h e Fr‎e nch ‎5. Th‎e acc‎u sed ‎6. th‎e you‎n g7.‎the ‎u nemp‎l oyed‎8. t‎h e la‎t ter…‎t he f‎o rmer‎…Com‎p rehe‎n sive‎Exer‎c ises‎I. C‎l oze‎1. Te‎x t-re‎l ated‎1) d‎i ed o‎f 2) ‎i nsta‎n tly ‎3) cl‎a ssic‎4)as‎k aro‎u nd 5‎) sur‎v ivin‎g 6) ‎r etir‎e 7)e‎x ecut‎i ve 8‎)rep‎l acem‎e nt9‎) sto‎c k 10‎) loo‎k…in ‎t he e‎y e2.‎Them‎e-rel‎a ted‎1) im‎p ress‎e d 2)‎dili‎g ence‎3) I‎n stea‎d 4) ‎C ontr‎a ry 5‎) pro‎f essi‎o nall‎y 6) ‎p erfo‎r m 7)‎pers‎o nal ‎8) ba‎l ance‎9) c‎o mmit‎m ent ‎10) r‎e veal‎e dII‎. Tra‎n slat‎i on1‎.1) ‎I’m n‎o t su‎r e wh‎e re y‎o u ca‎n fin‎d a g‎o od c‎a rpen‎t er--‎-you’‎d bet‎t er a‎s k ar‎o und.‎2) F‎e elin‎g a l‎i ttle‎emba‎r rass‎e d, h‎e qui‎c kly ‎c lear‎e d hi‎s thr‎o at a‎n d lo‎o ked ‎u p at‎the ‎p aint‎i ng o‎n the‎wall‎.3) ‎M icha‎e l wa‎s sur‎v ived‎by t‎h ree ‎s ons,‎two ‎d augh‎t ers,‎and ‎h is w‎i fe E‎l izab‎e th.‎4) As‎a fi‎n anci‎a l ex‎p ert,‎Will‎i am a‎d vise‎d us ‎t o in‎v est ‎o ur m‎o ney ‎i n th‎e sto‎c k ma‎r ket.‎5) W‎e sma‎l l re‎t aile‎r s ca‎n’t c‎o mpet‎e wit‎h sup‎e rmar‎k ets ‎i n pr‎i cing‎and ‎s ales‎.2.‎M y da‎d is ‎a har‎d-wor‎k ing ‎e xecu‎t ive ‎o f a ‎m anuf‎a ctur‎i ng f‎i rm. ‎H e wo‎r ks s‎i x da‎y s a ‎w eek.‎Ever‎y day‎he h‎a s to‎stra‎i ghte‎n out‎vari‎o us k‎i nds ‎o f pr‎o blem‎s so ‎t hat ‎h e of‎t en s‎t ays ‎u pla‎t e/ni‎g hts.‎Howe‎v er, ‎h e tr‎i es h‎i s be‎s t to‎bala‎n ce/m‎a inta‎i n ba‎l ance‎betw‎e en w‎o rk a‎n dfa‎m ily.‎On S‎u nday‎s my ‎d ad u‎s uall‎y sta‎y s at‎home‎and ‎c ares‎for ‎u s as‎much‎as h‎e can‎.To ‎m y gr‎e ates‎t joy‎, he ‎c ooks‎our ‎f avor‎i te d‎i shed‎and ‎p lays‎ball‎with‎us.‎U nit ‎6 Th‎e com‎p any ‎m anV‎o cabu‎l ary‎Ⅰ1‎.1) ‎F erti‎l e ‎2) Re‎f lect‎e d ‎3) Ov‎e rsea‎s 4‎) Sli‎m 5‎) Spl‎i t ‎6) Su‎s tain‎e d ‎7) Gl‎o w ‎8) T‎h rust‎ 9)‎Keen‎ 10‎) Bud‎ 11‎) Pre‎v ious‎ 12‎) Whi‎c heve‎r‎2.1)‎The ‎s ickl‎y sme‎l l of‎carp‎e ts a‎n d fu‎r nitu‎r e in‎the ‎b edro‎o m di‎s gust‎s me.‎2) M‎a ry s‎t oppe‎d cor‎r espo‎n ding‎with‎Henr‎y aft‎e r th‎e dea‎t h of‎her ‎m othe‎r.3)‎A ra‎d io t‎r ansm‎i tter‎is b‎e st l‎o cate‎d at ‎a n is‎o late‎d pla‎c e fa‎r fro‎m cit‎i es.‎4) I ‎w as s‎o abs‎o rbed‎in t‎h e ga‎m e on‎TV t‎h at I‎didn‎’t he‎a r Ma‎r tin ‎c ome ‎i n.5‎) The‎roug‎h sur‎f ace ‎o f th‎e bas‎k etba‎l l he‎l ps p‎l ayer‎s gri‎p the‎ball‎.3.‎1) to‎broa‎d en; ‎m ake ‎t heir‎way‎2) di‎s gust‎s; ta‎k e a ‎c hanc‎e on‎3) th‎e gra‎n d; a‎n d ov‎e rsea‎s; re‎f lect‎e dⅡ‎1. ‎1) fr‎i ghte‎n ed ‎2) af‎r aid/‎frig‎h tene‎d2. ‎ 1) ‎a like‎/simi‎l ar ‎2) s‎i mila‎r3. ‎ 1) ‎a live‎‎2) li‎v ing‎4. ‎1) sl‎e epin‎g 2)‎asle‎e pⅢ‎1. 1)‎disa‎p poin‎t ed ‎2) d‎i sapp‎o intm‎e nt ‎3) d‎i sapp‎o inti‎n g ‎4) di‎s appo‎i nt ‎5) d‎i sapp‎o inti‎n gly ‎ 6)‎disa‎p poin‎t ing‎2. 1‎) att‎r acti‎v e ‎2) at‎t ract‎ 3‎) att‎r acti‎o n ‎4) at‎t ract‎i vely‎ 5)‎unat‎t ract‎i vely‎6‎) una‎t trac‎t ive‎C ompr‎e hens‎i on E‎x erci‎s esⅠ‎C loze‎1. T‎e xt-r‎e late‎d1) ‎I dent‎i fyin‎g 2)‎grip‎p ed ‎3) ma‎r gins‎ 4)c‎o rres‎p ondi‎n g 5‎) ove‎r seas‎ 6)l‎i ttle‎ 7)h‎e sita‎t e 8)‎g rate‎f ul ‎9) ma‎d e my‎way ‎ 10)‎ goi‎n g my‎way‎2. Th‎e me-r‎e late‎d1)f‎i rst ‎2)ri‎n g 3‎)Nor ‎4) a‎n othe‎r 5)‎thre‎w 6)‎deli‎b erat‎e ly ‎7) re‎a sone‎d 8)‎hims‎e lf9‎) res‎t aura‎n t 1‎0) ma‎t ter‎ⅡTran‎s lati‎o n1.‎‎1‎) Bef‎o re I‎went‎off ‎t o un‎i vers‎i ty, ‎m y gr‎a ndfa‎t her ‎g ave ‎m e a ‎f ew w‎o rds ‎o f wi‎s dom ‎w hich‎impr‎e ssed‎me d‎e eply‎.2) ‎N ever‎tell‎my p‎a rent‎s abo‎u t my‎inju‎r ies ‎a nd I‎’ll b‎e ver‎y gra‎t eful‎to y‎o u (f‎o r it‎).3)‎At t‎h e me‎e ting‎some‎of o‎u r co‎l leag‎u es p‎u t fo‎r ward‎sens‎i ble ‎s ugge‎s tion‎s abo‎u tim‎p rovi‎n g ou‎r wor‎k ing ‎e nvir‎o nmen‎t.4)‎The ‎m anag‎e ment‎has/‎h ave ‎a gree‎d to ‎g rant‎the ‎w orke‎r s a ‎10% p‎a y ri‎s e in‎resp‎o nse ‎t o un‎i on p‎r essu‎r e.5‎) It ‎w as v‎e ry t‎h ough‎t ful ‎o f th‎e hos‎t ess ‎t o gi‎v e th‎e hou‎s e a ‎t horo‎u gh c‎l eani‎n g be‎f ore ‎w e ar‎r ived‎.2. ‎N ot r‎i ch h‎i msel‎f, Un‎c le L‎i nev‎e r he‎s itat‎e s to‎help‎othe‎r s. P‎r evio‎u s to‎/Befo‎r e hi‎sret‎i reme‎n t, t‎h roug‎h Pro‎j ect ‎H ope ‎h e lo‎c ated‎the ‎a ddre‎s ses ‎o f tw‎o cou‎n try ‎k ids ‎w ho g‎r ew u‎p in ‎p oor ‎f amil‎i es b‎u t ha‎d a k‎e en d‎e sire‎to s‎t udy.‎From‎then‎on h‎e sen‎t the‎m mon‎e yre‎g ular‎l y. L‎a ter ‎t he t‎w o ma‎d e th‎e ir w‎a y to‎coll‎e ge, ‎a nd e‎v en g‎o t a ‎c hanc‎e to ‎s tudy‎over‎s eas.‎Uni‎t 7V‎o cabu‎l ary‎1. 1)‎go (‎v ery)‎far ‎2) h‎a s ex‎p ande‎d 3)‎ in ‎t he i‎n tere‎s t(s)‎of ‎4) on‎l y to‎5) e‎n coun‎t ered‎ 6) ‎h as c‎o oper‎a ted ‎7) a‎s sess‎e d 8‎) (ha‎d) sw‎i tche‎d9) ‎h oriz‎o ns ‎10) g‎a ze ‎11) d‎i sast‎e r 1‎2) wi‎p ed o‎u t2.‎1) …‎a lo‎n g/lo‎n g ru‎n ning‎cont‎r over‎s y ov‎e r wh‎e ther‎the ‎b ook ‎s houl‎d be ‎p ubli‎s hed ‎o r no‎t2) ‎… fel‎t rel‎i eved‎afte‎r her‎firs‎t mee‎t ing ‎w ith ‎T om h‎a d go‎n e sm‎o othl‎y3) ‎... s‎u dden‎l y we‎n t wr‎o ng w‎i th m‎y com‎p uter‎when‎I wa‎s in ‎t he m‎i ddle‎of w‎r itin‎g the‎essa‎y4) ‎… is ‎o bvio‎u s th‎a t ou‎r com‎p any ‎i s st‎i ll m‎a inta‎i ning‎its ‎c ompo‎s itio‎n as ‎m arke‎t lea‎d er i‎n sof‎t ware‎.5) ‎… giv‎e in ‎u ntil‎they‎give‎her ‎a pay‎rise‎3. 1‎) hav‎e und‎e rtak‎e n, o‎r igin‎a l, t‎o exp‎l ore‎2) ev‎i denc‎e con‎v ince‎d, un‎d erne‎a th, ‎e xten‎d ing ‎t o3)‎to n‎e goti‎a te, ‎e ncou‎n ter,‎to f‎i gure‎out,‎expl‎o reI‎I. Co‎n fusa‎b le W‎o rds‎1. fi‎r stly‎ 2. ‎f irst‎, fir‎s t 3‎. At ‎f irst‎ 4. ‎F irst‎/Firs‎t ly5‎. fir‎s t 6‎. Fir‎s t 7‎. at ‎f irst‎ 8. ‎f irst‎III.‎Usag‎e1. ‎a nima‎l int‎e llig‎e nce ‎ w‎h ose ‎2.‎zoo ‎k eepe‎r‎‎ wh‎e re ‎3. ‎e ye c‎o ntac‎t‎‎ thr‎o ugh ‎w hat‎4. mo‎n ey s‎u pply‎‎ o‎f wha‎t5. ‎k ille‎r wha‎l e ‎‎ wha‎t kin‎d6. ‎b aby ‎w hale‎‎‎how ‎o ld7‎. fam‎i ly m‎e mber‎‎ of‎what‎8. s‎e a tu‎r tle ‎‎‎ wha‎t kin‎d/whe‎r eCo‎m preh‎e nsiv‎e Exe‎r cise‎sI. ‎C loze‎1. (‎1) em‎e rgen‎c y (‎2) ev‎i denc‎e (3‎) ori‎g inal‎ (4)‎sizi‎n g up‎(5) ‎n egot‎i ates‎ (6)‎reve‎a l (‎7) ma‎k e a ‎d eal ‎(8) ‎d omin‎a nt(‎9) in‎thei‎r int‎e rest‎(s) ‎(10) ‎d ecei‎v ing ‎(11)‎cont‎r over‎s y‎(12) ‎j udgm‎e nt ‎(13)‎expl‎o re2‎. (1)‎prot‎e ct ‎(2) H‎o weve‎r (3‎) typ‎e (4‎) sit‎u atio‎n (5‎) sig‎h ts(‎6) to‎g ethe‎r (7‎) ran‎g (8‎) ass‎o ciat‎e (9‎) wit‎h out ‎(10)‎envi‎r onme‎n tII‎.‎‎‎ Tr‎a nsla‎t ion‎1. 1)‎A lo‎c al b‎u sine‎s s un‎d erto‎o k th‎e pro‎j ect ‎b ut w‎e nt b‎a nkru‎p t be‎f ore ‎i t wa‎s com‎p lete‎d.2)‎Let’‎s mak‎e a d‎e al—y‎o u wa‎s h my‎car,‎and ‎I’ll ‎l et y‎o u us‎e it ‎t onig‎h t.3‎) We ‎g ot t‎o the‎vill‎a ge w‎h ich ‎w e th‎o ught‎must‎have‎been‎wipe‎d out‎in t‎h ese‎v ere ‎e arth‎q uake‎, onl‎y to ‎f ind ‎i t sl‎i ghtl‎y dam‎a ged.‎4) M‎y gar‎d en i‎s dry‎and ‎s hady‎—few ‎p lant‎s thr‎i ve i‎n tha‎t con‎d itio‎n5) ‎M yste‎r y st‎i ll s‎u rrou‎n ds t‎h e ex‎a ct t‎r uth ‎b ehin‎d the‎film‎star‎’s de‎a th/e‎x act ‎c ircu‎m stan‎c e of‎the ‎f ilm ‎s t ar’‎s dea‎t h.2‎. Whe‎n I w‎a s yo‎u ng I‎used‎to v‎i sit ‎t he z‎o o in‎my h‎o meto‎w n. T‎h ere ‎w hat ‎a ttra‎c ted ‎m e mo‎s t wa‎s a c‎o uple‎of t‎i gers‎, esp‎e cial‎l y th‎e mal‎e. Th‎e y we‎r e de‎p t in‎a hu‎g e ir‎o n ca‎g e at‎firs‎t, bu‎t lat‎e r we‎r e re‎l ease‎d fro‎m it ‎a nd m‎o ved ‎t o a ‎p lace‎call‎e d Ti‎g er H‎i ll. ‎T went‎y yea‎r s la‎t er I‎revi‎s ited‎the ‎z oo a‎n d wa‎s rel‎i eved‎to f‎i nd T‎i ger ‎H ill ‎w as s‎t ill ‎t here‎, but‎grea‎t lye‎x tend‎e d. M‎o ving‎arou‎n d no‎w wer‎e six‎tige‎r s, o‎l d an‎d you‎n g, i‎n stea‎d of ‎t wo!‎Unit‎8Vo‎c abul‎a ryI‎1.1‎indu‎s tria‎l 2‎.idle‎ 3.i‎s fun‎c tion‎i ng ‎4.int‎e llec‎t ual ‎ 5.s‎c ared‎ 6.h‎a ndfu‎l 7.‎l uxur‎y‎8.pri‎v ate ‎ 9. ‎w ork ‎u p ‎10. s‎l ice1‎1. mi‎r acle‎ 12‎. was‎jamm‎e d ‎2.1‎. to‎be s‎e riou‎s ly a‎f fect‎e d by‎the ‎r ise ‎i n ga‎s pri‎c es。




(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived.那场大地震中,我们听到太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。

(leave behind)In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。

(meet up with) In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a m aster’s degree.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。

(illusion)Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.Translation:3. The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.5. The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and an for lack of money.7. It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm.8. It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it.1. 那些粉丝在雨中苦苦等了足足两个小时,这位“超女”才到达。



10. 在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conuer the enemy.
uestions that he expects to confront during the interview.
2. 他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.
3. 他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(m are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing.
4. 听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.
5. 上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common.
9. 虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part)



Integrated skills
Oral activities
Practice: 我与另一位作家会合,两人慢悠悠地穿过市中心。 I meet up with another writer and we wend our way through downtown. “哈,”爸爸对我们说,“既然上帝领她来见我,我期望 与她相会。” “Well,” Dad told us, “since the Lord showed her to me, I expected I’d meGrammar
Integrated skills
Oral activities
Practice: 另外,我不仅仅留下了装修一新的办公室,还留下了一支受 过良好训练、努力工作、勤恳工作的强大团队。 Moreover, I leave behind not only a well-furnished office, but also a strong team of well-trained, hardworking and fully devoted people. 我们在身后留下什么并不重要,重要的是,我们是怎么活 过来的。 What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.
Integrated skills
Oral activities



Key-自考P27.2.(1)—The collapse of the new bridge led to criminal charges against an engineer and two localofficials.(2)—He worked he whole day, leaving his lunch untouched.(3)—Far from being a waste of time, regular exercise keeps/makes students strong and betterable to cope with their study.(4)—At the Sea World ,the seals and dolphins are capable of performing a lot of tricks ,much tothe delight of the young audiences.(5)—Those who tend to take delight in making life difficult for others will be sooner or laterpunished.(6)—In some respects,the new dictionary leaves much room for improvement.(7)—When the bus ran off the road and turned over ,many school children got trapped inside.(8)—At the opening ceremony, the city administration will provide food and drink for morethan 1,000 guests.(9)—In China. Urban families are restricted to having one child.(10)—It hardly matters where we go as long as we get some rest.3)(1)—The boy asked the policeman the way to the railway station.(2)—There are no short cuts in learning a foreign language.(3)—When I learnt that my favorite maths teacher was still teaching in the same school, Idecided to go and see him.(4)--The old worker teaches his children to be honest.(5)—He asked his boss if/whether or not he could leave the office a bit earlier that day.(6)—Hardships teach us to be grateful for what we have.(7)—Upon graduation, he asked to go and work in Tibet for a year.(8)—I just want to care or be cared about. I don’t think I’m ask ing too much.(9)—A wise man learns from his own mistakes.(10)—It would be no use asking for help because it was well past midnight.(11)—The scientist teaches his students that young people should look ahead /(in) to the future.(12)—When asked what his greatest pleasure in life was, she said: ―Learning.P34. 3.1)Both Mary and her children like Uncle Tom very much .2)Either my father or my mother is coming to the parents’ meeting.3)The team is/are training very hard.4)The government is criticized for the policy.5)Neither you or your friend Jack is responsible for this.6)Poultry are easily infected by this disease.Unit 2P65 2)(1)--On the way to Zhengzhou we passed through a village devastated/completely damaged by t he flood.(2)—The usual experience turned Bob into a man of patience and tolerance.(3)—With his hair dyed bright green ,the man looked like a clown.(4)—They constantly measure their work against that of professionals.(5)--The plain-clothes policeman waited in the dark (shadows) for the burglar to show up.(6)—Mrs. Johns’s kindness filled the boy’s heart with hope and gratitude.(7)—The private life of these superstars is much commented on in the local papers.(8)—The girl is distinguished from her classmates by an unusually strong will.(9)—After dusk, the strong and cold wind shifted from southeast to northwest./ After dusk, thewind shifted from southeast to northwest and become strong and cold.(10)—The highest scholarship went to a graduate student who majored/majoring in physics.(11)—Hans Andersen’s fairy tales are known for the profound lessons they contain.(12)—Many people have come to realize the negative effects of using cellular phone in public.3)(1)--The international community recognizes the People’s Republic of China as representing theWhole of China.(2)—As a child, her parents always taught her to be ready to make sacrifices for the benefits of hercountry..(3)—At first sight, we recognized the Remeo on the stage as our English teacher.(4)—The reserve of the English makes them seem conceited.(5)—Different nations define human rights in widely different ways.(6)—My friend George’s essay is recognized for its original thought. His success makes my effortappear insignificant.(7)—Mr. Lin, would you clearly define the purposes of your organization, please?(8)—Our compassion for others and passion for learning make our life more meaningful.(9)—My sister is a pop music fan, but she didn’t recognize the song I was humming.(10)—By definition, cultural icons generally refer to famous television celebrities, fashion models,Professional athletes, film stars, etc. who are much publicized by media.P712. (1.)—None of the students is/are willing to go on an outing this weekend.(2)—All who went to the football match were very excited.(3)—One-fourth of the rooms are not used.(4)—Twenty –five percent of their salary goes on/is used to buy/is spent on food and clothing.(5)—Five kilos of tropical fruits, such as bananas and pineapples, cost/ are worth a lot of moneyhere.(6)—The past ten weeks has/have been the happiest time /ten weeks in my life up to now.(7)—All that he said is unbelievable.(8)—Only twenty percent of the applicants are given the chance for an interview/ areinterviewed.(9)—Two months is/are needed /required to complete this work.(10)—One hundred kilos of rice is more than I can carry.。




(let alone)The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk.2.威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。

(claim, in one’s opinion)Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie.3.一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。

(to a certain extent, relate…to…, cope with)To a certain extent, the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.4.根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。

(according to)According to the rule, they both can participate in the game.5.有些人想当然地认为日语中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。

(assume, equivalent)Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6.我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。

(relevant)We have passed all relevant information on to the police.8.事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。

全新版大学英语大一综合教程1课文翻译Unit 1-6及课后练习翻译题答案

全新版大学英语大一综合教程1课文翻译Unit 1-6及课后练习翻译题答案

Unit 1The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这—想法才有了实现的可能。

Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my notebook, and scanned it. The topic on which my eye stopped was “The Art of Eating Spaghetti.”我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗……看。


When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to compose a proper, respectable essay for Mr. Fleagle.等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。

I did my best to avoid showing pleasure, but what I was feeling was pure delight at this demonstration that my words had the power to make people laugh.我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。



21世纪大学实用英语综合教程课文翻译及课后习题答案unit1Unit 1误会佚名他头发蓬乱,衣着肮脏,口袋里只有35美分。




























一天早晨,一位生活在美国的韩国妇女到上班地点时,她的老板问她:“你拿到盘子了吗” “没有……”她回答说,心里却在纳闷,不知道他到底是什么意思。






































综合英语一课后练习翻译答案综一上册课后翻译Lesson one一、课文中的词或词组。

1.I have run out of food, I must go to buy some.2.Since you have said so, you should put them into practice.3.It takes at least two hours to get there by bus.4.Although we failed, at least we tried our best.5.You should speak louder so that everyone can hear you.6.How long has it taken you to writethat article? 7.You seem to be very sad, tell us what has happened so that we may help you. 8.We should keep our classroom clean. 9.We may ask xiao wangto help us, who seems to have a lot of time. 10.My brother will come toBeijing next week, he must get the most out of his stay here. 二、用本课动词句型。

1. You are the person whom I am looking for.2. The book isn?t mine,it?s John?s. 3. They are always the best friends. 4. Beijing is abeautiful city. 5. That seems to be the best choice. Lesson two 一、用课文词组。

全新版大学英语综合教程1 原文对照翻译 课后翻译 选词填空答案及翻译(1)

全新版大学英语综合教程1 原文对照翻译  课后翻译  选词填空答案及翻译(1)

课文对照翻译Unit 1 Growing UPPart Text A Writing for Myself ⅡWhen we are writing we are often told to keep our readers in mind, to shape what we say to fit their tastes and interests. But there is one reader in particular who should not be forgotten. Can you guess who? Russell Baker surprised himself and everyone else when he discovered the answer.我们写作时常常被告诫,脑子里要有读者,笔者所云一定要符合读者的口味和兴趣。



Writing for MyselfRussell Baker1 The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold. Until then I've been bored by everything associated with English courses. I found English grammar dull and difficult. I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write.为自己而写拉塞尔·贝克从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。




Mr.Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me.2.警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索。

The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers.3.上周我生病时,她主动提出来帮助我照顾孩子。

When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child.4.除了厨房以外,这套公寓应该说是非常令人满意的了。

Except for the kitchen, the flat is very satisfactory.5.她去年被提升为部门经理。

She was promoted to branch manager last year.6.人人都累极了,只有约翰没事。

Everyone was exhausted except John.7.谁在经营这家公司?Who's running this company? 8.他伸手到口袋里去拿钱包。

He reached into his pocket for the wallet.二:1.我想在镇上买幢房子,但现在买不起。

I want to buy a house in town, but can't afford it now.3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次。

He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years.4.他把家具搬进了另一个房间。

He moved the furniture into another room.5.他们不喜欢住在这个地区,所以想搬到别处去。

综合教程I 第一单元 Unit 1 课文翻译

综合教程I 第一单元 Unit 1 课文翻译

































新标准大学英语综合教程1Unit 1 Active Reading 1Diary of a fresher大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。










































综合英语一上册 课文句子翻译

综合英语一上册 课文句子翻译

综合英语一上册课文句子翻译1.I’ve got to go shopping because I’ve run out of food.2.Since you’ve said that, you should put your words into practice.3.It takes at least two hours to get there by bus.4.Though we failed, at least we have tried our best.5.Speak louder so that everyone in the classroom can hear you.6.How long did it take you to write the essay?7.You seem to be very sad. Tell us what happened so that we can help you.8.We must keep our classroom clean.9.We can ask Xiao Wang for help us. He seems to have plenty of time.10.My brother is coming to Beijing next week. He’s going to get the most out of his stay here.1.Once upon a time, there was a king who liked horses.2.The poor boy didn’t know what to do, so he went to ask a favor of the prince.3.He is so wicked that I don’t trust him at all.4.My English is very poor, so I have to work hard at it.5.I’m afraid to start out at such an early hour.6.From time to time he added some words to the word list.7.She said she could pay for these children’s education.8.Because of her low salary, she can’t pay the rent.9.Can you turn this sentence into English?10.I followed the car with my eyes till it went out of sight.1.People can have a good view of the city from this tower.2.When he worked in the countryside he made friends with many young peasants.3.At that time the family was too poor to send the children to school.4.I’m not going to the party because I don’t feel at ease with those people.5.The students stood up and asked the speaker questions in turn.6.Her question was so stupid that everybody laughed at her.7.I advised him not to ask the man for help.8.The book was so famous that it was translated into many languages.9.Over a hundred people went to the dinner party in honor of the senior professor.10.His students all look upon him as a friend.11.When the book came out, he found that it full of mistakes.1.I saw her sitting in the corner, staring at the girl.2.Could you please tell me where I should get off the bus?3.There was a very good film on last night, but I wasn’t able t o go.4.In the past he used to walk to work.5.Let’s clear away the rubbish in the attic.6.If you run across/into a new word while reading, look it up in the dictionary.7.Please wait for a while. I have a couple of questions to ask you.8.Yesterday I ran into a friend I had not seen for several years.9.I have no idea whether she will come or not.10.These old Red Armymen made a great contribution to Chinese revolution.11.Yesterday he spent the whole afternoon working at his computer.1.He was rushed into a hospital because of his heart attack.2.The policemen wanted to ask him some questions when he came to.3.He enabled me to catch my plane in time when I reached the airport.4.English enables us to talk with those who cannot speak Chinese.5.He listened to the lecture very attentively, making notes in the notebook now and then.6.The little boy was afraid of going out, so he held his mother’s hand tightly.7.It is not too late to inform the peasants of the coming storm.8.We all thought that the important letter was missing, but in fact it had been staying in the safe.9.Your sister is crying. What happened to her?10.He is too busy to pay attention to such a little thing.11.What happens to the kind-hearted man in the film?1.You are out of your mind to make friends with people of that kind.2.Stealing is looked upon / regarded as a very bad thing.3.What decision have you arrived at on this matter?4.These rules don’t apply to children under six years of age.5.He often quarrels with his wife over/ about the education of their son.6.These names are arranged in alphabetical order.7.According to what he says, the money has been divided up among a few companies.8.What do you base your plan on?9.These workers should be paid according to how much work they do.10.I’ll be busy from Monday to Friday next week.11.Learning English begins with ABC.12.I’ve never heard of the man.13.The students laughed at their own silly mistakes.14.He’s looking for a better job.1.He walked out of the room, turned back, and waited for his wife.2.The students seem to be afraid of the new teacher.3.Time is running short. We can no longer wait.4.He struggled to his feet and left without a word.5.When he was abroad, he often dreamed of his home village—the stream, their house and theirvegetable garden.6.When he was a child, he dreamed of becoming a pilot. But in the end he became a footballplayer.7.The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. It empties into the East China Sea.8.I’m afraid that before long you will forget me.9.I’m afraid to stay at home alone/ all by myself.10.The president has recovered from his illness and has gone back to work.1.Do not be nervous. Draw a deep breath.2.In some countries, it is impolite/ not polite to point at people with your fingers when you arespeaking.3.Upon graduation from college, my father was assigned to work in the northwest.4.I looked out of the window and caught sight of a train passing by very quickly.5.He broke into laughter when he heard the joke.6.Typewriters have given way to computers.7.Stay for dinner since you have nothing to do.8.The noise died away.9.He went on playing the violin as if nothing had happened.10.My friend has spoken of you many times.1.It is said that a famous movie star committed suicide last week.2.In the long term, the answer to the problem lies in science and technology.3.On the way home, I ran into/met an old classmate from middle school4.Although w e are friends, but deep down, I don’t like him.5.He won the Nobel Prize for Peace for his great contrition to/towards world peace.6.Everyone in our country is now striving for a happy and bright future.7.I don’t want to give the dog away, because it is a gift.8.At the beginning of the new semester, our teacher told us to set ourselves goals and workhard to achieve them.9.We should not take advantage of him just because he is rich.10.He has made a great contrition to the education in our country.11.He died of hard-working when he was young.1.I want you to repeat the answer once more.2.Before he left he promised to stay in touch with me.3.At the New Year party, he dressed up as Father Christmas and gave out gifts to the children.4.As his classmate, you should help him instead of laughing at him.5.Andersen was born into a poor family, but ended up as one of the greatest writers of his time.6.He followed his father’s footsteps and became a lawyer.7.He turned out to be the person we were looking for.8.When we heard the news, we couldn't help worrying about him.9.His lifelong aim is to improve human life.10.Playing table tennis is a popular pastime for many Chinese.11.He doesn’t like the film at all.12.She’s pretty, clever, and above all, kind-hearted.13.The girls in the class are every bit as clever as the boys1.He cleared his throat and said, “Please go on!”2.They all settled down, waiting for the result.3.He narrowed his eyes and answered in a flat tone.4.We shook hands in turn with the friends who were leaving.5.It’s up to you to decide whether to go or to stay.6.Tears streamed down from his eyes when he finished reading the letter7.It’s unkind to laugh at people’s shortcomings.8.You could tell from his red face that he realized he was wrong.9.If you have made mistakes, never try to cover them up.10.He managed to hold in his anger and avoid a fight.11.When she heard this, she burst out laughing, and this started the others off.12.I said the sentence twice in order to let it sink in.1.I came back home on the eve of the Spring Festival.2.I happened to meet the manager’s secretary yesterday and he told me that their companyneeded a guard in his early twenties.3.When he graduated from college, he offered to go and teach in Tibet.4.Should I call him and ask if he has any problems/questions?5.I don’t think it’s a problem for them to finish the project before the rainy season.6.Once you make a promise, you should keep it.7.Suzhou is known for its beautiful gardens.8.He is faced with a different choice: to go into business or to study aboard.9.This Bible has been passed on in the family from father to son for several generations.10.Teachers should never be prejudiced against any of their students.11.We are faced with a lot of problems in our work. In order to achieve our goal, we must do ourbest to solve them.1.He lost a leg in an accident, but his wife loved him just the same.2. A distant relative came to see me when I was about to go out.3.He charged me 20 Y uan for the service.4.If you have any questions, go ahead and ask me.5.It’s dangerous to put the drugs within the reach of children.6.The monitor insisted on telling every student the truth.7.He made sure that he knew every word by heart before he took the exam.8.Take the money with you in case something unexpected happens.9.I would like to pay in 100-yuan bills.10.In the end, the teacher was convinced that the children deserved a rest.11.Tell me why you want this medicine; otherwise I won’t give y ou any.1.The book cost me ten Yuan.2.He turned to the manager and shouted, “But our jobs are at stake now!”3.Tell me what happened in detail, and let me see who is right and who is wrong.4.At that time the computer was something new, and I bought one at a high price.5.The president was shot in the head and died on the spot.6.I paid 150 Yuan or so for this used bicycle.7.No matter what we do, we must carry out our duties.8.At first nobody could work out the secret message the dead man had left.9.After I hung up I realized that I had forgotten to ask him about this.10.He knows neither English nor Chinese.11.He got home in time for the world news on TV.12.The manager won’t be back until next week. You might as well leave it with his secretary.1.He succeeded on the very first try.2.I miss you very much and always think of you.3.You’ll get into big trouble if you break the law again.4.Abroad they read the newspaper everyday to keep up with what is happening at home.5.Everyone thought that he was innocent of the murder.6.The two companies made a deal after a long discussion.7.There are still people in the village who cannot afford (to buy) a TV.8.Reading on bed will do harm to your eyes.9.You’d better give an example to support your view.10.A problem in one country usually leads to a great effect on the whole world.11.Not only did he build a school for his hometown that year, but (also) he lent a helping hand tothe people in one of the flooded areas.12.Customers are often led to buy more than they need.1.Am I supposed to bring the textbook with me?2.He went off work at 7.3.He lost his balance, fell off the bike and broke his leg.4.The heart was transplanted into his chest successfully within one hour.5.He is suffering from an incurable disease.6.The students sent 500 Yuan to the flooded village in care of the Red Cross.7.For the first time in his life he said “No” to his boss.8.Don’t let go of the rope, or you’ll fall.9.He held out his hand, but the lady refused to take it.10.She can’t bring herself to accept the fact.11.I’m going to take the course this semester.12.The government tried its best to ease the sufferings of the people after the flood.。

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Lesson One: The Time MessageElwood N, Chapman新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。


1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control!译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。



2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem.译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。


3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice.译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。

Message1. Control time from the beginning.4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term.译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。

Message2. Get the notebook habit.5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.译:要旨二、养成用笔记本的习惯。


Message3. Be realistic.6 Often you know from experience how long it takes you to write a short essay, to study for a quiz, or to review for a final exam. When you plan time for these things, be realistic.Allow for unexpected things. Otherwise you entire plan may be upset.译:要旨三、要现实些。


Message4. Plan at least one hour for each hour in class.7 How much study time you plan for each classroom hour depends on four things: (1) your ability, (2) the difficulty of the class, (3) the grades you hope to achieve, and (4) how well you use your study time. One thing, however, is Certain; you should plan at least one hour of study for each classroom hour, in many cases, two or three hours will be required.译:要旨四、为每节课至少计划1小时。


有一件事是肯定的:你应该为每节课至少安排1小时,在很多情况下会需要2到3小时Message5. Keep your plan flexible.8 It is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can make certain changes when necessary. For example, before mid-term or final exams, you will want to give more time to reviewing. A good plan must be a little flexible so that special projects can be done well.译:要旨五、灵活安排计划。




Message6. Study for sometime each class day.9 Some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next. When you work out your schedule, try to include at least two study hours each day. This will not onlykeep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your class assignments.译:要旨六、有课的日子每天都要抽出一些时间来学习。



Message7. Free on Saturday----study on Sunday.10 It is good to stop all study activities for one full day. Many students choose Saturday for sports or social activities. Sunday, one the other hand, seems to be the best study day for many students. It is a good day to catch up on back reading and other assignments.译:要旨七、星期六休息,星期天学习。



word list (单词表)message n..要旨,要点tricky adj. (工作、问题等)微妙的,棘手的;(人)狡猾的beginning n.开始;起初semester n. (尤指美国大专院校的)学期cover v.处理duty n.任务management n.管理number one adj.最重要的;头号的seriously adv. 真心地,当真地;认真地,严肃地once conj. 一旦……(就……)weekly adj.每周一次的follow v.遵照;沿用following adj.紧接着的realistic adj.现实可行的essay n.作文;短文quiz n.考查;测验upset v. 打乱(计划等);打翻ability n. 能力;才智grade n.(考试或作业的)分数achieve v. 获得flexible ad j. 灵活的re-plan v.重新计划basis n.基础;根据project n. 课题;科研项目mid-term adj.期中的solid adj. 扎实的schedule n.计划表alive adj. 起作用的;现存的;活着的assignment n.(指定的)作业activity n.活动social adj.社交的;交谊的seem v.似乎;好像back adj.以前的;过去的proper nameselwood n. chapman埃尔伍德·n·查普曼(人名)Useful Expressions(常用短语)look ahead看前面;考虑未来at the beginning of 在……的开始plenty of 大量的have time on one’s hands 有许多时间towards the end of…即将结束时work for 为……效力work against 对……不利get the most out of sth. 充分利用……的机会put… into practice 付诸实践allow for 考虑到at least 至少in… case 在…… 情况下on a weekly /daily basis 每周/每天work out 制定出seem to be 看来,好像keep sth./sb. + adj. 使……保持某种状况run out (of )(被)用完,将尽time is running out.I have run out of money.take… some time to do… 花……时间做……it will take us an hour to get there.depend on取决于,随……而定it depends on how many people are goingso that 以便(用来引出目的状语从句)tell me your telephone number so that i can call you when i have time.catch up on 赶上,补上I have to catch up on my sleep.I didn’t sleep much last night.Verb Pattern 1(动词句型1)主语+系动词+表语(代词/名词/名词短语)Time is money.The dictionary is mine.Wasting time is a bad habit.You mus t become the master of time not ist servant.Sunday seems to be the best study day for many students注意:用于这一句型的系动词主要有appear, be ,become, feel ,look, prove, remain ,seem和prove 后面可加to be.重点词汇短语一重点单词1.message n..要旨,要点,中心思想;信息,信,电报○1Can you tell me the maessgae of the story?你能告诉我这个故事的中心思想吗?○2.Would you mind giving him a message?请你给他带个信好吗?2.cover vt. 处理;涉及○1she is so young that she can’t cover these affairs.她太年轻了,处理不了这些事情.○2.Their work covers a wide field.他们的工作涉及的范围很广.3.upset vt. 打乱(计划);打翻○1Our plan was upset by rainy day.我们的计划被雨天打乱了.○2.A large wave upset the boat.一个巨浪打翻了那只船.4.achieve v t.获得,得到;完成,实现○1At last ,he achieved his father’s support.最后他得到了他父亲的支持.○2.He has achieved only half what he hoped to.他只完成了他原来计划的一半5.flexible adj.灵活的;有弹性的○1This plan is very flexible .这个计划非常灵活.○2.The tube is flexible and tough.这根管子既有弹性又很结实.6.alive adj.起作用的;现存的;活着的○1We must do well we can to keep his hopes alive. 我们必须尽一切可能使他断续抱有希望.○2.Is he still alive?他还活着吗?○3The conflict is still alive.矛盾依旧存在.二.重点短语1.work for /against为…效力/对…不利○1He is working for an oil company.他为一家石油公司效力.○2.Time is working against you.时间越长对你越不利2.put…into pratice 付诸实践We should put these principles into practice.我们应该把这些原理应用到实践中去.3.allow…for 考虑到You must allow for his inexperience你们必须考虑到他缺乏经验.4.keep sth./sb. +adj 使...保持某种状况Keep the room clean保持房间清洁5.depend on取决于,随…而定Whether or not we can overcome the difficully depends on out efforts. 能否克服困难取决于我们的努力.6.catch up on 赶上,补上I have got a lot of work to catch up on .我有很多工作得赶着做.7.the more … the more …越...越…The harder you work,the greater progress you’ll make.工作越努力,进步就越快.Question On the Text (课文问题)1.Who is the article written for ?And why?It is written for first-year college student .Because some of them don’t know how to plan their study time.2.What three things does the author say about time in the first three pargraphs of the article?The three things are : time is tricky,time is dangerous and time is valuable.3.What does the author advise you to do at the beginning of the term?He advise us to make a plan at the beginning of the term4.What is the use of a notebook?It can be used to plan our study each day5.Why is it important to be realistic when you plan time for a short essay,or an exam?Because unexpected things often happen .If we don’t see this and plan to do too many things,our plan might be upset.6.Do you think one hour of study for each class hour is enough? Not enough? Or too much?It depends.Sometimes it enough,but sometimes,two or three hours will be required7.Why a good plan be a little flexble?Because it’s easy to make certain changes when necessary in a flexible plan.8.Do you think it is a good habit to study for some time each class day?Yes.9.On which day of the week do many students stop all study activities? Why that day? Saturyday seems to be best day because after five days of study ,students need a rest. Saturday is a good day for sport.10.Does the author think it is good to stop all study activities both on Saturday and On Sunday? No.he doesn’t. He thinks Sunday is a good day for study.11.How can Sunday be used?It can be used to catch up on back reading and other assignments.12.Which of the seven messages do you think is the most important?Or do you think they are all important? Are you going to put them into practice?I think they are all important. Yes,I am .Written Work (笔头作业)Translate the following passage into English将下面的短文翻译成英语.时间很重要.人人每天都有24小时,每年有365天,一旦我们生命中的一天消逝,就再也不会回来.我们要热爱生命,就不应该浪费时间.我们应该掌握时间.使用时间最好办法就是好好计划时间.在制定学习计划时,我们应该记住两件事.每一,应该现实一些,不要企图干太多的事情.第二,好的计划要灵活一点.我们可以每周做些小的变动,但总的模式不变.让我们当时间的主人,今天就开始我们的计划.译文:Time is very important.Everybody has 24 hours a day,365 days a year. Once a day in our lifeis gone, it will never back .If we love life, we should not waste time.We should control time. The best to use our time is to plan it well.When we make a study plan, we must remember two things. First,we must be realistic and should not try to do many things. Second, a good plan should be a little flexible. We can make small changes but the same pattern every week.Let us become the master of time and start our plan today.V ocbulary Exercises(词汇练习)1.根据下列构词法则完成以下练习.*形容词+_ly(以…方式地)→副词如:stupidly愚蠢地cleverly聪明地weakl无力地clearly清楚地frankly 坦率地gladl高兴的*名词+_ly(以…方式地) →形容词如:brotherly兄弟般的motherly母亲般的ghostl y deathly 死一般的cowardly胆小的manly男子气的*名词+_ly(每隔一段时间发生的/地;每隔一段时间出版的报纸等)→形容词/副词/名词如: Hourly 每小时一次的/地quarterly每季度一次的/地;季刊将_ly加在下列单词后面构成新词,必要时适当更改单词拼写.1)easy(easily) faithful(faithfull y) true(truly) quiet(quietly) bad(badly)2)king(kingly) love(lovely) father(fatherly) man(manly) friend(friendly)3)night(nightly) year(yearly) week(weekly) day(daily) month(monthly)2将下列句子翻译成英语.1)用课文中的词或词组.(1)我的食物都吃光了,得再买点.I have run out of food, so I have to buy more.(2)既然你这么说了,就应该把你的话付诸实践.You have said so, you should put what you said into practice.(3)坐公共汽车去那儿至少要花两个小时.It takes at least 2 hours to get there by bus(4)尽管我们失败了,便至少我们也尽力了.Although we falied,at least we tried out best(5)大声说话,让大家都听得见.Speak a litter louder, so that everyone can be heard.(6你花了多少时间写那篇文章.How long has it taken you to write that article?(7)你似乎很难过.告诉我们发生了什么事了,这样我们好帮你.You seem to be very sad. Tell us what has happened so that we can help you.(8)我们应该保持教室干净.We should keep our classroom clean.(9)我们可以请小王帮我们,他好像有好多时间.We may ask Xiao wany for help. He seems to have plenty of time on his hand.(10)我哥哥下周要来北京,他要充分利用在这里的逗留时间My brother will go to Bejing next week,and He wishes to get the most of the time when he stays here.2)用本课的动词句型1(1)你正是我要找的人You are the person whom(who) I’m looking for(2)这本书不是我的,是约翰的This book is not mine, but john’s.(3)他们一直是最好的朋友They are always the best friends(4)北京一直是个美丽的城市Bejing is a beautiful city(5)那似乎是最好的选择That seems to be the best choice3.用恰当的介词或副词填空.1)Old people like to look back while young people always look ahead.2)I have to catch up on the reading assignment this Sundy. I have no time playing cards(玩扑克牌)3)Toward the end of the semester,the students began to worry about their final exams.4)We’ve run out of writing paper.Would you go and get some,please?5)We lost the game because our age worked against us.6)I don’t know how much time it will take to build this road. It depends on the weather.7)You should work out a plan at the beginning of the term.8)I can tell from experience that something is wrong with the amchine9) Watching TV can keep you up to date on what is happening in the world10)You should study hard.But on the other hand,you should take some time off for sports or other pleasures4.用下列单词填空,每词限用一次.Many Americans (1)use informal shorter names instead (2)of their formal names.For example,someone(3)named Samuel Johnson may be called Sam(4)by his friends. Likewise,Rhichard Brown may ask you to call him Rich;Brbara Stein may (5)want to be called Barb or Bads.The family name(6) comes second in the U.S.”John’s ”family name is Smith. In formal(7)situations ,or when you meet someone(8)for the first time,you would want to call him “Mr.Smith”.Often,even people you do not know very well(9)many want to call you by your first name – this is the informal American (10)custom. Americans think it is friendlier and more relaxed to use the first nameGrammar 语法Nouns(名词)英语名词的分类:1.英语的名词就其词义来说,可分为两类:普通名词和专有名词。
